This document is part of a larger publication and is subject to the disclaimers and copyright of the full version from which it was extracted. The remaining parts and full version of the publication, as well as updates and copyright and other legal information can be found at: How to do the count •­ Select sites to be monitored (use 4 km2 sampling sites and separate sites by a minimum of 5 km). Sampling site – use the same sampling plots for each count. •­ randomly position 100 plots (10 × 2 m) within the site, but ensure there is no overlap of plots. Timing – count dung once every month. •­ use two pegs (numbered so that plots are easily recognised) spaced 10 m apart to mark out the centre line of the plot. •­ record the number and location of all plots on a map and use a gpS. •­ clear each plot of all dung. •­ return to the plots in 1 month and use small-diameter rope to extend a line the length of the plot between the two pegs. •­ count and record the number of feral pig dung pellets 1 m either side of the centre line. •­ clear the plot of all dung after completion of the count. •­ repeat the count every month. •­ use the average number of dung pellets per plot as the index and plot on a graph to keep track of changes. •­ the presence/absence of feral pig dung can be used to show the frequency of occurrence of feral pig presence within plots. 26 Standards Monitoring techniques for Vertebrate pests – feral pigs, Bruce Mitchell & Suzanne Balogh Animal welfare considerations Impact on target animals – nil Impact on non-target animals – nil Health and safety considerations feral pigs may carry diseases such as leptospirosis, Q fever, brucellosis, sparganosis and tuberculosis, which can all affect humans. wear gloves when handling dung and routinely wash your hands and other skin surfaces that may have had contact with dung. Training required identification of dung spotlight counts night-time counting using spotlights has been used to survey feral pigs and examine their nocturnal activity (hone and pedersen 1980; hone 1983; choquenot et al. 1990; choquenot et al. 1993; cahill et al. 2003). this is mainly because of the ease with which spotlighting is carried out and the fact that it can cover large areas in a short amount of time. Spotlighting can sample different vegetation types and compare them under similar conditions within a site (e.g. season, time, weather). feral pigs are most active at dusk and during the night (Saunders and Kay 1991). Simple indexes of abundance can be produced from these counts, such as the number of animals observed per kilometre travelled. however, indexes created from spotlighting counts have bias caused by the use of different observers and differences in visibility, or ‘sightability’, which changes with vegetation density and animal behaviour (twigg et al. 1998; wilson and delahy 2001; Saunders and Mcleod 2004). feral pigs lack a well-reflecting layer in the retina of the eye, and as a result do not have distinctive eye-shine, thus further reducing sightability (focardi et al. 2001). other sources of potential variation include seasonal variation in animal behaviour, and the use of roads that are often used as transects, resulting in potentially uneven survey of vegetation types. (weber et al. 1991; thompson et al. 1998). this monitoring method is unsuitable in heavy rain or other extreme conditions, as these affect the activity and sightability of feral pigs. Because of these shortcomings, spotlighting has not been extensively used in australia for monitoring feral pigs. despite this, it may still be a practical method of indexing feral pig abundance if the country is open and the sampling effort is high (choquenot et al. 1990). density estimates from spotlight counts can be made by using methods similar to those described for aerial surveys. for example, the distance sampling method, where the distance to the animal is used to correct for visibility bias (Buckland et al. 1993; thompson et al. 1998). Key assumptions of distance sampling for unbiased estimates are that every target animal on the transect is detected with certainty; individuals are detected in their initial location and do not move before detection by the observer, or they move in a random direction away from the observer (evasion), and bias is towards underestimation. alternatively, movement may be towards the observer (attraction), and bias is towards overestimation. individuals are not recorded twice and distance measurements and angles of movement are accurate (Buckland et al. 1993; rudran et al. 1996). Buckland et al. (1993) suggested that a sample size greater than 60 sightings is needed for accurate density estimation. problems that arise from these assumptions can lead to inaccuracies in the density estimates obtained by distance sampling. detection of all animals on a transect may not be achievable, although double sampling, using two independent observers, may alleviate the problem. Most spotlight counts of feral pigs occur on roads or trails and have associated problems (as discussed above). there is also an increased chance of double counting, because roads are rarely straight, and visual estimates of perpendicular distance are prone to error (heydon et al. 2000; ruette et al. 2003; Saunders and Mcleod 2004). heydon et al. (2000) suggested that hand-held laser range finders could overcome the latter difficulty. Before the start of a spotlight count, standardise the technique to be used. Monitoring feral pig abundance 27 Figure 18: Spotlighting for feral pigs which are most active at dusk and during the night. Pigs have no distinctive eyeshine. (photo Glen Saunders) the route being taken, including the length of the transect, should be established and plotted on a map. ensure the transect passes through areas that represent all vegetation types in the area, and that the route is traversable in all weather conditions. inspect the area during daylight, before planning the transect. Mark transects with reflectors so that future surveys can follow the same path. once set out, this transect may be used for all further surveys, so that valid comparisons to prior surveys can be made . Surveys need to be conducted at least quarterly to account for seasonal differences in abundance of animals; however, the use of more frequent surveys could provide even greater information. if the monitoring is being done to check on pest control success, the surveys need to be done prior to the control and then approximately 1 week post-control. regardless of frequency, a survey needs to be made up of counts repeated on 3 or 4 consecutive nights. where possible, repeat counts until they give a similar index – this will achieve a consistent level of precision, with standard error of counts within 10% of the mean (Saunders et al. 1995). Similar weather conditions for all counts are required; avoid nights of heavy rain. Starting at the same time for each survey is important. the spotlight count needs to coincide with the period of highest activity of the target species. generally, a start time of at least half an hour after sunset will be adequate to survey pigs. 28 Monitoring techniques for Vertebrate pests – feral pigs, Bruce Mitchell & Suzanne Balogh the length of the transect depends on the size of the area being surveyed. indexes of abundance are calculated as animals per kilometre; therefore a transect should be a minimum of 1 km, but the longer the transect the more accurate the estimate. Somewhere between 10 and 30 km would be ideal. Materials required Vehicle – 4wd with an enclosed cabin and a fixed roof-mounted spotlight (passenger side). the observer sits within the cabin and operates the spotlight by a swivel handle or uses a hand-held spotlight. People – one driver; one or more observers Spotlight – hand-held: 100 w, 12V, or roof-mounted Spotlight count sheet and clipboard How to do the count •­ Start approximately half an hour after sunset from an established start point. •­ one person drives and another person counts animals. •­ drive at a constant slow speed (5 to 10 km/h). •­ observer scans a 180° arc ahead of the vehicle with the spotlight and counts animals seen within 100 m on either side. •­ when an animal is seen, stop the vehicle to enable an accurate identification, and record it on a standardised spotlight count sheet (see example in table 1). Table 1: Spotlight counting – example of a count sheet using encounter rate Date: Site: Start time: Start odometer: Observer: Vehicle: Finish time: Finish odometer: Driver: Speed: Position: roof-mounted sitting hand-held Spotlight power: V W Page: Temperature: cold cool mild warm hot Wind: nil light medium strong Cloud: nil 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Moon visibility: 0 1/4 1/2 3/4 full Last rain: > week ago this week yesterday today now Surface condition: dry wet slushy dew frost Transect section Pig Other Rabbit Fox, dog, cat Stock of Direction: Vegetation type and condition comments: Monitoring feral pig abundance 29 •­ repeat the count on three or more consecutive nights of similar weather. •­ on subsequent counts start at the same time as the first count, use the same route, distance and direction and the same vehicle, speed, spotlight and people. •­ when the survey is finished, determine the average of the counts and divide by the length of the transect to get a simple index of abundance or animals per kilometre. Variations on technique: Two people counting – use two hand-held spotlights of the same power: each observer counts on one side of the vehicle in a 90° arc ahead of the vehicle. Tape recording – use a tape recorder rather than a count sheet to record what was seen. transcribe the data at a later date, or use a laptop computer to record data. forms can be made using programs such as Microsoft Visual Basic or Microsoft access. Standards Route – use the same transect and travel in the same direction for each count. Time – use the same start time for each count at least half an hour after sunset. Rate of travel – 5 to 10 km h–1 (constant speed) Spotlight power – 100w, 12V Observer – use the same observer(s) for each count. Vehicle – use the same vehicle for each count. 30 Monitoring techniques for Vertebrate pests – feral pigs, Bruce Mitchell & Suzanne Balogh Animal welfare considerations Impact on target animals – nil Impact on non-target animals – nil Health and safety considerations the driver and observer should be familiar with the track in daylight conditions, having driven it before starting the survey to demonstrate that it is readily navigable. ensure that the spotlight is well maintained, with leads connected securely to the battery terminals and insulated from other components. always disconnect the spotlight from the power source before changing the globe or making repairs. Switch the spotlight off when not surveying. do not leave the spotlight switched on face-down on the seat or other heat-sensitive material. do not run the spotlight for long periods without the motor running. all occupants should carry drinking water, a torch and sufficient clothing for warmth in the event of the vehicle becoming stranded. avoid shining the spotlight beam into other people’s eyes. check previous rainfall and surface conditions before the survey. the driver and observer must not be fatigued at the time they do the spotlight survey. the observer should wear adequate clothing during cold weather. drive at correct speed and continually watch the surface ahead on the track. remove dangerous overhanging tree branches and obstructions before starting the survey. record observations when the vehicle is stationary. Training required 4wd training instruction in setting up and using spotlight equipment. Worked example to evaluate the success of a feral pig control operation. the transect length is 32 km. feral pigs seen pre-control: 1st count – 9, 2nd count – 15, 3rd count – 12 total = 36 average = 36 ÷ 3 = 12 number of feral pigs per km = 12 ÷ 32 = 0.38 feral pigs km–1 feral pigs seen post-control: 1st count – 1, 2nd count – 0, 3rd count – 2 total = 3 average = 3 ÷ 3 = 1 •­ each time a feral pig is encountered, stop the vehicle and calculate the perpendicular distance from the transect line with a laser range finder; or, calculate the radial distance from the observer to the feral pig, as well as the sighting angle between the line of sight to the feral pig and the transect line, at the moment of detection. •­ density estimates are computed using computer software such as diStance (laake et al. 1993). •­ for an extensive review of distance sampling see Buckland et al. (1993). number of feral pigs per km = 1 ÷ 32 = 0.03 feral pigs km–1 Standards the percentage reduction in feral pig numbers is estimated from these figures: as outlined on page 30. 0.03 × 100 = 7.89 0.38 Animal welfare considerations 100 – 7.89 = 92.11% reduction Distance Sampling Materials required in addition to those outlined on page 28 include: Range finder – hand-held device that determines the distance between the animal and observer compass, gpS or angle board computer software for density estimates distance sampling count data sheet see table 2. How to do the count Impact on target animals – nil Impact on non-target animals – nil Health and safety considerations as outlined on page 30. Training required 4wd training instruction in setting up and using spotlight equipment. Measurement of distances and angles computer software Variations on techniques outlined on pages 27 and 28: •­ transects should be as straight as possible; if possible avoid major roads. Monitoring feral pig abundance 31 Table 2: Spotlight counting – example of a count sheet using distance sampling Date: Site: Start time: Start odometer: Observer: Vehicle: Finish time: Finish odometer: Driver: Speed: Spotlight power: V W Page: Position: roof-mounted sitting hand-held Temperature: cold cool mild warm hot Wind: nil light medium strong Cloud: nil 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Moon visibility: 0 1/4 1/2 3/4 full Last rain: > week ago this week yesterday today now Surface condition: dry wet slushy dew frost Species Number Range Bearing Habitat P – pig, K – kangaroo, C – cat, R – rabbit, W – wallaroo, F – fox, D – dingo/dog 32 of Monitoring techniques for Vertebrate pests – feral pigs, Bruce Mitchell & Suzanne Balogh Waypoint Easting Direction: Northing Time G A A T A C T A A C C C T G T G A C T T A T G A T T GGG A C A C T Dna sampling Sampling the dna of animals may help overcome some of the limitations of traditional monitoring techniques, by providing accurate identification of samples to the species and individual level (piggott and taylor 2003). dna collection can be invasive, using blood and tissue samples; or non-invasive, by collecting faecal and hair samples. Samples for the non-invasive testing are much simpler to collect, as the feral pig does not need to be handled. this type of sampling can be used for population, home range estimation, sex ratio and immigration or emigration of the population. the development of methods of extraction of the dna contained in faeces and hair offers the most appealing opportunities for more precise population estimates, through the derivation of genetic profiles of individual animals (Kohn and wayne 1997; piggott and taylor 2003). for example, coyote (Canis latrans) abundance has been estimated using large samples of coyote scats (651) collected from roads; these scats were positively identified from diagnostic sections of mitochondrial dna (Kohn et al. 1999). the scats were genotyped to determine individual animals, and the cumulative number of unique microsatellites was expressed as a proportion of the number of scats sampled. the flattening-out, or asymptote, of this curve was determined as an estimate of local population size. the capture–recapture models can be used with this type of data. a population of endangered wolverines (Gulo gulo) in norway was monitored, using scats as a source of dna, to estimate population size, sex ratio, immigration rate and reproductive contribution from immigrants (flagstad et al. 2004). Scats that were successfully analysed were treated as one trapping event, and the number of Figure 19: Example of DNA sequence (diagram courtesy of AGAL) times that each individual was trapped was recorded using capture–recapture model. hair sampling has proved useful to estimate population size for studies of grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) in north america (Mowat and Strobeck 2000; poole et al. 2001). Bear dna was captured by removing hair at bait sites surrounded by a single strand of barbed wire . Microsatellite profiling of the root portion of the hair was then used to identify individuals. Subsequent sampling provided recaptures. other types of monitoring tools that can be used in conjunction with dna profiling are catch per unit effort (romain-Bondi et al. 2004) and presence or absence studies. there are various problems associated with dna sampling. one of the main limitations is the high cost of extraction of dna from scats and hair, owing to the low quantity and quality of dna typically recovered from these types of sample (harrison et al. 2002; davison et al. 2002; piggott and taylor 2003). fresh samples are required, and must be stored correctly to preserve the sample, as dna degrades over time. (foran et al. 1997; Kohn et al. 1999; piggott and taylor 2003). piggot and taylor (2003) investigated faecal preservation and dna extraction methods for mammals found in australia, and developed a protocol that was found to be optimal for five different species. this method involved air-drying the fresh scats in paper bags (ideal for field collection), followed by a surface wash to collect cells for the dna extraction process. there is an inherent error rate in the process of dna amplification using polymerase chain reaction (pcr), which may lead to misleading Monitoring feral pig abundance 33 results, such as population overestimation (wilson and delahy 2001; piggott 2004). Scats less than a week old will give the most accurate results, and this needs to be taken into consideration when planning a monitoring program. these methods, when used for population estimation, rely on assumptions such as defecation rates being equal among sexes and age classes and independent of social class. they also rely on the non-violation of capture–recapture assumptions (Kohn et al. 1999; Mowat and Strobeck 2000). in spite of these problems, dna sampling is an effective and efficient way of monitoring a species such as the feral pig that is difficult to observe, exists at low densities and/or has large home ranges (piggott and taylor 2003). collecting scats is a relatively easy way to obtain dna samples, with the additional benefit of dietary information. hair samples should be easy to obtain using bait stations surrounded by a strand of barbed wire at an appropriate height of 25 cm. this technique has been used successfully for monitoring bear and badger (Meles meles) populations (woods et al. 1999; Mowat and Strobeck 2000; poole et al. 2001; romain-Bondi et al. 2004; frantz et al. 2004). this is a variation of the scent stations used for canids, where instead of footprints, hair is left to indicate visitation. the advantage of this technique over traditional scent stations is that the dna sampling can give a population estimation. track counts footprints, or tracks of animals, are often among the few indications that some species are present in an area, and counting the density of these tracks may be useful for monitoring purposes. track counts are used predominantly for elusive animals or those found in low densities. there is an assumed relationship between the number of tracks and the actual abundance of the target species, but there have been few validations against known populations (fleming et al. 2001; wilson and delahy 2001). nevertheless, track counts are considered to produce reliable indexes of abundance that can be used to detect changes in animal populations (Bider 1968; catling and Burt 1994; allen et al. 1996; engeman et al. 2001; wilson and delahy 2001). counting tracks is passive and animal behaviour is not altered by detection. it involves the use of either track stations or sand plots, strips of sand raked across a road at set intervals, (catling and Burt 1994; engeman et al. 2001) or road counts where the road is used as a transect and the number of sets of tracks on it are counted (corbett 1995; Mahon et al. 1998). however, unlike canids, that use roads for movement and territorial marking (triggs 1996; corbett 2001), feral pigs show little preference for using roads (Saunders et al. 1993). instead, track counts for feral pigs have been used around dams in Queensland in areas where feral pigs need water under dry climatic conditions (Mitchell 2003; lapidge et al. 2003). problems associated with using footprints to monitor populations include the effects of weather, season and humans. Strong rain and wind can reduce the clarity of (or remove) footprints, making accurate identification difficult or impossible. the actions of 34 Monitoring techniques for Vertebrate pests – feral pigs, Bruce Mitchell & Suzanne Balogh humans in walking or driving over plots can likewise affect counts. there is variability in the detectability of footprints along a given transect due to soil type, colour, dampness and dappled shadows. this can be accounted for by correcting for the relative detectability of sign (fleming et al. 1996). More specifically, the use of roads and watering points as sampling units creates bias due to unrepresentative sampling of the study area (anderson 2001; McKelvey and pearson 2001), and the relationship between track counts and animal density is usually unknown. these indexes measure changes in feral pig activity, which may or may not relate to actual abundance. in many cases activity is likely to change seasonally or annually, independently of density (Mcilroy 1989; Mcilroy 1993). Similarly, the detectability of footprints may vary due to hot, dry and dusty conditions or cold, damp conditions and compacted soil. therefore, its necessary to exercise caution in relying solely on track counts to measure changes in abundance until these techniques can be validated against known populations. Stratified sampling across the survey area may overcome some bias, but it would also significantly increase the time and cost of monitoring. furthermore, even though they may be simple to conduct, passive index surveys require large sample sizes to provide accurate estimates of low-density populations (allen et al. 1996; fleming et al. 2001; wilson and delahy 2001). the scale of the survey must match the likely home range size of the target species. if this is not achieved, the survey will measure the activity of the few animals within the survey area; therefore, track counts are not suitable for small-scale surveys (Sargeant et al. 2003). Figure 20: Sand plots made on used access ways. Check weather forecasts prior to setting up (photo Peter Fleming) to account for the variation in detectability of footprints, and to make more valid comparisons between sites, a measure of ‘imprintability’ should be taken (fleming et al. 1996). at every track station, the observer takes 10 paces across the tracking substrate and scores the resulting imprints on a scale of 0–3 (Van dyke et al. 1986), where 0 = no print visible; 1 = print barely visible; 2 = complete outline of print and some detail of the sole visible; 3 = complete outline of print and all details of the sole visible. the resulting point value for each location will vary between 0 and 30, and allows the allocation of a score for the location. a score of 0 – 5 = poor imprintability (1); 6 – 15 = fair (2); 16 – 25 = good (3); and 26 – 30 = excellent (4). any track stations that score (1) should be excluded from the index. these are arbitrary cut-off points and may need to be expanded on a site-by-site basis; (1) may need to include scores of 1–10. Materials required Vehicle – either utility or with a trailer to transport sand. Sand, shovel and rake/broom/drag – where possible, use local sand from washouts and road gutters to avoid importing weeds and novel smells that may influence the response of feral pigs. Monitoring feral pig abundance 35 count sheet Map and gpS Track diagrams – suggested text: triggs, B. (1996) Tracks, Scats and Other Traces: a Field Guide to Australian mammals. oxford university press, South Melbourne. How to do the count •­ Select sites to be monitored, use roads with low, or no, usage. at least 26 usable track stations are required. •­ Set routes and mark out the transects on a map and gpS-record them so that future surveys can easily follow the same paths. once set out, this transect may be used for all further surveys so that valid comparisons to prior surveys can be made. •­ when establishing track stations, avoid situating them under overhanging foliage where dripping dew can affect the clarity of footprints. •­ create track station by putting down a thin layer of sand approximately 1 m wide and 1 to 3 cm deep, covering the road from one side to the other. rake or sweep sand or soil smooth. if track stations are established around dams, the size of each station should be 5 × 1 m. •­ create a unique name for each station and mark the station’s position on a gpS. •­ create track stations every 1 km for the length of the transect. around dams, use 10 stations per dam. 36 Monitoring techniques for Vertebrate pests – feral pigs, Bruce Mitchell & Suzanne Balogh • count and record all sets of feral pig tracks, and tracks of other species, the following morning. •­ determine the imprintability value, and then sweep the track station clean of footprints. •­ repeat count for at least three consecutive mornings or more than 78 station nights required. •­ convert to indexes via the percentage of station nights with tracks (catling index) (see example in table 3). remember to remove track stations that have an imprintability score of 1. Standards Route – use the same transects/dams for each count. Sampling time – always conduct survey at the same time (i.e. season) and during similar weather conditions (i.e. not during heavy rain). Animal welfare considerations Impact on animals – there may be some aversion or attraction to transects if the area is not naturally sandy. Health and safety considerations the driver must be licensed, and undergo 4wd training. drive appropriately for the conditions on and off-road at all times. when establishing and maintaining track stations, wear sturdy boots and gloves to minimise the risk of foot injuries and splinters, and be careful of back strain. Maintain awareness of oncoming traffic when inspecting track stations. Training required Worked example identification of tracks feral pig control was being planned in southern Queensland, and the abundance of these animals needed to be monitored immediately before and after the operation to gauge the outcome. there were eight dams within the study area and no other sources of water. ten track stations were established at each dam and monitored for 4 consecutive days. use of gpS 4wd from the track count data it was assumed that there had been a 60% reduction in feral pig abundance. Table 3: Tracking counts: use of the Catling Index No. of track statioNs No. of statioN Nights No. of statioNs with No. of operable impriNtability score of 1 statioN Nights No. of statioNs with feral pig tracks catliNg iNdex value 80 (pre-baiting) 320 0 320 132 80 (post-baiting) 320 12 308 51 = 132 ÷ 320 × 100 = 41.25 = 51 ÷ 308 × 100 = 16.56 Monitoring feral pig abundance 37 38 Monitoring techniques for Vertebrate pests – feral pigs, Bruce Mitchell & Suzanne Balogh Monitor fer aL pig iMpac ts this section discusses the methods that can be used to monitor the impacts caused by feral pigs. a summary of these and a comparison between the methods of monitoring feral pig abundance are provided in a table 5. the quantification of feral pig damage is often difficult and costly, requiring a lot of time and scientific expertise (caley 1993b; choquenot et al. 1996); however, there are a number of qualitative techniques that can be used to monitor the impact of feral pigs. these methods include monitoring feral pig sign in crops or pastures, lamb predation assessments, the mapping of damage and measuring abundance. a major problem with attempting to monitor feral pig impact is that the damage varies both in space and time (hone 1995). as a result, the development of simple and economical indexes of feral pig impact may be difficult (choquenot et al. 1996). economic cost monitoring it is difficult to accurately estimate the agricultural costs attributable to feral pigs in australia on a national, state or regional level (Bomford and hart 2002). conservative estimates of the annual cost impact of feral pigs have been put at a monetary value of $107 million (Mcleod 2004). however, this value is based on limited information extrapolated from sources such as government agency estimates and landholder surveys, and it has been acknowledged that there are many gaps in the knowledge (Bomford and hart 2002; Mcleod 2004). individual landholders can therefore play an important role in filling these gaps, by calculating and monitoring all the costs attributable to feral pigs (Mitchell and dorney 2002). these costs include control expenditure, and others such as shooting or trapping; checking, moving and sheltering ewes during lambing; lamb losses (see table 4); and infrastructure installation and maintenance (e.g. fencing). these costs could be recorded as part of the economic management of a property, and hence there is little extra expense to the landholder. the inference that is made from cost monitoring is that a decline in costs is associated with a decline in feral pig damage and abundance (Mitchell and Kanowski 2003). Monitoring feral pig impacts 39 Table 4: Economic cost of monitoring: example of a sheet used to calculate costs activity Shooting Trapping Exclusion fence maintenance labour ……h @ $ h–1 material cost $ Vehicle @ $ km–1 Ammunition Firearm maintenance Vehicle @ $ km–1 Trap maintenance Ammunition Firearm maintenance Posts Wire Ewe/lamb protection Lamb losses Ewe scanning @ $ ewe–1 Crop damage Re-sowing crops sign counts feral pigs leave abundant sign of damage that indicates the presence or absence from an area. feral pig sign can include rooting, wallows, dung, footprints, travel pads, plant damage and tree rubs. the frequency of occurrence of sign may be used to monitor feral pig abundance and damage. there are two main approaches to sign counts: simple scoring and presence or absence systems. Simple counts of feral pig sign can be used to score feral pig damage, or as indicators of feral pig activity. examples of scoring feral pig damage include a 4-point activity scale used in rainforests in north Queensland, where 0 = no sign, 1 = low (1– signs per transect), 2 = moderate (4 0 signs); and 3 = high (more than 10 signs) (pavlov et al. 1992; laurance 40 Monitoring techniques for Vertebrate pests – feral pigs, Bruce Mitchell & Suzanne Balogh and harrington 1997). Scales based on percentage area of rooting within quadrats have also been used (Bowman and Mcdonough 1991; Mitchell and Mayer 1997; cahill et al. 2003). using presence or absence of feral pig sign simplifies these counts further and reduces the time required to sample each site (hone 1988b). although simple score systems are used primarily to monitor feral pig damage, they have been used as indexes of feral pig abundance, with the assumption that there is a relationship between the amount of sign and feral pig abundance (hone 1988c; Mitchell and dorney 2002). these counts have used permanently established activity plots to record the presence or absence of sign, with the frequency of occurrence used as the index. for digging transects using recent pig diggings as an index, see Mitchell (2002). the advantages of simple score methods are simplicity and speed, but these methods are limited by subjectivity, low precision and the frequent use of roads and trails, as well as their associated problems of unrepresentative sampling as transects. random selection of sampling sites can alleviate some of these problems (hone 1988c). Materials required count sheet gpS 2 × 30 m tape measures pegs or reflectors to mark transect sections How to do the count Simple score: •­ determine the average score for each transect and use these results to calculate the mean score and variance for the survey area. •­ if the variance exceeds 20% of the mean, more transects are required. •­ repeat the count each season. activity plot: • Select sites to be monitored, use 4 km2 sampling sites and separate sites by a minimum of 5 km. •­ randomly position 100 plots (10 × 2 m) within the site, but ensure there is no overlap of plots. •­ use two pegs, numbered so that plots are easily recognised, spaced 10 m apart to mark out the centre line of the plot. •­ Select sites to be monitored. •­ record the number and location of all plots on a map and use a gpS. •­ randomly select the locations of 1 km transects within the site. •­ use a small-diameter rope to mark the length of the plot, extended between the two pegs. •­ record locations on a map via gpS. •­ count and record the presence or absence of feral pig sign 1 m either side of the centre line. •­ use numbered pegs or reflectors to mark out each transect into 50 m sections. •­ lay a tape measure or rope between the markers, record the frequency and assign a score or presence or absence of feral pig sign 1 m either side of the tape in every 50 m section. •­ use the frequency of occurrence of feral pig presence within plots as the index. an alternative to this is to record the frequency of occurrence of each type of sign including rooting, wallow, tracks, dung, travel pad, plant damage, rubs and actual sightings. average these for each site to gain the index (Mitchell and dorney 2002). •­ repeat the count each season. Monitoring feral pig impacts 41 Standards Figure 21: Feral pigs will attack lambs leaving few remains (photo Peter Fleming) Sampling site – use the same site for each survey. Sampling time – use the same seasonal conditions for each survey. Animal welfare considerations Impact on target animals – nil Impact on non-target animals – nil Health and safety considerations Suitable footwear and sun protection Materials required count sheet How to do the count Training required • determine if lamb kills are due to feral pigs. identification of feral pig sign •­ calculate the proportion of ewes with lost lambs by using either udder scores or ultrasound. Monitoring lamb predation by feral pigs •­ ultrasound is the most effective method to determine how many lambs will be born. Scan for dry, singles, twins and triplets. feral pigs can reduce lamb production by preying upon newborn lambs (plant et al. 1978; pavlov et al. 1981; pavlov and hone 1982; choquenot et al. 1997). choquenot et al. (1997) measured the predation rate of lambs by feral pigs, and found a curvilinear relationship between the density of feral pigs and reduction in lamb yield. this can be explained by the unequal susceptibility of all lambs to predation, mainly due to differences in fitness, with feral pigs rarely chasing lambs for more than 20 seconds (pavlov and hone 1982). furthermore, not all feral pigs will attack and eat lambs (choquenot et al. 1996). therefore, there is an upper limit to the proportion of lambs that will be lost to feral pig predation. as a result, monitoring feral pig predation will give little more than the presence or absence of feral pigs. the first step in monitoring lamb predation is to determine the cause of lamb death (see figure 22). 42 the characteristics of feral pig kills are that few remains are found, apart from the skin and some bones. the proportion of ewes that lose lambs can be recorded and compared with that in previous lambing seasons. Monitoring techniques for Vertebrate pests – feral pigs, Bruce Mitchell & Suzanne Balogh •­ udder scores (dun 1963; choquenot et al. 1996) can help in calculating the proportion of ewes that have lost lambs. •­ for udder scoring examine the udder of each ewe and score as: •­ dry – no evidence of impending or recent lactation or pregnancy •­ pregnant – impending lactation, as indicated by obvious pregnancy and/or production of colostrum •­ wet – currently lactating; udder firm, full, warm and clean •­ lost lamb – recently ceased lactating; udder hard, cold and dirty. Standards Health and safety considerations Site – count and compare lamb predation from the same paddocks. nil Training required Animal welfare considerations identification of lamb predation Impact on target animals – nil udder scoring Impact on non-target animals – nil have adult sheep been attacked or severely injured? No have lamb carcasses been eaten or mutilated? probably not killed by predator No yes has the carcass been entirely eaten except for skin and some bones? No has the attack been confined to the orifices? No has lamb breathed? No probably born dead yes has lamb walked? No probably born dead or very weak No probably born dead or very weak yes any signs of bleeding? yes have fat reserves been used? yes probably starved No is milk present in intestine? yes yes yes yes probably dingoes or dogs probably feral pigs probably birds of prey probably healthy when killed –foxes or dogs likely cause No probably starved Figure 22: A decision tree for determining the cause of lamb death (source WA Department of Agriculture 2001) Monitoring feral pig impacts 43 high medium low absent Monitoring crop damage crop damage can be visually estimated by walking through the crop and locating areas where feral pigs have been active. this is most often in areas close to refugia (caley 1999). the area of damage can be estimated by pacing its dimensions and assigning a visual damage rating, an estimate of the percentage reduction in the number of standing plants, and hence harvestable plants (caley 1993b). the overall estimate of damage to the crop is calculated as the sum of the products of the area damaged by the proportion of plants knocked down by feral pigs. for example, in a 100 ha crop of corn in the northern territory, it was estimated that 7 ha had been completely destroyed by feral pigs and the yield from the remaining crop was 300 tonnes (caley 1993b). the available crop was therefore 93 ha and the yield was 3.2 tonnes ha–1 (300/93). from this it was assumed that feral pigs destroyed 22.4 tonnes of grain (7 ha × 3.2 tonnes ha-1). See Mitchell and dorney (2002) for examples of a technique to calculate crop damage. Monitoring vulnerable species: fauna and flora feral pigs have been implicated in the decline of many animal and plant species in australia, but further studies are required to review the level of impact on these and other nationally listed threatened species and ecological communities (department of environment and heritage 2003). despite reports of feral pigs destroying nests and eating eggs and chicks of some ground-nesting birds such as cassowaries (Casuarius casuarius), brush-turkeys (Alectura lathama) and scrubfowl (Megapodius reinwardt) (hopkins and graham 1985; crome and Moore 1990; Mitchell 1993), 44 Monitoring techniques for Vertebrate pests – feral pigs, Bruce Mitchell & Suzanne Balogh Figure 23: Feral pig density (source NSW DPI) issues such as types of prey actually eaten, rates of predation, the density, status of prey, and whether or not predation is density dependent need to be addressed (choquenot et al. 1996). Similarly, the impact of competition for food with native animals needs to be evaluated. Mapping feral pig damage and density Mapping the distribution of feral pig problems and their population density over a given area such as an individual property or region, facilitates the development of feral pig management plans (choquenot et al. 1996). regular updating of these maps allows for the modification of existing management plans. these maps can be as simple as hand-drawn property charts or more detailed and accurate topographic maps generated with giS software. the choice of map type will depend largely on the scale of the area involved, the cost and availability of the technique, and the extent of the feral pig problem (choquenot et al. 1996). these maps may include the locations of poison baiting trails, areas of feral pig damage and refuge habitat of feral pigs to indicate gaps in the coverage of control programs; and they may include refugia habitat and the preferred habitat of endangered species. these maps can be used as part of the overall property, local or regional management plan and to assess progress over time. at a larger scale, the nSw department of primary industries has surveyed nSw rural lands protection Boards and nSw national parks and wildlife rangers to develop State-wide maps of pest species distribution and abundance (west and Saunders 2003). it is important to make new maps with each new assessment. in this way new maps can be compared with the previous map to evaluate the current management. information to include on maps is: •­ a scale and north (magnetic/grid) •­ name and location of property •­ size of property •­ property boundaries, permanent fences, gates, and roads •­ topographic features such as watercourses, hill contours, rock outcrops •­ refugia habitat: vegetation other than pasture and crop such as woodland or riverine •­ lambing paddocks •­ feral pig abundance estimates using spotlight indexes •­ areas of feral pig damage with a scale of damage such as number of lambs lost •­ type of agricultural or other activities on this and adjoining properties • watering and wallowing points • other feral pig sign. Monitoring feral pig impacts 45 46 Monitoring techniques for Vertebrate pests – feral pigs, Bruce Mitchell & Suzanne Balogh suMMary of fer aL pig Monitoring techniques the various feral pig abundance and impact monitoring techniques discussed in this manual, and their advantages and disadvantages, are listed in table 5. table 6 compares the different monitoring techniques. Table 5. Advantages and disadvantages of the monitoring techniques discussed in this manual moNitoriNg techNique advaNtages disadvaNtages Aerial survey • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Catch per unit effort can survey large spatial areas can sample more than one species at the same time can be incorporated into control program removes feral pigs Capture–recapture • accurate estimate of abundance • other information may be collected at the same time (e.g. home range) Radio-telemetry • other information may be collected at the same time (e.g. home range) GPS and satellite telemetry • improved ability to monitor animals in rugged and remote terrain • reductions in travel and field work time • no need to handle feral pigs • can be incorporated into control program • inexpensive • can be used in difficult terrain • sampling schedule flexible • quick and simple • inexpensive Bait-take Dung counts Spotlight count DNA sampling Track counts • • • • • • target animal doesn’t need to be sighted improved accuracy of scat counts density estimates possible can monitor several different species at the same time quick and simple target animal doesn’t need to be sighted expensive reliable correction factors are not always available expensive labour intensive time-consuming trap-shy animals undetected expensive labour intensive time-consuming trap-shy animals undetected expensive labour intensive time-consuming expensive accuracy of fixes can be variable • bait-shy animals undetected • time-consuming • inappropriate for monitoring short-term changes • counts can be highly variable between observers • sightability can be affected by height of pasture, vegetation or habitat type • unreliable method in wet and windy conditions • difficult to compare counts between variable weather conditions • expensive • correct storage important • time-consuming • unreliable method in wet and windy conditions • unknown relationship to density • road-based sampling = non-representative coverage of area • potential for interference (e.g. trampling from vehicles or humans) Summary of feral pig Monitoring techniques 47 moNitoriNg techNique advaNtages disadvaNtages Sign • • • • • • • inappropriate for monitoring short-term changes Lamb predation Vulnerable flora and fauna species Cost monitoring inexpensive can be used in difficult terrain sampling schedule flexible can indicate the successfulness of control measures simple vulnerable species may be easier to monitor than feral pigs • inexpensive • can be incorporated into existing economical management • unreliable indexes • difficulties in determining whether abundance is related to feral pig density • assumed relationship with feral pig abundance • costs increase each year: need to account for inflation Table 6. Feral pig monitoring techniques ranking table 48 labour start-up cost specialised equipmeNt Moderate humaNeNess oh&s risk High expertise aNd traiNiNg Moderate Aerial surveys High High Moderate Catch per unit effort High Moderate Moderate Moderate Low Moderate Capture–recapture High Moderate Moderate Moderate Low Moderate Radio- telemetry High High High High Moderate Low Satellite & GPS telemetry Low High Low High Moderate Low Index-removal-index High Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Bait-take Moderate Low Low Low Moderate Low Dung counts High Low Low Low High Low Distance sampling High Moderate Moderate Moderate High Low DNA sampling Moderate High Low High High Low Track counts High Moderate Low Low High Low Monitoring techniques for Vertebrate pests – feral pigs, Bruce Mitchell & Suzanne Balogh gLossary Angle board Panel trap a large protractor used to aid is estimating angles. a trap that is usually built on site and has rigid panel sides that lock together. Bait-station night the number of bait stations multiplied by the number of nights of baiting. Canid Member of the canidae family of carnivorous animals. includes wolves, jackals, foxes, coyotes, domestic dogs and dingoes. Catling Index Petersen estimate a method of estimating population abundance on the basis of the ratio of marked to unmarked individuals within a population. it assumes that the population is closed to immigration and emigration and assumes that population size is related to the number of marked and released animals in the same way that the total caught at a subsequent time is related to the number recaptured. the percentage of station nights with animal tracks. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Dispersal a powerful method of amplifying specific dna segments that exploits certain features of dna replication. Movement of an animal from its place of birth to another area where it reproduces. this process is important to population dynamics, because dispersal is when immigration and emigration occur. Index of abundance a relative measure of the abundance of a species (for example, catch per unit effort). Leslie technique a method of estimating population, based on the principle that the catch rate is proportional to the population size. Microsatellite repeated stretches of short sequences of dna used as genetic markers to track inheritance in families. they are short sequences of nucleotides (e.g. atgc) that are repeated over and over again in tandem. Mitochondrial DNA the genetic material of the mitochondria, the organelles that generate energy for the cell. Mitochondrial dna is passed down from the mother to all her children, males and females. Octal Presence/absence study an approach to determining diversity in an ecosystem by determining what species are present in the ecosystem. Quadrat an ecological sampling unit that consists of a square frame of known area. the quadrat is used for quantifying the number or percentage cover of a given species within a given area. Silo trap a roll of mesh staked in a rough circle with an entrance to form a trap. Transect a straight line placed on the ground along which ecological measurements are taken. a fixed transect is one that is set out for use in all further surveys so that valid comparisons with prior surveys can be made. Trap night the number of traps placed out multiplied by the number of nights of trapping. a measure of cloud cover. a completely covered sky is scored as 8 out of 8 octals. glossary 49 50 Monitoring techniques for Vertebrate pests – feral pigs, Bruce Mitchell & Suzanne Balogh references allen, l., engeman, r. and Krupa, h. (1996) evaluation of three relative abundance indices for assessing dingo populations. Wildlife Research 23: 197–206. caley, p. 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