Market dimension of the EMFF – guidance for MS

Market dimension of
the EMFF – guidance
for MS
European Commission
Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
Unit B2 - Trade and Markets
¾main features of the new market policy
¾how it will contribute to the implementation of the
¾what type and level of budgetary support is
possible through the EMFF
New Market Policy from 2014
¾ 4 Policy Drivers:
Strengthening the role of PO through the empowerment and
support of operators
New intervention logic
Consumer information aiming at promoting responsible
Market Intelligence: EUMOFA
Market measures in the EMFF
Union priority n°5 (art.6):
Fostering marketing and processing through
•improvement of the market organisation for FAP
•encouragement of investment in the processing and marketing
Main market measures:
¾creation of producer organisations (art. 68)
¾production and marketing plans (art. 66)
¾storage aid (art.67)
¾other marketing measures (art.68)
¾consumer information (art.68)
Creation of
European Commission
Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
Unit B2 - Trade and Markets
Creation of PO
¾ The EMFF may support the creation of POs
• Especially relevant for MS with a few, or no, POs
• Includes merging of POs
• Can serve to promote the structuring of MS' fishery and
aquaculture sectors and access the financial aids reserved to POs
and associations of POs.
¾ Why it is important to promote the creation of POs
• Key objective of the market policy is to support the structuring
and organisation of the fishery and aquaculture sectors.
• Fostering collective management to contribute to CFP objectives
• The focus should be on increasing the relative share of products
placed on the market by members of POs.
Production and
marketing plans
(art. 66)
European Commission
Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
Unit B2 - Trade and Markets
¾A new obligation made to producer
organisations in Article 28 of the new CMO
¾Producer organisations may receive financial
support for the preparation and implementation
of production and marketing plans in
accordance with Article 66 of the EMFF
¾ Empowering POs to contribute to the achievement of
the CFP objectives
¾ Strengthening fisheries and aquaculture collective
¾ Increasing producers profitability in fostering a better
use of market opportunities by producers
¾ Structuring fisheries and aquaculture sector in
encouraging grouping of producers into POs
Storage aid (art.67)
European Commission
Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
Unit B2 - Trade and Markets
Storage aid
¾ The EMFF may support storage aid:
• Past intervention mechanisms in force until 2013 replaced by a
single storage mechanism.
• Storage aid will be available during five years to allow POs to
adapt and to move progressively to the new element of the CMO
• 45 mios euros maximum (ring-fenced and cannot be reallocated)
• MS are not obliged to support SA. If they do, obligation to
determine and publish trigger prices and to fix and publis
technical and financial costs
Other marketing
measures (art.68)
European Commission
Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
Unit B2 - Trade and Markets
Other marketing measures
¾ The EMFF may support:
• Measures seeking to find new markets or improve the marketing
of certain products
• Measures promoting quality (including certification)
• Measures promoting transparency of production
¾ How to promote these measures
• For all operators (not reserved to POs).
• Must be consistent with CFP & CMO objectives (discards, MSY,
sustainability, market orientation)
• Must be consistent with the different instruments (PMP)
(art. 68)
European Commission
Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
Unit B2 - Trade and Markets
Consumer information
¾ The EMFF may support labelling :
• Mandatory labelling: only indirectly through support to
• Voluntary labelling: more possibilities through promotion of
quality, added value and transparency of the markets:
Environmental or ethical features of the products,
Production techniques and practices
Date of catch (fisheries) or of harvest (aquaculture),
Budget support
European Commission
Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
Unit B2 - Trade and Markets
Levels of budget support, aid intensity and co-financing
¾ Levels of budget support:
• Measures only available to POs and ass. of POs:
PMP: up to 3% of annual value of production
Storage aid: up to 2% of production / max 45 mios euros
¾ Intensity of aid and co-financing:
Co-financing (art.94)
Actions implemented by
organisation of fishermen
or other collective bodies
Actions implemented by
POs, associations of POsor
Storage aid
Normal rate
Intensity of aid
Normal rate + 10%
Normal rate
Normal rate + 25%