AiC Jan/Feb 2011 Newsletter

AiC Jan/Feb 2011 Newsletter
Welcome to the first AiC Newsletter of 2011. We know it’s a bit late but a happy New Year to you
all. Let’s hope it’s a good one…
As you can see we have changed our header to reflect the new image we are portraying on our
new website, letter heads, emails and in future promotional materials.
We will be exhibiting at the forthcoming Geomatics
World Geo-11 exhibition, being held at the Holiday
Inn, Elstree. This is a transition from their normal
Midlands venue into a more intimate surrounding.
We’re on Stand 19 with new and exciting products
– see below for a quick preview.
4ce v2.2 - revisions
The last release of n4ce was made in Dec 2010, downloaded from our website. There have been a
number of developments, since then, which will affect all current users.
We are aware that Microsoft are updating their operating systems and from time to time introduce
updates that will effect applications working on their platforms. When Vista came in this
introduced problems with Security settings and access rights to folders containing files with .ini and
.tmp filename extensions. This requires users with new computers to manually set these access
rights. We’ve updated our installation software to take account of this when installing n4ce onto a
new computer.
The big news with n4ce is the introduction of Least
Squares Network Adjustment for all editions,
including n4ce Survey and n4ce Lite. Limitations are
250 stations and up to 750 observations. There
needs to be a minimum of one fixed station and a
fixed bearing or two fixed stations. Weights have a
considerable effect so we expect users to have
some knowledge of least squares. Our LS software
has changed dramatically during the last few
months – with more to come. This is NOT a black
box application!
We’re also releasing our 3D transformation, as
opposed to Helhert 2D transformation. This will be
available in n4ce Professional and n4ce Designer
only and is a specialist tool for fabrication type
surveys. A minimum of 5 points needs to be
selected, NOT on the same plane.
Also available with Pro and Des is Region Control
for volume calculations. This allows you to mask
areas of interest and generate separate quantities.
For example you may wish to work out cut and fill
on a roads contract between certain chainages.
The mask will break up the two models you are
using for these calculations – in essence a third
overlay model.
You will need to create a third/copy model with a
DTM so you can create groups which act as zones of
For all editions we’ve introduced three new comma codes. These were trialled during our joint
Leica training sessions and work with line features. Comma K creates a fillet corner whilst L and M
create before and after corners, as shown in this illustration.
These comma codes work with straight line features and must contain a minimum of 4 or 3 points,
as shown here. The virtual point will not be used in DTM creation unless these features are
committed. The Query point dialog has been amended to include a tab for all our comma codes.
We’ve released our take on the flat earth to projection conversion. When taking measurements
these are on a flat plane and do not conform to your GPS readings unless you apply an OS UTM
scale factor correction during reduction. Radial scale factor corrections are now available.
Contours can now take the colours of shades, as identified in the shade table. Annotation will
adopt the colour of the shaded contours. A new CSV I/O filter has also been created.
The reporting of used codes in a model has been overhauled to identify features like shapes that
may be missing points and hence cannot be plotted. Other reports have likewise been reviewed.
4Site – Stand Alone
Our 4Site data capture and processing software has a new partner. This is a stand alone module
with its own graphics environment working on a DWG file format, negating the need for AutoCAD.
The Office and Survey AutoCAD based packages are being renamed as 4Site AutoOffice and
4Site AutoSurvey. 4Site stand alone will have a number of specialist applications, with the first
one being 4Site Survey. A building survey (4Site Build) module and 3D fabrication (4Site 3D)
module will be available later in the year. The office and survey modules will have least squares
network adjustment, as per n4ce.
Malta Trip – Beanie Hats
John recently visited Malta to carry out training at
Bonnici Brothers, one of the largest contractors on the
island. The three training days were split between office
and site work. As you can see here the attendees were
fully kitted out with their AiC beanie hats.
Site work was carried out at Malta’s National Park called
Ta’Qali, a beautifully serene area, with the express
purpose of identifying ways in which saving time could
be made in the field. The Block option was used when
modelling flower beds and concrete columns, as shown
here in 3D. n4ce is not a full 3D modelling package so
we used wire frame to model the pillars.
From our Man in Scotland
It never fails to amaze us where our clients go in the name of surveying. It’s not always noise,
pollution and crowds etc. Here’s a look at a perfect Spring/late Winter scene from our man in
Scotland – with his words of description.
“This is Laggan Reservoir this morning with
the wee rocky mountain called Binnien
Shuas beyond. The Munro Creag Pitridh
stands to the right and further back.
First thing there was hard frost and thick
mist flooding the Glen Spean valley floor
then the sun burst over the Ardverikie
mountains to the south and the fog
dispersed very quickly; and I was left
standing looking out at this from our site.
Mornings like this make it very easy to sell
Stuart Ross has a holiday cottage which he lets out in a beautiful part of Scotland. Details can be
found at
4ce Training Courses – March 2011
Our next in-house training dates for n4ce have been posted on our website and are as follows.
Wednesday 23th March - Beginners/Intermediate
Thursday 24th March – Advanced
The cost of the course will be £150+vat per day, per person. These courses are restricted to 4
people each day and will be held in our offices here in Leicestershire. Computers will be supplied,
but you are welcome to bring your own.
Please contact us if you are interested in any of the above courses or wish to discuss your training
needs. We can also come to your offices which may be a cheaper alternative where 4+ people
need training, or you have special requirements. Our daily rates are £595+vat plus expenses.
Leica Training Days
We are in discussions with Leica regarding our ”joint” training days which were well received last
year. The idea here is to get the most out of your Leica/n4ce combination. Three national venues
will be selected, likely to be the South, Midlands and Scotland, with dates in April, July and
November. Look out for further information on our website or through Newsletters.
Applications in CADD Ltd
21 Britannia Street, Shepshed, Leicestershire, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 504501
Fax: +44 (0) 1509 600079