Conservative Forces and Potential Energy


Lecture 08: Conservative Forces and

Potential Energy

Physics 2210

Fall Semester 2014


Exam #1 breakdown:

High score: 99%

Average score: 65% (last year exam #1 → 59%)

Standard deviation 21%

Note: lowest exam score will be dropped in computing your final grade.

Unit 8: Prelecture Feedback

Examples similar to homework, rather than reviewing checkpoints

Need to understand equations in more depth

...especially springs. Parabola?

Mechanics Lecture 8, Slide 3

Today's Concepts:

a) Conservative Forces b) Potential Energy c) Mechanical Energy

Mechanics Lecture 8, Slide 4

Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem

The net work done on a body is equal to the change in kinetic energy of the body

Formal definition of work

(“Force times distance” generalized)

Formal definition of kinetic energy

Mechanics Lecture 8, Slide 5

Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem

If there are several forces acting then W is the work done by the net (total) force:



=  K

= W


+ W


+ ...

You can just add up the work done by each force



= W


Mechanics Lecture 8, Slide 6


I move an object from the surface of the Earth to a height of one Earth radius above the Earth, and to a position on the far side of the Earth from the launch position. The object is at rest with respect to the Earth before and after the move.

What is the work that I must do on the object?

If the object were instead moved to “infinity” (or at least very, very far away), what work must I do?

Conservative force: Force with the property that, the work done by the force between r


and r


is independent of the path taken.

Consequence: The work done by a conservative force around a closed loop = 0.

Two conservative forces in this course:



Today's Concepts:

a) Conservative Forces b) Potential Energy c) Mechanical Energy

Mechanics Lecture 8, Slide 9

Potential Energy

Can use the properties of conservative forces to store...

“the ability to do work” ≡ “energy”

Example: Store Energy by Raising a Ball

Final position

Initial position

Today's Concepts:

a) Conservative Forces b) Potential Energy c) Mechanical Energy

Mechanics Lecture 8, Slide 12

Mechanical Energy

= constant of motion, when only

conservative forces are present

Gravitational potential energy

Kinetic energy


The bob (mass = m ) of a simple pendulum of length L is released from rest at a height H above the equilibrium position.

Compute the tension in the rod when the bob returns to the equilibrium position.

Another Conservative Force: Springs x kx 2


Vertical case: zero potential energy in equilibrium position with mass attached

Mechanics Lecture 8, Slide 15

Generalize mechanical energy conservation to conservative systems including springs:

Mechanical Energy

Spring P.E.


Gravitational P.E.


A mass M is in contact with a spring (constant k ) which is compressed by an amount x c

from the equilibrium position. After release from rest, the mass detaches from the spring, slides along the frictionless floor and then up the frictionless ramp. What is the height H to which the mass slides before reversing direction?



Homework Example

Block slides down frictionless ramp and compresses spring.

How much?

Apply conservation of mechanical energy.

Does h block

change after block contacts spring?

Homework Example

Block slides down frictionless ramp and completes “loop-theloop”. From what minimum height?

Apply conservation of mechanical energy.

Summary: Potential energy change:

Mechanics Lecture 8, Slide 20
