Syllabus Grading Policies: Refer to The Emerson School website

The Emerson School Class: 601 School Year: 2013-­‐2014 Ms. Romain Syllabus As a member of The Emerson School staff, I am committed to helping your son/daughter meet the necessary criteria for the new Common Core education initiative. I will provide instruction to class 601 for ELA, Math, and Social Studies. This class will introduce students to the world of geography and the rich history of the Ancient Eastern Hemisphere. There will be ELA units based on survival, immigration, cities of gold, living your dream, giving back, and discovering world wonders. In Math students will learn the properties of numbers and variables, as well as, basic algebra. Students will engage in a variety of literacy routines, such as, the Socratic Seminar; enabling them to experience the essentials of each content area, while actively engaging in hands on projects presented within a culturally diverse context. Students will understand the power of education as a means of personal and cultural expression and their important role as a contributor to the richness of societies around the world. As a result of exposure in this class students can gain an awareness of their own potential for individual expression. Supplies needed for the course are: Notebook, sketchbook, pens, ruler, pencils, eraser, and colored pencil. Grading Policies: Refer to The Emerson School website. ( Rules of the classroom: •
Students must be punctual and dressed in school attire. We are to respect each other at all times. Poor classroom behavior will result in one or more of the following: student/teacher conference-­‐ phone call/Datacation notification-­‐ parent/teacher conference-­‐ meeting with principal. Late assignments will only be accepted one day past their due date. RESPONSIBILITIES OF PARENTS 1.
Provide a quiet place for my child to study. Question my child on a regular basis about what he/she has learned that day. Monitor my child’s attendance. Contact my child’s teacher if I have any questions about my child’s progress in class. RESPONSIBILITIES OF TEACHERS 1.
Prepare and conduct a meaningful lesson each day. Collect student work on a regular basis and input grades in Datacation. Return student work in a timely manner and provide meaningful constructive feedback on work submitted. Contact parents when necessary to alert them of their child’s progress. Make myself available to students to provide individual assistance outside of class via tutoring. Please sign and return this form no later than Monday September 16th, 2013. I have discussed these rules with my child. I agree to monitor my child’s progress, and will contact you, the teacher, if a problem develops. Parent or guardian’s name (print) ______________________ Signature_________________________________ Student name (print) ________________________________ Signature_________________________________ Phone number (home) ___________________________ (Work) ___________________________________ Date__________________________ 