Audible signal liquid level indicator

Oct. 28, 1941.
Filed May 7, 1941
2 Sheets-Sheet 1
122160216.’ zvzzeklz/i/Z?dwMyez; ‘
Oct. 28, 1941.
Filed May 7, 1941'
2 Sheets-Sheet 2
Patented Oct. 28,1941
AUDIBLE SIGNAL LIQUID LEVEL mmca'ron Howard ’ 0. Krone, River Edge, and William
Meyer, East Orange, N. 1., assignors to A. W.
Wheaton Brass Works, Newark, N. 1., a corpo
ration of New Jersey
Application Maya, 1941, Serial No. 392,264
5 Claims.
(01. 116-109) " ‘
the above
This invention relates to improvements in audi
ing parts.
ble signal liquid level indicators for use in ?lling
tanks, cans or other containers; and the inven
descrlbed‘views, to indicate correspond
In the illustrative embodiment of this inven
tion shown in the accompanying drawings, the.
audiblersignal device is arranged in- combination
tion has reference, more particularly,- to a novel
device which. will sound an audible signal when
' with" the ?lling nozzle III of a delivery line or hose
the rising level of liquid delivered into a tank,'can
leading from a suitable source of liquid supply.
Such embodiment includes an annular stopper
body I'll through which said ?lling nozzle‘ili ex
> operator in charge of the ?lling operations to dis
continue delivery of liquid to the tank, can or 10 tends;_-the former being rigidly secured or fas-' '
tened to the latter. Formed in the periphery of
other container.
said stopper body II is an annular seating chan
This invention, in its broader aspects, has for
nel l21in which is carried a sealing gasket l3,
an object to provide a novel audible signal de
which is preferably formed with an inwardly and
vice for the purposes stated which will silently
ven" the air which is displaced by a liquid de 15 downwardly‘ tapered or inclined external face [4.
The ?llingmozzle i0 passes through the stopper
live led into a tank, can or the like, until the
body I] at a point eccentric to the center of the
rising level of the liquid nears the limit of ca- .
latter, whereby to provide a space offset from
' - pacity of the latter, and is thereupon brought
said ?lling nozzle which is occupied ‘by the signal
into contact with a portion of the device in such
or other container nears the limit of the capacity I
of the latter, thus giving timely notice to the
manner as to trap an air column therein subject
_ to vibration with audible, sound producing effect. ,
This invention has-for another and more spe
device structure.
_ a
‘The signal device structure comprisesan up-, , '
wardlyex'tending boss l5 rising from the top or -
outer-surface of said stopper body II, and pref
erably formed integrally therewith. _,Formed to
having the above mentioned operating character
istics, in combination with the ?lling nozzle of a 25 extend through said stopper body ll from its hot
tom‘o‘r inner face and through said boss I5 is a
liquid delivery line, whereby operative application
ci?c object to provide ani‘audible signal; device,
I of the ?lling nozzle to the bung or ?lling opening \. , passage ii of inverted U-shape including a for
of a tank, can .or the like will automatically re- ‘
late the signal device in operative communication
with the interior of said tank, can or the like.
Other objects of this inventiomnot at this time
more particularly enumerated, will be understood
from the following detailed description of the,
ward leg I‘! and a rearward leg IS. The wall of
said boss l5 contiguous to said forward leg ll
of the passage i6 ‘is pierced by a whistle opening
IS the upper'margin of_which is de?ned by an
inwardly an'd downwardly chamfered lip 20 con
verging on the forward leg ll of said passage l6.
Inserted in the open end of said forward passage
An illustrative embodiment of this invention is 35 leg I1 is a tongue plug 2| having a ?attened face
22 which opposes the side of the passage leg I‘!
shown in the accompanying drawings, in which
which the whistleopening is provided, thus
Fig. 1 is a fragmentary sectional view of a can,
providing a throat. passage 23 leading from the
to the ?lling opening or bung of which is opera
underside of said stopper body ii to the whistle
tively applied a ?lling nozzle provided with the
audible signal liquid level indicator according to 40 opening I9 so that its discharge end is directed
toward ‘the lip 20 of the latter. Connected in
this invention; Fig. 2 is a horizontal sectional
view, taken on line 2-2 ‘in Fig. 1; and Fig. ~3- \ communication with the open end of the rearward
passage leg I8 is a tubular extension 24 thereof,
is another horizontal sectional view, taken on line
which depends from the under or inner side of
2-.-3 in Fig. 1.
' ~
Fig.4 isa vertical sectional view, taken on line 45 said stopper body -I l. The length of this exten
sion 24 is such as to allow the rising level of I
4-4 in Fig. 2, but drawn on an enlarged scale, the
same showing the signal device in initial condition
wherein itsilently vents air displaced from the
can by the liquid delivered thereinto; and Fig.5
is a similar view. showing the rising level of liquid
in‘ contact with a portion of .the' signal device so
as to trapv a column of air within the latter sub
ject to vibration with‘ audible sound producing
liquid delivered into a container through the ?lly
ing nozzle ill to contact the free end portion‘
thereof atv a point substantially below the liquid
level limit determined by the capacity of the
container. Preferably the lower free end of the
extension 24 is closed by an end plug 25, and
communication between the interior of 8.- contain
er being ?lled and the interior of said exten
Similar characterslof reference are employed in 55,. sion is provided by one or more openings 26 with
' 2
signal device with a ?llingnomle will be ob
which the wall of the latter is provided. > It has
been found preferable that the total area of the
vious, since it-permits a single signal means to
openingor openings 26 substantially correspond ' serve any number of cans by merely operatively
applying the ?lling nozzle to the cans. The
to the area of the throat passage 23. In the
event the container being ?lled is provided with 5 novel signal device structure per se, however,
an independent ?xed vent, such e. g. as the vent
vpassage 21 of the ‘can shown in the drawings, and
may be built into a tank, can or other container
as a permanent ?xture if it is so desired.
which will be presently described, then the coin
We are aware that variouschanges could be '
made in the above described constructions, and
the opening or openings 26 of the extension‘ 24 10 that widely di?‘erent embodiments of this inven
tion could be made without departing from the
should preferably substantially correspond to that
‘ . bined areas of said ?xed vent passage 21 and
of the throat passage 23.
scope thereof as de?ned in the following claims.
In the drawings, the reference character 28
indicates the body of a can or container having
an'internally threaded bung or ?lling opening 15
29 to normally receive _a closure plug (not
shown). To ?ll the can 28, the closure plug be
ing removed from the bung or ?lling opening 29,
the ?lling nozzle 10 is inserted through the lat
" ter into the interior of said can, until the sealing 20
gasket l3 .of the stopper body ll engages thev
margins 30 of said bung or ?lling opening. By
application of inward thrusting pressure upon
'the ?lling nozzle III, the stopper body II is
pressed home so that the sealing gasket l3 will 25
form a hermetically sealing contact with ‘said
bung or ?lling opening margins 36. To assist
in guiding the stopper body II to such bung
or ?lling opening sealing position, the same is
provided with inclined radial guide ribs 3| which
lead from the peripherypf the stopper body to
converge upon the ?lling ‘nozzle l0.
It is therefore intended that all matter contained
in the foregoing description or shown in the ac
companying drawings shall be interpreted as il- '
lustrative and not in a limiting sense.
We claim:
1. In combination, a
?lling nozzle, a stopper
body through which the ?lling nozzle extendsin
?xed connection therewith, said stopper body
being adapted to close a container ?lling opening
against air egress when said ?iling nozzle is in
serted therethrough, and an audible signal means
carried by saidstopper body, said signal means
including‘ an inverted U-shaped passage initially
open at both ends to the interior of said con
tainer, said passage having in one leg a whistle
means and having an extension connected with
, its other leg provided with air admission means
so subject to be closed by rising liquid delivered into
said container, whereby to trap a vibrating col
umn of air within said U-shaped passage to
When the ?lling nozzle has been ailixed to the
thereupon render said whistle means operative.
bung or ?lling opening of the can as above de
2. In combination, a ?lling nozzle, a stopper
scribed, ,by manipulation of suitable :control 35 body through which the ?lling nozzle extends in
valve mechanism (not shown) with which the
?xed connection therewith, said stopper body
same is provided, ?ow of liquid may be initiated
having .a sealing gasket means to engage the
and directed into the can interior. As the level
marginsof a container ?lling opening for seal
of the liquid delivered into the can rises, the air
ing the same against air egress when said ?lling
within the can is displaced'by the liquid and 40 nozzle. is inserted therethrough, and an audible‘
compressed so as to seek escape from the can
signal means carried by said stopper body, said
interior. Since both legs of the U-shaped pas
sage are initially in communication ‘with the can
signal means including an inverted U-shaped
passage initially open at both ends to the in
terior of. said container, said passage having in
' interior respectively through the throat passage
23 and the opening or openings 26, the escaping
- one leg a whistle means and having an exten
air may ?ow outwardly both through the leg l8 ,
sion connected with its other leg provided with
air admission means'subject to be closed by ris
from, its extension 24 and through 'the legv l'I
'from'the throat passage 23, and thence to the
atmosphere through the whistle opening 19, such
paths of ?ow being indicated by the arrows in
ing liquid delivered into said container, whereby
to trap a vibrating column of air within said U
shaped passage to thereupon render said whistle
' Fig. 4. Under these conditions, outward move
ment of air through‘bothlegs of the U-shaped ‘
, passage l6 will substantially balance- each other,
means operative.
3. In combination, a ?lling nozzle, a stopper
body through which the ?lling nozzle extends in
?xed connection therewith, said stopper body
so that no vibrating air column is formed in the
passage, and consequently the air vents through 55 having a sealing gasket means to engage the
margins of a container ?lling opening for seal
the whistle opening I9 without producing any
whistling sound. .
ing the same against air egress when said ?lling '
As the levelot the liquid rising in the can in
nozzle is
therethrough, and an audible
terior reaches and passes the opening or open
signal means carriedby said stopper body, said
ings 26 in the extension 24 communication of air 60 signal means/including an inverted U-shaped
therethrough and into the passage leg I8 is pre
passage the legs of which open through the un
vented, and consequently a column of air is
derside of said stopper body, a tubular‘extension
trapped in the U-shaped passage beyond the
prolonging one leg of said passage for projection
whistle opening l9. Air, however, continues to
into said container interior, said extension hav
pass outwardly through the throat passage 23, 65 ing air admission means adjacent its free end
and- thence through the whistle opening IS. _The
. for communication with the container interior
' movement of this outgoing. air sets up a virbra
tion of the trapped air column, whereby an
7 audible whistling signal is produced (see' Fig. 5). '
subject to be closed by rising liquid within the
latter, the other leg of said passage having'a
lateral whistle openingto communicate with the . '
This audible signal is sounded as the level of 70 atmosphere, and a tongue ‘plugga?ixed in the
liquid in the can ‘nears the limit of the can
open end of'said latter passage leg, said tongue
' capacity, and consequently the operator isgiven
plug being shaped to provide an outgoing throat
timely notice to shut oil? supply of liquid through
passage terminating adjacent to said. whistle
' the ?lling nozzle into the can. >
The advantage of combining the novel audible 75
4. An audible signal means ‘for association
with a container to be-?lled with a liquid con
tent, said signal means including ‘an inverted
to the container interior, a tubular extension
prolonging one leg of'said passage for projection
U-shaped passage initially open at both ends to
into said container interior, said extension hav
the interior of said container, said passage hav
ing air admission means adjacent to its free end
for communication with the container interior
ing in one leg a whistle means and having an
extension connected with its other leg ‘provided
with air admission means subject to be closed by
rising liquid delivered into said container, where
by to trap a vibrating column of air within said
'U-shaped passage to thereupon render said 10
whistle means 'operative.
5. An audible signal means for association
with a container to be'?lled with a liquid con
subject to be closed by rising liquid within the
latter, the other leg of said passage having a
lateral whistle opening to communicate with the 7
atmosphere, and a tongue plug a?ixed in the
open 7end of said latter passage leg, said tongue
plug being shaped to provide an outgoing throat
passage terminating adjacent to said whistle
tent, said signal means including an inverted U
shaped passage the legs of which are both open 15 >