Exercise FOUR – lower body Key Points

Exercise FOUR – lower body
Key Points
- caution with hip replacements or pregnancy
- imagining someone pulling both arms will dramatically increase core movement
- keep both feet on the ground
- shoulders relaxed
The second last exercise begins with your legs further apart (as long as you have a good grip on
the floor). In this exercise, you shift the weight from one leg to another, turning the body to the
corner of the room (about 45 degrees). Turn both feet in the direction of the turn so that the knees
remain safe. You'll end up facing a corner of the room, with 70% of the weight on the front leg
and 30% of the weight on the back leg. Keep both feet on the ground.
(Repeat a couple of times, shifting the feet with each turn).
Exercise FOUR – upper body
How many of you have ever been waiters or waitresses? I'd like you to take a cup of coffee in
your right hand, and shift your weight and turn to the left side while reaching your right hand
toward the left corner of the room.
If you want to double your tips, then reach your left hand behind you to the back corner of the
room. Keep your shoulders fully relaxed. (This teaches the basic structure).
Now this exercise is good, but it can be made even more effective by imagining that two people
are each pulling a hands. The effect is that you will end up twisting around your center, your
chest will begin feeling as if it is turning to the back of the room. Remember -- the last inch
gives you 10 times the benefit. This extra pull will create a significant increase in torso (core)
activity, an increase in spinal rotation, and possibly stretches up one or both legs. Remember to
keep both feet on the ground.
Now repeat on the other side.
Exercise four – add breathing (and altogether)
Once again, begin shifting your weight to the left, bringing your right hand to the left corner. I
should do this, take a deep breath into the belly and then into the chest. Feel as if someone is
pulling your hands, creating a twist in the body. Fully inhale by the end of the twist.
Exhale as you come back.