NAtioNAl Merit AchieveMeNt - Westmont Hilltop School District

2 010 A c h i e v e m e n t A n d E x c e l l e n c e
National Merit Achievement
The National Merit Scholarship Program is an academic competition that
started in 1995. Students qualify for this recognition by taking the Preliminary
SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. National Merit Commended
Students and Finalists are students who are recognized on a national level as
having outstanding academic promise. Scholars earning this award are listed
Congratulations to our National Merit Scholar, Megan Mulrooney.
Mulrooney was chosen from 1,500,000 high scorers in the nation for this
highly prestigious award. Megan Mulrooney also received the $1,000 Arthur
Hagadus Memorial Scholarship from the Rotary Club of Johnstown.
National Merit Scholarship Corporation – Scholar
Megan Elizabeth Mulrooney
National Merit Scholarship Corporation – Finalists
Juliana Faith Bukoski
Sara Margaret Rogerson
National Merit Scholarship Corporation – Letter of Commendation
National Merit Scholarship Corporation Scholar:
Megan Elizabeth Mulrooney
Rachel Ellen Wozniak
National Merit Scholarship Corporation Finalist:
Juliana Faith Bukoski
National Merit Scholarship Corporation Finalist:
Sara Margaret Rogerson
National Merit Scholarship Corporation Letter of
Commendation: Rachel Ellen Wozniak
The 2010 Hilltopper Highlights Achievement and Excellence, now entering its eleventh summer of publication, is a special summer edition
of the Hilltop School News dedicated to recognition of the outstanding individual and collective accomplishments
of our students within their school and community.
High School Achievement
Students Honored
as Top Ten Scholars
of 2010
The “Top Ten” are Westmont
Hilltop scholars who rank
academically in the Top Ten of their
graduating class. Top Ten scholars
are honored annually with a savings
bond and plaque provided through a
collaborative effort of the Treasurer
of the Board of Education and
the Westmont Hilltop Education
Association. This award is now
sustained by the current Board
Treasurer, Mr. Rooney Gleason, with
leadership provided by the current Board
President, Mr. Mitchell Azar, and the
Westmont Hilltop Education Association
President, Mr. Stephen Lindberg. Each
student of the Top Ten will receive an
award in the form of a $100.00 savings
bond. The students pictured in the
photograph have contributed to the
tradition of excellence that characterizes
Westmont Hilltop.
Throughout the 2009-2010 school
year, students in every grade and
classroom have excelled in the areas
of academics, arts, community service,
and athletics. Examples of the service
and accomplishments through which
our students have honored their
community, their parents, and their
school, are contained within the pages
of this newsletter, dedicated to the Class
of 2010. The names of the following
students will be inscribed on a plaque on
permanent display in the lobby of our
high school.
Where is the
Class of 2010?
The graduates of the Class
of 2010 have declared plans
to continue their education
in the following institutions
of higher learning:
Allegheny College
Allegany College of Maryland
American University
Arizona State University
California University of PA
Chatham University
Clarion University of PA
“High School Achievement”
The Class of 2010 Top Ten
Top Ten-Row 1: Juliana Bukoski, Christine Weidner, Catherine Polito, Rachel Wozniak, Megan Mulrooney
Row 2: Sara Rogerson, Zachary del Rosario, Zachary Ryan, Kyle Kunkle, Margaret Atterbury
Westmont Hilltop Education
Association Top Ten Awards
(Listed Alphabetically)
Margaret Reed Atterbury
Juliana Faith Bukoski
Zachary Riggins del Rosario
Kyle Charles Kunkle
Colgate University
College of Charleston
Cone School of Histology
Duke University
Duquesne University
Edinboro University
George Mason University
Harding University
Indiana University of PA
Juniata College
LaRoche College
Lincoln University
Mansfield University
Messiah College
Mount Aloysius College
Olin College
PA Academy of Cosmetology
Megan Elizabeth Mulrooney
Catherine Elizabeth Polito
Sara Margaret Rogerson
Zachary David Ryan
Christine Carroll Weidner
Rachel Ellen Wozniak
Penn College of Technology
Penn Highlands Community College
Penn State University
Penn State Altoona Campus
Pratt Institute
Robert Morris University
Saint Francis University
Triangle Tech
University of Delaware
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
University of Pittsburgh
University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
United States Air Force Academy
West Virginia University
Washington & Jefferson College
Westminster College
High School Achievement
Well Done, Class of 2010!
Before handing out diplomas and commending his fellow alumni of the Class
of 2010, Westmont Hilltop School Board President, Mr. Mitchell Azar, annually
reminisces with parents, families, and friends of the graduates about the highlights of their school year. Excerpts of the address are as follows:
“You have certainly performed well academically. In a class of 125 students,
roughly 45 of you have finished your high school years with a cumulative grade
point average greater than 92%, and 10 of you have completed your high school
years with a GPA of 100% or greater.” “You had a classmate who was a National Merit Commended Student, two
classmates named National Merit Scholarship Finalists, and one received the
honor of 2010 National Merit Scholar, which are tremendous accomplishments.”
“Athletically, you celebrated your second consecutive undefeated season in
Girls’ Swimming, sent nine students to the state track meet, and won the Laurel
Highlands Athletic Conference Championship in Boys’ Soccer, advancing to the
state quarterfinal game. But most importantly, beyond wins and losses, you represented your school honorably and were recognized as the winner of the 2010
District 6 Sportsmanship Award. We thank the Class of 2010 for your leadership
in making that happen.”
“The Music and Arts programs at Westmont are always sources of great pride,
and your class has been no exception. Your production of Anything Goes was
phenomenal. You also have five classmates who will be furthering their education in the areas of art or music, which is just fantastic.”
“Finally, I was particularly impressed with the tremendous effort you put into
your senior projects. Doing things like organizing a benefit concert for pancreatic
cancer, a charity basketball game for Special Olympics, collecting school supplies
for children in underdeveloped countries, and raising more than $8,000 for the
Four Diamonds Fund and the American Heart Association through a 12-hour
dance marathon. These are not typical high school senior projects. You should all
be commended for your hard work to benefit those who are less fortunate and for
not taking the easy way out.”
Always Part of the
Westmont Hilltop Family
Three retiring members of our
faculty were honored by Board
President Mitchell Azar, and the
administration and faculty of the
Westmont Hilltop School District,
at the Commencement Ceremony
of 2010. The audience and Class
of 2010 jointly acknowledged and
thanked Colleen Goerlich, Debbie
Facciani, and Patricia Molnar for
their outstanding service to our
district. These three women have
more than 100 years of combined
teaching experience and have
guided our students from their earliest days at the elementary school
to the celebration that we were
experiencing in June of 2010. Sadly, we also paid tribute
this year to the passing of two
renowned former members of our
faculty, Fred McLoota and Rich
Puhala, who each served the
district for more than 30 years
while touching the lives of many
Keynote Speaker
Richard Verma
Richard Verma, Westmont Hilltop Alumnus, honors the Class of 2010 with his message and his presence.
On June 5 of 1986, a teenager named Richard
Verma graduated from our school district. The
alumnus who addressed the Class of 2010 as keynote
speaker now holds degrees from the Georgetown University Law Center, American University’s Washington
College of Law, and Lehigh University.
In April of 2009, Mr. Verma became, and is
now, the Department of State’s Assistant Secretary
for the Bureau of Legislative Affairs, where he serves
as the primary advisor to the Secretary of State on
Congressional Affairs, and as the Department’s Chief
Liaison to Congress. Between graduation and his
current appointment, Mr. Verma served as a lawyer in
private practice, became a veteran of the U.S. Air Force,
worked in the House of Representatives, served as
Senior National Security Advisor to the Senate Majority Leader, and served as a member of the Defense
Department’s Transition Team. He is a member of the
Council on Foreign Relations, was formerly an International Affairs Fellow of the Council, and has served
on the National Academy of Sciences Panel of Critical
Infrastructure Protection and the Law.
“High School Achievement”
High School Achievement
Student Speakers
Margaret Atterbury, Student Council President, honored her school and
community as she addressed the values of compassion, friendliness, and respect
as follows: “Whether or not you are aware, most of you have developed personal
values of compassion, friendliness, and respect as a result of your maturation
within this small town community. To be compassionate is to be kind, caring,
and aware of others’ distress. To be friendly is to be comforting and to have a
warm and welcoming attitude towards all. To be respectful is to be polite and to
show appropriate regard or consideration. It is easy to see how all of these values
are applicable to our close-knit community.”
Zachary del Rosario, Scholarship Representative,
addresses the Class of 2010.
Margaret Atterbury, Student Council President, speaks at
Commencement 2010.
Scholar Zachary del Rosario
regaled the audience with examples of
the knowledge he has acquired through
various experiences throughout his
schooling, then summarized the greatest
value of his educational experience with
gratitude to his peers stating, “I’ve grown
more in these past four years than I have
through the rest of my short existence,
and that’s in no small part due to the rest
of you.”
and wielding a staff as he presented the Ten Commandments of the Class of 2010.
While those of us who were present in the audience will remember the commandments well into the foreseeable future, limitations of time and space in the Hilltopper Highlights will permit only the highlighting of one commandment. For this
purpose, we have chosen Commandment #9 from the speech, as it exemplifies the
flavor of Kyle’s address and discloses a snapshot of the character of the Class of
2010. Commandment #9, according to Kunkle, is as follows:
QUOTE: Thou shalt always have Swagger as a Hilltopper. To avoid confusion,
I thought it best to first define swagger. After referencing the reliable and trustworthy resource,, I define Swagger as confidence and respect
that is earned over time from a positive impact. Swagger is not to be confused with
cockiness. I would suggest that the Class of 2010, the smallest Westmont graduating class in the last eleven years, has earned the right to have Swagger for the
following reasons:
A disguised and bearded class president, Kyle
Kunkle, poses as prophet for a portion of his
address to the Class of 2010.
Kyle Kunkle, Class President of
the Class of 2010, although prophesying that nobody would remember his
graduation speech, was wrong about
that, for he made his speech thoroughly unforgettable, donning a beard
“High School Achievement”
We have done 3,569 hours, 21 minutes, and 47 seconds of community service.
89% of our class will be going on to a higher education.
5 students will be going into the military services to defend our freedom.
40% of the class will graduate with an “A” average or better.
Another 40% of our class will leave here with 3 or more college credits.
We have a nationally recognized forensics team.
Our musical is one of the most respected and anticipated musicals in the area.
Among our ranks is a classmate who can fly a plane. We have a YouTube video with one hundred eleven thousand, seven hundred and sixty seven views.
We have won 3 district titles and 4 LHAC championships.
That’s Swagger. END QUOTE.
High School Achievement
Academic Achievement and Excellence
Academic excellence is part of the culture at Westmont Hilltop High School.
The President’s Award is presented at the high school to students who have
maintained an outstanding academic record throughout the duration of their
schooling. Earning recognition for their exemplary role models of excellence are
the students earning the academic awards reflected within the pages that follow.
President’s Award for Educational Excellence
Margaret Reed Atterbury
Juliana Faith Bukoski
Luke Anthony Corona
Zachary Riggins del Rosario
Michael David Gorzelsky
Kyle Charles Kunkle
Julie Anne Mercik
Megan Elizabeth Mulrooney
Catherine Elizabeth Polito
Sara Margaret Rogerson
Anne Elizabeth Rummell
Zachary David Ryan
Norman Charles Sivi
Nadin Suler
Taylor Ann Walther
Christine Carroll Weidner
Rachel Ellen Wozniak
Michael Joseph Young
Academic Letter Awards, Class of 2010
Margaret R. Atterbury
Rebecca I. Barron
Angela R. Battaglia
Elizabeth M. Bingler
Juliana F. Bukoski
Rosemary K. Clark
Luke A. Corona
Shannon M. Costa
Jason T. Dailey
Zachary R. del Rosario
Dillon P. Dorian
Deanna J. Duncan
Casey R. Eckenrod
Matthew J. Gerber
Andrea M. Ghezzi
Michael D. Gorzelsky
Haley N. Helmick
Kirsten A. Hess
Kyle H. Hopkins
Ashley A. Irwin
Nicole A. Kovach
Kyle C. Kunkle
Kelsey D. Layton
Stephen F. Legath
Melissa M. Lobb
Nathan T. McHugh
Julie A. Mercik
Allison R. Mical
Samantha R. Mikesic
Samuel J. Moehler
Anna M. Muchesko
Megan E. Mulrooney
Alexandra N. Mundy
Paul Nathaniel
Alli M. Paratore
Nicolette M. Petrusic
Catherine E. Polito
Alan J. Prescott
Sara M. Rogerson
Michael A. Rudnac
Anne E. Rummell
Zachary D. Ryan
Corey J. Salem
Giancarlo A. Scuderi
Norman C. Sivi
Susan M. Specht
Brittany E. Strelnik
Nadin Suler
Kayla A. Vliet
Matthew T. Wagner
Megan L. Walker
Catherine A. Walsh
Taylor A. Walther
Christine C. Weidner
Julia Wolfe
Rachel E. Wozniak
Shawnee V. Yoder
Leah E. Young
Luke J. Young
Michael J. Young
Academic Achievement Award
Class of 2010
Margaret R. Atterbury
Rebecca I. Barron
Angela R. Battaglia
Dominic F. Berardi
Elizabeth M. Bingler
Maximiliano E. Bressi
Juliana F. Bukoski
Kyra M. Burns
Luke A. Corona
Shannon M. Costa
Jason T. Dailey
Zachary R. del Rosario
Dillon P. Dorian
Deanna J. Duncan
Casey R. Eckenrod
Matthew J. Gerber
Marissa L. Ghantous
Andrea M. Ghezzi
Michael D. Gorzelsky
Haley N. Helmick
Kirsten A.Hess
Ashley A. Irwin
Tyler A. Kleinmeyer
Nicole A. Kovach
Kyle C. Kunkle
Halan Nu Lam
Kelsey D. Layton
Stephen D. Legath
Melissa M. Lobb
Nathan T. McHugh
Julie A. Mercik
Allison R. Mical
Samantha R. Mikesic
Samuel J. Moehler
Miranda A. Moser
Megan E. Mulrooney
Alexandra N. Mundy
Paul Nathanial
Alli M. Paratore
Nicolette M. Petrusic
Catherine E. Polito
Alan J. Prescott
Daniel S. Price
Anthony J. Rievel
Sara M. Rogerson
Michael A. Rudnac
Anne E. Rummell
Zachary D. Ryan
Corey J. Salem
Sean M. Sapolich
Giancarlo A. Scuderi
Norman C. Sivi
Ryan M. Snavely
Susan M. Specht
Adam J. Steinbring
Aaron D. Stonecypher
Nadin Suler
Kelsey E. Suppes
Kayla A. Vliet
Matthew T. Wagner
Megan L. Walker
Catherine A. Walsh
Taylor A. Walther
Christine C. Weidner
Katrina A. Wentworth
Julia Wolfe
Rachel E. Wozniak
Shawnee V. Yoder
Leah E. Young
Michael J. Young
Challenge Program
Row 1 – Academic Excellence: Mark Nathaniel, Josh Polacek,
Maggie Atterbury
Row 2 – Perfect Attendance: Nicole Dorn, Leah Marko, Kelsey
Row 3 – Most Improved: Jessica Coolbaugh, Halim Nu Lam,
Hannah Winterscheidt
Row 4 – Community Service: Lauren Matevish, Nicole Kovach,
Gina Rievel
“High School Achievement”
High School Achievement
Academic Achievement Award
Class of 2011
Brianna K. Alianiello
Katelyn E. Arcurio
Christina L. Atterbury
Kasey L. Azar
Matthew J. Bambino
Jedediah M. Brandwein
Daniel A. Brennsteiner
Benjamin E. Bukoski
Michael Burnheimer
Kim A. Carney
Christine J. Cassone
Ian P. Clark
Denae M. Dorian
Zachary C. Drennen
Annabeth R. Faucher
Annie L. Fiffick
Bryant W. Fisher
Luke B. Gindlesperger
Christopher M. Gnagey
Sarah K. Godish
Brianna N. Gordon
Matthew S. Heider
Andrew J. Herbert
Tanner M. Hough
Jamie M. Hudson
Jamie L. Kessler
Andrew J. Kilpatrick
Julie R. Kittka
Sarah A. Krupa
Karlee M. Kucera
Halim Nu Lam
Madalyn Lenzi-Snopko
Garrett J. Lucas
Jenna M. Magistro
Devon K. Marshall
Lauren M. Matevish
Kara E. Matthews
Maggie A. McNamara
Aaron R. Miller
Madelyn G. Miller
Marinanicole D. Miller
Daniel W. Oberst
Alexander N. Parlock
David F. Pepley
Kelsey E. Petrusic
Joshua M. Polacek
Summer L. Reitter
Joseph S. Rizkalla
Grace J. Roddy
Erica L. Rodgers
Zachary J. Rummel
Joseph S. Seigh
Rebecca H. Shark
Stephanie L. Shelhammer
Patricia M. Spisak
Sean A. Stephens
Carly A. Stump
Keegan C. Terek
Riley B. Timbs
Alex L. Trevorrow
Sarah N. Walko
Daulton V. Warshel
Daniel P. Wolfe
April L. Yanko
Michael D. Zamias
Ty C. Zatsick
Academic Achievement Award
Class of 2012
Blake D. Bernstein
Trenten J. Boback
Sarah M. Bunyea
Christopher J. Campagna
Carly E. Campbell
Bradley W. Carney
Brittany L. Carney
Kayla M. Causer
Daniel J. Dailey
Brittany M. Davis
Giana M. DeMarco
Parag Dharbhamulla
DeAnnah M. Dick
Nicole L. Dorn
Bryson C. Eplett
Jonathan M. Findish
Alyson S. Forman
Meena K. Gella
Joseph A. Glennon
Ryan S. Glover
Evan B. Good
Caitlin T. Gutilla
Devlin L. Hale
Mustafa B. Hammudi
Kelcy J. Harrison
Autumn N. Helman
Allison N. Henry
Meredith W. Herman
Kyra N. Hill
Kelsey E. Hoover
“High School Achievement”
Row 1 – School Citizenship Awards – Freshmen: Stacee Glass, Taylor Davis, David Carney, Justin
Row 2 – WHEA Scholarship: Nicole Kovach; GJCTC Awards: Brice Morneau, Takesha Crutcher
Row 3 – Sgt. First Class Raymond Buchan Memorial Scholarship: Michael Young; Westmont
Memorial Award: Luke Corona, Rebecca Barron
Row 1 – National Merit Scholarship: Megan Mulrooney; National Merit Finalists: Juliana Bukoski,
Sara Rogerson; National Merit Commended Student: Rachel Wozniak
Row 2 – Class of 1947: Catherine Polito; School Citizenship Awards (Seniors): Christine Weidner,
Brittany Strelnik, Megan Walker, Luke Young
Nicole E. Kinley
Cheyenne B. Kovach
Kara A. Kovach
Lyndsie N. Lampel
Benjamin F. Legath
Matthew M. Masiello
Michael R. McDaniel
Marissa R. Miller
Robin C. Miller
Samantha A. Morello
Mark Nathaniel
Naofa R. Noll
Sophie A. Noonan
Ileana Panebianco
Ethan M. Policicchio
Adam J. Pozun
Amy R. Regan
Gina C. Rievel
Niza M. Scuderi
Eric D. Sheehan
Elizabeth A. Sherrier
Nicole L. Simmons
Britney A. Smith
Carolyn V. Somerville
Erin S. Suppes
Lauren M. Taylor
Kylie M. Truscello
Andrew D. Varchol
Hayle M. Walters
Forest P. Whitlow
Brittany C. Young
Megan R. Ziemba
Benjamin T. Zurilla
High School Achievement
Row 1 –Fleet Reserve: Christina
Atterbury, Jill Clark; Catherine Hubbard
Memorial Award: Kelsey Layton
Row 2 – Westmont Peace Award/
APPLES Scholarship: Christine Weidner;
American Red Cross Blood Drive:
Nicole Kovach, Brittany Strelnik
Row 3 – U.S. Air Force Appointment:
Nicole Dorn, Leah Marko, Kelsey Suppes
Row 4 – Community Service: Taylor
Walther; Rudnac Leadership Award:
Angela Battaglia, Kyle Kunkle
High School Mathematics Achievement
Westmont Hilltop High School had two student winners of the 2010 American
Mathematics Competitions (AMC) 10 and American Mathematics Competitions
(AMC) 12.
AMC 10 Winner: Dan Durham
AMC 12 Winner: Keegan Terek
The American Mathematics Competitions (AMCs) are the first of a series of
competitions in high school mathematics that determine the United States Math
Team, which competes in the International Mathematical Olympiad. Academic Achievement Award
Class of 2013
Elizabeth P. Atterbury
Abbigail M. Bealonis
Andrea L.Bealonis
Jeremy W. Burnheimer
David J. Carney
Joshua J. Cavrak
Jill A. Clark
Sarah B. Clark
Toni H. Costa
Kirsten E. Coyle
Taylor M. Davis
Courtney L. Drennen
Daniel B. Durham
Christiana R. Faucher
Kasia N. Foster
Blaine P. Friday
Tara L. Fritz
Stacee D. Glass
Karli M. Grow
Kara A. Gvozden
Devin R. Helmick
Stephanie L. Hetrick
Bryan R. Hoegg
Dante Horvath
James M. Kane
Sara M. Kimmell
Jill H. Kittka
Lukas A. Kleinmeyer
Seneca L. Koontz
Ryan A. Koul
Mariel N. Kramer
Paige E. Lamberson
Evan T. Louder
Kathryn N. Lynch
Shannon R. Marko
Sarah G. Marley
Mitchell A. McClintock
Leah M. Mercik
Kaitlin A. Mical
Hannah G. Mills
Meghan N. Mock
Joel S. Neff
Jeremy M. Nestor
Margaret E. Oberst
Victoria A. Parlock
Tamires Pasquerilla
Elizabeth A. Petrell
Dominic R. Ramirez
Seth J. Ray
Andrew S. Rizkalla
Erin C. Rodgers
Sarah M. Rogers
Rachel I. Roper
Anthony J. Rosage
Katrina L. Rosage
Madeline N. Sanford
Donald C. Shovestull
Angela R. Sutt
Allison R. Swadley
Madalynn E. Swaltek
Jessica M. Toth
Robert J. Varner
Michael T. Vliet
Jonathan E. Wagner
Melissa J. Walko
Deana L. Werner
Steven P. Zipf
A Few More High School
Scholarship Newsflashes!
School Citizenship Awards
Row 1 – Juniors: Jenna Magistro, Annabeth Faucher, Jamie Kessler, Julie Kittka
Row 2 – Sophomores: Mustafa Hammudi, Mike McDaniel, Britney Smith, Ileana Panebianco
Perfect SAT Writing Score
Jenna Magistro, pictured above, had a perfect SAT score in writing.
Catherine Polito scored a PERFECT 800 on the Critical Reading
section of the October 2009 SAT!
Christiana Faucher was recognized for outstanding SAT scores which
resulted in invitations for a UPJ course
and to apply for a Jack Kent Cook
Christina Atterbury is going to
Russia for 6 weeks this summer, and
Keegan Terek is going to Egypt for 6
weeks this summer, both trips sponsored in full by the U.S. State Department. These are immersion cultural
exchange experiences.
“High School Achievement”
High School Achievement
And it should come as no surprise…
Students of Westmont Hilltop High School
rock in world languages too!
At the Appalachian Language Educators’ Society, or APPLES, Foreign Language Festival held this year at St. Francis University, about 300 students from
more than a dozen area school districts participated in this annual event. The
following chart shows the place-winners.
Jamie Hudson
Senior High2nd Construction Models
Madalynn Swaltek
Junior High 1st French 2
1st 2nd Tie 3rd Art/Reproduction Composition
Listening Comprehension
Speaking Proficiency
Evan Louder
French 23rd Tie 1st 1st Listening Comprehension
Reading Comprehension
Speaking Proficiency
Anthony Rosage Spanish 2 1st 3rd Speaking Proficiency
Jill Clark
Spanish 2
1st Reading Comprehension
Kirsten Coyle
Spanish 2
1st Listening Comprehension
Erika Von Schrenkel
Spanish 2
Literary Recitation
Nicole Dorn
Spanish 23rd Literary Recitation
Marley Bonner
Spanish 23rd Tie
Reading Comprehension
Robin Miller Spanish 32nd 2nd 3rd 3rd
Speaking Proficiency
Listening Comprehension
Reading Comprehension
Juliana Bukoski Spanish- Adv.
Spanish 5
1st 1st 1st Composition
Listening Comprehension
Reading Comprehension
Christina Atterbury
Spanish 4
1st 3rd Listening Comprehension
Reading Comprehension
Sara Rogerson
Spanish 52nd Listening Comprehension
Zachary del Rosario
Spanish 53rd Tie Listening Comprehension
Spanish 4-52nd Literary Recitation
Luke Corona
Congratulations to all of you.
Scholastic Quiz
Coach John Wood recognized the
WHHS Scholastic Quiz Team at the
Academic Awards Ceremony of 2010.
Excerpts of his acknowledgement follow.
“Westmont Scholastic Quiz had another excellent season this year. Westmont finished third out of 14 teams
in the Central Western Quiz League
and captured the championship of the
annual Science Bowl Quiz competition
held at St. Francis University, with the
help of special advisor and science colleague, Mr. Stephen Lindberg. Westmont Scholastic Quiz also had
their best ever performance at a Saturday NAQT tournament this season.
At the Battle of the Burgh tournament
held on the campus of Carnegie Mellon
University, Westmont finished in the
top quarter of a very challenging field
with an 8 and 3 record while collecting
match wins over much larger schools
such as Moon Area and Altoona High
School. Westmont also fielded a high
school team for the first time in the fall
and spring Knowledge Master Open
Competitions. The Knowledge Master Open is a computerized academic
competition in which hundreds of high
schools nationwide compete and work
as a team to answer a wide range of
academic questions. Westmont finished
first among schools of its size in Pennsylvania in the fall KMO competition,
which was an excellent result for a first
time participant.”
The Scholastic Quiz Team co-captains Zachary del Rosario and
Megan Mulrooney provided excellent
leadership, and seniors Luke Corona
and Emma Noonan were dedicated
team members who contributed to the
many recent successes of the Westmont
Scholastic Quiz Team.
Row 1 – Kiwanis: Kyle Kunkle, Andrea Ghezzi; Gella Family Scholarship:
Juliana Bukoski, Zachary del Rosario (West End Lions Club Honorees)
Row 2 – Azar Scholarship: Mike Young; James Kocher Music: Matt
Wagner; America’s 911 Foundation: Sam Moehler; Key Club: Stephen
“High School Achievement”
High School Achievement
International Classroom Exchange with German Classroom
Mr. Yonko’s class participated in a
pen pal experience and flag exchange
with a teacher from Germany who
visited the United States during the
second semester of 2010. The teacher
is Utz Kloeppelt from Quakenbruck,
Germany. Now the German school’s
homepage is linked to Mr. Yonko’s
homepage and vice versa. Mr. Yonko’s
class sent a United States flag, a Pennsylvania State flag, a copy of the United
States Constitution, Bill of Rights, and
letters and videos from our students
to the German students. Pictured are
Mr. Yonko’s students with the two
flags that the group sent to Germany
later on the day the photo was taken.
In exchange, the German class sent a
German flag, which is now displayed in
Mr. Yonko’s classroom. German teacher Mr. Kloeppelt
said that his class was so grateful for
this first-hand information that they
asked to rename their existing English
Club (the German version of a Foreign
Language Club) to its current new
name, “American Club,” in honor of Mr.
Yonko’s class.
Students display the American Flag and Pennsylvania State Flag that they sent to their German pen pals.
Row 1 – Metz Scholarship: Halan Nu Lam;
Community Arts Center Scholarships: Hannah
Winterscheidt, Jordan Kohler
Row 2 – Unsung Hero: Phil Keilman, Susan Specht;
Challenge Program Ambassadors: Zach Drennen,
Sarah Walko (Absent from Photo – Allied Artist
Scholarship: Allie Mundy)
Row 1 – National School Choral Award: Christine
Weidner, Ashley Schafer; Monstar Music Award: Luke
Young, Annie Rummell
Row 2 – Director’s Award: Josh Slocum, Matt
Wagner, Kirsten Hess, Nick Adams (Orchestra Award),
Jason Dailey
Row 3 – Ken Null Award: Adam Steinbring; Rhythm
and Groove Award: Kyle Hopkins; Samuel Hillard
Award: Michael Gorzelsky (John Philip Sousa
Award), Becca Seigh, Vanessa Stofko.
“High School Achievement”
Middle School Achievement
Academic Best Awards at the
President’s Award
for Educational
Middle School
performance. The outcomes of any
The Academic “Best” Award is for appropriate
challenges and achievement
Grade 8 students only. To be eligible,
students must have attended the
Westmont Hilltop Middle School for all
four quarters of the Grade 8 year. A $100
Savings Bond is awarded to the “Best”
named student in the categories listed
below. Winners are named in the picture
captions and listed in each category below
as well. The money for this award has
been donated by Mr. Abe Beerman. Before
his death in June of 2007, Mr. Beerman
had established an Endowment Fund
to support the Best Awards in memory
of his beloved wife Janet. Mr. and Mrs.
Beerman were obviously very committed
to bringing out the “best” in the young
people of our community.
Row 1 – Carli Huber, Madison Milligan, Alyssa Miller,
Ashlyn Bulas
Row 2 – Aaron Marko, Dorothea Oller, Sydney Ruis,
Rachel Mural, Natalie Fiorica
Science: To qualify for the Science Award,
the student must have an “A” average for
three quarters, participate in all aspects
of class (lectures, labs, question/answer,
discussions), demonstrate leadership,
respect for others, responsibility,
reliability, and a mature attitude.
Civics: The student must demonstrate
scholastic high achievement, citizenship
through school and community
service, responsibility, dependability,
cooperation with others, and initiative
through class participation.
Mathematics: To qualify for the Best
Award in Mathematics, the student
must demonstrate high scholastic
achievement and positive classroom
10 “Middle School Achievement”
opportunities will be considered.
Art: The selected student must display
good citizenship and class participation,
have a positive effect on peers, exhibit
the use of all directions provided with a
high level of creativity, and demonstrate
a significant level of improvement or
Foreign Language: The academic best in
this category must attain high scholastic
achievement, demonstrate excellent class
participation and a positive classroom
attitude, and demonstrate classroom
leadership and reliability.
Music: Participation in at least one
ensemble is required for this award,
along with superior grades in general
music class; the student must possess
leadership, responsibility, a positive
attitude, and dependability.
English: The student in this category must
demonstrate scholarship, leadership,
a positive attitude, class participation,
responsibility, accountability,
dependability, and initiative.
Physical Education: The student selected
in this category must display a
positive attitude toward physical
education, participate to the best of
his or her ability in all activities at all
times, score, at the least, the average
requirement on the National Physical
Fitness Test for Fitness, maintain or
improve his/her score each time he/she
is tested, demonstrate self-discipline,
display sportsmanlike behavior, and
demonstrate responsible, respectful
behavior to peers as a team player.
Academic “Best” Awards Recipients
English – Dorothea Grace Oller
Math – Carli Lynne Huber
Science – Aaron Douglas Marko
Civics – Natalie Anne Fiorica
Foreign Language
French – Alyssa Kali Miller
Spanish – Madison Justine Milligan
Art – Sydney Rhea Ruis
Music – Rachel Andrul Mural
Physical Education – Ashlyn Marie Bulas
Honoring student achievement
and hard work is the purpose of the
President’s Educational Excellence
Award Program. To be eligible for this
award, students must score 92% or
above in grades 5, 6, 7, and the fall
semester of Grade 8 and score at the
advanced level in math or reading on
the Grade 7 PSSA. Students receiving
this award are listed below.
Chelsea Balon
Nicole Barnhart
Colin Barron
Timothy Barry
Ashlyn Bulas
Ian Campbell
Erica Claycomb
Rex Cosgrove
Hannah Dorian
Mattison Evans
Grant Gagnon
Lindsay Geiser
Alex Hockensmith
Carli Huber
Brittany Irwin
Isaac Joseph
Braden Junker
Benjamin Katz
Kayla Lamison
Tori Lehman
Aaron Marko
Alyssa Miller
Andrew Miller
James Miller
Madison Milligan
Courtney Morder
Rachel Mural
Dorothea Oller
Rachelmae Pulliam
Sebastian Ragno
Sean Robb
Sydney Ruis
Cody Sabo
Abbigail Smajda
Timothy Smith
Abigail Stern
Emily Strandquest
Eric Thomas
Molly Thomson
Emily Ward
Matthew Wehner
Ruby Whorl
Bailyn Yost
Ashley Young
Spelling Bee
The annual Scripps’ Regional Spelling
Bee was held this year on January
30th at St. Francis University. Two
middle school girls competed this
year. They are Grade 6: Madison
Hrin (first time competitor) and Grade
8: Dorothea Oller (who has competed
at the regional bee for three years
while attending the middle school).
Dorothea won the regional bee in
Grade 6 and competed at the state
Middle School Achievement
Excellence Award
The Principal’s Excellence Award
is presented to Grade 8 students who
meets the following criteria: Students
must have an academic average of
92% or higher each quarter of grades
5, 6, and 7 in subjects qualifying for
the honor roll. Students must have an
academic average of 92% or higher for
quarters 1 and 2 of Grade 8. Principal’s
Excellence Award winners at the
middle school are:
Nicole Barnhart
Ashlyn Bulas
Rex Cosgrove
Lindsay Geiser
Carli Huber
Isaac Joseph
Alyssa Miller
Madison Milligan
Matthew Wehner
Johns Hopkins Young
Students Talent Search
The Johns Hopkins University
Center for Talented Youth (CTY)
conducts national and international
talent searches to identify outstanding
academic talent. Through the Talent
Search, high-performing students take
a test designed for older students. This
above-grade-level testing can reveal
more about the academic talents
of students. Students who exhibit
outstanding academic talent are
eligible for nomination by educators
and parents. Nomination is an honor
in itself. Below are the honorees.
Grade 5: Venkat Gella earned High
Honors in Verbal and Math Sections
Grade 7: Tristan Aiken, Colleen
Mulrooney - Distinction in Reading,
Nicholas Sturniolo - Distinction in
Math, John Williams
Grade 8: Isaac Joseph, Benjamin Katz,
Rachel Mural, Matthew Wehner
- Distinction in Reading and Math
Principal’s Excellence Award
Row 1 – Lindsay Geiser, Nicole Barnhart, Ashlyn Bulas, Isaac Joseph
Row 2 – Matthew Wehner, Carli Huber, Alyssa Miller, Madison Milligan, Rex Cosgrove
C-Mites of Carnegie Mellon
C-Mites is a program conducted by Carnegie Mellon University for
academically talented students in Grades 3 through 6. Students across
Pennsylvania took the EXPLORE test in late January to qualify for
membership in C-Mites and were distinguished as follows:
Grade 5: Megan Carbaugh, Dodge Kudrna
Grade 6: Rita Bekhash, Bryce Kramer
Correction Corner
“At the source of every error which is blamed on the computer, you will find at
least two human errors, including the error of blaming it on the computer.” (Author
In the previous edition of the Hilltopper Highlights, Brady Shriver should
have been acknowledged for achievement in Continental Math League, and
Riley Shriver should have been honored for the Language Arts Olympiad. We applaud these two students.
“Middle School Achievement”
Middle School Achievement
Middle School Students Strengthen their
Minds and Bodies through Exercise
Competitions such as National Current Events Team, Knowledge Masters,
Word Masters, Spelling Bee, and Continental Math League are offered to students
at the middle school as a way to test their skill against their peers on local, state
and sometimes national levels. Medals and Certificates are signs of outstanding
academic performance in these competitions.
Knowledge Masters
Congratulations to the Knowledge Masters Open Team! In the spring KMO
competition, the Grades 7-8 Team ranked 10th in the STATE of 61 schools. The
Grades 5-6 Team finished 13th of 30 schools in Pennsylvania. They are growing
strong. These highly competitive teams include the following members:
Grade 5:
Brock Bernstein, G. Thomas Brill, Kyle
Drennen, Venkat Gella, Elle Goldblatt,
Daniel Kevenk, Matthew Mostoller,
Laura Mulrooney, Taylor Smitherman,
Rachel Toth, Meredith Trio
Grade 6:
Rita Bekhash, Emily Brazill, Zoe
Goldblatt, Mitchell Hochfeld,
Madison Hrin, Megan Huber,
Sarah Kilpatrick, Ashley Kush,
Monica Lough, Sarah Minnick, Bryan
Mock, Jenna Paratore, Erik Wehner
Grade 7:
MaryJo Beckhash
Grade 8:
Rex Cosgrove, Carli Huber, Isaac
Joseph, Dorothea Oller, Niccolas
Shorto, Matthew Wehner
Technology Club Participated in Computer Fair
There was a new club formed this year at WHMS: Technology Club. Any
student in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade who is interested in technology was able to join
the club. The students worked by themselves or with one or two other students
to create projects for the PA Regional Middle School Computer Fair, which is held
in March at the Penn State, Altoona Campus. The students worked on projects in
the following categories: Computer Fair Logo, Desktop Publishing, Digital Movie,
Graphic Design, and Multimedia. All students chose the category and the topic
for their projects. There were 21 students from WHMS who attended the fair:
Computer Fair Logo Category
Lauren Fregly – 7th grade - 1st Place
Lauren was able to advance to the
state competition held on May 26th at
Dickinson College.
Jonas Geisel, Dylan Kmecak, and Ben
Wiesenbach – 7th grade – 2nd Place
David Williams and Erik Wehner
– 6th Grade
Desktop Publishing Category
John Minnick – 7th grade – Coney
Island Lunch Flyer
Caitlyn Miller, Michelle Concannon,
and Jenna Paratore – 6th grade
– Technology Club brochure
“Middle School Achievement”
Digital Movie Category
Erica Claycomb and Mattison Evans
– 8th grade - “Save the Animals” – 3rd
Corrin Claycomb, Maiya Mastovich,
and Mariah Kozak – 7th grade “Childhood Obesity”
Veronica Petrus – 6th grade –
“Bullying for Bad Grades” – 2nd Place
Graphic Design Category
Zoe Johnson – 7th grade – “CAOW
– Children Are Our World” – 1st Place
Zoe was able to advance to the state
competition held on May 26th at
Dickinson College.
National Current
Events Teams
Students in National Current
Events League commit to seven
months of extensive study of
current events in the news and
weekly discussion meetings on
current events topics. Four times
per year, students across the
country then take a test requiring
analysis and evaluation. Listed are
the students who participated in
this rigorous study.
Grade 5:
medal and certificate
Mitchell Hochfeld certificates
G. Thomas Brill, Lauren Criswell,
Venkat Gella, Elle Goldblatt,
Joseph Hlivko, Daniel Kevenk,
Laura Mulrooney
Grade 6:
Rita Bekhash, Zoe Goldblatt,
Megan Huber, Ashley Kush,
Monica Lough, Sarah Minnick,
Erik Wehner
Grades 7-8
medal and certificate
Devon Gilbert
Timothy Barry, Mary Jo
Beckhash, Rex Cosgrove, Carli
Huber, Emily Kilmartin, Tori
Lehman, Andrew Miller, Emily
Strandquest, Matthew Wehner
Jordan Brant and Ryan Adams – 6th
grade – “Brant’s Driving School” – 3rd
Multimedia Category
Natalie Fiorica – 8th grade – “How
to Choose the Right Path” (College
Admission – PowerPoint)
Claire Gagnon – 6th grade – “Bullying”
Erik Wehner and David Williams
– 6th grade – “The Pittsburgh Zoo”
Middle School Achievement
WordMasters Challenge at the
Middle School
The WordMasters Challenge
is a national language arts
competition. The challenge has
been administered for the past
21 years and is dedicated to the
inspiration of high achievement
in American schools. The process
involves exercises in critical
thinking and the development
of vocabulary through the use of
words that are higher than grade
level expectations in the form
of analogies. Students are tested
on their comprehension of the
definitions and on their ability to
analyze these words in analogies.
Our students consistently excel
in these challenges of learning
new words as they solve logical
puzzles. This year three fifth grade
students earned 20/20 on the final
challenge: Michael Roper, Venkat
Gella, and Matthew Mostoller. On
this particular test 36,980 students
participated and only 140 scored
20/20. In fifth grade there was a tie
for the medal for highest overall
score – Brock Bernstein and
Venkat Gella. The medal winner in
6th grade with the highest overall
score in her grade is Madison Hrin.
She missed only five of 60 analogies
all year. Students who have become
expert “WordMasters” are listed by
grade level. Pictured are the newest
WordMasters in the middle school. Grade 5: medal and certificate
Brock Bernstein, Venkat Gella
Brock Bennett, Kyle Drennen,
Victoria Geiser, Daniel Kevenk,
Matthew Mostoller, Michael Roper,
Taylor Smitherman, John Weidner
Grade 6: medal and certificate
Madison Hrin
Jamie Geiser, Mitchell Hochfeld,
Megan Huber, Bryce Kramer,
Sarah Minnick, Erik Wehner,
David Williams, Zachary Vliet
Grade 7: medal and certificate
Emily Kilmartin
Baylee Bortz, Nicholas Mical,
Francesca Ramirez, Thomas
Grade 8: medal and certificate
Dorothea Oller
Ashlyn Bulas, Rex Cosgrove, Alex
Hockensmith, Brandon Hunsinger,
Isaac Joseph, Alyssa Miller ,
Courtney Morder, Abigail Stern,
Matthew Wehner
Reading Team
One of the best ways to qualify for
any of the awards and recognitions
contained within this newsletter is
to READ, READ, READ! The middle
school students on our reading
teams understand the importance of
reading. The following students have
earned distinction for their reading
Grade 6: certificates
Megan Huber, Sarah Kilpatrick
Grade 7-8: certificates
Natalie Fiorica, Lindsey Geiser, Carli
Huber, Ellis Kane, Emily Kilmartin,
Dorothea Oller, Molly Thomson
Reading Competition Team Grades 7/8
Row 1 – Lindsay Geiger, Sarah Kirkpatrick, Ellie Kane,
Megan Huber
Row 2 – Molly Thomson, Natalie Fiorica, Carli Huber,
Dorothea Oller
Geography Bee
Through Geography Bee, students
learn about the whole wide world
through a study of the multitude of
characteristics of our planet.
School Champion:
WordMasters Grade 5 Team Row 1: Victoria Geiser, Venkat Gella, Brock Bernstein,
John Weidner, Matthew Mostoller
Row 2 – Daniel Kevenk, Taylor Smitherman, Brock Bennett, Kyle Drennen, Michael Roper
Matthew Wehner
Grade 7-8: finalists
Devon Gilbert, Alex Hockensmith,
Carli Huber, Alexander Roper,
Niccolas Shorto, Nora Springer,
Charlie Warner
Geography Bee Grade 5: finalist
Aunna Yingling
Grade 6: finalists
Nora Springer, Erik Wehner
“Middle School Achievement”
Middle School Achievement
Middle School MathCounts
At the middle school, math COUNTS!
Eight students competed in the Regional
MathCounts competition at UPJ.
Participants were Carli Huber, Dorothea
Oller, Hunter Williams, Rex Cosgrove,
David Ketenheim, Baylee Bortz, Sam
Barry, and Sarah Minnick. There
were 18 schools and 132 contestants
at the competition. And we are proud
to say that for the second year in a
row Westmont Hilltop has won the
REGIONAL competition. Carli, Dorothea,
Hunter, and Rex all placed in the top
20 and represented Westmont Hilltop
at the State Competition in Harrisburg,
on March 27th. These four were also
Middle School MathCounts
Row 1 – Bryan Mock, Sam Barry
Row 2 – David Ketenheim, Hunter Williams, Sarah Minnick, Kyleigh Smith, Ashley Kush, David
Williams, Megan Huber
Row 3 – Dorothea Oller, Carli Huber, Rex Cosgrove, Jillian Foster, Mitchell Hochfeld, Baylee Bortz
invited to attend the PSPE (Pennsylvania
Society of Professional Engineers) annual
Grade 6: participation certificate
Mitchell Hochfeld, Megan Huber,
Ashley Kush, Bryan Mock, David
Competed on the school team, regional
competition certificate and red ribbon
Hunter Williams
Regional Competition certificate and
white ribbon
Samuel Barry, Sarah Minnick
Grade 7 & 8: participation certificate
Jillian Foster, Kyleigh Smith
Regional Competition certificate and
white ribbon
Baylee Bortz, David Ketenheim
Competed on the school team, regional
competition certificate and red ribbon
Rex Cosgrove, Carli Huber, Dorothea
Oller, Hunter Williams (6th grade)
Continental Math League Award
Continental Mathematics League is
a national competition with the goal
of helping students improve problem
solving skills by challenging them
with complex multi-step problems. The
following students earned distinction:
Grade 5: medal and certificate
Justin Bulas, Venkat Gella, Daniel
Kevenk, Brionna Lehman, Matthew
Mostoller, Rachel Toth
Brock Bernstein, Victoria Geiser,
Mathilda Santee
Noah Gordon, Alexander Roper,
Kyleigh Smith, John Williams
Grade 6: medal and certificate
Grade 8: medal and certificate
Samuel Barry, Sarah Minnick,
David Williams, Hunter Williams
Lindsey Aman, Zachary Vliet
Grade 7: medal and certificate
Drake Dorian, Nicholas Mical,
Bridget Moyer, Aidan Winterscheidt
Lindsay Geiser, Carli Huber,
David Ketenheim, Dorothea Oller,
Brady Shriver, Miranda Shriver
Grant Bernstein, Brandon
Hunsinger, Matthew Wehner
Middle School Continental Math League Team
Row 1 – Lindsay Geiser, Drake Dorian, Zach Vliet,
Victoria Geiser, Mathilda Santee, Venkat Gella, Brock
Bernstein, Matthew Mostoller, Rachel Toth, Brionna
Lehman, Sam Barry
Row 2 – Sarah Minnick, Justin Bulas, Daniel Kevenk,
David Williams, Nicholas Mical, Lindsey Aman, Hunter
Williams, Kyleigh Smith, David Ketenheim, Miranda
Shriver, Aiden Winterscheidt
Row 3 – Brandon Hunsinger, Noah Gordan, Brady
Shriver, Matthew Wehner, John Williams, Grant
Bernstein, Carli Huber, Dorothea Oller, Alex Roper,
Bridget Moyer
14 “Middle School Achievement”
Middle School Achievement
The President’s Physical Fitness Award
Winners at the Middle School Are . . .
Students in the fitness photographs
are those who have won the President’s
Physical Fitness Award for the first
time at the middle school in Grade 5
and those who have won the award
during all four years at the middle
school. All winners are listed below.
Grade 5
Drake Dorian
Michael Crans
Alexandria Edwards
Brennan Hearn
Sarah Fisher
Allison Hlivko
Lauren Fregly
Josiah Jones
Kyle Geibig
Dodge Kudrna
Maura Glennon
Michael Lamison
Kaylee Grassmyer
Brionna Lehman
Taylor Kaseler
Nicholas McQuillan
Kaylee Keefe
Alexander Miller
Emily Mayket
Jocelyn Pawcio
Adam McQuillan
Alexis Pollock
Nicholas Mical
David Valcheff
Cameron Nulton
Kayla Vizza
Kaitlyn Pawcio
Aunna Yingling
Kyleigh Smith
Sara Suler
Grade 6
Sara Trio
Trent Blackburn
Lily Whorl
Quinn Callihan
Megan Zolnosky
Chase Davis
Austin DeGrange
Grade 8
Evan Dluhos
Chelsea Balon
Katherine Flick
Nicole Barnhart
Megan Graham
Logan Blackburn
Lacey Grassmeyer
Lewis Buchkovich
Chad Held
Ashlyn Bulas
Leah Hockensmith
Tristin Butz
Kohl Henry
Chris Campigotto
Tristin Kresak
Alex Hockensmith
Victoria Louder
Shyleigh Hughes
Monica Lough
Kayla Lamison
Katheryn Marley
Tori Lehman
Sara Minnick
Bradon Lovenduski
Kyler Pyshnik
Noah Marley
Collin Schafer
Cullen McQuillan
Connor Schafer
Alyssa Miller
Alana Somerville
Liam Moran
Joshua Straw
Colton Moser
Sara Stumpo
Alexandra Mostoller
Nollaig Noll
Grade 7
Shayla Salter
Alexis Albert
Timothy Smith
Victoria Bertovich
Taylor Somerville
Sadie Carney
Robert Whitlow
Margaret Clark
Bailyn Yost
Stephen DeMarco
Cody Zimmerman
Grade 5 President’s Physical Fitness Awards (First Time Winners)
Row 1 – Kayla Vizza, Allison Hlivko, Alexis Pollock, Jocelyn Pawcio, Brionna Lehman
Row 2 – Aunna Yingling, Nicholas McQuillen, David Valcheff, Michael Lamison, Brennan Hearn
Row 3 – Alexander Miller, Dodge Kudrna, Michael Crans
Grade 8 President’s Physical Fitness Awards (All 4
years at the MS)
Row 1 – Nollaig Noll, Lewis Buchkovich, Liam Moran
Row 2 – Shyleigh Hughes, Logan Blackburn
“Middle School Achievement”
Elementary Achievement
Continental Mathematics League Top Scorers
The picture captions in the
elementary academic sections of the
Hilltopper Highlights will identify
students who were competitive at
their grade levels and within their
divisions in science, language arts, and
mathematics at both the intermediate
unit and national levels in Continental
Math League Competition and
in the Olympiads. The variety of
Continental Mathematics Grade 3: Amelia Aiken, Jonathan Heider, Francis
Durand, Jonathan Barnhart (2nd place local medal; 2nd place IU 08 medal), Moses
Zeidan (1st place local medal; 1st place IU 08 medal; 1st place national medal)
competitions offered at the elementary
school will encourage students to
gauge their performances on a level
that challenges them beyond the
confines of the school walls.
Continental Mathematics Grade 4: Leo Cosgrove (2nd place local medal),
Ethan Dubnansky, Grayson Moyer (1st place local medal, 2nd place IU 08 medal),
Ariana Santos, Vaughan Kramer
The WordMasters competition is all about vocabulary. WordMasters is designed to increase students’ vocabulary
as they study a different list of words and their meanings weekly.
WordMasters, Grade 3
WordMasters, Grade 4
Front row – Moses Zeidan (1st place local medal), Susie Williams, Mark Oller,
Kayleigh Noll, Maeve Milligan, Rebekah Kevenk
Back row – Anna Gagnon, Amelia Aiken, Austin Gibson, Kyle Gordon
Front row – Leo Cosgrove (1st place local medal), Simon Joseph, Ethan
Dubnansky, Patrick Brown, Ariana Santos
Back row – Hannah Davis, Mackenzie Dunn, Madison Reitter, Vaughan Kramer,
Grayson Moyer
16 “Elementary School Achievement”
Elementary Achievement
Science and Language Arts Olympiads
Students in Grades 2, 3, and 4
participated in the Science and Language
Arts Olympiads. Both of these contests
are based on multiple-choice questions,
which are administered to grade level
groups. Each contest has a time limit
of 35 minutes. There is no limit to the
number of students who may participate.
The sum of the top ten scores for
each competition is the school’s team
score. Questions for the Language Arts
Olympiad are based on the following
topics: spelling, vocabulary, reading
comprehension, analogies, and grammar.
Science Olympiad questions are based on
factual knowledge, as well as students’
understanding of scientific processes.
Language Arts Olympiad Top Ten Grade 4:
Science Olympiad Top Ten Grade 4:
Front row – Patrick Brown, Clinton Sparling, Ethan Dubnansky, Meredith
Winterscheidt, Ariana Santos (1st place local medal; 1st place national medal)
Back row – Vaughan Kramer, Elli Hrin, Hannah Davis, Grayson Moyer, Mackenzie Dunn
Front row – Leo Cosgrove, Kaitlyn Poad, Clinton Sparling, Simon Joseph, Vaughan
Kramer (1st place local medal), Jacob Law
Back row – Weston Porter, Luke Schrum, Ariana Santos, Patrick Brown
Language Arts Olympiad Top Ten Grade 3:
Science Olympiad Top Ten Grade 3:
Front row – Amelia Aiken, Rebekah Kevenk, Moses Zeidan, Sophie Hochfeld, Kyle
Gordon, Susie Williams (1st place local medal; 1st place national medal)
Back row – Julia Bingler, Jonathan Barnhart, Carissa Casale, Maeve Milligan
Front row – David Fleming, Lee Santee, Moses Zeidan, Joshua Reitter, Austin Gibson
Back row – Miracle Kaminsky, Kyle Gordon, Julie Duong, Amelia Aiken, Jonathon
Heider (1st place local medal winner)
Language Arts Olympiad Top Ten Grade 2:
Science Olympiad Top Ten Grade 2:
Front row – Gabrielle Angeletti, Zachary Connor, Michael Buchkovich, Vincent Tabib,
Kara Lynch, Joshua Elders Back row – Grace Misner, Greta George, Lauren Botteicher,
Dylan Roberts-McDonald (1st place local medal; 1st place national medal)
Front row – Max Yonko, Gavin Scott, Adam Raneri, Conrad Suppes, Malcolm
Milligan Back row – Dylan Roberts-McDonald, Grace Misner, Danielle Kramer, Pierce
Martin, Jonathan Kane (1st place local medal; 1st place national medal)
“Elementary School Achievement”
Elementary Achievement
Perfect Attendance
It is an outstanding feat when
a student earns an annual perfect
attendance certificate. The following
elementary school students attended
school every day of the 2009-2010
school year.
Grade 3 Perfect Attendance: Natalie Morman, Alex Miller, Christopher Durham, Paul Nowak,
Sydney Podrebarac, Madison Brant, Casey Moskal, Lindsey Pullin
Perfect Attendance Grade 2: Max Wilkinson,
Janette Nowak
Perfect Attendance Grade 4: Kennedy Welsh, Blake Cassick, Leo Cosgrove, Arianna Santos, Luke
Hilltopper Heroes
These students were identified by teachers and staff for exemplary HERO (which stands for “Helping Everyone by
Reaching Out”) behaviors as part of the elementary school’s Olweus Bullying Prevention Program.
Hilltopper Heroes:
Front row – Jonathan Heider, Nicole Gawel, Blaise Bloom, Jacob Allen,
Maggie Crawford, Grace Gardill, Jillian Andolina, Tanner Civis, Ian Buday,
Jordan Faust, Lauren Lavis
Back row – Jenna Zatsick, Sean Hegadus, Christian Assad, Adam Kush,
Griffin Slagel
18 “Elementary School Achievement”
Hilltopper Heroes:
Front row – Austin Gibson, Leilani Zimmerman, Mya Wilt, Maeve Milligan,
Macey Morrell, Luke Schrum, Arianna Santos, Ethan Binnachio
Back row – Natalie Morman, Alexis Nibert, Tyler Geary, Amelia Aiken, Devin
Boxler, Casey Moskal
Citizenship & Community Recognition
Senatorial Good Citizenship Award
The Senatorial Good Citizenship Award was provided by Senator John Wozniak for elementary students who met the
following criteria: 1) superior academic achievement, 2) leadership capacity, 3) consistent work habits, 4) positive self-image,
and 5) the ability to interact positively with others. Students are nominated by the classroom teacher, guidance counselor,
and principal to receive this honor. Recipients of this award for kindergarten through Grade 4 are presented below.
Senatorial Good Citizenship Award Kindergarten: Front row – Parker Marion,
Norah Panek, Judith Oller, Noah Moser, Julia Kleinmeyer Back row – Liam O’Neil, Ella
Rozich, Penny Lee, Allenna Shellenberger, Felice Panebianco, Ethan Kravitz
Senatorial Good Citizenship Award Grade 1: Aiden McNulty, Lauren Mock,
Madison Knupp, Connor Toth, Amaya O’Donnell, Gavin Cramer, Kallie Williams, Will
Senatorial Good Citizenship Award Grade 2: Front row – Jessika Magulick, Max
Wilkinson, Meghan Smitherman, Malcolm Milligan Back row – Hannah Zalesky, Kara
Lynch, Cassidy Weir
Senatorial Good Citizenship Award Grade 3: Front row – Emily Barkhimer,
Caitlin Short, Sydney Podrebarac, Julie Duong, Casey Moskal Back row – Tyler
Geary, Alexis Nibert, Anna Gagnon, David Leiden, Tristan Rodak
Hilltoppers for Haiti
Senatorial Good Citizenship Award Grade 4: Front row – Jenna Zatsick,
Christopher Hasse, Meredith Winterscheidt, Megan Reitz, Luke Schrum
Back row – Olivia Friday, Griffin Slagel, Hannah Davis, Sam Henry, Garrett Crans,
Zoey Zentkovich
With the leadership of AmeriCorp Instructional
Support Aide Kourtney Penatzer, students at the
elementary school participated in a “Hilltoppers for
Haiti Red and Blue Day!” On January 28, Hilltoppers
for Haiti had raised $1,368.55. The children wore red
or blue shirts, the colors of Haiti’s flag, and brought
donations to help the victims. Contributions were
designated to be used to buy food, medical supplies,
and other necessities for the Haitian people. The Red
Cross issued a certificate of
appreciation to our students.
This poster of the Haitian Flag advertised
the focus of the day. Students also studied
the location, population, vegetation, and
geography of Haiti.
“Citizenship & Community Recognition”
Citizenship & Community Recognition
Math-A-Thon is a fundraiser
which benefits St. Jude Children’s
Research Hospital. Encouraged by
Jamie Petrunak, who coordinated
the initiative at the elementary
school, and Sydney Distefano, who
provided inspiration and leadership
for the students, our elementary
students contributed to the hope
that is so important to the children
who are patients at St. Jude. American Legion
The American Legion Award is
presented by the American Legion
Auxiliary to a boy and a girl in Grade
8. Students earning the award for 2010
are Matthew Wehner and Bailyn
Yost. The criteria used to select the
recipients are listed as follows:
Honor: Strength and stability of
character, high standards of conduct,
keen sense of what is right, adherence
to truth and conscience, and devotion
to duty.
Scholarship: Scholastic attainment,
evidence of industry, and application
in studies.
Service: Kindness, unselfishness,
willingness to lend a helping hand,
protection to the weak, and deference
to the interests and welfare of
associates without hope of personal
Americanism: Active interest in
promotion of love of country.
Leadership: Ability to conduct the
duties of leadership assigned to one as
exemplified in the holding of an office,
participation in committees,
and exhibition of a team attitude.
Courage: The capacity to show moral
courage to stand up for what is right.
Senatorial Good Citizenship Award
Each year at the middle school,
Senator Wozniak provides special
recognition to one middle school
student who demonstrates the
following indicators of outstanding
citizenship: superior academic
achievement, leadership capacity,
consistent work habits, positive selfimage, and ability to interact positively
with others. Molly Rita Thomson has
made us proud.
Senatorial Good Citizenship Award: Molly Thomson
Jefferson Award and Prudential Spirit of
Community Award
Conner Hagins was recognized
by Secretary of Education Dr. Jerry
Zahorchak at the Pennsylvania
Council of Social Studies and was
subsequently awarded the Jefferson
Award for Community Service. Conner
participated in the Jefferson Awards
Youth Summit held in Cincinnati
this year. He attended on a grant
provided by Secretary Zahorchak.
Representative Frank Burns
presented Conner with a citation
for community service from the PA
House of Representatives at the Middle
School Awards Ceremony. Conner
also received the Prudential Spirit of
Community Award.
The Prudential Spirit of
Community Award represents the
largest youth recognition program
based solely on volunteer service
in the United States. Conner has
American Legion Award: Matthew Wehner
20 “Citizenship & Community Recognition”
collected stuffed animals for
hospitalized children over a period of
five years. The initiative has helped
the Alternative Community Resource
Program, the Women’s Help Center,
and Good Samaritan Nursing Care
Conner Hagins receives a citation for community service
presented by State Representative Frank Burns.
American Legion Award: Bailyn Yost
Citizenship & Community Recognition
A Safe, Nurturing
The Westmont Hilltop Middle
School continued its efforts to
maintain a positive, safe, and
respectful WHMS. During the 20092010 school year, we reinforced that
mission, beginning with a “RESPECT
Kickoff and Drug-Free Awareness
Week.” RESPECT stands for “Remember
Every Single Person deserves Equal
Caring Treatment.” The RESPECT
program is a component of the WHSD
Olweus Bullying Prevention Program.
Highlighting the offerings were
presenters from the Johnstown Police
Department, Victim Services, and Mr.
Tim Piccirillo, a nationally recognized
motivational speaker. Students were
given opportunities to work in groups
to promote school pride. The week
concluded with a student and staff
assembly encouraging students to
continue to build on the positive
atmosphere that they created through
their hard work and dedication during
the week.
“Meritorious Attitude & Effort” Awards
Each year, Meritorious Attitude and Effort Awards are given to several
students in each grade. This award is given to students who exhibit a positive
and commendable attitude and give continuous effort in their educational
endeavors. Work ethic is one of the foremost qualities that future employers seek
in prospective employees. Our students are developing excellence in work ethic at
the middle school. Recipients are as follows:
Grade 5
Madelyn Bridges
G. Thomas Brill
Michael Roper
Grade 6
Ryan Adams
Emily Brazill
Inez Panebianco
Grade 7
Baylee Bortz
Noah Gordon
Emily Kilmartin
Kyleigh Smith
Grade 8
Hannah Dorian
Devon Gilbert
Brandon Leech
Alexandra Mostoller
Meritorious Attitude and Effort Awards: Row 1 – Tom Brill, Ryan Adams, Madelyn
Bridges, Devon Gilbert Row 2 – Inez Panebianco, Hannah Dorian, Alexandra Mostoller,
Michael Roper Row 3 – Kyleigh Smith, Baylee Bortz, Noah Gordon, Brandon Leech, Emily
Brazill (Absent from photo Emily Kilmartin)
Multiple Sclerosis
Society Read-AThon
Tim Piccirillo and a 7th Grade student, Tristan Aiken,
from the Middle School RESPECT Kickoff Program.
Devon Gilbert was recognized
at the Middle School Awards
Ceremony for his service to the
Multiple Sclerosis Society. The
Multiple Sclerosis Society hosts a
special event called the MS ReadA-Thon, a program that helps fund
research for treatments and a cure
for multiple sclerosis, a disease of
the central nervous system.
Fleet Reserve Award
At the middle school, a $50
savings bond was presented to Serena
Irene Ramirez on behalf of the Fleet
Reserve Association, a nonprofit
organization comprised of enlisted
personnel of the United States Navy,
Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.
Fleet Reserve Award Recipient Serena Ramirez.
“Citizenship & Community Recognition”
Citizenship & Community Recognition
Perfect Attendance Award
A student with a strong work ethic may not be able to achieve perfect
attendance for many valid reasons; but students with perfect attendance have
certainly demonstrated their determination to succeed through strong evidence
of work ethic and enthusiastic participation. At the middle school, students who
were awarded the Perfect Attendance Award were never dismissed from school
(except for school-related events) and these students were never tardy coming to
school. Punctuality is a noteworthy achievement in addition to their outstanding
attendance records, and it provides an acknowledgement for pre-high school
students who have already developed an important skill that employers will
value upon graduation. The students in the accompanying picture have earned
the perfect attendance award.
Grade 5
Aunna Yingling
Grade 6
Michelle Concannon
Alec Geibig
Gregory Heider
Alana Somerville
Grade 7
John Minnick
Grade 8
Ashlyn Bulas
Devon Gilbert
Aaron Marko
Taylor Somerville
Bullying Prevention is a
Community Initiative
The WHSD invited the community
to an event highlighting the bullying
prevention programs available district
wide (along with issues connected to
cyber-bullying). The district hosted the
event at the middle school entitled “ABC
Night.” ABC stands for Anti-Bullying
Community. Highlighting the evening’s
activities were presenters Karla Good,
the elementary and middle school’s
Olweus Bully Prevention Program
coordinator, and Detective Julie Wagner
of the Johnstown Police Department.
We invited our entire community
to become an ABC (Anti-Bullying
Westy’s Angels
At the middle school, Westy’s
Angels also participated in the
American Cancer Society’s Daffodil
Days. The Angels sold bunches of
daffodils, potted daffodils, and the
Boyd’s Bear with daffodils to benefit the
American Cancer Society. This was only
one example of the fine philanthropic
services that this group is involved with
under the direction of their advisors,
Mrs. Denise Cunningham and Mrs.
Barbara Miltenberger.
Middle School Perfect Attendance: Row 1 – Devon Gilbert, Alana Somerville, Aunna Yingling, Greg
Heider, Alec Geibig Row 2 - Ashlyn Bulas, Taylor Somerville, Aaron Marko, Michelle Concannon, John Minnick
Key Club Award
Stephen Daniel Legath
This year’s Key Club award goes to Stephen Daniel Legath. Key Club, under
the capable leadership of high school teacher Janice Layton, is dedicated to serving
our school and community. This year, Key Club was led by officers Stephen Legath
(President), Andrea Ghezzi (Vice President), Britney Smith (Secretary), Kyle Kunkle
(Treasurer), and Nicole Simmons (Webmaster). The year began with participation
in the 2nd annual Homecoming Community BBQ with hot chocolate sales and the
hit of the night—the fish bowl game. Key Club members served the Senior Citizens’
Luncheon in November. In December, Key Club members baked cookies to raise
money for Cookies for Kids Cancer. Over the winter months, Key Club assisted with
the elementary school blood drive, and sold candy bars for Valentine’s Day with all
of the profits going to a “No-Kill” Animal Shelter. This spring, Key Club participated
in Daffodil Days, assisting in daffodil sales to raise money for the American Cancer
Society. Key Club also assisted in the Spring Campus Clean-up, where members suited
up in safety gear and walked around the high school campus and neighborhood
picking up trash and litter that was left from the winter months. Key Club had a very
successful year and plans to grow in the coming years at Westmont Hilltop High
22 “Citizenship & Community Recognition”
at the Middle School
Grade 5 students at the middle
school raised a total of $4,311.00 this
year alone, and since 2005, the students
have raised $20,574.25 for the patients of
St. Jude’s.
Middle School Collects
Food for the Needy
The Middle School collected over 750
cans of soup, boxes of cereal, and other
canned goods for a local food pantry
and the Women’s Help Center. The food
collection was run in conjunction with a
faculty versus student basketball game,
which was played December 23, resulting
in fun for the middle school and food for
the hungry. Middle school students helped
to collect food daily, count items for the
inventory, and box it for delivery, under
the direction of Miss Jodi Hillegass.
Citizenship & Community Recognition
Community Recognition of Scholarship,
Citizenship, and Service
Westmont Hilltop students honor their parents, school, and community
through academics and service. The community, in turn, recognizes and honors
our students for scholarship, service, and citizenship. Examples of the generosity
and support of the community follow as depicted in the awards and picture
captions on the pages that follow.
United States Air Force
Academy Appointment
Metz & Associates Scholarship
Halan Nu Lam
Taylor Ann Walther
Sergeant First Class Raymond
Richard Buchan Memorial
Michael Joseph Young
Westmont Peace Award
Andrea Marie Ghezzi
American Red Cross
Making a Difference
Educational Scholarship
Nicole Ann Kovach
Brittany Elizabeth Strelnik
Nicole Ann Kovach
Westmont Hilltop Student
Memorial Scholarship Awards
Memorial Award
Kelsey Danielle Layton
Angela Rose Battaglia
Kyle Charles Kunkle
Mitchell and Rebecca Azar
Family Scholarship
Gella Family Scholarship
Westmont Hilltop Educational
Association Scholarship Award
Catherine Hubbard
Susan Michelle Specht
Phillip Keith Keilman
Class of 1947 Westmont/Upper
Yoder Endowment Fund
Catherine Elizabeth Polito
Greater Johnstown Career and
Technology Center
NOCTI Awards
Takesha Lynn Crutcher
Brice Anthony Morneau
Michael J. Rudnac Scholarship
A new award in 2009 is based on
high academic scholarship as well
as a student’s intent to attend one
of four colleges from which Rebecca
and Mitchell Azar have graduated.
Students are awarded a monetary
scholarship. Michael Joseph Young is
the recipient of the 2010 Azar Family
Scholarship Award.
American Red Cross
Blood Drive Scholarship
Watson Unsung Hero Awards
The Challenge Program Award
for Academic Excellence
Margaret Reed Atterbury
Joshua Michael Polacek
Mark Nathaniel
Michael Joseph Young
Christine Carroll Weidner
Rebecca Isabell Barron
Luke Anthony Corona
Juliana Faith Bukoski
Zachary Riggins del Rosario
A new scholarship was offered
this year for the students of highest
academic standing in mathematics
and science. Juliana Faith Bukoski and
Zachary Riggins del Rosario are the
2010 recipients of the Gella Family
Scholarship Award.
The Challenge Program Award
for Community Service
Nicole Ann Kovach
Lauren Marie Matevish
Gina Carmela Rievel
The Challenge Program Award
for Most Improved in Grade
Hannah Katherine Winterscheidt
Halim Nu Lam
Jessica Lynn Coolbaugh
The Challenge Program Award
for Attendance
Westwood Kiwanis Club
Andrea Marie Ghezzi
Kyle Charles Kunkle
Kelsey Elizabeth Suppes
Leah Marie Marko
Nicole Lindsey Dorn
West End Lions Club
Scholastic Awards
Juliana Faith Bukoski
Zachary Riggins del Rosario
Rachel Carson Book Award
Sarah Nicole Walko
School Citizenship Awards
Grade 12
Brittany Elizabeth Strelnik
Megan Louise Walker
Christine Carroll Weidner
Luke Joseph Young
Grade 11
Annabeth Rodgers Faucher
Jamie Lee Kessler
Julia Rose Kittka
Jenna Marie Magistro
Grade 10
Mustafa Hammudi
Michael Robert McDaniel
Ileana Panebianco
Britney Alyssa Smith
Grade 9
David James Carney
Taylor Morgan Davis
Justin R. Gindlesperger
Stacee Danielle Glass
“Citizenship & Community Recognition” 23
Citizenship & Community Recognition
Senior Project—Basketball for
Special Olympics
The senior project of John Valcheff and Rosie Clark with the support of
Americorps Student Aide and advisor, Martin Vrabel, was to raise money for Special
Olympics through basketball. The project raised over $2,200 for Cambria County
Special Olympics. Numerous individual corporate sponsors helped to make this
donation total so high. The group had a HORSE contest and three-point shootout
contest before the game. Angela Battaglia won the HORSE, and Casey Craig and
Ryan Durham were the co-champions of the three-point shootout. Advisor Martin Vrabel described the most significant action of the game as
follows: “The coaches were down 60-57 with 3 seconds left when Dave Roman drew
up a play for Danny to take the final shot. Jordan DeMarco inbounded the ball to
Danny who made a three-point shot in the corner as time expired to tie the game at
60. The moment was so special that the seniors graciously wanted the game to end at
a 60-60 tie. The coaches and seniors carried Danny off the court!”
Norman Sivi
Rachel Wozniak
Norman Sivi and Rachel Wozniak cochaired the THON event and collaborated
to make this year’s THON a huge success,
with the support of the High School
Student Council and Margaret Atterbury
as president. Proceeds were split between
the American Heart Association and the
Four Diamonds Fund. Student Council led the fundraising
for THON under the direction of
President Margaret Atterbury and
THON chair, Norman Sivi. Rachel
Wozniak also based her senior project
on THON. Rachel and Norman worked
together to make the project a success.
THON raised a little over $7,500 this year
for the American Heart Association.
Senior Project—
Golf for Critical Care
Left to right: Michael Oberst, Rosie Clark, Martin Vrabel, John Valcheff, Daniel Oberst, Patricia
Oberst, Maggie Oberst
Basketball for Special Olympics: (left to right) Tony Battaglia, Ryan Durham, Coach
Bradley Carney, Coach Bryant Fisher, Coach Jodi Hillegass, Daniel Oberst, Coach Dave Roman Jr.,
Jeffrey Papcun, Michael Oberst, Casey Craig, Thomas Callihan, Martin Vrabel, Henry Eisenhuth
“Citizenship & Community Recognition”
Although the Golf Team will be
featured in the sports section of this
newsletter, Westmont Hilltop Golf Team
Seniors Mac Wolfe, Matthew Ponzurick,
and Phillip Keilman deserve honorable
mention for Community Service through
Golf. The students collaborated on a
Senior Project, in the form of a golf
outing at Berkley Hills, for the purpose of
raising funds for the Critical Care Unit of
Conemaugh Health System. More than
25 teams participated in this event. The
three WHSD alumni were featured in
the May 11, 2010 issue of “Care Notes,”
a newsletter of the Conemaugh Health
System, where they were recognized
for their contribution of $2,000 for
Conemaugh Health Foundation’s
Critical Care Unit Campaign. They
will be recognized at a luncheon at the
hospital on August 2, 2010, when their
contributions will be acknowledged by
Mr. Scott Becker, CEO of Conemaugh
Memorial Medical Center.
Performing Arts
Music and the Arts
The Westmont Hilltop School District is committed to academic excellence,
community service, athletics, and the arts, as the interconnections among
the three realms are mutually supportive in the holistic development of the
intellectual, emotional, and interpersonal capacities that enrich our lives. Within
the pages of the Hilltopper Highlights, we emphasize that commitment through
recognition of the involvement of our students as scholars, citizens, artists, and
athletes. In this section, you will note evidence that Westmont Hilltop students
have excelled in Chorus, Band, or Orchestra, and in some cases, all of the above,
and in the visual and performing arts.
The graphic illustrates the philosophy mutually shared
by WHSD personnel in academics, athletics, community
service, and the arts.
The following students were recognized by their school
and community for outstanding performance and
capacity in the arts:
James Kocher
Memorial Music Award
Matthew Thomas Wagner
Community Arts Center
Jordan David Kohler
Hannah Katherine Winterscheidt
Allied Artists Award
Alexandra Noel Mundy
Anne Elizabeth Rummell
Luke Joseph Young
National School
Orchestra Award
Michael David Gorzelsky
Ken Null Memorial Award
Adam James Steinbring
Ashley Anne Schafer
Christine Carroll Weidner
Music Monster Awards
Nicholas Alexander Adams
Jason Timothy Dailey
Kirsten Alexandra Hess
Joshua Ryan Slocum
Matthew Thomas Wagner
Samuel Hillard Outdoor Award
National School Choral Awards
Director’s Award for Band
John Philip Sousa Award
Michael David Gorzelsky
Rhythm & Groove Award
for Jazz Studies
Kyle Harmon Hopkins
County Chorus at
the Middle School
This is the first year since 1993 that
Cambria County has offered a middle
school level county chorus festival.
Westmont Hilltop Middle School had
14 students participate in a wonderful
two-day festival in November that
concluded with an outstanding evening
performance. Our students experienced
nationally recognized conductors and
brought back to our school a new world
of choral experiences. What an honor
for them! This year’s Cambria County
Chorus Festival participants were:
Grade 6
Laken Burkhardt
Leah Hockensmith
Sarah Kilpatrick
Erik Wehner
Grade 7
Maura Glennon
Amanda Martella
Grace McIlhenny
Colleen Mulrooney
Grade 8
Nicole Barnhart
Devon Gilbert
Madison Milligan
Rachel Mural
Emily Ward
Matthew Wehner
Young Artists
The following students’ artwork was
chosen to be displayed at the Greater
Johnstown Young Artists Exhibition.
Artistic Awards were presented by Allied
Artists of Johnstown and the Community
Arts Center.
Grade 6
Quinn Callihan
award winner
Monica Lough
award winner
Chad Held
Ashley Kush
Veronica Petrus
McCabe Rakvin
Emmy Rice
Helen Stern
Gina Yonko
Zachary Yost
Grade 7
Margaret Clark
Grade 8
Brandon Hunsinger
Courtney Morder
Serena Ramirez
Sydney Ruis
Leah Steinbring
Eric Thomas
Ashley Young
Nicholas Alexander Adams
“Performing Arts” 25
Performing Arts
World Peace Art Contest
Westmont Hilltop Middle School
students Kasey Helmick (Grade 7) and
Monica Lough (Grade 6) won first and
second place awards respectively for
their entries in the Rotary World Peace
Art Contest in April. The students, along
with family members, were invited to the
Rotary Recognition Breakfast to receive
their awards. Kasey’s entry depicts a flower where
each of the leaves on the stem represents
one of the continents with all of them
coming together to form one world in
peace. Each leaf/continent has the word
“Peace” written in a different language.
Monica’s entry shows the world in
puzzle pieces. The caption underneath
the puzzle states: “World Peace: It’s No
Kasey’s painting was selected as
one of the top four in the Rotary district,
making her eligible to win the top prize
at the District Awards Banquet.
A Few More Musical “Notes!”
The Chamber Singers secured First
Place in the Madrigal Singing Competition
of the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire…a
first for Westmont Hilltop! Ten of our students qualified for
District Chorus this year at the high
school. They are as follows: Kim Carney,
Marissa Ghantous, Julie Kittka, Julie
Mercik, Sara Rogerson, Annie Rummell,
Ashley Schafer, Keegan Terek, Christine
Weidner, and Luke Young.
At District Chorus in Hollidaysburg,
five WHHS students qualified to attend
Regional Chorus: Kim Carney, Julie
Mercik, Annie Rummell, Ashley Schafer
and Luke Young.
Participating in All-County Band at
the middle school were Grade 7: Sadie
Carney, Jenna Kutchman, and Heaven
Wiley. Grade 8: Aaron Marko, Rachel
Mural, Matthew Wehner, and Robert
Samuel Whitlow. Congratulations to the Indoor Color
Guard for taking home 1st place out of 8
groups at the Windber Competition!
In the middle school, Georgann
Carnevali, Bryan Mock, Jenna Paratore,
Jarod Shark, Jenna Toth, Erik Wehner,
and Hunter Williams were selected
for an elite Grade 6 concert band called
26 “Performing Arts”
Anything Goes
Westmont Hilltop went full steam
ahead with the musical production
of Cole Porter’s Anything Goes. Each
year, it is difficult to imagine a musical
being any better than the show of the
year at WHSD. The musical of 2010
was no exception. It was spectacular! With talented students in the cast, and
Ms. Beth Good in charge of pulling
it all together, how can the musical
fail to live up to expectations as a
premier production? Congratulations
to Ms. Good, who was recognized as
the Pennsylvania Music Educators’
Association honoree for District VI in
Pictured is the cast of Anything Goes. Each and every member of the cast and crew provided the perfect
ingredient for an amazing production, resulting from teamwork and collaboration!
Theatre Club
The Theatre Club experienced well-deserved applause and ovations this
year for entertaining the community with inspiring and enjoyable theatrical
performances. In the fall, the group attended Western Division of the
Pennsylvania High School Speech League Competition located in Pittsburgh, and
performed The Sandbox by Edward Albee. The performers were Edward Dreikorn
as the lifeguard, Annabeth Faucher as Grandma, Christine Weidner as Mother,
and Andrew Kilpatrick as Father. Under the direction of Mrs. Jacqueline Flack,
the Club performs three one-act plays and one full-length play annually. The fulllength play of 2010 was American Daughter by Wendy Wasserstein.
The cast of American Daughter.
“BandFest.” These students rehearsed with
students from 25 other school districts
and performed in a concert.
The Westmont Hilltop Chamber
Singers were invited to perform with
the American Idol Holiday Tour at the
Pasquerilla Performing Arts Center
on the UPJ campus in December. It
was a terrific performance as well as a
wonderful experience for our students
who performed two a cappella numbers
on their own and also backed vocals with
the stars who were selected for the finale
of American Idol.
Athletic Recognition
2010 Outstanding Male Athletic Award
Kyle Kunkle
Kyle Kunkle earned nine varsity letters as a student-athlete at Westmont
Hilltop – four in soccer, four in track and field, and one in basketball. As senior
captain on the 20–2 Hilltopper soccer team, Kyle led his team to the Laurel
Highlands Athletic Conference Championship, the District 6 Championship,
and to a berth in the PIAA State Soccer Tournament. As an individual, Kyle was a
four-year starter and a two-year captain. In both the 2008 and 2009 seasons, he
was named the Corona & Grady Coaches’ Outstanding Boys’ Soccer Player and
selected to the LHAC All-Conference Team as a center-midfielder.
During the basketball season, Kyle won a varsity letter as a senior captain
and helped lead his team to the District 6 semi-finals and a 3rd place finish,
qualifying Westmont for PIAA State playoffs. The team finished with a 15–13
overall record. As a defensive specialist, Kyle was routinely responsible for
guarding the opposing team’s most dangerous outside scoring threat, which
earned him the John Khuri Memorial Award.
Kyle earned letters in each of his four years in track and field. As a middledistance runner, he qualified for the PIAA State Track Meet as a freshman on the
4 X 800-meter relay team and as a senior in the 800-meter run after placing 3rd
at the 2010 District 6 Track Meet. Kyle set the school record his senior year in the
800-meter run with a time of 1:59.7 at the District 6 Meet in Altoona. During his
career he was twice named a member of the LHAC All-Conference Track Team,
2010 Outstanding Male Athletic Award:
and was the recipient of the Herdman-Daily Outstanding Boys’ Track Award in
Kyle Kunkle
Kyle was the Senior Class President, a member of Westmont Hilltop’s National
Honor Society, and was in the Top Ten of his graduating class. He will attend Duke University in the fall, where he will
pursue his education and continue his love for sports, participating in club soccer and becoming a Cameron Crazie,
cheering for the Duke Basketball Team.
2010 Outstanding Female Athletic Award
Kayla Vliet
Kayla Vliet earned eleven varsity letters as a student-athlete at Westmont
Hilltop–four in soccer, four in basketball, and three in track and field. During her
senior year, Kayla served as a captain in both soccer and basketball.
In soccer, Kayla was a three-year starter and was named to the Laurel
Highlands Athletic Conference All-Conference Team following her sophomore
season. In basketball, Kayla started for 3 years. As a senior, Kayla was selected
to the Ameriserv Financial Senior Showcase All-Star game held at the University
of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. As a freshman, she was a member of the Westmont
Hilltop girls’ squad that played in the Western Conference championship game
in the AA Division. In track and field, Kayla qualified for and competed at the
District 6 Meet in Altoona as part of the 4 X 100 Relay Team.
Kayla will attend West Virginia University in the fall to further her education.
2010 Outstanding Female Athletic Award:
Kayla Vliet
“Athletic Recognition”
Athletic Recognition
Sports Recognition and Awards
David Coulson Award
Outstanding Football Player
Casey Katzenstein
David J. Murphy Award
Outstanding Hockey Player
Corey Schafer
Joshua Duplin
Claycomb Coach’s Award
Outstanding Wrestlers
Tanner Hough
Joshua Polacek
Skip Pristow Award
Outstanding Boys’ Basketball Player A.J. Rievel
Kyle Kunkle
Khuri Family Fund
John Khuri Memorial Award
William A. Askey Outstanding Volleyball PlayerRebecca Barron
Jason Dean
Herdman-Dailey Award
Outstanding Boys’ Track
Brittany Davis
Herdman-Dailey Award
Outstanding Girls’ Track
Miranda Moser
Lori Blackburn Memorial Award Girls’ Track Team Dedication
Rachel Rajter
Boys’ Track Team Dedication
Ryan Kesslak
Jason Dailey
Herdman Family
Herdman Scholarship Outstanding Runner
Parag Dharbhamulla
Robert A. Gleason Award
Outstanding Boys’ Tennis Players
Aaron Miller
Adele Dovey Award
Outstanding Girls’ Tennis Player
Rachel Wozniak
Leah Young
Angela Sutt
John P. Horty Award
Outstanding Softball Player
Ellwood Ailes Award
Outstanding Baseball Player
Benjamin Legath
Dr. Michael Sewak Award
Outstanding Girls’ Basketball Player Sara Rogerson
Ginger Bezek
Ginger Bezek Scholarship
Sara Rogerson
Outstanding Boys’ Cross Country Jason Dean
Outstanding Girls’ Cross Country
Rachel Rajter
Mac Wolfe
Dr. William J. Hargreaves Award Outstanding Male Golfer
Dr. William J. Hargreaves Award Outstanding Female Golfer
Brittany Carney
Julia Wolfe
Kyle Kunkle
Corona & Grady Coaches’ Award Outstanding Boys’ Soccer Player
Jamie Kessler
John Saracena Coach’s Award
Outstanding Girls’ Soccer Player
Nicole Kovach
Outstanding Girls’ Swimmer
Outstanding Boys’ Swimmer
Ray Ward
Margaret Atterbury
Karen Askey Owens Pote
William A. Askey Scholarship
PIAA District 6
District 6 Sportsmanship Award - Female Nicole Kovach
PIAA District 6
District 6 Sportsmanship Award - Male Kyle Hopkins
Outstanding Female Athlete Award Kayla Vliet
Kyle Kunkle
Outstanding Male Athlete Award
Milt Lantz Family
Milt Lantz Scholarship
Trevor Kushner
Row 1 – Outstanding
Hockey Player: Corey Schafer;
Outstanding Girls’ Basketball
Player: Sara Rogerson;
Outstanding Female Athlete:
Kayla Vliet; William A. Askey
Award: Margaret Atterbury;
Outstanding Softball Player:
Angela Sutt
Row 2 – Outstanding Baseball
Player: Benjamin Legath;
Outstanding Boys’ Basketball
Player: A.J. Rievel; District 6
Sportsmanship Award: Kyle
Hopkins, Nicole Kovach
28 “Athletic Recognition”
Row 1 – Outstanding Girls’ Track: Brittany Davis;
Outstanding Male Athlete/Outstanding Boys’
Soccer/John Khuri Scholarship: Kyle Kunkle
Row 2 – Track Team Dedication: Rachel Rajter,
Miranda Moser, Ryan Kesslak
Row 1 – Outstanding Girls’ Cross Country: Rachel
Rajter; Outstanding Boys’ Track/Outstanding
Boys’ Cross Country: Jason Dean; Outstanding
Girls’ Golfer: Julia Wolfe, Brittany Carney
Row 2 – Herdman-Dailey Award: Jason Dailey;
Outstanding Boys’ Golfer: Mac Wolfe; Outstanding
Girls’ Soccer Player: Jamie Kessler; Outstanding
Football Player: Casey Katzenstein
Row 1 – Outstanding Boys’ Tennis: Aaron Miller,
Parag Dharbhamulla; Outstanding Girls’ Tennis:
Rachel Wozniak, Leah Young
Row 2 – Outstanding Wrestler: Joshua Duplin
(absent: Joshua Polacek, Tanner Hough); Milt Lantz
Scholarship Award: Trevor Kushner; Outstanding
Volleyball Player: Rebecca Barron; Outstanding
Boys’ Swimmer: Ray Ward; Outstanding Girls’
Swimmer: Nicole Kovach
Athletic Recognition
WHSD Aced the Game of Golf this Year—
As Usual!
Westmont Hilltop Golf Teams have had 27 undefeated seasons since 1960. This
year, the Westmont Hilltop Golf Team of Andrew Herbert, Phillip Keilman, Patrick
Lennon, and Mac Wolfe placed FIRST in the Anderson Memorial Tournament.
The team of Andrew Herbert, Phillip Keilman, Patrick Lennon, Daniel Wolfe,
and Mac Wolfe placed FIRST in the PIAA Western Sectionals. Patrick Lennon had
the lowest score in PIAA Western Sectionals and was the medalist in the Anderson
Memorial. The WHSD Golf Team placed second in the Wheeling Tournament and
third in the Laurel Highlands Championship. Mac Wolfe has completed his final year on the golf team and has excelled as a
medalist many times over in the tournament events in which he has participated.
The teams to which he contributed have been Sectional Champions and Laurel
Highlands Champs, and those teams have historically been champions of the
Anderson Memorial and the Wheeling Tournament. This year, Mac qualified for
PIAA Western Regionals. He was recognized for outstanding representation of the
school district in Sectionals and District Level Golf competition. Julia Wolfe will be missed as one of four girls on the Westmont Hilltop Team and
was named outstanding female golfer of 2009-2010, along with Brittany Carney,
who will return next year.
Westmont Hilltop Golf Team: Anderson Memorial Champions, Laurel Highlands
Conference Champions, 9-1 Season Record
Sports Newsflashes
A Brief List of Notable Accomplishments
by Some of our Athletes
Boys’ Soccer
The Boys’ Soccer Team won the LHAC
Athletic Conference Championship and
the District 6 Championship.
Kyle Kunkle was named the LHAC AllConference Selection Winner in Boys’
All-District Team choice in Volleyball.
She led the team with the highest hitting
percentage, the most kills, the most
service aces, and the most blocks.
Boys’ Cross Country
Jason Dean was the LHAC AllConference Selection Winner in Boys’
Cross Country.
Girls’ Cross Country
Rachel Rajter was the LHAC AllConference Selection Winner in Girls’
Cross Country and advanced to state
level competition.
Girls’ Soccer
Jamie Kessler was named LHAC AllConference Selection Winner in Soccer.
Nadin Suler was the LHAC AllConference Selection Winner in
Girls’ Tennis
Rachel Wozniak was the LHAC AllConference Selection Winner in Girls’
Garrett Lucas has been invited to play in
the 7th Annual 2011 All-American Bowl
Game Classic on December 31, 2010 in
Daytona Beach.
Andrew Herbert and Corey Schafer
were selected to play in the PIHL All-Star
Game in January.
The Varsity Wrestling Team won the
Team Title in the Annual Conemaugh
Township Wrestling Tournament.
The following wrestlers qualified for the
PIAA State Wrestling Championships
in Hershey: Joshua Polacek, Tanner
Hough, Trevor Kushner, Ryan
Burnheimer, and Joshua Duplin.
Polacek and Hough finished 4th in the
state, and Duplin finished in 5th place
Zachary Ryan was the LHAC AllConference Selection Winner in Boys’
The Boys’ Soccer Team advanced to state
level competition.
Girls’ Volleyball
Rebecca Barron was the LHAC AllConference Selection Winner and an
“Athletic Recognition” 29
Athletic Recognition
Thanks to the Varsity Cheerleaders
Supporting all sports through all
seasons are the Westmont Hilltop
Cheerleaders! Pictured is the
Varsity Team of 2009-2010.
Row 1 – Catherine Walsh, Brittany
Row 2 – Carly Stump, Nicolle Komara,
Lynn Kimmell, Tracy Yanosky
Row 3 – Cheyenne Kovach, Madalynn
Swaltek, Victoria Albert, Amber Harden,
Alicia Feight (coach)
The Girls’ and Boys’ Swim Teams made a big cool splash this year, as usual.
There were fifty-three swimmers on the team this year, and the girls won the
CWACC with a perfect 13-0 record. This is the second consecutive year that the girls
have had an undefeated season. The girls’ team of fifteen swimmers and one diver
continued their success by winning the District 6/9 Regional Competition at Penn
State. Congratulations to the Girls’ Swim Team on their first place finish at Regional
Competition and to the Boys’ Swim Team for their 4th place finish in the conference
and 5th place in Regional Competition, all under the coaching of Mr. Jay Hicks. The team sent 8 girls and 4 boys to States at Bucknell. The Westmont Hilltop
Swimmers were the District 6 Champions and topped that by becoming the North
Central Region Champs! State level competitors were: Marinanicole Miller for the
200 and 500 Freestyle; Nichole Kovach for the 50 and 100 Freestyle; Naofa Noll for
the 200 Individual Medley and 100 Butterfly; Kara Kovach for the 100 Freestyle;
Julia Wolfe, Kara Kovach, Nichole Kovach and Kasey Azar for the 200 Freestyle
Relay; Elizabeth Atterbury, Ashley Schafer, Naofa Noll and Nichole Kovach for
the 200 Medley Relay; Naofa Noll, Nichole Kovach, Marinanicole Miller and Julia
Wolfe for the 400 Freestyle Relay; Ryan Koul for the 50 Freestyle; Ray Ward for the
200 Freestyle; and Paul Nathaniel, Robert Nickels, Ryan Koul and Ray Ward for
the 200 Freestyle Relay.
The Westmont Hilltop Swim Team with Coach Jay Hicks
30 “Athletic Recognition”
Thank You, Coach
Sue Minchau
Mrs. Sue Minchau retired as Girls’
and Boys’ Tennis coach in 2010,
concluding nearly three decades of
dedicated service to the district. Mrs.
Minchau put Westmont Hilltop Tennis
“on the map,” beginning with the Girls’
Tennis Team in 1981. Three years later,
she became the Boys’ Tennis Team
coach and served both teams until
her retirement this school year. Every
season was a winning season under Mrs.
Minchau…for twenty-nine consecutive
Mrs. Minchau has been supportive
of the development of a team which
displays fine sportsmanship. This is
even more important to the development
of young athletes than the impressive
record of successful tennis that the
district has attained because of the
efforts of this devoted coach. For Sue
Minchau, tennis is a life-long passion. It is not often that we have the
privilege of thanking a coach for three
decades of service to one district.
This is the year we say “THANK YOU,
Mrs. Minchau!” With the deepest
gratitude, we thank Mrs. Minchau for
understanding the connections among
athletics, sportsmanship, academics,
and honor. You have served us honorably,
Mrs. Minchau, and we are deeply grateful
for your service.
Coach Sue Minchau (back row) with The Westmont Hilltop Tennis Team
Athletic Recognition
Award Winner is . . .
Westmont Hilltop!
Boys’ Varsity Soccer Team: Laurel Highlands Athletic Conference Champions
Although the Hilltopper Highlights
is dedicated to student achievement, it
is necessary on occasion to recognize
the wonderful men and women who
nurture and teach our student athletes
so that generations to follow will have
the capacity to give back in kind. Thanks in particular are extended
this year to all coaches who contributed
to the district’s attainment of the
LHAC Sportsmanship Award, and
especially to Athletic Director Kathleen
Masiello and Assistant Athletic Director
Thomas Callihan for their leadership in
Sportsmanship. • Coach Joseph Shorto was named
LHAC Coach of the Year for Golf.
• Coach Steve Meehan was named
LHAC Coach of the Year for Boys’
• Nicole Kovach and Kyle Hopkins
were the recipients of the PIAA
“Sportsmanship: Let it Begin with Me”
program. The students were selected
as representatives of our district’s
quest to honor our school through
Boys’ Varsity Soccer Team: District 6 Champions
Kushner Carries On
2010 graduate Trevor Kushner
will be wrestling for the West
Virginia Mountaineers this coming
season, carrying on quite a tradition
for the Westmont Hilltop wrestlers
under Coach Matthew Beaujon. Trevor
is the sixth wrestler since 2007 to
continue his wrestling career on a
Division I level. Those other five
wrestlers include the following: Kyle Patton (2007) - University of
TJ Polacek (2008) - University of
Michael Brant (2008) - US Naval
Zachary Bennett (2009) - University of
North Carolina
TJ Keklak (2009) - Kent State University
Trevor Kushner will be wrestling for the
West Virginia Mountaineers this coming
“Athletic Recognition”
General Information
Sources of Funding
The Westmont Hilltop School District received funding from the
following federal and state sources and publicizes receipt, as follows
for the 2010-2011 school year:
Title I: $207,212
American Recovery & $ 118,046
Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
(divided over a 2-year funding period)
Title II: $47,434
Accountability Block Grant $126,307
IDEIA $188,261
IDEIA (ARRA) $ 198,992
(divided over a 2-year funding period)
Title I provides our elementary Title I program. Title II provides a
portion of an extra teacher’s salary in the elementary school, which helps
with class size reduction. The Accountability Block Grant funds early
childhood initiatives and the implementation of full-day kindergarten.
IDEIA Funding is dedicated to special education staffing and related
support services for children.
Senior Residents
Have V.I.P. Status
Each year we are pleased to
acknowledge and thank senior
residents for their contributions to our
educational system. Our Senior V.I.P.
community members cheer in our
stadiums, encourage our youth, and
support our educational processes in
a myriad of ways. The V.I.P. program
(Very Important Person) passes are one
way we try to accomplish that goal.
Seniors enjoy free admission to all
school-related athletic events. The only
exceptions are hockey games played
at the Cambria County War Memorial
and the annual musical. If you are a
senior resident, age 62 or older, you are eligible to a V.I.P. pass. To obtain
one, please contact the district office at 814-255-6751.
32 “General Information”
The Vision
The Mission Statement of the Westmont Hilltop
School District is regularly posted on mailings
and online publications of the district. Whereas
we frequently publish our mission, we speak less
frequently of our vision, which embodies the
principles that guide us in goal setting and action
planning. We would like to take this opportunity
to share the vision that the Strategic Planning
Committee, comprised of students, teachers,
administrators, board members, and business
community leaders has established for the district.
This vision will serve as our roadmap for the 20102011 school year.
Collectively, we envision a district . . .
where all students learn in a healthy, safe, and nurturing environment and where students are equipped with the knowledge that healthy lifestyle choices are essential in reaching their optimal learning potential.
where educators deliver the highest standards of teaching to maximize opportunities for student success.
where all stakeholders become increasingly aware of educational processes as well as both the protective factors and the risk factors inherent in the home, neighborhood, and school environments.
where students receive a well-rounded experience through involvement in the academics, the arts, and extracurricular experiences.
where students learn evaluative skills and develop increasing capacity to draw their own conclusions through effective application of higher order thinking and the development of problem-solving skills.
where all students assume a responsibility to learn, each having unique strengths and weaknesses, differing learning styles, and differing rates of retention.
where all teachers have a responsibility to differentiate instruction based on the varying needs of their students.
where a culture of continuous learning and improvement is fostered through quality leadership.
that values and models all aspects of lifelong learning, professional growth, continual improvement, and a commitment to researching and implementing best practice in our schools.
that encourages and rewards community service by providing a wide range of opportunities and recognizes students for their efforts in pro-social involvement and community service.
that provides mentoring and shadowing experiences via community partnerships that will enhance career exploration and through which students become aware of the high value that employers place on a strong work ethic, accountability, and ownership in the organization as a whole.
that prepares all students for successful integration into the global society through acquisition of technological competencies and facility in languages other than English.
that maximizes utilization of human and fiscal resources through artful use of infrastructure.
that continues to strive to upgrade its facilities, equipment, and personnel competence in order to provide a premier program where curriculum is rigorous and relevant with quality and effectiveness as high priorities.
General Information
Annual PSSA Performance Posting
Percentage of Students Proficient and Advanced
The chart below indicates the
percentage of Westmont Hilltop
School District students scoring in the
advanced and proficient ranges relative
to the 2003-2014 PSSA Target goals
as established by the Pennsylvania
Department of Education. This date is
used to determine whether the district
has met adequate yearly progress
goals (AYP). The chart below presents
Parents will receive more detail
during a variety of opportunities
throughout the current school year,
beginning with back-to-school events.
a longitudinal picture of the district’s
progress relative to the targets.
Additional information for all
parents will be forthcoming at the
beginning of the 2010-2011 year. The
following chart provides a district-wide
picture of progress over time. Blank
cells indicate that a particular grade
level was not tested during the school
Targets Percent of
Percent of
Spring of: Reading 3
Performances Performances
Target Goal Set Target Goal Set
by State
by State
“General Information”
General Information
34 “General Information”
Westmont Hilltop School District
2010-2011 School Year
Annual Public Notice 2010
Helping Children with Special Needs
General Information
The Westmont Hilltop School
District provides pre-referral and
special education services to children
with special needs. There are two
important resources for parents and
community members to help in
deciding whether students need extra
help or special services and, if so, what
services are available and how to take
advantage of them. The links to this
information, along with a description
of the type of information available are
listed below.
For more information, please call
your school guidance counselors,
nurses, or building principals as
follows: High School—255-8726,
Middle School—255-8704, or
Elementary School—255-8707.
At the link below, community
members will find information about
contact people, student support teams,
signals that children may need special
education, types of services available,
educational programs for parents, and
helping children in crisis situations.
You may access this site online from
any public library computer, or call the
school if you need online assistance:
The Intermediate Unit 8 provides
an Annual Public Notice of Special
Education Services and Programs
in the State of Pennsylvania that
is publicized in local newspapers,
but also available at the following
Note: The district is in the process
of a major website revision. If the
address to this link changes, we will
notify parents during the course of the
upcoming school year. This site includes information
regarding the Pennsylvania
Department of Education’s
responsibility to ensure that all
children with disabilities residing
in the Commonwealth, including
children with disabilities attending
private schools, regardless of the
severity of their disabilities, and who
are in need of special education and
related services, are identified, located,
and evaluated. This responsibility is
required by a federal law called the
Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act Amendments of 2004 (IDEA
‘04). It provides details about special
education law, the Family Education
Rights and Privacy Act, and the types
of programs that are available for
students who have been identified as
being in need of specially designed
instruction and have one or more
of the following physical or mental
Mental Retardation
Visual Impairment
including Blindness
Emotional Disturbance
Multiple Disabilities
Other Health Impairment
Hearing Impairment
Orthopedic Impairment due to
Chronic or Acute Health Problems
Specific Learning Disability
Traumatic Brain Injury
Developmental Delay
Speech and Language Impairment
The processes of early intervention, screening services, evaluation, and educational placement are explained along with
the types of services and levels of support. Information regarding parents and students’ rights and protections are detailed
including issues of privacy and confidentiality, and procedures to be followed if you feel that rights have been violated. “General Information”
Westmont Hilltop School District
827 Diamond Boulevard
Johnstown PA 15905
Return Service Requested
Westmont Hilltop School District Directory Information 2010
Board Of Education
Mr. Mitchell G. Azar: President
Mr. George P. Wolfe: Vice-President
Mr Robert A. Gleason III: Treasurer
Mrs. Phyllis G. Forman, Dr. Kamal V. Gella, Dr. Gary S. Kramer, Mrs. Diana L. Schroeder,
Mrs. Leah S. Spangler, Mr. Joseph W. Veranese, Mr. Gregory T. Sanford: Secretary (Non-Member)
District Administrative Staff
Dr. Susan J. Anderson, Superintendent
Mr. Steven D. McGee, Assistant Superintendent
Mr. Gregory T. Sanford, Business Manager
Mr. Joseph P. Molnar, Technology Director
Mr. Daniel P. Ream, Facilities Manager
Elementary School
Building Administrative Staff
Mr. Matthew P. Thomas, High School Principal
Mr. Thomas R. Mitchell, High School Assistant Principal
Mrs. Nicole D. Kuzmiak, Middle School Principal
Mr. Edward W. Benning, Assistant Middle School Principal
Mr. Samuel J. Brunatti III, Elementary School Principal
Administrative Offices
827 Diamond Boulevard, Johnstown PA 15905
Phone: 814-255-6751 Fax: 814-255-7735 E-mail: Dr. Susan Anderson, Superintendent,
Middle School
Mission Statement
The mission of the WHSD, in partnership with our community, is to prepare each student to be an informed,
ethical, responsible adult in a changing and competitive global society, through high expectations and a
challenging educational program offering knowledge and skills within a safe, nurturing environment.
Civil Rights Statement
The Westmont Hilltop School District, an equal opportunity employer, will not discriminate in employment, educational
programs or activities, based on race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, ancestry or disability. Publication of this
policy in this document is in accordance with state and federal laws including: The Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended,
Title IV, Title VI, Title VII, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Sections 503 & 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973, and the American Disabilities Act of 1992.
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High School