T. Govindaraj et al. / IJAIR ISSN: 2278-7844 Hybrid Electric Vehicle Energy Storage System 1 1 Dr.T.Govindaraj, 2 V.Prabakaran Head of the Department,EEE, 2 M.E.PED Scholar, Muthayammal Engineering college,India prabakaran.be.eee@gmail.com, Abstract— This paper presents the modeling, design, and novel control strategy development for a hybrid switched-capacitor bidirectional dc/dc converter, applicable for a hybrid electric vehicle energy storage system. The proposed control strategy is based on the power profile of the traction motor and the gradient of battery current. Features of voltage step-down, voltage step-up, and bidirectional power are integrated into a single circuit, and are verified on an experimental prototype. The developed control strategy enables simpler dynamics, compared to a standard buck converter with input filter, good regulation capability, low EMI lower source current ripple, ease of control, and continuous input current waveform in both buck and boost modes of operation. In the boost mode, the voltage lift technique presents an excellent method to practically implement the proposed control strategy. Hence, by using a suitable combination of the SCC and voltage lift technique, a new converter with high voltage gain, high power density, high efficiency, low EMI, ease of control and small size can be easily constructed This paper initially discusses the novel controller design for 4-quadrant SC converter. Furthermore, the paper provides a detailed insight into the operating modes of the developed SC converter, followed by detailed energy transfer efficiency modeling and analyses[1]-[11]. The modeling and simulation claims are backed up and verified by experimental test results, in order to prove the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy. List of Abbreviation II. CONTROLLER DESIGN FOR 4-Q SC CONVERTER OPERATION SCC ESS HEV PHEV UC PL POUT Switched capacitor converter Energy storage system Hybrid electric vehicle Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle Ultracapacitor Load power Output power of motor I. INTRODUCTION A SWITCHED CAPACITOR (SC) bidirectional dc/dc converter is a nonmagnetic converter that simply utilizes capacitors and switches in its power stage. The switches are controlled by capacitors, which are charged and discharged through different paths, and transfer their stored energy to either the high voltage (HV) battery side, or the low voltage (LV) ultra capacitor (UC) side. Furthermore, an SCC enables good regulation capability, low electromagnetic interference (EMI), lower source current ripple, ease of control, and continuous input current waveform, in both buck and boost modes of operation, which are critical aspects when dealing with sensitive current applications, such as an electric vehicle (EV) energy storage system. A typical bidirectional SC converter consists of six switches and two capacitors, and .Fig.1shows an SC converter that operates in all four quadrants. Each switch consists of two MOSFETs, for current flow in both directions. For an HEV hybrid energy storage system, the high voltage (HV) side typically consists of battery modules and the low voltage (LV) side could consist of UC modules. In this case, the high voltage dc is set at 86 V, while the low voltage side is set at 43 V. It must be noted here that the UC initial voltage is set at 22 V. Fig. 2 shows the complete system schematic When the converter operates in motoring mode ,two conditions are chosen: If the battery current gradient is between -2 mA/sec and 2 mA/sec, battery modules supply their energy to the load and motor side. Otherwise, UC modules supply their power to load and motor side. Secondly, during motoring mode, output power of motor is compared with load power Load power is a small rotating mechanical disk with mass500 g and length 12 mm and radius 35 mm. If , with attention given to battery current gradient, UC or battery modules supply their power to the motor. © 2012 IJAIR. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 504 T. Govindaraj et al. / IJAIR Otherwise, if the battery modules need energy, and fully discharge, the UC modules transfer their energy to battery or HV side. If the UC modules need energy, and fully discharge, the battery modules deliver their energy to UC or LV side. On the other hand, when the converter operates in generating mode , only the first condition is considered. In generating mode, the motor tends to give up its power; thus, it is not compared with load power. The converter and its modes of operation are explained in the next section. Fig. 1. Circuit schematic with hybrid energy sources and traction motor Fig. 2. Forward motoring; capacitors and are charged by LV side (S16 is on and current flows in motor). III. SC CONVERTEROPERATING CHARACTERISTIC AND MODES In the forward motoring (Quadrant I) mode, both voltage and current are positive. At the same time, if, the UC or battery modules supply their power to motor side, with attention given to the gradient of battery current. Otherwise, battery or UC modules deliver their energy between each other. For better understanding of the controller, each operation mode is denoted by a specific code. When Pout < PL the UC modules transfer their power to motor side. As a first step, switches S2, S10, S14 and S7 are on D1, D9, D13 and D6 start conducting. Capacitors C1 and C2 are charged by the LV side. At this time, the voltage across the two capacitors ISSN: 2278-7844 increases. Also, in this operation mode, S16 is on, because motor does not stop, and current flows through the armature. This mode is represented by code 3. The operation mode is shown in Fig.3. After this operating stage S6, S11and S4 are on, and D7 D12 and D3 start conducting. Capacitors C1 and C2 are disconnected from LV side and transfer their stored energy to motor side. At this time, the voltage across the two capacitors de creases. This mode is shown by code 1. This operation mode is depicted in fig 4. However, when battery modules deliver their energy to motor side, switch S5 is closed, and D8 starts Conducting. This mode is shown by code 2, and is Depicted in Fig.4. Now, if, and battery modules are fully discharged LV side or UC modules transfer their energy to HV side. As a first step, switchesS2, S10, S14, and S7 are on, and D1, D9, D13 and D6 start conducting. This mode is Represented by code 3 and is depicted in Fig.2. Also, in both buck as well as boost modes switch is on, because motor does not stop, and current flows through the armature. After this operating stage, S6, S11, S4, and S8 are onD7, D12, D3and D5 starts conducting. Capacitor and are disconnected from LV side and transfer their stored energy to the HV side. Also, the voltage across two capacitors decreases. This mode is shown by code 4. The boost mode implements the voltage-lift technique Because the capacitor s are charged in parallel During the on-state the input voltage appears Across the capacitors. The capacitors are discharged in series during the Off-state. Hence, through this simple technique, output voltage can be boosted by the capacitors. This operation mode is depicted in Fig. 5. Now, if, and UC modules are fully discharged battery modules transfer their energy to the LV side. As a first Switches S5, S3, S12, and S7 are on, and D8, D4, D11andD6 start conducting. Now, capacitors C1 and C2 are charged by HV side. At this time the voltage across the two capacitor increases. This mode is Representation by code 10 and is shown in fig.6 After this operating stage switches S6, S9, S13, and S1 are on and D7, D10, D14, and D2 start conducting. Capacitor C1 and C2 are Disconnected from HV side and transfer their Stored energy to the LV side. At this time the Voltage across the two capacitor decreases. This Mode is shown by code 11.the buck mode uses the current amplication technique, because the Capacitors are charged © 2012 IJAIR. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 505 T. Govindaraj et al. / IJAIR ISSN: 2278-7844 Fig.3. Forward motoring; capacitors are discharged and are disconnected from LV side Fig. 7. Capacitors are discharged and are disconnected from HV side ( is on and current flows in motor). Fig. 4. Forward motoring; battery modules supply energy to motor. Fig. 8. Forward motoring; hybrid energy sources are fully discharged ( and is on). Fig. 5. Capacitors are discharged and are disconnected from LV side ( is on and current flows in motor). Fig. 9. Forward regenerative operation; capacitors and are charged by Motor Fig. 6. Capacitors and are charged by HV side (is on and current Flows in motor). in series during on state. The input current flows through capacitors these Capacitors are discharged in parallel during off-state. The output current is amplified by these capacitors this operation mode is depicted in Fig. 7. If UC or battery modules are fully discharged, and turns on, because current flows through the motor. This mode is represented by code 9. This operation mode is shown in Fig. 8. In forward regenerative (Quadrant II) mode, voltage is positive and current is negative. In this operating mode, only battery current gradient is considered. When Motor supplies power to the UC side, and UC modules are fully discharged (or half charged), then the mo tor transfers its power to the LV side. As a first step, switches S3, S12, and S7 are on, and D4, D11, and D6 start conducting. Capacitors and are charged by motor Power. At this time, the voltage across the two capacitors increases. This mode is represented by code zero, and is shown in Fig.9. After this operating stage, switches S6, S9, S13, and S1 are on, and D7, D10, D14 start conducting. Capacitors C1 and C2 stored are disconnected from motor side and transfer their energy to the LV side. At © 2012 IJAIR. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 506 T. Govindaraj et al. / IJAIR this time, the voltage across the two capacitors decreases. At the same time, switch is on, because motor does not stop. This mode is shown by code 12, ISSN: 2278-7844 However, if UC or battery modules are fully charged Switch is on, because current flows through the motor. This mode is shown by code 8, and is depicted in Fig. 12. In reverse motoring (Quadrant III) mode, both voltage And current are negative. This operation mode and Its codes are same as forward motoring mode. In reverse regenerative (Quadrant IV) mode, voltage is Negative and current is positive. This operation mode. And its codes are same as forward regenerative mode. The next section focuses on critical energy transfer Efficiency modeling and analysis of the SC converter. and is depicted in Fig.10. Fig. 10. Forward regenerative operation; capacitors and are disconnected from motor side and transfer their stored energy to the LV side (is on and current flows in motor). Fig. 11. Forward regenerative operation; battery modules are fully discharged or half charged IV.ENERGY TRANSFER EFFICIENCY MODEL AND DESIGN As aforementioned, the SC converter has two main modes of operation, the buck mode and boost mode. The buck modes use the current-amplification technique Capacitors and are charged during on-state in series and input current flows through them. These capacitors are discharged during off-state in parallel. Therefore, the output current is amplified by these capacitors. If the switching period T, is small enough (compared to the circuit time constant), an average current can be used to replace its instantaneous value, for the purpose of integration. Also, it must be noted that capacitors and are of equal sizes, so that the voltage across each of them is equal. Therefore, the voltage across capacitor can be expressed as shown in (1) at the bottom of the page. If the switching period, is small enough (compared to the circuit time constant), initial values can be used, while ignoring trivial variations. Therefore, the current flowing through capacitor can be written. Fig. 12. Forward regenerative operation; UC or battery modules are fully charged and current flows in motor When the motor supplies power to battery side, and battery modules are fully discharged (or half charged) motor transfers its power to HV side, and switch turns On. Diode starts conducting, and this mode is represented by code 5, as showninFig.11. © 2012 IJAIR. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 507 T. Govindaraj et al. / IJAIR ISSN: 2278-7844 the scenario when battery modules supply their energy to motor side (code2). Consider codes 3 and 1, Pout<PL and UC modules transfer their power to motor side. Fig. 16 depicts the voltage across of each capacitor, voltage across the dc motor (armature voltage), and operation (gate-to-source voltage) of switches and during codes 3 and 1, respectively. under code 3 operation, when switch is on, capacitors and are charged by LV side in parallel, and voltage across, of each capacitor increases. Also during this interval, is on because motor does not stop. After this operating stage, during operation in code 1, when switch is on, capacitors and are disconnected from LV side,C1 and C2 transfer their stored energy to motor side. At this time, the voltage across each capacitor decreases. TABLE-1 Fig. 15 shows UC module voltage that gradually decreases and supplies power to motor. Fig. 14 represents UC module current and gate-to-source voltage of S2.depicts motor voltage, current, and operation of switch S4.Operation of switches S2, S10, S7, S11, S4 and S16 are shown in Fig. 21. As is clear, when the converter is operated under code 3. S2, S10, S14, S7 and S16 are on, and D1, D9, D13and D6 start conducting (capacitors C1 and C2 are charged by the LV side). Under code 1 Operation, S6, S11and S4 are on, and D7, D12 and D3 and start conducting. Capacitors C1 and C2 are discharged and transfer their stored energy to motor Side. Fig. 17 shows the overall computed energy transfer Efficiency versus varying conduction duty cycle, k Fig. 13. Experimental setup for implementing the SC converter V. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AND TEST VALIDATION This section focuses on the experimental implementation and controller verification for the proposed 4Q SC converter. Fig.13. Shows the experimental setup, which is used for practical implementation of the SC converter. The experimental test setup consists of 24 cells Li-ion polymer battery cells (10 Ah, 16 cells, BCAP 120 0 P270) and a 1 HP permanent-magnet dc machine (PMDC). A micro controller is used to implement the control strategy. Micro controller is a digital controller for rapid prototyping .which can be directly programmed with the Simulink file used Average transfer efficiency in this mode is calculated to be about 87%. Thus, it is evident that conduction duty does not affect the transfer efficiency significantly. However, does affect Pi (input power) and Pout (output power) in a diminutive region. Considering code 2, when battery modules are fully Or half charged, UC modules are fully discharged and Pout<PL.When the motor demands power, battery modules Supply their power to the motor, and LV side is fully Discharged. In this case, battery modules, instead of the LV side (UC modules), supply their energy their energy to the motor in both operating modes (forward motoring and reverse motoring). Fig. 14 show motor as well as battery voltage and current, B. Experimental Test Results and Discussion This section focuses on the experimental test results of codes3 and 1. Additional test results include testing of © 2012 IJAIR. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 508 T. Govindaraj et al. / IJAIR ISSN: 2278-7844 Fig:16 while depicts operation of switch .Table II shows the efficiency comparison between the conventional 4-Q SC converter and proposed 4-Q SC converter. Fig:17 Fig:14 VI-Conclusion Fig:15 This paper presented the design and experimental verification of a novel control technique for a hybrid SC bidirectional dc/dc converter, applicable for HEV/PHEV energy storage system application. The developed SCC offers essential features of voltage stepdown, voltage step-up, an d bidirectional power flow, associated with two or more HEV energy storage devices Furthermore, this paper also presented detailed efficiency modeling and analyses using the proposed SCC control strategy. Experimental tests conducted on the proposed topology depict the following major advantages: a) lower source current ripple b) simpler dynamics; and c) control simplicity. 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Ph.D. Recognized Research Supervisor for Anna University,Satyabama University Chennai and CMJ University Meghalaya. Editorial Board Member for journals like International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering,International Journal of Engineering and Technology,International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT).International Journal Peer Reviewer for Taylor & Francis International Journal “Electrical Power Components & System” United Kingdom,Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research,Journal of Engineering and Technology Research (JETR),International Journal of the Physical Sciences,Association for the Advancement of Modelling and Simulation Techniques in Enterprises,International Journal of Engineering & Computer Science (IJECS),Scientific Research and Essays,Journal of Engineering and Computer Innovation,E3 Journal of Energy Oil and Gas Research,World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology,Journal of Electrical and Control Engineeringļ¼JECE),Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society etc.. He has published Seventy Six research papers in International/National Conferences and Journals. Organized 20 National / International Conferences/Seminars. Received Best paper award for ICEESPEEE 09 conference paper. Coordinator for AICTE Sponsored SDP on Soft Computing Techniques In Advanced Special Electric Drives,2011.Coordinator for AICTE Sponsored National Seminar on Computational Intelligence Techniques in Green Energy, 2011.Chief Coordinator and Investigator for AICTE sponsored MODROBS - Modernization of Electrical Machines Laboratory. . [7] F. L. Luo and H. Ye, Advanced DC/DC Converters. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 2004. [8] M. Veerachary, “Control of switched capacitor step-down buck converter,” in Proc. IEEE Annu. Conf. Ind. Electron. Society, Paris, France, Nov. 2006, pp. 2073–2076. [9] M. Veerachary and S. B. Sudhakar, “Peak-current mode control of hybridswitched capacitor converter,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Power Electron., Drives, Energy Syst., New Delhi, India, Dec. 2006, pp. 1– 6. [10] F. L. Luo, “Luo converters, voltage lift technique,” in Proc. IEEE Power Electron. Specialists Conf., Fukuoka, J Japan, May 1998, pp. [11] Govindaraj Thangavel,” Finite Element Analysis of the Direct Drive PMLOM” In book: Finite Element Analysis - New Trends and Developments, Chapter: 6, InTech online Publisher,10 Oct 2012. Dr.Govindaraj Thangavel born in Tiruppur , India , in 1964. He received the B.E. degree from Coimbatore Institute of Technology, M.E. degree from PSG College of Technology and Ph.D. from Jadavpur University, Kolkatta,India in 1987, 1993 and 2010 respectively. His Biography is included in Who's Who in Science and Engineering 2011-2012 (11th Edition). Scientific Award of Excellence 2011 from American Biographical Institute (ABI). Outstanding Scientist of the 21st century by International Biographical centre of Cambridge, England 2011. Since July 2009 he has been Professor and Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College affiliated to Anna University, Chennai, India. His Current research interests includes Permanent magnet machines, Axial flux Linear oscillating Motor, Advanced Embedded power electronics controllers,finite element analysis of special electrical machines,Power . © 2012 IJAIR. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 510