Jacyuey Sta/2w}

SePt- 5, 1950
Filed July 17, 1945
2 Sheets-Sheet 1
Jacyuey Sta/2w}
my‘ 4’
W M wag-4%
Sept. 5, 1950
Filed July 17, 1945
2 Sheets-Sheet 2
Jaeques Swizz};
Patented Sept. 5, 1950
Jacques. Stamitz, Warren, Ohio, assignor to Mul
lins Manufacturing Corporation‘, Salem, 011710,.
a corporation. of New York
Application July 17, 1945', Serial‘ No. 605,582
2 ‘Claims. (Cl. 258-224‘)
The invention relates generally to wall cab
inets which are adapted to be mounted in rows
on the walls of a kitchen and the like, and more
particularly, to hanger means for mounting ad
joining cabinets in horizontal alignment.
cabinet of standard- width, and which may be
used with adjoining hanger bars for hanging
cabinets having standard widths which are at
variance with the length of the bar.
Finally, it’ is an object of the present invention
to provide a novel and improved hanger bar
It is very important, in a modern kitchen or
which accompiishes all‘ of the foregoing objec
pantry, that wall cabinets be arranged in rows
tives, which is inexpensive- to manufacture and
which are in strict horizontal alignment; other
ship, and which is easily and cheaply installed
wise the whole appearance of the room is marred
and is very unsightly. In the past, it has been 10 by inexperienced workmen for mounting wall
cabinets in strict horizontal alignment.
the‘ practice to ship with each wall cabinet a
These and other objects and advantages ap
short hanger bar having a length substantially
parent to those skilled in the art from the fol
less than the cabinet width.
lowing description and claims, may be obtained, 5
In mounting a row of such cabinets, the in
and the described difficulties overcome, by the
dividual short hanger bars were longitudinally
devices, elements, constructions, combinations
spaced in a horizontal line, with the centers of
and arrangements which comprise the present
the bars located at the center line of the respec
invention, the nature of which is set forth in
tive cabinets. In this position, the bars were
the following general statement, a preferred
attempted to be leveled, which obviously re
sulted in getting the barsI out of horizontal align~ 20 embodiment of which is set forth in the follow
ing description and shown in the accompanying
ment- with each other, and consequently, the
drawings, and which is particularly and dis
tops and bottoms of adjoining cabinets were not
tinctly pointed out and set forth in the ap
horizontally aligned and adjacent cabinets were
not truly parallel. Thus, the installation pre
pended cl'aims forming part hereof.
bar construction which will overcome all of the
view as on line 4—4, Fig. 2;
foregoing disadvantages of prior constructions. 40
proved hanger bar having self-aligning means
for maintaining horizontal alignment of adjoin
Fig. 5 is an enlarged fragmentary sectional
view as on line 5-5, Fig. 6, showing two of the
improved adjoining hanger bars mounted on a
wall, and portions of two adjoining cabinets sup
ing hanger bars as they are installed.
ported thereon; and
By way of example, a preferred embodiment
sented an unsightly appearance.
of the present improvements in wall cabinet
It has been proposed to use a long continuous
hanger bar construction is illustrated in the ac
hanger bar in order to overcome these disad
companying drawings forming part hereof,
vantages, but such bar was objectionable and
impracticable not only from a manuiacturing
and shipping standpoint, but produced waste and 30 Figure l is a fragmentary perspective View
showing several of the improved hanger bars
excessive cost as a result of cutting such a long
mounted in alignment on a wall, the position of
bar on the job to fit irregular or short walls.
a wall cabinet supported on one of the bars being
Moreover, the continuous hanger ?ange of the
indicated in dotted lines;
bar also required notching on the job to permit
Fig. 2 is a front elevational View, with a part
the side ?anges of adjoining cabinets to fit up
broken away, of the improved hanger bar;
closely to the wall.
Fig. 3 is an end elevation thereof;
Accordingly, it is an object of the present in
Fig. 4 is an enlarged fragmentary sectional
vention to provide a novel and improved hanger
A more speci?c object is to provide an im~
Fig. 6 is a fragmentary sectional view as on
Another object is to provide an improved 45
line 6-—6, Fig. 5.
hanger bar which preferably has a length equal
Similar numerals refer to similar parts
to the width of a standard cabinet, and improved
throughout the drawings.
means at its ends for interlocking with adjoin
Referring ?rst to Figs. 2 and 3, the improved
ing hanger bars.
A further object is to provide an improved 50 hanger indicated generally at 1 is preferably
made from a thin strip of metal, and is provided
hanger bar which is adapted to permit the side
at one end 8 with a projecting tongue 9, and at
?anges of adjoining cabinet to ?t closely to the
the other end it with a notch or rectangular
socket H, the ends 8 and Ill being cut at right
Another object is to provide an improved
hanger bar which is adapted to support a wall 65 angles to the length of the bar. The tongues 9
and rectangular sockets ll having a comple
mentary shape and the dimensions of the socket
sliding ?t between the top and bottom edges of
the tongues ‘9 and their receiving sockets l I, and
II are such as to receive a tongue 9 on an ad
also to the abutment between the bar ends 8
and I0 which are cut vertically, all the adjoin
ing‘ bars will be interlocked in accurate align
ment, and since the ?rst bar has been leveled to
be accurately horizontal, all of the bars will be
in true horizontal alignment and all supporting
shoulders 20 will be in aligned level horizontal
joining bar with a close sliding ?t, as indicated
in Figs. 1 and 5, so that adjoining bars 1 will be
thereby maintained in accurate longitudinal
The bars 1 each preferably include a ?at se
curing portion or ?ange ‘la provided with a
plurality of staggered screw holes 12 for attach 10 position.
ing the bars to a wall by means of screws l3, and‘
the length of each bar ‘'1 from the end H] to the
end 8 is preferably equal to the width between
side walls of a standard size cabinet, one im_
proved hanger bar being provided for each cabi
net. Accordingly, when the bars 1 are mounted
in alignment on a wall as in Figs. 1 and 5, adjoin
ing cabinets, having standard widths equal to
the lengths of the respective bars, will have their
Consequently, when a row of adjoin
ing cabinets are supported or hung on the hori~
zontally aligned bars, with the cabinet ?anges
2l—22 engaged over the ears l5 and supported
on the support shoulders 20, the cabinets will
15 be in true horizontal alignment and will present
a neat and pleasing appearance.
Preferably, the tongues 9 are made so that
they can be broken off ?ush with the bar end 8,
in order that when the end 8 of a hanger bar is
side walls or ?anges M in abutment with each 20 at the end of a row, the tongue will not project
other at the cabinet joints and at the joints be~
beyond the cabinet supported on that particular
tween the adjoining hanger bars.
bar. For this purpose, the tongue ‘9 may be
As shown, the hanger bars are provided with
scored or grooved as at 30 to facilitate breaking
longitudinally spaced hanger flanges or cars l5
off the tongue flush with the bar end 8.
which project outwardly and upwardly at a slight
The improved hanger bar is inexpensive to
angle from the top edge of the ?at securing por
manufacture and simple to use and install by
tion 1a of the bar for supporting wall cabinets
inexperienced workmen for mounting wall cabi
thereon. The end hanger ?anges or ears l5 are
nets in strict horizontal alignment. Moreover,
spaced from the ends 3 and ll] of the hanger bar
the improved hanger bar is easily and conven
to form notches l1 and 18 so that the side ?anges
iently shipped with a standard size cabinet, be
M of adjoining cabinets can ?t within or extend
cause it has a length equal to the cabinet width,
through the notches l1 and I8 up against the
and the improved interlocking means at the ends
?at portion ‘la of the bar, and thus lie closely
of the hanger bar insure accurate alignment of
along the surface of the wall W as best indi
a plurality of adjoining bars.
cated in Fig. 6.
Furthermore, the improved hanger bar over
The hanger ?anges [5 are spaced at longitu
comes the disadvantages of prior constructions,
dinal intervals which are equal to the amount
and permits the side ?anges of adjoining cabinets
of increased width between one standard size
to ?t closely to the wall on which they are sup
wall cabinet and the next standard size, so that,
if desired, the sizes of adjoining Wall cabinets 40
In the foregoing description, certain terms
supported on the adjoining hanger bars may be
have been used for brevity, clearness and under
varied and the adjoining side ?anges of the
standing; but no unnecessary limitations are to
cabinets will always be located in one of the
be implied therefrom beyond the requirements of
notches I9 between the hanger ?anges i5.
the ‘prior art, because such terms are utilized
As best shown in Fig. 6, the hanger ?anges are . an ,.1 for descriptive purposes herein and not for the
connected to the securing portion 1a by means
purposes of limitations, and are intended to be
of horizontally alined shoulders 20 adapted to
broadly construed.
receive and support the downturned ?anges 2|
Moreover, the embodiment of the improved
and 22 provided at the top rear corner of a wall
construction illustrated and described is by Way
cabinet indicated generally at 23. As shown the
of example, and the scope of the present inven
back panel portion 24 of the cabinet 23 is prefer
tion is not limited to the exact details of con
ably formed into an exterior recess 25 having an
struction of the various parts.
inclined bottom wall 25', a vertical wall 21, and
Having now described the features of the in
a top wall 28 on which the ?ange 2| is formed.
vention, the construction, operation and use of
The top panel portion 29 of the cabinet 23 Iprefer
a preferred embodiment thereof, and the ad
ably has the ?ange 22 formed thereon and
vantageous, new and useful results obtained
turned downwardly to lie closely adjacent to the
thereby; the new and useful devices, construe’
?ange 2|.
tions, arrangements, combinations, parts and ele
Thus, the ‘longitudinally horizontally aligned
ments, and reasonable mechanical equivalents
shoulders 20 will support a wall cabinet 23 in
thereof obvious to those skilled in the art, are
horizontal alignment, provided the hanger bar
set forth in the appended claims.
is positioned on the wall in true horizontal align
I claim:
1. Wall cabinet mounting construction for ac
In installing the improved hanger bars ‘I for
curately mounting in horizontal alignment on a
supporting rows of wall cabinets in true hori
wall a plurality of wall cabinets having abutting
zontal alignment, the ?rst bar ‘I is positioned at
side walls at the joints between adjacent cabi
the desired height from the floor, and is proper
nets; each cabinet having a downturned ?ange
ly leveled to be accurately horizontal and then
at the top rear corner thereof; a hanger bar
secured in that position to a wall W by means of
for each cabinet having a length equal to the
the screws [3.
width between the side walls of its respective
The adjoining hanger bars 7 are then posi~
cabinet; each hanger bar having a ?at securingr
tioned at each end of said ?rst bar and the
portion for attachment to a wall; longitudinally
tongues i9 entered into the sockets ll so that
spaced ears projecting outwardly, angularly, up
the ends 8 and l 0 of the adjoining bars are-tight
wardly from the top edge of each hanger bar;
ly abutted with each other. Due to the close ; 75 the ear adjacent each end of each hanger bar
being spaced from said end to provide a notch
thereat; each ear being connected to said sen
of each bar section being formed to extend at
right angles to the length thereof; there being
curing portion by a supporting shoulder; the
a rectangular socket formed in one end of each
bar section; a tongue having a shape comple
mentary to said socket projecting from the other
end of each bar section; and said bar sections
being assembled together with one right-angled
end of one bar section in abutment with the
other right-angled end of the next adjacent bar
b e in g
aligned; the ends of each hanger bar being
formed to extend at right angles to the length
thereof; there being a rectangular socket formed
in one end of each hanger bar; a tongue having
a shape complementary to said socket projecting
from the other end of each hanger bar; said
hanger bars being assembled together with one
right~angled end of one bar in abutment with
the other right-angled end of the next adjacent
bar, and with the tongue at one end of one bar
interlocked in the socket in the end of the next
adjacent bar; whereby when one hanger bar is
mounted on a wall with its longitudinally aligned
supporting shoulders in level, horizontal position,
the aligned supporting shoulders on each re
maining assembled hanger bar are maintained
in accurate horizontal alignment with the aligned
shoulders of said one hanger bar; and the down—
turned flanges at the tops of each cabinet being
engaged over the hanger bar ears and supported
on said supporting shoulders with abutting cabi- ‘1
net side walls at the joints between adjacent
cabinets extending through the notches at the
ends of adjacent hanger bars; whereby the wall
cabinets are mounted in accurate horizontal
2. A hanger bar construction for accurately
section, and with the tongue at one end of one
bar section interlocked in the socket in the end
of the next adjacent bar section; whereby when
one bar section is mounted on a wall With its
longitudinally aligned supporting shoulders in
level, horizontal position, the aligned supporting
shoulders on each remaining assembled bar sec
tion are maintained in accurate horizontal align
ment with the aligned shoulders of said one bar
section; and whereby when the downturned
?anges at the tops of a plurality of cabinets are
engaged over the hanger bar ears, the cabinets
are supported on said aligned supporting shoul
ders in accurate, horizontal alignment with abut
ting cabinet side walls at the joints between ad
jacent cabinets extending through the notches
at the ends of adjacent hanger bar sections.
The following references are of record in the
?le of this patent:
plurality of wall cabinets each provided with a
downturned ?ange at the top rear corner thereof
Schwab _________ __ Nov. 13, 1900
and having abutting side walls at the joints be
Beaton __________ __ Dec. 8, 1903
tween adjacent cabinets; the hanger bar con
Crabiel __________ __ Feb. 9, 1915
struction including a hanger bar section for each
Parker ________ __ June 16, 1925
cabinet having a length equal to the width be
Rockwell ________ __ Jan. 31, 1928
tween the side walls of its respective cabinet;
Boucher ________ __ Mar. 17, 1931
mounting in horizontal alignment on a wall a
each bar section having a flat securing portion 40
for attachment to a wall; longitudinally spaced
ears projecting outwardly, angularly, upwardly
Johnson‘ ________ __ Aug. 13, 1940
Chesney __________ __ Oct. 7, 1941
Walmsley _______ __ Oct. 20, 1942
Banneyer ________ __ Oct. 31, 1944
from the top edge of each bar section; the ear
adjacent each end of each bar section being
spaced from said end to provide a notch thereat; 45
each ear being connected to said securing por
tion by a supporting shoulder; the supporting
shoulders being longitudinally aligned; the ends
Switzerland ____ __ Mar. 31, 1914