CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Brenda M. Rubenstein Assistant Professor of Chemistry Brown University 2. Home Address: 99 7th Street Providence, RI 02906 3. Education: ScB., Chemical Physics, Brown University, 2007 Thesis: Complex Structure, Complex Dynamics: The Dynamics of Liquid Crystals in the Nematic Phase MPhil., Theoretical Chemistry, University of Cambridge, 2008 Thesis: Protein Folding and Binding Amidst Entropy Sources PhD., Chemical Physics, Columbia University, 2013 Thesis: Novel Quantum Monte Carlo Approaches for Quantum Liquids 4. Professional Appointments: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Lawrence Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow, 2013­2016 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Visiting Scientist, 2016­ 5. Publications: 1. Rubenstein, B. M . and L.J. Kaufman, Biophys. J. 95 , 5661 (2008). The Role of Extracellular Matrix in Glioma Invasion: A Cellular Potts Model Approach. 2. Rubenstein, B.M. , Gubernatis, J.E., and J.D. Doll, Phys. Rev. E. 82 , 036701 (2010). Comparative Monte Carlo Efficiency by Monte Carlo Analysis. 3. Rubenstein, B.M. , Coluzza, I., and M.A. Miller. Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 , 208104 (2012). Controlling the Folding and Binding of Proteins Using Polymer Brushes. 4. Rubenstein, B.M. , Zhang, S., and D.R. Reichman. Phys. Rev. A. 86 , 053606 (2012). Auxiliary­Field Quantum Monte Carlo for Bose­Fermi Mixtures. 5. Rubenstein, B.M. Introduction to the Variational Monte Carlo Method in Quantum Chemistry and Physics. Accepted for publication in Variational Methods in Statistical Mechanics , Eds. J. Wu, P. Kent, and W. Zhen­Gang, Springer (2016). Rubenstein CV 2016 1 6. C.­C. Chang, B.M. Rubenstein , and M. Morales­Silva. Submitted to Phys. Rev. B. (2016). Auxiliary­Field Based Trial Wave Functions in Quantum Monte Carlo Calculations. arXiv: 1604.00345. 7. B.M. Rubenstein* , K. Ray*, and V. Lordi. Submitted to Phys. Rev. A. (2016). An Ab­Initio Study of Ion­Trap Electric Field Noise Caused by Electrode Surface Adsorbates. (*Authors contributed equally to this work.) 8. B.M. Rubenstein , S. Libby, and E. Schwegler. Eds. Advances in the Computational Sciences ­ Proceedings of the Symposium in Honor of Dr. Berni Alder’s 90th Birthday Anniversary, World Scientific (2016). 9. E. Landinez­Borda, D. Matthews, B.M. Rubenstein , and M. Morales­Silva. In preparation for Phys. Rev. B. (2016). Auxiliary­Field Quantum Monte Carlo for Strongly­Correlated Solids. 10. C.­C. Chang, B.M. Rubenstein , and M. Morales­Silva. In preparation for Phys. Rev. B. (2016). How Symmetry Can Be Used to Direct the Stochastic Sampling of Trial Wave Functions. Invited Talks: Los Alamos National Laboratory, August 2012 California Institute of Technology, November 2012 Cornell University, November 2012 University of Texas ­ Austin, November 2012 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, February 2013 University of Washington, Institute for Nuclear Theory, June 2013 University of California ­ Davis, October 2013 University of Michigan, November 2013 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, August 2014 EPFL ­ Lausanne, April 2015 Prairie View A&M University, May 2015 Telluride Science Research Center, June 2015 ACS Spring Meeting, San Diego, March 2016 Telluride Science Research Center, August 2016 6. Service: Member, Brown University Committee on Undergraduate Science, 2006­2007 Rubenstein CV 2016 2 President, Columbia University Physical Chemistry Seminar Series, 2010­2011 Co­Chair, Women in Science at Columbia (WISC), 2011­2013 Member, Winston Churchill Foundation of Fellowship Selection Committee, 2013 Organizer, Lawrence Fellowship Symposium, LLNL, 2014 Organizer, Berni Alder 90th Birthday Anniversary Symposium, LLNL, 2015 President, Lawrence Livermore Postdoc Association, 2015­2016 7. Selected Academic Honors: National Merit Scholarship, 2003­04 Barry Goldwater Scholarship, 2006­2007 Rhodes Scholarship Finalist (NJ/MA Region), 2006 Leallyn B. Clapp Thesis Prize for Best Thesis in Physical Chemistry (Brown), 2007 Paul Cross Prize for Best Senior in Physical Chemistry (Brown), 2007 Winston Churchill Foundation of America Fellowship, 2007 Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship, 2008­2012 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, 2008­2013 Lawrence Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2013­2016 8. Professional Societies: American Chemical Society American Physical Society Materials Research Society Biophysical Society Grants Funded: 9th Annual LLNL Grand Challenge Tier 2 Computing Grant, “High­Pressure BCC Iron?: An AFQMC Study of the Iron Phase Diagram,” 2014­2015 LLNL Laboratory Directed Research and Development Grant­Exploratory Research, “Quantum Simulations for Uncertainty Quantification (w/ Miguel Morales­Silva),” 2014­Present 10th Annual LLNL Grand Challenge Tier 2 Computing Grant, “Transition Metals Done Right : An AFQMC Study of Transition Metal Oxide Phase Diagrams”, 2015­Present DOE BER Subsurface Biogeochemical Research Program, “Biogeochemical Processes at Femtomolar Concentrations and Nanometer Scales (w/ Annie Kersting, et al. ),” 2015­Present 9. Teaching: Rubenstein CV 2016 3 Courses Taught at Brown University: 2016­2017 Chemistry 2010 2017­2018 Chemistry 2010, Computational Chemistry Undergraduate/Regeneron Science Talent Search Students Mentored Recently: Varun Venkatesh, The Lynbrook School, 2014­ Graduate Students Mentored: Nnenna Elechi, Prairie View University, 2015­2016 Marie Kirkegaard, University of Tennessee/Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2016­2017 Leonard Sprague, Brown University, 2016­ Wenze Gu, Brown University, 2016­ Postdoctoral Research Associates Mentored: Chia­Chen Chang, UC Davis and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 2014­ Edgar Landinez­Borda, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 2015­ Jeong­Pil Song, Brown University, 2016­ Can Ataca, Brown University, 2016­ 10. CV Last Updated: July 5, 2016 Rubenstein CV 2016 4