COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, CHENGANNUR MANDATORY DISCLOSURE (as on 27th August 2009) “The information has been provided by the concerned institution and the onus of authenticity lies with the institution and not on AICTE.” I. NAME OF THE INSTITUTION COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING CHENGANNUR Chengannur P.O, Alappuzha (Dist.) Kerala- 689 121 Ph: 0479-2454125(Office), 2456046 (Principal) Fax: 0479-2451424 e-mail: II. NAME & ADDRESS OF THE DIRECTOR Prof. V. Subramony, Director, Institute of Human Resources Development, Prajoe Towers, Vazhuthacaud P.O., Trivandrum, Kerala – 695 014 Ph: 0471 2322985(Office), 2320662 (Director) Fax: 0471-2322035 III. NAME OF THE AFFILIATING UNIVERSITY Cochin University of Science & Technology Cochin University P.O. KERALA, Pin – 682 022 IV. GOVERNANCE College of Engineering Chengannur is functioning under the administrative control of the Institute of Human Resources Development (IHRD) which is an educational agency fully owned and controlled by Government of Kerala. The management of the institution is vested with the Governing Body and the Executive Committee headed by the Minister for Education, Government of Kerala as Chairman. The Chief Secretary of the state is the Vice-Chairman of the Governing Body. Principal Secretary to Government, Higher Education department is the Vice-Chairman of the Executive Committee. The constitution of the Executive Committee and Governing body is decided by Government vide separate Government orders. The institution is affiliated to Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) for its academic programs. -1- V. PROGRAMMES The following AICTE approved (F.2 MB/93/27077 dtd. 31st March, 1994, F.No.77054-203/RC/94, dtd May 2nd 2008, F.No.770-54-203/RC/94, dtd 24th June, 2009) UG programmes are conducted in the institution. 1. B.Tech: Electronics & Communication Engineering (EC) 2. B.Tech : Computer Science & Engineering (CS) 3. B.Tech: Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EE)* * Started in the academic year 2009-10 First two Programmes Accreditation(NBA). are accredited by the National Board of The yearly intake to each of the accredited programmes is 120 and the intake to Electrical & Electronics Engineering is 30. In addition 10% students are admitted under Fee Waiver Scheme with exemption of tuition fees. The programme is of eight semester duration. 15% seats are reserved for NRI candidates, the admission to which is done based on the marks secured by them in the qualifying examination. The admission to remaining seats is strictly based on the rank secured by the candidate in the Common Entrance Test (CET) conducted every year by the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations (CEE), Kerala. The fee structure is decided by the Government of Kerala, revised from time to time and it remains unchanged for a student once he/she is admitted in the institution. A well-structured Training and Placement Cell (TPC) is functioning in the institution under the guidance of faculty members with active participation of student representatives. Multinational companies are regularly visiting the campus for recruitment. The placement and salary statistics of students recruited through the institutional TPC for the last 3 years is given below. Placement Statistics of Graduated Students(First Attempt) Academic Year 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 Placement in % ECE 100 100 86 64 CSE 75 100 88 41 Salary Statistics Academic Year 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 Minimum Salary in Rs/Month 16000 16000 16500 23000 Maximum Salary in Rs/ Month 22000 22500 22500 27100 Rs./Month /Student 19200 19878 21717 23833 The Institution has signed an MOU with State University of NewYork, New Paltz ( SUNY) (, by which interested students can pursue their studies at SUNY on credit transfer basis after completing two years of study here, leading to US degree awarded by SUNY. -2- VI. FACULTY Branch wise list of faculty members is given in the following table. The current ratio of permanent faculty to students is 1:22.5, the ratio of all full time teachers to students being 1:13.27. Selection process for filling the existing vacancies at lecturer level has been completed. The new faculty members are expected to join in a couple of weeks. Details of the Full Time Teaching Faculty (Programme wise) S.No Name (s) of the Teaching Faculty Sri. V P Jyothiraj Designation (Lecturer/ Asst. Prof./ Professor) Asst. Prof. in Electronics Engg. Smt. Nisha Kuruvilla ” Smt. J Deepa ” Sri. C V Anilkumar ” Experience a) Teaching b) Industry c ) Research Qualifications with field of specialization Date of Joining the Institution UG PG Ph D a b B. Tech (EC) M. Tech (EC) - 22Y 11M - - 19.02.99 B. Tech (EC) B. Tech (EC) B. Tech (EC) B. Tech (EC) M. Tech (EC) M. Tech (EC) M. Tech (EC) M. Tech (EC) - - 07.02.94 - - 16.02.95 - - 04.01.96 - - 01.09.98 - c Sri. Philip Cherian ” Smt. Lekha R Nair Lect. in Electronics Engg. (Sr. Gr.) B. Tech (EC) M. Tech (CS) MBA - 9Y 6M - - 28.02.00 Sri. C Gopakumar ” B. Tech (EC) M. Tech (EC) - 10Y 2M - - 18.06.99 Sri. Liju Philip ” B.E (EC) - - 8Y - - 04.09.01 Sri. Sam K Sumesh ” B. Tech (EC) - - 8Y - 06.09.01 Smt. P M Laghima Lect. in Electronics Engg. B. Tech (EC) M. Tech (EC) - 10Y 2M - - 18.06.99 Sri. Manoj Kumar P ” - - - - 09.03.06 Sri. Jibu J V ” - - - - 08.06.06 Sri. Reju John ” - - - - 28.07.06 Smt. Deepa Susan Jacob ” - - 3Y - - 02.08.06 Sri. Suraj K ” - - 2M - - 06.07.09 Adhoc Smt. Greeshma Mohan ” - - 2M - - 06.07.09 Adhoc Smt. Sumina Salih ” - - 2M - - 06.07.09 Adhoc Smt. Anju Ajith Kumar ” - - 2M - - 06.07.09 Adhoc Smt. Leskhmi M Nair ” - - 2M - - 07.07.09 Adhoc Smt. Divya C S ” - - 2M - - 06.07.09 Adhoc - - 2Y 7M - - 01.01.07 Adhoc B. Tech (EC) B. Tech (EC) B. Tech (EC) B. Tech (EC) B. Tech (EC) B. Tech (EC) B. Tech (EC) B. Tech (EC) B. Tech (EC) B. Tech (EC) B. Tech (EC) - 15Y 6M 14Y 6M 13Y 7M 13Y 7M Remarks 3Y 5M 3Y 2M 3Y 1M Smt. Kum. V Y Vidhu ” Smt. Smitha Dharan Asst. Prof. in Computer Engg. B. Tech (CS) M. Tech (CS) - 15Y 1M - - 22.07.94 ” B. Tech (CS) M. Tech (CS) - 14Y 10M - - 22.10.94 Lect. in Computer Engg. (Sr.Gr.) B. Tech (CS) M. Tech (CS) - 13Y - - 07.08.96 - - 18.06.99 - - 18.06.99 - - 16.11.01 Smt. Shyama Das Smt. C Jyothirmayi Devi Smt. V R Rejani ” Smt. Renu George ” Sri. Vinod P R ” Smt. Manjusha Nair S Smt. Shiny B ” Lect. in Computer Engg. Smt. Renju Rajappan ” Smt. Feby Philip ” Smt. Annes P Aby ” Sri. Vinod Kumar N K ” B. Tech (CS) B. Tech (CS) B. Tech (CS) B. Tech (CS) B. Tech (CS) B. Tech (CS) B. Tech (CS) B. Tech (CS) B. Tech (CS) M. Tech (CS) M. Tech (CS) M. Tech (CS) -3- - - - - - - 10Y 2M 10Y 2M 7Y 9M 7Y 9M 3Y 5M - - LWA LWA 05.11.01 - - 09.03.06 1Y - - 10.07.08 Adhoc 1Y - - 10.07.08 Adhoc - 1Y - - 10.07.08 Adhoc - 1Y - - 10.07.08 Adhoc Sri. Ameen Hashir P N ” Sri. Melvin Philip ” Smt. Priyadarshini S ” Smt. Betty James ” Smt. Aggie Varghese ” Smt. Sindhu J ” Smt. Saranya Chandran ” Smt. Preethy Elizabeth Mathew ” Smt. Jithi P K ” Smt. Namitha Mathew Smt. Sreeja P Smt. Renjitha Sankar Sri. Manu Abraham Sri. A Ajilkumar Sri. T V Ashok Kumar Sri. Prakas N Sri. Mohammed Shapheek “ Lect. in Electrical Engg. (Sr. Gr.) Lect. in Electrical Engg ” Asst. Prof. in Mech. Engg. Lect. in Mech. Engg. (Sl. Gr.) ” Lect. in Mech. Engg. Sri. Jaydeep Kumar J ” Sri. Sanjay Raj C R ” Sri. Liju Mathew Alexander Smt. R S Soumya Dr. C Sheela Sri. Rubon L Smt. Sarakutty K J Smt. Johnsy S Prasad Smt. Sreepriya A Dr. R Madhusoodanan Nair Smt. Moni P John Sri. C R Ajith Sen Dr. Senu Kurian George ” Lect. in Civil Engg. Lect. in Mathematics Lect. in Mathematics (Sl. Gr.) ” ” Lect. in Mathematics Lect. in Physics (Sl. Gr.) Lect. in Chemistry (Sl. Gr.) Lect. in Phy. Edu. (Sl. Gr.) Lect. in Humanities B. Tech (CS) B. Tech (CS) B. Tech (CS) B. Tech (CS) B. Tech (CS) B. Tech (CS) B. Tech (CS) B. Tech (CS) B. Tech (CS) B. Tech (CS) - - 1Y - - 10.07.08 Adhoc - - 2M - - 01.07.09 Adhoc - - 2M - - 01.07.09 Adhoc - - 1Y - - 10.07.08 Adhoc - - 2M - - 01.07.09 Adhoc - - 1Y - - 10.07.08 Adhoc - - 1Y - - 10.07.08 Adhoc - - 2M - - 01.07.09 Adhoc - - * - - 20.08.09 Adhoc - - * - - 26.08.09 Adhoc B. Tech (EE) M. Tech (EE) - 9Y 11M - - 20.09.99 B. Tech (EE) - - 1Y - - 10.07.08 Adhoc - Adhoc B. Tech (EE) B. Tech (ME) - * - - 24.08.09 M. Tech (ME) - 14Y 1M - - 03.07.95 B. Tech (ME) M. Tech (ME) - 13Y 10M - - 11.10.95 B. Tech (ME) B. Tech (ME) B. Tech (ME) B. Tech (ME) B. Tech (ME) B. Tech (CE) B Sc B Ed M. Tech (ME) - - - 27.09.99 - - 27.09.99 B Sc B Ed M Sc M. Phil, B Sc B Ed B Sc B Ed B Sc B Ed B Sc B Ed M Sc M. Phil M Sc M. Phil M Sc M. Phil M Sc M. Phil B Sc B Ed 9Y 11M 9Y 11M - - M. Tech (ME) - 7Y - - 14.09.07 - - 1Y 9M - - 16.11.07 - - * - - 19.08.09 Adhoc - - * - - 19.08.09 Part time M Sc M Phil Ph D 16Y - - 01.07.03 LWA - 14Y 5M - - 23.03.95 - - 23.03.95 - - 18.04.96 - 14Y 5M 13Y 4M - 1M - - 13.07.09 - 14Y 5M - - 23.03.95 M Sc M. Phil - 15Y 10M - - 22.10.93 B P Ed M. P Ed M. Phil - 16Y 6M - - 12.02.93 BA MA Ph D 3Y - - 11.09.06 * Fresh appointment CS : Computer Science & Engineering EC: Electronics & Communication Engineering EE: Electrical Engineering CE: Civil Engineering VII PROFILE OF PRINCIPAL Name : V.P. Devassia Educational Qualification _ Doctor of Philosophy Field of Research Institution/University Masters Degree Specialization Institution/University : : Signal Processing. CUSAT. : : Industrial Electronics. School of Technology, CUSAT -4- LWA Adhoc Part time Bachelor Degree Specialization Institution/University : : Electrical Engineering. MA College of Engineering, Kothamangalam. Kerala University. Others • • Undergone a certificate course in Fundamentals of Psychology Undergone a certificate course in Basics of counseling Professional Experience: 3 months as Junior Engineer with M/s. Hindustan Paper Corporation, Calcutta. 7 years as Design Engineer with M/s. HMT Ltd., Kalamassery, Kerala. 18 years and 2 months in the academic field in the capacity of Asst. Professor and Professor, including 7½ years Administrative experience, and 3 years teaching experience at the PG Level. Joined IHRD service on 01.07.1991. Transferred and posted in the present institution on 04.02.2004. Professional Memberships: Fellow of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (FIETE). Chartered Engineer of the Institution of Engineers (India). Fellow of Institution of Engineers (FIE). Life Member of the Indian Society for Technical Education (MISTE). Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (MIEEE). Research Interests Pseudo-Periodic Signal Processing Application of Wavelet Transform in signal analysis Music Signal Source Separation Subjects Taught: PG Level Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, Automatic Process Control, Industrial Applications of Power Electronics, Advanced Control System Engineering, Digital System Design UG Level Digital Electronics, Electronic Circuits, Network Theory, Microprocessors, Control System Engineering, Test and Measuring Instruments, Industrial and Power Electronics, Computer Aided Design, Automatic Process Control, Digital Signal Processing, Electronic Product Design & EDA Tools Publications International Journal International Conference Chapter in Edited Book National Journal National Conference : : : : : VIII. 7 15 1 4 3 FEE The fee structure of the programme is decided by the Govt. of Kerala every year before the commencement of admission process. Once admitted, the fee structure of a student remains the same throughout the period of his/her study provided the student finishes the coursework within duration of 8 consecutive semesters. 50% of seats are designated as free-ship seats for which fee at lower rate is collected. 35% seats are designated as full fee seats for which higher fee as proposed by the Fee Regulating Committee is charged, with -5- concession/change, if any, approved by Government of Kerala. The remaining 15% seats are filled under NRI quota. The fee structure applicable to 2009 admission is getting finalized. The fee details applicable for the last batch admitted are given below. Annual Fee Details for Students Admitted during 2008 Sl.No. CATEGORY 1. Admission Fee* 2. Tuition Fee 3. University fee Affiliation 4. FREE-SHIP (50%) FULL FEE (35%) 150 150 6200 * Caution Deposit (Refundable) * 100000 3,200 85 100 1,200 5,000 - Refundable Deposit* 150 65000 3,200 85 100 University Quasi University Others Special Fee NRI (15%) 3,200 85 100 5000 - 1,25,000 * To be remitted at the time of admission/ during first year only Tuition fee and university fee are collected yearly as one installment. In addition, Examination fee to be remitted at the university is collected every semester and the amount depends on the prevailing university rates and the number of papers registered by the student in each examination ( All the SC/ST/OEC students are exempted from payment of fees as per Govt. norms. The monthly hostel expense including mess is estimated to be Rs. 2000/- approximately. List of students exempted from payment of fee is given as appendix 1. IX. ADMISSION AND ADMISSION PROCEDURE Admission to both free-ship and full fee quota are strictly based on the rank secured by the student in the CET conducted every year by the CEE, Govt. of Kerala. Free ship category includes the statutory reservation categories. Seats are allotted through online counseling based on the rank secured by the candidate in the CET. The detailed procedure, time schedule and select list of candidates will be published in the respective web sites, or NRI students are admitted based on the marks secured in the +2 level examinations. Diploma students are admitted to the third semester as per rules under lateral entry scheme based on the rank secured by them in the state level entrance examination conducted every year. The number of seats sanctioned and students admitted in the last three years is given in the following table. Particulars Sanctioned intake Number admitted 2006 EC CS 90 90 90 90 2007 2008 EC CS EC CS 90 90+9** 90 90+9** 90 90+9** 90 90+9** EC 2009 CS EE 120 120 30 Admission in progress ** Admitted under fee waiver scheme proposed by AICTE. The CET rank details of the students admitted in the last three years under various categories are summarized below: 2006 Admission – Rank details -6- Branch Electronics & communication Engineering Computer Science & Engineering Category Best Rank Last Rank Best Rank Last Rank General (Full fee) 1101 3077 1063 7493 CL (Cultural) 10468 - 8161 - Free ship 1213 3909 4352 5269 Full fee 7759 10450 19758 - Free ship 1524 2570 2101 3296 Full fee 2678 5523 4787 6243 Free ship 1925 2811 3746 4267 Full fee 5558 21946 9761 19992 Free ship 5217 6209 4654 6228 Full fee - - - - Free ship 3016 3660 4358 5478 Full fee 11930 - - - Free ship - - - - Full fee 17151 38245 17402 38244 Free ship - - - - Full fee 6631 - 6094 9943 BH EB EZ LC MU SC BX 2007 Admission –Rank details Branch Computer Science & Engineering Best Rank Last Rank Best Rank Last Rank 1123 2628 2770 6763 2674 5965 4319 9854 Free ship 3609 3712 3660 5522 Full fee - - - - Free ship 1596 2574 2348 3759 Full fee 4569 5610 5981 9665 Free ship 2983 3940 4141 5244 Full fee - - - - Category Open Merit Electronics & communication Engineering Free ship (SM) Full fee (MG) BH EB EZ -7- Free ship 4442 - 7155 - Full fee - - - - Free ship 2523 4276 2202 5481 Full fee - - 5870 - Free ship 10726 20055 13170 30336 Full fee - - - - Free ship 21693 - 19922 - Full fee - - - - LC MU SC BX 2008 Admission –Rank details Branch Electronics & communication Engineering Computer Science & Engineering Best Rank Last Rank Best Rank Last Rank Free ship (SM) 919 2548 2590 4699 Full fee (MG) 4321 10421 4321 15631 Free ship 3116 4802 5167 10403 Full fee - - - - Free ship 2656 3625 4896 8102 Full fee 9119 9150 4896 4896 Free ship 6692 6692 9701 9701 Full fee - - - - Free ship 2715 4613 4754 5717 Full fee - - 14298 14298 Free ship 7412 7412 22112 22112 Full fee - - - - SC Free ship 12966 31630 27806 53603 ST Free ship 65456 65456 64065 64065 Category Open Merit BH EZ LC MU BX Admission to the 2009 batch is not yet completed. X. CRITERIA AND WEIGHTAGES FOR ADMISSION The criteria for B.Tech degree admission is prescribed by the CEE, Govt. of Kerala and concerned university, issued every year by Govt. of Kerala through common prospectus for admission to professional degree courses. The eligibility of students is -8- stipulated strictly as per AICTE guidelines. As per prevailing norms, the minimum marks required for the qualifying examination is 50% for mathematics and 50% for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics put together. XI. APPLICATION FORM Details will be made available in the website of CEE/IHRD/CEC as per time schedule announced by CEE. Since the seats are allotted through online counseling no separate application form is needed except for NRI seats. In the case of NRI. Application forms will be made available at and/or XII. LIST OF APPLICANTS Being online centralized admission, the relevant details will be made available in the web sites while the admission procedure is in progress. XIII. INFORMATION ON INFRASTRUCTURE AND OTHER RESOURCES AVAILABLE (I) LIBRARY: Number of library books Title : 10,231 Volume : 18376 Number of Journals subscribed (print) [List added as Appendix 2] National : 12 International : 5 Digital Library : IEL Online Electronic Library (all IEEE/IEE publications are available for referring and downloading via Internet) : DELNET – Developing Library Network for referring to bibliographic information and availing online documents via Internet (II) LABORATORY / WORKSHOP FACILITIES: S. N o 1. Name of the laboratory/workshop Electrical Machines Lab Total Area of lab/ workshop Major Equipment 180 Induction Motor (1φ, 3φ), Universal Motor, D.C Series & Shunt Motor, DC Generator, AC Generator, Static Rectifier Unit, Transformers (1φ, 3φ) 2. Communication/Digital Lab 100 Microwave Test Bench, RF Signal Generator ,Optical Fiber Trainer Kit, Antenna Trainer System, CROs, Digital IC Tester, Function Generators and Video lessons of various topics, Satellite trainer system, Mobile trainer system ,Microwave Trainer System. 3. Electronics Circuits Lab I / Basic Electronics Lab 100 CROs, Function Generators, Power Supplies, Digital MultiMeter, LCR Meter 4. Electronics Circuits Lab II 100 Digital Storage Oscilloscope, LCR Meter, Digital millimeters, PLC, CROs, function generators, Electronic component testers ,powerscope. 200 Digital storage Osciloscope,P4 systems, universal programmer, spectrum analyzer, logic analyzer, 500MHz digital Oscilloscope, LCD projector, Software’s – MAT LAB 6.5, Xilinx, ORCAD, MATH CAD – 13,powerscope. 5. Project Lab Electronics -9- 6. 7. Microprocessor Lab CAD1 LAB Microprocessor Trainer Kit (8086/8085) Digital Storage Oscilloscope and various interfacing cards, Micro controller kits 100 AMD Athlon XP 2000+ HCL systems, 5 KVA UPS, an integrated EDA Software Package (EDWin XP Campus License), Lab view software and its related hardware, PCB Prototyping Machine with PTH unit, Multi axis Robots, ISE Software ,FPGA/CPLD Development Boards(Sparton II & Sparton III series) 100 8. Mechanical Workshop 250 9. Electrical/Electronics Workshop 250 10. Computer Lab I&II 250 11. Computer Lab III 125 12. Computer Lab IV 100 13. Computer Lab V 125 Universal programmer, Bench power supply and various tools for electronic product development Welding Transformer, Circular Saw Machine, Power Hack Saw Machine, Drilling Machine and other workshop tools and equipments Various tools for wiring practice and soldering practice AMD Athlon XP 2800 Server, Tablet PC, Laptop Computers, P-IV Computer Systems, Rack mountable Server, Printers, Digitizer, Projectors, MSDN Academic alliance (Campus License), Windows 2000 Server & Professional, Microsoft Office Professional. SUN Netra Server with workstations, Scanner, Web Cams, Borland J Builder, Norton Antivirus network edition Visual C++ Intel Xeon Server Systems , AMD Athlon XP 2600 Systems, Microprocessor Trainer Kits - 8086, Trainer Kits- Z80. AS/400 System with related software Windows Vista, Adobe Creative Suite 3D Studio, Rational Rose, A1 size multi-colour plotter. (III) COMPUTING FACILITIES: The computing facility comprises of more than 242 computer systems of various configurations including server systems, tablet PC, laptop computers, Pentium-IV machines etc. 194 systems are connected through Local Area Network including wireless connectivity. Two 1Mbps broadband connections exist in the campus with a separate backup connectivity of 512Kbps and a wireless broadband connection through BSNL EVDO data card. Major software packages available are IBM Rational Rose, Adobe creative Suite MSDN Academic Alliance (campus license), MATLAB 6.5,OrCad 10.1, EDWin XP (Campus License), Lab view virtual Instrumentation set up, Oracle 10G, and Xilinx FPGA development tools. The special purpose facilities available are Rack Mountable server and Sun Netra server. (IV) GENERAL FACILITIES: Instructional Area: (1910 m2) - class rooms - seminar/tutorial rooms - drawing hall - 17 - 03 - 01 Games & Sports: - Football Court (Fives) - Hand ball court - Shuttle badminton floodlit court - 02 - Basket ball court - Cricket net facilities - Table tennis - Recreational room with carom board and Chess - Volley ball court - Billiards Table Co-Curricular Activities: - Technical forums/organizations like IEEE student Chapter,ISTE - 10 - student and staff chapters, Electronics Students Association (ExESS), Computer Students Association (FOCES), Product Design & development Centre (PRODDEC).Technical forums conduct a variety of programmes where students have an opportunity to enhance managerial and organizational skills. - Non technical forums like NSS, Forestry Club (Aaranyam), Social Service Club (Santhvanam) - Health care centers like well-equipped Health Club and Yoga Centre Others: - Language development centre - EDUSAT satellite based interactive class room set up to facilitate attending expert lectures by external faculty. - Computerized examination cell for conducting internal and university examinations - Well equipped Computer Aided Design Centre with state of the art EDA Tools and fully automated PTH PCB prototyping setup. - Laptops issued to students for independent developmental/Project Works - Multiaxis robotic systems. - E-learning centre with more than 400 numbers of computer based tutorials. - Professional Counseling services based on psychological analysis of each student (v) Teaching learning process The College is affiliated to Cochin University of Science and Technology, following the curriculum and syllabi of the university. The programme is conducted with a time span of 8 semesters comprising of 39 theory papers, 12 laboratory courses, 1 seminar, 1 minor project and 1 major project. The scheme of evaluation includes both internal assessment and university examination. The laboratory sessions and project works are continuously evaluated for awarding the grades. The internal evaluation for the theory subjects is done with the help of two formal series examinations in each semester, various assignments and surprise test papers. An Industrial visit in the Sixth Semester is promoted to enable them understand practical application of theoretical concepts. Extra Lab and theory sessions are planned and implemented based on student performance during semesters. The institution has a media centre where video sessions on subjects by experts from premier institutes are screened, as per demand from students. Audio visual aids are thoroughly used in theory and tutorial sessions. Students are encouraged to work on community service projects alongside faculty, so as to learn implementation of technical knowledge and to be a veritable ingredient in societal development. Psychological counseling, for stress management, to handle cutthroat competition and boosting of EQ (Emotional Quotient), is a vital ingredient of teaching learning process. Innovative schemes of providing reference texts from Library and digital library, for online references, cater in plenty to academic requirements. - 11 - Appendix 1 LIST OF STUDENTS AVAILING FEE CONCESSION Year of Admn: 2006 Sl No Name Year of Admn: 2007 Branch Anu Venugopal CS Arun V Soman CS Jayaprabha K CS Neelambary V O Sl No Name Branch 1. Anu S CS 2. Anil Kumar P.V CS CS 3. Kiran S CS Neethu Mohan CS 4. Kiran K.Y CS Salini M T CS 5. Resmi R Rajan CS Vinay Kumar K G CS 6. Sree Laya K R EC Vishnu Raj K CS 7. Gadha Raj N EC Aneesh C T EC 8. Neethu K EC Aravind Mannooran EC Dipu S Kesavan EC 9. Dhanya Das EC Mahesh Mohan V EC 10. Sudhanya B Balan EC Sarath S EC Subeesh C I EC Sumith S EC Vipin K EC Vishnu K Gopi EC Year of Admn: 2008 Sl No Name Branch 1. Sarath Kumar M T CS 2. Anurj K A CS 3. Shilji K C CS 4. Nimisha K P CS 5. Nideesh C C CS 6. Akhil C M CS 7. Melvin Issac CS 8. Sarath Chandran P A EC 9. Jesty Bhasker EC 10. Unni S EC 11. Archana S Thankam EC 12. Jeemon Babu EC - 12 - List of students admitted under Tuition Fee Waiver Scheme Year : 2007 Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Name of the candidate Nageena shafi Sangeetha S.Naik Saraswathy C Mahendra shaji Kurian Tinsu Ann Thomas Tina Annie Samuel Jesley James George Krishna Kumar S Achsah Saju Jubin Mathew Rahul .R Liny Susan Easow Akhil P Indu Unni Sandeep Mathew Varghese Sachin Francis Sherin Susan Philip Jibin John Year : 2008 Branch CSE CSE CSE CSE CSE CSE CSE CSE CSE ECE ECE ECE ECE ECE ECE ECE ECE ECE Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Name Anisha Mariam Jincy Indhu K Teena Ajayan An K Mathew Remya M M Albin Johny Rita Roy Stephy Joy Wesly T Varghse Bini Mathew Meethu Marea Mohan Dhanya V Leslie Raju Thomas Nayana S Moni Nisha Varghese Jino Chacko Sebin Joseph Bibin Thomas Branch CSE CSE CSE CSE CSE CSE CSE CSE CSE ECE ECE ECE ECE ECE ECE ECE ECE ECE Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE) - 13 - Appendix 2 National Journals 1) IETE Journal of Education 2) IETE Journal of Research 3) Indian Academy of Sciences, Mathematical Sciences 4) Indian Management 5) Industrial Automation 6) Journal of Education Technology 7) Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 8) Journal of the Instrument Society of India 9) Photo nirvachak Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 10) Pramana 11) Resonance 12) Sajops- journal of socio-political studies International Journals 1) Information week 2) International Journal on Wireless and Optical Communication 3) Journal of Communication Management 4) International journal of computational intelligence 5) Scientific American - 14 -