Journal of Neuroscience Methods 105 (2001) 15 – 24 A pattern grouping algorithm for analysis of spatiotemporal patterns in neuronal spike trains. 2. Application to simultaneous single unit recordings Igor V. Tetko a,b, Alessandro E.P. Villa a,* a Laboratoire de Neuro-heuristique, Institut de Physiologie, Uni6ersité de Lausanne, Rue du Bugnon 7, CH-1005 Lausanne, Switzerland b Department of Physiology of Brain, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology and Department of Biomedical Applications, IBPC, National Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kyi6, Ukraine Received 14 July 2000; received in revised form 27 September 2000; accepted 29 September 2000 Abstract This study demonstrates the practical application of the pattern grouping algorithm (PGA), presented in the companion paper (Tetko IV, Villa AEP. A pattern grouping algorithm for analysis of spatiotemporal patterns in neuronal spike trains. 1. Detection of repeated patterns. J. Neurosci. Methods 2000; accompanying article), to data sets including up to 30 simultaneously recorded spike trains. The analysis of a large network of simulated neurons shows that the incidence of patterns cannot be simply related to an increase in firing rates obtained after Hebbian learning. Patterns that disappeared and reappeared in the thalamus of anesthetized rats when the cerebral cortex was reversibly inactivated suggest that widespread cell assemblies contribute to the generation and propagation of precisely timed activity. In an another experiment multiple spike trains were recorded from the temporal cortex of freely moving rats performing a complex two-choice discrimination task. The presence or absence of particular patterns in the period preceding the cue was associated with changes in reaction time. In conclusion, neuronal network interactions may generate spatiotemporal firing patterns detectable by PGA. We provide evidence of such patterned activity associated with specific animal’s behavior, thus suggesting the existence of complex temporal coding schemes in the higher nervous centers of the brain. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Multiple single unit recordings; Temporal firing patterns; Spike train analysis; Neural code; Temporal cortex; Thalamus; Synchronization; Synfire chain 1. Introduction Early electrophysiological studies led to recognize that neurons convey a temporal code and that spike trains were related with meaningful physiological variables (Bullock, 1961; Segundo et al., 1963, 1966; Perkel and Bullock, 1965; Nafe, 1968). Subsequent work confirmed the presence of precise temporal patterning in spike train data in different experimental circumstances and animal species, proposing worthwhile quantification procedures and providing new insights (Perkel et al., 1967a,b; Segundo and Perkel, 1969; Legendy, 1975; Eckhorn et al., 1976; Abeles, 1982; Tsukada et al., * Corresponding author. Tel.: +41-21-6925534; fax: + 41-216925505. E-mail address: (A.E.P. Villa). 1982; Sherry and Klemm, 1984; Rosenberg et al., 1989; Bialek et al., 1991; Rapp et al., 1994). While these original studies demonstrated the presence of temporally organized neural activity, the neuronal mechanisms supporting temporal coding remain unclear. Abeles’ synfire chain theory suggests that generation and propagation of precise timing of neuronal discharges in the brain may be achieved by means of feed-forward chains of convergent/divergent links and re-entry loops between interacting neurons forming an assembly (Abeles, 1982). In cell assemblies interconnected in this way, some ordered sequences of intervals will recur within spike trains of individual neurons, and across spike trains from neurons located at different places in the network. Such ordered and precise repetitions (in the order of few ms jitter) of interspike interval relationships are referred to as ‘spatiotemporal pat- 0165-0270/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 1 6 5 - 0 2 7 0 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 3 3 7 - X 16 I.V. Tetko, A.E.P. Villa / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 105 (2001) 15–24 terns’ of discharges. A fundamental prediction of such a model is that simultaneous recording of activity of cells belonging to the same assembly involved repeatedly in the same process should be able to reveal repeated occurrences of such spatiotemporal firing patterns. This term encompasses both their precision in time and the fact that they can occur across different neurons, even recorded from separate electrodes. Experimental evidence exists that correlated firing between single neurons recorded simultaneously in the primate frontal cortex may evolve within tens of milliseconds in systematic relation to behavioral events without modulation of the firing rates (Vaadia et al., 1995). Precise firing sequences have been described in relation to particular temporal relationships to stimuli (Villa and Abeles, 1990), or movement (Abeles et al., 1993), or differentially during the delay period of a delayed response task (Villa and Fuster, 1992; Prut et al., 1998). Moreover, exact spike synchronization has been reported in relation to purely internal events (Riehle et al., 1997). Synfire chains formed by sparsely connected neural networks have been investigated for their stability (Hertz, 1999) and for their properties of associative memories for encoding afferent stimuli (Hertz and Prugel-Bennett, 1996; Lauritzen, 1998). The new theoretical developments of the spike-based Hebbian learning rule (Kempter et al., 1999) can provide adequate mechanism for neural network learning by synfire chains. However, the existence of causal relations between the occurrence of precise temporal patterns and behavioral output has not yet been established unambiguously due to the limitations of currently available methods of analysis (Fetz, 1997; deCharms, 1998). The companion article (Tetko and Villa, 2000) demonstrates the performance of a new algorithm (pattern grouping algorithm, PGA) for the detection of significant patterns of spikes with variable jitters in simulated data where other algorithms alone failed. The aim of the present work is to demonstrate practical applications of this newly developed algorithm in multiple spike trains recorded simultaneously in three different experimental settings of increasing complexity. In the first case study we investigated whether patterned activity can be detected in randomly sampled elements from realistic artificial neural networks. Synfire chain theory predicts that strongly interconnected brain regions should be involved in organized activity that will generate temporally patterned spike trains. In the second case study we tested this prediction in the corticothalamic system, by recording from the medial geniculate body during reversible cortical deactivation. A further prediction of the theory is that if the network operations giving rise to detected patterned activity are of biological significance, then the patterns should be correlated in some way with behavioral output. In the third case study multiple spike trains were recorded from the auditory cortex of freely-moving rats performing an auditory conditioned task, and the trial-by-trial occurrence of detected patterns correlated with behavioral measures. 2. Methods 2.1. Artificial neural network data We have applied PGA to two records from a large scale simulated network described elsewhere (Amit and Brunel, 1997) with settings w=500 ms and J= 7 ms (i.e. 9 3 ms plus 1 ms due to data accuracy). The network was composed of 15 000 integrate-and-fire cells, from which 12 000 were excitatory and 3000 were inhibitory. Each cell in the network had a probability 0.15 of a direct contact with other cells and received, on average, 1800 excitatory and 450 inhibitory synapses from neurons belonging to the network and 1800 excitatory synapses from outside the network. In the first record, referred to as ‘random’, the strength of neuronal connections was initially set by random (Amit and Brunel, 1997) and was not modified. Thirty units were selected by chance and their corresponding spike trains were recorded during 180 s with an accuracy of 1 ms. In the second record, referred to as ‘Hebbian’, the weights of specific populations of synapses were modified according to a Hebbian learning rule described in detail elsewhere (Amit and Brunel, 1997). 2.2. Experimental data All animal experiments were conducted in young adult Long–Evans hooded rats in compliance with Swiss guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals and after receiving governmental veterinary approval. 2.2.1. Thalamic recordings with cooling deacti6ation of the ipsilateral auditory cortex Twelve spike trains were recorded simultaneously (in a single session) in the auditory thalamus of the anesthetized rat during cooling deactivation of the ipsilateral auditory cortex. Details on the experimental procedure can be found elsewhere (Villa et al., 1999b). Briefly, under anesthesia by a mixture of ketamine (57 mg/kg) and xylazine hydrochloride (8 mg/kg) the animals were mounted in a stereotaxic apparatus and openings for the thalamic microelectrodes and for the cortical cooling probe were drilled through the skull. Extracellular single unit recordings in the auditory thalamus were made with glass-coated platinum-plated tungsten microelectrodes having an impedance in the range 0.5–2 MV measured at a frequency of 1 kHz I.V. Tetko, A.E.P. Villa / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 105 (2001) 15–24 17 (Frederick Haer & Co., Brunswick, Maine). Cortical cooling was achieved by circulation of a cooling fluid. The steady state was reached in 15 – 20 min. During cooling the temperature of the probe was near 5°C and the temperature of the deep cortical layers in the range 16 – 22°C, low enough to inactivate cortical synapses. The temperature of the probe-end proximal to the cerebral cortex was monitored continuously by a thermocouple and the degree of reversible inactivation of cortical activity was assessed by means of microelectrodes monitoring the auditory evoked responses in the cortex. The spike trains were recorded during 300 –1000 s in a steady-state condition without external stimulus, referred to as ‘spontaneous’ activity, before, during, and after cortical deactivation. a Go choice (either correct or incorrect) the animal moves towards the feeder area and the response period is ended by crossing an infrared beam located by the feeder. In case of a NoGo choice (either correct or incorrect) the rat remains still in the rest area and the response period is ended after a delay of 4 s (this delay corresponds to the maximum allowed time for a Go response). In case of a Go choice a ‘post-movement’ period is defined by the interval between the entrance into the feeder, immediately followed by eating the reward seed for correct choices, and the return back to the rest area. In case of a NoGo choice no post-movement period is defined and a wait period follows immediately a post-stimulus period, unless the rat leaves the rest area and roams freely in other sectors of the cage. 2.2.2. Cortical recordings in auditory two-choice (Go/NoGo) reaction-time task Fifteen single units were simultaneously recorded from the auditory cortex of rats performing an auditory, two-choice (Go/NoGo), reaction-time task (Villa et al., 1998, 1999a). In brief, the rats were trained in daily sessions of 30 – 90 min to respond to a 500 ms auditory stimulus which contained two types of information: pitch (high, 12 kHz or low, 3 kHz), and location (left or right). During the first phase of training, the location was kept constant and subjects had to discriminate between tones of high and low pitch, with one signaling Go and the other NoGo. Reinforcement (automated delivery of a sunflower seed) was done only after correct Go trials. In the second phase, pairs of tones were delivered (one tone from each location), with four possible tone-position combinations. Two of these tone-pairs were conflictual with respect to the initial training in that tones of both Go and NoGo pitch were delivered. This conflict could however be resolved if the animal learnt to associate both pitch and location with reward. We have shown (Villa et al., 1999a) that despite the lack of reward for correct NoGo performance, and the lack of painful punishment for incorrect trials, all rats could learn the task at least to a level of 70% and some animals with overtraining could reach 90% correct performance. The data reported here were recorded from rats that were chronically implanted with electrodes in the temporal cortex after the second phase of training. For each trial several periods can be distinguished in the behavioral task studied here (Villa et al., 1999a). At the beginning, the rat must remain at the back of the cage for a certain time without crossing an infraredbeam delimiting the ‘rest’ area. This period corresponds to the ‘wait’ period and is ended by the stimulus onset. The wait time was equal to 10 s for the data analyzed here. After the stimulus is delivered the rat decides whether to go or not to go towards the feeder area. The stimulus onset triggers the ‘response’ period. In case of 2.3. Analysis of patterns using the pattern grouping algorithm The details of this analytical method are given in the companion paper (Tetko and Villa, 2000). Briefly, this algorithm can search and cluster together into a single group individual patterns which differ from each other by a small jitter in spike timing of the order of few ms. The general form of a pattern of complexity c can be noted as i1,…, ij,…, ic ; t1 9 (D1/2),…, tj 9 (Dj /2),…, tc − 1 9 (Dc − 1/2)\ where ij are labels of the recorded neurons, t1,…, tj,…, tc − 1 are the time delays between the first i1 and the ij spike forming the pattern and Dj are the corresponding time jitters. The estimation of significance of the detected patterns is done according to three different tests. The first test is an extension of the pattern detection algorithm, PDA (Abeles and Gerstein, 1988) and estimates the significance of a pattern complexity c that repeated r times by: (r) Á pPDA = pr{1,N (r) c = 1− exp(−N c )} Ã (r) (r) N c = Q(a, c, V) · N0 c Í Ã V! ÄQ(a, c, V)= F(c− a, a) · (V− a)!a! (1) where N0 (r) c estimates the expected number of patterns formed solely by the spikes of the neurons in the analyzed pattern. The factor Q accounts for the chance effects due to an increase of the number V of simultaneously recorded neurons and the number a counts how many different cells participate to the analyzed pattern. The Fibonacci (or Figurate series) number F(i, j ) corresponds to the number of different combinations formed by i out of j neurons, including repetitions of the same neuron (Hogben, 1950). The significance of each group was also estimated according to the modified versions of Favored Pattern Detection, FPD (Dayhoff and Gerstein, 1983), and Joint Triplet Histogram, JTH (Prut et al., 1998) as 18 I.V. Tetko, A.E.P. Villa / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 105 (2001) 15–24 indicated in Tetko and Villa (2000). The significance levels calculated by these methods were designated as pFPD and pJTH, respectively. The three adjustable parameters in PGA include the maximal duration of the pattern measured as a delay between the first and the last spike in the sequence of spikes (i.e. the window duration, w), the level of significance to be used for detection of significant groups and the upper bound of allowed jitter applied to all the groups, designated as J. The Fano Factor c6 was also calculated for all data. It is defined as c6 = sDt /D( t, where D( t is the mean value of the interspike intervals and sDt the standard deviation of that mean. This factor may be used to characterize the variability of the spike train and it is equal to 1 for the data generated according to Poisson processes (Softky and Koch, 1993). events formed a significant subpattern at a higher precision. The detected pattern was significant at level pPDA = 3×10 − 3, pJTH = 3× 10 − 8 and pFPD B0.01. This pattern contained a significant subpattern of complexity 4 17, 17, 17, 17; 16693.5, 1869 3.5, 2319 1.5 that repeated 24 times with pPDA = 2×10 − 3, pJTH = 7×10 − 7, pFPD B 0.01 and a subpattern of complexity 3 17, 17, 17; 1689 1.5, 1879 2.5 that repeated 48 times with pPDA = 3× 10 − 3, pJTH = 4×10 − 4, pFPD B 0.01. 3.2. Corticofugal modulation of spatiotemporal firing patterns PGA was applied to the recordings performed during 3. Results 3.1. Recurrent spatiotemporal firing patterns in randomly connected networks During the ‘random’ recording the activity of the thirty sampled units from the artificial neural network corresponded to sustained spontaneous rates, in the range 0.1–11.7 spikes/s (mean=4.0 spikes/s and median= 3.1 spikes/s). The activity of the same set of units recorded following a Hebbian learning was characterized by increased discharge rates of cells (mean= 6.5 spikes/s, median= 4.2 spikes/s). No patterns were detected by PGA in the ‘random’ record, whereas most cells (20/30 of our sample) formed patterns in the ‘Hebbian’ record. All detected patterns were formed by one cell. The firing rates (mean =7.1 spikes/s, median= 5.3 spikes/s) of cells participating to significant patterns were higher than the rates (mean= 5.3 spikes/s, median=3.9 spikes/s) of cells that never formed a temporal pattern. Most of the autocorrelograms were almost flat and indicated that the spike trains deviated only slightly from process a Poisson renewal point (Fig. 1a). In our sample, cell no. 16 was characterized by a firing rate of 17.6 spikes/s but no significant temporal pattern was observed. Cell no. 17 fired at a similar rate, 17.2 spikes/s, and its autocorrelogram was similar to that of cell no. 16 (Fig. 1a), but 238 patterns of complexity 3–5 were detected. Neither the firing rates nor the shapes of the autocorrelograms were predictive of the presence of patterns. Fig. 1b illustrates a significant pattern formed by five events in this unit repeating ten times, i.e. 17, 17, 17, 17, 17; 31 92.0, 168 91.5, 1869 3.5, 23192.0. In this example the event at delay 186 ms from the pattern onset was detected only at the maximum allowed variability, whereas the other four Fig. 1. A high complexity pattern elicited by an attractor mode of activity in ‘cells’ in a randomly connected artificial neuronal network following ‘Hebbian’ learning. (a) Autocorrelograms of three cells recorded simultaneously. The abscissa is lag (in ms) and the ordinate is scaled in rate units (spikes/s). The curves are smoothed with a 10 ms Gaussian shaped bin; the dashed lines indicate the 99% confidence level assuming a Poisson distribution. Note that the shapes of the curves are similar for the three cells, but cell c16 produced no significant patterns. (b) Ten repetitions of a pattern of complexity five formed by repeated events of cell c 17 are displayed as rasters aligned on pattern start. Note that the fourth event, at a delay of 186 ms, was detected on the limit of the maximum allowed accuracy (J = 7 ms). The average firing rates of cells c16, c17 and c 18 were 17.6, 17.2 and 8.4 spikes/s and the values of the Fano Factor were 0.7, 0.7 and 1.8, respectively. Cell c16 tended to be inhibited after the discharges of cell c 17, thus explaining the lower activity of cell cshown in the above raster plot. I.V. Tetko, A.E.P. Villa / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 105 (2001) 15–24 the control condition, grouped together with recordings during cortical cooling and after the cortical temperature returned back to normal with window duration w =500 ms and jitter J =7 ms. The rationale is that patterns associated to a specific state of cortical activation would appear almost exclusively during that condition, but should be searched in the whole data set in order to avoid a circular argument in the searching strategy. We found ten significant patterns of complexity 3 repeating at least seven times in the combined set. Four patterns were characterized by their occurrences only during one recording condition, either before, during or after cortical deactivation. The remaining six patterns were characterized by their occurrences being equally distributed before and after cooling of the auditory cortex. The total number of repetitions per pattern varied between nine and 20 but only one occurrence, if any, was observed during cortical deactivation. These data show that cortical deactivation can disrupt precisely timed activity within the thalamus in a reversible way. Fig. 2 illustrates the pattern 1, 2, 2; 263 9 4.5, 3079 3.5 formed by two cells. The significant pattern was observed nine times in 400 s (i.e. 1.4 pattern occurrences/min) of spontaneous activity recorded during the control condition. Only one pattern was observed in 300 s of recording time during cooling (0.2 patterns/min) but the same pattern was observed again six times in 300 s (1.2 patterns/min) during the recovery period. Note that between the first and the last occurrence of the pattern 90 min had passed. The autoand the cross-correlogram of neurons 1 and 2 were almost flat (Fig. 2a). This indicated an absence of bursting activity and significant cross-correlation between these neurons. The firing rate of these neurons was slightly affected by cortical cooling. It was 3.8, 3.9 and 4.6 spikes/s for neuron c1 and 3.1, 2.2 and 3.1 spikes/s for neuron c2 before, during and after the cortical cooling respectively. Thus, the main parameter that was dramatically affected for this pair of neurons during cortical cooling was the disappearance of the spatiotemporal pattern. The level of significance of this pattern was pPDA =9 × 10 – 4 and pJTH =7 × 10 – 6. This pattern was significant at level p0 B0.05 if data sets recorded before or after cortical cooling were considered separately. The low level of significance can be attributed to a small number of repetitions of this pattern within each dataset separately. With an extended jitter of 11 ms this pattern was repeated 12 times at a level of significance pPDA =6 ×10 – 3 and pJTH = 6× 10 – 5. 3.3. Beha6ioral correlates of spatiotemporal patterns The PGA analysis was done on 10 s periods preced- 19 Fig. 2. A spatiotemporal firing pattern of real neurons in the thalamus that is reversibly disrupted by cortical deactivation. (a) Autocorrelograms and crosscorrelograms of the participating cells recorded before, during and after cooling of the auditory cortex in the rat medial geniculate body. (b) Sixteen occurrences of the pattern 1, 2, 2; 14594.5, 225 9 2.5 are displayed as a special raster aligned on pattern start. The labels on the left indicate the patterns detected before and after inactivation of cortex by reversible cooling, respectively. Only one occurrence of the pattern was detected during the cortical cooling. The value of the Fano Factor was equal to 1.1 for both cells c1 and c 2. ing stimulus onsets in the wait periods. Each record included the sets of trials performed by an animal in one day was analyzed using window duration of w= 1000 ms. The significance level p= 0.01 and maximum jitter of J=7 ms were used. The pattern groups were reanalyzed using J=11 ms jitter to collect additional occurrences, if any. We identified the records that contained a sequence of intervals found to be significant. It is important to emphasize that the rat could not know in advance which randomly chosen stimulus would occur. The patterns occurred prior to the auditory cue that prompted the rat whether to go or not to go, and as expected, were distributed independently of the na- 20 I.V. Tetko, A.E.P. Villa / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 105 (2001) 15–24 ture of the randomly selected cueing stimulus. The number of significant patterns detected per session was in the range from zero up to 35 patterns. Certain patterns were specific for one of the two possible behavioral responses — Go or NoGo — irrespective of whether or not the response was correct. For example, in a record we found one pattern that repeated in five trials, exclusively in the wait period before a Go response was produced (Fig. 3). This particular pattern was of complexity four 5, 3, 3, 3; 2389 2.5, 580 91.5, 726 92.0 with significance pPDA =1× 10 − 3 and pJTH =3 ×10 − 9 (the JTH method was extended to patterns of four spikes as indicated in Tetko and Villa (2000)). Moreover, the triplet 3, 3, 3; 34292.5, 48892.5 corresponding to one of the four possible subpatterns also repeated significantly during the periods preceding the Go responses (five times in addition to those occurrences forming the quadruplet). The other triplets representing the remaining subpat- Fig. 4. A spatiotemporal firing pattern related to behavioral output. The pattern 5, 6, 5; 224 92.0, 412 94.0 repeated 14 times during the experimental session and is displayed as a special raster aligned on pattern start. Note that 12/14 repetitions, once per trial, occurred before the rat decided to go to the feeder area after onset of the response stimulus. The reaction time measured for these 12 trials was on average 174 ms faster than for the Go-responses that were not preceded by this pattern occurrence. The average firing rates of cells c5 and c6 were 2.9 and 2.3 spikes/s and the values of the Fano Factor were 1.1 and 1.0, respectively. Fig. 3. A spatiotemporal firing patterns from two neurons recorded from the same electrode in the temporal cortex of a behaving rat. (a) Autocorrelograms and crosscorrelogram of both cells recorded during 810 s corresponding to the 10 s waiting periods in 81 Go trials. (b) Five repetitions of the quadruplet 5, 3, 3, 3; 2389 2.5, 5809 1.5, 7269 2.0 are displayed as a special raster aligned on pattern start. Out of the four possible subpatterns formed by three neurons only the pattern 3, 3, 3; 3429 2.5, 488 92.5 was significant and repeated also five times. In the display this triplet is aligned on the second event of the quadruplet. Altogether the remaining three subpatterns, starting with cell 5, repeated ten times and were aligned on the start event of the quadruplet. The average firing rates of cells c3 and c 5 were 3.6 and 4.0 spikes/s and the values of the Fano Factor were 1.1 and 1.3, respectively. terns of the original quadruplet, formed by sequences of intervals leaded by a spike of cell no. 5 followed by two spikes of cell no. 3, repeated ten times altogether, but none was individually significant. Fig. 3 shows all 20 occurrences of the quadruplet and its related subpatterns observed in 25% (20/81) of trials followed by a Go response. It is important to note that in this session the rat performed 124 NoGo responses. In these trials there were 16 occurrences (13% of all NoGo trials) of the triplets forming the subpatterns but in none of these triplets was the level of occurrence significant. In order to obtain a more specific measure of the extent to which these patterns were predictive of behavior we performed an analysis of the association of patterns with changes in reaction time. In this analysis every occurrence of the pattern was taken into account. The reaction time was measured as the delay between stimulus onset and crossing of the infrared beam delimiting the standing area of the subject waiting for the stimulus (Villa et al., 1999a). We found that the occurrence of some patterns was indeed related to the speed of the reaction. An example of such pattern is shown in Fig. 4. On the day of this recording the rat performed 116 Go and 114 NoGo responses. The pattern 5, 6, 5; I.V. Tetko, A.E.P. Villa / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 105 (2001) 15–24 22492.0, 41294.0 repeated 14 times during the experimental session, 12 of which were in wait periods preceding the Go responses. The reaction time of those trials characterized by the presence of the pattern was 875969 ms (average and S.E.M.), which was significantly faster (PB 0.05, t-test) than the reaction time measured for trials without that pattern, (10499 38 ms). The level of significance of this pattern was pPDA =3× 10 – 3 and pJTH =8 ×10 – 6. Interestingly, during the same day cell no. 5 participated in another significant pattern 5, 11, 5; 32093.5, 6629 1.0 that was detected 17 times, 13 of which were before Go responses. This pattern had the same relation to the behavior of the animal, i.e. the reaction time of Go responses in trials with the pattern (8749103 ms) was significantly faster (P B 0.05, t-test) than for Go responses without the pattern (1049937 ms). The presence of both patterns during the same day was not correlated and in only one trial both patterns were detected simultaneously. This would be consistent with the idea that similar behavior can be produced by different cell assemblies. The average firing rates of neurons c5, c 6 and c11 were equal to 3.2, 2.4 and 3.3 spikes/s for all trials, respectively, and equal to 3.5, 2.5 and 3.3 spikes/s during the trials that contained the patterns. No significant change in the firing rates was observed, thus suggesting that the observed phenomena could not be a by-product of increased excitability of the neurons. 4. Discussion We have presented evidence that the PGA described in the companion paper (Tetko and Villa, 2000) can be used to reliably detect spatiotemporal firing patterns in realistic large scale artificial neural networks, and in both anesthetized and behaving animals. This method enables the detection of and significance estimation for individual spatiotemporal patterns with variable, optimized jitter in spike timing. We investigated the network and behavioral associations of individual patterns formed by spikes occurring in spike trains of different simultaneously recorded neurons. We have shown that the occurrence of individual patterns can be modified by alternations in network dynamics, and also in association with specific aspects of behavioral output. This is particularly important if one considers that state-ofthe-art technique allows several laboratories to record tens of cells simultaneously in behaving rats (Skaggs and McNaughton, 1996; Nicolelis et al., 1997). The method presented here does not assume a Poisson process for the spike trains, but it actually counts the number of patterns that occur in a given piece of data and can provide reliable estimations even for data generated with non-stationary renewal Poisson point 21 processes (Abeles and Gerstein, 1988; Tetko and Villa, 1997c). The assumption that spike intervals are distributed according to a Poisson process does not correspond to data characterized by bursting activity. These data show a significant peak near time zero in the autocorrelogram. Similar peaks are produced by simulated spike train data generated by non-stationary Poisson processes used to verify the PGA (see Fig. 3 of Tetko and Villa, 2000). However, most experimental spike train data reported here were characterized by almost flat autocorrelograms and satisfied the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (Press et al., 1994) at level p0 = 0.05 that the distribution of interspike interval was consistent with Poisson renewal process for all neurons but two. The parameters that affect the result of PGA are the level of significance, the jitter and the window duration. Significance levels in the range 0.01–0.001 are usually used in biological studies and the same levels can be recommended for application of PGA. The maximum value of jitter is not critical for applying PGA because the algorithm optimizes the jitters according to the actual distribution of spikes in the pattern. Provided a sufficiently large value of jitter, PGA detects the same patterns at the same significance level, but the use of large jitters significantly decreases the speed of calculation. Previous studies (Lestienne, 1996; Prut et al., 1998) reported maximum jitters in the range 91 – 93 ms (i.e. J= 3–7) and indicated that jitters up to 910 ms resulted only in a small increase of significant patterns. Window duration comparable to the duration of one record necessarily tends to bias the results of PGA in favor of shorter patterns. In practice, we observed that the distribution of duration of patterns was uniform, thus suggesting the absence of a bias to detect patterns with short duration. As a rule of the thumb, window duration should be set at least one order of magnitude smaller than the record length. Further restrictions for the use of windows larger than 1000 ms were simply due to limitations for speed and physical memory (2 GB) of the available computers. A recent study suggests that precise patterns of spikes during neural responses to visual stimuli can be explained by a simple spike count-matched model (Oram et al., 1999). This model accounted for the refractory period of cells (using inter-spike-interval histogram) and for variation in cell firing (measured by peristimulus time histogram) during the response to the stimulus. The results of this study are not directly applicable to our data. Firstly, the experimental data presented in our study were recorded during spontaneous activity and no significant bursting activity was observed as it was in the data reported by Oram et al. (1999). Secondly, the authors focused their attention on patterns with short duration, i.e. less than 25 ms long, while our study explicitly disregarded such data by analyzing 22 I.V. Tetko, A.E.P. Villa / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 105 (2001) 15–24 patterns lasting more than 20 ms. Thirdly, the experimental data reported in our study were characterized by smaller values of Fano Factor, in the range 1.0–1.3 compared with 1.4– 2.9 reported by Oram et al. (1999). It should be noted that for spike trains with values of Fano Factor near 2, used in simulation studies (Tetko and Villa, 2000), the performance of PGA was good and no significant patterns were detected in those spike trains. An additional test to evaluate the probability to find a pattern by chance consisted in a random shift of all spikes (Hertz, 1999) in data by910 ms and application of PGA with the same setting used to analyze the experimental data. This procedure completely eliminated all patterns reported in this study and no spurious patterns were detected by PGA. Simulation of large-scale neuronal networks formed by integrate-and-fire model neurons are also becoming popular to test hypotheses on the significance of temporal information processing in the brain (Amit and Brunel, 1997; Hill and Villa, 1997; Lumer et al., 1997). The possibility to insert virtual electrodes in such networks and to record from hundreds or even from thousands virtual neurons will certainly become a routine analysis in the forthcoming years. Then, the possibility to detect and estimate carefully the significance of high complexity spatiotemporal patterns of spikes appears as a crucial step for the evaluation of coding schemes. The ability to record large numbers of simultaneously recorded neurons has two contradictory effects on the detection of patterns. On the one hand, by increasing the number of recorded neurons one increases the probability of detecting spatiotemporal patterns that are generated only by a small fraction of cell assemblies (Abeles and Gerstein, 1988; Tetko and Villa, 1997c). On the other hand, an increase of simultaneously recorded spike trains increases the number of combinations Q(a, c, V) (see Eq. (1)) and therefore decreases the probability that repetitions of the same pattern will reach significance in the analyzed data. For the analysis of patterns formed by one cell, the number of possible combinations Q(1, c, V) is equal to the number of simultaneously recorded neurons V. For triplets and quadruplets formed by different neurons the number Q increases approximately by ten and twenty times, respectively, when the number of simultaneously recorded neurons is doubled. The statistical significance of firing patterns detected in data sets of tens of spike trains recorded simultaneously tends to become underestimated with the increase of number Q. This is partly due to the fact that we assume a ‘blind’ application of the algorithm. In practice, it is possible to use preliminary information to decrease the number of neurons for analysis with PGA. The application of the burst filtering procedure to each spike train should be used to determine the proportion of discarded spikes and, consequently, to discard those neurons characterized by irregular firing (e.g. say with more than 10% of discarded spikes by the filtering procedure). Furthermore, the cells characterized by a very low firing rate are unlikely to participate in sequences of intervals repeating a significant number of times. Then, at the very first step of the PGA it is possible to determine which cells participate to patterns with very few repetitions, if any. A threshold corresponding to the minimum repetition rate of an exact firing pattern could be implemented to screen the participation of all neurons to precisely timed activity and reduce the number of the final set of spike trains analyzed by PGA. In simulation studies a very large number of spike trains can be collected by virtual electrodes and PGA could be applied in two steps. The neurons that participate to lower complexity patterns, e.g. triplets, could be determined at first, then only these spike trains would be analyzed for higher complexity patterns. Additional methods to reduce the number of analyzed spike trains could be based on the relations between deterministic dynamics of the spike train and detection of significant firing patterns (Tetko and Villa, 1997a). The existence of an excess of significant patterns of spikes in the cat’s thalamus has previously been demonstrated using PDA (Villa and Abeles, 1990). In the experiment analyzed here we provide further evidence that precisely timed activity within the thalamus critically depends on the input from the cortex. Reversible cooling deactivation (Villa et al., 1999b) provoked the temporary disruption of spatiotemporal firing patterns across several neurons recorded simultaneously from different electrodes in adjacent subdivisions of the rat medial geniculate body. This finding is in agreement with the hypothesis that time-structured neural assemblies may be sustained by the cortico-thalamo-cortical loops (Miller, 1996). This circuit provides a high-security link and could be a good candidate to support sustained activity of synfire chains. Moreover, the corticofugal effect on patterned activity within the thalamus may provide additional support to the hypothesis that the auditory cortex exerts a dynamic control over the functional segregation of signals transmitted through the thalamus (Villa et al., 1991, 1999b; Tetko and Villa, 1997b). We have presented evidence that in behaving rats patterned activity occurs reliably under particular behavioral conditions. The present study has analyzed new data by PGA and confirmed previous results of association of specific spatiotemporal patterns occurring during the wait period with the subsequent reaction time obtained using an extension of PDA (Tetko and Villa, 1997c). Accurate application of complex pattern detection methods enables correlation between discrete brain states and measures of behavioral perfor- I.V. Tetko, A.E.P. Villa / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 105 (2001) 15–24 mance on a trial-by-trial basis. The fact that the timing of pattern occurrence could relate to reaction time indicates that the network phenomena underlying them reflect some state of the animal that is able to influence behavioral output. Changes in cortical network activity during the wait period may therefore be related to the concepts of ‘attention’ and ‘set’, with emphasis on processes related to motor output in the former (Wise and Kurata, 1989) and to sensory processing in the latter (Shinba et al., 1995). It is interesting to note that in the behavioral experiments reported here we found relatively few significant patterns, in the order of few hundreds, for tens of hours of analyzed recording time (Villa et al., 1998, 1999c). The analysis of cell activity is done over short periods (10 s) per trial but one behavioral experiment could last several hours and we cannot discard that the single unit detection might be unstable over such a prolonged time. In summary, in this study we have provided new data from electrophysiological results that demonstrated the presence of precisely timed neural activity. In the analysis of artificial neural networks, we showed that significant patterns of spikes can not be detected in the randomly connected network, but they can be detected following the Hebbian learning. In the reversible cortical inactivation study we have shown that there are firing patterns distributed spatially within the thalamus under the control of cortical activity. In a psychophysiological study with freely moving rats we have provided additional evidence that precisely timed neural activity occur reliably under particular behavioral conditions. We want to emphasize that we do not rule out the possibility that rate codes and synchronization codes can coexist in the same network. 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