Roadmap for Inter-Departmental Convergence of MGNREGA with


Roadmap for Convergence of

Mahatma Gandhi NREGA with

Other Schemes in Bihar

Rural Development Department

Bihar, Patna

Roadmap on convergence of MGNREGA with other schemes in Bihar

Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India has declared Financial Year 2014-15 as the year of convergence under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA. All states are expected to develop roadmap for convergence.

Framework for Convergence between MGNREGA and Other Programmes

(Operational Guidelines)

The objectives of MGNREGA are creation of durable productive assets and securing livelihood of rural households. This can be facilitated through convergence of MGNREGA works with resources of other programmes/ schemes available with Panchayats and other line departments. These resources may be financial as well as technical expertise and knowhow that officials of the line departments may be endowed with.

Modes of Convergence

Convergence is an evolving process. The actual contours of convergence are determined by i.

the objective of convergence and ii.

the nature and quantum of resources available for convergence.

Different modes of convergence

The objectives of MGNREGA can be met through convergence in following ways:- i.

Funds made available from other schemes to meet cost of an identifiable part of the project that could result in enhanced durability of assets created/ proposed using MGNREGA funds.

For eg. while the earth work for a rural road may be taken up under MGNREGA, funds for laying bitumen layer can be sourced from other schemes. The bitumen layer enhances the durability of the road. In such a case, there are two distinct part ii.

of the project, namely, the formation and smoothening course/ surface.

Funds made available from other schemes as livelihood component for putting to use for livelihood, assets created/ proposed using MGNREGA funds.

For examples provision of seeds and fertilizers from NRHM to farmer whose land has been improved using MGNREGA funds. Another example would be providing micro irrigation using funds available under RKVY for horticulture plantation done under

MGNREGA, on the lands of eligible category of farmers. Yet another example could be supply of fingerlings by Fisheries department for a dugout pond created under

MGNREGA. In these cases too, there are two distinct parts of the project. iii.

To provide for technical inputs from concerned departmental officials . The inputs could be either in the form of supervision by technical staff during work execution for improving the quality of assets created/ proposed or for capacity building for using assets under MGNREGA for livelihood.

For eg. the use of technical staff of line departments for estimation, supervision etc. by district administration for MGNREGA works. iv.

Pooling together funds of MGNREGA and other schemes and deploying pooled v.

funds for creation of an asset esp. for gap filling.

An example in this category would be pooling together of funds from MGNREGA,

BRGF, Finance Commission and own resources of Panchayats for constructing a

Cement Concrete (internal village roads) road.

Another example in this category would be convergence between MGNREGA and funds available under Total Sanitation Scheme (TSC) of Ministry of Drinking Water

Supply and Sanitation. In such as case, there is only one project, though the sources of funding are more than one.

Wherever funds are pooled in, the non-negotiable principles applicable to the implementation of MGNREGS including social audit, would be applicable to the work as a whole.

A combination of two or more of the above modes is also possible.

Deciding the mode/ inputs

The inputs from other scheme/ programme viz funds and/or technical expertise, for an asset under MGNREGA would largely depend upon the objective to be met viz durability or livelihood. While exploring options for convergence, care must be taken to ensure that

MGNREGA funds do not substitute resources from other sectors or schemes. MGNREGA funds are intended to create additional employment and this will not happen if the employment currently generated by other programmes is substituted by the MGNREGS.

Background of Convergence in Bihar

• Cabinet decision for Convergence under MGNREGS notified vide Sankalp dated

14.10.2009 (Annexure-1) i.


 Departments and Works which they can execute from the list of permissible works under MGNREGS (based on domain expertise) were identified viz.

Water Resources

Minor Water Resources iii.

RCD iv.

RWD v.

Environment and Forest vi.


 Process to be followed for - Selection of Schemes (Planning) and for Preparation of Estimates (with dovetailing with their other schemes) and their technical and administrative sanction were defined

 Coordination mechanism framework was provided

 Process of Wage payment, Administrative expenditure, Monitoring, Quality

Control, Social Audit, Progress reporting were established

Decisions taken under Coordination frame-work in meeting of Chief Secretary on

18.10.2012 and in meetings with Line departments under chairmanship of

Development Commissioner.

 Joint Circulars to be issued by Rural Development Department with Head of identified Departments

 Each department will identify at least one work per JE for 2012-13 and one for


 Line departments will be allowed to utilise 3% administrative contingency to meet their contingent expenses allowed under MGNREGA

 Targets given in meetings of Dev. Com to be achieved

Department wise Target fixation i.


Water Resources – Rs. 200 crores

Minor Water Resources – Rs. 200 crores iii.

Rural Work Department – Rs. 200 crores iv.

Environment and Forest – Rs. 30 crores v.

Agriculture - Rs. 20 crores

 Departments to assess need of staff, prepare proposal, get sanction from competent authority and hire on contract.

 Set up PMU at state HQ with state resources

 RDD to train other departments on MGNREGS guidelines, provisions, processes, including MIS and IT, through BIPARD.

Road Map for Convergence FY 2014-15 onwards

The purpose of this roadmap is to optimize development funds with various line departments, their technical expertise and other related resources for creating durable and productive assets and securing livelihood of rural households through convergence of MGNREGA works.

To draw the convergence roadmap, a two days "State level workshop on convergence of

MGNREGA with other schemes of various line departments" was organized on 19 th


Detailed discussions were held on mode of convergence, activities to be taken up under convergence, implementation modalities, institutional arrangements, monitoring, supervision & quality assurance mechanism, district initiatives and learning's from convergence activities done in the state.

State level convergence roadmap of MGNREGA with other schemes is given below:

Modalities of Convergence:

 All convergence initiatives should be within the objectives of the Mahatma Gandhi

National Employment Guarantee Act and provisions outlined in the guidelines of the respective converging programme.

Only MGNREGA registered households will be utilized for MGNREGA component.

Financial Resources and/ or Technical expertise of line departments may be utilized in works implemented by the Panchayats as PIA.

Pooling of funds may be done for optimization of resources for achieving common ends as in case of IHHL.

The line departments will also be utilised as Project Implementation Agencies (PIA) as per provisions under Operational Guidelines, in implementation of MGNREGA works.

The other Project Implementing Agencies (PIA) can be line departments of the Central or

State Government, District Panchayat, Panchayat at intermediate level, Gram Panchayat or any other local authority or Government undertaking or non-governmental organization authorized by the Central Government or the State Government to undertake the implementation of any work taken up under a Scheme.

All the implementing agencies converge at the GP. The GPs will act as the single window for facilitation of MGNREGA works at the village level. As GPs are the custodian of shelf of works, all works proposed by other PIAs working in the same GP have to ensure that their proposals are passed in the GS and included in the Annual Development Plan of the

GP. In the case of proposals that cover over more than one panchayat, it will require the approval of the GSs of all concerned panchayats.

Funds may be utilized from other schemes, to meet cost of an identified part of the project that could result in enhanced durability of assets created / proposed using

MGNREGA funds.

 Funds may be made available from other schemes as livelihood component for putting to use for livelihood, assets created / proposed using MGNREGA fund.

 Provision for technical input from line department officials and technical experts during the work execution for improving the quality of assets created / proposed or for capacity building for using assets for livelihood under MGNREGA.

 Gap filling, pooling funds of MGNREGA and other schemes and deploying pooled funds for creation of an asset.

 Combination of two or more of the above modes.

Modules of convergence


Execution by Line Department wherein line department:


Submits plans for approval by Gram Sabha/ Panchayat Samiti/ Zila Parishad ii.

Prepares Estimates iii.

Accords technical sanction iv.

Gets administrative approval v.

Make relevant entries in MGNREGA MIS vi.

Start works vii.

Allocates work as pr demand/ Issues e-muster (The PO designate in the PIA will do this) viii.

Maintains muster ix.

Records measurement in MB x.

Updates MIS as per muster cycle xi.

Draws payment advice and makes payment xii.

Is the custodian of records xiii.

Is totally responsible for Financial and Social Audit xiv.

Fund management xv.

Sends progress reports/ Audit reports/ Utilisation Certificates.


Wherein Line Department is entrusted with following activities viz.


Identifies the scheme,


Prepares its estimate, iii.

Accords Technical Section and iv.

Supervise the work.

And Gram Panchayat/ Panchayat Samiti/ Zila Parishad are entrusted with following activities/ responsibilities viz.



Entries of Schemes in MIS

Work allocation/ issuance of e-muster (Programme Officer of Block issues it) iii.

Maintains muster, iv.

Records measurement, v.

Updates MIS, vi.

Draws payment advise vii.

Makes payments, viii.

All activities are carried out as per Muster Cycle ix.

Is the custodian of records x.

Is totally responsible for Financial and Social Audit xi.

Fund management xii.

Sends progress/ Audit reports/ Utilisation Certificates,

Administrative Expenses

For module A – Administrative Expenses up to 3% of total expenditure may be provided

For module B no overhead charges will be paid.

Operationalising the road map

The Departments to converge with Mahatma Gandhi NREGS

As per additions of new works in Schedule 1 of the Act, further departments were identified for convergence. The following Departments/ Directorates/ Organisations have been identified for convergence with Mahatma Gandhi NREGS.


Department of Agriculture


Department of Environment and Forest


Department of Water Resources


Department of Minor Water Resources


Rural Construction Department


Rural Works Department


Public Health En gineering Department


Department of Animal and Fish resources


Social Welfare Department (ICDS)


Cooperative Department


Youth, Art and Culture Department


Department of Education


Directorate of Horticulture


Bihar State Milk Cooperative Federation Ltd. (COMFED)


Son Command Area Development Agency (SCADA)

This list can be further extended as per activities identified by the State Employment

Guarantee Council/ State Convergence Coordination Committee.




The districts shall identify works as per instructions issued vide Joint Circulars.

District Programme Coordinator shall call meeting of all concerned line departments for the purpose and the same will be incorporated into the annual action plan of FY

14-15, as supplementary plan after following due procedure.

For FY 15-16 and onwards, the Intensive Participatory Planning exercise tools shall be utilised to prepare an integrated detailed District Perspective Plan, which identifies the needs and gap in the Districts in all the sectors.


The district perspective plan shall be a multiyear plan for different departmental projects. iv.

The projects that are identified for convergence with MGNREGA should be discussed in the Ward Sabhas/ Gram Sabhas located in the project area.

Activities/structures/tasks identified for execution under MGNREGA should be v.

included in the annual shelf of works for MGNREGA and will be part of the labour budget.

If the source of funding is more than one i.e., other than MGNREGA then both departments will prepare a composite project clearly defining activities with source of funding. vi.

The parent department of the converging programme should provide necessary technical expertise to the Gram Sabha so that convergence takes place in a complementary manner and the activities are dovetailed into a well-linked programme. vii.

If source of funding is more than one department i.e. other than Mahatma Gandhi

NREGA then both/all departments will prepare a composite project clearly defining activity wise budget and/or technical support. viii.

The implementing department of the converging programme will provide necessary technical expertise to the Gram Sabha so that convergence takes place in complementary manner. ix.

The programme Officer, Mahatma Gandhi NREGA and the Gram Panchayat will be responsible for linking wage worker with the identified implementing agencies for x.

convergence project.

Development of technical proposal and estimates will be done at respective level.

Prime role for developing technical proposal will rest with the expertise of line departments. xi.

MGNREGA component of the work taken under convergence should be implemented by Gram Panchayat or other implementing agency, as prescribed in the Act. Other implementing agency should follow the norms prescribed in the respective programme guideline. xii.

The 60:40 ratio for wage and material costs should be maintained at GP level for all works to be taken up by GP and for works to be taken by all other agencies it should be maintained at the District. Therefore, works to be taken up under convergence with MGNREGA should be identified in such a manner that this condition is met. xiii.

DPC/PO should share the list of works completed/ taken up work with concerned department so that they can indicate appropriate activities/technologies for each work for value addition during planning process. xiv.

The Joint directions issued by the Rural Development Department and the concerned Department(s) shall be the model for implementation and any problems/ conflicts/ issues related to them and other instructions issued by these

Department(s) shall be referred to the State Convergence Coordination Committee

(SCCC). The convergence projects should be comprehensive enough to ensure time bound execution.

Institutional arrangements for Convergence

State level Convergence Coordination Committee (SCCC):

State has constituted a "State Level Coordination Committee for Convergence" comprising of Nodal Officer, a senior officer (technical) designated by each Line department specifically for convergence. Committee is headed by Principal Secretary/ Secretary, Rural

Development Department, Government of Bihar for planning, technical support, monitoring and supervision of convergence activities initiated through MGNREGA. Special/ Additional/

Joint Secretary (MGNREGA), Rural Development Department shall be the Nodal Officer and

Superintending/ Executive Engineer, Engineering Cell, Rural Development Department will provide secretarial support to the Committee.

Role and Responsibility of the State Coordination committee: i.

Coordination of convergence activities at state level. ii.

Make agreement with line departments on the broad areas of convergence, resource allocation from schemes/programmes for convergence model and preparation of technical and financial (cost norms) specifications. iii.

Coordinate for development of technical specification and standard for convergence work in consultation with the technical experts of line departments. iv.

Issue of guidelines and advisories related to convergence work. v.

Issue advisory to district for technical and financial sanction of each type of works. vi.

Development of training module on convergence and train District convergence team on the methodology of convergence between the concerned scheme and Mahatma

Gandhi NREGS. vii.

Development of monitoring and reporting framework. viii.

Development and maintenance of dedicated web-based MIS system for convergence in consultation with MoRD, GOI or adoption of dedicated online MIS system developed by

MoRD, GOI with state specific modifications. ix.

Conduct quarterly physical and financial progress review meeting with all line departments Nodal officer. x.

Ensure preparation of District Perspective Plan

District Convergence Coordination committee (DCCC):

To execute the convergence model at Panchayat, Block and District level, a district convergence coordination committee (DCCC) will be formed headed by DPC. DCCC will constitute of ADPC cum CEO-Zila Panchayat, Superintending/ Executive Engineers of all relevant line departments that have Offices or works in the district, experts and technical personnel from relevant fields/ line departments of the district as well as representatives of CSOs/ CBOs identified by the Rural Development Department.

ADPC cum CEO-Zila Panchayat will provide the secretarial support to DCCC. DCCC will nominate a District Nodal Officer to assist CEO- Zila Panchayat and undertake day to day activity of convergence.

Role and Responsibility of District Convergence Coordination Committee:

Coordination of convergence activities at district level.

To advise, formulate, appraise and monitor the implementation of MGNREGA convergence model.

To identify common areas of convergence of work under different schemes.

Scrutinize the district plans and other schemes.

Examine the appropriateness as per the district hydro-geological, climatic conditions and adequacy of works in terms of likely demand and their feasibility.

Ensure that sequencing of works selected by Gram Sabha under MGNREGS and the work taken up by the line department that is proposed for convergence are compatible with each other.

 Preparation of annual convergence action plan for the district.

 Ensure technical and financial sanction of works by the relevant departments.

 Coordinate in preparation of estimates for convergence work with line departments with clear cut share of labour, material and technical inputs.

Train block convergence team on the methodology of convergence between the concerned scheme and Mahatma Gandhi NREGS

 Ensure the technical quality of the convergence model / works.

DCCC will assure the quality supervision/monitoring and quality check of at-least 10% of convergence works taken up during the financial year through district team and technical experts of all concerned departments.

Nominate a District Nodal Officer for handling day-to-day convergence activities at district level. District Nodal Officer will also attend the monthly review meeting at state level.

Issue of Digital Signature Certificates (DSCs) to line department functionaries/ identified

PO and second signatory.

Conduct monthly physical and financial progress review meeting of DCCC with all line departments Nodal officer.

 Monthly reporting to Commissioner Mahatma Gandhi NREGA on Convergence progress.

Block Convergence Coordination Committee (BCCC)

The Block Convergence coordination committee (BCCC) will be constituted comprising the Block

Development Officer, Programme Officer of the Block, Block Program manager, Jeevika, other

Block level Officials and technical personnel of all Line Departments, representatives of CSOs/

CBOs identified by the department/ district. Committee will be headed by Block Development

Officer and the secretarial support will be provided by Programme Officer.

Role and Responsibility:

Coordination of convergence activities at block level.

Ensure that works selected by Gram Sabha under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA and the work taken up by line department that is propose for convergence are compatible with each other.

Train Panchayat convergence team on the process of planning and methodology of convergence

Preparation of estimates

 Preparation of block level annual convergence action plan.

 Responsible for linking wage worker with the identified implementing agencies for convergence project.

 Generation of E-muster roll for all PIAs.

 Quality monitoring and supervision of all convergence works taken up.

 Conduct fortnightly or monthly meeting of BCCC for review and progress update.

Utilise resources of Cluster Facilitation Teams to prepare plans based on INRM and optimum utilisation of resources of various departments, as per requirements of the people that actually results in creation of durable and productive assets.

Close coordination with Livelihood activities of Jeevika and convergence of same as per

Convergence plan of MGNREGA and SRLM shall be ensured.

Panchayat Convergence Coordination Committee:

Panchayat Convergence Coordination Committee shall be constituted comprising the Junoir engineer/ Panchayat Technical Assistants appointed under MGNREGA, Panchayat Rojgar Sevak , field level staff engaged in implementing the programmes of line departments, representative of Cluster Level Federation of Jeevika and representatives of other CSOs/ CBOs.

Role and Responsibility

Capacity building of primary stakeholder, community on convergence livelihood planning.

 Facilitate planning process with support of BCCC

 Take approval of shelf of project from Gram Sabha

Establish expected outcome for each convergence project.

Preparation of community asset and individual asset plan under convergence.

 Capacity building of mates on work site management.

 Work site execution and measurement of Convergence project

Conduct fortnightly or monthly meeting of PCCC for review and progress update.

Fund Management

 Fund management will be done through e-FMS.

 An Officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer/ ACF/ Group B rank Officer shall be designated as Programme Officer for implementing MGNREGA works under aegis of the concerned Office of the Line Agency/ Department.

Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) shall be issued to the designated Officer by the DPC of the concerned district to enable disbursal of wages and material expenditure through e-


Another DSC shall also be issued to another designated Officer/ Accountant of the concerned Office of Line Agency/ Department for preparing/ generating FTOs.

Till e-FMS is implemented funds will be transferred as per directions issued in various joint letters and in RDD’s letter no. 114035 dated 18.07.2012. It is to be noted that all transfers into the designated account of the Line Agency shall be done by the District

Fund Manager, as being done in case of Gram Panchayat/ Panchayat Samiti/ Zila

Parishad etc.

Wage list and Vendor payment Order shall be generated from MIS and all payment shall be done into the accounts of the Wage seeker/ Vendor. The same should be entered into MIS.

E-muster roll will be generated by Programme Officer of the Block, in case of Gram

Panchayat and Panchayat Samiti while in case of Zila Parishad it will be issued by the

Director, DRDA. In case of Line agencies it will be issued by the Programme Officer designate for that line agency.

 Projects in which funds are dovetailed from other schemes to meet the cost of an identifiable part of the project, a complete project proposal including all project activities and budget will be prepared. If dovetailing is at State level then all funds will be received at PIA level into the MGNREGA Account. In case of dovetailing/ pooling at

PIA level, funds of different departments shall be kept in different designated accounts.

 All wage and material payment of MGNREGA activities will be made directly through e-


Activity/ Scheme wise Convergence plan for FY 14-15 and onwards


Convergence with Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA) and MGNREGA for construction of IHHL

Convergences with Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA) for construction of Individual Household

Latrines (IHHL) shall be carried out as per directions issued vide letter no.196873 dated

19.08.2014 and all its annexures. (Annexure-3)

State Human Development Mission has set a Target of covering 60% of families with Individual household Latrines (IHHL) by FY 2016-17. In light of above decision the year wise target and fund commitment is as follows:-

Year Wise Break up of Target and Fund from MGNREGA and NBA

FY No. of IHHL


2014-15 23.60 lakh

2015-16 15.3 lakh

2016-17 15.3 lakh

Cost per unit





MGNREGA on Cost on NBA

Rs.127440 lakh Rs.108560 lakh

Rs.82620 lakh

Rs.82620 lakh

Rs.70380 lakh

Rs.70380 lakh

Sanitation Fund

A ‘’ Sanitation revolving fund ” of Rs.2.5 lakh per Gram Panchayat from 4 th

State Finance

Commission Grant will be established to facilitate poor beneficiary to purchase materials by advancing Rs.5000/- to such families in advance from this fund. The same will be recouped from the Rs.10000/- payable to beneficiary from MGNREGA-NBA fund once the IHHL is completed, into the account of the GP.

Total fund from 4 th

Finance Commission as Corpus Fund for IHHL: Rs.21015.00 lakh.


Creation of Farm ponds with plantation on its embankment and fisheries activity

The model estimate of Ponds with plantation on embankment and fisheries activity has been circulated in the Booklet on Model Estimates. A model estimate for creation of such pond on individual land is attached as Annexure-4. Further it has been decided to excavate all old common land ponds/ large water bodies on which fisheries is done by Fisheries Cooperatives.

The action plan for FY 14-15 for individual and Common lands is as below:-

Khet Pokhar (Individual Ponds) Target and Resources from MGNREGA

No. of Schemes/ Target Estimated Cost/ unit

1 lakhs Rs.109000.00

Total Cost from MGNREGA

Rs.10900.00 lakh

Resources from Animal and Fisheries Resources Department

Estimated cost on Pisciculture Rs.5000/ unit of which up to 50% is subsidy. Hence Share of

Animal and Fisheries Resources Department is Rs.2500.00 lakh.

Ponds on Public land

No. of Schemes/ Target Estimated Cost/ unit Total Cost from MGNREGA

1000 (10 per Sub Division) Rs.10 lakhs to Rs.25 lakhs Rs.10000.00 lakh to 25000.00 lakh

Resources from Fisheries department

The Fisheries department through its District Fisheries Officer shall submit plans for 10 ponds/ sub division. These plans shall provide for excavation/ desiltation of ponds, creation of small ponds for nursery, with use of machines. The ponds shall be so constructed to facilitate intensive fish production in most scientific manner. Technical inputs shall be provided by

Fisheries department. The entire fisheries activity shall be carried out by the Fisheries

Cooperative with whom the pond has been settled. They shall monitor the construction activities also.


Construction of Tube well channels of State Tube wells and

NABARD phase -11 in FY 2014-15 in convergence with Minor

Irrigation Department.

The constructions of Tube wells channel shall be carried out as per directions issued vide letter no.172267 dated 26.12.2013. (Annexure-5)

The road map of every district shall be prepared by the concerned Division of the Line

Department. The concerned work Division shall be the PIA and the Executive Engineer shall be

designated as Programme Officer for MGNREGA works. The consolidated target for FY 2014-15 is as follows:-

No. of Schemes/ Target Cost from MGNREGA

5000 Rs.69000.00 lakhs

Cost from Minor Irrigation

Rs.10800.00 lakh


Construction of Irrigation facilities and Jamindari Bandhs etc in convergence with Irrigation department

Directions/ guidelines has been issued vide Joint letter no.194215 dated 25.07.2014 for renovation of canals, flood control, strengthening of embankments, Chaur renovation and related works. The (Annexure-6)

The target for the Irrigation department is as follows:-

No. of Schemes/ Target


Cost from MGNREGA

Rs.10000.00 lakhs

The Irrigation Department shall provide technical resources as well as shall execute the works as a PIA. The concerned Executive Engineer of the Work Division shall be the PIA/ designated Programme Officer.


MGNREGA – SRLM convergence- CFT strategy

Bihar Rural Livelihood Society, the SRLM in Bihar also n\known as JEEViKA has been entrusted the Task of taking forward the convergence strategy as the identified CSO.

Operational area

25 Blocks of 10 districts have been selected by JEEViKA. Selection of the block is done considering Poor Human Development Indicators , Tribal areas, High population of SCs,

Poor connectivity and Having active presence of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) or

Community Based Organization : -







Bodhgaya, Dobhi,

Harnaaut, Rajgir, Noorsarai

Dhamdaha, Banmahi, Barhara Kothi

Khagaria, Chautham, Alauli







Roh, Rajauli


Kodha, Manihari

Chakai , Sono

Jainagar, Pandual, Lakhnaour

Meenapur , Kudhani , Saraiya, Mushari


BRLPS in the Selected Blocks will be able to deliver the following outcomes after 3 year project period: a.

Clear implementable plans for MGNREGS focusing on NRLM. b.

All desired members of SHG will get Job card. c.

SC/ST households will get at least 75 days' work in the financial year. d.

At least 25% additional incomes will accrue to the community or the worker against baseline households in 3 years. e.

At least 75% of wages are in time i.e. paid within 15 days from the date of closure of muster roll through Rural Development or through Bridge financing by Village organization. f.

Formation of women Sabha at every Panchayat level. g.

At least 60 % of SHG members will be benefitted by creation of assets through

Individual Beneficiary Scheme. h.

50 % of Village having Women Social Audit Committee and 30 % of the social

Audit committee will be in position to perform Social audit effectively.

The implementation Guidelines is attached as Annexure- 7.


Estimated budget for one block for one year is calculated to be Rs.1, 11, 12,000 (one crore eleven lakhs twelve thousand only). While 27, 78, 00,000 ( twenty seven crores seventy eight thousand only ) amounts are estimated to for 25 blocks in one year. For three years the same amount has increased to 15654000 ( One crore fifty six lakhs fifty four thousands only ) and 391350000, ( thirty nine cores thirteen lakhs fifty thousand only ) car for one block and 25 blocks respectively.

Construction of Poultry shed, Goatery shed etc. and providing linkages to the Job card holders to benefit with schemes relating to promotion of same.

In the 25 Blocks of 10 districts identified for convergence with SRLM (Jeevika) focus shall be on promoting MGNREGA works related to Livelihood component viz. Poultry shed,

Goatery shed, Cattle shed, Vermi compost etc.

No. of Schemes/ Target

3000 in each category

Cost from MGNREGA

Rs.2475.00 lakhs.

Subsidy from Animal and Fisheries Resources Department, as per prevalent schemes shall be coordinated by the VOs/ CLFs. The Programme Officer of Block and Block

Project Manager, BRLPS shall monitor and coordinate same.

NRLM-Livelihood activities of SHG like construction of building for women-SHGs, federations and Village Haats

In close coordination with JEEViKA, it is planned to construct 8406 Vilaage Haats in next

3 FY. Estimated Cost from MGNREGA: Rs.471 lakhs.


Mukhyamantri Kosi Mulbery Yojna

State government has decided to take converge Silk production activity of Industries department with MGNREGA, as per provisions of Government of India Guidelines. A Cabinet decision has been taken to carry out convergence in districts of Saharsa, Supaul,

Madhepura, Katihar, Purnea, Kishanganj and Araria. BRLPS shall coordinate the organisation of Farmers, plantation works under MGNREGA and cocoon rearing work with Industries department. The Guidelines of MGNREGA component is attached as Annexure- 8.

In this FY (2014-15) the focus is on 3 districts viz. Saharsa, Supaul and Madhepura. The targets are as follows.

Target area to be planted Cost from MGNREGA

1000 acres Rs.705.36 lakhs


Construction of cattle platforms and linkages with COMFED to promote Milk production

Bihar state Milk Cooperative Federation shall provide plan for linking small milk producers in cooperatives for provision of infrastructure facility of same. The GP shall be the PIA and the cooperatives shall coordinate and monitor construction activities. COMFED shall provide the necessary linkages for collection and transportation of milk. The outcomes shall be planned activity in the projects.

No. of Schemes


Cost from MGNREGA

Rs.12000.00 lakhs


Afforestation in convergence with Environment and Forest

Department, Vricch Sanrakshan yojana

Environment and Forest Department shall take up block plantations in 3-4 districts to start with to augment forest cover on large scale. Expected expenditure from MGNREGA is

Rs.5000 lakh. The Environment and Forest Department has established a PMU at State level to facilitate works under MGNREGA and shall provide technical support as well as human resource to ensure full leveraging of the resources.


Construction of Play grounds

The guidelines for convergence on construction of play grounds has been issued vide letter no. dated. (Annexure-9)

The identification is to be done with resources of Education department. Target is to be set in consultation with Education department in next meeting of SEGC.


Construction of Anganwadi Centres

It has been decided to construct 1 AWC in every GP every year from MGNREGA resources if GP meets the 60:40 (labour- material ratio). GP will be the PIA. Copy of guidelines is at Annexure-


Gist of State Convergence Plan

Table 1: Proposed activities under convergence during financial year 2014-15




1. IHHL (including IAY


2. Creation/ Desiltation of Ponds with provisions for plantation on embankments and

Fisheries activity

(Individual Land)

3. Creation/ Desiltation of Ponds with provisions plantation for on embankments and

Fisheries activity

(Public Land)

4. Construction of Tube well channels of

State Tube wells and

NABARD phase -11 in FY 2014-15 in convergence with

Minor Irrigation


5. Construction of

Irrigation facilities and Jamindari

Bandhs etc. in convergence with

Irrigation department

6. MGNREGA – SRLM convergence- CFT strategy


Poultry of shed,

Goatery shed etc. and providing linkages to the Job

No. proposed of works


Works under MGNREGA

23.6 lakh Labour and Material

1 lakh





Labour and Material (Use of excavators case of Ponds on Public lands)

Separate Fund

Labour and Material under material component in

Labour and Material

Labour and material

Labour and Material

Works under other scheme/ programmes

As per NBA norms

Technical Support and Subsidy.

Complete technical support

Project Plans for ponds on

Public lands for Fisheries.

Inputs and Subsidy.

Material and Technical resources. The Works Division shall be PIA.

The Works division shall be PIA.

Technical resources of the department.

Complete end to end implementation by BRLPS.

Facilitation by BRLPS


8. card holders to benefit with schemes relating to promotion of same

Mukhyamantri Kosi



Construction linkages


Milk production of cattle platforms and with

COMFED to promote

1000 acres

(2000 units)


Plantation of Mulberry

(host plant) and maintenance for 3 years.

(Facilitation by BRLPS)

Labour and Material

The GP shall be the PIA

EGGS supply to beneficiaries, training and cocoon marketing by Industries department.

Fruit plant by Industries/

Horticulture dept.

Provision of machine for making silk yarn by Central

Silk Board.

Intercropping of pulses between plant area -

Technical support by

Agriculture Department

Complete facilitation by

BRLPS, which shall organise farmers into producer groups.

COMFED shall provide plan for linking small milk producers in cooperatives for provision of infrastructure facility of same. It shall provide the necessary

9. Afforestation in convergence with

Environment and

Forest Department,

Vricch Sanrakshan yojana

10. Construction of Play grounds

3-4 districts Labour and Material linkages for collection and transportation of milk.

Technical Resources. Will work as PIA.

No Target Labour and Material. GP to be PIA

Technical support from


Support in identification of fields, Monitoring and maintenance by Education


12. Construction of

Anganwadi Centres

One every GP in Under 60:40 ratio. Design, identification and monitoring.

Note: List of activities and number of activities are subject to change. Same will be finalized during planning at Gram Panchayat and district level.

Table 2: Tentative expenditure for proposed convergence activities (FY 14-15)

Type of Work

IHHL (including IAY Toilets)

Projected Expenditure (in Rs.


MGNREGA Other Dept.

Rs.127440 lakh

Rs.108560 lakh and

Rs.21015.00 lakh


Expenditure (In

Rs. Crores)

Rs.257015.00 lakh

Creation/ Desiltation of Ponds with provisions for plantation on embankments and Fisheries activity

(Individual Land)

Rs.10900.00 lakh

Rs.2500.00 lakh


Creation/ Desiltation of Ponds with provisions for plantation on embankments and Fisheries activity

(Public Land)

Rs.10000.00 lakh to

Rs.25000.00 lakh

Construction of Tube well channels of State Tube wells and NABARD phase -11 in FY 2014-15 in convergence with Minor Irrigation Department.

Rs.69000.00 lakh

To be calculated by the Fisheries department

Rs.25000.00 lakh

Rs.10800 lakh Rs.79800.00 lakh

Construction of Irrigation facilities and Jamindari

Bandhs etc in convergence with Irrigation department

Rs.10000.00 lakh

Construction of Poultry shed, Goatery shed etc. and providing linkages to the Job card holders to benefit with schemes relating to promotion of same

Rs.2475.00 lakh


As subsidy per

Rs.1000.00 lakh

Rs.2475.00 lakh

Mukhyamantri Kosi Mulbery Yojna (Sericulture)

Rs.705.36 lakhs

Construction of cattle platforms and linkages with

COMFED to promote Milk production

Rs.12000.00 lakh

Afforestation in convergence with Environment and

Forest Department, Vricch Sanrakshan Yojana

Rs.5000.00 lakh


Rs.262520.00 lakh

To be provided by

Industries department

Rs.705.36 lakh nil Rs.12000.00 lakh nil

Rs.142875.00 lakh

Rs.5000.00 lakh

Rs.405395 lakh

Time frame

S.N. Activity



State Convergence Coordination Committee constituted.

Meeting on monthly basis.

Constitution of District, Block and Panchayat Convergence

Coordination Committees

Time period

7 th

October 2014







Regular Consultation with individual line department

District Convergence Plans

Training on MIS of Convergence

Review and Examination of already approved annual action plan with the line departments

Monthly basis

15 th October

22 nd

September to

15 th


15 th

October 2014

Preparation of LB and convergence plan for 2015-16

Conduct training and Capacity building of functionaries to prepare convergence plan

7 th


October to th




31 st st

September to



MGNREGA CFT Roll out Plan


The Ministry of Rural Development is implementing two flagship programs — Mahatma Gandhi

National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) and the National Rural Livelihood

Mission (NRLM) - both addressing the rural poverty unemployment and from different facets.

This project is to synergize the functioning of the two so as to substantially enhance the quality of assets being created in the MGNREGS and thereby ensure better sustainability of rural livelihoods.

The Ministry has approved a pilot project for convergence of MGNREGS and NRLM. The objective of the project is to synergize the functioning of MGNREGA and NRLM so as to substantially enhance the quality of assets being created in the MGNREGS and thereby ensure better sustainability of rural livelihoods.

The provision of livelihood security to the rural poor through the creation of quality and durable community and individual assets that provide sustainable incomes is one of the central objectives of the MGNREGA. This requires participation of communities in planning, implementation and monitoring of the works. Increasing the participation of women is also one of the objectives of the programme.

National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) works towards creating robust institutional platforms of the rural poor, especially women, in the form of Self Help Groups (SHG) and their federations, to improve their access to financial services, and thereby build their sustainable livelihoods. The strength of NRLM has been its ability to energize the communities and involve them in building sustainable livelihoods, largely based on land development.

There is, therefore, a commonality of purpose and natural synergy between NRLM and


The Rural Development Department, Government of Bihar has selected Jeevika, Bihar Rural

Livelihoods Promotion Society (BRLPS), which has been already designated as the State Rural

Livelihoods Mission (SRLM) as the Civil Society Organization (CSO), to implement the Cluster

Facilitation Team Pilot Project in Bihar in 25 Blocks across 10 districts.

Jeevika: An Overview

Bihar Rural Livelihoods Promotion Society (BRLPS), is an autonomous body under the

Department of Rural Development, Govt. of Bihar, which has been designated as State Rural

Livelihoods Mission (SRLM) by the Department of Rural Development, Govt. of Bihar under the overall framework of National Rural Livelihoods Mission to scale up the JEEViKA model of poverty alleviation throughout the state of Bihar in a phased manner. JEEViKA is mandated to reach to 1.5 crores rural HHs and in the process, form nearly 10 lakh SHGs, 65000 VOs and

1600 CLFs.

Under the 3-tier Community Managed Institutional Structure, the project has mobilized 10,

00,000 HHs into 91,000 SHGs, federated these SHGs into more than 5000 Village Organizations and taken around 2500 VOs under the fold of 107 Cluster level federations.

At present, village organizations are providing several financial and social services to the SHGs which include savings from SHGs, routing of Community Investment Fund (CIF), managing

Community Mobilizers (CMs) and their honorarium, health risk fund (HRF), food security fund

(FSF), livelihoods funds etc. Apart from this many VOs are engaged in availing various services and benefits of government schemes and programmes.

Creation of Cluster Facilitation Teams (CFTs)

Cluster Facilitation Teams (CFTs) would be placed at the cluster level that would address gaps in

MNREGA and thereby result in creation of sustainable livelihoods. Cluster facilitation teams are to be set up to cover 15,000 job card holders or an area of 15,000 hectares, which corresponds to the watershed boundaries. The members of the cluster facilitation team must have demonstrated expertise in the following areas:

• Soil and moisture conservation

• Agriculture and allied/livelihood activities

• Community Mobilisation

• Expertise in preparing estimates, doing measurements and assessing quality of assets.

Area of Intervention

This convergence is proposed to be pilot operationalised in 25 blocks across 10 districts of Bihar.

The blocks identified jointly by Department of Rural Development, Govt of Bihar and JEEViKA as per the following parameters: a.

Poor Human Development Indicators b.

Tribal areas c.

High population of SCs d.

Poor connectivity e.

Having active presence of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) or Community Based

Organizations (CBOs)

The list of the blocks selected for the CFT Pilot Project implementation in Bihar is as follows:













Bodhgaya, Dobhi, Khijarsarai

Harnaaut, Rajgir, Noorsarai

Dhamdaha, Barhara Kothi

Khagaria, Chautham, Alauli

Roh, Rajauli


Kodha, Manihari

Chakai , Sono

Jainagar, Pandaul, Lakhnaur

Meenapur , Kudhani , Saraiya, Mushari

Role of CFT :

Cluster Facilitation Team will be focusing on the following points:


Review of the labor bank ( concept note in attached )in terms of the creation of the single window platform for demand creation and smoothening of the demand side


Review of the PRS for the supply side response against the demand side.


Joint Review of PRS & Labour bank in planning of monthly activities in coordination with the plans of the labour banks


Reviewing the JE/PTA regarding the timely measurements and labor banks regarding the identification of mates


Review of Resource Agency


Coordinating with the Program officer for the addressal of issues escalating beyond pancahayats and CFT.

Project Deliverables:

JEEViKA will strive to deliver the following outcomes after the 3 year project period under the

CFT pilot project: i.

Clear implementable plans for MGNREGS focusing on NRM. j.

All desirous member of SHG will be issued Job cards. k.

SC/ST households will get at least 75 days' work in the financial year. l.

At least 25% additional incomes will accrue to the community or the worker households in 3 years due to the works implemented through MGNREGS. m.

At least 75% of all wages are in time i.e. paid within 15 days from the date of closure of muster roll or through bridge finance. n.

Formation of Women Sabha at every Panchayat level. o.

50% of Villages having Women Social Audit Committee and 30 % of the social Audit committee will be in position to perform Social audit effectively.

Composition of CFT

A Cluster Level Federation will be placed in the geographical boundary of the cluster mapped by

Jeevika for implementing the National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM). Jeevika would be playing the dual role as the Civil Society Organization (CSO) for implementing CFT and State

Rural Livelihoods Mission with the strong base of three tier community based organization.

Jeevika has started integrating the laborers of the households under its fold into Panchayat level labor groups.

CFT Strategy recognizes the need to hire resource agencies:




Sr. No Stake Holder



CLF Members

Labor Group Members

Representative of Resource Agency

Junior Engineer

Jeevika AC







Total 12

Architecture of CFT

The CFT pilot project strategy aims at convergence of NRLM & MGNREGS to provide employment to the rural households. The convergence would have two types of linkages between


Organizational Linkage b.

Institutional Linkage

Organizational Linkage would be between the MGNREGA functionaries and the staff of

JEEViKA (in the role of SRLM), at the block, district and state level. The Institutional Linkage would be between the MGNREGA functionaries and the three tier community based institutions.

Given below is the architectural diagram of the CFT operational at the cluster level with the various stakeholders and the linkages between them. The linkages would assist in linking the supply side with the demand side working together in tandem with each other for the delivery of the entitlements.

The first linkage will be at the panchayat level and would an institutional linkage between the

Labour Groups and the Panchayat Rozgaar Sevak (PRS). All the exchange of information required at the individual level would happen at this level. All the potential laborers in the

panchayat would be a part of the labour group and would interact with PRS for all the related business processes. To assist the labour group in its activities, Village Resource Person would be employed while the Community Coordinator would give the Hand hold Support to the institution in its day to day activities. The members can perform activities like job card registration, bank account registration, raising group work demand. While the PRS would get large demands at the single platform, share information like release of the muster roll, work allocation, attendance and the measurement booking etc. The PRS, Community Coordinator and the labour Bank members would also review the progress of the labour group, cadre appraisal and monitor the activities in progress.

Specific Role of PRS: With the discussion from labour Group leaders and VRPs , PRS will developed monthly mandays chart for each labor group . In every fortnightly meeting PRS will come with data of project to be implemented in this month, Project going on the Panchayat or approved for this particular panchayat and no. of labor required to complete. If there is any discontinuity from the labor side issue to be discussed in labour group meeting as well as in CFT meeting .

The complied work demand of labour group will be singed by the PRS and submitted it to BPIU office where BPIU will entered the demand in MGNREGA MIS through their LOG IN as CSO.

Role of CC : CC will summarized the data of no. of labour will work in the Panchayat and project ( Plot) where they will work . In CFT meeting Labor group wise data will be complied and discussed in the meeting .

CC of that cluster will also responsible to ensure the demand registration through their BPIU LOG IN.

The second linkage that will happen will also be institutional in nature and would take place at

CFT level. The CFT would be chaired by the cluster level federation and would have the participation of the Junior Engineer, Area Coordinator, CLF representatives and the labor group representatives and the representatives of the resource agency. The agenda of the meetings would be to review the progress of the activities of the labor group and the first level of the linkage. The roles and the deliverables of the resource agencies hired would also be reviewed at the CFT level. A meeting minuts of CFT will a document that will be review in the joint meeting of BPM and PO ,JE ,AC and two CFT Shgs members at BPIU-Jeevika.

Role of JE: In the CFT meeting JE will come with the data of work demand Vs Work allotted in the particular Panchayat . They will also come with Project list ( started , implementing and due in panchayat ) . Along with above they will come with Following :


List of the people who got allotment of work with the name of Project.


Status of measurement where activity is going on or completed .


Payment status

Role Of Area Co-ordinator : After completion of one week task by the member , area coordinator is sole responsible to facilitate Bridge Finance to the member through Village

Orginasation .

Area Co-ordinator will support the PO office if there is any backlog in data entry .

Role of BPIU : BPM is responsible to complete data entry of work demand with in three day the

PRS’s work demand singed copy (complied) received. If necessary BPM can pay the incentive amount to the data entry operators after approval from DPM/SPM.

Forth nightly meeting with

PO will also insoure by the BPM.

The third a nd last level of linkage would be organizational in nature and would be between the

MGNREGA functionaries placed the respective block with the Block Project Implementation

Unit of JEEViKA especially PO,JE and AC and BPM . The BPM/PO would also review the work on forth nightly basis of resource agency and task completed report received as a minuts of

CFT . Joint team would review and discuses on the Fund status of panchayat , MIS entry and expenditure status in terms of Labor and Materieal expenditure and the disbursement of the wages.

Report of this meeting will submitted by the BPM to DDC/DM to review the progress in last week of every month.

DDC and state team of Jeevika and Rural Development will meet on quarterly basis at state and go through all CFT report and block level meeting minut.

Roles and Responsibilites

Sr No







Tasks Sub Tasks

Formation & CB of Labour groups

Planning of the activities

Passing the

Resolutions in

Gram Sabha

Training of the

VRPs & Mates

Job Card

Formation &

Bank Account




Mapping the Members

Formation Of labour group

Mapping the details of Job cards &

Bank Accounts

Awareness about the job cards &

Bank Account opening

Training on Gram Sabha & shelf of works

Assesment of the training

Women Sabha Meeting

Internal Discussion & Planning in

Women Sabha

Formation of the Activity Calendar

& Family Livelihood plan

Capacity Building of the Labour

Bank regarding the Gram Sabha

Participation of the Labour group in

Gram Sabha

Getting the resolutions passed in the gram sabha

Identification of the VRPs

Training of the VRPs

Authentication of the training passing the resolution of the Mates

Induction through Gram Sabha

Training on the formation of the

Job Cards & Bank Account

Document preparation and other formalities

Submission of the Documents to the PRS in labour bank meetings

Folowing up status of Opening of the Bank account & Job Cards

Filling of the demand forms in labour group

Submission of the Forms to the

PRS in the Labour Bank Meeting

Roles & Responsibilities



VRP, M&D sub comm.

Nodal AC

Nodal AC


Nodal AC & LB

CLF, LB & Nodal AC

LB & Nodal AC

Nodal AC

CLF & Nodal AC



SD Manager


LB, Nodal AC


LB Through VRPs

Liason Sub Comm

M&D comm


Liaison comm


Institution Building

Institution Building


Awareness Generation

Capacity Building

Institution Building



Capacity Building



Capacity Building


Capacity Bulding

Access to tools to entitlements

Demand Generation






Work Allotment


E muster roll information



& Measurement

Receipt of the Demand Registration

TO be given in the LB Meeting

Nodal Area Coordinator would attend

the weekly PO/JE-PRS meetings

Labour Banks would be given information

about the work allotment & Details

Members from Labour bank visit the work site and do the daily work

Daily Measurement of the works to be done

Sharing the Details of attendance &

Measurement with the labour bank

Monitoring of the Mates

Dsibursement of the Bridge


Calculating the Bridge Finance amount Payable

Disbursement of the Cash

Maintaining the books of records

Payment of the wages &

Repayment of the Bridge


Social Audits payment of the wages in account of the member

Sharing of the information with the

Labour Banks

Repayment of the BF from the members

Training of the LB on Social Audit

Review of the training

Participation of the members in the

Social Audit




PRS & Nodal AC









VRP/Nodal AC


Nodal AC




Measurement &


Measurement &


Measurement &


Measurement &


Bridge Finance

Bridge Finance

Bridge Finance

Capacity Building


BRLPS in the CFT Blocks will be able to deliver the following outcomes after the 3 year project period: a.

Clear implementable plans for MGNREGS focusing on NRM.


All desired member of SHG will get Job card. c.

SC/ST households will get at least 75 days' work in the financial year. d.

At least 25% additional incomes will accrue to the community or the worker households in 3 years due to the works implemented through MGNREGS. e.

At least 75% of all wages are in time i.e. paid within 15 days from the date of closure of muster roll or through bridge finance. f.

Formation of Women Sabha at every Panchayat level. g.

At least 60 % of SHG members will be benefitted through assets through Individual

Beneficiary Sector. h.

50% of Villages having Women Social Audit Committee and 30% of the social Audit committee will be in position to perform Social audit effectively.

Review Mechanism and Escalation Matrix




1 Submiss ion of


Cards filled formats

2 Receivin g the

Work demand

Applicat ion

3 Emuster

Incide nce


Registra tion of


Cards not done

The Job

Cards have become a necessary tool for accessing entitlement.

In absence of this,


Registratio n is very difficult

After 7 days

After 15 days

After 21 days

After 30 days

PRS not acceptin g the demand and giving the receipt

Not shared

The learning of the pilot has been that demand application itself isn't accepted which triggers a chain of processes and nips the process in bud

The experience

Time lag

After 3 days

After 7 days after 15 days

After 3 days

Status Escal ation

Action Actor Type of

Follow up

Telephonic Pending None Following up with PRS

Pending To PO Bringing the issue to the notice of PO

Pending None Follow up with



Sub comm

Liason Comm and M&D comm

BPM & CLF leader together written letter


Meeting and a letter


Meeting and a letter

Pending DM not


Pending None Following up with PRS

Pending To PO Bringing the issue to the notice of PO

Pending DM not


Letter with the mention of previous letter and log of events with a copy to


Letter with the mention of previous issued letters and log of events with a copy to SPMU

BPM, CLF leaders,

Labour Group members and

SD Manager together


Sub comm

Liason Comm and M&D comm

BPM, Labour

Group members and

SD Manager together



Meeting and a letter


Meeting and a letter

Pending None Following up with PRS


Sub comm


Roll &


Allocati on

4 Actual work in field with




Work not started as per date or was stopped in between is that

Demand is registered on MIS and members aren’t given the information which makes it tough for them to start the work

The experience of the labourers while working with

NREGA is that, even if they followed up and got the demand registered and work allocated, the work stopped due to some external factors and no action against it was taken and also no accountabil ity is held

After 7 days after 15 days

Next day of the incident

After 3 days

After 7 days

After 15 days

After 21 days

Pending To PO Bringing the issue to the notice of PO

Liason Comm and M&D comm

Pending DM not



No resolutio n

No resolutio n

No resolutio n



Letter with the mention of previous issued letters and log of events with a copy to SPMU

Informing the


Following up with PRS

To PO Bringing the issue to the notice of PO


Pending DM not


Follow up with


Letter with the mention of previous letter and log of events with a copy to


BPM, Labour

Group members and

SD Manager together


Sub comm


Sub comm

Liason Comm and M&D comm

BPM & CLF leader together

BPM, CLF leaders,

Labour Group members and

SD Manager together


Meeting and a letter


Meeting and a letter


Telephonic written letter


Meeting and a letter


Meeting and a letter


मुख्‍य‍मत्री ‍ोशीरी ‍मऱरर ‍यशनन ‍ो ‍न्‍‍ र्गत ‍


ो ‍स थ‍नभिसरन


म र्गतदभीतो ‍


मुख्‍य‍मॊ्री ‍ोशीरी ‍मऱरर ‍यशना ‍ो ‍्रियय ्‍‍रया‍


‍ोे‍स थ‍ो्‍‍रनसस‍

ोे‍आध र‍पर‍ोराे‍ोी‍स्‍ररी ोि ब‍हबर र‍सरो र‍ोे‍ुाुम ब‍उयोयशव‍भरभ व‍ोे‍

प् ॊो‍रे.‍पश.‍01/13‍

570‍दिा ॊो‍10.02.2014‍योर र ‍प्रि ा‍ोी‍वयरी ‍रै।‍इस‍

यशना ‍ ो ‍ ्रियय ्‍‍रया‍ स ब‍ िनऱ ‍ ससररस






ोदिर र




्ोीावॊन‍एरॊ‍पुर्णिय )‍में‍्ोय ‍न यव ।‍हबर र‍सरो र‍योर र ‍दिए‍वए‍ुाुमशिा‍

ोे‍ आऱशो‍ में‍ परऱे‍ 3‍ रर्षों‍ में‍ रिक्ष रशपा‍ ोी‍ व बभरधध‍ ो ‍ ो य ि्‍‍रया‍ हबर र‍

ग्र मरी ण‍नरी भरोशप निा‍प्रशत्‍स रा‍सतम ब‍योर र ‍्ोय ‍न येव ।‍


इससे‍ सॊबॊधधब‍ न वरूोब ‍ सॊरर्द्िा


यशना ‍ ाम िण


एरॊ‍ ु्‍‍य‍ व बभरधधय ‍ में‍

सरयशव‍ िेाे‍ नैसे‍ ो यों‍ बथ ‍ ाधिाबम‍ व्‍यििबय ‍ में‍ नबब‍ ो ्िध ररय ‍ ोे‍

उ्‍‍मुखीकरी ोरण‍में‍नरी भरो ‍ोी‍स्रियय‍भितमो ‍ररेवरी ।‍


िनऱे‍ ोे‍ िनऱ ‍ ो यिरियम‍ सम्‍‍रयो-सर-िनऱ ‍ िण्‍् धधो र ‍ बथ ‍


‍ में‍

ो यिरब‍ु्‍‍य‍ोममी ‍यशना ‍ोे‍्रियय ्‍‍रया‍रेबु‍ुतभऱेखीक ‍ोे‍सॊध रण



ो यों‍ ोी‍ म परी



ोश‍ ुयोयबा‍ ोर ाे‍ बथ ‍ ग्र मरी ण‍ भरो स‍ भरभ व


हबर र‍

सरो र‍ ोे‍ ािेी‍ ोे‍ ुाुरूप‍ ु्‍‍य‍ व बभरधधय ‍ ोे‍ ्रियय ्‍‍रया‍ में‍ ुपारी ‍

भ वरी ि र ‍ ाभ येंवे।‍ो यिरियम‍्रियय ्‍‍रया‍एनेंसरी ‍ग्र म‍पॊच यब‍रशवरी ।‍‍‍


यशना ‍ऱ भ थमी ‍ोी‍ ानरी ‍नमरी ा‍पर‍प्र रम्‍भ‍ोी‍न येवरी ‍रर‍रिक्ष रशपा‍ोी‍एो‍

इो ई‍ोे‍ु्‍‍बविब‍आधे‍एो़ ‍नमरी ा‍में‍ 2700‍पौधे‍ऱव ये‍न येंवे।‍एो‍पौध ‍

ऱव ाे‍ ोे‍ तऱए‍ 1‍ घाफीि‍ नमरी ा‍ ोी‍ खीकुि ई‍ आरश्‍यो‍ रशवरी ।‍ ्रमम‍ ुरयर‍ ोे‍

ु्‍‍बविब‍पौध ‍ऱव ाे‍ोे‍तऱए‍नमरी ा‍ोी‍खीकुि ई‍एरॊ‍ऱव ये‍वये‍मऱरर ‍ोे‍पौधे‍

ो ‍ध्‍य ा‍रखीका ‍सिम्मतऱब‍रशव ।‍


एो‍ इो ई‍ ोे‍ ु्‍‍बविब‍ पौध ‍ रशपा‍ व बभरधध‍ एरॊ‍ नमरी ा‍ ोी‍ खीकुि ई‍ रेबु‍

ुधधोबम‍म ार‍दिरस‍रियमी:‍100‍एरॊ‍34‍रशव ।


एो‍ऱ भ थमी ‍योर र ‍एो‍इो ई‍से‍ुधधो‍नमरी ा‍पर‍रशपारी ‍ोराे‍पर‍


मि‍ ु्‍‍बविब‍ म ्‍ स मग्ररी ‍ मि‍ ु्‍‍बविब‍ व्‍यय‍भुवब ा‍रशव ।‍ु बररि‍ब‍म ार‍

दिरस‍ुाुम ्‍‍य‍ार ॊ‍र वे।‍‍


स मग्ररी ‍ुरयर‍ोे‍ु्‍‍बविब‍मऱरर ‍ोे‍पौधे‍ोी‍ोीमब‍स1.5‍रूपये‍प्र ब‍पौध )‍

रशव ‍रर‍इस‍बरर‍एो‍यि ाि‍सय ारी ‍2700)‍पौध ‍रशपा‍रेबु‍स मग्ररी ‍ुरयर‍ोे‍

रूप‍ में‍ 4050‍ ‍ रूपये‍ ो ‍ व्‍यय‍ रशव ।‍ नैभरो‍ खीक ि



‍ बथ ‍ फॉफििा ीरी ‍


पर‍प्र ब‍यि ाि‍ोुऱ‍व्‍यय‍


‍रूपये‍रशव ।‍


बशररॊव/‍तसॊच ई‍रेबु‍ोुऱ‍5


000‍रूपये‍ो ‍व्यय‍मारेव ‍मि‍से‍्ोय ‍न ‍सोब ‍

रै‍।‍मारेव ‍मि‍से‍तसॊच ई/‍बशररॊव‍ोे‍ऱ भ‍ऱेाे‍ोे‍‍उपर ॊब‍उयोयशव‍भरभ व‍ोे‍

मि‍से‍बशररॊव‍ो ‍ऱ भ‍िेय‍ार ‍रशव ‍।


आरश्यिब ‍रशाे‍पर‍‍नरी भरो ‍ग्र म‍सवठा‍‍चय ाब‍‍ररी ‍.‍आर‍.‍परी ‍





मेि‍ोे‍रूप‍मे‍ो यि‍ोरेंवे‍िनसो ‍भुवब ा‍नरी भरो ‍से‍्ोय ‍न ‍सोब ‍रै‍।‍यर‍

र ती‍प्रत्येो‍यशना ‍ुॊबविब‍2‍म ार‍दिरस‍प्र बरर्षि‍ोे‍ुधरी ा‍रशवरी ‍।


इस‍प्रो र‍एो‍इो ई‍पौध ‍रशपा‍पर‍ोुऱ‍


‍रूपये‍ो ‍व्‍यय‍रशव ‍िनसमें‍

23,718‍ रूपये‍ ो ‍ व्‍यय‍ ्रमम‍ ुरयर‍ पर‍ रशव ‍ नब्ो‍ स मग्ररी ‍ ुरयर‍ पर‍ रशाे‍

र ऱे‍ व्‍यय‍


रूपये‍ रशव ।‍ इस‍ प्रो र‍ ्रमम‍ एरॊ‍ स मग्ररी ‍ व्‍यय‍ ो ‍ ुाुप ब‍



25 , 32.75

‍‍रशव ।‍भरररणरी ‍ारी चे‍ोे‍िेबऱ‍में‍ि ‍वयरी ‍रै‍:-‍




रिय.सॊ.‍ भरररण‍

1‍ 2700‍ मऱरर ‍

पौध ‍

2‍ पौधे‍ ोे‍ तऱए‍

नमरी ा‍ खीकुि ई‍


3‍ 2700‍ पौधे‍ ो ‍

मिल्‍य‍ स1.50‍

प्र ब‍पौध )‍

4 बशररॊव‍/‍तसॊच ई‍

5‍ नैभरो‍ खीक योय




ा ीो‍

म ार‍दिरस‍












ोुऱ‍स मग्ररी ‍व्‍यय‍







्रमम‍ स मग्ररी ‍ ो ‍



23718 11550


ुाुप ब‍

ाशि‍:‍ 1‍‍‍उपयुिि‍ब‍िरें‍हबर र‍सरो र‍योर र ‍्ोए‍न ाे‍र ऱे‍सॊीशधा‍ोे‍ुधरी ा‍र वरी ‍

2.‍‍मारेव ‍से‍तसॊच ई/‍बशररॊव‍ोे‍ऱ भ‍ऱेाे‍ोे‍‍उपर ॊब‍ु्‍य‍मि‍से‍यर‍ऱ भ‍िेय‍

ार ‍रशव



द्वरत् री य‍रर्त‍:‍

रिय.सॊ.‍ भरररण‍ म ार‍दिरस‍ िर‍

1‍ 2700‍

मऱरर ‍पौध ‍

100 177

ोुऱ‍ ्रमम‍‍ िर‍ ोुऱ‍ स मग्ररी ‍

व्‍यय‍‍ व्‍यय‍

17700 -‍


्रमम‍ स मग्ररी ‍

ो ‍ुाुप ब‍



ृ री य‍रर्त

रिय.सॊ.‍ भरररण‍ म ार‍दिरस‍



17700 -


100 177

ोुऱ‍ ्रमम‍‍ िर‍ ोुऱ‍ स मग्ररी ‍

व्‍यय‍‍ व्‍यय‍

17700 -‍ 1‍ 2700‍

मऱरर ‍पौध ‍


्रमम‍ स मग्ररी ‍

ो ‍ुाुप ब‍





ो यिरियम‍ ोे‍ ्रियय ्‍‍रया‍ ोे‍ रियम‍ में‍ यदि‍ र ्‍‍य‍ आनरी भरो ‍ तमीा‍ स



ु्‍‍बविब‍समुि य‍आध ररब‍सॊवठा‍य ारी ‍ग्र म‍सॊवठा‍/‍सॊोुऱ‍स्‍बर‍सॊवठा‍ोश‍

ो यिरियम‍्रियय ्‍‍रया‍एनेंसरी ‍ोे‍रूप‍में‍ग्र मरी ण‍भरो स‍भरभ व‍/‍ग्र मरी ण‍भरो स‍

मॊ् ऱय


भ रब‍सरो र‍योर र ‍ुधधोिब‍्ोय ‍न ब ‍रै‍बश‍ुाुसिचरी ‍-1‍ोे‍ुाुस र‍

िर‍सिचरी ‍म ्‍‍य‍रशव ‍।

ुाुसिचरी -1

ो यतक्रम‍ ो ‍ क्रक्रय ्‍‍रयन‍ ो ‍ क्रम‍ म ‍ यिद‍ र ्‍‍य‍ आनरी वरो ‍ भमीन‍


‍ ो ‍ न्‍‍ र्गत ‍

समुद य‍आध रर ‍सतर्गठन‍य नरी ‍ग्र म‍सतर्गठन‍/‍सतोुऱ‍स्‍ र‍सतर्गठन‍ोश‍ो यतक्रम‍क्रक्रय ्‍‍रयन‍

एन सरी ‍ ो ‍ रूऩ‍ म ‍ ग्र मरी ण‍ वरो स‍ वरि र्ग‍ /‍ ग्र मरी ण‍ वरो स‍ मत् ऱय


ि र ‍ सरो र‍ द्र र ‍

नधधोृ ‍क्रोय ‍न ‍है‍ श‍ननम‍न तक्रो ‍दर‍म ्‍‍य‍हशर्ग ‍: ‍




रिय.सॊ.‍ भरररण‍ म ार‍दिरस‍







्रमम‍ िर‍ ोुऱ‍स मग्ररी ‍व्‍यय‍

1‍ 2700‍ मऱरर ‍

पौध ‍

2‍ पौधे‍ ोे‍ तऱए‍

नमरी ा‍खीकुि ई‍स1‍


3‍ 2700‍ पौधे‍ ो ‍

मिल्‍य‍ स1.50‍

प्र ब‍पौध )‍

34 177 6018



4‍ नैभरो‍ खीक योय




ा ीो‍



् ि ‍ प्रभरिटि‍ में‍

रशाे‍ र ऱे‍ व्‍यय‍


बशररॊव‍/‍तसॊच ई‍

2 234





्रमम‍ स मग्ररी ‍ ो ‍



23,718 12018


ुाुप ब‍

ाशि‍:‍ 1‍ ‍ उपयुिि‍ब‍ िरें‍ हबर र‍ सरो र‍ योर र ‍ ्ोए‍ न ाे‍ र ऱे‍ सॊीशधा‍ ोे‍

ुधरी ा‍र वरी ‍

‍‍‍‍‍‍2.‍मारेव ‍से‍तसॊच ई/‍बशररॊव‍ोे‍ऱ भ‍ऱेाे‍ोे‍‍उपर ॊब‍ु्‍य‍मि‍से‍

यर‍ऱ भ‍िेय‍ार ‍रशव



द्वरत् री य‍रर्त

रिय.सॊ.‍ भरररण‍

1‍ 2700‍

मऱरर ‍पौध ‍



् ि ‍ प्रभरिटि‍

में‍ रशाे‍ र ऱे‍

व्‍यय‍ सोुीऱ‍



्रमम‍ स मग्ररी ‍

ो ‍ुाुप ब‍

म ार‍दिरस‍







ोुऱ‍ ्रमम‍‍ िर‍ ोुऱ‍स मग्ररी ‍व्‍यय‍


17700 -‍








ृ री य‍रर्त

रिय.सॊ.‍ भरररण‍ म ार‍


िर‍ ोुऱ‍ ्रमम‍‍ िर‍ ोुऱ‍स मग्ररी ‍व्‍यय‍


1‍ 2700‍

मऱरर ‍

पौध ‍



् ि ‍

प्रभरिटि‍ में‍

रशाे‍ र ऱे‍



177 17700 -

234 ‍‍‍‍468





्रमम‍ स मग्ररी ‍

ो ‍ुाुप ब‍



17700 468


ड ट ‍प्रवरष्टट‍ऩर‍ऱर्गन ‍र ऱ ‍व्‍यय‍2‍ोुीऱ‍श्रभमो‍ोशिट‍ो ‍हशर्ग ‍(234‍रूऩय ‍ोी‍दर‍स ‍2‍

म नर‍िदरस‍य नरी ‍ोुऱ‍468‍रूऩय )‍और‍यह‍स मग्ररी ‍व्‍यय‍ो ‍न्‍‍ र्गत ‍आय र्ग ‍एो‍इो ई‍ऩधध रशऩन‍

ऩर‍हशन ‍र ऱ ‍ोुऱ‍व्‍यय‍


/ ‍रूऩय ‍हशर्ग ‍ष्नसम ‍श्रम‍ऩर‍हशन र ऱ ‍व्‍यय‍


/ ‍रूऩय ‍और‍

स मग्ररी ‍ऩर‍हशन ‍र ऱ ‍व्‍यय‍15,170/ ‍रूऩय ‍हशर्ग ‍इस‍प्रो र‍श्रम‍एरत‍स मग्ररी ‍ऩर‍हशन ‍र ऱ ‍व्‍यय‍ो ‍

ननुऩ ‍




‍हशर्ग ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍
