REMOTE ALARM PANEL INSTRUCTION MANUAL SERIAL NO. MODEL NO. DRAP-5 MASTER CONTROL SYSTEMS, INC. P.O. BOX 276 • 910 NORTH SHORE DRIVE • LAKE BLUFF, ILLINOIS 60044, USA TELEPHONE: 847-295-1010 • FAX: 847-295-0704 MODEL DRAP REMOTE ALARM PANELS Table of Contents Installation Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Operating Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Theory of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Replacement Parts List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Schematic Diagram External Wiring INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SERIES DRAP ALARM PANELS These Remote Alarm panels are designed for remote monitoring and supervision of Fire Pump installation. They should be mounted at a point of constant attendance such as a guardhouse, switchboard, or the like. This is to meet the requirements of NFPA 20 when the pump room is not constantly attended (NFPA 20-1980, Par. 7-4.5 & 9-4.2). The alarm panel cabinet must be surface wall mounted in a vertical position. The cabinet must be mounted indoors and must not be located in areas subject to falling or spraying water. Four external mounting ears having 5/16 inch holes (or slots) are provided to accept 1/4 inch mounting bolts. The unit weight is less that 25 pounds. Refer to MOUNTING DIMENSION drawing for mounting size and hole locations. Knockouts are provided for conduit entry. The unit should be powered by a local A.C. power branch circuit. However, to eliminate the necessity of ordering Supervisory Power Failure Start in the Electric Fire Pump Controller, the DRAP utilizes the 115Vac Auxiliary Power output on the Electric Fire Pump Controller to monitor and provide back-up power for Supervisory Power. With this back-up power, the DRAP can provide an audible and visual indication of "Supervisoory Power Normal". The power requirements of the alarm panel is less than one ampere. Refer to the EXTERNAL WIRING DIAGRAM for wiring information. The A.C. input power wires need not be larger than 14 AWG. Refer to the alarm panel NAMEPLATE for required A.C. power voltage and frequency. The unit is provided with a bonding terminal for use with wired ground systems. The unit has an isolated S.P.D.T. (Form "C") contact for wiring to a remote external alarm device or alarm system or central station. Source and signal is by others. TABLE 1 - FIELD WIRING CONNECTIONS TERMINAL MINIMUM WIRE SIZE (COPPER) DESIGNATION TB1-1 (AC-H) --14 AWG-(Code) A.C. Power Input Terminal (high side, fused side)--Connect to high side of A.C. supply if fused (or breakered) consistent with the nameplate A.C. current requirements. A slo blow or time-lag fuse or breaker is preferred. TB1-2 (AC-N) --14 AWG-(Code) A.C. Power return Terminal--Connect to low or neutral side of A.C. supply. Master Control Systems, Inc. DRAP -1- Lake Bluff, Illinois Rev.: 02.02.25 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS - (Continued) TABLE 1 - FIELD WIRING CONNECTIONS - (Continued) TERMINAL MINIMUM WIRE SIZE (COPPER) DESIGNATION TB1-3 --#14 AWG-- High Side (fused) of Auxiliary Electric Fire Pump Controller power supply. TB1-4 --#14 AWG-- Low Side (neutral) of Auxiliary Electric Fire Pump Controller power supply. TB1-5 (GND) --As Required-- TB1-6 TB1-7 TB1-8 --#16 AWG---#16 AWG---#16 AWG-- Chassis Ground--Connect to ground wire of a three prong line cord when used. Connect to ground wire in a conduit wired installation when a wired ground is required. (The chassis is not insulated from the cabinet). N.O. to COM. Remote N.C. Alarm Device TB2- and Above See Table 2 and Table 3 Alarm Circuit (See Schematic) Common The following calculations are based on a 10% loop drop. The signal voltage is 24 VDC, unfiltered, from the alarm set and is not a Class 2 signal and is isolated from the line. Max current per alarm circuit is 100mA maximum. Technical: The alarm current draw is 2.4 mA for each of two common relays and 50 mA per alarm lamp. Maximum draw per alarm is approximately 100 mA for the first alarm and 50 mA each after. The maximum loop resistance is 75 ohm. The maximum run resistance is 35 ohm. Master Control Systems, Inc. DRAP -2- Lake Bluff, Illinois Rev.: 02.02.25 Table 2 shows maximum RUN lengths if multiple common wires are used (one per alarm -or- one pair of wires per signal). E.G., 8 wires for a DRAP. TABLE 2 WIRE SIZE RES/1000 FT. MAX. RUN LENGTH #12 AWG #14 AWG #16 AWG #18 AWG #20 AWG #22 AWG #24 AWG #26 AWG 1.588 ohm 2.525 ohm 4.016 ohm 6.385 ohm 10.15 ohm 16.14 ohm 25.67 ohm 40.18 ohm 22,000 ft. 14,000 ft. 9,000 ft. 5,500 ft. 2,500 ft. 2,200 ft. 1,400 ft. 900 ft. Table 3 shows maximum run lengths if only a single common wire is used (E.G., total of 5 wires for a DRAP-4) and is the same size as the signal wires. Master Control Systems, Inc. DRAP -3- Lake Bluff, Illinois Rev.: 02.02.25 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS - (Continued) TABLE 3 MAX. RUN LENGTH IN FEET NO. OF ALARM CIRCUITS (DRAP(-X); VALUES OF "X") WIRE SIZE -3 -4 -5 -7 -9 -10 -13 -15 #12 AWG 19,000 15,000 12,500 9,400 7,500 7,000 5,400 4,700 #14 AWG 12,000 9,500 7,900 5,900 4,700 4,400 3,400 3,000 #16 AWG 7,500 6,000 5,000 3,700 3,000 2,700 2,100 1,800 #18 AWG 4,700 3,700 3,100 2,300 1,900 1,700 1,200 1,100 #20 AWG 3,000 2,400 2,000 1,500 1,200 1,100 800 700 #22 AWG 1,800 1,500 1,200 900 750 700 500 450 #24 AWG 1,200 900 800 600 500 400 330 300 #26 AWG 750 600 500 400 300 270 200 180 200mA 250mA 300mA 400mA 500mA 550mA 700mA 800mA 30 ohm 24 ohm 20 ohm 15 ohm 12 ohm 11 ohm 8.6 ohm 7.5 ohm MAX. COMMO N DRAW MAX. COMMO N RES. These values are valid only when the alarm set is powered locally. All alarm wiring must be isolated from line & ground. Master Control Systems, Inc. DRAP -4- Lake Bluff, Illinois Rev.: 02.02.25 GENERAL INFORMATION MODEL DRAP REMOTE ALARM PANEL The Remote Alarm Panel (DRAP) provides individual failure signal lamps, audible alarm, and isolated failure alarm contacts factory wired to terminals external remote device or circuit. Also furnished are: A.C. normal power, primary & secondary fuses, F1 & F2 respectively and normal power on indicating lamp. A.C. Supervisory Power primary & secondary fuses, F3 & F4 respectively and supervisory power on indicating lamp. A test switch for checking the proper functioning of alarm circuits, signal lamps, audible alarm and isolated alarm contacts; and an alarm silence switch for silencing the audible alarm. Repetitive alarm circuit are provided. With this circuit a recurring failure will still sound the audible alarm even though the alarm silence function has been initiated. When a failure occurs the related signal lamp energizes. The circuit senses this failure and energizes the audible alarm and external remote alarm. The Remote Alarm Panel remains in this alarm state until the initiating failure cause is corrected. The audible alarm may be silenced by actuating the Alarm Silence switch, this however, has no effect on the related failure signal lamp which will remain energized until the failure cause is corrected. Should recurring failures occur on the designated repetitive alarm circuit, after the audible alarm has been silenced, the circuit will again sound the audible alarm. OPERATING PROCEDURES To Place Alarm Panel Into Operation, connect to a local A.C. power branch circuit and to the Auxiliary 115Vac supply on the Electric Controller. The Normal Power & Supervisory Power lamps will light to indicate the alarm panel is in the standby condition, ready to initiate the alarm circuit(s) should a failure(s) occur. Failures are sensed by the alarm panel through external (normally open) failure contacts connected to the alarm panel terminals, (See Schematic). To Silence the Alarm(s) momentarily operate the Alarm Silence switch SW2 to energize relay RK21. Contacts RK21B opens to de-energize relay RK11. Contacts RK11A open to de-energize the audible alarm & relay K1. Contacts K1A & K1B transfer back to normal to de-energize the external remote alarm or alarm device. Contacts RK11B & RK21A close to seal-in relay RK21 through closed RK2A contacts. TO TEST ALARM CIRCUITS momentarily operate the "Test" switch which simulates the closing of all alarm failure contacts. This will cause all alarm lamps to light and the audible alarm and external remote alarm to become energized in the same sequence as previously described. Releasing the "test" switch de-energize the alarm circuits. The "Alarm Silence" switch also functions while the "Test" switch is operated. Master Control Systems, Inc. DRAP -5- Lake Bluff, Illinois Rev.: 02.02.25 THEORY OF OPERATION Normal A.C. power is connected to terminals TB1-1 & 2 and flows through Fuse F1, to the power transformer TF1. TF1 reduces the A.C. line voltage to 24V and supplies it to the PC board through Fuse F2 where it rectifies the A.C. to D.C. voltage to provide 24 V.D.C. control bus for alarm sensing, signal lamps and the audible alarm. Supervisory A.C. Power is connected to terminals TB1-3 & 4 and flows through Fuse F3, to the power transformer TF2. TF2 reduces the A.C. line voltage to 24V and supplies it to the P.C. board through Fuse F4 where it rectifies the A.C. to D.C. voltage to provide 24V.D.C. control bus for alarm sensing, signal lamps & the audible alarm. FAILURE CONDITIONS: Failure Contact (See Schematic) senses a failure and closes to energize the corresponding signal lamp. Relay RK2 also becomes energized. RK2 closes contacts RK2A to energize relay RK11 through normally closed RK21B. Contacts RK11A close to energize the audible alarm and relay K1. Relay K1 transfers its contacts K1A & K1B to initiate the external remote alarm contacts (See Schematic). Master Control Systems, Inc. DRAP -6- Lake Bluff, Illinois Rev.: 02.02.25 REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST MODEL DRAP REMOTE ALARM PANELS PART NUMBER 201512 201552 800422 400013 401696 301006 301000 301316 304815 400458 400268 400268 DESCRIPTION Fuse 0.4 Amps Fuse 1.0 Amps Relay - K1 Fuse Holder Lamp Socket Lamp Lens - Clear Lamp Lens - Red Lamp Bulb - 36V (#1822) Transformer - TF1, TF2 Sonalert Test Switch Alarm Silence Switch NOTE: When ordering replacement parts, be sure to specify SERIAL NUMBER and MODEL NUMBER of the alarm panel in which they are to be used. MASTER CONTROL SYSTEMS, INC. 910 North Shore Drive Lake Bluff, Illinois 60044 U.S.A. Phone: 847-295-1010 Fax: 847-295-0704 Master Control Systems, Inc. DRAP -7- Lake Bluff, Illinois Rev.: 02.02.25