THE AUCKLAOT) STAK, INDUSTRIES COMMITTEE. TARIFF REFORMS WANTED. PERMANENT BOAKD. A The I'arliamentary Industries PICTURE THEATRES BOATING FATALITY. SALE OF CITY TRAMWAYS. TWO TRANSPORTS SAIL. HOURS OF OPENING. THREE MEN DROWNED. MOUNT EDEN CONSENTS. PAKBHA AND TOFITA. MAGISTERIAL DECISION. C'omMr. F. V. Frazer, S.M., in giving his miuie continued the taking of Auckdecision in regard to the prosecutions of laiul evidence yesterday, Mr. C. A. Wil- ii number of picture-show proprietors in kin.mi, VI.L., presiding. The committee Wellington, said that under the Shop leaves for Napier by the express to-night. and UtlicesAct a shop was deemed to be S. J. Ilaroutt, president of the Auck- open unless it was effectively closed land I'lovincial Industrial Association, against the ingress of the public. lie addre-.-. .1 t lie committee on a iiunibcr of would think that a picture theatre was matter-, and in particular urged tho open for the purpose of screening piciiee.l :.. I lie setting-uii of a tariff board, tures when the public were admitted in n !'! r wit to amen,l tariffs whenever anticipation of a performance which was lie .--.iry. subject to the approval of to commence in a quarter or half an l a!.in. t. The present rigid tariff system, hour's time. The object of the Act was he ili'.'liiri'd, perpetuated anomalies and the conservation of the public health. il.l :i ■; be a luptfd tv meet tho iliangreason for closing theatres during A permanent Tint ing i-oit.r.iioits oi trade. certain hours was to allow ample time liirtH '-Mid could Jo much to fo>ter new For the vitiated air to be drawn out. He industries-, vliicli ai prcM-iit were ham- thought the intention of the Act was per.-.! by the difficulty of obtaining :i that picture theatres should not he open me.i -lire of ; rotivtiou ivithtn n reasonable to the public between the hours of 5 and time vir. ll.irbull also urged the need 7 in the evening or ! efore 2 p.m. in the lor iit'.ii'cstall on. and r.-t.-rre.l to the daytime., 'lie i|iiestiou of hasty legisla<!.■;.--.i.h n.-y nl marly all industries upon tion and tho economic effects of the Act timber. Li the exaitijdes of Cermany, tie were beyond the power of the Court to 1 n:i I Mu. -. an,l t.n-iit liritain in tnck- go into. The Court's duty was to take lini: lb.- problem. He expressed regret the Act us it stood. If there was any at the no s that a untract for cutting dissatisfaction on the part of the public ;i.OtiiU:iiil feet of pinu> insignis in the or on the part of the picture theatre t niiibri !_e district hud been let, and de- proprietors and their employees, then clared ib.u while the e-hiiu.-diun of the the proper remedies must be. taken natural forest was bad enough, it would when Parliament met. He had to Bud 1v .verso still if ;>!. mt m ions of exotics the word "open" meant "open to Mere ib'moli-du'tl in tnis wholesale way. the public."' and that a theatre was open Mr. Ilarbllll went nil In suggest the. I,to the public unless it was, to use the estah!>hinein of a really a. tive Depart- 'words i.f the Shops and Offices Act. Industries, mctil >!' mi similar effectively closed against the ingress of the Department of Agri- "the pnblii ." He had some doubt whether ics ! 1fiiltiir. purpose f..r tinof as- the public could be admitted into the sisting it-.,lustrial development, with vestibule between the hours of R ami 7. ■j art iciiliir r. fen-nee to finance, lie also Ho should imagine that tin- term "theaurly development of the tre" woiil-1 iiulude, not only the audiadvocated t! An. blind hydio-eloc-ric scheme, as torium, but the vestibule. Ordinarily h\ Mi-. K. Parry, and the exploi- the King's Theatre opened «t 7 o'clock, drafted tation of die peat swamps and deposits and pictures were screened later on. (In of .iii.l miihl suitable for glass- tin occasion in question the day was wet !|aml the people were let into*the audiinakiug. In an-wor to Mr. Pcarce, Mr. Ilarbutt torium prior to the opening hour. As thai association hisaid did not favour that whs an isolated occurrence, and it a hou i> i-y-tom in place of a tariff to was not suggested that there was any enc.iir:i-C n.-w industries. intention of committing n breach of the Mr. Forbes suggested that the Com- Act, he thought lie could dismiss the monwealth would probably retaliate if [information as trivinl. He would urlopt tiinlKT e\p..rts were forbidden, and inicht the same course in the information forbid Hie hipping of hardwoods to New against the Paramount Theatre. In reZealand. Mr. Ilarbutt replied that more spect to the other prosecutions, he took than 7a per cent of the timber used in it thftt they were bronght more to vinNe.-.- /.calami was '-soft timber. lie dicate the Act than to enforce penalties. thought that the country could stand He know that there had been a considerretaliation. iable amount of d:spati?faction with tho Referring to his own business, the Act. but it might be that the parties had manufacture of corn-brooms, Mr. Ilar- 'desired to have tho matter tested in butt stated that the industry had suf- Court. He did not think it nec<-ssa, y to fered through the operations of a comimpose n fine of £5, which tl;j Puhlirt bination in Australia, which had suc- Health Act allowed. "It is just as well ceeded in raising the price of broom-corn that one should point out to the proto a very high figure. On top of this, the prietors." Mr. Frazer went on. "that Commonwealth Government had stopped under the Act the continuing of an ofexports, and Australian firms had started fence can be penalised at the rate of C> to canvass New Zealand firms for the for every day on which he offence consale of manufactured brooms. He was tinues, or, alternately, each day enn bo convinced from experience that millet trented as a separate offence, and can for brooms could not be grown in New be prosecuted for separately." Zealand. Tie suggested that a tariff Mr. Myers: They don't propose to <io equal to the Australian (30 per cent, that. As soon as they saw that the with 10 per cent preference) be placed authorities intended to enforce this ?eeon imported brooms. ! tion they ceased committing any breach S. I. Clarke, representing the Builders' of the Act. They have to take the other Association, emphasised the need for course of dismissing employees—it canafforestation, particularly to meet the not be helped. increasing demand for dwellings. He ! On the other informations each of the stated tbat there was no remedy but [ defendants wna fined £2, with 7/ costs. RfTore.tation for the scarceness and dearness of urgently needed timber. , ' . , •> THURSDAY. APRIL 24. 1919. , : ' CAPSIZED IN A FRESH. (By Telegraph.—/Press Association.) Wednesday, THE CONDITIONS. 10,000 SOLDIERS COMING- A special meeting of the Mount Eden Borough Council was held last evening (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) to consider a letter from the General For \Xi the proposal Against -JUi Majority against proposal.. SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS. 71 BOYS' GRAMMAR SCHOOL. BOARDING SCHOOL PLANS. AMALGAMATION. (Cy TcleKraph.—l'rras ered playgrounds. The School Commit- increased Govern- tee recommended that the boarding fees to secondary .-ilIioo! .should be kept low, and that this be teachers, winch tiic Auckland Uraniiiiar kept permanently in view in making the i-cuools Board advocated aud recomnecessary arrangements. mended to the oecoudary schools Tn view of the valuable information ment capitation ' what a lut'y writes of Doig's Goitre TreatmeaV—"Since starting yonr 'PBONB - 115 A Victoria Avenue i SPORTING ITBI. TIMBER MERCHANTS. A. DOIG, Family Chemist THE KAURI TIMBER CO., LTD* CUSTOMS WANGA.NX'I nj 3TSEET WEST. BUIXDIKQ TIMBEB, GOODS. KAURI. RIMU. iSATAI, THE Hockey Season « 33 just add a teaspoonful of Brown & Poison's Corn Flour to a breakfastcuprul of milk, and boil gently for NOW IS CATALOGCES AND PRICB LISTS APPLICATION. BAWMILLS. OREGON PIKE, BLUEQCM, SONS. LTD. MEDICAL. CRETONIC If you want Hockey Goods you can really rely upon, you will get them at R E Street, __ . , £ Wry Inventors' Advisers ! and intricate, or a clever, simple idea, let nn ho your advisers. Patent*. Tradem&rkii and Copyrights applied for throughout the World. Drawings and Specifications prepared. Fbes Book on Application Baldwin & Rayward - 1 WOOLLAIVIS , ■ J Pharmacies. W. PINCHES. M.E. HepTKcntaWr: >^l Mechanical .^^^^^B obtainable Pitut Ac»ti ud Coanutiat Eisinttn HEAD OFFICE WELLINGTON Auckland Office: &ud Draupbiaiiitkn. only — ... .. Wai ...... - — —- »»—— — : f ~ me^Ti2 —I LADIES' \, ]; CALF or 33/8, 35/-, 37/6. Cuban LADIES' GLACE DERBY BOOTS, patent cap, full-fitting, Cuban and low heels—2s/-, 27/6. ! ,; w CALF v DERBY BOOTS, lEb BOX :i:LADstout sole, wide welts—39/6. T AmT™, Rf : : ijSllnL HOTHER&DO THIS- rAT r>FT?RV Rnrvrc! ' LADIES' PATENT GOLOSH BOOTS, mat kid leg, Louis heel—4s/-. *::: IM from CRETONIC New Autumn Footwear is simply delightful - E PATENTS. Autumn Footwear. . full TAN DERBY SHOES, !; medium toe, heel— i R v*«v «'VV WISEMAN'S, —good, sensible, comfortable shapes and fittings, and made with single and double soles so suitable for this season of the year. Will you accept this invitation visit Boot Section and inspect these new stout walking Boots and Shoes ? wv " lUOXBARkI Jetuery and Mouldings always Iα Stock. 1 fOur ■ & SONS, LTD, D. GOLDIE OCEANIC I). IaULDiE & Here i« the place for quality and stoutness, ihe athletic gooJs which WILL carry you through the fiercest battles of the season. In Queen Olt BREAKWATER ROAD. Phones: 653, Bead Office: Ufl. Order Office KAURI, TOTARA. UlilU, WHITE PINR. THE TIME TO CHOOSE YOUR TRUSTY HOCKEY STICK, Boys, and your Season's Sporting Gear at WISEMAN'S in QUEEN STREET. Corn Flour. J! Opens. i ißroun* Poison's 11 TOTABAg JOINEBY, DOORS, BASHES ItANDFACTUHED FliOM THOROUGHLY SEASONED TEHLBEK ONLY. a Milk Diet J Ifdisagrees . — !' LADIES' DULL |, ' KID BOOTS. Louis heel, closed front, with or without cap—47/6. LADIES' TAN CALF BOOTS, closed front, high Cuban heel—49/6. /**Ea , '"""**""" I I RA jHSW I jslso 1I 11 ■| k^JS 11 ■! MrS t^^sdl ™ <i—-HI I i>A tf&i .Jjjsfk * I " - ' , J j i'ou 6, WAKEFIELD STREET. SUFFERERSI Ooitre Treatnient my neck ha« Rone down flve inchoa." Ix>a2-«tanaiQg cases yield to Doig's Goitre Treatment, 6v«n when other methods have failed. Does not affni't the most delion Ooitre and particulars and testi- WELLINGTON, Wednesday. The Board of Agriculture, which is stitting in Wellington, was addressed by tint Minister for Agriculture on several matters on the agenda paper. These matters include measures to be taken regarding cattle tick. shipping. farming instruction, marking and branding schemes, and the. disposition of property bequeathed by the late Mr. Josiuh ■Howard for agricultural education. dormitories, a common room, and cov- AUCKLAND'S v Read Association.) YIKWS OF TOWN CLERK. gj throughout the will probably cleaned by the visit of the Board's archi_j Members of the Newmarket Borough be reicrrcd to a Dominion and Orougiit tect to Wanganui, it was agreed, on the Council last evening congratulated Mr. before the noticecutilerenic oi l'ariiamcut at its ; suggestion of Mrs. Ratimc. that he bo ~j five minutes. This breaks C. LiM'k on his re-election as Mayor for m. next ses-iun. I authorised to visit various southern colthe ensuini; term. Mr. Lock expressed the curd and makes the gj meeting up At the of Gramleges agreed the Auckland the final plans before were his appreciation of the support had milk quite light, digestible received from members during .hi* term mar Schools Board yesterday afternoon upon. sg it was reported that replies had been of oflke. He paid a tribute to (lie serJ and very soothing to inreceived, witii one exception, from all vices of Mr. L. Buisson, who had rein favvalids, and the young. Tho New Zealand Loan and Mercantile sijjncd the position of town clerk. This the secondary schoolscircularised, our of the Hoard's contention for in- Aconey Company, Ltd., report the .-ale liy was endorsed by other members of the creases yesterday :inetloii of Mr l'ostle's pro house in remuneration of the stalls. The pcrty Council. In Itrown Street, to Mr J. U. Coe; Jn reply, Mr. Buisson expressed the OUigo ISoy_' and Girls' High School also Mr It. Yeolmi'l's hnnse In Sussex suggested that a conference of re- Street, to Mr K. (i. Knrtxpr. The farm of Board hoi>e that the new Council would con- presentatives oi secondary schools 11.'.r. ...-res nt Wnlwhlu failed to reiien the tinue to oppose any proposal to join the city. Newmarket wae only a small place. boards, including technical colleges, be and tile result with a ilruinugr area of ]">!) acres, and convened at Wcbiugton, their deliberation!! he brought under there was no reason why it should not of notice of Parliament. the remain an island, similar to London idea was endorsed by several city. Difficult problems would have to i This and the mat ter was left in the be faced during tlic next two years, and members, hands of the chairman to report at the he considered that if the Council held BUILDING MATERIALS. next meeting. PROSPERITY. out till then it would be all right. He Incidental to the discussion, Mrs. R. R. R. Hunt, indent agent, stated that thought the Council would do well to L. Baume orders had been received by -him from a comparison between postpone the loan of £0000, proposed the salariesdrew abroad for 3,000 tuns of iron-ore from of primary and secondary for streets and drainage, by Mayor the OK SOUTHERN A IMPRESSIONS the Parapara (Nelson) deposits. school teachers. She said the fact was He I so as to conserve its finances. To join VISITOR. deplored that the salaries of primhad been notified also that there would the city would mean that the valuations tv beschool teachers were, in many inbe a continued demand for the ore for ary frotn would rise much more than the ordiin Auckland recent visitor to shipment to America and elsewhere. He A stances, better than those of secondary nary course, and in consequence there school asked that the. Government should build 'Southland, describing his impressions, when consideration stalls, since would be an increase of rates. | was made for the fact that a wharf from which the ore could be says:—"The city is much improved years ago, »nd| latter had to sevspend loaded. Mr. Hunt also urged the claims Inst I visaed it, some the of Coromandcl granite as a building the public buildings are keeping pacej eral valuable years in obtaining uniimespecially was with the advance. I She instanced a case in stone, and suggested that the Governdegrees. LAST YEAR'S PENSIONS. versity ment should make the fullest possible pressed by the New Zealand Insurance which a secondary school teacher with tlo.'s building. The V.M.C.A. and the use of it for new public buildings. an M.A. degree after five years' service admirable, but W. Cowpertlnvaite, of the Cement V.W.C.A. buildings are TOTAL PAYMENTS £2,061,207. on a secondary school stall, wius receivRoofing Tile Company, Mount Eden, pro- especially the latter, which etanda on j ing less than .__llo, while many primary a fine view of affords and eminence an duced samples of cement roofing tiles. i school teachers without this qualificafrom the tennis court on the £1,173,007 IN WAR ANNUITIES. | tion were better remunerated. The He stated that the cement tile industry the city to be encouraged, because it could roof. The harbour and the ferry services 'matter was left in the hands of the chairThe city be carried on well by small factories in are pleasant in the hot weather. The TTon. Arthur Myers (Minister of man, who had previously been authoand hoalthy towns of all sizes. At present, be said, altogether lias n prosperous Pensions) this morning gave the follow- rised to submit a report on the capitathe company's factory could not meet appearance, which is no doubt greatly ing interesting Teturns for the past tion question, for which a conference of and health demands, but if corrugated iron and enhanced by her noble parkstram financial year in ronnertion with the secondary schoolrepresentatives at Wellelectric service which the resorts, ington ha- been suggested. Marseilles tiles came in again on the to all. However, my five cliis?"s of pensions administered by pre-war basis, the industry might come has made convenient more to the coun- the Pensions Department:— to an end. He did not ask for any par- intention was city—it describe is more in my line. PAYMENTS, 1018-10. ticular remedy, but would leave the try than the The journey to Frankton Junction was Allowance under matter in the committee's hands. HIKURANGI SWAMP DRAINAGE. can say all about Statutory I Finance Total all to and "mc, I new l'eiisious. Act, 1917. Tensions. EVIDENCE CONCLUDES. the country is that from such surroundpenOld exhibited the The town ace W. Aggers to committee ings Auckland muet prosper. Rions... 2dO.W>s 743.0C3 When the Hon. D. 11. Guthrie, Minister samples of a substitute for wood, made of Hamilton is a finely situated and Widows ... 482.4."S 44,71."i K0.773 Lands, was at Hikuraugi, the matter by him from waste flax fibre, com- rising town, with picturesque surround- Maori war. 3'.!,4fir. 11,033 W),4SB of to our 2,306 13.270 of tlie drainage of the large swamp in 10.721 pounded with an adhesive under heat and ingsf also good agricultural and pas- Miners 1.17:i,H07 1.173,007 that district was hrought under his pressure. He stated that tests made at toral farms. I much enjoyed a motor War notice, and he expressed himself favourthe University showed the substance to jaunt and picnic to Waikato Falls, X1,750,9je £310,251 £2,061,207 ably to the project. A public meoting be stronger than kauri. He believed that through good farming lands, closely figures represent electric the actual was convened at Hikurangi yesterday certain articles could be moulded in it settled. The Huntly Mines The ahove more cheaply than they could be shaped power station is a eight -worth going payments made in New Zealand. The. afternoon by the member for the district, wood. He showed a chair made to see, and we all enjoyed it immensely. total relating to war pensions does not Mr. V. Reed, at which the following from the substance, which, he explained, lAt Riveredale farm I saw them cutting include payments made in Great Britain, resolution was adopted unanimously and could be made at a low cost. a nice crop of lucerne, just six weeks' Australia, and elsewhere overseas, the forwarded to the Minister of Lands: That this meeting of settlers owning H. Bolitho, tobacconist, submitted a growth; also, on the same farm was a returns for which are not yet complete. land within the Hikurangi Swamp drainnumber of suggestions for the better remarkably fine field of swede turnips~" TABI.R OF PAYMENTS. age area unanimously agree COMPARATIVE the to the identification of foreign made goods. They took mc over in their car to LADIES' REAL GLACE DERBY Gross Pensions. immediate drainage of the Hikurangi He stated that many classes of goods Matamata Agricultural and Pastoral H 15)13-14. SHOES, short fronts, medium heel, 1917 IS. 1018-10. Swamp and low-lying- lands by the Govwere imported in cases branded with the Show. There were* good exhibits of 74:i,(Kt C4:i,177 pat. cap—l7/11, 21/-, 22/6. 410 77f, ernment, and urge that (1) the drainage name of the country of manufacture, dairy stock and produce. The sheep and 57.052 27,077 W.773 work be forthwith commenced and car50,488 hut the individual articles were not pigs were small but good. The great 211,417 i0,734 r 13.27(> provision accordance with the hrand.-il, or were sold in misleading show wae the people and motor cars, 13,27i> ried out in LADIES'BOX CALF DERBY SHOES, r>15.445 1,173,007 of the Swamp Drainage Acts: (2) that wrapper-. Some importers registered in with a good portion of amusemente for c full fitting Guban heel the commencement ot the wojk be not New Zealand, nr obtained powers-of- the young folk. After the Matamata £2,061,207 £473,300 / £1,380,383 —Zl/b,Zb/-. heid up or delayed by the preparation altornev to act for foreign manufactur- Bhow, I arranged to leave for Wellingers, with the result that foreign goods ton, but before concluding must say that The total new pensions granted, with of estimates, but that the expression ot trade- Auckland is a rich and prosperous pro- deaths, cancellations, and the net in- this meeting be taken a-s a final indica■w.-re sold under New Zealand LADIES' BOX CALF DERBY SHOES, marks, which were misleading. The duty vince, and I am not surprised at the rrearic or decrease during the year 1918- tion that the settlers desire the immediwide welts, military heel—32/6. ate commencement of the work by the mi wrappings and containers hampered prosperity of Auckland City." ---1919 are as follow: Government." New tie local manufacturers, but wrappings Canei-llaYenThe following executive was appointed imported with goods from oversea came LADIES' BOX CALF BROGUE siiins. Deaths, tlons. Inc. Deo. to further the foregoing resolution in free of duty. fio nlso objected to the 310 2,2-JO 2,018 OUI-age SHOES, medium fitting, military "ASK LOASBY ABOUT IT." Teat, jun., Messrs. J. Ellis, chairman, 327 T. 1,019 practice of allowing bonded stores and .. 1.34fi Widows' 112 heel—3s/-, secretary, 12 124 39/6. Mmirl war T. K. Crime, A. Coutts, Angus warehouses to be established under the Br"-— 42 i4 M Finlayson, 82 J. Hamilton, and F. Elliott. Ts roiir blood Miners' .. 18,934 same roof, and claimed that this had Are you anaemif? Ml 3,493 12,O:iO enabled a quantity of cigars, etc., of poor? 'if so you cannot feel well. You LADIES' ALL PATENT DERBY 20,623 2.710 4.204 enemy origin, to be unloaded on to the are always tired, the complexion 13 paler SHOES, full toe, Cuban heel, welted public after the outbreak of war after than usual, the gums are pinky instead For soup luncheons or dinner menus, increase in abnormal bowels "Of the course, or PumP sole—32/6. the distinctive wrappings had been ro- of showing rich red blood; the packet soupa. Wonderfully become nervous the number of widows' pensions is due Tucker's constipated; you are ll i.vcd. to the epidemic," pointed out the Minis- good, wonderfully economical.—(Ad.) and low-spirited, and frequently are unper LADIES' TAN CALF BROGUE SHOES able to sleep; head lehes, pains in the ter. "The new pensions granted averaged (Paris toe), light sole—32/6. hack and in the ciides in fact all your month under this head never November, the up 1918, than 50 to SALE OF FARM LANDS. functions are .out of order. Remem- more for the succeeding four tisactual new grants lias to all the the blood nourish ber, sues. Jf the blood is poor every organ months beinir:— of your body is being starved. You can (By 'J .k-srnph.—Press Association.) V® necenrter. 101S be cured. 1 have successfully treated When the children oough, "-M-"' January, imo Why February, 1!)19 I iS rub St Jacobs Oil on \VANI;ANTI, Wednesday. thousands of cases like yours. "Ask !-•* March. JM9 right away and suffer Come on? Throats and Chests. An important land sale was held this Ivoasby .\lxmt It." You won't regret afteri'.-.n. wlien SiH ;ni.s of the free- it. What 1 have done for others I can telling how soon the symptoms No Mr. V.'s Rniipitatnil of 0(full iviH do for yon. Advi c free. Medicine The Empire Day Essay Competition neglected, into croup or I -.ipiTty v offered. S.ilim were made week'*'supply), adults 4/(1, children 2/ti. promoted by the" Briti<h ami Foreign may develop ifYou will never regret havpneumonia. ae.-e,-. f',i!:.i'« £11 17 0 ( ountry patients treated by letter. Send is -: Lot one. 171.1 ~r'"%i. Sailors' Soeietv ha«. after considerable ing that, bottle of old, honest OTuiwr c&rTrtov i St. [M-γ ace; 1... t-w.i, I.VVi acriw, £17 In/ mc full particulars of your troubles, en- delay, been decided, and one of the four handy. Jacobs Oil The moment you acres, V.) 5/ close s/fl and will send you double-sized prizes has been allotted to an Auckland i»-r acre; It three. 1 !'K) .i,r. loofpne I up coughs and use it, it quickly aen hn four. 10711 s. Ill) per bottle of medicine post frr-.\ with full i;irls" (irammar School pupil, Hilda colds in throat or. chest—instant relief w; 1.1 '■■■"■■ -f~s acres, ti in per [articular* and all advice necessary.—A. Mueller. The prize is a model bust of from pain, soreness or stiffness follows. \|. I.o.ishv, I In only I'ri'-Prtliimj Cliemi'-t, Lord Kelson made of Victory copper, Aβ first-aid and a certain remedy for Room 2-I,' His Mitj'e-ty .- Arc-He. Take and suitably inscribed. The school's Chrfit Colds, Sore Throat, Bruises, put> you right :>.! uiv door. etc., there's toothing like meeting tin lift—it Backache, yesterday its hoard iijtre/d at INFLUENZA BACILLUS. Jliiur!—Morning. O.:sn- \i:.:n. "AfterSt. Jacobs Oil. Thousands of mothers to the suggestion of the donors that the know a< tiw> [nlliieiiza microbe t;ii-.e= two r!nya noon. 2—1.3H. Closed Saturday after- presentation this. such 'be of a nature at noon.— (Ad.l It is the remedy for grown-npe, too. would impress ii|ion the ptipib the Rub :l! ~::-•::■;' iiuiuunlly frun sli.-<-a>c. (Art) ■? the soothing, penetrating Oi .. dignity nf the competition. wherever the pain is, and relief comee Tii.'kor'e kidney flip, everywhere pro-' Woods' Great like Get a email bottk from Cure, Peppermint Coughs, take marie. Inimed a in:u«u'r|iiece in l"acki-t suu». I For nrnm-hinl your oheniist to-day. For Coughs, and Colds, never fails. lluutried itV—lAd.J jI foods' (Jrjat Peppermint Cure. : GHAPPELL & GQURTENAY PLUMBERS, The provision of boarding accommodation at the Auckland Hoys' I irammar Shoo] was further considered at the Kvcry thoughtful mother appreciates meeting of the Hoard yesterday afternoon. Sketch plans w.-rc submitted by the special feature of the latest model the Hoard's architect, who recently vis- baby carriages just opened up by Tonited the Wangaimi Boys' College' with sun" Carlick Co., Ltd. bee their window a view to obtaining suggestions as to display.—(Ad.) Cue lines on which the accommodation should he modelled. The plans .submitted provide for a refectory to accommodate ■ h •m-^-srw-sntr 120 boys, with staff quartersaud kitchen a Tile boarding-house, would attached. provide for 54 boys, and include three The. ijuestion of AGAINST , CinUSTCHUTICH, Wednesday. The transport Corinthic was berthed Ig'tteltnn this morning T'ae South crn men left by special train, and the North Island men left by the Monowai to-nig-ht. I 10/-41 ABB « IN CREASED CAVITATION. BOROUGH OF NEWMARKET. . ■ BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. (Ry Telegraph.—Press Association.) at Great Money-BaTine Bomidy FOR COUMS, COlOt, UTARRH Corti t/. M«kM 1 pint BavM PLUMBERS. IAUUAE. QU.IS.dQX, THE CORINTHIC'S DRAFT. will enter into a covenant or agreement that they will observe, fulfil and perform all the covenants, agreement'l and obligaHAMILTON. Wednesday. tions on flic part of the company, conA poll was taken to-day fur the pur- tained in the deeds of delegation granted pose of obtaining the ratepayers' sanc- by this Council in respect to the tramtion to the proposal of the Horougii ways of this district, and also subject Couici'l to borrow £20.000 for the pur- to the conditions that the rating liability pose of erecting workers' dwellings. Very of the Tramway Company be taken over little interest was taken in the poll, and by the Auckland City Council so that out of 2STM eligible to vote, only .ill this Council shall be able to exercise the ratepayers exercised [heir privilege. The same rating powers on the Auckland proposal was defeated, the figures being: City as they now do on the company _ (The Never before has advertising so thoroughly proved itself to be exactly what it is—an asset and not a lia-bility— an investment and not an expense—as during the war times now almost past. — William Crysell, en<rinc-d river, aged 50 Council. The Mayor (Mr. C. Hudson) years. presided over a good attendance of memJohn Hrosnan, dredge-hand, aged 50 bers. Mr. Hudson said he had attended the Thomas Reynolds, dredpr-hnnd, aped 4."> meeting called by the Mayor of Auckland (Mr. J. 11. Gunson) in connection with yea rs. The deoeaeed were in a boat engaged the proposal, and the position was fully in the work of moving the Ahaura explained. He had submitted it to the Dredjie down tho stream in a fresh for Borough Solicitor, and a reply was redismantling. The bunt capsized, and the. ceived, stating that the Mount Eden men all disappeared. They -were not Borough Council's consent would in no ajrnin seen. The Unit was drifting away way affect its rights under the deeds when tin- dredgeinastcr Bwt noticed t he of delegation. The Council would be able to exercise the ame rating powers on accident. .Crysell leaves a wife and three grown- the City Council an nt. present on the company. The conditions of purchase, up children at Ahaurn. Urosnan leaves a wife and two children at Waikaia. however he said, should be that the Otngo. while Reynolds was a single man. two bodies enter into a covenant by which the City Council promises to adhere to the conditions of the deed of delegation. lie proposed a resolution as follows, which was carried unaniWORKERS' DWELLINGS mously:- " That, this Council consents to the transfer of the rights, privileges, and responsibilities held by the Auckland PGTJL AT HAMILTON. Electric Tramway Company, under the deeds of delegation from this Council, 'I'ROPOSAhS KE.IIOrTKH. provided always that the City Council (H.v Telegraph.—Own Correspondent.) Igor WELLINGTON, Wednesday. It is the contention of wise advertising Official advice has been received of the. and business men that every dollar exdeparture of two more steamers from pended in judicious advertising is an inthe United Kingdom with New Zealand vestment, in public goodwill and has troops on board. Particulars are as therefore, a capital value. A well-adverfollows: tised trade mark, for example, has a dolThe Pakeha. (returning draft No. 251) lar value that can be definitely estimated left the United. Kingd-om on April 12, in relation to both the money invested and is due at Wellington on iMay 27. in the advertising of the trade mark, in The draft comprises 1373 troops. goodwill and the sales of the product. The Tofua (returning draft 254) left It is a.\iomatic that advertising is the United Kingdom on April 18, and isj necessary to Hales, but it has not been due at Wellington or <l'ort Chalmers on generally recognised until of late that June 2. The draft comprises 520 troops, advertising is more than merely a silent five civilians, four women, and two chil- salesman. It is more than merely a dren. This makea the number of New salesman. It is an investment value in Zealand troop? at pre-eitt afloat and public goodwill that, can be exactly dehome wind bound KI.IM-.:. termined.—Fourth Estate. A triple drowning accident occurred Manager of the Auckland Electric Tramto-day in the Ahaura River, lit about ways Company (Mr. Walklate) asking 1.30 p.m., resulting iiythe death of the for the formal consent of the. Council to the sale of the tramways to the City following men: ... . " IJfrLTTEKaSAPw %I »■■ KEY TO VICTORY IN TRADE WAR. 9 . , ~ , , fc ' f n (CLOTHING FACTORY!