XIX International Conference on Electrical Machines - ICEM 2010, Rome Iterative FEM-BEM Technique for an Efficient Computation of Magnetic Fields in Regions with Ferromagnetic Bodies I. R. Ciric, M. Maricaru, I. F. Hantila, and S. Marinescu Abstract - Inside the ferromagnetic bodies the magnetic field is determined by applying the Finite Element Method (FEM) with a Dirichlet boundary condition for the magnetic potential. The resulting tangential component of the field intensity is used as boundary condition for the exterior field problem whose solution is obtained by the Boundary Element Method (BEM) which provides the new boundary condition for the interior problem. The nonlinearity of the highly permeable ferromagnetic material is treated by implementing the Polarization Fixed Point Method (PFPM), where the magnetic polarization is corrected in terms of the field intensity. While preserving the intrinsic advantages of the FEM and the BEM, separately, the proposed technique also allows to easily take into consideration the terminal voltage of the coils as input data and a simple field solution for multiply connected structures, such as transformers, electrical machines, and a multitude of electromagnetic devices. Index Terms-boundary integral equations, hybrid FEM-BEM techniques, iterative methods, multiply connected regions, nonlinear media. I. INTRODUCTION D IFFICULTIES encountered when employing the FEM for the analysis of fields in unbounded regions or in structures with moving bodies, as well as those related to parasitic sources artificially generated at the interfaces between the discretization elements, with undesirable implications in force calculations, have determined the development of various integral and hybrid methods [1 ]-[7]. The application of the PFPM [8] has allowed the extension of integral formulations to nonlinear media with periodic eddy currents and moving bodies [9]-[1 O]. In this work, a novel iterative FEM-BEM procedure is proposed for an efficient solution of magnetic field problems in unbounded regions in the presence of ferromagnetic bodies. A vector potential formulation is illustrated for two-dimensional fields in simply and multiply connected structures. The field problems inside and outside the ferromagnetic regions are solved separately and repeatedly with the interior field determined by applying the FEM under Dirichlet boundary conditions and the exterior one by This work was supported in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Romanian National Council of Scientific Research under Grant ID_2010. I. R. Ciric is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 5V6 Canada (e-mail: irciric@ee.urnanitoba.ca). M. Maricaru and I. F. Hantila are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Spl. Independentei 313, Bucharest, 060042 Romania (e-mail: hantila@elth.pub.ro). S. Marinescu is with the Research Institute for Electrical Engineering, Spl. Unirii 313. Bucharest 030138 Romania le-mail: stelian.marinescu!alicoe.ro). the BEM under Neumann boundary conditions, the solution in each region providing successively the boundary condition for the problem in the other region. A highly rate of convergence is insured by treating the material nonlinearity with the PFPM, where the magnetic polarization is corrected in terms of the field intensity. II. FIELD PROBLEM IN LINEAR MAGNETIC BODIES Assuming a null current density, the magnetic vector potential A'= kA' for a two-dimensional structure satisfies the following equation inside the region n occupied by linearized ferromagnetics: (1) where k is the unit vector in the longitudinal direction, µ is the magnetic permeability, and I represents a given distribution of magnetic polarization. The potential A' is known on the boundary of 0. We represent A' in n an as A'= I A'; 'P; + ie{n} I (2) A'; 'P; ie{ns} where {n} and {n 8 } represent the sets of nodes of the discretization mesh inside n and on an ' respectively' and 'I'; and A'; are the linear nodal element function and the potential values at the node i. Applying the FEM yields Ia 1;A'; = - Ia 1;A'; +t J, ie{n} j E {n} (3) ie{ns} with (4) (5) The values A'; are known for i e {n 8 } and the matrix of a Ji 's in (3) is sparse, symmetric and positive definite. The memory space for the matrix entries is practically proportional to n and the solution of (3) is performed very rapidly using various sparse matrix techniques. From the solution of (3) one first obtains A'; at the interior nodes and then the tangential field intensity on an . III. FIELD PROBLEM IN FREE SPACE First, assume the ferromagnetic region to be simply connected. The potential integral equation on the boundary an of the free space unbounded region no is obtained from aA(r)= f (R·n)A(r')dl'-§ ln_!_oA(r')dl'+A 0 (r) 2 an R an an R (6) Fig. I. Standard notation adopted. where a is the solid angle under which a small neighborhood of n 0 is seen from the observation point, r where M' and N' are 1x n 8 matrices. and r' are the position vectors of the observation and the = r - r', R = n is the unit source points, respectively, R IRI, vector in the direction normal to the boundary (see Fig. 1), and A 0 is the vector potential due to the given current distribution, IV. ITERATIVE PROCEDURE At the boundary an between no and n we connect the vector potential and its normal derivative in the two regions by imposing the continuity condition for the vector potential and for the tangential component of field intensity, i.e. Ao(r)=.uo~[Jln ~dS'-f In ~dS']=B(Qi.(r)-Q_(r)) S+ {11) S_ (7) for a total B of Ampere-turns of the coils, considered to be uniformly distributed over the cross sections of areas S + and S _ of the coil sides carrying current in the direction of k and -k, respectively, with S+ = S_ =S (see Fig. 2). For coupling the BEM applied to (6) with the FEM in Section II, the vector potential is taken to have a linear variation on each boundary element with a constant normal derivative. Locating the observation point at the boundary nodes, (6) is transformed into aA M=MA+N-+BC an where 11 is the tangential component of the polarization. The bigger the value of relative permeability µr, the stronger a contraction will result from ( 11) for the normal derivatives of the potential. Thus, the following iterative process is proposed: a) having known aA/ an on the elements of the nodes of an an, A'= A at are obtained from (9), i.e. by BEM; b) from A' on the boundary, one determines A' in the FEM and, then, oA'/on on an; c) oA/an in a) is corrected with (I 1). n by This cycle is repeated until the difference between aA/ an (8) for two successive iterations satisfies an error condition, for instance where the symbols A, aA/an, and Care now used to denote the matrices nB x I of the boundary values of A and oA/ on in (6) and of Q+ -Q_ in (7), A is the diagonal matrix of the values of a at the boundary nodes, and M and N are some n 8 xn 8 matrices. Equation (8) gives A when oA/on is known, aA A=Z-+BT an with Z = (A-M)-I N and T observation point inside no =(A-M)- 1C. (9) {12) with £ conveniently small. The matrices Z and T are computed only once, before the start of the iterative process. When the terminal voltages of the coils are given, instead of the coil currents, the magnetic fluxes of the coils are known. For illustrating the computation procedure in this case, consider a system with only one coil. The average magnetic flux per coil tum is obtained from (10) as At any the vector potential is (13) calculated from 2tt4(r) = M'(r)A + N'(r) aA +B(Q+(r)-Q_ (r)) (10) an with the entries of the 1x n 8 obtained from matrices M <l> and N <l> 5 J 1 J (14) Mil> = - ( M'(r)dS- M'(r)dSJ. 27TS s s+ 1 NIJ> = 27TS (Js N'(r)dS- + J s ng s._ I I I I (15) N'(r)dSJ 5 135 - I I I I pi s·+ ~r :n :n on; and !.¥ M O> .... n~ n one 145 (16) 48 241 Taking into account (9), we get Fig. 2. Multiply connected region for a single-phase transformer. - oA Cl>=W-+BY (17) on therefore, fix a zero value of reference for the potential at a on; where W = M <l>Z + N <1> and Y = M <l>T + Q<l> . We remark chosen node pi on that if two different values of B' say B' and B"' correspond other n: = nk -1 nodes from (according to (17)) to ii>• and ii>", respectively, then the differences t:i..8 = B'-8" and t:i..<i> = <1> 1-<i>" related as are simply (20) (18) As a consequence, the step a) in the above iterative procedure is modified as follows. For an arbitrary B0 , <1> 0 is determined with (17) and, then, to the imposed value of ii> and determine the potentials at the corresponds a 8 =Bo + t:i..B, with t:i..B determined from (18), i.e. 118 = t:i..<i>/Y, t:i..<i> = <i>-<1> 0 . This value of 8 is where zi respectively, with A;1 , are n! x nk and Ti Mf zi and = (A;1 -M{ N{ and f1 N{, T; n! x I matrices, = (A;1 -M{ f1 Cl+• being the matrices in (8) but for only n; nodes, and C 1+ is the values Q+ in (7). n: x I matrix of the boundary used in (9) and we continue with step b). W is a Ix n B In the case when the coil current is given, for known matrix and Ya scalar which are, again, computed only once, before starting the iterative process. values of the normal derivative, the potential on an.e is V. TREATMENT OF MULTIPLY CONNECTED REGION To explain the technique proposed for the field analysis in multiply connected regions, consider the magnetic circuit of a single-phase transformer, sketched with only one of its coils in Fig. 2. On the boundaries an.e and on; of the two nonmagnetic regions O.~ and O.~ we consider, respectively, n8 and nk nodes. As in (9), for O.~ we have obtained with (19) and that on on; with (20), the latter up to an unknown additive constant c0 . The potential in 0. satisfies the equation (see (3)) LaJiA';=- Iaj;A'; -co Ia 1; +t 1 , ie{n) ie{ns) je{n} (21) ie{nkJ where n B = ns + n~. A' in 0. can be determined as follows. First, without any additive constant, we apply the FEM in 0. and obtain the potential A" from (3), with the boundary conditions given by A"= Ae on an.e and A"= A; (19) but only with the coil side of cross-sectional area s_. ze is on on;, Ae and A; being those computed from (19) and (20), respectively. In general, this solution corresponds to an incorrect total 8" of Ampere-turns, i.e. 8"-:;: 8 , a n8 x ns matrix and Te a n8 x l matrix. For the inner subregion n~' the potential is determined up to an additive constant and the matrix A; - M; is now singular. Let's, _I µo f . 8A" di= 8" an an' (22) Then, we obtain the potential Ac in n corresponding to a ane ' a unity value of it on zero potential on null polarization, from oni 6.5 12 12 6.5 / and to a O> j ,La1;Ac=- ,Laji, ie{n} E {n} (23) ie{n1} O> i.e. (21) with c0 = 1 and t J = 0. This Ac corresponds to a n (Jc Ampere-turns of the coil. The correct potential A' in is given by A'= A"+Ac f!i.{J (Jc (24) O> where f!i.(J = (J - ()". Ac is calculated only once before starting iterating. For the case when the coil terminal voltage is given, we notice that, while the potential at the point pi on anj O> / is ·...• \... \ equal to zero for the problem in n~' the actual potential at _ . .... . ', '\ __ / ,1 '-.. \ Fig. 3. Electromagnet (dimensions are in mm). pi has now a value c 0 ::t: 0 to be determined. The average magnetic flux per tum is evaluated by applying (17) to the interior and exterior subregions, and Ampere's theorem to the boundaries - anj and j aAi ane ' i ct> =W - - Y - an f=' 1.8 .---.---.--,---,--,---,.---,-~---.---~ 1.6 l---+--.L_-J.i----!,....=J--+-*"=~=1:=:::t==1t=1 1.4 t--1_-+.y;"---+----11-----+--+--+--+--l---4----+-----' ar 1.2 l-z-+-+----11---+--+--t---+--+--+---i--+-- 1 .( aAi µo J' -dl+c0 on'0 an .§ 1.0 t-7t--+----1r----r---t--t---+--+--+---l--+-~ ti 0.8 ::I ~ 0.6 0.4 (25) 1/---t--t---t--t--+-+--t--+--+--+------< 1----t--t---t--t--+-+---l--+--+--+------< 1----t--t---t--t--+-+---l--+--+--+------< 0.2 t----t---t--+--t--+--+---1---1----+--+---J 0.0 _ _ __,__....___._ _.__....1...._.1.-......1 ~__.. 0 _.__~__.. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Field intensity H(kA/m) This yields the constant c 0 which has to be added to the potential in n~ computed from (20). VI. Fig. 4. B-H relationship. 11/(m) - 1<m-lf = J_!_(J<m) -/(m-1) JdS < t:J ll1(m)ll2 µ FIELD ANALYSIS IN NONLINEAR MEDIA n.µ µ The field problem in nonlinear ferromagnetic regions is solved iteratively by employing the PFPM [8]. The nonlinear constitutive relation B=F(H) is replaced by The fictitious permeability µ is chosen such that G is a (26) contraction. For instance, in the case of isotropic media, and I= f(H)- µH = g(H), it is where I= I Hf H B=µH+l where µ is a constant and the additive term /, playing the (28) necessary that µ > .!.(!!i..) .This condition insures the 2 dH max role of a magnetic polarization, is corrected iteratively in terms of H from convergence of the iterative procedure for the solution of the linear field problem presented in the previous Sections. I= F(H)-µH = G(H) VII. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES (27) Starting with some distribution of/, a magnetic field (B, H) is determined using (26) and, then, I is corrected using (27). These two steps are repeated until the norm of the difference between the polarizations in two successive iterations is sufficiently small The magnetic field of the electromagnet in Fig. 3 is produced by a coil with 5,000 turns carrying a direct current of 49 mA. The thickness of the ferromagnetic region is 19.5 mm and the stacking factor of the laminations is 0.92. For the B-H characteristic shown in Fig. 4, the minimum and the maximum values of the differential oermeabilitv arr. g: 3.0 2.7 2.4 2.1 1.8 values extend now into the saturation zone, a smaller value of µ in (26) was chosen, µ = (4µmax +4µmin)/9 ~ ~ ~ 1.5 0 LL > µmax/2, even though the PFPM convergence is insured )'.. _S 1.2 "1'.. 0.9 0.6 ...,...__ - 0.3 0.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.5 4.0 5.0 Airgap (mm) Fig. 5. Attractive force for the electromagnet in Fig. 3. for any value µ > µmax/2. The shape of the magnetization current is presented in Fig. 6. The FEM mesh used for this example had 1309 nodes and 2370 triangular elements, and the time required to perform the field analysis for 48 time steps was 216 s employing the same notebook as in the first example. Due to the magnetic saturation, the number of iterations in the PFPM procedure climbed in some cases to 87, while for the hybrid FEM-BEM procedure three iterations sufficed, in most of the cases even one iteration being sufficient, for the same accuracy as in the first example. VIII. CONCLUSIONS 0.8 ,.--.,----,-----,----,-----,Vl----:::i:;= ........ c-rb..---,-,----,----,,-----,----, 0.7 l--~+--+---+-/-E---1--+-,,,,...~+-b..--+--+--t---l---l ~ o.6 1-----1---l-+--+v-+--+----l--+_i-+--+-+---+----l ~ 0.5 7 \ ~ 0.4 l-----l---l--+17-l-+--l--t---+--l--+~\--+--l--l---j 8 0.3 l---j--+-_i_-l--+--+--l-----l--+--1-4\+--+--l-----l 0.2 1-----j--+v-+-+-+---+--+---+--+----f---*~--+--+----i 0.1.~ ~ 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Phase (rad) Fig. 6. Half of a period of the magnetization current for the transfonner in Fig. 2. µmin = 12µo and µmax = 9947 µ 0 , respectively, and, thus, µ in (26) was chosen µ = (4µmax + µmin)/5 > µmax/2. A sketch of the magnetic induction field lines is drawn in Fig. 3 for an airgap of 5 mm and the dependence on the airgap of the attraction force between the armatures is presented in Fig. 5. For an airgap of 3.4 mm, the value of the computed force is 0.61 N, while the measured value is 0.62 N, differences between computed results and actual values being partially due to the two-dimensional model adopted. A FEM mesh with 1691 nodes and 3009 triangular elements was used. The computation for I 8 positions of the mobile armature required a time of 247 s when using a I .66 GHz (Intel Atom) processor notebook. For each position, the PFPM iterations continued until an error less then E: 1 =I o-4 was achieved, with only about six iterations being necessary. The iterative FEM-BEM procedure required at most four iterations for an error less then E: = I 0-4 (see Section IV and (12)). A second example is that of the transformer in Fig. 2, where the region occupied by the ferromagnetic material is doubly connected. The transformer is operated on no-load with a sinusoidal with time voltage of maximum value of 329.5 V at the terminals of a 325 tum winding. This gives directly the magnetic flux of the winding when the voltage drop corresponding to its resistance is negligible. The ferromagnetic core has a thickness of 48 mm and a stacking factor of the laminations of 0.9, with the same B-H characteristic as in Fig. 4. Since the magnetic induction The main contribution to the computational electro111agnetics of the work presented consists in the efficient iterative procedure for the solution of the equations in the hybrid FEM-BEM for structures containing nonlinear ferromagnetic bodies. The rapid convergence of the procedure is determined by the big difference between the permeabilities of the ferromagnetic bodies and that of the air. This difference is preserved by treating the nonlinearity of B-H relationship with the PFPM, whose convergence is insured when the correction of the magnetic polarization is made in terms of the magnetic field intensity and the constant µ in (26) is chosen to be greater than half of the maximum value of· the differential permeability in the operating zone. The field problem inside the ferromagnetic bodies is solved by implementing the FEM under Dirichlet boundary conditions, the system matrix being sparse, symmetric and positive definite. The required memory space and the computation time are very small. The boundary conditions are corrected by solving the exterior field problem applying the BEM where the stiffiless matrix is dense, but is calculated only once, before the start of the iterations. As well, an extension of the proposed procedure to field problems for multiply connected regions is presented, where the BEM applied to bounded nonmagnetic regions allows the determination of the vector potential up to an additive constant. It should be remarked that the technique developed in this paper deals easily with situations when either the coil currents or their terminal voltages are given, thus the flux-current relationships necessary for the modeling of field structures by lumped parameter circuits being efficiently established. In the proposed procedure, all the advantages of the FEM are kept regarding the system matrix structure and, at the same time, all the advantages of the BEM are exploited. It is also advantageous to apply the procedure to structures with moving bodies, since only the entries of the BEM matrices corresponding to the coupling between the bodies in relative motion are to be recalculated for various specific positions. 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Hantila, M. Maricaru, and S. Marinescu, "Behavior of synchronous generators with rotor eccentricity evaluated by the polarization fixed point method," in Proc. 17-th International Conference on Electrical Machines - ICEM 2006, p. 51. X. BIOGRAPHIES loan R. Ciric is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada. His major research interests are in the mathematical modeling of stationary and quasi-stationary fields, electromagnetic fields in the presence of moving solid conductors and levitation, field theory of special electrical machines, de corona ionized fields, analytical and numerical methods for wave scattering and diffraction problems, propagation along waveguides with discontinuities, transients, and inverse problems. He published numerous scientific papers and a few electrical engineering textbooks, and has been a contributor to book chapters on magnetic field modeling and electromagnetic wave scattering by complex bodies. Dr. Ciric is a Fellow of the IEEE and a member of the Electromagnetics Academy. He is listed in Who's Who in Electromagnetics. Mihai Maricaru graduated Bucharest and obtained his university in 2007, where research interests are mainly hybrid methods). in 2001 from the Politehnica University of Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at the same he is currently an Assistant Professor. His in electromagnetic field computation (integral, Florea I. Hantila received the Electrical Engineer degree in 1967 and the Ph.D. degree in 1976, both from the Politehnica University of Bucharest, where he is currently a Professor and the head of the Department of Electrical Engineering. His teaching and research interests are in nonlinear electromagnetic field analysis and in numerical methods. Stelian Marinescu graduated in 1971 from the Politehnica University of Bucharest. His activity started immediately after as a scientific researcher at Research Institute for Electrical Engineering, where he is currently working. His fields of expertise include research, design and construction of special electrical machines.