PHYS 2053-981 General Physics without Calculus

Martin Muñoz
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
Phone: (813) 974 5659
Office 403, Science Center
4202 East Fowler Ave., PHY 114
Tampa, FL 33620
PHYS 2053-981 General Physics without Calculus
Fall 2006 (August 28th – December 8th, 2006)
Course Objectives
This is the first part of a two-semester introductory physics course. The
objectives for the first part are:
a) to understand and apply the fundamental laws of mechanics,
thermodynamics and wave motion to real life problems
b) to develop analytical skills to obtain quantitative answers to physical
Prof. Martin Muñoz
Office 403, Science Center (SCA)
Office Hours
Monday and Wednesday: 4:00-5:30 p.m. or by
PHY 141, Monday and Wednesday 6:00 pm –
7:15 pm.
Lecture Textbook
“Essentials of Physics”, Cutnell & Johnson,
John Wiley and Sons, 2006. The textbook is
available at the USF bookstore.
e-mail contact
If you send an e-mail, write in the subject PHYS2053 Yourlastname
Yourfirstname, otherwise it will be deleted as junk mail. I reply e-mail on
Monday and Wednesday. Please, be patient and wait for my answer.
Room PHY 203
You MUST have the “PHY-2053L General Physics I Lab Manual” for
your first class. You can get a copy from Pro-Copy at 5219 East Fowler
Avenue (Publix strip mall). The labs start on September 5th.
No make-up lab will be given under any circumstances. If you have
already passed this lab course but need to retake the lecture course, you
should contact Mr. Bergeron (974-2378) and get a permit to take the
lecture course without the lab course.
PowerPoint notes will be posted the evening before the lecture. You
should download, print, and bring the notes to class. Due to copyright
issues, only references to the appropriate textbook figures will be
My teaching assistants are Marek Merlak (974-9933) and Brad Bennett
will provide additional free tutoring. Their schedule will be announced
Martin Muñoz
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
Phone: (813) 974 5659
Office 403, Science Center
4202 East Fowler Ave., PHY 114
Tampa, FL 33620
soon. Additional free solving problem session are available in room PHY
211A, the schedule will be posted in Blackboard.
MAC 1140 and MAC 1114 or MAC 1147.
Topics Covered
Chapters 1 through 16.
Without previous announcement, 5-10 minutes quizzes will applied. The
quizzes will contain one or two problems or conceptual questions. Bring
pencil and to clean sheet every class.
There will be three multiple choice midterm exams and a final one. No
make-up tests will be given under any circumstances; however, your
lowest midterm test grade will be dropped (save this opportunity for an
emergency). Student missing a test will receive an F (T-Score: -2.0).
You are required to bring a valid ID to all tests and present it upon request.
Bring pencil, eraser, ruler and a scientific calculator to each exam. NO
other materials or electronic communication of any kind (phones, pda’s
etc.) will be allowed in the tests. A formula sheet will be provided for each
exam. The punishment for academic dishonesty is a grade of FF plus
suspension for a year. The test content and schedule is described in the
following table
1. Introduction and Mathematical Concepts
2. One-Dimensional Kinematics
3. Two-Dimensional Kinematics
TEST 1: September 27th
4. Newton's Laws of Motion
6. Work and Energy
7. Impulse, Linear Momentum and Collisions
5. Uniform Circular Motion
TEST 2: October 25th
8. Rotational Kinematics
9. Rotational Dynamics
10. Simple Harmonic Motion
16. Waves and Sound
TEST 3: November 20th
11. Fluids
12. Temperature and Heat
13. Heat Transfer
14. Ideal Gas Law and Kinetic Theory
15. Thermodynamics
FINAL EXAMINATION: Chapters 1-16, December 9-15
Martin Muñoz
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
Phone: (813) 974 5659
Office 403, Science Center
4202 East Fowler Ave., PHY 114
Tampa, FL 33620
A list of study problems will be suggested for each chapter. These
homework problems will not be graded. However, it is highly
recommended to do the study problems because some similar problems
may be included in the tests and final examination.
Grading Policy
The grades will be based on T-scores, which measure your performance
compared to the class average. The T-scores are determined according to
the following formula
T − score =
Your points - Class average ponts
Standard deviation
Quick quizzes: Points for all your quick quizzes will be summed
throughout the semester. Two point will be assign for to each quiz; one
point per question. A T-score grade will be calculated for your quick quiz
Exam grades: The students will obtain a T-score, calculated according to
the previous formula, for each exam.
Final Grade: it will be calculated from your separate T-scores in exams
and quick quizzes. Each of your two best exams will cont for 25% of your
grade, the final exam will count for 35% of your grade, and the quick
quizzes for 15% of your grade. At the end, your T-score will be converted
into a letter using the following table:
A+ >1.6
A >1.3
A- >1.0
B+ >0.7
B >0.4
B- >0.1
C+ >-0.2
C >-0.5
C- >-0.8
D+ >-1.1
D >-1.4
D- >-1.7
F ≤-1.7
Limited Test Late Admittance:
You will not be admitted after the first person has finished a test.
Students with Disabilities: Any student with a disability is encouraged to meet with the Lab
Instructor and Lab Supervisor privately during the first week of class to discuss
accommodations. Such a student must bring a current Memorandum of Accommodations from
the Office of Student Disability Services (974-4309, SVC 1133) which is a prerequisite for
receiving accommodations.
Cell Phones: According to USF policy, cell phones and beepers must be turned off while in the