ECEN4827/5827 Announcem ents • Homework 1 is posted on the course website • Due (for all students) Friday Sept. 2 • Handout slides are posted on the website before lectures for easier note taking • Typically posted the day before lecture • Complete annotated slides will be posted after lectures • Link to lecture recordings and course blog invitation sent out to students • Off-campus students: • Send an email to from your preferred email address; otherwise I will use your email • Use 5827 in the subject line for e-mail questions • How to succeed in this course: • Set a fixed schedule: ~10 hours per week • Stay ahead of lectures: read course notes and text references • Attend and participate in lectures • Complete your own assignments 1 ECEN4827/5827 Analog IC Design ANALOG AND MIXED-SIGNAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT DESIGN TWO-SEMESTER COURSE SEQUENCE Fall 2010: ECEN 4827/5827 ANALOG IC DESIGN Spring 2011: ECEN 4837/5837 MIXED-SIGNAL IC DESIGN LAB This course presents a practical approach to transistor-level design of analog integrated circuits. Topics include • Real op-amp characteristics, limitations and impact on design This lab introduces full custom integrated circuit design for real-world applications where analog and digital signal processing meet. Topics include: • Transistor-level analysis and design of CMOS amplifiers • Design of analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog data converters • Full custom IC design and layout • Current and voltage reference circuits • Final project: group based project targeting a real-world application • Frequency response, stability and design-oriented feedback analysis • Opportunity for fabrication and testing of final project IC! • IC application examples Micro-photograph of a 2mm x 2mm custom IC design in a 0.35u CMOS process ECEN4827/5827 Analog IC Design 2 ECEN4827/5827 Design Tools From Analog IC Design Thurein Paing; Falkenstein, E.A.; Zane, R.; Popovic, Z.; , "Custom IC for Ultralow Power RF Energy Scavenging," Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.26, no.6, pp.1620-1626, June 2011 ECEN4827/5827 Analog IC Design 3 Im plem entation in Mixed IC Design Thurein Paing; Falkenstein, E.A.; Zane, R.; Popovic, Z.; , "Custom IC for Ultralow Power RF Energy Scavenging," Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.26, no.6, pp.1620-1626, June 2011 ECEN4827/5827 Analog IC Design 4 ECEN4827/5827 ECEN 4827/ 5827 outline 1. Real op-amp characteristics and limitations, impact on application circuits • Open-loop gain, input and output impedance, output voltage swing • Introduction to feedback • Voltage offset and drift, input bias current and offset • Introduction to component tolerances and temperature drift • Input common-mode voltage range, CMRR, PSRR 2. Transistor-level analysis and design of a two-stage CMOS op-amp • CMOS process technology, 0.35u CMOS process example • Basic principles of analog IC design via examples: matching, process and temperature variations • DC biasing • Small-signal modeling and design of gain stages 3. Current and voltage references • Current mirrors, design of current sources • Temperature drift and supply voltage sensitivity • Bandgap references 4. Frequency responses of gain stages • Device high-frequency models and parasitic capacitances • Design-oriented analysis techniques: zero-value time constant (ZVTC) method, and N-extra element theorem (NEET) method 5. Frequency response, stability and design-oriented analysis of negative feedback circuits • Loop gain, phase margin and compensation 6. IC application examples • Design of linear voltage regulators • Design of pulse-width modulation controllers for switched-mode power converters ECEN4827/5827 Analog IC Design 5 Op-am p characteristics _ + Ideal op-amp: ECEN4827/5827 Analog IC Design 6 ECEN4827/5827 Real op -am p characteristics Op-amp data sheets: 10’s of pages Objectives: • Understand impact of various op-amp imperfections in applications • Motivate followup study of transistor-level design techniques ECEN4827/5827 Analog IC Design 7 (1) DC and low -frequ ency small-signal characteristics • • • • • • • • • • • • Open-loop low-frequency voltage gain Ao = vo/(v(+) - v(-)) Output resistance, rout Input resistance, rin Supply voltages VDD, -VSS (or VCC, -VEE); supply currents IDD, ISS (or ICC, IEE) Output saturation limits, VOmin, VOmax Output voltage swing VOmin < VO < VOmax Maximum output (source or sink) current Input offset voltage, VOS; temperature drift of the input offset voltage VOS/ T [mV/oC] Input bias current, IB = (IB+ + IB-)/2; temperature drift IB/ T Input offset current, IOS = IB+ - IB-; temperature drift IOS/ T Common-mode rejection ratio CMRR Power-supply rejection ratio PSRR Input common-mode voltage range, VCMmin < VCM < VCMmax Common-mode input: VCM = (v(+) - v(-))/2 ECEN4827/5827 Analog IC Design 8 ECEN4827/5827 (2) Sm all-signal and large-signal d ynam ic characteristics • • • • • • • Open-loop transfer function AOL(s) Gain-bandwidth product GBW, or unity-gain bandwidth Input and output impedances, Zin(s), Zout(s) Slew-rate SR Frequency-dependent common-mode rejection ratio CMRR(f) Frequency-dependent power-supply rejection ratio PSRR(f) Input noise ECEN4827/5827 Analog IC Design 9 Ap p lication examp le 1: inverting amp lifier R2 VDD R1 _ vO + vI + – VSS ECEN4827/5827 Analog IC Design 10 ECEN4827/5827 Mod el w ith finite open -loop gain A o + + – Ao(v(+) v( )) 11 ECEN4827/5827 Analog IC Design Mod el w ith finite open -loop gain A o R2 R2 VDD R1 vO + vI + – R1 _ + – + – A (v(+) v( )) o vi VSS vo + ECEN4827/5827 Analog IC Design 12 ECEN4827/5827 R2 Find closed-loop gain ACL = vo/vi + – R1 + – A (v(+) v( )) o vi vo + 13 ECEN4827/5827 Analog IC Design Loop gain T R2 R1 + – + – A (v(+) v( )) o vi vo + ECEN4827/5827 Analog IC Design 14 ECEN4827/5827 Mod el w ith finite op en -loop gain A o, rin and rou t + rout + – Ao(v(+) v( )) rin 15 ECEN4827/5827 Analog IC Design Mod el w ith finite op en -loop gain A o, rin and rou t + rout rin + – Ao(v(+) v( )) R2 R1 rout + – rin vi + – A (v(+) v( )) o vo + ACL ACL T ideal 1 T T Ao rout rout rin 1 R2 R1 || rin rin R1 1 T R1 || rin R1 || rin R2 rout ECEN4827/5827 Analog IC Design 16