1326 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. 22, NO. 3, JULY 2007 Prony-Based Optimal Bayes Fault Classification of Overcurrent Protection Jawad Faiz, Senior Member, IEEE, Saeed Lotfi-fard, Student Member, IEEE, and Saied Haidarian Shahri Abstract—The development of deregulation and demand for high-quality electrical energy has lead to a new requirement in different fields of power systems. In the protection field, this means that high sensitivity and fast operation during the fault are required while maltripping of relay protection is not acceptable. One case that may lead to a maltrip of the high-sensitive overcurrent relay is the starting current of the induction motor or inrush current of the transformer. This transient current has the potential to affect the correct operation of protection relays close to the component being switched. In the case of switching events, such transients must not lead to overcurrent relay operation; therefore, a reliable and secure relay response becomes a critical matter. Meanwhile, proper techniques must be used to prevent maltripping of such relays, due to transient currents in the network. In this paper, the optimal Bayes classifier is utilized to develop a method for discriminating the fault from nonfault events. The proposed method has been designed based on extracting the modal parameters of the current waveform using the Prony method. By feeding the fundamental frequency damping and ratio of the 2nd harmonic amplitude over the fundamental harmonic amplitude to the classifier, the fault case is discriminated from the switching case. The suitable performance of this algorithm is demonstrated by simulation of different faults and switching conditions on a power system using PSCAD/EMTDC software. Index Terms—Fault, optimal Bayes classifier, overcurrent relay, prony method, switching. I. INTRODUCTION T RANSIENT analysis of the induction motor starting and transformer energizing and their effects upon the performance of other power system components have been proposed as a major research topic for many years, such as studying the voltage sag due to motor starting and transformer energizing [1] and proposing a solution to prevent the maltripping of differential relays due to transformer energizing at startup [2], [3]. The development of deregulation in power systems leads to a higher requirement on power quality and introduces new requirements in various power system fields. In the area of relay protection, this means that faster protection is needed, while the maltripping of relay protection is not acceptable. Faster protection can guarantee that when an abnormal operation mode occurs somewhere in a power system, such as the voltage sag due to faults, it could be quarantined quickly, so as not to propagate to the rest of the system and cause instability. To accomManuscript received January 10, 2006; May 2, 2006. This work was supported by the University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. Paper no. TPWRD-000022006. The authors are with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran 1439957131, Iran (e-mail: jfaiz@ut.ac.ir). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2006.886794 plish this, a relay protection should be sensitive enough. Unfortunately, high sensitivity sometimes causes maltripping of relay protection when there is no fault in the system. In a deregulated power market, this directly leads to penalty compensation to the users that suffer from the blackout [4]. Therefore, identification of the factors that produce these maltrips and the introduction of procedures to discriminate them from the real fault cases are very important. In [4], the factors producing these maltrips in the viewpoint of overcurrent relays have been investigated. Power system switching, such as induction motor starting and transformer energizing, is the most important source of maltrips. In [5], a method has been recommended to study the overcurrents due to the switching of the operation of overcurrent relays. But [4] and [5] have not introduced a method that could discriminate these nonfaulty cases from the faulty ones. Normally, in order to prevent maltripping of overcurrent relays due to transients, a longer delay is initiated for relay tripping; therefore, as time passes and the amplitude of the transient current diminishes, the maltripping of the relays is prevented. However, this imposed delay slows down the relay operation during the fault and, consequently, reduces its sensitivity. However, there are different ways for reducing the starting current, such as using autotransformers to step down the terminal voltage and star–delta connection for the stator windings, but high sensitivity of relays can influence the operation of overcurrent relays, particularly when many switchings are considered simultaneously. This may occur in energizing a feeder after it has been disconnected for a long time, which may lead to high starting currents that affect the operation of relays. Also in the case of controlled switching, the starting currents can be diminished theoretically; however, in practice, there are some factors that make it impossible to achieve this goal, such as deviations in circuit-breaker (CB) mechanical closing time, effects of CB prestrike, errors in the measurement of residual flux and transformer core or winding configurations which prevents optimal switching [6], [7]. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce a method to discriminate the switching case from the faulty case. Although an offline method has been presented in [8] for the aforementioned objective, it is most convenient for classification of the recorded data in power-quality applications and not protection purposes. By extensive use of the digital relays, the application of intelligent methods, such as neural networks and fuzzy logic as powerful tools for classification purposes, is being increased. However, a large number of required patterns, retraining requirement subsequent to the addition of new classes and a great deal of computational effort to minimize overfitting is considered as disadvantageous. 0885-8977/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE FAIZ et al.: PRONY-BASED OPTIMAL BAYES FAULT CLASSIFICATION OF OVERCURRENT PROTECTION To reduce the required patterns for the training phase which has a direct relationship with the number of inputs, feature extraction (extracting the feature that could represent different cases as abstract as possible) is the mainstream problem. In this paper, the modal parameters of the current waveform including frequency, damping, amplitude, and phase shift are extracted using the Prony method. By choosing the fundamental frequency damping and ratio of the second harmonic amplitude over the fundamental harmonic amplitude as input, a large reduction in the number of inputs can be obtained. An optimal Bayes classifier as a type of generative classifier is used because of its inherent modular architecture and fewer samples are required compared to discriminative classifiers. The proper performance of the proposed scheme is studied by the simulation of various faults and switching cases (motor starting and transformer energizing) using PSCAD/EMTDC software. Since the recommended algorithm is based on the data obtained from the sampled current, which is normally obtained in the overcurrent relays, it prevents the maltripping of relays without extra cost. II. EFFECT OF SWITCHINGS ON RELAY RESPONSE It should be considered that in the power system when a fault occurs, there are harmonics, interharmonics, and dc components in the current waveform. On the other hand, there are some nonfault events in the system that seem to distort the waveform in a similar way [9]. In this section, the effect of some nonfault switching conditions on the current waveform is studied. A. Transformer Energizing High inrush current is expected when transformers are involved. The inrush current generates a large flux linkage which pushes the transformer magnetizing core deeply into saturation. This results in an extremely large current in the primary side winding, abundant in harmonics. The initial energizing inrush current can reach values as high as 25 times full-load current and will decay with time until the normal magnetizing current value is reached. The decay of the inrush current may vary from as short as 20 cycles to as long as minutes for highly inductive circuits [10]. Another concern about transformer energizing is transient propagation. This normally occurs during transformer energizing, which causes a considerable amount of even harmonics and dc component in the voltage. These disturbances may propagate through transformers to the rest of the system, and be magnified due to the resonance effect. Because of this, the load currents at other busbars can be severely distorted, which might have a detrimental impact on the locally installed current relays. B. Motor Starting Motor starting that occurs in medium-voltage and low-voltage systems is another subject to be considered. The starting of a large induction motor leads to a current, which is typically 5 to 6 times the normal operating current. In fact, the starting current has a very high initial peak which is damped out after a few cycles, normally no more than two cycles depending 1327 Fig. 1. Induction motor direct starting (V = 1 p.u.). of the circuit time constant [11], and after that, drops rapidly to a multiple value of its nominal level, and is maintained during most of the acceleration process. The current is then smoothly reduced to the nominal value that depends on the steady-state motor mechanical load. This trend has been shown in Fig. 1 [12] which indicates the direct starting of a three-phase motor connected to the supply at the worst switching angle. The motor has the following data: 380 V, 7.5 kW, 50 Hz, 1500 r/min , and , where and are the stator resistance and reactance, respectively. Generally, the starting time of an induction motor is less then 5 or 6 s. However, it can be as high as 20 to 30 s for motors having loads with high inertia. This puts a severe strain on overcurrent protection. In addition, undervoltage protection is potentially affected [13]. III. PRONY METHOD The prony method is a tool that has been used in signal processing applications and recently has been introduced to the power system protection field [14]–[16]. Prony is considered as a powerful tool to analyze a signal and extract its modal information. This method can be used to analyze time-independent signal and damped signals. The fact that Prony can handle damped signals and estimate the damping coefficient makes it suitable for applications based on power system transients. Prony calculates the modal information, such as frequency, amplitude, damping, and phase shift; these can be used to reconstruct the original signal or to make inferences about system conditions. The fact that Prony can be used for system stability and protection applications makes it a good candidate for the modern concept of wide-area protection and emergency control [17]. Compared to other oscillatory signal analysis techniques, such as Fourier and wavelet transform, Prony analysis has the advantage of estimating damping coefficients apart from frequency, phase, and amplitude. In addition, it fits the best reduced-order model to a high-order system, both in time and frequency domains. The Prony analysis directly estimates the parameters of the signal by fitting a sum of complex damped sinusoids to evenly spaced sample (in time) values of the output (1) 1328 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. 22, NO. 3, JULY 2007 Fig. 2. Modular architecture of optimal Bayes classifier with parzen-window pdf estimates for ! classes. amplitude of component ; damping coefficient of component ; phase of component ; frequency of component ; total number of damped exponential components. The Prony problem is formulated by knowing the value of in the form of a series of time samples. The the signal problem is solved to estimate the value of parameters of the Prony method such that the squared errors of fitting are minimized. The mathematical details have been reported in [18]. IV. OPTIMAL BAYES CLASSIFIER WITH NONPARAMETRIC ESTIMATION Classification methods, from a general point of view, can be divided into two broad categories, which are the discriminative and generative models. Discriminative classifiers model the directly, or learn a direct map from inputs posterior to the class labels, while generative classifiers learn a model of the inputs and the label of the joint probability and make their predictions by using the Bayes rules to calculate , and then picking the most likely label . Contrary to a widely held belief that discriminative models have lower asymptotic error, a generative model was favored in this work. The reason for this choice is two fold. First, although discriminative models have lower asymptotic error, a generative classifier may reach its (higher) asymptotic error much faster and with fewer samples [19]. The second reason is that the generative classifier inherently admits a modular architecture as shown in Fig. 2, in which to add any other class is as simple as gathering some new data and estimating the class conditional probability distribution functions (pdfs). Density estimation can be approached in three ways depending on the problem specifications [20]. When the underlying data are generated from a known distribution or its form approximately resembles so, one can evidently gain the most advantage from imposing some constraints on the pdf form. This class of algorithms is known as parametric density estimation. Although it makes the estimation problem much simpler, it would not be suitable for models where the constraints do not hold. All parametric densities are unimodal, whereas many practical problems involve multimodal densities. To overcome this problem one can either use mixture density models, which are somewhat semiparametric or nonparametric forms. Nonparametric procedures can be used with arbitrary distributions and without the assumption that the forms of the underlying densities are known. Also, one drawback of nonparametric forms is that one has to preserve all of the training data in order to estimate the posterior for each sample. However, since there were relatively few data in this work, nonparametric density estimation was the method that has been chosen. Because of the strong features extracted via the Prony method, the posteriors are not so complex and, henceforth, the burden of carrying large amounts of data is alleviated. The details of Parzen and nearest neighbor nonparametric density estimations used in this paper are elaborated in the Appendix. After obtaining the class conditional pdfs, the optimal Bayes classifier is readily available for use. Considering a uniform prior, the maximum a posteriori estimate is equal to the maximum likelihood estimate of class conditional pdfs. V. PROPOSED ALGORITHM Considering the formerly mentioned themes, the starting current of induction motor and inrush current of the transformer can influence the proper operation of the overcurrent relays. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce a procedure for discrimination of the faulty case from the switching case. Among the basic differences between fault case and induction motor starting and transformer energizing are their magnetic cores which results in completely different behavior with the faulty case, as noted below. • Since there is core saturation over initial instants of motor starting and transformer energizing, this generates the 2nd harmonic amplitude; therefore, one component that can be used to discriminate the faulty case from the switching is to take the 2nd harmonic into account. In fact, this idea is traditionally utilized in differential protection of the power transformers to discriminate the internal fault from the inrush current [21]. • Since current tends to the nonlinear region of the core (saturation region), the amplitude of the fundamental component increases and as time passes and the current amplitude is damped, the fundamental component is also decayed. In fact, at the time of transformer energizing and motor starting, the amplitude of the fundamental compo, but nent has a descending form as in in the faulty case, the equivalent circuit is an RL circuit and [22]. Therethe fundamental component is fore, in the faulty case, damping (á) of the fundamental harmonic is very small (almost zero) compared to the damping ratio of the switching case. Another reason for this trend is confronting with the variable impedance in the above switching cases. It means that as time passes, back emf in the induction motor is generated and the transformer magnetizes amplitude of the current decreases which concludes the increase of the visualized impedance. However, in the faulty case, there is constant impedance. This has been clearly shown in Fig. 3. The horizontal axis indicates the damping of the fundamental current and the vertical axis denotes the ratio of the 2nd harmonic to the amplitude of the fundamental component. As seen in this figure, the ratio of the harmonics amplitude and also damping is much larger than that of the faulty case. In fact, they form two independent regions. So, in order to discriminate the faulty case from the FAIZ et al.: PRONY-BASED OPTIMAL BAYES FAULT CLASSIFICATION OF OVERCURRENT PROTECTION 1329 Fig. 4. Block diagram of the proposed method. Fig. 3. Ratio of the amplitude of the 2nd harmonic to the amplitude of the fundamental harmonic versus damping of the fundamental harmonic: (3) induction motor starting, ( ) transformer energizing and (+) faulty case. O switching case, first the current signal components are obtained by Prony method over 1.5 cycle after an increase in current (due to switching or fault), then the ratio of the 2nd harmonic amplitude to the fundamental harmonic and also the damping of the fundamental harmonic are given to the optimal Bayes classifier as input. Although three preliminary classes are assumed for the three cases (i.e., motor starting, transformer energizing and fault states), the two first states are announced as nonfault, since their discrimination is of no importance. However, this scheme assists in making a modular architecture for the classifier, since any other state can be added without major modification in the classifier’s architecture. A simple block diagram of the suggested algorithm has been shown in Fig. 4. First the analog input signal is converted to the digital signal by data acquisition unit and goes to the relay characteristic and detector. If amplitude of the current becomes larger than the relay setting, the start command is applied to the detector unit, and the proposed parameters are evaluated by the Prony method after 1.5 cycles. It is then passed to the classifier for decision making. In such a case, if a fault occurs, the output of the detector or pin 2 of the AND gate becomes one. Now, if pin 1 of the AND gate, considering the relay characteristic, becomes one, then the tripping command is issued. In a nonfaulty case, the output of the detector or pin 2 of the AND gate becomes zero. In this case, if pin 1 becomes one by mistake (i.e., the overcurrent of the switching case leads to a mistake with the fault case, the tripping command is not issued because one of the inputs of the AND gate is zero). In order to use the idea that the switching currents are transient and damped after a while, the Delay block is considered. Initially its output is zero, when the start command is issued, after the predefined time its output and consequently the pin 2 of AND gate becomes 1. In this instant, if pin 1 of the AND gate is still equal to 1, it means that this is a fault case (because if the switching case had occurred, after time passes and the current amplitude reduces, pin 1 became 0). Therefore, the inopportune blocking of the relay is prevented during the fault. In fact, as time passes, the transient currents damp and the relay does not trip the relay, this has been considered as a factor for enhancement of the dependability of the relay operation, while does not cause any delay for relay operation during the fault. It means that on the contrary to the case in which a delay was applied to the relay for preventing the maltrip that leads to the delay for relay operation during the fault, in the suggested algorithm there is no such delay in the faulty case and this delay is applied as a Delay block. This is done to prevent blocking the relay only in the rare cases that the faulty case may be detected as switching case. In such highly rare cases, the delay in the relay operation is equal to the delay in the operation of the present relays. Of course, taking into account the high precision of the suggested algorithm, such a case is very rare and this block is only considered for enhancement of the reliability. VI. SIMULATION RESULTS To investigate the merit of the proposed algorithm, a part of a distribution system shown in Fig. 5 [23] is modeled using PSCAD/EMTDC software. The network parameters of the 13-bus distribution system are illustrated in this figure. Several nonfault events are applied to this system along with some short circuit events at different times. The simulation results show that how the proposed algorithm could help the over-current relay to discriminate fault from nonfault situations. The confusion and confidence matrices of the classifier with Parzen window (constant ) and k-nearest neighbors (constant ) estimates show that both nonparametric methods separate extremely well with high confidence (Table I). The confusion matrix shows the probability with which the classifier discriminates different classes, and the confidence matrix reveals the confidence of the classifiers decisions. For example the 1.0 in the first row and column of confusion matrix represents the probability with which real fault examples recognized as fault and the zero to its right shows the probability of real fault examples recognized as nonfault, and the 1.0 in the first row and column of the confidence matrix shows the probability of the classifiers decision in the fault–fault region being correct. As seen in both cases, the suggested algorithm enables discriminating the fault from the nonfault case very precisely. Some simulated cases are given in detail in the following section. The following cases are presented here: transformer energizing; motor starting; fault; simultaneous transformer energizing and fault. 1330 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. 22, NO. 3, JULY 2007 Fig. 6. Current of phase A due to transformer energizing. memory (RAM) 256 MB. In addition, parameters computation takes 1.5 cycles; therefore, the total time will be shorter than 2 cycles (33.8 ms). This is so fast for over-current relays. It is noted that this period of time has been spent for running the Matlab on the PC, but the utilized hardware on the relay is much faster. In addition, this computation is carried out in parallel with the time taken by the relay characteristic; it does not lead to any delay and is shorter than it. In fact, the position of pin 2 of the AND gate is always determined faster than pin 1 which is related to the relay characteristic. A. Transformer Energizing Fig. 5. Diagram of the 34.5-kV simulated distributed system. TABLE I CONFUSION AND CONFIDENCE MATRICES FOR THE OPTIMAL BAYES CLASSIFIER WITH TWO ESTIMATION METHODS The performance of the suggested algorithm has been also compared with that of the conventional overcurrent relays. In all cases, the characteristic of the overcurrent relay is the CO-6 type. The decision making time by optimal Bayes classifier takes 3.8 ms on computer Pentium 3, 1.2-GHz, random-access In order to study a transformer energizing, various inrush current conditions were simulated at different parts of the network. Various parameters which have considerable effect on the characteristic of the current signal (e.g., core residual magnetization, nonlinearity of transformer core, and switching instant) were changed and the current signal was analyzed by the proposed method. In all cases, correctness of the proposed algorithm has been proved. A detailed study of a typical case is presented below. In this case, the transformer at busbar 12 is switched at and the currents are measured at busbar 7. Fig. 6 shows the current of phase A. In this case, the damping of the fundamental harmonic (50 Hz) is 2.7 and the ratio of the 2nd harmonic to the amplitude of the fundamental harmonic is 0.35. In this situation, the probability of the case being faulty is 2.7182 and being nonfaulty is 0.99997, so the occurring case is diagnosed as a nonfaulty case correctly and the maltrip of the relay is prevented. Fig. 7 shows the output of the present relays. In this case, the pickup current relay is set at 1.3 and time dial setting is 0.2 (it means that the relay is very sensitive). As seen, energizing the transformer produces overcurrent and this leads to the maltripping of the relay at 0.78 s. To overcome this, the pickup current must be increased; however, this delays the relay operation when the fault occurs (this will be studied in Section C). Fig. 8 presents the performance of the relay suggested in this paper. The output of the relay characteristic or pin 1 of the AND FAIZ et al.: PRONY-BASED OPTIMAL BAYES FAULT CLASSIFICATION OF OVERCURRENT PROTECTION 1331 Fig. 7. Output of the conventional relays due to transformer energizing. Fig. 10. Output of the conventional relays due to motor starting. Fig. 8. (a) Pin 1 of the AND gate. (b) Pin 2 of the AND gate. (c) Output of the proposed relay due to transformer energizing. Fig. 11. (a) Pin 1 of the AND gate. (b) Pin 2 of the AND gate. (c) Output of the proposed relay due to motor starting. B. Induction Motor Starting Fig. 9. Current of phase A due to motor starting. gate of Fig. 4 leads to the maltrip at 0.78 s, but pin2 of the AND gate (output of the suggested algorithm) detects the nonfault case less than 40 ms (at 0.5338 s) and keeps pin2 of the AND gate equal to zero. Finally, the output of the relay becomes zero and prevents the maltrip of the relay. Different motor starting cases for motors with different ratings have been applied at different parts of the power system. For all cases the correctness of the proposed algorithm has been proved. A detailed study of a typical case is presented below. In this case a 2.5–MVA induction motor at busbar 13 is switched at and currents are measured at busbar 7. Fig. 9 shows the current of phase A. In this case, the damping of the fundamental harmonic (50 Hz) is 1.1 and the ratio of the 2nd harmonic amplitude to the fundamental harmonic amplitude is 0.02. In this situation, the probability of the case being faulty is 0.00012153 and being nonfaulty is 0.99987, therefore the occurred case is diagnosed as a nonfaulty case correctly and the maltrip of the relay is prevented. Fig. 10 shows the output of the present relays. In this case, the pickup current of relay sets on 1.3 and time dials setting at 0.2. As seen, induction motor starting leads to the maltrip of the relay at 0.8 s. To overcome this, the pickup current must be increased; however this delays the relay operation when fault occurs (this will be studied in section C). Fig. 11 presents the performance of the relay suggested in this paper. Output of the relay characteristic or pin 1 of the AND gate of Fig. 4 leads to the maltrip at 0.8 s, but pin2 of the AND gate (output of the suggested algorithm) detects the nonfault case shorter than 40 ms (at 0.5338 s) and keeps pin2 of the AND 1332 Fig. 12. Current of phase A due to fault (A–G). IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. 22, NO. 3, JULY 2007 Fig. 14. (a) Pin 1 of the AND gate. (b) Pin 2 of the AND gate. (c) Output of the proposed relay due to fault (A–G). of Fig. 4, there is no need to consider factor 1.5. So, in this case, the pickup current of relay is set at 1.3 and time dial setting at 0.2 s. As seen, the relay characteristic, pin 1 of the AND gate of Fig. 4, becomes 1 at 0.65 s and pin 2 of the AND gate (output of the suggested algorithm) detects the fault case after 40 ms (at 0.5338 s) and pin 2 of the AND gate becomes 1. Finally, the output of the relay issues the trip command at 0.65 s. As seen in this case, the suggested relay operates 0.11 s quicker (5 cycles). It is noted that this time difference is longer for further relays taking into account the relays coordination. Fig. 13. Output of the conventional relays due to fault (A–G). gate equal to zero. Finally, the output of relay becomes zero and prevents the maltrip of the relay. C. Fault In this case, a phase–ground fault (A-G) with is 0.5 s and currents are measured at applied at busbar 13 at busbar 7. Fig. 12 shows the current of phase A. In this case, the damping of the fundamental harmonics (50 Hz) is 0.0044 and the ratio of the 2nd harmonic amplitude to the fundamental harmonic amplitude is zero. In this situation, the probability of ; the case being faulty is 1 and being nonfaulty is 3.9037 therefore, the occurred case is diagnosed as a faulty case correctly and the trip command is issued. Fig. 13 shows the performance of the conventional relays. As mentioned in the introduction, in order to prevent maltrip of present overcurrent relays due to transients, a longer delay is initiated for relay tripping; This delay is generated by increasing the pickup current of the relay, such that factor 1.3–2 times the set value is considered, here factor of 1.5 has been assigned. Therefore, in this case, the pickup current of relay is set at 2 and time dial setting at 0.2. As seen, the relay issues trip command at 0.76 s. Fig. 14 shows the performance of the suggested relay. Since preventing the maltrip of the relay is done by the detector part D. Simultaneous Transformer Energizing and Fault One of the rare cases that may occur and influence the performance of the suggested algorithm is the Simultaneous occurrence of the fault and switching. The reason for its rareness is that the suggested algorithm diagnoses the faulty case from no-faulty case shorter than 2 cycles (33.8 ms), therefore if their time intervals are shorter than 33.8 ms, the Simultaneous case occurs. This happens if a faulty transformer or motor is switched on. Since these apparatus have own protections that operate in a very short time (for example, 0.25 cycles [24]) which cannot excite the overcurrent relay. Despite this, in order to verify the correctness of the performance of the suggested relay in this case, consider the case that the overcurrent due to the fault is low and the fault is located after transformer which leads to the error in the detector (in other cases, the detector operates correctly, because if the fault current becomes very large or fault occurs before the transformer, the ratio of I /I and damping is very low and detector operates properly) Therefore, in this case, a phase–phase fault (A-B) with is applied at busbar 13 after transformer at busbar 12 at and currents are measured at busbar 7. Fig. 15 shows the current of phase A. In this case, the damping of the fundamental harmonics (50 Hz) is 0.88 and the ratio of the 2nd harmonic amplitude to the fundamental harmonic amplitude is 0.13. In this situation, the probability of the case being faulty is and being nonfaulty is 1; therefore, the occurring 4.1087 FAIZ et al.: PRONY-BASED OPTIMAL BAYES FAULT CLASSIFICATION OF OVERCURRENT PROTECTION 1333 Fig. 17. (a) Pin 1 of the AND gate. (b) Pin 2 of the AND gate. (c) Output of the proposed due to the simultaneous fault (A–B) and transformer energizing. Fig. 15. Current of phase A due to the simultaneous fault (A–B) and transformer energizing. Fig. 16. Output of the conventional relays due to simultaneous fault (A–B) and transformer energizing. case is diagnosed as a nonfaulty case and the trip command is not issued. Fig. 16 shows the output of the conventional relays. In this case, the pickup current of relay sets at 2 and time dial setting at 0.2. As seen, the relay issues the trip command at 0.74 s. Fig. 17 shows the performance of the suggested relay. The output of the relay characteristic or pin 1 of the AND gate of Fig. 4 issues the trip command at 0.63 s and pin 2 of the AND gate (output of the suggested algorithm) detects the nonfault case of shorter than 40 ms (0.5338 s) by mistake and pin 2 of the AND gate is kept at zero. At 0.74 s, the output of the Delay block, pin 1 of the OR gate, becomes 1 which causes pine 2 of the AND gate to become 1. Finally, the output of the relay issues the trip command at 0.74 s. The delay of the Delay block is set based on the relay characteristic; such that factor 1.3–2 is applied for preventing the maltrip of the relay at the switching instance. Taking into account the above-mentioned points, in the worse case, the time delay of the suggested relay is equal to the delay time of the conventional relays. The difference is that this time can be varied as desired and if the security is more important, this time can be increased and if the dependability is more important, this time can be decreased while it does not slow down the relay operation during the fault. VII. CONCLUSION In this paper, a method for improving overcurrent relay operation was introduced. The suggested algorithm is based on the decision made by the optimal Bayes classifier based on the extracted information from the current signal using the Prony method. The ability of the proposed method was demonstrated by simulating various cases on a suitable power system. The advantages of the suggested method include a low number of inputs with a reduction in the required number of patterns and fast diagnosis. Another important advantage is the modular architecture, which means adding a new case to the proposed case does not need any retraining of the system. The new case can be proposed as a new independent state. This paper studied some important factors that influence the operation of relays. The suggested method has a modular architecture and it is possible to add new cases to the states proposed in this paper and provide a more comprehensive algorithm. APPENDIX The basic idea of nonparametric density estimation is to compute the probability that a vector will fall in region (1A) is a smoothed version of the density function a sample of size n; therefore, the probability that in is then if we have points fall (2A) and the expected value for is (3A) Now, the maximum likelihood estimation of is (4A) Therefore, ratio is a good estimate for probability and, hence, for density function . When is continuous and 1334 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. 22, NO. 3, JULY 2007 region is so small that does not vary significantly within it, can be expressed as follows: (5A) where is the point within and is the volume enclosed by . Combining (1A), (3A), and (4A) yields (6A) is the space averaged value of . Fraction is obtained only if approaches zero. Practically, cannot be allowed to become small since the number of samples are always limited. To estimate the density of , we form a sequence of regions containing : the first region contains one be sample, the second contains two samples, and so on. Let the number of samples falling in Rn, and the volume of Rn, be the th estimate for (7A) Three necessary conditions should apply if we want converge to to (8A) There are two different ways of obtaining sequences of regions that satisfy these conditions. and show that 1) Shrink an initial region where This is called the “Parzen-window estimation method.” as a function of , such as ; volume 2) Specify is grown until it encloses neighbors of . This is called the “ -nearest neighbor estimation method.” REFERENCES [1] N. Ruiz-Reyes, P. Vera-Candeas, and F. 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