Hutt City Council Issued Building Consents for April 2016 Date Consent No. Property Address 1 11/04/16 BC150843 19 Military Road BOULCOTT 5010 Property Owners P F Kane & J A Cameron Property Legal Desc LOT 1 DP 81549 48A/780 Description Floor RBW - Residential 55 Alterations and extension to dwelling and new garage located at front of house 2 08/04/16 BC150972 1 A Mulberry Street MAUNGARAKI 5010 M E Powell & C A Young Residential - Construction of storage room. 3 01/04/16 BC150980 383 Muritai Road EASTBOURNE 5013 K H Mathewson & Downie Stewart Trustee 2012 Limited FLAT 2 DP 90887 ON LOT 62 DP 25481 58C/718 1/2 SHARE LOTS 287 288 DP 993 RBW - Residential Replace roofing, cladding and window/door frames $100,000 4 05/04/16 BC150987 19 Barnes Street SEAVIEW Argosy Property No 1 5010 Limited LOT 2 DP 86588 SUBJ TO EASEMENTS 54A/993 Commercial- Structural repairs $10,000 Argosy Property Ltd 39 Market Place AUCKLAND CENTRAL 1010 5 18/04/16 BC150994 7 Kowhai Street EASTBOURNE 5013 J A Winton & K H Lockett LOT 1 DP 22315 982/59 $40,000 6 04/04/16 BC151033 4 Pretoria Street HUTT CENTRAL 5010 J F Seerup & J E Seerup LOT 13 DP 1153 290/40 RBW - Residential. Internal alterations . Close in carport. Workshop - Relocation of inter tenancy wall 7 08/04/16 BC151039 45 William Street PETONE 5012 8 12/04/16 BC151050 5 A Jacaranda Grove MAUNGARAKI 5010 J R Mcpherson, P R Drumm, A C Cannons, S Jurczenko D P Lee & L J Lee 9 26/04/16 BC151071 289 Dowse Drive MAUNGARAKI 5010 P J Struthers & Ritchie Trustee Services Limited LOT 6 BLK V WILFORD SETT PART LOT 12 DP 1604 C3/552 FLAT 1 DP 59723 ON LOT 7 DP 34266 29C/962 1/2 SHARE LOT 2 DP 371955 DP 364826 RBW - Residential. New internal alterations and additions RBW - Residential Remove internal walls and construct new deck RBW - Residential - New dwelling 10 08/04/16 BC151076 6 Huia Street HUTT CENTRAL 5010 HCC - Reserve Properties LOT 3 DP 405014 CT 429065 (HUIA POOL) Huia Pool- New Pools & Fitness Facility J A Winton 7 Kowhai Street EASTBOURNE 5013 Cgm& Foster Architects P.O.Box 16019 WELLINGTON 6242 A C Cannons 45 William Street PETONE 5012 L J Lee 5 A Jacaranda Grove MAUNGARAKI 5010 P J Struthers 79 Cypress Drive MAUNGARAKI 5010 HCC - Reserve Properties Private Bag 31912 LOWER HUTT 5040 11 11/04/16 BC160038 2 Western Hutt Road KOROKORO 5012 Wellington Institute Of Technology LOTS 17 -18 PT LOT 19 RBW - Residential - Weltec DP 10134 LOT 1 DP 74327 Construct New Relocatable Dwelling to Shell Stage. LOT 1 DP 150~27 CT 646279 Date Created: 2/05/2016 Est Cost $100,000 $3,000 $50,000 14 $500,000 $30,000 150.7 $192,000 1690 $7,000,000 $75,000 Applicant J A Cameron 19 A Military Road BOULCOTT 5010 Powell Holdings Limited 1 A Mulberry Street MAUNGARAKI 5010 K H Mathewson 383 Muritai Road EASTBOURNE 5013 Wellington Institute Of Technology Private Bag 39803 Wellington Mail Centre LOWER HUTT 5045 Page 1 of 9 Hutt City Council Issued Building Consents for April 2016 Date Consent No. Property Address 12 11/04/16 BC160039 2 Western Hutt Road KOROKORO 5012 Property Owners Wellington Institute Of Technology Property Legal Desc LOTS 17 -18 PT LOT 19 DP 10134 LOT 1 DP 74327 LOT 1 DP 150~27 CT 646279 13 11/04/16 BC160040 2 Western Hutt Road KOROKORO 5012 Wellington Institute Of Technology 14 11/04/16 BC160041 2 Western Hutt Road KOROKORO 5012 Wellington Institute Of Technology 15 07/04/16 BC160056 63 Bell Road WAIWHETU 5010 S A Brockelbank & L S O Brockelbank 16 04/04/16 BC160063 36 Pokohiwi Road NORMANDALE 5010 17 15/04/16 BC160083 34 Faulke Avenue WAINUIOMATA 5014 K B Pollett & J N Pollett PT LOT 2 DP 55349 42A/52 RBW- Residential - Addition to install lift 18 21/04/16 BC160085 15 Marina Grove HUTT CENTRAL 5010 Yu'S Development Limited LOT 10 DP 11212 458/102 RBW- Residential - New Dwelling (Lot 5) $415,000 19 08/04/16 BC160100 66 Konini Street WAINUIOMATA 5014 Wainuiomata Intermediate School LOTS 20 154/156 174 DP 26454 11514 $200,000 20 06/04/16 BC160102 24 Montague Street ALICETOWN 5010 MR G D Harlen LOT 2 DP 18565 972/33 Commercial - Interior upgrade and alterations to school hall RBW - Residential - New Dwelling (Residence 2) 21 15/04/16 BC160103 24 Montague Street ALICETOWN 5010 MR G D Harlen LOT 2 DP 18565 972/33 RBW- Residential - New Dwelling (Residence 3) $141,578 22 18/04/16 BC160104 47 The Esplanade PETONE Seaview HP Limited 5012 LOTS 1-13 DP 675 LOT 2 DP 51858 SUDN 4 4B SECS SUDN 3 OF SEC~S 2 3 ETC Retail -Bunnings- Install racking & shelving ( Fast Track ) $900,000 Date Created: 2/05/2016 Description Floor RBW - Residential - Weltec Construct New Relocatable Dwelling to Shell Stage. Est Cost $75,000 Applicant Wellington Institute Of Technology Private Bag 39803 Wellington Mail Centre LOWER HUTT 5045 LOTS 17 -18 PT LOT 19 RBW - Residential - Weltec DP 10134 LOT 1 DP 74327 Construct New Relocatable Dwelling to Shell Stage. LOT 1 DP 150~27 CT 646279 $75,000 Wellington Institute Of Technology Private Bag 39803 Wellington Mail Centre LOWER HUTT 5045 LOTS 17 -18 PT LOT 19 RBW - Residential - Weltec DP 10134 LOT 1 DP 74327 Construct New Relocatable Dwelling to Shell Stage. LOT 1 DP 150~27 CT 646279 $75,000 Wellington Institute Of Technology Private Bag 39803 Wellington Mail Centre LOWER HUTT 5045 $80,000 L S O Brockelbank 63 Bell Road WAIWHETU 5010 Gibson Sheat Trustees Limited 13 Mahoe Street EASTBOURNE 5013 J N Pollett 34 Faulke Avenue WAINUIOMATA 5014 Yu'S Development Limited 190 Waterloo Road HUTT CENTRAL 5010 SEC 8 BLOCK LVI HUTT RBW- Residential - Addition VALLEY SETTLEMENT DP and internal alterations 8935 CT 6A/1264 C N Phillips & Gibson Sheat LOT 7 DP 17770 679/33 RBW- New deck, internal Trustees Limited alterations 43.4 $70,000 3.3 91.76 $40,000 $122,122 Ministry Of Education Level 3 19 Market Grove LOWER HUTT 5010 G Harlen 2 B Avalon Crescent AVALON 5011 G Harlen 2 B Avalon Crescent AVALON 5011 Dexion Industrial P.O.Box 58988 Botany AUCKLAND 2013 Page 2 of 9 Hutt City Council Issued Building Consents for April 2016 Date Consent No. Property Address 23 19/04/16 BC160112 6 Te Mome Road ALICETOWN 5010 Property Owners W J Enterprises Limited Property Legal Desc LOT 142 DP 1984 286/169 Description Floor RBW- Residential - Remove fireplace & Structural Wall, Enclose porch, new ensuite Est Cost $80,000 24 19/04/16 BC160114 148 Hutt Park Road GRACEFIELD 5010 Dulux New Zealand LOT 1 DP 31128 12C/671 Commercial - Strengthening existing mezzanine floor $75,000 25 29/04/16 BC160115 31 Queen Street WAINUIOMATA 5014 Janus Investments Ltd PT LOTS 21 22 DP 16256 9A/489 Retail - New storm-water drain across footpath to kerb and channel $4,000 26 07/04/16 BC160124 15 Fairway Drive AVALON 5011 Institute Of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Ltd PT LOT 132 DP 15531 & PT LOT 2 DP 30124 36B/331 Offices - Fit-out & Alterations to Offices 27 05/04/16 BC160125 15 Rossiter Avenue WATERLOO 5011 L F Chin & V Chin FLAT 1 DP 56739 ON LOT RBW- Residential - Internal 4 DP 53506 & LOT 21 DP alterations 1177 26B/473 1~/4 SHARE $10,000 28 13/04/16 BC160136 7 Puriri Street WOBURN 5010 D Bailey & K M Harray $200,000 K Harray 7 Puriri Street WOBURN 5010 29 14/04/16 BC160139 58 Nelson Street PETONE 5012 A Rumble & E Rumble SEC 25 BLOCK XVI HUTT RBW- Residential VALLEY SETTLEMENT DP Alterations to bathrooms, 8029 CT 535/106 laundry, kitchen, conservatory LOT 17 DP 79 38/1 RBW- Residential - New roof over existing $18,500 30 20/04/16 BC160140 15 Marina Grove HUTT CENTRAL 5010 Yu'S Development Limited LOT 10 DP 11212 458/102 RBW- Residential - New Dwelling (Lot 3) 125.1 $166,000 A Rumble PO Box 33007 PETONE 5046 Yu'S Development Limited 190 Waterloo Road HUTT CENTRAL 5010 31 20/04/16 BC160141 17 Marina Grove HUTT CENTRAL 5010 Yu'S Development Limited LOT 11 DP 11212 526/248 RBW- Residential - New Dwelling (Lot 1) 125.6 $167,000 Yu'S Development Limited 190 Waterloo Road HUTT CENTRAL 5010 32 06/04/16 BC160151 11 Barnes Street SEAVIEW Valley Holdings Limited 5010 $15,400 Brentwood Transport 2007 Ltd P.O.Box 38080 Te Puni Mail Centre Date Created: 2/05/2016 LOT 2 DP 424673 & LOT 2 Storage - Installing Oil DP 445706 CT 560889 Interception Traps $100,000 Applicant Wj Enterprises Limited 2033 Makino Road R D 9 FEILDING 4779 Dulux Group (New Zealand) Pty Ltd PO Box 30749 LOWER HUTT 5040 Grant Plumbing Ltd PO Box 33169 PETONE Institute Of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Ltd PO Box 30368 LOWER HUTT 5040 V Chin 15 Rossiter Avenue WATERLOO 5011 Page 3 of 9 Hutt City Council Issued Building Consents for April 2016 Date Consent No. Property Address 33 08/04/16 BC160153 257 A Waterloo Road WATERLOO 5010 Property Owners G J Mckenzie Property Legal Desc LOT 2 DP 394986 CT 379759 Description RBW- Residential - New Dwelling Floor 198 Est Cost $325,800 Applicant G Mckenzie C/- Design Network Architecture P.O. Box 30614 LOWER HUTT 34 04/04/16 BC160154 13 Te Ahi-parera Place KOROKORO 5012 N J Cashmore & F C Cashmore LOT 6 & 1/9th SHARE LOT RBW-Residential - New 19 DP 477031 CT 660566 Dwelling 294.7 $485,000 35 07/04/16 BC160155 207 The Esplanade PETONE 5012 J A Sampson & R Nicholson LOT 99 DP 393 RBW- Residential - Install French Doors 36 14/04/16 BC160157 15 Marina Grove HUTT CENTRAL 5010 Yu'S Development Limited LOT 10 DP 11212 458/102 RBW - Residential - New Dwelling (Lot 2) 113.4 $151,000 Homestead Group 76 Main Road South LEVIN 5510 J A Sampson 207 The Esplanade PETONE 5012 Yu'S Development Limited 190 Waterloo Road HUTT CENTRAL 5010 37 26/04/16 BC160159 32 Buick Street PETONE 5012 J E H Howat LOT 171 DP 1232 41.62 $55,000 38 18/04/16 BC160160 2 Gillespie Street TAITA 5011 G E Williams & A J Williams LOT 2 DP 18546 40B/767 RBW- Residential Addition & internal alterations RBW- Residential - New roof cladding 39 05/04/16 BC160162 46 Hautana Street WOBURN 5010 J P Greve & F A Gillies LOT 1 DP 10077 448/251 RBW- Residential - Install Beams 40 29/04/16 BC160167 1497 Coast Road WAINUIOMATA COAST 5373 15 Marina Grove HUTT CENTRAL 5010 L B Curran & P R Oneroa LOT 3 DP 437541 CT 538856 Residential - Relocated nonhabitable farm shed to site Yu'S Development Limited LOT 10 DP 11212 458/102 RBW- Residential - New Dwelling (Lot 4) 42 07/04/16 BC160172 69 Gracefield Road GRACEFIELD 5010 Industrial Research Ltd LOTS 1 & 2 DP 76980 SUBJ TO EASEMENTS Research Facility - Two wind turbines $50,000 43 05/04/16 BC160177 31 Pohutukawa Street WOBURN 5011 J E Cummins & C R James LOT 3 DP 11030 451/69 RBW- Residential - Remove wall $3,000 44 26/04/16 BC160180 25 Korimako Road DAYS BAY 5013 C Moller & J Moller Residential - New Deck & stairs , new shower $50,000 41 01/04/16 BC160170 Date Created: 2/05/2016 LOT 52 DP 308 $4,500 $10,000 $9,500 70 $18,000 112.7 $151,000 S Howat 32 Buick Street PETONE 5012 Moore Design & Draughting Limited 46 Victoria Street ALICETOWN 5010 F A Gillies 46 Hautana Street WOBURN 5010 MR H Rombel 10 Charleston Avenue BOULCOTT 5011 Yu'S Development Limited 190 Waterloo Road HUTT CENTRAL 5010 Callaghan Innovation Po Box 31310 69 Gracefield Rd LOWER HUTT C R James 31 Pohutukawa Street WOBURN 5011 Rowbotham Boyd Architecture Ltd PO Box 31403 LOWER HUTT 5040 Page 4 of 9 Hutt City Council Issued Building Consents for April 2016 Date Consent No. Property Address Property Owners 45 26/04/16 BC160184 47 The Esplanade PETONE Seaview HP Limited 5012 Property Legal Desc LOTS 1-13 DP 675 LOT 2 DP 51858 SUDN 4 4B SECS SUDN 3 OF SEC~S 2 3 ETC PT LOT 132 DP 15531 & PT LOT 2 DP 30124 36B/331 Description Floor Commercial - Café Fitout to existing cafeteria Est Cost $145,000 Applicant Seaview HP Limited PO Box 289 WELLINGTON 6140 Commercial - New Cladding & windows, interior fit out, HVAC upgrade $150,000 Institute Of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Ltd PO Box 30368 LOWER HUTT 5040 K P Eaden 204 Papawai Road Rd1 GREYTOWN 5794 D Wilson P.O.Box 30769 LOWER HUTT 46 26/04/16 BC160185 15 Fairway Drive AVALON 5011 Institute Of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Ltd 47 04/04/16 BC160188 41 Viewmont Drive HARBOUR VIEW 5010 P C Eaden & K P Eaden LOT 156 DP 35288 15A/931 Residential - Install FSF Masport Minos wood burner 48 29/04/16 BC160190 45 Queens Drive HUTT CENTRAL 5010 D J Rowe & G R Holmes LOTS 1 & 2 DP 23273 Residential - Seismic 10C/339 - COMMERCIAL upgrade, conversion to PORTION - See 45R residential & retail Q~ueens Dr for Residential Portion 49 18/04/16 BC160193 84 Fraser Street WAINUIOMATA 5014 H J Van Duin & T M Van Duin LOT 37 DP 18846 50 28/04/16 BC160196 37 A Bloomfield Terrace HUTT CENTRAL 5010 51 27/04/16 BC160204 $1,800 $1,600,000 Residential- Bathroom upgrade $4,000 Queensgate Centre Limited LOT 2 DP 73145 Retail - Shop Fitout – Cookie Shop S105A $15,000 10 Raroa Road HUTT CENTRAL 5010 DGM Business Group Limited LOT 23 DP 4582 286/282 Offices- Alteration to ground floor $50,000 52 14/04/16 BC160205 35 Montgomery Street STOKES VALLEY 5019 M & T Raisin FLAT 1 DP 61996 ON LOT 41 DP 13033 533/86 Residential - New Garage $16,550 53 20/04/16 BC160211 80 A Hautana Street WOBURN 5010 D A Rennie Residential - New laundry in garage $4,000 54 12/04/16 BC160212 31 Moana Road DAYS BAY G Buchanan, R J 5013 Buchanan, L L Buchanan FLAT 1 DP 68564 ON LOT 25 DP 1748 WN36A/949 1/2 SHARE LOT 16 DP 282 Residential - Alterations to kitchen & dining area $60,000 55 20/04/16 BC160214 32 A Naenae Road NAENAE 5011 LOT 2 DP 89918 SUBJ TO & INT IN PARTY WALL & R/W 57C/279 RBW- Residential - New bathroom, partial re-clad $9,500 Date Created: 2/05/2016 D J Manning & S M Thompson T M Van Duin 84 Fraser Street WAINUIOMATA 5014 Queensgate Centre Limited MckeNZie Higham Architecture 91-93 Dickson Street PO Box 9792 WELLINGTON 6001 DGM Business Group Limited P O Box 30061 LOWER HUTT 5040 M & T Raisin 35 Montgomery Street STOKES VALLEY 5019 D A Rennie 80 A Hautana Street HUTT CENTRAL 5010 L L Buchanan 31 Moana Road DAYS BAY 5013 S M Thompson 32 A Naenae Road NAENAE 5011 Page 5 of 9 Hutt City Council Issued Building Consents for April 2016 Date Consent No. Property Address Property Owners 56 20/04/16 BC160216 9 Brook Street WAIWHETU A T Broster, J M Broster, 5010 WL Trustees Limited Property Legal Desc SEC 25 BLOCK XLI HUTT VALLEY SETTLEMENT DP 8402 CT 546/231 Description Floor RBW - Residential - New Addition – Extended Kitchen/ Dining and New Deck LOT 2 DP 41473 14A/1163 RBW- Residential - Re-clad house Est Cost $96,000 Applicant WL Trustees Limited 6 Harley Grove BOULCOTT 5011 $60,000 MRS S E Hall 1 McDonald Street TAITA 5011 K J Hayman 12 Cressy Street WATERLOO 5011 57 28/04/16 BC160219 1 McDonald Street TAITA 5011 MR A P Hall & MRS S E Hall 58 27/04/16 BC160222 12 Cressy Street WATERLOO 5011 K J Hayman & S L Van Soest SEC 8 BLOCK XXX HUTT Residential - Bathroom VALLEY SETTLEMENT SO upgrade 18646 CT 514/243 $19,999 59 04/04/16 BC160223 20 Hinau Street WOBURN 5010 Kj Mcgavin & Rl Udy SEC 10 BLOCK XVIII HUTT Residential - Install Firenzo VALLEY SETTLEMENT DP Compact Kompact IBF 8109 CT 447/1~1 wood burner $5,000 Firetech Fireplace Specialists Ltd 17 Arun Cres Southgate WELLINGTON 6023 60 21/04/16 BC160225 25 Waione Street PETONE T Zhu 5012 LOT 24 DP 384 505/187 Residential - New Verandahs $10,000 61 04/04/16 BC160227 432 Moores Valley Road WAINUIOMATA 5373 LOT 1 DP 26191 D2/116 Residential - Install FSF Wee Rad wood burner with wetback connection $3,100 T Zhu 27 East Street PETONE 5012 MRS K A Nightingale PO Box 42084 Homedale WAINUIOMATA 5049 J F Nightingale & MRS K A Nightingale 62 28/04/16 BC160228 Residential - Install new toilet $1,500 $6,000 Insulmax Wellington Ltd P.O.Box 38334 WELLINGTON MAIL CENTRE $100,000 Moore Design & Draughting Limited 46 Victoria Street ALICETOWN 5010 N M Murphy 112 Upper Fitzherbert Road WAINUIOMATA 5373 63 06/04/16 BC160229 12 Bull Avenue WAINUIOMATA 5014 S M Ellis & K R D Macleod LOT 1 DP 31555 8B/342 Residential - Retro fit insulation 64 19/04/16 BC160236 235 Riverside Drive WATERLOO 5011 A P Stephens & J A Stephens LOT 1 DP 22681 RBW- Residential - Existing dwelling to be relocated on site, additions & alterations 65 08/04/16 BC160239 112 Upper Fitzherbert Road N M Murphy & D M Skipper LOT 2 DP 405423 CT WAINUIOMATA 5014 418824 Residential - Woodsman Tarras Mk111, IBF Wood burner $4,000 66 12/04/16 BC160240 16 Jutland Street WATERLOO 5011 RBW- Residential - Upgrade bathroom $5,000 Date Created: 2/05/2016 G Calogaas & J C Calogaras LOT 78 DP 15994 A1/590 3 J C Calogaras 16 Jutland Street WATERLOO 5011 Page 6 of 9 Hutt City Council Issued Building Consents for April 2016 Date Consent No. Property Address 67 13/04/16 BC160242 7 Tawhai Street STOKES VALLEY 5019 Property Owners B A Reade & J D Reade Property Legal Desc LOT 23 DP 14871 68 13/04/16 BC160244 19 Invercargill Drive KELSON 5010 R A Milne LOT 447 DP 46914 17D/406 69 08/04/16 BC160245 38 Waipounamu Drive KELSON 5010 S J D Murphy & A Connor LOT 287 DP 42105 13D/503 Residential - Install FSF Minos wood burner $1,800 70 20/04/16 BC160247 3 Tennyson Street PETONE N Horspool & N Horspool 5012 Residential - Moving laundry into bathroom $19,000 71 26/04/16 BC160249 122 Muritai Road EASTBOURNE 5013 L Gunn, W Gunn, Cms Trustees (2009) Limited SBDN 2 SEC 2 BLK XVIII WILFORD SETTLEMENT (SO 17948) CT 366~/18 FLAT 1 DP 72070 ON PT LOT 9 DP 774 & PT LOTS 3 & 4 DP 5813 1~/8 SHARE IN LOT 5 40C/729 1/2 SHARE Residential - Bathroom Alterations $4,000 72 11/04/16 BC160253 12 Patrick Street PETONE 5012 P Moriarity Residential - Retrofit wall insulation $6,100 73 08/04/16 BC160257 5 Honeysuckle Grove MAUNGARAKI 5010 P I Beath & S G W Beath SEC 12 BLOCK VIII HERETAUNGA SETTLEMENT DP 5172 CT 424/36 FLAT 3 DP 320350 ON LOT 35 DP 28287 Residential - Install FSF Pyroclassic wood burner $5,000 74 08/04/16 BC160258 835 Coast Road WAINUIOMATA COAST 5373 C A Jackson LOT 3 DP 443014 CT 553180 Residential - Install FSF Firenzo Lady Kitchener wood burner $4,400 75 06/04/16 BC160259 1171 Taita Drive TAITA 5011 M J Daly & L B Sanchez Guevara LOT 32 DP 19074 7D/1104 Residential - Install FSF Masport Woodstacker wood burner $4,200 76 18/04/16 BC160262 1203 Coast Road WAINUIOMATA COAST 5373 K J Lowe & R A Lowe LOT 2 DP 23117 BLK VI PENCARROW S D Residential - Install FSF Bosca Spirit 550 wood burner $5,000 77 28/04/16 BC160263 79 A Tirohanga Road TIROHANGA 5010 E I Scott & R I Scott LOT 3 DP 35258 17B/999 Residential - Upgrade bathrooms , laundry $10,000 Date Created: 2/05/2016 Description Floor Residential - Install IBF Woodsman Totara wood burner Residential - New Drainage Est Cost $3,500 $2,100 Applicant B A Reade 7 Tawhai Street STOKES VALLEY 5019 R A Milne 19 Invercargill Drive KELSON 5010 A Connor 38 Waipounamu Drive KELSON 5010 N Horspool 3 Tennyson Street PETONE 5012 W Gunn 122 Muritai Road EASTBOURNE 5013 AAA Insulations Ltd 104 Beach Road Haumoana HAWKES BAY Firetech Fireplace Specialists Ltd 17 Arun Cres Southgate WELLINGTON 6023 Woodfires R Us PO Box 39138 WELLINGTON MAIL CENTRE 5045 Woodfires R Us PO Box 39138 WELLINGTON MAIL CENTRE 5045 The Wellington Fireplace Limited PO Box 12574 Thorndon WELLINGTON 6144 Architecture HDT Limited PO Box 6435 WELLINGTON 6141 Page 7 of 9 Hutt City Council Issued Building Consents for April 2016 Date Consent No. Property Address 78 28/04/16 COA160007 2 Martin Grove NORMANDALE 5010 Property Owners B B Lloyd & C Lloyd Property Legal Desc LOT 1 DP 43971 CT15D/1178 Description COA - Steal beam to southern deck 79 11/04/16 BC160265 52 Peel Place WAINUIOMATA 5014 J R Storey LOT 19 DP 23670 E3/870 Residential - Install FSF Metro Wee Rad wood burner $2,600 80 21/04/16 BC160266 168 Whites Line East WAIWHETU 5010 M I Flanagan & M M Flanagan LOT 9 DP 11509 467/126 Residential - Install IBF Metro Smart wood burner $3,600 Fireworx - Fires by Design 1060 Fergusson Drive UPPER HUTT 5018 81 11/04/16 BC160267 24 Shearer Crescent NAENAE 5011 L R Holmes & C B Day LOT 148 DP 15581 845/52 Residential - Install IBF Masport I200 wood burner $3,200 Fireworx - Fires By Design 1060 Fergusson Drive UPPER HUTT 5018 82 13/04/16 BC160277 229 Riverside Drive WATERLOO 5011 M S Casinader & C R Casinader LOT 36 DP 15718 F2/1316 Residential - Install FSF Masport R1500 wood burner $3,800 83 15/04/16 BC160278 38 McEnroe Grove NAENAE 5011 R Bridge & R Bridge LOT 50 DP 47525 21D/226 Residential - Install Shower into bathroom $5,000 Woodfires R Us PO Box 39138 WELLINGTON MAIL CENTRE 5045 Bathroom Solutions Group Limited PO Box 39416 Wellington Mail Centre LOWER HUTT 5045 84 14/04/16 BC160280 24 Donnelley Drive WAINUIOMATA 5014 MR A O Eastall & S R Eastall LOT 42 DP 23615 Residential - Install FSF Metro Wee Rad wood burner $2,000 85 15/04/16 BC160288 10 York Avenue MANOR PARK 5019 P J Moles LOT 43 DP 8048 405/114 Residential - Inbuilt Wood Burner $3,500 86 21/04/16 BC160291 69 Coast Road WAINUIOMATA 5014 L A T Wright LOT 88 DP 22539 A3/138 Residential - Install FSF Osbourne wood burner $3,500 87 22/04/16 BC160301 64 Oakleigh Street MAUNGARAKI 5010 M Wilson & RDP Trustees Ltd LOT 4 DP 28286 F4/738 Residential - Install FSF Warmington Studio wood burner ( wetback) $5,000 Date Created: 2/05/2016 Floor Est Cost $1,000 Applicant R Nation Po Box 352 MARTINBOROUGH 5741 Fireworx - Fires by Design 1060 Fergusson Drive UPPER HUTT 5018 G Tansley 176 Waddington Drive Naenae LOWER HUTT 5011 Solid Fuel Heating Limited Unit 3/ 44 Ward Street Trentham UPPER HUTT 5018 L A T Wright 69 Coast Road WAINUIOMATA 5014 Firetech Fireplace Specialists Ltd 17 Arun Cres Southgate WELLINGTON 6023 Page 8 of 9 Hutt City Council Issued Building Consents for April 2016 Date Consent No. Property Address 88 22/04/16 BC160308 14 Saulbrey Grove WOBURN 5010 Property Owners K Bullot Property Legal Desc FLAT 2 DP 70299 ON LOT 32 DP 1155 1/2 SHARE WN40C/751 Description Residential - Install FSF Masport R1500 wood burner 89 28/04/16 BC160316 33 Grimsby Grove WAINUIOMATA 5014 S Dikmenli & H V Smith LOT 13 DP 70460 LOT 14 DP 302320 9164 Residential- Install FSF Masport Mios 2 wood burner $4,000 90 28/04/16 COA160010 48 Wai-Iti Crescent WOBURN 5010 M J Hammond & M Hammond LOT 3 DP 24916 D2/587 Residential- Internal wall has opening $5,000 91 29/04/16 BC160327 46 Mossburn Grove KELSON 5010 E J Zorn & S R Zorn LOT 502 DP 47159 18C/711 Residential - Install FSF Wee Rad Woodburner $2,500 Date Created: 2/05/2016 Floor Est Cost $3,500 Applicant Woodfires R Us PO Box 39138 WELLINGTON MAIL CENTRE 5045 Woodfires R Us PO Box 39138 WELLINGTON MAIL CENTRE 5045 M J Hammond PO Box 38470 WELLINGTON MAIL CENTRE 5045 S R Zorn 46 Mossburn Grove KELSON 5010 Page 9 of 9