J. Soc.Cosmet. Chem.,28, 549-569 (September1977) Theelectrostaticpropertiesof humanhair ANTHONY C. LUNN and ROBERT E. EVANS, American CyanamidCompany,ChemicalResearch Division,Stamford,CT 06904. Received October 12, 1976. Presented, Ninth IFSCC Congress, Boston, MA.,June 1976. Synopsis Three factorshave been studiedwhich are significantin the developmentof ELECTROSTATIC CHARGE on HAIR FIBERS: (1) the chargegeneratedby separationbetween hair fibers and brush or comb; (2) the mobility of chargeon the fibers;and (3) the distributionof chargealongthe fiber length. Instrumentationhas been developed to measureeach of these parameters,and the effect upon them of quaternaryammonium compoundsand other fiber treatments. Quaternary antistaticagentsare found to reducesubstantiallythe chargegeneratedon the fibers;the half-life of chargemobility varieswith the quantityof agenton the hair. The densityof chargeis greatestnear the fiber tips, correspondingto the regionof a peak in the combingforce. It is concludedthat the mechanismof actionof theseantistaticagentsis primarilyone of lubrication:a reductionin combingforceleadsto a reduction of staticchargegeneratedon the hair. INTRODUCTION While the phenomenonof staticelectrification,first recorded by the ancientGreeks, has intrigued physicistsover the centuries, our knowledge and understandingof electrostaticsas related to practicalproblems remains even today at an elementary level. Yet problemsassociated with the buildupof electrostatic chargeon a bodyare of commercialimportancein manyindustries.For example,staticelectrificationhasbeen of major concernto textile manufacturersand users,especiallysincethe development of syntheticpolymers,and, of course,to the plasticsindustryitself. In the hair-careindustry, problems arise from staticchargesin brushedor combed hair, particularly at low humidity levels. The fibersare mutually repelled by thesecharges,thereby showing the phenomenonof "flyaway"which is unattractiveand which makeshair hard to combor to keep in place. 549 550 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS Substantial effortshavebeenmadeto developmeansto ameliorateelectrostatic problems.On humanhair, cationicquaternaryammoniumcompounds are in commonuse for thispurpose.Little is knownof the mechanism of actionof suchantistatic agents, however,andin suchcircumstances it isdifficultto developimprovedmaterials. Hypotheticalreasoning led us to believethat 3 principalfactorscontributeto the severityof the "flyaway"of humanhair.The firstis the magnitudeof chargewhichis generated bythecontact andsubsequent separation of hairandcomb.Thesecond factor is themobilityof chargeanditsrateof dissipation fromthefibers.Thethirdfactor is the distributionof chargealongthe lengthof the combedfibers.In principle,the desiredobjectiveof reducedelectrostatic effectscanbe approached by alteringeach one of these factors.Either a reductionin the magnitudeof chargegeneratedor an increasein the mobilityof thatchargecanbe effective.Mutualrepulsionof fiberscan alsobe alteredby changing the distribution of chargedensityalongthe lengthof the fiber. The generationof staticchargeswhen unlike objectsare rubbedtogetherarisesfrom an unequaltransferof chargesacrossthe interfacebetweentwo bodiesin contact. Whenthe bodiesareseparated, theyareeachleft with netcharges of oppositesignand of magnitudeequalto the differentialchargetransferred.Theoreticalaspects of this processare discussed by Vick (1), Arthur (2), and Hersh and Montgomery(3). The chargegeneratedby rubbingfilamentstogetherhasbeen studiedexperimentally by Hersh andMontgomery(4). Henry eta/. (5) measuredboth chargemagnitudeandthe rate of its decayfrom rubbed textile fabrics.Barber and Posner(6) measuredthe chargegeneratedby combinghumanhair.Mills etaL (7) alsoattemptedto measurethe chargegeneratedby combinghair, but the methodemployeddid not permit a distinction to be made betweengenerationand dissipationmechanisms. The rateof dissipation of chargeto electrical grounddepends on theeaseof movement of chargeson the body,a propertywhichwe here call "chargemobility."A complementaryphenomenon,the rate at whichchargedevelopson the bodyin the presence of an electrostatic potential,is similarlydeterminedby the chargemobility.Charge mobilityis itself dependentprimarilyon the conductivityof the material(5,8). Shashoua(9) measured the ratesof buildup anddecayof chargefrom filmsandfabrics. Ballou(10)measured decayratesfromtextiles; healsoconsidered charge generated on movingyarns.Unfortunately,little informationis availableon the mobilityof charge on human hair. The distributionof chargealongthe lengthof a fiber, althoughnotedby Ballou(10) as important,hasreceivedvery little investigation. The only other discussion of such phenomenais by Sprokel(11), who studiedthe variationof chargealonga running textile yarn. In a published work,the relativeimportance of chargegeneration, mobility,anddistributionto the incidenceand controlof electrostaticchargesis rarelyconsidered, and a cleardistinctionbetweenthem is not alwaysdrawn.Instrumentationhas,therefore, been developedat theselaboratoriesto studyeachof theseparametersseparately, on treated and untreatedhair, with the intention of evaluatingtheir relative importance andof elucidatingthe mechanism of actionof antistaticagentson humanhair. ELECTROSTATIC PROPERTIES OF HAIR 551 EXPERIMENTAL HAIR TRESSES: TREATMENT AND CONDITIONING For the work reported here, virgin brown hair*wasused.Test tresseswere cut perpendicularly to a length of 20 cm and glued at the root endsto a plastictab, on which the hair was spreadover a width of 3.8 cm. The weight of hair in each tresswas 1.3 +- 0. ! g. In order to get reproducibleresultsin chargemobility measurements,it wasimportant to spreadthe hair uniformly over the 3.8 cm width of the tab. A mounting jig containing a fixed fine-toothed comb was employed to facilitate samplepreparation; the hair fiberswere spreadevenly acrossthe comb before beingglued. Before use, the tresseswere cleaned with a solution of sodium lauryl sulfate, then rinsed thoroughly. When the effect of antistatic and other treatments was to be studied, these materials were typically applied as follows: 0.6 cc of the particular shampoo, creme rinse, or antistat agent was applied to the wet hair, worked in manuallyfor 40 sec,rinsedin runningtapwater for 20 sec,and then air dried. All treatments discussedbelow were rinsed in this manner before being dried, unlessotherwise specified. As is well known, relative humidity is a critical variable in electrostaticexperiments. All experiments were conducted in an environment controlled to + ! per cent RH at 23 + 0.5øC.To avoiderrorsarisingfrom the hysteresisin the water uptake of hair (12), tresseswere alwaysbrought to equilibrium at the test humidity from a higher humidity level. It was found necessaryto conditionthe hair for at least40 h at the test humidity before making measurements,in order to obtain consistentresults. THE MEASUREMENT OF CHARGE GENERATED BY COMBING The generation of electrostaticcharge by the separationof 2 bodies is a notoriously variable procedure subject to considerableirreproducibility, and highly sensitiveto test conditionssuchas surfacecontamination(•[3). For this reason,many workers have eschewedmeasurementsof chargegeneration, preferring to determine electricalresistivity or chargemobility rates (8,9). Nevertheless, the processof chargegeneration is critically important, and it was consideredessentialthat it be studied. A method was developed to measurethe generation of chargeunder conditionssimulatingactualuse, i.e., the combing of hair, with a procedure designedto control the variablesas closely aspossible. The apparatusused is shown in Fig. •[. The hair tresses,comb, and Faradaycagewere all enclosedin a humidity controlled box which wasmaintainedat 23øC. Both tressand combwere carefullyinsulatedfrom electricalgroundduring the combingoperation,to ensure that no chargewould be lost by conductionto ground before measurement. The tresswas held in a polystyreneinsulatedgrip while being combed,and the comb was mounted in a polystyrenehandle. Some experimentswere alsoperformed with the combgrounded. Commerciallyavailablecombsof variousmaterialswere used. *DeMeo Brothers, New York, N.Y. 552 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS RELEASE CLAMP- INSULATED FROM GROUND HAND HELD INSULATING HANDLE % ß FARADAY CAGE ELECTROMETER I Figure1. Apparatus used tomeasure electrostatic charges generated onhairtresses bycombing Residual charges onthetress werefirstremoved byexposure toaradioactive polonium deionizer.The tresswashandcombedfor the requisitenumberof strokeswith the insulated comb.Charge wasthenmeasured byreleasing thetressfromthepolystyreneinsulatedgrip and depositingit in a Faradaycage,whichwasconnectedto an electrometer. • The capacitance of the Faradaycageandconnecting cableswas100 pF, whichwasnegligible compared to thecapacitance of theelectrometer. Thecharge Q onthetresscould,therefore,bereaddirectlyfromtheelectrometer scale. The principlesources of errorwerevariations in the relativehumidity,variations betweenreplicate tresses, andthe irreproducibility of handcombing. For accurate measurements,3 to 5 replicate tresseswere used, with 5 successivedeterminationson eachtress.In thiswaythecharge Q couldbedetermined witha 95 percentconfidence intervalof -+ 15 per cent. THE MEASUREMENT OF CHARGE MOBILITY ON HAIR Themobilityof electrostatic charge onabodycanbecharacterized bytherateatwhich charges builduponanddecayfromit. The half-lifeof charge induction, r c,isthetime *Model 610 BR, KeithleyInstruments, Cleveland,OH. ELECTROSTATIC PROPERTIES OF HAIR 553 CONNECTOR COAX-CABLE WIRE UPPER SHELL :TOR •)DE COMB HIGH VOLTAGE CONNECTOR LOWER SHELL MOUNT HIGH VOLTAGE EL ECTRODE (a) VOLTAGE HIGH CABLE VOLTAGE ELECTRODE (b) Figure 2. Faradayshell apparatusfor measurementof chargemobility, with hair tressin position:(a) side view;(b) exposedtop view (uppershellremoved) 554 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS 2.1 KV • + POWER 20MEG • SUPPLY TEST.i.•..•,,,•--I I I i I_- __ HUMIDITY I ELECTROMETER ZERO (•) OSW. 0 I CABINET RECORDER Figure 3. Wiring diagramfor chargemobilitymeasurements required for chargeto build up to one-half of its equilibrium value when the body is exposedto a high potential. The half-life of chargedecay,r I•, is the time taken for chargeto diminishto one-halfof its initial valuewhen the chargedbody is connectedto electrical ground. A perfect conductorchargesand dischargesinstantaneously,and, therefore, has a charge mobility half-life of zero. Charges on a perfect insulator, however, are immobile, and the half-life is infinite in such a material. Poor insulators suchas human hair havefinite half-liveswhich vary widely with surfaceconditionand with relative humidity. The experimentalprocedureusedin thiswork for the measurementof chargemobility is a modificationof an ASTM method for the determinationof chargemobility on flexible plasticfilms (14). The apparatusis shownschematicallyin Figs.2 and 3. The principle of operation is as follows. The fibers of the hair tress, connectedto electrical groundat eachend, are chargedby inductionfrom a highvoltageelectrode.The charge on the hair is monitoredby a detectorelectrode.The rate at which chargebuildsup is characterizedby the half-life of charge induction. When the high voltage sourceis removed, the chargeon the hair diminishesto zero at a rate characterizedby the halflife of chargedecay.The basicprinciple of the method is similarto that usedby Shashoua (9) with the exception that in his case the specimenwas chargeddirectly, whereas,in the presentprocedure,it is chargedby inductionand thereby,acquiresa chargeof polarity oppositeto that of the voltagesource. ELECTROSTATIC PROPERTIES OF HAIR 555 The test fixture, which we call here a Faradayshell, was constructedaccordingto the ASTM description.The apparatusconsistsof 2 cylindricalbrassshells, 10 cm in diameter. Each cell contains an electrode 5 cm in diameter which is insulated from groundby a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) spacer.The electrodesare recessed0.6 cm from the planeof the specimen.The wallsof the fixtureare groundedandare heavy to providegood electricalcontactwith the sample.The Faradayshell and the hair tressesundertestwere placedin a chamberof controlledrelativehumidityat 23øC. Safetyinterlocks,which disconnectthe high voltagesource,were containedin a box which coveredthe test fixture. This ensuredthat the high voltagesupplycould not deliver a lethal shockto the operator. The hair tresswas spreaduniformly over a 3.8 cm width by insertingthe tressat the plastictab end in one of the combsmountedadjacentto the shells.A hand-heldcomb was inserted behind the fixed comb and pulled acrossthe shell; the tress was then affixedin the combon the oppositeside.The finalpositionof the tressis shownin Fig. 2. The combswere usedsolelyasa guide for specimenmounting,and were not usedto generatechargeon the tress.Any residualchargeson the specimenafter mounting were removed with a radioactivedeionizer before closingthe shellstogether. In addition to the provisionof combsadjacentto the Faradayshell for mounting the specimen,the other importantmodificationof the ASTM procedurewasthe partial enclosure of the bottom shell; this shell was covered with a thin brasssheet with the exceptionof a 4 cm width in whichthe specimenwasmounted(Fig. 2). The purposeof this modification was to shield the detector electrode in the upper shell from stray fieldsof the chargingelectrodeleakingaroundthe specimen. In operation,a potentialof--- 2100 V is appliedto the electrodein the lower shellby a high voltage sourceat time zero. The upper detector electrode is usedto monitor the electrostaticfield potential,andis connectedto an electrometerandchartrecorder(see Fig. 3). At time zero, the detectorelectrodeinstantaneously chargesby inductionto a potentialoppositeto that of the chargingelectrode.Sincehair is not a perfectconductor, the chargeinitiallyinducedon the hairis zero. Chargebuildsup on the hairby induction at a finite rate; this chargehasa polarity oppositeto that of the high voltage source.Sincethe total chargewithin the Faradayshellsis zero from Gauss'Law (15), the chargeon the detector electrodedecreasescorrespondingly.When the hair is fully charged,the chargeon the detectorelectrodefallsto zero. The output of the chartrecorderduring this processis shownin Fig. 4, togetherwith a representationof the stateof chargeon the hair and on the two electrodesasthe hair is chargedand discharged.The charge,Q(t), on the hair at time t is related to the voltage, V(t), on the detector electrode as follows: Q(t) Q0 - 1--- v(t) v0 during charging,and Q(t) V(t) Qo Vo (2) 556 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS i (•) A ]D•'.I.'IOA I ELECTROSTATIC PROPERTIES OF HAIR 557 duringdischarging. Q0is the chargeon the hairwhen fully charged. The initial voltageV0 inducedon the detectorelectrode is not accuratelyrecordedby the recorderpen becauseof inadequateresponsetime. V0 is thereforedeterminedin a separateexperiment in which no specimenis present.The half-life for chargeinduction r c is determinedfrom the recordertraceasshownin Fig.4. To measuredecayof chargefrom the fully chargedhair, the chargingelectrodeis disconnectedfrom the highvoltagesource,and connectedto ground.The chargeon the detectorelectrodethen becomesequal and oppositeto that on the hair, sincethe total charge in the enclosuremust remain zero. The half-life for charge decay r D is determined from the dischargecurveof the detectorelectrode(Fig. 4). For all measurements, the electrometer output must be correctedfor drift. Other experimental details andprecautionsare describedin the ASTM procedure(14). Four separatedeterminationsof r were madeon eachhairtress:both charginganddischarging,each with both positive and negativechargesinducedon the hair. The halflife was calculatedas a root mean squarevalue, followinggeneralpractice(9). With 3 replicate tresses,raMSof the 4 determinationscould be obtained with a 95 per cent confidencelimit of -+ 25 per cent. THE MEASUREMENT or CHARGE DISTRIBUTION ALONG THE HAIR FIBERS An apparatuswas devised to measure the variation of charge generated along the length of hair fibers as they are combed.The systemis shownin Fig. 5. The hair tressis attachedat the tab end to the cross-headof an Instron testingmachine.• It is insertedin a lower test comb of hard rubber, and passesalsothrough an upper metal combwhich is grounded. A cylindrical brassdetector electrode, on the inside of a glasscylinder, surroundsthe specimenabovethe rubber comb. A brassshieldingelectrodewhich is connectedto ground surroundsthe outer surfaceof the glasscylinder. Grounded guard electrodesare placed adjacent to the inner detector electrode. The aluminum comb also acts as a guard electrode. The inner electrode is connectedto an electrometer and chart recorder. When the hair tressis pulled through the apparatus,chargeis generatedon the fibers as they passthrough the lower comb. The charge on that part of the fibers which is immediately above this comb is sensedby the detector electrode. The guard electrodes and the upper metal comb serveto screenchargeson the rest of the hair tressfrom the detectorelectrode. A fiber length of 1.9 cm is sensedby the detectorelectrode.By recordingthe electrometeroutput asa function of time as the hair is pulled through the combs,the variationof chargealongthe length of the hair is obtained. The force required to pull the tressthrough the comb can also be recorded on the Instron. Becauseof interference from the metal comb which is present for measurements of chargedistribution,however, force measurementswere made in a separate experiment in which the metal comb was removed from the apparatus. *Model 1125, Instron Corp., Canton, MA. 558 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS INSTRON LOAD CELL INSTRON RECORDER SHIELDING ELECTRODElhi J METAL COMB (GUARD ELECTRODE) DETECTOR ---L.J ELECTRODE TEST COMB (HARD RUBBER) HAl R TRESS CHART RECORDER Figure 5. Apparatususedto measuredistributionof chargedensityalonglengthof hair asit is combed RESULTS CHARGE GENERATED BY COMBING The chargegenerated on the hair by combing was found to be of positive sign,for typical hair treatments and for all comb materialsexamined.This finding is consistent with two factors.First, keratin is at or near the positive end of the tribolectric series(9), meaningthat when it is rubbed againstother materialswhich are lower than keratin in the series,a positivechargeis developedon the keratin.(It is possibleby certaintreatments to alter the positionof keratin in the tribolectric series(16)). Second,when 2 bodies are rubbed together under conditions where the bodies contribute unequal areas to the rubbing surface, the body which contributes the larger area tends to develop a positive charge(17). When hair is combed, it is the hair which contributes the larger area of contact. The magnitude of charge generated Q varied with the comb material and with the number N of manualcombstrokesappliedto the tress,asshownin Fig. 6. The slopeof the curve with nylon and hard rubber combsis consistentwith the findingsof Barber and Posner(6) who useda polystyrenecomb.These combmaterialsare very poor conductors, and the results show an increaseof chargewith each successivecomb stroke, ELECTROSTATIC PROPERTIES I '"" OF HAIR I 559 I 5 o o x 0 3 <[ 2 '('Y' / HARD RUBBER....-_--r"i-- • • •-' 0 ALUMINUM I I I 5 10 15 NUMBER OF COMB STROKES N Figure 6. ChargeQ generatedby combinghair tresseswith N manualcombstrokes,with variouscombmaterials,at 50 per cent RH ( ) untreatedhair; (...... ) hair treated with cremerinse A with an eventual saturation level. When an aluminum comb is used, however, there is very little increasein chargeon the hair with successive combstrokes. We hypothesizethat the conductivecombactsasa sink for charges.On the firstcomb pass,the combbecomesnegativelycharged;the hair positivelycharged.As the combis passedagainthroughsuccessive incrementsof the chargedhair, mobile chargeson the conductivecomb neutralizethe chargeon the hair, whichthen rechargesto its original level when the comb leaves each increment of the hair. This does not occur with non- conductingcombsbecauseof their low chargemobility;in thiscase,chargeson the hair are only partially neutralizedon additionalcombingstrokes,so that the total charge increaseswith eachpassof the comb. Saturationis reachedwhen the chargedensityon the comb reaches a certain level. The magnitudeof chargegeneratedwith variouscomb materialswasfound to increase in the order aluminum•< hard rubber < nylon at all humidity levels examined(20 to 50 per cent RH) and with all hair treatments tested. 560 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS m SHAMPOO UNTREATED A 3- o CREME R _ 2- CREME RI 1- 0 10 20 RELATIVE 30 HUMIDITY, 40 50 60 PERCENT Figure 7. Variation of chargegeneratedon hair tresseswith relative humidity. Five comb strokes,hard rubber comb Data for hair treated with a commercialcreme rinse formulation containinga quaternary ammonium compound are shown in Fig. 6, as well as data for cleanuntreated hair. The formulation is particularly effective in reducing the value of Q when hard rubber and aluminum combs are used. The magnitudeof chargegeneratedwasunaffectedby groundingthe comb, even with the metal comb.This is, in fact, to be expected,sincethe chargearisesfrom separation of the two objects (hair and comb). Grounding the comb merely dissipatesthe charge on the comb (if the combis a conductor);the chargeon the hair is unaffected.Grounding the hair, on the other hand, would causethe chargeon the hair to dissipateat a rate related to its chargemobility half-life, so that the chargemeasuredwould vary with the elapsedtime betweencombingand measurementof the charge.It is for thisreasonthat the hair wasalwaysinsulatedfrom groundin thesetests. The charge generated varies greatly with the relative humidity. It was found to decreaselinearly over the range 20 to 50 per cent RH, as shownin Fig. 7. A similar finding was reported by Barber and Posner (6) over the range 30 to 70 per cent RH. ELECTROSTATIC i i PROPERTIES OF HAIR I I 30 40 561 RINSED SBAC UNRINSED 10 20 RELATIVE HUMIDITY, 50 60 PERCENT Figure 8. Variation of chargegeneratedon hair tresseswith relative humidity. Two comb strokes,hard rubber comb.SBAC: stearyldimethylbenzylammoniumchloride We may write the empiricalrelationshipvalid over theserangesof humidity Q(RH) = Q(0) - o•. RH (3) where RH is the relative humidity, Q(0) is the chargegenerated at zero per cent RH, and -o• is the slopeof the plot of Q(RH) versusrelative humidity. In routine testing, therefore, it wasonly necessaryto make measurementsat 2 humidity levels;30 and 50 per cent RH were selectedasconvenient for this purpose. It is essentialto evaluatethe effect of relative humidity in order to obtain an accurate measureof antistatperformance. Although treatments which reduce the staticcharge generatedon hair generallygive resultswhich are superiorto untreatedcontrolsat all humiditylevels,somematerialswere foundto havean antistaticeffecton hair at high humidities,but gaveresultsworsethanuntreatedhair at low humidities.An exampleis theionerie polymer [N+(CH3)2 ßCH2'CHOH'CH2]nn CI-, asshown in Fig.8. This material hasquaternary ammonium ions in the main chain of the polymer. The amount of antistaticagent on the hair affectsthe magnitudeof chargegenerated. Hair wastreated with stearyldimethyl benzyl ammoniumchloride (SBAC) by immersion in a 3 per cent aqueoussolution.When allowed to dry without being rinsed, so that a relatively large quantity of material remained on the hair, the chargegenerated 562 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS I I I I I I | I I I I 22% RH 29% RH 43% RH 51% RH • • 20 • • 40 I ß NEGATIVE CHARGING O NEGATIVE DISCHARGING ß POSTIVE CHARGING A POSTIVE DISCHARGING I 60 I I I 80 TIME, I 100 I I 120 I I 140 I 160 SEC, Figure 9. Charge on untreated hair during chargingand discharging,as shownby relative voltageon the detector electrode.Chargingpotential:2100 V was essentiallyzero (Fig. 8). When rinsed under a running tap for 20 or 300 seconds before drying, however, the chargegeneratedby combingincreasedto finite but still small values (Fig. 8). CHARGE MOBILITY When a tressof hair, which is insulatedfrom electricalground, is chargedby combing, the chargewill remain on the hair indefinitely. This wasconfirmedby an experimentin which a combed tress was suspendedin a Faraday cageby a PTFE thread, with care taken to ensure that the tress did not touch the Faradaycage.The chargeon the hair was found to remain constantwith time. (Partial dischargeby dielectricbreakdownof the atmospheremay occur, if the chargedensityon the hair is suchthat the dielectric strengthof air is exceeded.The lossof chargewould occurinstantaneouslyupon combing, and would not be detectedby this experiment.) When a charged tress is connected to electrical ground, the charge will decay. In the caseof hair on the head, the scalpand body effectively act asa ground, becauseof their large capacitancerelative to that of the hair. The rate of decaydependson the mobility of chargeson the hair. Charge mobility was measured by the Faraday shell apparatusdescribedabove, in which the hair tress was chargedto and dischargedfrom a potential of 2100 V. The chargeQ(t) on the hairwasmonitoredby the voltageV(t) on the detectorelectrode. In Fig. 9, the detector electrode voltage is shown as a function of time, for untreated hair at varioushumidity levels. Chargingand dischargingdata, for both positiveand ELECTROSTATIC PROPERTIES OF HAIR 563 negativeapplied potentials,are plotted. The linear relationshipbetween log V(t) and time in Fig. 9 confirmsthat the charge builds up and decaysexponentially,as found by Wilson (8), Shashoua(9), and Ballou (10). We cancharacterizethe processby the equations Q(t)=Qo[1{-•77} tin2 exp ] (4) during charging,and Q(t)=Q0'exp{ - tIn21 (5) during discharging,where Q(t) is the chargeon the hair at time t, Q0 is the equilibrium charge,r c isthe half-lifeof chargeinduction,andr Dis the half-lifeof chargedecay. In this work, no systematicdifferencewasfound betweenvaluesof r for positiveand negativecharges,nor betweenvaluesfor chargingand discharging.This is shownby the superpositionof the four curvesat eachhumidity level in Fig. 9, and a similar result wasobtainedfor all hair samplesexamined,at all humiditylevels,whethertreatedwith antistatic agents or not. We, therefore, computed the root mean square half-life as follows TI•,M S= 1/2[(r+c)2+ (T+D) 2+ (T_C) 2-• (T_D)2] 1/2 (6) Our findingscontrastwith those of Shashoua(9), who found that r+ was generally not the sameasr_ in textile fabricsand films,and that r c and r Dwere alsounequalwhen the voltageexceeded2000 V. Shashouaattributed the inequalityoff c andr Dto ionization of the atmosphere.As discussedabove,we found no sucheffect in this work. The logarithm of raMSvaries linearly with relative humidity, over the range 20 to 50 per cent RH (Fig. 10). Shashoua(9) obtained a similar result for textile fibers and plasticfilms, over the range 15 to 65 per cent RH. Followingthis,we may write within these ranges TI•MS= T0exp [-fi ßRH] (7) where -fi is the slope of the line, and r0 is the extrapolated half-life at zero per cent RH. Becauseof this linearity, experimentswere routinely conductedat only two humidity levels(30 and 50 per cent) in this test also. Conventional shampoosand some creme rinses do not changer from its value for untreated hair; other creme rinsesreduce r significantly(Fig. 10). The level of agent remaining on the hair has a large effect on the half-life. The quaternary ammonium compound SBAC, when not rinsed off the hair before drying, reducesr to very low values. When it is rinsed off before drying, however, the half-life of the hair is little different from that of untreatedcontrols(Fig. 11). This is consistentwith the findingsof Sprokel (11) and Steiger (18), who showedthat the surfaceconductivityof textile fabricsandyarnsincreases with the quantityof antistaticagentson the fibers.When the quaternary compound SBAC is rinsed off hair before drying, only small quantities remain on the fiber, so that the resistivityand hence the half-life are high. 564 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS 10000 1000 100 UNTREATED SHAMPOO 10 • A CREME A CREME 0 RINSE B I I I i I 10 20 30 40 50 RELATIVE HUMIDITY, 60 PERCENT Figure 10. Variation of charge mobility half-life TitMSof hair tresseswith relative humidity. Charging potential: 2100 V ELECTROSTATIC PROPERTIES OF HAIR 565 100 SBAC: 10 300 SEC. RINSE SBAC: 20 SEC. RINSE m SBAC: 0 10 20 30 RELATIVE HUMIDITY, UNRINSED 40 50 6O PERCENT Figure 11. Chargemobility half-life rR•lsof hair tresses.Chargingpotential:21 O0 V CHARGE DISTRIBUTION ALONG THE HAIR FIBERS The variationof chargedensityq(x) alongthe lengthx of a dry hair tressasit is combed was measuredwith the apparatusshownin Fig. 5. Some resultsare shownin Fig. 12 (upper graph). A clean untreated tressdevelopssome chargeall along its length, but there is a substantialincreasein chargegeneratedas the comb passesthrough the final few centimeters of the hair fibers. Hair treated with a commercial creme rinse formula- tion which was rinsed 20 secbefore drying showsa similarcurve, but the end peak in q(x) is much lower in this case(note the different ordinate scalefor this curve). When the cremerinse is not rinsedbefore drying, the chargegeneratedis essentiallyzero. The load p(x) required to pull the hard rubber comb through the dry tress showsa pronouncedend peak force, which is likewisereducedsubstantiallyby the creme rinse 566 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS 2.5 i I 2.0 I !I I I .25 I UNTREATED CREME RINSE A:20 SEC. li -.15 RINSED _ -- ---uJ ß ß • - ß ,,••//•I 1 o o 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.o ooo!, ,UNTREATED , , ,00% __.__ 15.o •-•--• CREME RINSE A: 300 ..... RINSED 20SEC. UNRINSED / 0 .x 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0 COMB TRAVEL ALONG TRESS, CM. Figure12. Variation of charge density q(x)(upper graph) andofcombing forcep(x)(Dower graph) along the length x ofa hairtress asit iscombed. Relative humidity 50percent.Hardrubber comb. Combing velocity 1.7 cm/sec treatments (Fig.12,lowergraph).The end-peak forcehasbeendescribed byTolgyesi (19) andhe hasattributedthisto anaccumulation of tanglingbetweenthefibersnear thefreefiberends.Theeffectisnoteliminated byprecombing or byparallelizing the fibers. Theexplanation fortheriseingenerated charge in thefinalportionofthecombpass is not hardto find.It hasbeenshownby manyworkersthatthe amountof charge generatedwhen two bodiesare rubbed togetherincreaseswith the normalcontact forcebetweenthem(4,11,20,21,22).The effectarisesfrom the increasein realareaof ELECTROSTATIC PROPERTIES OF HAIR 567 contactwith normal force; the chargegenerated dependson the real area of contact. Now the combing force increasesin the last few centimeters of the hair tress, because of tangling.The normal contactforce between hair and comb is, therefore, increased, and so the amount of chargegeneratedin this region of the hair fibers is increased. THE MECHANISM OF ANTISTATIC AGENTS By an examination of the available experimental evidence for the 3 properties measured--the magnitudeof chargegeneratedby combing,the mobility of chargeon the fibers,and the distributionof chargealongtheir length--we cannow considerthe mechanismsof staticelectrificationof hair, and of the actionof antistaticagents. The chargegeneratedby combingand the half-life of chargemobility both decrease with increasingrelative humidity (Figs. 7, 8, 10, 11). The increasedchargemobility is clearly a consequenceof the greater water content at higher humidities,althoughthe exact relationship is not well understood and other factors are also involved (23). Increasedmobility of chargeson the fiber leadsto a decreasein the chargegenerated by combing, becauseof chargeconductionalong the fibers asthey are rubbed, and this mechanismhas been postulated to explain the decreaseof generated charge with increasingrelative humidity (3). When a large concentrationof a quaternary ammonium compound is present on the hair fiber, the surfaceconductivityis substantiallyincreased,asevidencedby the very low half-life of charge (Fig. 11, SBAC, unrinsed). The negligible charge generated under such circumstances(Fig. 8) can be explained by this high conductivity,by the mechanismof charge conduction along the fibers. However, when the quaternary is rinsed off with water before drying, so that only smallquantitiesremain on the fiber, the charge generated by combing remains relatively low (Fig. 8), even though the chargehalf-life increasessubstantiallyand is comparableto that of untreated fibers (Fig. 11). The commercial creme rinse A also has relatively low generated charge(Fig. 7) in spite of a high half-life (Fig. 10). The reduced chargegeneratedwith these materials, therefore, cannot be explained by a mechanismof enhancedsurfaceconductivity. An alternativemechanismmust be sought. We hypothesizethat the reduction of chargegenerated by combing,when hair is treated with quaternaryammoniumcompounds,is primarily due to the lubricating propertiesof these compoundson the dry hair, rather than to enhancedconductivity. The quaternaryactsas a lubricant and reducestangling, so that the force required to pull a comb through the hair is substantiallyreduced, especiallythe end peak force (work in these laboratoriesnot reported here). A creme rinse containing the quaternary SBAC and other ingredients has a similar effect (Fig. 12, lower graph). The reduced normal contact force between hair and comb leads to a reduced chargeon the hair (Fig. 12, upper graph)becauseof a smallertrue areaof contactbetweencomband hair. Medley (20) haspostulatedthat an antistaticagentneed not be presentasa continuous film in order to be effective. A discontinuousfilm would not give long-rangeconductivity and, therefore, the half-life of charge mobility would remain high. Medley proposed a mechanismrequiring only localized conductivity at the contact site. This 568 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS mechanismcould be acting as a secondaryeffect in the antistaticmaterialsdiscussed here. Another secondaryeffect could be a changein the chemicalnature of the fiber surface,which would alter the magnitudeof chargegenerated.We believe, however, that the reductionof combingforce by lubricationis the primary mechanisminvolved, asevidencedby the substantialeffectson end-peakforceandchargeshownin Fig. 12. The lossof chargeby conductionto ground (the scalp)is not generallya significant contributor to reduced static in hair. Clean hair, and hair treated with most agents examined,has a chargehalf-life in excessof 10 sec,except at higher humidities(Figs. 10 and 11). This is too long for there to be a significantdissipationof chargein the few secondsbetween combing and the observationof troublesomestaticeffectsby the consumer.At higher humidities(above60 per cent RH) the half-life dropsto 1 secor less.Here the dissipationof chargeto electricalground(the scalp)is rapid enoughto be effective,but at thesehighhumiditiesthe chargegenerated(Figs.7 and8) is smaller in any case.The high chargemobility will alsoenable the concentrationof chargesnear the fiber tips, produced by combing (Fig. 12), to be reduced by a redistributionof chargealong the length of the fiber. It is sometimesthought that difficulty in combing(high combing forces)is due to the generationof staticchargeson the hair. This is erroneous.The end peak force is observedeven at high humiditiesor in the presenceof staticeliminators(19). Rather,the reverseis true; it is the normalforce betweencomband hair fiberswhichgivesrise to staticcharges.A possiblesourceof confusionis that there can be a secondaryinteraction betweencombingforceandstaticcharge,whichcanincreasethe combingforceon further combing.Experimentsin our laboratoryhave shownthat the end peak force increaseswith successivepassesof the comb. Charge is generated on the first comb pass,and the hair fiberswill separatefrom one anotherand tangleso that an increased combingforce is required on the next combpass.When a staticeliminatoris usedas the hair is combed,this increasein end peak force from passto passis eliminated. CONCLUSIONS Instrumentationhasbeen developedto measurethe magnitudeof chargegeneratedby combing,the mobility of chargeand the distributionof chargealongthe lengthof hair fibers.Conventionalantistaticagentsfor hair reducethe chargegenerated;the half:life of chargemobility varieswith the quantityof antistaton the hair. The densityof charge on a combed hair tressis shown to be at a maximum near the end of the fibers, and cor- respondsto the regionwhere thereis a peakin the combingforce. A theory of the mechanismof action of quaternary ammonium antistaticagentsis proposed. These agents do not normally achieve their effect by mechanismsof increasedconductivityor of chargedissipation.Their primaryeffect is a lubricatingaction, which reducessubstantiallythe force required to comb hair, especiallythe end peak force. The reduced normal contact force between hair fibers and comb leads to a reductionof staticchargegeneratedon the hair. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to thank Mr. W. C. Wikstrand,who painstakinglyperformedmuchof the experimental work reported herein. We are also grateful to Mr. P. L. Faganfor his contributionsto the assemblyof the electronicinstrumentation. ELECTROSTATICPROPERTIESOF HAIR 569 REFERENCES (1) F.A.Vick,Theory ofcontact electrification, Brit.J.Appl.Phys. Suppl. 2,S1-5(1953). (2) D. 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