Volume 90 · January / February 2014 International Journal for

AL U MIN IU M 1/ 2
Special: aluminium
Smelting induStry
emirates global aluminium – a new global player
rusal well on the way
to meet current and
future challenges
alumina feed
control enhancements
90. Volume
January / February 2014
Fives Solios improved anode baking
at alro smelter
Volume 90 · January / February 2014
International Journal for Industry, Research and Application
Fata Hunter: Building
the future for aluminium
flat rolled products
Compact Type Remelt Plant
State-of-the-art Scrap Recycling
Leading technology in the aluminum casthouse
There are many benefits in one-stop-shopping of industrial goods. At Hertwich Engineering we provide customer
oriented service throughout the project duration and
service life of equipment. We design and build plants to
meet both, our own stringent standards and individual
customers specifications. Based on many years of experience, we cover the full range of equipment in a modern
aluminum casthouse.
Compact Type Remelt Plant
Major benefits
Hertwich Engineering is well-known for leading edge
technology. Our valued customers deserve to get the
best value for money. Commitment to innovation, solid
engineering and own R&D are instrumental for staying
ahead with continuous improvements and new products.
Most efficient installation for recycling of inhouse and
purchased scrap
One single fully automated process, starting with
charging of scrap and finishing with homogenized billets,
ready for extruding or forging
Lowest labor costs, one to two operators per shift only
Special design for remelting scrap contaminated with
paint, plastic or oil, also with chip melting system available
Optionally equipped with vertical DC caster
Capacity 2,000 to 30,000 tons/year
More than 25 plants installed
Weinbergerstrasse 6
5280 Braunau, Austria
Phone: +43 7722 806-0
+43 7722 806-122
E-mail: info@hertwich.com
Internet: www.hertwich.com
Volker Karow
Editor in Chief
aluminiumpreise –
talsohle in Sicht?
aluminium prices –
is the low-point
in sight?
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
Die wirtschaftlichen Aussichten sind so
schlecht nicht, die Weltwirtschaft könnte
dieses Jahr wieder deutlicher Fahrt aufnehmen: Die Konjunktur in den USA erholt sich,
nicht zuletzt aufgrund günstiger Energiepreise,
Europa windet sich aus der Rezession, China
dürfte angesichts der eingeleiteten Strukturreformen einen Gang zulegen und auch Japans Wirtschaft könnte dank einer expansiven
Geld- und Fiskalpolitik zum globalen Wachstum beitragen. Dies alles sind gute Voraussetzungen, um den Abwärtstrend bei den Preisen
von Industriemetallen zu stoppen und vielleicht sogar zu drehen. Vielleicht.
Für die Produzenten von Hüttenaluminium verlief 2013 alles andere als zufriedenstellend. An der Londoner Metallbörse LME
stürzte das Leichtmetall ab: Der Preisverfall
betrug fast 16 Prozent, zum Jahresende lagen die Notierungen bei 1.764 Dollar (Kassa)
je Tonne. Unterboten wurde dieses Niveau
letztmals vor mehr als vier Jahren, und zwar
im Juli 2009 mit 1.693 Dollar. Bis Ende April
2011 ging es dann mehr oder weniger stetig
aufwärts bis auf 2.772 Dollar, bevor eine Talfahrt einsetzte, die bis heute anhält.
Die hohen Prämien auf Aluminium von
derzeit mehr als 200 Dollar lindern den Preisverfall ein wenig. Die jüngste Insolvenz einer
Aluminiumhütte in den Niederlanden zeigt
jedoch, dass die Luft zum Atmen angesichts
des anhaltend niedrigen Preisniveaus dünner wird, und nicht nur in Europa mit seinen
vergleichsweise hohen Strompreisen. Auch in
den USA musste 2013 ein Hüttenproduzent
Insolvenz anmelden. Die meisten internationalen Konzerne haben unrentable Hütten
geschlossen oder zumindest Produktionskürzungen vorgenommen.
Neue Hütten werden, von China abgesehen, weltweit nur in der Golfregion errichtet.
Dies spiegelt eine langfristige Umstrukturierung der Branche wider, die sich auch fortsetzten wird, wenn sich die Aluminiumpreise
wieder erholen. Der Aufbau einer breiten industriellen Basis dank preiswerter Energie
ist die treibende Kraft am Golf, um sich von
Energieexporten unabhängiger zu machen.
Die im Laufe dieses Jahres neu hoch laufenden Produktionskapazitäten in Abu Dhabi
und Saudi-Arabien von mehr als einer Million Tonnen Aluminium im Jahr sind jedoch
ein limitierender Faktor für die Erholung der
Aluminiumpreise. Und auch die strengeren
LME-Lagerhausregeln, die die langen Wartezeiten bei der Auslieferung von Metall ab
April verkürzen sollen, werden eher Ab- statt
Auftrieb bei den Preisen generieren. Das ist
zwar gut für Händler und Verarbeiter, nicht
aber für Produzenten.
Economic prospects are not so bad and this
year the world’s economy could well gain
momentum: trade in the USA is recovering,
not least thanks to less burdensome energy
prices, Europe is struggling out of recession,
in view of the structural reforms introduced
China could move up a gear, and Japan’s economy too, which already showed surprisingly
positive signs in 2013, could also contribute to
global growth thanks to expansive monetary
and fiscal policies. All this bodes well for
bringing an end to the downward trend in the
prices of industrial metals, and perhaps even
reversing it. Perhaps!
For producers of primary aluminium last
year was anything but satisfactory. On the
London Metal Exchange LME the light metal
collapsed: the drop in price amounted to almost 16 percent and at the end of the year
quotes stood at 1,764 dollars (spot) a tonne.
The last time that level was seen, was more
than four years ago in July 2009, with 1,693
dollars. Until the end of April 2011 the price
then rose steadily to 2,772 dollars before a
decline set in, which has persisted until now.
The high aluminium premiums, currently
more than 200 dollars, are abating the price
fall, but only slightly. However, the recent
insolvency of an aluminium smelter in the
Netherlands shows that the persistently low
price level is making it harder to draw breath,
and this not just in Europe with its comparatively high cost of energy. In the United States
too, one primary metal producer had to declare insolvency in 2013. Most international
aluminium groups have shut down unprofitable smelters or at least implemented production cuts.
Other than in China, new smelters are
only being built in the Gulf region. This reflects a long-term restructuring of the industry which will continue even if aluminium
prices recover again. The creation of a broad
industrial base supported by cheaper energy
is the driving force in the Gulf, with a view to
making the region less dependent on energy
However, new production capacities coming on stream in Abu Dhabi and Saudi Arabia in the course of this year, of more than
a million tonnes of aluminium a year, are a
limiting factor for the recovery of aluminium prices. And besides, the stricter LME
warehouse regulations, which are intended
to curtail long waiting times for the delivery
of metals from next April, are more likely to
drive prices down than up. That, of course, is
good for traders and processors – but not for
i N H a lt
A l umi n i u mp re i s e – Ta l s o h l e i n Si ch t ?
A l umi n i u m p ri c e s – i s t h e l ow-p o i n t i n s i gh t ? ................................... a Kt U e l l e S • N e W S i N B r i e F
S t romi n t e n s i ve Bra n ch e n h a l t e n
E EG -Au s gl e i ch s re ge l u n g fü r re ch t e n s ............................................... 6
Tr i m e t ü b e rn i mmt Al u mi n i u mwe rke i n Fra n k re i ch ............................... 6
DVS mi t n e u e m Ha u p t ge s ch ä ft s fü h re r .............................................. 6
B e u t h Po cke t : E u ro p ä i s ch e Al u mi n i u mwe rk st o ffe ............................... 6
O ma n Al u mi n i u m R o l l i n g o ffi c i a l l y o p e n e d i n So h a r ........................... 7
A mt e k In di a a c qu i re s K ü p p e r ......................................................... 7
M e ta l l u rgy Li t ma s h , Tu b e R u s s i a , Al u mi n i u m/
N o n -Fe rro u s vo m 3 . b i s 6 . Ju n i 2 014 i n Mo s k a u :
R us s i s ch e r Ma rk t a t t ra k t i v fü r de u t s ch e Au s rü st e r .............................. 8
S M S me l de t n i e dri ge n Au ft ra gs e i n ga n g ............................................ 8
E uro p e a n a l u mi n i u m b e ve ra ge c a n re c yc l i n g o n re c o rd h i gh ................ 9
A l umi n i u m-Ve rp a ck u n gs re c yc l i n g i n De u t s ch l a n d we i t e r ve rbesser t ....... 9
A l c o a t o c l o s e Ma s s e n a E a st s me l t e r .............................................. 10
Wagst a ff ma n u fa c t u re s 1,0 0 0 th b i l l e t c a st i n g s yst e m .......................... 10
N ow re c yc l e d i n N o rway: Dri n k c a n s ge t a s h o rt e r t ri p t o t heir
n e w l i fe • Ma’a de n -Al c o a re st a rt s p o t l i n e • Al de l fi l e s
f o r b a n k ru p t c y ............................................................................ 10
WirtSCHaFt • eCoNoMiCS
A l um i n i u mp re i s e ......................................................................... 12
Pro du k t i o n s da t e n de r de u t s ch e n Al u mi n i u mi n du st ri e ......................... 14
Hyd ro ‘s Ca p i t a l Ma rke t s Day 2 013 : Li ft i n g t h e b a r ............................ 16
Fo rd u n ve i l s 2 015 F-15 0 p i ck u p t ru ck • N ove l i s fu rt h e r
e x p an di n g gl o b a l a u t o mo t i ve a l u mi n i u m c a p a c i t y • Al c o a
c o mp l e t e s U SD3 0 0 m a u t o mo t i ve e x p a n s i o n i n Iowa •
C o nst e l l i u m t o i n ve st €2 0 0 m i n E u ro p e a n a u t o mo t i ve c a p a city ...... 18/19
Emi ra t e s Gl o b a l Al u mi n i u m – Bu i l di n g a n e w gl o b a l p l aye r ............... 20
A rab a l 2 013 : Al u mi n i u m down st re a m o p e ra t i o n s –
A cha l l e n ge fo r t h e Gu l f c o u n t ri e s ................................................ 22
Emi ra t e s E x t ru s i o n Fa c t o ry t o i n ve st i n n e w p ro du c t i o n l i n e .............. 2
latest News
a l U M i N i U M S M e lt i N G i N d U S t r Y
TM S 2 014 e x p l o re s i n n ova t i o n i n t h e a l u mi n i u m i n du st ry .................. 24
Dub a l l ow e n e rgy a l u mi n i u m e l e c t ro l ys i s c e l l de s i gn a n d o peration .....26
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
Al st om : Modu l ar d e s i g n g i ve s f l e x i b l e g a s t re a t me n t ....................... 28
Al u m i n a f eed c o n t ro l e n h an c e me n t s . . . . . . . ........................................2
M a sch i nen f a br i k E i r i ch – A t e ch n o l o g y p i o n e e r i s 15 0 ye a rs yo u n g ......6
K öl l e m a n n : H i g h - t e mp e ra t ure p re h e a t e r s
f or pi t ch w i t h h i g h e r m e l t i n g p o i n t . . . . . . . . ........................................8
F i ve s S ol i os i m p rove d an o d e b a ki n g a t A l ro s me l t e r ..........................8
N ewe st M H D -Val d i s c e l l st a b i l i t y st ud i e s . ........................................42
The B e rger t h i rd g e n e ra t i o n o f s p e c i a l s m e l t e r ve h i c l e s .....................44
R u sa l we l l on t h e way t o m e e t c ur re n t a nd fu t u re ch a l l e n ge s .............46
EC L con t i n u e s t o i n n ovat e an d t h i n ks ah e a d i n e n gi n e e ri n g ...............49
Al t ek : N ew dro s s p re s s d i re c t l y t e st e d
aga i n st t h e i n e r t g as d ro s s c o o l e r . . . . . . . . . . ........................................52
M e t a l l i c f oa m re d uc e s e l e c t r i c a l c o n t ac t res i st a n c e ...........................56
t e CH N o lo G i e • t e CH N o lo GY
Al u m i n i u m scrap p ro c e s s i n g f l i e s h i g h w i th b ri qu e t t i n g t e ch n o l o gy......60
Ce ra m i c wel di n g o f f ur n ac e re f ra c t o r i e s . . ........................................62
Fa t a H u n t e r : Bui l d i n g t h e f ut ure f o r al umi n i u m fl a t ro l l e d p ro du c t s .....64
St a C a st project – R ai s i n g t h e b a r f o r E U a l u mi n i u m c a st i n gs ..............67
Di e ca st er M RT e x p a n d s t o d o ub l e p ro d uc t i o n c a p a c i t y .....................68
Fou n dr y i nvest me n t s f ur t h e r i mp rove qual i t y c a st i n g s o l u t i o n s ............70
Speci a l coa t i n g i mp rove s s e r vi c e l i f e o f d i e s .................................... 71
a N W e N d U N G • a P P l i C at i o N
Eu ropea n A l u m i n i um Co n g re s s 2 013 : S t i l l gre a t
p ot e n t i a l f or a l umi n i um i n c ar ma n uf ac t uri n g ..................................72
C o M Pa N Y N e W S W o r l d W i d e
Al u m i n i u m sme l t i n g i n d ust r y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................................... 75
B a u x i t e a n d a l um i n a ac t i vi t i e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................76
R ecycl i n g a n d s e c o n d a r y s me l t i n g . . . . . . . . . . ........................................77
Al u m i n i u m sem i s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................78
Su ppl i e r s . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................79
O n t h e m ove .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................80
d o C U M e N tat i o N
Pa t en t e . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................ 81
Vor scha u • P re vi e w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................98
Im pre ssu m • I mp r i n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................98
inserenten dieser ausgabe
list of advertisers
Buss AG, Switzerland
Buss ChemTech AG, Switzerland
Dubai Aluminium, UAE
Emirates Aluminium, UAE
Fata Hunter SpA, Italy
Fives Solios, France
Fizeta Srl, Italy
FLSmidth Hamburg GmbH, Germany
Gautschi Engineering GmbH, Switzerland 37
Glama Maschinenbau GmbH, Germany
Hertwich Engineering GmbH, Austria
H+H H errmann + Hieber
GmbH, Germany
6, 61, 78
Innovatherm Prof. Dr. Leisenberg
GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
Inotherm Industrieofen- und
Wärmetechnik GmbH, Germany
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, Germany
R&D Carbon Ltd, Switzerland
Riedhammer GmbH, Germany
TMS Minerals, Metals
& Materials Society, USA
Wagstaff Inc. USA
l i e F e r V e r Z e i C H N i S • S U P P l i e r S d i r e C t o r Y .............84
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
stromintensive Branchen
halten eeG-Ausgleichsregelung für rechtens
Die Energieintensiven Industrien in Deutschland (EID) zeigen sich nach Eröffnung des
EEG-Beihilfeverfahrens durch die EU-Kommission zuversichtlich, dass die „Besondere
Ausgleichsregelung für stromintensive Unternehmen“ Bestand haben wird. EID-Sprecher
Utz Tillmann sagte, die Entlastungen seien für
Deutschland volkswirtschaftlich lebensnotwendig und stellten aus Sicht der Branchen
juristisch keine Beihilfe dar. Tillmann, der
auch Hauptgeschäftsführer des Verbandes der
Chemischen Industrie ist, sagte: „Anders als
die Kommission sehen wir in der Entlastung
für sehr energieintensive Unternehmen beim
EEG keine Wettbewerbsverzerrung. Die Regelung gleicht im Gegenteil nur die massiven
Wettbewerbsnachteile aus, die eine volle
EEG-Belastung nach sich ziehen würde. Wir
sind uns mit der Bundesregierung einig, dass
die Besondere Ausgleichsregelung weiter notwendig und angemessen ist und der beihilferechtlichen Prüfung Stand halten wird.“
Der Präsident der WirtschaftsVereinigung
Metalle, Oliver Bell, erwartet von der EUKommission eine ergebnisoffene Beihilfeprü-
fung, „die nicht nur formaljuristische, sondern
auch wirtschaftspolitische Aspekte berücksichtigt“. Nationale oder europäische Sonderwege in der Energie- und Umweltpolitik lösten
grundsätzlich den Bedarf nach Entlastungen
für das produzierende Gewerbe aus, solange
andere Marktteilnehmer den zusätzlichen Belastungen nicht unterliegen und ihre Produkte
billiger anbieten können.
trimet übernimmt Aluminiumwerke in Frankreich
Die Trimet Aluminium SE hat von Rio Tinto
Alcan zwei Aluminiumwerke in Frankreich
übernommen. Trimet hatte im vergangenen
Sommer ein verbindliches Angebot zur Übernahme und Fortführung der beiden Produktionsstätten in Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne und
Castelsarrasin abgegeben. Im Dezember hat
die EU-Kommission die Akquisition abschließend genehmigt. An der Trimet France SAS
hält der französische Energieversorger EdF
eine Minderheitsbeteiligung.
Das Werk in Saint-Jean de Maurienne
produziert Primäraluminium, das in Castelsarrasin zu hochwertigem Aluminiumdraht
verarbeitet wird – einem Vorprodukt zur
Herstellung von Stromleitungen in der Ener-
neu im Internet unter
giewirtschaft und zu Verbindungselementen in
der Automobilindustrie. Mit dem Einstieg in
dieses Produktsegment erweitert Trimet sein
Produktportfolio und führt den Wachstumskurs der vergangenen Jahre fort. Martin Iffert,
Vorstandsvorsitzender der Trimet Aluminium, erklärte: „Bei der weiterverarbeitenden
Industrie in Europa besteht ein großer Bedarf
an Aluminiumdraht. Als Anbieter komplexer
Legierungen und maßgeschneiderter Lösungen stärken wir mit dieser Produktgruppe
auch langfristig unsere Kernkompetenz als
DVs mit neuem
Seit Anfang 2014 ist Roland Boecking (52)
neuer Hauptgeschäftsführer des Deutschen
Verbandes für Schweißen und verwandte
Verfahren e. V. (DVS ).
Beuth Pocket: europäische Aluminiumwerkstoffe
Die Europäische Normung hat auch auf den
Werkstoff Aluminium bezogen zu großen Veränderungen geführt. In relativ kurzer Zeit wurden
die nationalen Normen durch europäische Normen ersetzt und die neuen europäischen Werkstoffbezeichnungen eingeführt. Hier hat die erste
Auflage des Beuth Pocket „Europäische Aluminiumwerkstoffe“ wertvolle Dienste geleistet.
Nachdem die DIN-EN-Umstellung weitgehend
abgeschlossen ist und in den Normen vermehrt
europäische Werkstoffe ersetzt, modifiziert oder
gestrichen wurden, stehen neue Aspekte und
Fragestellungen im Vordergrund. Die jetzt verfügbare zweite Auflage berücksichtigt daher auch
neue Schwerpunkte:
• Umschlüsselung früherer DIN-Werkstoffbezeichnungen zu heutigen DIN-EN-Werkstoff
• Ersatz bislang verwendeter DIN-Werkstoffe
durch Werkstoffe nach DIN EN
• Ermittlung, in welcher Norm ein Werkstoff
einer bestimmten Bezeichnung beschrieben
ist bzw. war
• Aufklärung über die Aktualität eines speziellen Werkstoffs
• Bedeutung einer zunächst nicht bekannten
• Feststellung der Korrektheit einer Werkstoffbezeichnung
• Erkundung von Normen für eine spezifische
Dieses einfach anzuwendende Pocket ist sehr
anwenderorientiert gestaltet, zum Beispiel bei
den neuen Tabellen zur Halbzeugnormung. Neu
hinzugekommen ist eine ausführliche Einführung
in den Werkstoff Aluminium. Das Pocket ist
zweisprachig deutsch-englisch aufgebaut und
kann auch als E-Book beim Beuth Verlag bestellt
Beuth Pocket
Hans-Werner Wenglorz, Europäische Aluminiumwerkstoffe / Vergleich EN mit DIN.
2. überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage 2014.
336 S., Format 21 x 10,5 cm. Brosch. 32,00 Euro.
ISBN 978-3-410-21368-0.
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
Oman Aluminium Rolling
officially opened in sohar
In mid-December the Oman Aluminium Rolling Company (OARC)
was officially inaugurated at the company’s headquarters in Sohar
Industrial Estate by Mohammed Hamad Al Rumhy, Oman’s Minister
of Oil and Gas. The project is a milestone in the Omani industrial sector and will bring numerous benefits to the national economy. “We
join the best
7 – 11 April 2014
Düsseldorf, Germany
International Wire and Cable Trade Fair
International Tube and Pipe Trade Fair
© Fata Hunter
Meeting point: wire 2014 and Tube 2014
in Düsseldorf!
Cold rolling mill from Fata Hunter installed at OARC plant
also aspire to become a world-leader in rolled aluminium production following our plans to export processed aluminium to different
countries overseas,” said OARC chairman Hilal Al Kharusi. Full plant
operations will be reached in the course of the first quarter.
The project provides more than 300 direct jobs for the residents
of Sohar, and contributes to a large number of downstream and investment opportunities to meet the ongoing needs of the plant. With
a total cost of 148 million rials (USD385m), the OARC plant is one
of the largest projects in the aluminium processing industry at the
Sohar Industrial Area. The annual production capacity of the plant
is 140,000 tonnes of aluminium sheet which is to be sold in the local
markets and exported all over the world.
The plant is located next to the Sohar Aluminium to which OARC
signed a long-term contract in order to receive primary aluminium
directly from the plant. OARC is owned by Takamul Investment Company and equipped with cutting-edge technology. A technical description of the plant is given on pp 64-67.
join the best – welcome to the world’s leading
trade fair for the tube, wire and cable industry!
Those who wish to find comprehensive information
about the latest innovations both in wire and tube
manufacturing and processing need look no further.
It can all be found here at the world’s most important
exhibitions. A focal point of wire 2014: The
growing importance of copper wires in automotive
engineering, in telecommunication or electronics.
Special focal point at Tube 2014: Plastic tubes.
A special area is reserved for them, because the
question of materials is becoming more and more
An important fixed date in your calendar – your visit
to wire 2014 and to Tube 2014 in Düsseldorf!
Amtek India acquires küpper
Amtek India Ltd, India’s largest iron casting company, has signed a
contract to acquire the Küpper Group. Küpper is a long established
supplier of machined castings to the automotive industry, with four
manufacturing facilities in Germany and one in Hungary. The business comprises iron foundries, aluminium die casting, machining and
assembly operations. The product portfolio includes turbo charger
castings, turbo housings, transmission parts, suspension and steering
parts. 2013 revenues are estimated to be around 200 million euros.
Küpper is a market leader in turbo charger machined castings. It
supplies components to a wide range of customers, primarily in the
automotive sector. End markets include passenger cars as well as
commercial vehicles. Top customers for Küpper include BMW,
Daimler, Nissan, Renault and Volkswagen.
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
P.O. Box 10 10 06 _ 40001 Düsseldorf _ Germany
Tel. + 49 (0)2 11/45 60-01 Fax + 49 (0)2 11/45 60-6 68
Metallurgy Litmash, Tube Russia, Aluminium/Non-Ferrous vom 3. bis 6. Juni 2014 in Moskau
Russischer Markt attraktiv für deutsche Ausrüster
© Messe Düsseldorf
Die 14. Metallurgy Litmash, Tube Russia, sischer und ausländischer Unternehmen in men eine ideale Plattform zur Präsentation
Aluminium/Non-Ferrous 2014 knüpft an die die Modernisierung oder den Neubau von ihrer Produkte und Neuheiten.
Mit dieser Entscheidung unterstützt das
erfolgreiche Veranstaltung vom Juni 2013 Produktionslinien im Land wachsen stetig.
weiterhin die Aktivitäten deutscher
an. Vom 3. bis 6. Juni 2014 wird die Messe Gerade deutsche Hersteller sind als LiefeFirmen
zur Sicherung und Erschließung von
erneut auf dem Moskauer Messegelände Ex- ranten und Investoren gefragt. Für die MetalMarktanteilen
im Ausland und erkennt gleichpocentre an den Start gehen. Das Messetrio lurgy Litmash, Tube Russia, Aluminium/Nonzeitig
die Bedeutung der von der Messe Düsbestätigte einmal mehr seine Leitfunktion als Ferrous bedeutet das, dass auch die Nachfrage
wichtigste Handels- und Kontaktseldorf veranstalteten Fachmessen
plattform für die Metallurgie-, und
im russischen Markt an. Somit
werden auch 2014 deutsche UnterRohrbranche in Russland und den
nehmen im Rahmen von Gemeinangrenzenden Staaten. Im verschaftspräsentationen zu attrakgangenen Jahr kamen insgesamt
tiven Konditionen an der Messe
330 Aussteller und 10.850 Besuteilnehmen können, um in einem
cher aus 51 Ländern nach Moskau,
der wichtigsten Wachstumsmärkte
davon waren 95 Prozent Fachbesupräsent zu sein und Geschäftskoncher und mehr als zwei Drittel aus
takte aufbauen zu können.
dem oberen und mittleren ManageDie Metallurgy Litmash, Tube
ment. Der Anteil der GießereitechRussia und Aluminium/Non-Fernik-Besucher stieg im Vergleich zum
rous 2014 wird unter anderem unVorjahr deutlich.
terstützt vom Verband Deutscher
Die Messe macht deutlich, dass
Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, von
Russland und die benachbarten
der European Metallurgical EquipNationen zu den wachstumsstarken Im Jahr 2013 kamen 330 Aussteller und 10.850 Besucher nach Moskau
ment Association, von der European
Regionen der Welt gehören. Der
of Industrial Furnace and Heating
russische Markt für Maschinen und Anlagen nach qualitativen Angeboten internationaler
Equipment Associations und von Cemafon,
ist lukrativ: Es wird prognostiziert, dass sich Hersteller wächst.
die Nachfrage nach Maschinen zur MetallbeDas Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und der European Foundry Equipment Suppliers
arbeitung in Russland bis 2016 verdreifachen Technologie (BMWi) beteiligt sich auch 2014 Association.
Weitere Informationen finden sich unter
und ein Volumen von 2,5 Mrd. Euro im Jahr offiziell wieder an den Moskauer Veranstalerreichen wird. Die Investitionstätigkeit rus- tungen und gibt damit deutschen Unterneh- www.metallurgy-tube-russia.com
Der Anlagenbauer SMS group vermeldet für
das Geschäftsjahr 2013 einen Auftragseingang
unterhalb der Erwartungen. Das Vorsteuerergebnis wird unter dem des Vorjahres liegen,
und zwar „deutlich“. Der Sprecher der SMS
Holding, Joachim Schönbeck, begründet diese
Entwicklung mit einer zurückhaltenden Investitionstätigkeit potenzieller Kunden aufgrund
geringerer Kapazitätsauslastung und anhaltend hoher Rohstoffpreise.
Wie SMS weiter mitteilte, wird daran gearbeitet, die Herstellkosten durch fertigungsoptimierte Konstruktionen und eine höhere
Effizienz im Engineering sowie in der Fertigung und Logistik weiter zu senken. Die Qualitätsfertigung der anspruchsvollsten Maschinen- und Anlagenkomponenten soll jedoch
weiterhin in Deutschland erfolgen. Dazu wurde in den letzten Jahren erheblich in die Mo-
dernisierung der Betriebe in Hilchenbach und
Mönchengladbach investiert. Parallel dazu
sind jedoch auch die Werkstattkapazitäten in
China ausgeweitet worden. Hier geht es vor
allem um einen besseren Kundenservice vor
Ort und den Bau von Maschinen, die speziell
für den chinesischen Markt konstruiert sind.
Gleiches gilt für den indischen Markt, wo
zurzeit eine weitere Werkstatt errichtet wird,
die dieses Jahr in Betrieb genommen werden
Eine steigende Nachfrage,
auch im chinesischen Markt,
sieht SMS bei umwelttechnischen Lösungen. Dies gelte auch
für kleine Modernisierungsvorhaben mit kurzen Amortisationszeiten.
einen Auftrag vermelden, der die Lieferung
eines hoch modernen X-Roll-Kaltwalzwerks
für das Alcoa-Werk bei Knoxville, Tennessee,
betrifft. Mit der neuen Anlage soll der stark
wachsende Bedarf an Aluminiumblechen auf
dem Automobilmarkt bedient werden. Der
Auftrag schließt die Lieferung der Elektrik und
Automation sowie eines Multi-Plate-Filters
für die Walzölreinigung und eines AirwashSystems zur Abluftreinigung ein.
© SMS Siemag
sMs meldet niedrigen
Alcoa bestellt kaltwalzwerk
Die Walzwerksparte von SMS
konnte jüngst im Dezember
Kaltwalzwerk von SMS Siemag
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
european aluminium beverage can recycling on record high
European aluminium
beverage can
recycling rates in 2011
The overall recycling rate for used aluminium beverage cans in the EU 27 and
EFTA countries increased by 2.4 percentage points to a new record level of 68%
in 2011. If the collection of cans in the remaining European countries and Turkey
is included, this means that more than 25
billion cans are recycled in Europe annually. This represents a total amount of
365,000 tonnes of recycled aluminium,
avoiding three million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions.
The European Aluminium Association (EAA)
is confident that the aluminium beverage can
recycling rate will further increase towards
the voluntary targets set by the industry for
2015 (75%) and 2020 (80%). However, in
order to achieve these ambitious levels, it is
important for the full value chain involved in
the recycling of cans to continue to invest in
existing and additional collection and sorting
Extended producer responsibility schemes
should recognise the scrap value of well-sorted
aluminium packaging fractions and, together
with the local authorities responsible for the
collection of various packaging (and household) waste streams, should use modern sorting technologies such as advanced eddy current separators. Equally important is the role
of the consumers, who are willing to sort a
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
limited number of packaging items provided
that the various national collection and sorting
systems in place are accessible and easy to use.
Aluminium-Verpackungsrecycling in Deutschland
weiter verbessert
Das Recycling von Aluminiumverpackungen
in Deutschland hat auf hohem Niveau weiter
zugelegt und 2012 einen neuen Höchstwert
erreicht. Von den im Markt eingesetzten 93.800
Tonnen Aluverpackungen wurden 83.500 Tonnen stofflich verwertet. Dies entspricht einer
Recyclingrate von 89 Prozent, wie die Gesellschaft für Verpackungsmarktforschung (GVM) in
einer aktuellen Studie ermittelt hat.
„Die hohen Recyclingraten belegen, dass wir
in Deutschland über ein hervorragend funktionierendes Verpackungsrecycling verfügen.
Die gelbe Tonne ist etabliert und erfolgreich.
Moderne Trenntechnologie wie effiziente Wirbelstromabscheider werden flächendeckend
eingesetzt. Es bietet sich an, dieses System als
sogenannte Wertstofftonne auch für andere gebrauchte Produkte aus Metall zu öffnen“, kommentiert Hans-Jürgen Schmidt, Geschäftsführer
der Deutsche Aluminium Verpackung Recycling
Consistent sorting instructions are instrumental in obtaining less polluted fractions, which
can be subsequently easily recycled.
Awareness programmes such as the ‘Every
Can Counts’ campaign originally developed
by the aluminium industry in conjunction with
the can-makers in the UK, but now implemented in seven other countries, are helpful
when it comes to focusing in particular on the
need to also collect and recycle the ‘out-ofhome’ cans consumed at the workplace and
at festivals and sport events.
In view of the upcoming revision of the
EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive,
the EAA stresses the need for more ambitious
household packaging recycling goals, including the gradual phasing-out of landfill of all
recyclables such as aluminium (and other
metal) packaging. Additional recovery of
metals from the bottom ashes of waste incinerators are a useful but ‘second best’ option.
Preference should be given to separate collection of the metal packaging fraction.
EAA urges the authorities to improve the
transparency of national and European packaging recovery data, and recommends that
actual recycling be reported (instead of collection for recycling).
GmbH (DAVR) mit Sitz in Grevenbroich, die Verwertungszahlen.
Die GVM ermittelt jährlich das Aufkommen
und die Verwertung von Verpackungsabfällen
in Deutschland – auch im Auftrag des Umweltbundesamtes. Die Verwertungsmengen
der verschiedenen dualen Systeme sowie die
Rückführung gebrauchter Verpackungen über
sonstige Organisationen und Erfassungswege
werden berücksichtigt.
Basierend auf den erreichten Verwertungsraten betragen die jährlichen Einsparungen von
Treibhausgasen nach Berechnungen der DAVR
mehr als 390.000 Tonnen CO2-Äquivalente. Aufwendungen für Sammlung, Aufbereitung und
Recycling sowie auftretende Materialverluste
wurden berücksichtigt. Das entspricht dem gesamten Treibstoffverbrauch von über 13.000 in
2013 neu zugelassenen Autos auf Deutschlands
Straßen über deren komplette Lebensdauer
alleine aus dem Recycling von gebrauchten Aluminiumverpackungen. Basis der Berechnungen
sind Verbrauchsdaten des Kraftfahrbundesamtes
sowie die 2013 aktualisierten Ökobilanzdaten
für Aluminium.
Recycling of used Norwegian drink cans will
soon be even more environmentally friendly.
The recycling process is moving from France
to Hydro in Holmestrand.
Norwegians are exemplary in returning
cans for recycling, and close to half a billion
beer and soda cans were collected and recycled in 2013. Now the collection company
Norsk Resirk has entered into an agreement
with Hydro to recycle the cans at Hydro’s
recycling plant in Holmestrand instead of by
a company in France. The agreement means
a much shorter and more environmentally
friendly transport distance for more than
6,200 tpy of aluminium.
Hydro recycles 60,000 tpy of aluminium in
Holmestrand. This metal has previously been
used in everything from car parts to printing
plates in newspaper production. Now drink
cans will be added to the mix.
Resirk and Hydro will work together to
further increase the recovery of aluminium
and find the most environmentally friendly
transport solutions.
Ma’aden-Alcoa restarts potline
Saudi Arabian Mining Company (Ma’aden)
restarted one of the two potlines at its new
aluminium smelter in Saudi Arabia at the
end of 2013. The USD10.8 billion aluminium smelter at Ras al-Khair, a joint venture
between Ma’aden Alcoa, halted one of its
potlines in mid-October after a period of pot
instability. The meanwhile restarted potline is
expected to reach full production during the
second quarter of 2014. The two lines have
a combined production capacity of 740,000
tonnes a year.
Aldel files for bankruptcy
Aluminium Delfzijl BV (Adel) filed for bankruptcy in December. The smelter has been
struggling with high electricity rates and low
aluminium prices. Aldel is a primary aluminium smelter in The Netherlands employing
300 people and another 300 contractor employees. The production capacitiy amounts
to 170,000 tonnes a year of which 50,000
tonnes are produced by remelting and recycling.
Alcoa to close Massena east smelter
Alcoa will permanently close the remaining
two potlines at its Massena East smelter in
New York by March this year. The potlines
are no longer competitive, says the company. One of three potlines at the facility was
permanently closed in August last year. The
closure will reduce Alcoa’s smelting capacity
by 84,000 tpy. The Massena West facility will
continue to operate.
Alcoa’s review of its primary metals operations is consistent with the company’s 2016
goal of lowering its position on the world
aluminium production cost curve to the 38th
percentile, and the alumina cost curve to the
21st percentile. In 2013, the company met its
goal of lowering its cost position in both aluminium smelting and alumina refining, having
reached the 43rd percentile on the global aluminium cost curve, and 27th percentile on the
global alumina cost curve. These shifts represent an 8 point movement and 3 point movement, respectively, since 2010.
Including the two potlines at Massena East,
Alcoa has announced closures or curtailments
representing 361,000 tpy of the 460,000 tpy
placed under review in May of 2013. Once
the Massena East potline closure is complete,
Alcoa will have total smelting operating capacity of 3,950,000 tpy, with some 655,000 tpy
of capacity idle.
Total restructuring-related charges for the
first quarter of 2014 associated with the above
closure are expected to be between USD6070m after-tax, of which 40% is non-cash.
wagstaff manufactures 1,000th billet casting system
In spring 2014, Wagstaff Inc. of Spokane, facilities equals about 160,000 tonnes a year.
WA, will commission its 1,000th billet casting Ecology, safety, and employee satisfaction are
system. The system will be delivered to the topics that carry significant weight with Quido
Steinacher Group from Austria – the largest Nachbaur and his team. “We do want to furprivately owned aluminium remelt producer ther establish our reputation as a clean industrial company and continue to distinguish ourin Europe.
The multi-strand casting system, equipped selves as an exemplary employer,” he says.
Wagstaff has supplied billet casting systems
with Wagstaff’s AirSlip billet casting technolto
producers in 51 countries since that first
ogy, will operate at the ‘Speedline’ facility in
on Serial 1 in 1980. Since then, new techSchlins, Austria. This remelt casthouse was
have been developed to cast billets
erected in 2008 as a green site facility folfaster,
and more efficiently while streamlowing strict environmental protection and
with the AutoCast product
energy-saving guidelines. Speedline installed
have been installed to
Wagstaff’s ShurCast and AutoCast systems
160-strands, ranging
at that time, along with multiple Wagstaff billet
than 600 mm,
casting systems. “With the most recent expansion step and in cooperation with Wagstaff, the latter using the newest Wagstaff ARC billet
we will maintain our technological edge,” casting technology.
Wagstaff is a 67-year-old manufacturing
says Speedline managing
company that provides customised,
director Quido
advanced aluminium diNachbaur.
rect-chill (DC)
foundry is
nology to
Europe’s most
Airslip billet mould table
modern remeltwith AutoFlo controll system
ing facility. Since
its opening five years ago, it has continued to producers worldwide. The company offers
invest in increased energy efficiency – while casting machines, mould systems, process
significantly increasing productivity. In addi- automation, rolling ingot and extrusion biltion to the Speedline output, the Steinacher let tooling, auxiliary equipment, and onsite
Group owns AGN (Aluminium Gießerei technical service support to all sizes of DC
Nachrodt), a VDC casting facility in Nachrodt, aluminium casting operations in 58 countries
Germany. Total billet production of the two around the world.
Now recycled in Norway:
Drink cans get a shorter
trip to their new life
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
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Aluminium im Monatsrückblick
Ein Service der TRIMET Aluminium SE
Anfang Dezember des vergangenen Jahres fiel die LME-3M-Notierung für High
Grade Aluminium auf das niedrigste
Niveau seit Juli 2009. Am 3. Dezember
rutschte der 3M-Preis bis auf $1.740/t ab.
Über das gesamte Kalenderjahr gesehen,
gab der 3M-Peis um $400/t nach. Zuletzt
wurde der Preis vor allem von Verkäufen
seitens der Fonds gedrückt, da diese ein
Zurückfahren der lockeren Geldpolitik in
den USA als nachteilig für die Rohstoffnachfrage sehen.
Damit folgt die LME-Notierung einem
gänzlich gegensätzlichen Trend zur physischen Prämie. Diese konnte entgegen der
Erwartungen wieder anziehen. Trotz der
Entscheidung der LME, die Lagerhausregeln im 2. Quartal 2014 zu ändern,
scheint die Attraktivität der Bestandsfinanzierung ungebrochen, was die
Verfügbarkeit im Markt einschränkt und
das Prämienniveau anhebt.
Auf- bzw. Abschlag für 3-Monatstermin
Letzten 6 Durchschnittswerte LME
33,44 Euro
34,06 Euro
34,56 Euro
35,54 Euro
36,34 Euro
33,88 Euro
Aluminium High Grade, Kasse
Letzten 6 Durchschnittswerte LME
1.268,18 Euro
1.296,56 Euro
1.328,78 Euro
1.318,33 Euro
1.363,21 Euro
1.351,17 Euro
Aluminium Lagerbestände
Letzten 6 Monatsendwerte LME
5.458.075 t.
5.470.425 t.
5.375.725 t.
5.381.000 t.
5.400.350 t.
5.435.600 t.
Alle Angaben auf dieser Seite sind unverbindlich.
Quelle: TRIMET Aluminium SE – aktuelle LME-Werte unter www.trimet.de oder per TRIMET App auf das iPhone.
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
Produktionsdaten der deutschen Aluminiumindustrie
Walzprodukte > 0,2 mm
Press- & Ziehprodukte**
(in 1.000 t)
+/in % *
(in 1.000 t)
+/in % *
(in 1.000 t)
+/in % *
(in 1.000 t)
+/in % *
Jan 13
* gegenüber dem Vorjahresmonat, ** Stangen, Profile, Rohre; Mitteilung des Gesamtverbandes der Aluminiumindustrie (GDA), Düsseldorf
walzprodukte > 0,2 mm
Press- und Ziehprodukte
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
Hydro’s Capital Markets Day in early December was focused on the improvement
measures being implemented throughout
the company’s value chain from bauxite
to rolled products. Primary Metal has
established a new programme for its
joint-venture smelters and is concluding
its USD300/t programme, while Bauxite
and Alumina has reconfirmed the overall
2015 improvement targets for its ‘From
B to A’ programme which is aimed at
delivering NOK1 billion. “We are already
seeing our efforts and actions paying off,
lifting the average production for the first
two months of the fourth quarter at Alunorte to an annualised level of 5.6 million
tonnes,” said Hydro president and chief
executive Svein Richard Brandtzæg.
The Primary Metal division has now delivered
the USD300/t improvement programme, thus
strengthening the competitive position and
the viability of Hydro’s fully owned Norwegian smelters. Hydro has also established
a programme for its joint-venture smelters,
targeting average improvements equivalent to
USD180/t to be delivered by the end of 2016.
Rolled Products is continuing its drive to
become a global leader within innovation.
The market for rolled products is gaining momentum from substitution, where the penetration in automotive is generating solid demand
Energy has successfully delivered several
growth projects which improved operational
performance, and increased precipitation has
lifted normal production in Energy from 9.5
© Hydro
Hydro‘s capital
markets Day 2013:
Lifting the bar
Casthouse products at Hydro, based on 2012 production and Hydro’s equity share
to 10.0 TWh a year. Energy continues to support the other business areas in sourcing of
energy, as in the process leading up to the
signing earlier this year of a new power contract for the joint-venture smelter Slovalco.
“In a cyclical business such as aluminium,
it is highly important to maintain a financial
robustness to meet the low point of the cycle from a position of strength and flexibility.
The current price level for many of our products remains challenging, and does not generate sustainable returns. “The aluminium price
is weighing on both Bauxite and Alumina and
Primary Metal, although strong premiums
offset some of the effect in Primary, showing
how important our ability to maintain a solid
financial position has been over the last years,”
said Mr Brandtzæg.
He estimates world aluminium demand
outside China to grow 2% in 2013 and 2-4%
in 2014. Aluminium fundamentals remain
promising due to the metal’s many positive
qualities, including its light weight and recyclability, and the global aluminium market is
expected to show solid long-term growth of
4-6% annually over the next ten years.
While energy-intensive to produce the first
time, aluminium’s strong user-phase qualities
and ability to be infinitely recycled without
any quality degradation makes aluminium the
material of choice for a wide range of products
and applications from a climate perspective.
Hydro aims to become climate neutral from
a life-cycle perspective by 2020, based on
production-phase energy-efficiency improvements, user-phase benefits and increased recycling capacity to bring more metal back to
the loop.
Hydro’s European production in 2013 (ex.
wire rod and smelter production at Neuss)
was: extrusion ingot – 338,000 tonnes (remelt)
and 525,000 tonnes (primary); foundry alloys – 242,000 tonnes; sheet ingot – 320,000
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
Ford unveils
2015 F-150 truck
Doug Scott, Truck Group marketing
manager, says the 2015 Ford F-150 has
raised the bar with toughness, smartness
and capability. And what’s more: the new
F-150 is equipped with an all-new highstrength aluminium alloy body. “The
backbone of the truck, the frame is still
high-strength steel, but the entire tophead, if you will, the front-end, the cab,
box, the doors, everything again from a
body perspective, all the supporting structure
is military-grade, high-strength aluminium alloy,” he stresses. These special aluminium alloys, already used in aerospace, commercial
transportation and other industries, make the
new truck’s body lighter, stronger and more
resistant to dents.
By utilising these new structural materials the truck will weigh 700 lbs (318 kg) less,
thereby improving handling and efficiency.
By taking 700 lbs out of the vehicle, that
weight can be reinvested in more payload,
helping the truck tow and haul more, accelerate and stop faster, and operate more effi-
© Ford
Long awaited, now unveiled: at the
Detroit Motor Show, Ford Motor Co.
has officially introduced its all-new
F-150, the reinvention of America’s
favourite pickup truck.
The all-new Ford F-150 pickup truck
ciently. A choice of four engines provides unmatched power, including an all-new 2.7-litre
EcoBoost engine with standard Auto Start/
Stop technology. The 2015 Ford F-150 will go
on sale in the fourth-quarter of this year.
The F-150 is the best-selling Ford model
(763,000 units in 2013) and has been the
best-selling vehicle in the US for decades.
The monthly production of this model exceeds the yearly sales of US cars with an aluminium body.
Aluminium will become “the material of
choice” at Ford, CEO Alan Mulally said at the
Detroit Show. “Over time, you’ll see more and
more aluminium across our product line.”
The US market for aluminium sheet, which
stood at less than 100.000 tonnes in 2012,
is expected to hit 450.000 tonnes this year,
and then to double from there by 2020, according to industry analysts. This conceivable
development is driven by the need for reducing fuel consumption. US government standards mandate that carmakers must increase
corporate average fuel economy to 54.5 miles
per gallon (4.3 l/100 km) by 2025, up from
35.5 mpg (6.6 l/100 km) by 2016.
See also our EAC Congress report (pp 7274) on Automotive Aluminium Application.
novelis further expanding global automotive aluminium capacity
The two new lines will each have a capacity
of 120,000 tpy. The latest expansions are in
response to the rising global demand from
carmakers for aluminium sheet, which the
company expects to grow by more than 30%
a year through the end of the decade. When
the new lines are commissioned in late 2015,
Novelis’ global automotive sheet capacity will
reach 900,000 tpy, a three-fold increase from
just a year ago. With the addition of these two
new lines, the company has invested nearly
USD550 million to expand its global automotive capacity in the last two years alone.
Novelis is investing around the world to
boost its automotive finishing capabilities. In
addition to the two new lines announced now,
two new finishing lines were recently commis-
© Novelis
Novelis has recently announced it will
invest an additional USD205 million to
further expand its global manufacturing
operations serving the rapidly growing
automotive market. The company will
build new finishing lines at its plants in
Oswego, New York, and Nachterstedt,
Germany, dedicated to the production
of aluminium automotive sheet.
Coil storage at the Novelis plant in Oswego
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
sioned at the Oswego plant in New York. A
new plant is under construction in Changzhou,
China, which is expected to start production
in mid-2014. Further, the company certified
automotive production at its Göttingen plant
in Germany that complements the existing
automotive facilities in Kingston, Ontario, in
Sierre, Switzerland, and Nachterstedt, Germany.
Both expansions will further the ongoing
development of the company’s closed-loop
business model. Today, as much as 50% of
automotive sheet sold to carmakers is left over
after a manufacturing plant stamps out automotive parts. Novelis is working with its customers to return this material for recycling.
Investments at a glance: The company
will invest USD120 million to install a third
aluminium automotive sheet finishing line at
its Oswego plant. In addition, the Novelis will
expand its recycling operations for automotive scrap, while also making other system
and facility upgrades. This new investment will
increase the company’s North American automotive sheet capacity to more than 400,000
tonnes in just two years. When complete, the
Oswego facility will devote 80% of its total
capacity to serving the automotive market.
Novelis will invest USD85 million to install a new automotive sheet finishing line at
Nachterstedt. This expansion will increase
the aluminium automotive sheet capacity in
Europe to almost 350,000 tonnes. The expansion will also enhance the developing closedloop model between the recycling operations in Latchford, UK, and what will be the
world’s largest aluminium recycling centre, a
USD250 million project at Nachterstedt expected to be ready in late 2014.
Alcoa has completed a USD300 million expansion at its Davenport plant in Iowa dedicated to supplying aluminium sheet to the
automotive industry. Alcoa made the announcement as the Detroit Auto Show which
displayed a number of vehicles featuring large
increases in aluminium content. According to
automakers, demand for aluminium to produce vehicles – already the second-most-used
material used to make cars today – is expected
to nearly double by 2025.
“2014 marks the beginning of dramatic
growth for aluminium in the auto sector,” commented Alcoa chairman and chief executive,
Klaus Kleinfeld. “Automakers are increasingly choosing aluminium as a cost-effective way
to improve the performance, safety, durability and fuel efficiency of their vehicles. Our
project in Iowa is the first of three capacity
expansions we have underway to meet this
growing demand.”
In addition to its expansion in Iowa – for
which long-term supply agreements have
been secured – Alcoa is adding automotive
capacity at the Tennessee plant, which is
scheduled to be complete in mid-2015, and
at its joint venture rolling mill in Saudi
Arabia, to be complete by the end of this year.
© Alcoa
Alcoa completes UsD300m automotive expansion in iowa
Automotive sheet production at the Alcoa Davenport plant
Alcoa is investing about USD670 million in
the three expansions.
Alcoa innovations are enabling the increased use of aluminium in the automotive
sector. The company’s pre-treatment bonding
technology, known as Alcoa 951, enables more
durable bonding of aluminium components in
vehicles, can reduce spot weld points and results in lower manufacturing costs. Alcoa has
licensed the Alcoa 951 technology at the request of car manufacturers to make it available
across the industry.
constellium to invest €200m in European automotive capacity
Constellium plans to invest up to €200 million
over the next three years to further grow its
Body-in-White (BiW) business in Europe. In a
first step the company will increase the production capacity at Neuf-Brisach, France, and
start BiW production at Singen, Germany, by
revamping its continuous annealing line. By
2016, Constellium expects to add up to 40,000
tpy to its current capacity with the first BiW
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
coils produced in Singen as early as mid-2014.
In a second step a new continuous annealing
and conversion line is planned in Europe with
a capacity of 100,000 tpy. Commissioning is
scheduled for the second half of 2016.
Already today Constellium offers a portfolio of aluminium rolled products to the automotive industry, to meet customers’ requirements in terms of surface quality, strength,
crash and formability for BiW applications
like hoods, doors, roofs and structural parts
of cars. “Constellium expects to benefit from
strong market growth as the integration of
aluminium components continues to expand
not only in premium vehicles but in the highvolume car segment,” commented Laurent
Musy, president of the Automotive Rolled
Products business unit.
Panorama view of the Emal smelter
Emirates global Aluminium – Building a new global player
The status of the Middle East aluminium
industry – already a rapidly growing hub
in the global sector – is set to be unequivocally strengthened through the advent
in early 2014 of a new major player. The
latest addition to the leaders’ pack is
Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA) – a
jointly held, equal-ownership company
whose formation was announced mid2013 by shareholders Mubadala Development Company of Abu Dhabi and the
Investment Corporation of Dubai; and
into which Dubai Aluminium Dubal) and
Emirates Aluminium Emal) have been integrated as operating subsidiaries.
class reduction cell technologies developed
in-house at Dubal and deployed at Emal. The
latter attributes underscore EGA’s ongoing
commitment to the legacy of sustainability already entrenched at Dubal and Emal – specifically a determination to protect the environment, invest in the wellbeing and development
of employees, contribute meaningfully to the
community and deliver a lasting contribution
Several facts underscore EGA’s leadership
assertions. For starters, the combined annual
production of Dubal and Emal (2013 sales:
1.865m tonnes) accounts for 50% of the total primary aluminium production within the
Gulf Cooperation Council region, making
EGA the largest primary aluminium producer
in the Middle East. Second, EGA’s production
capacity set to reach 2.4 million tpy by mid2014, such that the company is destined to
become the fifth largest aluminium producer
in the world. Moreover, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will be the world’s fourth largest
primary aluminium producing country.
Then there is the proven Dubal-Emal track
record for exceptional and even benchmark
performances in environment, health and
safety matters; not to mention the premium
purity, high quality products produced by both
smelter complexes and the advanced best-in-
to the UAE and global economies. Indeed,
both Dubal and Emal are renowned for maximising the health and safety of people and the
surrounding community, reducing operational
environmental impact and investing in social
and economic development.
With its first metal having been tapped in
1979, Dubal celebrates its 35th anniversary in
2014. Currently ranked as one of the world’s
largest single-site aluminium smelters, the
Dubal complex in Jebel Ali, Dubai, comprises
a 1 million tpy smelter, a 2,350 MW power
station (at 30 °C), a large carbon plant, extensive casting operations (more than 1.2m tpy),
a water desalination plant, dock and other
facilities. A quality-focused, customer-centred
and innovation-drive organisation, Dubal
holds ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO/TS 16949,
ISO/IEC 20000-1, ISO/IEC 27001, ISO 29990,
ISO 50001 and OHSAS 18001 certification.
Dubal also has investments in bauxite/alumina
development projects in Brazil and Cameroon;
and in a calciner plant in China.
A relatively new smelter development,
Emal is designed to become one of the world’s
largest single-site aluminium smelters. The
Emal complex at Al Taweelah, Abu Dhabi,
has been built in two phases. Phase I, which
was fully commissioned by the end of 2010,
is the world’s largest greenfield smelter development and currently has a smelter capacity
of 800,000 tpy. Commissioning of Phase II,
which comprises the world’s longest single
potline (1.7 km long) and has a design capacity
of 520,000 tpy, began mid-September 2013.
Full ramp-up is scheduled for completion by
end-2014. Once fully operational, Emal will
have an annual hot metal production capacity
of 1.3 million tpy. Emal holds ISO 9001 accreditation and Nebosh certification in Occupational Health and Safety.
The combined Dubal-Emal portfolio comprises high quality aluminium products made
in four main forms: foundry alloy (automotive
applications), billet (construction, industrial,
transportation and automotive forging), high
purity aluminium (electronics and aerospace),
and sheet ingot (packaging, lithographic sheets
and the automotive industry). Busbars and
anode bars are also made for the electrolytic
process used to produce primary aluminium
from alumina. Over 350 customers are served
in at least 64 countries, predominantly in Asia,
Europe, Mena region and the Americas.
Dubal’s in-house developed, proprietary
reduction cell technologies, DX technology
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
© Emal
© Dubal
and DX+ technology (operating at 385 kA and
450 kA respectively), currently rank among
the best reduction technologies available.
DX technology has already been installed at
industrial scale at Dubal (40 cells) and Emal
Phase I (756 cells) while DX+ has been installed at Emal Phase II (444 cells). DX+ technology has also been selected by Aluminium
Bahrain (Alba) for its Line 6 Bankable Feasibility study.
While the formation of EGA is undeniably
a major development for the global aluminium industry, it also marks a historic mile-
stone in the UAE. This is the first time in
the country’s 42-year history that two Emirati
government entities from two different emirates have come together to build an Emirati
company. It is a development that not only
builds on the solid foundations laid by Dubal
and Emal, but also reflects the UAE’s longterm industrial strategy which aims to diversify its economy away from dependence on
its oil-rich reserves while stimulating job creation. EGA currently provides direct employment to approximately 7,200 people, with
the creation of a further 2,000 direct employ-
ment opportunities projected by 2020.
The UAE-based EGA also owns Guinea
Alumina Corporation (GAC), a project to
develop an alumina refinery and associated
bauxite mine. Established in 2007, GAC was
formerly jointly-owned by Mubadala Development Company and Dubal. In addition,
EGA owns a stake in Cameroon Alumina
Limited, a joint-venture project established in
2008 to develop a bauxite mine and alumina
refinery, and has plans for significant local
growth and international expansion.
Aerial view of the Dubal site
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
Arab International Aluminium Conference – Arabal 2013
Aluminium downstream operations –
a challenge for the gulf countries
B. Rieth, meerbusch
In the opening addresses to the conference it
was stressed that in the long term the oil and
gas producing countries cannot continue only
exporting their abundant energy resources in
the form of primary aluminium. Rather, the
common aim is to extend the entire value
chain beyond aluminium production and into
processing, in order to free the economies of
those countries from dependence upon the
abundantly available, but ultimately finite
sources of oil and gas.
Whereas in earlier Arabal conferences
new extension plans for aluminium smelters
were always being announced, today the
GCC States can look back proudly on what has
been achieved: in 2013 six smelters produced
at least four million tonnes of primary aluminium, corresponding to approx. 7% of world
production. By the middle of 2014 a further
one million tonnes will be coming on stream
due to the commissioning of Emal’s third
potline – three months ahead of the original
deadline – and the final commissioning of the
Ma’aden 740,000-tonne smelter.
Further expansion plans, although not yet
confirmed, exist at Alba in Bahrain and at Qatalum. At Alba the further extension depends on
the result of a feasibility study, which should
become available in 2014. As regards any extension at Qatalum, however, the investors
currently consider that at present the overall
economic prerequisites are not in place. At
any rate, in the Gulf it is assumed that with
a compound average growth rate of the primary aluminium production of about 6%, the
region will achieve a proportion of 10-13% of
world production by 2020. Apart from China,
the Gulf States see themselves as the only
growth region for primary aluminium.
In the Gulf a threat to growth is regarded
as the further development of the price of
aluminium, which could also be influenced
ple, mention was made of extrusion billets
and extruded profiles, the consequence of surplus capacities in China. Extruded products,
above all for the building sector, and aluminium cables will still account for the largest
proportion of locally produced downstream
production. When from 2015 onwards the rolling mills of Ma’aden-Alcoa, besides already
existing plants in Bahrain and Oman, are producing at full capacity, aluminium flat-rolled
products as well will be strongly represented
in the Gulf region. The discussions concluded
that there was no more room in the region for
yet another large flat-rolling mill.
Within the GCC countries the United Arab
Emirates regard themselves as the pioneer of
aluminium production. This claim is supported
by the fact that Dubai Aluminium (Dubal) is
one of the oldest aluminium producers in the
Gulf. With its DX and DX+ technology developed over 20 years Dubal has developed
processes of its own which are highly costefficient and are even being offered to other
smelters. With the merger of the two smelters
Dubal and Emal planned for 2014, to form
‘Emirates Global Aluminium’ with a production capacity of 2,380,000 tonnes, not only is
one of the world’s largest primary aluminium
producers being created, but also the UAE
will provide almost half the total capacity of
the GCC States.
Building an effective downstream
industry remains a major challenge
© Emal
The 17th Arabal Conference at the same
time marked the 30th anniversary of the
most important aluminium event in the
Arab world, which has taken place regularly since 1983. Organised by this year’s
host, Emirates Aluminium (Emal), at the
beginning of November it brought more
than 500 participants to the St. Regis
Hotel in Abu Dhabi. The conference was
combined with an exhibition which, with
40 companies showing, had more exhibitors than the year before. In six sessions
many and diverse themes were dealt
with, such as the global economy and
its challenges; investment projects in the
Gulf countries; warehousing, financing
deals and the future of metal exchanges;
the aluminium price and its development;
the casthouse product mix and downstream initiatives in the Mena region; and
environmental drivers. The event was
rounded off by a pre-conference workshop on Dubal’s advanced DX+ smelting
technology and a site tour to the Emal
Emal CEO Saeed Fadhel Al Mazrooei at his
welcome speech to the Arabal delegates
by the evolution of the gas price: cheap gas
produced by fracking could make for a new
market situation worldwide. Another uncertainty for the GCC producers is still China’s
future export behaviour. Here, however, less
importance is ascribed to exports of smelted
aluminium than to those of semis. For exam-
Another major challenge in the Gulf region
remains building an effective downstream industry. Although responsible for 10% of the
global primary metal output, the Gulf produces only 3% of downstream products.
An important discussion point at the Conference turned around the point that the success and high proportion achieved by the region in the production of primary aluminium
should not disguise the fact that this production step accounts for the smallest proportion
of added value in the rest of the value chain
and therefore contributes only inadequately
to the ambitious aim of enlarging the nonoil sector, which also includes tourism in the
UAE, to 60% of the GDP. Thus, aluminium
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
mid- and downstream products bring profits
higher by a factor of about a 1.7 to 2.5 compared with primary aluminium. Those who
participated in the discussions all agreed that
small and medium-sized enterprises must be
created in order to enlarge the downstream
sector. It is true that in the GCC countries
there are already around 30 such companies.
internationally successful manufacturers of
rolled and extruded products and aluminium
cables have settled in the vicinity of Alba. The
same can be seen in Oman, where Sohar Aluminium is supplying a recently commissioned
flat-rolling mill and a cable plant. In Oman at
present, about 60% of the primary aluminium
produced goes for local further processing.
Aluminium smelter capacity
in the GCC countries in 2013/14
Their comparatively small consumption of primary aluminium does in fact correspond to the
present needs of the local markets, but as a
result around 80% of the primary aluminium
produced in the Gulf has until now been exported, about three-quarters of it to Europe.
The declared aim is to persuade more
investors, from abroad as well, to establish
interests in the environment of the smelters.
Besides the cost advantages from the use of
cheap energy and the most modern smelter
technology, investors enjoy generous government subsidies in terms of infrastructure and
legislation (long-term exemption from taxes).
However, the discussion also brought out that
it is not enough to produce finished aluminium products locally. Although these can be
exported, they should also find a buoyant local
market for their use. Positive examples of this
are the new Alcoa-Ma’aden flat-rolling mills
in Saudi Arabia, which are to begin operating in 2014 and 2015. Can sheet will then be
supplied, among others, to United Arab Can
in Dammam, Saudi Arabia, where it will be
processed into beverage cans. The second
Alcoa-Ma’aden rolling plant should supply
automobile strip, e. g. for the planned Jaguar
Land Rover facility in Saudi Arabia.
Previous successes in the creation of a further-processing aluminium industry have all
been based on the formation of clusters in the
environment of smelters. This began more than
30 years ago in Bahrain, where meanwhile
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
The concept of an aluminium cluster is also
based on the further processing of part of
the 1.3 million tonnes which Emal will be
producing in the future. The backbone of the
aluminium cluster created on the site of Kizad (Khalifa Industrial Zone Abu Dhabi) (see
also ALUMINIUM 9/2013, p. 381) is the sotermed Hot Metal Road, by way of which the
further processors are supplied with liquid
metal. This saves transport and storage costs
for smelter semis, energy costs for remelting,
Emirates Extrusion Factory to
invest in new production line
Emirates Extrusion Factory has announced plans
to invest in a new production line at its aluminium extrusion plant in Techno Park, Dubai. The
new facility, to be complete by mid-2014, will
increase production capacity to 6,000 tonnes
a year. The investment amounts to AED13m.
The company has also unveiled plans to aggressively target the export markets in the wake of
burgeoning construction activity across Saudi
Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Yemen and Africa. The
company currently exports 60-70 percent of its
production to various countries across the Middle East and Africa.
The aluminium extrusion market in the UAE
is estimated to be in excess of 175,000 tonnes a
and enables just-in-time logistics. Thanks to
such advantages those responsible at Kizad
can already point to some contracts with partners from the extrusion industry, the recycling
of scrap from smelter casthouses, and aluminium cables.
As a further challenge for the enlargement
of local value addition, at the Conference the
extension of local scrap utilisation was mentioned. Owing to the substantial lack of recycling plants and the small number of processing businesses, the scrap produced is mainly
exported and therefore unable to add to any
increase of local value addition. Alba has now
made a start with the commissioning of a melting furnace in which scrap from customers as
well will be recycled. At present the region
exports about three-quarters of its end-of-life
scrap amounting to 500,000 tonnes a year, to
India and Europe. The dross recovery situation is more favourable: of the 71,000 tonnes
of dross produced by the local smelters, some
25,000 tonnes are recovered.
To reinforce the downstream industry,
those responsible in the UAE are pursuing
other plans. For example, the smelter technology competence available should be applied
in joint ventures with aluminium producers
in the Magreb zone. Like energy-rich Algeria,
these are even closer to the European market.
Dipl._Ing. Bernhard Rieth is a marketing specialist
and freelance technical journalist. As proprietor of
Marketing Xpertise Rieth in Meerbusch, Germany,
he advises equipment partners of the NF metals
semis industry on marketing-related matters.
year, which amounts to 35 percent of the total
Gulf Cooperation Council demand, growing at a
compounded annual rate of eight to nine percent between 2011 and 2017.
Emirates Extrusion Factory – a subsidiary of
Masharie LLC, which is the private equity arm
of Dubai Investments PJSC – was established in
1993 in Ajman, United Arab Emirates.
Alba: new production
record in 2013
Aluminium Bahrain (Alba) produced 912,700
tonnes of primary aluminium in 2013, a record
high compared to the 890,217 tonnes produced
in the previous year. For 2014 the company
strives to top the result by further improving
plant reliability.
TMS 2014 explores innovation in the aluminium industry
A highlight of the light metals programme for
TMS 2014 is the Aluminium Keynote Session on Monday, 17 February, from 8:30am
to 12:30pm titled Innovation in the Alumina
and Primary Aluminium Industries – How
Will We Move on to the Next S Curve? The
session will share the perspectives of leading
experts on what it will take to reach the critical
mass of research and development required to
achieve breakthroughs in environmental and
energy efficiency performance. Speakers and
topics scheduled at press time include:
• Barry Welch, Professor Emeritus, Universities of New South Wales (Australia and Auckland, New Zealand), director of Welbank Consulting Ltd and recipient of TMS’s Alexander
Scott Distinguished Service Award for 2014,
will discuss possible options for aluminium
smelter performance enhancement. His presentation will highlight how the emphasis on
good smelting technology fundamentals has
declined, yet numerous opportunities exist for
economic and performance enhancements.
• Gerald I. D. Roach, Alcoa World Alumina
(retired), will review improvements within the
Bayer industry, and look at whether there is
potential for significant innovation to move
the Bayer process on to a new ‘S’ curve.
• Mark P. Taylor, director, Chemical and Materials Engineering Department, New Zealand
Product Accelerator, University of Auckland,
examines the role of external research groups
in undertaking and fostering innovation within the aluminium industry. His talk will drill
down into the process of innovation in industry, and look at some specific examples where
external research groups have contributed to
successful innovation.
• Martin Segatz, manager, Strategic Technology Programme, Hydro Aluminium Deutschland, will look at how Hydro’s aspiration to
become a technology leader in key areas of its
vertically integrated aluminium business has
been the driving force to establish a durable
network of intense cooperative research relationships with preferred academic and industrial partners.
• Alton Tabereaux, Alcoa (retired), a USbased consultant, leads two discussions. The
first will focus on innovation and the evolution
of aluminium smelting technology in North
America since the creation of Alcoa 125 years
ago. His second presentation outlines Rio Tinto’s Mine of the ‘Future’ programme, which
aims to create value by finding better ways to
mine through new technologies.
The session wraps up with a panel discussion and a chance for audience members to ask
questions of the presenters.
Networking opportunities
Starting with TMS 2014, a few impactful adjustments to session scheduling will make it
easier for attendees to take advantage of the
many activities, functions and events that the
TMS Annual Meeting has to offer. This includes
being able to spend more time exploring how
concepts discussed in the session rooms can
be implemented in an industry setting at the
TMS 2014 Exhibition. TMS will open the Exhibition on Monday, 17 February, with the president’s Welcoming Reception, as well as host a
Happy Hour event on Tuesday, 18 February.
Another popular networking event geared
to the interests of the light metals community
is the TMS Light Metals Division Luncheon,
taking place on Wednesday, 19 February.
This year’s luncheon speaker is William Joost,
technology development manager, Lightweight Materials, Vehicle Technologies Office,
US Department of Energy, who will discuss
Connecting the Science and Engineering of
Vehicle Weight Reduction.
innovatherm 06/2013
Aluminium keynote session
View into the exhibition hall at TMS 2013
Continuing education
TMS 2014 attendees from the aluminium industry can get a head start on their learning
by attending one of the workshops, tutorials
and short courses being offered on Sunday, 16
February. Programme selections include:
• Furnace Systems Technology Workshop
• Grain Refinement of Aluminium and
Magnesium Alloys: Theory and Practice
• Pot Ventilation and Dry Scrubbing Operations for Aluminium Smelters
• Proper Anode Baking Furnace Operations:
How and Why
• Theory of Constraints: Tools and Tactics
for Creating Business Value in Aluminium
Smelters and Other Process Industries
For additional information and programming
updates on TMS 2014 and to make registration and housing arrangements, visit the conference website at www.tms.org/tms2014.
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
216 x 303
TMS 2014 has already set a record, with the
most-ever abstracts submitted for a TMS Annual Meeting, and is on track to break several
more. Nearly 4,000 presentations are now
scheduled within 385 sessions and nearly 70
symposia. The Light Metals Technical Track
is particularly strong as representatives from
the world’s largest producers and research
organisations gather to discuss breaking developments, evolving challenges and new opportunities. TMS 2014 symposia of particular
interest to the aluminium industry include:
• Alumina and Bauxite
• Aluminium Alloys: Development, Characterisation and Applications
• Aluminium Processing
• Aluminium Reduction Technology
• Cast Shop for Aluminium Production
• Deformation, Damage, and Fracture of
Light Metals and Alloys III
• Light-Metal Matrix (Nano)-Composites
• Electrode Technology for Aluminium
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society
(TMS) 143rd Annual Meeting and Exhibition (TMS 2014) will be taking place
from 16 to 20 February in San Diego.
Integrated Technology
Firing and Fume Treatment for Anode Baking Furnaces
Advanced Firing Systems
Lowest energy consumption
Total pitch burn
Higher quality consistency
innovatherm 06/2013
Fume Treatment Technology
Higher adsorbtion ratios
Lower emissions
Higher reliability
Your Sustainable Partner
216 x 303
One Design · One Technology · One Company
Dubal low energy aluminium electrolysis cell design and operation
A. Zarouni and M. Reverdy, Dubai Aluminium
Table 1: KPIs of Dubal low energy cells
Demo Cells
June 2012
to Oct 2013
Current efficiency
Metal production
Volts per cell
DC specific energy
Anode effect frequency
Anode effect duration
PFC emissions,
CO2 equivalent*
< 0.05
< 0.03
< 0.05
Not specified
Not specified
DX Low Energy
July 2013
to Oct 2013
DX+ Ultra
Design Criteria
at 440 kA
*Calculated as in [6], using Tier 2 Method and SAR (Second Assessment Report)
creasing the cell length to allow
for two more anodes and cathode blocks, and replacing centre
pseudo point breaker / feeders
by four point breaker / feeders
with bath sensing [5].
The photo shows the seven
D18+ cells in a D18 potline.
Table 1 gives key performance
indicators of five D18+ cells
still operating at D18 amperage. In the table, the two end
cells of the group of seven are
excluded, because they are in
a transition zone between D18
and D18+ cells, such that their
busbars are not representative
of complete D18+ design. The
performance of the D18+ cells
has now exceeded the original
design targets. Further voltage and energy
consumption decrease may be possible at
increased amperage, which is not possible at
present because the demonstration cells have
no amperage booster.
© Dubal
In recent years, Dubal has focused on reducing energy consumption of aluminium electrolysis cells. Large industrial
scale DX cell technology in the
Emal Potlines 1 and 2 obtained
the lowest energy consumption in 2011, when they operated at 350 kA and achieved
net DC energy consumption of
13.05 kWh/kgAl [1]. This came
quite close to the world class of
low energy consumption cells,
which are in the range of 12-13
kWh/kgAl [2, 3].
Emal Potline 1 and 2 results
at 350 kA were obtained on
normal cells not specifically
designed for low energy con- Completed seven D18+ test cells in a D18 potline
sumption but rather for high
cell productivity, which was a more important DX cell with copper inserts was started up in
economic objective. Therefore, in 2012, the Dubal Potline 8 in March 2013. DX+ Ultra
amperage was increased to 380 kA with con- cell design is ready for demonstration. Also,
sequent energy consumption increase to 13.37 several voltage reduction initiatives have been
implemented on DX+ demonstration and
kWh/kgAl (average for Jan to Oct 2013).
In order to prepare for future energy DX+ industrial cells [4].
cost increases and to offer cell technology to
clients in high energy cost countries, Dubal D18+ demonstration cells
embarked on a journey to design low energy
consumption cells without compromising cell The objectives behind modernising the D18
productivity. This involved reducing anode, cells through new technology are to reduce
cathode and busbar voltage drop, as well as the specific energy consumption to less than
only moderately decreasing of anode-to-cath- 12.9 kWh/kgAl, to reduce the anode effect freode distance for low energy operation. Sev- quency to below 0.10 per cell and day, and to
eral low energy cells have been designed for allow for a possible further amperage increase
industrial trials: D18+, DX Low Energy and of 40 kA. The most important design changes
DX+ Ultra. Seven D18+ cells were built and from D18 to D18+ cells were: changing the
successfully started up in March 2012. One two end anode risers to four side risers, in-
DX Low Energy cell
Cathode voltage drop, for example, can be
lowered by introducing copper inserts in the
collector bars. Dubal uses its own design of
copper inserts which have proven the claimed
benefits during industrial trials. One DX
copper insert cell was started up in Dubal Potline 8 in March 2013. In copper insert cells,
modifications to the lining compensate for the
increased effective thermal conductivity of
the collector bars. This was necessary to maintain thermal balance and, more importantly,
to keep isotherms at the desired place and
avoid cold cathode blocks. Additionally, longer four-stub anodes with higher slots were introduced and, to keep good thermal balance,
anode cover thickness was increased to 20
cm, and the air circulation around the cathode shell and the cell exhaust flow rate were
decreased. The key performance indicators of
this cell technology are given in Table 1. Further reduction of net specific energy consumption to 12.6 kWh/kgAl is planned.
DX+ Ultra cells
DX+ Ultra low energy cells evolved from DX+
technology. Five DX+ demonstration cells
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
were started at Dubal in July and August
2010, and 444 DX+ cells are currently being
started up in Enmal Potline 3 [1]. Based on
the operation of DX+ demonstration cells and
on the reduction of the busbar and cathode
voltage drops in the industrial cells, the industrial version in Emal Potline 3 is expected to
operate at 4.17 V with a net energy consumption of 13.08 kWh/kgAl [4]. DX+ Ultra incorporates several additional voltage drop reduction initiatives shown in Table 2. The most
important ones will come from collector bar
copper inserts (80 mV) and busbar redesign
with split anode risers (80 mV). With all voltage drop reduction initiatives, the overall net
cell voltage is expected to be
3.97 V and net energy consumption 12.44 kWh/kgAl at
440 kA. The design amperage
range for DX+ Ultra is 440470 kA. Table 1 gives also a
few other design parameters.
4. M. Bastaki et al., Dubal Cell Voltage Drop Initiatives Towards Low
Energy High Amperage Cells, Light
Metals TMS 2014.
5. S. Akhmetov et al., D18+: Potline Modernisation at Dubal, Light
Metals TMS 2013, 561-565.
6. A. A. Zarouni et al., DX+ an Optimized Version of DX Technology,
Light Metals TMS 2012, 697-702.
Abdulla Zarouni is senior manager
Technology Development at Dubal. Michel Reverdy is Technology
Transfer manager at Dubal.
Table 2: Summary of the DX+ and DX+ Ultra
electrical parameters with voltage drop initiatives
Demo Cells Industrial Ultra
Longer anodes (Stage 1: +25 mm)
Reduced ACD
Higher saw cut anode slots
Larger collector bar cross-sections
Larger busbar cross-sections
Copper inserts
Busbar redesign
New cathode flexible design
Longer anodes (Stage 2: +20 mm)
Larger stub diameter
Deeper stub holes
Dubal has designed several
low energy cells. The successful test and validation of
the D18+ cell technology has
proven that it is both technically and practically possible
to update and replace the
low energy consumption cell
technology within an existing
operating potline. In DX cells,
the cathode collector bar copper inserts have been successfully demonstrated and can be
used to convert DX potlines in
Dubal and Emal to low energy
cells on relining basis. DX+
Ultra cells will be Dubal’s future technology with energy
consumption lower than 12.5
1. M. Reverdy et al., Advancements of Dubal High Amperage
Reduction Cell Technologies,
Light Metals TMS 2013, 553556.
2. P. Thibeault et al., Rio Tinto
Alcan AP4X Low Energy Cell
Development, Light Metals TMS
2013, 543-547.
3. D. Zhou, X. Yang and W. Liu,
Development and Application of
SAMI’s Low Voltage Energy-Saving Technology, Light Metals TMS
2012, 607-612.
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
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Modular design gives flexible gas treatment
B. Herrlander, Alstom Power
Global primary aluminium production
capacity is expected to rise by 50% over
the current level within the next couple
of years, and to reach over 70 million tpy
by 2020, thus matching the forecast 5-6%
annual demand growth. This growth is
mainly driven by automotive and building industries. Smelters respond to this
demand with new cost-effective technologies, deploying higher amperage, and
reaching higher specific production.
These smelter technologies call for modern and efficient emissions abatement
systems, including optional energy recovery. However, today’s uncertain primary
aluminium market also needs flexibility
in investment, for instance to be able
to gradually increase smelter capacity
without adding a complete new potline.
In response to these demands Alstom
is introducing a novel range of efficient
modular emissions abatement systems.
These include optional energy recovery,
which is particularly suitable for these
new smelter technologies.
The traditional gas treatment centre
As specific pot production is boosted, often
the pot gas temperature increases. Higher pot
gas temperature challenges the Gas Treatment
Centre (GTC) HF removal efficiency. Fluoride
emissions from the GTC shows a sharp rise
when the pot gas temperature exceeds 100 °C.
New high-amperage pots typically increase
the summer maximum gas temperature from
140 up to 180 °C, making it even more difficult to meet new, low-emission limits. For this
reason the gas temperature should be adjusted
for optimal emissions abatement. A number
of smelters without proper temperature adjustment have already experienced problems
staying in compliance during the summer.
The traditional way of cooling high temperature pot gas is by bleeding-in ambient air to
achieve an acceptable gas treatment temperature (110-115 °C). However, with an ambient
temperature of up to 50 °C, this method may
require 30% more GTC capacity as well as
fan power. Also, the additional filter bags increase maintenance costs.
Installing a heat exchanger is an alternative
solution that not only reduces the size of the
GTC, but also makes large savings in fan power and reduces total HF emissions. In addition,
the value of the recovered heat energy alone
can often justify the added investment cost of
the heat exchanger. The extracted heat energy
may find uses for example in district heating,
desalination of sea water, driving a heat pump
for air conditioning, or it could produce electricity through an organic Rankine cycle. In
the event, not all of the heat energy is used,
and the remainder is let to the atmosphere
through dump heat exchangers. However,
fouling from scale formation has been the
main reason for the failure of heat exchangers in this application.
Pot gas tends to build deposits (scaling) on
steel surfaces, predominantly when gas impacts vertically on these surfaces. To virtually
eliminate the fouling, Alstom has developed a
new series of fire tube heat exchangers (HEX)
guiding the gas parallell to the surface. The
HEX may be arranged in the ducting between
the pots and the GTC, or else integrated into it
(IHEX). The dust-laden hot gas feeds into several parallel straight tubes immersed in water
that cools the outside of the tubes. The water
flows counter currently to the pot gas from
bottom to top when the HEX is arranged vertically, and consequently the gas is cooled as it
flows through the HEX tubes from top to bottom. The counter-current flows achieve optimum cooling at reduced cost. With this type of
heat exchanger it has been able to control the
fouling, and the thickness of deposits is maintained in a stable, thin, self-cleaning state.
The ‘Abart’ is a two stage counter current
GTC process, even though the stages internally operate in co-current mode. This principle reduces the effects of moderate variations
in upstream conditions, such as fluoride concentration as well as alumina flow and quality. The operating mode is as follows. Fresh
alumina is injected into the gas in the filter
stage, downstream of the patented reactor
where the pot off gases enter the Abart. The
high-capacity fresh alumina is therefore used
at the tail end of the process, where the fluoride concentration is low. This dramatically
increases the ‘driving force’ for fluoride adsorption by the alumina, resulting in a stable,
low emission level. The alumina from the filter is lead to the reactor, where it is blended
into the recycled alumina.
Sulphur dioxide emission from pots are
also increasing, since the sulphur content in
the petroleum coke used for anode production
is going up typically to 3-5%. Thus there is an
increasing need for reducing sulphur dioxide
emissions to comply with the emissions limit
values on many smelters. Such limits are already enforced in Scandinavia and in parts of
North America. New smelters starting up in
Qatar and Abu Dhabi will have sulphur dioxide abatement systems. There are several processes available for sulphur dioxide removal.
Inland aluminium smelters may use alkali solutions, e. g. sodium hydroxide, while coastal
based smelters preferably deploy seawater.
The sulphur dioxide is transformed into sulphate in the scrubber process. Spent sodium
hydroxide has to be taken care of. On the
other hand sulphate is a harmless and natural
constituent of seawater. Depending on recipient conditions and on local regulations, the
effluent may require aeration to speed up
a return to normal pH value and eliminate
chemical oxygen demand before the seawater is delivered back to the sea. Both seawater
and alkali processes are extremely efficient,
typically removing in excess of 99% of the
sulphur dioxide.
The ‘Alfeed’ pot feed system brings the
fluoride-enriched alumina from Abart back to
the pots, thus replacing traditional crane filling systems. The Alfeed system is a horizontal
transport and distribution system based on a
supply-on-demand concept. It employs two
different sets of boiling bed fluidisation air
slides. The main one is located alongside the
potroom building, and the other is on the pot
Today’s GTC demands more and more
space and is traditionally laid out in the courtyard between potlines. The space available
often restricts how the different components may be arranged. Primary alumina silo,
ducts, dry scrubber, fans, stack, secondary
silo including air lift and pot feed system, and
sometimes wet scrubbers for sulphur dioxide
abatement, these all demand footprint. In addition, the ducting leading the gas from the
pots to the GTC calls for efficient fluid dynamics design to minimise pressure drop. Over
many years Alstom has been working to reduce the footprint of the total installation in
an energy efficient and a cost effective manner.
The introduction of the Decentralised Dedicated Scrubber (DDS) concept changed the
thinking of incremental growth. This compact
design integrates all components like silos, dry
scrubber, fan, optional sulphur dioxide scrubber and stack into one unit capable of serving
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
up to six pots. This enables an easy incremental growth of a smelter line. The DDS is one
version of the novel Abart compact GTC
based on the Abart-C module.
The modular gas treatment centre
Alstom is now taking the next development
step by introducing the Centralised Dedicated
Scrubber (CDS) built on the Abart-C module.
The Abart-C is an extremely compact and
efficient multi-pollutant control system with
incomparable footprint. It offers flexibility
beyond comparison. Emission requirements
are readily met at reduced power consumption. Abart-C is a further development of the
well-proven Abart GTC. The Abart-C module
optionally integrates a heat exchanger (IHEX)
for temperature control of ingoing pot gas.
The IHEX ensures steady operation even at
high inlet temperature. An integrated primary
alumina silo large enough for one to two days
of operation is included in Abart-C. It can be
refilled quickly in case of stoppages. If it needs
more than two days of storage, the integrated
silo can easily be extended.
Fig. 1 compares the alumina flow of a traditional GTC with that of the Abart-C module.
The Abart-C module thus integrates silos, heat
exchanger, HF abatement, fan, SO2 scrubber
and stack into one unit. A close connection
with pots improves pot gas collection and simplifies the spent alumina distribution back to
pots. The Abart-C features an improved gas
flow control, which optimises the filtration
velocity and contributes to improved robustness. This allows about 5% higher gas flow
rate compared with the standard Abart. The
Abart-C module shows a pressure drop saving
of about 250 Pa in the inlet / outlet fan ducting.
In addition the Abart-C standard fan efficiency
is more than 85% compared with typically
only 70% for a traditional fan arrangement
on the ground. Also, the traditional common
Fig. 1: Alumina flue schematics of a traditional GTC versus DDS/CDS with integrated primary and enriched silo
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One example of a double-line configuration of the CDS Abart-C is shown
SO2 scrubber
Footprint (%)
in Fig 3.
On the
Six scrubbers
Six fans on
One on each
Single line
The Abart-C footprint may vary
Abart GTC
on the ground the ground
depending on the deSingle line of
32 scrubbers on 32 fans on top 32 stacks on top
Abart CDS A1
Abart-C modules into Abart-C top of Abart-C of Abart-C
of each scrubber
gree of integration of components, as
Double line of
32 scrubbers on 32 fans on top 32 stacks on top
been discussed above. A more comAbart CDS A1
Abart-C modules into Abart-C top of Abart-C of Abart-C
of each scrubber
prehensive footprint comparison of
Double line of
On the
Eight scrubbers 32 fans on top One on each
Abart CDS B1
the CDS with and without SO2 scrubAbart-C modules ground
on the ground of Abart-C
ber is shown in the tables 1 and 2.
Depending on the degree of integraTable 2: Footprint comparison without SO2 scrubber
tion and plant layout, the footprint saving goes
Footprint (%)
from 75 to 36%.
Table 1: Footprint comparison with SO2 scrubber
Abart GTC
Single line
On the ground
Six fans on the
One for each fan
Abart CDS A2
Single line of
Abart-C modules into Abart-C
32 fans on top
of Abart-C
One for each fan
Abart CDS B2
Double line of
On the ground
Abart-C modules
32 fans on top
of Abart-C
One common
fan arrangements (e. g. 4-6 fans) typically oversize each fan as much as 33% to handle the
increased flow during N-1 operation. This is
not necessary with the Abart–CDS concept,
since the large number of smaller fans in the
Abart-C modules (e. g. 30 fans) are running
during normal operation. This ensures correct
operation in case one fan is out of operation.
Thus the CDS installed fan motor power can
be reduced by 20% compared to the traditional GTC.
The fully integrated Abart-C module is
shown in Fig. 2.
The Abart-C module is flexible and easily
adjusted to customer preferences. The basic
version integrates all components to fully benefit from the compact design with incomparable footprint. However, as customer preferences may call for alternatives, the Abart-C
flexibility is here demonstrated through some
examples. For instance, the alumina silo integrated in the filter in the basic version may be
put as a standalone. As ingoing pot gas temperature gets higher an IHEX is recommended
to control the GTC operation temperature
and thereby secure optimal performance. In
case a SO2 scrubber is needed it may be integrated into the penthouse or traditionally be
put as stand-alone. The clean gas may optionally be led to multiple stacks, which can be
integrated into the filter, or to one common
stack. Finally Alfeed will transport the spent
alumina back to the pots. The Abart-C module
can feed directly into the Alfeed, eliminating
the need for a separate enriched silo. However, alternatively Alfeed can, in a traditional
way, be fed from an enriched silo.
The basic design of Abart-C is extremely
adaptable with regard to transport and local
site conditions. Components of this modular based design are preferably assembled
in a workshop and delivered directly to site.
Typical components are hopper, reactor, inlet
duct, filter top, fan / motor assembly, SO2 absorber and IHEX. Due to narrow tolerances,
filter tops are always fabricated as complete
components in a workshop. Modules are preassembled in lay-down area from panels delivered from the workshop. This is much faster
and easier compared with work on site. This
modular design and improved constructability gives shorter erection time and secures an
early start-up.
The novel Abart CDS technology built on
Abart-C modules offers a number of advantages over the traditional GTC. For instance,
the installed fan motor power may be reduced
by 20%. Shorter ducting contributes to lower
pressure loss, further reducing power consumption.
The novel Abart CDS technology built on
Abart-C modules gives a footprint reduction
of up to 75%. The Abart-C most compact version integrates silos, optional HEX, dry scrubber, fan, optional sulphur dioxide scrubber
and stack into one unit. It offers an efficient
multi-pollutant control system able to meet
emission requirements at reduced power consumption.
The design of Abart-C is extremely adaptable to local site conditions, and the modules
or components are easily transported to site.
To keep up quality and speed during commissioning as well as start-up, workshop fabrication will be used to the greatest possible
Bo Herrlander is the global marketing manager Industry & Power of Alstom Power, Växjö, Sweden.
Fig. 3: CDS Abart-C
double line with
SO2 scrubber
Fig. 2: Abart-C
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
Alumina feed control enhancements
M. C. Schneller, Istanbul
Multiple studies over the years have contributed much to the understanding of key factors
in alumina dissolution, and have so enabled
the development of improved alumina feeding strategies. At the electrolysis cell level, fast
alumina dissolution is highly desirable. The
features which determine alumina dissolution
rates include bath superheat levels, bath solubility limits imposed by bath ratio, amount of
bath, bath flow / agitation for dissolution and
distribution away from point feeder locations,
point feeder shot mass and discharge rate,
alumina pre-heat levels, and alumina type.
Whenever there are persistent levels of undissolved alumina, especially as agglomerates
sinking in the bath, production efficiencies are
Several control methodologies are primarily based on the pseudo-resistance slope
during the underfeed or no feed phase of the
feed cycle
Over the years, sustained efforts to enhance these underfeed / overfeed methodologies have produced significant improvements
in both production efficiencies and environmental performance. There has been a sustained drive to decrease point feeder shot
mass to small amounts of approximately 1 kg.
A recent development describes a flow sensor
for point-fed alumina [1]. Installed as part of
the point feeder, this on-line sensor predicts
maximum alumina dissolution rates, which
can be used to optimise feed control parameters at any given time. The properties of a point
feeder’s discharge can change quickly and for
unpredictable lengths of time, and sometimes
remain unnoticed. A point feeder pipe modification to slow the delivery of alumina has
produced promising potline test results [2]. It
is abundantly clear that efforts to improve alumina feed control continue to pay dividends.
Whenever a shot of point fed alumina initially contacts bath, it cannot dissolve instantly
within the restricted confines of the inter-electrode mixing zone. The creeping increase in
amperage has made alumina dissolution more
difficult because of the attendant decrease in
inter-electrode gap and total bath volume. A
varying fraction of a point fed alumina shot
quickly dissolves upon initial bath contact in
the inter-electrode mixing zone. The remaining fraction of mostly bath encapsulated,
undissolved alumina then disperses by bulk
bath flow, and subsequently dissolves more
slowly, especially if it forms alumina agglom-
erates. During the recovery period following
fast alumina feed, there is frequently more
undissolved alumina dispersed in the bath. A
portion of this undissolved alumina can settle
onto the bath / metal interface and, depending
on circumstances, further sink to form cathode
sludge [3].
An illuminating potline study reported pot
voltage increases that can occur during an
overfeed period compared to a subsequent
underfeed period at the same alumina content. This voltage increase is not the result of
any change in anode-cathode distance [4]. This
study describes what is labelled as the ‘hysteresis effect’, wherein pot voltage can decrease
as much as 100 mV or even more just after
the switch from overfeeding to underfeeding.
It was hypothesized that this decrease corresponds to the dissolution of an alumina layer
which forms at the bath / metal interface during the overfeed phase. Commencing with the
underfeed phase, there can be a time span
when the rate of electrolytic removal of dissolved alumina approximately balances the
dissolution of accumulated alumina at the
bath / metal interface. The hysteresis effect disappeared when feed rates approached steady
state (90-115%).
In-situ ore feed logic employs neither extended alumina overfeeding nor underfeeding. Rather, ore is fed at near steady-state rates
to maintain a targeted alumina concentration.
This new idea suggests that the cell voltage
could decrease significantly if the hysteresis
effect could be eliminated. Undissolved alumina accumulations at the bath / metal interface are detrimental to current efficiency. It is
reasonable to expect that any accumulation of
electrically resistant alumina at the bath / metal interface would cause localised excessive
heating, and so accelerate loss of aluminium
from the metal surface into the bulk electro-
lyte. Any alumina that sinks below the bath /
metal interface produces cathode muck in different locations. Horizontal cathode current
components are the result of localised muck
piles, thereby promoting metal pad oscillatory
surface waves.
In situ ore feed
The recent promotion of in situ ore feed logic
represents a new approach that avoids extended and excessive alumina overfeeding [5,
6]. Scheduled, periodic in situ measurements
track the dissolved alumina concentration
against voltage during several minutes of no
alumina feeding. These measurements provide
the key data to subsequent track alumina
levels with confidence over a span of several
hours. Near steady state ore feed rates, lasting several hours at a time, are slightly adjusted every five minutes or so to maintain
a targeted alumina concentration by selecting
a PID algorithm uniquely appropriate for this
type of feed control. The targeted alumina
concentration can be selected by a combining
pot performance metrics with dissolution-related alumina properties.
The predicted voltage variable (VP) has
been recommended to replace the pseudo-resistance variable (RP) for a number of reasons
[5, 6]. The value for any computed RP is easily
demonstrated to be sensitive to the choice of
extrapolated voltage (Vext). This number cannot be accurately measured in real time. Hence
the choice of Vext by necessity defaults to an
assumed constant value. However, the actual
value of Vext is dependent upon the dissolved
alumina concentration [7]. The relative RP error induced by this default assumption is not
insignificant. However, the relative VP error is
vanishingly small as will be illustrated.
A simulated raw, unfiltered, and noisy pot
Fig. 1: Rp vs. Time (% Al2O3 varied from 2.60 to 2.45 during 5 minutes of no ore feed)
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
voltage/amperage data set (1 Hz sampling
rate) was generated. Pot voltages were made
dependent upon the actual values of Vext as
determined by the alumina concentration during a 5 minute, no feed period. The Vext value
corresponding to a given alumina concentration was estimated using Fig. 2 in a published
Haupin paper [7]. Comparative computations
of RP and VP were performed using both the
actual values and a constant default value
for Vext as shown in Figs 1 and 2. Comparing
these, it is not difficult to observe a large variation in both RP divergent values and RP slopes
in Fig. 1, compared to Fig. 2 with a relatively
much smaller variation in both VP non-divergent values and VP slopes. The sensitivity of
the RP slope can be significantly depressed
when using a constant value of Vext, but not
so for VP. The sensitivity of VP slopes, regardless of Vext selection, is expected to provide
reasonably accurate in situ alumina predictions, subject mostly to variations in molten
bath mass. An estimate of a pot’s bath mass is
used to adjust the VP slope accordingly.
Whenever ore feed is briefly turned off
for an in situ alumina concentration measurement, there may be a time span before detecting the expected, consequent increase in VP.
In fact pot voltage may even initially decrease,
due to accumulated alumina at the bath / metal
interface as previously described. Two different time spans can be measured: (1) span
during which VP consistently decreases immediately after ore feed is turned off; and (2)
span during which VP consistently increases
after any VP decrease in (1) when the VP positive slope corresponds to reaching the targeted
alumina concentration. These time spans can
be used to adjust the alumina concentration
target. During time span (1) we also measure
the difference between the relative voltage
minimum and the voltage at the time when
the ore feed was turned off. This difference
can also be used to adjust the target alumina
concentration. This information from the time
span and voltage decrease is an indicator of
undissolved alumina at the bath / metal interface.
Continuous ore feed
directed into anode slots
The advent of slotted anodes has produced enhanced pot performance by more efficiently
Fig. 2: Vp vs. Time (% Al2O3 varied from 2.60 to 2.45 during 5 minutes of no ore feed)
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channelling anode off-gases away from the
working anode surface. It may now prove
advantageous to investigate feeding alumina
continuously into anode slots at variable rates.
The steady-state consumption rate depends
mostly upon amperage and number of slotted
anodes. This rate is not expected to be greater
than about 5 g/s. Ore would be directed into a
small hole that is drilled from the top of each
anode into one of the slots [8]. Continuous
ore feed through slotted anodes the following
• Alumina dissolves virtually instantaneously as the mostly separate alumina
grains make bath contact.
• Variations in alumina fines content
should not greatly impact the expected
fast dissolution of these particles within
the slot before they are swept into the
bulk bath.
• It is highly unlikely that alumina raft
or agglomerate formation would occur.
For much of the anode cycle, alumina exiting from the slot hole would make initial
contact with turbulent anode gas. This interaction would distribute alumina throughout a
portion of the slot and pre-heat the alumina
before it contacts bath, thus promoting fast
The turbulent liquid bath within a slot has
a high exchange rate, suggesting that excessive alumina enrichment in this region would
not occur [9].
Localised alumina depletion at any anode
surface can cause minor PFC emissions at this
site [10]. More uniform continuous ore feed
delivery centred on an anode slot is expected
to decrease the low-level PFC generation under non- anode effect conditions (NAE-PFC).
It has been reported that 70% of all PFC
emissions in China are attributable to low volt-
age operation vis-à-vis 22% from the more
limited data for smelters outside of China [11].
A simple gate valve mechanism with a controllable orifice is one possible design which
could achieve anode slot centred, continuous
ore feed. Since this type of valve is susceptible
to plugging by non-alumina particles, alumina
delivered to the ore hopper needs to be effectively screened to remove problematic large
particles such as hard grey scale, etc. Other
possible valve mechanisms, such as variable
speed rotary valves, suffer more wear due
to their constantly moving parts, and so may
prove more costly to maintain than some
type of controllable gate valve whose orifice
is only periodically adjusted in small amounts.
Flexible, small-diameter feeding tubes (about
12 mm or less inner diameter) could exit below the control valve assembly that is located
at the bottom of the ore hopper, and they
would direct gravity-fed ore into the anode
slots. Since the distance between the ore hopper and the anode top varies, two concentric
flexible tubes, wherein a smooth portion of
one tube slides within a smooth portion of
the other, maintain an unbroken connection.
Tube flexion would allow temporary displacement of the feeder tubes during carbon setting operations. It is possible to design a single
geared actuator to simultaneously operate all
valves corresponding to the number of anodes
in a pot. It is recommended that a quick disconnect valve assembly be designed so that a
defective valve can be rapidly replaced.
Continuous alumina ore feeding into anode slots in a distributed manner, as outlined
above, should enable further creep increase
of line current, since much of the inter-electrode space presently dictated by point feeders would not be necessary. The consequent
decrease in bath volume would tax point fed
alumina delivery, but not slot continuous fed
alumina delivery, especially if in situ ore feed
logic were deployed in tandem.
At present it is not known whether occasional bath splashes contacting the anode
slot exit hole would freeze, thereby plugging
the hole itself. This could prove problematic
for newly set, cold anodes. When the anode
surface at the exit hole becomes sufficiently
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hot, bath splashes can reasonably be expected
not to adhere to and freeze onto the carbon
surface. In any case, this potential bath plugging problem could possibly be solved by an
automated delivery of scheduled, short, compressed air blasts directed into each anode
hole to dislodge any frozen bath plug that
might have formed. A different approach
could utilise small-diameter breaker rods.
For distributed alumina delivered continuously into a slot of each anode, the result
should be maximally uniform bath alumina
distribution, and minimally undissolved bath
alumina formation.
In situ alumina feed control, and distributed
continuous anode slot feeding, are new ideas
which, either separately or in combination,
could produce significant improvements in
smelter production efficiencies as well as decreased NAE-PFC formation.
[1] J. Tessier, G. Tarcy, E. Batista, X. Wang, Towards
On-line Monitoring of Alumina Properties at a Pot
Level, Light Metals 2012, ed. C. Suarez, pp.633638.
[2] J. Tessier, G. Tarcy, E. Batista, X. Wang. Improvement of Alumina Dissolution Rate Through Alumina
Feeder Pipe Modification, Light Metals 2013, ed. B.
Sadler, pp. 713-717.
[3] R. Keller, Alumina Dissolution and Sludge Formation Revisited, Light Metals 2005, ed. H. Kvande,
pp. 147-150.
[4] H. Kvande, B. Moxnes, J. Skaar, P. Solli, PseudoResistance Curves for Aluminium Cell Control –
Alumina Dissolution and Cell Dynamics, Light Metals 1997, ed. R. Huglen, pp. 403-409.
[5] M. Schneller, In Situ Alumina Feed Control,
JOM, 61 (2009) 11, pp. 26 -29.
[6] M. Schneller, In Situ Aluminum Cell Control,
Light Metals 2010, ed. J. Johnson, pp. 563–568.
[7] W. Haupin, Interpreting the Components of
Cell Voltage, Light Metals 1998, ed. B. Welch, pp.
[8] M. Schneller, Characteristics of In Situ Alumina
PID Feed Control, Light Metals 2012, ed. C. Suarez,
pp. 627-632.
[9] M. Cooksey, CSIRO, (private communication).
[10] J. Thonstad, S. Rolseth, R. Keller, On the Mechanism Behind Low Voltage FC Emissions, Light Metals 2013, ed. B. Sadler, pp. 883–885.
[11] J. Marks, C. Bayliss, GHG Measurement and
Inventory for Aluminum Production, Light Metals
2012, ed. C. Carlos, pp. 805–808.
Michael C. Schneller has 16 years of working experience in the aluminium smelting industry, including
six years as an independent consultant.
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
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Driving progress
Eirich – a technology pioneer is 150 years young
B. Hohl, Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich
© Eirich
Eirich has successfully pioneered new processes and launched new machines in its core
markets for many decades. Simple mechanical mixers have evolved in many fields of application into multifunctional machines capable of combining several processes such as
mixing, cooling, kneading, heating, pelletising,
drying, blunging, etc. in one machine. Working on the principle ‘first write the score, then
select the right musical instrument’, the company develops made-to-measure solutions
tailored perfectly to its customers’ requirements. The processing methods applied in
the many industries which use the products
provide inspiration for innovative transfer to
other sectors.
Back in his day, entrepreneur Gustav Eirich
started his business with a mill workshop servicing the small hydro powered grain mills being
situated in the area around his residence. The
first mixers were made in 1903. The development of the planetary mixer in 1906 opened
the door to ceramic applications. The main
© Fives Solios
Recently, Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich
celebrated the 150th anniversary of its
founding in 1863. Eirich is a family-run
enterprise which enjoys the full support
of its employees and, in the words of the
managing directors, has remained young
at heart for 150 years. These two factors
have been highly instrumental in the success and the long tradition of this company. ‘Technology leadership’ is one of the
top priorities of company policy.
Anode plant at Sohar Aluminium, using all-intensive paste preparation
product at that time was refractory bricks.
When the counterflow mixer was developed,
followed by the intensive mixer, access was
open to virtually all areas of ceramics and to
the production of carbon pastes as well.
Over the decades Eirich has repeatedly
played a part in the introduction of new, more
efficient methods of production through its
developments. Today the company has machines available for numerous processes in
many different industries. Looking deeper in
the ceramic field, we find Eirich technologies
from the modern roof tile to the carbon anode
and from the graphite
electrode sector to hightech ceramics.
The innovative Eirich
intensive mixing system
of the latest generation
has machines designed
for large throughput rates
and highly intensive mixing. Maximum availability, low maintenance and
extremely short servicing
times guarantee optimum
economic efficiency.
There is a 3-pronged
approach to research and
development at Eirich,
the main sources of innovation with projects
specific customers,
The new Eirich R28/R33 generation of carbon paste mixers
in-house developments based on experience,
and collaboration with universities, research
institutes and industrial partners. Expenditure
on R&D is well above the sector average at
The company’s own museum is now open
as well. This traces its industrial history from
its humble beginnings as a mill workshop right
through to its current standing as a global mechanical engineering enterprise.
Being young also means going out into the
world. Over the past few decades the company has built up an international network of
distribution, production and after-sales service
companies in keeping with its belief in the importance of local presence. Today Eirich has
sites in France, Russia, Ukraine, USA, Brazil,
South Africa, India, China and Japan. Some
of the foreign companies also have their own
portfolio of complementary products, offering
additional potential for the future within the
group of companies.
In line with the slogan ‘If it says Eirich on
the label then it‘s Eirich inside the box’, there
is a great vertical range of manufacture at all
the production companies in the Eirich Group.
This is how quality and reliability are guaranteed regardless of which site processes the
The group is a wholly family-owned enterprise. With some 1,500 employees and sales
revenues of around 200 million euros, it is
one of the largest suppliers in the world in
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
this sector. Substantial domestic and foreign
investment underlines the dynamic growth of
the enterprise.
Eirich in the carbon industry
Eirich has been building machines and complete plants for the carbon industry for more
than 40 years. More and more renowned
manufacturers of carbon products all over the
world use the Eirich equipment. The company
stands for long-term cooperation with and support for our customers worldwide.
The flexibility of its equipment enables
Eirich to serve each of the following sectors:
Carbon anodes for primary aluminium
smelting: Thanks to a long-standing collaboration with several renowned primary smelters and international engineering companies,
Eirich has successfully developed the high
performance anode paste cooler as well as
the Eirich Mixing Cascade (EMC) for the allintensive preparation of anode paste up to 60
t/h in one single line, at lowest cost and highest
Today, more than 50% of the world’s prebake anode paste is prepared in plants hav-
ing at least one Eirich mixer, with a growing
number of customers preferring the all-intensive EMC solution. Throughput capacities of
up to 60 t/h in one single line make it possible
to significantly reduce capex and opex.
Carbon paste for metallurgical purposes:
Numerous well-known manufacturers of
graphite electrodes, cathode blocks and metallurgical paste have been convinced of our
technology for a long time. Our high performance batch preparation system, being available at capacities of approx. 4-18 t/h per line,
combines the advantages of both direct electric resistance heating and intensive mixing to
realise high throughput per line at maximum
Carbon and graphite specialties: Eirich intensive-mixed carbon paste is used for a big
variety of carbon specialties, from carbon fibre composites for brake disks to vibrocompac-*ted and isostatically moulded graphite
All greenfield smelters recently established
in the Gulf area as well as in India are using Eirich equipment for anode paste making,
partly in the form of intensive anode paste
coolers, most of them however in the more
advanced EMC version. The ‘all-Eirich-made’
anodes are showing perfect behaviour in the
high amperage pots of all smelters where they
are used. Two more EMC systems are currently in the commissioning phase in India.
The new R28 / R33 mixer generation stands
for reduced capex and increased performance
compared to the today’s equipment. It mainly
serves the throughput capacity range of 45-60
t/h. The double rotor mixing system can be
equipped with up to 450 kW rotor drive power
which makes it possible to further increase the
specific mixing energy.
The first R28 EMC will be operational in a
brownfield smelter in Canada early this year.
References and outlook
Up to now Eirich have delivered over220 machines to the carbon industry worldwide.
Berthold Hohl is manager Carbon Technology at
Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich GmbH & Co. KG,
based in Hardheim, Germany.
High-temperature preheaters for pitch with higher melting point
Matthias Ginster, Köllemann GmbH
mately 300 kW per screw shaft. Temperatures
up to 450 °C are possible.
To improve overall efficiency, the new approach uses existing Köllemann preheaters as
before to achieve temperatures of 180-220 °C
together with a downstream high-temperature
preheater that provides the extra boost needed to achieve temperature required for
the new types of pitch. Like Köllemann’s existing equipment,
there are no moving parts inside
the screw
shafts: the
energy is
distributed to the
Köllemann GmbH from Germany, a wellestablished supplier of coke preheaters for
the global primary aluminium industry, is responding to the more stringent demands that
are expected to be imposed on the production
of anodes in future. New environmental guidelines for the use of pitch in this field will
mean it will no longer be possible to
use the standard pitch currently used.
Over the last two years, the company
has therefore developed special machinery to allow pitch with a significantly
higher melting point to be processed safely
and reliably.
Preheaters currently use thermal oil as
the heat source, and this flows through the
screw flights, the housing and the main shaft;
it is capable of reaching temperatures of
300-350 °C. The new development offers a
high-temperature preheating screw. Heat generation is via electrically heated pipes inside
the shaft that are capable of supplying approxi-
from the outside via a special contact-ring
One benefit of the new system is that it is
possible to upgrade existing plants at minimum cost by installing the high-temperature
screw between the existing preheater and the
The new preheater is still under development. Köllemann is interested in collaborating with potential customers to bring the
system to market readiness. Contact details
along with further information about the
company and its products can be found at
Matthias Ginster is head of the project department
at Köllemann GmbH in Adenau, Germany.
A detailed report on Köllemann was published in ALUMINIUM 9/2013, pp. 56-58.
preheating screw shaft
Fives Solios improved anode baking at Alro smelter
P. Mahieu, Solios Carbone
burned tar deposit in the exhaust ducts.
In parallel to a programme of refractory
refurbishment, Alro decided to upgrade
the firing control technology which has
been operating for eight years. Fives Solios proposed its process control expertise
and up-to-date technology to upgrade the
existing firing control system.
© Fives Solios
Alro group, the largest aluminium producer in Central and Eastern Europe,
has implemented a programme to improve energy efficiency at its Romanian
operations. Inside the carbon area, the
investment focused on two anode baking
furnaces with the purpose of reducing
gas consumption and preventing non-
Overview of refractory conditions in anode baking furnace 4
along with CO analysers was installed
for better combustion
control. A port sealing
ramp and low pressure
drop dampers improve
the operating conditions of the furnaces.
Additionally, baking
profile adjustments,
based on CO information and thermal gradients balance, have resulted in a sustainable
reduction of the energy
consumption and in improved combustion of
the volatile compounds, while maintaining a
consistent anode quality.
Firing equipment revamping
Both furnaces suffered from lack of draught
capacity due to excessive pressure losses in the
ring main and flue walls. The pressure losses
are due to deposits of tar in the main duct
and to air ingress through refractory walls,
mainly through head wall and flue wall interfaces. The available exhaust draught pressure
was very low despite FTC (fume treatment
centre) fans running at nominal capacity. In
the heating zone, though set points are timely
and properly addressed, all the injectors of
the first and the second heating ramp were
running at their maximum authorised power,
but gas temperature remains below expectation, with no more margins to act on. The main
explanation for this is lack of oxygen to properly burn the injected gas.
Corrective actions were taken on the furnace and on the equipment to minimise the
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
Flexible exhaust leg with dual flap damper
draught, Fives Solios proposes new equipment, associated with the latest process control
achievements, as follows:
• Install new flexible ducts and dual flap
dampers on the exhaust ramp, to replace the
existing metallic fume ducts and butterfly
• Add Fives Solios
state-of-the-art port
sealing ramp (PSR),
which is equipped with
air-blown patented inflatable sealing membranes. The proposed
inflatable shut-off gates
will make a tighter seal
and than conventional
folding shut-off gates
(expandable dampers)
because the inflatable
membrane perfectly
fits the deformed inner surface of the ageing flue wall port.
• Install the latest Port sealing ramp
generation of Fives Solios gas injectors. This
new injector improves mixing of combustion
air with combustion reactants. The aspiration
of non-reactive mass into the main gas jet increases flame length and peak flame temperature, and consequently distributes heat better
inside the flue wall.
Higher performance with
MÖLLER® alumina handling systems
Through its MÖLLER® technologies, FLSmidth specializes in the design, engineering,
procurement, erection and commissioning of pneumatic material handling systems
for turnkey projects and components for the alumina Industry. For more than 75 years
the MÖLLER brand has stood for high quality standard systems with more than 5.000
references worldwide.
MÖLLER alumina handling systems - High performance, high efficiency.
Visit us at TMS 2014 in San Diego, CA, USA, in Booth #415
FLSmidth Hamburg GmbH sHaderslebener Str. 7 s25421 Pinneberg, Germany
Tel: +49 4101 788-0 s hamburg@flsmidth.com
pressure loss and to take full advantage of
the draft available at the main ring in order
to restore an acceptable pressure profile all
across the furnaces. To increase the available
• Install advanced control software, including combustion control algorithms. This patented solution uses carbon monoxide measurement
as indicator of incomplete gas and pitch combustion so as to prevent
the circulation and deposit of non-burned volatiles.
CO level comparison between Initial (I) and modified (M) baking profiles
Principle of combustion characterisation by the CO control software module
Baking process adjustment
Following the revamping of firing equipment and upgrade of the control system, Fives Solios’ efforts focused on optimising the baking process. The strategy for improving baking conditions was deployed in two
• A first phase involves setting the firing curve to reach optimal overall system performance in the standard operation condition of the furnace.
• A second phase activates the CO monitoring module to automatically
adjust the gas quantity injected according to the air available in the flue
wall when it is not possible to reach standard conditions.
The firing parameters were adjusted by comparing the thermal gradients in the preheating and heating zones so as to balance the fuel to air
ratio. In the preheating zone the flue wall temperature profile directly
influences both the draft pressure and the fume flow rate. In the heated
sections, the quantity of gas injected also depends on the temperature settings. Thus, balancing the thermal demand between the preheating and
heating zones helps to balance the fuel to air ratio in a flue wall line. The
new baking curve profile obtained following this method immediately
improved combustion quality.
In parallel we activated the automatic control module, dedicated to
reducing non-burned residue. This new control software proposed by
Fives Solios overcomes the problems of combustion in bent or blocked
flue walls. This is important because during the revamping project, less
than 20% of flue walls were rebuilt and the original flue walls had
achieved more than 90 bake cycles. The CO monitoring module,
coupled with one CO analyser per fire, continuously displays the CO
content and alerts the operator in case of incomplete combustion. The
module includes an automatic identification system which detects any
bad combustion in the flue wall(s). In case a high CO content in the
exhaust fumes results from fuel flooding, fume flow disturbance, shifted
pitch volatile area, or other baking deviation phenomena, then the CO
monitoring module automatically searches for the affected flue wall.
Then it manages the appropriate corrective actions through the process
control system by modifying the quantity of fuel injected or by increasing the volume of blown air, within predefined limits, in order to maintain baking quality.
This innovative method of identification is based on comparing CO
content after a brief, total stoppage of fuel injection for the pre-selected
Combustion residues in exhaust pipe before and after upgrade
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
Improving anode baking process efficiency
and operation conditions in ageing furnaces is
a challenge for aluminium producers. Except
the refurbishment of flue wall refractory, the
key factor for such improvement is the combustion quality. This objective was met at Alro
thanks to the implementation of the most advanced technologies, such as:
• Inflatable port sealing to limit air ingress
• Advanced software for automatic
control of CO content
• New generation of gas injectors
The improvements recorded concern not only
a saving in natural gas consumption but also
less non-burned residue and reduced maintenance costs, as well as extended lifetime of
refractory bricks.
Fives Solios has demonstrated the performances of its advanced firing and control system solutions both in terms of operational and
environmental benefits.
Pierre Mahieu is process engineer at Solios Carbone,
based in Givors.
flue walls, using stoichiometry criteria. This
method is safe as it is a comparison by default
(fuel injection stoppage instead of excess fuel
injection). It is also ‘non destructive’ for the
process as it acts for a very short time period,
thanks to accurate CO measurement with a
fast response time. The CO module has shown
its great capability firstly to identify which flue
wall line suffers bad combustion, and secondly
to reduce the global CO content and consequently the emission of unburned residues.
This baking programme adjustment and the
CO monitoring software activation achieved
a decrease of more than 30% in the CO content of the exhaust fume, reflecting a major
improvement in combustion
quality and in the thermal efficiency of the baking process.
quality, which corresponds to
optimising of the overall thermal efficiency, achieved and
exceeded the contractual performance. The natural gas consumption is 2.1 GJ/tba in baking furnace No. 1 and 2.2 GJ/
tba in furnace No. 4, representing a decrease of energy consumption by more than 15%.
Reducing combustion residue also represents an indirect
cost saving thanks to:
• Lower costs for equipment
cleaning and maintenance
• Lower risks linked with
the deposition of pitch in
the exhaust pipes
• Increased lifetime of furnace refractory (a reducing
atmosphere typically accelerates corrosion of refractory material by alkalis).
Two years after the implementation of the revamping solutions, Alro’s baking furnaces
maintain stable performances
with an average gas consumption less than 2.2 GJ/tba. The
non-burned residue and tar deposits are significantly lower.
The new equipment installed and particularly the
PSR inflatable membranes
have proved their excellent
resistance to process conditions in continous operation,
with an average lifetime higher
than six months.
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
The leading Mixing Technology
for Anode Pastes
For over 50 years BUSS KE and CP series Kneaders have been
the benchmark for reliable, cost-effective compounding of
anode pastes. Now we go one step further.
Newest MHD-Valdis cell stability studies
Fig. 2
Fig. 1
This year at the TMS 2014, the authors
will show how the cathode surface geometry influences the metal pad current density and the cell stability. This study [1]
analyses cell stability using a MHD-Valdis
code version which does not take into account the impact of the cathode surface
geometry on the cathode surface current
density. Also this year at the TMS, the
second author will present a new version
of the MHD-Valdis code that does take
cathode surface geometry into account
[2]. The first cell stability study presented
here is a repetition of the study presented
in [1] on the impact of transversal ridges
on the cell stability using that new code
In 2005, the first author presented the cell
heat balance study of a virtual 740 kA cell [3].
One year later, the authors presented the cell
stability study of that same 740 kA cell [4].
That cell used an innovative magnetic compensation scheme that ensured its MHD stability.
The authors claimed at the time that they cannot foresee any thermo-electric, thermo-mechanic or MHD related issue that would limit
the size of a cell. Since that time, many 400+
kA full size smelters have been built in China,
Russia and UAE, and the AP60 demonstration
smelter has started its operation in Canada.
Since a 740 kA cell no longer seems farfetched, the second cell stability study pre-
sented here is the one
of a virtual 1500 kA
cell. This is to reiterate
the point that as far as MHD cell stability is
concerned, there is no foreseeable limit to the
size on an aluminium electrolysis cell.
Study of the impact of transversal ridges on cell stability
A cathode surface with transversal ridges is
a design now very popular in China [5]. It
has proved to much reduce specific energy
consumption, as presented in [6]. This energy
economy results from
greatly reducing the
ACD, which suggests
that cells with transversal ridges are more
stable than cells with
a flat cathode surface.
Yet the cell analysis
studies presented in [7]
and [1] do not confirm
that interpretation of
the observed facts.
The study presented
in [7] neglected the
impact of the cathode
surface geometry on
the cathode surface
current density. The
study presented in [1]
did account for that
effect, but not very accurately, as it had to Fig. 3
© GeniSim
M. Dupuis, Jonquière; V. Bojarevics, Greenwich
impose the effect of the cathode surface geometry on the cathode surface current density.
The new cell stability study presented here
uses the most recent version of the MHDValdis code. This takes fully into account all
the impact of the transversal ridges on the
MHD behaviour of the cell [2].
Fig. 1 presents the metal pad current density solutions comparing the case of a flat
cathode surface (top) with that of the cathode
surface with transversal ridges (bottom). The
geometry of the cathode surface ridges is presented in Fig. 2. It can be seen that the mesh
is not quite fine enough to perfectly capture
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
Fig. 4
the geometry of the ridges or the extra longitudinal currents (JX) they generate (see [1]
for more details).
Fig. 3 compares the steady-state metal pad
flow field solutions. The presence of the ridges
slows down the metal flow, but not significantly. Fig. 4 compares the steady-state bathmetal interface deformation solutions. Again,
the presence of the ridges is only barely affecting the shape of the interface deformation.
The previously presented results demonstrated that the presence of the transversal
ridges only marginally affects the steady-state
solution, adding some flow resistance to the
cathode surface. This in turn slows down the
metal recirculation flow, which is good for cell
stability, but it also introduces some longitudinal horizontal current, which is bad for cell
Only the full non-linear transient cell stability analysis can tell us what is the impact of
those transversal ridges on the cell stability,
and the only practical tool to carry-up such
a non-linear transient cell stability analysis is
MHD-Valdis. Fig. 5 presents the comparison
of the transient cell stability analysis results.
The results indicate that the addition of transversal ridges, while keeping the same metal
pad height hence reducing the mass of metal,
slightly decreases the cell stability. So this new
cell stability study confirms the results of the
previous ones, that adding transversal ridges
has only a marginal effect of the cell stability,
and that that marginal effect can be detrimen-
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
tal if the mass of metal
is not kept the same.
See [1] for an alternative explanation as for
where the observed
gain of cell stability is
coming from.
Study of the
cell stability of a
1,500 kA aluminium
electrolysis cell
Fig. 5
The 1,500 kA cell of
this study is twice the
size of the 740 kA in
[3, 4], which itself was 50% bigger than the
500 kA cell retrofitted into a 600 kA cell in
[8]. That 50 metres long cell has 72 cathodes
blocks, 144 anodes and 18 risers. Each riser
feeds the current coming from four cathodes
blocks to eight anodes.
In principle, the 740 kA cell could be retrofitted into a 890 kA cell; so 1,500 kA is well
within reach of a cell
having twice that size.
Fig. 6 presents the BZ
component of the magnetic field obtained by
passing 1,500 kA into a
50 metres long cell fed
through 18 risers and
using a very efficient
magnetic compensa-
tion scheme. Since the magnetic compensation
scheme is 100% scalable, it works equally well
on any cell size, as this 1,500 kA cell example
Fig. 7 presents the resulting metal pad flow
field solution, while Fig. 8 presents the steadystate bath-metal interface deformation. Notice the upstream / downstream symmetry of
Fig. 6
Fig. 8
Fig. 7
the bath-metal interface deformation, which
also results from the magnetic compensation
scheme used.
The transient cell stability analysis predicts
that this 1,500 kA cell, having essentially no
existing BZ gradient in the long (X) direction
of the cell, will be extremely stable, as Fig. 8
shows. Any organisation interested in patenting the busbar compensation scheme used in
that study in partnership with GeniSim Inc.
can contact the first author.
The authors hope that these demonstration
studies highlight the value of using mature
state-of-the-art mathematical models like
MHD-Valdis to carry out such MHD cell stabil-
Fig. 9
ity studies. MHD-Valdis, used by the majority
of the groups actively developing high amperage cell technology today, is available to the
whole aluminium industry through GeniSim
Light Metals, TMS, (2012), 601-606.
[7] V. Bojarevics, MHD of Aluminium Cells with the
Effect of Channels and Cathode Perturbation Elements, Light Metals, TMS, (2013), 609-614.
[8] M. Dupuis and V. Bojarevis, Retrofit of a 500 kA
Cell Design Into a 600 kA Cell Design, ALUMINIUM, 87 (2011) 1-2, 52-55.
[1] M. Dupuis and V. Bojarevics, Influence of the
Cathode Surface Geometry on the Metal Pad Current
Density, Light Metals, TMS, 2014, to be published.
[2] V. Bojarevics and S. Sira, MHD Stability for Irregular and Disturbed Aluminium Reduction Cells,
Light Metals, TMS, (2014), to be published.
[3] M. Dupuis, Thermo-Electric Design of a 740 kA
Cell, Is There a Size Limit, ALUMINIUM 81 (2005)
4, 324-327.
[4] M. Dupuis, V. Bojarevics and D. Richard, MHD
and Pot Mechanical Design of a 740 kA Cell ALUMINIUM 82 (2006) 5, 442446.
[5] N. Feng et al., Research
and Application of Energy
Saving Technology for Aluminum Reduction in China,
Light Metals, TMS, (2012),
[6] J. Zhou et al., Depth
Analysis and Potential Exploitation of Energy-Saving
and Consumption-Reduction
of Aluminum Reduction Pot,
Dr. Marc Dupuis is a consultant specialised in the
applications of mathematical modelling for the aluminium industry since 1994, the year when he
founded his own consulting company GeniSim Inc
(www.genisim.com). Before that, he graduated with
a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from Laval University in Quebec City in 1984, and then worked ten
years as a research engineer for Alcan International.
His main research interests are the development of
mathematical models of the Hall-Héroult cell dealing with the thermo-electric, thermo-mechanic,
electro-magnetic and hydrodynamic aspects of the
problem. He was also involved in the design of experimental high amperage cells and in the retrofit of
many existing cell technologies.
Dr. Valdis Bojarevics is Reader in magnetohydrodynamics at the University of Greenwich (UK). He
specialises in the numerical modelling of various
electrometallurgical applications involving complex
interactions of the fluid flow, thermal and electrical
fields, melting front and free surface dynamics. He
has been involved in numerous industrial consulting projects.
The Berger third generation of special smelter vehicles
Brochot team, Tremblay-en-France
Safety, costs, design and environment:
The Berger third generation vehicle is
now available on the market. The use
of specialised vehicles is very common
in the aluminium industry. However,
aluminium smelters must work in a very
competitive environment and try to reduce their operating costs to a minimum.
Brochot, recognised as an innovative
manufacturing company, decided to develop its third generation of vehicle for
today’s challenges. The company has 36
years of experience in the vehicle market,
and its vehicles last; that makes Brochot
a reference within the aluminium market.
This longevity and sturdiness is linked
to the careful choice of the main components and to the company’s profound
The new ‘Berger’ vehicles provide the aluminium industry with a most reliable and flexible
vehicle. Besides meeting the requirements of
the smelters, the new vehicles offer an outstanding comfort and safety for operators.
To achieve this excellent result, Brochot
developed the vehicle in partnership with the
users and also with Laval University of Quebec
for the ergonomy of the seat. This approach
really makes a difference. Let’s take an inside
look into the new generation vehicle.
Design basis: Brochot’s vehicle design
combines state-of-the-art technology and er-
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
commands related to the vehicle. The operator
drives the vehicle using the joystick located on
the right armrest. The joystick controls left and
right movement of the vehicle.
Each armrest is fully adjustable in height,
and the right armrest also provides additional
A control panel with built-in alarms controlls the main parameters of the vehicle.
The drive axle is a critical component of the
drive system. This component benefits from
particular attention to ensure its reliability. In
fact, the new generation of vehicle will use a reinforced driving
axle with a safety factor over
4.6. Moreover, a temperature
sensor transmits a signal to the
control system to provide an
additional information to the
maintenance department.
Electrical and control system: An in-depth study of the
electrical layout has minimised
the wiring harness. The control
system uses microcontrollers
and modules which are connected using state-of-the-art
network at each location, and
a control box which includes fuses and relays.
The system uses three micro-controllers: one
installed in the cabin, one in the tractor unit
and the third one in the trailer. All keyboards,
as well as the control panel, also use the same
communication network.
This communication tool greatly simplified
the control system, and so will bring significant
economies in vehicle maintenance.
The new generation vehicle is equipped
with a four-cylinder diesel engine. While the
engine is adequately powered for its specified
duty and is suitable for heavy-duty operation
and tough climatic conditions, its four cylinders will also offer the lowest diesel consumption on the market.
This engine combines proven full-authority electronic controls with the reliable performance of the world’s most successful and
durable engine designs. The design includes
low-maintenance fuel filters and also meets
international regulations for air filtration,
exhaust and sound proofing system. The air
filter is suitable for the hot and dusty conditions near electrolysis potlines. The engine is
mounted on springs to reduce the transmission
of vibration.
The steering of the vehicle uses a unique
hydraulic pivot. The pivot has been substantially reinforced with oversized ball joints to
minimise the maintenance. A positive-pressure
greasing system allows for easy replacement
© Brochot
gonomics to ensure smoothness of operation,
comfort and safety of the driver. The tractor
unit design is exactly the same for an anode
transport vehicle or a ladle transport vehicle. This allows for trailer exchangeability in
a maximum of two hours (using appropriate
tools) and minimises the inventory of spare
We also highlight the long-standing experience of Brochot / Berger in developing vehicle
instrumentation and controls. In particular we
have specially programmed microprocessors
which enable maintenance teams to retrieve
all necessary information.
A new adapted cabin: The cabin has been
completely redesigned to provide maximum
visibility for the operator. Their comfort derives from a suspended cabin cushioned by
air springs, as well as from the adjustable air
suspension seat with driver weight adjustment.
The cabin is pressurised and has an air conditioning system with a capacity of 45,000 btu
(British thermal units).
Driving the vehicle is much easier thanks to
the 180° swivelling operator ‘statio’ equipped
with all necessary driving and safety functions.
The system operates with a double pedal system (front and back) in order to minimise
maintenance within a smaller pivoting station.
The seat rotation comes with a simplified and
reliable brake.
Safety above all: The safety aspect is also
of major importance: new stairs and guardrails
provide more secure access for the operator;
there is also one safety exit on each side in case
of difficulty. The cabin is sound proof with a
noise level below 70 dB(A).
Another important detail: the operator sits
in the centre of the cabin for easy driving.
The seat and control system is more friendly than the previous design. All accessories
and controls of the vehicle are readily available
close to the operator in the armrests. Left and
right armrests are equipped with the different
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
of specific components. An end of stroke encoder improves the safety by monitoring the
position of the pivot at all times, while also
monitoring the pressure of the direction cylinder.
Special development: An important new
feature is the telematics and data logging system. This system can acquire a wide range of
data from the vehicle. The system transmits
the information every minute to a website via
mobile phone to indicate the status of the vehicle operation and maintenance periods. Data
examples are:
• Engine RPM
• Hours of operational use
• Hours of use for the engine
• Oil pressure
• Hydraulic pressure, etc.
The system transfers alarms with dates and
event occurrences to ease diagnostic and follow-up. The system also monitors shocks on
the new generation vehicle. It verifies acceleration and deceleration using a control
module which checks the different values of
deceleration or shock in the three axes of the
vehicle. The system thus provides a lot of useful information to the data logger, and so helps
maintenance as well as operation.
What will the future be for
aluminium smelter vehicles?
Is a fully electric vehicle a dream? What’s the
ideal solution? Handling system vehicle?
Other means? What should definitely happen
is that designers must work along with the end
users to create the best solutions and to pursue
New components and new technologies are
constantly arriving in the marketplace. Our
designers keep in touch with these developments so that we can maintain our technological lead and can continue to provide innovative and optimised solutions.
© Rusal
Potroom of Khakass Aluminium Smelter
Improving cost position, production efficiency and environmental footprint
Rusal well on the way to meet current and future challenges
Victor Mann, R&D director, Rusal
In the past ten years, the global market has witnessed the strongest upturn in industrial commodities since the 1970s. Opinion is divided
on the nature of this development. Some believe it has been a super-cycle, i. e. a long-term,
yet temporary upward trend; others suggest
that it is a permanent feature, i. e. a global reindustrialisation that has been largely attributed to the phenomenal growth of the Chinese
Anyway, it is absolutely clear that the trend
– whatever was behind it – has vanished. While
some researchers maintain that the commodity super-cycle is taking a break or has even
come to an end, others see it as a crisis-triggered downward price trend that started after a decade of investments in new production
and expansion projects.
In terms of aluminium, while consumption is strong, prices are now well below their
previous high levels. Responding to the weak
market environment, the aluminium sector in
2013 took steps towards bringing the industry back on track. With massive production
cutbacks announced by industry leaders and
optimisation programmes adjusted to comply
with the weak environment, 2013 seems to
mark a turning point for the global aluminium
Russian aluminium flagship UC Rusal has
also revised its business strategy by putting
emphasis on cost cutting, greater production
efficiency and improving its environmental
footprint with minimal capex.
Aluminium – made in Siberia
Rusal is a completely vertically integrated
aluminium company with assets right through
the production process – from bauxite and
nepheline ore mines to aluminium smelters
and foil mills. In 2012, its total aluminium
output was 4.173 million tonnes. Rusal’s primary business is geographically split into two
divisions (Aluminium Division East, ADE,
comprising seven smelters; and Aluminium
Division West, ADW, comprising eight smelters). Twelve of the company’s fifteen aluminium plants are located in Russia with two of
them, the Bratsk and Krasnoyarsk smelters,
accounting for nearly half of Rusal’s aluminium production. The company’s core asset
base is located in Siberia accounting for nearly
85% of its total aluminium output in 2012.
Rusal enjoys a number of competitive advantages, such as sustainably long-term raw
material supply and its location in Siberia,
which provides access to renewable hydro
energy and helps to maintain its position
among the leading companies on the aluminium cost curve.
But for all these natural advantages, it is
the shift in business strategy that is key to
overcoming the ongoing industry-wide crisis. In response to the poor market climate,
Rusal has announced production cuts in an
effort to improve its cost position in the industry. Thus, production has been mothballed
at the Volgograd, Urals and Volkhov aluminium smelters, as well as at the first phase of
the Novokuznetsk smelter and at Alscon in
Nigeria. In addition, aluminium production
has been mothballed at the Bogoslovsk potrooms 2, 3, 4, 5 (No. 1 was shut down in
2011) and at the Nadvoitsy potrooms 1, 2
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(No. 3 was shut down in 2012).
Output cuts in 2013 at the above-mentioned facilities will amount to 247,009
tonnes, and will result in an output decrease
of 516,062 tonnes in 2014.
Thanks to various measures taken by
Rusal, such as amperage reduction, the production volume at the Sayanogorsk, Irkutsk,
Novokuznetsk (second phase) and Khakass
aluminium smelters has decreased. Output
reduction in 2013 at these smelters amounted
to 77,724 tonnes with an expected effect of
131,442 tonnes in 2014.
As a result of the output reduction programme, Rusal has already cut aluminium
production by 324,733 tonnes, or 8% of the
2012 production volume, with a future effect of 647,504 tonnes, or 15% of the 2012
production volume in 2014. These measures
have allowed the company to realise savings
of USD40/t in the cash cost of aluminium.
Although production cuts are an important
part of Rusal’s business strategy, to improve
its operational performance the company increasingly relies on R&D, focusing primarily
on smaller projects with a payback period of
less than one year with major efforts being
concentrated on environmental initiatives
(EcoSoderberg, the recycling of production
waste), expanding VAP output and the management of smelters capacities (through reduction of amperage and flexible re-launch
of pots).
EcoSoderberg technology –
‘second life’ of aluminium giants
The crisis that hit the global economy back
in 2008 has led to many companies not only
eliminating wasteful programmes, but also introducing greater efficiency and innovation.
EcoSoderberg-related automatic hopper-type alumina
feeding system at Krasnoyarsk Aluminium Smelter
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
Metal tapping at Khakass Aluminium Smelter
As the primary aluminium facilities – Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk, Novokuznetsk, Irkutsk and
Volgograd smelters – were designed and commissioned in the middle of the 20th century,
Rusal has decided to put emphasis on its environmental overhaul and developed a technological package that is reasonably expected
to become the key driver of the company’s
technological progress in the years to come –
The technology enhancements discovered
have proved efficient both environmentally
(through reduction of hazardous emissions,
e. g. the fluoride emissions are cut by 75%)
and economically (through a 7% cut in anode
consumption and a more than 30% cut in fluoride aluminium consumption). Although the
solution offered is not as ecologically effective as the baked anodes technology (BAT),
it seems to be entirely appropriate in the circumstances given that
switching Rusal smelters to BAT would not
have been economically feasible. The reason is that transition to
modern baked anode
technology at a high
amperage requires a
of a smelter, whereas
transition to baked anode technology without changing building
high capital costs and
is cost-effective only if
own baked anode production is established.
Naturally, the EcoSoderberg technology
proved to be the best option on the table.
History of the EcoSoderberg development:
EcoSoderberg is based on the traditional Soderberg technology that was proposed in the
1920s by Norwegian researchers and was
adopted by the Russian metallurgists. Currently, the Soderberg technology is used at
several Rusal facilities, namely at the Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk, Novokuznetsk, Irkutsk and
Volgograd smelters.
In the 2000s the Engineering and Technological Centre of Rusal (ETC) was tasked
to develop a technology that enables, with a
minimal capital cost (no more than USD500/
tAl), the Soderberg top-worked cells to be upgraded in order to enable pollutant emissions
to match the level of modern prebaked anode
The ETC team determined the following
core components of a new technology:
• A system of cell cover, exhaust gas afterburning and evacuation that provides a high
efficiency (at least 96%)
• Anode paste with a reduced content of
binder, which is based on the principles of the
technology of colloidal anode paste
• Mechanisation of work in order to reduce
the time of depressurisation
• Upgraded cathodes designed by using modern materials and technical solutions, which
enables the metal level to be reduced, the current efficiency to be increased and the specific
power consumption to be reduced
• Automatic cell feeding (with alumina or
alumina and aluminium fluoride)
• A control system that provides ‘intelligent’
cell control in terms of feeding, forecasting the
anode effects, controlling the heat balance,
and diagnosing the process conditions
• Dry gas treatment.
The first experimental EcoSoderberg cells
were installed in potroom No. 5 of Krasnoyarsk Aluminium Smelter (20 cells), and in
potroom No. 9 (2 cells).
After obtaining consistent results for the
experimental group of cells, the management
adopted environmental improvements for
four potrooms (No. 3, 4, 5, 6) of KrAZ in the
period from 2010 to 2014.
In the period from 2013 to 2019, all the
Soderberg cells of KrAZ (Krasnoyarsk),
BrAZ (Bratsk) and, partly, of NkAZ (Novokuznetsk) are planned to switch to the EcoSoderberg technology.
The EcoSoderberg operation results show
that the transition of Rusal’s Soderberg smelters to the ecological Soderberg technology
will allow emissions of fluorinated compounds
to be reduced by more than three times and
of tars by more than two times, as well as cut
down the specific consumption of pitch in the
production of anode paste by 30 kg and of
aluminium fluoride by 1-1.5 kg/tAl.
between the anode and wall and the gas manifold section with modifications in the design
of the sections (hatches to perform measurements and for metal tapping are added) and
improvement of the automatic control of the
anode shell position, eliminating the destruction of cryolite-alumina crust during any
period of the cell operation, including such
operations as metal tapping and anode effect
Currently, the EcoSoderberg technology
uses a four-dome gas evacuation system. To
develop the gas evacuation system, methods
of mathematical modelling and testing of prototypes on the cells were used. The design was
developed with the participation of the Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk).
Work is under way to optimise the design
of the gas evacuation system for the EcoSoderberg cells in order to reduce the operational
costs and facilitate installation and maintenance, reduce the weight of the structure and
improve CO and tar afterburning.
In order to ensure a stable volume of gas
evacuation from the cells, the modernisation
more than twofold drop in the emissions of
resinous substances from the anode surface.
In addition to environmental benefits, a
smaller proportion of pitch content in the anode paste ensures the cost-effectiveness of its
Conclusion: The environmental and economic effectiveness of introducing the EcoSoderberg technology, a unique development of
Rusal’s scientists, has been confirmed through
various tests and is firmly expected to give a
prolonged, ‘second life’ to such world giants
for the production of primary aluminium as
KrAZ, BrAZ, and NkAZ smelters.
Inert anode technology
In addition to EcoSoderberg projects Rusal
is continuing to develop new technologies
relating to inert anodes with the potential to
radically reshape the global industry. Once
introduced, they will enable Rusal to completely eliminate any greenhouse gas and polyaromatic hydrocarbon emissions. On top of
that, they can ensure a more than 10% cut in
operational costs through reducing anode and
energy consumption and a cut of over 30%
in investment costs of greenfield projects.
Rusal has succeeded in developing an inert
anode to produce 99.5% purity aluminium.
The technology has come through rig testing
(in the inert anode 3,000 amp pilot prototype
cell) and is now being tested at the production site.
Value-added products
Rusal is increasing production of high-margin value-added products
System of cell cover, afterburner and exhaust
gas evacuation: The key differences of the
EcoSoderberg cells from the traditional design, which enable emissions to be reduced
to acceptable levels, consist in the following
modifications in the gas manifold and afterburner system:
• Replacing the traditional burner by a
burner-free gas duct, and arranging anode gas
afterburning in the space under the gas manifold of the cell and in the domes of pipelines
of the gas evacuation system
• Increase of the overlapping area in the space
of the under-potroom gas duct design using gas
duct pulse compressed air purging systems was
carried out, which allows gas velocities to be
increased and eliminates dead zones. The pulse
purging control is integrated into the process
control system of gas treatment centres.
Anode paste with reduced binder content:
In order to ensure the environmental performance, the EcoSoderberg technology uses
anode paste which contains less pitch than ordinary and dry paste. A substantial reduction
in tar emissions is achieved due to lack of free
pitch on the anode surface, which ensures a
Developing new technologies is an important
element of Rusal’s R&D strategy, but not the
only one. With LME aluminium trading near
four-year lows, and production costs and energy prices rising across the board, a business
strategy focused on value-added products
(VAPs) is central to the company’s strategy to
increase margins.
Through improvements to its smelters loated in the European part of Russia, the Urals
and Siberia, Rusal is working towards increasing the production of high-margin VAPs (slabs,
sheet, ingot, wire rod, foundry alloys and billets) by up to 50% of the total production
volume. In 2012, Rusal completed eight major
VAP projects that helped to boost production
of primary foundry alloys, rolling slabs and
billets by 92,000, 49,0000 and 8,000 tonnes
a year, respectively.
The company put special emphasis on increasing the share of alloys in its total output
by a number of effective solutions at its major
production facilities:
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• Casthouse 3 at BrAZ modernised two of
its 70-tonne holding furnaces that has helped
to increase the production of foundry alloys
for the automotive sector.
• The installation of a fine PDBF-100 filter
on casting machine No. 4 at KrAZ increased
its productivity, ensuring compliance with
strict customer specification requirements for
3xxx foil and lithographic quality slabs.
• The installation of new casting tables at
NkAZ has boosted the 6xxx billets output by
18,000 tonnes a year.
In total the company’s capacity for the production of value-added products went up by
118,000 tonnes a year in 2012, its VAP output rose by 9%, while VAP share in the total
production volume reached 39%.
Starting in 2013, six projects related to
the production of slabs, billets and wire rod
are currently being implemented with a total
budget of USD107.8 million. Those will enable Rusal to increase rolling slabs and billets
output at Sayanogorsk Aluminium Smelter
by 120,000 and 15,000 tonnes a year respectively, while the wire rod production at the
Irkutsk aluminium smelter is expected to rise
by 14,000 tonnes a year.
In the third quarter of 2013, Rusal’s share
of VAP reached the second quarter’s record
mechanical properties of goods, i. e. strength
and conductivity, and to extend the company’s product range.
Thus, in September 2013 Rusal signed an
MoU with state-owned development bank
Vnesheconombank (VEB) to convert its lossmaking aluminium smelters to the production of vehicle components as well as rolled
and cable products.
Final remarks
Dry gas treatment plant at
Novokuznetsk Aluminium Smelter
high of 43% of total output (partially offsetting
the declining LME price), against 18% in 2009
before the launch of the updated VAP programme. The aim is to reach 55% in 2016.
In parallel, Rusal is continuing to develop
new alloy production technologies and solutions to radically improve the physical and
Today the global aluminium industry is at a
crossroads, with an obvious need for a responsible approach to overcome inefficient
and unprofitable production. With technological innovation leading the race, smelting
rationalisation together with capacity optimisation may switch on a light in the aluminium
tunnel and help to create a healthy environment for the aluminium market.
While demand remains strong for aluminium, Rusal believes that the sustainability of
the industry relies on industry players who
take a uniform and disciplined approach with
a focus on the customer at the forefront. Rusal is taking a lead in confronting the current
negative market environment and will continue to further improve business efficiency. ■
ECL continues to innovate and thinks ahead in engineering
A.-G. Hequet, Ronchin
Since its inception in Lille, France, in
1947, ECL has become a world leader in
providing key equipment to primary aluminium smelters. ECL is part of the Rio
Tinto Alcan group and its products are
used in the reduction and carbon areas of
the smelter. The product range includes
pot tending machines, cranes and transfer
equipment for the reduction lines, specialised cranes, complete anode rodding shop,
and metal and bath handling systems as
well as a wide range of products and services for the carbon sector including green
and baked anode handling equipment.
The involvement of ECL does not end with
the conception, production, erection and commissioning of its products. The company offers also supporting services including training, technical assistance and the provision of
spare parts, on-site maintenance management,
equipment audits, refurbishment and upgrades. The machines are adaptable to all the
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
reduction technologies used in today’s smelters. To be closer to its customers in more than
150 plants located worldwide, ECL set up
seven subsidiaries around the world, namely
in Canada, Australia, Middle East, South Africa, Mozambique, India, and China.
The advantages of having offices close to
its main customers are obvious. ECL provides
fast and efficient services on a 24 / 7 basis.
Customers benefit from on-site after-sales
services, refurbishment or upgrade services,
technical support and maintenance.
Reduction: ECL prides itself on being entirely dedicated to the manufacture of equipment specifically for the primary aluminium
industry. The company’s flagship product is
the pot tending machine (PTM). More than
1,150 units have been sold in more than fifty
years since 1962. Each model is adaptable
to all the reduction technologies used and is
designed to each smelter’s specifications. The
ECL cranes benefit from many patented or
patent pending innovations.
Pot equipment is a significant part of the total,
with more than 15,000 pots equipped by ECL
worldwide. It includes anode raising beam
mechanisms, anode jacking frames, crust
breaking and feeding devices, J hooks and
fixings, anode clamps and sealing jaws.
Carbon: ECL offers equipment for the
whole carbon sector, from single machines to
turnkey rodding shops for all types of anodes,
including the building. 190 furnace tending
assemblies, 28 anode rodding shops and 15
anode handling and storage shops have been
installed around the world.
As already mentioned, the company provides an exhaustive range of services, either
from the main base in Ronchin, France or
through its subsidiaries.
Improve tapping operation through
the innovative regulation system
ECL is also renowned for the introduction of
innovative concepts to the industry. Amongst
reduce equipment maintenance costs; and to
produce high quality aluminium in a safe environment.
The solution of the regulation system presented here meets all these criteria. It took as
its starting point that a significant amount of
electrolytic bath – typically 15 kg per tonne of
molten aluminium – was sucked during tapping operation due to a lack of flow rate control. This contamination has negative effects,
notably for metal casting and especially for the
quality of certain aluminium alloys requiring
low sodium concentration. Tapping equipment
is soiled faster, and metal treatments before
casting requires more effort and costs. Also,
the more electrolytic bath is sucked in with the
metal, the more the tapping tube and the crucible will be soiled, eroded and even blocked.
The crucible therefore needs cleaning much
more frequently.
Schematic diagram of the aluminium tapping operation ...
To avoid such effects, we are working in close
collaboration with Rio Tinto Alcan in order
to develop a system described in patent and
based on components available off the shelf
to controls and regulates of the flow rate of
aluminium sucked from the pot. It uses loop
control and signal processing in PLC which
controls a valve on the compressed air supply. It has performed 200 tapping operations
in Alma’s plant resulting to ensure the efficiency and reliability of the solution, and it
also yields significant benefits such as fewer
equipment cleaning cycles and better metal
Criteria for a development strategy: Here
is the aim, whatever is the product: to produce
more by combining quality, rapidity, costsavings and safety. The engineering department of equipment suppliers such as ECL
works hard to meet these expectations. Their
aim is to provide the smelters both with solutions which save money, in particular with
energy-saving equipment, or solutions which
recent technological advances, we should
underline the regulation system to improve
quality of the metal sucked during the tapping
One of the objectives throughout the whole
process of primary aluminium production is
to deliver a metal free from impurities. The
tapping operation consists of sucking liquid
aluminium from the pot into a crucible through
a tapping tube, and it remains an operation
requiring precautionary measures. On one
hand, the operator has to correctly insert the
tapping tube into the electrolytic cell at the
lower part of the metal pad; and on the other
hand, the volumetric flow during tapping is
difficult to regulate. If the flow is excessive, it
can result in bath being sucked with the metal.
Bath adjunctions have many negative effects
both on electrolytic cell operation and equipment soiling but above all on metal casting.
The regulation system must also adapt to the
technical developments of the electrolytic
process, particularly with the new standard
of low anode-cathode-distance (ACD) pots.
Decreasing the ACD lowers the voltage and
energy requirements of the cell (cost-savings)
but weakens the stability of the process, especially during tapping operation. That’s why
regulation and control of the metal flow rate
helps to avoid bath fluctuations and so helps
to stabilise of the process.
The objective of the regulation system is
clear: to limit the siphoning off of electrolytic
bath during the tapping operation, and so to
minimise contamination effects. This helps
smelters in their daily efforts to produce more,
cheaper and faster.
Context: As a reminder of the aluminium
production process: many different operations
on the electrolysis cells are essential to produce metal in the pots. These operations can
be grouped into two categories: operations
related to anode changing and operations re-
lated to tapping. A tapping operation consists
of drawing liquid metal from an electrolytic
cell and filling a crucible with a predefined
mass of metal. The mass of metal to be siphoned
is pre-defined in accordance with standard
operating procedures, and it will depend on
the production levels of the electrolytic cell and
on minimum metal levels required to maintain a cell in operation. When it comes to conducting a tapping operation, several aspects
have to be taken into account in order to limit
bath siphoning and to reach a suitable level of
molten aluminium. Tapping metal from an operating electrolytic cell usually employs a crucible embarked on the pot tending machine.
The first important step is to insert the tapping tube into the electrolytic cell at the right
depth in the metal: Not too deeply, nor above
the metal where the bath is. In the first case,
we can observe
• an excessive radial flow speed due to the
reduced liquid flow cross section with consequent erosion of the cathode. This excessive
metal speed could also create a powerful vortex resulting in more bath entrainment.
• a risk of suxking up sludge with the liquid
In the second case, the bath will be sucked
by vortex effect.
When the tapping tube is well positioned,
the crucible is put under vacuum, usually by
using a Venturi air injector, whereby the
metal is aspired through the tube. The air
flow through the air ejector can be controlled manually using a valve on the compressed
air supply. To resume, a good tapping operation depends on the right immersion depth
of the tube (Operations conducted carefully
and diligently) and the flow rate control (good
and stable target flow rate).
In practice, the operator needs very light
touch so as not to overshoot the target metal
flow rate. Consequently a stable metal flow is
rarely, if ever, obtained, and very large fluctuations can be observed during tapping of a
bunch of cells. There are many factors which
can cause the variations in flow rate. These
include for example:
• the position of the crucible relative to the
metal / bath interface
• any obstructions limiting free flow of metal
into the tube, such as surface level variations
on the cathode surface, or lumps of solidified
• variations in air temperature during tapping
• variations in how well the tapping crucible
is sealed
• variations in air pressure supply
• crusting of tube from bath entrainment
movements of the metal in the pot, etc.
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Thus it is difficult to manually control the fine
adjustment in vacuum to maintain an ideal
metal flow rate. Therefore ECL designed, set
up and tested in Alma’s plant a system based
on the automatic control of the flow rate to
reach the target metal flow rate. Basically the
system comprises a control unit with control
loops and signal processing in PLC. This adjusts the compressed air valve in the air ejector, and hence the vacuum pressure, depending on the headspace in the crucible and on
the weight gain of the crucible during tapping.
This system allows the metal to be siphoned
into the crucible at a pre-determined target
flow rate. The system consists of
• an air ejector coupled to a source of compressed air and adjusted according to the
headspace in the crucible
• a vacuum transducer fitted on the cover of
the crucible, in communication with the headspace, connected to the control unit showing
actual vacuum pressure changes
• a valve assembly operated by an actuator
responsive to an electric current-to-pressure
converter which is coupled to the control unit.
The valve actuator receives information from
the control unit to determine the flow through
the outlet of the valve assembly. It will open
or close the compressed air supply as needed.
• a dedicated algorithm which filters noise
from the weight signal and from the vacuum
level to reach a stable target
• control units connected with the weighing
unit in order to receive weight measurements
and to continuously calculate the flow rate of
liquid being drawn in the crucible. The control unit adjusts then simultaneously the flow
rate of the compressed air flowing through the
regulating valve in order to reach the target
flow rate. The control unit includes a programmable logic controller (PLC). This PLC is
directly connected with the main compressed
air directional valve so as to open the valve
when a tapping operation begins and to close
it again when the target mass of metal has been
siphoned into the crucible.
Advantages of the solution: More than
200 tapping operations have been performed
with the regulation system at Alma’s plant.
Outcomes are clear: the system maintains
an ideal metal flow rate and maximises productivity without compromising quality. The
less bath is siphoned with the metal, the less
the tapping tube is soiled or blocked and the
less it requires being cleaned or changed. The
less the bath is siphoned, the easier the metal
is to process in the casthouse. Consequently
we can expect a decreased frequency off relining the crucible brickwork. All those quantifiable advantages will help the smelter to save
money on maintenance costs and on spare
parts costs while also decreasing the cost of
the liquid aluminium treatment. Casting operations will be made easier and the quality of
metal sucked will generate less waste.
The solution that might be called ‘self-adaptive’ allows an adaptation to the variable parameters such as the tightness of the crucible,
the soiling of the tube or the air pressure supply. It should also be mentioned that reducing
cleaning cycle time of the crucible will improve
safety, and operators will be less exposed to
potential accident due to tube handling.
The solution, whether we are talking about
a greenfield or brownfield project, is adaptable to any smelter configurations using the
AP Technology. The system can be integrated
directly in the automatic system of the pot
tending machine or installed in the tapping
beam of the crucible.
Conclusion: The regulation system is selfadaptive. It requires no action and/or adjustment from the operator. The system provides
transparency and combines good process quality and fast potline operation.
Anne-Gaëlle Hequet is external communication
manager at ECL, based in Ronchin, France.
... and the real process
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
New dross press directly tested against the inert gas dross cooler
A. M. Peel and J. Herbert, Altek
Dross is an inevitable by-product of melting
aluminium and it can typically account for between 1-5% by weight of a facility’s total production. When skimmed from a furnace, dross
can contain up to 80% of metallic aluminium
[1] which, if neglected, can diminish quickly
through oxidation and be forever lost from
the metal stream. A number of different technologies have been developed over the years
to improve both the economic and environmental aspects of handling dross [1-5]. Each
technology has advantages and disadvantages,
but generally, to be successful, the equipment
must have the following characteristics:
• The technology has to be safe. Older technologies cooled with water, which while efficient, has inherent safety risks.
• The system should have minimal impact on
the casthouse, and must not interfere with the
day-to-day operations. The technology should
be easy to use and require minimal maintenance.
• The system should be environmentally
sound and meet all local environmental standards.
• The system should maximise the amount of
metal that can be recovered. Recovered metal
will come in two forms: metal that is captured
at the generator’s facility, and metal that can
be recovered at a secondary processor. Over-
Principles of dross press
© Altek
Casthouses worldwide need to cool dross
and while preventing valuable metal units
within it from oxidising away. The main
two technologies they use for this are
the dross press and the inert gas cooler.
Over the past decade the dross press has
become the most used dross cooling technology within new primary aluminium
smelter casthouses. As an example, the
six primary aluminium smelter casthouses
located in the Middle East together use
24 dross presses for cooling their drosses.
This paper presents a recent, rigorous
study at a US billet casting facility to
directly compare the operational results
of these two technologies. Over a period
of four months, dross from the same furnace was processed simultaneously and in
parallel by both methods. Both in-house
drain and secondary metal recoveries
(through a tilt rotary furnace) were measured and reported separately in the study,
and this study addresses both economic
and environmental / facility issues.
Fig. 1: Typical inert gas dross cooling system [6]
all metal recovery (in-house plus secondary) is
important; however, it is preferable to recover
more metal in-house since the alloyed metal
has more value when returned to the melting
furnace with the same alloy.
• The system should be capable of handling
a wide variety of dross types including white,
black and heavily thermiting dross.
Two technologies generally considered to
meet the above criteria and which are used
worldwide are the dross press and the inertgas cooler.
Principles of inert gas cooler
The dross press was developed and introduced
to the aluminium industry by Altek in the
mid-1990s. Today’s dross press technology
bears little resemblance to the early systems,
and has evolved over the years to meet the
demands of the modern casthouse and conform to recent environmental legislation.
The dross press is based on the principle
that a liquid placed under pressure will separate from a solid and flow to the areas of least
pressure. The press system consists of a steel
frame, hydraulic unit, a pressing head and a
skim pan set. Dross is skimmed into cast alloy
steel dross pans that are designed to both cool
dross and maximise the metal drain. After the
skimming operation, the pans are transferred
into the press and the head is slowly lowered into the dross, squeezing trapped metal
into the sow mould under the skim pan. This
drained metal is the same alloy as that of the
metal being processed in the furnace, and can
be charged immediately back into the furnace
in the form of an ingot if desired [7].
While both the above technologies are well
established, recently, Altek has made significant improvements to its dross press by amalgamating the Altek and Tardis technologies.
These improvements made the dross press
more effective on a wide variety of dross types
and also make the system more user-friendly
and robust.
A great deal of published information and
data details the results and merits of each
The inert gas dross cooler (IGDC) was developed by Alcan in the mid-1980s. The
basic principal involves skimming the dross
into compartmentalised cast steel or ductile
iron pans. These pans may contain drainage
holes to allow molten metal
to drain into a collecting pan
below. Once skimmed, the
pan is transferred as quickly
as possible into a cooling station which consists of a base
together with a hood, which is
lowered to provide a seal once
the pan is placed inside. Once
the hood is sealed the chamber
is purged with an inert gas such
as argon for several minutes,
so displacing the air inside.
The pan is kept in the inert
chamber for typically 4-7 hours
until the temperature of the
dross falls below 400 °C, which
the manufacturer considers
to be the temperature below
which thermiting will cease [1]. Fig. 2: Dross press head and pan set combination
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
Fig. 3: Latest generation Tardis II Model 500 dross press
technology at individual facilities; however,
no reliable published data exists to the two
technologies operating side by side. Altek
recently had the opportunity to participate
in a four-month side-by-side comparison of
both technologies at a US billet casting facility. During this rigorous study, dross from the
same furnace was simultaneously processed in
parallel through each technology. The study
recorded both in-house drain and secondary
metal recoveries (through a tilt rotary furnace), and it considers both economic and
environmental/facility issues.
Trial facility and dross press installation
The company sponsoring the study operates a
very efficient billet remelt facility in the USA.
Accurate data collection would be an important part of the study, and the facility already
had experience with operators recording
the weights of dross pans as part of their
standard working practices. The facility operates a single stationary 130,000 lb (60 t) melting / holding furnace which generates approx.
4,800,000 lbs (2,177 t) of dross per year. The
company has successfully operated several inert gas cooling hoods for many years and was
happy with their performance.
Based on the size of furnace and on the
amount of dross generated per skimming,
Fig. 4: Simultaneous skimming
into both dross pan types
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
Fig. 5: Dross pan being placed in the inert gas cooler
Altek selected its Tardis Generation II model
500 machine, and also supplied several cast alloy steel dross pans with a capacity of approx.
700 kg. The dross press was equipped with
many of the latest design features, including
the latest generation of air-cooled press head,
a hydraulically operated guillotine door and
an updated PLC and HMI control system.
The updated controls incorporated a pressure
feedback system for more efficient and consistent pressing (replacing timers in previous
dross press systems).
The Altek dross press was fully assembled
and tested prior to shipping to the test site.
The system was shipped pre-assembled as
much as possible so as to minimise installation and commissioning times. The system
does not require any special foundations, and
it can stand on a standard casthouse concrete
floor. This made installation extremely quick
and inexpensive.
Testing protocol
Dross is by nature a variable material and
many factors can affect its properties and
metal recovery from it at a particular facility. Previous studies conducted by Altek have
shown that furnace operators alone can have
a significant effect on the amount and consistency and of metal recovered from dross, and
it is important that any comparative study
takes this into account [8].
In order to conduct the most reliable and
accurate comparative study, Altek and the facility management met to discuss how such a
test should be conducted. The following procedures were adopted:
• During each furnace skimming, the dross
was skimmed simultaneously into the pans
supplied for each technology (see Fig. 4).
• Once skimmed, the inert gas cooler pan(s)
were placed in the hood(s) and left to cool
under the inert atmosphere. Simultaneously,
Fig. 6: Dross pan being placed in the dross press
the dross press pan(s) were processed through
the dross press system (see Figs 5 and 6).
• Once processed through the respective
technology, every dross pan was weighed to
establish the weight of dross as well as the
amount of metal captured in the drain pan
• When cooled, the dross from each technology was placed in separate dross bunkers in
order that the secondary recovery could be
determined at the dross processor.
• The dross was shipped to a separate facility where it was processed in a tilting rotary
furnace. The secondary facility was aware that
a comparative study was being conducted,
and so the loads of dross were segregated accordingly.
The dross press was well received by the operators, and its fully automatic features enabled
the operators to easily incorporate its use into
their other casthouse activities. The average
time to press each pan of dross was approximately six minutes. Once pressed, the dross
was allowed to cool in the pan for a further
one hour before being dumped into the appropriate dross bunker. In comparison, the average time taken to process the dross through
the inert gas coolers was six hours before it
was cool enough to be removed.
In-house metal recovery (metal drain)
The amount of dross in each skim pan was
weighed along with the metal drain collected
in the drain pan below. To account for differences in the amounts of material processed
through each system, the metal recovery is
expressed as a percentage of dross skimmed in
each pan as per Formula 1 (see further below).
In house recovery data was collated each
week as shown in Fig. 7. The chart shows that
the dross press consistently provides a higher
in-house recovery. Averaging the 16 weeks
of data shows that the dross press provided
approximately double the amount of in-house
metal recovery compared to the inert gas cooling system as shown in Fig. 8.
Maximising in-house recovery is typically
the priority of any casthouse, since the alloyed
metal is worth considerably more than the
off-spec recycled secondary ingot (RSI) received back from the dross processor. Maximising in-house recovery will also reduce
transportation costs and tolling fees charged
by the secondary processor. Fig. 7 shows that
the in-house metal drain varies considerably
from week to week. While the reasons for this
were not investigated as part of this study, the
lower recoveries experienced at the beginning
of the study coincided with the furnace electromagnetic pump being off-line.
Applying a trend line to each data series
shows a consistent difference in recoveries
between the two technologies. The similarity between the two trend lines indicate that
the casthouse operations (operator practices,
charge material, equipment, etc.) had an equal
affect on both technologies. The authors also
believe that the similarities are an indication
of accuracy in the data.
Applying a linear trend line to each data
series also reveals that throughout the study,
the inert gas cooler recovery remains very
constant while there is a slight improvement
(2-3%) in the amount of metal recovered with
the dross press. The authors suspect that this
is due to the operators gaining experience using the dross press system, and expect that
over time this gain would level off.
Secondary metal recovery
As described above, the dross processed
through each system was segregated and sent
off site to a secondary dross processor, who
reported monthly on recovery data on each
batch. Initially, we
had hoped to correFig. 7: Comparison of in-house metal recovery by week
late the in-house and
secondary recoveries
by week; however, it
was not possible to
segregate the dross
in this manner and instead, the recoveries
were recorded by the
date each load was
shipped, as shown in
Fig. 10.
As with the in-house recovery, secondary
recoveries varied significantly over the 16
weeks. Again, we believe this is associated
with the functionality of the electromagnetic
pump, as well as with differences in the furnace charge materials. The secondary recovery data was averaged over the entire trial as
shown in Fig. 10. The results show the inert gas
cooler provided a higher secondary recovery
compared to the dross press with a difference
of 1.4% at the end of the trial.
Fig. 12 shows the combined overall metal
recoveries (in-house and secondary) for both
technologies. On completion of the four-month
trial, the dross press provided approximately
3%-points improvement in overall metal recovered.
Economic comparison
Ultimately, the goal of any dross processing
technology is to minimise metal units lost
through oxidation. Even a small change in
recovery can have a significant effect on the
bottom line of the business. Economic return
on investment models will vary depending
on geographic location of the facility as well
as on the current metal pricing, local tariffs,
transportation, and secondary dross processing fees.
In order to determine the economic effect the dross press would provide if installed
permanently at the trial facility, the above recoveries were extrapolated over a 12-month
period. The following assumptions were also
used as part of the economic model:
Value of Midwest Premium: USD0.95/lb
Value of metal recovered in-house: USD0.92/lb
Value of RSI: USD0.82/lb
Dross tolling charge: USD0.12/lb
Fig. 8: Average compassion
of in-house metal recovery
Formula 1:
In-House % Recovery =
Total Metal Weight
Dross Weight + Total Metal Weight ) *
Fig. 9: In-house recovery trend lines
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
Fig. 10: Secondary recovery by ship date
Fig. 12: Overall metal recoveries
Value of metal recovered
from inert gas cooling system
In-house recovery:
4,800,000 lb x 8.77% x USD0.92 =
Secondary recovery:
Tolling charge: 4,379,040 lb x USD0.12 =
4,379,040 lb x 54.8% x USD0.82 =
Total value of metal: USD1,829,563
Value of metal from dross press system
In-house recovery:
4,800,000 lb x 17.76% x USD0.92 =
Secondary recovery:
Tolling charge: 3,947,520 lb x USD0.12 =
3,947,520 lb x 53.4% x USD0.82 =
Total Value of Metal: $2,039,120
Based on the above comparison and assumptions, the dross press provided annualised
savings of approx. USD210,000 per year. It
should also be noted that the inert gas cooler
requires a continual supply of inert gas (Argon
or similar) which can cost several thousand
dollars per month. This additional cost has not
been included in the above economic model.
Fig. 11: Average of secondary recovery
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
Both technologies functioned well throughout
the trial and provided metal recoveries in line
with what is expected from a facility operating
with good furnace practices.
Both technologies easily meet current environmental legislation and neither process
agitates the dross, which can cause fines and
additional emissions that are inherent with
other dross processing technologies such as
rotary coolers and dross stirring systems.
The dross press and the inert gas cooler
are both designed to be scalable to match the
size of the facility and its dross generation. For
the inert gas cooling technology, more capacity implies can mean larger facilities, which
would require many cooling stations taking up
a great deal of floor space. This is in contrast
to the dross press, where a single machine can
handle multiple dross pans in a relatively short
period of time.
Thus, another advantage of the dross press
is that it needs far fewer dross pans. Also, the
press does not require the use of costly inert gasses. Instead, the dross press utilises the
plating action or aluminium skin, which encapsulates the dross during the pressing sequence,
to protect the dross from further oxidation.
An example of the plating action can be seen
in Fig. 13.
The data collected over the
4-month trial indicates that
the dross press provides
both higher in-house and
higher overall metal recoveries compared to the
inert gas cooler. Even for a
relatively small operation,
this can equate to several
hundred thousand dollars a
year in savings.
Very little thermiting
was observed throughout
Fig. 13: Plating action generated by pressing
the trial. It is expected that a facility that
routinely generates hot or thermiting dross
would experience greater benefit from using the dross press compared to the inert
gas cooler. The relatively rapid press cooling
times would significantly reduce the oxidation of metal units, so improving secondary
[1] M. B. Taylor and D. Gagnon, The Inert Gas Cooler (IGDC), Light Metals 1995, TMS, pp. 819-827
[2] J.J. Crane, J. P. McMahon, H. Spoel, MFS-15
Dross Cooler Installed at Alcan Aluminium Corp.,
Oswego, New York Light Metals 1985 TMS,
[3] O.H. Perry, The Development of the Modern
dross press Light Metals 2000, TMS pp. 675-678
[4] O. H. Perry, The Development of the Modern
dross press, ALUMINIUM,76 (2000)1-2, pp. 37-39
[5] H.J. Roth and D. M. Collins, (2007) The Art of
Dross Management – Maximizing Dross Values and
Minimizing Dross Generation, TMS 2008
[6] Pictures from Stas website www.stas.com
[7] J. Herbert and A. Peel, Preserving Metal Units
Utilizing the Latest Generation Aluminium dross
press, 2011.
[8] D. J Roth, Some Like it Hot (Presented at TMS
Conference, New Orleans, LA USA, 12 Feb. 2001)
Alan M. Peel is with Altek LLC, based in Castle
Donnington, UK. James Herbert is with Altek LLC,
based in Exton, Pennsylvania USA.
Metallic foam reduces electrical contact resistance
Electrical contacts are found at many
locations in an aluminium plant. Bolted
interfaces in transformers, rectifiers,
breakers, shunts, busbar connections, risers on the electrolysis cell and collector
bar to busbar joints all show electrical
resistance. The use of a specific metallic foam reduces by more than 80% the
electrical resistance of the contact. This
paper presents measurements of Cu/Al
and Al/Al contact resistances under various conditions of pressure, temperature
and atmosphere and discusses non-linear
effects such a decrease in electrical resistance with an increase in current density
and temperature. A number of industrial
applications are introduced which can
save energy, reduce maintenance, and improve contact lifetime and reliability.
Energy is an increasing cost for the industry,
and effort should be put into saving energy
when possible. This paper presents a new solution to the reduction, in fact almost suppression, of electrical contact resistance. Contact
resistance is due to surface effects and it takes
Fig. 4
© Kan-nak
R. von Kaenel and J. Antille, Kan-nak Ltd; M. Pillet and M. Lindeboom, AMC Etec Ltd
Fig. 1
place at all bolted interfaces between two
conductors. In an aluminium smelter, bolted
interfaces are found at many locations including transformers, rectifiers and connections
from bus bars to electrolysis cell. The contact
resistance leads to a temperature increase due
to Joule heat which may degrade the contact
over time. It is common to machine or clean
contacts, or to use contact grease to avoid oxidation. However, no surface is absolutely flat,
and the electrical contact never takes place
over the full surface. Moreover, aluminium
and copper surfaces are always covered by a
thin layer of oxide. The oxide layer is a very
poor electrical conducFig. 3
tor and it increases the
electrical contact resistance.
This paper explains
the concepts underlying
the realisation of a new
material that reduces to
a minimum the contact
resistance and represents a number of specific applications and
test measurements. The
issues related to electrical contact between two
Fig. 2
surfaces have been known for a long time. A
good review on the subject is given in [1]. It
is well-known that “different metals have a
place in this electrochemical series: the aim
when building any metal structure is to try and
ensure that metals that are in intimate contact
with each other are similar in terms of their
electrical potential. Here are some examples
of the electrochemical potential for some commonly used metals” [2]:
= -1.11 V
= -0.86 V
= -0.68 V
Stainless steel
= -0.61 V
= -0.43 V
Nowadays copper is often replaced by aluminium in electrical circuits due to its lower
cost and good physical properties. However,
connecting aluminium to copper appears to be
very critical [3].
Ecocontact foam
In order to improve the conductivity of the
electrical contact, a metallic foam named ‘Ecocontact’ was developed with the objective of
introducing an interface impermeable to gas
and liquids, and which creates as many electrical contacts as possible between the two surfaces. The foam together with much harder
materials such as nickel. The harder materials
are intended to break through the oxide layer.
The metallic foam is protected by a series of
patents [4]. Fig. 1 shows a piece of metallic
foam magnified 105 times.
The foam is porous but has a very low permeability. The initial thickness of a foam plate
is 1.6 mm. The thickness reduces to 0.2 mm
when the foam is pressed between two contact surfaces making a perfectly tight joint. In
order to assess the permeability of the material,
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
Fig. 6
samples were subjected to two ISO standard
tests, CEI 68.2.30 and
CEI 68.2.11. In the first
the contact resistance
was monitored during
two consecutive cycles
at 55 °C with 95%
humidity; in the second it was tested in a
Fig. 5
salt mist. Fig. 2 shows
the setup used for the
tests. The results are
displayed in Fig. 3 and prove that neither of
the environments has any effect on the contact resistance. The voltage remains 0.5 mV
for all samples and in both environments.
The test is supposed to simulate 20 years of
use in a normal atmosphere.
The foam was devised in such a way as to
realise as many electrical bonds as possible
between the two surfaces. This was achieved
Fig. 7
Fig.: 8
by using some hard metallic species which
are able to break through the oxide layer and
penetrate into the pure copper and / or aluminium. Since the foam contains a significant
fraction of silver, its electrochemical potential
is very low, resulting in a voltage lower than
1 mV. Micro-welding allows for the diffusion
of the hard species into interface layers.
The dependence of the contact resistance
Fig. 9
Fig. 10
Fig. 11
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
on pressure with and without metallic foam
was investigated. Fig. 4 shows that the contact
pressure required to minimise the contact resistance with the metallic foam is about one
third of the pressure needed without foam.
The lowest voltage that could be achieved
by a perfectly clean contact without metallic
foam was 3 mV. Using the metallic foam, the
voltage was reduced by a factor 10 at a pressure approximately three times lower. It is
also to be noted that the voltage remains at its
minimum when the pressure is released down
to 0.5 x 107 N/m2. This can be explained by
the elasticity of the foam (its thickness returns
to 0.8 mm at zero pressure) which ensures that
the electrical bonds remain active. As a result
the improved electrical contact is fully stable
over time. Fig. 5 illustrates the concept of micro electrical bonds between the metallic foam
and a contact surface.
Since the number of bonds is very large,
the electrical resistance is accordingly low. This
is further illustrated by the calculation of the
electrical field over a region scattered with
small areas of insulating material. The electrical current (1 A/mm2 at the upper boundary)
bypasses the insulated areas, resulting in a
higher electrical field at the edge of the insulating material. This is the well-known ‘fringe’
effect, which is equivalent to an increase in
electrical resistance. By contrast, the metallic
foam fills up the insulating gaps and creates
hundreds of electrical bonds, thereby suppressing the over-voltage as shown in Fig. 7.
An interesting behaviour of the metallic
foam is that an increase in temperature, or in
other words, a larger agitation at the microscopic level, helps to create more electrical
bonds between the two conducting surfaces.
As a result, the contact voltage decreases when
the temperature increases. This negative correlation is a remarkable property, since the
temperature dependence is generally positive
for all types of metallic electrical contacts. The
following experiment demonstrates this behaviour: a
1,000 A current was imposed on a 10 x 10 cm copper-to-copper bolted connection. The voltage was
measured before and after
the insertion of metallic
foam. A constant torque of
7 kg∙m was applied to the
bolt in both cases. Fig. 8
presents the setup and the
points between which the
voltage was measured. Fig.
9 shows the implementation
of the metallic foam. After
Fig. 12
Fig. 14
Fig. 15
Fig. 16
some time, the current
was increased from
1,000 to 10,000 A. As
a result, the conductor
heated up. When the
temperature reached
220 °C, the current
was reduced to 1 kA
and the contact was
cooled down drastically by pouring cold
water as shown in
Fig. 13
Fig. 10. Fig. 11 shows
the temperature and contact voltage as a function of time. Five
stages can be distinguished:
1) The current is 1,000 A and the
Cu/Cu contact is not treated. The
contact voltage loss is 140 mV.
2) The metallic foam is inserted
and the current is kept at 1,000 A.
It is equivalent to a current density of 10 A/cm2 at the contact.
The contact voltage decreases by
97.6% to 3.6 mV.
3) The current is increased to 10,000 A,
overheating the conductors. The contact
voltage immediately
jumps to 39 mV in
proportion to the current increase. But then
while the temperature
increases, the contact
resistance considerably decreases. When the
temperature reaches 220 °C, the contact voltage is down to 9 mV.
4) The current is dropped to 1,000 A. The
contact voltage reduces to 0.8 mV. Obviously
the higher temperatures have increased the
number of electrical bonds between the two
conducting surfaces.
5) The contact is quickly cooled down to room
temperature with cold water. The contact voltage is not affected and remains at 0.8 mV.
Copper-aluminium plate: The first application concerns the electrical contact between
a copper ‘diamond’-shaped plate welded onto
the aluminium beam of an electrolysis cell.
Fig. 12 shows the beam and the copper plate
used to accommodate the anode rods. The
thermography suggests that the contact resistance between the copper plate and the beam
is rather high. In fact the voltage varies from
10 mV to almost 200 mV in the worst case.
Fig. 13 shows where the voltage was measured and Fig. 14 depicts the metallic foam inserted between the aluminium beam and the
copper plate. The contact voltage decreases to
less than 1 mV. In fact the result does not depend on the initial voltage and always decreases to less than 1 mV (Fig. 15). The electrical
current after implementation of the metallic
foam was found to be lower. However, this
is not related to the contact but to the anode
In order to minimise the implementation
cost, a study on the origin of the over-voltage was performed. Fig. 16 shows that most
of the current flows through the lower part
of the copper plate. The surface of metallic
foam to be applied in order to save 95% of
the contact voltage was computed (Fig. 17).
Reducing the applied surface of metallic foam
has a negligible impact on the contact voltage
(less than 1 mV) whereas the economic impact is significant. It shows the importance of
understanding where the current is flowing in
order to design an efficient electrical contact.
The potential energy saving of this application
is easy to determine. The average voltage loss
is around 30 mV, the average current is 80 kA
and there are 2,200 cells. This represents
2.4 kW per cell or 46 GWh per year.
High voltage transformer: Connections to
an ERDF 75 MW transformer were another
application studied. The situation was critical
due to hot spots at the transformer connections. Fig. 18 shows pictures of the transformer and of the overheated connections. The
highest measured temperature was 140 °C.
This is not acceptable since a further temperature increase could damage the contact.
The high voltage bars were analysed and
Fig. 17
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
Fig. 18
After implementation
of the metallic foam
on 30% of the surface
Table 1
foam is more than 80% with only 30% of the
contact surface covered with it.
the metallic foam applied at the three bolted
connections shown in Fig. 19.
The electrical resistance along the conductor is shown before and after insertion of the
metallic foam. The resistance decreased by
more than 90%. As a result, the temperature
reduced to approximately 80 °C, which corresponds to the transformer temperature. The
electrical resistance also slightly decreased in
the conductor between two bolted contacts
due to the lower temperatures. In this example
the reliability of the installation was the most
important benefit, although 5 GWh per year
could also be saved. The intervention took less
than an hour.
Aluminium-aluminium bolted busbars:
The last application that is highlighted is an
aluminium-aluminium bolted interface which
is common in aluminium smelters. Fig. 20
shows horizontal bolted interfaces between
aluminium busbars. A number of contact voltages were measured. Table 1 presents typical
voltage values for different currents. The table
speaks for itself. The efficiency of the metallic
Fig. 19
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
The metallic foam has demonstrated new interesting features such as:
• The lowest electrical contact resistance at
any torque for Cu/Al and Al/Al interfaces
– Without cleaning
– Without machining
– Without surface treatment
• Energy saving
– Minimum 80% reduction of contact losses
• Contact lifetime, stability and reliability
– Enclosed or tough environments
– Reduction of maintenance survey effort
– Lower temperature for same current
– Capacity to take overloads.
The authors would like to give many thanks to
J.C. Delvallet for the important contribution of
EDF (Electricité de France) in the development
and the validation of the metallic foam in numerous installations. This led to a partnership contract between AMC-Etec and the ERDF Group.
Many thanks are also given to Anvar (Agence
Nationale de Valorisation de la Recherche,
France), the governmental French institution
who gave important support during the five years
of development of the metallic foam.
[1] Copper in Electrical Contacts, CDA Publication
23, July 1997, Revised December 1980, Edited version of an original script commissioned by Copper
Development Association from H W Turner and C
Turner of ERA Technology Ltd., Leatherhead, Surrey, Copper Development Association
[2]Jeremy Arris, Corrosion Copper and Aluminum
Boat design.net, 05-03-2011
[3]Electrical performance of aluminium/copper
bolted joints Published in: Generation, Transmission
and Distribution, IEE Proceedings C Volume: 129,
Issue 4, July 1982, pp 177-184, ISSN: 0143-7046
[4]Ecocontact® first patents are EP 1602153 and
Fr 2 962 856Q-B1
René von Kaenel received his diploma of physicist
from The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Lausanne (EPFL) with a specialisation in plasma physics before working for ICL in London and specialising in computer science. In 1981 he joined Alusuisse
and became the head of the modelling activities for
smelting technology. In 2000, he received the title
of Electrolysis director in the new Alcan organisation and further supervised Alcan’s modelling activities. Since 1981 he has participated in many smelter
modernisation projects, all over the world, leading to
large productivity increases. He has published many
articles on electrolysis cells, casting processes and
inert anode technology. In 2004 he created Kan-nak
Ltd, a specialised company for the optimisation of
processes, in particular the Hall-Héroult process.
Dr. Jacques Antille obtained a degree in Physics at
the University of Lausanne in 1978 and his PhD at
the European Centre of Nuclear Research (CERN) in
1984. Soon after he joined Alusuisse Technology and
Management Ltd and worked on modelling projects
of the Hall-Héroult process and casting processes. In
2004 he joined Kan-nak S.A. where he leads the magnetohydrodynamic studies to optimise the electrolysis process, as well as all measurement techniques.
Michel Pillet graduated as a mechanical and electrotechnical engineer. Expert in power electrotechnics,
he was the CEO of Fouillet SA in 1986 and De Nora
SA in 1991. In 2003, he created and became President of AMC Etec SAS, a company specialised in the
energetic optimisation of the electro-intensive circuits
process and applied a patent titled Ecocontact.
Matthieu Lindeboom is an electro-technical engineer.
He’s an Econcontact expert and product manager at
AMC Etec since 2005.
Fig. 20
g. tucholski, Ruf company
The aerospace industry depends on precision aluminium components created by a vast
network of manufacturers to help power the
innovations that drive it forward. This critical
part of the supply chain generates tonnes upon
tonnes of scrap as it produces a myriad assortment of parts that range from minuscule, custom-machined gears to large-scale, moulded
aircraft structures. Regardless of their size or
function, all of these parts need to adhere to
extremely tight tolerances to ensure proper
safety and performance. This means that, at
every stage of production, they are continually checked and rechecked for quality, which
often leads to repeated grindings and turnings
as they are fine-tuned.
As a result, the aluminium scrap created
throughout the manufacturing and finishing
processes is as varied as the components themselves. Bulky chips and lubricant-drenched
turnings are collected during initial manufacturing operations that often involve turning,
milling and drilling, and different thicknesses
of grinding and filing particulate swarf go
hand-in-hand with high-detail industrial
finishing. All of this variation in the type and
quality of aluminium scrap makes it difficult
for producers and scrap processors to efficiently and effectively manage. That is where
briquetting technology comes in.
This article looks at briquetting technology (with a focus on Ruf briquetting systems)
and the benefits it offers to those tasked with
finding smart solutions for scrap management.
And because real-world results are what matter most, we will also review how briquetting
has helped a large scrap collection operation
that specialises in supporting the aerospace
manufacturing supply chain.
Squeezing value from scrap –
by using briquetting technology
To put it simply: briquetting is a process that
compresses metal scrap such as chips, turnings
and shavings into very compact, easy-to-manage cylindrical or rectangular blocks called briquettes (also referred to by some as pucks).
These briquettes have densities and resale
© Ruf
Aluminium scrap
processing flies
high with briquetting technology
values comparable to those of solid metals,
and better yet, the scrap used to make them
can be wet or dry. In the case of aerospace
manufacturing, this makes briquetting a very
effective way to deal with the wide variety
and quality of scrap created by production and
finishing operations. To go a step further, briquetting machines such as Ruf systems make
it possible to reclaim expensive cutting fluids
so they can be reused or recycled along with
the aluminium swarf they came with. They can
even transform grinding sludge into saleable
Briquetting has been around for more than
50 years, and during that time, the technology
that powers it and the benefits of using it have
evolved tremendously. A prime example of
how far briquetting has come is the contrast
between the old-style machines and today’s
systems. It used to be that briquetters were
big, noisy and inefficient. Now, briquetting
systems made by manufacturers such as Ruf
are engineered specifically to run reliably and
efficiently while delivering better production
rates with less horsepower. Innovative hydraulic designs and smaller footprints make these
machines easier to integrate into existing operations and have made them quieter than
ever before.
As briquetting systems continue to advance, so do the benefits they bring to scrap
producers and scrap processors. Briquetting
boosts the bottom lines of everyone involved
in scrap disposition and recycling by adding
value to the waste stream. For a relatively
small investment, briquetting enables them to
deliver a higher-quality product to mills more
efficiently – reducing energy, labour and transportation costs while increasing revenue.
Benefits of briquetting aluminium scrap
Quality control: Briquettes provide levels of
quality control that are not possible with loose
chips and swarf. By compressing loose materials into dense briquettes, excess fluids and
other contaminants are forced out. This creates a more homogenous product that reduces
the amount of oxidation and makes it more
desirable to foundries and other resale outlets. This makes the scrap more marketable,
saleable and profitable. In addition to the
scrap metal itself, if enough waste lubricant
or other fluids can be extracted and collected
from batches of loose swarf from a particular
source, it may be possible to re-sell them to
the original supplier or other processors and
manufacturers that have a need for them.
Flexibility: Because many modern briquetting systems can accept scrap in practically
any pre-processed form of wet or dry swarf –
including chips, turnings, filings, shreds and
shavings – they offer extreme flexibility that
is critical to their value proposition. As you
can imagine, this flexibility is a welcome
benefit for an industry like aerospace where
so many different forms of aluminium scrap
are produced. The ability to simply use one
method of disposition for all kinds of scrap
allows for leaner operations and wider profit
Increased resale value: A by-product of
the superior quality of briquetted aluminium
scrap is increased resale values. Because the
mills and foundries that re-purpose scrap can
do it more efficiently and profitably when they
start with a product that is purer and easier
to melt, many of them are willing to pay a
premium for it. Aluminium scrap in briquette
form saves these companies money because
they do not have to go to the same trouble and
expense to transport, store and melt it as they
would with loose scrap. In addition, aluminium briquettes closely mimic the properties of
solid aluminium so they can be placed directly
into furnaces without the special preparations
required for loose materials prior to charging.
Combine these benefits with ancillary advantages such as significantly reduced losses to
oxidation and collections of filter dust in furnaces, and it is no wonder why briquettes are
so attractive to buyers on the open market.
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
Storage and logistics: Transforming tonnes of
loose scrap into easy-to-manage aluminium
briquettes goes a long way toward making it
easier to store and transport. In fact, briquetting can reduce the volume of scrap by 20:1.
Imagine the possibilities and savings associated with reducing the space, time and handling requirements of scrap by twenty times!
Condensing the volume of aluminium scrap so
significantly means that loads being shipped
to market are denser and more valuable;
reaching the weight maximums for over the
road (OTR) trucks. Plus, since chemicals and
contaminants found in lubricants are forced
out during the briquetting process, there is no
need to incur the costs of safeguarding against
potentially negative environmental impacts
during shipping, processing and storage. It all
adds up to more robust profitability.
Energy, maintenance and labour savings:
Cost savings associated with energy usage,
maintenance and labour are part and parcel
of today’s most popular briquetting systems,
including those manufactured by Ruf. These
systems are engineered to be energy efficient
and are built for the long haul. In the case
of Ruf briquetting systems, they are all cus-
tomised to user specifications. Each one can
process scrap on a 24-hour per day basis with
very low wear and maintenance costs over a
lifetime of usage and with the largest model
producing over 2 t/h. And because they can
briquette as much loose scrap as larger, more
energy-intensive machines with less horsepower and smaller footprints, the utility savings can be very significant.
Ruf briquetting systems can be set up to
run automatically, 24 hours a day, with little
or no human oversight. This means that manpower can be used in more productive ways
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
than merely babysitting scrap processing. This
reliable, automatic operation reduces labour
costs while giving personnel more time for
innovation and other activities that can help
drive businesses forward.
Summing it up: Briquetting is a cost-effective method for handling and preparing loose
aluminium scrap (practically any kind of metal
scrap, really) for resale to mills and foundries.
It adds measurable value to the waste stream
and creates a higher-quality product that is
comparable to solid scrap. Briquetting allows
users to go from carts and scrap bins full of
messy bits and pieces to pallets of neatly
stacked, more marketable briquettes.
how A to Z Metals is taking aerospace
scrap processing to new heights
In 2013, A to Z Metals upgraded its briquetting
capacity by installing a custom Ruf hydraulic
system at its five-acre processing centre. The
briquetting operations are housed in a 50,000
sqft (5,000 m2) under-roof facility and are
powered by the new Ruf machine as well as an
older legacy casting system made by another
Long Beach Industrial Metals (LBI) is a subsidiary of A to Z Metals Recycling Inc. and part
of the AllMet Group, and currently running
all the briquetting operations. “With our Ruf
Briquetter, LBI produces 120,000 lbs (54 t)
per day. We are producing a 6 pound (2.4 kg)
aluminium briquette every 6.7 seconds from
aluminium scrap from our aerospace clients,
and that’s only running the hydraulic pressure
at 50 percent of its capacity,” said company
representative David Gomes. “The Ruf Briquetter allows A to Z Metals to efficiently process a mixture of scrap – lightly packed fluffy
turnings along with dense, heavy aluminium
that caused problems with our legacy system.
With our other system, the light stuff wouldn’t
briquette correctly. With the Ruf machines, it
doesn’t matter what state the scrap in the aluminium charge bin is in.”
neu im Internet unter
The automation of the briquetting operation
with a Ruf system has helped LBI achieve new
levels of profitability because it can run a ‘silent’ night shift that works without the oversight of operators. Gomes says that the Ruf
Briquetter has improved output between 500
and 800 pounds per hour (225-360 kg/h) over
the legacy machines. “It doesn’t take up a lot
of space and it out performs the other systems
we’ve seen. On top of that, it’s more efficient
and cheaper to operate.”
LBI is a part of the AllMet Group, one of
the top industrial recycling service providers
in southern California. Because LBI deals with
aerospace manufacturers that produce parts
for some of the biggest names in the industry,
it needs to collect and process large amounts
of aluminium scrap in ways that do not impede
project timetables – it is an important part of
the industry’s supply chain.
According to Gomes, the increased capacity and reliability delivered by the Ruf Briquetting system allows them to market shorter
collection intervals to clients. This has, in turn
allowed the company to penetrate further into
the aerospace industry. And because the briquettes it produces are of such high quality,
A to Z has found increased success in marketing them to buyers overseas.
“This briquetter is a great addition to our
business. It has already given us a big boost in
efficiency and profitability, and once we begin recycling the fluids we reclaim during the
briquetting process, we’ll introduce another
revenue stream that will help us diversify and
keep growing into the future – beyond the
aerospace industry. We are extremely pleased
with the Ruf system and are discussing adding
two more systems in the near future,” concluded Gomes.
Greg Tucholski is president of the Ruf company,
based in North Olmsted, Ohio, USA.
ceramic welding of furnace refractories
Complementary technologies extend lining service life – and boost productivity
Furnace refractories used for thermal
processing in the aluminium industry –
whether for primary, foundry or secondary melting and holding, or for heattreatment – must withstand arduous
thermal conditions and severe mechanical
demands during operation. However, a
variety of refractory repair techniques
and materials is available to extend the
service life of furnace linings and, in turn,
boost plant productivity.
cooled lances. Many different lance sizes and
configurations can be employed to reach damaged areas in various positions inside the furnace or vessel.
The oxygen rich stream of powder contacts the hot furnace refractory lining where
the metals oxidise in a highly exothermic reaction. Sufficient heat is produced, between
1 600 and 2 200 °C (2 912-3 992 °F), through
the combustion of the metals to melt the surface area of the refractory particles in the
mixture as well as the surface of the damaged
refractory lining. This reaction creates a very
similar weld mass compared to the substrate
refractory being restored, resulting in an effective and durable bond.
The key benefit of using ceramic welding is
that it is performed while the furnace or vessel
is at or near operating temperature and there
One such technique is ceramic welding – an
innovative hot refractory repair method that
is used to repair the inside hot face of any furnace refractory at operating temperature, in
most cases with minimal disruption to production. It has proven to be a cost-effective and
long-lasting solution for furnaces, including in
the aluminium industry.
Ceramic welding enables metal
producers to restore furnace linings
to the original integrity of the refractory located in high wear areas, while
avoiding furnace downtime. Repair and
maintenance programmes can be devised by companies such as Fusetech in
the USA and international outfit Fosbel.
In conjunction with plant management
and furnace operators, a total solution
can be engineered aimed at optimising
production, lowering maintenance and
energy costs, and also reducing emis- Furnace refractory lining repair in progress
While ceramic welding is best employed is no need for shut down or cooling. The end
as a preventive maintenance tool, it can also result is minimal or zero loss of production.
address large scale catastrophic repairs, thus Facing the potentially huge cost of even a parproviding an economic alternative to extend tial rebuild or re-line, ceramic welding offers
furnace life and prevent unscheduled furnace an economical and attractive alternative route
down time.
for extending furnace refractory life.
the process
The ceramic welding process was developed
and originally designed for the in situ repair
of glass furnaces. In 1979 the technology was
replicated as a method to repair coke oven
walls in the steel industry, and since then the
process has evolved to include other industries, not least aluminium.
Ceramic welding is applied during furnace operation by discharging a dry mixture
of refractory aggregate and oxidising media
together through specially designed water-
Refractory restoration via ceramic welding
can be achieved at operating temperature on
a wide range of equipment types, including
melting and holding and heat-treatment furnaces.
Any refractory type can be matched with
a ceramic welding material, so that the properties of the weld repair are matched to the
original refractory. A range of such materials
has been developed – specifically designed
for compatibility with a variety of refractories
used in non-ferrous furnace linings, including 60%, 70% and 80% alumina, magnesia,
magnesia-chrome, fireclay and others. In most
instances, the process has no effect on melt
complementary services
In addition to ceramic welding, a wide range
of innovative and complementary refractory
maintenance and hot repair services are available to furnace users. For example, these include in situ inspections, condition monitoring, gunning, furnace rebricking, refractory rebuilding, and high emissivity ceramic coatings.
For example, hot inspection services offered by Fosbel are based on leading edge
equipment and techniques to view and document refractory damage in all areas
of the furnace without interruption to
Dedicated equipment and expertise
enables visual inspection of areas or
actions that may not be visible through
normal ‘line of sight’ procedures. Realtime observations allow the user to
focus on any area of interest, while
capturing all the data on video or still
images. The reports provide valuable
information on the state of a furnace at
a specific point in time, and allow for
easy comparison with subsequent images. Information of this type enables
efficient historical records to be reviewed and
updated over the campaign life of the furnace.
Some typical applications include inspection
of firing characteristics of burners, furnace
walls and roofs, and also batch melting characteristics.
Fosbel’s Lancescope system provides realtime, close-up or wide angle views of virtually
any area of a furnace or rotary kiln. The system
uses a state-of-the-art digital camera equipment, which provides clear, detailed images
of problem areas up to 1 650 °C (3 000 °F).
The system can be inserted into openings
as small as 7 cm (2.75 in), and reach up to
10.7 m (35 ft). In cooler applications the system provides illumination via a fibre optic
light source for maximum clarity. Successful ceramic welding repair, Fosbel says, are
possible in the transition zone of the oven
chamber as the Lancescope can be employed
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
It‘s a pure waste of time
... if you make do with anything less!
for close up viewing of the repair area.
Fosbel also makes use of state-of-the-art
infra-red technology to inspect furnaces from
their exterior to identify potential problems
before they become critical. Results can be seen
instantly, while a documented report provides
a baseline for measuring rates of change.
mal shock damage from heatcycling. Also,
the materials adhere to old refractory better
than with the mechanical bonds achieved by
using low cement repair materials. Additionally, their non-wetting binder withstands high
temperatures, reducing reaction to aluminium
and corundum build up.
All the very latest information in a single publication,
10 times a year, excellently researched,
direct from the source!
high emissivity coatings
It is common in the aluminium
industry to use radiant heat
during all or part of a melt cycle to transform solid aluminium shapes such as ingots, sows
and T-bars to the molten state.
The rate of heat transferred
into or out of an object by thermal radiation is governed by,
among other factors, the surface emissivity of the object,
defined by its absorption coefficient. Aluminium has a very
low absorption coefficient,
Gunning repairs offer operational and productivity benefits
resulting in inefficient radiant
heat transfer during melting. However, it is
possible to improve the absorption coefficient
Also to complement ceramic weld repair op- of aluminium shapes – easily and significantly –
erations, various gunning procedures present thereby increasing melt rates, and reducing
another hot refractory repair option that can energy consumption and oxidation.
For this application, Pyrotek produces a
be coordinated to meet operational needs. A
coating medium, which offers these
range of companies, such as Fosbel provide a
for customers in melting procomprehensive gunning service, including the
FM-W is graphite-based,
use of its Fosgun gunning materials range denon-reflective,
absorbing coating that
veloped for numerous applications. The repair
of aluminium prior
is carried out by trained technicians utilising
hearth furnace.
proven techniques resulting, it is claimed, in
of the
a dense, smooth repair with documented lonaluminium,
absorpgevity and durability.
Another leading company supplying a tion of radiant heat into the aluminium. Nonrange of dedicated gunning repair materials in coated aluminium naturally reflects heat from
its refractory portfolio is Spokane, Washing- its bright surface, taking longer to melt than
ton-based Pyrotek Inc. The company’s Pyro- aluminium coated with Pyrocoat FM-W. The
fast and Pyrogun products, which comprise a prime purpose of the coating is to provide a
unique phosphate-bonded alumina-based re- means of decreasing the melt time.
Pyrotek reports that it has conducted labofractory castable, deliver cost-effective refractory repairs effected with cast-in-place gun- ratory and field trials, which demonstrate the
ning techniques. Applications include furnace effects of employing its special coating to the
roofs, walls, belly bands, doors, lintels, sills metal charge to obtain increased surface emisand jambs, charge wells and pouring systems. sivity in the melting process. Typical melting
These materials cut production costs compared times, Pyrotek claims, are cut by 50% by
with alternative media. They deliver a faster coating the aluminium with Pyrocoat FM-W.
dry-out: repairs cure in hours against days for Boosting the melt rate delivers many advantages, including increased productivity, deconventional low cement castables.
Resistance to explosive spalling allows fast- creased energy usage and overall production
er heat up, saving days of furnace downtime costs. For most melting operations, a faster
melt rate results in reduced bath pick up of
compared to using low-cement castables.
Pyrogun and Pyrofast’s flexible phosphate inclusions in the molten metal.
Ken Stanford, contributing editor
bonding provides elasticity that resists ther-
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
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View of the OARC hot rolling mill
Building the future for aluminium flat rolled products
A. tropeano and e. Romano, Fata ePc
Fata EPC is a division of Fata SpA (a Finmeccanica company) – a leading, diversified industrial group of companies operating in the field
of industrial plant engineering, procurement
and construction. Fata EPC has developed an
outstanding capability in general contracting
(TK / LSTK) based on over 50 years’ experience, providing customised, state-of-the-art
technology and environmentally consistent solutions for its various industries: primary and
secondary aluminium, downstream facilities,
power generation plants, and other sectors,
such as oil and gas, container handling and
storage facilities as well as infrastructures.
In 2011 Fata EPC was awarded a USD300
million EPC LSTK contract to build an aluminium flat rolled products facility in Sohar for
OARC, the Oman Aluminium Rolling Company. This company is fully owned by Takamul Investment Co. (100% Oman Oil) and
was formed in 2006 to develop a sustainable
downstream chain to support Oman’s industrial sector. OARC is purchasing the molten
aluminium for the FRP facility from the neighbouring Sohar Aluminium smelter.
The OARC Initial Plant Acceptance was
achieved on schedule in August 2013. The
company has produced coils across almost all
product ranges, so meeting commercial specifications, and will next move into commercial
The OARC plant will be a world class, light
gauge sheet rolling facility with a capacity of
160,000 tonnes a year. It includes a Hazelett
twin belt caster which provides unique metallurgical properties that benefit customers in
their business applications of aluminium sheet
products. The successful combination of the
industry leading technology of the Hazelett
belt caster with the state-of-the-art hot rolling,
cold rolling and finishing equipment supplied
by Fata Hunter will allow OARC to provide
customers with value-added products and will
generate long term, sustainable employment
opportunities in Oman.
Depending on the final product and on
the required productivity, Fata EPC / Hunter
has the capability and the flexibility to satisfy
every customer’s request, being able to integrate in the process chain either the twin roll
casting machine, the Hazelett caster or the
direct chill casting.
The unique mechanical and automation features of the hot and cold rolling as well as
tension levelling equipment designed and built
by Fata Hunter enable the plant to reach the
highest standard of quality and productivity
for the final products.
The FRP facility in Oman is designed to
produce strips made from aluminium alloys,
in widths up to 1,950 mm and in the thickness
range 0.075 to 1.5 mm in the form of semifinished coil products, i. e. foil stock for converter foil, packaging foil and cable wrap. In
addition it will produce finished coil products
such semi-rigid container foil, e. g. for aluminium food containers, and fin stock for the air
conditioning and automotive heat exchanger
The molten aluminium is delivered via
holding furnaces to a twin-belt caster, where
it solidifies into strips (2,032 mm max. width,
and 16-21 mm thickness range). The solidified
strip goes directly to a hot rolling mill where
it is reduced down to a thickness of 1.3 to
3 mm in a multi-stand in-line / hot rolling process, and then coiled. This is then followed
by the usual cold-rolling process on a 4-high
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
non-reversing rolling stand with the necessary
intermediate and final annealing operations.
Levelled coils may be produced as well, by
passing through the tension levelling line.
Functional description of the hot mill
The OARC hot strip mill is a 2-stand (in future 3-stand) 4-high, non-reversible hot strip
mill. It is located downstream of a Hazelett
continuous belt caster. The aluminium strip is
fed from the Hazelett caster continuously to
the hot mill. The strip leaving the caster exit
pinch roll will form a loop over the roller table before entering the mill pinch roll. This is
necessary to compensate for any slight mismatch of speed between the caster and the
mill. Loop height is measured by a laser sensor
and is controlled during normal operation by
trimming the hot mill speed.
A driven pinch roll and a travelling shear
are located at the entry of the hot mill. The
pinch roll serves to thread the strip at the
initial phase and, when the strip is in the first
stand, can be kept in closed or open position.
This pinch roll must be closed to enable the
strip shearing.
The travelling shear located after the pinch
roll allows for strip head scrapping during the
start-up phase, and it serves as an emergency
shear to isolate the caster from the mill in
case of a mill emergency stop or caster stop,
to avoid pulling the strip dangerously from
the casters belts.
A roller table will support the strip up to
mill stand No. 1. There is provision for future
installation of a mill stand No. 0 between the
entry shear and mill stand No. 1. The future
mill stand will enable the mill to increase its
final productivity, to decrease the minimum
exit thickness and to hot roll harder aluminium alloys.
Mill stand No. 1 is a 4-high configuration
with the work rolls driven by a variable speed
AC motor, connected to the rolls through a
gearbox reducer and pinion stand. The mill
stand is equipped with the following main
• Pair of work rolls and back-up rolls
• Load cylinders mounted on top of the mill
stand, equipped with position transducers,
pressure transducers and servo-valves for
closed loop position and force control
• Automatic passline adjustment
• Positive and negative bending cylinders
(E-type, machined in the blocks) equipped
with pressure transducers and servo-valves
for closed loop force control; top back-up roll
balancing cylinders
• Work rolls brushes to remove the metallic
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
oxide layer from the work roll surface
• Top back-up roll wiper
• Entry and exit cooling sprays (selective strip
Between mill stand No. 1 and mill stand
No. 2 a looper roll is located, with the function of keeping constant tension to the strip
between the two stands. The looper roll is
equipped with pressure transducer and servovalves for closed loop force control, and a position transducer used for speed synchronising
of the two stands.
Mill stand No. 2 is an exact copy of mill
stand No 1. Downstream of mill stand No. 2
are located the X-Ray sensors for strip centreline thickness and for profile measurement.
These sensors will be interfaced to the ‘hSystem’ for process control of strip thickness and
Located after the X-ray sensors are the exit
pinch roll, the edge trimmer and the rotary
shear. The exit pinch roll is used when the strip
at the exit side is not subjected to strip tension from the coilers. The edge trimming unit
consists of separate variable-speed AC motor
driven blades and choppers, on both operator
mandrel during threading
• Upper table guiding the strip from top side
to the mandrel during threading
• Expanding mandrel for strip winding and
tension application, driven by a variable speed
AC motor through a gearbox
• Mandrel outboard bearing support
• Belt wrapper (non-metallic) to help wrapping of first strip wraps (special ‘feeding on
the fly’)
• Hold down and tail rolls, to keep the last
wrap in position at tail-out.
The finished coil is then removed from the
coiler by means of a coil car equipped with
a hydraulic motor for the transverse movement and with a cylinder-operated coil cradle.
Coils are then unloaded onto coil saddles for
coil banding, marking and weighing, before
removal by overhead crane.
To allow continuous mill operation, a second coiler is provided with the same configuration as coiler No. 1. An automatic sequence
will be provided for switching from one coiler
to the other at each coil end. A driven roller
table is provided between the two coilers, to
support the strip. Next to coiler No. 2 is in-
First saleable coils for Initial Acceptance in OARC plant
and drive side. The trim width is set by independent positioning of the blades and chopper
heads, using hydraulic motors. The exit rotary
shear is used to cut the strip between preceding coil tail and following head of new coil. In
between coils, it is possible to perform a double cut to remove a sample sheet that will be
taken to the visual inspection area. The drum
shear is driven by a variable speed ac motor,
and it will operate in a synchronized manner
with respect to strip speed.
Following the exit shear there is a roller
table that guides the strip to coiler No. 1. This
coiler is equipped with the following main
• Driven pinch roll
• Flip table to divert the strip to the mandrel
• Threading table supporting the strip to the
stalled a driven roller table identical to the
one installed in between the two reels. This
roller table is used as a visual inspection area.
At the end is installed a retractable mechanical stop, to stop the sheet as it arrives after
cut from the exit rotary shear. A pinch roll
and shear allows the operator to cut smaller
samples for the quality control and to scrap
the remaining cut sheets. A sample can be cut
for every hot rolled coil. The scrap can be piled
over a tiltable scrap table, to be then removed
by means of fork lift.
Hot mill control is divided into two main
systems named Line PLC and Fata Hunter
Process control system ‘hSystem’. Line PLC
will cover the Mill Speed Master Control
(speed reference control of mill motors and
reel tension control) and the Mill logics (con-
trol of mill manual and automatic sequences).
The hSystem process control will cover:
• Load cylinders position and force control
• Bending cylinders control
• Cooling spray control
• Looper roll force control
• Roll eccentricity compensation (REC)
• Automatic gauge control (AGC, a special
feature is the ‘long stroke’, able to compensate
for the wear of back-up rolls and work rolls)
• Automatic profile control and Level 2.
Functional description of the cold mill
The OARC cold rolling mill is 4-high type,
non-reversible. It is a special light gauge cold
rolling mill, having the entry material maximum thickness 3.0 mm and the exit material
minimum thickness 0.065 mm.
Coils enter the cold mill area through the
pallet conveyor from two different locations:
• Hot area storage: coils are loaded by manually operated crane onto the pallet conveyor
entry section.
• Cold area storage: coils are loaded by automated cranes on the pallet conveyor exit
Coils are moved around the mill while
loaded on pallets, and are transported by a
dual row pallet conveyor. By means of the
entry coil car, each coil is then transferred to
the preparation station, where it is possible to
prepare the coil head. The coil diameter and
width are measured at the preparation station.
The coil is then loaded onto the payoff mandrel: the coil car will automatically centre the
coil in vertical and horizontal position based
on the measured coil diameter and width.
The payoff reel is an expanding mandrel
type with outboard bearing support, driven
by variable speed AC motors with dual speed
Twin-belt caster leading to the hot mill
gearbox. Once the coil is loaded on the payoff
reel and the payoff mandrel is expanded, the
strip is fed toward the mill with the help of
a feed roll mounted on the payoff reel and
driven by hydraulic motor.
An extensible tail opener table, mounted
on the entry bridle, will guide the strip to the
entry pinch roll, with top roll driven by a hydraulic motor and bottom roll driven by variable speed AC motor. The entry bridle is also
equipped with a strip centring device, with a
retractable thickness sensor incorporating also
a laser speed sensor, and with a shear and
three bridle rolls, one of which is vertically
The mill stand includes two driven work
rolls supported by back-up rolls. The work
rolls are connected to a dual-speed gearbox
with pinion stand, driven by a variable speed
AC motor.
The rolling force is applied by two hydraulically operated load cylinders, one for each
side of the mill, located on the top side. Load
cylinders are position and force controlled by
the automation system (hSystem). The mill
View of the OARC cold rolling mill
stand is also equipped
with bending blocks for
positive and negative
bending action as well
as upper back-up roll
balancing. To maintain
the correct lower roll
stack passline against
roll diameter variation, adjustments are
made to the passline
wedge positions, located at the bottom
of the mill stand. Roll
cooling sprays and hot
spray bars are located
at the mill entry side. Roll wipers are provided
for the top back-up roll, to avoid cooling oil
splashing toward the exit side. Rolls and strip
blow-off tables and nozzles are provided on
the exit side.
The mill exit bridle includes a retractable
thickness sensor incorporating also a laser
speed sensor, as well as the flatness roll driven
by AC variable motor, and the exit deflector
roll. An ironing roll is also fixed to the exit
bridle frame, equipped with dual rubber and
steel rolls.
Dedicated pressure control for each side
as well as for back-pressure, allows for fine
force control across the strip width, compensated for coil diameter change.
The rewind reel is an expanding mandrel
type with outboard bearing support, driven by
variable speed AC motors with a dual speed
gearbox. A movable exit table is mounted on
the exit bridle, to guide the strip toward the
mandrel. A horizontally retractable belt wrapper is provided, to wind up the first wraps
on the mandrel when the slot gripper in the
mandrel is not used. The belt wrapper is automatically removed after a few wraps when the
strip tension is established on the rewinder.
Coils are unloaded by the exit coil car and
are transferred to a pallet conveyor. Cores
are loaded and unloaded from the mandrels
using dedicated core loader / unloader arms.
Core racks are provided for core storage on
both entry and exit side. On the entry side, it
is possible to remove pup coils: the pup coil
is then handled on the despoiling station, to
clear the core from the scrap wound strip.
Out of the mill area on the exit side is located a visual inspection station. Coils can be
transferred to this station from the pallet conveyor by means of a dedicated coil car. The
inspection station allows for strip unwinding
over an inspection table, to prepare and cut
strip samples.
Process control does include position and
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
pressure control for load cylinders, bending cylinder pressure control, cooling sprays.
AGC, REC, AFC (Automatic Flatness Control) and Level 2 is implemented by the Fata
Hunter hSystem package.
Description of the tension levelling line
The tension levelling installed in the OARC
facility is a state-of-the-art line with a maximum speed of 350 m/min that will produce
levelled coils for all applications. Reliable strip
tracking and strip tension control is achieved
throughout the line by means of the proper
number and configuration of bridle units and
steering units, thereby limiting strip edge damage, strip breakage, telescoping finished coils,
and equipment abuse, while at the same time
promoting higher uniformity and better product flatness. Tension bridle rolls and deflector rolls are polyurethane covered, to prevent
strip marking and to assure the proper friction
coefficient between the rolls and the strip.
The coils are loaded onto the automated
storage interface stand by means of an automated overhead crane. The entry coil car,
equipped with traversing and lifting motion,
picks the coils up and transfers them to the
entry coil stands and onto the stub mandrels
type payoff reel. The payoff reel, designed
with over-unwinding capability, is equipped
with an automatic coil centring system. After
unwinding, the strip is fed through the No. 1
pinch roll, the 3-roll flattener, the entry shear,
the side trimmer, the double row strip joiner
and the No. 2 pinch roll. Coil changeover takes
place with the entry section stopped. After the
old and new coils are joined, the splice is transferred to the exit section at a reduced speed.
After the joint has gone through, the strip
is levelled in the tension leveller. The tension
levelling section includes a 4-roll entry tension bridle, a 6-high amplifier and a 4-roll
exit tension bridle. The combination of the
bridle generated tension force with the superposed bending reversals in the levelling zone
takes the strip beyond the material’s yield
point and thereby reduces the flatness errors
in the strip to very low and acceptable levels.
The amplifier is a pull-through, segmented
backed-up, 6-high, heavy duty design. The
unit includes a leveller, cross-bow and exit flattening zone. It consists of a solid frame with
work cassettes which can be extracted from
the side. This combines optimum rigidity,
tight mechanical tolerances and ease of maintenance.
A horizontal inspection station with table
to inspect strip flatness is provided after the
tension levelling equipment. As soon as the
scrap portion of the strip reaches the exit
shear, the line is stopped again and one cut is
performed to separate the good material from
the scrap and to complete the rewinding of the
processed coil.
Alternatively to the levelling operation,
it will also be possible to slit the incoming
strip into two strips (of equal width). This is
achieved by using the exit trimmer / slitter that
is installed in the exit section.
The electrical and automation system includes full AC drives based strip transportation, operator stations with integrated HMI,
and automatic sequencing for coil handling
and Level 2.
Anthony Tropeano is CEO of Fata EPC and Fata
Hunter. Enrico Romano is process engineer of Fata
Hunter. Both are based in Pianezza, Italy.
Stacast project – raising the bar for eU aluminium castings
© StaCast
strategic role aluminium alloys play across industry in the EU, to promote greater production efficiency and quality in the foundry sector, and to boost integration of cast components in the value chain. The overall plan is to
deliver these objectives through the creation
of formal documentation on: defect classification in aluminium alloy castings, mechanical
properties of aluminium foundry alloys, and
guidelines and standards for the design and
manufacture of aluminium alloys castings.
In practice, the StaCast project addresses
its objectives through elaboration of a series of
dedicated workshops coordinating expertise
in metallurgy, mechanical design, and manufacturing and casting production technologies.
Authoritative partners
The end of 2013 marked the first year of activity for the European StaCast project. An
acronym for ‘Standards for Aluminium Alloy
Cast Products’, the initiative conceived and
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driven by a selection of prestigious bodies in
Europe, is related to new quality and design
levels for the production of light alloy castings.
Essentially, the prime aims are to highlight the
The key partners in the StaCast Project are the
Universities of Padova (DTG) in Italy, Aalen
(GTA), Germany and Trondheim (NTNU)
Norway, which together will coordinate activities, collect data and elaborate the creation of standards and guidelines. Specifically,
DTG, as overall coordinator of the project is
focussed on correlating defects and mechani-
cal properties GTA’s main role is to investigate high-pressure die-cast components and
related mechanical properties, and NTNU’s
work is centred on gravity die cast components, related defects and mechanical properties. Associations representing the industry,
the Federation of European Aluminium Consumers (Face) and the Italian Association of
Metallurgy (AIM) will undertake data collection and dissemination of project results. The
Italian Standardization board of non-ferrous
alloys (Unimet) will collate and organise information in a standardised format and also
with the Al alloys Committee of the Brusselsbased European Committee for Standardization (CEN) .
From the outset, the project partners acknowledged that the broad potential of aluminium alloys in the EU foundry industry
urgently needs a coordinated framework of
dedicated support actions, in which new and
advanced standards must play a central role,
particularly in the mutually inter-related areas of Defect Classification and Mechanical
Key sector
It is well recognised that the foundry industry
is a key sector of the European manufacturing industry as a whole and, in particular, that
aluminium alloys play a significant role, with
the value of castings production estimated for
2010, at over three million tonnes, produced
by 2,850 foundries employing over 100,000
people. The size and importance of the casting
sector is a reflection of the excellent combination of properties offered by aluminium, including low density, good mechanical proper-
ties and high corrosion-resistance, that in recent years have become increasingly vital in
terms of ecological sustainability. The major
end use applications for cast aluminium alloys
are in the automotive and transport field, due
to the increasing trend towards lightweighting,
and the benefits from the reductions achiev-
contribute in driving the application of new
standards in such a strategic field in the EU
field as foundry production of aluminium alloy
components. All activities are aimed at helping the foundry industry sector to compete
more effectively in world markets, by impacting positively on all the members of the supply
Die cast aluminium part for automotive application
able in fuel consumption and emissions. Cast
aluminium alloy components for automotive
applications are in the main (60-65%) manufactured by High Pressure Die Casting (HPDC),
due to the high production rate and complexity of shape that the process delivers.
Some 1,500 HPDC foundries across the
EU, especially in Italy, Germany and Spain –
mainly SMEs – produce an estimated 1.5 million tpy of aluminium die castings.
The StaCast project also identifies Permanent Mould Gravity Casting as an important
complementary production route in the EU
aluminium foundry sector.
objectives developed
StaCast is expected to develop for 18 months,
during which time the partners will work
together to identify collective needs and
chain. Particular aspects include: having a positive influence on effective mechanical design
by engineering companies; enhancing alloy
producers’ knowledge and capability to work
with foundries on alloy selection; boosting the
ability of foundries to interact with customers in a collaborative engineering approach,
and presenting end-users, such as automotive
companies, with ways to use cast components
produced with a more knowledge-based approach, thus improving the technological edge
of their products. This includes, for example,
improved reliability and safety, cost optimisation and reduced time-to market.
A dedicated website has been designed
for the StaCast project and includes general
background information, a discussion forum
for partners, questionnaires, document sharing, technical databases and a calendar of key
related events, see www.stacast.org.
Die caster MRt expands to double production capacity
In the UK, MRT Castings has launched
an ambitious development programme to
double its production capacity over the
next three years. The world-class die casting specialist, which offers complete endto-end manufacturing solutions, reports
that it is seeing significant growth in its
major niche markets.
MRT is expanding the workforce at its manufacturing facility in Andover, Hampshire, to address new component manufacturing projects
for the medical, electronics, aerospace and
defence sectors. The company has also been
investing in new capital equipment, including a
new advanced Colosio PF250 die casting cell,
now commissioned, which features real-time
shot control to ensure consistent high quality
production and further enhance the already
high quality of its die casting facilities. MRT
is well known for both its aluminium and
zinc gravity and high-pressure die casting and
firmly maintains that the new investment strategy clearly reflects its ongoing commitment to
quality, precision and productivity.
Prior to the latest investment schedule,
existing facilities comprised five pressure die
casting cells with locking forces ranging from
220 to 530 tonnes. This includes two stateof-the-art Buhler cells, featuring real-time
computerised shot control, robot ladling and
die-spray, and a fully automated Urpe die
casting cell. Post-casting equipment capability
includes hydraulic trimming presses ranging
from 5-30 tonnes. Pressure die castings up to
4.5 kg are produced in a range of metals, including LM2, LM6, LM24, LM25 and Castasil
37 aluminium alloys.
A major focus of the new plant investments,
the Colosio PFO 250 die casting cell, precision-built in Brescia, Northern Italy, delivers a
range of innovative features including:
• Real-time shot control – by monitoring and
storing process data, the advanced control
system of the machine affords MRT accurate
repetition of all the injection parameters, pressures, speeds and strokes to ensure consistent
high quality casting at all times.
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components can be cast in lower volumes and
more cost-effectively than its competitors.
Quality is at the core of all of MRT’s activities with 100% of castings production undergoing visual inspection for cosmetics appearance prior to shipment. Dimensional control is
also ensured using two CNC co-ordinate measuring machines and advanced SPC. Through
this systematic quality control, waste can be
reduced to deliver lean manufacturing – 5S
techniques and visual management are also
used throughout all production areas.
Mr Rawnson adds: “Many of our customers are involved in the medical and electronics industries where their production areas
helps to cut out waste from the start, making
production as lean as possible.
MRT also offers established customers
Kanban-triggered delivery systems to schedule lean and just-in-time production across all
of the processes involved in high pressure casting, gravity die casting and CNC machining.
Additionally, the company provides its
customers with full turnkey manufacturing
solutions including design, tooling, painting
and plating. MRT also offers assembly, storage
and shipping of customers’ products directly
to their clients as a complete and seamless outsourced service, enabling complete outsourcing of their own manufacturing.
• A fully integrated two-axis automatic die
sprayer – enabling fast, effective and consistent lubrication of even the most complex die
• A robotic casting extractor with integrated
cooling conveyor – increasing productivity
and improving repeatability.
• A new Ramsell-Naber gas-fired melting
furnace with recuperative burner technology,
thus reducing energy consumption and emissions.
The Colosio PFO 250 delivers a locking
force of 250 tonnes, making it suitable for aluminium components up to around 3.5 kg. Its
latest advanced features ensure that MRT can
continue to deliver the highest quality castings
and at optimum tolerances.
The company’s facilities have been further
expanded downstream of the casting lines over
the last year with the addition of two further
Brother S2DN-0 casting machining centres.
The company’s managing director, Phil
Rawnson, emphasises the resulting benefits for
customers, saying: “Our focus has always been
on precision engineering, regardless of the size
of the contract, which is what makes MRT so
attractive to medical and electronics industries. With these new plant additions we can
continue to deliver a consistently high quality product within tighter tolerances, ensuring
that we continue to be an innovative provider
of bespoke engineering solutions.”
Looking forward, the company sees that
further growth in production will be realised
by continuously developing the world class
manufacturing practices that it already has already in place. Mr Rawnson explains that he
recently went on a fact-finding mission to Japan to study the latest techniques and see how
lean manufacturing is applied in some of the
most productive manufacturing facilities in the
world. He indicates the intent to “accelerate
MRT’s lean journey” after touring production
plants in Tokyo and Kyoto. “Lean manufacturing has been a part of MRT’s manufacturing
processes for many years,” he claims. “The
trip to Japan has provided an amazing insight
into how the Japanese operate their leading
production sites to world class standards by
empowering staff, investing in technology
and creating a culture of continuous improvement.
“Successful improvement activities are
about taking those common sense ideas from
every level of the team and developing them to
add value throughout the business,” he adds.
Evidence of these improvement activities is
already apparent throughout MRT’s business
operations. Notably, for example, set up routines have been optimised so that aluminium
MRT Castings is investing in latest casting technologies
and process systems to maximise productivity and quality
are immaculate and highly organised. They
rightly expect the same from us.”
As a smaller-size, but nevertheless top
class foundry MRT now has the capability to
deliver the same high level of workmanship
regardless of the size of the batch needed.
Many larger foundries often claim that lengthy
set-ups required make the process prohibitive
when dealing with small batches of die castings. MRT has optimised its tooling preparation and set-up operations to make the process more accessible to customers who require
only small batches. Supporting this, the Colosio machine has been built to MRT’s own
specifications to include a number of innovative features to support fast and frequent die
changes. This will help to ensure that MRT can
continue to meet the needs of clients requiring
even batches of just a few hundred parts.
Customers can work alongside MRT’s engineers on the design of their products and this
In another direction, MRT has implemented
a lean energy management system to save
energy on the production floor by monitoring energy consumption on every production
cell. Further in this respect, the company
has set energy reduction targets as part of its
ISO14001 accredited environmental management system.
MRT is an expert company in all aspects of
the die casting and machining process and its
experienced team offers advice based on this
level of knowledge and expertise. This covers
for example, which aluminium and zinc casting alloys offer the best strength, castability
and resilience for their particular projects. The
best die casting processes for customers’ requirements, from sand casting and gravity die
through to high pressure die casting, and also
the best CNC machining and finishing processes for each project.
Ken Stanford, contributing editor
Foundry investments further improve quality casting solutions
One of the UK’s premier aluminium and
iron casters, Incanite Foundries, based in
Smethwick, West Midlands, continues to
develop its knowledge and capability of
over 85 years in providing quality casting solutions to a wide range of industry
sectors. With current sales at around
some £11 million a year the company
plans to develop the business further and
is currently in the process of elaborating ongoing extensive refurbishment and
• Installation of full in-house heat-treatment
• New heavy-duty electricity and gas supplies
with a range of ‘green’ air compressors and
gas / air mixers to optimise energy efficiency,
• Latest extraction and clean air policies have
been implemented from start up.
Also, a complete team of people has been
recruited and trained in parallel with the plant
Incanite also reports that new high frequency furnaces and a sand handling transfer
system are being evaluated for its associated
iron foundry and this equipment is planned for
installation this year.
Over the past 18 months alone major schemes
have been progressed to install a second aluminium manufacturing cell, build a new technology centre and refurbish its associated iron
foundry – all this to further expand and com- Machining
plement its casting operations and ancillary
services, including its project development As part of its investment plan, Incanite has
team and CNC operation. With stated hall- installed a full range of CNC machines inmarks of quality and reliability, its
investments in latest technologies
enable Incanite to continue exceeding customers’ expectations.
Based in the heart of industrial
Britain, Incanite can boast a rich
heritage that can be traced back
over the last century. The company has made a major and firm
commitment to manufacturing in
the UK with £2.3 million worth of
investments in plant, equipment
and workforce earmarked over
the next three years, including
skilled workers and well qualified Incanite Foundries: now an approved parts supplier for
managers together with associated the new AV-8B Harrier Jump Jet military vertical fighter
infrastructure. The company now
more than tripled its total workforce to over cluding CMM measuring at a cost in excess of
140 people within the last 18 months.
£900,000. Skilled operatives and setters have
been recruited to ensure machined castings
satisfy all quality requirements. Further plans
Aluminium foundry
for this year for include introducing rapid
The foundry was installed during the summer CAD prototype production together with new
of 2012 at a cost in excess of £1.4 million to alloys and energy-saving initiatives developed
in conjunction with a leading UK University.
include new process equipment, notably:
• Gravity die production facility for LM6 and
LM25 alloy castings supplied to multinational Buildings
OEMs in the energy, engine and medical secAn upgrade of the existing buildings comtors
• Fast loop sand line for lower volume com- menced in 2012 and will run through this
plex castings requiring complex core assembly year with £300,000 allocated. In addition,
• Hand moulding line for complex aluminium construction of a new state-of-the-art technology centre was launched in April 2013 at a
castings with thin-wall sections
• New second manufacturing cell completed cost of £800,000 to house all of the compain December 2012 for production of high vol- ny’s design and development capability and
ume safety-critical components
gravity die
From 50 gram to 50 kg in batch sizes to suit
customer production schedules, Incanite’s
gravity die casting process is tailored to specific client requirements. Knowledge gained
over many years has allowed the company to
successfully develop and supply castings that
customers had previously considered to be
Sand casting
With the capability to produce sand castings
via the precision sand process and Fast Loop
line, customers are offered the flexibility of
lower volumes with larger, more complex
shapes if required. Enhanced part consistency
and superior surface finish from both processes is a feature enjoyed by all Incanite’s sand
casting customers.
The company is a trusted and
preferred supplier to a wide range
of global engineering and OEM
companies. A range of long standing prestige customers includes, for
example, global metrology equipment specialist Renishaw who
has chosen Incanite once again
to supply components including
gravity die and sand castings to be
incorporated in six new metrology products to be marketed in 32
countries around the world.
Prestige approvals
In another acknowledgement of the company’s performance and levels of integrity in
casting production, Incanite announces that
it has been approved as a parts supplier for
the new military vertical fighter plane AV8B – the Harrier Jump Jet. Additionally, following an audit by other leading clients, Safran
Power UK and Safran Power USA, Incanite’s
quality management organisation was found
to satisfy all criteria and the firm has been accepted by this customer onto its Register of
Approved Suppliers for aluminium castings.
Newly appointed general manager Mark
Sarginson, speaking about his vision of the future, said that he wanted to see the company
as a Centre of Excellence in the UK and he
would use all his experience to push the
boundaries and introduce changes into the
foundry, building upon the available expertise
attained by Incanite as it approached its cente-
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nary in 2019. He wants customers to have the
confidence so they can commission Incanite
to deliver their complex casting requirements.
From aerospace to X-ray equipment, from
Australia to Zambia, Mr Sarginson says, Incanite’s capability is truly global. And, within
the UK, he adds, the Midlands base is ideal
to ensure the company’s support capability is
never more than a few hours away.
Referring to the present position and looking beyond, the company’s managing director
Mark Beresford said current developments
and plans for the future represent a great step
forward in reinforcing the company’s drive
towards adopting new technologies and processes to better serve an ever increasingly demanding market place.
Ken Stanford, contributing editor
Special coating improves service life of dies
Improved quality, efficiency and productivity in aluminium casting
© ASK Chemicals
Aluminium castings produced by low-pressure die/permanent mould and gravity casting methods have become increasingly
important in both economic and
technological terms, particularly for automotive industry
applications. There has been
a steady growth in volumes
of castings produced and in
parallel, developments and innovations are continuously generated in materials and process
technologies to support the light
alloy foundry industry in further
improving performance.
In one latest development and with
these aspects firmly in mind, coatings specialist ASK Chemicals, based in Hilden, Germany, has developed a semi-insulating mould
and die coating, Solitec AD 901, a waterbased medium said to be highly efficient and to
offer major economic advantages in foundry
processes as a result of its extremely long service life. Initial trials and testing of the coating
Innovative die coating can extend casting die life
and improve part quality and productivity
in practice were carried out in controlled conditions on aluminium cylinder head castings at
German foundry company Martinrea Honsel.
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In addition to ensuring that dies are filled
completely, to control the solidification of
the cast part
and protect
the die surface, Solitec
AD 901 offers another key benefit: the
service life of the dies is extended by more
than 50% compared with using traditional
standard coatings. This reduces the downtime
intervals required for die coating and maintenance and, therefore, increases productivity.
The comparatively high graphite content of
the new ASK coating also significantly reduces
the ejection forces and
hence the wear on the
die surfaces. Even production downtime lasting up to four hours
does not have any
negative impact on the
quality of the coating
or cast part. The economic impact of this is
that longer continuous
process periods are
realised with reduced
maintenance costs. In
spite of their relatively
low proportion of the
total costs of production, effective coatings
have significant effects
across the entire casting process: they influence cast part quality to a considerable extent
and make a key contribution in production,
both environmentally and economically.
By using the Solitec AD 901 die coating,
foundries can generate significant economic
advantages through improved productivity,
fewer rejects, longer die life and casting process uptimes, lower consumption of abrasives and consequently greater durability
of the casting dies and their dimensional
To meet the increasingly demanding
and stringent requirements of customers
and suppliers of cast aluminium parts,
ASK Chemicals says it is continuously
developing new products and applications supported by the leading edge Ashland-Südchemie Kernfest GmbH Research and Technology
Centre. By combining theoretical knowledge
with practical experience and through close
collaboration with customers, the company’s
dedicated research teams continuously develop new products and applications that are
innovative, efficient and consistently set new
industry standards.
Ken Stanford, contributing editor
Fighting die wear and failure
Considering the relatively high cost of tooling for shape casting, particularly with more
complex configurations, any factors influencing die life are of crucial importance. Consequently, die wear and failure are significant
issues and involve a complex interaction
between various mechanisms that can contribute to degradation. The most important
wear mechanism is associated with ‘washout’
damage on working die surfaces, due to erosion, corrosion and soldering – while thermal
fatigue is the most important mode of failure
in die casting tooling. As a result, the most
important performance criteria for die coatings include wear resistance, non-sticking
characteristics, and corrosion resistance.
eAc 2013: Still great potential for aluminium in car manufacturing
Aluminium plays a key role in automotive
lightweight construction concepts – already
today, and all the more so in future. All
participants at the 3rd European Aluminium Congress (EAC) were in complete
agreement about that. Organised by GDA
(the association of the aluminium industry
in Germany), the congress, held in November in Düsseldorf, was the meeting
place of the year for lightweight construction experts from the international automotive and aluminium industry. Below, a
summarising report from the event.
strength-steels (see diagram).
For example, in the engine compartment
of the S-Class aluminium is used for the upper and lower front rail, shock tower, partial
cross member below the windshield, struts
and steering bracket. The cradle / subframe
area uses several aluminium sheet and extrusion components as well as die-castings.
The roof and hang-on parts such as the front
doors, engine bonnet and tailgate are also
made of aluminium sheet.
Addressing the aluminium industry as a
whole, Mr Bösselmann underlined the need
to develop new alloys that enable better deep
drawing and tighter radii, not only for structural components or door inner panels but
also for outer skin applications.
Henk-Jan Brinkman of Hydro Aluminium
Rolled Products took up Mr Bösselmann’s remarks. One of the major remaining technical
challenges for aluminium, he said, was to enable more freedom of design. Although more
exotic forming processes like warm forming
or super-plastic forming enable this freedom
of design with aluminium for niche markets,
the cost penalty associated with these forming processes in comparison with the usual
cold stamping process prohibits the use of the
former for larger volumes.
Door inner panels and side panels are
typical examples of parts where today’s aluminium automotive sheet qualities are at the
limits of their formability. Door inner parts are
typically made from 5xxx series alloys like
Under the main theme of Aluminium Auto­
motive Applications – Tomorrow’s Design
and Sustainable Performance, over 200 experts from the semis industry and from automotive parts suppliers and OEMs, such as
Audi, BMW, Daimler, Ford, Honda or Jaguar,
as well as suppliers from the area of plant
construction or surface engineering, met to
discuss new developments related to aluminium in car manufacturing. Apart from the
various uses of aluminium in vehicle manufacturing, further developments that have the
potential to make vehicles of the future even
lighter and more energy efficient were also
presented at the congress.
In his keynote address GDA president
Heinz-Peter Schlüter described the huge
potential still available for even more use of
aluminium in motor cars. “Our material is far
from having reached the zenith of its devel-
opment, but it has already demonstrated that
effective lightweight construction in the car is
inseparable from the material aluminium,” he
said. His estimate corresponds to studies forecasting that the amount of aluminium used per
car produced in Europe will rise from today’s
140 kg to 160 kg by 2020.
A main driving force of this development
toward lightweight design is that not only
European and US authorities but also Japan
and China will be implementing stricter CO2
emission limits for new passenger cars in the
coming years, namely:
• from today’s 187 g/km driven to 160 g/km
in 2016 and, under discussion, to 91 g/km in
2025 (in the USA)
• from today’s 136 g/km driven to 130 g/km
in 2015 and to 95 g/km in 2020 (in the EU)
• from today’s 131 g/km driven to 125 g/km
in 2015 and to 105 g/km in 2020 (in Japan)
• from today’s 185 g/km driven to 167 g/km
in 2015 and, under discussion, to 117 g/km in
2020 (in China).
Jürgen Bösselmann from Daimler AG presented the body-in-white lightweight design
concept for the new Mercedes-Benz S-Class.
Hybrid lightweight engineering aims “to bring
the right material to the right place,” he said.
The aluminium-hybrid-body of the S-Class
offers a perfect balance between lightweight
design and functional as well as safety requirements by using a mix of aluminium components (die-castings, extruded profiles and
sheet), hot-formed steel parts and ultra-high-
More than 200 experts from the aluminium and automotive industries met to discuss new developments related to aluminium in car manufacturing
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© Daimler
BiW structure material properties of the new generation S-Class
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in outer skin quality with conventional cold
stamping with regard to formability and design
Erich Hoch from FW Brökelmann gave a
presentation on extruded aluminium alloys
for body structure components. The company
is a system supplier for complex extrusions
and covers the complete process chain from
engineering products and prototyping to extrusion, machining and assembly of components and systems.
Since about 2011 automobile manufacturers have demanded higher strength for
auto body structural components, with yield
strengths of 320-330 MPa for greater energy
absorption in a crash. Only ten years ago the
strength required was of the order of 200240 MPa. For the aluminium industry as a
whole and extruders in particular, this entails
developing alloys and geometries capable of
satisfying the new and stricter requirements.
The more stringent demands on the T6 heat
treatment with short-term temperature stability up to 1 hour at 205 °C and long-term
stability of 1,000 hours at 150 °C also present
challenges for aluminium as a material, but
© Hydro
AA5182 because of their better formability
in comparison with 6xxx alloys. In contrast,
the surface quality requirements for visible
parts necessitate the use of a 6xxx alloy for
side panels. Due to assembly costs, a one-piece
side panel is preferred over a multi-piece solution, thereby again increasing the demands on
formability for this application.
Hydro Aluminium has developed dedicated
6xxx sheet alloy qualities for car body applications, e. g. AA6016 and AA6014. At present,
the formability requirements for many typical
outer parts like doors and fenders is growing
due to the increased use of design features. The
typical forming-optimised 6xxx alloy qualities
are usually able to cope with this demand.
However, the component that, at present,
represents the major challenge in terms of
formability is the 1-piece side panel in outer
skin quality. Obviously, a side panel represents
a significant weight saving potential if it can
be made from aluminium sheet, but it appears
to depend upon the design of the components
whether the best 6xxx alloy qualities can meet
the formability demands for a 1-piece side
panel in outer skin surface quality. Hydro’s
forming-optimised HA 6016-U is able to meet
the demands for hang-on parts with the latest design features, and also for 1-piece side
panel applications with a restrained design.
Hydro’s latest development, HA 6016-X,
is a proprietary variant that was developed to
meet customer demands for aluminium 1-piece
side panel solutions with highest demands on
formability (see diagram). HA 6016-X is currently successfully tested in several OEM development programmes to push the boundaries of aluminium body-in-white (BiW) parts
ones which must be overcome. In that context
alloys of the 6xxx series such as EN AW 6060,
6063 and 6082 are relevant.
Michael Lough from Jaguar Land Rover
(JLR) presented the aluminium architecture
of the Range Rover and Range Rover Sport
models. The British luxury vehicle is the first
SUV in the world to have a fully aluminium
body structure, which is considerably lighter,
more efficient and more sustainable than conventional solutions. While the previous RR
model weighs 2.580 kg, the new one weighs
only 2.160 kg. The aluminium body and chassis is 42 percent lighter than its predecessor.
There is a clear trend at JLR toward increased
use of higher strength 6xxx series alloys (see
diagram next page).
Efficient lightweight construction from a
holistic perspective was the focus of the presentation by Jean-Marc Ségaud from the BMW
lightweight metal foundry in Landshut. The
revolutionary approach to new kinds of body
concepts was prompting enormous structural
investments in the body shell, he said. For all
lightweight construction work done in body
manufacturing it is important to keep an eye on
the feasibility and consequences in the overall process chain. The evolutionary approach
of material substitution allows continued use
of available body shell structures, but limits
lightweight construction potential.
Nonetheless, Mr Ségaud takes an optimistic view that aluminium castings have much
potential for replacing steel parts, especially
when it comes to integral components. As one
example he pointed to a longitudinal chassis
beam made of steel and of aluminium: while
the steel version made of 12 parts weighs 15.5
kg, the alternative integral aluminium casting
made as a single part weighs only 9.8 kg.
The presentation of Joachim Gundlach
from Grunewald was about suitable production of thin-walled aluminium prototype and
small series castings for BiW applications.
Casting joints and other structural castings
are used in all areas of a car body. Those castings have to be light, rigid and stable. In order
to realise the defined properties, the low-pres-
Single-piece side panel made from HA6016-X
metallic particles shows variations through the
thickness in twin-roll cast 5754 alloy, similar
to the other low-alloyed aluminium alloys. The
large grain size of TRC materials at the final
thickness has an adverse effect on strain-hardening behaviour and bending performance.
Aesthetic deterioration of the bent curvature
is directly related with the large grain size of
TRC material. Large grains are not only detrimental to bending performance but also impair the surface quality of the stamped parts.
© Jaguar Land Rover
sure casting technique and integrated casting
product and process development are mandatory. The whole process chain of design, pattern making, casting process, heat treatment,
levelling and NC-finished part processing
needs to be carefully adjusted.
Hatice Mollaoglu Altuner of Assan Aluminium gave a presentation on the mechanical
characterisation and formability performance
of twin-roll cast AA5754. Twin-roll casting
(TRC) is a well-established and economical
method for producing aluminium foil and heat
exchanger fin stock as well as various grades
of building and construction sheet. According
to Mr Altuner, there is increasing interest in
using TRC as a method for producing low-cost,
high-quality 5000 series aluminium sheet for
automotive structural applications.
Compared with the conventional production route of DC casting and hot rolling, TRC
is a less costly method for producing aluminium alloys thanks to a thinner gauge of cast
strip which allows further processing steps to
be reduced. On the other hand, TRC has a
disadvantage in achieving the required microstructure due to the solidification behaviour
of liquid metal and the reduced amount of
thermo-mechanical processing from the ascast condition to final gauge. These differences in microstructural features may affect
the strength, ductility and formability of aluminium sheet. So the production routes (cold
rolling and annealing) should be well designed
to achieve sufficient formability as well as the
desired mechanical properties.
Mr Altuner elaborated on the microstructure, mechanical properties and formability
performance of the twin-roll cast AA5754
alloy. The results were compared with the
same materials produced by DC casting and
hot rolling. One result is that the size of inter-
TRC material shows moderate performance
yield strengths compared with DC / hot rolled
counterpart. These results indicate that thermo-mechanical processes must be designed to
achieve a texture development that promotes
ultimate formability performance. Casting of
AA 5754 at optimised gauges, radical alterations in the chemical composition and accordingly designed downstream operations that
aim to achieve ultimate formability performance through the course of crystallographic
texture development are still subjects for further studies.
Bernard Gilmont from the EAA (European
Aluminium Association) focused on ‘Aluminium intensive electric vehicles’. Since electric
cars are more expensive than conventional
vehicles, mainly due to the cost of batteries,
it is important to make electric cars as energy
efficient as possible so that the battery size
can be reduced. Lightweighting is one of the
most effective options for improving the energy efficiency of any vehicle, including electric ones; however, lightweighting comes at
some cost, as the material used is often rather
more expensive than steel. Mr Gilmont investigated whether the cost of lightweighting a car
with the intensive use of aluminium could be
compensated for by a reduction in the cost of
the batteries.
While still meeting the defined crashworthiness targets, the weight of the total body
could be reduced by 162 kg compared to the
electric reference steel body. Thanks to this
weight saving, the battery system capacity
could be downsized by 3.3 kWh (which is 9%
of the system capacity) while still maintaining the intended driving range of 200 km. This
also meant an additional weight reduction of
25 kg, making the aluminium electric vehicle
in total 187 kg lighter than the steel electric
The cost implications were then quantified using a cost assessment tool. With an assumed production volume of 100,000 cars per
year, the aluminium-intensive electric car can
be produced for additional part and joining
costs of €1,015 per vehicle. This additional
cost should be compared to the cost reduction
related to the battery capacity downsizing of
3.3 kWh. With a battery system cost of €500/
kWh, the reduction in total battery system
costs is €1,650.
According to these assumptions, producing
the aluminium electric vehicle is €635 cheaper
than the reference electric vehicle. In his case
study Mr Gilmont demonstrated that, while
retaining the same crash performances, lightweighting through aluminium reduces both
the production and operating costs of electric
vehicles. The reason for this is that a lighter
car needs fewer batteries and less electricity
to travel the same distance.
concluding remarks
In view of the legislative measures under way
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, lightweight construction is of high priority and
on the agenda of all carmakers. Although the
European Aluminium Congress was dominated by presentations from premium carmakers it can be assumed that virtually all OEMs
are strengthening their efforts to reduce fuel
consumption and to counteract weight increase caused by rising safety requirements
and increasing comfort equipment in passenger cars – not only in premium models but
also in the medium and small car segment.
Whether we talk of an aluminium-intensive
approach or of a multi-material concept, the
prospects for aluminium castings, extrusions
and sheet applications in cars are bright.
However, the demands from the carmakers
regarding cost reduction and technological
further development of alloys and processes
continue to grow and the aluminium industry
has to work steadily on improving its performance.
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
co m pa n y n e w s w o r l d w i d e
aluminium smelting industry
© Rusal
for the acquisition of a 20% share in the second phase of the aluminium smelting project
in Sarawak, Malaysia. This project is being
developed by PMB through its 100% subsidiary, Press Metal Bintulu Sdn. Bhd, and will
have a production capacity of 320,000 tpy.
Completion was scheduled for the end of last
year. Sumitomo has already a 20% equity in
the first phase of PMB’s aluminium smelting
complex, containing a production capacity of
120,000 tpy.
PMB is a leading integrated aluminium
company in Southeast Asia and has been promoting vertical integration of its aluminium
operations. SC deals with primary aluminium
metals widely in Japan and other Asian markets.
eU commission clears acquisition
of two rTa plants by Trimet
The European Commission has approved the
acquisition of two Rio Tinto Alcan (RTA)
plants in France by the Trimet group of Germany and Electricité de France; the latter will
hold a minority stake. The acquisition does
not raise competition concerns, because the
overlaps between the parties’ activities are
moderate, says the Commission. One of the
two production facilities is the aluminium
smelter Saint-Jean de Maurienne in eastern
France, which has a production capacity of
140,000 tpy. The smaller Castelsarrasin plant
for high-grade wire rod is located in the southwest of France. Both plants employ some 500
on the Saudi Arabia joint venture project is on
track, says Alcoa, with USD159m invested in
2013 against a USD350m annual plan.
Special items in Q4 2013 included a USD
243m charge in connection with the resolution
of the US government investigations regarding
certain legacy alumina contracts between an
Alcoa-led joint venture and Aluminium Bahrain. Alcoa also settled civil charges filed by
the US Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC) in an administrative proceeding related to the anti-bribery, internal controls, and
books and records provisions of the FCPA
(Foreign Corrupt Practices Act). Alcoa has
agreed to pay a total of USD161m to SEC over
the next four years.
century aluminium close to new
power contract for sebree smelter
Century Aluminum Sebree, Kenergy Corp.
and Big Rivers Electric Corp. have finalised
agreements for a new power contract for the
Sebree aluminium smelter, located in Henderson County, Kentucky. The agreement is subject to approvals from various third parties,
including the Kentucky Public Service Commission and the USDA Rural Utilities Service.
The parties will continue to move as expeditiously as possible to finalise the agreement in
advance of the expiration of the current power
contract at the end of January. The Sebree
smelter has a production capacity of 205,000
tpy and employs some 480 people.
point Henry smelter at risk
alcoa reports Q4 net loss
Alcoa Inc. opened the earnings season with
a bang. The company posted a Q4 2013 net
loss of USD2.3bn due to a USD1.7bn goodwill write-down to the former smelting acquisitions Alumax in 1998 and Reynolds Metals
Co. in 2000. Special items excluded, Q4 net
income was USD40m, which is still disappointing compared with a net income of USD64m
in the year-ago period.
For the full business year 2013 net loss
was USD2.3bn, whereas 2012 net income was
USD191m. Excluding special items, 2013
net income was USD357m, which is a 36%
increase on 2012 figures. The company also
reported USD1.1bn productivity savings exceeding a USD750m annual target. Progress
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
According to Australian media, Alcoa will decide on the future of Point Henry at the end
of March. The loss-making aluminium smelter
has been struggling to survive for some years.
However, with further declining aluminium
prices in recent years, along with greater regulation of the energy intensive industry, the
plant’s future is at high risk, all the more so
as the new coalition government led by Tony
Abbott seems unwilling to further support uncompetitive industries with taxpayer money.
sumitomo to acquire stake in
pmB smelter project in malaysia
Sumitomo Corporation has entered into an
agreement with Press Metal Berhad (PMB)
china imposes tiered power
tariffs on aluminium smelters
Since the beginning of this year, China has
imposed tiered power rates on aluminium
smelters as part of its efforts to address severe
overcapacity in the industry. Power tariffs will
remain unchanged for smelters that use less
than 13.7 kWh/kgAl produced, while those
that use between 13.7 and 13.8 kWh/kgAl will
be charged an additional 0.02 yuan per kWh.
Smelters that consume more than 13.8 kWh/
kgAl will be charged an additional 0.08 yuan
per kWh, according to media reports that refer
to a notice released by the Ministry of Industry
and Information Technology.
The notice stipulates that local governments
may not reduce power rates for aluminium
smelters and must stop all previously of-
co m pa n y n e w s w o r l d w i d e
fered subsidies. Local governments must also
cease fee deductions and other incentives to
smelters with their own power plants. This
move will help weed out less competitive producers and slim the sector, which has been
mired in capacity surplus for years.
Over 1.2m tpy in aluminium capacity was
slashed in China in 2013. Further capacity
cuts may be on the way this year given the
sluggishness in the sector.
Bauxite and alumina activities
He added the imposed carbon tax was not the
driver of the decision to close the refinery.
Rio will be consulting with employees and
the community in coming weeks to develop
detailed plans regarding the timing and phases
for ramping down the refinery. There will be
no immediate change to refinery operations.
The process of suspending production will
probably start in the first quarter of 2014 and
take the entire year.
A priority will be establishing long-term
certainty for the bauxite operation and its 350
employees and contractors. Senior Rio Tinto
executives and company representatives from
Gove are already working in partnership with
the Northern Territory Government and the
Federal Government.
© Norsk Hydro
rio Tinto and chinalco to
explore technology partnership
dubal and mubadala
agree Usd5bn Guinea plan
Dubai Aluminium (Dubal) and the Mubadala
Development Co. have agreed on a plan with
the Guinean government to develop the Sangaredi alumina project. The project is owned
by the Guinea Alumina Corp. (GAC), which
is owned by Dubal and Mubadala. The agreement will deliver an estimated USD5bn of
foreign investment into Guinea over the next
eight years. The development plan will create, at peak, 14,000 direct and indirect jobs
and will contribute substantially to Guinea’s
GDP. The agreement includes plans to build
a bauxite mine to be operational by 2017, a
multi-user port in Kamsar to be completed by
the same year, and an alumina refinery that
will produce 2m tpy by 2022.
Dubal and Mubadala jointly took full control of GAC earlier in 2013. It will be a fullyowned subsidiary of Emirates Global Aluminium, which will be created by the merger
between Dubal and Emal.
almatis completes acquisition of
ormet’s Burnside alumina refinery
Almatis, a global supplier of premium alumina
for the refractory, ceramic and polishing industries, has completed the purchase of the
alumina refinery at Burnside, Louisiana, from
the Ormet Corp. The acquisition provides Almatis with its own feedstock for the production of premium alumina products, supplementing external sources. The Burnside refinery has a capacity of 500,000 tpy. Though
the refinery was established as a smelter grade
alumina producer, it has proven its capability
to produce high quality feedstocks needed to
fulfil Almatis’ premium alumina standards. In
addition to the internal supply, the company
now will also serve the specialty alumina and
hydrate markets with designed products directly from the refinery.
rio Tinto to suspend production
at Gove alumina refinery
Rio Tinto has announced to suspend alumina
production at Gove and to focus on its bauxite
operations. The refinery is no longer a viable
business in the current market environment,
says the company. The Australian and Northern Territory Governments have been in talks
with Rio Tinto over recent months to secure
a long-term future for the refinery; however,
with no success. Rio will now work on the
scope and phased timing of suspension.
CEO Sam Walsh said that the decision had
been made due to low alumina prices, the
strong Australian dollar and substantial aftertax losses for the refinery despite considerable efforts to improve refinery performance.
Rio Tinto and Chinalco have signed an MoU
that aims at deploying leading-edge technology to create safer working operations, improve environmental performance and increase the productivity of mining operations.
The focus will be on enhancing the value of
both companies’ partner networks by developing and applying new ideas at a faster pace and
at a lower cost. The two companies will work
together to determine how best to capture
the potential for cooperation in this area, and
the arrangements contemplated by the MoU
remain subject to the execution of a binding
Utkal alumina well under
way to reach full capacity
Utkal Alumina International Ltd (UAIL), a
subsidiary of Hindalco Industries, is yet to
reach its full production capacity of 1.5m tpy
after starting operations in June last year. So
far, the company has achieved 75% capacity utilisation at its alumina refining unit in
Kasipur in south Odisha’s Rayagada district.
An alumina plant usually takes around a year
to reach full capacity. Utkal Alumina would
also take another four to five months to get
there, a senior manager of the company said
in January.
After struggling hard for over two decades, UAIL started its trial production in June
powered by a 90 MW co-generation thermal
power plant. The company has captive bauxite
mines at Baphimali, and is capable of mining
4.2m tpy. The mines are located 17 km from
the refinery site. The alumina is sent to the
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
co m pa n y n e w s w o r l d w i d e
Aditya smelter at Lapanga. UAIL also has
plans to despatch alumina to Hindalco’s Mahan aluminium project in Madhya Pradesh.
rTa celebrates weipa jubilee
In December Rio Tinto Alcan (RTA) celebrated 50 years of operation at the Weipa
bauxite mine on Queensland’s western Cape
York Peninsula. Since the first commercial
shipment of bauxite in 1963, Rio has mined
500m tonnes of bauxite from Weipa. Together,
RTA’s Queensland operations – the Yarwun
and QAL refineries in Gladstone, and the
Weipa mine – employ about 3,000 people
and are mainstays of these important regional
communities. The Weipa mine alone employs
more than 1,000 people, and each year it
pays A$150m in salaries and wages as well
as A$70m in taxes and royalties.
antam terminates mining
activities at Kijang
PT Antam has officially terminated its bauxite mining activities at Kijang, Riau Islands,
Indonesia. The mine closure was part of the
company’s commitment to implement good
mining practices. The bauxite mine, named
after Mount Kijang, had been originally managed by a Dutch company since 1935. In
1959, the Indonesian government took over
the Kijang mine and subsequently handed
its management to Antam in 1968. Antam
ceased its bauxite mining operations in Kijang
in September 2009 but continued to conduct
various post mining programmes comprising
reclamation, re-vegetation and corporate social responsibility activities, focusing on environmental management and self-sustaining
local economy.
recycling and secondary smelting
year in a row. Figures from the aluminium
association Abal and the can producers association Abralatas show that about 267,100
tonnes of cans were recycled in 2012 in Brazil. In comparison, the USA recycled 67% of
the cans in the market while Japan recycled
92.5%. In 2011, Brazil had recycled 98.3%
of the cans available in the market.
Atlanta-based Novelis accounted for more
than 70% of all the aluminium cans recycled
in Brazil, corresponding to 13.9bn cans. The
company is currently investing USD35m to
increase its recycling capacity at its plant in
Pindamonhangaba, São Paulo. The target is
to increase the capacity to 390,000 tpy, from
the current 200,000 tpy.
chalco plans to sell stake in nanhai alloy
Aluminium Corp. of China (Chalco) plans
to sell its 60% stake in Chalco Nanhai Alloy
through Shanghai United Assets and Equity
Exchange, for 119.6m yuan (USD19.6m). After the sale, Chalco will still have a 40% stake
in the alloy company. Chalco Nanhai Alloy
was established in 2007 in Foshan of Guangdong province, with an alloy bar capacity of
110,000 tpy.
© Hertwich
rio’s shawinigan casthouse for sale
Japan’s scrap exports on record high
According to data from the Japanese Ministry of Finance, aluminium scrap exports from
the country are likely to reach an new record
high in 2013: scrap exports during the first
nine months of 2013 amounted to 120,000
tonnes, up 24% compared to the year-ago
period. Shipments to South Korea accounted
for nearly 40% of the total exports, a plus by
more than 100%. By contrast, the scrap exports to China fell by nearly 3% during the
nine-month period. Exports had touched a
record high of 148,000 tonnes in 2009.
The weakening yen and the higher recycling capacity in South Korea have boosted
shipments of aluminium scrap from the coun-
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
try. The yen has depreciated by almost 12%
in 2013 against the Korean Won. The demand
for aluminium scrap from the Asian automotive market is expected to grow by an average
of 5% annually over the next five years. Aluminium semis producer Novelis has recently
opened a 265,000 tpy aluminium beverage
can recycling centre in its Yeongju facility in
South Korea.
Brazil remains leader in
aluminium can recycling
Brazil recycled 97.9% of all aluminium cans
consumed in the country in 2012, making it
the top can recycler in the world for the 11th
Rio Tinto Alcan is seeking a buyer for its casthouse in Shawinigan, Quebec, which it plans
to operate until year-end. The aluminium producer is also switching feedstock for the casthouse from liquid metal to cold metal. Therefore, Rio took a maintenance outage at the
Shawinigan casthouse in December to boost
burner capacity at the casthouse furnaces so
that the operation can melt cold metal units,
such as sows, more efficiently. Once the casthouse is operating entirely as a remelter, its
capacity will be slightly less than when it was
receiving liquid metal from the smelter. The
Shawinigan smelter was commissioned in
1942. Buyers may nonetheless be interested
in the casthouse because it makes smalldiameter niche products that fetch higher premiums than standard sizes and alloy grades.
Brussels puts Usd12.6m into
non-ferrous recycling research
The European Commission has announced
€9.37m of funding for three major research
projects into the recycling of NF metals. The
three projects – one in auto shredding, one in
co m pa n y n e w s w o r l d w i d e
aluminium scrap and one in batteries – was
launched in November. The ventures are
funded by the EU’s outgoing seventh framework programme for research and technological development.
One project is called ShredderSort, under
which the EU will spend €3.38m to develop
a new shredder to screen out NF metals from
automobiles during scrapping. Project coordinator will be Lenz Instruments of Cornellá
de Llobregat, Spain. About 8% of shredded
automobile material is NF metal. This is cur-
rently processed by more cumbersome separation methods, including hand sorting. Another project will involve spending €2.4m on
converting post-consumer scrap into low-cost,
low-emissions feedstock for wrought products and high-quality castings. Currently, this
is generally downgraded into de-ox ingot or
low-quality cast products locally, or exported.
The Recycal project will design and manufacture a prototype small industrial-scale high
shear processing system. Project coordinator
is TWI of Cambridge, UK.
© Constellium
aluminium semis
alcoa signs long-term
agreement with airbus
Alcoa has signed a multi-year supply agreement with Airbus worth USD110m for titanium and aluminium aerospace forgings. Alcoa
will produce the parts using its modernised
50,000-ton press in Cleveland, Ohio. The
agreement comprises several large aluminium
forgings for the A330 and A380 – including
the A380 inner rear wing spar, which is the
world’s largest aerospace forging – that will
be made using Alcoa’s proprietary 7085 alloy intended specifically for large structural
aircraft components. Most of these forgings
support the wing structure where strength-toweight ratio is critical to efficient flight performance.
In 2012 the company signed multi-year
supply agreements with Airbus for aluminium
sheet, plate and hard alloy extruded products
utilising Alcoa’s current, advanced-generation and aluminium lithium alloys. The agreements are valued at USD1.4bn.
rio Tinto reduces stake in constellium
rusal to invest in sual-powder
metallurgy modernisation
Rusal plans to modernise the Sual-Powder
Metallurgy (Shelekhov, Russia) plant. The total project investment is estimated to be €4m.
neu im Internet unter
The plant is acquiring a classifier mill Hosokawa Alpine (Germany) to increase production capacity by 30%, as well as launching
a new range of ultra-high quality aluminium
powders. This material is used in construction,
in particular in the production of autoclave
aerocrete. The installation of the new Alpine
equipment at Sual-Powder Metallurgy is part
of a broader modernisation of aluminium
powder production. Assembly works being
carried out at the plant, should be complete
in January this year. The new equipment will
sion press supplying tubes and tubular profiles
to the automotive market.
run at full capacity in August.
Russia and CIS aerocrete industry, the
world’s fastest growing aerocrete market, is
the key consumer of new aluminium powder
to be produced by Sual-Powder Metallurgy.
The consumption of aluminium-based gassing
agents has been growing by 8-12% per year,
with an increasing demand for high-quality agents. With consumption volumes up to
12,000 tonnes, Rusal’s market share will reach
60%. Rusal also exports aluminium powder
to Europe.
sapa closes tubing plant in Belgium
Already in November Sapa announced a potential closure of its Precision Tubing plant
in Seneffe, Belgium. After having conducted
consultations with the employee representatives of Seneffe, the decision to close the
plant has now been confirmed. Precision Tubing’s production in Europe will be concentrated in Tønder, Denmark. Seneffe is expected
to stop production by the end of March. The
plant employs 41 people, and has one extru-
Rio Tinto has trimmed its stake in Constellium NV, selling more than 19.3m shares
worth about USD328.4m. Rio continues to
hold 9.6m shares of Constellium, or a 9.22%
stake in the company. Constellium conducted
an initial public offering in May valued at
USD333m. Alcan Engineered Products, the
former downstream division of Rio Tinto Alcan, was renamed Constellium after being acquired by Apollo Global Management.
The author
The author, Dipl.-Ing. R. P. Pawlek is founder
of TS+C, Technical Info Services and Consulting,
Sierre (Switzerland), a service for the primary
aluminium industry. He is also the publisher
of the standard works Alumina Refineries and
Producers of the World and Primary Aluminium
Smelters and Producers of the World. These
reference works are continually updated, and
contain useful technical and economic information on all alumina refineries and primary
aluminium smelters of the world. They are
available as loose-leaf files and / or CD-ROMs
from Beuth-Verlag GmbH in Berlin.
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
co m pa n y n e w s w o r l d w i d e
Zhongwang plans to raise funds
for Tianjin aluminium project
China’s major extrusion company Zhongwang
plans to raise about 4.23bn yuan (USD690m)
for an aluminium extrusion project in Tianjin. The Hong Kong-listed company intends to
raise the money through share allocation. Already in October 2011 Zhongwang said that it
will invest 3.8bn yuan in the next three years
for the Tianjin project, where it plans to produce high value-added aluminium products
including sheet, plate and foil.
constellium unveils new aluminium
functional surface solutions
Constellium NV has launched two new aluminium solutions for functional surfaces with
highly demanding technical requirements.
‘Staybright’ is a long-lasting, high-gloss aluminium product used in decorative trims for
cars while ‘Helaris’ brings high-grade surfaces
for solar thermal energy collectors to the market.
With Staybright surface solutions, cars can
be washed their entire lifetime without losing
their trim brilliance, and if anodised, require
no additional layer of coating. Through a new
production process, Staybright combines the
brilliance of aluminium with a high-alkaline
resistance increasingly needed for exterior
automotive trims, due to regular washes with
high pH products.
Helaris is a new generation of surfaces for
solar thermal energy collectors. With Helaris,
aluminium can be used instead of copper while
applying the so-called Physical Vapour Deposition process, which combines high productivity and excellent level of quality.
shandong nanshan to invest
Usd240m on die forging project
China’s Shandong Nanshan Aluminium plans
to invest 1.5bn yuan (USD240m) on a die
forging project in Shandong province. The
project aims to produce 14,000 tpy of aluminium alloy forged pieces. The products target
aircraft, transportation, energy and mining
facilities, among others. Nanshan plans to
fund 63% of the investment through bank
loans and the remaining on its own. Project
construction is expected to be completed by
October 2015.
Qatalum paste plant produces
its one millionth anode
Early in December the Qatalum paste plant
produced its one millionth green anode. The
plant has faced many challenges in producing anodes, from the day it started in January
2010. It took almost two months to produce
its first good anode, and several weeks of
commissioning before the plant was able to
run at full 60 tph capacity. Performance tests
and fine tuning took a further 18 months, until
finally the plant was able to produce at the
required throughput and quality. Today, the
paste plant produces at close to 80% uptime
and is continuously improving to reach the
90% uptime target which is considered best
practice in the industry.
energoprom and r&d carbon
cooperate in anode block testing
Energoprom Group and R&D Carbon, Switzerland, have signed an agreement for testing anode block samples produced by OJSC
EPM-Chelyabinsk Electrode Plant. The Quality assessment of two anode block types will
take six months. Following the research, a
report certificate will be issued by R&D Carbon providing product test results.
Energoprom conducts business on a global scale, and exports more than 50% of its
output. The group ranks among the top five
world manufacturers of carbon and graphite
products. The company incorporates three
plants specialising in the manufacture of highquality electrode and cathode products in Novocherkassk, Novosibirsk and Chelyabinsk.
© innovatherm
alcoa orders aluminium cold
rolling mill from sms siemag
new contracts for innovatherm
innovatherm from Germany, a leading supplier of firing and process control systems for
anode baking furnaces, signed three new contracts in December, namely:
• with Alcoa Intalco, WA, for the supply of
the ProBake firing technology for three
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
fires. The start-up is planned for June
• with Carbone Savoie in Venissieux for
the supply of firing systems for the
cathode baking furnaces.
• for the supply of a new firing system at
ETI, Sedishir, Turkey, for the new prebake
smelter plant.
Alcoa has placed an order with SMS Siemag,
Germany, for the supply of an ultra-modern
X-Roll cold rolling mill for the Alcoa Tennessee plant outside Knoxville. The new rolling
mill is to satisfy the strongly increasing demand for lightweight, durable aluminium in
the automotive market. Alcoa has assigned
SMS Siemag as key equipment supplier for
the Tennessee expansion.
In addition to the mechanical equipment
complete with media systems, the new cold
mill will be equipped with the SMS X-Pact
electrical and automation systems, including
the associated actuating and control systems.
This will make it possible to meet the automotive industry’s exacting requirements on sur-
co m pa n y n e w s w o r l d w i d e
face quality. SMS will supply comprehensive
environmental technology engineering for
the purification of air and fluids. The supply
scope also includes a Multi-Plate filter for rolling oil cleaning and an Airwash system for
exhaust air purification.
indalum orders extrusion
press from sms meer
The Indalum group in Santiago de Chile has
ordered from SMS Meer a short-stroke frontloading extrusion press with a press force of
32/35 MN. The extrusion press will process
aluminium billets up to a length of 1,500 mm.
To achieve the high productivity, the press is
additionally equipped with Cadex optimisation software for isobaric and isothermal extrusion.
The intelligent start / stop function for the
hydraulic main drives ensures energy-efficient production and is currently setting new
standards on the market. The conventional
hydraulic drives such as side table and billet
loader have been replaced by modern servo
drives. To ensure optimal discard shearing, the
press is also equipped with an advanced servoelectrical, movable high-performance shear.
Container and stem guidance are based on
the tried-and-tested linear guide system patented by SMS Meer, which sets new standards
as regards precision and longevity.
“We were convinced by the innovations
and permanent further development of the
extrusion presses from SMS Meer. The company’s extrusion press technology will not
only increase our productivity and quality but
also provides us with access to new sales markets. We are proud that we will be operating
the largest light-metal extrusion press in Chile
in the future,” says Indalum CEO José Ramón
energoprom delivers prebaked anodes to azerbaijan
Energoprom Group has started the supply of
anode products for Det.Al Holding, Azerbaijan. The company will cover 50% of Det.Al’s
demand for pre-baked anodes. “A contract
on the move
Hydro President and CEO Svein Richard
Brandtzæg has been appointed chairman of the
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
in Trondheim.
The executive responsibilities of Glencore
Xstrata’s Peter Coates have ceased since 1 January 2014, but he will remain on the board as a
non-executive director.
Rio Tinto has appointed Greg Lilleyman the
new group executive, Technology and Innovation, as Preston Chiaro will retire at the end of
March. Mr. Lilleyman’s appointment has been
effective since 1 January 2014.
Alcoa has hired James Garren as used beverage can manager and scrap purchasing and sales
manager of its recycling division.
Alcoa chairman and CEO Klaus Kleinfeld
has been named to China’s Global CEO Council.
Aleris has appointed Donald T. Misheff to
its board of directors and as a member of the
board’s audit committee.
Nenad Pavic, Alcoa’s commercial director
Asia, will relocate to Perth from Singapore in
2014 to take on the role of general manager, Alcoa Materials Management. In his new role, he
will be in charge of the sales and marketing of
primary products and administration and transportation activities in the Asia-Pacific region.
The new management board of SGL Carbon
SE consists of three members: Jürgen Köhler
(CEO), Jürgen Muth (CFO) and Gerd Wingefeld.
Alumina Ltd CEO John Bevan retired in
December; he was replaced by director Peter
Said Mohammed al Masoudi has been appointed the new CEO of Sohar Aluminium.
Shri K.C. Samal has assumed the office of
director Finance at Nalco. Prior to this assignment, he was executive director (Finance) of the
with Det.Al opens wide prospects for cooperation, especially in light of the company’s
plans to build the second production line with
a capacity of 50,000 tpy of primary aluminium,” said Natalya Yaremenko, sales director
of Energoprom. In view of the difficult market
environment and closure of potlines in Russia,
Energoprom is expanding its business to new
sales regions.
Det.Al Holding operates in the mining and
processing of iron ore, and produces alumina
and primary aluminium. OJSC Azerbaijan
Aluminium, a subsidiary of Det.Al, consists
of Sumgait Aluminium Smelter, which produces 60,000 tpy of primary aluminium, and
Ganja Alumina Refinery, which produces
450,000 tpy of metallurgical grade alumina.
Det.Al Aluminium LLC in Ganja produces
50,000 tpy of aluminium. In 2014 the company will complete a second production line
thus doubling its production capacity.
multi-wheeler dcy 200 arrives
at Qatalum for pot relining
Qatalum has acquired a 200-tonne capacity,
self-elevating multi-wheeler vehicle (DCY200)
which will transport cathodes and pot superstructures in and out of potrooms during relining. One of the major requirements for the
operation of the relining facility is a transporter to load, transport and unload the damaged and the newly repaired cathode pots
and superstructures from potlines to the relining facility located north of the potlines.
DCY200 was supplied by Rumaillah Motors Qatar and manufactured by Suzhao Dafang Special Vehicle Company in China. The
equipment was designed and manufactured
according to Qatalum specifications to precisely fit with potline operating conditions.
DCY200 arrived at Qatalum in October last
year and has been tested and approved for
magnetic field operability in the potroom.
Qatalum technical / engineering and operation / maintenance team had been sent to
China to carry out the FAT in order to verify
that the equipment satisfies Qatalum’s specifications for both design and functionality.
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ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
paT e n T e
patentblatt oktober 2013
Fortsetzung aus ALUMINIUM 12/2013
Kolben für einen Verbrennungsmotor. Mahle
International GmbH, 70376 Stuttgart, DE. (F02F
3/10, EPA 2638273, WO 2012/062286, EP-AT:
11.11.2011, WO-AT: 11.11.2011)
Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Aluminiumkolbens. Mahle International GmbH, 70376 Stuttgart, DE. (B23K 31/00, OS 10 2012 204 947, AT:
Kolben für eine Brennkraftmaschine. Mahle International GmbH, 70376 Stuttgart, DE. (F02F
3/16, OS 10 2012 206 392, AT: 18.04.2012)
Gießkern zur Bildung eines Kühlkanals in
einem gießtechnisch hergestellten Kolben.
Mahle International GmbH, 70376 Stuttgart, DE.
(B22C 9/10, PS 50 2008 008 308, EP 2142323,
WO 2008/131754, AT: 25.04.2008, EP-AT:
25.04.2008, WO-AT: 25.04.2008)
Constellium France, Paris, FR. (B32B 15/08, EP
1 545 871, WO 2004/028798, AT: 19.09.2003,
EP-AT: 19.09.2003, WO-AT: 19.09.2003)
Sequenzgießen von Metallen mit hohen Kontraktionskoeffizienten. Novelis, Inc., Toronto,
Ontario, CA. (B22D 11/00, EP 2 007 535, WO 2007/
098583, AT: 28.02.2007, EP-AT: 28.02.2007,
WO-AT: 28.02.2007)
Vorrichtung und Verfahren zum Horizontalgießen und Schneiden von Metallknüppeln.
Novelis, Inc., Toronto, Ontario, CA. (B22D
11/126, PS 60 2004 039 325, EP 1704006, WO
2005/056217, AT: 09.12.2004, EP-AT: 09.12.
2004,WO-AT: 09.12.2004)
Aluminiumlegierungsdraht für Bolzen, Bolzen
und Verfahren zu deren Erzeugung. Sumitomo
Electric Industries, Ltd., Osaka, JP; Sumitomo
Electric Toyama Co., Ltd., Imizu-shi, Toyama,
JP. (C22C 21/02, WO 2013 073575, AT: 14.11.
2012, WO-AT: 14.11.2012)
Aluminiumstruktur und Verfahren zu deren
Erzeugung. Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.,
Osaka, JP. (C25D 7/00, WO 2012 096220, AT:
06.01.2012, WO-AT: 06.01.2012)
Verfahren zur Herstellung von Magnesiumlegierungsprodukten. Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd., Osaka, JP. (B22D 21/04, EP 1 777
022, WO 2006/003899, AT: 28.06.2005, EP-AT:
28.06.2005, WO-AT: 28.06.2005)
patentblatt november 2013
Elektrolysezelle, insb. zur Herstellung von Aluminium. SGL Carbon SE, 65201 Wiesbaden, DE.
(C25C 3/08, EPA 2650404, EP-AT: 12.04.2012,
WO-AT: 12.04.2012)
Regenschutzschiene ohne Endkappen. Gutmann AG, 91781 Weißenburg, DE. (E06B 7/26,
GM 20 2004 004 648, AT: 24.03.2004)
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
Yttrium-Aluminium-Granat-Phosphor. Panasonic Corp., Osaka 571-8501, JP. (C09K 11/80,
EPA 2647689, WO 2013/118199, EP-AT:
04.07.2012, WO-AT: 04.07.2012)
Al-Si-Mg-Zn-Cu-Legierung für Gussteile für Luftund Raumfahrt und Kraftfahrzeuge. Alcoa
Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa., US. (C22C 21/02, EP 1 778
887, WO 2006/014948, AT: 28.07.2005, EP-AT:
28.07.2005, WO-AT: 28.07.2005)
Verfahren zum Herstellen einer Al-Sc-Ca-Legierung sowie A-Sc-Ca-Legierung. EADS Deutschland GmbH, 85521 Ottobrunn, DE. (C22C
21/00, EPA 2646587, WO 2012/075993, EP-AT:
30.11.2011, WO-AT: 30.11.2011)
Feuerverzinktes, plattiertes Stahlblech auf AlZn-Basis. JFE Steel Corp., Tokio, 100-0011, JP.
(C23C 2/06, EPA 2644737, WO 2012/070695,
EP-AT: 25.11.2011, WO-AT: 25.11.2011)
Feuerverzinktes, plattiertes Stahlblech auf
Al-Zn-Basis und Herstellungsverfahren dafür.
JFE Steel Corp., Tokio, 100-0011, JP. (C23C
2/06, EPA 2644736, WO 2012/070694, EP-AT:
25.11.2011, WO-AT: 25.11.2011)
Fenster- und/oder Türflügelelement bestehend
aus thermisch getrennten Aluminium-Hohlkammerprofilen mit eingefassten Glasscheiben. heroal – Johann Henkenjohann GmbH & Co.
KG, 33415 Verl, DE. (E06B 3/42, GM 20 2010
008 622, AT: 24.09.2010)
Aluminium-Gusslegierungen. KSM Castings
Group GmbH, 31137 Hildesheim, DE. (C22C
21/02, PS 50 2006 012 107, EP 1917372,
WO 2007/025528, AT: 30.08.2006, EP-AT:
30.08.2006, WO-AT: 30.08.2006)
Metallorganische Gerüstmaterialien mit hexagonal-trigonaler Struktur, basierend auf Aluminium, Eisen oder Chrom, sowie einer Dicarbonsäure. BASF SE, 67063 Ludwigshafen, DE.
(B01J 31/22, PS 50 2008 008 423, EP 2155390,
WO 2008/129051, AT: 23.04.2008, EP-AT:
23.04.2008, WO-AT: 23.04.2008)
Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Schmiedestücks aus einer Gamma-Titan-AluminiumBasislegierung. Boehler Schmiedetechnik GmbH
& Co. KG, Kapfenberg, AT. (C22C 14/00, EP
2 272 993, AT: 19.05.2010, EP-AT: 19.05.2010)
Bruchsicheres Glas aus Erdalkali-AluminiumBorosilikat. Corning Incorp., Corning, New
York 14831, US. (C03C 3/091, EPA 2646379,
WO 2012/074954, EP-AT: 29.11.2011, WO-AT:
Verbesserte geschützte Silberbeschichtungen
auf Aluminium für einen optischen Spiegel und
Herstellungsverfahren dafür. Corning Incorp.,
Corning, New York 14831, US. (C23C 14/06,
EPA 2640864, WO 2012/067924, EP-AT: 10.11.
2011, WO-AT: 10.11.2011)
Verfahren zur Inertisierung von metallischem
Aluminium und anderen unedlen metallischen
Phasen. Andritz Energy & Environment GmbH,
8074 Raaba, AT. (B09B 3/00, EPA 2650058, EPAT: 05.04.2013, WO-AT: 05.04.2013)
Bindung von Perfluorelastomeren an Aluminium. E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, Del., US. (B29C 43/18, PS 60 2006 032 514,
EP 1855864, WO 2006/099235, AT: 09.03.2006,
EP-AT: 09.03.2006,WO-AT: 09.03.2006)
Verfahren zur Extraktion von Aluminium aus
Aluminiumerzen. Orbite Aluminae Inc., SaintLaurent, Québec H4T 1S3, CA. (C22B 21/00,
EPA 2640862, WO 2012/065253, EP-AT: 18.11.
2011, WO-AT: 18.11.2011)
Verbesserte Flussmittelmodifizierung für geschmolzenes Aluminium. Foseco International
Ltd., Barlborough Links, Derbyshire, GB. (C22C
1/02, EP 2 231 887, WO 2009/081157, AT: 22.12.
2008, EP-AT: 22.12.2008, WO-AT: 22.12.2008)
Beschlag für einen Aluminium-Fensterladen.
Griesser Holding AG, Aadorf, Thurgau, CH.
(E05D 5/02, OS 503 00 844, EP 1382784, AT:
21.06.2003, EP-AT: 21.06.2003)
Vorbereitungsverfahren vor dem Schweißen
von Produkten aus Lithium-Aluminium-Legierung. Constellium France, Paris, FR. (B23K
25/42, PS 60 2009 010 915, EP 2321436, WO
2010/004132, AT: 03.07.2009, EP-AT: 03.07.
2009, WO-AT: 03.07.2009)
Al-Mg-Legierung und Herstellungsverfahren
dafür. Korea Automotive Technology Institute,
Cheonan-si, Chungcheongnam-do 330-912, KR.
(C22C 21/06, EPA 2644726, WO 2012/070818,
EP-AT: 21.11.2011, WO-AT: 21.11.2011)
BMW AG, 80809 München, DE. (C22C 21/02,
OS 10 2006 059 899, AT: 19.12.2006)
Verfahren zum Verbinden von Bauteilen aus
hochfestem Aluminiummaterial und nach diesem Verfahren montierter Wärmeübertrager.
Halla Visteon Climate Control Corp. 95, Daejeon,
Daedeok, KR. (B23K 1/20, OS 10 2007 022 632,
AT: 11.05.2007)
Montageplatte aus Aluminium für Wärme erzeugende Elemente. RBB Aluminium Profiltechnik AG, 54531 Wallscheid, DE. (H01L 31/052, OS
10 2011 113 677, AT: 20.09.2011)
Hitzebeständige und hochfeste Aluminiumlegierung und Verfahren zu ihrer Herstellung.
Kabushiki Kaisha Toyota Chuo Kenkyusho, Nagakute-shi, Aichi 480-1192, JP. (C22C 1/04, EPA
2646585, WO 2012/132280, EP-AT: 13.03.2012,
WO-AT: 13.03.2012)
Verfahren zur dynamischen Tiefätzung und
Partikelextraktion aus Aluminiumlegierungen.
Univerza V Mariboru, Maribor, SI. (C23F 1/00, EP
2 458 033, AT: 04.10.2011, EP-AT: 04.10.2011)
Herstellungsverfahren einer Mg-Sc-Vorlegierung und Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Aluminiumlegierung, die Scandium enthält. Korea
Institute of Industrial Technology, Cheonan-si,
Chungcheongnam-do, KR. (C22C 1/03, OS 60
2009 017 779, EP 2298944, AT: 30.09.2009,
EP-AT: 30.09.2009)
paT e n T e
Herstellungsverfahren für Aluminiumlegierung. Korea Institute of Industrial Technology,
Cheonan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, KR. (C22C
1/03, EP 2 339 037, AT: 22.11.2010, EP-AT:
Verbundwerkstoff mit Korrosionsschutzschicht und Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung.
Hydro Aluminium Deutschland GmbH, 41515
Grevenbroich, DE. (B32B 15/01, EP 2 090 425,
AT: 18.01.2008, EP-AT: 18.01.2008)
Verfahren zum Fügen von Werkstücken aus
zinkhaltigen Aluminiumlegierungen durch Laserstrahlschweißen. Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Zentrum für Material- und Küstenforschung
GmbH, 21502 Geesthacht, DE. (B23K 26/26,
EPA EP 2647465, EP-AT: 02.04.2012, WO-AT:
Verfahren zur elektrischen Verbindung und
magnetischen Kompensation von Aluminiumreduktionszellen und System dafür. Norsk
Hydro ASA, Oslo, NO. (C25C 3/16, EP 1 812
626, WO 2006/033578, AT: 16.09.2005, EP-AT:
16.09.2005, WO-AT: 16.09.2005)
strukturelles Teil aus Mg-Legierung und Verfahren zur Erzeugung eines gewalzten Mg-Legierungsmaterials. Sumitomo Electric Industries,
Ltd., Osaka, JP. (B21B 3/00, WO 2012/ 111632,
AT: 13.02.2012, WO-AT: 13.02.2012)
Hochleistungs-Presssitz-Befestigungsvorrichtung für Verbundstoffanwendungen. Alcoa
Global Fasteners Inc., Torrance, Calif., US. (F16B
23/00, GM 20 2007 019 163, AT: 19.09.2007)
Verfahren zur Rezyklierung von Aluminiumschrott aus der Luftfahrtindustrie. Constellium
France, Paris, FR. (C22B 21/06, PS 60 2007
026 165, EP 2038440, WO 2007/147962, AT:
18.06.2007, EP-AT: 18.06.2007, WO-AT:
Verbinder, Werkzeug zur Montage und Verwendung eines Verbinders. Norsk Hydro ASA,
0240 Oslo, NO. (E04B 2/96, EPA 2642040, EPAT: 18.03.2013, WO-AT: 18.03.2013)
Texturierte Stromableiterfolie. Hydro Aluminium Rolled Products GmbH, 41515 Grevenbroich,
DE. (H01M 4/64, OS 10 2012 103 834, AT:
Wärmegedämmtes Verbundprofil, insb. für
Fenster, Türen, Fassaden und dergleichen.
Norsk Hydro A/S, Oslo, NO. (E06B 3/263, PS
501 14 114, EP 1170454, AT: 23.05.2001, EPAT: 23.05.2001) sowie (E06B 3/263, EP 1 997
998, AT: 29.05.2008, EP-AT: 29.05.2008)
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Anordnung zur Reinigung eines Röhrentrenners. Norsk Hydro ASA, Oslo, NO. (B01D
17/00, PS 60 2006 032 644, EP 1861581, WO
2006/098636, AT: 15.03.2006, EP-AT: 15.03.
2006, WO-AT: 15.03.2006)
Kontaktierung und Befestigung eines Bauteils,
Klebkontaktierung. WKW Erbslöh Automotive
GmbH, 42349 Wuppertal, DE. (F16B 11/00, GM
20 2013 005 800, AT: 28.06.2013)
Kolben für einen Verbrennungsmotor und Verfahren zu seiner Herstellung. Mahle International GmbH, 70376 Stuttgart, DE. (F02F 3/00, OS
10 2006 045 729, AT: 27.09.2006)
Kolben für einen Verbrennungsmotor. Mahle
International GmbH, 70376 Stuttgart, DE. (F02F
3/18, OS 10 2012 008 945, AT: 05.05.2012) und
(F02F 3/00, OS 10 2012 008 946, AT: 05.05.
2012) sowie (F02F 3/12, OS 10 2012 009 029,
AT: 05.05.2012)
Gießkern zur Bildung eines Kühlkanals. Mahle
International GmbH, 70376 Stuttgart, DE. B22C
9/10, PS 50 2009 005 085, EP 2113319, AT:
11.04.2009, EP-AT: 11.04.2009)
Verbundrohre. Novelis, Inc., Toronto, Ontario, CA. (B32B 1/08, PS 60 2009 003 637, EP
2293929, WO 2009/146993, AT: 07.05.2009,
EP-AT: 07.05.2009, WO-AT: 07.05.2009)
Magnesiumlegierungsfolie und Herstellungsverfahren dafür. Sumitomo Electric Industries,
Ltd., Chuo-ku Osaka-shi 541-0041, JP. (C22C
23/02, EPA 2641986, WO 2012/066986, EP-AT:
08.11.2011, WO-AT: 08.11.2011)
Poröser Aluminiumkörper mit dreidimensionalem Netzwerk für einen Stromsammler, Stromsammler, der den porösen Aluminiumkörper
verwendet. Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.,
Osaka, JP; Sumitomo Electric Toyama Co., Ltd.,
Imizu-shi, Toyama, JP. (H01M 4/80, WO 2012
111605, AT: 13.02.2012, WO-AT: 13.02.2012)
Aluminiumgusslegierung mit hoher Steifigkeit
und kleinem, linearem Ausdehnungskoeffizienten. Nippon Light Metal Co. Ltd., Tokio, JP.
(C22C 21/02, EP 1 728 882, WO 2005/090624,
AT: 23.03.2005, EP-AT: 23.03.2005, WO-AT:
Aluminiumlegierungsdraht und verdrillter Aluminiumlegierungsdraht, isolierter Elektrodraht
und Kabelbaum damit. Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd., Osaka 541-0041, JP; AutoNetworks
Technologies, Ltd., Yokkaichi-shi, Mie 510-8503,
JP; Sumitomo Wiring Systems, Ltd., Yokkaichi-shi
Mie 510-8503, JP. (C22C 21/08, EPA 2641985,
WO 2012/141041, EP-AT: 03.04.2012, WO-AT:
Verfahren zur Herstellung von Aluminiumnitridkristall, Aluminiumnitridkristall, Aluminiumnitridkristallsubstrat und Halbleiterbauelement. Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.,
Osaka, JP. (C30B 29/38, EP 1 972 702, WO
2007/080881, AT: 10.01.2007, EP-AT: 10.01.
2007, WO-AT: 10.01.2007)
Montagefreundliche Halteleiste. Erbslöh AG,
42553 Velbert, DE. (F16B 5/12, GM 20 2010 005
776, AT: 16.04.2010)
Feuerfestmaterial für Düse zur Verwendung
im Stranggießen und Stranggussdüse. Krosakiharima Corp., Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka, JP;
Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp., Tokio, JP.
(B22D 11/10, EP 2 322 300, WO 2010/013686,
AT: 27.07.2009, EP-AT: 27.07.2009, WO-AT:
Leichtmetallguss und Herstellungsverfahren
dafür. Nippon Light Metal Co. Ltd., Tokio, JP;
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, JP. (C22C 21/02, EP 2 475 794, WO 2011/
030500, AT: 27.07.2010, EP-AT: 27.07.2010)
patentblatt dezember 2013
Druckgusslegierung auf Al-Si-Basis, aufweisend insb. Sekundäraluminium. Audi AG,
85045 Ingolstadt, DE; Amag casting GmbH, 5282
Ranshofen, AT. (C22C 21/02, EPA 2657360, EPAT: 26.04.2012, WO-AT: 26.04.2012)
Mehrschichtig strukturiertes, legierungsplattiertes Stahlblech mit einer Al-/Al-Mg-Plattierungsschicht mit hervorragender Plattierungshaftung und Korrosionsresistenz sowie Herstellungsverfahren dafür. Posco, Pohang Kyungsangbook-do 790-300, KR. (C23C 2/12, EPA
2659018, WO 2012/091345, EP-AT: 20.12.2011,
WO-AT: 20.12.2011)
Verfahren zur Herstellung einer geformten
Platte aus einer Al-Legierung für die Luftfahrt. Aleris Aluminum Koblenz GmbH, 56070
Koblenz, DE. (C22C 21/06, EPA 2652162, WO
2012/079828, EP-AT: 28.10.2011, WO-AT:
Bi-Al-Zn-basierte, Pb-freie Lotlegierung. Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd., Tokio, JP. (B23K
35/26, OS 11 2011 102 028, WO 2011/158668,
AT: 03.06.2011, WO-AT: 03.06.2011)
Al-Legierungsblech, das nach Anodisierung
eine hervorragende Oberflächenqualität aufweist, und Verfahren zur Herstellung davon.
Sumitomo Light Metal Industries, Ltd., Minato-ku,
Tokio 105-8601, JP. (C22C 21/00, EPA 2653577,
EP-AT: 11.04.2013, WO-AT: 11.04.2013)
Produkt aus einer Magnesiumlegierung. Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd., Osaka, JP. (B21B
1/16, PS 60 2005 037 135, EP 2168695, AT:
23.06.2005, EP-AT: 23.06.2005)
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
paT e n T e
Aluminiumlegierung. Georg Fischer Druckguss
GmbH & Co. KG, 3130 Herzogenburg, AT; Georg
Fischer GmbH & Co KG, 8934 Altenmarkt, St.
Gallen, AT. (C22C 21/02, EPA 2653579, EP-AT:
17.04.2012, WO-AT: 17.04.2012)
Verfahren zur Entfernung von Aluminium und
anderen Metallchloriden aus Chlorsilanen. Lord
Ltd LP, San Diego, Calif., US. (C01B 33/107, EP
2 262 729, WO 2009/126218, AT: 31.03.2009,
EP-AT: 31.03.2009, WO-AT: 31.03.2009)
Für Hochspannungsfreileitungen verstärkter
leitfähiger Aluminiumlegierungsverbundstoff.
Alcan Products Corp., Atlanta, GA 30346-2133,
US. (H01B 1/02, EPA 2661754, WO 2012/094504,
EP-AT: 05.01.2012, WO-AT: 05.01.2012)
Al-Cu-Li-Legierung mit verbesserter Druckfestigkeit und Beständigkeit. Constellium France,
75008 Paris, FR. (C22C 21/12, EPA 2655680,
WO 2012/085359, EP-AT: 16.12.2011, WO-AT:
Gesintertes Aluminium- und Zirkon-Material.
Saint-Gobain Centre de Recherches et d© Etudes
Européen, Courbevoie, FR. (C04B 35/626, EP 2
438 029, WO 2010/140121, AT: 01.06.2010, EPAT: 01.06.2010)
Hülsenbefestigungselement mit verbesserter
Leitfähigkeit. Alcoa Inc., Pittsburgh, US. (F16B
25/06, GM 20 2010 017 260, AT: 20.10.2010)
Verfahren zur Herstellung von einer Anodenfolie eines Aluminium-Elektrolytkondensators.
Xinjiang Joinworld Co. Ltd., Urumqi, Xinjiang
830013, CN. (H01G 9/055, EPA 2660837, WO
2012/088700, EP-AT: 30.12.2010, WO-AT:
Vorrichtung zur Aufnahme von fester Debris
bei einer Elektrolysezelle zur Herstellung von
Aluminium. ECL, Ronchin, FR. (C25C 3/06, EP
2 510 136, WO 2011/070245, AT: 07.12.2010,
EP-AT: 07.12.2010)
Verfahren zur Herstellung von dünnwandigen, rotationssymmetrischen Bauteilen aus
Aluminium oder Aluminiumlegierung. Magna
BDW technologies GmbH, 85570 Markt Schwaben, DE. (B23P 13/00, PS 10 2011 056 942, AT:
Nickel-Chrom-Aluminium-Legierung mit guter
Verarbeitbarkeit, Kriechfestigkeit und Korrosionsbeständigkeit. Outokumpu VDM GmbH,
58791 Werdohl, DE. (C22C 19/05, OS 10 2012
011 161, AT: 05.06.2012)
Aluminiumschnalle für Tragegurte. Stührmann,
Jan-Marc, 28211 Bremen, DE. (A44B 11/04, GM
20 2005 016 661, AT: 21.10.2005)
Heißversiegelungsmasse für Aluminium- und
Polyethylenterephthalatfolien gegen Polyvinylchlorid- und Polystyrolbehälter. Evonik Röhm
GmbH, 64293 Darmstadt, DE. (C08L 51/08, EP 2
495 282, AT: 19.12.2006, EP-AT: 19.12.2006)
Vorrichtung und Verfahren zum Verbinden
von inerten Anoden zur Herstellung von Aluminium durch Schmelzflusselektrolyse. Aluminium Pechiney, Voreppe, FR. (C25 3/12, PS 60
2004 039 987, EP 1678349, WO 2005/033368,
AT: 28.09.2004, EP-AT: 28.09.2004, WO-AT:
Schmiedekolben aus Aluminiumlegierung.
Constellium Aviatube, Carquefou, FR. (C22C
21/02, GM 20 2005 014 834, AT: 20.09.2005)
Wässrige saure Eintauchmetallabscheidungslösungen und Verfahren zur Metallabscheidung auf Aluminium und Al-Legierungen.
Atotech Deutschland GmbH, 10553 Berlin, DE.
(C255D 5/44, EP 1 649 083, WO 2005/010233,
AT: 14.04.2004, EP-AT: 14.04.2004, WO-AT:
Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur carbothermischen Produktion von Aluminium. Alcoa Inc.,
Pittsburg, Pa., US. (F27B 3/18, EP 2 225 404,
WO 2009/073381, AT: 20.11.2008, EP-AT:
20.11.2008, WO-AT: 20.11.2008)
Mehrschichtige laminierte Folie für Verpackungen. Alcan Packaging Italia Srl, Lugo di Vicenza, IT. (B32B 3/10, GM 20 2005 022 042, AT:
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
Endloskapillarrohr in Aluminiumlegierung und
Drosselventil mit diesem Endloskapillarrohr in
Al-Legierung. Aro Tubi Trafilerie S.p.A., Milano, IT; C.R. S.r.l., Moniga Del Garda, IT. (F25B
41/06, EP 1 840 487, AT: 31.03.2006, EP-AT:
Rekristallisierte Aluminiumlegierungen mit
Messingtextur und Herstellungsverfahren dafür. Alcoa Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa., US. (C22C 21/00,
EP 2 212 444, WO 2009/045645, AT: 14.08.
2008, EP-AT: 14.08.2008, WO-AT: 14.08.2008)
Verfahren zur Herstellung von diorganomagnesiumhaltigen Synthesemitteln und hochreaktivem Magnesium. Chemetall GmbH, 60487
Frankfurt, DE. (C07F 3/02, OS 10 2006 049 463,
AT: 16.10.2006)
Verfahren zur Herstellung von Blechen oder
Blechteilen aus Leichtmetall, sowie Kraftfahrzeugbauteil aus Magnesium oder einer Magnesiumlegierung. Volkswagen AG, 38440 Wolfsburg, DE. (B21C 35/03, OS 10 2007 002 322, AT:
Dicke Produkte aus 7xxx-Legierung und Herstellungsverfahren. Constellium France, 75008
Paris, FR; Constellium Valais SA (AG, Ltd),
3960 Sierre, CH. (C22C 21/10, EPA 2652163,
WO 2012/080592, EP-AT: 06.12.2011, WO-AT:
Automobilkonstruktionsteil, das aus einem
AlZnMgCu-Legierungsprodukt hergestellt ist,
und Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung. Aleris
Aluminum Duffel BVBA, Duffel, BE; Aleris Rolled Products Germany GmbH, 56070 Koblenz, DE.
(C22C 21/10, EP 2 440 680, WO 2010/142579,
AT: 01.06.2010, EP-AT: 01.06.2010)
Legierungen der 2000er-Serie mit verbesserter
Schadenstoleranzleistung für Luft- und Raumfahrtanwendungen. Alcoa Inc., Pittsburgh,
Pa., US. (C22C 21/14, PS 60 2005 037 508, EP
1776486, WO 2006/019946, AT: 14.07.2005,
EP-AT: 14.07.2005, WO-AT: 14.07.2005)
Abstützelement zur Abstützung eines Bauelements, damit ausgerüstetes Bauelementsystem sowie dieses enthaltendes Fassadensystem. Aleris Aluminum Vogt GmbH, 88267
Vogt, DE. (E06B 1/70, GM 20 2010 017 078, AT:
Korrosionsbeständige Aluminiumlegierungssubstrate und Herstellungsverfahren. Alcoa
Inc., Pittsburgh, US. (C25D 11/08, PS 60 2008 020
144, EP 2198075, WO 2009/032567, AT: 22.08.
2008, EP-AT: 22.08.2008, WO-AT: 22.08.2008)
Verfahren zur Koextrusion von Metallprodukten und Matrize zur Durchführung des
Verfahrens. Aleris Aluminum Bitterfeld GmbH,
06749 Bitterfeld, DE. (B21C 23/22, PS 60 2009
011 489, EP 2289641, AT: 24.08.2009, EP-AT:
Verfahren zum Bearbeiten von Knüppeln
und Brammen. Aleris Rolled Products Germany GmbH, 56070 Koblenz, DE. (B21B 1/02, OS
602 31 720, EP 1420895, WO 2003/022469,
AT: 16.08.2002, EP-AT: 16.08.2002, WO-AT:
Aluminium zu verbindende Legierung aus einer Nickel-Magnesium Legierung. Neomax Materials Co., Ltd., Suita-shi Osaka 564-0043, JP.
(B23K 35/30, EPA 2662179, EP-AT: 25.10.2010,
WO-AT: 25.10.2010)
Aluminiumverbundwerkstoff für das flussmittelfreie Löten. Hydro Aluminium Rolled Products GmbH, 41515 Grevenbroich, DE. (B32B
15/01, EPA 2660043, EP-AT: 04.05.2012, WOAT: 04.05.2012)
Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Absorberblechs für Sonnenkollektoren. Hydro Aluminium Rolled Products GmbH, 41515 Grevenbroich, DE. (F24J 2/48, OS 50 2007 012 022, EPA
2054676, WO 2008/023054, AT: 24.08.2007,
EP-AT: 24.08.2007, WO-AT: 24.08.2007)
Verfahren und Einrichtung zum Verdichten
von Materialien. Norsk Hydro ASA, Oslo, NO.
(B28B 3/02, PS 603 14 846, EP 1476288, WO
2003/068468, AT: 07.02.2003, EP-AT: 07.02.
2003, WO-AT: 07.02.2003)
Wärmetauscher, insb. zur Anwendung bei
Kühlmöbeln. Erbslöh Aluminium GmbH, 42553
Velbert, DE. (F28F 13/06, GM 20 2010 014 956,
AT: 30.10.2010)
System zur wetterseitigen Verkleidung von
Blend- und Flügelrahmen. Gutmann AG, 91781
Weißenburg, DE. (E06B 3/30, GM 20 2007 014
137, AT: 09.10.2007)
Kolben für einen Verbrennungsmotor und
Verfahren zu seiner Herstellung. Mahle International GmbH, 70376 Stuttgart, DE. (F02F 3/18,
EPA 2652302, WO 2012/079566, EP-AT: 15.12.
2011, WO-AT: 15.12.2011)
Fortsetzung in ALUMINIUM 2/2014
Smelting technology
 Anode Technology &
Mixing Equipment
1.1 raw materials
1.2 Storage facilities for smelting
Lagermöglichkeiten in der Hütte
1.3 Anode production
1.4 Anode rodding
1.4.1 Anode baking
1.4.2 Anode clearing
1.4.3 Fixing of new anodes to the
anodes bars
Befestigen von neuen Anoden
an der Anodenstange
Casthouse (foundry)
Casting machines
Current supply
Electrolysis cell (pot)
Emptying the cathode shell
Cathode repair shop
Second-hand plant
Aluminium alloys
Storage and transport
Lager und Transport
refractory products
Protective Clothing
Buss chemtech AG, Switzerland
+4161 825 64 62
Internet: www.buss-ct.com
 Auto firing systems
Automatische Feuerungssysteme
riedHAMMer GmbH
D-90411 nürnberg
Phone: +49 (0) 911 5218 0, Fax: -5218 231
E-Mail: thomas.janousch@riedhammer.de
Internet: www.riedhammer.de
 Hydraulic presses for prebaked
anodes / Hydraulische Pressen zur
Herstellung von Anoden
LAeiS GmbH
Am Scheerleck 7, L-6868 wecker, Luxembourg
+352 27612 0
+352 27612 109
E-Mail: info@laeis-gmbh.com
Internet: www.laeis-gmbh.com
Contact: Dr. Alfred Kaiser
 Mixing Technology for
Anode pastes
1.2 Storage facilities for
Lagermöglichkeiten i.d. Hütte
FLSmidth MöLLer GmbH
Haderslebener Straße 7
D-25421 Pinneberg
Telefon: 04101 788-0
Telefax: 04101 788-115
E-Mail: moeller@flsmidth.com
Internet: www.flsmidthmoeller.com
Kontakt: Herr Dipl.-Ing. Timo Letz
Paul Hedfeld GmbH
Hundeicker Str. 20
D-58285 Gevelsberg
Phone: +49 (0) 2332 6371
E-mail: verkauf@hedfeld.com
Internet: www.hedfeld.com
 Unloading/Loading equipment
FLSmidth MöLLer GmbH
see Storage facilities for smelting 1.2
Bulk materials Handling from Ship to Cell
ALuMinA And Pet coke SHiPunLoAderS
Contact: Andreas Haeuser, ha@neuero.de
Solios carbone – France
 Conveying systems bulk materials
Förderanlagen für Schüttgüter
FLSmidth MöLLer GmbH
Internet: www.flsmidthmoeller.com
see Storage facilities for smelting 1.2
1.4 Anode rodding
 Removal of bath residues from
the surface of spent anodes
Entfernen der Badreste von der Oberfläche der verbrauchten Anoden
1.3 Anode production
mailto: info.cc-mh@coperion.com
Buss AG
CH-4133 Pratteln
+41 61 825 66 00
Internet: www.busscorp.com
 Bulk materials Handling
from Ship to Cell
Mischtechnologie für Anodenmassen
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
Hornstraße 19
D-45964 Gladbeck
Telefon 02043 / 9738-0
Telefax 02043 / 9738-50
 Rodding shop
Storvik AS
Industriveien 13
6600 SunnDALSØrA/norwAy
Tel.: +47 71 69 95 00 | Fax: +47 71 69 95 55
www.storvik.no | storvik@storvik.no
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
suppliers directory
1.4.1 Anode baking
 Open top and closed
type baking furnaces
Offene und geschlossene Ringöfen
riedHAMMer GmbH
D-90411 nürnberg
Phone: +49 (0) 911 5218 0, Fax: -5218 231
E-Mail: thomas.janousch@riedhammer.de
Internet: www.riedhammer.de
 Degassing, filtration and
grain refinement
Entgasung, Filtern, Kornfeinung
drache umwelttechnik
werner-v.-Siemens-Straße 9/24-26
D 65582 Diez/Lahn
Telefon 06432/607-0
Telefax 06432/607-52
Internet: www.drache-gmbh.de
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
 Dross skimming of liquid metal
Abkrätzen des Flüssigmetalls
Sie möchten einen Eintrag schalten?
Rufen Sie an: Tel. 0821 / 31 98 80-34
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
see Anode rodding 1.4
1.5 Casthouse (foundry)
 Furnace charging with
molten metal
Ofenbeschickung mit Flüssigmetall
casting machines
transport crucibles
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
see Anode rodding 1.4
 Ingot Casting Line
Bartz GmbH
see Casthous (foundry) 1.5
Phone: +31.315.683941
info@hencon.com · www.hencon.com
Sistem teknik endüstryel Firinlar Ltd. Sti.
ToSB – TAySAD oSB 1.Cad. 14.Sok. no.: 3
Gebze, Kocaeli / Turkey
Tel.: +90 262 658 22 26
Fax: +90 262 658 22 38
E-Mail: info@sistemteknik.com
Internet: www.sistemteknik.com
Solios thermal uk
 Metal treatment in the
holding furnace
Metallbehandlung in Halteöfen
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
 Transfer to the casting furnace
Überführung in Gießofen
drache umwelttechnik
werner-v.-Siemens-Straße 9/24-26
D 65582 Diez/Lahn
Telefon 06432/607-0
Telefax 06432/607-52
Internet: www.drache-gmbh.de
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
see Anode rodding 1.4
 Transport of liquid metal
to the casthouse
Transport v. Flüssigmetall in Gießereien
HertWicH enGineerinG GmbH
Maschinen und industrieanlagen
weinbergerstraße 6, A-5280 Braunau am Inn
Phone +437722/806-0
Fax +437722/806-122
E-Mail: info@hertwich.com
Internet: www.hertwich.com
inotHerM induStrieoFenund WÄrMetecHnik GMBH
Konstantinstraße 1a
D 41238 Mönchengladbach
Telefon +49 (02166) 987990
Telefax +49 (02166) 987996
E-Mail: info@inotherm-gmbh.de
Internet: www.inotherm-gmbh.de
Bartz GmbH
see Casthous (foundry) 1.5
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
see Anode rodding 1.4
 Melting/holding/casting furnaces
Schmelz-/Halte- und Gießöfen
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
 Treatment of casthouse
off gases
Behandlung der Gießereiabgase
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
1.6 Casting machines
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
Hampshire House, High Street, Kingswinford,
west Midlands Dy6 8Aw, uK
Tel.: +44 (0) 1384 279132
Fax: +44 (0) 1384 291211
E-Mail: sales@mechatherm.co.uk
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
inSertec-inGenierÍA Y SerVicioS tÉcnicoS, S.A
Avenida Cervantes nº6
48970 – Basauri – Bizkaia – Spain
Tel: +34 944 409 420
E-mail: Insertec@insertec.biz
Internet: www.insertec.biz
GAPcast tM: the Swiss casting solution
see Casting machines and equipment 4.7
see Smelting technology 1.5
 Pig casting machines (sow casters)
1.9 Potroom
Masselgießmaschine (Sowcaster)
Bartz GmbH
see Casthous (foundry) 1.5
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
 Rolling and extrusion ingot
and T-bars
 Heat treatment of extrusion
ingot (homogenisation)
Formatebehandlung (homogenisieren)
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
Formatgießerei (Walzbarren oder
Pressbolzen oder T-Barren)
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
 Horizontal continuous casting
Horizontales Stranggießen
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
Phone: +31.315.683941
info@hencon.com · www.hencon.com
t.t. tomorrow technology S.p.A.
Via dell’Artigianato 18
Due Carrare, Padova 35020, Italy
Telefon +39 049 912 8800
Telefax +39 049 912 8888
E-Mail: gmagarotto@tomorrowtechnology.it
Contact: Giovanni Magarotto
 Anode changing machine
 Vertical semi-continuous DC
casting / Vertikales Stranggießen
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
see Anode rodding 1.4
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
 Anode transport equipment
Anoden Transporteinrichtungen
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
see Anode rodding 1.4
wagstaff, Inc.
3910 n. Flora rd.
Spokane, wA 99216 uSA
+1 509 922 1404 phone
+1 509 924 0241 fax
E-Mail: info@wagstaff.com
Internet: www.wagstaff.com
1.8 Electrolysis cell (pot)
 Bulk materials Handling
from Ship to Cell
Bulk materials Handling from Ship to Cell
 Crustbreakers / Krustenbrecher
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
see Anode rodding 1.4
 Dry absorption units for
electrolysis exhaust gases
Trockenabsorptionsanlage für
Solios environnement
 Scales / Waagen
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
mailto: info.cc-mh@coperion.com
 Calcium silicate boards
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
 Sawing / Sägen
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
Promat GmbH High Performance insulation
Scheifenkamp 16, D-40878 ratingen
Tel. +49 (0) 2102 / 493-0, Fax -493 115
verkauf3@promat.de, www.promat.de
 Exhaust gas treatment
Solios environnement
für Elektrolysezellen
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
 Tapping vehicles/Schöpffahrzeuge
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
see Anode rodding 1.4
 Pot feeding systems
 Pot ramming Machine
FLSmidth MöLLer GmbH
see Storage facilities for smelting 1.2
1.12 Cathode repair shop
 Cathode Sealing Bench
Eingießen von Kathodenbarren
Sermas Industrie
see Smelting technology 1.6
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
suppliers directory
1.14 Aluminium Alloys
SMS Siemag AG
see rolling mill technology 3.0
 Billet heating furnaces
Öfen zur Bolzenerwärmung
1.16 Refractory Products
rHeinFeLden ALLoYS GmbH & co. kG
A member of ALuMInIuM rHEInFELDEn Group
Postfach 1703, 79607 rheinfelden
Tel.: +49 7623 93-490
Fax: +49 7623 93-546
E-Mail: alloys@rheinfelden-alloys.eu
Internet: www.rheinfelden-alloys.eu
1.15 Storage and transport
refratechnik Steel GmbH
Schiessstrasse 58
40549 Düsseldorf / Germany
Phone +49 211 5858 0
Fax +49 211 5858 46
Internet: www.refra.com
Am großen Teich 16+27
D-58640 Iserlohn
Tel. +49 (0) 2371 / 4346-0
Fax +49 (0) 2371 / 4346-43
E-Mail: sales@ias-induction.com
Internet: www.ias-induction.com
Lager und Transport
1.17 Protective Clothing
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
2.2 Extrusion equipment
see Coil transport systems 3.4
+27 (0)11794 6040
+44 (0)1133 507651
2.1 Extrusion billet preparation
2.1.1 Extrusion billet production
2.2 Extrusion equipment
2.3 Section handling
2.4 Heat treatment
2.5 Measurement and control
Mess- und regeleinrichtungen
2.6 Die preparation and care
und -pflege
2.7 Second-hand extrusion plant
Gebrauchte Strangpressanlagen
2.8 Consultancy, expert opinion
Beratung, Gutachten
2.9 Surface finishing of sections
von Profilen
2.10 Machining of sections
2.11 Equipment and accessories
Ausrüstungen und Hilfsmittel
2.12 Services
see Smelting technology 1.5
oilgear towler GmbH
Im Gotthelf 8
D 65795 Hattersheim
Tel. +49 (0) 6145 3770
Fax +49 (0) 6145 30770
E-Mail: info@oilgear.de
Internet: www.oilgear.de
 Press control systems
oilgear towler GmbH
see Extrusion Equipment 2.2
 Heating and control
equipment for intelligent
billet containers
Heizungs- und Kontrollausrüstung
für intelligente Blockaufnehmer
MArx GmbH & co. kG
see Melt operations 4.13
2.1 Extrusion billet preparation
see Section handling 2.3
extrutec GmbH
Fritz-reichle ring 2
D-78315 radolfzell
Tel. +49 7732 939 1390
Fax +49 7732 939 1399
E-Mail: info@extrutec-gmbh.de
Internet: www.extrutec-gmbh.de
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
Hier könnte Ihr
Bezugsquellen-Eintrag stehen.
Rufen Sie an:
Tel. 0821 / 31 98 80-34
Dennis Ross
2.3 Section handling
cti Systems S.A.
Z.I. Eselborn-Lentzweiler
12, op der Sang | L- 9779 Lentzweiler
Tel. +352 2685 2000 | Fax +352 2685 3000
cti@ctisystems.com | www.ctisystems.com
2.4 Heat treatment
H+H HerrMAnn + HieBer GMBH
rechbergstraße 46
D-73770 Denkendorf/Stuttgart
Tel. +49 711 93467-0, Fax +49 711 34609-11
E-Mail: info@herrmannhieber.de
Internet: www.herrmannhieber.de
kASto Maschinenbau GmbH & co. kG
Industriestr. 14, D-77855 Achern
Tel.: +49 (0) 7841 61-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 7841 61 300
kasto@kasto.de / www.kasto.de
Hersteller von Band- und Kreissägemaschinen
sowie Langgut- und Blechlagersystemen
MFW Maschinenbau GmbH
A-4813 Altmünster, AuSTrIA
see Coil transport systems 3.4
Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH
Stadtseestraße 12, D-74189 weinsberg
Tel. +49 7134 52 220 l Fax +49 7134 52 222
E-Mail intralogistik@vollert.de
Internet www.vollert.de
BSN Thermprozesstechnik GmbH
Kammerbruchstraße 64
D-52152 Simmerath
Tel. 02473-9277-0 · Fax: 02473-9277-111
info@bsn-therm.de · www.bsn-therm.de
Ofenanlagen zum Wärmebehandeln von Aluminiumlegierungen, Buntmetallen und Stählen
see Section handling 2.3
 Section transport equipment
 Packaging equipment
Hütte GmbH
Hüttenstraße 33, D-52355 Düren
+49 (0) 24 21 591 507-0
+49 (0) 24 21 591 507-99
E-Mail: info@huette-tpt.de
Internet: www.huette-tpt.de
see Coil transport systems 3.4
inSertec-inGenierÍA Y SerVicioS tÉcnicoS, S.A
see Section handling 2.3
see Coil transport systems 3.4
nijverheidsweg 3
nL-7071 CH ulft netherlands
Tel.: +31 315 641352
Fax: +31 315 641852
E-Mail: info@unifour.nl
Internet: www.unifour.nl
Sales Contact: Paul overmans
Avenida Cervantes nº6
48970 – Basauri – Bizkaia – Spain
Tel: +34 944 409 420
E-mail: Insertec@insertec.biz
Internet: www.insertec.biz
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
 Stackers / Destackers
Stapler / Entstapler
see Smelting technology 1.5
see Section handling 2.3
 Section saws
see Section handling 2.3
see Section handling 2.3
 Section store equipment
see Section handling 2.3
 Transport equipment for
extruded sections
für Profilabschnitte
see Section handling 2.3
Seco/WArWick euroPe S.A.
ul. Šwierczewskiego 76
66-200 Šwiebodzin, PoLAnD
Tel: +48 68 38 19 800
E-mail: europe@secowarwick.com.pl
Internet: www.secowarwick.com
could not find your „keywords“?
Please ask for our complete
„Supply sources for the
aluminium industry“.
e-Mail: anzeigen@giesel.de
 Heat treatment furnaces
see Section handling 2.3
see Section handling 2.3
inotHerM induStrieoFenund WÄrMetecHnik GMBH
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
suppliers directory
2.10 Machining of sections
ernSt reinHArdt GMBH
Güterbahnhofstrasse 1
D-78048 Villingen-Schwenningen
Tel. +49 (0) 7721 8441-0, Fax -44
E-Mail: info@ernstreinhardt.de
Internet: www.ernst-reinhardt.com
 Homogenising furnaces
 Ageing furnace for extrusions
Auslagerungsöfen für
 Billet saw
Sermas Industrie
see Smelting technology 1.6
see Extrusion billet preparation 2.1
see Heat treatment furnaces 2.4
2.11 Equipment and
Ausrüstungen und
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
 Inductiv heating equipment
Induktiv beheizte
see 2.1 Billet heating furnaces
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
2.6 Die preparation and care
Rolling mill technology
und -pflege
 Die heating furnaces
see Extrusion billet preparation 2.1
schwartz GmbH
see Heat treatment 2.4
nijverheidsweg 3
nL-7071 CH ulft netherlands
Tel.: +31 315 641352
Fax: +31 315 641852
E-Mail: info@unifour.nl
Internet: www.unifour.nl
Sales Contact: Paul overmans
2.9 Surface finishing
of sections
von Profilen
see Section handling 2.3
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
nijverheidsweg 3
nL-7071 CH ulft netherlands
Tel.: +31 315 641352
Fax: +31 315 641852
E-Mail: info@unifour.nl
Internet: www.unifour.nl
Sales Contact: Paul overmans
3.1 Casting equipment
3.2 rolling bar machining
3.3 rolling bar furnaces
3.4 Hot rolling equipment
3.5 Strip casting units
and accessories
und Zubehör
3.6 Cold rolling equipment
3.7 Thin strip / foil rolling plant
3.8 Auxiliary equipment
3.9 Adjustment devices
3.10 Process technology /
Automation technology
Prozesstechnik /
3.11 Coolant / lubricant preparation
3.12 Air extraction systems
3.13 Fire extinguishing units
3.14 Storage and dispatch
Lagerung und Versand
3.15 Second-hand rolling equipment
3.16 Coil storage systems
Coil storage systems
3.17 Strip Processing Lines
3.18 Productions Management Sytems
Produktions Management Systeme
3.0 Rolling mill technology
see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6
Siemens plc, Metals technologies
Sheffield Business Park, Europa Link
Sheffield S9 1Xu
Phone: +44 1709 726500
Fax:+44 1142 611719
 Melting and holding furnaces
Schmelz- und Warmhalteöfen
Bartz GmbH
SMS Siemag Aktiengesellschaft
Eduard-Schloemann-Straße 4
40237 Düsseldorf, Germany
Telefon: +49 (0) 211 881-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 211 881-4902
E-Mail: communications@sms-siemag.com
Internet: www.sms-siemag.com
Warmflach- und kaltwalzwerke
wiesenstraße 30
57271 Hilchenbach-Dahlbruch, Germany
Telefon: +49 (0) 2733 29-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 2733 29-2852
walder Straße 51-53
40724 Hilden, Germany
Telefon: +49 (0) 211 881-5100
Telefax: +49 (0) 211 881-5200
elektrik + Automation
Ivo-Beucker-Straße 43
40237 Düsseldorf, Germany
Telefon: +49 (0) 211 881-5895
Telefax: +49 (0) 211 881-775895
Graf-recke-Straße 82
40239 Düsseldorf, Germany
Telefon: +49 (0) 211 881-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 211 881-4902
ein eintrag (s/w) in
diesem Format kostet
pro Ausgabe + Stichwort
110,00 � + MwSt.
Weitere informationen unter
tel. +49 (0) 821 / 31 98 80 - 34
3.1 Casting equipment
see Smelting technology 1.5
 Electromagnetic Stirrer
Elektromagnetische Rührer
Solios thermal uk
 Filling level indicators and controls
Füllstandsanzeiger und -regler
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
Gautschi engineering GmbH
Konstanzer Straße 37
CH 8274 Tägerwilen
Telefon +41 71 666 66 66
Telefax +41 71 666 66 77
E-Mail: info@gautschi.cc
Internet: www.gautschi.cc
Kontakt: Sales Departement
inSertec-inGenierÍA Y SerVicioS tÉcnicoS, S.A
see Heat treatment 2.4
eBner industrieofenbau Ges.m.b.H.
Ebner-Platz 1, 4060 Leonding/Austria
Tel. +43 / 732 / 6868-0
E-Mail: sales@ebner.cc
Internet: www.ebner.cc
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
schwartz GmbH
Loi thermprocess GmbH
Am Lichtbogen 29
D-45141 Essen
Telefon +49 (0) 201 / 18 91-1
Telefax +49 (0) 201 / 18 91-321
E-Mail: info@loi-italimpianti.de
Internet: www.loi-italimpianti.com
Solios thermal uk
 Melt purification units
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
see Heat treatment 2.4
Solios thermal uk
 Bar heating furnaces
eBner industrieofenbau Ges.m.b.H.
see Annealing furnaces 3.3
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
 Metal filters / Metallfilter
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
3.2 Rolling bar machining
 Homogenising furnaces
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
 Plate saw
Sermas Industrie
see Smelting technology 1.6
 Slab saw
schwartz GmbH
Sermas Industrie
see Smelting technology 1.6
Solios thermal uk
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
see Casting machines 1.6
see Casthous (foundry) 1.5
3.3 Rolling bar furnaces
wagstaff, Inc.
 Annealing furnaces
BSN Thermprozesstechnik GmbH
see Heat Treatment 2.4
see Heat treatment 2.4
 Roller tracks
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
suppliers directory
3.4 Hot rolling equipment
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & co. kG
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de
Internet: www.achenbach.de
see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6
 Rolling mill modernisation
Mino S.p.A.
Via Torino, 1 – San Michele
Telefon: +39 0131 363636
Telefax: +39 0131 361611
E-Mail: sales@mino.it
Internet: www.mino.it
Sales contact: Mr. Luciano Ceccopieri
3.6 Cold rolling equipment
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & co. kG
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de
Internet: www.achenbach.de
AndritZ Sundwig GmbH
see rolling mill technology 3.0
 Coil transport systems
see rolling mill technology 3.0
SMS Siemag AG
see rolling mill technology 3.0
Stephanopeler Str. 22, D-58675 Hemer
Telefon: +49 (0) 2372 54-0, Fax -200
E-mail: sundwig_welcome@andritz.com
Internet: www.andritz.com
BSN Thermprozesstechnik GmbH
see Heat Treatment 2.4
see Section handling 2.3
could not find your
Please ask for our complete
„Supply sources for the
obere Industriestraße 8
D-57250 netphen
Telefon: +49 2738 21-0
Telefax: +49 2738 21-1002
E-Mail: info@sms-logistics.com
aluminium industry“.
SMS Siemag AG
 Drive systems / Antriebe
see rolling mill technology 3.0
Hier könnte Ihr
 Hot rolling units /
complete plants
Mino S.p.A.
Via Torino, 1 – San Michele
Telefon: +39 0131 363636
Telefax: +39 0131 361611
E-Mail: sales@mino.it
Internet: www.mino.it
Sales contact: Mr. Luciano Ceccopieri
Rufen Sie an:
Tel. 0821 / 31 98 80-34
Dennis Ross
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
schwartz GmbH
see Heat treatment 2.4
 Coil transport systems
see Section handling 2.3
H+H HerrMAnn + HieBer GMBH
rechbergstraße 46
D-73770 Denkendorf/Stuttgart
Tel. +49 711 93467-0, Fax +49 711 34609-11
E-Mail: info@herrmannhieber.de
Internet: www.herrmannhieber.de
see rolling mill technology 3.0
SMS Siemag AG
see rolling mill technology 3.0
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
see rolling mill technology 3.0
SMS Siemag AG
 Coil annealing furnaces
e-Mail: anzeigen@giesel.de
 Spools / Haspel
see Section handling 2.3
see rolling mill technology 3.0
see Coil transport systems 3.4
 Rolling mill modernization
see Section handling 2.3
 Cold rolling units /
complete plants
3.7 Thin strip /
foil rolling plant
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & co. kG
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de
Internet: www.achenbach.de
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & co. kG
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de
Internet: www.achenbach.de
see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6
see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6
Mino S.p.A.
Via Torino, 1 – San Michele
Telefon: +39 0131 363636
Telefax: +39 0131 361611
E-Mail: sales@mino.it
Internet: www.mino.it
Sales contact: Mr. Luciano Ceccopieri
Mino S.p.A.
Via Torino, 1 – San Michele
Telefon: +39 0131 363636
Telefax: +39 0131 361611
E-Mail: sales@mino.it
Internet: www.mino.it
Sales contact: Mr. Luciano Ceccopieri
 Coil annealing furnaces
 Slitting lines-CTL
Längs- und Querteilanlagen
see rolling mill technology 3.0
see rolling mill technology 3.0
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6
SMS Siemag AG
see rolling mill technology 3.0
Hier könnte Ihr
 Drive systems / Antriebe
SMS Siemag AG
see rolling mill technology 3.0
 Heating furnaces / Anwärmöfen
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
 Process optimisation systems
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
 Process simulation
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
SMS Siemag AG
see rolling mill technology 3.0
Rufen Sie an:
Tel. 0821 / 31 98 80-34
Dennis Ross
SMS Siemag AG
see rolling mill technology 3.0
schwartz GmbH
see Cold colling equipment 3.6
 Heating furnaces
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
inotHerM induStrieoFenund WÄrMetecHnik GMBH
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
inSertec-inGenierÍA Y SerVicioS tÉcnicoS, S.A
see Heat treatment 2.4
schwartz GmbH
see Heat treatment 2.4
 Strip shears/Bandscheren
see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6
SMS Siemag AG
see rolling mill technology 3.0
 Trimming equipment
 Roll exchange equipment
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6
SMS Siemag AG
see rolling mill technology 3.0
 Thin strip / foil rolling mills /
complete plant
Feinband- / Folienwalzwerke /
Mino S.p.A.
Via Torino, 1 – San Michele
Telefon: +39 0131 363636
Telefax: +39 0131 361611
E-Mail: sales@mino.it
Internet: www.mino.it
Sales contact: Mr. Luciano Ceccopieri
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
suppliers directory
SMS Siemag AG
see rolling mill technology 3.0
 Strip flatness measurement
and control equipment
Bandplanheitsmess- und
 Strip Tension
Measurement equipment
 Rolling mill modernization
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & co. kG
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de
Internet: www.achenbach.de
Mino S.p.A.
Via Torino, 1 – San Michele
Telefon: +39 0131 363636
Telefax: +39 0131 361611
E-Mail: sales@mino.it
Internet: www.mino.it
Sales contact: Mr. Luciano Ceccopieri
ABB Automation
Force Measurement
S-72159 Västeras, Sweden
Phone: +46 21 325 000
Fax: +46 21 340 005
E-Mail: pressductor@se.abb.com
Internet: www.abb.com/pressductor
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & co. kG
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de
Internet: www.achenbach.de
SMS Siemag AG
ABB Automation
Force Measurement
S-72159 Västeras, Sweden
Phone: +46 21 325 000
Fax: +46 21 340 005
E-Mail: pressductor@se.abb.com
Internet: www.abb.com/pressductor
Hier könnte Ihr
Bezugsquellen-Eintrag stehen.
Rufen Sie an:
Tel. 0821 / 31 98 80-34
Dennis Ross
see rolling mill technology 3.0
3.10 Process technology /
Automation technology
Prozesstechnik /
 Plate handling/Packaging
 Strip Width & Position
Measurement equipment
 Strip thickness measurement
and control equipment
Banddickenmess- und
MFW Maschinenbau GmbH
A-4813 Altmünster, AuSTrIA
 Process control technology
ABB Automation
Force Measurement
S-72159 Västeras, Sweden
Phone: +46 21 325 000
Fax: +46 21 340 005
E-Mail: pressductor@se.abb.com
Internet: www.abb.com/pressductor
SMS Siemag AG
see Casting machines 1.6
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & co. kG
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de
Internet: www.achenbach.de
SMS Siemag AG
see rolling mill technology 3.0
 Roll Force Measurement equipment
ABB Automation
Force Measurement
S-72159 Västeras, Sweden
Phone: +46 21 325 000
Fax: +46 21 340 005
E-Mail: pressductor@se.abb.com
Internet: www.abb.com/pressductor
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
ABB Automation
Force Measurement
S-72159 Västeras, Sweden
Phone: +46 21 325 000
Fax: +46 21 340 005
E-Mail: pressductor@se.abb.com
Internet: www.abb.com/pressductor
3.11 Coolant / lubricant
see rolling mill technology 3.0
wagstaff, Inc.
Bandbreiten- und
see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6
 Rolling oil recovery and
treatment units
SMS Siemag AG
see rolling mill technology 3.0
could not find your
Please ask for our complete
„Supply sources for the
aluminium industry“.
e-Mail: anzeigen@giesel.de
 Filter for rolling oils and emulsions
Filter für Walzöle und Emulsionen
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & co. kG
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de
Internet: www.achenbach.de
 Rolling oil rectification units
SMS Siemag AG
see rolling mill technology 3.0
see rolling mill technology 3.0
see Section handling 2.3
see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6
3.17 Strip Processing Lines
3.12 Air extraction systems
see Cold rolling equipment 3.6
see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6
 Exhaust air purification
systems (active)
Abluft-Reinigungssysteme (aktiv)
BWG Bergwerk- und WalzwerkMaschinenbau GmbH
Mercatorstraße 74 – 78
D-47051 Duisburg
Tel.: +49 (0) 203-9929-0
Fax: +49 (0) 203-9929-400
E-Mail: bwg@bwg-online.de
Internet: www.bwg-online.com
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & co. kG
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de
Internet: www.achenbach.de
SMS Siemag AG
see rolling mill technology 3.0
3.14 Storage and dispatch
see Strip Processing Lines 3.17
Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & co. kG
Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal
Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de
Internet: www.achenbach.de
SMS Siemag AG
 Lithographic Sheet Lines
could not find your
Please ask for
our complete
„Supply sources for the
aluminium industry“.
 Stretch Levelling Lines
Zone Industrielle
F-45210 Ferrieres
Telefon +33 (2) 38 94 42 00
E-mail: info@redex-group.com
Internet: www.tension-leveling.com
see Strip Processing Lines 3.17
Lagerung und Versand
 Strip Annealing Lines
Via Monte rosa, 93
see Coil transport systems 3.4
SMS Siemag AG
see rolling mill technology 3.0
3.16 Coil storage systems
20149 Milan, ITALy
Telefon +39 02 4384 7402
E-Mail: stripprocessing@it.tenovagroup.com
Internet: www.tenova.com
Sales Contact: Stefano Marelli
 Anodizing Lines
H+H HerrMAnn + HieBer GMBH
rechbergstraße 46
D-73770 Denkendorf/Stuttgart
Tel. +49 711 93467-0, Fax +49 711 34609-11
E-Mail: info@herrmannhieber.de
Internet: www.herrmannhieber.de
SMS Siemag AG
see rolling mill technology 3.0
SMS Siemag AG
see rolling mill technology 3.0
see Section handling 2.3
see Strip Processing Lines 3.17
 Coil & Colour Coating Lines
Bronx international Pty Ltd
Email: sales@bronx.com.au
Internet: www.bronxintl.com
3.18 Production
Management systems
Produktions Management
PSi Metals non Ferrous GmbH
Software Excellence in Metals
Carlo-Schmid-Str. 12, D-52146 würselen
Tel.: +49 (0) 2405 4135-0
info@psimetals.de, www.psimetals.com
see Strip Processing Lines 3.17
see Coil transport systems 3.4
SMS Siemag AG
see rolling mill technology 3.0
see Coil transport systems 3.4
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
suppliers directory
4.1 work protection and ergonomics
Arbeitsschutz und Ergonomie
4.2 Heat-resistant technology
4.3 Conveyor and storage technology
Förder- und Lagertechnik
4.4 Mould and core production
Form- und Kernherstellung
4.5 Mould accessories and accessory
Formzubehör, Hilfsmittel
4.2 Heat-resistent technology
 Refractories / Feuerfeststoffe
4.6 Foundry equipment
4.7 Casting machines and equipment
und Gießeinrichtungen
4.8 Handling technology
4.9 Construction and design
Konstruktion und Design
4.10 Measurement technology
and materials testing
Messtechnik und Materialprüfung
4.11 Metallic charge materials
Metallische Einsatzstoffe
4.12 Finishing of raw castings
4.13 Melt operations
4.14 Melt preparation
4.15 Melt treatment devices
4.16 Control and regulation technology
Steuerungs- und
4.17 Environment protection
and disposal
umweltschutz und Entsorgung
4.18 Dross recovery
4.19 Cast parts
Promat GmbH High Performance insulation
Scheifenkamp 16, D-40878 ratingen
Tel. +49 (0) 2102 / 493-0, Fax -493 115
verkauf3@promat.de, www.promat.de
H+H HerrMAnn + HieBer GMBH
rechbergstraße 46
D-73770 Denkendorf/Stuttgart
Tel. +49 711 93467-0, Fax +49 711 34609-11
E-Mail: info@herrmannhieber.de
Internet: www.herrmannhieber.de
see Coil transport systems 3.4
see Section handling 2.3
4.5 Mold accessories and
accessory materials
Formzubehör, Hilfmittel
 Fluxes
Solvay Fluor GmbH
Hans-Böckler-Allee 20
D-30173 Hannover
Telefon +49 (0) 511 / 857-0
Telefax +49 (0) 511 / 857-2146
Internet: www.solvay-fluor.de
4.6 Foundry equipment
Hencon MoBiLe eQuiPMent
see section Casthouse 1.5
see Smelting technology 1.5
 Casting machines
refratechnik Steel GmbH
Via Brallo, 2 – 27010 Siziano (PV), Italy
Tel: +39 0382 6671413
E-mail: sales_dept@erediscabini.com
Internet: www.erediscabini.com
Schiessstrasse 58
40549 Düsseldorf / Germany
Phone +49 211 5858 0
Fax +49 211 5858 46
Internet: www.refra.com
inSertec-inGenierÍA Y SerVicioS tÉcnicoS, S.A
Avenida Cervantes nº6
48970 – Basauri – Bizkaia – Spain
Tel: +34 944 409 420
E-mail: Insertec@insertec.biz
Internet: www.insertec.biz
4.3 Conveyor and storage
Förder- und Lagertechnik
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
 Heat treatment furnaces
inSertec-inGenierÍA Y SerVicioS tÉcnicoS, S.A
see Heat treatment 2.4
Paul Hedfeld GmbH
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
Hundeicker Str. 20
D-58285 Gevelsberg
Phone: +49 (0) 2332 6371
E-mail: verkauf@hedfeld.com
Internet: www.hedfeld.com
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
4.7 Casting machines
and equipment
und Gießeinrichtungen
GAPcast tM: the Swiss casting solution
Casting Technology / Automation
Tel.: +41 27 455 57 14
E-Mail: info@gap-engineering.ch
Internet: www.gap-engineering.ch
see Smelting technology 1.5
 Mould parting agents
Schröder kG
Postfach 1170
Tel. 02734/7071
Fax 02734/20784
ostra Hamnen 7
SE-475 42 Hono / Sweden
Tel.: +46 31 764 5520, Fax: +46 31 764 5529
E-Mail: marketing@precimeter.com
Internet: www.precimeter.com
Sales contact: Jonatan Lindstrand
ein eintrag (s/w) in
diesem Format kostet
pro Ausgabe + Stichwort
Weitere informationen unter
tel. +49 (0) 821 / 31 98 80 - 34
4.10 Measurement technology
and materials testin
Messtechnik und
wagstaff, Inc.
ratiotec Prüfsysteme GmbH
see Casting machines 1.6
Hier könnte Ihr
Rufen Sie an:
Tel. 0821 / 31 98 80-34
Dennis Ross
 Continuous ingot casting
lines and aluminium rod lines
Kokillengieß- und Aluminiumdraht-Anlagen
 Burner System
110,00 � + MwSt.
Precimeter control AB
see Extrusion 2.4.
In der Au 17
D-88515 Langenenslingen
Tel.: +49 (0)7376/9622-0
Fax: +49 (0)7376/9622-22
E-Mail: info@ratiotec.com
Internet: www.ratiotec.com
Büttgenbachstraße 14
D-40549 Düsseldorf/Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 211 / 5 00 91-0
Fax: +49 (0) 211 / 5 00 91-14
E-Mail: info@bloomeng.de
Internet: www.bloomeng.de
 Heat treatment furnaces
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
inSertec-inGenierÍA Y SerVicioS tÉcnicoS, S.A
see Heat treatment 2.4
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
 Holding furnaces
4.11 Metallic charge
Metallische Einsatzstoffe
Bartz GmbH
see Casthous (foundry) 1.5
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
inSertec-inGenierÍA Y SerVicioS tÉcnicoS, S.A
see Heat treatment 2.4
 Recycling / Recycling
chr. otto Pape GmbH
Berliner Allee 34
D-30855 Langenhagen
Tel:+49(0)511 786 32-0 Fax: -32
Internet: www.papemetals.com
E-Mail: info@papemetals.com
4.13 Melt operations
inSertec-inGenierÍA Y SerVicioS tÉcnicoS, S.A
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
could not find your
Please ask for our complete
„Supply sources for the
aluminium industry“.
e-Mail: anzeigen@giesel.de
see Heat treatment 2.4
Via Emilia Km 310
26858 Sordio-LO
Tel. +39.02.988492-1 . hq@properzi.it
Fax +39.02.9810358 . www.properzi.com
 Melting furnaces
see Smelting technology 1.5
Bartz GmbH
see Casthous (foundry) 1.5
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
suppliers directory
engineering GmbH
see Casting equipment 3.1
und Recycling
see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5
inSertec-inGenierÍA Y SerVicioS tÉcnicoS, S.A
see Heat treatment 2.4
see Equipment and accessories 3.1
MArx GmbH & co. kG
Lilienthalstr. 6-18
D-58638 Iserhohn
Tel.: +49 (0) 2371 / 2105-0, Fax: -11
E-Mail: info@marx-gmbh.de
Internet: www.marx-gmbh.de
4.14 Melt preparation
 Degassing, filtration
Entgasung, Filtration
drache umwelttechnik
werner-v.-Siemens-Straße 9/24-26
D 65582 Diez/Lahn
Telefon 06432/607-0
Telefax 06432/607-52
Internet: http://www.drache-gmbh.de
4.15 Melt treatment devices
Metaullics Systems europe B.V.
Ebweg 14
nL-2991 LT Barendrecht
Tel. +31-180/590890
Fax +31-180/551040
E-Mail: info@metaullics.nl
Internet: www.metaullics.com
 Granulated aluminium
chr. otto Pape GmbH
Berliner Allee 34
D-30855 Langenhagen
Tel:+49(0)511 786 32-0 Fax: -32
Internet: www.papemetals.com
E-Mail: info@papemetals.com
Machining +
Bearbeitung +
6.1 Equipment to produce
Ausrüstungen für
 Slicing saw & Milling machines
Sermas Industrie
see Smelting technology 1.6
6.2 Semi products
 Dust removal
neotecHnik GmbH
Postfach 110261, D-33662 Bielefeld
Tel. 05205/7503-0, Fax 05205/7503-77
info@neotechnik.com, www.neotechnik.com
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
Ausrüstung für Schmiedeund Fließpresstechnik
 Hydraulic Presses
Hydraulische Pressen
LASco umformtechnik GmbH
Hahnweg 139, D-96450 Coburg
Tel. +49 (0) 9561 642-0
Fax +49 (0) 9561 642-333
E-Mail: lasco@lasco.de
Internet: www.lasco.com
could not find your
Please ask for our complete
„Supply sources for the
aluminium industry“.
e-Mail: anzeigen@giesel.de
8 Literature
 Technical literature
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Fundamentals of extrusion technology
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4.17 Environment protection
and disposal
Umweltschutz und
6.3 Equipment for forging
and impact extrusion
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Vorschau / PreView
iM NÄchsTeN heFT
iN The NeXT issue
special: Die internationale
special: The international
aluminium extrusion industry
Wir berichten über Unternehmen und Ausrüster der
Strangpressindustrie, über Anlagentechnik und neue
Projekte. Themen unter anderem:
We will report on companies and equipment partners of
the extrusion industry, with emphasis on plant technology
and new projects. Topics include:
• Die neue Strangpresslinie bei Aluminium Laufen
• The new extrusion line at Aluminium Laufen, Austria
• Omav SpA – Weiterhin auf Wachstumskurs
• Omav SpA – still on course for growth
• Extrutec: Neue Anlagen rund um die Strangpresse
• Erbslöh Aluminium internationalisiert sein Geschäft
• Extrutec: new machinery and equipment before and
behind the extrusion press
• Kind&Co.–„MehralsnurStahl“
• Erbslöh Aluminium goes global
• Kind&Co.–“Morethanjuststeel”
weitere Themen
other topics
• NachberichtvonderEuroguss
• AktuelleNachrichtenausderinternationalen
• Follow-up report on the Euroguss trade fair
• Latest news from the global aluminium industry
90. Jahrgang 1. 1. 2014
Verlag / Publishing house
Giesel Verlag GmbH
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ISSN: 0002-6689
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Der ALUMINIUM-Branchentreff des Giesel Verlages:
ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2014
In February, TMS returns to one of its most popular meeting destinations—
sunny San Diego! Join more than 4,000 materials scientists and engineers
from the around the world in San Diego, California, for the TMS 2014
Annual Meeting & Exhibition.
Registration is now open for the meeting, so sign up as soon as possible
to reserve your space at this important gathering of the materials
community. Here are a few reasons you should attend this year’s event:
Hear from Leaders in Light Metals
Access Light Metals 2014
View the Latest Technologies
Further Your Education
Extensive light metals programming attracts high-profile speakers
representing all areas of the light metals community. The following
symposia are planned for TMS2014: Alumina and Bauxite; Aluminum
Alloys: Development, Characterization and Applications; Aluminum
Processing; Aluminum Reduction Technology; Cast Shop for Aluminum
Production; Deformation, Damage, and Fracture of Light Metals and
Alloys III; Electrode Technology for Aluminum Production; Light-Metal
Matrix (Nano)-Composites; and Magnesium Technology 2014.
Meeting registrants receive electronic access to the newest edition of
the Light Metals proceedings series, widely recognized as the definitive
source of information on new developments in aluminum production
Products and services from top light metals companies and other
materials science and engineering organizations make the TMS 2014
Annual Meeting Exhibition a global showcase for the latest advances
in materials.
Pair your meeting attendance with a continuing education course.
This year’s course topics include furnace systems technology, grain
refinement of aluminum and magnesium alloys, pot ventilation and dry
scrubbing operations for aluminum smelters, proper anode baking
furnace operations, and tactics for creating business value in aluminum
Preview all of the offerings of the TMS 2014 Annual Meeting & Exhibition—
including a detailed listing of technical symposia, a virtual tour of the
exhibit hall, and a complete listing of continuing education offerings—at
the TMS2014 website: www.tms.org/tms2014
Remember: Registration is open,
so make your plans to attend today!