COHERENT LIGHT SOURCES by R. Ninnis, Ph.D of Ecelec/Tech Research ~imi.ted 020401 COHERENT LIGHT SOURCES by R. Ninnis, Ph.D of Ecelec/Tech Research r..i mitlld This report was funded by DSS Contract No. FP941-8-7336/01-XSB and prepared for the Institute of Ocean Sciences Sydney, B.C. Scientific Authority: M. T. Curran March 31, 1989 CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.0 Solid State Lasers and Components .....•••.....•.... 2 • 1 Laser Rod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 Host Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 • 1. 2 Active Ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.3 Lasers of Interest •....•••••...•••....• Single Frequency .••••....•••....• 2 • 1 • 3 • 2 Tunable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 5 7 8 8 9 2.2 Optical Resonators and Beam Parameters .•....•. 2.2.1 Gaussian beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.2 Resonator geometries ...•......•••...••• 2.2.2 Mode spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.3 Losses and optimum coupling ..•....•.••. 2.2.4 Mode selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.5 New resonator designs ..•••.....••.....• 11 11 12 14 14 16 17 2.3 Pumping and Optical Cavities ....•...••.....••• 2 • 3 • 1 Pump lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.2 Diode laser pumps •••....••....••....••. 2 . 3 • 3 Power supplies ....••....•••....••...•.• 2.3.4 Optical cavities ..•••....••.....•....•. 19 21 22 26 27 2.4 Q-switching and mode-locking ••.........•....•• 28 2 .4 . 1 Mode-locking .....•....•....••....••...•• 28 2.4.2 Q-switching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.5 Frequency Doubling ..........•..........••..••• 2.5.1 Principles of SHG ...••....•••...••...••. 2 • 5 . 2 Phase matching ••....••....••...•....•••. 2.5.3 Non-linear crystals ...........•••...•... 34 34 36 38 3.0 Report on Inaugural Meeting of ClLA •••••••••••••••• 39 4.0 Snmmary- and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Figures and Tables Appendix A: Commercial Laser Systems and Components Appendix B: Relevant texts and journals References List of Figures and Tables Figure 1 Attenuation Coefficient of Water Figure 2 Absorption Versus Wavelength of Nd:glass (Material: ED-2; thickness: 6.3 mm) Figure 3 Absorption Spectrum of Nd:YAG at 300 K Figure 4 Absorption and Fluorescence Spectra of the Ti 3 + ion in Al203 (sapphire) Figure 5 Spectral Emission of a Xenon Flash Tube Figure 6 A Typical Double Heterostructure GaAs-GaAlAs Laser Figure 7 Schematic of a 40 Stripe Incoherent Linear Array Employing a Multiple-Quantum-Well Structure Figure 8 Elliptical Pump Cylinders Figure 9 Cross Section of a Double-elliptical Pump Cavity. Figure 10 Exploded View of a Single- and DoubleElliptical Pump Cavity of a cw-Pumped Nd:YAG Laser Figure 11 Energy Balance in an Optically pumped Solidstate Laser System Figure 12 Schematic of a Water Cooler Containing a Water-to-Water Heat Exchanger Figure 13 Resonant Charging of the Energy Storage Capacitor in a High-Repetition-Rate System Figure 14 Electrooptic Q-switch Operated at Quarterwave Table 1 Non-Linear Crystals Table 2 Performance of Externally Frequency-Doubled Laser Systems 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to present an overview of solid-state laser technology, including recent advances, from the point of view of applications to oceanography. Some applications of lasers to oceanographic remote sensing are described in the text on laser remote sensing by R. Measures 1 . Airborne bathymetric survey (ABS) systems were first development by Hickman and Hoggs2 in 1969 using a pulsed neon laser (60 ~J pulses at 3ns duration) from a height of 150m. They attained a resolution of 0.34 m to a depth of Bm. In 1975, H. Kim et al 3 tested an ABS that used a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG (2MW, Bns, 50pps). The first ABS that scanned through an appreciable nadir angle and enjoyed a high repetition rate was developed by Hoge et al 4 in 19BO. They employed a 400 Hz, 7ns, 2kW pulsed neon ion laser at 540.1nm. In 19B1, Northam et al s optimized a high repetition rate, frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser for airborne bathymetry with 0.4MW, 7ns pulses at 400pps; two hundred times the power of the Hoge laser. A Canadian company, Optech Systems, Inc., manufactures the LARSEN 500 Airborne Lidar Bathymeter, the outcome of collaboration beginning in the 1970's between workers from York University and the Canadian Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS). The LARSEN laser is a frequency-doubled ND:YAG operating at both the fundamental (1.06nm) and SH (532nm) wavelengths with 5MW, Bns pulses at 20Hz. This system can measure up to 40m depths with a 30cm accuracy and boasts a sophisticated uniform sampling scanner with a 35m grid spacing. Measures also describes systems designed to remotely detect surface pollutants (especially oil), measure subsurface water temperature profiles, turbidity, and algae concentrations. As well, he discusses the design and use of laser-induced fluorescent backscatter systems (laser fluorosensors). 2 Work on improving airborne LIDAR bathymetry systems is continuing (e.g., at Optech in Canada). Research is being carried out on a variety of potential new applications including underwater/sfc/satellite communications, laser ranging, and underwater scanning imagery. Many applications in oceanography require high performance solid-state lasers. In order to facilitate feasibility studies of new or improved laser-based measurement systems, this report will summarize the state of the art of solid-state lasers, with frequency-doubled, Qswitched Nd:YAG as the 'benchmark' technology. The useful wavelengths of lasers in marine research are often in the blue-green transparency window of water. Fig. 1 shows the attenuation coefficient for distilled and sea water. The second harmonic of Nd:YAG emission at 532nm has been added to show the particular value of frequency-doubled Nd:YAG for underwater transmission. This review covers topics in the following order: laser rods, cavity designs (including optical pumping), resonators, Q-switching, and frequency-doubling. The emphasis is on innovations developed over the last ten years. A discussion of related research in Canada is presented and the report concludes with a summary and discussion. Sources of laser components and systems are given in Appendix A along with performance criteria and prices. Important texts and periodicals are listed in Appendix B. In order to make the report useful to engineers not specialists in laser technology, I have included some elementary laser theory, essential formulas, and definitions. Frequent reference is made to Koechner, "SolidState Engineering,,6 and Yariv 7 , "Optical Electronics", from which several tables and figures have been borrowed. These texts are strongly recommended for both the laser specialist and those who want to learn the theory and practice of the technology covered in this report. 3 2• LASERS AND COMPONENTS A laser consists of a medium that can amplify electromagnetic waves at optical frequencies (laser rod)~ a source of optical pump radiation to populate high energy states of the lasing medium (optical pump)~ a means to couple the pump light efficiently into the laser rod, hold the laser rod and pump lamps, and provide cooling for the lamps and rod (laser cavity)~ a means for providing optical feedback to the amplifier to sustain oscillation, optimize loading (losses), and determine output beam properties such as mode structure and beam diameter and divergence (laser resonator), and a power supply to energize the optical pump. As well, a modulator can vary the laser output from continuous wave (CW) to various kinds of pulse structures. A laser might also employ (frequency doubling) non-linear crystals to generate the second- (and higher) harmonic of the fundamental lasing frequency, a process called secondharmonic generation (SHG). 2.1 The Laser Rod The gain medium (laser rOd) in a solid-state laser consists of an optical host (usually glass or crystal) that is doped with a few percent (by weight) of the active (lasing) ions. Maiman8 built the first laser in 1960~ it was a ruby in which triply ionized chromium (Cr3 +) atoms are held in an aluminum oxide (sapphire) crystal host. The basic requirement for optical gain is that more atoms are in the upper state of the laser transition than the lower~ a condition termed population inversion. The states involved with lasing are ground, the pump band, the upper transition state, and the lower transition state. The ruby laser is an example of a 3-level laser~ most useful lasers are 4-level lasers, e.g., the rare-earth lasers. In a 3-level laser, the lower lasing state coincides with (or is strongly populated by) the ground state, and population inversion demands that more than half the total number of Cr 3 + ions are excited to the upper lasing state. 4 A 4-level laser has a lower lasing state that is well above ground and so not thermally populated from the ground state even at room temperatures. In this case, population inversion can be achieved by having only relatively few ions in the upper lasing state since the lower level of the transition is essentially kept empty by fast, non-radiative transitions to ground. When the population inversion per unit volume, N2-Nl a 4-level laser), is sufficient so that (=N2=N for stimulated emission results in a net gain (over losses) then oscillation can occur. This condition is termed threshold. Used for calculating required power inputs, the equation for threshold inversion is valuable in that it shows the significance of parameters that characterize the lasing medium and resonator. It can be written as where: n is the index of refraction (of the host); f is the lasing centre frequency , ts is the spontaneous fluorescence lifetime (of the upper lasing state), c the speed of light (3 x 10 8 mIs, h is the Plank constant (6.63 x 10- 34 J-s), tc is the characteristic lifetime of a photon in the laser resonator (and so is a measure of the Q or losses of the oscillator), and g(f) is the (normalized) fluorescence spectral lineshape. Note that if we multiply this expression by the lasing photon energy, hf, we get the energy stored per unit volume in the medium, and by dividing by the spontaneous emission lifetime, t s ' we obtain an expression for the critical fluorescence power for CW operation. By factoring in a few published values for various efficiency factors it turns out to be quite simple to estimate the power input to a rod of certain size required for CW lasing. 5 2.1.1 Host Materials The host materials are usually either glass or crystal. These materials form rods that range from less than lcm in length to longer than a meter and have diameters from a few mm to several cm. The host material should be hard, free of internal strains, have homogeneous optical properties, especially refractive index, and be easily fabricated. As well, the better host material will exhibit high thermal conductivity and a low thermal expansion co-efficient. The dopant ions must "fit" into the crystal lattice. The host environment should modify the fluorescence properties of the active ions in the desired way. For example, the highly degenerate lasing transition of Nd:glass is greatly broadened by the Stark effect resulting in a large fluorescence bandwidth and allowing ultra-short pulse generation, but at the same time, the larger linewidth implies a higher lasing threshold; thus Nd:glass can produce mode-locked picosecond pulses but cannot easily run in CW mode. Generally, crystals used as host materials have higher thermal conductivity, narrower fluorescence linewidths and are harder than glass. A complete review of laser glasses is given Snitzer et A complete discussion of the Nd:glass mode-locked laser including construction details and thermal effects is available 10 • a1 9 • 6 Some host crystals of interest are: E.g Cr 3+ doping results in the ruby laser; it is hard, with high thermal conductivity, employing transition metals as dopants; titanium sapphire is an especially new and interesting material (discussed below). (b) Garnets YAG (Y 3Al S0 12 ) yttrium aluminum garnet GGG (Gd3Ga S012)gadolinium gallium garnet GSGG (Gd3Sc2AI3012) gadolinium scandium aluminum garnet All are stable, hard, optically isotropic, have high thermal conductivity, and can lase at high average powers. AlthoughNd:YAG dominates the field of solid-state lasers, these hosts for the neodymium ion hold promise for future laser designs and applications. c) Aluminate YAP (YAI03) yttrium ortho aluminate Advantages over YAG include: polarized output, accepts higher concentrations of Nd, can vary gain with orientation, low cost (fast growth). Disadvantages: has shown lower efficiency than predicted and erratic performance with impurities often present such as Fe 3+ + OH- which induce absorption at laser fluorescence frequency. History: introduced in 1970; off market in 1972 (due to imperfections); Heraeus, FR Germany, produced high quality crystals in 1986, renewed interest since 11 • d) Vanadates (YV0 4 ) yttrium ortho vanadate Is of special interest since early growth problems have recently been overcome and the poor thermal properties are irrelevant if pumped with diode lasers as, for example, Nd:YV0 4 . Has shown the highest overall (wall-plug) efficiency (12%) yet reported 12 • 7 e) Other Classes of host materials Include the fluorides which are soft, isotropic crystals, especially YLF: yttrium lithium fluoride (YLiF 4 ), and ceramics, which have better thermal properties than glass but exhibit high scattering losses. 2.1.2 Active Ions (a) The rare earth ions have a wide variety of sharp fluorescence transitions for a wide range of wavelengths. The most popular is neodymium, triply ionized, mainly because lasing at higher power levels is attainable in a wide variety of hosts. Other rare-earth active ions include erbium with special interest in Er:YAG with output at 2.9 microns. Recently diode pumping of Tm:Ho:YAG via an absorption line in Tm3+ (thulium) produced room temperature lasing13 Samarium, dysprosium, thulium divalent rare earths must be cooled to 77K for lasing. (b) Transition Metals: the important members of this group are: ruby: ( Cr3+:AI203) and alexandrite: (BeAI204:Cr3+) 8 2.1.3. Lasers of Interest Sinqle Frequency Almost all solid-state lasers of interest produced commercially and widely applied use neodymium as the active ion with fundamental fluorescence at 1. 06 microns. The Nd:qlass laser is of interest where ultra-short (few picosecond) pulses or pulse trains are of interest. The broader bandwidth due to the qlass host permits picosecond pulses (typically, 20) to be qenerated within the pump pulse (usually ~1 msec lonq). Sinqle or double pulses can be extracted from the pulse train but the enerqy content per pulse will typically be less than 1% of the Q-switched pulse and siqnal/noise considerations tend to rule out these fast but low enerqy pulse in desiqns of backscatter remote sensinq systems. The Nd:YAG has a narrower line width and consequently a lower oscillation threshold than Nd:qlass. This is the most popular, well-known and widely produced solid-state laser for ew, quasi-eW and pulsed operation. A larqe number of well-made lasers are commercially available and are now considered to be dependable tools in manufacturinq and remote sensinq applications. The hiqh thermal conductivity of YAG compared to qlass reduces the thermal distortion problems and stable operation can be expected. A qreat deal of effort is focussed on improvinq Nd-YAG lasers. Advances are beinq made in developinq hiqher power capabilities, ruqqedized construction, diode laser pumpinq, and extended flashlamp lifetimes. David Belforte, founder of the Laser Institute of America, called 1989/90 "the year of the Nd:YAG", especially in industrial applications. And "more than twenty years after its first operation, the Nd:YAG laser has emerqed as the most versatile solid-state system in existence. ,,6 9 The Nd:YAG has good physical properties: - stable from lowest temperatures to melting point good strength and hardness colorless high thermal conductivity See Fig. 3 for the absorption spectrum of Nd:YAG Nd:YAG rods are grown with the Czochalski method with current maximum diameters of 10 mm and lengths up to 15 cm. Nd3 + concentrations are between 1% and 1.5% (1% => 0.727% by weight). Generally, high doping concentrations (1.2%) are best for Q-switch operation requiring high energy storage. CW operation works best at lower concentrations (0.6% 0.8%) to obtain good beam quality. performance has been Recently 1.3 micron laser reported 14 with 78 Joule pulses @ 5Hz and 165 watt average power at 50Hz. In the Nd:Cr:GSGG laser, Cr 3 + is added as a 'sensitizer' to increase the transfer of energy from the pumpbands to the upper lasing state. This works well with the co-doped garnet crystal, GSGG, resulting in a factor of 3 increase in the slope efficiency over Nd:YAG6. Tunable (Vihronic) Lasers Vibronic lasers partition the lasing transition energy between fluoresced photons and quantized lattice vibrations (phonons). By wavelength tunable filters in the laser resonator the lasing wavelength can be selected (tuned) over a wide range. The most obvious significance of this capability is in the military applications whereby frequency jumping can be employed to make any interception or defensive measures necessarily broad-band. A laser defense reflector cannot be designed for a well-known transition frequency. Tunability is also useful for spectroscopic measurements 10 The crystal alexandrite (chromium doped BeAl204) can be made into a low-gain, 4-level laser tunable from 700 to 818nm. Alexandrite (BeAl 20 4 :Cr3 +) is an important commercially developed vibronic laser. Laser rods up to 1 cm diameter and 10 cm long are grown with the Czochralski method. Alexandrite is similar to ruby in optical and mechanical properties with twice the thermal conductivity of YAG, allowing very high pump powers without thermal fracture. Alexandrite lases at room temperature from 700nm to 818 nm. Effective Q-switched performance is possible due to long fluorescence lifetime. Alexandite can operate at 100 watts at 100Hz with overall efficiency ~ 2%. It is commercially available with 100 mJ Q-switched output over 2 nm bandwidth tunable from 730 - 780 nm. The Ti:sapphire laser 6 was discovered in 1982 by Moulton. It has an exceptionally wide tuning range (800 nm peak, 300 nm range) and large gain cross section, i.e. 50% that of Nd:YAG. High quality crystals are now commercially available. The big advantage with this laser is the use of sapphire as a host: has very high thermal conductivity, is chemically inert and strong. Rods can be made up to 3.5 cm in diameter and 15 cm long, Fig. 4 The separation of absorption and fluorescence bands is characteristic of tunable lasers. Ti:sapphire lasers can produce maximum olp powers of 1.6 W, frequency doubling at 40% efficiency in SHG pulse energies of 100 mJ in 4 ns at 1-10 pps. Titanium is very promising as the active ion in other host crystals as well. 11 2.2 Resonators As in low frequency microwave oscillators, the laser resonator is designed to build up large field intensities from moderate power inputs. The major difference between a resonator in the optical and microwave regions is that the number of allowed modes is very large in the optical region. For example, if the volume of the resonator were 1 cm3 and the lasing frequency was 3 x 10 14 Hz, with a 1inewidth of 3 x 10 10 Hz, this would permit 2 x 10 9 modes to oscillate. If the cavity were closed in all directions, then all the modes would have equal Q, and there would be a large number of frequencies with energy moving in many directions. So for a laser, a resonator is designed to be open on the sides and to consist of opposing mirrors. In this way only the energy that is approximately perpendicular to these mirrors will regenerate, and only those modes that satisfy the boundary conditions of the mirrors will oscillate. 2.2.1 Gaussian Beams The modes that will oscillate between two parallel mirrors can be characterized as Gaussian beams~ the corresponding electric field distributions are described in terms of products of hermite polynomials in the traverse plane with a complicated exponential factor representing the propagation of the electromagnetic field in the z-direction, i.e., the axis joining the two mirrors. The explicit expression is given by Yariv7, Eq. 2.8-1, who refers to the derivation of Marcuse 17 • A Gaussian beam is characterized by three eigenvalues, and usually labelled TEMlmq or just TEMlm . The 1 and m refer to the order of the hemite polynomials describing the transverse modes~ q is the longitudinal mode number equal to the number of half-wavelengths which fit between the mirrors (a large number). For a readable discussion of cavity resonators, see Yariv7, Ch. 4. 12 The spot size, w, is the radius at which the electric field falls to lIe of its maximum value on the axis. For the fundamental Gaussian TEMoo beam, the spot size is a function of the distance, z, measured from the position of the minimum spot size, Wo (or beam waist) at z=o and is given by where, Zo = nwo2n/L, and L is the wavelength. By setting z=zo above, it is clear that the parameter, zo, is the distance from the beam waist at which the area of the beam, nw2 , has doubled. The radius of curvature of the wavefront varies as R(z) = z[l + (zo/z)2] For large z, R(z) = z The half-angle of the beam cone, The angle, e, e, is is the beam divergence. It is interesting to note that the Gaussian beam is uniquely determined by the size and location of the beam waist. 2.2.2 Resonator geometries One can form an optical resonator by putting mirrors of radii Rl and R2 at locations zl and z2 so as to generate a self-reproducing field. Alternatively, one can determine the size of the beam waist, wo, and where z=O by choosing R1 , R2 and the mirror separation, D. 13 For example, in the symmetrical (about z=O) case where R1 =-R2=R, the beam waist is located at z=O (by symmetry)~ this configuration is a confocal resonator. It can be shown 7 that in this case, wo2=LD/(2nn)~ that the mirror radius for which the beam waist is a m1n1mum is R=D~ and the beam spot size increases by only a factor of v2 between the center and the mirrors. Yariv 7 gives an interesting example of the confocal design: assume a 1~ wavelength, a 2m long resonator and free-space index of refraction, then the beam waist at the center would be O.56mm and the spot size at the mirrors O.Bmm. If the latter were desired to be larger, say 3 mm, then the waist would also be 3 mm and the necessary mirror radius 799m. So for nearly plane mirrors the beam is still very narrow. This result is significant if one wants to design a resonator with large beam diameter to utilize more of the gain medium volume. The example given below (2.2.5) addresses this problem. In order to have low diffraction losses (mirror spillover) and stable confined modes, the following condition must apply: For example, the symmetric concentric (Rl=R2=D/2), confocal (Rl=R2=D), and plane-parallel, or Fabry-Perot, (Rl=R2=m) resonators are all at the stable/unstable boundary~ they prove to be sensitive to slight misalignment. However, as will be noted later, a s,table resonator is not necessarily optimal in certain applications. 14 2.2.2 Mode Spacing The expression for the longitudinal intermode spacing is: of = fq+l - fq = c/(2nD) The transverse mode spacing is given by The spacing between the transverse modes depends on the sum of the mode indices, i.e., depends only on (l+m); all the modes with the same (l+m) are degenerate. In the example of the confocal resonator where R=D, we have: ofconf = 1/2 o(1+m)c/(2nD) Comparing this equation with the expression for the longitudinal mode spacing we find that the transverse modes either coincide with or fall half-way between the longitudinal modes. In designing laser systems which are modulated at ofq , as in mode-locking, it is important to consider the possible resonances with transverse modes As well, single mode selection must take into account these spacings and degeneracies. 2.2.3 Losses and optimum coupling (The discussion below follows Yariv 7 , section 6.5) There are two classes of loss in an optical resonator: a) "useless" losses due to scattering, diffraction at the mirrors, and absorption in the rod and at mirrors b) "useful" coupling of mirror transmittance, T. power through the output 15 The losses (al should be minimized but the optimum transmittance, T, of the output mirror must be chosen to obtain maximum output power. This is equivalent to matching an electronic oscillator or amplifier to its load for maximum power transfer. If T=O, the internal power will be a maximum but there will be no output; if T=l, there will be no feedback and oscillation would cease. The total loss per pass is the sum of the "useless" losses (al above and the mirror transmission L = Li + T It can be shown 7 that the optimum value for T is and that the optimum power output is where go is the unsaturated gain per pass independent of the pumping level or losses. and S is 16 2.2.4 Mode selection In many applications requiring coherent laser output, a single, well-defined frequency is desired. This can be accomplished by selecting a single oscillating mode. The usual method for obtaining the fundamental transverse mode, TEMoo, is to insert an aperture of the correct diameter into the cavity. With a fixed aperture, the optimum selection can be tuned by moving the aperture along the optical axis until the best beam spot size is located. One serious drawback to this method is the consequent limiting of the gain volume. The power of the fundamental is usually less than 25% .that of multi-mode operation. In order to select a singe longitudinal mode as well, a very narrow-band filter must be inserted into the resonator. A high finesse Fabry-Perot eta Ion is the usual choice. It is tilted at a sufficient angle to the optic-axis so that the reflections from its surfaces are lost from the cavity and yet the etalon is essentially transparent at the selected mode frequency. Another method is to replace a standard dielectric ally coated front mirror with multiple resonant reflectors. Although the selectivity is somewhat less than for the etalon, it is the preferred method for Q-switched lasers because of the high damage threshold. The superior eta Ion requires high reflectivity dielectric coatings which can suffer from the very high intra-cavity intensities in Qswitched operation. For general reviews of the topic see Magyar18 and Smith19 . 17 2.2.5 New Techniques Much of the interest in resonator design is related to the use of unstable renovator to increase the beam diameter and so take advantage of more of the gain volume. Levigne et a1 20 (supported by DREV) discusses an unstable resonator which in which one mirror is totally reflecting, and at the other end of the resonator is a convex Gaussian reflectivity coupler spaced at a distance D. This is an unstable resonator, because of the convex mirror. Levigne was interested in designing the best resonator for laser radar applications, which should oscillate in a single transverse mode which fills the active volume and produces a stable coupled beam with a diffraction limited far-field distribution. As well, the geometry should allow low coupling for efficient energy extraction from relatively short gain media. Stable cavities are known to produce high quality TEMOO modes with any coupling, but the control of the transverse mode in these stable resonators is usually achieved by inserting aperture of the suitable diameter, which then limits the active region to small volumes. The Cassegrain unstable resonator of high magnification produces collimated beams of good quality that can fill gain medium of any cross-sectional area. The disadvantage is that diffraction on the hard edges of the mirrors produces irregular near-field patterns, destroys the discrimination against high order modes, and thus, leads to transverse mode beading. As the magnification is lowered to decrease the losses, strong side loads develop in the far-field, and the on-axis irradiance is reduced. Levigne points out that the use of Gaussian reflectivity mirrors can mitigate against the above disadvantages of the unstable resonator. 18 A Gaussian reflectivity mirror (GRM) has a reflectivity profile that varies with the distance from center as a Gaussian function. The GRM acts both as a mirror and a lens in such a way that the output wavefront is modified as though it had passed through a lens whose focal length is determined as usual by the curvature of both faces and its index of refraction. Levigne gives the advantages of using a Gaussian reflectivity convex mirror with a Cassegrain resonator: (a) it produces a smooth, collimated which efficiently fills the gain medium Gaussian beam (b) the intensity waist (diameter) of the intracavity beam is completely determined by the magnification and is independent of the wavelength. So Gaussian modes of any size can be produced. (c) the losses occur only at the GRM and can be used for coupling; large Gaussian modes can be produced in high feedback configurations. Further, the mode discrimination makes it easy to prevent transverse mode beating in coherent systems due to diffraction effects, one of the disadvantages of the unstable resonator without the GRM (above). His theory was verified experimentally by comparing two resonators, one with a GRM and an identical one with a uniform reflectivity mirror (HM). The output energy with the GRM was 85% of that with the HM, but with the GRM the far-field was near to Gaussian without diffraction rings that were produced with the HM. With the HM only 50% of the energy was contained in the central lobe. The divergence with the GRM was about .33 mrad. 19 Other experiments included the comparison of the unstable resonators with a multimode stable resonator. The energy extracted out of the laser cavity with both of the Cassegrain configurations (HM and GRM) was about 2/3 of that obtained with the stable resonator. However, the unstable generators were much brighter, had Gaussian single mode operation, and the far-field power density was about 10 times higher with the cassegrain resonators compared to the stable multimode resonator, despite the fact that the latter had a higher output energy. In summary, the Cassegrain resonators with Gaussian reflectivity mirrors can produce large Gaussian modes with a good discrimination against the high order transverse modes. Although the experiments were carried out with a C02 laser, the advantages of both Cassegrain unstable resonators with hard mirrors, but in particular Cassegrain resonators with Gaussian reflectivity mirrors are of interest in solid-state laser resonator designs as well. 2.3 Optical Pumping The traditional method of pumping the active ions out of ground state into the pump bands (above the upper lasing level) is to irradiate the laser rod with bright, broadband, incoherent radiation from a gas discharge or tungsten filament lamp. Flashlamps technology has advanced considerably in the last twenty years and is used to pump almost all pulsed solid-state laser. The new and promising alternative is to pump the host crystal with the nearly mono-chromatic output of a high power diode laser array at a frequency corresponding to a strong absorption peak in the laser rod spectrum. Clearly, many of the problems associated with light pumps would be are with the diode laser pump. white 20 With a diode laser, the output can be focussed to the desired mode area of the rod and completely absorbed within the rod (in end-pumped configurations). Since the pump wavelength can be matched to a highly efficient absorption transition, almost all of the absorbed photons are useful for pumping and very little heat is absorbed by the rod, so that thermally induced focusing, birefringence, shock, and gain variations are eliminated. No cooling system is required and the cavity almost disappears from the design making very small modular lasers feasible. Finally, the huge power supplies typical of Q-switched lasers are not required. Byer21 reports up to 10% electrical-to-optical efficiency has been obtained in a diode laser-pumped Nd:YAG laser operating in a single spatial mode. With xenon flashlamps, on the other hand, typical electrical/optical total conversion efficiencies 6 are on the order of 0.2%. (It is reasonable to assume 7 that only 5% of the exciting light falls within useful absorption bands and that 5% of this light is actually absorbed by the crystal in a typical Nd 3 +:YAG flashlamp pumped system.) The main problem with diode-laser pumping is the very limited power levels available at this time. Q-switched Nd:Yag systems produce only 5 to 10 ~J pulses 20 . This is useful for micro-machining but not for such applications as LIDAR. Also, the diode laser (arrays) are expensive and the coupling technology has yet to be perfected. Nevertheless, the advantages listed above guarantee that a great deal of research will continue in the field of diode-laser pumping of solid-state lasers with higher pulse energies being achieved in th near future. 21 2.3.1 Pump lamps Lamps used for pumping solid-state lasers include noble gas discharge lamps , metal vapor discharge lamps (mercury arc, alkali metal), and filament lamps (tungsten halogen). The tungsten halogen is used for a few CW lasers but the vast majority of lasers use xenon flashlamps for pulsed operation and krypton wall-stabilized arc lamps for CWo Most configurations use linear lamps, although in some cases (especially ruby) helical lamps are employed (this makes water cooling more difficult). The spectral outputs of the discharge lamps are complicated and represent a mixture of line spectra and black-body radiation~ at high current densities the continuum radiation dominates. A high current density xenon flashlamp power spectrum is shown in Fig. 10. Yariv 7 estimates that about 5% of this light falls within the useful absorption bands of Nd:YAG. A flashlamp is made with two electrodes at either end of a quartz tube and operates so that the discharge fills the entire volume. Wall thickness vary from 1 to 2 mm, diameters from 3 to 19 mm and lengths from 5 to 100 cm, with fill pressures between 300 and 700 torr. Liquid cooling can allow inner-wall surface loading of 300 W/cm2~ forced-air cooling can disSipate up to 40 W/cm2 . A xenon flashlamp is 40 to 60% efficient in converting electrical power to radiation in the 0.2 to 1.0 ~ region. Details of the electrical loading and spectral characteristics of flashlamps are described in the 6 excellent Chapter 6 of Koechner's text. A flashtube operated in the conservative regime rarely fails suddenly~ instead there will be a gradual decrease in light output, caused by the erosion of the walls and electrodes. CW discharge lamps can operate for 200 hours while flashlamps can be expected to put out 10 7 pulses, or about 140 hours at 20 pps. 22 The main problems with flashlamps are: the difficulty in easily replacing the flashlamps in the field without mis-aligning or contaminating the optics, the thermal effects on the beam quality, the need for cooling, and the size (physically and electrically) required for the power supply. The technology of the flashtube has improved greatly in the last decade. The state-of-the-art is covered by Smith25 who provides an extensive (fifty-four page) up-to-date review of flash and arc lamp technology including: discussions of electrical, mechanical, and optical design parameters, spectral output characteristics, cooling requirements, guidelines for choosing lamp seal type, envelope material and size, electrode style, power density, gas and fill pressure, and factors affecting lifetime. 2.3.2 Diode laser pumps There is no space in this review to discuss in any detail the elaborate solid-state physics of laser diodes. The interested reader can find a good introduction to the subject in Yariv7, Chapter 15, which includes a brief review of the required quantum mechanics and solid-state physics background. Koechner 6 has a section on diode lasers as optical pumps for solid-state lasers. The most up-to-date (1989) review of the subject was written by the group at Spectra Diode Laboratories 23 • The diode laser is basically a strongly forward-biased diode with high densities of electron and holes combining in the depletion region to emit photons with energy from 0.6 several ~ wavelength. 23 A modern design uses layers of GaAs and GaAlAs to form heterojunctions (Fig. 6) with a number of variations to improve lasing efficiency and lower thresholds. These structures are designed to create refractive index profiles and gain profiles that optimize mode structure and contain the carriers in very small regions to increase the carrier density. A typical linear array of 40 lasing regions (stripes) on a single substrate is shown in Fig. 7. These linear arrays have inter-stripe spacings large enough that the lasing occurs independently in each and so their outputs are incoherent. This arrangement produces higher output powers and the incoherence is unimportant in solidstate laser pumping applications. These lasers hold great promise as pump sources for the reasons mentioned above. Koechner 6 states that "The most exciting prospect is that of solid-state laser materials pumped by laser-diode arrays ..• ". 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. The problems associated with diode pumping include: low power output low packaging density extremely high cost of diode lasers. Reasons for continued interest and effort in this area are: potentially dramatic increase in system efficiency extended component lifetime reduction of the thermal load of the solid-state material the latter will imply reduced thermal optic effects, better beam quality, increase in pulse repetition frequency Other reasons for continuing development efforts in this area are low voltage operation and compactness of an all solid-state laser system. Absence of high voltage pulses, high temperatures and UV radiation, as encountered with arc lamps, will lead to more benign operating features of the laser diode pump system. 24 Comparison of lifetimes: Laser diode arrays: > 20,000 hours CW 10 9 shots (pulsed) Flashlamp: 200 hours CW 10 7 shots (pulsed) State of the art performance of linear arrays is up to 40 W/cm. Commercial devices in the 10 to 20 W/cm are available. 2-dimensional arrays produced by stacking linear rays have reached the level of 1 KW/sq cm. Efficiencies of these devices range from 25% to 50%. Designs of laser diodes: 1. Original homojunction diode laser were made entirely of a single semiconductor compound, typically GaAs, with different regions having different dopings. The junction layer is the interface between highly doped regions of the same material. 2. Single heterojunction laser diodes offer significant improvement. Quantum threshold density decreased to 8,000 amps/sq cm from 40,000, and the quantum efficiency increased to 40% from 20%. In a single heterojunction diode, the active layer is sandwiched between two layers of different composition, usually GaAs and GaAlAs. 3. Double heterojunction micron) GaAs active region layers. structure: a thin (about .5 is located between GaAlAs outer 25 4. Quantum-well structures (QW). These are a special class wherein the active layer thickness is less than 30 rum, the order of the de Broglie wavelength of electrons. Small dimensions of the lasers imply injected carriers are subject to quantum effects, so that the conduction and valence bands are quantized, which allows a better utilization of carriers for radiative transitions. Common types of quantum-well structures (QW) structures are single quantum-well (SQW) , double heterodyne (DH) and graded index separate confinement heterostructure (GRINSCH), and multiple quantum-well structure (MQW). In the multiple quantum-well structure, the active layer is divided into a number of extremely thin sub-layers with different band gaps, thus improving the optical coupling between neighboring laser channels. Commercial devices contain as many as 15 layers. In the GRINSCH or graded index separate confinement heterostructure, we find the state of the art in CW laser diode production. With graded index wave guide control, separate carrier and optical confinement heterostructures are possible. By separating the confinement of the light and the confinement of the carrier, you further optimize the threshold current and can provide an arbitrarily graded index profile outside the carrier confinement region. The basic limit of the peak power from a laser diode is determined by catastrophic optical damage to the laser facet caused by absorption of laser radiation, which can reach intensities of several MW/cm 2 at the facet. State of the art arrays have 1000 stripes, 25W output, for a 200 msec pulse in a lcm bar structure. There are a large number of hosts such as YAG, YLF and glass Nd ions with substantial absorption in the vicinity of diode laser wavelengths. 26 The diode wavelength emission can be controlled both by varying the proportions of the ternary compounds and also by varying the operational temperature. These adjustments are made to the AI concentrations. Typically, 1% change in AI results in a 10 angstrom change in wavelength. GaAlAs lasers can be made to lase between 770 and 900 nm. Since the absorption line width in Nd:YAG is about 2.5 nm, it is critical to control the pump wavelength to +/- 1 nm~ not an easy specification to meet. The diode laser has been used for pumping in a number of configurations. However, in the context of this report, the diode laser is not capable as yet of pumping, for example, Q-switched Nd:YAG with outputs more than a few ~JJ airborne bathymetry for example, requires several mJ of pump power. The application mentioned frequently for diode pumped Q-switched Nd:YAG is that of micro-machining. In more general terms, the prototype work performed to date has demonstrated that diode pumping is not a question of technical feasibility but rather one of economic viability. High cost is the major obstacle preventing broad acceptance of diode pumped solid-state lasers. Full automation will justify capital investment and decrease the cost per watt of output power by several orders of magnitude. 2.3.3 Power Supplies The power supplies required for flashlamp pulsed solidstate lasers must: 1) charge the capacitor bank sufficiently fast for the pulse repetition rate (Q-switched) 2) provide a 25 to 30kv trigger pulse to initiate discharge 3)provide a high current, high voltage discharge pump pulse-forming network 4)provide a trigger signal for active Q-switched operation 5) provide means for varying the voltage and timing parameters 27 Koechner 6 gives a good discussion of various power supplies. Fig. 13 shows a power supply schematic for a high repetition rate (50 pps) system. The resonant charging device consists of a hold-off diode, a 50~F energy storage capacitor and a 350mH inductor. 2.3.4 Optical Cavities The optical cavity must: 1) hold the rod in place as well as the flash-tubes and quartz cooling jackets. 2) provide high current and voltage connections to the flashtube electrodes 3) cool the laser rod and flashtubes (and sometimes the cavity reflector) 4) couple the pump light efficiently into the laser rod 5) protect the optical components from contamination The common arrangement for the cavity and reflector geometry is the single- or double-ellipse configuration. A variety of elliptical geometries are shown in Fig. 8. These designs take advantage of the fact that light rays emanating from one focus of a cylindrical elliptical reflector will specularly reflect to the other focus. In the double-ellipse, the geometry consists of two intersecting ellipses with one common focus. The rod is placed at the common focus and the flashtubes at the other two. A dimensioned drawing of a cross-section of such a cavity is shown in Fig. 9 and exploded views of single and double elliptical cavities are shown in Fig. 10 •• 28 Early cavity reflector used polished aluminum but more recently gold-plated high reflectivity surfaces have been commercially employed. As well, sophisticated dielectric coatings have been applied to absorb the useless pump bands and reflect strongly the wavelengths of efficient laser rod absorption. Thermal effects on the rod are consequently reduced. Cooling flashlamp pumped cavities is usually accomplished by water circulation systems with heat exchangers. Often flooded cavity cooling is used, especially with diffuse reflectors. Fig. 12 is a schematic of a typical water cooling system. The important considerations in the mechanical design of cavities include: efficient cooling of the laser rod, lamps and reflector; design of O-ring seals; polishing and plating of reflection material; prevention of arcing ; ease of lamp replacement. An understanding of the energy exchanges within a laser system, Fig. 11, is useful from an integrated engineering point of view. The 1986, Volume 609, proceedings of SPIE Conference on Flashlamp pumped Laser Technology, Los Angeles provides a wealth of up-to-date engineering design information for lamp pumping, power supplies and cavity design. 2.4 Hade-locking and Q-Bwitching 2.4.1 Hade-locking Since an optical resonator can support simultaneous oscillations (provided sufficient gain is present to overcome losses) at frequencies that are separated by the longitudinal mode spacing (6f=c/2nD, for n=l), we consider the consequences of having a definite phase relationship between these (N) modes. A large number of modes (N equals several thousand in the case of Nd:glass with its large bandwidth), can oscillate simultaneously. But in general, they will oscillate with random phases, and total intensity output of the laser will fluctuate randomly. 29 There are two ways to make the laser oscillate coherently. One is to limit the oscillation to a single mode, and the second is to lock the modes into having a definite phase relation, a procedure termed mode-locking. result of mode-locking, the output intensity will become a periodic train of pulses, with period T=2nn/c. If the relative phases among the modes are made equal to zero, the average laser output power as a function of time, PIt), for N equal amplitude modes is proportional to As a sin2(N2nft/2) sin2(2nft/2) We notice the following: 1) the power is emitted in the form of a train of pulses with period T=2D/c 2) the peak power is emitted at times t=jT, j=1,2,3 ••• and equals N times the average power 3) the peak field amplitude equals N times the amplitude of a single mode 4) the individual pulse width is T/N~ the pulse width is approximately the inverse of the gain line width. This is bandwidth limited mode-locking. In terms of propagating waves, we may view mode-locking as resulting in a packet of energy that cycles between the mirrors at the speed of light. The pulse train period corresponds simply to the time interval for one complete cycle in the resonator. The spatial length of these modelocked pulses is 2D/N. Mode locking is achieved by modulating the losses or gain of the laser at the longitudinal mode frequency spacing. Theoretical proof of mode locking by loss 24 modulation is rather forma1 • 30 An heuristic argument could proceed as follows: assume that a shutter is opened in the cavity for only a brief time every 2D/c sec. Neither a single mode will oscillate, nor multimodes with arbitrary phases, because of the high losses (the shutter is not open long enough to allow oscillation to build up). The exception is the phase-locked mode in which the short travelling pulse could arrive at the position of the shutter just when it is open. The pulse will be "unaware" of the existence of the shutter and consequently will not be attenuated by it. This could be called modelocking by "the survival of the fittest". Periodic loss modulation can be produced by using a Bragg cell which generates an acoustic standing wave from which the propagating beam can be diffracted out of the resonator to increase losses. By modulating the voltage to the Bragg cell at the longitudinal mode-spacing frequency, mode-locking can occur in CW or pulsed mode. It turns out that the mode-spacing frequency and the acoustic wave frequency will be equal. Passive mode-locking takes advantage of non-linear transmission properties of an optical cell containing a nonlinear saturable absorber. Such a cell will be opaque at low intensities, and then above a saturation threshold will become transparent. The simplest explanation for mode locking with a saturable absorber is that only the mode configuration that forms a high intensity wave-packet will suffer low losses, and therefore this is the mode configuration that will oscillate. Table 6.1 shows some locking characteristics. laser systems and their mode- 31 Pulse length measurements cannot be done in traditional fashion because the electronics are far too slow to measure picosecond pulses. Consequently, the usual method is to have a pulse reflect back on the subsequent pulse in a SHG fluorescence medium and photographed from the side. The second harmonic fluorescence will be proportional to the intensity, and consequently the spatial autocorrelation of the intensities of the two overlapping pulses will show up in the photograph as a higher exposure of the emulsion, which represents time average of the total event. Note that it is possible to use Bragg cells to select one or more picosecond pulses from the 20 or so pulses typical of mode locking pulse Nd:YAG or Nd:glass. It is conceivable that by making the selection of the mode-locked pulses from the pulse train pseudo-random, it would be possible to generate a pseudo-random modulated output, which could then be used to advantage in backscatter signal detection with reduced power/pulse but the same signal to noise ratio. This reduction in the power/pulse would not result in a reduction of the energy damage to the retina and consequently cannot be applied to attain eye-safe conditions. Nevertheless this method of modulation may have advantages in obtaining higher time-resolution in ranging applications. 32 2.4.2 Q-switching If the losses of a cavity are artificially maintained very high during the pump cycle, the population inversion will reach a value much higher than that at threshold, and consequently a great deal of energy can be stored in the gain medium. If the Q of the cavity is suddenly increased to its normally high value, or the losses decreased to their normally low value, there will be a sudden intense stimulated emission until the population inversion falls to its usual threshold level. This sudden emission of the highly energized laser medium occurs in a very short time, resulting in very high-power short pulses. The pulse will decay with the characteristic time constant for a photon in the resonator, which is given by tc ~ nD/[c(l-R)], where (l-)R is the fraction escaping each pass. Typical values for the total evolution of a giant pulse is about 20 ns. The peak power of the Q-switched pulse can be expressed as: where Dt and ni are the total inversion at threshold and initially (at the switch time), respectively. In the usual case where the initial inversion is well in excess of the threshold value, we obtain that the maximum power is about equal to nihf/2tc. The Q-switched pulse is generally asymmetric with the sudden rise time being less than the fall time, which is approximately equal to the decay time of the photons in the resonator tc. The reason for the asymmetry is that the stimulated emission is essentially finished at the peak of the pulse, and the remaining output is due to the free decay of the photons in the resonator. 33 One can estimate the actual pulse energy of a Qswitched pulse from typical conditions such as the length of the rod, the cross-sectional area of the mode, the fractional intensity loss per pass and the index of refraction, along with the ion density and the absorption coefficient. A typical example of a ruby laser rod 10cm long with the mode cross-sectional area 1cm2 and 20% loss per pass, index refraction 1.78, we find that the energy per pulse is about 13 joules. The assumption was made that the inversion before Q-switching is 5 times threshold. The Q of a resonator can be actively switched by introducing an electron-optic birefringent Pockels cell into the resonator in which the passing wave is transformed from linear polarization to circular (with voltage applied); after reflection off one mirror, another pass produces linear polarization again but orthogonal to the original wave and unable to pass through the analyzer inserted in the cavity, see Fig. 14. When the voltage is applied, the loss is high, and when the field is switched off the stored energy is emitted in a short, high power pulse. The passive method utilizes a saturable absorber or bleachable dye in the resonator. The effect of the saturable absorber is similar to that in mode-locking. Here the fluorescence inside the cavity must reach a high value before the saturable absorber becomes transparent and the Q is lowered. The change in Q with this method is not as fast as with a Pockels cell but the arrangement is very simple. However, the saturable dye tends to degrade under the high intenSity and must be replaced frequently. Note that for effective Q-switching, the pumping must continue until a maximum population inversion is achieved. With a flashlamp, this normally occurs within about 0.3 msecs. If a diode laser pump were to be used for Qswitching, it should also have a pulse length that is optimized to obtain maximum population inversion. Since typical diode pulses are often quoted as having 150 msec period and pulse repetition rate of 40 HZ, these values ~re reasonable for Q-switching as well. 34 2.5 Frequency doubling stated in the introduction to this report, laser applications in oceanography that demand transmission through water need lasers that emit in the relatively transparent blue-green region. Lasers such as Nd:YAG that emit around 1 micron can be frequency doubled to emit at 500 nm by a process called second harmonic generation (SHG). In particular, the Nd:YAG wavelength of 1.06 microns is frequency doubled to a wavelength of 532 nm (shown on Fig. 1). This wavelength is near optimum for minimum attenuation in water. As 2.5.1 Principles of SHG Second harmonic generation results from the non-linear properties of certain crystals. In symmetric crystals, the potential energy of an electron can only have even powers in higher-order terms. The polarization which is related to the derivative of this potential energy then will have only odd powers in higher-order terms. Asymmetric crystals, on the other hand, will exhibit non-vanishing quadratic polarization coefficients. We can consider the passage of an electron-magnetic wave through a transparent crystal as consisting of the process of polarization of the medium and virtual reradiation of waves due to the time-dependent polarization. If the incident electric field is strong enough, and the crystal is not symmetric on inversion, then a quadratic polarization coefficient can become significant, and it is easy to show that as a result, the Fourier components of this polarization will include second and higher harmonics of the fundamental frequency of the incident beam. The simplest way to show SHG results from the quadratic polarization term is to notice the trigonometric identity sin2(2rrft) = 1/2 (1-cos(4rrft) 35 So we see that the square of the sinusoidal electric field results in a DC term and a term at twice the fundamental frequency or the second harmonic. Yariv 7 presents a readable analysis of second harmonic generation (and the generalization called parametric oscillation). The non-linear optical coefficient, d n1 , is defined as the ratio of the (complex) amplitude of the polarization at the second harmonic to the square of the polarization amplitude at the fundamental frequency. One of the most important consequences of the quadratic term is that the intensity of the second harmonic will be proportional to the square of the intensity at the fundamental frequency, and the conversion efficiency defined by the ratio of fundamental intensity to the SH intensity is then proportional to the intensity of the incident wave. Yariv 7 derives an expression for the second harmonic conversion efficiency, r, under the assumption that the depletion of the input wave due to second harmonic conversion is negligible:. sin2(6kl/2) (6kl/2)2 In this equation, ~ is the permeability and E the dielectric permeative of free space, f is the frequency of the fundamental beam, dnl is the non-linear optical coefficient, 1 the length of the crystal, n is the index of refraction, A the area and P f the power of the beam, and 6k=k 2f -2k f , where the wavenumber k=2rr/L. 36 Notice the following about this equation: 1. the conversion efficiency is proportional to the square of the length of the crystal; and the intensity, Pf/A; 2. the conversion efficiency is proportional to the power and inversely proportional to the area of the fundamental beam; the efficiency can be increased by focusing the beam or by temporal pulse compression. 3. there is an interference factor: sin2(okl/2) (okl/2)2 which represents the phase shift between second harmonic waves generated at successive points along the path through the crystal. Clearly, for efficient SHG, we require 2.5.2 Phase matching If ok is not zero, then the second harmonic waves generated at successive positions along the path through the crystal will be out of phase with each other; we can define a coherence length, Ie as a measure of the maximum crystal length that is useful in producing second harmonic power: Ie = ok/2rr For typical values of L=1~ and n2f-nf=102, we get lc = 50~. Since, as noted above, the efficiency is proportional to the square of the length, having a non-zero ok will result in very inefficient conversion. 37 A widely used technique to satisfy the requirement is called phase matching and uses the natural birefringence of anisotropic crystals, the non-linear crystals used for SHG. By taking advantage of the variations of the indices of refraction of the fundamental and second harmonic as functions of wavelength, and the fact that these variations are different for the ordinary and extra-ordinary waves in the birefringent crystal, it can be shown 7 that under certain circumstances it is possible to align the crystal optic-axis at an angle e to the resonator optic-axis so that the condition 6k=O is satisfied~ e is given by sine = (nof)-2 - (no2f)-2 (ne2f) -2 _ (no2f)-2 Here, the subscripts 0 and e refer to the ordinary and extraordinary indices of refraction, and the superscipts distinguish between the fundamental and doubled wavelength. numeric example of second harmonic generation, consider a ruby pulsed laser at L=694nm doubled by a KDP crystal of length 1cm using Q-switched pulses having an intensity of 100MW/cm2 . If we assume successful phase matching as described above, i.e. 6k=O, the conversion efficiency is 15%. As a Clearly, very high intensities are needed to obtain efficient second harmonic generation. Also, since the efficiency depends on the square of the non-linear optical coefficient, improvements in this parameter with new materials can also lead to improved SHG. 38 Finally, we will mention a method for obtaining very high efficiencies for SHG output from a laser which employs a frequency doubling crystal inside the resonator. In this case, the crystal is located inside the resonator at the phase matching angle to the resonator optic-axis. The mirrors are coated to reflect 100% of the fundamental laser emission. The output mirror, however, is also designed to transmit 100% of the second harmonic. By using the losses in the frequency doubling crystal to obtain optimum coupling (loading) for the oscillator, it can be shown that under the proper conditions, it is possible to extract the total available power of the laser at the second harmonic, and in that sense obtain 100% conversion efficiency. 2.5.3 Non-linear crystals Good non-linear crystals should, of course, have a high dnl' be available in large sizes, with high optical quality, be relatively hard and have good resistance to damage at high intensities. As well, the phase matching capability must be available. There are two kinds of non-linear crystals, those that are grown from water solutions, which are fragile, hygroscopic and sensitive to thermal shock. This group includes KDP and its isomorphs. These crystals are soft and may be adversely affected by humidity. However, they are also easy to grow, available in large sizes, and have excellent optical qualities. Crystals grown from melt are relatively hard, nonhygroscopic and less sensitive to thermal shock. Most important in this class are lithium niobate and KTP. The optical quality of these crystals is usually inferior to water-grown crystals because of refractive index nonuniformities associated with the growth conditions. KDP and its isomorphs have proven to be the most important group of useful second harmonic generators, their greatest attributes being resistance to laser damage and high optical quality. 39 A new non-linear crystal of great interest is KTP or potassium titanyl phosphate, recently developed, which has excellent properties for use as non-linear optical material. It has a very high non-linear coefficient; it can be easily phase-matched, and has a high damage threshold, as well as being chemically inert. KTP is considered the best nonlinear material for Nd lasers to emerge in recent years. The current major drawback to uSing KTP is the difficult growth process, resulting in high cost and small size, and so far they have been limited to a few millimeters in size. A list of the non-linear optical coefficients of a number of crystals is given in Table 1. 3.0 Inaugural Meeting of elLA The first meeting of the Canadian Industrial Laser Association was held on March 22-23, 1989 at the Ontario Hydro Conference and Development Centre in Orangeville, Ontario. This is the first association that brings together Canadian workers in the laser technology field and was representative of the activity in Canada in the application of laser technology •• Although the first meeting had large-scale manufacturing processes as its theme, e.g., cutting and welding of materials, it was decided that in the future the Association would take a broader perspective and include other areas of commercial development of lasers, especially metrology .. There was a large turnout (estimated at 80 people) representing major companies and research groups across Canada. The Coordinator was Dr. Jim O'Neill of the Industrial Laser Programs at Ontario Hydro. 40 Mr. David Belforte, the editor of Industrial Laser Review and a co-editor of Industrial Laser Handbook, gave the opening talk on lasers in industry: past successes and future prospects. One of his main points was that the laser is now becoming an accepted tool in industry, and secondly that the Nd:YAG laser will become of even greater importance in the near future. He pointed out that there are approximately 3,000 industrial laser sales annually; that currently there are too many companies, and that the current trend toward mergers will continue, with the smaller companies forced to either collaborate or locate niche markets. He also emphasized that laser sources are now not only more accepted but very reliable. He discussed the promise of KW average power YAG lasers and called 1989 "the year of the YAG". He also spoke about the importance of fibre delivery systems and the use of erbium, holmium and alexandrite as important lasing materials to be developed. He noted improvements in the YAG systems in terms of superior YAG crystals, better cooling systems, multi-element laser output, solid-state power supplies and longer flashlamp lifetimes. He pOinted out that the largest manufacturers of YAGs were NEC, Toshibia, Lumonics, and Quantronics. He also mentioned the interesting prospect of holographic optical elements used as throwaway mirrors that can be designed to customize the distribution of energy deposition in manufacturing processes. Other speakers included Dr. David Roessler, Senior Scientist of General Motors Research Department, on the industrial use of lasers for material processing. Gavin McGregor, General Manager, Manufacturing Technologies Centre, National Research Council, spoke on the critical comparison of lasers and other advanced manufacturing technologies. Mr. Dr. Roger Ball, the Vice President of Research and Development, General Systems Research in Edmonton, Alberta, spoke on the application of C02 lasers for cloth cutting. 41 Dr. Pierre Bernard of the National Optics Institute, Quebec City, discussed the applications of long wavelength lasers in the pulp and paper industry. He described methods by which lasers operating in the sub-millimeter range, could be used to determine important properties in the quality assessment of paper products. Dr. Bernard Hockley, Group Leader Holography, Litton Systems Canada, described a variety of techniques that are used for non-destructive testing and resonance measurements, especially the double-pulse holographic interferometric approach. The industrial laser scene in the USSR was described by Mr. Vladimir Kowalenko, Director of the Kiev Laser Institute, and he emphasized some of the differences in the priorities in the Soviet Union compared to the United States and Japan. In particular, he pointed out that cutting and drilling are not of the greatest interest~ rather the materials processing such as case hardening of tools, has the preeminent position in laser industry in the USSR. Dr. Tom Znotins, Director of Industrial Excimer Products of Lumonics, Inc., described the "growing use of excimer lasers in manufacturing". He points out that the excimer laser represents, rather than a competitor for the high-powered C02 and YAG lasers, a third category which can do other kinds of processes. In particular, he pointed out that excimer laser processing utilizes a large beam diameter and masks in order to achieve high resolution processing with particular importance to the electronics industry. One particularly exciting slide showed a series of 10 or 12 holes drilled with equal spacing along a human hair fibre. Dr. Rod Taylor, Senior Scientist of the Physics Division of the National Research Council, discussed progress in "excimer laser angioplasty", whereby the excimer laser is used to remove blockages within the heart cavity and large arteries in a manner that is much superior, (less scarring) to techniques using traditional lasers. 42 Dr. M. Hubert spoke on the Ontario Laser and Light Wave Centre. This seems to be a very valuable laboratory facility located at the University of Toronto but which is separate from it. It is possible that a company or research organization interested in doing experiments or running feasibility studies can use their own or loan equipment to perform experiments and product development. Such a facility would be ideal for research into improving laser-based systems for oceanographic applications, and it would be fortunate indeed if a similar facility were located in British Columbia. An example of some work done at this institute was Alcan researching the possibility for a holographic embossing system which would utilize ordinary aluminum sheets with a metallic photoresist. Their initial studies on embossing the aluminum were successful, and they have decided to move ahead with a larger-scale holographic embossing program. The meeting concluded with general agreement that the association is off to a good start and that it is expected that there will be two meetings annually from now on. One meeting will be for laser specialists, and the other will be dedicated to educating industry to the value of lasers and their potential applications as tools. In private discussion with the president of Optech, it was made clear that this company is moving ahead with the commercial production for the Canadian Hydrographics Service of LIDAR bathymetry systems which represent improvements on the Larsen 500. The Larsen 500-ABS used exterior frequency doubling and has 20 pulses per second up to 100 Hz, with 20 mJ per pulse at 532nm. They use active electron-optic Qswitching to achieve 8 to 10 ns pulse lengths. Optech is apparently investing considerably money and effort to improve ABS systems for coastal water hydrographic surveys. 43 The original Optech laser was a Litton manufactured laser was for no other reason than that it was available. It was pointed out that the requirements for a good ASS are that it be rugged, dependable, and that there be an easy method for replacing the flashlamps in field conditions. A LIDAR must be capable of withstanding sitting in the cargo hold of an aircraft overnight and suffer temperatures from -40 to +60 degrees C. In general, Optech uses customized off-the-shelf lasers. During my visit to Crystar Research Inc., I was given a tour of their facilities and discussed their development activities. I was very impressed with the apparent high level of innovative manufacturing methods especially in their primary field of sapphire crystal products. They have an impressive capability for growing, machining and polishing crystals. One example was a single crystal hemisphere about lOcm in diameter and 2mm thick. The interferometric tests showed extraordinary quality. Crystar plans to manufacture many of the most interesting materials mentioned in this report under laser hosts, gain media and non-linear crystals including KTP, alexandrite, titanium-doped sapphire rods, and neodymiumdoped lithium vanadate. They represent a remarkable local source of innovative optical materials and associated expertise. 4.0 SUlDJDary and Discussion This report has touched on a number of topics in the field of solid-state lasers. I found it necessary to include considerable tutorial material as there are so many essential concepts and techniques used in this field that would not be familiar to the non-expert. As a consequence, I discussed only a few of the innovations in detail. Hopefully this report will lay the ground work for future in-depth studies of new materials and methods. 44 In particular the possibilities afforded by the developments in tunable vibronic lasers are already forming the basis of research programs and possible oceanographic applications. One conclusion seems clear, that the use of diode laser pumping for the high power Q-switched requirements of airborne bathymetry is premature. The power levels, currently a few ~J, are simply too low for the job. However, this method of pumping holds great promise in other applications and should progress very rapidly in terms of output power. The possibility of building a better pulsed laser for bathymetry work does exist. However, ambitions of this sort will require setting up a fully equipped (at least $1/4 M) research facility with sizable operating funds. A staff of at. least three persons would be required from the start. A serious planning effort and strong government/industry liaison and commitment would be essential. There is no doubt that optics is the technology of tomorrow and as it interfaces with electronics, acoustics, and computer technologies the combinations will prove synergistic in remote sensing, sensor development, signal proceSSing, communications, and other areas. FIGURES AND TABLES Figure I [Ref. I) : .. . : ,.: '. .', " 10' - Frequency-doubled 10' - Nd:YI\G (532 nm) ~ W U Ii: u. w o 10 .I _ _-- ClIESllrEIlKE OM Will Ell . u L---- COIISIIIL WillEn _-----IJISIILLEIJ WIIIEII NI LIISEII W/WElENGrtI - MICnONS In) (n) /lltcllllnlioll cocllldeniol wnler (ndnllied hOIll Tyler nlldl'lcisclldllllcr, 1962). (b) Uuwllwnllllllnllinllcc nltcII"nliUII wdlldcllllllcn5U1cd by Je,luy (19"16) IlIlhe lilsl 111111 "r dCJ,lh as n I1I1ICli1l1l III l.nvdcIIS'" I", iI v,,, je'y i,1 del:l' ~'celln nllIl clln~I,,1 wnler Irlj.C~., (NOII~lnlll cl n,l., I'JRI" Figure 2 [Ref. 6 p. 57] 100 80 10 - 4,000 5,000 0,000 10,000 Absorption verslI' wRvelength or Nd: glaM, (1vlfttoriftl: ED-2j thickness: 0,3 mm) ( .. Figure 4 [Ref. 6 p. 77] I -.~ .. -. " - " - , Absorption Ind RUII- , ...cence ."ed," or tI.1! '1'13-1- 1011 In AIJ03 (."I'I,hlre) 12.1051 " rol.rlullon 1.0 . I' I \ I \ I \ I \ _ 0.8 • i ! f :il II 0.6 • I O.~ \\ Aburb.nre 0.1 . I I I I i ,I \ fluoruunu \ !:, 1\ \ \ ,, i',,' I 0._ _--'• _ _- ' ' -_ _ •_ _ _'''-_ _' ~oo 500 100 000 ': :I \ I • ; 900 W.velenglh Inml ". Figure 5 [Ref. 14 6 p. 255) Spectral emission of " xenon nash tube (EGkG, model FX-47 A) oper"ted lOt high current densities. Ll\mp nil pressure i. OA 31m. The .pectrum .. t the two ellrrent dell.iti"" CI\II be npproxi,n .. ted by blo.ckbodie• .. t 7000 I( alld 91001(, respectively (6.21 .]i I ., '700 A/em' \ '. i. t 4 2 ,';;-_-;;':;;-_*--::':',--"II:-_.J'._ _ '':-_,J' 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Wlv"eng,h I~ml 0.8 0.9 1.0 ,f·: i ! II II.' > r ~:'. ~ l, f" I I I Figure 6 [Ref. 7 p. 480] ;'1 r'j (I d If', rnee r .:1.~r.t .... Inlrm:lty IlIulile I • l~ft:ch(Jn~ o IICllc~ II 'YI'lcnl Iluuhlc hC'CIIIShllcllllc Onlls,Onlllll~ Inscr. Elec'ron5 nnd h"lcs n,e 'njecled Ir,'u 'hc ncth'e (;nAs Inycr rrulll ,hc" nnd I' Onllills, Frcl,lIcnclcs ncnr I' == f.l', III e nllll"lIied hy sl hlll,'ni h.,! cicci' un hulc, cWlllhlnnlll"\, .. " 279] lIu/C. f~···""~'~'~> ""'- p' - GaAI '-- p - 0 ••.• 1\1•.• 1\1 OW IIcllv. loyo. 0 ••.• AI... III ' - - _ _-Y._ ______ ' - - _ _-..V n - 0 ••.• AI•.• AI P.olon Implonl Sch.mRllc or " 40 .trlpe incoh.,.nt lin •• r 8"8Y ''''I,loyl''8 II ",uJtlpl~quantum­ ...n .trudu,e 16.73) i L , i:.": • -po . . . . . . .. Figure 8 [Ref. 6 p. ~. 311] It I I i o o 1.' Singl ••!IIPI. wllh large eccentricity o o Ibl S",all eccentricity Icl Clol.d coupl.d Idl hlocal ~: , o o o o 1., Semi .!IIpl. III (Jon"'e .!lipl. I lui Multi ."'pllc.' co.lty I I I EIIi.,tiul 1'"1111' cyli ... lcrB I i I .i :$ '. Figure 9 [Ref. 6 p. 341] Cross .ection or " double-~l\iptiC81 pump ~Ilvity. Dimen.ion" "r~ in in~hes 2.000 0.750 .....- - - - 3 . 2 5 0 - - - - - 1 • . ., Figure 10 [Ref. 6 P. ( 346] . i i 1 1 ! ONE-LAMP LASER UEAO I I t Oulck lamp Inspeclion or replacemenl I TWO-LAMP LASEn IIEAD FOn 256 MODELS Two 2500W. Kryplon-arc lamps Sell-cenlerlng --laser rod "."lmlr,1 v;~w "r ft .;"' "lUI ,lo"J.,lc-cm"Uc"I '''''''I' cftvily or " cw-pumped Nd: YAt! IMrr (llolot..o ...... 0,1.1. 2r,r; "IItI 206) ! 1 .I Figure 11 [Ref. p. 6 336] l I I -IOU')',. I lIe.I ,,,,,I,.nlr..1 by Inn", . I row.r surrly ol1d circuli 1051.' I' Inpu. rowe, ,n.lIn-;;;;l1 O.~.1.5,.~ ·,-50% 50% r '-'[J "'umher' hv fl Uf11"lng I '"~, ~ lnt .. ,od 'EJ 5% I ~::-I L:~ 2')(, n••"sor"IIon cool01111 nnd bv lo,np 1% I dlsslllo'r.r! by,od .1"01 h.d by '.1 I : I flowlUh., 0% 3U')', I rOw(!r nlnnrhr.rf hv covlly I .I ,I 1 6% i I SIlrl1ul.,.d rhror(!5CenCn oU'pu' f!1II1!~lo" - ---2.0')', OI'''C~I 10"., '----0,0')(, F.:1I~'gy IrRlftllr.~ III RII ol'lir.Rlly 1,,,,,,,,•• 1noll.I-Blftlr. IMr.r .YBlr.rn, (The "r.rcr.lllftge! ftre r,ftdio,," or d.r.tricftl r.1I"'flY ."""li ..1 10 thr. Iftlll,,) ..... •-. - c_ - - • • -_'C:-:~" Figure 12 [Ref. 6 p. 384] Over teml' switch rrenure .Im O·~ I 1.mrer.I",. O·~O"C ,r -- -ttt!1-' e"'''I' 11 ••1 . - - - - - ' .... eKch .. nlJet r " .... vol. L ________ _ neVU'Rtot ..... _ Y31ve L -_____________ Coollllg wllter ~ ,, , ~ Orilic. I I' t OemlneJllber I~ .. Sd''''''Rlic or R willet coolct conlRining " wftlet-lo-WRlet heRl exchRIIger I I Figure 13 [Ref. l II ~1950 I950~ 6 J50 TF IVF ' - - - v - - l '----,--I Low· impedance DC ,ourc! p. 296] mil 50_ VFr ~ Hold·off ne,on3nt circuit diode FI •• IlV -, o Trigger , • Se,le. inlectlon trigger ne!lon,,'nt dlluging or th~ energy .torllge capllCitor in " high-rep~tition-r"t~ system '. ' ", Figure 14 [Ref. 6 p. 415] , ! i, ElectroopLie Q-8wiLch operllled BL (Il) '1uBrLer-wBve ((),' Output mirror ~ockell cell ~/~"y,?') ,ne.r (()"mirror netardallon .~~~~~~~~~g. 1.1 ", Clrcul.rly polariled light I I " f II t;j ,! ii 'r I i, r· LJ t\! ,: ,[ :! i' • ' I, I ' : .! .. " . ... ~. ..~ . . ~ 'rab1e f 1 !! from Lasers & Optronics 1989 Buying Guide •~ ! on-Linear Crystals Cryslal Name Abb",vlallon Fonnula nonlum Olhydrogen Phosphate AOP AOP NH,H,PO, d,,=0.70 @ 0.6943 d,,=0.74 @1.06 nonlum Oldeuterlum Phosphate AO·P AO·P NO,O,PO, d" = 0.8 @ 0.6943 d,.=0.8 @ 1.06 urn Sodium Nlobale BSN Ba,NaNb.o .. d" '" 14.6 @ 1.05 lum Olhydrogen Arsenate COA CsH,AsO. d,,=O.60 @ 1.06 lum Oldeuterlum Arsenate CO'A CsO,AsO. d,.:: 0.60 @ 1.06 UIO, d" :: 5.6 @ 1.06 lum Nlobate UNbO, d,,=5.82 @ 1.06 lum Tanlalate UlaO, dOl = 1.28 @ 1.06 KOP KOP KH,PO. d,. = 0.61 @ 0.6943 d.. =0.61 @1.06 KO·P KO·P KO,PO. Isslum TIIanyl Phosphate KlP KlIOPO. d" = 6.5 @ 1.06 Idlum Olhydrogen Arsenate ROA RbH,AsO. d,. = 0.3 @ 0.6943 Idlum Olhydrogen Phosphate ROP RbH,PO. d,.=0.49 @ 0.6943 Prousllle Ag,AsS, dOl = 15.1 @ 1.15 lum Iodate Isslum Olhydrogen Phosphate ISslum Oldeuterlum Phosphate !I Arsenic Sulllde I SHG Coalflelent @ >. (x 11t" mN @ pill) I! ! I .r I I ; d" = 0.63 @ 0.6943 d,. = 0.63 @1.06 lany data In this table have been ada pled Irom Ihe Chemical Rubber Company lJandbook of Lasers, or from the ",ferenc .• lied Ihereln. 1989 Buylnll Guide :,.', .. : i' " Tab1e 2 [Ref. 6 p. 502-3] I Conye",lon rower LlIllM!r Nunlin"'" miller',,' tld,YAIO, CVA w"Yf'ltmslh elDclene, % ",tn' 1.08-0.64 22 dt!n!llt, (MW'<tn" 42 I,·r.mete,. ndefence Ino IIIJ, e 1IIIn, to 1,,,1, IJ 1I1l, I2MW 'J':::U·C n:::z 00· 110. 07 1 tld,YAO CUA 1.06-0.53 33 125 25 MW, Snun, 18n., 1.2mr, TEM •• tid, YAO CUA 1.00-0.53 ~5 250 SOMW, Smm, 12nl, 1.lmr, TE MoB, 2O rl'· tid, YAO CU' A 1.00-0.53 31 250 SOMW, Shim, 12"1, 1.lmr, TEM •• tid, YAO RUr 1.00-0.53 38 250 tid, YAO elll.,N"Nb,O,. 1.06 -0.53 35 20 2-4 1UC1 •• motiH 601nJ, I2n!l, Snlin, 101'1111 tld,YAG I.ltlbO. 14 I IUl, l ..II t TEMoo, 10"PI 1.00-0.&3 9.2 tid, YAO CU' A 1.00-0.53 30 120 Nd,YAO CUA 1.06-0.63 18 80 SOMW, Smn',l2na, 1'I::M OD , '.'mf, 10..,,,., son InJ, 14 nl, 3Jhnr, 8 min 180mJ, 20MW, 5hlln, .. m,. 10 rp. KUr 1.08-0.&3 51 20J, IDA, TEM oo , 40,,,.41. 20nl Nd ~S"L4~ KUr 1.0"-0.r.3 50 20 J, I nl, 0.n5 At 45 nun Nd,81.... KlJr 1.00-0.53 30 10J, 20M, TEMoGI 0.2mr, 0.& A, YAO 0.0:111.10' Nd,~I ... AlJr 0.63-0.20 30 150 3J, 20u'II, TEMao. Rub,. RUA 0."9-0.35 3T 180 23~nV, o.sA. 10nl, Cmm. D.7mr, TEMtllh .Insle Ions. mocle Rub,. 1,110. 0.01-0.35 I~ 10 20 nit, 3: m.n, '.S tnr, 10MW«m' Rub, Nd,YAU AlJr OU' A 0.110-0.35 10 ITT 51 KU'r I.O~-O.U 48 80 Nd'.8 IOM KU'r 1.05-0.63 83 0500 000 ,= 5J, 18n., I4mm, I.Smr 2TTMW 110·&41 (10. 231 (10. 23 1 I 110·&&1 (10.331 .~ (10.'11 ~,. I. 110.00 1 r", 39.D' 0 "" 00· ,= Icm :!!!I ~ ,l 110. 21 1 '" ~ 30· c n==U· , == 2.5cm "" ~ 30- C 4) =:t 45,~ 5cIn 1' .. 30' 0 4)~U· , == :I.Scm "":!!I30-C a s=:I 85I:!!I 2.5cm '" =t 08.5- C n =t '0,::: '.Ucn. '" ~ 2&- C 0=52- ':I'.le.n T z::I ft == 52- 25·C ~ ~ :! I (10.21 1 , " (10.891 ! 1 (10.1 001 ! (10.1001 1 /10.221 110.111 (10. 101 1 1:1 1.8cm 1.00-0.63 Nd. YAU Nd,YAO I:: 305<10 1'::::1' 40.3· C (t = 00· I:!:! 2.0cm 'I' = 48- c n::: 00· 1= 1.75cPl 'f " 112.3' 0 no = 90· I::::I'1.35cIII l' '" 2S' 0 n:::!: 51I",I.S3im 'f'", 112'0 G::: 90· r = O.Se", 'f'" 100'0 n::: DO· I.ScOl a Nd,81.... 400 nonhl'!r SYII"!m par.,neter. (rUlul.,nenta' wlly"le"sth) 1.00-0.53 10 110 r" 102·0 0.H,15o. 2Orp· a 2.7 J, 17nl, D.4 mr 12.&mm I .. 28·0 CI ~ CO· 110, 1031 T .. 28·0 /10,, 104 1. nOJ, 0.0 .., IDem 400mJ,IOnl, Omm e! '0' r .. /10,1 021 :j :i ,=- 3cm C1eSI7· lei Icm Tee n-e , :I tJ.lJlJcm i 'i,: I , :, i.' 110.181 J , ~! 1,'1' I .. · tl ~'::'r -, '-'--'-~' -, ----~-.-t\-II :,< APPENDIX A Commercial Laser Systems and Components Nd:YAG Lasers, Pulsed' . ~ CD E Z '" ::;: Amoco lOser Company Amoco Laser Company Amoco Laser Company lighlwave fletlronics OEI/Pholon Conlro! OEI/Phoion Conlro! lighlwave Eletlronics lighiwave Eletlronics A-8 Lasers/Baasel Lasertethnik A-B Lasers/Baasel Laserlethnik A-B Lasers/Baasel Laserlethnik A·B Lasers/Baasel Laserlethnik Spetlra-Physics A-B Lasers/Baasel Laserlethnik A-B Lasers/Baasel Laserlechnik A-B Lasers/Baasel Laserlechnik A-B Lasers/Baasel Laserlechnik Laser Diode Producls Inc. A-B Lasers/Baasel Laserlechnik A·B Lasers/Baasel Laserlechnik A-B Lasers/Adlas A-B Lasers/Adlas lasermetrics ALC 1064·50 ALC10640 ALC 1320·25 Series 100 I' YAG1.06·3GS I' YAG1.06·20 Series 110 Series 110 625 635 620 630 7950·Y106 611 615 610 612 LDP-20W 600 L81 DPY 101 DPY 201 95600TML 4116MLOS 4126MLOS AML MYI 9302 RA-YAG-PC RA·YAG Firebird 400-0 series 650 RF 101 MK-367 MYl·looD MYl·l00 MYlA·OEM Model 50 Medical SSL 202 L-l1A L-llB L-lIC Quanlronix Quanlronix JK Lasers JK Lasers Lasermetrics Medo, Eletlro-Optics Medo' Elec~o·Optics Modo, Eletlro-Optics US Laser Corp. A·B Lasers/Baasel L;serlechnik Pholon Inleractions Kigre Inc. laser Pholonics Laser Pholonics Laser Pholonics Coherenl General Pholon Inleraclions Hoya Oplics Inc, Hoya Oplics Inc. Hoya Optics Inc. -CD ",:::l a; ::;: 0:;;; "5E :::l 0 .5 0 "e. ::l'O .c 'C -"'0-., ",E. ".., c E w_ ~ c'" wS 0.02 'ii) ~- CIJ CD u- c.!l "01 Ole '" 0E-g e 10 .g e i! a: " E 111- '" e. ::;:,9, 0.28 0.35 0.37 4.5 0.6 7.8 3.5 x 10' 0.70 0.70 0.16 0.50 2.5 2.2 8.0 3.0 ::l .'"M.,8 ::;:~ a.=' c.~ Q) +I 11:_ -u< =.c.Eg~m t.) _ 'C 115/1/1 2 10 2 .2;:lIl_ 115/1/1 6 x 10010.04 5 x 10-' 1 x 10-' 1.2 x 10-' 1 x 10-- 1.2 x 10-' I x 10-' 0.2 0.5 0.6 0.6 1.0 4.0 4.0 0.01 0.02 0.08 0.08 0.12 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 2.50 5.0 8.0 10.0 17.0 17.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 6.00 8.00 10.00 0.70 0.70 0.31 0.50 0.70 0.70 0.50 3.00 2.70 0,90 1,00 1.50 <0.8 <0.8 1.70 1.70 1.50 2.50 2.50 2.00 6.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 6.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.0 2.0 4.2 1.4 2.0 2.0 1.4 25.0 6.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 <2.0 <2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 14.0 7.5 1.0 1.5 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 2.0 5.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 10' 2000.00 lD' 8.4 x 10' 10' 8.4 x 10' 10000,00 50000.00 50000.00 50000.00 50000.00 7000,00 50000.00 2000.00 2000.00 200.00 800.00 800.00 10.00 10.00 1.00 1000.00 1000.00 5.00 30000.00 50000.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 1.00 2.00 30.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7 X 10- 11 1 x 10-" I x 10-" 5 x 10-' 1 x 10-' 5.5 x 10-' 3 x 10-' 1 x 102.6 x 10-' 2.6 x 10-' 2 x 102 x 101 X 10- 10 1 x 10- 10 1 x 10- 1 1 X 10- 10 3 X 10- 11 1 X 10- 10 1 x 10-' 2 x 10- 11 1 x 10-" 5 x 10-' 1.8 x 101 x 10-' 4 x 10" 8 x 108 x 10-' 8 x 10-' 8 x 10-' 1.5 x 108 x 10-' 6 x 10-' 4 x 10-' 2.0 2.0 6.0 6.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 1.5 4.0 4.0 7.0 20.0 7.5 5.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 13.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 1.0 0.5 - 0 a::;;-g 3 x 10" 8 x 10' 2 x 10-' 1 x 10-' 1 x 10-' 7 x 10- 11 EoC " me ~~ _ -,', -3; .5-5. CD a.e 10' c ... ID ::l "3~ '"" _E~ III '" 'ii) a:" ... E '"E 0- -.,en o ~= :::l . .; .. CD E Gi EN "', ~ .J:'" 115/13/1 115/13/1 120/1/1 110/1/1 220/30/3 220/30/3 220/30/3 220/30/3 120/2/1 220/30/3 220/30/3 220/30/3 220/30/3 115/15/1 220/30/3 220/30/3 240/0.5/1 240/0.5/1 220/50/3 208/30/3 208/50/3 208/5/3 208/5/1 208/100/3 .,.'" CD 0 _ ~:lCii . "E e - Ol- -'0" - . - &:: .. :::l E' =uQ) ...J, )( CJ 'C"ID -'C. III C.! CD_ e ~ee. !!! ::l 10 CD '"cCD a: . ..." ;;; mOE ~ .2cn ~:::l a. _ 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 - so!!! Air Air Air Air Air 4.000 4,000 4.000 4.000 Air 4,000 4.000 4.000 4.000 Air 4.000 4,000 Air Air 270 6.000 10.000 1.000 1.000 200 12 12 12 - 20.000 24.000 20.000 10 25.000 20.000 10 25.000 - - - - 12 12 3 3 12 12 12 12 3 7.000 8.000 Air 10 100 Air Air Air " 'H01>e. 0- ~. Diode pumped Diode pumped Diode pumped Conlrols oulpul 01 Q·swilched Nd:YAG 10 single axial mode Diode pumped. gain·swilched. single IreQuency 10 5 kHZ Diode pumped. O·swilched Diode pumped. YAG and YLF versions available Diode pumped. Irequency doubling available Modular syslem. modelocked. 532 nm Modular sysfem. modelocked, 532 nm Modular system, modelocked Modular sySfem. modelocked Fiber·coupled. diode·laser-pumped sySfem. Model -L104 is YLF version Modular sySfem. 532 nm. O-swilched Modular sySfem. compaci. Q-swilched. OEM Modular sySfem, O·swilched Modular syslem. 532 nm. O·swilched Air COOled, complere syslem. diode pumped Modular system, a-switched Upgradable 10 Class I. 10 120 W. mar~ng/engraving syslem DiOde laser pumped, 532 nm version available - 40.000 - 220/40/3 220/60/3 Ballery 110 or 12 Vdc 115/5/1 115/5/1 115/5/1 220/5/1 115/5/1 110/10/1 110/10/1 110/10/1 ii U 52.000 - 5.460 Diode laser pumped. 532 nm version available Simullaneous Q-switch and modelock, SHG optional 2, 3, and 4 harmonics available, Superlnvar bread.board 2. 3. and 4 harmonics available. Superlnvar breadbOard Aclive·aclive modelocked. 100 ps jiller on synchlonizalion. harmonics 2. 3. and 4 harmonics Oplional harmonics, singlepulse extraclor, energy al cenler oflrain Nd:YLF model 1.5 mJ aI 1 kHz Nd:YLF model 3 mJ al I kHz Combinalion YLF/glass Available as laser alone or as turnkey system Modu~r syslem Rangelinder Doubling option. 10· or 20-J supply. mil. Qual .. O-swilch module. Ullra·compacl. IreQuency·doubled. lolded resonalor Ultra-compact, folded resonator 13.000 10 18.000 25.000 10 30.000 25.000 10 30.000 25.000 10 30,000 Ullra·compaci. OEM kil High peak power. 50 pps in bursl mode. OEM medical laser O·swilched. 532 nm Q-switched, 0.75-2.5 MW peak power, low noise, stable O·swilched. 0.75·2.5 MW peak power. low noise. slable O·swilched. 0.75·2.5 MW peak power. low noise. slable . . "-. ., Q) "0 z" ow OE .- Gi Ole .- o :E e E w_ a;-; - :;::;: :;E ." Kigre Inc. General Ph.'.nics JK lasers yJK Lasers Kigre Inc. . laser Pholonics Pholon Inler3clions Pholon Inleracli.ns Pholon Inleratli.ns Kigre Inc. Kigre Inc. KEI lasermelrics Ferranli Une Lile Laser line lite laser Cilas Aicalel General Pholonics General Ph.'.nics KEt Lasermelrics Laser Nucleonics Une Ule Laser Ph.'.n Inleraclions R-K Manulacluring Mod., Eleclro-Oplics Ferranli aEI/Speclron Laser Syslems las';' PholoniCS Photon Inleraclions aEl/speclron Laser Syslems JK Lasers JK lasers auanlel Laser Pholonics Medo, Eleclro-Oplits Apoll. Lasers Laser Nucleonics OEI{Speclron Laser Syslems Ferranli General Photonics aEI/SDeclron Laser Svslems ~- CD .S -Q ) a 0. :; E E Ferranli o "." 0.0 ~ QI .D 520 MK-480 TWO-45a PNlL{PNlP MLSI MK-l0 YaL-l020 SSL 201 SAM 101 DPL 101 MK-350 MK-25 LTM-86 9302 629 620 621 Cilas 201 TWO-46Q TWO-45 LO-82 9401 YG-l0 622 SSL 102 20 81ue Slar 118 SL201 yaL102 SSL 101 SL401 PNlL/AMP2 MLS2 YG-SOO series YNL-l02 Brighl Slar 715 YG·25 SL402 905 TWO-46 SL404 a. 8 ,..1~ QI-, 3.00 7.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 Q) ,.." OlE w_ " E 24.0 30.0 30.0 35.0 35.0 50.0 50.0 15.00 25.00 25.00 30.00 30.00 10.00 10.00 70.0 70.0 90.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 30.00 - 35.00 130.0 140.0 150.0 lSO.0 180.0 40.00 60.00 60.00 75.00 45.00 200.00 200.00 40.00 30.00 - 200.0 200.0 2SO.0 250.0 300.0 300.0 350.0 EN "'. 0_ Q) E '" '" E E . "g~ CD 01 01" ~ '" ~= c.2 E-o 4.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 5.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 4.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 5.UO 6.00 5.00 6.00 6.30 6.00 6.00 3.00 2.00 4.00 5.UO 6.00 4.00 9.00 9.UO 7.UO 5.UO 5.00 6.00 6.30 6.00 6.UO 6.00 .2 " ~ o" a. - e Qj QI a: '"'" '"~E '" - "'4.0 Q) ;; a: 1.5 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 <2.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 2.5 1.5 0.3 1.0 2.0 <2.0 <2.0 10.0 50.0 5.0 0.6 5.0 5.0 5.0 1.8 2.0 1.5 <2.0 2.0 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.6 3.5 3.0 0.8 2.5 5.0 0.8 e QI .. -.. CD ~-g ·0 )( 0 ' " Q) :Eo!!!. 1.00 5.00 100.00 10.00 10.00 1.00 20.00 1.00 20.00 20.00 1.00 1.00 10.00 1.00 20.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 20.00 5.00 .100.00 5.00 50.00 0.50 1.00 20.00 SO.OO 20.00 1.00 50.00 10.00 \0.00 .30.00 20.00 0.03 15.00 100.00 20.00 20.00 50.00 . 20.00 ., -'" ". .sa !!!>o ~ .~ Q..= . .c o '" ~CG QI.,- .!! a. ot :J II) +1 11."'_ 4 x 10-' 1.2 x 10-' 1 x 10- 10 3 X 10- 11 4 X 10- 9 1.5 x 10-' 1.5 x 10-' 5 x 10-' 1 x 10-' 4 x 10-' 6 x 10-' 1.5 x 10-' 1.5 x 10-' 13.0 5.0 ·7.0 20.0 10.0 5.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 5.0 1.2 x 10-' 1.2 x 10-' 1 x 10- 8 I x 10-' 1 x 10-' 1.7 x 10-' 1.2 x 10-' 5.0 5.0 1.5 x 10-' 2 x IO- l 1 X 10- 12 6 x 10-' 1.5 x 10-' 1.5 x 10-' 8 x 10-' 1 X 10- 10 3 X 10- 11 3.5 x 10-" 1.2 x 10-' 1 x IO- Il 1.5 x -. 1.4 x 10-' . I X 10- 1 1.4 x 10-' 5.0 5.0 10.0 5.0 2.0 5.0 0.5 10.0 5.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 7.0 20.0 10.0 5.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 C QI CD CD E.D Eg'= ;:sii ~g ~.a E a.'" '3-0 me a:-"O··"Q)co -- ~:u: crro Q,Jo_" "OQJ' xu G.I ... 13. co c~co. 1? ~ g'" m =.c.9- u< .!> w_ u ~'6 .. 19·32 Vdc 11001 12 Vdc 115{5{1 208/10/3 208/10/1 Air 500 2.000 2.000 - .,JUQI g:>~ :ace ==.5..!!! QI 01 " a: '" ~Ui" _en 11._ ~:J - - 9.000 20.000 10 30.000 - 4.374· 115/10/1 115/5/1 115/5/1 115/5/1 100 100 - - 28:!:4Vdc 208/100/3 22-30 Vdc .. 115{3{1 115/3/1 - - 200 12 - Rangelinder or Iraosmil only. mililary qualilied 3 6 12 12 12 3 3 ·3 - 2. 3. and 4 hamlOniCS - - a-switched, frequellcy-doubled - -,". - - 5.160 4.874 25.000 - - - 300 300 12 12 - - - - 115/10/1 115/5/1 28 :!: 4Vdc 115/3/1 115/3/1 . 115{3/1 115/5/1 110/5/1 1.000 500 6 6 - - 27.000 I. 32.000 . 13.000 10 22.000 37.000 20.000 I. 30.000 7.900 20.000 10 30.000 10,000 1.000 100 Air - - 22-32 Vdc 208/15/1 115/10/1 115/5/1 208/15/1 208/15/3 220/15/1 208/15/3 115/10/1 - 115/5/1 115/5/1 208/15/1 28 Vdc 115/10/1 208/15/1 1.500 30 1.500 3.000 3.000 2.500 12 12 12 3 12 12 12 3 12 12 12 12 12 - - 400 20.000 1.500 12 12 12 8-s1age allenllali.n syslem. energy m.nilO1. circuil101 HeNe aiming beam Opliona".3'8 I'm operali.n Atlive-aclive m.delocked. 100 ps jiller on synchronizalion Dye a-swilch. I.w Single axial moue Two laser pulses wilh separation adjuslable Irom 4-40 IJ. S Rangelinder/largcl marker Oplional harmonrcs. pulse slicer nangelinder or designalor, mililary qualified 24.500 28.500 4.95010 7.500 Air cooled. bursl m.ue-I I. 10 pulses alSO Hz ShOll pulse, air cooled Oplional1.318 JL m operalion Optional 1.318 pm operalion Rangclinder O-switch, 2, J, or .:1 harmonics low cost. low mainlenance Sll~t pulse, sillgle shot or hursl mode at 50 Hz Q-switched 5 ns pulse duration. il O-switched - - - Rangelinder or deSignator, mililary qualilied - - - Small size. wilh compacl laser head Q-swilch. sell-contained cooling Q-swilched 2. J, and 4 harmonics available, near-Gaussian profile Aclive-aclive modclockcd, 100 ps jilleE on synchroninlion, harmonics 2. J, and 4 harmOllics available 40.000 I. 60.000 - Aclive/passive mrn.Jelucking, single pulse selector, lS-ps pulses long pulse, sell-contained cooling Combinalioo VAG/glass Accepts alexandrile wilh tllner 9.850 - low cost, low mainlenance 2, 3. and 4 harmonics available. near ·Gaussian pJOfile Rangclindcr or designator, military qualilied 1.000 1.500 6 12 18.000 10 24.000 Oplional 1.318 pm olleralioll 2.3, and 4 harmonics availahle, ncar· Gaussian prolile ~ ., .c ~ ~ !::I U ;; . . c :0 Lasermelrics .QE1/SpetllO. Laser Syslems JK Lasers Spet~a-Physics JK Lasers JK Lasers JK Lasers auaolel Speclra-Physics Speclra-Physics auaolel aEllSpetlroo Laser Syslems Spetlra-Physics Spetlra-Physics Lasermelric:s Spetlra-Physics Spetlra-Physics aEI/Speclro. Laser Syslems Speclra-Physics Spetlra-Physics lasernlelrics lasermetrics Medox Eleclro-Oplics Pholon Inleraclions Lasermelrics lasermelrics Pholon Inlefaclions Toshiba Corp. lasermelrics Lasefmelrics R-K Maoulacluriog JK Lasers JK Lasers TosIliba Corp. Apollo Lasers International Laser Machines Raytheon laser PrO<lucls Toshiba Corp. Toshiba Corp. Laser Nucleooics Raylheoo Laser Producls Toshiba Corp. lasaQ Corp. E ::I Z Qi ":0o 9302 SLBOI HY200 OCR-II· HY400 HY500 HY750 YG-570 serics DCR-4D (10) DCR-4G (10) YG-5BO series SLB02 OCR 3D (30) OCR 3G (30) 933Y311-3 OCR 30 (20) OCR 3G (20) SLB03 OCR 3D (10) OCR 3G (10) 933Y3L -3 9420 Dark lIorse SSL 103 936Y311-3 936Y3L·3 SSL 121 LAY-60IC 933Y3L-I 933Y3H-1 6000Y JK 703 MS 35 LAY·600C 1610 YlOOr 55384 LAY·S02C LAY-603C Y-6 55525 LAY-SOOD KLS-016 "0 o "5 E 0. 8 "5:2 _G> ::1"0 0.0 "5 E ow ,..f- OE ~~ ;;;c-,- mc ,..::> ",E c E w_ w.§. 100.00 400.0 500.0 IBO.OO 320.00 400.00 500.00 BOO.OO 1100.00 1100.00 1250.00 1200.00 - - - 700.0 700.00 700.00 50.00 750.00 000.00 - 750.0 - 850.0 850.00 900.00 50.00 - - 1000.0 1000.0 1000.00 - 50.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 - - - - - 1000.0 1500.0 2000.0 2000.0 4500.0 10000.0 10000.0 10000.0 15000.0 15000.0 15000.0 20000.0 20000.0 20000.0 25000.0 25000.0 25000.0 25000.0 25000.0 26000.0 - u; ~ ~ .~ 01 U co!!! 0I0l .. . ~== .- ::I E .. E-o "0. EN' . - <I> C_ .. E ., E "'C ~ C- ..01 eE "'- '" 1.50 1.0 6.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 8.00 8.00 7.00 9.50 9.50 7.00 B.OO 7.00 7.00 4.50 7.00 7.00 8.00 7.00 7.00 4.50 3.00 5.00 8.00 4.50 4.50 6.00 6.00 4.50 4.50 6.30 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.35 6.00 6.00 6.30 7.90 10.00 6.00 0.8 0.8 0.5 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.7 <D.5 <0.5 0.7 O.B 0.5 0.5 5.0 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.5 5.0 2.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 2.0 B.O 5.0 5.0 3.0 10.0 2.0 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.0 8.0 20.0 10.0 2.0 gil Ci '~ - ., 0 ~ '5 '0 ,,"" .== ", COl'" o .r::.Q. _ U) 03: .!!? 0_" 20.00 50.00 0.10 1.00 .0.50 500.00 100.00 200.00 . 100.00 200.00 10.00 5.00 50.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 50.00 =:clE ~.2E -'U., )( U .,0_ . a:-" ".,-i3. "., ·i., a: 1.00 20.00 50.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 30.00 10.00 10.00 30.00 20.00 30.00 30.00 1.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 0.10 50.00 0.03 20.00 1.00 0.10 . - Ol_ E c - 2.5 x 10-' B x 10-' B x 10-' B x 10-' 9 x 10-' 1.2 x 10-1 B x 10-' B x 10-' B x 10-' B x 10-' B x 10-' B x 10-' B x 10-' B x 10-' 1.5 x 10-1 B x 10-' B x 10" 1.4 x 10-' B x 10-' 8 x 10-' 1.5 x 10-1 4 x 10-' I Sr. 10-" . I x 10-' 1.5 x 10-1 1.5 x 10-1 1.5 x 10-' I x 10-' 7.5 x 10-' 7.5 x 10-' 2xlO-" CW I x 10-' I x 10-' B x 10"' 2 x 10-' 8 x 10-' 6 x 10-' 6 x 10-' 1 x 10- 2 1 x 10- 2 2 x 10- 2 4P 0 'C QJ m.£ '- ~Co. ra == 0 E 208110013 2OBI1511 2OBI511 2OBll0ll 220lBII 2OBll0ll 20BI1511 20BI1513 20B13011 20BI3011 2OBI1513 20BII511 2OBI5011 20BI5011 2OBllOOl3 20B13011 20BI3011 208{1511 2OB/2011 20B12011 22015011 220{100/1 200 3.000 1,000 60 .§..!!! 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 '12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 - - - 2.000 200 5.0 2.5 2.5 10.0 220/2511 2081100/3 22015011 1151511 20015013 22015011 20BllOOl3 11512011 5] 5.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 1.0 1.0 2.5 1.0 . 1.0 1.0 2.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 2.5 0.5 2.5 2.5 - 2.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 2.0 5.0 5.0 2.0 500 2.000 3.000 2.500 - 2.500 3.000 - 200 - 3.000 - ., !::I ;; ., .,m . II. ~u;._ VI "0 c a: ;;; ., '" 0. ~::J 11._ - Optional pulse slicer 2, J, and 4 harmonics available. near-Gaussian profile 25.000 10 30.000 35.000 10 40.000 40.000 10 45.000 60.000 10 BO.OOO 2. 3. a.d 4 harmooics. lIyperYAG IOsooalor Small. ambieol air cooling, compuler coolrol Compacl power supply. harmooics. HyperYAG resonalor 2. 3. and 4 harmooics, HyperYAG IOsooalor 2. 3, and 4 harmonics. HyperYAG resonator - a-swilched: 75 mJ. IS ps. '" 10% il modelocked: dual osclsiogle amp 2, 3. aDd 4 harmooicS available. dillraclion·coupled oolpul - 2. 3, and 4 harmonics available. near-Gaussian output 35.000 10 55.000 Full harmonics. wavelength separation, remole coRlrol, Inval - 2. 3. and 4 harmonics available. near-Gaussian profile - 2. 3. aDd 4 harmooics. dillraclion-coupled oolpul 2. 3. and 4 harmooics. oear-Gaussiao heam. Ioog-lile a-swilch - - - Optional O-swilch. 2. 3, or 4 harmonics. pulse slicer 2. 3. and 4 harmonics. injection seeding, elalon 2. 3. and 4 harmonics. near-Gaussian beam. long-lile Q-swilch 2. 3. and 4 harmonics available. near-Gaussian pro/ile 2. 3. and 4 harmonics. injeclion seeding. single transverse mode - 2. 3. and 4 harmonics. near-Gaussian beam. long-lile a-swilch - - 3 12 12 - - Two-slage amplifier - - - Optional a-swilch. 2. 3. - 12.000 3 12 12 12 12 12 - - - 20015013 20BI4013 4B0130{3 208110013 20015013 20015013 11511511 4BOl6013 20015013 120/6011 8.000 8.000 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 - 4.000 B.OOO 200 - 3.000 8.000 B.OOO 2.000 11.000 B.OOO - Oplional Q-swilch. 2. 3. or 4 harmonics. pulse slicer a-swilch. 2. 3. Of 4 harmonics Oplional 2. 3. or 4 harmonics. pulse slicer Oplional 2. 3. or 4 harmonics. pulse slicer Opliooal G-swilch. 2. 3. or 4 harmonics, pulse slicer Of 4 harmonics. pulse slicer 15.420 10 2B.000 10 ns pulse duration. il a-swilched - 100 W average power. welding tasks - - Ullra-line culling. drilling - Eleclronic power SIlPIJly wilh pulse shaping Powered 110m Y Of delta hookup 6.900 . low price. low mainlenallce Fiberoplic beam delivery. rep rale varies wilh pulse widlh & voltage Fiberoplic heam delivcry. ileNe aiming laser\ beam scanning I I I I ~. a;U ~ ""'E" ::I Z iii "0 o Lasermelrics Lasermelrics Toshiba Corp. Toshiba Corp. Inlernalionallaser Machines JK Lasers Lasag Corp. Coherenl General Inlernalional Laser Machines Raylheon Laser Producls Raylheon Laser Producls JK Lasers Conlrol Laser Corp. Lasag USA Inc. Inlemalional Laser Machines Lasag USA Inc. TOShiba Corp. NEGIIBB Gmbll Conlrol Laser Corp. auenlron Eleclronics PIL - o -:; E a. 8 -:;::; OW ,.,1DIe: ~ .- _'" ~ ::1"0 0.0 -:;E 0= ,.,::1 ",E. ~ "'- ~.g . -. ,., "'a. EN 0_ E .. ., g§" . E,; .... '" OJ DIe ~ ~= 5.2 CD iii .g '".ge ;: ,''a."" <I: :;; e: E w_ "'''' e E w_ "'''' 936Y3L·I 936Y3H·I LAY·6020 LAY·6030 Y200P MS820 KLS·112 M34 Y400P SS484 SS5SO MS830 440·8 KLS-J22 Y400rZ KLS-522 LAY·606A YL 126 480-16 50.00 50.00 30000.0 30000.0 35000.0 35000.0 35000.0 35000.0 35000.0 50000.0 50000.0 50000.0 50000.0 55000.0 60000.0 70000.0 80UOO.0 85000. 0 100000.0 100000.0 120000.0 4.50 4.50 10.00 10.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 10.00 6.00 9.SO 7.90 9.00 18.00 6.00 6.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 18.00 5.0 5.0 ,10.0 10.0 10.0 15.0 2.0 0.10 1.00 5.00 SO.OO 200.00 500.00 300.00 - - 10.0 15.0 20.0 15.0 5.0 2.0 10.0 2.0 15.0 15.0 5.0 200.00 10.00 200.00 500.00 48.00 300.00 100.00 300.00 200.00 100.00 96.00 - - - - Custom - - - - - - ..~---------.-.-.-.---------... -- l! ::I o ., .,e C)='"E""'" =~~ '5'".,. ;0 u ", .,0_ ~'=E >< u '" E~ D..e . '" :;;!!!. 111- ., . -. . B ., '3~ ,c .. E '" E 111- f c e . .!! >- . ::I .~ D.= , .0 '.~ c.~ 2.5 2.5 5.0 5.0 -. 2.0 ,2.0 - 5.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 5.0 2.0 - -g ~ "0"" .i5. GJ . g ::: .~ :a - E OJ e ~ "," ._ a. _.... '3 <1)+1' D..a:_, 7.5 x 10·' 1.5 x 10·' 6 x 10-' 6 x 10-' 2 x 10·' r:N 2xlO-'·· 2 x 10-' 2 x 10-' 8xlO-'· IxlO-'· r:N 4 x 10·' 2 x 10·' 4 x IO- l 2 x 10-' I x 10-' I x 10-' 7 x 10-' - ",-u .2 l! , CD",_ en ...J c~~ ~ea. o ===-:s ~ 220lSOli 208110013 20015013 200IS013 480lS013 20816013 20816013 48014013 48017513 480110013 48016013 20816013 220lS013 20816013 480110013 . 20816013 20018013 20016013 220110013 - - 0 so!!! 12.000 10.000 16.000 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12· 12 12 12 12 - - 200 8.000 8,000 - 17.000 6.000 15.000 17.000 8.000 - - - ., ! ::I iii 'e:." DI 8? '"BtA" iii U CD _C/l a. ~=> D.._ - 60.000 10 70.000 - 95,000 10 105.000 <II Oplional a·swilch. 2, 3, or 4 harmonics, pulse slicer Oplional a·swilch. 2. 3. or 4 harmonics, pulse slicer - Electronic power supply with pulse shaping 200 Waverage power. low diwrgence oplics Fiberoplic beam delivery. HeNe aiming laser, GGTV viewing Oeep hole drilling Eleclronic power supply wilh pulse shaping Powered 110m YIX della hookup Fiberoplic beam delivery, rep rale varies wilh pulse widlh & vollage 400 W average power, spetiallow-divergence drilling oplics - Microcompuler conlr(jler. variable pulse energy. on-board CNG - Fiberoplic beam delivery. IleNe aiming laser, lrinocutar viewing - - - Fiberoplic beam delivery. BeNe aiming laser, Irinocula! viewing Pulse forming nelwork Fiber beam delivery Microcomputer controller, variable pulse energy, on·board CNC Custom designed systems lor industry I 1 ,, Diode l-asers, Pulsed . .<: ;;, ., c ~ ~ GO --... ~ :::J U GO .a :! ~ GO E t;j Z ~ 'i GO :::J 'i :2~ ~ ::; 'w ~ w_ E ~s. > c o c ." .l: ~ ~ 4( u .!le E c GaAlAs GaNAs GaAIAs GaAlAs GaAlAs GaNAs GaNAs GaAlAs GaNAs GaAIAs GaAIAs GaAIAs GaNAs GaAIAs GaAIAs GaNAs GaAlAs GaAIAs GaAlAs GaNAs GaAIAs GaAIAs GaAIAs GaAIAs GaAIAs GaAlAs GaAIAs GaAIAs GaNAs GaAIAs GaAIAs GaAlAs GaNAs GaAIAs GaAlAs GaAlAs GaAlAs GaAIAs GaAs GaAs. GaAs GaAlAs GaA/As 785 785 785 810 810 810 810 810 820 820 820 820 820 820 820 820 820 820 820 820 820 820 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 870 904 904 904 904 904 :::J Oplo-fleclronics Oplo-Eleclronics Oplo-fleclronics Telelunken Eleclronic Telelunken Elecironic Oplo-Eleclronics Oplo-Eleclronics Spectra Diode Labs Oplo-Eleclronics Oplo·Eleclronics Oplo-Eleclronics Oplo-Eleclronics Anlel Oplronics Speclra Diode labs Speclra Diode labs Speclra Diode labs Amperex/Phmps Speclra Diode Labs Speclra Diode labs Speclra Diode Labs Amperex/Philips Amperex/Philips Oplo-Eleclronics Oplo-Eleclronics Oplo-Eleclronics Sianiel Componenls Sianiel Componenls Anle! Ophonics 0 PPl30K PPL5OM·785 PLS20 TXSKl100 TXSK1101 PPL30K PLS10 SOl.·3230·J PPLSOM-820 PPL30K PLS20 PLSIO PL·820 SDl·2100·E2 SDl-2100-El SDl-2100-EI 516COFA SDl-3210-J SDl-2150·K SDl-3220·J 513COLA 512COLA PPL30K PPL50M·850 PLS20 lBl-02 lB2-D2 PL-850 RCA C86039E Amperex/philips 516COFB RCA C86040E Laser Diode Inc. LA-50 series Sianiel Componenls W,erles Laser Diode Inc. LA-I60 series Sianiel Componenls LK series Laser Diode Inc. LA-2OO series Laser Diode Inc. LA-400 series Amperex/Phillps 516COFC Oplo·Eleclronics PPL30K Oplo-Eleclronics ... . . . PLS10 Anlel Oplronics PL·904 Sianiel Componenls LAl-02 Sianiel Componenls lAJ-02 C .<: GO GO C - 5.0 0.5 5.0 3.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 3.0 0.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 3.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 0.5 5,0 5.0 5.0 3.5 5.0 3.0 5.0 3.5 5.0 3.5 5.0 3.5 3.5 3.0 10.0 10.0 3.5 4.5 4~ "0 GO ~:::J Z 0.0200 0.0200 0.0300 0.0075 0.0150 0.0200 0.1000 40.0000 0.0200 0.0200 0.0300 0.1000 0.2000 0.5000 0.5000 1.0000 3.0000 10.0000 10.0000 25.0000 150.0000 250.0000 0.0200 0.0200 0.0300 0.1000 0.2000 0.2000 1.5000 3.0000 3.0000 11015 11020 121075 30 10 100 7510325 22510 1,000 3.0000 0.1500 0.2000 0.4000 2.0000 3.0000 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 (1000 shipes) 1 1 1 1 1 1 (10 Siripes) 1 (10 slripes) 1 (10 slrlpes) 1 1 (500 shipes) 1 (40 slripes) 1 (1000 slripes) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3or5 2,3,5,or6 12, 24, or. 48 40 or 120 1 1 .. '. . . ; 1 ,. 1 1 1 ~ '" E GO iii ~ GO g> u GO u_ GO '" C GO g= ...o ~ e' >-., Q ., E t'! .. CI GO ...E Q) 111:9. 10 x 30 <0.5 <0.5 7 x 12 10 x 35 ~ -c 11:_ 10 x 30 7 x 12 7 x 13 35 35 35 x 10 10 x 35 10 x 35 0.3 mrad 3Ox38 S or M SorM S or M Mulll Mulli Mulli MulU Ml MLMT MLMT MLMT Ml Ml .S or M MM 10 x 30 5Ox2O 50 x 20 7 x 13 7.5 x 15 7.5 x 15 20 2Ox30 20 2Ox30 20 20 } x 12 7 x 13 20 x 15 20 x 15 S or M Mulli Mull! Mulli Mulll Ml Mulll MLST MLST Ml S or M SorM Mull! Mulli MuRi - e'" .5 E 1= MM ;.;' (! GO UI GO SorM MM SorM ML. SI MLSI SorM S or M MM .. '"- GO_ ... u O t.... II ., 0.06 0.06 0.06 - 0.06 0.08 200000.00 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.08 . 100.00 100.00 100.00 200000.00 100.00 20000.00 50.00 50.00 0.06 0.06 0,06 350.00 350.00 0.08 100.00 100.00 80.00 50.00 80.00 50.00 80.00 80.00 0.06 0.08 0.08 i' 200.00 i 200.00 . 0.04 30.0 0.04 50000.0 0.04 30.0 2.60 2.60 0.04 30.0 0.06 30.0 1.00 0.1 0.04 50000.0 0.04 30.0 0.04 30.0 30.0 0.06 0.06 100.0 100.0 0.50 0.50 100.0 0.50 100.0 0.50 500000.0 10000.00 0.1 1.00 100.0 1000.00 0.1 1.00 2000.0 1.00 2000.0 0.04 30.0 0.04 50000.0 0,04 30,0 1.00 170.0 1.00 170.0 100.0 0.06 1.00 1.0 0.50 500000.0 1.00 1.0 1.00 5.0 2.00 5.0 1.00 2.5 2.00 5.0 1.00 1.0 1.0 1.00 0.50 500000.0 0.04 . 30.0 0.06 30.0 0.06 100.0 2.00 1.0 2.00 1.0 +1510 +35 +1510 +35 +1510 +35 - +25 +1510 +35 .010 +25 +1510 +35 +1510 +35 +1510 +35 +1510 +35 Ambienl -2010 +.10 2010 +10 20 10 +70 010 +60 -2010 +50 -2010 +50 -20 10 +50 -2010 +60 -20 10 +60 +1510 +35 +1510 +35 +1510 +35 -20 10 +70 2010 +10 Ambienl -5510 +10 010 +60 -5510 +70 -50 10 +70 -4510 +100 -50 10 +70 -4510 +100 -50 10 +10 -50 10 +70 010 +60 +1510 +35 +1510 +35 Ambienl -4010 +70 -4010 +70' 6.600 6.700 6.600 83 140 5,400 10 19,400 5.300 1.000 6.800 6.800 5,300 1.995 848 512 230 6,800 7.000 6.800 1,995 848 11510325 29510850 848 5,300 5,300 . 1,995 Picosecond lase!. wilh SM or MM conneclor SM or MM conneclorized module , Picosecond lase! and pulse!, wilh window or libe! piglail . Picosecond ~se! piglailed 10 ~nglemode or mullimode fiber Picosecond laSe! and pulSe!, wilh window or libe! piglail Quasi-cw linear affay. 8 mJ per pu~e SM or MM conneclorized module Picosecond lase! wilh SM or MM conneclor Picosecond lase! and pulSe!, wilh window or fiber piglall Picosecond laser and pulSe!, wilh window or fiber piglail Picoseamd laser wilh SM or MM piglail or window TO-18 wilh 100 I'm. 0.3 NA libe! piglail TO-18 fiber slub TO-18 window. low amplilude jille!. 1% duly laclor 50/125 I'm mullimode liber piglail, SOT-I86 package Ouasi-cw opera lion, 2 mJ/pulse, CUSlom hea~ink High peak power. high elliciency Quasi-cw linear affay lor pumping solidslale laSe! til lor iIIuminalor Packaged as collimaled pen, gain·guided laSe! made via VPE Gain·guided, asllgmalic, VPE manulaclu," Picosecond laser wilh SM or MM conneclor SM or MM conneclorized module Picosecond ~Se! and pulser, wilh window or liber piglail 8-32 headed slud wilh window cap, 1.3 A peak lorward CUffenl 8-32 llweaded Slud wilh window cap, 1.3 A peak lorward CUffenl Picosecond laser wilh SM or MM plglail or window Siudmounled, lOC conslruclion 50/125 I'm mullimode liber piglail, S0l-184 package Siud mounled, LOC conslruclion, fibered version available TO-18 package, 800·880 nm oulpul on special orde! Single-dlip MOCVD·lOC, 8-32 slud wilh window cap, low Induclance TO-18 or TO·5 package, 800-880 nm oul,,"1 on special order Slacked-array MOCVD·lOC, 8-32 slud wilh window cap, low induclance TO-5 package, 800-880 nm oulpul on special order Mounled on copper block, 800-880 nm OUlpul on special order 50/125 I'm mullimode liber piglall, SDT-I84 package Picosecood lase! wilh SM or MM conneclor Picosecond laser and pulser, wilh window or fiber piglail Picosecood laser wilh SM or MM piglail or window 8-32 llweaded slud wilh window cap, 15 A peak klrward CUffenl·· 8-32 l/veaded Slud wilh window cap, 20 A peak lorward cooenl . ., UNITED STATES PRICE LIST Effective June 1, 1988 Prices Subject To Change Without Notice All Prices Are United States Funds Spectra Diode Labs cw Model Number Output Power (mW) Price 1-4 SDL-34BO-L SDL-2460-C SDL-2460-H1 SDL-2460-P2 SDL-2461-H1 SDL-2461-P2 SDL-2462-Pl SDL-2462-P2 SDL-2430-C SDL-2430-Hl SDL-2430-H2 SDL-2431-Hl SDL-2431-H2 SDL-2432-Hl SDL-2432-Pl SDL-2420-C SDL-2420-H 1 SDL-2420-H2 SDL-2420-H7 SDL-2421-Hl SDL-2421-H2 SDL-2421-H7 SDL-2422-Hl SDL-2422-H2 SDL-2422-H7 SDL-2410-C SDL-2410-Hl SDL-2410-H2 SDL-2410-H7 SDL-2411-Hl SDL-2411-H2 SDL-2411-H7 SDL-2412-Hl SDL-2412-H2 SDL-2412-H7 SDL-1400-C SDL-1400-Hl SDL-1400-H2 SDL-1400-H7 SDL-I401-Hl SDL-1401-H2 SDL-1401-H7 SDL-1402-Hl SDL-2441-R2 SDL-2419-C SDL-1409-C 5000 1000 1000 500 1000 500 1000 500 500 500 250 500 250 500 500 200 200 100 100 200 100 100 200 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 50 50 100 50 50 20 20 10 10 20 10 10 20 25 N/A N/A $12,000 5570 5850 6990 5950 7100 6550 7450 2990 3100 3550 3150 3650 3350 3520 1870 1940 2600 2600 2080 2680 2680 2200 2980 2980 790 940 1370 1370 1040 1470 1470 1420 1720 1720 440 520 950 950 560 990 990 870 5000 3700 2600 , LASER DIODES Price 5-9 $10,800 4680 5030 6290 5115 6390 5765 6705 2510 2665 3195 2710 3285 2815 2990 1570 1670 2340 2340 1745 2410 2410 1850 2680 2680 665 810 1235 1235 895 1325 1325 1195 1550 1550 370 445 855 855 480 890 890 750 4500. 3330 2340 Price 10 - 24 $9720 3975 4275 5535 4350 5625 5070 5900 2135 2265 2810 2305 2890 2390 2575 1335 1420 2060 2060 1485 2125 2125 1570 2360 2360 565 685 1085 1085 760 1165 1165 1015 1360 1360 315 395 750 750 425 785 785 660 3960 .. 3165 2225 1. Minimum Order: $30,000. 1 Wavelength Selection Surcharge Center Wavelength Variance 1-4 5-9 10-24 800 - 813 nm ±5nm $1000 $870 $740 ±5nm $500 $425 $360 ± 10 nm $300 $255 $215 ± 5 nm $250 $210 $180 ± 10 nm $150 $130 $110 •• I I 800,813 nm 800,813 nm • 800,813, 830 nm ±5nm $150 $105 $85 ± 10 nm $80 $65 $55 . BOO -'830·nm . ± 10 nm· .$1000 - $850 $725 800- 830 nm ±5nm $1000 $950 $850 PULSED LASER DIODES Model Number Output Power Price 1-4 Price 5-9 Price 10 - 24 Wavelength Selection Surcharge (W) 1.0 0_50 $195 $180 $160 SDL-2100-E2 495 445 390 SDL-2100-E7 0_50 495 445 390 SDL-2100-E1 Center Wavelength Variance 1-4 5-9 10-24 810,830, 850nm ± 10 nm $150 $105 $80 QUASI-CW LASER DIODES / 2-D LINEAR ARRAYS Model Number' Output Power (W) Base Price 5-9 SDL-3230-J 40 13,000 11,500 9400 SDL-3230-JA 80 - - SDL-3230-JB 120 SDL-3230-JC 160 - - - SDL-3220-J 25 9000 8010 6300 SDL-3220-JA 50 - SDL-3220-JB 75 - SDL-3220-JC 100 - - SDL-3210-J 10 5000 4650 4250 SDL-3210-JA 20 - - - SDL-3210-JB 30 SDL-3210-JC SDL-2200-H2 - 40 - - - 1 5000 4100 3360 - Wavelength('-s) & Operating Current (lop) Selection Surcharge Base Price 10 - 24 Base Price 1-4 Center Wavelength Variance (Current) 1-4 5-9 10 - 24 ±5nm 1300 1105 975 800, 813 nm ±10 nm 650 550 485 (lop) 1300 1105 975 ±5nm 800,813 nm 1000 850 750 ±10 nm 500 425 375 (lop) 1000 850 750 ±5nm 500 425 370 ±10 nm 250 210 185 (lop) 500 425 370 800,813 nm NOT AVAILABLE QUASI-CW/2-D ARRAY NOTES t, DESCRIBING A 2-D ARRAY BYITS MODEL NUMBER Refer to the cods shown on page S when describing 8 2-D array by irs specific model number. 2, FORMULA TO DETERMINE TOTAL PRICE OF A 2-D ARRA Y: I Bar: (BASE PRICE x I) • (As x I) = TolalCosI N Bars: (BASE PRICE x N) • (As x N) + (lop x N) = Total Cosl For 5 bars or greater, please contact the factory. (N:5 4) EXAMPLE: Determine the price of a single 4 bar slack SDL-3220-JG with wavelength selection vanancB of:t 10 nm (9OO0x4) + (SOOx4) • (1000x4) = TotalCosI (36,000) • (2000) • (4000) = Total Cosl $42,000 = TOlal Cost 2 LASER DIODE MODEL NUMBER CODE • The Laser Diode Model Number Code shown below defines each digit in the model number. For example: An SDL-2410-Hl Laser Diode is a Gain Guided. 100 mW cw diode array in a TO·3 Window package wilh an aperture 01 < 1 mm and no inlernal options. Output Port Product Group gain guided single stripe - 1 gain guided array, aperture < 1 mm - 2 gain guided array. aperture ~ 1 mm - 3 index guided device 5 subassemblies 8 specials 9 o - none - window - fiber pigtail - tapered fiber 7 - fiber slub 2 3 A - 2 layer. 20 array B-3 layer. 20 array C - 4 layer. 20 array o - ~ 5 layer. 20 array Package C - open heal sink, oplical access front facet E - TO-18 F - open heat sink, optical access both facets G - SOT-148 H - TOO J - winged bar plate K -TOS L - bar plale P - high heat load package R - space qualifiable package W - alloy submount Operadng Mode short pulse, S 100 ns - 1 quasi-cw. S 2001's - 2 cw - 4 ChlpPowor 2OmWcworlWpeak - 0 100 mW cw or 10 W peak - 1 200 mW cw or 25 W peak - 2 SOOmWcwor40Wpeak - 3 lWcw - 6 2Wcw - 7 SWcw - 8 Internal Optlms 0 - none 1 - monitor photodiode 2 - monitor photodiode/lhermoelectric cooler 9 - AR coated device. outpul facet only - LASER DIODE DRIVERS AND HEATSINKS Description Price 1-4 Price 5-9 SDL-800 1.0 Amp 00 Laser Diode Driver and Thermoelectric Cooler Controller $1950 $1755 $1580 SOL-800M 2.0 Amp cw High Current Laser Diode Driver 2200 1980 17BO SDL-B20 lOA 00 and Pulsed Laser Diode Driver and TE Cooler Controller 4950 4260 3575 SDL-922 100 Amp Peak Current High Power Quasi-cw Driver 6000 5700 5000 SDL-B01-C Low Heat Load Finned Healsinks for C Package Diodes 25 23 20 SDL-801-H Low Heat Load Finned Heatsinks lor H Package Diodes 10 9 B SOL-BOO-CIH Finned Heat Sink Laser Heads lor C andlor H Package Diodes 250 225 200 SDL-820-P High Heat Load Finned Healsink 450 405 355 Model Number 3 Price 10-24 -., ·I SPECIAL LASER DIODES Spedra Diode labs has manufactured special devices 10 customer re- rays, superluminescenllEO's, devices with stripes 01 customer specified width and spacing are examples of special geometries. Spectra Diode" labs will be pleased 10 provide a quotation aller review 01 your requirements. Please contact the faclory or your nearest sales office. quirements. These special products have induded single or multiple stripe laser diodes with anli-renection coating on one or both lacels, laser diodes mounted to allow optical access 10 both faeets. and devices with customer specified stripe geometry. Broad area emitters, monolithic incoherent ar- ORDERING INFORMATION ORDERS FROM CUSTOMERS WITHIN THE USA Technical personnel at Spectra Diode labs will be pleased to provide any information you require. Please call or write for assistance. Telephono or Mall Ordors. Plessemail your order, or call direclly 10 Spectra Diode labs althe locatfon rlsred below. Telephone calls or mall should be to the attention of ~Order Processlng.~ Written connrmation of a telephone order should clearly be marked "Connrmlng: Returns. Returns for credit will be accepled only with prior authorIzatIon. Such returns must be In restockable condition, and are subject to InspectIon at Spectra Diode labs prior to Is!!ulng credit. Any returns are subject 10 a restocking charge. - Pric•• and Terms. All prices are subject to change without notice. Unless otherwise agreed to In writing, orders are F.O.B. San Jose, Californle.. ShippIng charges are prepaId, and added 10 your invoIce unless otherwise specified. Recommended shIppIng melhods are UPS Blue label or Federal Express Standard AIr. Terms are NET 30 days, subject to approval by our acoountlng department. Damaged Shlpmentll. The Interstate Commerce CommissIon has ruled that carriers are responsible for concealed damage a9 well 8S visible damage caused by transit. "damage is discovered, ooase further unpacking of the unit involved and request immediate Inspection by aloeaJ agent 01 the carrier. Be certaIn to obtain a written report of his findings. ClaIms must be nledwithin nfleen (15) days of receipt. ORDERS FROM CUSTOMERS OIITSIDE THE USA Please contacl Spectra Diode labs to arrange return of damaged equipment. An Inspection report should be Included and return authorization obtained; al which time, a factory shlp-Io address and Instructions will be provided. Prices shown are In U.S. dollars FOB factory, and do not Include shipping, duty, custom fees, Insurance, local taxe!!, or other charges. In general, these products requIre a U.S. Dept of Commerce exporllicense per ECCN, Section 399.1 of the Export Administration Regulations. Some countries do not requIre an export license provided that the laser is not re-exported. Please contact Spectra Diode labs for further information regarding export controls. Minimum Ord.,. $250.00 Delivery Time. Products listed In this price list are typically shipped 4 to 6 weeks after receIpt of'order, providing credit is established, and a written confirming order has been received. For special requests such as wavelength selection, special tesling, or changes in any specincation, please a1. low typically 2 to 4 weeks additional. Please allow for transit time, especial· Iy for International shipments. For shipments outside the United States, where an export license Is requIred, allow approximately 60 days for the export license. Contact Spectra Diode labs for spedfic delivery Information. Request lor QuolaUonIPropoeal. Ploo!!e direct your RFQtRFP to Spectra Diode labs. Please allow at least 14 day!! before re!!ponse Is due. Product In'ormallon and Uteralure. If you need additional Information prior 10 placing your order, please contact Spectra Oiodelab9. To place an order. contact the SPECTRA-PHYSICs/SPECTRA DIODE lABS subsidiary or dIstributor office nearest you, or Spectra Diode labs main office. WARRANTY This warranty does not apply to any instrument or component not manulactured by Spectra Diode labs. When SOL products manufactured by olhers are Included in Spectra Diode labs equipment, the original manulacturer's warranty Is extended 10 Spectra Diode labs' customers. Warranty. Unless otherwise specified. all Spectra Diode labs diode lasers are unoondilionally warranted to be free from delects in workmanship and malerials for a period of gO days from dale of shipment. Tho warranty does not apply 10 devices which been damaged due 10 operating conditions outside the limits shown on the appropriate data sheet. This warranty Is In !feu of Bli other warranties, expressed Of Implied, and does not cover Incidental Of consequenlialloss. This warranty does not apply 10 equipment or components which Inspection by Spectra Diode labs shall disclose to have become defective or unworkable due to abuse, mishandling, misuse, accidental alteration, negll· gence, improper installation or other causes beyond Spectra DIode labs' oontrol. liability under this warranty Is Ilmlted 10 repairing or replacing any equipment whIch proves to be defective during the warranty period, provided prIor authorization for such return has been given by an authorIzed representative of Spectra Diode labs. In-warranty repaired or replacement equIpment Is warranted only for the remaIning unexpired portion or the origln"al warranty perIod Bp"plicable to the repaired or replaced a:qulpment. - When products manufactured by others are used In conjunction with Spectra DIode lab!! equipment, this warranty Is extended only to the equipment 'manufal:lur~d by Spectra Diode Labs .. 4 APPENDIX B Relevant Texts and Journals iI I, I,. 1 ! I ~ " . 0 - . __ '_ •• ,.- •• "._.,. _._F~"~.'~·~ ,; References and Texts eRe Handbook of L.ser Science & Technology. Vol •• 1/2 Marvin Weber (cd.). eRC Press. 1982 1\vo ¥Olurne~. morc than 1.301:) pages, 3,200 ciled rdcrcl1ccs and tabular dala galore make this the Cadilhlc of luser references. nUl ifs n handbook, not a lext. so it's aimed more Ibr Ihe seriuus Imicr scientist than the laser user. eRe Handbook of Laser ScI.nco & Technology. Vols. 3/4 Morvin Weber (cd.), CRC Pre .. , 1986 These arc the 1ir,:;llwo ofthrcc VOllllllCS 011 oplicnlnmlcriuls. VolulIle 3 expends aboul300 pages on nonlinear properties Dml nbout 150 pages on mdiolion damage. Volume 4 CO""" CI)'.IIII., glnss,,", plnslics, filters. mirrors and polarizers in nlxlUl 250 pilgCS lind then covcr.:; elcclro-oplic, magneto·oplic. claslo-tlplic. photnrcfmclivc ond liquid . crystal materials in about 200 pages. As with Volumes I lind 2. references arc copiolls. Engineering Opllcs K. Iksuka. Springer-Verlag. 1985 Intelligible cnginccring-orienled optics lext, wilh II !'omcwhnl diflcrcnl navor than the classical optics lexts. Free-Electron Lasers Thomas G. Marslmll. Mm:MiIIi.1I1. 1985 Still probably the only book wrillcn speciliclilly 'IS 1111 inlmduclion In Ihis impurhmt. ami relatively ncw. men. Fundamentals of Optics, 4th Ed. Fri.lIlcis A. Jenkins 11111..1 Harvey E. While, McGmw-Hill, 1976 Thc laieSI cdition or a vcnemblc uplks tcxlhook. stnmger in the clnssical optics than in laser physics. Handbook of Oplical ConstDnt. of Solids EdwUld D. Palik (cd.) Academic Press. 1985 A ·mm;sivc compilation or oplicnl d'llll or sulids wilh nnu::h llIore dalil than aimosl anyone will cver necd In know. Ir only il had lUI index. Handbook of Opllcal Hologrnl,hy IIJ. Cnullicld (cd.). IIendemic Pre;". 1979 With 30 conlribulors dishing up more Ihan .5n suoclmplers of uhmn 12 pages c"ch. thc writing stylc hops" bit. 'Ibpics nmge I'mm r'ulIricr malhemntics to hardw.ue considerntinns fur spccilic Ilisks. Covers holognophy like a blanke!. Handbook of Opllcs W.O. Driscoll (cd.). McOl11w·llili. 1978 Conlains liltlc di.lla on luscrs 11('r .'i(' bUI il's II slnrehull~ tlr inltlrllllllion on clossical optics ItmJ many of the uncilhlry items in n Im:;er lub (such a~ detectors. instrumentution. nnd mw uplicul nlilierillls). Infrared lIandbook W.L. Wolre nml OJ. Zissi. (cd,.). Office or Naval Resean:h, 1978 . Like Ihe Unlllibook of Oplics. Ihis Imndhunk CClI1ll1ill!ii. Ihlle Oil lusers bUI is still enonlluusly vuluuhlc in nllihe undll;lry llI'CIlS. Introduction (0 ()pllcnl Flher <":omlllunlcutlol1s YII~tlllllru Sucl1Ialsu nnt! Ken·lchi Igr!. Wiley. 19M2 A concise introducliull In fihcrol1til-s. ccmulhmed hy nne or Japan's leading lights in Ihe field. lind lrunsluled illin clcllr English. Lliser nenm Scnnning Gemld F. Mi.ll'slmll (cd.). Mlln:ci lJek· ker. 1986 Th. Lns.r Jc[r Hechl. McGraw-Hili, 1986 Mi.linly descriptions of Ihe ~arious types of lac;crs available in (he nmrkelplncc. this book is aimed allhe user of lasers and Ihus slresses Ihe inpuls. oUlpuls. runclions lind availabilily of' lasers Bnd common accessmies. lit Ihe expmse or dCUliled theorclieBI dcscriplions of Ihe lasing pn.lCess. Laser I'hyslcs L. V. ·Hlrusov. Mir Publishers (Moscow, in Engli,h). 1983 . An inlroduclory lexllhat provides some lucid cxplanalionsbul neglcclS smile fields. such liS scmicomJuclor lasers. Laser I'rocesslng Dnd Analysis or Malerials W. W. Duley. Plcl1uml'rcss. 1983 II solid inlmduclion 10 luser.; und Iheir uscs in malerials processing. chemistry. chemical onnlysis on.d environmental monitoring. Loser Remote .Sensing Raymond M. Measures. Wiley-Inlerseicnce. 1984 . Solid c(lvelll~e of·the topic. slarting rrom lhe fundamentals or lasers IIml Ull11t)spheric InInsmission and eonlinuing 10 practical applicalions. 1.llscrs Anthol1Y Siegnllm, University Science Books. 1986 Writtcn from Ihe poinl of view of the electronics engineer. Ihis lext pmvides 1111111y insights into the operating principles of lasers. II is illlelllJed It)r Ihe ndvunced undergmdmlte or first-year graduBle student. U~ht Tronsmission 0l,tics, 2nd Edition Dietrich Marcuse. Van No!'tnmd Reinhuld. 1982 The lirsl 150 pnges or so rigorously develops optical theory: Ihe final .150 pllges or so ""plies tlml thcory 10 opticul waveguides. with equal rignr. 01,lIcol Electronics. 3rd Edillon Amnon Yariv, HolI, Rinehm1 & Winslnn. 1985 . 'Iexlhook Ilml covers n broader lield limn "quanlum elcclronies." Ihe slll~iecl uf Ihe Ilulhnr's curlier book. OI,II('s II1ItI Loscrs, 2nd Edillon Mati Young. Springer-Verlag. 1984 A short intmdllclmy texlbook Ilml covers a broad area. A Ihint edition lIIay stxm he rorthcoming. ()1,lorlcclrolllcs: An Inlrodncllon J. Wilson and J. F. B. Ilawkes. Prcnticc-Hnllinlenmiinnal, 1983 A inlnxluelinn 10 the neld Ihlll makes praclical infonnation and IIserul formulns much more Itccessible thun in Ihe average texlbook. I'rlncl.,lcs or Lascr8, 2nd Edilion Svello. Plenum Pl"ess. 19K2 . This leXlhtH)k is vuhmblc bt..OCIIllSC il pUis more emphasis on explaining I'hysknl principles limn rigorously deriving Ihe mathemalical underpinnings of Ihenry. I·rlndl.... of Optics M. Uom nnd E. Wolf. Pergamon Press, 1965 . Another of Ihe clllssic lexlbooks on clllssicni oplics. RCII F.leclro-Optlcsllnndhook RCA Corp., 1974 A c:nll1pncl collection of dnln on oplies nnd cleetro-opties. wilh plenty 01' lrunsmission und resJKlIlsc curves. II would be nicc 10 sec a new edilion. A wide-nlllging. discussion nf the vnrinus lechnilll1es of sClmning II lu!\Cr bellm, Ihis book is u bit unevcn hut sli!1 till excellent slilrlin!!I'HJint for the designer juslnssigned 10 build tI pmlotype Sl·mlner. I ., ., ,.. • • -. 'Laser: Eicclro'nlcs joseph T. Velticycn. PI"elllice-llall. 198 I A reucluhll' lext lit Ihe ildvl1llced-undergrmluale lind grndllale level. this IxR,k starts 1".11l111hc IISSl1l1lplinll tlmt "I(,r Ihe nlt,stlmrl. hl!iCr Icchnul,,gy is 1I mlluml extension of Inw-li-clltlel1cy cicCi ronks." ,RCA I'hntolllultll.ller lIandhuok RCA Corp.• 1980 , This is Ihe besl single source or Iheol)' Dnd operulion.1 delail on PMTs . 111111 we know of. SliMy wllh and Olh.r Opllcal David Sliney lind Myron Wolbur.;:ht. Plenum Press. 1980 lin ill1r,~ssi"" hUlldbook Ihul is Ihc .Iandunl rererence on I..",r ,ufely, wilh over 1,000 pages including dala, exposure limils nnd explanalions. Solldslale Laser Engineering Waller Koechner, SpringcrVerlog, 1976 A comprehensive review of aU "aspecls of Ihe physics and cngineering of solidstate lasers. Ihis lex( probubly includes Ihe most comrlele bibliography of references on Ihe subjcci. II is intended for the praclic;ing cngineer. Thin-Film Opllcal Flhers, 2nd Edilion H. A. Macleod, Macmillan, 1986 This is Ihe worthy successsor 10 Ihe lirsl edilion of 1969, encomplls!iing Ihe many impmvemcnls in compuhuionlll power availilble loday. II belongs on every oplical designer's book shelF. Underslandlng FIber OpUc. JeFF flcchl, 1l0W'drd W. S""l' & Co., 1987 Topics include fiber types, inlegmled oplies, inslrumenlulion, cuhle television Bnd OIher fom,s of video. oplicul inlercnnncC;lion. us well 'IS lelecommunicalions and dUla communicalions. Laser-Related Journals "These mini-reviews of referenced jonrnl1ls will olTer lhe render 0 road map Ihrough Ihe research lihrary. Applied OpUcs Published Iwice a manlh by Oplical Sociely of America. Covcrs applicalions of principles and methods of oplics, wilh minhnul iIIllOIIIU of Iheory. Applied PhysIcs Three volumes of four issues each published by Springer-Verlag Ncw York Inc. Deals wilh photophysies and laser chcmistry. JOIn'nul or l.lghtwuve TechnolOGY Published monthly by InslillilC of Eleclricul and Elcclmnic Engineers. Conti.lins lIrtic1L!son Clill-cnt research, lIpplications and mclhlxJs used in lighlWolVe technology aud IihcrnJltics. . Journal offhe 0llilcul Sociely of America A - OpUcs and Image Science Published monlhly by Optic",1 Sodely of America. Largely Iheorelical Iccutment of b'lsic oillies and inmging. ,Jonrn"1 of Ihc Olllle"1 Sndcly of America II - Optical Physics Published monthly by Opticul Sodety uf Amcrica. Lurgely Ihcorelical uf IOllics in luser speclmsc.:opy und modem quantum optics. J.user und l'orUcle Ucums Published 'Iuurt..:!rly by Cmnhridge University Press. New York.. Inlcrnulionill jounml which COVCI'S Ihe gencration of high inlcnsily laser and particle beUDlS lind Iheir inleraclion with mailer. J.asers in Surgery and Medicine Ircullnen~ Puhlished quunerly hy Alan R. Uss Ine., New York. Deals wilh clinical und cxperimentul medicul applicalions of various Iypes of hlscrs. Opllcol F.nglncerlng Published mmuhly by SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering. RepOrl!i on oplical, cleclm-oplical, fibcmptics. lasers. and phmogmphic components, syslems and technologies. Optics and I.user Technology Published six limes u yenr by Bullerworlh Scientific ltd .• Surrey. UK. An intenmlional juunml covcring moslly scienlilic uses of lasers and ()ther uSllects of clcclm-oplic lechnology. OI)llcs Communications Published munthly by Shurt reports on research in oplics. IIlltlly rclulL!d In ht!o.1.'fS, but oticn tending IOWoud lhe csoleric. I)nmilmtcd by Eurt)f1c.m c()I1tribuliolls. Applied Physic. Lellers Published weekly by American Inslitulc of Physics. Folluw!i dr.!velopmcnls in applied physics wilh many reports on new scmicol1lJuclur deyices Bnd on new laser applications in semiconduelor proccssing, plus reports on new lasers. Eleclronlcs Lellers Published 25 limes yearly by Inslilution of Elcclrical Engineers (Luml~ on). The hcst single place 10 look for hOi new resuhs in semicol1lJuctnr lasers. deleetors. and fiberoptics from around the world, allhnugh Ihc coverage encompasses all fields of elcclmnics. II has curned 11 slmllg reputation with ils exceplionally short publiclllion le~d limes. IEEE Journal of Quanlum Eleclronlcs Published monthly by the Inslilulc of Electrical and Elcclronic Engineers. Covers design. development. ond manufaclure of syslcms lind subsyslems relaling looptoclcclmnie theory nnd lechniqlles,lasers ilIul i' fiberoplics. I IEEE Transacllon. on Eleelronlc Ilevlces Published monlhly by Institute of Eleclricol und Eleclnmic Ellgim..-crs. Dcals mainly with fdbrication or semiconduclor deyices, wilh InIn 15 percent of contents dealing wilh optical cmillers, dcteclnrs nnd luser tcchniques in scmiconduclor production. Journal of AppUed PhysIcs Published monlhly plus supplemcnls by Amcrican Institute of Physics. Follows dcvelopment in all areas of applied phy~ics. wilh pcrllllps 20 percent of irs space dcvotcd to laser-relllied topics. Its covernge pllnllleis Ilmt of Applied Physics Lcllers, btu wilh papers nmning IIhOli1 three time:; liS long. Oplles I.cllcrs Publishl!d monthly hy Optieal Snciely of America. Offers shon rcsellrch reports (primarily NOllh American) in ull areas of optics, including new I"sers and IIpplicaliuns. I'hyslcal Review J.ellers Published weekly by Ihe Amcricml Instilule of Physics. Re!rearchnricnled lellers juunml which somctimes publishes reports on laser rcse;.lrch, bUI gcnL!mlly it tends In the esoteric. I'roceedlngs of Ihe IKEE 1'lIhlishct.1nnmlhly by InslilulC ufEleclricnl and Eleclmnic Engineer.;. Besl known Itu Inllg nnd well-dnculIlenled review papers, a small fntClioli uf which cover lusers. tihemplics or their applications. Orten, rel.lIed pilllCl1i nre culleclcd in spedul issues. " Review or Sclcnllllc Inslrumenls Published mOlllhly by Americnn Inslitute of Physics. Conccrns ncw ulllliU,tltlS and IHelhnds Ihr physics, chcmislry and thc life sciences. SoYlel .Iollrnul of OI)lIcull'cchnlllogy Published monthly by American Instilute of Physics. A cover-to-cover Iflmsli.ttiun of u Russiun-Illnguage juurnul on oplicullechnology, which cUllcenlralCs more Ull conventiollul nplics thun lasers Dnd their Ullpliculinns. Soviet .Jonrnu. of Quunlum Electronics Puhlished mOlllhly by Americm, Inslilule of Physics. uA Inmslalion of Ihe l{ussiill1-hmgllagc jnunml cOVers IU!rer science. hologmphy, and Iheir .lllplicilliuns. ~ ! I I, I j ~ REFERENCES ~- REFERENCES [1] Measures, R.M., 1984 "Laser Remote Sensing", Chap. 10, John Wiley & Sons, N.Y. [2] Hickman and Hoggs, 1969 "Application of an Airborne Pulsed Laser for Near Shore Bathymetric Measurements", Remote Sensing of Environment, ~, 47-58 [3] Kim, H.H, P.O. Cervenka, and C.B. Lankford (1975), "Development of an Airborne Laser Bathymeter", NASA TN D8079, Oct. [4] Hoge, F.E. and R.N. Swift, and E.B. Frederick (1980), "Water Depth Measurement Using an Airborne Pulsed Neon Laser System", Appl. Optics, 19, 871-883. [5] Northam, D.B., M.A. Guerra, M.E. Mack, I. Itzkan, and C. Deradourian (1981), "High Repetition Rate FrequencyDoubled Nd:YAG Laser for Airborne Bathymetry", Appl. Optics, 20, 968-971. [6] Koechner, W., (1988), "Solid-State Engineering", 2nd edition, Springer-Verlag, Toronto, 606 pages. [7] Yariv, A. (1985), "Optical Electronics", 3rd edition, Holt, Rinehart, and winSton, Toronto, 552 pages. [8] Maiman, T.H. (1960), Nature, lB2, p. 493. [9] Snitzer, E. and C.G. Young, (1968) in Lasers, Vol. 2, ed. by A.K. Levine, Dekker, N.Y. pp. 191-256. [10] Ninnis, R.M. (1972), "The Design and Construction of a Nd:glass Mode-locked Laser", M.Sc. Thesis, Simon Fraser U. [11] L.Shearer, M. Leduc, (1986),IEEE J. QE-22, pp 756-758 [12] Fields, R.A., M.Birnbaum, C.L. Fincher, "Highly Efficient Diode-pumped Nd: Crystal Lasers", CLEO'87 (Baltimore, MA.) .. -... ~ ,-~. -:.- ." .-..'." :.- ~.- - '- [14] M.D. Thomas, G.A. Rines, E.P. Chiclis, w. Koechner, (1986), "High Power 1.3/1 Nd:YAG Laser", CLEO'86, (San Fransisco, CA) paper WM4. [17] Marcuse, D.,(1972), Light Transmission Optics, Princeton, N.J.: van Nostrad. [18] G. Magyar, (1969), Optical Techn., NOv, p231 [19] Smith, P.W., (1972) Proc. IEEE, ~ P 422 [20] Levigne, P., N. McCarthy, A. Parent, D. Pascale, (1986), "Improved Optical Resonator for Laser Radars", Proc, SPIE, Vol 663, pp 124-131 [21] Byer, R.L. (1988), "Diode Laser-Pumped Solid State Lasers", Science, vol. 239, Feb., pp 742-747. [22] Baer, T.M., (1988), "Diode Pumped Solid-State Laser", Application Note, Advanced Product Technology Group, Spectra Physics, Inc. [23] Streifer, w., D.R. Scifres, J. Berger, G.L. Harnagel, D.F. Welch, J. Berger, and M. Sakamoto, (1989), "Advances in Diode Laser Pumps", (as yet unpublished) Invited Paper, SPIE'89, available from Spectra Diode Laboratories, San Jose, Ca. [24] Yariv, A., (1965), "Internal Modulation in Multimode Laser Oscillators", J. App1. Phys., v. 36, p. 388. [25] Smith, B., (1986), "Overview of Flashlamps and Arc Lamps", Proc. SPIE, Vol. 609, pp 1-54.