landmark year - Catholic Theological Union

It all starts with a good cause
and you
At the heart of what we do is prepare men
and women for church service, including the
seminarians of our twenty-five sponsoring
religious communities and scores of lay men
and women preparing for ministry. CTU
remains the largest Roman Catholic school
of theology in the United States, with close
to 500 students in our various programs.
Dear Friends,
I am happy to report to you on the status of Catholic Theological Union as it completes
its thirty-eighth academic year. This has been a landmark year for us as we closed the chapter
on a set of venerable buildings that have been our home all this time and moved to entirely
new facilities. In 1968, the founders of CTU had also moved from familiar settings in Louisville, Kentucky,
Teutopolis, Illinois and Lake Forest, Illinois to set up shop in a ten-story building that was once
the vintage Aragon Hotel. Now we are following in their footsteps.
Ingenuity and hard work turned a 1928 apartment hotel into classrooms and assembly hall
(albeit with pillars one had to peer around), library, offices and chapels. Over time, CTU also
purchased two other well-worn apartment buildings in the vicinity as student residences.
This ensemble served us well but the time came when we had outgrown these facilities and when
their plumbing and wiring had long outlived their allotted life-span. With the close of the 2005-06
academic year, we said a fond farewell to these facilities and this summer made the trek across
the street to a brand new, state of the art Academic and Conference Center. (However, the
Aragon Hotel will live again in the spring of 2007—thoroughly renovated to serve as a student
residence, especially for out of town lay students.)
We have named this whole campus renewal project, “Making a Place for Faith”—signaling that
this is not simply a matter of new buildings but a new start on our fundamental mission of preparing
the next generation of church leaders. We did not put that fundamental mission on hold this
past year, even though it has been a dramatic transition point for us.
At the heart of what we do is prepare men and women for church service, including the seminarians
of our twenty-five sponsoring religious communities and scores of lay men and women preparing
for ministry. CTU remains the largest Roman Catholic school of theology in the United States, with
close to 500 students in our various programs. One fact of modern life we discovered this past fall
was how important parking is to commuting theology students! With construction taking place on
our usual parking facilities, we had to improvise in a neighborhood where parking is at a premium.
As a result, we experienced a slight downturn in fall enrollment that bounced back for the winter
semester when we could open part of our new indoor parking facility in January. (Thanks be to God
our new Academic and Conference Center includes ample indoor parking for students, faculty
and staff).
This was the second full year of a brand new curriculum and a move from the quarter to the
semester academic calendar. The new curriculum has a stronger emphasis on interdisciplinary
courses, more team-teaching by faculty, and more inclusion of issues such as interfaith dialogue
and the church’s global mission. Newly required courses that are signs
of the times include a course entitled “Abraham’s Children” that
provides first hand information on Christianity’s encounter with Judaism
and Islam, and a course on the practicalities of management and
administration for future pastors and agency directors, as many of
our graduates become.
For the first time in our history, our student body includes both
Jewish and Muslim students—all of whom are studying at CTU
to learn more about Christianity so that they can help generate
greater understanding among their own religious traditions. This, too,
is a wonderful “sign of the times.” To serve students such as these,
we are in the process of designing a new Master of Arts program
in interreligious dialogue, designed for students who want to deepen
their knowledge of the Abrahamic faiths, an innovative program
we hope to launch in the 2007-08 school year.
This past year, CTU was also visited by a team of bishops and religious
educators as part of the nationwide Apostolic Seminary Visitation
mandated by the Vatican in the wake of the Dallas Charter for the
Protection of Children. This national visitation is intended to insure that
seminaries have solid admission procedures as well as sound formation
and academic programs to prepare healthy priests for
For the first time in our
history, our student body
includes both Jewish and
Muslim students—all of
whom are studying at
CTU to learn more
about Christianity so that
they can help generate
greater understanding
among their own
religious traditions.
their role in the church. CTU was glad to participate
in the process and welcomed a team graciously led
by Bishop Arthur Serratelli of Paterson, New Jersey.
The results of the visitation are not made known
directly to the seminary or school of theology but will
be communicated later by Rome to the major
superiors of the schools. We will let you know our
official grade but we are confident in the soundness
of CTU’s procedures and programs! Insuring that
they stay sound has been a constant effort of our
board, administration and faculty.
While we are a graduate school and our degree
program students have completed their Bachelor
of Arts, the past few years have also seen CTU
engaged with a younger generation of students. Our Peacebuilders
program for high school juniors and seniors remains amazingly successful.
The program is sponsored by the Bernardin Center and supported by
a generous grant from the Lilly Endowment. The yearlong experience
gives the participants an intense experience of Catholic theology
and whets their appetite for a life of service. This summer, CTU also
collaborated with Catholic Relief Services to initiate a program on
global awareness that will involve Peacebuilder “alums” and their peers
from around the world.
And this year, too, we initiated the “Catholics on Call” program—
also funded by the Lilly Endowment—that brings together young adults
from across the country who are considering the possibility of a
vocation to church service.
Both of these programs have given all of us here at CTU a sense
of hope in the future of our church and the human family itself.
To keep the environment of a school of theology healthy, there
needs to be a constant interaction with the wider world and the
universal church. We simply cannot afford to prepare new church
leaders in a vacuum. Hence, CTU has a wide array of
lectures, programs and special events.
Last September, CTU’s Bernardin Center co-sponsored
an international conference in Rome, together with
Georgetown University, Boston College and the Gregorian
University, to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Nostra
Aetate, the landmark Vatican II document that paved the
way for the church’s involvement in interreligious dialogue.
Several CTU faculty members and a group of friends of
the Bernardin Center traveled to Rome where the school
played a key role in this in-depth look at the progress
of interreligious relations over the past four decades.
In February, CTU was proud to be awarded the Rabbi
And this year, too, we
initiated the “Catholics
on Call” program—also
funded by the Lilly
Endowment—that brings
together young adults
from across the country
who are considering the
possibility of a vocation
to church service.
Hayim Perelmuter Award by Hyde Park’s KAM Isaiah Israel
temple for the school’s long-term commitment to the Catholic-Jewish
dialogue. A symposium on the occasion identified future challenges
for the amazingly strong relationship that has developed between the
Jewish community and the Catholic Church over the past 40 years.
The late scholar and religious leader Hayim Perelmuter was a charter
Photo left: CTU’s Bernardin Center co-sponsored an international conference in Rome,
together with Georgetown University, Boston College and the Gregorian University,
to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Nostra Aetate.
Photo top right: Shirley Welsh Ryan, co-chair of CTU's 2006 "Blessed are the Peacemakers"
Trustee Dinner, addresses the guests.
member of CTU’s faculty. His successor, Rabbi David Sandmel,
holds the Crown-Ryan Chair in Jewish studies at CTU.
In May, we held our annual Catholic-Muslim national conference.
Christians and Muslims involved in dialogue all over the world, including
Indonesia, Britain, the Middle East and Africa, reported on the
global state of Christian-Muslim relations. Pope John Paul II called
the dialogue between Christians and Muslims vital for the survival
of the human race and we are determined to do our part in that
crucial effort.
The year was also filled with other outstanding speakers: Jean Vanier,
the founder of the worldwide L’Arche Communities for persons with
developmental disabilities, was our Peacemaker
We held our annual
Catholic-Muslim national
conference. Christians
and Muslims involved
in dialogue all over
the world, including
Indonesia, Britain, the
Middle East and Africa,
reported on the global
state of relations.
awardee at our annual Trustee Dinner in May.
He also gave a riveting address to students,
faculty and friends at our Hyde Park campus.
Cardinal George spoke to our staff and friends
on the issue of dissent and fidelity in the church.
Well-known Vatican reporter, John Allen, gave the
annual Bernardin Lecture last fall, speaking about
the dynamics of the global church. John Rowe, CEO
of Exelon, one of the largest utilities in the world,
spoke eloquently and frankly on the issue of
corporate ethics. And, at our annual commencement,
our graduates were treated to penetrating words
of wisdom from our three honorees: Mary Dempsey,
the highly respected Commissioner of the Chicago Public Library
system; Mary Boys, Professor at Union Theological Seminary and
a leader in the Catholic-Jewish dialogue; and Roy Bourgeois, M.M.,
a courageous prophet and well-known peace activist.
These are just a sample of the array of speakers who move through
our halls and bring our students and faculty into contact with the vitality
and diversity of our wider world.
I am grateful to be able to report another healthy financial year
for CTU. Our income is derived from tuition, auxiliary services
(primarily housing income), gifts and grants (including contributed
Photo top left: Peacemaker 2006 honoree Jean Vanier with event co-chair Lester Knight and wife Becky.
services from our religious order staff and faculty), and endowment
income. Since our endowment is still being built up for future use,
we try as much as possible not to tap its earnings and prefer to exercise
budgetary discipline and live within our other sources of income.
Over the years, gifts and grants have become a significant part
of our support, taking some of the pressure off of tuition income.
The five-year capital campaign that will help us defray
the costs of the campus renewal project ($21 million)
and other educational initiatives is moving forward
Without doubt, this
landmark year has
been a year of blessing
for CTU. We turn to
our future with a sense
of gratitude and are
more committed than
ever to our mission of
making a place for faith
in the world God
has given us.
steadily as we reach the midway mark. We are now over
the $15 million mark in pledges, including a generous
ten million dollar target from the sponsoring religious
communities of CTU.
The next two years will be special years of transition for
us as our new building comes on line, as our residential
facilities are renovated, and as we start to pay off the
tax-exempt bond taken on by the school. Debt service
and other expenses related to the bond are reflected
in new line items on our financial report, both in the
areas of general administrative expenses and in income
from investments. I am grateful to our Board of Trustees
for steering us carefully and prudently through this critical time while
maintaining the strong financial health of the school.
Without doubt, this landmark year has been a year of blessing
for CTU. We turn to our future with a sense of gratitude and are
more committed than ever to our mission of making a place for faith
in the world God has given us. Without you, our faithful friends,
none of our work would be possible. That is a debt of gratitude
that we will continue to treasure and always remember.
Fr. Donald Senior, C.P.
Photo top right: Exelon CEO John Rowe and CTU professor Fr. John Pawlikowski, O.M.I.,
discuss ethics in the corporate world at President Circle event.
(As of Fall 2005)
Master of Divinity
Master of Arts in Theology
Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies
Master of Divinity /Master of Arts
Doctor of Ministry
Men Religious
Women Religious
Diocesan Priests
Lay Men
Lay Women
(Includes 103 degree students)
(Includes 9 degree students and 17 IRF participants)
Costa Rica
New Zealand
Rwanda, Africa
South Africa
South Korea
Sri Lanka
United States of America
Tuition and Fees
Gifts and Grants
Housing and Food Services
Sale of Fixed Assets
Income from Investments
Interest on Bond Proceeds
Contributed Services
Other Income
Total Revenues
Education Program
General and Administration
Housing and Food Services
Bond Interest Expense
Student Services
Total Expenditures
Operational Net Surplus
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
Total Net Assets
* Includes “Making a Place for Faith” Capital Campaign
The generosity of friends and donors provides
Catholic Theological Union with the resources
to continue its mission. Financial support
was received from these individuals, foundations,
corporations and other organizations from
July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006.
$100,000 AND ABOVE
The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc
$25,000 - $99,999
G. A. Ackermann Memorial Fund
Archdiocese of Chicago/Lay Ministry
Catholic Relief Services
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Denny
Frank J. Lewis Foundation
Ms. Neva M. Pazucha
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan
Arthur J. Schmitt Foundation
Herbert C. Wenske Foundation
$10,000 - $24,999
Aon Corporation
Archdiocese of Detroit/Propagation
of the Faith
Archdiocese of Milwaukee/Propagation
of the Faith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Berner, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coughlin
Arie & Ida Crown Memorial
Islamic Cultural Center
Rev. Willard F. Jabusch
Jenner & Block LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Lester B. Knight
Koch Foundation, Inc.
Ladies of Bethany
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lowry
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Owens
Radio Flyer, Inc.
Congregation of the Most Holy
Redeemer/Denver Province
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and Carole Segal
Charles and Morris R. Shapiro Foundation
Fred B. Snite Foundation
Society of the Divine Word/Chicago
W.P. & H. B. White Foundation
$5,000 - $9,999
Antunovich Associates
Arboit Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bidwill, Jr.
Very Rev. John Burger, SSC
Mr. John Canning
Claretian Missionaries/Eastern Province
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Clarke, Jr.
Ms. Mary Margaret Cowhey
Thomas W. Dower Foundation
Order of Friars Minor/St. John the Baptist
Hospital Sisters of the Third Order of
St. Francis
Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbard
Islamic Foundation
D. P. and B. M. Kelly Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krehbiel
Menard Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Newton N. Minow
Missionaries of the Precious
Blood/Cincinnati Province
Missionary Oblates of Mary
Immaculate/US Province
Canons Regular of Premontre/St. Norbert
Order of Friar Servants of Mary,
USA Province
Order of Saint Augustine/Our Mother
of Good Counsel Province
Mr. and Mrs. Talat Othman
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Pasin
Congregation of the Passion/St. Paul
of the Cross Province
Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schuman
Siragusa Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome H. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Swiss
Turner Construction Company
Clerics of Saint Viator/US Province
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wheeler
$2,500 - $4,999
Archdiocese of Chicago/Office for
Black Catholics
Capuchin Franciscan Friars/Province of
St. Joseph
Chapin-May Foundation of Illinois
Columban Missionaries/US Region
Comboni Missionaries/North American
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Conway
The Edgewater Funds
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Fitzgerald
Dr. and Mrs. Malachi J. Flanagan
Order of Friars Minor/Province of the
Sacred Heart
FSC Foundation
Harris Bank
Haugh Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kennedy
Mr. Ed F. Koncel
LaSalle Bank
Mrs. Joan Lavezzorio
Lawlor Foundation
Lifeline/Kentucky Dominican Sisters
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Loftus
Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers/US
John C. and Carolyn Noonan Parmer
Private Foundation
Congregation of the Passion/Holy Cross
Mrs. Ward E. Perrin
Society of the Precious Blood/ Kansas City
Mr. Gary M. Ropski and
Ms. Barbara M. Schleck
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Ryan
Missionaries of St. Charles/St. John the
Baptist Province
Schwarz Paper Company
Rev. Donald Senior, CP
Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP
Sisters of St. Casimir
Ms. Marjorie H. Stephan
Mrs. Kathleen Sullivan-Stewart and
Mr. George Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Philip White
Howard L. Willett Foundation
$1,000 - $2,499
Dr. Javeed Akhter
William and Alberta Aldinger Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Scott C. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Hassan Alzein
Dr. Abdul Rahman Amine
Estate of Ms. Helen F. Anderson (R.I.P.)
Ariel Capital Management, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Auriemma
Mr. and Mrs. Margaret Barton and
David Sawyier
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Bernhart
Rev. Martin R. Borowczyk
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Burke, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Clune
Ms. Mary V. Connell
Ms. Barbara Cottrell
Hon. Richard and Dr. Janet Cudahy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Curley
Mr. Arthur Decio
DePaul University
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Devers, Jr.
Mr. Thomas J. Donnelly
Mr. Robert W. Duffield
Mrs. Neil Flanagin
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Flynn
Ms. Virginia Gilmore
Mr. Jerome D. Girsch
Mr. and Mrs. E. Timothy Gorham
Mr. John M. Grady
Hamid Abdul Hai, MD, FACC
Dr. and Mrs. William M. Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Hamid Humayun
Jordan Industries, Inc.
Ms. Elizabeth T. Kane
Ms. Maggie Kast
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Kearney, Jr.
Mr. John L. Keeley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelleher
Mr. Kip Kelley
Mr. Thomas E. Lanctot
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lanigan
Participants exchange views during
the annual Catholic Muslim Conference.
Mr. and Mrs. William Lawlor, III
Mr. and Mrs. John Madden, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Madden
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Mawicke
Mr. and Mrs. John P. McAuliffe
Mr. and Mrs. James McCarthy
Dr. Mike McCune and
Dr. Karen Kaye Smith-McCune
Mrs. Marie Therese McDermott
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene T. McEnery
Mr. and Mrs. Tom McKean
Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Meister
Mrs. Bernard P. Menard
Mission Club
Mr. Richard M. Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mullen-Muhr
Dr. Paul F. Nora
Our Lady of the Mississippi Abbey
St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center
Mrs. Rita Picken
Dr. Hareth Raddawi
RBC Dain Rauscher
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Reedy
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Reidy
Resurrection Health Care
Ms. Anne Roosevelt
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schreiter
Mrs. Charles H. Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. George Shelton
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Simon
Sisters of Christian Charity
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Farooq Sultan
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Tierney, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fidelis N. Umeh
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Wetoska
William Blair & Company
Mrs. Elisabeth Williams-Ashman
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Wilson
Ms. Donatta M Yates
John T. Zubal, INC.
$500 - $999
Sr. Rosemary Abramovich, OP
Mrs. Sheila Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Adler
Mr. and Mrs. Afzal Ahmad
Ms. S. Sohail Ahmed
Mr. Raymond A. Andrew
Archdiocese of Chicago/Office
for Peace and Justice
Mr. Lowell Bachman
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bierig
Ambassador and Mrs. J. D. Bindenagel
Congregation of the Blessed
Sacrament/Province of St Ann
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bloch
Mr. and Mrs. George Bodeen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boodell
Mr. Edward A. Brennan
Ms. Cindy M. Brito and Mr. Tony Costello
Ms. Audrey M. Brosnan
The Honorables Edward M. and Anne Burke
Dr. Edmund Chia
Congregation of St. Agnes
Rev. Alcuin Coyle, OFM
Dr. and Mrs. Myles Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. James Currie
Rev. Wilfred E. Day
Mr. and Mrs. Julian C. D'Esposito
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sadlier Dinger
Mr. and Mrs. John Donovan
Rev. Michael L. Doyle, OSM
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Smith
Franciscan Sisters of Mary
Gantz Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ganz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gareis
Most Rev. Raymond E. Goedert
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Haderlein
Mr. Amar Hamad and Ms. Suhad Albasha
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Ammar Hayani
Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Heidkamp
Rev. Daniel F. Holland
Ms. Mary E. Howard
PJH & Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Karp
Ms. Colleen Kennedy
Mr. Thomas E. Kerber
Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz F. Koerber, Jr.
Mr. Jonathan Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Lifton
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Madigan
Misericordia Heart of Mercy Home
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart/USA
Mr. Clifton Moore
Ms. Nina P. Moore
Ms. Barbara Mullarkey
Mr. and Mrs. David Murdoch
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Mary P. Murley
Mr. Daniel R. Murray
Mrs. Mary Jo Nyhan
Mr. Robert Pasin
Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Pedraza
Very Rev. Thomas Picton, CSsR
Mr. and Mrs. Faustin Pipal
Mr. Gerard Pottebaum
Quigley North High School
Rev. Thomas P. Reynolds, SSC
William H. Sadlier Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Schmid
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schornack
Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters
Ms. Margaret Sirovatka
Mr. Thomas Skalitzky
Ms. Emily D. Soloff
Rev. Kevin J. Spiess
Springfield Dominican Sisters
St. Peter Church
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund A. Stephan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Tasker
Mr. Mark Teresi
Ms. Mary-Frances Veeck
Mrs. Jane C. Wellehan
Dr. Patricia H. Werhane
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weschler
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Westphal
Mr. Joseph Zummo
$250 - $499
Mrs. Elaine Addison (R.I.P.)
Dr. and Mrs. Nouri Al-Khaled
Mrs. Angie Appleby Purcell and
Mr. Bill Purcell
Mrs. Elizabeth Armstrong
Rev. James Barry, CP
Dr. Ammar Bayrakdar
Mr. and Mrs. Lerone Bennett, Jr.
Mr. Irwin J. Borowsky
Sr. Barbara Bowe, RSCJ
Ms. Betty Britton
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Cantelupe
Msgr. John I. Cardiff
Dr. Donna M. Carroll
Mr. Robert Chilenskas
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Crane
Mayor Richard M. and Mrs. Margaret Daley
Rev. Stanley L. Davis, Jr.
Dominican University
Mr. Todd J. Duckett
Mr. Carl P. Eigelsbach
Elias Family Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Faherty
Rev. James E. Flynn
Ms. Barbara G. Fox
Order of Friars Minor/Assumption
BVM Province
Mrs. Bernice Frederick
Drs. Warren and Nancy Furey
Georgetown University
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Goodrich
Grant Thornton LLC
Grice Building Maintenance, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Hanke
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Hickey
Holy Name of Mary Church
Very Rev. Leslie J. Hoppe, OFM
Hyde Park Bank & Trust Co.
Mr. Michael L. Igoe, Jr.
Integrity Elevator
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Jaffee
Most Rev. Francis J. Kane
Dr. John Karrat
Mr. and Ms. M. Ammar and
Louma Katerji and Nume
Dr. Richard Kaufman
Mr. Robert J. La Fortune
Mrs. Patricia Latkin
Leadership Conference of
Women Religious
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Leahy
Liturgy Training Publications
Dr. and Mrs. Manuel Madayag
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Maher
Mr. and Mrs. James Maloney
Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers
Rev. Thomas McCarthy, OSA
Mr. and Mrs. William McLaughlin
Mr. James F. McNulty, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Mehler
Ms. Barbara J. Menard
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Merlihan
Mr. and Mrs. Ed J. Morley
Ms. Kelly Mullaney
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Murdock
Dr. Isabel E. Nepomuceno
Ms. Mary Yvonne Norfleet-Johnson
J.S. Paluch Company, Inc.
Paluch Family Foundations
Mrs. Mary Katherine Paul
Paxton Printing, Inc.
Perkins Coie, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Petkus
Ms. Rebecca Picard
Mr. Albert E. Pyott
Sr. Marianne Race, CSJ
Rainbow Push Coalition
Mr. John A. Rdzak
Mr. and Mrs. Graham W. Redding
Ms. Patricia H. Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Roll
Rev Robert C. Rosing
Mr. Fred J. Rudolph
Drs. David Scheiner and
Margaret Creedon
Dr. Elaine M. Schuster
Seelos House
Mrs. Barbara Shanahan
Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Smith, Jr.
Sophia Foundation
St. Alexander Church
St. Bride Church
St. Jude Church
St. Sabina Church
Mr. Doug Stewart and Linda G. Sahagian
Saints Faith, Hope and Charity Church
Mr. Barry and Ms. Winifred F. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Jack P. Sullivan
Mr. M. Imtiaz Uddin and
Ms. Jamila Naqshbandi
Ms. Kathleen Van Duser
Rev. Michael Van Sloun
Vision I Computer, Inc.
Very Rev. Mark E. Weber, SVD
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Woods
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wright
Xaverian Missionaries/U.S.A. Province
$100 - $249
Dr. Ghulam Haider Aasi
Ms. Andrea Allen
Very Rev. Angelo P. Anthony, CPPS
Ms. Cheryl Antos
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Applegate
Archdiocese of Chicago/Office for
Racial Justice
Ms. Jeanette Arthur
Rev. Richard Award, CP
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Baird
Dr. Claude Marie Barbour
Rev. James L. Barrett
Ms. Barbara Elaine Barry
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bechtold
Ms. Catherine L. Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony O. Beirne
Ms. Kathleen Dorsey Bellow
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beltz
Rev. Joseph J. Beno
Ms. Therese Bergmann
Rev. Benjamin A. Berinti, CPPS
Rev. Stephen Bevans, SVD
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick K. Birmingham
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Bisett, III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Jean Black
Dr. Michael J. Bland
Ms. Mary Margaret Blandford
Mr. and Mrs. John Boberg
Rev. Jeremiah M. Boland
Mr. Frank J. Bonnike
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Boodell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Ogden Booth
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Booth
Rev. Edgar Borchardt
Ms. Dianna Borum
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bossu
Dr. and Mrs. Norman E. Bowers
Mr. and Mrs. Abdon Bray
Ms. Eileen Brewer
Rev. James P. Brobst, OMI
Rabbi Herbert Bronstein
Grand Knight Edward Browne
Rev. John M. Buchanan
Ms. Mary L. Burke
Sr. Cathleen M. Cahill, RSM
Ms. Mary Cahill
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Callahan
Rev. Joseph Cameron
Rev. John A. Canjar
Mr. Charles P. Carey, Jr.
Ms. Mary Ellen Caron
Sr. Anne Carr, BVM
Ms. Margaret Cassidy
Mrs. Silas Cathcart
The Catholic New World
Ceres Food Group, Inc.
Rev. James Chambers, OMI
Christian Brothers of the Midwest
Christian Men's Coalition
Mr. Timothy Christiana
Mrs. P. Kevin Clary
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Colandrea
Mr. Don Colleton
Mrs. Florence Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Corbett
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Corrigan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Corriveau
Mr. and Mrs. Philip and Susan Couri
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Currie
Rev. Allan DaCorte, OFM
Ms. Cheryl A. Damiani
Mr. John R. Daunhauer, Jr.
Mrs. Suzanne Dawson
Dr. John J. Dennehy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Deweirdt
Ms. Gary Dhein
Diocese of Gary/African Ministries
Dr. Richard R. Dolezal
Sr. Mary Lois Dolphin, BVM
Dominican Sisters of St. Joseph's Convent
Mr. Peter E. Doris
Rev. Lawrence Dowling
Ms. Jean H. Downey
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome L. Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. John Durkin
Mr. Chawki Elzein
Ms. Catherine L. Endicott
Rev. Robert Erickson, CSV
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Fenner
Rev. Donald J. Fenske
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Ferstel
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fitzpatrick
Mr. Kenneth Florian
Focused Health Solutions, Inc.
Rev. Edward Foley, Capuchin
Ms. Mary C. Follen
Mr. and Mrs. John Fontana III
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Foorman
Mr. David D. Fukuzawa and
Ms. Toni Kovach
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Furjanic
Rev. Steven M. Gavit
Rev. Michael Gillgannon
Ms. Joanne Glass
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Glunz, III
Sr. Grace Ann Gratsch, SC
Ms. Raymonde Greer
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Gretz
Mrs. Eileen Griffin
Ms. Carol Shevlin Griffith
Rev. Eric Groner, SVD
Peacebuilder Initiative participants left to right: Gabrielle Bagladi,
Joe Ketcik, Lori Puchalski and John Fernandez.
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Haggerty
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Haley
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hamburg
Dr. and Mrs. C. Rollins Hanlon
Professor Inamul Haq
Rev. Jay M Harrington, OP
Deacon and Mrs. Wallace W. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hartigan
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Heaton
Mr. and Mrs. James Heider
Mr. Jose L. Hernando
Mr. Andrew K. and Mrs. Suzanne Hick
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence J. Hicks
Ms. Patricia A. Hilbring
Sr. Margaret A. Hines
Mr. and Mrs. George Hinger
Ms. Marion P. Hoffmann
Rev. Michael J. Hoolahan, CP
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Houck
Ms. Ladine B. Housholder
Ms. Constance Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Hund
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Hurd
Ms. Emily Huston
Immaculate Heart of Mary Court No. 134
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ingrassia, Jr.
Very Rev. Joseph Jablonski, MSC
Ms. Angeline Jackson
Sr. Barbara Jennings, CSJ
Ms. Carol B. Johnson
Rev. C. Gregory Jones, CSV
Rev. David A. Jones
Mr. Michael E. Joyce
Mr. Paul Kala
Ms. Susan Kamp
Sr. Eileen Kazmierowicz, OSF
Rev. Michael P. Keliher, CSV
Ms. Mariann Kinney
Mr. Wayne Klasing
Rev. Richard Klingeisen
Dr. and Mrs. Francis Klocke
Knights of Peter Claver
Knights of Peter Claver/Holy Name
of Mary
Ms. Linda Knowles
Mr. Melvin J. Koenigs
Mr. Stanley L. Komparda
Michael C. Kotzin, Ph.D.
Mr. Frank Kranik
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kukulka
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd J. Kurkowski
Ms. Ann G. LaGere
Dr. and Mrs. Robert LaPata
Rev. Eugene Lauer
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Brennan
Very Rev. William E. Lego, OSA
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Liddell
Ms. Valentina Lillig
Mr. Handy L. Lindsey, Jr.
Very Rev. Fred A. Link, OFM
Rev. John E. Linnan, CSV
Liturgical Press
Mr. Anthony Llorens, Jr.
Ms. Margaret Elizabeth Lordon
Most Rev. Timothy Lyne, DD
Rev. Timothy V. Lyons
Rev. Rupert MacLellan
Rev. Thomas F. Maher
Mr. Charles J. Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Jan Marcon
Dr. Alicia Marill
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Marsella
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Martino
Dr. and Mrs. Martin E. Marty
Mr. Richard Eugene Mauney
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrin and Rita Maus
Dr. Richard E. McCarron
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. McCune
Dr. and Mrs. William J. McCune
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McDonnell
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard McGinn
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. McGrath
Judge and Mrs. Patrick Meter
Mr. Ronald C. Meyring
Dr. Michael Minieka
Mr. Richard Morrisroe
Mr. Don Moseley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mullaney
Ms. Dorothy Mullen
Rev. Thomas J. Murphy
Ms. Joan F. Neal
Ms. Erica Nelson
Ms. Timone Newsome
Dr. Dolores Nicosia
Dr. Jon Nilson
Mr. John E. Noel
Ms. Claire Noonan
Ms. Marie T. Noonan
Ms. Mary Lee Noonan
Notre Dame de Chicago Church
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Novak
Mr. and Mrs. Witek Nowosiad
Ms. Roberta Nye
Mr. Philip O'Connor
Ms. Cecilia A. O'Donnell
Rev. James Okoye, CSSp
Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Oloier
Rev. Kenneth O'Malley, C.P.
Paulist Press, Inc.
Rev. John Pawlikowski, OSM
Rev. Peter C. Phan, SVD
Ms. Kathleen Picken
Rev. Michael D. Place
Mrs. Eleanor Porsche
Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Power, Jr.
Mr. Paul Proteau
Rev. Rocco Puopolo, SX
R.A.M. Electric Company
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ratcliffe
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Reger
Sr. Barbara E. Reid, OP
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Resnick
Rev. Gary Riebe-Estrella, SVD
Ms. Margaret C. Roach
Dr. Kerry A. Rockquemore
Ms. Josephine Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Ciro Rossini
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rotunno
Rev. Paul H. Rutgers
Br. Leo V. Ryan, CSV
Mr. and Mrs. Barry M. Sabloff
Rabbi David Fox Sandmel, Ph.D.
Mrs. Beverly M. Schiffer
Rev. Kenneth R. Schnipke, CPPS
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schreckenberger
Rev. Robert Schreiter, CPPS
Rev. James T. Schuerman
Mr. David G. Schulz
Mr. A.J. Schumacher
Sr. Katarina Schuth, OSF
Ms. LaMonica Scott
Ms. Wanda N. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Seidl
Ms. Jacklyn Serafin
Mr. Brian Shields
Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Shubert
Rev. Kenneth Simpson
Rev. Michael J. Slattery, OSA
Ms. Carol Nill Smith
Mr. Charles M. Smith
Ms. Mary Anne Smith
Ms. Karen Soos
Rev. William Spencer, OFM
Mrs. Harriet Spieth
St. Athanasius Church
St. Clotilde Church
St. James Hospital
Rev. Finbarr Stanton
Dr. and Mrs. Sidney R. Steele
Mr. J. Casey Sterr
Ms. Beverly Ann Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stimming
Mr. Michael Strening
Ms. Maria C. Svihla
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Sykes
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tatum
Mrs. Marilyn Thibeau
Ms. Barbara P. Thompson
Rev. Gerald L. Timmel
Rev. Frank Tinajero, SVD
Ms. Geraldine L. Tolbert
Ms. Maria J. Tolbert
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Toolan
Sr. Lavern E. Trocinski
Ms. Joan R. Turk
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy and Jean Unsworth
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Van Vuren
Sr. Marie Vandenbergh, RC
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ventura
Ms. Loyda N. Vida
Mr. Paul J. Wadell
Sr. Elaine Wainwright, RSM
Mr. Leo J. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walsh
Mrs. Arleen Wazlahowsky
Mr. Wilbert Weigel
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas James Weir
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Weisbard
Rev. C. Michael Weldon, OFM
Rev. Gerard R. Welsch
Ms. Dee Welsh
Misses Dorothy and Julie M. Wessel
Mr. and Mrs. Brian B. Whalen
Dr. Coretha Vanessa White
Ms. Claire Louise Williams
Mr. James G. Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Wilson
Mr. Maynard I. Wishner
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Wisner
Mr. Joseph E. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wrenn
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Yacullo
Mrs. Kathleen Black Ziegler
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zimmerman
UNDER $100
Ms. Verda Abernathy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aguado
Ms. Patricia Aguilar
Ms. Darlene R. Alexander
Ms. Renee Allen
Rev. Joseph W. Altman
Mrs. Longina Alvarez
Rev. Richard Andrus, SVD
Rev. Luis Antonio Aponte-Merced, OFM
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Applewhite
Dr. Christine Athans
Mrs. Mary R. Babbitt
Mr. Adrian Badillo-Polendo
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Bajak
Rev. Martin J. Barnum
Sr. Marguerite Bartz
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Baylock
Mrs. Dorothy Becklenberg
Mr. Henry Benincoso
Rev. Donald M. Berg
Sr. Laurette Betz
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Bianco
Sr. Marie Vianney Bilgrien, SSND
Ms. Christine Billups
Rev. Donald Paul Blaeser, OFM
Ms. Deborah Bogaert
Colonel and Mrs. Ronald J. Bordenaro
Ms. Virginia Bova
Rev. James R. Braband, SVD
Rev. James Ivan Bream
Rev. Patrick J. Brennan, CP
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip L. Brin
British Consulate General
Ms. Therese M. Brown
Mr. Edward and Dr. Elizabeth Browne
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Buckley
Ms. Paula A. Buckner, SFO
Sr. Diane Burgermeister, OP
Ms. Ellen Burkhardt
Mr. and Mrs. James Cadge
Ms. Gloria J. Callaci
Sr. Mary Ellen Callahan, RSM
Sr. Cathleen Campbell, SP
Sr. Julie Cannon
Sr. Mary Caplice, CND
Garrison Davidson & Marjorie S. Carasik
Ms. Mary Egges Carian
Ms. Clarice Casper
Rev. Frank P. Cassidy
Sr. Mary Charlotte Chandler, RSCJ
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chesnavage
Rev. Dennis F. Chriszt, CPPS
Rev. Peter Ciallella, cs
Ms. Evalyn F. Cleggs
Sr. Anne Clifford, CSJ
Sr. Ardis L. Cloutier, OSF
Mr. and Mrs. Don Cohen
Ms. Barbara S. Conklin
Ms. Susan Conley Weeks
Sr. Judy Connolly, SSND
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Connolly
Mr. Richard Conrad
Rev. Dennis Conway, MCCJ
Sr. Elizabeth A. Conyers, FMM
Ms. Jacqueline Marie Cormier
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cranley, Jr.
Sr. Lorraine Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Marian Crimmins
Mr. Robert J. Cronin
Sr. Maria Del Rayo Cuaya-Castillo, SH
Ms. Adrienne Curry
Sr. Mary Jo Curtsinger, CSJ
Sr. Catherine V. Dages, MHSH
Mr. James D'Agresto
Mr. and Mrs. Warren G. Daubenspeck
Br. Raymund F. Davey, FSC
Very Rev. Eddie De Leon, CMF
Mr. Raymond Degnan
Sr. Dorothy Dempsey, OP
Sr. Mary Pat Dewey, OP
Rev. Raymond F. Diesbourg, MSC
Sr. Mary Kay Dobrovolny, RSM
Very Rev. John L. Doctor, OFM
Sr. Barbara Doherty, SP
Sr. Elizabeth A. Donlan, SFCC
Mr. Timothy J. Doody
Ms. Edith Downes
Rev. James Doyle
Mr. Michael J. Doyle
Sr. Rosaline Drab, SSCM
Rev. John Baptist Drabo
Rev. Jeffrey T. Duaime, CSSp
Ms. Catherine Duckett
Rev. Daniel Durken, OSB
Ms. Bettie M. Edwards
Rev. Donald Ehr, SVD
Mr. Nicholas Falco
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Fecanin
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Finley
Sr. Rose Mary Finnegan
Mr. and Mrs. John O. Finzer, Jr.
Rev. Adrian Fischer, OFM
Ms. Anita C. Fischer
Rev. Kenneth Fischer
Mr. John H. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Flanagan
Rev. Patrick Flanagan
Mrs. Agnes Flannery
Sr. Mary Frances Fleischaker, OP
Mr. John E. Foreman
Ms. Doris Foster
Ms. Sandra Franz
Rev. David Frechette, CPPS
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Frese
Mr. Gerald Henri Galipeau
Mr. and Mrs.Emigdio Gamboa
Ms. Rosa Cristina Garcia
Ms. Ann F. Gaskin
Ms. Patricia J. Wallingford Genck
Ms. Danielle Gerrior
Ms. Maribeth Gibbs
Ms. Joyce F. Gillie
Mr. Kevin Gilmore
Ms. Mildred Gladney
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glasby
Ms. Yolanda G. Godwin
Ms. Ruth Goldboss
Ms. Nancy Mark Goldfarb
Mr. John Gonzalez
Sr. Agnes Gott, OP
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Gottemoller
Ms. Corrine F. Grant
Rev. Jordan Grimes, CP
Rev. Bernard L. Gully
Rev. Alfredo Gundrum, OFM Cap
Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Gylys
Mr. Donald A. Haig
Mr. Asa Hall
Rev. James R. Halstead, OSA
Rev. John E. Hammer
Mrs. Mary Beth Hand
Mrs. Harry J. Hanigan, Jr.
Ms. Suzanne Haraburd
Drs. Zia and Shakeela Hassan
Ms. Annette J. Havel
Fr. Robin Ryan, C.P., director of Catholics on Call,
addresses program partners during orientation meeting.
Ms. Sarah A. Hayman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Helmer
Rev. Thomas Hemm, CPPS
Mr. James W. Hennessy
Mrs. Marcella Herndon
Sr. Denise Herrmann, CSA
Grand Lady Anita Herron
Sr. Angela Hibbard, IHM
Ms. Esther Susan Hicks
Rev. Jerome Higgins, OFM Cap
Mrs. Arthur Hoffman
Rev. Kermit M. Holl, OSC
Ms. Harrietta Holloway
Ms. Judith Horak
Mr. Michael J. Howell
Sr. Madonna M. Hoying, SFP
Rev. Stephen Huffstetter, SCJ
Ms. Diane Sue Imhoff
Mr. Anthony R. Irvin
Ms. Lisa Irwin
Sr. Edith I. Itor, SST
Dr. Elise T. Jacobson
Ms. Ruth Jandeska
Mr. Stephen Patrick Jendraszak
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Johnson
Rev. Robert Johnson, SVD
Mr. Robert E. Johnson
Sr. Elizabeth Julian, RSM
Ms. Elizabeth Jurjevich
Ms. Louise Kaegi
Ms. Margaret Kahn
Sr. Laurina Kahne, CSJ
Sr. Catherine Kaiser, FSPA
Dr. Edmund F. Kal, MD
Mr. John Kay
Rev. Earl Keating, CP
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Keating
Ms. Kathleen A. Kelleher
Mr. John A. Kelly
Mr. Michael F. Kersten
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kinasz
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kinnucan
Ms. Margaret Kirchman
Mr. Gerald J. Kissel
Mrs. Charlene Klabacha
Sr. Margaret Mary Knittel, RSM
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Knuth
Rev. Girard Kohler, CSSP
Rev. Dennis J. Koopman, OFM
Ms. Elizabeth Kostelnik
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Kraus
Mr. Richard L. Laibly
Rev. John T. Lane, SSS
Sr. Claudette LaVerdiere, MM
Mr. Carl A. Lekan
Mrs. Maria and Mr. Leo Lemus
Mr. Brian T. Lepacek
Rev. David LeSieur
Ms. Bethany R. Levrault and
Dr. Kenneth Bell
Col. William Lichtman
Rev. Vincent P. Lieser
Mr. Joseph J. Limacher
Ms. Louise Litzinger
Sr. Mary E. Loftus, RSM
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Logue
Sr. Kathleen Long, OP
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lorden
Ms. Margaret Lorincz
Ms. Hazel Lowe
Br. Brian Luense, OFM Cap.
Ms. Kimberly M. Lymore
Ms. Loretta M. Lymore
Ms. Kieran Mahoney Lyons
Rev. Patrick M. Lyons
Rev. Sebastian MacDonald, CP
Mrs. Margie MacMillan
Rev. Daniel Magner, OMF
Ms. Sophia Mahaffey
Mrs. Bernice C. Mair
Mr. Zafar A. Malik
Mr. Francis J. Maloney
Mr. Frederick R. Mannara
Rev. William D. Mannion
Ms. Ciria Manzo
Br. Exequiel A. Mapa, CFA
Mr. Richard J. Massaro
Mr. David H. Matenaer
Ms. Rose Mattio
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mazukelli
Mr. and Mrs. John P. McAdams
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McBreen
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome and Ellen McBride
Ms. JoAnn McCaffrey
Deacon and Mrs. Michael McCloskey
Sr. Susan McCrery, SSJ
Dr. Terrence F. McDevitt and
Mary Rita Ortense
Sr. Dennis Mary McFadden
Honorable and Mrs. Frank J. McGarr
Sr. Joan McGlinchy, MSC
Rev. Dennis J. McGowan, CP
Sr. Mary Lucian McGroarty
Ms. Colette M. McHale
Mr. Michael P. McNeil
Ms. Jennifer Meehan
Rev. Paul V. Mercovich
Ms. Lucy Merker
Mr. and Mrs. Al Meyer
Mrs. Josephine L. Meyers
Rev. James E. Michaletz, CSV
Rev. Msgr. Joseph J. Milani
Mr. James L Milewski
Sr. Marlene Minnaert, OSB
Mr. Edmund Mitchell
Ms. Marion Mixon
Rev. David Gregory Monaco, CP
Sr. Mary Montgomery, SP
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Clara Montini
Ms. EveMarie Moore
Mr. and Mrs. John Moriarty
Sr. Mary Morley, SP
Mr. Jacob Mosbrucker
Rev. Robert J. Moynihan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mroz
Rev. Mr. Roger P. Mullaney
Mr. and Mrs. Romeo and
Soledad S. Munoz
Rev. Mario Munoz-Alvarez, MCCJ
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Murphy
Hon. Sheila M. Murphy and
Mr. Patrick Racey
Ms. Barbara Murphy-Sanders
Sr. Nancy Murray, OP
Sr. Patricia Murray, IBVM
Very Rev. George Murry, S.J.
Rev. Thomas Nairn, OFM
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Napoli
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Newberry
Rev. Paul A. Noble
Sr. Mary Anne Nolan, RSM
Sr. Dawn Nothwehr, OSF
Rev. Edward Nowakowski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Ohs
Rev. Robert Oldershaw
Mr. Michael A. Olig
Mrs. Mary Virginia Oliphant
Rev. David Oliver-Holder
Mr. E. Robert Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O'Malley
Sr. Sarah O'Malley, OSB
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Ornelas-Gomez
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Oslovich
Our Lady Gate of Heaven Church
Rev. Bernard Owens, SJ
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Owens
Ms. Judith M. Palmer
Sr. Aline Paris, RSM
Mr. Steve Parke
Pax Christi Illinois
Rev. Charles E. Payne, OFM
Mr. Jose M. Perez
Mr. Otto Perlenfien
Ms. Carolyn S. Perz
Sr. Patricia A. Phillips, CSJ
Ms. Virginia A. Piecuch
Ms. C. E. Pittman
Mrs. Peggy M. Plastina
Mr. Kenneth Plese
Rev. Thomas Poulsen, OP
Mr. B.J. Powell
Ms. Patricia V. Powell
Rev. James Price, CP
Mrs. Jorge Prieto
Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Procario-Foley
Ms. Susan M. Pudelek
Ms. Rita M. Quaid
Sr. Barbara Quinn, RSCJ
Mrs. Regina Ragan
Rev. Ponciano M. Ramos, SVD
Mrs. Sheila M. Rave
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Reardon
Mr. and Mrs. James H. R. Reed
Rev. Juan Y. Reed
Sr. Elizabeth M. Reis, SSJ
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vincent Reithmaier
Sr. Jenny Ricci, CND
Mrs. Regina Richter
Ms. Christine A. Riley
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Rittinger
Mr. Anthony L. Roan
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Rodgers
Dr. and Mrs. Adam Romeiser, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Rowley
Br. Rene Roy, FMS
Rev. Luis J. Runde, OFM
Ms. Kathleen T. Ryan
Sr. Karen Salsbery, CSJ
Ms. Rosalind Sanders
Rev. Frank Sasso
Sr. Mary Sattgast, BVM
Ms. Carolyn J. Schank
Mr. Edward J. Schiavello
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Schillinger
Rev. John K. Schmidt, CSSR
Ms. Lois A. Schmitz
Mr. and Mrs. Dale T. Schoenbeck
Rev. Francis J. Schuele
Sr. Joan M. Schullian, OSF
Ms. Vivian Schurfranz
Mrs. Helen G. Seger
Ms. Mary Sue Seibert-Frett
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sents
Ms. Christine A. Shepherd
Ms. Patricia A. Shevlin
Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii
Ms. Margery Shurman
Rev. Edmund Siedlecki
Ms. Victoria M. Skala
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sloan
Mr. Ben Smith
Ms. Marcheta R. Smith
Rev. David M. Sobieszczyk
Ms. Dolores Diane Sokol
Rev. Peter M. Solis, CM
Mrs. William Sparks
Mr. Gerald L. Spearman
Rev. James F. Spengler
Ms. Mary Ann Spina
Dr. Frances Steinbrun
Ms. Diane Stephens
Mr. Joseph J. Sterkowicz
Sr. Jeanne Stickling, OP
Ms. Marie Mildred Strauch
Rev. Placid Stroik, OFM
Mr. and Mrs. William Strokes
Mr. Paul V. Stryker
Mr. and Mrs. Don Stuhlmueller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Sublewski
Rev. R. William Sullivan, OSA
Ms. Angela Louise Marie Swain
Ms. Ann P. Taft
Mr. Joseph Taliaferro
Sr. Yolanda Tarango, CCVI
Ms. Mary C. Tate
Ms. Nancy A. Temple
Ms. Courtney A. Thompson
Sr. Carol Thresher, SDS
Sr. Dawn Tomaszewski, SP
Ms. Patricia M. Tomich
Ms. Erna Tomiser
Rev. David Tonks
Rev. Earl Toups
Rev. Richard F. Trainor
Ms. Margaret Trepal
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Troskey
Rev. Walter J. Turlo
Mr. and Mrs. Fabian E. Udoh
Sr. Eleanor Uhl, OP
Rev. Stanley Uroda, SVD
Rev. Francisco Valdovinos, ST
Ms. Louise Van Andel
Rev. Luis Vera, OSA
Ms. Anne E. Verbeke
Rev. Jude Verley, OSC
Ms. Gloria Virtel
Mr. John L. Vitale, Sr.
Mr. James M. Wade
Sr. Mary Jane Wagner, OSF
Sr. Linda Wanner, SSND
Mr. Parris D. Washington
Mr. Raymond Wasmund
Rev. Raymond Webb
Ms. Florence Weimann
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Weinsheimer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Weir
Ms. Julie M. Welborn
Sr. Marie Welter, OLVM
Ms. Diane White
Mr. Augustine Wilhelmy and
Ms. Mary Vallely
Rev. Ronald Will, CPpS
Sr. Jeanette Willenborg
Ms. Dorothy Williams
Sr. Pauline Williams, FMM
Ms. Colette M. Wisnewski
Mr. John H. Wolf
Sr. Teresa Ann Wolf, OSB
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolff
Sr. Bernadette Woo, SPB
Ms. Kathryn F. Worthen
Ms. Mary Margaret Yaeger
Sr. Mary Anne Yanz
Mr. Harold Yost (R.I.P.)
Rev. Mark Zacker, MSC
Rev. Robert M. Zahrt
Sr. Dominga Zapata, SH
Ms. Julie L. Zapata
Ms. Mary E. Ziegler
Rev. Joe Zimmerman, OFM
Baxter Allegiance Foundation
Boeing Gift Matching Program
BP Matching Funds Program
CNA Surety Matching Gifts
Kresge Foundation
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur
SBC Matching Gifts Program
Sempra Energy
Verizon Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William Booth
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Callahan
Cornell Florist
Dumela, L.L.C. (Ms. Nancy McDaniel)
Mr. John Mead Flanagin
Palmer Printing (Mr. Ciro and
Mr. Ed Rossini)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Owens, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Q. Thompson
Tolton scholar, Barbara Cottrell, leads the audience in prayer at the 2006 Harambee Celebration.
Now concluding its third year, the $25 million
“Making a Place for Faith” Capital Campaign
is supported by the generosity of these donors.
The gifts noted below were received from the
inception of the campaign, July 1, 2003
through June 30, 2006.
$1,000,000 AND ABOVE
Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers/US
Missionary Oblates of Mary
Immaculate/US Province
Society of the Divine Word/Chicago
$500,000 - $999,999
Claretian Missionaries/Eastern Province
Columban Missionaries/US Region
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Denny
Order of Friars Minor/St. John the Baptist
John C. and Carolyn Noonan Parmer
Private Foundation
$250,000 - $499,999
Congregation of the Blessed
Sacrament/Province of St. Ann
Capuchin Franciscan Friars/Province of
St. Joseph
Comboni Missionaries/North American
Order of Friars Minor/Province of the
Sacred Heart
Frank J. Lewis Foundation
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart/USA
Congregation of the Passion/Holy Cross
Congregation of the Most Holy
Redeemer/Denver Province
Clerics of Saint Viator/US Province
$100,000 - $249,999
Arthur Vining Davis Foundations
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Berner, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bidwill, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Birck
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Carney
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Clarke, Jr.
The Clinton Companies
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Devers, Jr.
Estate of Ms. Helen M. Heerey (R.I.P.)
Pierre V. and Margaret T. Heftler
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krehbiel
Mazza Foundation
Missionaries of the Precious
Blood/Cincinnati Province
Mr. Daniel R. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Owens
Congregation of the Passion/St. Paul of
the Cross Province
Society of the Precious Blood/ Kansas City
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Reedy
Missionaries of St. Charles/St. John the
Baptist Province
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and Carole Segal
Siragusa Foundation
Xaverian Missionaries/U.S.A. Province
$50,000 - $99,999
Helen V. Brach Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coughlin
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Croghan
Crosier Fathers and Brothers/US Province
of St. Odila
Patrick and Anna M.Cudahy Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Loftus
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene T. McEnery
Order of Friar Servants of Mary, USA
Order of Saint Augustine/Our Mother of
Good Counsel Province
Paluch Family Foundations
Mrs. Rita Picken
Mrs. Charles H. Shaw
$25,000 - $49,999
Mrs. Elizabeth Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Victor V. Colucci
Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Foley
Mrs. Charlene Klabacha
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Mandolini
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Murphy
Society of the Precious Blood/ Kansas City
Priests of the Sacred Heart/US Province
Dr. Scholl Foundation
Congregation of the Holy Ghost/USA
Eastern Province
Rev. Gerard P. Weber
$10,000 - $24,999
Mr. and Mrs. George Bodeen
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Booth
Richard W. Burke Family
Mrs. P. Kevin Clary
Ms. Maria Corpuz
Ms. Mary Margaret Cowhey
Mrs. Patty Crowley
Mr. and Mrs. Julian C. D'Esposito
Thomas W. Dower Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr.
Mr. David D. Fukuzawa and
Ms. Toni Kovach*
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Haderlein
Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Hofheinz*
Dr. and Mrs. William M. Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Judy
Mr. Thomas E. Lanctot
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lowry*
Mrs. Marie Therese McDermott
Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Meister
Ms. Maureen S. Meter
Ms. Mary Beth Moorman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Morsch
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Ryan
Ms. Marjorie H. Stephan
Mr. and Mrs. Fidelis N. Umeh
Mr. and Mrs. Philip White
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wrenn
$5,000 - $9,999
Dr. Donna M. Carroll
Ms. Margaret Cassidy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Connors
Ms. Lilia I. Corpuz
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. DeGraff
Mr. and Mrs. John Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hackett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Jaffee
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Kearney, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Kelly
Mr. Walter Kot
Ladies of Bethany
Dr. and Mrs. Manuel Madayag
Mr. and Mrs. James McCarthy
Mr. William A. McIntosh
Mr. and Mrs. Tom McKean
Ms. Joan F. Neal
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ratcliffe*
Rev. Donald Senior, CP
Drs. Philip and Elizabeth Sheridan
Ms. Patricia A. Shevlin
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund A. Stephan, Jr.
Mrs. Kathleen Sullivan-Stewart and
Mr. George Stewart
Estate of Judge Lucia T. Thomas (R.I.P.)
William Blair & Company
Ms. Donatta M. Yates
$1,000 - $4,999
Dr. and Mrs. Scott C. Alexander
Rev. Stephen Bevans, SVD
Ms. Stephanie Sinnott
Rev. Corey E. Brost, CSV
Rev. Joseph Carlos, OFM
Rev. Theodore Cirone, CMF
Mr. and Mrs. Ignacio Coloma
Rev. Alcuin Coyle, OFM
Ms. Mary Cross and Mr. Lawren Markle
Dr. and Mrs. Myles Cunningham
Rev. Michael L. Doyle, OSM
Mrs. Frances D. Fanning
Mr. and Mrs. James Flannery
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert A. Florek
Rev. Richard N. Fragomeni
Order of Friars Minor/Assumption BVM
Rev. Depaul Genska, OFM
Mr. and Mrs. John Glatz
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Greaves
Left to right: (back row) CTU board president
Fr. Thomas Reynolds, S.C.C., and President Fr. Donald Senior, C.P.,
at CTU's 2006 graduation ceremony with honorary degree recipients
Rev. Roy Bourgeois, M.M., Prof. Mary C. Boys, and Ms. Mary Dempsey.
Dr. and Mrs. C. Rollins Hanlon
Mrs. Nancy Jacobs
Rev. Terry Johnson
Mrs. Maria and Mr. Leo Lemus
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Logue
Mr. and Mrs. John Madden, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Maloney
Rev. Joseph E. McCormick, OSA
Mr. and Mrs. William McLaughlin
Mrs. Theodore Mecke
Mr. Robert Moses and
Rev. Lee Hull Moses
Mr. and Mrs. David Murdoch
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. F. Oliver Nicklin
Ms. Anne B. Nutten
Mr. and Mrs. R. Anthony O'Callaghan
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O'Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Paul O'Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ostdiek
Ms. Virginia A. Piecuch
Mr. Jim Podlasek
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds
Rev. Thomas P. Reynolds, SSC
Rev. Gary Riebe-Estrella, SVD
Ms. Lorene Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Ryan
Ms. Kathy Ryan
Mr. Frederic V. Salerno
Mr. Carlos Salmerón
Rev. Robert Schreiter, CPPS
Dr. Mary Rose Shaughnessy
Rev. Michael J. Slattery, OSA
Rev. Alphonse Spilly, CPPS
Ms. Marjorie H. Stephan
Mr. Barry and Ms. Winifred F. Sullivan
Mrs. Pattie Thompson
Ms. Kathleen Van Duser
Ms. Mary-Frances Veeck
Ms. Anne E. Verbeke
Ms. Pat White
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Wilson
UNDER $1,000
Michel Andraos and
Gisela Gründges-Andraos
Mrs. Angie Appleby Purcell and
Mr. Bill Purcell
Dr. Claude Marie Barbour
Rev. James Barry, CP
Sr. Dianne Bergant, CSA
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bierig
Sr. Barbara Bowe, RSCJ
Rev. James R. Braband, SVD
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brewer
Sr. Mary Charlotte Chandler, RSCJ
Rev. Dennis F. Chriszt, CPPS
Dr. Eileen Crowley
Rev. Sammy R. Danna, OFM
Rev. Louis Davino, OFM (R.I.P.)
Rev. Wilfred E. Day
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Disis
Sr. Barbara Doherty, SP
Ms. Edith Downes
Rev. James Doyle
Mr. E. Richard Droesch
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Smith
Rev. Edward Foley, Capuchin
Rev. Archimedes Fornasari, MCCJ
Sr. Mary Frohlich, RSCJ
Rev. Dariusz Garbaciak, SVD
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glasby
Mrs. Harry J. Hanigan, Jr.
Rev. Zachary Hayes, OFM
Ms. Ladine B. Housholder
Sr. Kathleen Hughes, RSCJ
Br. William R. Hugo, OFM Cap
Mr. Patrick J. Jackson
Ms. Susan Kamp
Mr. Kip Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Pravin Khakhkhar
Professor Laverne Kuhnke
Mr. Juventino Lagos
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lapasso
Mr. Carl A. Lekan
Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Lifvendahl
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mahoney
Ms. JoAnn McCaffrey
Dr. Richard E. McCarron
Rev. Christopher McDermott, CSSP
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Meaney
Rev. Paul V. Mercovich
Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Mikrut
Mr. Richard Morrisroe
Ms. Barbara Mullarkey
Sr. Mary Elizabeth Neven, RSM
Rev. John B. Northrop, MM
Sr. Dawn Nothwehr, OSF
Mr. and Mrs. Paul O'Connor
Rev. Kenneth O'Malley, C.P.
Rev. Gilbert Ostdiek, OFM
Rev. John Pawlikowski, OSM
Mr. Theodore F. Perlman
Ms. Mary B. Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. William Randle
Rehm Family Foundation
Ms. Margaret C. Roach (R.I.P.)
Rev. Roger Schroeder, SVD
Sr. Katarina Schuth, OSF
Mrs. Carolyn A. Severson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sinnott
Mr. and Mrs. Terence J. Stadler
Dr. and Mrs. Sidney R. Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sullivan
Ms. Joan R. Turk
Dr. Coretha Vanessa White
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Willems
Ford Company
Kresge Foundation
Lilly Endowment, Inc.
R. R. Donnelly Foundation
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Berner, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bidwill, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Carney
Mr and Mrs. Charles F. Clarke, Jr.
Ms. Mary Margaret Cowhey
Ms. Judi Cunningham
Ms. Mary Dempsey/Chicago
Public Library
Mr. and Mrs. James Denny
Mr. and Mrs William J. Devers, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kennedy
Mrs. Joan Lavezzorio
Mr. and Mrs. William Lawlor, III
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mandolini
Michael Best & Friedrich
Ms. Mary Prete
Mr. Paul Proteau
R.A.M. Electric Company
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Reedy
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Reidy
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund A. Stephan, Jr.
Ms. Marjorie H. Stephan
*Includes Company Matching Gift
P L A N N E D G I F T,
Special gratitude to our friends
who have included CTU in their
estate plans, arranged a planned gift,
or given in recognition of a loved one.
Dr. Elizabeth Browne
Rev. John Burger, SSC
Mr. and Mrs. Victor V. Colucci
Ms. Mary Margaret Cowhey
Mr. Brendan Doyle
Mr. Michael Paul and
Ms. Judith Gross Chiarelli
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrin and Rita Maus
Mrs. Marie Therese McDermott
John E. and Philomena M. McGill
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Merlihan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mullen-Muhr
Mrs. Ward E. Perrin
Misses Margaret (RIP), Helen and
Jane Roach
Mrs. Barbara Shanahan
Ms. Marie Mildred Strauch
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy and Jean Unsworth
Mrs. Elizabeth Armstrong
In memory of Charles Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bechtold
In memory of Fr. Paul Bechtold
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beltz
In memory of Joseph Shaw
In memory of William Ferrick
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coughlin
In memory of Jack Casey
Mr. and Mrs. John Durkin
In memory of Peggy Roach
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gareis
In memory of Peggy Roach
Mrs. Charlene Klabacha
In memory of Harold Yost
Mrs. Marie Therese McDermott
In memory of Peggy Roach
Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Meister
In memory of John T. Clark
Mr. Don Moseley
In memory of Peggy Roach
Mr. Daniel R. Murray
In memory of Peggy Roach
Mrs. Jorge Prieto
In memory of Peggy Roach
Mr. Barry and Ms. Winifred F. Sullivan
In memory of Jack McCall
Mr. Joseph Zummo
In memory of Winnie Zummo
Mr. and Mrs. Margaret Barton and
David Sawyier
In honor of Zachary Hayes, OFM
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bechtold
In honor of Fr. Paul Bechtold, CP
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Hanke
In honor of Father Gerald Paul, MSC
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Judy
In honor of Bishop Norbert Dorsey, C.P.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Karp
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. James Denny
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krehbiel
In honor of Mary Frances Veeck
Dr. Isabel E. Nepomuceno
In honor of Fr. Jesus Malit, SSS
Mr. Theodore F. Perlman
In honor of Peter and Marina Carney
Mr. Augustine Wilhelmy and
Ms. Mary Vallely
In honor of Barry Rankin
Rev. Thomas Aldworth, OFM
Rev. Richard Bayuk, CPPS
Mr. Robert L. Berner, Jr.
Rev. Paul J. Bernier, SSS
Mr. Thomas J. Boodell, Jr.
Dr. Donna M. Carroll
Rev. Dennis F. Chriszt, CPPS
Rev. David Cinquegrani, CP
Rev. Theodore Cirone, CMF
Mrs. Eleanor O. Clarke
Rev. Andrew Cribben, O Praem
Mr. James M. Denny
Rev. Raymond F. Diesbourg, MSC
Rev. David Donnay, osc
Mr. Daniel J. Foley
Rev. Dariusz Garbaciak, SVD
Rev. Michael M.Guimon, OSM
Mr. Fred L. Hofheinz
Rev. Thomas Horan, OMI
Br. William R. Hugo, Capuchin
Mr. Christopher G. Kennedy
Rev. Tod S. Laverty, OFM
Mrs. Teresita Gonzales-Lowry
Rev. Sebastian MacDonald, CP
Rev. Steven Malkiewicz, OFM
Rev. Christopher McDermott, CSSp
Rev. Frank McGourn, MM
Dr. Richard J. Meister
Rev. James E. Michaletz, CSV
Mr. Daniel R. Murray
Mr. Thomas M. Owens
Ms. Carolyn Noonan Parmer
Rev. Jesus Reyes, CS
Rev. Thomas P. Reynolds, SSC
Rev. Aniello Salicone, SX
Rev. John Schmidt, CSsR
Sr. Katarina Schuth, OSF
Rev. Donald Senior, CP
Rev. Michael Slattery, OSA
Ms. Marjorie H. Stephan
Mr. Fidelis N. Umeh
Ms. Mary-Frances Veeck
Rev. Thomas Vermiglio, MCCJ
Honorable Richard D. Cudahy
Mr. James Haugh
Mr. William Lawlor, III
Mr. John J. McHugh
Mr. William E. Reidy
Mr. Edmund A. Stephan, Jr.
Mr. Barry Sullivan
(*Corporate Member of Catholic
Theological Union)
Dr. Ghulam-Haider Aasi
Mrs. Elaine Addison
Dr. Javeed Akhter
Dr. Scott C. Alexander
Dr. Imad Y. Almanaseer
Dr. R. Scott Appleby
Professor M. Cherif Bassiouni
Dr. Georgette F. Bennett
Mr. Marshall Bennett
Sr. Dianne Bergant, CSA
Mr. Robert L. Berner, Jr.
Mrs. Tiscia Bidwill
Ambassador J.D. Bindenagel
Rev. Jeremiah M. Boland
Mr. Thomas J. Boodell, Jr.
Dr. John Borelli
Rabbi Herbert Bronstein
Rev. John M. Buchanan
The Rev. Dr. Cynthia M. Campbell
Mr. LeRoy T. Carlson, Jr.
Dr. Donna M. Carroll
Mrs. Renée Crown
Mrs. Margaret Daley
Rev. Stanley L. Davis, Jr.
Mrs. Catherine Denny
Mr. James M. Denny
Mr. William J. Devers, Jr.
Mr. Thomas J. Donnelly, Esq.
Dr. John Esposito
Prof. Samuel Fleischacker
Nancy Furey, MD
Warren Furey, MD
Mr. Harold Gershowitz
Mrs. Virginia Duncan Gilmore
Most Rev. Raymond E. Goedert
Professor Inamul Haq
Shakeela Hassan, MD
Rev. J. Bryan Hehir
Dr. Asad Husain
Dr. Kareem Irfan
Mr. Robert Jaffee
Ms. Elizabeth T. Kane
Dr. Michael C. Kotzin
Rev. Eugene Lauer
Mrs. Joan Lavezzorio
Mr. Jonathan Levine
Mr. William E. Lowry, Jr.
Mr. Joseph Madden
Eugene T. McEnery, MD
Sr. Joan McGuire, OP
Mr. Andrew J. McKenna, Sr.
Ms. Sheila McLaughlin
Mr. Newton N. Minow
Mr. Abdul Malik Mujahid
Mr. Daniel R. Murray
Rev. Thomas J. Nairn, OFM
Ms. Joan F. Neal
Mr. Kemal Oksuz
Mr. Talat Othman
Mrs. Margaret A. Paluch
Rev. John Pawlikowski, OSM
Rev. Michael D. Place, STD
Mr. Thomas Reedy
Mr. William E. Reidy
Mr. Thomas A. Reynolds III
Rev. Gary Riebe-Estrella, SVD
Ms. Anna E. Roosevelt
Rev. Robin Ryan, CP
Mrs. Shirley Welsh Ryan
Dr. Zaher Sahloul
Rabbi David Fox Sandmel
Rabbi Herman Schaalman
Rev. Robert Schreiter, CPPS
Dr. Elaine M. Schuster
Sr. Katarina Schuth, OSF
Mrs. Carole Segal
Rev. Donald Senior, CP
Ms. Patricia A. Shevlin
Mr. Norman A. Shubert
Ms. Emily D. Soloff
Rev. Kevin J. Spiess
Rev. Alphonse Spilly, CPPS
Mr. Howard L. Stone
Mr. Jerome H. Stone
Dr. Howard Sulkin
Dr. Sayyid Syeed
Ms. Mary-Frances Veeck
Monsignor Kenneth Velo
Mr. Maynard I. Wishner
Rabbi Ira Youdovin
Sr. Dominga Zapata, SH
Mr. Safaa Zarzour
Dr. Scott C. Alexander
Islamic Studies, Catholic-Muslim
Studies Program
Dr. Michel Andraos
Cross Cultural Ministry
Dr. Claude Marie Barbour
World Mission
Sr. Dianne Bergant, CSA
Old Testament Studies
Rev. Stephen Bevans, SVD
Mission and Culture
Sr. Barbara Bowe, RSCJ
Biblical Studies
Sr. Laurie Brink, OP
Biblical Studies
Rev. Gilberto Cavazos-González, OFM
Dr. Edmund Kee-Fook Chia
Historical and Doctrinal Studies
Dr. Eileen Crowley
Sr. Eleanor Doidge, LoB
Cross Cultural Ministry
Rev. Edward Foley, Capuchin
Liturgy and Music
Rev. Archimedes Fornasari, MCCJ
Rev. Richard N. Fragomeni
Liturgy and Preaching
Sr. Mary Frohlich, RSCJ
Rev. Anthony Gittins, CSSp
Catholic Missiology
Rev. Paul LaChance, OFM
Dr. Richard E. McCarron
Rev. Thomas j. Nairn, OFM
Catholic Ethics
Dr. Carmen Nanko-Fernández
Spiritual and Pastoral Ministry
Rev. Thanh Van Nguyen, SVD
New Testament Studies
Sr. Dawn Nothwehr, OSF
Rev. James Chukwuma Okoye, CSSp
Old Testament Studies
Rev. Gilbert Ostdiek, OFM
Rev. John Pawlikowski, OSM
Ethics, Catholic-Jewish Studies
Dr. Amanda Quantz
History of World Christianity
Sr. Barbara E. Reid, OP
New Testament Studies
Rev. Gary Riebe-Estrella, SVD
Practical Theology and
Hispanic Ministry
Rev. Robin Ryan, CP
Systematic Theology
Rabbi David Fox Sandmel
Jewish Studies
Rev. Robert Schreiter, CPPS
Rev. Roger Schroeder, SVD
Cross Cultural Ministry
Rev. Donald Senior, CP
New Testament Studies
Bernardin Center
Mrs. Sheila McLaughlin, Director
Biblical Study/Travel
Sr. Barbara Blesse, OP, Director
Catholics On Call Vocation
Rev. Robin Ryan, CP, Director
Continuing Education
Ms. Kieran O'Kelly, Director
Doctor of Ministry
Rev. Edward Foley, Capuchin, Director
Emmaus Lay Formation
Mrs. Chris Hopkins, Director
Hesburgh Sabbatical
Rev. Terry Johnson, Director
Institute of Religious Formation
Sr. Barbara Doherty, SP, Director
Master of Arts
Sr. Mary Frohlich, RSCJ, Director
Master of Arts and Pastoral Studies
Sr. Eleanor Doidge, LoB, Director
Master of Divinity
Sr. Barbara Bowe, RSCJ, Director
Peacebuilders Initiative
Ms. Megan Kennedy-Farrell, Director
Romero Program
Mr. Carlos Salmerón, Director
Tolton Program
Ms. Vanessa White, Director
Rev. Donald Senior, CP
Rev. Gary Riebe-Estrella, SVD
Academic Dean
Mr. Michael Connors
Vice-President for Administration
and Finance
Mrs. Joyce O'Connor
Ms. Kathleen van Duser
Director of Admissions/Recruitment
Ms. María de Jesus Lemús
Mr. Matthew Rice
Information Technology Manager
Ms. Mary Ocasek
Director of Library
Mr. Daniel Ryan
Director of Maintenance
Mr. William Booth
Director of Development
Mrs. Toni Callahan
Director of Marketing and
Thank you for your support.
A graduate school of theology and ministry
5401 South Cornell Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60615-5698
Published by the Office of Development. For additional information contact 773-371-5417.
Front Cover Photo: Howard Gardiner
Interior Photos: Monte Gerlach, Bart Hisgen, David Kamba, Dan O’Connell
Graphic Designer: Robin Booth