Helena Freitas

área reservada
Universidade de Coimbra . Portugal
hom e
Helena Freitas
Phone: +351 239 855236
e-mail: hfreitas@ci.uc.pt
C ategory: Full Professor
Department: Life Sciences
Research Line: Biodiversity and Ecosystems Functioning
Direct URL for this page: http://cfe.uc.pt/hfreitas
Research Interests
Main field: Plant Ecology. Major research areas: 1. Ecosystem physiology; 2. Ecology of invasive and exotic species; 3. Ecology and taxonomy of micorrhizal fungi;
4. Plant-soil interactions; 5. Physiology and biochemistry of heavy metals tolerance; 6. Scenarios of land use change and management. Other interests: Nature
conservation. Microbial ecology.
Academic Achievements
1993 - PhD in Plant Ecology, University of C oimbra, Portugal
1994/1995 - Pos-Doc in Ecology (Mediterranean Ecosystems) Stanford University - Stanford, USA
2000 - “Agregação” in Botany
University duties
Director of the Botanical Garden of the University of C oimbra
C oordinator of C EF
President of the Portuguese Ecological Society (SPEC O)
Vice-President of the Board of the European Ecological Federation
Projects in Progress (2)
As m issõe s botânicas e m África – nos trilhos de um naturalista (se e de tails)
Other Papers
Book s
Book s C hapte rs
The sis
C om m unications
R ESC O E - R isk Asse ssm e nt And Ecological Sustainability of C ork O ak in Montado
Ecosyste m s (se e de tails)
O the r publications
Ma Y, R ajk um ar M, Vice nte J, Fre itas H. (in pre ss) Inoculation of Ni-re sistant
plant growth prom oting bacte rium Psychrobacte r sp. strain SR S8 for the
im prove m e nt of nick e l phytoe x traction by e ne rgy crops.. International Journal of
Phytoremediation . (se e de tails)
C astro, P., Valie la, I., Fre itas, H. (2007) The use of se dim e ntary %C , %N, δ15N,
and Pb conce ntrations to asse ss historical change s in anthropoge nic influe nce on
Portugue se e stuarie s. Environmental Pollution. 147, 3, 706-712. (se e de tails)
Link : http://10.1016/j.e nvpol.2006.09.011
Marchante , H., Fre itas, H. & Hoffm ann, J.H. , Marchante , H., Fre itas, H.,
Hoffm ann, J.H. (in pre ss) The pote ntial role of se e d bank s in the re cove ry of
dune e cosyste m s afte r re m oval of invasive plant spe cie s. Applied Vegetation
Science. (se e de tails)
Silva, H., C alde ira, G. & Fre itas, H. (2007) Salicornia ram osissim a population
dynam ics and tole rance of salinity.. Ecol. Research. 22, 125-134. (se e de tails)
Barrico L., Azul A.M., Morais M.C ., C outinho A.P., Fre itas H., C astro P. (in pre ss)
Biodive rsity in urban e cosyste m s: Plants and m acrom yce te s as indicators for
conse rvation planning in the city of C oim bra (Portugal). Landscape and Urban
Planning. (se e de tails)
M. R ajk um ar., S. Sandhya., M.N.V. Prasad, H. Fre itas (in pre ss) Pe rspe ctive s of
plant associate d m icrobe s in he avy m e tal phytore m e diation. Biotechnology
advances. (se e de tails)
Marta-Pe droso, C ., Fre itas , H.& Dom ingos, T. (2007) Te sting for the surve y
m ode e ffe ct on continge nt valuation data quality: A case study of we b base d
ve rsus in-pe rson inte rvie ws. . Ecol. Econ. (2007), doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2007.02.005.
62, 3-4, 388-398. (se e de tails)
Sara Malte z-Mouro, Luis V. García, Te odoro Marañón, and He le na Fre itas.
(2007) R e cruitm e nt patte rns in a Me dite rrane an oak fore st: a case study showing
the im portance of the spatial com pone nt. Forest Science. 53, 6, 645-652. (se e
de tails)
Gonçalve s M.T., Gonçalve s S.C ., Portugal A., Silva S., Sousa J.P. & Fre itas H.
E. Buscardo, S. R odrígue z-Eche ve rría, L. Barrico, M. García, H. Fre itas, M P.
Martín, P. Ange lis, L. A.H. Mulle r (2012) Is the pote ntial for the form ation of
com m on m ycorrhizal ne twork s influe nce d by fire fre que ncy?. Soil Biology &
Biochemistry. 46 , 136-144. (se e de tails)
M.C . Morais, M.R . Panuccio, A. Muscolo, H. Fre itas (2012) Salt tole rance traits
incre ase the invasive succe ss of Acacia longifolia in Portugue se coastal dune s.
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 55, 60-65. (se e de tails)
C R ISÓ STO MO , J.A., R O DR ÍGUEZ-EC HEVER R ÍA, S., FR EITAS, H. (2012) Support
for the hypothe sis of co-introduction of e x otic rhizobia with invasive le gum e s? An
inte rcontine ntal study of Acacia saligna.. Applied Soil Ecology. accepted., (se e
de tails)
M.C . Morais,M. R . Panuccio, A. Muscolo, H. Fre itas (2012) Doe s salt stre ss
incre ase the ability of the e x otic le gum e Acacia longifolia to com pe te with native
le gum e s in sand dune e cosyste m s?. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 82, 7479. (se e de tails)
Gutié rre z E., C am pe lo F., C am are ro J.J., R ibas M., Muntán E., Nabais C ., Fre itas
H. (2011) C lim ate controls act at diffe re nt scale s on the se asonal patte rn of
Quercus ilex L. ste m radial incre m e nts in NE Spain. Trees. 25, 4, 637-647. (se e
de tails)
Link : http://www.springe rlink .com /inde x /10.1007/s00468-011-0540-3
H. Marchante , H. Fre itas and J.H. Hoffm ann (2011) Asse ssing the suitability and
safe ty of a we ll-k nown bud-galling wasp, Trichilogaste r acaciae longifoliae , for
biological control of Acacia longifolia in Portugal. Biological Control. 56, 2, 193-201.
(se e de tails)
Link : http://dx .doi.org/10.1016/j.biocontrol.2010.11.001
Y. Ma, M.N.V. Prasad, M. R ajk um ar, H. Fre itas (2011) Plant growth prom oting
rhizobacte ria and e ndophyte s acce le rate phytore m e diation of m e tallife rous soils.
Biotechnology Advances. (se e de tails)
Link : doi:10.1016/j.biote chadv.2010.12.001
Nabais C ., Labuto G., Gonçalve s S.C ., Buscardo E., Se m e nsatto D., Nogue ira
A.R .A., Fre itas H. (2011) Effe ct of root age on the allocation of m e tals, am ino
acids and sugars in diffe re nt ce ll fractions of the pe re nnial grass Paspalum notatum
(bahiagrass). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 49, 1442-1447. (se e de tails)
Link : http://dx .doi.org/10.1016/j.plaphy.2011.09.010
Gonçalve s M.T., Gonçalve s S.C ., Portugal A., Silva S., Sousa J.P. & Fre itas H.
(2007) Effe cts of nick e l hype raccum ulation in Alyssum pintodasilvae on m ode l
arthropods re pre se ntative s of two trophic le ve ls. Plant and Soil. 293, 177-188. (se e
de tails)
Link : http://dx .doi.org/10.1007/s11104-006-9174-4
Garnie r E., Lavore l S., Ansque r P., C astro H., C ruz P., Dole zal J.,Erik sson O .,
Fortune l C ., Fre itas H., Golode ts C ., Grigulis K., Jouany C ., Kazak ou E., Kige l J.,
Kle ye r M., Le hste n V., Le pš J., Me ie (2007) Asse ssing the e ffe cts of land use
change on plant traits, com m unitie s and e cosyste m functioning in grasslands: a
standardize d m e thodology and le ssons from an application to 11 Europe an site s.
Annals of Botany. 99, 967-985. (se e de tails)
García, L. V., Malte z-Mouro, S., Pé re z-R am os, I. M., Fre itas, H. and Marañón, T.
(2007) C ounte racting gradie nts of light and soil nutrie nts in the unde rstore y of
Me dite rrane an oak fore sts. Web Ecology. 6, 67-74. (se e de tails)
C risóstom o, J.A., Fre itas, H., R odrígue z-Eche ve rría, S. (2007) C om parison
be twe e n re lative growth rate s of thre e woody le gum e s: im plications in the proce ss
of e cological invasion. Web Ecology. 7, 22-26. (se e de tails)
Link : http://www.oik os.e k ol.lu.se /we pdfs/W e b_Ecol.7.22-26.pdf
C am pe lo, F., Nabais, C ., Gutie rre z, E. and Fre itas, H. (2007) C lim atic
significance of intra-annual de nsity fluctuations in Pinus pinea from a dry
Me dite rrane an are a (Portugal). Annals of Forest Science. 64, 2, 229-238. (se e
de tails)
Link : http://www.afs-journal.org/inde x .php?
option=article &acce ss=standard&Ite m ...
C am pe lo F., Gutié rre z, E., R ibas, M., Nabais, C . and Fre itas, H. (2007)
R e lationships be twe e n clim ate and double rings in Quercus ilex from NE Spain.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 37, 10, 1915-1923. (se e de tails)
Link : http://rparticle .we b-p.cisti.nrc.ca/rparticle /AbstractTe m plate Se rvle t?jo...
Araújo, G.C .L., Le m os, S.G., Fe rre ira, A.G. , Fre itas,H. Nogue ira, A.R .A. (2007)
Effe ct of pre -tre atm e nt and supporting m e dia on Ni(II), C u(II), Al(III) and Fe (III)
sorption by plant root m ate rial. Chemosphere. 68, 3, 537-545. (se e de tails)
R odrígue z-Eche ve rría, S., C risóstom o, J.A., Fre itas, H. (2007) Ge ne tic dive rsity
of rhizobia associate d with Acacia longifolia in two stage s of invasion of coastal
sand dune s. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 73, 15, 5066-5070. (se e de tails)
Link : doi:10.1128/AEM.00613-07
Marchante , H., Fre itas, H. , Hoffm ann, J. H (2011) Post-cle aring re cove ry of
coastal dune s invade d by Acacia longifolia: is duration of invasion re le vant for
m anage m e nt succe ss?. Journal of Applied Ecology. 48, 1295–1304. (se e de tails)
R ibe iro, P. Paiva, J. & Fre itas, H. (2007) Narcissus × caram ule nsis
(Am aryllidace ae ), a ne w hybrid for the portugue se flora. Anales del Jardín Botánico
de Madrid. 64, 1, 43-46. (se e de tails)
Azul AM, Sousa JP, Age re r R , Martín MP & Fre itas H (2010) Land use practice s
and e ctom ycorrhizal fungal com m unitie s from oak woodlands dom inate d by
Q ue rcus sube r L. conside ring drought sce narios. Mycorrhiza. 20, 2, 73-88 . (se e
de tails)
C astro, P., Valie la, I., Fre itas, H., (2007) Eutrophication in Portugue se e stuarie s
e vide nce d by δ15N of m acrophyte s. Marine Ecology Progress Series/ MEPS . 351, 9,
43-51. (se e de tails)
Mirta Te ichbe rg, Sophia E. Fox , Ylva S. O lse n, Ivan Valie la, Paulina Martine tto,
O scar Iribarne , Elizabe tiyurik o Muto, Monica A. V. Pe tti, Tha S N. C orbisie r, Martín
Soto-Jim é ne z, Fe de rico Páe z-O sun, (2010) Eutrophication and m acroalgal bloom s
in te m pe rate and tropical coastal wate rs: nutrie nt e nrichm e nt e x pe rim e nts with
Ulva spp. Global Change Biology. 16, 9, 2624–2637. (se e de tails)
Link : doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.02108.x
R oiloa, S.R ., R odrígue z-Eche ve rría, S., de la Pe ña, E. & Fre itas H. (2010)
Physiological inte gration incre ase s survival and growth of the clonal invade r
C apobrotus e dulis. Biological Invasions. 12, 1815-1823. (se e de tails)
Link : DO I 10.1007/s10530-009-9592Malte z-Mouro S, Mae stre FT & Fre itas H. (2010) C o-occurre nce patte rns and
abiotic stre ss in sand -dune com m unitie s: the ir re lationship varie s with spatial
scale and the stre ss e stim ator. Acta Oecologica. 36 , 1, 80-84. (se e de tails)
Link : DO I 10.1007/s10530-009-9613-2
Malte z-Mouro S, Mae stre FT & Fre itas H. (2010) W e ak e ffe cts of the e x otic
invasive C arpobrotus e dulis on the structure and com postition of Portugue se sand
-dune com m unittie s. Biological Invasions. 12, 7, 2117-2130 . (se e de tails)
M.N.V. Prasad, He le na Fre itas, Ste fan Frae nzle , Sim one W ue nschm ann, Be rnd
Mark e rt (2010) Knowle dge e x plosion in phytote chnologie s for e nvironm e ntal
solutions. Environmental Pollution. 158, 18-23. (se e de tails)
C am pe lo F., Nabais C ., Gutié rre z E., Fre itas H., García-Gonzále z I. (2010)
Ve sse l fe ature s of Quercus ilex L. growing unde r Me dite rrane an clim ate have a
be tte r clim atic signal than tre e -ring width. Trees. 24, 463-470. (se e de tails)
Link : http://www.springe rlink .com /conte nt/a60015n3182064r8/
Effe ct of invasive Acacia de albata Link on soil m icroorganism s as de te rm ine d by
PC R -DGGE.. Applied Soil Ecology. 44, 245-251. (se e de tails)
C astro H., Le hste n V. , Lavore l S. , Fre itas H. (2010) Functional R e sponse Traits
in R e lation to Land Use C hange in the Montado. Agriculture, Ecosystems and
Environment. 137, 1, 183-191. (se e de tails)
Link : doi:10.1016/j.age e .2010.02.002
Gonçalve s S.C .*, Portugal A.*, Gonçalve s M.T., Vie ira R ., Martins-Loução M.A. &
Fre itas H. (2007) Ge ne tic dive rsity and diffe re ntial in vitro re sponse s to Ni in
Cenococcum geophilum isolate s from se rpe ntine soils in Portugal. Mycorrhiza. 17,
677-687 (* denotes first co-authorship). (se e de tails)
Link : http://dx .doi.org/10.1007/s00572-007-0145-2
C ristina Marta-Pe droso,Tiago Dom ingos, He le na Fre itas, R udolf S. de Groot
(2007) C ost–be ne fit analysis of the Zonal Program of C astro Ve rde (Portugal):
Highlighting the trade -off be twe e n biodive rsity and soil conse rvation. Soil & Tillage
Research. 97, 79–90. (se e de tails)
Alm e ida, J.D. & Fre itas, H. (2006) Ex otic Flora of contine ntal Portugal – a
re asse ssm e nt.. Botanica Complutensis. 30, 117-130. (se e de tails)
de la Pe ña, E., R odrígue z Eche ve rría, S., Van de r Putte n, W ., Fre itas, H., Moe ns,
M. (2006) Me chanism of control of root-fe e ding ne m atode s by m ycorrhizal fungi
in the dune grass Am m ophila are naria. New Phytologist. 4, 169 , 829-840. (se e
de tails)
Link : doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2005.01602.x
Van de r Putte n, W ., C ook , R ., C osta, S., Davie s, K.G., Farge tte , M., Fre itas, H.,
Hol, W .H., Ke rry, B.R ., Mate ille , T., Moe ns, M., de la Pe ña, E., Piśk ie wicz,
R odrigue z-Eche ve rria, S. (2006) Ne m atode Inte ractions in Nature : Mode ls for
Sustainable C ontrol of Ne m atode Pe sts of C rop Plants?. Advances in Agronomy. 89,
227-260. (se e de tails)
Link : doi:10.1016/S0065-2113(05)89005-4
R odrigue z-Eche ve rria & He le na Fre itas. (2006) Dive rsity of AMF associate d to
Am m ophila are naria ssp. arundinace a in Portugue se sand dune s. Mycorrhiza. 16,
543-552. (se e de tails)
Link : doi:10.1007/s00572-006-0070-9
Barrico ML, Nabais C , Martins MJ and Fre itas H. (2006) Effe ct of the se ason, land
use and soil type on the occurre nce of phe nolic com pounds in two catchm e nts of
southe rn Portugal. Chemosphere. 65, 482-488. (se e de tails)
Antune s do C arm o, J., Schre ck R e is, C ., Fre itas, H. (2006) Succe ssful
re habilitation of a sand dune syste m .. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the
Environment. 88, 195-204.
(se e de tails)
C astro H., Fortune l C ., Fre itas H. (2010) Effe cts of land abandonm e nt on plant
litte r de com position in a Montado syste m : re lation to litte r che m istry and
com m unity functional param e te rs. Plant and Soil. 333, 1-2, 181-190. (se e de tails)
C astro, P. and Fre itas, H. (2006) Anthropoge nic e ffe cts and salt m arsh loss in
the Monde go and Mira e stuarie s (Portugal). Web Ecology. 6, 59-66. (se e de tails)
Y. Ma, M.N.V. Prasad, M. R ajk um ar & H. Fre itas (2010) Plant growth prom oting
rhizobacte ria and e ndophyte s acce le rate phytore m e diation of m e tallife rous soils.
Biotechnology Advances. (se e de tails)
Link : http://dx .doi.org/10.1016/j.biote chadv.2010.12.001
J. Pratas, M.N.V.Prasad, H.Fre itas & L.C onde . (2005) Plants growing on
abandone d m ine s of Portugal contam inate d with As (Arse nic), Sb (Antim ony) and
W (Tungste n), de line ate are as of anom alous soil com position for bioge oche m ical
prospe cting and possible m ine re clam ation. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 85,
99-107. (se e de tails)
Barrico M.L., R odrígue z-Eche ve rría S., Fre itas H. (2010) Dive rsity of soil
basidiom yce te com m unitie s associate d with Q ue rcus sube r L. in Portugue se
m ontados. European Journal of Soil Biology. 46, 280-287. (se e de tails)
M. R ajk um ar., N. Ae ., M.N.V. Prasad., H. Fre itas (2010) Pote ntial of
side rophore -producing bacte ria for im proving he avy-m e tal phytoe x traction. Trends
in Biotechnology. 28, 3, 142-149. (se e de tails)
Marchante , H., Fre itas, H., Hoffm ann, J.H. (2010) Marchante , H., Se e d e cology
of an invasive alie n spe cie s, Acacia longifolia (Fabace ae ), in Portugue se dune
e cosyste m s. American Journal of Botany . 97, 1-11. (se e de tails)
PER EIR A, J.S., FR EITAS, H. (2010) Im pact of wildfire re turn inte rval on the
e ctom ycorrhizal re sistant propagule s com m unitie s of a Me dite rrane an ope n
fore st. Fungal Biology. 114, 628- 636. (se e de tails)
R e is, C S; Dos Santos, MC V; Marais, M, e t al. (2010) First re cord of
He licotyle nchus varicaudatus Yue n, 1964 (Ne m atoda: Hoplolaim idae ) parasitizing
Am m ophila are naria (L.) Link in Portugue se coastal sand dune s.
PHYTOPATHOLOGIA MEDITERRANEA . 49 , 2, 212-226. (se e de tails)
Y. Ma, M. R ajk um ar, and H. Fre itas (2009) Im prove m e nt of plant growth and
nick e l uptak e by nick e l re sistant plant growth prom oting bacte ria. Journal of
Hazardous Materials. 166, 1154-1161. (se e de tails)
Araújo GC L, Le m os SG, Nabais C (2009) Nick e l sorption capacity of ground
Spe hn, E.M., He ctor, A., Joshi, J., Sche re r-Lore nze n, M., Schm id, B.,
Be ie rk uhnle in, C ., C alde ira, M. C ., Die m e r, M., Dim itrak opoulos, P. G., Finn, J. A.,
Fre itas, H., Gille r, P. S., Good, J., Harris, (2005) Ecosyste m e ffe cts of biodive rsity
m anipulations in Europe an grasslands. Ecological Monographs. 75, 37-63. (se e
de tails)
Schre ck R e is, C ., Fre itas, H., van de r Putte n, W .H. (2005) Plant-parasitic
ne m atode s associate d with Am m ophila are naria (L.) Link in Portugue se coastal
sand dune s. Nematologia Mediterranica. 33, 11-18.
(se e de tails)
Malte z-Mouro, S., García, L.V., Marañón, T. & Fre itas, H. (2005) The com bine d
role of topography and ove rstory tre e com position in prom oting e daphic and
floristic he te roge ne ity in a Me dite rrane an fore st. Ecological Research. 20, 668-677.
(se e de tails)
Gonçalve s S.C ., Se dlm ayr A., C astro H., Gonçalve s M.T. & Fre itas H. (2005)
Dive rsidade de tipos de m icorrizas e m áre as suje itas a dife re nte s usos do solo.
Revista de Biologia. 23, 23-34. (se e de tails)
Portugal, A., Vie ira, R ., Fre itas, H. (2005) C aracte rização m ole cular por AFLP de
isolados do fungo e ctom icorrízico C e nococcum ge ophilum de solos de rivados de
form açõe s ultram áficas do NE de Portugal. Revista de Ciências Agrárias. XXVIII,
(se e de tails)
Nabais, C ., Hage m e ye r, J., Fre itas, H. (2005) Nitroge n transport in the x yle m
sap of Q ue rcus ile x : The role of ornithine . Journal of Plant Physiology. 162, 603—606.
Araújo GC L, Le m os SG, Nabais C (2009) Nick e l sorption capacity of ground
x yle m of Q ue rcus ile x tre e s and e ffe cts of se le cte d ligands pre se nt in the x yle m
sap. Journal Plant Physiology. 166, 270-277. (se e de tails)
Y. Ma, M. R ajk um ar and H. Fre itas (2009) Inoculation of plant growth
prom otinng bacte rium Achrom obacte r x ylosox idans strain Ax 10 for the
im prove m e nt of coppe r phytoe x traction by Brassica junce a.. Journal of
Environmental Management . 90, 831-837. (se e de tails)
PUTTEN, W . H. (2009) C an root-fe e de rs alte r the com position of AMF
com m unitie s? Ex pe rim e ntal e vide nce s from the dune grass Am m ophila are naria..
Basic and Applied Ecology. 10, 131-140. (se e de tails)
R odrigue z-Eche ve rría, S., C risóstom o, J.A., Nabais, C ., Fre itas, H. (2009)
Be lowground m utualists and the invasive ability of Acacia longifolia in coastal
dune s of Portugal. Biological Invasions. 11, 3, 651-661. (se e de tails)
Elizabe te Marchante , Anne lise Kjølle r, Ste n Struwe , He le na Fre itas (2009) Soil
re cove ry afte r re m oval of the N2-fix ing invasive Acacia longifolia: conse que nce s for
e cosyste m re storation. Biological Invasions. 11, 813-823. (se e de tails)
Link : DO I 10.1007/s10530-008-9295-1
C laire Fortune l e t al. (2009) Le af traits capture the e ffe cts of land use change s
and clim ate on litte r de com posability of he rbace ous com m unitie s across Europe .
Ecology. 90, 3, 598-611. (se e de tails)
Gouve ia, A.C ., Fre itas, H. (2009) Modulation of le af attribute s and wate r use
e fficie ncy in Q ue rcus sube r along a rainfall gradie nt. Trees. 23, 2, 267-275. (se e
de tails)
Link : http://dx .doi.org/10.1007/s00468-008-0274-z
Gonçalve s S.C ., Martins-Loução M.A. & Fre itas H. (2009) Evide nce of adaptive
tole rance to nick e l in isolate s of Cenococcum geophilum from se rpe ntine soils.
Mycorrhiza. 19, 221-230. (se e de tails)
Link : http://dx .doi.org/10.1007/s00572-008-0211-4
R ajk um ar M, Prasad M.N.V, , Fre itas H, Noriharu Ae (2009) Biote chnological
Applications of Se rpe ntine soil Bacte ria for Phytore m e diation of Trace m e tals`for
publication in C ritical R e vie ws in Biote chnology. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology. 29,
2, 120-130. (se e de tails)
R . Jayak um ar, M. R ajk um ar, H. Fre itas, N, Se lvam urugan, S.V. Nair, T.Furuik e ,
H. Tam ura (2009) Pre paration, chare cte rization, bioactive and m e tal uptak e
studie s of alginate /phosphorilate d chitin ble nd film s. International Journal of
Biological Macromolecules. 44, 107-111.. (se e de tails)
C astro, H., Fre itas, H. (2009) Above ground biom ass and productivity in the
Montado: from he rbace ous to shrub dom inate d com m unitie s. J.Arid Env.. 73, 506511. (se e de tails)
Myriam Kanoun-Boulé , Joaquim A.F. Vice nte , C ristina Nabais, M.N.V. Prasad and
He le na Fre itas (2009) Ecophysiological tole rance of duck we e ds e x pose d to
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