Governing Board approved November 18, 2015 Notice of Regular Meeting Wednesday, October 21, 2015 Location: Cartwright School District 83 5220 W Indian School Rd Phoenix, AZ 85031 A. Notice of Meeting B. Agenda C. Opening Items: 1. Call to Order and Roll Call – Mr. Lopez Mr. Gomez called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Governing Board Members Present: Mrs. L. Hernandez, Mrs. Cantu, Ms. M. Hernandez, and Mr. Gomez. Mr. Lopez participated by phone. 2. Pledge of Allegiance – Mr. Lopez Mr. Gomez led the pledge of allegiance. 3. Adoption of Agenda – Mr. Lopez Mr. Gomez asked if there was a motion to adopt the October 21, 2015 Governing Board Agenda. Adoption of the agenda for the October 21, 2015 Regular Meeting of the Cartwright School District #83 Governing Board. Motion by Lydia Hernandez, second by Rosa Cantu. Final Resolution: Motion Carries Yea: Pedro Lopez, Lydia Hernandez, John V Gomez, Rosa Cantu, Marissa E Hernandez D. Reports/Summary of Current Events 1. Superintendent - Dr. Chávez: A. Superintendent's Award of Excellence Presentation to Mariachi Band Student Musicians at Marc T. Atkinson Middle School - Ms. Sanchez; B. Teacher & Principal Evaluation System Update - Dr. Murphy The Superintendent welcomed everyone to the meeting. He congratulated Glenn L. Downs School. They were the recipients of The Lion King Experience Grant. The grant "gifts" the performance license and multi-media curriculum for the Lion King to the school. The grant would allow the school to put on the Lion King musical with the 3rd-6th grade students. He proceeded to thank Disney on behalf of Glenn L. Downs School. On Monday, October 19, 2015, Superintendent had the opportunity to attend the ASBA County Meeting where Mrs. Lydia Hernandez and Mr. John Gomez were honored for their Boardmanship. He congratulated Mr. Gomez and Mrs. L. Hernandez. He also had the opportunity to give the closing keynote speech at the NSBA CUBE 48th Annual Conference held in Phoenix and thanked Mrs. Cantu for being Page 1 of 8 Governing Board approved November 18, 2015 instrumental in making that happen. He thanked Ms. Macias, Ms. Santos and Mr. Winters for their assistance in preparing the powerpoint presentation for his keynote speech. He wished everyone a safe and Happy Veteran's Day for November 11, 2015. The Superintendent introduced Ms. Veronica Sanchez, Director of Communications and Community Engagement who presented the Superintendent's Award of Excellence to Mariachi Band Students from Marc T. Atkinson and Atkinson Middle School Music Teacher, Karen Palubinski. Their nomination stated, "The Atkinson Mariachi Band has been practicing during school hours every single day for the past two years. Under music teacher Karen Palubinski's direction, the band performs at school events like the winter and spring concerts. They will also be forming during the Cartwright Car Show, on October 24, 2015. Mrs. Palubinski says she teaches students the music and the children teach her Spanish and Mexican culture. The students say they enjoy being part of this band because it allows them to play the familiar music they learned to love as children". The Marachi Band played the song Los Colores , certificates were handed out and pictures were taken with the Superintendent. The Superintendent thanked the students for their performance and shared the reason we are here is because of our students and we are here to provide them with a world-class education. Dr. Chávez introduced Dr. Murphy who presented an update on the Cartwright School District Teacher and Principal Evaluation. Dr. Murphy reviewed statewide changes; Some changes made in statewide assessment (AIMS) and calculation of Arizona Learns school label by the Arizona Department of Education, have necessitated making minor adjustments to our teacher and principal evaluation systems for 20152016. He proceeded to explain; had these changes not have been imposed by the state, changes would not have occurred, as last year for the first time felt the new system was working very well. The District Evaluation Committee, including teachers, administrators, and the CEA reconvened in September to consider refinements to the current system. The Committee's goals included: Making appropriate adjustments to ADE changes in school data measurements; adjust school data measures to parallel performance categories, maintain parallel structure with Principal evaluation. He went on share the Teacher Evaluation Components remain the same for 2015-2016 and; 67% of each teacher's evaluation is based upon qualified evaluator's classroom observation using our standards-base Evaluation Instrument, and School Performance and Growth Data will determine the remaining 33% of the Final Evaluation for all teachers. He proceeded to review The School Performance & Growth Data - 33% is where there were a few changes; Parent Survey-remains the same and refer to teacher performance, ELL Reclassification- remains the Page 2 of 8 Governing Board approved November 18, 2015 same, three new aspects that have been added to replace the previous AIMS data; still have 4th & 8th Grade AIMS Science, Special Education Gains-AIMS Web, and all students Growth- AIMS Web the average of the five components will equal the 33% school performance and growth data for each school. He briefly explained the average percentages of Aggregate Performance Classifications for Teachers in 2014-15; Highly Effective- 241 teachers -24.4%, Effective 728 teachers - 73.8%, 2 teachers classified as Developing -.2%, and 15 teachers classified as ineffective -1.5%. Dr. Murphy went on to explain the Principal Assessment Update; 67% of each Principal's evaluation is based upon Superintendent's observation developed through quarterly performance reviews, and the evaluation instrument is standards based and aligned to the ISLLC Standards. He proceeded to review 33% of each principals evaluation is based upon school performance and Growth Data; components consist of; Staff Survey Data, Parent Survey Data, ELL Reclassification, 4th & 8th Grade AIMS Science, Special Education Gains-AIMS Web, and All Student Growth- AIMS Web. He concluded his presentation by sharing the Aggregate Performance Categories for Principals in 2014-2015; 2 principals were classified as Highly Effective- 10%, 18 principals achieved the Effective rating - 90%, there were zero principals that were Developing- 0%, and Ineffective -0%. Dr. Murphy asked if there were any questions. Dr. Chávez thanked Dr. Murphy for his presentation. Mrs. M. Hernandez asked what happens with the 1.5% and .2% of teachers that were classified as ineffective and developing and how does it effect the performance rating? Dr. Murphy explained of the fifteen teachers that were classified as ineffective; eight of those teachers are no longer employed with the district and of the seven remaining, some were continuing teachers who were essentially veterans beyond three years and some were non-continuing probationary teachers in their first three years. He proceeded to explain; those that were continuing were notified under policy and state law they are no longer considered this year a continuing teacher and are probationary teachers. Each of the seven remaining ineffective teachers are on improvement plans, working with their principals to improve their performance and is essential that they move to the effective performance classification this year, if not they do not, we anticipate bring to the Governing Board recommendation for non-renewal. He continued to explain the two that are developing; improvement plans are in place. Mrs. M. Hernandez thanked Dr. Murphy. Mrs. L. Hernandez asked what is the difference between the effective and highly effective category. Dr. Murphy explained; essentially a teacher who is classified as a highly effective teacher is an outstanding performing teacher who goes above and beyond the highest level. Effective is what we expect all our teachers to be at and they are performing at an expectable level based on the twenty-nine ratings from the qualified evaluator. Page 3 of 8 Governing Board approved November 18, 2015 Mrs. L. Hernandez asked as an evaluator what does it look like to be a highly qualified and effective teacher. Dr. Murphy proceeded to say; the teacher that is highly effective is someone that is doing an outstanding job of teaching the material, they are doing an outstanding job of re-teaching the material. These are teachers that are fully invested in the life of the school, and participating in after school activities, sports and community activities. The Superintendent added; one thing we also have to look at now is the rigor of the lesson. We have to look at the objective, the activity and the assessment to make sure that it is aligned. In the depth of knowledge we want to make sure students are getting to the problem solving stage and the evaluative stage, not just the knowledge stage. Dr. Murphy went on to say; teachers that are highly effective go above and beyond, effective teachers is what we expect all our teachers to be and they are performing at an acceptable level. Mrs. L. Hernandez thanked Dr. Chávez. Mrs. Cantu indicated that there are nine hundred and eighty six teachers and nine hundred and sixty nine are effective and highly effective. She expressed this is wonderful. Dr. Murphy commented that he believes the people who are highly effective whether it be a teacher or principal, are people who have a mission and invest themselves into their school far beyond their best interest. Mrs. Cantu thanked the Administrators and Dr. Chavez for their hard work. Mr. Gomez congratulated all of the staff for their hard work that they do everyday within the community. Mrs. L. Hernandez shared she would love to see the 18% of our principals move into the highly effective area. The Superintendent stated; it takes intestinal fortitude and passion to stay focused on student achievement. He proceeded to express; how proud he is that our district is focused on student achievement, exceptional customer service, and providing opportunities for innovation. The Superintendent thanked everyone and concluded his update. 2. Board update - Board Members Mr. Lopez - Shared it had been a busy month with his personal life and work and had taken some time off. He felt he was not fully engaged this past month at schools, however shared he is ready to be committed to be engaged in activities at schools and looks forward to visiting schools. Mrs. L. Hernandez- Attended the Arizona School Board Association (ASBA) Maricopa County Meeting. She handed out documents regarding the proposed ByLaw Change that were approved. She proceeded to share she is a member of the Native American Indian Caucus as well as a member of the Black Caucus. Proposed language to ASBA requested that each Caucus have each group represented by individuals in their respective roles to serve on the ASBA Board. She Page 4 of 8 Governing Board approved November 18, 2015 went on to say she is a volunteer for both Caucus's and is working with both Presidents on putting together plan for programming at the upcoming Equity Conference and ASBA Meeting in December. In addition she participated in the National teleconference call with the National Hispanic Caucus to follow up with the board retreat and pending board work. She went on to say, she also forwarded the SRO Resolution to the National Hispanic Council. She concluded by sharing she continues to work with parents in the community regarding the college and career readiness and bell schedule advisory recommendations that have been made which she hopes to be implemented as early as next spring. Shared CUBE was a big weekend and felt proud to be part of Cartwright. Several people indicated how impressed they were with the powerpoint and video's that were presented and thanked the board members and staff that were present. Mrs. Cantu - Shared she attending the Equity Conference hosted by CUBE and it was a very successful conference. She expressed Dr. Chávez did a great job as the keynote speaker and was proud to see all the support the Superintendent had from his staff and Executive Team. She shared the presentation was excellent and the videos shared about our staff was important as it shows our voice of the good things that are happening in our district. She thanked everyone involved for their hard work and support. Ms. M. Hernandez- Expressed it is a shame that students do not stay after being awarded to hear how appreciated they are of their work and success. She went on to share she attended the CUBE Conference and briefly explained she found interesting was a homework diner, where some schools serve dinner at schools. She went on to say as a parent sometime there is a disconnect between classroom and what the student brings home. She proceed to share; trying to help parents understand the curriculum and having a homework diner would be very helpful and expressed she hopes to see something similar in our schools and hopes there may be parents out there who are interested in seeing his happen. Ms. M. Hernandez reminded everyone about all the overrides coming up and reminded everyone to be safe with students over Halloween. She concluded by thanking teachers, staff and principals for all the hard work that they do, she expressed it makes her proud to be a Governing Board Member. Mr. Gomez - Shared he was unable to attend the last Governing Board Meeting, as he was attending an event on Domestic Violence Awareness with his office and Supervisor Gallardo. He explained October is Domestic Violence Month and the State has a big program and briefly explained how his office expanded the program. He shared his office and other City Council Members were recognized by the Phoenix Suns for their work on Domestic Violence. He thanked Mrs. L. Page 5 of 8 Governing Board approved November 18, 2015 Hernandez for her hard work at the last board meeting and for the resolution being passed. Mr. Gomez thanked Mr. Anderson, Principal at Estrella Middle School for hosting an Animal Wellness Event with Supervisor Gallardo's office and Maricopa County Animal Care and Control. He shared it was very successful and thanked Veronica Sanchez, Community Engagement Director, and Alma Sotelo, Language Services Coordinator for their assistance. He thanked Mr. Anderson for his commitment and staff for the successful event. Over forty-three animals were spayed and neutered and several animals were vaccinated. He shared he also participated with Mrs. L. Hernandez in the National teleconference call with the National Hispanic Caucus and during the conference call Educators and School Board Leaders were speaking very highly regarding the Superintendent's closing remarks at the CUBE Conference. He thanked teachers for their work and going above and beyond. E. Call to the Public 1. Consideration and possible discussion of comments and complaints from the public. The Governing Board will not take any legal action on matters raised during this portion of the meeting unless the comments and complaints pertain to items included on the agenda. A three (3) minutes time limit is set and all are asked to adhere to this limit. The Governing Board may direct staff to study matters raised by the public or to reschedule those matters for future consideration, discussion and possible action at a later date. None were made. F. Consent Agenda - Dr. Chávez 1. Approval of the Minutes of the Study Session/Special Meeting followed by Regular Meeting Held on September 23, 2015 2. Approval of the Minutes of the Special Meeting/Study Session Held on October 13, 2015 3. Approval of the Student Activity Fund August 2015 4. Approval and/or Ratification of District Acceptance of Gifts and Donations 5. Ratification of Payroll and Expense Vouchers 6. Approval of Budget and Expense Statement for Month Ending September 2015 7. Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Schools 8. Approval of Not to Exceed Amount with ProCare of $200,000, and Approval to Increase Not to Exceed Amount with Gary D. Stromberg & Associates from $225,000 to $500,000, and Increase Therapy Time from $110,000 to $250,000 for the 2015-2016 School Year 9. Approval of New Hires, Resignations, and Terminations of Classified Employees 10.Approval of Resignation of Certified Teachers Page 6 of 8 Governing Board approved November 18, 2015 11.Approval of Extension of Family Medical Leave of Employees 12.Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure provide for a Consent Agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Items listed under the Consent Agenda have gone through a review and recommendation process. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board Members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the Consent Agenda at the request of any Board Member Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented. Motion by Lydia Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez. Final Resolution: Motion Carries Yea: Pedro Lopez, Lydia Hernandez, John V Gomez, Rosa Cantu, Marissa E Hernandez G. Other Action Items: No items H. Other Information/Discussion Items 1. Request(s) for Future Agenda Item(s) as information/discussion at the November 18, 2015 Governing Board Meeting - Mr. Lopez Dr. Chávez announced at a future meeting, there would be an update presentation on AzMERIT and an update on the Action Plan for AzMERIT Scores for those schools in need of improvement. He proceeded to share there would also be an update on Phase Two of the Teacher Shortage. No request made from the Governing Board. I. Announcement(s) of future meeting date and other routine information concerning the Governing Board. 1. The next Regular Governing Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the Cartwright School District Board Room - Mr. Lopez Mr. Gomez announced the next Special Meeting/Governing Board Retreat would be held on Thursday, November 5, 2015 and a Regular Governing Board Meeting would be held on Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. J. Adjournment 1. Adjournment - Mr. Lopez Mr. Gomez adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m. Page 7 of 8 Governing Board approved November 18, 2015 Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Lydia Hernandez. Final Resolution: Motion Carries Yea: Pedro Lopez, Lydia Hernandez, John V Gomez, Rosa Cantu, Marissa E Hernandez John V. Gomez, Vice President Page 8 of 8