Mater ials Science & Technology External Costs in the European Copper Value Chain A Comparison of Copper Primary Production and Recycling Master Thesis MAS Management Technology and Economics MTEC/BWI ETH Zurich / May 2008 Author: Supervisors: M.Sc. Martin Eugster - Stäheli / Empa St. Gallen Prof. Dr. Lucas Bretschger / ETH Zurich Dr. Christa Brunnschweiler / ETH Zurich Dr. Patrick Wäger / Empa St. Gallen MASTER THESIS MAS MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY AND ECONOMICS MTEC/BWI ETH ZURICH Title: External Costs in the European Copper Value Chain A Comparison of Copper Primary Production and Recycling Date: May 2008 Author: M.Sc. Martin Eugster - Stäheli / Empa St. Gallen – Technology and Society Laboratory ETH Zurich Student ID: 95-909-875 Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Lucas Bretschger / ETH Zurich – Center of Economic Research Dr. Christa Brunnschweiler / ETH Zurich – Center of Economic Research Dr. Patrick Wäger / Empa St. Gallen – Technology and Society Laboratory Cover Picture: Copper smelter, Flin Flon, Manitoba / Canada (Google Earth, 2007) Abstract Besides having beneficial effects to society, copper production also induces unwanted side effects. Emissions of pollutants into air, water and soil can seriously impact human health, ecosystems, crops and infrastructures. As a consequence, additional 'external' costs incur for the society, which are not compensated through copper sales by the producers and thus are not reflected by the copper price. This study aims to evaluate external costs in the copper value chain and to compare in particular the primary and the secondary copper production in Europe. The present level of external costs is estimated based on the contemporary European copper cycle and current production technology. Future external costs are estimated for the year 2020, each in an optimistic and pessimistic scenario, where distinguished technology development paths are evaluated. In this study, 29 copper smelters and refineries located in Europe were considered. The copper production in the most important trading partner countries for refined or intermediate copper products was also taken into account. The underlying methodology for modelling and estimating external costs associated with environmental pollution is based on the impact pathway approach. Since air pollution contributes to more than 98% of the total environmental impacts in the entire copper production chain, emissions to water and soil were neglected. Annual emissions to air in the copper production were determined based on a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) inventory database for each production facility. The stack emissions from the European production facilities were translated into spatially resolved ambient concentration increments by atmospheric dispersion modelling. Considering spatially dependent receptor data such as population density and agricultural land, the damages or physical impacts from increased ambient concentration levels of various pollutants were determined and monetarised by applying dose-response relationships. According to the calculations, in 2005 the average specific external costs of the copper consumed in Europe amount to €978 per ton. In order to internalize the external costs incurred in the copper value chain due to air pollution, the average annual market price for copper in the year 2005 of €2’963 per ton should therefore have been 33% higher. However, since specific external costs differ significantly between regions as well as primary copper production generates clearly higher impacts than secondary production; a differentiated allocation procedure for cost internalisation would be essential, and presumably highly challenging. The evaluation of distinguished technology development paths showed that the total external costs could be substantially reduced (30 - 50%) by consequently implementing environmentally sound technologies, in particular in the European trading partner countries. However, the scenario analyses also indicate that increasing demand could compensate technological improvements and overall external cost could remain on a constant level or could even increase. 1 Acknowledgements I would like to thank Dr. Christa Brunnschweiler, my supervisor from the Center of Economic Research at the ETH Zurich, for her guidance and excellent support during the master thesis. In several fruitful meetings she helped me a lot in focusing the study and she provided many helpful comments on the report. I’d like to express my gratitude to Prof. Dr. Lucas Bretschger who provided me the opportunity working in this highly interesting field of resource economics. Many thanks also go to Dr. Patrick Wäger from the Technology and Society Laboratory at Empa St. Gallen for his recommendations and valuable feedbacks on the thesis report. I would further thank my employer Empa for supporting me in kind during my studies and thesis work and provided funding for a site visit in Hoboken / Belgium and for the modelling software tool. A special thank goes to Dr. Jan Kegels, head of the department environment at Umicore Precious Metals in Hoboken, for his help in gathering and interpreting emission data of copper production sites. I would also thank Mr. Jean-Francois Equey from Metallo-Chimique N.V in Beerse / Belgium for providing emission data of a secondary copper smelter. I am also very grateful for the support of Mr. Volker Klotz and Mr. Phillip Preiss from the University of Stuttgart / Germany in the modelling and simulation work with EcoSenseWeb. Last but not least I would like to thank my family, my wife Barbara and our children Demian, Elena and Isaak for their patience during the entire thesis and for providing me a wonderful working environment. 2 Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 9 2 GENERAL APPROACH .......................................................................................................... 11 3 COPPER VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS ..................................................................................... 15 4 3.1 SUPPLY AND DEMAND OF COPPER .................................................................................. 15 3.2 THE COPPER CYCLE ...................................................................................................... 19 3.3 AVAILABILITY AND STOCKS OF COPPER ........................................................................... 23 3.4 INTERNATIONAL VALUE CHAIN STRUCTURE ..................................................................... 27 3.5 DEVELOPMENT AND TRENDS OF THE COPPER PRICE ....................................................... 29 MODELLING EXTERNAL COSTS IN THE EUROPEAN COPPER VALUE CHAIN.............. 33 4.1 FRAMEWORK SCENARIOS ............................................................................................... 33 4.2 EMISSIONS OF POLLUTANTS IN THE COPPER PRODUCTION ............................................... 35 4.3 DISPERSION OF POLLUTANTS AND EXPOSURE ................................................................. 38 4.4 DOSE-RESPONSE FUNCTIONS ........................................................................................ 42 4.5 MONETARY VALUATION OF AIRBORNE POLLUTION ........................................................... 44 4.6 MODELLING RESULTS AND COMPARISON......................................................................... 49 5 CONCLUSIONS ....................................................................................................................... 53 6 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 55 ANNEX A COPPER PRODUCTION NETWORKS EUROPE AND INDONESIA..................................... 61 B WORLD COPPER PRODUCTION DATA 2001 – 2005 .......................................................... 65 C CHARACTERISATION OF THE LOCAL ENVIRONMENT..................................................... 73 D AIR EMISSION DATA.............................................................................................................. 75 E DELTA CONCENTRATION MAPS FOR THE FACILITIES HOBOKEN / BELGIUM AND GLOGOW I / POLAND IN THE BASE SCENARIO 2005 ....................................................... 85 F EXTERNAL COST ESTIMATES.............................................................................................. 95 3 List of Tables TABLE 1: EUROPEAN COPPER SMELTERS IN 2003 ..................................................17 TABLE 2: PRINCIPAL USES OF COPPER IN 1990 .......................................................18 TABLE 3: ESTIMATED COPPER RESERVES AND RESERVE BASE IN 2005 ............25 TABLE 4: WORLD COPPER RESERVES AND ANNUAL MINE PRODUCTION, 1950–2005.......................................................................................................26 TABLE 5: PRODUCTION VOLUME PER COMPANY IN 2004 .......................................28 TABLE 6: ACCUMULATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS FROM THE PRODUCTION OF PRIMARY COPPER FOR DIFFERENT REGIONS..........37 TABLE 7: CONCENTRATION RESPONSE FUNCTIONS OF PM2.5, PM10 AND OZONE AND CORRESPONDING MONETARY VALUES .............................44 TABLE 8: GENERIC MONETARY VALUES FOR THE ESTIMATION OF EXTERNAL COSTS FROM EMISSIONS OF GREENHOUSE GASES..............................48 TABLE 9: GENERIC MONETARY VALUES FOR THE ESTIMATION OF EXTERNAL COSTS FROM EMISSIONS OF CERTAIN HEAVY METALS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS ...............................................................................49 TABLE 10: COMPARISON OF SPECIFIC EXTERNAL COSTS OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY COPPER PRODUCTION AND COPPER CONCENTRATE PRODUCTION IN EUROPE, CHILE, PERU, RUSSIA AND INDONESIA ......50 TABLE 11: COMPARISON OF TOTAL EXTERNAL COSTS OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY COPPER PRODUCTION AND COPPER CONCENTRATE PRODUCTION IN EUROPE, CHILE, PERU, RUSSIA AND INDONESIA ......51 4 List of Figures FIGURE 1: THE PRINCIPAL STEPS OF AN IMPACT PATHWAY ANALYSIS FOR THE EXAMPLE OF AIR POLLUTION .............................................................12 FIGURE 2: DETERMINATION OF PHYSICAL IMPACTS BASED ON DELTA CONCENTRATION MAPS, POPULATION DENSITY MAPS AND CONCENTRATION – RESPONSE FUNCTIONS ...........................................12 FIGURE 3: GLOBAL PRIMARY AND SECONDARY COPPER PRODUCTION AND COPPER CONSUMPTION 1966 – 2005 ........................................................15 FIGURE 4: GLOBAL COPPER MINE PRODUCTION, SMELTER PRODUCTION AND REFINERY PRODUCTION IN 2005................................................................16 FIGURE 5: GLOBAL “BEST ESTIMATE” OF THE ANTHROPOGENIC COPPER CYCLE FOR 1994 ...........................................................................................20 FIGURE 6: GLOBAL “BEST ESTIMATE” OF THE ANTHROPOGENIC COPPER CYCLE FOR 2005 (OWN ESTIMATES) .........................................................20 FIGURE 7: EUROPEAN COPPER CYCLE IN 1994..........................................................21 FIGURE 8: EUROPEAN COPPER CYCLE IN 2005 (OWN ESTIMATES) ........................22 FIGURE 9: PORPHYRY COPPER DEPOSITS OF THE WORLD ....................................23 FIGURE 10: THE ‘‘MCKELVEY DIAGRAM’’ OF MINERAL RESERVES AND RESOURCES..................................................................................................24 FIGURE 11: GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF PRIMARY PRODUCTION FOR VARIOUS METALS. ........................................................................................27 FIGURE 12: MAIN IMPORT PARTNERS OF THE EU-25 FOR COPPER ORES AND CONCENTRATES AND REFINED CATHODE COPPER...............................28 FIGURE 13: NOMINAL COPPER PRICE DEVELOPMENT 1988 – 2007 IN USD..............29 FIGURE 14: INDEX OF THE US PRODUCER PRICE OF COPPER FROM 1870 TO 2000.................................................................................................................31 FIGURE 15: WORLD LARGEST OPEN-PIT COPPER MINE IN CHUQUICAMATA / CHILE ..............................................................................................................35 FIGURE 16: COPPER SMELTER AND REFINERY IN SKELLEFTEHAMN / SWEDEN, PLANT RÖNNSKÄR OF THE COMPANY BOLIDEN MINERAL AB...............36 FIGURE 17: ACCUMULATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS FROM THE PRODUCTION OF PRIMARY COPPER AND CONTRIBUTION OF IN ECO-INDICATOR POINTS (EIP) FOR DIFFERENT REGIONS .....................37 FIGURE 18: ACCUMULATED EMISSIONS OF SULPHUR DIOXIDE, NITROGEN OXIDES AND PARTICULATES IN THE PRODUCTION OF REFINED PRIMARY COPPER FOR DIFFERENT REGIONS.........................................38 5 FIGURE 19: CHEMICAL REACTIONS OF THE SULPHUR AND NITROGEN SPECIES INCLUDED IN THE REGIONAL SCALE MODELLING...................................40 FIGURE 20: SPATIALLY DISTRIBUTED DELTA CONCENTRATION VALUES OF PM2.5 FOR THE FACILITY GLOGOW I / POLAND IN THE BASE SCENARIO......................................................................................................41 FIGURE 21: POSSIBLE BEHAVIOUR OF DOSE-RESPONSE FUNCTIONS AT LOW DOSE ..............................................................................................................43 FIGURE 22: LOCAL ENVIRONMENT OF AN “AGGLOMERATION”; ZURICH / SWITZERLAND...............................................................................................74 FIGURE 23: LOCAL ENVIRONMENT OF AN “URBAN AREA”; SREDNEURALSK / RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND OF A “RURAL AREA”; CHUQUICAMATA / CHILE ..............................................................................................................74 6 List of Abbreviation BAT Best available technology CPI Consumer price index CRF Concentration - response function CVM Contingent valuation method DRF Dose - response function EIP Eco - Indicator points ELV End of life vehicles EU European Union GWP Greenhouse warming potential IQ Intelligence quotient LCA Life cycle assessment LME London metals exchange LRS Lower respiratory symptoms MFA Material flow analysis PDF Potentially disappeared fraction of certain organisms RT Residence time SIA10 Secondary inorganic aerosols < 10 micrometers SX-EW Solvent extraction electrowinning process TBRC Top blown rotary converter USGS U.S. Geological Survey USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics VOLY Value of life years VPF Value of prevented fatality VSL Value of statistical life WEEE Waste electronic and electrical equipment WTA Willing to accept WTP Willing to pay YOLL Years of life lost 7 8 1 Introduction Copper is one of the most important industrial metals since it has been used over eight millennia. Today, primary production of copper ranks third in terms of annual global metal tonnage and annual production value, behind iron and aluminium. Due to its significant role in many applications, copper is a relevant commodity today and will presumably continue to be important in the future. Within the past decade the copper price has quadrupled. Copper has been traded at the London Metals Exchange (LME) this year between €4’500 and €5’600 per ton. Due to a continuously increasing global copper demand and at the same time uncertainties about copper stocks and availability, the copper prices increased substantially. Speculative activities at the stock markets may also contribute to the increase of the copper price. However, in these prices social costs such as environmental and human health damages from copper production are not included, since these impacts are usually not considered in the copper value chain. The copper production, aside from its beneficial consequences to society, causes some unwanted side effects. Emissions of pollutants into air, water and soil can seriously impact human health, ecosystems, crops and infrastructures. The most important environmental impact of primary and secondary copper production is airborne pollution, in particular increased ambient concentration levels of particulates (PM2.5. and PM10) and of ozone (O3). While particulates are primary pollutants which are directly released by the production facilities, ozone is a secondary pollutant which is formed in a series of non-linear chemical reactions from the emitted sulphur and nitrogen species. The most relevant and thoroughly studied consequence or physical impact of these pollutants is human health degradation. Empirical studies confirm that, even at current ambient levels, air pollution increases morbidity (especially respiratory and cardiovascular diseases) and leads to premature mortality. Since social costs such as increased human health costs due to environmental pollution incur outside the copper value chain, these costs are not reflected in the copper market price and therefore not compensated by the generator or namely the copper producers. These external costs are finally covered by the society, by affected individuals or groups and the entire population as such. As a consequence of increasing environmental awareness of the society and growing pressure for cost transparency and cost internalisation from regulatory bodies, further knowledge on external costs in the copper value chain is needed. To date, for the mining industry and in particular for the copper industry no comparable studies are available. Therefore, in this study the external costs in the European copper value chain are modelled and estimated for different framework scenarios using best practice approaches. This study aims to evaluate external costs in the copper value chain and to compare in particular the primary and the secondary copper production in Europe. The present level of 9 external costs is estimated based on the contemporary European copper cycle and current production technology. Future external costs are estimated for 2020 in an optimistic and pessimistic scenario, where distinguished technology development paths are evaluated. The analysis of pollution levels and its monetarisation are carried out for the European copper value chain. In this study the 29 copper smelters and refineries located Europe are considered; the copper production in the most important trading partner countries for refined or intermediate copper products are also taken into account. For the interpretation of the results of this study, at least three limitations have to be considered. First, there are significant uncertainties in future trends of the copper market, second, there are limitations in assessing environmental and social impacts as such and third, there are methodological constraints in the estimation of external cost. Nevertheless, in spite of these uncertainties and constraints, this study seeks to estimate the current and future levels of external costs in the copper primary production and recycling, since to date no comparable estimates have been carried out. The results shall contribute to the general understanding of social costs in the copper value chain and give a hint on its absolute and relative magnitude differentiated by major production steps and geographical regions. 10 2 General Approach Industrial and agricultural activities, transport processes and energy conversion can cause substantial environmental and human health damages, which vary widely depending on where the activity takes place, and on the type of the activity. The damages caused are for the most part not integrated into the pricing system and are therefore called externalities or external costs. According to Perman et al. (Perman, Ma et al. 2003) an externality is said to occur when the production or consumption decisions of one agent have an impact on the utility or profit of another agent in an unintended way, and when no compensation / payment is made by the generator of the impact to the affected party. External effects originate either in production or consumption and affect producer, consumer or both. These unintended effects may be beneficial or harmful. There is no payment in respect of a beneficial effect by the beneficiaries, or no compensation in respect of a harmful effect for the affected party. While external effects can have the characteristics of private goods, those that are most relevant for policy analysis are external costs with the characteristics of public goods, which exhibit characteristics of non-rivalry and non-excludability. This is especially the case with external effects caused by pollution problems that involve the natural environment and human health. External costs with the characteristics of public goods lead to market failures, which is why non-market valuation techniques are necessary to estimate monetary values of welfare changes. Since the main focus of this study is to estimate external costs in copper production, only harmful effects originated in primary and secondary production steps are taken into account and not effects from copper product fabrication, product use, waste management or transportation processes. The estimation of external costs can be divided in two major methodological steps: 1. Environmental and social impact analysis: The relevant environmental and social impacts in the copper value chain are identified, and appropriate indicator variables are selected and quantified. 2. Monetary valuation: The environmental and social impacts are valuated in monetary terms and external costs are estimated. The underlying methodology used for estimating external costs associated with environmental pollution is based on the impact pathway approach suggested by the ExternE- 11 project1 of the European Commission for quantifying externalities in the energy sector (Berry, Holland et al. 1995; Bickel and Friedrich 2005). Although the estimation of external costs has to consider several constraints and uncertainties, there is a wide consensus on the major methodological issues. In particular for air pollution, the impact pathway analysis is broadly acknowledged as the preferred approach. The principal steps in this approach are presented in Figure 1. SOURCE DISPERSION DOSE-RESPONSE (specification of site and technology) (e.g. atmospheric dispersion model) (or concentration-response functions) ⇒ Emission ⇒ Concentration increase at receptor (e.g. kg/a of particulates) (e.g. µ/m of particulates) 3 MONETARY VALUATION ⇒ Impact ⇒ Cost (e.g. cases of asthma due to ambient concentration of particulates) (e.g. cost of asthma per case) Figure 1: The principal steps of an impact pathway analysis, for the example of air pollution (Bickel and Friedrich 2005) Starting point for the analysis is the emission of pollutants at sources such as industrial sites or transport systems. The annual release of pollutants into air, water or soil needs to be quantified for each source, and site specific technical data2 have to be specified. In the subsequent dispersion modelling of air pollutants or fate analysis of water and soil emissions, the increase of ambient concentration levels at different receptors such as population, agricultural land, building materials or ecosystems is determined. By applying dose-response or concentration-response functions, the impacts in terms of life expectancy reduction, work loss days, cases of chronic bronchitis and other physical impact categories are then quantified (see Figure 2). Delta concentration + Population + CRF Function = IMPACT Figure 2: Determination of physical impacts based on delta concentration maps, population density maps and concentration – response functions in the impact pathway analysis Finally, in the monetary valuation step, these physical impacts are monetarized based on country specific cost factors such as health care service costs or average employee 1 The ExternE-Project was funded by the European Commission within the scope of the sixth research framework programme 2002 – 2006. The project contributors were from the University of Stuttgart / Germany, Ecole des Mines / France, University of Bath / UK, University of Hamburg / Germany, Institute of Occupational Medicine / UK, E-CO Tech as / Norway, Paul Scherrer Institute / Switzerland, Vlaamse instelling coor technologisch / Belgium and the Swedish Corrosion Institute / Sweden ( 2 Required site specific technical data for air pollution in the applied modelling procedure: annual production quantity, flue gas volume and temperature, stack height and diameter as well as position of emission source (latitude, longitude) 12 productivity losses. The techniques for valuating the environment can be divided in indirect and direct expression of preferences. In indirect methods the value is derived from market prices of other goods. The most prominent indirect methods are the avoidance cost approach (i.e. cost for end-of-pipe measures are determined), the travel cost approach and the hedonic price analysis. In direct methods the value for an environmental good is estimated through surveys on a hypothetical price (e.g. contingent valuation method) or through estimation of replacement or restoration costs. In the contingent valuation method (CVM) a survey of the willingness to pay (WTP) for a certain environmental good is determined. For some impact categories these techniques cannot be fully applied since data on valuation is missing (e.g. acidification and eutrophication of ecosystems) or because estimation of all physical impacts is limited (e.g. global warming). In such cases a second best approach has to be chosen. In this study two framework scenarios are distinguished for the copper production in Europe, a reference or base scenario 2005 and a future scenario for the year 2020 (see chapter 4.1). Two technology development paths until 2020 were considered assuming optimistic and pessimistic implementation of environmentally sound technologies3. In order to define plausible framework scenarios, a copper value chain analysis is carried out (see chapter 3). Based on data and information from literature review and expert interviews, the developments and trends of the global copper market are studied, copper resource depletion and the level of scarcity is evaluated, and the institutional framework influencing the supply and demand regime is analysed. For the quantification of emissions in the European copper value chain, data from the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) inventory database ecoinvent (ecoinvent 2008) were used. According to these data, air pollution contributes for 98% of the total environmental impacts4 in the entire copper production chain (see chapter 4.2). Thus, in this study emissions to water and soil are not taken into account. The accumulated air emissions in the entire copper production chain were allocated to the 29 operating smelting and refinery plants in Europe. Hence, emission levels for each facility are overestimated since the emissions of preprocessing steps (mining of copper ore and concentrate production) occur at other locations in or even outside Europe, but are included in the European production sites. According to ecoinvent-data, in Europe copper smelting and refinery processes account for only 23.3% of the overall environmental impacts in the copper production chain, and copper concentrate production accounts for the other 86.7%. In Indonesia the impacts in the smelting process are much higher, and the share of smelting and refinery is 71.2% and for copper concentrate production 28.8% of the overall environmental impacts. In Annex A detailed production 3 Environmentally sound technologies (ESTs) are technologies that have the potential for significantly improved environmental performance relative to other technologies (United Nations Environment Programme – UNEP: 4 The environmental impacts are assessed and quantified using the Eco-Indicator ’99 points (Hierarchist perspective) V2.04 (Goedkoop and Spriensma 2000) 13 networks are displayed and the environmental load of sub-processes contributing more than 0.5% to the overall impact is presented. In this study, the atmospheric dispersion modelling of air pollution in Europe and the calculation of spatially distributed concentration changes of ambient pollutants, the determination of physical impacts based on empirically derived concentration-response functions and the monetary valuation was done with the software tool EcoSenseWeb (Haigis 2008) developed within the ExternE-project (see chapters 4.3 - 4.5). The model covers the major pollutants sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrous oxides (NOx), ozone (O3) and particulates (PM2.5, PM10) and some minor pollutants, namely toxic heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Ni and Pb) as well as certain organic pollutants (formaldehydes and dioxins). In order to evaluate impacts from greenhouse gases, emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) are considered. The calculations for the global analysis of imported copper were done in EcoSenseLE5, a simplified tool based on the EcoSenseWeb software. Only two sets of receptor information (for the ‘EU-15 and new members’ and for ‘Sweden’) were used, since no population density maps or country specific data are available outside Europe. The population densities in the selected European region / country are comparable with the relevant countries used in the global analysis, namely Chile, Peru, Russia and Indonesia.6 5 EcoSenseLE V1.3 (Lookup Edition) is a simplified and parameterised version of the EcoSenseWeb model based on European data for receptor distribution (population, crops, building materials), background emissions (amount and spatial distribution), and meteorology. The input required is annual emissions of NOx, SO2, PM10, NMVOC, CO2, N2O, CH4; the pollutants considered are O3, SO2, PM10, sulfates, nitrates and greenhouse gases. ( 6 Population densities of relevant countries in persons / km2: EU25 = 111, Sweden = 22, Chile = 21, Peru = 21, Russia = 9, Indonesia = 118 14 3 Copper Value Chain Analysis 3.1 Supply and Demand of Copper Economic, technological and societal factors influence the supply and demand of copper. As society's demand for copper increases, new mines and plants are introduced and existing ones expanded. In times of market surplus, existing operations can be scaled back or closed down, while planned expansions can be delayed or cancelled. But copper is not only produced from ores and concentrates (primary copper), copper scrap or recycling also provide a relevant and continuous supply source (secondary copper). According to data from the International Copper Study Group (ICSG 2007a) and the U.S. Geological survey (USGS 2005; USGS 2008) the global copper mine and refinery production is increasing steadily to reach 15’047 kt and 16’559 kt respectively in 2005 (see Annex B). For 2008, mine production is expected to increase to 17’000 kt and refined copper production is estimated to increase to 18’950 kt (ICSG 2007b). In 2005, the 125 operating copper smelters worldwide had a cumulated capacity of 14’325 kt and produced 13’482 kt blister copper, i.e. raw copper with an average Cu content of 98%. In Figure 3 the global primary and secondary production of refined cathode copper (refinery production) and the copper consumption from 1966 to 2005 is presented. 18'000 16'000 Primary Copper Secondary Copper Consumption 14'000 [ kt ] 12'000 10'000 8'000 6'000 4'000 2'000 0 1966 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 Figure 3: Global primary and secondary production of refined cathode copper (refinery production) and copper consumption 1966 – 2005 (ICSG 2007a) Traditionally, the mining industry is the most important supplier of the copper smelting industry. Chile has increased its share of world mine production from 13% in 1978 to 35% or 5’321 kt in 2005. Another 37% or 5’597 kt has been mined by the United States, Indonesia, 15 Peru, China and Russia in 2005. In Europe the most important copper mines are located in Poland (523 kt), Sweden (98 kt), Bulgaria (97 kt) and Portugal (90 kt). In the following figure, the mine production, smelter production and refinery production in the most important copper production countries are presented for the year 2005. The pie chart shows the share of the country’s refinery production. 6 3% Mine 5 3% Peru 3% 3% 26% Canada India 3% Smelter 4% Korea, Republic of Poland Refinery 6% [ 106 Metric tons ] 4 Germany Russia United States 8% 3 Japan China 17% 8% 2 Chile Others (< 500'000 t/a) 16% 1 Zambia Others (< 200'000 t/a) Sweden United States Spain Russia Poland Peru Philippines Mexico Korea, Republic of Kazakhstan Japan Indonesia India Germany Chile China Canada Brazil Bulgaria Belgium Australia 0 Figure 4: Global copper mine production, smelter production and refinery production in 2005 in Million tons and share of the refinery production of different countries in percent; Data source: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS 2005) Primary smelters use mine concentrates as their main source of feed. Secondary copper smelters use copper scrap (mainly low grade) as their feed. Globally 12.2% of the total smelter copper production in 2005 originated from secondary copper sources. In Europe there is in particular a high concentration of secondary smelters: 10 of the 16 specialized plants for secondary materials worldwide are located in European countries. Accordingly, in Europe 23.1% of the total smelter copper production are from secondary sources. Similarly, 12.2% of the total refinery copper production in 2005 originated from secondary copper sources on global scale and 26.2% in Europe. Recently, the trend to recover copper directly from ores through leaching processes has been on the increase. In the solvent extraction-electrowinning (SX-EW) process the ores are first leached and then directly refined. In 2006, the SX-EW technology accounted for 16% of production (ICSG 2007a). This newer hydrometallurgical process is in a rapid growth stage and to some extent displacing the older pyrometallurgical approach. The pyrometallurgical approach is a net producer of by-product sulphuric acid, whereas the hydrometallurgical process is a net consumer of the acid. Thus, in the long run it is likely that the two will be increasingly combined and that SO2 gas released by the furnaces will be recovered in a sulphuric acid plant. 16 In the following table the 29 operating copper smelters in Europe, which have an accumulated production capacity of 2’839 kt/a, are presented. In 2005, the smelter production in Europe amounted to 2’227 kt, and the refinery production to 2’560 kt. Table 1: European copper smelters in 2003 (USGS 2003), accumulated capacity 2’839 kt/a Country Albania Austria Belgium Bulgaria Finland France Germany Hungary Italy Poland Romania Serbia / Montenegro Slovakia Spain Sweden Turkey Location Kukes (Gjegian) Lac Rubik Brixlegg Beerse Hoboken Eliseina Pirdop Harjavalta Poissy Hettstedt Lunen (Huettenwerke Kayser) Hamburg (Norddeutsche Affinerie) Csepel Porto Marghera Glogow District (Glogow I) Glogow District (Glogow II) Wroclaw (Hutmen S.A.) Legnica Baia Mare Zlatna Zlatna Zlatna Bor Krompachy Asua-Bilbao Huelva Skelleftehamn (Ronnskar) Samsun Latitude Longitude 42.08 41.63 41.77 47.42 51.32 51.17 43.08 42.70 61.32 48.93 51.65 51.62 53.55 47.40 45.45 51.67 51.67 51.15 51.21 47.67 46.12 46.12 46.12 44.08 48.92 43.18 37.26 65.00 41.28 20.42 19.71 19.79 11.88 4.87 4.35 23.48 24.18 22.13 2.05 11.50 7.52 10.00 19.23 12.22 16.08 16.08 17.08 16.16 23.58 23.22 23.22 23.22 22.10 20.87 -2.56 -6.95 21.60 36.33 Capacity Process Type [ kt ] (S: secondary smelter) 5 7 5 85 150 50 14 190 160 10 96 170 420 4 24 220 205 9 93 35 10 40 13 170 20 32 320 240 42 Reverberatory Blast Furnace Reverberatory Blast Furnace (S) TBRC (S) Isasmelt (S) Blast Furnace (S) Outokumpu Flash Outokumpu Flash Blast Furnace Reverberatory/Blast Isasmelt Outokumpu, Contimelt, Electric Reverberatory (S) Reverberatory (S) Blast Furnace Outokumpu Flash Blast Furnace (S) Blast Furnace Outokumpu Flash Reverberatory (S) Outokumpu Flash Reverberatory Reverberatory Reverberatory (S) Rotary Furnace (S) Outokumpu Flash Electric (TBRC) Outokumpu Flash Copper is used as pure metal and as alloying element with other metals in component manufacturing, where semi-finished products such as shapes or ingots (known as ‘semis’) are produced. Copper is used in building construction, power generation and transmission, electrical and electronic equipments, aircraft parts, automotive parts, industrial applications and other applications (MMSD 2002). The principal uses of copper shown in Table 2 account for 79% of the worldwide consumption of copper (Graedel, Bertram et al. 2002). Graedel et al. further added estimates on residence time (RT) of the application in the use phase and estimates on the distribution between recoverable copper scrap and waste at the end of use (S/W). According to data from the German Metal Industry Association (WVM 2007), 40% of the copper was used in construction, 36% in electrical and electronic equipments, 16% in the machineries, 6% in automotives and 2% in other sectors. The temporal development of the global copper use or demand is shown in Figure 3. Since the beginning of the 20th century, demand for refined copper has increased from 500 kt to over 16’560 kt in 2005. Prior to the Second World War, demand grew at an annual rate of 17 3.1%. During the post war expansion years (1945 to 1973) demand grew by 4.5% per year. Since the first oil shock of 1974, demand has grown by 2.4% per year. During the 1990's, demand for copper has resumed at an above average rate of 2.9%. (ICSG 2007a) Table 2: Principal uses of copper in 1990; RT: residence time; S/W: scrap and waste at the end of use (Graedel, Bertram et al. 2002) Category Building wire Tube Alloy rod Magnet wire Telecommunication wire Power cable Copper sheet and strip Alloy sheet and strip Casting alloys Motor vehicle wire Appliance wire Bare wire Copper rod Alloy tube Wire (other) Alloy wire Chemical and powder Use RT S/W [%] [ years ] [%/%] 14 12 11 9 8 8 8 7 6 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 <1 45 60 20 15 50 40 50 25 30 10 20 10 40 35 5 5 1 50/50 45/55 10/90 50/50 25/75 60/40 60/40 20/80 50/50 80/20 50/50 0/100 60/40 95/5 0/100 5/95 5/95 Key drivers for copper consumption today are investments in power generation and distribution and telephone systems. Ongoing industrialisation in developing and emerging economies, mainly in China, India and Russia, fuelled the demand of copper during the past decade. Further improvements of the standard of living and widespread electrification of rural areas would undoubtedly result in increased copper consumption in the near future. World copper use in 2008 is projected to grow by 3.8%, or about 690 kt, to 18’700 kt (ICSG 2007b). According to forecasts of Frondel et al. (Frondel, Grösche et al. 2006), the global copper demand will increase to 24’100 kt in 2020 and 28’400 in 2025. The copper demand in China only is estimated to be 5’000 – 9’000 kt in 2020 and 6’000 – 13’000 kt in 2025. As a consequence of steadily growing copper demand, growing copper prices and controversial expert discussions on potential supply restrictions, increased attention has been paid to the issue of substitution in recent years. In economics, one kind of good (or service) is said to be a substitute good for another kind insofar as the two kinds of goods can be consumed or used in place of one another in at least some of their possible uses (Wiki 2008). Potential substitutes for copper wires are optical fibres or aluminium wires, in building applications substitutes are zinc, aluminium or copper composite materials and in some applications like boilers or plumbing tubes stainless steel and plastics have the potential to substitute the copper metal. The copper used in electrical and electronic equipment components and in electrical motors is hardest to substitute. 18 3.2 The Copper Cycle A large number of comprehensive studies have been carried out in order to characterize and describe stock and flows of contemporary copper cycles in different regions and countries (Ayres, Ayres et al. 2002; Bertram, Graedel et al. 2002; Graedel, Bertram et al. 2002; Rechberger and Graedel 2002; Spatari, Bertram et al. 2002; Bertram, Graedel et al. 2003; Kapur, Bertram et al. 2003; Graedel, Van Beers et al. 2004; Spatari, Bertram et al. 2005; Sullivan 2005; Alonso, Gregory et al. 2007; Rauch and Graedel 2007). According to the scientific literature, the copper cycle can be divided into four main phases: 1. Production: refining of cathode copper (99.99% Cu) including all the pre-processes such as mining / milling of copper ores and smelting of concentrates and scrap 2. Fabrication & manufacturing: copper and alloy fabrication from cathode copper or new scrap (production waste), component and final product manufacturing 3. Use: consumption of copper and alloy products in different applications and building up new stock-in-use 4. Waste management: collection and separation of copper scrap (old scrap) for recycling and final disposal in incineration or landfills (copper losses) An important characteristic of metals in a material cycle is that they are rather used than consumed like other commodities in the use phase. Metals are to a large extent separated in the waste management phase and sent back to production or fabrication processes as new or old scrap. Hence in order to meet society’s copper demand the primary copper production can potentially be reduced and resource extraction diminished. However, increasing demand still leads to growing extraction rates. Graedel et al. (Graedel, Van Beers et al. 2004) carried out a material flow analysis (MFA) for the anthropogenic global copper cycle in 1994 and presented “best estimates” (see Figure 5). In this study, a global “best estimate” for 2005 has been approximated using respective data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS 2005) and from the International Copper Study Group (ICSG 2007a) (see Figure 6). Due to lack of present data in the use and end-of life phases, highest uncertainties are expected in the estimations of the data for these stages. According the USGS-data, in 2005 global mine production amounted to 15’050 kt and refined cathode copper production to 16’560 kt, whereas 2’020 kt of (secondary) copper were produced from copper scrap. The copper stock at production has been reduced by 130 kt in 2005 (ICSG 2007a). For a balanced material balance, the losses in production through tailings and slag minus reworked tailings must be 640 kt. Presumably, the losses into tailings and slag have been reduced significantly since 1994 – similar to gold production (Mudd 2007) - and are estimated to be approximately 800 kt. In 1994, 5% of the copper consumption in the fabrication & manufacturing process was new scrap sent back to copper refinery (Graedel, Van Beers et al. 2004). Assuming improved manufacturing in terms of resources losses, the share was reduced in this study to 3% in 2005 and the flows for new and old scarp are determined. The data from Graedel et al. suggests that approximately 30% 19 of old copper scrap can be directly re-melted in fabrication & manufacturing and the other 70% have to be smelted and refined in copper production processes. These shares are used to determine copper scrap flow in 2005. The overall recycling rate in 1994 was estimated by Graedel et al. to be 53%. In this study, a slight increase of the overall recycling rate to 55% for 2005 is assumed and the increase of the stock in-use, the discard flow and waste flow to landfill was estimated. Figure 5: Global “best estimate” of the anthropogenic copper cycle for 1994 according to Graedel et al. (Graedel, Van Beers et al. 2004); units in thousand tons [ kt ] 15‘050 12‘760 130 16‘560 500 160 800 1‘520 3‘950 16‘710 650 2‘170 1‘780 15‘050 +2‘580 Figure 6: Global “best estimate” of the anthropogenic copper cycle for 2005 (own estimates); units in thousand tons [ kt ] Accordingly, in this study the contemporary European copper cycle is approximated for the year 2005 and derived from the MFA carried out by Graedel et al. (Graedel, Van Beers et al. 2004) (see Figure 7 and Figure 8). Additionally to the production and market data from the U.S. Geological Survey and the International Copper Study Group, trade data of the United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN 2008) has been used to determine import 20 and export volumes of copper ores and concentrate, blister copper, refined copper, semis and finished products and copper scrap. Figure 7: European copper cycle in 1994 according to Graedel et al. (Graedel, Van Beers et al. 2004); units in thousand tons [ kt ] According the USGS-data, European mine production in 2005 amounted to 940 kt and refined cathode copper production to 2’560 kt, whereas 670 kt of (secondary) copper were produced from copper scrap. Changes in the copper stock at production were not considered in the approximation for 2005 since no data was available. According to the UN-trade statistics, 770 kt copper from ores and concentrates7, 260 kt blister copper and other unrefined copper8, 1’990 kt cathode9 copper and 220 kt copper from old scrap10 were imported into the EU-2511. The export of blister copper and of refined cathode copper amounted to 20 kt and 200 kt, respectively. No exports were reported for ores and concentrates and copper scrap for the EU-25. Data on exports of semis and finished products from the UN-trade statistics are incomplete and thus not applicable for estimating export volumes. Hence, in this study the estimates base on unchanged export shares compared to 1994 and is only a first and rough estimate. 7 Concentration of ore grade 1% and concentrate 30% and an import share of 20% and 80% respectively 8 Concentration of blister and other refined copper 98% 9 Concentration of cathode copper 99.9% 10 Concentration of copper scrap 80% 11 Since Norway, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia and Montenegro are not included in the EU-25 data, but reported in USGS data, the flows have been corrected accordingly for USGS system boundaries 21 For a balanced material balance in the copper production stage, the losses in production through tailings and slag minus reworked tailings must be 50 kt. In 1994, 5% of the copper consumption in fabrication & manufacturing process was new scrap sent back to copper refinery (Graedel, Van Beers et al. 2004). Assuming improved manufacturing in terms of resources losses, the share was reduced in this study to 3% in 2005 and the flows for new and old scarp are determined. The overall recycling rate in 1994 was estimated by Graedel et al. to be 60%. Assuming in this study a slight increase of the overall recycling rate to 62%, the increase of the stock in-use, the discard flow and waste flow to landfill was estimated for 2005. - 2‘390 220 760 240 1‘740 80 570 3‘540 940 3‘810 960 2‘560 160 820 1‘230 220 40 730 510 450 10 -940 + 500 Figure 8: European copper cycle in 2005 (own estimates); units in thousand tons [ kt ] The refined copper production in Europe increased by 11.8% from 2’290 kt to 2’560 kt and copper consumption (cathode copper produced in Europe and abroad, copper scrap) increased by 16.1% from 4’600 kt in 1994 to 5’340 kt in 2005. The import share increased from 29.6% in 1994 to 32.6% in 2005. The global copper consumption increased by 41% in the same period. On global average, approximately 55% of the copper in discarded products is separated and recycled as old scrap. In Europe the recycling rate is estimated to be on a higher level (>60%) due to improved collection systems and infrastructure. However, end-of life flows are rough estimates since only secondary copper production and old scrap imports are statistically reported. Data on increase of stock-in use, discards quantities and copper waste volumes are not available. 22 3.3 Availability and Stocks of Copper Approximately 99% of the mass of Earth’s crust is made up of eight elements: Oxygen (47%), Silicon (29%), Aluminium (8%), and Iron (4%), followed by Calcium, Sodium, Magnesium and Potassium. The remaining 1% contains about 90 elements of natural origin. Recoverable copper deposits are according Ayres et al. (Ayres, Ayres et al. 2002) mostly (90-95%) in the form of disseminated sulphide minerals, such as chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), chalcocite (Cu2S), bornite (Cu5FeS4) and enargite (Cu3AsS4). So called oxide ores, which account for 5%-10% of global output, are weathered products of sulphide minerals, notably malachite (CuCO3·Cu(OH)2), azurite (2CuCO3·Cu (OH)2), cuprite (Cu2O) and chrysacolla (CuSiO3·2H2O). The world’s porphyry copper deposits are mainly located in North- and South America, South-East Asia, Australia, Russia and South-East Europe. The locations are shown in the following map prepared by Singer et al. (Singer, Berger et al. 2002): Figure 9: Porphyry copper deposits of the world (Singer, Berger et al. 2002) Copper is a finite and thus an exhaustible or non-renewable resource. Providing today’s developed-country level of services for copper worldwide (as well as for zinc and, perhaps, platinum) would appear to require conversion of essentially all of the ore in the lithosphere to stock-in-use plus near-complete recycling of the metals from that point forward (Gordon, Bertram et al. 2006). According to Gordon et al., the fraction of the stock of recoverable resources in the lithosphere already placed in use or in wastes from which it will be probably never be recovered is currently approximately 26% for copper. Economic geologists divide Earth’s mineral stocks into several categories based on their geology and economics (Gordon, Bertram et al. 2007; Tilton and Lagos 2007; USGS 2008): Resource base: The resource base contains all the copper in the earth’s crust. It encompasses reserves and resources, as well as a great deal of other copper not now considered potentially feasible for future exploitation. 23 Resources: A concentration of naturally occurring solid, liquid, or gaseous material in or on earth’s crust in such form and amount that economic extraction of a commodity from the concentration is currently or potentially feasible. Resources encompass reserves plus the copper contained in undiscovered deposits that are currently or potentially economic and the copper in known deposits that are potentially but not currently economic. Reserve Base: That part of an identified resource that meets specified physical and chemical criteria related to current mining and production practices, including those for grade, quality, thickness, and depth. The reserve base includes some subeconomic resources that have a reasonable potential for becoming economically available within the planning horizons beyond those that assume proven technology and current economics. Reserves: That part of the reserve base, which could be economically extracted or produced at the time of determination. Reserves measure the copper contained in deposits that are both known and profitable to exploit given the copper price, state of technology and other conditions currently existing. The divisions were initially proposed by McKelvey (McKelvey 1972), a version of whose explanatory diagram is shown in Figure 10. Since minerals in the resource base are not considered potentially feasible for future exploitation, the diagram only covers reserves, reserve base and resources. Figure 10: The ‘‘McKelvey diagram’’ of mineral reserves and resources (McKelvey 1972) Geologists estimated the size and grade of ore bodies and determine ore reserves. According to estimates by Erickson and Kapur, the world’s copper resource base ranges between 1.5x1015 and 9.4x1015 tons (Erickson 1973; Kapur and Graedel 2006). According to estimates in 2002 by the U.S. Geological Survey, the world’s land-based copper resources amount to 1’600x106 tons. In 2006, the USGS revised the estimates and increased the value to 3’700x106 tons. The rationale behind this sudden increase remains unclear. Gordon et al. (Gordon, Bertram et al. 2007) criticize that the research leading to this new value has not been published in peer-reviewed literature nor elsewhere. The world’s copper reserve base is estimated in 2005 to be 940x106 tons and the copper reserves are 470x106 tons. 24 The estimated copper reserves and reserve base in 2005 is given for the most important extraction countries in the following Table 3. Chile, the United States and Peru hold together 49% of the world’s copper reserve and 53% of the reserve base. Table 3: Estimated copper reserves and reserve base in 2005 (USGS 2005) Reserves 6 United States Australia Canada Chile China Indonesia Kazakhstan Mexico Peru Poland Russia Zambia Other countries World total Reserve base [ 10 t Cu ] [ 106 t Cu ] 35 24 10 160 26 28 14 27 35 31 20 19 50 470 70 43 23 370 63 38 20 40 60 50 30 35 100 940 Data collected by the US Bureau of Mines on the development of the average copper ore grade in the United States show steadily decreasing values. In 1905, the average ore grade was 3.6%, in 1945 1.1% and in 1995 only 0.6%. This implies that in extraction more material has to be processed and consequently the energy consumption increases if unchanged technology is applied. The analysis on the copper content in waste streams shows that for most of the metals that are currently targeted for recycling, the post disassembly concentrations lie above the metals specific minimum profitable ore grades (Johnson, Harper et al. 2007). This suggests that material recycling at the end-of-life can be efficient, not only in terms of resource use but also in terms of economic profitability. Graedel et al compared seven different waste streams in 1994 and found that copper waste generation from waste electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE) is approximately 2’200 kt and from end of life vehicles (ELV) approximately 800 kt (Graedel, Van Beers et al. 2004). In 2005, the total copper production amounted to 16’600 kt, the share of the secondary copper industry with its 2’000 – 3’000 kt being comparatively small (less than 20%). An analysis on the developments of the secondary copper industry showed that while available old scrap has increased by over 35% over the past 10 years, secondary production has actually stagnated on that low level (Gomez, Guzman et al. 2007). Hence, potentially secondary copper production could be significantly increased through improved collection systems and waste management processes for WEEE and ELV and therefore could contribute substantially or overall resource saving. Since product lifetimes are getting shorter and shorter the material turnover in its life cycles increases proportionally and copper demand and scrap volume increases. In a statistical entropy analysis of the European copper cycle (Rechberger and Graedel 2002) the authors have concluded that the overall system is rather balanced and of non-dissipative nature. It has been demonstrated that the stock of copper currently in use has the potential for a future 25 secondary reservoir and potentially a near-sustainable copper management can be maintained. However, high intrinsic value of copper can only ensure that scrap has some value unless concentration is too low. Ongoing miniaturisation could lead to highly dispersed applications and therefore collection and recovery might not be feasible anymore. Kraeuchi et al. and Waeger et al. showed that broad application of so called smart labels bears some risk of dissipating both toxic and valuable substances, and even of disrupting established recycling processes (Kraeuchi, Waeger et al. 2005; Waeger, Eugster et al. 2005). Hence, due to new miniaturized technologies large volumes of copper or other valuable materials could potentially be dissipated in nature and most probably never be recovered. In the scientific literature there is a controversial debate on the scarcity of copper. In the history of economic thought, scarcity always was a crucial concept and there have traditionally been a number of differentiated classifications of scarcity. In the actual debate the authors argue from two main perspectives. Economists base their arguments on opportunity costs and relative scarcity, environmental scientists on global copper deposits and supply and demand characteristics. Economists consider opportunity costs for consumption bundles and think in alternatives and thus in a relative scarcity of goods. The human actor is seen as a rational decision-maker, who makes choices based on his own preferences over goods (homo economicus). If a certain good is neither substitutable against others on the production side nor on the preference side, a relative notion of scarcity will not capture the scarce nature of this good (Baumgatner, Becker et al. 2006). This aspect of absolute scarcity is not within the scope of economics. Tilton et al. (Tilton and Lagos 2007) assess long-run trends in the availability of copper by real prices applying the opportunity cost approach and concludes that copper could conceivably become less scarce by the end of the century. Tilton et al. argue that copper reserves cannot be considered a fixed stock since estimates on copper reserves are increasing steadily. The estimates of global reserves and the time to depletion based on mine production are given in the following Table 4. Table 4: World copper reserves and annual mine production, 1950–2005 (Tilton and Lagos 2007) Year Reserves 6 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Mine production 6 Time to depletion [ 10 t Cu ] [ 10 t Cu ] [ years ] 91 146 154 195 280 408 350 340 326 348 340 470 2.38 2.9 3.94 4.66 5.9 6.74 7.2 7.99 9.2 10 13.2 14.9 38 50 39 42 47 61 49 43 35 35 26 32 According to the data shown in Table 4, the estimates on copper reserves are increasing steadily. Since these reserve estimates base on regularly surveys in mining companies, the values reflect also economic constraints and strategic behaviour of the mining industry. 26 Mining companies usually manage reserves for about 30 years (Alonso, Gregory et al. 2007). Hence, accumulating stocks beyond that level does not seem to provide sufficient discounted revenues to offset exploration costs and market uncertainties. As a result, the estimated time to depletion is rather constant between 26 and 50 years (61 years in 1975 due to clear overestimates of the reserves) and does not reflect resource scarcity. Environmental scientists consider copper as a finite resource and see an increasing scarcity in absolute terms. The approach bases on geological findings, fixed stock assumptions and contemporary market characteristics. In their paper, Gordon et al. (Gordon, Bertram et al. 2007) conclude that the world is likely to experience a growing scarcity of copper over this century. 3.4 International Value Chain Structure In 1975, the three main copper primary producing countries were the United States, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and Chile. Together they had a cumulative fraction of 44% of the total global production volume. In 2004, main copper producing countries were Chile, the United States and Indonesia. Together they had a cumulative fraction of more than 50%. Currently, Chile is the main global copper producer and is steadily increasing its global market share. In Figure 11, the geographic distribution of primary production for various metals is shown. For most of the metals an increased cumulative fraction of the three main producing countries can be observed from 1975 to 2004, indicating an increased country specific market concentration. Figure 11: Geographic distribution of primary production for various metals. Top three producing countries for each metal 1975 (left) and 2004 (right) (Alonso, Gregory et al. 2007) In response to low commodity prices and poor returns, there has been an additionally increasing company specific market concentration in the last couple of years (MMSD 2002). Main global copper producers in 2004 and their corresponding market shares are shown in Table 5. Together, the ten largest copper manufacturers produce 54.4% of the global market volume. 27 Table 5: Production volume per company in 2004 (Wiki 2008) Nr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Company Country Codelco BHP Billiton Phelps Dodge Anglo American Rio Tinto Grupo México KGHM Polska Miedź MMC Norilsk Nickel Freeport-McMoRan Kazakhmys Production Market Share [ kt Cu ] [%] 1'876 1'055 1'054 744 727 717 529 483 415 377 12.80 7.20 7.19 5.08 4.96 4.89 3.61 3.30 2.83 2.57 Chile Australia USA UK UK Mexico Poland Russia USA UK In Europe, 2’560 kt of cathode copper were produced from ore (940 kt), from scrap (670 kt) , from imported ores and concentrate (760 kt) and from imported blister copper (240 kt) in 2005 (see Figure 8). The refined cathode copper consumption in the fabrication & manufacturing stage was 5’340 kt, whereas 1’740 kt was imported from outside Europe. 304; 5% 138; 2% 94; 4% 93; 4% 75; 3% 281; 5% 99; 4% 834; 35% 340; 6% 273; 11% 1'148; 20% 305; 13% 3'610; 62% 612; 26% Chile Indonesia Peru Argentina Brazil Papua New Guinea Canda Other partners Chile Russian Federation Peru Kazakhstan Norway Other partners Figure 12: Main import partners of the EU-25 for copper ores and concentrates (left diagram) and refined cathode copper (right diagram) (UN 2008); import values in Million USD and shares in percent The main trading partners of the EU-25 in 2005 for copper ores and concentrates and cathode copper are shown in the flowing Figure 12 based on the UN-trade statistics (UN 2008). The total import values in 2005 for ores and concentrates amount to 2’386 Mio USD and for cathode copper to 5’821 Mio USD. The import value for blister copper was 875 Mio USD and for copper scrap imports 550 Mio USD. The three most important trading partners for ores and concentrates are Chile, Indonesia and Peru, together covering 74% of the import market. The three most important trading partners for cathode copper are Chile, Russia and Peru, together covering 88% of the imports. 28 3.5 Development and Trends of the Copper Price At the London Metal Exchange (LME) copper is traded and world prices determined based on global supply and demand. LME prices are even used as the basis for upstream products such as ores and concentrates and for downstream products such as semi-fabricated products or even copper scrap (MMSD 2002). The development of the annual average nominal copper prices for the years 1988 - 2007 is shown in Figure 13. Within the past two decades a tremendous increase of the nominal copper price can be observed. This year, copper has been traded at the London Metals Exchange (LME) between USD 7’000 and USD 8’700 or €4’500 and €5’600 per ton. Due to a continuously increasing global copper demand and at the same time uncertainties about copper supply shortages, the copper prices increased substantially. 8'000 7'000 6'000 [ USD ] 5'000 4'000 3'000 2'000 1'000 0 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Figure 13: Nominal copper price development 1988 – 2007 in USD Speculative activities at the stock markets may also contribute to the increase of the copper price. According to Boutellier et al. (Boutellier and Rohner 2007) the developments of the natural resource prices - namely the dramatic increase in the recent years - cannot be explained only due to increasing demand. Speculative elements in metal trading play an important role in this price increase. Concerns on supply shortages can lead to speculation. For instance, in 1972, mercury was identified as becoming critically scarce. However, through changes in economic and regulatory conditions, by 2004, mercury had a static depletion index (reserve base divided by annual mine production) approaching 200 years (Alonso, Gregory et al. 2007). Legal restrictions in the use of mercury in final products due to its toxicity lead to a dramatic decrease of production and consequently to a sharp increase of the static depletion index12 or to a reduced level of scarcity. 12 Static depletion index (Tstat): Years until depletion, assuming constant use (depletion) of the resource.( Tstat = stock of resource / resource use) 29 The selling prices of virgin materials are known to vary approximately proportionally with their degree of concentration in the matrix from which they are extracted. This relationship is known as the metals-specific Sherwood-plot (Sherwood 1959). Within the last century a continuously decreasing average copper ore grade can be observed and thus, according Sherwood, the copper price must increase. At the same time cost-decreasing effects like new discoveries and technology influence the copper price and furthermore the market characteristics can influence the copper price significantly. The formal theory for describing and assessing long-term price trends for non-renewable commodities dates back to Hotelling (Hotelling 1931). The simplest Hotelling model predicts that, in the absence of extraction cost, the price of an exhaustible-resource commodity will rise at the rate of the market interest rate. Thus, the commodity price increase should follow an exponential growth path. However, most of the empirical analyses for testing the Hotelling model produced negative results, even if cost-increasing effects of depletion and costdecreasing cost effects like new discoveries and technology are considered (Smith 1978; Slade and Thille 1997; Livernois, Thille et al. 2006; Gaudet 2007; Lin and Wagner 2007). For example Smith looked at the stability of the coefficients of estimated price-trend relationships and decided that the data are too volatile to support definitive conclusions on long-run trends (Smith 1978; Smith 1979). Slade suggest a U-shaped time path for relative prices considering exogenous technical change and endogenous change in the grade of ores mined (Slade 1982). In particular, prices and rents do not increase exponentially as predicted in the Hotelling model; instead they tend to fall. Natural resources prices of thirteen commodities deflated by consumer price indices and by manufacturing wages are analyzed by econometric tests for the period 1870 – 1998 by Brown et al. (Brown and Wolk 2000). The authors found little evidence of increased natural resource scarcity. Similar results were presented in the analysis by Svedberg et al. (Svedberg and Tilton 2006). Additionally, the authors stated that almost all of the studies analysing natural resources prices are using US consumer price index or other standard deflators which according recent research overestimate inflations. Svedberg et al. examined copper prices with adjusted deflators designed to eliminate this bias and concluded that the trend over time, which is significantly downward when no adjustment is made to the deflator, displays no tendency in either direction or is significantly upward depending on the magnitude of the deflator adjustment employed (see Figure 14). These findings suggest that real resource prices provide less support than widely assumed for the hypothesis that resources are becoming more available or less scarce over time. From the above mentioned data and studies there is no empirical evidence found for copper scarcity as well as no clear trend of future copper price developments can be derived. In the short-run copper prices might increase further. Nevertheless, because of uncertainties about the magnitude of influences from speculation on the copper price as well as due historic price developments showing similar peaks within the last century, the copper price might not continue to grow at that rapid pace. 30 Figure 14: Index of the US producer price of copper from 1870 to 2000 with 1950 = 100. Copper price deflated by the CPI and the (a) CPI minus 0.5%, (b) CPI minus 1.0%, and (c) CPI minus 1.5% (Svedberg and Tilton 2006) 31 32 4 Modelling External Costs in the European Copper Value Chain 4.1 Framework Scenarios New environmental regulations or strengthened enforcement and technological improvements in the copper production processes significantly influence the level of pollution and thus the level of external costs. Data on emissions in the copper production clearly show a tendency towards decreasing values, in particular for heavy metals in the dust, sulphur dioxide (SO2), non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) and nitrogen oxide (NOx). According to the environmental report of the German copper smelter Norddeutsche Affinerie AG in Hamburg, since 1990 the emissions of the heavy metals, lead and arsenic from stack have been reduced by 90%, and those of SO2 by 60% (NA 2007). The Belgian precious metals refinery Umicore in Hoboken reported a reduction of guided emissions by 98% for lead, 85% for arsenic and 73% for SO2 since 1993 (Umicore 2007). Chemical transformation of these primary pollutants into secondary pollutants like nitrates, sulphates and ozone is depending on the background concentrations of these substances in the environment on the one hand, and meteorological parameters on the other hand. Presumably, the overall emissions in Europe from sources such as industry, transportation and housing will decrease with time and the background concentrations will be reduced (CAFE 2005). The background concentrations or background emission scenario has a great influence on the chemical transformation of primary and secondary pollutants. In order to consider these temporal dynamics of technological change and background pollution levels, two framework scenarios are distinguished: 1. Base scenario 2005: The base scenario reflects emissions in the copper value chain in the year 2005. For the calculations, average emission factors for all copper smelters / refineries are taken from the ecoinvent database (ecoinvent 2008).13 The ecoinvent data for copper production is representative for processes applied in the years around 2000. Contemporary copper production and consumption volumes of the year 2005 (see Figure 6 and Figure 7) are used for calculating annual emissions flows. For the background concentration levels in the European atmospheric dispersion model, current overall emissions are considered. In the calculation of 13 Ecoinvent provide emission data of primary and secondary copper production differentiated by the five regions Europe, Latin America, North America, Russia / Asia, Indonesia / Australia. Accumulated and unit process data are available for concentrate production, blister production and cathode production. 33 external costs from global warming a price of 22 Euro per ton CO2 equivalent is assumed (see chapter 4.5.3). 2. Scenario 2020 – In the scenario 2020, future external costs in the copper value chain are estimated assuming a pessimistic and an optimistic technology development path. For both paths a moderate increase of the European copper demand of 10% from 2005 until 2020 is assumed, based on growth forecasts for copper demand by Frondel et. al (Frondel, Grösche et al. 2006). The market structure is supposed to remain unchanged. For the background concentrations of air-pollutants in Europe, the future emission scenario proposed by the “Clean Air for Europe Project” (CAFE 2005) with significantly lower emissions is applied. The two development paths are characterized as follows: Optimistic 2020: In the ‘Scenario 2020 - Optimistic’, the average emission factors from ecoinvent are reduced assuming full deployment of current best available technologies (BAT) in Europe. As a reference for the emission factors of the facilities in Europe, actual emission data from state-of-the-art plants in Germany, Belgium and Spain were considered14. For the future emissions of the production facilities outside Europe, i.e. in Chile, Peru, Russia and Indonesia, the average European emission factors in 2000 have been applied. In the calculation of external costs from global warming, a price of 28 Euro per ton CO2 equivalent is assumed (Anthoff 2007). Pessimistic 2020: In the ‘Scenario 2020 - Pessimistic’ the technological improvements are smaller than in the optimistic scenario. The average emission factors from ecoinvent are reduced only by 5% for European facilities and by 10% for facilities outside Europe, hypothesizing a small decrease of emissions in the entire value chain due to technological improvements. In the calculation of external costs from global warming a price of 70 Euro per ton CO2 equivalent is assumed (Maibach, Schreyer et al. 2007). In the base scenario and in the scenario 2020 identical meteorological conditions are applied. The average values of the relevant parameters such as wind speed, wind direction or temperature profiles of several years is used (1996, 1997, 1998 and 2000). In the European model a gridded population density map is incorporated. For the global model no spatial population data is applied, but per country averages are considered. Temporal developments of the population densities are not considered. In both frameworks scenarios, the annual and mass specific external costs are calculated for primary and secondary copper production in Europe and for primary copper production in the most important countries exporting copper to the European market. 14 Personal communication with Dr. Jan Kegels from Umicore Precious Metals in Hoboken / Belgium and Mr. Jean-François Equey from Metallo Chimique N.V. in Beerse / Belgium in April 2008 34 4.2 Emissions of Pollutants in the Copper Production Primary copper production starts with the extraction of copper-bearing ores. There are three basic ways of copper mining: surface, underground mining and leaching. Surface or open-pit mining is the predominant mining method in the world. The following picture shows the world largest open-pit copper mine Chuquicamata located in the north-east of Chile. The mine is elliptical in form, with a surface of almost 8 km2, and it is 900 m deep. Figure 15: World largest open-pit copper mine in Chuquicamata / Chile (source: After mining, the ore is concentrated through grinding, milling and subsequent gravity separation processes. After this first concentration step, flotation is carried out to remove the gangue from the sulphidic minerals. For neutralisation lime is added. In the flotation several organic chemicals are used as collector, frother, activator, depressor and flocculant; sometimes, cyanide is used as depressant for pyrite (Classen and Althaus 2007). As a result, copper concentrates containing around 30% Cu are produced. In the following smelting process, sometimes preceded by a roasting step, copper is transformed into a “matte” containing 50-70% copper. The molten matte is processed in a converter resulting in a so-called blister copper of 98.5-99.5% copper content. In the next step, the blister copper is fire refined in the traditional process route, or, increasingly, remelted and cast into anodes for electro-refining. The output of electro-refining is refined copper cathodes, assaying over 99.99% of copper. (ICSG 2007a) Alternatively, in the hydrometallurgical route, copper is extracted from mainly low grade oxide ores and also some sulphide ores, through leaching (solvent extraction) and electrowinning (SX-EW process). The output in the hydrometallurgical route is the same as through the electro-refining route - refined copper cathodes. (ICSG 2007a) 35 Figure 16: Copper smelter and refinery in Skelleftehamn / Sweden, Plant Rönnskär of the company Boliden Mineral AB (source: Empa, 2003) Informal small-scale mining activities can play a crucial role in providing sources of income in poor areas. However, the informal sector is better known for this high environmental impacts and poor health and safety record. In this study the informal copper mining, smelting and refining is not considered due to lack of data. According to the data from the LCA inventory database ecoinvent (ecoinvent 2008) for primary copper production, the emissions to air contribute more than 98% to the total environmental impacts generated by emissions into air, soil and water. The absolute level of environmental impacts in Eco-Indicator ’99 points (EIP)15 varies substantially between different geographical regions, since the production technologies applied differ from each other. In Europe, only 0.55 EIP caused by emissions to air are generated in the production of one kg primary copper, in the region Russia / Asia 6.07 EIP and in South / Middle America however 4.16 EIP. The environmental impacts from resource use (copper mining and land-use) account for 1.63 EIP in Europe, 2.29 EIP in Russia / Asia and 2.07 EIP in South / Middle America. The impacts from resource use significantly contribute to the total impacts, in particular in Europe, where it amounts to 74.4%. The accumulated environmental impacts in the primary copper production for the regions Europe, Russia / Asia and South / Middle America are given in Table 6. 15 Eco-Indicator ’99 is a state of the art impact assessment method for Life Cycle Assessments ( ) 36 Table 6: Accumulated environmental impacts from the production of 1 kg refined primary copper in Eco-Indicator points (EIP) for different regions Europe Emissions to Air Emissions to Soil Emissions to Water Resource Use Total Russia / Asia South / Middle America [ EIP ] [%] [ EIP ] [%] [ EIP ] [%] 0.55 0.00 0.01 1.63 2.20 25.1 0.0 0.5 74.4 100.0 6.07 0.00 0.02 2.29 8.38 72.4 0.0 0.3 27.3 100.0 4.16 0.00 0.02 2.07 6.24 66.7 0.0 0.2 33.1 100.0 A graphical representation of the different levels of environmental impacts in EIP for producing one kilogram refined primary copper is shown for the regions Indonesia / Australia, Russia / Asia, Europe, South / Middle America and North America in Figure 17. It can clearly be seen that impacts in the categories ‘carcinogens’, ‘respiratory effects due to organics’ and ‘ecotoxicity’ are on a very high level in Indonesia / Australia, Russia / Asia and South / Middle America. In North America the impacts due to ‘carcinogens’ are low, however, impacts from ‘respiratory effects due to inorganics’ are on a high level. Europe shows the lowest level of environmental impacts compared to the other regions. This is due to the fact that strict environmental legislations are implemented and enforced. Hence, emissions of sulphur dioxide, heavy metals and other pollutants are significantly reduced. The highest share of environmental impacts results from the extraction and consumption of the non-renewable resources copper and fossil fuel. Since this category represents the resource consumption as such, it is generated on an equal level in all five regions. 9 8 7 EI'99 Points / kg Cu 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Indonesia / Australia Carcinogens Radiation Land use Russia / Asia Resp. organics Ozone layer Minerals Europe South / Middle America Resp. inorganics Ecotoxicity Fossil fuels North America Climate change Acidification/ Eutrophication Figure 17: Accumulated environmental impacts from the production of 1 kg refined primary copper and contribution of considered impact categories in Eco-Indicator points (EIP) for different regions In the case of secondary copper production, the impacts from copper resource consumption are significantly lower, since copper scrap is the main feed for smelting and refining and only 10% of primary blister copper is used. The total environmental impacts of secondary copper produced in Europe is only 0.46 EIP, compared to 2.20 EIP for refined primary copper produced in Europe. The impacts from collection of old copper scrap amount to less than 0.01 EIP and can be neglected. No additional impacts are considered from recycling of new 37 scrap or pure old scrap which can directly be melted in the fabrication & manufacturing stage, since it is assumed that its quality equals the quality of refined cathode copper. In ecoinvent (ecoinvent 2008) more than 600 emission factors, which relate the released mass flow of pollutants into the environment to one kilogram copper produced, are available for different copper production processes and regions (see Figure 18). For the modelling of air pollution, the following pollutants with their respective emission factor from ecoinvent are considered: sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulates (PM2.5, PM10), carbon dioxide, methane, heavy metals (Cd, Hg, As, Pb, Cr, Cr-VI, Ni) and organic compounds (NMVOC, CH2O, dioxins). The mass flows of these pollutants for each facility in the base scenario and in the scenario 2020 are given in the Annex D. 1'400 140 1'200 120 1'000 100 800 80 PM10 PM2.5 [ g / kg ] [ g SO2 / kg ] NOx 600 60 400 40 200 20 0 Indonesia / Australia Russia / Asia Europe South / Middle America North America 0 Indonesia / Australia Russia / Asia Europe South / Middle America North America Figure 18: Accumulated emissions of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particulates in the production of one kilogram refined primary copper for different regions [ g / kg ] Besides the guided emissions from chimneys, all other emissions are diffuse emissions, such as dust or gas from buildings, or dust that is blown away during shipping, storage or transportation of raw materials. In state-of-the-art processes the share of diffuse metals emissions can amount to a substantial portion of the total emissions. The Norddeutsche Affinerie AG estimates that the share of diffuse emission is higher than 70% of the total release (NA 2007). Diffuse emissions are not considered in this study since these emissions are not included in the ecoinvent data. 4.3 4.3.1 Dispersion of Pollutants and Exposure Modelling of Atmospheric Transport and Chemical Transformation of Air Pollutants In the software tool EcoSenseWeb the atmospheric transport and chemical transformation of air pollutants can be simulated for emission sources in Europe. A reference database allows to efficiently include site specific data like meteorological and topographical data or background concentration levels based on emission scenarios. Outside Europe no integrated tool for modelling air pollution and determining external costs is available. 38 The atmospheric pollutants released by copper smelters and refineries in Europe are transported by wind and diluted by atmospheric turbulence until they are deposited to the ground by either dry deposition or precipitation. From primary pollutants16, which are directly emitted to the environment by the facilities, secondary pollutants17 are formed in a series of complex and non-linearly related chemical reactions. For simulating the atmospheric transport and chemical transformation processes, a large number of commercial stand-alone software tools exist. Most of these tools base their algorithms on the Gaussian plume dispersion model, on Lagrangian trajectory models or Eulerian models. In EcoSenseWeb these three different air quality models are used to simulate transport processes and chemical reactions, and finally to predict the increase of concentration levels for 14 pollutants. The Gaussian plume model is applied to predict local scale concentration distribution, the Lagrangian wind rose trajectory model and an Eulerian dispersion model are used to analyze concentration increments on regional and hemispheric scale respectively. For local scale modelling of primary pollutants the Industrial Source Complex Model18 is used. At distances of 10-50 km, chemical reactions have little influence on the concentration of primary pollutants and are therefore neglected in this model approach. Turbulent diffusion and vertical mixing of primary pollutants are described using the Gaussian plume dispersion model. The concentration distribution from a continuous release in to the atmosphere is assumed to have a Gaussian shape: c ( x, y , z ) = ⎛ ⎛ ( z + h) 2 ⎞ ⎤ y 2 ⎞⎟ ⎡ ⎛ ( z − h) 2 ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜− ⎟ * exp⎜ − * exp − + exp 2 ⎟ 2 ⎟⎥ ⎜ ⎜ 2σ 2 ⎟ ⎢⎢ ⎜ u 2πσ yσ z 2 σ 2 σ y z z ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎥⎦ ⎝ ⎠ ⎣ Q where: c(x,y,z) concentration of pollutant a receptor location (x,y,z) Q pollutant emission rate (mass per unit time) u mean wind speed at release height σy standard deviation of lateral concentration distribution at downwind distance x σz standard deviation of vertical concentration distribution at downwind distance x h plume height above terrain Equation 1: Concentration distribution according to the Gaussian plume model The pollution emission rate Q is determined for each facility using emission data as described in chapter 4.2. The EcoSense model calculates concentration values of SO2, NOx and particulate matter at each 10 x 10 km2 grid cell in the local scale simulation (100 x 100 16 Typical primary pollutants are Particles (PM10, PM2.5), SO2, CO, NO, CO2, NO2, NH3 17 Typical secondary pollutants are SO3, H2SO4, O3, H2O2, HNO3 18 Industrial Source Complex Short-term Model Version 2 (ISCST2) of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 39 km2 around the facility). Meteorological site specific data including mean wind speed at release height u, wind direction, air temperature and diffusion parameters σ are provided by the reference database implemented in EcoSenseWeb. The plume height above terrain h has been estimated to amount to 80 m on average, for the terrain height a topographic map is implemented in the reference database. With increasing distance from the copper production facilities, i.e. more than 50 km, it can be assumed that the pollutants have been vertically mixed throughout the height of the atmospheric mixing layer. However, on a regional scale chemical transformation and deposition become relevant and can no longer be neglected. In EcoSenseWeb the Lagrangian wind rose trajectory model is incorporated and used for the regional scale modelling of primary pollutants and acid deposition. This model considers air parcels that move with the direction and velocity of the wind, chemical transformation processes of the sulphur and nitrogen species (see Figure 19), and deposition. Figure 19: Chemical reactions of the sulphur and nitrogen species included in the regional scale modelling (Derwent and Nodop 1986) Meteorological data is provided by the reference database. During simulation, concentration values of nitrogen species (NH4, NO3, NOx), sulphate and particulate matter, and dry and wet deposition of nitrogen and sulphur are determined for each 50 x 50 km2 grid cell19 in the regional scale model (2’500 km2). For the regional scale modelling of ozone formation, the Lagrangian Ozone model is incorporated; in addition, background concentrations of pollutants in the environment are considered. In a hemispheric scale analysis the intercontinental influence of primary and secondary airborne pollutants on concentrations is estimated in EcoSenseWeb. The analysis is based on source-receptor relationships at the hemispheric scale determined by Eulerian dispersion modelling. 19 The EUROGRID coordinate system is used in EcoSenseWeb 40 The calculation results of the delta concentration values for PM2.5, PM10, Ozone and secondary inorganic aerosols (SIA10) in the base scenario for the facilities Hoboken / Belgium and Glogow I / Poland are shown in Annex E. The spatially distributed delta concentration values for PM2.5 of the Glogow I copper smelter in Poland are exemplarily presented in the following geographical map in Figure 20. Figure 20: Spatially distributed delta concentration values of PM2.5 for the facility Glogow I / Poland in the base 2 3 scenario; 50 x 50 km grid cells; maximum value of 0.10 µg /m indicated in red cells 4.3.2 Fate Analysis of Water and Soil Emissions In order to allow for a bottom-up impact assessment of direct and indirect emissions to water and soil in line with the impact pathway approach, soil and water need to be modelled in a spatially-resolved way. For indirect emissions from atmospheric dry and wet deposition, a multimedia modelling approach is needed, which links the different modelling modules. A model proposed for Europe called integrated water and soil environmental fate, exposure and impact assessment of noxious substances (WATSON) is currently being developed within the ExternE project20 and is planned to be incorporated into EcoSenseWeb. The model aims to predict and assess the indirect exposure to living organisms and finally to humans through food and drinking water. Hence, different food chains need be considered and transportation and transformation processes of pollutants in surface water and groundwater 20 ExternE Project: A project co-funded by the European Commission within the sixth framework programme 2004 - 2008 ( ) 41 aquifers. Until now, EcoSenseWeb does not allow for assessing water and soil emissions. However, acidification of agricultural soils and fertilisation effects from nitrogen deposition from airborne pollutants are considered in the atmospheric modelling. 4.3.3 Exposure Impacts of pollutants on human health, material and crops can be characterized as the result of an exposure of receptors to hazardous substances. In EcoSenseWeb, spatial receptor data are available for population, production of various crop types, agricultural area, building material and land use in Europe. In EcoSenseLE average country specific receptor data is used, and for the local scale analysis three different local environments are distinguished: agglomeration, urban area and rural areas including small towns. For the classification of local environments of the copper smelters in Chile, Peru, Russia and Indonesia, the open source software tool Google Earth21 has been used (see Annex B). 4.4 4.4.1 Dose-Response Functions Dose-Response Functions (DRF) The dose – response function (DRF) relates the quantity of a pollutant that affects a receptor (e.g. population) to the physical impact on this receptor (e.g. incremental number of hospitalisation) (Bickel and Friedrich 2005). For the classical air pollutants (NOx, SO2, O3, PM), DRFs are typically used as kind of concentration – response functions (CRF). These relations are a central element of the impact pathway analysis. However, there are large uncertainties in the behaviour of the DRF in particular for low doses. The functions can be linear through the origin or linear with threshold characterizing a zero effect as well as nonlinear through the origin (see Figure 21). Non-linear functions can even result in negative responses for low doses characterizing for instance a fertilizer effect. A fertilizer effect can be observed for example in the DRFs of NOx and SO2 on crops. The crop yield may increase and lead to a negative damage. 21 Google Earth: Google Earth combines satellite imagery, maps, terrain and 3D buildings to put the world's geographic information ( ) 42 Figure 21: Possible behaviour of dose-response functions at low dose (Bickel and Friedrich 2005) The CRFs for air pollution are determined by epidemiological studies using statistical analysis. However, the uncertainties are very large, since for typical concentration levels in the environment the health impacts are very small and extremely difficult to measure. Furthermore, the populations are exposed to a mix of different pollutants that tend to be highly correlated with each other. Thus, separating out the role of each pollutant is difficult and problematic. For instance, it is not clear to what extent the apparent effects of PM in reality are a reflection of effects from NO2 or SO2 or vice versa, or whether the presence of other pollutants affects the toxicity of PM (Bickel and Friedrich 2005). As a consequence of these uncertainties, and of the weak empirical evidence of human health impacts from sulphur and nitrogen oxides, the current position of ExternE is to use CRFs for PM2.5, PM10 and O3, but not for SO2 or NOx. The CRFs used in EcoSenseWeb are assumed to be linear without threshold. For other pollutants such as heavy metals, organic compounds and greenhouse gases the external costs are estimated directly using generic monetary values (see chapter 4.5.4). For these pollutants, no specific CRFs are defined in the EcoSense model. 4.4.2 CRF of Particle Matters (PM2.5, PM10) and Ozone Empirical studies confirm that, even at current ambient levels, air pollution increases morbidity (especially respiratory and cardiovascular diseases) and leads to premature mortality. Fine particles (PM2.5) and ozone are the most important contributors to these health impacts. The concentration response functions (CRF) for PM2.5, PM10 and Ozone in the EcoSense model, which describe the physical impacts per person resulting from an ambient concentration increase, are given in Table 7. The physical impacts are measured in incremental number of cases, affected number of days and the years of life lost (YOLL). The mortality due to air pollution has been calculated in the past (in studies before 1996) by the number of premature deaths. However, since it does not make sense to add the number of deaths resulting from different contributing causes (e.g. air pollution, smoking, and lack of exercise), and since the number of deaths alone does not take into account the magnitude of 43 the loss of life per death, this concept is not universally accepted. There has been a growing recognition that it is more meaningful to look at loss of life expectancy. The impact categories ‘life expectancy reduction’ and ‘increased mortality risk’ are used in the model for estimating cost due to mortality. The morbidity due to air pollution is estimated using the relative risk found in epidemiological studies. Some damages from health impacts are measured by relating the pollution levels directly with the number of ‘work loss days’ and ‘restricted activity days’. Other concentration – response functions relate the pollution levels to the observed health effects. The following health impact categories are considered: ‘new cases of chronic bronchitis’, ‘respiratory hospital admissions’, ‘cardiac hospital admissions’, ‘bronchodilator use’, ‘lower respiratory symptoms’ and ‘cough days’. Table 7: Concentration response functions of PM2.5, PM10 and Ozone and corresponding monetary values per impact category (Bickel and Friedrich 2005) Monetary Value per case, day or YOLL* 3 Physical Impact per Person per µg / m Category PM2.5 PM10 Ozone Life expectancy reduction / chronic (all) Work loss days (adult) netto Restricted activity days (mix) Minor restricted activity days (adult) Increased mortality risk (all) New cases of chronic bronchitis (adult) Respiratory hospital admissions (all) Cardiac hospital admissions (all) Medication use / brochodilator use (adult) Medication use / brochodilator use (child) Lower respiratory symptoms (adult) Lower respiratory symptoms (child) Increased mortality risk / acute (all) Respiratory hospital admissions (adult) Medication use / brochodilator use (adult) LRS** excluding cough (child) Cough days (child) Minor restricted activity days (adult) 3 [ 1 / µg/m ] Unit [ €2000 ] 6.51E-04 1.39E-02 9.59E-03 3.69E-02 6.84E-08 1.86E-05 7.03E-06 4.34E-06 3.27E-03 4.03E-04 3.24E-02 2.08E-02 2.23E-06 1.98E-06 2.62E-03 1.79E-03 1.04E-02 7.36E-03 YOLL* days days days cases cases cases cases cases cases days days YOLL* cases cases days days days 40'000 295 130 38 3'000'000 200'000 2'000 2'000 1 1 38 38 60'000 2'000 1 38 38 38 * YOLL: Years of life lost ** LRS: Lower respiratory symptoms 4.5 4.5.1 Monetary Valuation of Airborne Pollution Local, Regional and Hemispheric Air Pollution The monetary valuation of air pollution aims at translating physical impacts into monetary terms in order to estimate the level of external costs. External costs are determined for the impact categories health, buildings and crops. The EcoSense model also takes into account the impact category noise, but within the scope of this study noise has not been considered due to lack of data. On the one hand, the valuation of health impacts consists in the derivation of monetary values for mortality or premature deaths, and on the other hand on the derivation of values for morbidity or health impacts. 44 The cost of mortality is usually evaluated by estimating the value of statistical life (VSL) or the value of prevented fatality (VPF)22. There are two general approaches mainly used for valuating a statistical life. A first approach measures the economic productivity and uses an individual’s lifetime earning as its measure of value. Another approach evaluates the willingness to pay (WTP) to reduce risk of premature death. Various empirical studies have been carried out following the WTP approach and applying three different methods: the compensating wage method, the avertive behaviour method and the contingent valuation method. In the compensating wage method labour market data on wage are analysed for different jobs and their corresponding health risks. The additional wage that workers receive when they take over a risky position reflects their risk choice or WTP. However, there are many critics on this method since it assumes that workers are fully aware of job risks and the labour market is strictly competitive. According empirical studies applying the compensating wage methods, the conservative mean value of VSL is estimated to be 6.5 Mio € (Bickel and Friedrich 2005). The avertive behaviour method determines the money individuals spend on safety equipment for reducing their risk of death (e.g. air bag, smoke detectors, etc.). According to empirical studies applying this method, the average VSL is 1-1.5 Mio € (Bickel and Friedrich 2005). The contingent valuation method (CVM) is a direct method in that it involves asking questions about the WTP or willingness to accept (WTA) to a sample of the relevant population, based on contingent hypothetical scenarios (Perman, Ma et al. 2003). The applicability of the CVM in the air pollution context appears to be high since the survey instrument allows relating the WTP question precisely to the nature of the commodity to be valued – something that is not so easily done in the market based approaches. However, due to the fact that the number of deaths from air pollution is not observable since it is not an instantaneous but cumulative result after years of exposure, the ExternE project team recommended not to use the VSL or VPF, but the value of life years (VOLY) as the principal metric to value premature death. Using the VOLY allows to valuate the change of life expectancy in the context of air pollution. Within the scope of the ExternE project a survey in 9 European countries23 was carried out; according to the contingent valuation method, the VSL was derived and finally a VOLY of €40’000 was estimated (Bickel and Friedrich 2005). This value is currently used in the EcoSense model. The cost of morbidity or health impacts comprises three exclusive cost categories: health care resource costs (i.e. medical costs for health service), opportunity costs (i.e. lost productivity and leisure time lost) and disutility costs (i.e. other social or economic cost such as pain, suffering, anxiety, reduced enjoyment, etc.). Country and symptom specific health care costs for hospitalisation, hospital admissions, emergency room visits and doctor are determined and incorporated in EcoSenseWeb. Furthermore, monetary values for work loss 22 Value of prevented fatality (VPF) is synonymously used for value of a statistical life (VSL) 23 France, Spain, UK, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland; sample size: 1’463 45 days and minor restricted activity days are considered. The values for the considered physical impact categories are given in Table 7. Air pollutants can have severe impacts on buildings and can cause significant damages. The effects include loss of mechanical strength, leakage and failure of protective coatings due to degradation of materials (Bickel and Friedrich 2005). Air pollutants are transferred from the atmosphere to the material surface either by dry or wet deposition and a number of chemical, physical and biological processes can cause damages. Sulphur and nitrogen oxides and particulates are the most important pollutants acting as corrosive agents, whereby sulphur dioxide (SO2) is the main contributor. Dose-response functions and corresponding monetary values for SO2 and particulates on different building materials such as stone materials, galvanized steel, paint coatings and historic and cultural monuments are considered in EcoSenseWeb. Effects from SO2 and ozone concentrations and nitrogen deposition are considered in EcoSenseWeb for the major crops cultivated: sunflower, wheat, potato, rice, rye, oats, tobacco, barley and sugar beet. Dose-response functions relate the concentration levels and deposition flux, respectively, to the crop yield change. In the current version of EcoSenseWeb, the price per ton of crops is considered. 4.5.2 Biodiversity Losses The biological diversity refers to the variability of biological resources. The Rio 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity defines biodiversity as “the variability among all living organisms from all sources, including inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species (genetic diversity), between species (species diversity) and of ecosystems (ecosystem or habitat diversity).”24 The external costs of biodiversity losses due to industrial activities can be assessed according to the EcoSense model in two ways: Biodiversity losses from land-use change due to production and distribution infrastructure Biodiversity losses from airborne emissions in production and distribution processes (eutrophication and acidification) The change of biodiversity from land use change is estimated applying the PDF-concept (PDF = potentially disappeared fraction of certain organisms). For a specific land use type a certain number of species is defined. If the type of land use changes from one type to another, the difference between the PDF-value of the first and of the second state can be calculated. The monetary evaluation of disappeared biodiversity is based on restoration 24 Rio 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity, Article 2 (, retrieved 28. April 2008) 46 costs. However, as a consequence of data limitations and applicability restrictions25, biodiversity losses from land use change are not considered in this study. Nevertheless, impacts from biodiversity losses from airborne emissions in production are taken into account. Acidification is mainly caused by emissions of sulphur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and ammonia (NH3), while eutrophication by airborne pollutants is mainly caused by NOx and NH3. For the quantification of the effects of acidification and eutrophication by airborne emissions on biodiversity, the Eco-Indicator 99 method (Goedkoop and Spriensma 2000) is used in the EcoSense model. Restoration costs per kg deposition of these substances have been determined per country within the ExternE project and are incorporated in the EcoSenseWeb tool. The results range from 0.12 €/kg in Hungary to 1.04 €/kg in Norway for SOx depositions, from 0.67 €/kg in Hungary to 5.96 €/kg in Norway for NOx depositions and from 1.82 €/kg in Hungary to 15.50 €/kg in Norway for NH3 depositions. 4.5.3 Climate Change Climate change is a far more complicated negative externality than, for example, local or regional pollution (such as smog) or congestion (such as traffic jams). The emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) or hydrofluorocarbons affect the Earth’s climate. The impacts are manifold26, truly global and long term, hence damages and risk patterns are difficult to anticipate. Climate change is an international problem, but at the same time also an intergenerational issue. According to the recently published Stern review (Stern 2007), the key features of the greenhouse-gas externality are the following: it is a global externality, as the damage from emissions is broadly the same regardless of where they are emitted, but impacts are likely to fall unevenly around the world; its impacts are not immediately tangible, but are likely to be felt some way into the future. There are significant differences in the short-run and long-run implications of greenhouse gas emissions. It is the stock of carbon in the atmosphere that drives the climate change, rather than the annual flow of emissions. Once released, carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere for up to 100 years; there is uncertainty about the scale and timing of the impacts and about the irreversible damage from emission concentration will occur; the effects are potentially on a massive scale. 25 The model is designed to be only applicable on a European scale 26 Major impacts from climate change include: sea level rise, increase / decrease of energy use, agricultural impacts, impacts on water supply, health impacts, ecosystems and biodiversity impacts and extreme water events (Stern 2007) 47 Because of these characteristics of climate change impacts, the EcoSense method determines the external costs from emissions of greenhouse gases with two approaches. On the one hand, models are applied to estimate damage costs of climate change impacts, and on the other hand, the costs are estimated in order to avoid these impacts (avoidance costs). Estimates of external cost factors in the short term (2010 - 2020) are based on avoidance costs since the costs can be related with policy goals of the Kyoto protocol. The uncertainty range for avoidance costs is smaller than for damage costs. This makes the use of avoidance costs more acceptable from a political and practical point of view. In the long term (2030 – 2050), the monetary values are based on damage cost estimates. However, these values are not applied in this study since the framework scenarios only cover the year 2020. The external costs from climate change are determined by multiplying the total tons of CO2 equivalent of the greenhouse gas emissions with the external cost factor in €/t. The CO2 equivalents for CH4 and N2O are derived by using their specific greenhouse warming potentials (GWP)27. Emissions of hydrofluorocarbons are not considered in the EcoSense model, since compared to the other greenhouse gases they contribute significantly less to the overall impacts. In 2005 the average price for tradeable CO2 permits was 21.60 €/t, whereas the prices varied between 15.95 €/t and 29.10 €/t.28 In the Base Scenario 2005, a central monetary value of 22 € / t CO2,eq is selected. Table 8: Generic monetary values for the estimation of external costs from emissions of greenhouse gases; expressed as single values for a central estimate and lower and upper values (Maibach, Schreyer et al. 2007) Monetary Value [ €2000 / t CO2,equivalent] Year 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Lower Value Central Value Upper Value 7 17 22 22 20 25 40 55 70 85 45 70 100 135 180 Assuming a development of the prices for tradeable CO2 permits according the EcoSense method (Anthoff 2007), the central value in 2020 is estimated to be 28.15 €/t. 29 In the Scenario 2020 – Optimistic a monetary value of 28 € / t CO2,eq is chosen. For the Scenario 2020 – Pessimistic, the recommended upper monetary value of 70 € / t CO2,eq of Maibach et al. has been used (Maibach, Schreyer et al. 2007) (see Table 8). 27 According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2001) the greenhouse warming potential (GWP) for CH4 is 23 and for N2O is 296 (per definition the GWP for CO2 equals 1) 28 Prices published by the European Climate Exchange (ECX) for Certified Emissions Reductions Futures Contracts between April and December 2005 ( 29 Recommended value by EcoSenseWeb: 1% trimmed average and 1% discounting according to Anthoff et al. (Anthoff 2007) 48 4.5.4 Micro-Pollutants The category micro-pollutants includes substances which are emitted in small amounts. Nevertheless, physical impacts or damages of such emissions can be very large. In the EcoSense model the heavy metals cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), chromium (Cr) and chromium VI (Cr-VI) are considered. Further, emissions of formaldehyde (CH2O) and dioxins are taken into account. For these heavy metals an organic compounds a variety of health impacts are reported, such as cancer, cognitive impairment in adults and children, hearing impairment in children, reduced IQ of children, effects on nerve conduction and others. There is considerable overlap between these impacts, and for most of them no monetary values are available. In EcoSenseWeb, for Pb and Hg only the impact category ‘IQ loss’ is considered, for the other micro-pollutants only the impact category ‘cancer’ is taken into account. The corresponding generic monetary values for the emission of one ton of these substances are given in Table 9. Table 9: Generic monetary values for the estimation of external costs from emissions of certain heavy metals and organic compounds (Bickel and Friedrich 2005) Pollutant Impacts Monetary Value Cadmium (Cd) Arsenic (As) Nickel (Ni) Lead (Pb) Mercury (Hg) Chomium (Cr) Chomium VI (Cr-VI) Formaldehyde (CH2O) Cancer Cancer Cancer IQ loss IQ loss Cancer Cancer Cancer 39'000 80'000 4'000 600'000 8'000'000 31'500 240'000 200 Dioxin Cancer 37'000'000'000 [ €2000 / t ] 4.6 Modelling Results and Comparison The average specific external costs from air borne pollution in the ‘Base Scenario 2005’ in Europe is estimated to be €783 per ton in the copper primary production and €310 per ton in the copper secondary production (see Table 10). In the ‘Scenario 2020 – Optimistic’ the values decrease slightly to €737 per ton in the copper primary production and to €304 per ton in the copper secondary production due to improved technology and thus lower emission levels. The pessimistic assumption of a significantly higher CO2-price per ton of €70 leads to an increase of the average specific external costs in the ‘Scenario 2020 – Pessimistic’. The external cost estimates increase to €886 per ton in the copper primary production and to €407 per ton in the copper secondary production. 49 Table 10: Comparison of specific external costs of primary and secondary cathode copper production and copper concentrate production in Europe, Chile, Peru, Russia and Indonesia; Average, minimum and maximum monetary values given in EURO per ton copper normalized to the year 2000 Region / Countries Primary Copper Secondary Copper Copper Concentrate Europe Chile, Peru Russia Europe Chile, Peru Indonesia Base Scenario 2005 Scenario 2020 Optimist Scenario 2020 Pessimist [ €2000 / t ] [ €2000 / t ] [ €2000 / t ] 783 1'245 2'434 310 144 118 (269 / 1'445) (647 / 1'843) (1'202 / 3'665) (110 / 409) (63 / 225) (52 / 184) 737 353 353 304 56 56 (243 / 1'369) (183 / 523) (183 / 523) (97 / 412) (25 / 86) (25 / 86) 886 1'267 2'399 407 150 124 (346 / 1'582) (731 / 1'803) (1'291 / 3'506) (188 / 523) (77 / 222) (65 / 183) In the ‘Base Scenario 2005’ of the European copper primary production, 87.7% of the external costs result from the local, regional and hemispheric scale impacts of air pollution induced by the major pollutants sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrous oxides (NOx), ozone (O3) and particulates (PM2.5, PM10) (see Annex F.1). Biodiversity losses, which are assessed in a separate module, account for 6.3% of the total external costs, and greenhouse gases for 5.1%. Comparably low impacts (0.9%) are generated from the release of minor pollutants such as heavy metals and organic compounds. In the copper secondary production, external costs from local, regional and hemispheric scale impacts account for 81.0%, from biodiversity losses for 5.0%, from greenhouse gases for 12.8% and from minor pollutants for 1.1%. In the ‘Scenario 2020 – Optimistic’ these distributions of impacts remain rather unchanged for copper primary and secondary production (see Annex F.2). However, in the ‘Scenario 2020 – Pessimistic’, the share of impacts from greenhouse gases increases up to 13.9% in the primary production and up to 29.5% in the secondary production (see Annex F3). Due to a very low population density in Sweden and a favourable location of the assessed facility at the coastal area, in all analysed scenarios the lowest external costs incur in the plant Boliden in Skelleftehamn / Sweden. By contrast, the highest external costs are estimated for the plant Hüttenwerke Kayser of the Norddeutsche Affinerie AG in the highly populated area of Lunen, Germany. However, one has to consider that these company specific results only hold under the assumption that all 29 smelting and refinery plants in Europe release the same quantity of pollutants per unit copper produced. Since in all plants different production technologies and in particular different flue gas treatment units are installed, this assumption is questionable. Due to constraints in terms of time and data availability within the scope of this study, the calculations were done applying undifferentiated average emission factors from the LCA inventory database ecoinvent (ecoinvent 2008) for all facilities under assessment. In Chile and Peru, the average specific external costs30 in the primary copper production is estimated to be €1’245 per ton, which is 59% higher than the estimated value for Europe in 30 The average specific external costs for the facilities assessed in Chile, Peru, Russia and Indonesia is determined by calculating the mean value of the upper and lower results obtained by assuming two distinguished sets of receptor data (‘EU-15 and new members’ and ‘Sweden’) 50 the ‘Base Scenario 2005’. In Russia, the specific external costs are estimated to be €2’434 per ton; they are more than three times higher than in Europe. However, due to very low population densities in these countries, presumably the external costs are rather at the lower end of the range given in Table 10 and thus clearly below the average specific external cost value. Considering the lower obtained modelling results only, the specific external costs in Chile and Peru are estimated to be even below the European average cost factors (-13%) and, in Russia the specific external costs are estimated to be just moderately higher (+54%). Assuming full deployment of present European technological standard for the countries Chile, Peru and Russia in 2020, a substantial reduction of external costs to €353 per ton could potentially be achieved. This very large reduction is potentially possible since all three countries have very low population densities and therefore low exposure of pollutants to receptors. However, these optimistic assumptions in the ‘Scenario 2020 – Optimistic’ are presumably too dreamy and difficult to materialize. In the ‘Scenario 2020 – Pessimistic’ the level of external costs for Chile, Peru and Russia remain on a rather constant level, since external cost reductions from lower emissions due to technological progress are compensated through the higher assumed CO2-price in this scenario. In the ‘Base Scenario 2005’, the average external costs of the copper consumed in Europe is estimated to be €978 per ton. In this average, primary and secondary copper production in Europe and the imported copper are considered and weighted according their volumes. For comparison, the average annual market price in 2005 has been €2’963 per ton.31 Specific external costs are also calculated for the production of copper concentrate, since relevant imports to the European markets from Chile, Peru and Indonesia are reported. In the ‘Base Scenario 2005’ the external costs of copper concentrate production is estimated to be €144 per ton in Chile and Peru and €118 per ton in Indonesia, respectively. Potentially, the external costs can be more than halved in the ‘Scenario 2020 – Optimistic’, or again, external cost reductions can be compensated by higher assumed CO2-prices in the ‘Scenario 2020 – Pessimistic’ leading to a rather constant value. Table 11: Comparison of total external costs of primary and secondary cathode copper production and copper concentrate production in Europe, Chile, Peru, Russia and Indonesia; Monetary values given in Million EURO normalized to the year 2000 Region / Countries Primary Copper Secondary Copper Total 31 Europe Chile Peru Russia Europe Share of Imports 62% 6% 20% - Base Scenario 2005 Scenario 2020 Optimist Scenario 2020 Pessimist [ Mio €2000 ] [ Mio €2000 ] [ Mio €2000 ] 1'480 698 - 1'988 65 - 186 412 - 1'256 208 2'863 - 5'118 1'501 217 - 619 20 - 58 69 - 197 224 2'031 - 2'599 1'804 866 - 2'136 81 - 200 486 - 1'319 300 3'537 - 5'759 Average LME price per ton in 2005: USD 3’683; converted in EUR with an annual average exchange rate of 0.80453 EUR / USD (www. 51 The total external costs from airborne pollution in the ‘Base Scenario 2005’ in Europe are estimated to be 1’480 Mio € for the production of primary copper and 208 Mio € for the production of secondary copper (see Table 11). Considering the imported copper to Europe32 according to the shares of the three most important trading partners, the total external costs are estimated to be 2.9 – 5.1 billion €. For comparison, the total copper sales in Europe in 2005 have been 15.8 billion € with an annual market price of €2’963 per ton. The total external cost estimates for the ‘Scenario 2020 – Optimistic’ and the ‘Scenario 2020 – Pessimistic’ are also given in Table 11. In the optimistic scenario, the total external costs can potentially be reduced by 30 - 50% to 2.0 – 2.6 billion € in spite of increasing production and consumption volumes. In the pessimistic scenario the total external costs are expected to increase by 13 – 24% to 3.5 – 5.7 billion €. 32 Chile, Peru and Russia account for 88% of the Cathode copper imports to Europe. The other 12% are not considered in the total external cost estimations. 52 5 Conclusions The emissions of pollutants from copper production into air, water and soil affect human health, ecosystems, crops and infrastructure. Accordingly, damages are generated at receptors and external costs for the society incur from production processes. These incurred external costs are not compensated through copper sales by the producers and thus are not reflected by the copper market price. This study aims to evaluate external costs in the copper value chain and to compare in particular the primary and the secondary copper production in Europe. Based on a copper value chain analysis, two distinguished framework scenarios were analysed; a reference scenario ‘Base Scenario 2005’ and a future scenario for the year 2020. Two technology development paths until 2020 were considered assuming optimistic and pessimistic implementation of environmentally sound technologies. In 2005, the average specific external costs due to air pollution are estimated to be €978 per ton of the copper consumed in Europe. In order to internalize the external costs incurred in the copper value chain due to air pollution, the average annual market price for copper in the year 2005 of €2’963 per ton should therefore have been 33% higher. Since the copper price is highly volatile and in particular increased tremendously over the past decade, the relative share of external cost has been decreasing. The modelling results show clearly lower specific external cost for the recycling or secondary copper production compared to the primary production. The energy intensive smelting processes for the concentrate and in particular for the blister copper production, contribute substantially to the higher external costs of primary copper. In the analyzed scenarios, the external costs of primary copper are by a factor 2.2 – 2.5 higher than for secondary copper. The specific external costs for primary copper production differ also significantly between regions, namely for Europe, Chile, Peru and Russia. In Europe, the lowest external costs incurred in 2005 due to more advanced flue gas treatment systems and therefore significantly lower emissions. In Chile and Peru, the external costs are estimated to be by a factor 1.6 higher than in Europe. Because of poor implementation of environmentally sound technologies in Russia, the external costs are estimated to be by a factor 3.1 higher than in Europe. The evaluation of distinguished technology development paths showed that potentially the external costs can be reduced substantially by implementing consequently environmentally sound technologies, in particular in the European trading partner countries. However, the scenario analyses also indicated that increasing demand could compensate technological improvements and overall external cost could remain on a constant level or could even increase. The total external costs due to air pollution of copper production for the European market are estimated in the ‘Base Scenario 2005’ to be 2.9 – 5.1 billion €, whereby the total copper sales have been 15.8 billion €. Assuming an optimistic development path, the total 53 external cost would be in 2020 lower and is estimated to be 2.0 – 2.6 billion €, under pessimistic assumptions the total external costs are expected to increase to 3.5 – 5.7 billion €. The modelling approach chosen in this study is based on the broadly acknowledged impact pathway analysis, which is the preferred approach for estimating external costs of air pollution. However, for the interpretation of the results several methodological limitations and constraints have to be considered: The representation of the real European copper supply chain in the model for estimating external costs is difficult due to limited data availability and high complexity. The supply chain is characterized through different processing steps distributed globally and among these various types of intermediate copper products such as concentrates, blister, anodes, cathodes and copper scrap is exchanged. To estimate emission flows of the European copper smelters / refineries and of the facilities in the main copper trading partners of Europe, regional accumulated emission factors have been used in this study. These emission factors include all emissions generated in the copper production chain and not only the emissions of the assessed facility. The emission flows allocated to the individual facilities are therefore systematically overestimated. Further, it has to be considered that company specific emission levels can differ substantially from average values and can change over time. External costs are estimated on the one hand based on dose-response functions and on the other hand based on generic monetary values. 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Retrieved 08.04.2008, from 57 58 ANNEX 59 60 Annex A Copper production networks Europe and Indonesia 61 1) Production network for refined primary copper produced in Europe In the following two figures the copper production network is shown for Europe and Indonesia with the most relevant processes (cut-off 0.5%) for environmental pollution according the LCA inventory database ecoinvent (ecoinvent 2008). The environmental pollution of producing one kg refined copper is assessed for each process using the Eco-Indicator ’99 method (Hierarchist perspective) V2.04 (Goedkoop and Spriensma 2000) and is given in accumulated contribution to the total impacts in percent. Accordingly, in Europe 86.7% of the generated environmental impacts occur in the production of copper concentrates and in Indonesia 28.8%. 62 2) Production network for refined primary copper produced in Indonesia 63 64 Annex B World Copper Production Data 2001 – 2005 65 1) World Mine Production Data source: (USGS 2005) / Unit: metric tons Country Argentina Armenia Australia: Concentrates Leaching, electrowon Total Bolivia Botswanae Brazil Bulgaria Burma, leaching, electrowon Canada, concentrates Chile:4 Concentrates Leaching, electrowon Total China:e Concentrates Leaching, electrowon Total Colombia Congo (Kinshasa):e, 5 Concentrates Leaching, electrowon Total Cubae Cyprus, leaching, electrowon Ecuadore Finland Georgiae India Indonesia5 Iran:e Concentrates Leaching, electrowon Total Japan Kazakhstane Korea, Northe Laos Macedoniae Mexico: Concentrates Leaching, electrowon Total Mongolia Morocco Namibia Pakistan Papua New Guinea Peru: Concentrates Leaching, electrowon Total See footnotes at end of table. 2001 191'667 16'460 2002 204'027 16'641 769'000 102'000 871'000 18 19'200 32'734 88'000 25'800 633'531 787'000 96'000 883'000 3 21'600 32'711 92'800 27'500 603'498 e r r e e r 2003 199'020 18'000 763'000 67'000 830'000 182 27'400 26'275 91'700 27'870 557'082 e r r 2004 177'143 17'700 795'800 58'300 854'100 596 22'500 103'153 93'000 31'756 566'491 e r r, 3 r r 3'200'800 1'538'200 4'739'000 2'979'000 1'602'000 4'581'000 3'251'100 1'653'100 4'904'200 3'776'200 1'636'300 5'412'500 587'000 18'000 605'000 2'192 568'000 25'000 593'000 1'853 610'000 10'000 620'000 1'578 742'000 10'000 752'000 1'701 r 31'800 41'500 73'300 -1'240 100 15'500 12'000 29'500 840'318 r 150'000 12'000 162'000 -461'000 12'000 --- r 37'800 -37'800 1'000 5'176 100 13'715 8'000 32'400 1'081'040 121'000 12'000 133'000 744 470'100 12'000 -9'000 310'623 60'500 371'123 133'503 5'400 12'393 -218'000 590'896 131'409 722'305 r r 3 r r e r r 27'500 6'500 34'000 1'000 3'695 100 14'400 10'000 31'500 1'171'726 121'000 12'000 133'000 -490'000 12'000 -5'600 260'574 69'300 329'874 131'705 5'000 18'012 -211'311 686'748 156'467 843'215 r r r r r r r r r 30'300 29'500 59'800 -2'552 100 14'900 12'000 28'500 1'005'831 130'000 12'000 142'000 -485'000 12'000 -700 284'653 71'000 355'653 131'600 4'900 16'175 3'200 190'200 660'025 171'198 831'223 r r r r r r r r 333'540 72'000 405'540 132'000 4'400 11'174 15'000 173'400 868'574 167'000 1'035'574 2005e 188'000 16'400 876'000 51'000 927'000 714 26'100 131'000 97'000 34'478 566'500 3'735'900 1'584'600 5'320'500 r r r r r r r 3 r r r 3 3 3 3 p 3 p p, 3 p, 3 p, 3 740'000 15'000 755'000 1'700 49'500 56'500 106'000 ---15'000 12'000 26'900 1'065'000 3 3 3 3 185'000 12'000 197'000 -402'000 12'000 30'500 22'000 350'000 75'000 425'000 126'547 4'400 10'900 17'700 193'000 844'368 165'530 1'009'898 3 3 3 3 3 3 66 Country Philippines Poland Portugal Romania6 Russiae Saudi Arabiae Serbia and Montenegroe South Africa Spain Sweden Tanzania, in concentrates and bullion Turkey6 United States:5 Concentrates Leaching, electrowon Total Uzbekistane Zambia: Concentrates Leaching, electrowon Total Zimbabwe, concentrates Grand total Of which: Concentrates Leaching, electrowon 2001 20'322 474'000 82'900 19'185 600'000 800 31'000 141'865 9'700 74'269 2'645 56'864 2002 18'364 502'800 77'000 18'962 695'000 800 36'900 129'589 -76'200 4'191 48'253 714'000 624'000 1'340'000 78'000 601'000 542'000 1'140'000 80'000 525'000 591'000 1'120'000 80'000 576'000 584'000 1'160'000 95'000 251'100 78'900 330'000 2'502 13'700'000 269'000 80'000 349'000 2'767 13'700'000 344'300 82'600 426'900 2'383 14'700'000 11'000'000 2'620'000 11'000'000 2'720'000 12'000'000 2'700'000 233'000 79'000 312'000 2'057 13'700'000 11'100'000 2'600'000 7 r r 2003 20'400 495'000 78'000 23'389 675'000 800 26'400 120'800 -96'000 3'715 58'000 r r r r e 2004 15'984 531'000 96'000 18'767 675'000 500 13'000 120'577 -90'600 4'133 49'000 r r r r r r e r r r 2005e 16'323 523'000 89'500 15'000 700'000 700 25'000 103'907 4'900 97'800 4'200 48'000 586'000 554'000 1'140'000 100'000 3 p 3 3 3 3 3 330'000 106'000 436'000 2'700 15'100'000 12'400'000 2'660'000 e Estimated. pPreliminary. rRevised. -- Zero. World totals, U.S. data, and estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown. 2 Table represent copper content by analysis of concentrates produced (includes cement copper, if applicable), except where otherwise noted. Table includes data available through July 22, 2006. 3 Reported figure. 4 Reported by Comision Chilena del Cobre. Includes recoverable copper content of nonduplicative mine and metal products produced from domestic ores and concentrates and leach production for electrowinning. 5 Recoverable content. 6 Excludes copper content of pyrite. 7 Data are for fiscal years beginning April 1 of year stated. 1 67 2) World Smelter Production Data source: (USGS 2005) / Unit: metric tons Country Armenia, primarye Australia, primary Austria, secondary Belgium, secondary Bolivia, primary Botswana, primary4 Brazil, primary Bulgaria: Primary Secondarye Total Canada: Primary Secondary Total Chile, primary China:e Primary Secondary Total Congo (Kinshasa), primary, electrowon Finland: Primary Secondarye Total Germany: Primary Secondary Total India: Primary Secondarye Total Indonesia, undifferentiated Iran, undifferentiated5 Japan: Primary Secondary Total Kazakhstan, undifferentiated Korea, North, primary and secondarye Korea, Republic of: Primary Secondary Total Mexico: Primary Secondarye Total Namibia, primary6, 7 Oman, primarye Peru, primary Philippines, primary See footnotes at end of table. 2001 4'000 455'000 68'642 138'200 -19'209 212'243 157'000 5'000 162'000 2002 6'700 458'000 64'932 125'900 -21'590 189'651 r r 181'000 15'000 196'000 e r r 2003 7'500 435'000 75'000 117'500 -25'292 173'378 215'300 16'000 231'300 r r r r 2004 7'500 443'000 88'000 107'000 -21'195 208'020 227'100 7'000 234'100 r r r r r r 601'359 41'640 642'999 1'503'200 513'934 24'761 538'695 1'438'700 430'116 26'789 456'905 1'542'400 446'221 29'962 476'183 1'517'600 1'120'000 190'000 1'310'000 25'000 1'180'000 310'000 1'490'000 10'000 1'380'000 350'000 1'730'000 8'000 1'500'000 440'000 1'940'000 20'000 r 168'600 2'000 170'600 r r 169'300 2'000 171'300 r 160'900 2'000 162'900 317'700 240'900 558'600 r 293'000 -293'000 217'500 181'526 e r r e r 1'328'489 139'764 1'468'253 433'600 15'000 295'100 283'100 578'200 385'400 -385'400 211'200 171'591 176'400 2'000 178'400 r r r r 1'317'291 182'069 1'499'360 446'200 15'000 386'200 42'300 428'500 r 305'000 5'000 310'000 27'015 24'200 396'400 165'000 r r r 3 r r r 288'800 306'600 595'400 278'600 262'600 541'200 391'000 -391'000 247'400 168'613 401'000 -401'000 211'600 184'814 r 1'343'353 172'724 1'516'077 431'930 15'000 380'000 50'000 430'000 r 243'000 5'000 248'000 26'703 25'000 379'600 165'800 r r r r r r r r r r 1'270'495 194'927 1'465'422 445'200 15'000 410'000 50'000 460'000 r 238'000 5'000 243'000 26'036 18'000 396'100 227'900 r r r r r 380'000 50'000 430'000 r 274'000 5'000 279'000 24'704 25'000 377'800 217'300 r r r r r r r 2005e 9'800 410'000 90'000 99'200 -26'700 210'000 3 3 3 p 240'100 5'000 245'000 3 450'000 30'000 480'000 1'558'100 p p 3 p, 3 1'700'000 540'000 2'240'000 10'000 170'000 2'000 172'000 257'200 251'400 508'600 3 486'600 38'000 524'600 275'000 185'000 3 1'319'247 198'516 1'517'763 425'000 15'000 3 426'000 50'000 476'000 290'000 5'000 295'000 23'300 25'000 381'600 201'300 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 68 Country Poland: Primary Secondarye Total Romania: Primary Secondarye Total Russia:e Primary Secondary Total Serbia and Montenegro:e Primary Secondary Total South Africa, primary Spain: Primary Secondarye Total Sweden:e Primary Secondary Total Turkey, undifferentiated8 United States, undifferentiated Uzbekistan, undifferentiatede Zambia, primary: Electrowon Other Total Zimbabwe, primarye, 6 Grand total Of which: Primary: Electrowon Other Secondary Undifferentiated9 2001 2002 485'900 27'900 513'800 511'000 39'400 550'400 9'279 2'000 11'279 2003 560'000 24'100 584'100 r 8'871 2'000 10'871 4'493 500 4'993 r 650'000 245'000 895'000 660'000 200'000 860'000 670'000 170'000 840'000 24'000 14'000 38'000 117'237 36'000 6'700 42'700 116'996 255'200 24'700 279'900 r r r r r 14'000 3'600 17'600 112'025 r r r 545'000 25'000 570'000 r 61 -61 r 662'000 257'000 919'000 r r r 12'000 1'100 13'100 89'300 281'300 16'700 298'000 276'300 14'000 290'300 210'200 14'100 224'300 173'000 35'000 208'000 33'504 919'000 90'000 188'000 35'000 223'000 32'550 683'000 75'000 185'000 30'000 215'000 30'400 539'000 75'000 206'000 30'000 236'000 11'500 542'000 105'000 50'000 306'000 356'000 2'160 12'700'000 60'000 311'400 371'400 -12'500'000 50'000 200'000 250'000 -12'700'000 75'000 9'510'000 1'220'000 1'890'000 3 r r r r r 70'000 9'480'000 1'360'000 1'630'000 r r r r r r 58'000 9'750'000 1'360'000 1'510'000 2005e 2004 e r r r r r r 60'000 220'000 280'000 -12'800'000 80'000 9'730'000 1'510'000 1'520'000 r r 550'000 25'000 575'000 100 -100 r 3 r r r e 686'000 272'000 958'000 16'300 6'000 22'300 100'000 278'600 5'000 283'600 r r r r r r r r r 192'000 30'000 222'000 9'000 523'000 115'000 3 3 50'000 220'000 270'000 -13'500'000 60'000 10'200'000 1'650'000 1'550'000 e Estimated. pPreliminary. rRevised. -- Zero. World totals, U.S. data, and estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown. 2 This table includes total production of smelted copper metal, including low-grade cathode produced by electrowinning methods. The smelter feed maybe derived from ore, concentrates, copper precipitate or matte (primary), and/or scrap (secondary). To the extent possible, primary and secondary output of each country is shown separately. In some cases, total smelter production is officially reported, but the distribution between primary and secondary has been estimated. Table includes data available through July 15, 2006. 3 Reported figure. 4 Copper content of nickel-copper matte exported to Norway for refining. 5 Data are for year beginning March 21 of that stated. Secondary production is estimated to be about 5% of total. 6 Includes impure cathodes produced by electrowinning in nickel processing. 7 Includes 8,000 to 10,000 metric tons per year for 2001-05 produced from imported toll concentrates. 8 Secondary production is estimated to be about one-third of total. 1 69 3) World Refinery Production Data source: (USGS 2005) / Unit: metric tons Country Argentina, secondarye Australia, primary: Electrowon Other Total Austria, secondarye Belgium:e Primary4 Secondary Total Brazil, primary Bulgaria:e Primary Secondary Total Burma, electrowon Canada: Primary Secondary Total Chile, primary Electrowon Other Total China, primarye Primary Electrowon Other Secondary Total Cyprus, electrowon Egypt, secondarye Finland:e Primary Secondary Total Germany: Primary Secondary Total Hungary, secondarye India:e Primary, electrolytic Secondary Total Indonesia, primary Iran, primary5 Electrowone Other6 Total Italy, secondary See footnotes at end of table. 2001 16'000 102'000 456'000 558'000 69'000 2002 16'000 e e e 236'000 187'000 423'000 212'243 29'400 5'000 34'400 25'800 3 524'900 42'800 567'700 r r 96'000 449'000 545'000 65'000 e e e 2003 16'000 2004 16'000 2005 16'000 67'400 416'600 484'000 65'100 58'300 431'800 490'100 59'000 50'900 420'200 471'100 52'000 207'000 216'000 423'000 189'651 208'000 215'000 423'000 173'378 38'000 3'000 41'000 27'500 43'000 2'000 45'000 27'900 469'760 24'761 494'521 r r 428'077 26'789 454'866 r r e r r 223'000 174'000 397'000 208'020 495'867 31'100 526'967 1'602'000 1'248'100 2'850'100 1'653'100 1'248'800 2'901'900 1'636'300 1'200'400 2'836'700 18'000 1'200'000 300'000 1'518'000 5'176 4'000 20'000 1'280'000 350'000 1'650'000 3'695 4'000 10'000 1'420'000 430'000 1'860'000 2'552 4'000 10'000 1'580'000 620'000 2'210'000 1'240 4'000 112'000 15'000 127'000 120'000 15'000 135'000 105'000 15'000 120'000 303'000 390'773 693'773 10'000 r 310'000 18'000 328'000 212'500 3 12'000 140'000 152'000 35'500 r r r r 327'000 368'791 695'791 10'000 r r r 354'000 20'000 374'000 192'400 12'000 131'000 143'000 32'400 r r r 52'300 3'000 55'300 31'800 1'538'200 1'344'000 2'882'200 3 r, 3 60'500 3'000 63'500 32'000 r r r r r r r 117'000 16'000 133'000 r 283'686 368'956 652'642 10'000 r 375'000 19'000 394'000 223'300 399'000 20'000 419'000 210'500 r 12'000 134'632 146'632 26'700 12'000 140'000 152'000 34'000 286'653 310'925 597'578 10'000 r r r r r e 252'900 130'000 382'900 210'000 r r r r r r r 3 3 p e 483'500 31'800 515'300 1'584'600 1'239'400 2'824'000 15'000 1'850'000 750'000 2'615'000 -4'000 p p p 3 118'000 16'000 134'000 293'800 344'400 638'200 10'000 497'000 20'000 517'000 262'900 3 12'000 163'100 175'100 32'200 70 Country Japan: Primary Secondary Total Kazakhstan, primary Korea, North, primarye Korea, Republic of, undifferentiated Laos, electrowon Mexico, primary: Electrowon Other Secondary Totale Mongolia, electrowon Norway, primary6 Oman, primarye Peru, primary: Electrowon Other Total Philippines, primary Poland: Primary Secondary Total Romania: Primary Secondarye Total Russia: Primary Secondary Total Serbia and Montenegro: Primary Secondarye Total South Africa, primary6 Spain: Primary Secondarye Total Sweden:e Primary Secondary Total Taiwan, secondarye Thailand, primary Turkey:e Primary Secondary Total Ukraine, secondary See footnotes at end of table. 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 1'287'165 138'526 1'425'691 425'700 15'000 473'252 -- 1'211'111 189'968 1'401'079 453'000 15'000 499'116 -- 1'251'728 178'637 1'430'365 432'901 15'000 509'970 -- 1'188'491 191'653 1'380'144 445'200 15'000 495'952 -- 1'227'528 167'756 1'395'284 418'833 15'000 526'566 30'500 r r 60'500 332'500 15'000 408'000 1'476 26'700 24'000 r 131'409 342'502 473'911 164'530 r r r r r 69'300 318'700 35'000 423'000 1'500 30'500 24'000 r 156'467 346'282 502'749 144'315 r r r e 71'000 249'000 35'000 355'000 1'341 35'900 17'000 r r r r r 72'000 321'000 35'000 428'000 2'376 35'600 24'000 r r e 75'000 325'000 35'000 435'000 2'475 38'500 24'000 r r r r e e . r r r r 171'198 345'848 517'046 171'200 498'451 30'286 528'737 508'674 19'146 527'820 513'600 16'000 529'600 18'500 4'000 22'500 11'453 2'000 13'453 16'739 2'000 18'739 650'000 244'500 894'500 670'000 200'000 870'000 32'365 17'000 49'365 132'000 235'100 55'600 290'700 179'000 25'000 204'000 4'000 -54'400 4'000 58'400 -- r r r 3 3 3 35'897 17'000 52'897 119'970 272'000 37'000 309'000 e e e r r r e e 3 r r r 670'000 170'000 840'000 e 14'000 8'000 22'000 111'400 r 259'000 35'000 294'000 e e e r r r e 167'000 338'308 505'308 175'000 531'100 21'000 552'100 165'530 344'862 510'392 172'000 r r r 540'300 20'000 560'300 24'383 2'000 26'383 30'000 2'000 32'000 662'000 257'000 919'000 664'000 269'000 933'000 12'000 7'000 19'000 91'495 r r r r 23'000 7'000 30'000 97'000 193'200 35'000 228'200 242'700 26'300 269'000 200'000 22'000 222'000 4'000 26'100 199'000 25'000 224'000 4'000 -- 189'000 25'000 214'000 4'000 -- 210'000 25'000 235'000 4'000 27'200 39'000 2'000 41'000 10 40'000 5'000 45'000 20 45'000 5'000 50'000 20 r 3 90'000 5'000 95'000 20 71 Country United States: Primary: Electrowon Other Secondary Total Uzbekistan:e Primary Secondary Total Zambia, primary: Electrowon7 Other Total Zimbabwe, primary Grand total Of which: Primary: Electrowon Other Secondary 2001 2002 628'000 1'000'000 172'000 1'800'000 601'000 841'000 69'900 1'510'000 80'000 10'000 90'000 79'000 217'500 296'500 5'300 15'700'000 2'600'000 11'300'000 1'810'000 e r r 2003 2004 2005 591'000 662'000 53'300 1'310'000 584'000 671'000 50'800 1'310'000 554'000 654'000 47'200 1'260'000 75'000 -75'000 75'000 -75'000 105'000 -105'000 r 83'700 253'100 336'800 2'502 15'500'000 109'000 240'800 349'800 2'767 15'300'000 124'000 286'000 410'000 2'383 15'900'000 r 2'670'000 11'100'000 1'730'000 r r r r 2'720'000 10'900'000 1'670'000 r r r 2'700'000 11'200'000 2'000'000 r r r r r 115'000 -115'000 150'000 244'000 394'000 2'400 16'600'000 e 2'670'000 11'900'000 2'010'000 e e e e e e e e Estimated. pPreliminary. rRevised. -- Zero. World totals, U.S. data, and estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown. 2 This table includes total production of refined copper whether produced by pyrometallurgical or electrolytic refining methods and whether derived from primary unrefined copper or from scrap. Copper cathode derived from electrowinning processing is also included. Table includes data available through July 22, 2006. 3 Reported figure. 4 Includes reprocessed leach cathode from Congo (Kinshasa). 5 Data are for Iranian years beginning March 21 of that stated. 6 May include secondary. 7 Electrowon covers only high-grade electrowon cathodes reported as "finished production leach cathodes." 1 72 Annex C Characterisation of the Local Environment 73 Local impacts are determined by the population density close to the emission source, which is high in urban areas and lower in extra-urban areas. The tool EcoSenseLE V1.3, a parameterised version of the EcoSenseWeb model, is not considering the spatial distribution of the population density. However, the following three different local environments are distinguished in order to determine the impacts of PM10 emissions (see Figure 22 and Figure 23): Agglomeration: agglomeration, e.g. Paris, London, Athens, etc. Urban area: large cities with one to three Million inhabitants Rural area: other locations surrounded by rural areas including small towns Figure 22: Local environment of an “Agglomeration”; Zurich / Switzerland, Position 47°22’26.20’’ N 8°33’24.28’’ E, Picture taken at altitude 12.68 km (Source: Google Earth 2007) Figure 23: Local environment of an “Urban Area”; Sredneuralsk / Russian Federation (left), Position 56°59’18.14’’ N 60°28’46.89’’ E, Picture taken at altitude 11.65 km and local environment of a “Rural Area”; Chuquicamata / Chile (right), Position 22°18’20.06’’ S 68°54’30.02’’ W, Picture taken at altitude 11.71 km (Source: Google Earth 2007) 74 Annex D Air Emission Data 75 Annex D.1 Air Emission in the Base Scenario 2005 Europe: Smelting and Refining of Primary Copper Country Austria Austria Belgium Belgium Belgium Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Finland Finland Germany Germany Germany Germany Hungary Hungary Italy Italy Poland Poland Poland Poland Poland Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Spain Spain Spain Sweden Sweden Turkey Turkey Location Cu Smelter (Name) Brixlegg Primary Cu t /a SO2 t/a NOx t/a PM10 t/a PM2.5 t/a NH3 t/a NMVOC t/a Cd kg / a Hg kg / a As kg / a Pb kg / a Cr kg / a Cr-VI kg / a Ni kg / a CH2O kg / a Dioxin kg / a CO2 t/a CH4 t/a 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Beerse Hoboken 190'000 63'000 7'908.6 2'622.3 3'714.5 1'231.7 4'546.9 1'507.7 2'435.4 807.5 580.0 192.3 670.1 222.2 1'290.9 428.0 49.8 16.5 6'311.6 2'092.8 29'116.7 9'654.5 8'084.8 2'680.7 190.6 63.2 11'712.6 3'883.6 937.3 310.8 0.6 0.2 339'294.4 112'502.9 578.4 191.8 Eliseina Pirdop 0 61'000 0.0 2'539.1 0.0 1'192.6 0.0 1'459.8 0.0 781.9 0.0 186.2 0.0 215.1 0.0 414.4 0.0 16.0 0.0 2'026.4 0.0 9'348.0 0.0 2'595.6 0.0 61.2 0.0 3'760.4 0.0 300.9 0.0 0.2 0.0 108'931.4 0.0 185.7 Harjavalta 118'000 4'911.7 2'306.9 2'823.9 1'512.5 360.2 416.2 801.7 30.9 3'919.8 18'083.0 5'021.1 118.4 7'274.1 582.1 0.4 210'719.7 359.2 Hettstedt Lunen (Huettenwerke Kayser) Hamburg (Norddeutsche Affinerie) 41'000 73'000 180'000 1'706.6 3'038.6 7'492.4 801.6 1'427.2 3'519.0 981.2 1'747.0 4'307.6 525.5 935.7 2'307.2 125.2 222.9 549.5 144.6 257.5 634.8 278.6 496.0 1'222.9 10.7 19.1 47.2 1'362.0 2'425.0 5'979.4 6'283.1 11'186.9 27'584.3 1'744.6 3'106.3 7'659.3 41.1 73.2 180.6 2'527.5 4'500.1 11'096.1 202.3 360.1 888.0 0.1 0.2 0.6 73'216.2 130'360.5 321'436.8 124.8 222.2 548.0 Csepel 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Porto Marghera 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 229'000 214'000 0 97'000 9'531.9 8'907.6 0.0 4'037.5 4'477.0 4'183.7 0.0 1'896.4 5'480.2 5'121.2 0.0 2'321.3 2'935.3 2'743.0 0.0 1'243.3 699.1 653.3 0.0 296.1 807.6 754.7 0.0 342.1 1'555.8 1'453.9 0.0 659.0 60.0 56.1 0.0 25.4 7'607.1 7'108.8 0.0 3'222.2 35'093.3 32'794.6 0.0 14'864.8 9'744.3 9'106.0 0.0 4'127.5 229.7 214.7 0.0 97.3 14'116.7 13'192.1 0.0 5'979.6 1'129.7 1'055.7 0.0 478.5 0.7 0.7 0.0 0.3 408'939.1 382'152.7 0.0 173'218.7 697.2 651.5 0.0 295.3 Baia Mare Zlatna Zlatna Zlatna 12'000 0 14'000 4'000 499.5 0.0 582.7 166.5 234.6 0.0 273.7 78.2 287.2 0.0 335.0 95.7 153.8 0.0 179.4 51.3 36.6 0.0 42.7 12.2 42.3 0.0 49.4 14.1 81.5 0.0 95.1 27.2 3.1 0.0 3.7 1.0 398.6 0.0 465.1 132.9 1'839.0 0.0 2'145.4 613.0 510.6 0.0 595.7 170.2 12.0 0.0 14.0 4.0 739.7 0.0 863.0 246.6 59.2 0.0 69.1 19.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 21'429.1 0.0 25'000.6 7'143.0 36.5 0.0 42.6 12.2 Bor Glogow District (Glogow I) Glogow District (Glogow II) Wroclaw (Hutmen S.A.) Legnica 23'000 957.4 449.7 550.4 294.8 70.2 81.1 156.3 6.0 764.0 3'524.7 978.7 23.1 1'417.8 113.5 0.1 41'072.5 70.0 Asua-Bilbao Huelva 0 243'000 0.0 10'114.7 0.0 4'750.7 0.0 5'815.3 0.0 3'114.7 0.0 741.8 0.0 857.0 0.0 1'651.0 0.0 63.7 0.0 8'072.2 0.0 37'238.7 0.0 10'340.0 0.0 243.8 0.0 14'979.8 0.0 1'198.8 0.0 0.7 0.0 433'939.7 0.0 739.8 Skelleftehamn (Ronnskar) 200'000 8'324.8 3'910.0 4'786.2 2'563.6 610.6 705.4 1'358.8 52.4 6'643.8 30'649.2 8'510.3 200.6 12'329.0 986.7 0.6 357'152.0 608.9 90'000 1'852'000 3'746.2 77'088 1'759.5 36'207 2'153.8 44'320 1'153.6 23'739 274.8 5'654 317.4 6'532 611.5 12'583 23.6 485 2'989.7 61'521 13'792.1 283'811 3'829.6 78'805 90.3 1'858 5'548.1 114'167 444.0 9'137 0.3 6 160'718.4 3'307'228 274.0 5'638 Samsun 76 Annex D.1 Air Emission in the Base Scenario 2005 Europe: Smelting and Refining of Secondary Copper Country Austria Austria Belgium Belgium Belgium Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Finland Finland Germany Germany Germany Germany Hungary Hungary Italy Italy Poland Poland Poland Poland Poland Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Spain Spain Spain Sweden Sweden Turkey Turkey Location Cu Smelter (Name) Secondary Cu t /a SO2 t/a NOx t/a PM10 t/a PM2.5 t/a NH3 t/a NMVOC t/a Cd kg / a Hg kg / a As kg / a Pb kg / a Cr kg / a Cr-VI kg / a Ni kg / a CH2O kg / a Dioxin kg / a CO2 t/a CH4 t/a Brixlegg 52'000 764.6 346.6 198.1 113.6 19.8 35.0 204.5 6.8 319.5 5'647.0 331.2 8.6 547.1 198.9 2.6 89'758.6 180.0 Beerse Hoboken 98'000 33'000 1'441.0 485.2 653.2 219.9 373.3 125.7 214.1 72.1 37.3 12.5 65.9 22.2 385.3 129.8 12.8 4.3 602.2 202.8 10'642.4 3'583.7 624.2 210.2 16.3 5.5 1'031.2 347.2 374.8 126.2 5.0 1.7 169'160.4 56'962.2 339.3 114.3 Eliseina Pirdop 3'000 0 44.1 0.0 20.0 0.0 11.4 0.0 6.6 0.0 1.1 0.0 2.0 0.0 11.8 0.0 0.4 0.0 18.4 0.0 325.8 0.0 19.1 0.0 0.5 0.0 31.6 0.0 11.5 0.0 0.2 0.0 5'178.4 0.0 10.4 0.0 Harjavalta Hettstedt Lunen (Huettenwerke Kayser) Hamburg (Norddeutsche Affinerie) 16'000 235.3 106.6 60.9 35.0 6.1 10.8 62.9 2.1 98.3 1'737.5 101.9 2.7 168.4 61.2 0.8 27'618.0 55.4 48'000 85'000 211'000 705.8 1'249.8 3'102.5 319.9 566.5 1'406.3 182.8 323.8 803.7 104.9 185.7 461.0 18.2 32.3 80.2 32.3 57.2 141.9 188.7 334.2 829.7 6.3 11.1 27.5 294.9 522.3 1'296.5 5'212.6 9'230.6 22'913.7 305.7 541.4 1'344.0 8.0 14.1 35.1 505.1 894.4 2'220.2 183.6 325.1 806.9 2.4 4.3 10.7 82'854.1 146'720.8 364'212.7 166.2 294.3 730.6 Csepel 10'000 147.0 66.7 38.1 21.8 3.8 6.7 39.3 1.3 61.4 1'086.0 63.7 1.7 105.2 38.2 0.5 17'261.3 34.6 Porto Marghera 32'000 470.5 213.3 121.9 69.9 12.2 21.5 125.8 4.2 196.6 3'475.1 203.8 5.3 336.7 122.4 1.6 55'236.0 110.8 Glogow District (Glogow I) Glogow District (Glogow II) Wroclaw (Hutmen S.A.) Legnica 0 0 20'000 0 0.0 0.0 294.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 133.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 76.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 43.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 78.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 122.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 2'171.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 127.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 210.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 76.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 34'522.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 69.2 0.0 0 2'000 0 0 0.0 29.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 217.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 3'452.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.9 0.0 0.0 Baia Mare Zlatna Zlatna Zlatna Bor 7'000 102.9 46.7 26.7 15.3 2.7 4.7 27.5 0.9 43.0 760.2 44.6 1.2 73.7 26.8 0.4 12'082.9 24.2 Asua-Bilbao Huelva 26'000 0 382.3 0.0 173.3 0.0 99.0 0.0 56.8 0.0 9.9 0.0 17.5 0.0 102.2 0.0 3.4 0.0 159.8 0.0 2'823.5 0.0 165.6 0.0 4.3 0.0 273.6 0.0 99.4 0.0 1.3 0.0 44'879.3 0.0 90.0 0.0 Skelleftehamn (Ronnskar) 22'000 323.5 146.6 83.8 48.1 8.4 14.8 86.5 2.9 135.2 2'389.1 140.1 3.7 231.5 84.1 1.1 37'974.8 76.2 5'000 670'000 73.5 9'851 33.3 4'466 19.0 2'552 10.9 1'464 1.9 255 3.4 451 19.7 2'634 0.7 87 30.7 4'117 543.0 72'759 31.8 4'268 0.8 111 52.6 7'050 19.1 2'562 0.3 34 8'630.6 1'156'505 17.3 2'320 Samsun 77 Annex D.1 Air Emission in the Base Scenario 2005 Chile, Peru, Russia and Indonesia: Concentrate Production, Smelting and Refining of Primary Copper Cathode Production Country Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Peru Peru Peru Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Location Cu Smelter (Name) La Negra (Altonorte) Chagres Chuquicamata El Teniente (Caletones) Paipote Las Ventanas Potrerillos (El Salvador) IIo La Oroya Karabash Krasnouralsk ( Svyatogor) Mednogorsk Nadezhdinsky (Nadezhda) Norlisk Pechenganikel Monchegorsk (Severonikel) Sredneuralsk (Revda) Pimary Cu t /a 1'078'800 114'471 104'064 346'881 277'505 52'032 79'783 104'064 100'920 79'674 21'246 342'780 19'454 27'625 15'563 38'908 155'632 7'782 35'017 42'799 NOx t /a 56'470 5'992 5'447 18'157 14'526 2'724 4'176 5'447 5'283 4'171 1'112 31'442 1'784 2'534 1'428 3'569 14'276 714 3'212 3'926 SO2 t /a 365'808 38'816 35'287 117'623 94'098 17'643 27'053 35'287 34'221 27'016 7'204 203'344 11'541 16'388 9'232 23'081 92'324 4'616 20'773 25'389 PM10 t /a 45'685 4'848 4'407 14'690 11'752 2'203 3'379 4'407 4'274 3'374 900 39'844 2'261 3'211 1'809 4'523 18'090 905 4'070 4'975 NMVOC t /a 10'123 1'074 976 3'255 2'604 488 749 976 947 748 199 5'646 320 455 256 641 2'563 128 577 705 CO2 t /a 3'553'039 377'011 342'737 1'142'456 913'965 171'368 262'765 342'737 332'381 262'406 69'975 1'571'019 89'161 126'609 71'329 178'322 713'289 35'664 160'490 196'154 CH4 t /a Pimary Cu t /a 266'000 28'225 25'659 85'531 68'424 12'830 19'672 25'659 98'800 78'000 20'800 197'600 197'600 NOx t /a SO2 t /a PM10 t /a 4'021 427 388 1'293 1'034 194 297 388 1'494 1'179 314 2'416 2'416 NMVOC t /a CO2 t /a 117'650 12'484 11'349 37'830 30'264 5'674 8'701 11'349 43'698 34'499 9'200 77'808 77'808 CH4 t /a 6'323 671 610 2'033 1'627 305 468 610 592 467 125 3'136 178 253 142 356 1'424 71 320 392 Concentrate Production Country Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Peru Peru Peru Indonesia Indonesia Location Cu Smelter (Name) La Negra (Altonorte) Chagres Chuquicamata El Teniente (Caletones) Paipote Las Ventanas Potrerillos (El Salvador) IIo La Oroya Gresik 3'134 333 302 1'008 806 151 232 302 1'164 919 245 1'894 1'894 419 44 40 135 108 20 31 40 155 123 33 276 276 562 60 54 181 145 27 42 54 209 165 44 339 339 273 29 26 88 70 13 20 26 101 80 21 203 203 78 Annex D.2 Air Emission in the Scenario 2020 - Optimistic Europe: Smelting and Refining of Primary Copper Country Austria Austria Belgium Belgium Belgium Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Finland Finland Germany Germany Germany Germany Hungary Hungary Italy Italy Poland Poland Poland Poland Poland Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Spain Spain Spain Sweden Sweden Turkey Turkey Location Cu Smelter (Name) Brixlegg Primary Cu t /a SO2 t/a NOx t/a PM10 t/a PM2.5 t/a NH3 t/a NMVOC t/a Cd kg / a Hg kg / a As kg / a Pb kg / a Cr kg / a Cr-VI kg / a Ni kg / a CH2O kg / a Dioxin kg / a CO2 t/a CH4 t/a 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Beerse Hoboken 209'000 70'000 8'090.5 2'709.7 4'086.0 1'368.5 3'851.2 1'289.9 2'062.8 690.9 638.0 213.7 737.1 246.9 1'420.0 475.6 43.8 14.7 4'443.4 1'488.2 23'380.7 7'830.9 7'114.6 2'382.9 167.7 56.2 10'307.1 3'452.1 1'031.1 345.3 0.6 0.2 238'863.3 80'002.1 407.2 136.4 Eliseina Pirdop 0 67'000 0.0 2'593.6 0.0 1'309.9 0.0 1'234.6 0.0 661.3 0.0 204.5 0.0 236.3 0.0 455.2 0.0 14.0 0.0 1'424.4 0.0 7'495.3 0.0 2'280.8 0.0 53.8 0.0 3'304.2 0.0 330.5 0.0 0.2 0.0 76'573.4 0.0 130.5 Harjavalta 130'000 5'032.4 2'541.5 2'395.5 1'283.1 396.9 458.5 883.2 27.2 2'763.8 14'543.0 4'425.4 104.3 6'411.1 641.3 0.4 148'575.2 253.3 Hettstedt Lunen (Huettenwerke Kayser) Hamburg (Norddeutsche Affinerie) 45'000 80'000 198'000 1'742.0 3'096.8 7'664.7 879.8 1'564.0 3'870.9 829.2 1'474.2 3'648.5 444.1 789.6 1'954.2 137.4 244.2 604.5 158.7 282.1 698.3 305.7 543.5 1'345.2 9.4 16.8 41.5 956.7 1'700.8 4'209.5 5'034.1 8'949.6 22'150.2 1'531.9 2'723.3 6'740.2 36.1 64.2 158.9 2'219.2 3'945.3 9'764.6 222.0 394.7 976.8 0.1 0.2 0.6 51'429.9 91'430.9 226'291.5 87.7 155.9 385.8 Csepel 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Porto Marghera 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 252'000 235'000 0 107'000 9'755.0 9'097.0 0.0 4'142.0 4'926.6 4'594.3 0.0 2'091.9 4'643.6 4'330.3 0.0 1'971.7 2'487.2 2'319.4 0.0 1'056.1 769.3 717.4 0.0 326.6 888.7 828.8 0.0 377.4 1'712.1 1'596.6 0.0 727.0 52.8 49.3 0.0 22.4 5'357.5 4'996.1 0.0 2'274.8 28'191.1 26'289.3 0.0 11'970.0 8'578.4 7'999.7 0.0 3'642.4 202.2 188.6 0.0 85.9 12'427.7 11'589.3 0.0 5'276.8 1'243.2 1'159.3 0.0 527.9 0.8 0.7 0.0 0.3 288'007.4 268'578.3 0.0 122'288.9 491.0 457.9 0.0 208.5 Baia Mare Zlatna Zlatna Zlatna 13'000 0 15'000 5'000 503.2 0.0 580.7 193.6 254.2 0.0 293.3 97.8 239.6 0.0 276.4 92.1 128.3 0.0 148.0 49.3 39.7 0.0 45.8 15.3 45.8 0.0 52.9 17.6 88.3 0.0 101.9 34.0 2.7 0.0 3.1 1.0 276.4 0.0 318.9 106.3 1'454.3 0.0 1'678.0 559.3 442.5 0.0 510.6 170.2 10.4 0.0 12.0 4.0 641.1 0.0 739.7 246.6 64.1 0.0 74.0 24.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14'857.5 0.0 17'143.3 5'714.4 25.3 0.0 29.2 9.7 Bor Glogow District (Glogow I) Glogow District (Glogow II) Wroclaw (Hutmen S.A.) Legnica 25'000 967.8 488.8 460.7 246.7 76.3 88.2 169.9 5.2 531.5 2'796.7 851.0 20.1 1'232.9 123.3 0.1 28'572.2 48.7 Asua-Bilbao Huelva 0 267'000 0.0 10'335.7 0.0 5'219.9 0.0 4'920.0 0.0 2'635.2 0.0 815.1 0.0 941.7 0.0 1'814.0 0.0 56.0 0.0 5'676.4 0.0 29'869.2 0.0 9'089.0 0.0 214.3 0.0 13'167.4 0.0 1'317.2 0.0 0.8 0.0 305'150.7 0.0 520.2 Skelleftehamn (Ronnskar) 220'000 8'516.3 4'301.0 4'053.9 2'171.3 671.6 775.9 1'494.7 46.1 4'677.2 24'611.3 7'489.1 176.5 10'849.5 1'085.3 0.7 251'435.0 428.6 99'000 2'037'000 3'832.3 78'853 1'935.5 39'823 1'824.3 37'536 977.1 20'105 302.2 6'219 349.2 7'184 672.6 13'840 20.7 427 2'104.7 43'307 11'075.1 227'878 3'370.1 69'342 79.4 1'635 4'882.3 100'457 488.4 10'049 0.3 6 113'145.8 2'328'060 192.9 3'969 Samsun 79 Annex D.2 Air Emission in the Scenario 2020 - Optimistic Europe: Smelting and Refining of Secondary Copper Country Austria Austria Belgium Belgium Belgium Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Finland Finland Germany Germany Germany Germany Hungary Hungary Italy Italy Poland Poland Poland Poland Poland Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Spain Spain Spain Sweden Sweden Turkey Turkey Location Cu Smelter (Name) Secondary Cu t /a SO2 t/a NOx t/a PM10 t/a PM2.5 t/a NH3 t/a NMVOC t/a Cd kg / a Hg kg / a As kg / a Pb kg / a Cr kg / a Cr-VI kg / a Ni kg / a CH2O kg / a Dioxin kg / a CO2 t/a CH4 t/a Brixlegg 57'000 779.4 379.9 167.2 95.9 21.7 38.3 224.1 5.9 224.2 4'518.7 290.5 7.6 479.8 218.0 2.9 62'969.1 126.3 Beerse Hoboken 107'000 36'000 1'463.2 492.3 713.2 239.9 313.8 105.6 180.0 60.6 40.7 13.7 72.0 24.2 420.7 141.6 11.2 3.8 420.8 141.6 8'482.4 2'853.9 545.2 183.4 14.2 4.8 900.7 303.0 409.2 137.7 5.4 1.8 118'205.1 39'770.0 237.1 79.8 3'000 0 41.0 0.0 20.0 0.0 8.8 0.0 5.0 0.0 1.1 0.0 2.0 0.0 11.8 0.0 0.3 0.0 11.8 0.0 237.8 0.0 15.3 0.0 0.4 0.0 25.3 0.0 11.5 0.0 0.2 0.0 3'314.2 0.0 6.6 0.0 Eliseina Pirdop Harjavalta Hettstedt Lunen (Huettenwerke Kayser) Hamburg (Norddeutsche Affinerie) 18'000 246.1 120.0 52.8 30.3 6.8 12.1 70.8 1.9 70.8 1'426.9 91.7 2.4 151.5 68.8 0.9 19'885.0 39.9 53'000 94'000 232'000 724.7 1'285.4 3'172.5 353.3 626.5 1'546.3 155.4 275.7 680.4 89.2 158.1 390.3 20.1 35.7 88.2 35.6 63.2 156.0 208.4 369.6 912.2 5.5 9.8 24.2 208.4 369.7 912.3 4'201.6 7'451.8 18'391.7 270.1 479.0 1'182.2 7.1 12.5 30.9 446.1 791.3 1'952.9 202.7 359.5 887.2 2.7 4.8 11.7 58'550.2 103'843.8 256'295.3 117.4 208.3 514.1 Csepel 11'000 150.4 73.3 32.3 18.5 4.2 7.4 43.3 1.1 43.3 872.0 56.1 1.5 92.6 42.1 0.6 12'151.9 24.4 Porto Marghera 35'000 478.6 233.3 102.6 58.9 13.3 23.5 137.6 3.7 137.6 2'774.6 178.3 4.7 294.6 133.8 1.8 38'665.2 77.6 Glogow District (Glogow I) Glogow District (Glogow II) Wroclaw (Hutmen S.A.) Legnica 0 0 22'000 0 0.0 0.0 300.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 146.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 64.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 37.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 86.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 86.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 1'744.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 112.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 185.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 84.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 24'303.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 48.8 0.0 0 2'000 0 0 0.0 27.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 158.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 2'209.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.4 0.0 0.0 Baia Mare Zlatna Zlatna Zlatna Bor 8'000 109.4 53.3 23.5 13.5 3.0 5.4 31.5 0.8 31.5 634.2 40.8 1.1 67.3 30.6 0.4 8'837.8 17.7 Asua-Bilbao Huelva 29'000 0 396.6 0.0 193.3 0.0 85.1 0.0 48.8 0.0 11.0 0.0 19.5 0.0 114.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 114.0 0.0 2'299.0 0.0 147.8 0.0 3.9 0.0 244.1 0.0 110.9 0.0 1.5 0.0 32'036.9 0.0 64.3 0.0 Skelleftehamn (Ronnskar) 24'000 328.2 160.0 70.4 40.4 9.1 16.1 94.4 2.5 94.4 1'902.6 122.3 3.2 202.0 91.8 1.2 26'513.3 53.2 6'000 737'000 82.0 10'078 40.0 4'912 17.6 2'161 10.1 1'240 2.3 280 4.0 496 23.6 2'898 0.6 77 23.6 2'898 475.6 58'425 30.6 3'756 0.8 98 50.5 6'204 22.9 2'818 0.3 37 6'628.3 814'179 13.3 1'633 Samsun 80 Annex D.2 Air Emission in the Scenario 2020 - Optimistic Chile, Peru, Russia and Indonesia: Concentrate Production, Smelting and Refining of Primary Copper Cathode Production Country Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Peru Peru Peru Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Location Cu Smelter (Name) La Negra (Altonorte) Chagres Chuquicamata El Teniente (Caletones) Paipote Las Ventanas Potrerillos (El Salvador) IIo La Oroya Karabash Krasnouralsk ( Svyatogor) Mednogorsk Nadezhdinsky (Nadezhda) Norlisk Pechenganikel Monchegorsk (Severonikel) Sredneuralsk (Revda) Pimary Cu t /a 1'184'200 125'655 114'232 380'772 304'617 57'116 87'577 114'232 110'780 87'458 23'322 376'270 21'355 30'324 17'084 42'709 170'838 8'542 38'438 46'980 NOx t /a 23'151 2'457 2'233 7'444 5'955 1'117 1'712 2'233 2'166 1'710 456 7'356 417 593 334 835 3'340 167 751 918 SO2 t /a 49'291 5'230 4'755 15'849 12'679 2'377 3'645 4'755 4'611 3'640 971 15'662 889 1'262 711 1'778 7'111 356 1'600 1'956 PM10 t /a 28'339 3'007 2'734 9'112 7'290 1'367 2'096 2'734 2'651 2'093 558 9'005 511 726 409 1'022 4'088 204 920 1'124 NMVOC t /a 4'176 443 403 1'343 1'074 201 309 403 391 308 82 1'327 75 107 60 151 603 30 136 166 CO2 t /a 2'114'697 224'389 203'990 679'967 543'974 101'995 156'392 203'990 197'827 156'179 41'648 671'928 38'134 54'151 30'508 76'269 305'075 15'254 68'642 83'896 CH4 t /a Pimary Cu t /a 294'000 31'196 28'360 94'534 75'627 14'180 21'743 28'360 109'200 86'211 22'989 218'400 218'400 NOx t /a SO2 t /a PM10 t /a 1'654 176 160 532 425 80 122 160 614 485 129 1'229 1'229 NMVOC t /a CO2 t /a 54'544 5'788 5'261 17'538 14'031 2'631 4'034 5'261 20'259 15'994 4'265 40'518 40'518 CH4 t /a 3'605 383 348 1'159 927 174 267 348 337 266 71 1'146 65 92 52 130 520 26 117 143 Concentrate Production Country Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Peru Peru Peru Indonesia Indonesia Location Cu Smelter (Name) La Negra (Altonorte) Chagres Chuquicamata El Teniente (Caletones) Paipote Las Ventanas Potrerillos (El Salvador) IIo La Oroya Gresik 1'292 137 125 415 332 62 96 125 480 379 101 960 960 192 20 19 62 49 9 14 19 71 56 15 143 143 231 24 22 74 59 11 17 22 86 68 18 171 171 124 13 12 40 32 6 9 12 46 36 10 92 92 81 Annex D.3 Air Emission in the Scenario 2020 - Pessimistic Europe: Smelting and Refining of Primary Copper Country Austria Austria Belgium Belgium Belgium Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Finland Finland Germany Germany Germany Germany Hungary Hungary Italy Italy Poland Poland Poland Poland Poland Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Spain Spain Spain Sweden Sweden Turkey Turkey Location Cu Smelter (Name) Brixlegg Primary Cu t /a SO2 t/a NOx t/a PM10 t/a PM2.5 t/a NH3 t/a NMVOC t/a Cd kg / a Hg kg / a As kg / a Pb kg / a Cr kg / a Cr-VI kg / a Ni kg / a CH2O kg / a Dioxin kg / a CO2 t/a CH4 t/a 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Beerse Hoboken 209'000 70'000 8'264.5 2'768.0 4'086.0 1'368.5 4'751.5 1'591.4 2'545.0 852.4 638.0 213.7 737.1 246.9 1'420.0 475.6 52.0 17.4 6'595.6 2'209.1 30'427.0 10'190.9 8'448.6 2'829.7 199.2 66.7 12'239.6 4'099.4 1'031.1 345.3 0.6 0.2 354'562.7 118'753.0 604.5 202.5 Eliseina Pirdop 0 67'000 0.0 2'649.4 0.0 1'309.9 0.0 1'523.2 0.0 815.9 0.0 204.5 0.0 236.3 0.0 455.2 0.0 16.7 0.0 2'114.4 0.0 9'754.1 0.0 2'708.4 0.0 63.8 0.0 3'923.7 0.0 330.5 0.0 0.2 0.0 113'663.6 0.0 193.8 Harjavalta 130'000 5'140.6 2'541.5 2'955.5 1'583.0 396.9 458.5 883.2 32.4 4'102.5 18'925.9 5'255.1 123.9 7'613.2 641.3 0.4 220'541.4 376.0 Hettstedt Lunen (Huettenwerke Kayser) Hamburg (Norddeutsche Affinerie) 45'000 80'000 198'000 1'779.4 3'163.4 7'829.5 879.8 1'564.0 3'870.9 1'023.1 1'818.8 4'501.4 548.0 974.2 2'411.0 137.4 244.2 604.5 158.7 282.1 698.3 305.7 543.5 1'345.2 11.2 19.9 49.3 1'420.1 2'524.6 6'248.5 6'551.3 11'646.7 28'825.5 1'819.1 3'233.9 8'003.9 42.9 76.2 188.7 2'635.3 4'685.0 11'595.4 222.0 394.7 976.8 0.1 0.2 0.6 76'341.2 135'717.8 335'901.5 130.1 231.4 572.6 Csepel 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Porto Marghera 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 252'000 235'000 0 107'000 9'964.8 9'292.6 0.0 4'231.1 4'926.6 4'594.3 0.0 2'091.9 5'729.1 5'342.6 0.0 2'432.6 3'068.6 2'861.6 0.0 1'302.9 769.3 717.4 0.0 326.6 888.7 828.8 0.0 377.4 1'712.1 1'596.6 0.0 727.0 62.7 58.5 0.0 26.6 7'952.6 7'416.1 0.0 3'376.7 36'687.1 34'212.1 0.0 15'577.4 10'186.8 9'499.6 0.0 4'325.4 240.1 223.9 0.0 102.0 14'757.8 13'762.3 0.0 6'266.2 1'243.2 1'159.3 0.0 527.9 0.8 0.7 0.0 0.3 427'511.0 398'670.9 0.0 181'522.5 728.8 679.7 0.0 309.5 Baia Mare Zlatna Zlatna Zlatna 13'000 0 15'000 5'000 514.1 0.0 593.1 197.7 254.2 0.0 293.3 97.8 295.5 0.0 341.0 113.7 158.3 0.0 182.7 60.9 39.7 0.0 45.8 15.3 45.8 0.0 52.9 17.6 88.3 0.0 101.9 34.0 3.2 0.0 3.7 1.2 410.3 0.0 473.4 157.8 1'892.6 0.0 2'183.8 727.9 525.5 0.0 606.4 202.1 12.4 0.0 14.3 4.8 761.3 0.0 878.4 292.8 64.1 0.0 74.0 24.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 22'054.1 0.0 25'447.1 8'482.4 37.6 0.0 43.4 14.5 Bor Glogow District (Glogow I) Glogow District (Glogow II) Wroclaw (Hutmen S.A.) Legnica 25'000 988.6 488.8 568.4 304.4 76.3 88.2 169.9 6.2 788.9 3'639.6 1'010.6 23.8 1'464.1 123.3 0.1 42'411.8 72.3 Asua-Bilbao Huelva 0 267'000 0.0 10'558.0 0.0 5'219.9 0.0 6'070.1 0.0 3'251.2 0.0 815.1 0.0 941.7 0.0 1'814.0 0.0 66.5 0.0 8'426.0 0.0 38'870.8 0.0 10'793.2 0.0 254.4 0.0 15'636.3 0.0 1'317.2 0.0 0.8 0.0 452'958.0 0.0 772.2 Skelleftehamn (Ronnskar) 220'000 8'699.5 4'301.0 5'001.6 2'678.9 671.6 775.9 1'494.7 54.8 6'942.7 32'028.4 8'893.3 209.7 12'883.8 1'085.3 0.7 373'223.9 636.3 99'000 2'037'000 3'914.8 80'549 1'935.5 39'823 2'250.7 46'310 1'205.5 24'804 302.2 6'219 349.2 7'184 672.6 13'840 24.6 507 3'124.2 64'283 14'412.8 296'554 4'002.0 82'344 94.3 1'941 5'797.7 119'293 488.4 10'049 0.3 6 167'950.7 3'455'714 286.3 5'891 Samsun 82 Annex D.3 Air Emission in the Scenario 2020 - Pessimistic Europe: Smelting and Refining of Secondary Copper Country Austria Austria Belgium Belgium Belgium Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Finland Finland Germany Germany Germany Germany Hungary Hungary Italy Italy Poland Poland Poland Poland Poland Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Spain Spain Spain Sweden Sweden Turkey Turkey Location Cu Smelter (Name) Secondary Cu t /a SO2 t/a NOx t/a PM10 t/a PM2.5 t/a NH3 t/a NMVOC t/a Cd kg / a Hg kg / a As kg / a Pb kg / a Cr kg / a Cr-VI kg / a Ni kg / a CH2O kg / a Dioxin kg / a CO2 t/a CH4 t/a Brixlegg 57'000 796.2 379.9 206.3 118.3 21.7 38.3 224.1 7.1 332.7 5'880.4 344.9 9.0 569.8 218.0 2.9 93'469.8 187.5 Beerse Hoboken 107'000 36'000 1'494.6 502.9 713.2 239.9 387.2 130.3 222.1 74.7 40.7 13.7 72.0 24.2 420.7 141.6 13.3 4.5 624.6 210.1 11'038.7 3'714.0 647.5 217.8 16.9 5.7 1'069.6 359.9 409.2 137.7 5.4 1.8 175'460.8 59'033.5 352.0 118.4 3'000 0 41.9 0.0 20.0 0.0 10.9 0.0 6.2 0.0 1.1 0.0 2.0 0.0 11.8 0.0 0.4 0.0 17.5 0.0 309.5 0.0 18.2 0.0 0.5 0.0 30.0 0.0 11.5 0.0 0.2 0.0 4'919.5 0.0 9.9 0.0 Eliseina Pirdop Harjavalta Hettstedt Lunen (Huettenwerke Kayser) Hamburg (Norddeutsche Affinerie) 18'000 251.4 120.0 65.1 37.4 6.8 12.1 70.8 2.2 105.1 1'857.0 108.9 2.8 179.9 68.8 0.9 29'516.8 59.2 53'000 94'000 232'000 740.3 1'313.0 3'240.7 353.3 626.5 1'546.3 191.8 340.1 839.5 110.0 195.1 481.5 20.1 35.7 88.2 35.6 63.2 156.0 208.4 369.6 912.2 6.6 11.7 28.8 309.4 548.7 1'354.2 5'467.8 9'697.6 23'934.5 320.7 568.8 1'403.9 8.4 14.9 36.7 529.8 939.6 2'319.1 202.7 359.5 887.2 2.7 4.8 11.7 86'910.5 154'143.1 380'438.3 174.3 309.2 763.1 Csepel 11'000 153.7 73.3 39.8 22.8 4.2 7.4 43.3 1.4 64.2 1'134.8 66.6 1.7 110.0 42.1 0.6 18'038.0 36.2 Porto Marghera 35'000 488.9 233.3 126.6 72.6 13.3 23.5 137.6 4.3 204.3 3'610.8 211.8 5.5 349.9 133.8 1.8 57'393.7 115.1 Glogow District (Glogow I) Glogow District (Glogow II) Wroclaw (Hutmen S.A.) Legnica 0 0 22'000 0 0.0 0.0 307.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 146.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 79.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 45.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 86.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 128.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 2'269.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 133.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 219.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 84.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 36'076.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 72.4 0.0 0 2'000 0 0 0.0 27.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 206.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 3'279.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.6 0.0 0.0 Baia Mare Zlatna Zlatna Zlatna Bor 8'000 111.7 53.3 28.9 16.6 3.0 5.4 31.5 1.0 46.7 825.3 48.4 1.3 80.0 30.6 0.4 13'118.6 26.3 Asua-Bilbao Huelva 29'000 0 405.1 0.0 193.3 0.0 104.9 0.0 60.2 0.0 11.0 0.0 19.5 0.0 114.0 0.0 3.6 0.0 169.3 0.0 2'991.8 0.0 175.5 0.0 4.6 0.0 289.9 0.0 110.9 0.0 1.5 0.0 47'554.8 0.0 95.4 0.0 Skelleftehamn (Ronnskar) 24'000 335.2 160.0 86.8 49.8 9.1 16.1 94.4 3.0 140.1 2'476.0 145.2 3.8 239.9 91.8 1.2 39'355.7 78.9 6'000 737'000 83.8 10'295 40.0 4'912 21.7 2'667 12.5 1'530 2.3 280 4.0 496 23.6 2'898 0.7 91 35.0 4'302 619.0 76'033 36.3 4'460 0.9 116 60.0 7'367 22.9 2'818 0.3 37 9'838.9 1'208'547 19.7 2'424 Samsun 83 Annex D.3 Air Emission in the Scenario 2020 - Pessimistic Chile, Peru, Russia and Indonesia: Concentrate Production, Smelting and Refining of Primary Copper Cathode Production Country Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Peru Peru Peru Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Location Cu Smelter (Name) La Negra (Altonorte) Chagres Chuquicamata El Teniente (Caletones) Paipote Las Ventanas Potrerillos (El Salvador) IIo La Oroya Karabash Krasnouralsk ( Svyatogor) Mednogorsk Nadezhdinsky (Nadezhda) Norlisk Pechenganikel Monchegorsk (Severonikel) Sredneuralsk (Revda) Pimary Cu t /a 1'184'200 125'655 114'232 380'772 304'617 57'116 87'577 114'232 110'780 87'458 23'322 376'270 21'355 30'324 17'084 42'709 170'838 8'542 38'438 46'980 NOx t /a 55'788 5'920 5'381 17'938 14'351 2'691 4'126 5'381 5'219 4'120 1'099 31'063 1'763 2'503 1'410 3'526 14'103 705 3'173 3'878 SO2 t /a 361'393 38'347 34'861 116'203 92'963 17'431 26'727 34'861 33'808 26'690 7'117 200'890 11'401 16'190 9'121 22'802 91'210 4'560 20'522 25'083 PM10 t /a 45'133 4'789 4'354 14'512 11'610 2'177 3'338 4'354 4'222 3'333 889 39'363 2'234 3'172 1'787 4'468 17'872 894 4'021 4'915 NMVOC t /a 10'001 1'061 965 3'216 2'572 482 740 965 936 739 197 5'578 317 450 253 633 2'533 127 570 696 CO2 t /a 3'510'157 372'460 338'600 1'128'668 902'934 169'300 259'594 338'600 328'370 259'239 69'130 1'552'059 88'085 125'081 70'468 176'170 704'680 35'234 158'553 193'787 CH4 t /a Pimary Cu t /a 294'000 31'196 28'360 94'534 75'627 14'180 21'743 28'360 109'200 86'211 22'989 218'400 218'400 NOx t /a SO2 t /a PM10 t /a 4'000 424 386 1'286 1'029 193 296 386 1'486 1'173 313 2'403 2'403 NMVOC t /a CO2 t /a 117'031 12'418 11'289 37'630 30'104 5'645 8'655 11'289 43'468 34'317 9'151 77'398 77'398 CH4 t /a 6'247 663 603 2'009 1'607 301 462 603 584 461 123 3'099 176 250 141 352 1'407 70 317 387 Concentrate Production Country Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Peru Peru Peru Indonesia Indonesia Location Cu Smelter (Name) La Negra (Altonorte) Chagres Chuquicamata El Teniente (Caletones) Paipote Las Ventanas Potrerillos (El Salvador) IIo La Oroya Gresik 3'117 331 301 1'002 802 150 231 301 1'158 914 244 1'884 1'884 416 44 40 134 107 20 31 40 155 122 33 275 275 559 59 54 180 144 27 41 54 208 164 44 337 337 272 29 26 87 70 13 20 26 101 80 21 202 202 84 Annex E Delta Concentration Maps for the Facilities Hoboken / Belgium and Glogow I / Poland in the Base Scenarios 85 Delta Concentration Map: Base Scenario 2005 Location: Hoboken / Belgium Pollutant: PM2.5 / Unit: µg/m3 0.00 0.06 86 Delta Concentration Map: Base Scenario 2005 Location: Hoboken / Belgium Pollutant: PM10 / Unit: µg/m3 0.00 0.08 87 Delta Concentration Map: Base Scenario 2005 Location: Hoboken / Belgium Pollutant: Ozone / Unit: µg/m3 0.00 0.12 88 Delta Concentration Map: Base Scenario 2005 Location: Hoboken / Belgium Pollutant: SIA10 / Unit: µg/m3 0.00 0.02 89 Delta Concentration Map: Base Scenario 2005 Location: Glogow I / Poland Pollutant: PM2.5 / Unit: µg/m3 0.00 0.10 90 Delta Concentration Map: Base Scenario 2005 Location: Glogow I / Poland Pollutant: PM10 / Unit: µg/m3 0.00 0.15 91 Delta Concentration Map: Base Scenario 2005 Location: Glogow I / Poland Pollutant: Ozone / Unit: µg/m3 0.00 17.38 92 Delta Concentration Map: Base Scenario 2005 Location: Glogow I / Poland Pollutant: SIA10 / Unit: µg/m3 0.00 0.08 93 94 Annex F External Cost Estimates 95 Annex F.1 Base Scenario 2005: Primary Copper Production in Europe Base Scenario 2005 Primary Copper Europe Baia Mare Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Beerse Mio €2000 / a Bor Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t €2000 / t Glogow I Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Glogow II Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Hamburg Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Harjavalta Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Hettstedt Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Hoboken Mio €2000 / a Huelva Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t €2000 / t Legnica Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Lunen Mio €2000 / a Pridop Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t €2000 / t Samsun Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Skellefteham Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Zlatna I Mio €2000 / a Zlatna II Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t €2000 / t Total Biodiversity Losses Local/Regional/Hemispheric Scale (human health, material and crops) Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Local Scale 0.336 Regional Scale Hemispheric Scale 10.940 0.209 Greenhouse Gas Micropollutants Total Total 11.485 0.213 0.490 0.086 28 912 17 957 18 41 7 12.274 1'023 5.884 210.799 3.315 219.998 8.496 7.757 1.355 237.606 31 1'109 17 1'157 45 41 7 1'250 0.385 15.840 0.401 16.626 0.344 0.939 0.164 18.072 17 688 17 722 15 41 7 785 1.614 171.651 3.996 177.261 19.960 9.349 1.633 208.203 7 749 17 773 87 41 7 908 1.588 160.414 3.734 165.736 18.653 8.737 1.526 194.652 7 750 17 774 87 41 7 909 7.722 145.672 3.141 156.535 8.637 7.349 1.283 173.804 43 809 17 869 48 41 7 965 0.299 28.024 2.059 30.382 4.780 4.818 0.841 40.821 3 237 17 257 41 41 7 346 0.841 31.969 0.715 33.525 2.633 1.674 0.292 38.124 21 778 17 816 64 41 7 928 4.164 67.431 1.099 72.695 2.817 2.572 0.449 78.533 66 1'070 17 1'153 45 41 7 1'246 0.727 78.143 4.240 83.110 2.146 9.921 1.733 96.909 3 321 17 341 9 41 7 398 1.373 72.621 1.693 75.686 8.455 3.960 0.692 88.792 14 749 17 780 87 41 7 915 6.376 89.548 1.274 97.198 4.916 2.980 0.521 105.614 87 1'226 17 1'330 67 41 7 1'445 0.202 49.636 1.064 50.903 0.581 2.491 0.435 54.409 3 814 17 834 10 41 7 892 0.469 53.122 1.570 55.162 0.333 3.674 0.642 59.811 5 590 17 612 4 41 7 664 0.054 30.990 3.490 34.534 9.356 8.562 1.426 53.878 0 155 17 172 47 43 7 269 0.109 12.754 0.244 13.107 0.248 0.572 0.100 14.026 8 911 17 936 18 41 7 1'002 0.061 3.644 0.070 3.774 0.071 0.163 0.029 4.037 15 32.203 17 911 1'233.196 653 17 32.316 17 943 1'297.715 687 18 92.637 49 41 76.008 40 7 13.205 7 1'009 1'479.565 783 96 Annex F.1 Base Scenario 2005: Secondary Copper Production in Europe Base Scenario 2005 Secondary Copper Europe Asua-Bilbao Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Beerse Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Bor Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Brixlegg Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Csepel Mio €2000 / a Eliseina Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t €2000 / t Hamburg Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Harjavalta Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Hettstedt Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Hoboken Mio €2000 / a Lunen Mio €2000 / a Porto Marghera Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t €2000 / t €2000 / t Samsun Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Skellefteham Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Wroclaw Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Zlatna Total Biodiversity Losses Local/Regional/Hemispheric Scale (human health, material and crops) Local Scale 0.155 Regional Scale Hemispheric Scale 2.396 0.144 Greenhouse Gas Micropollutants Total Total 2.695 0.129 1.033 0.092 6 92 6 104 5 40 4 3.950 153 0.744 27.020 0.544 28.309 1.294 3.893 0.348 33.844 8 275 6 289 13 40 4 346 0.040 1.326 0.039 1.405 0.030 0.278 0.025 1.738 6 189 6 201 4 40 4 249 0.082 13.695 0.289 14.066 1.070 2.066 0.185 17.386 2 263 6 271 21 40 4 336 0.339 2.724 0.055 3.119 0.108 0.398 0.036 3.660 34 273 6 313 11 40 4 368 0.014 0.733 0.017 0.763 0.007 0.119 0.011 0.900 5 244 6 255 2 40 4 301 1.293 46.574 1.172 49.039 3.054 8.383 0.750 61.225 6 220 6 232 14 40 4 290 0.019 1.017 0.089 1.125 0.206 0.635 0.057 2.023 1 64 6 71 13 40 4 128 0.154 10.023 0.267 10.443 0.901 1.907 0.171 13.422 3 209 6 218 19 40 4 281 0.501 8.878 0.183 9.562 0.436 1.311 0.117 11.426 15 269 6 290 13 40 4 347 0.839 28.516 0.472 29.827 1.668 3.377 0.302 35.173 10 336 6 352 20 40 4 416 0.253 10.666 0.178 11.097 0.579 1.271 0.114 13.060 8 333 6 347 18 40 4 409 0.027 0.757 0.028 0.812 0.004 0.199 0.017 1.032 5 152 6 163 1 40 3 207 0.004 0.971 0.122 1.097 0.338 0.874 0.078 2.386 0 45 6 51 15 40 4 110 0.132 3.986 0.111 4.229 0.554 0.794 0.071 5.648 7 200 6 213 28 40 4 285 Mio €2000 / a 0.006 0.525 0.011 0.541 0.009 0.080 0.007 0.637 €2000 / t 3 4.601 7 262 159.806 239 6 3.721 6 271 168.128 251 5 10.385 16 40 26.616 40 4 2.381 4 320 207.510 310 Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t 97 Annex F.1 Base Scenario 2005: Primary Copper and Concentrate Production in Chile, Peru, Russia and Indonesia (low impacts) Cathode Production Air Pollution [k€] Country Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Peru Peru Peru Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Location Cu Smelter (Name) La Negra (Altonorte) Chagres Chuquicamata El Teniente (Caletones) Paipote Las Ventanas Potrerillos (El Salvador) IIo La Oroya Karabash Krasnouralsk ( Svyatogor) Mednogorsk Nadezhdinsky (Nadezhda) Norlisk Pechenganikel Monchegorsk (Severonikel) Sredneuralsk (Revda) Pimary Cu Human Health Human Health t /a Mortality Morbidity 1'078'800 370'373 195'082 114'471 39'300 20'700 104'064 35'727 18'818 346'881 119'091 62'727 277'505 95'273 50'182 52'032 17'864 9'409 79'783 27'391 14'427 104'064 35'727 18'818 100'920 34'580 18'240 79'674 27'300 14'400 21'246 7'280 3'840 342'780 227'318 119'856 19'454 12'900 6'800 27'625 18'318 9'656 15'563 10'320 5'440 38'908 25'800 13'600 155'632 103'200 54'400 7'782 5'160 2'720 35'017 23'220 12'240 42'799 28'400 15'000 Climate Change [k€] Crops CO2 Materials 9'028 958 871 2'903 2'322 435 668 871 845 667 178 5'023 285 405 228 570 2'280 114 513 628 42'409 4'500 4'091 13'636 10'909 2'045 3'136 4'091 3'965 3'130 835 23'603 1'340 1'903 1'072 2'680 10'720 536 2'412 2'940 Total [Mio€] Total [€/t] 698 74 67 225 180 34 52 67 65 52 14 412 23 33 19 47 187 9 42 51 1'175 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 647 646 646 646 1'202 1'202 1'202 1'202 1'202 1'202 1'202 1'202 1'203 Total [Mio€] Total [€/t] 17 2 2 5 4 1 1 2 6 5 1 10 10 33 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 52 52 CH4 78'127 8'290 7'536 25'121 20'097 3'768 5'778 7'536 7'309 5'770 1'539 34'543 1'960 2'783 1'568 3'920 15'680 784 3'528 4'320 3'204 340 309 1'030 824 155 237 309 299 236 63 1'587 90 128 72 180 721 36 162 198 Concentrate Production Air Pollution [k€] Country Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Peru Peru Peru Indonesia Indonesia Location Cu Smelter (Name) La Negra (Altonorte) Chagres Chuquicamata El Teniente (Caletones) Paipote Las Ventanas Potrerillos (El Salvador) IIo La Oroya Gresik Pimary Cu Human Health Human Health t /a Mortality Morbidity 266'000 8'576 4'684 28'225 910 497 25'659 827 452 85'531 2'758 1'506 68'424 2'206 1'205 12'830 414 226 19'672 634 346 25'659 827 452 98'800 3'179 1'735 78'000 2'510 1'370 20'800 669 365 197'600 5'180 2'830 197'600 5'180 2'830 Climate Change [k€] Crops CO2 Materials 694 74 67 223 178 33 51 67 257 203 54 418 418 144 15 14 46 37 7 11 14 54 43 11 90 90 CH4 2'592 275 250 833 667 125 192 250 961 759 202 1'710 1'710 139 15 13 45 36 7 10 13 51 41 11 103 103 98 Annex F.1 Base Scenario 2005: Primary Copper and Concentrate Production in Chile, Peru, Russia and Indonesia (high impacts) Cathode Production Air Pollution [k€] Country Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Peru Peru Peru Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Location Cu Smelter (Name) La Negra (Altonorte) Chagres Chuquicamata El Teniente (Caletones) Paipote Las Ventanas Potrerillos (El Salvador) IIo La Oroya Karabash Krasnouralsk ( Svyatogor) Mednogorsk Nadezhdinsky (Nadezhda) Norlisk Pechenganikel Monchegorsk (Severonikel) Sredneuralsk (Revda) Pimary Cu Human Health Human Health t /a Mortality Morbidity 1'078'800 1'196'879 610'691 114'471 127'000 64'800 104'064 115'455 58'909 346'881 384'848 196'364 277'505 307'879 157'091 52'032 57'727 29'455 79'783 88'515 45'164 104'064 115'455 58'909 100'920 111'720 57'127 79'674 88'200 45'100 21'246 23'520 12'027 342'780 770'054 394'608 19'454 43'700 22'400 27'625 62'054 31'808 15'563 34'960 17'920 38'908 87'400 44'800 155'632 349'600 179'200 7'782 17'480 8'960 35'017 78'660 40'320 42'799 96'200 49'200 Climate Change [k€] Crops CO2 Materials 11'026 1'170 1'064 3'545 2'836 532 815 1'064 1'035 817 218 6'167 350 497 280 700 2'800 140 630 770 88'399 9'380 8'527 28'424 22'739 4'264 6'538 8'527 8'271 6'530 1'741 49'162 2'790 3'962 2'232 5'580 22'320 1'116 5'022 6'140 Total [Mio€] Total [€/t] 1'988 211 192 639 511 96 147 192 186 147 39 1'256 71 101 57 143 570 29 128 157 3'430 1'843 1'843 1'843 1'843 1'843 1'843 1'843 1'843 1'841 1'841 1'841 3'665 3'665 3'665 3'665 3'665 3'665 3'665 3'665 3'664 Total [Mio€] Total [€/t] 60 6 6 19 15 3 4 6 22 18 5 36 36 118 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 184 184 CH4 78'127 8'290 7'536 25'121 20'097 3'768 5'778 7'536 7'309 5'770 1'539 34'543 1'960 2'783 1'568 3'920 15'680 784 3'528 4'320 3'204 340 309 1'030 824 155 237 309 299 236 63 1'587 90 128 72 180 721 36 162 198 Concentrate Production Air Pollution [k€] Country Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Peru Peru Peru Indonesia Indonesia Location Cu Smelter (Name) La Negra (Altonorte) Chagres Chuquicamata El Teniente (Caletones) Paipote Las Ventanas Potrerillos (El Salvador) IIo La Oroya Gresik Pimary Cu Human Health Human Health t /a Mortality Morbidity 266'000 37'132 18'848 28'225 3'940 2'000 25'659 3'582 1'818 85'531 11'939 6'061 68'424 9'552 4'848 12'830 1'791 909 19'672 2'746 1'394 25'659 3'582 1'818 98'800 13'807 7'017 78'000 10'900 5'540 20'800 2'907 1'477 197'600 22'400 11'400 197'600 22'400 11'400 Climate Change [k€] Crops CO2 Materials 777 82 75 250 200 37 57 75 288 227 61 467 467 319 34 31 103 82 15 24 31 119 94 25 199 199 CH4 2'592 275 250 833 667 125 192 250 961 759 202 1'710 1'710 139 15 13 45 36 7 10 13 51 41 11 103 103 99 Annex F.2 Scenario 2020 - Optimistic: Primary Copper Production in Europe Scenario 2020 Optimist Primary Copper Europe Baia Mare Local/Regional/Hemispheric Scale (human health, material and crops) Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Beerse Mio €2000 / a Bor Mio €2000 / a Glogow I Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t €2000 / t €2000 / t Glogow II Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Hamburg Mio €2000 / a Harjavalta Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t €2000 / t Hettstedt Mio €2000 / a Hoboken Mio €2000 / a Huelva Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t €2000 / t €2000 / t Legnica Mio €2000 / a Lunen Mio €2000 / a Pridop Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t €2000 / t €2000 / t Samsun Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Skellefteham Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Zlatna I Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Zlatna II Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Total Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Local Scale 0.258 Regional Scale Hemispheric Scale 9.196 0.210 Biodiversity Losses Greenhouse Gas Micropollutants Total Total 9.664 0.225 0.432 0.065 20 708 16 744 17 33 5 10.386 799 4.688 228.511 3.377 236.577 9.682 6.950 1.051 254.260 22 1'094 16 1'132 46 33 5 1'216 0.308 15.395 0.404 16.107 0.388 0.832 0.126 17.452 12 616 16 644 16 33 5 698 1.273 184.945 4.072 190.290 11.245 8.380 1.267 211.183 5 734 16 755 45 33 5 838 1.249 172.453 3.798 177.500 10.487 7.815 1.182 196.983 5 734 16 755 45 33 5 838 5.982 153.933 3.200 163.115 8.053 6.585 0.996 178.749 30 777 16 823 41 33 5 902 0.240 28.196 2.101 30.537 5.050 4.323 0.654 40.563 2 217 16 235 39 33 5 312 0.681 32.710 0.727 34.118 2.616 1.497 0.226 38.457 15 727 16 758 58 33 5 854 3.355 74.400 1.131 78.886 3.243 2.328 0.352 84.809 48 1'063 16 1'127 46 33 5 1'211 0.569 71.844 4.315 76.727 2.331 10.139 1.343 90.541 2 269 16 287 9 38 5 339 1.103 78.457 1.729 81.290 4.775 3.559 0.538 90.161 10 734 16 760 45 33 5 843 5.123 95.293 1.293 101.709 4.834 2.661 0.402 109.605 64 1'191 16 1'271 60 33 5 1'369 0.161 46.959 1.083 48.203 0.675 2.228 0.337 51.443 2 702 16 720 10 33 5 768 0.371 50.695 1.600 52.666 0.361 3.292 0.498 56.817 4 511 16 531 4 33 5 573 0.042 31.781 3.555 35.378 9.681 7.317 1.106 53.482 0 145 16 161 44 33 5 243 0.086 10.603 0.242 10.932 0.259 0.499 0.075 11.765 6 707 16 729 17 33 5 784 0.056 3.534 0.081 3.671 0.086 0.166 0.025 3.949 11 25.543 13 708 1'288.907 633 16 32.918 16 735 1'347.368 661 17 73.989 36 33 69.002 34 5 10.245 5 790 1'500.604 737 100 Annex F.2 Scenario 2020 - Optimistic: Secondary Copper Production in Europe Scenario 2020 Optimist Secondary Copper Europe Asua-Bilbao Local/Regional/Hemispheric Scale (human health, material and crops) Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Beerse Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Bor Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Brixlegg Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Csepel Mio €2000 / a Eliseina Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t €2000 / t Hamburg Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Harjavalta Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Hettstedt Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Hoboken Mio €2000 / a Lunen Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t €2000 / t Porto Marghera Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Samsun Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Skellefteham Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Wroclaw Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Zlatna Total Local Scale 0.124 Regional Scale Hemispheric Scale 2.435 0.150 Biodiversity Losses Greenhouse Gas Micropollutants Total Total 2.710 0.143 0.938 0.096 4 84 5 93 5 32 3 3.887 133 0.606 31.717 0.555 32.879 1.469 3.462 0.353 38.163 6 297 5 308 14 32 3 357 0.034 1.416 0.042 1.492 0.036 0.259 0.026 1.813 4 178 5 187 5 32 3 227 0.065 15.252 0.296 15.613 1.105 1.844 0.188 18.750 1 269 5 275 19 32 3 329 0.274 2.800 0.057 3.131 0.119 0.356 0.036 3.642 25 254 5 284 11 32 3 330 0.011 0.644 0.016 0.671 0.008 0.097 0.010 0.785 4 215 5 224 3 32 3 262 1.018 52.319 1.204 54.541 2.737 7.507 0.766 65.551 4 226 5 235 12 32 3 282 0.015 1.105 0.093 1.214 0.220 0.583 0.059 2.076 1 61 5 67 12 32 3 114 0.126 10.967 0.275 11.368 0.870 1.715 0.175 14.127 2 208 5 215 16 32 3 266 0.412 10.478 0.187 11.076 0.494 1.165 0.119 12.855 11 292 5 308 14 32 3 357 0.692 32.586 0.488 33.766 1.598 3.042 0.311 38.717 7 348 5 360 17 32 3 412 0.204 11.424 0.182 11.809 0.617 1.133 0.116 13.675 6 327 5 338 18 32 3 391 0.024 0.826 0.031 0.881 0.005 0.194 0.020 1.100 4 137 5 146 1 32 3 182 0.003 1.030 0.125 1.157 0.344 0.777 0.079 2.357 0 43 5 48 14 32 3 97 0.107 4.653 0.114 4.874 0.276 0.712 0.073 5.935 5 211 5 221 13 32 3 269 Mio €2000 / a 0.004 0.409 0.010 0.424 0.009 0.065 0.007 0.504 €2000 / t 2 3.720 5 205 180.062 244 5 3.823 5 212 187.605 255 4 10.050 14 32 23.848 32 3 2.434 3 251 223.937 304 Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t 101 Annex F.2 Scenario 2020 - Optimistic: Primary Copper and Concentrate Production in Chile, Peru, Russia and Indonesia (low impacts) Cathode Production Air Pollution [k€] Country Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Peru Peru Peru Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Location Cu Smelter (Name) La Negra (Altonorte) Chagres Chuquicamata El Teniente (Caletones) Paipote Las Ventanas Potrerillos (El Salvador) IIo La Oroya Karabash Krasnouralsk ( Svyatogor) Mednogorsk Nadezhdinsky (Nadezhda) Norlisk Pechenganikel Monchegorsk (Severonikel) Sredneuralsk (Revda) Pimary Cu Human Health Human Health t /a Mortality Morbidity 1'184'200 94'242 50'514 125'655 10'000 5'360 114'232 9'091 4'873 380'772 30'303 16'242 304'617 24'242 12'994 57'116 4'545 2'436 87'577 6'970 3'736 114'232 9'091 4'873 110'780 8'829 4'725 87'458 6'970 3'730 23'322 1'859 995 376'270 29'954 16'048 21'355 1'700 911 30'324 2'414 1'294 17'084 1'360 729 42'709 3'400 1'822 170'838 13'600 7'288 8'542 680 364 38'438 3'060 1'640 46'980 3'740 2'000 Climate Change [k€] Crops CO2 Materials 4'674 496 451 1'503 1'202 225 346 451 437 345 92 1'482 84 119 67 168 673 34 151 185 6'201 658 598 1'994 1'595 299 459 598 580 458 122 1'973 112 159 90 224 896 45 202 246 Total [Mio€] Total [€/t] 217 23 21 70 56 10 16 21 20 16 4 69 4 6 3 8 31 2 7 9 307 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 183 Total [Mio€] Total [€/t] 7 1 1 2 2 0 1 1 3 2 1 6 6 16 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 CH4 59'184 6'280 5'709 19'030 15'224 2'855 4'377 5'709 5'535 4'370 1'165 18'849 1'070 1'519 856 2'140 8'560 428 1'926 2'350 2'328 247 225 748 599 112 172 225 217 171 46 738 42 59 34 84 335 17 75 92 Concentrate Production Air Pollution [k€] Country Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Peru Peru Peru Indonesia Indonesia Location Cu Smelter (Name) La Negra (Altonorte) Chagres Chuquicamata El Teniente (Caletones) Paipote Las Ventanas Potrerillos (El Salvador) IIo La Oroya Gresik Pimary Cu Human Health Human Health t /a Mortality Morbidity 294'000 3'544 1'941 31'196 376 206 28'360 342 187 94'534 1'139 624 75'627 912 499 14'180 171 94 21'743 262 144 28'360 342 187 109'200 1'317 719 86'211 1'040 568 22'989 277 151 218'400 2'630 1'440 218'400 2'630 1'440 Climate Change [k€] Crops CO2 Materials 285 30 27 92 73 14 21 27 106 84 22 212 212 61 7 6 20 16 3 5 6 23 18 5 46 46 CH4 1'527 162 147 491 393 74 113 147 567 448 119 1'130 1'130 79 8 8 25 20 4 6 8 29 23 6 59 59 102 Annex F.2 Scenario 2020 - Optimistic: Primary Copper and Concentrate Production in Chile, Peru, Russia and Indonesia (high impacts) Cathode Production Air Pollution [k€] Country Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Peru Peru Peru Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Location Cu Smelter (Name) La Negra (Altonorte) Chagres Chuquicamata El Teniente (Caletones) Paipote Las Ventanas Potrerillos (El Salvador) IIo La Oroya Karabash Krasnouralsk ( Svyatogor) Mednogorsk Nadezhdinsky (Nadezhda) Norlisk Pechenganikel Monchegorsk (Severonikel) Sredneuralsk (Revda) Pimary Cu Human Health Human Health t /a Mortality Morbidity 1'184'200 357'179 181'888 125'655 37'900 19'300 114'232 34'455 17'545 380'772 114'848 58'485 304'617 91'879 46'788 57'116 17'227 8'773 87'577 26'415 13'452 114'232 34'455 17'545 110'780 33'440 17'100 87'458 26'400 13'500 23'322 7'040 3'600 376'270 113'473 57'794 21'355 6'440 3'280 30'324 9'145 4'658 17'084 5'152 2'624 42'709 12'880 6'560 170'838 51'520 26'240 8'542 2'576 1'312 38'438 11'592 5'904 46'980 14'168 7'216 Climate Change [k€] Crops CO2 Materials 5'362 569 517 1'724 1'379 259 397 517 502 396 106 1'699 96 137 77 193 771 39 174 212 13'005 1'380 1'255 4'182 3'345 627 962 1'255 1'219 962 257 4'141 235 334 188 470 1'880 94 423 517 Total [Mio€] Total [€/t] 619 66 60 199 159 30 46 60 58 46 12 197 11 16 9 22 89 4 20 25 874 523 523 523 523 523 523 523 523 524 524 524 523 523 523 523 523 523 523 523 523 Total [Mio€] Total [€/t] 25 3 2 8 6 1 2 2 9 7 2 19 19 53 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 CH4 59'184 6'280 5'709 19'030 15'224 2'855 4'377 5'709 5'535 4'370 1'165 18'853 1'070 1'519 856 2'140 8'560 428 1'926 2'354 2'328 247 225 748 599 112 172 225 217 171 46 738 42 59 34 84 335 17 75 92 Concentrate Production Air Pollution [k€] Country Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Peru Peru Peru Indonesia Indonesia Location Cu Smelter (Name) La Negra (Altonorte) Chagres Chuquicamata El Teniente (Caletones) Paipote Las Ventanas Potrerillos (El Salvador) IIo La Oroya Gresik Pimary Cu Human Health Human Health t /a Mortality Morbidity 294'000 15'362 7'803 31'196 1'630 828 28'360 1'482 753 94'534 4'939 2'509 75'627 3'952 2'007 14'180 741 376 21'743 1'136 577 28'360 1'482 753 109'200 5'687 2'888 86'211 4'490 2'280 22'989 1'197 608 218'400 11'400 5'790 218'400 11'400 5'790 Climate Change [k€] Crops CO2 Materials 315 33 30 101 81 15 23 30 119 94 25 236 236 136 14 13 44 35 7 10 13 51 40 11 102 102 CH4 1'527 162 147 491 393 74 113 147 567 448 119 1'130 1'130 79 8 8 25 20 4 6 8 29 23 6 59 59 103 Annex F.3 Scenario 2020 - Pessimistic: Primary Copper Production in Europe Scenario 2020 Pessimist Primary Copper Europe Baia Mare Local/Regional/Hemispheric Scale (human health, material and crops) Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Beerse Mio €2000 / a Bor Mio €2000 / a Glogow I Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t €2000 / t €2000 / t Glogow II Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Hamburg Mio €2000 / a Harjavalta Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t €2000 / t Hettstedt Mio €2000 / a Hoboken Mio €2000 / a Huelva Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t €2000 / t €2000 / t Legnica Mio €2000 / a Lunen Mio €2000 / a Pridop Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t €2000 / t €2000 / t Samsun Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Skellefteham Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Zlatna I Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Zlatna II Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Total Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Local Scale 0.317 Regional Scale Hemispheric Scale 9.945 0.218 Biodiversity Losses Greenhouse Gas Micropollutants Total Total 10.480 0.225 1.605 0.090 24 766 17 807 17 123 7 12.400 954 5.771 250.898 3.503 260.171 9.748 25.794 1.441 297.153 28 1'201 17 1'246 47 123 7 1'423 0.379 16.642 0.419 17.440 0.390 3.085 0.172 21.087 15 666 17 698 16 123 7 844 1.567 199.736 4.224 205.526 11.317 31.100 1.737 249.680 6 793 17 816 45 123 7 991 1.537 186.256 3.939 191.732 10.554 29.002 1.620 232.908 7 792 17 816 45 123 7 991 7.364 166.072 3.319 176.754 8.097 24.436 1.365 210.652 37 838 17 892 41 123 7 1'063 0.295 30.602 2.179 33.077 5.097 16.043 0.896 55.112 2 236 17 255 39 123 7 424 0.838 35.441 0.754 37.033 2.631 5.553 0.310 45.528 19 787 17 823 58 123 7 1'011 3.692 80.034 1.172 84.897 3.265 8.640 0.483 97.284 53 1'144 17 1'214 47 123 7 1'391 0.701 79.460 4.475 84.636 2.343 32.950 1.840 121.769 3 297 17 317 9 123 7 456 1.358 84.715 1.793 87.866 4.805 13.206 0.738 106.615 13 791 17 821 45 123 7 996 6.307 103.651 1.341 111.299 4.861 9.872 0.551 126.584 79 1'295 17 1'391 61 123 7 1'582 0.198 50.004 1.123 51.325 0.675 8.269 0.462 60.731 3 746 17 766 10 123 7 906 0.456 56.236 1.659 58.352 0.361 12.217 0.457 71.386 5 568 17 590 4 123 5 722 0.052 34.032 3.688 37.771 9.790 27.150 1.516 76.227 0 155 17 172 44 123 7 346 0.106 11.466 0.251 11.823 0.260 1.851 0.103 14.037 7 765 17 789 17 123 7 936 0.069 3.822 0.084 3.975 0.087 0.618 0.035 4.714 14 31.006 15 765 1'399.011 687 17 34.142 17 796 1'464.158 719 17 74.505 37 124 251.388 123 7 13.815 7 944 1'803.867 886 104 Annex F.3 Scenario 2020 - Pessimistic: Secondary Copper Production in Europe Scenario 2020 Pessimist Secondary Copper Europe Asua-Bilbao Local/Regional/Hemispheric Scale (human health, material and crops) Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Beerse Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Bor Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Brixlegg Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Csepel Mio €2000 / a Eliseina Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t €2000 / t Hamburg Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Harjavalta Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Hettstedt Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Hoboken Mio €2000 / a Lunen Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t €2000 / t Porto Marghera Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Samsun Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Skellefteham Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Wroclaw Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t Zlatna Total Local Scale 0.152 Regional Scale Hemispheric Scale 2.566 0.155 Biodiversity Losses Greenhouse Gas Micropollutants Total Total 2.872 0.144 3.482 0.102 5 88 5 98 5 120 4 6.600 227 0.742 33.775 0.570 35.087 1.480 12.849 0.376 49.791 7 316 5 328 14 120 4 466 0.042 1.491 0.043 1.575 0.036 0.960 0.028 2.600 5 187 5 197 5 120 4 326 0.080 16.062 0.304 16.446 1.113 6.846 0.200 24.604 1 283 5 289 20 120 4 433 0.335 2.924 0.059 3.317 0.120 1.321 0.039 4.797 30 267 5 302 11 120 4 437 0.013 0.671 0.016 0.700 0.008 0.361 0.011 1.079 4 224 5 233 3 120 4 360 1.246 54.967 1.236 57.449 2.754 27.859 0.815 88.877 5 237 5 247 12 120 4 383 0.019 1.168 0.096 1.282 0.222 2.163 0.063 3.730 1 65 5 71 12 120 4 207 0.154 11.564 0.282 12.000 0.876 6.364 0.186 19.426 3 218 5 226 17 120 4 367 0.503 11.128 0.192 11.823 0.498 4.322 0.127 16.770 14 310 5 329 14 120 4 467 0.847 34.650 0.501 35.997 1.609 11.288 0.330 49.224 9 368 5 382 17 120 4 523 0.249 12.046 0.187 12.482 0.621 4.203 0.123 17.429 7 345 5 357 18 120 4 499 0.029 0.887 0.032 0.948 0.005 0.721 0.021 1.695 5 147 5 157 1 120 4 282 0.004 1.077 0.128 1.209 0.348 2.882 0.084 4.523 0 45 5 50 14 120 4 188 0.131 4.889 0.117 5.137 0.278 2.641 0.077 8.134 6 222 5 233 13 120 4 370 Mio €2000 / a 0.005 0.431 0.011 0.447 0.009 0.241 0.007 0.703 €2000 / t 3 4.549 6 215 190.295 258 5 3.926 5 223 198.771 270 4 10.121 14 120 88.501 120 4 2.589 4 351 299.981 407 Mio €2000 / a €2000 / t 105 Annex F.3 Scenario 2020 – Pessimistic: Primary Copper and Concentrate Production in Chile, Peru, Russia and Indonesia (low impacts) Cathode Production Air Pollution [k€] Country Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Peru Peru Peru Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Location Cu Smelter (Name) La Negra (Altonorte) Chagres Chuquicamata El Teniente (Caletones) Paipote Las Ventanas Potrerillos (El Salvador) IIo La Oroya Karabash Krasnouralsk ( Svyatogor) Mednogorsk Nadezhdinsky (Nadezhda) Norlisk Pechenganikel Monchegorsk (Severonikel) Sredneuralsk (Revda) Pimary Cu Human Health Human Health t /a Mortality Morbidity 1'184'200 365'661 193'197 125'655 38'800 20'500 114'232 35'273 18'636 380'772 117'576 62'121 304'617 94'061 49'697 57'116 17'636 9'318 87'577 27'042 14'288 114'232 35'273 18'636 110'780 34'200 17'987 87'458 27'000 14'200 23'322 7'200 3'787 376'270 225'476 118'422 21'355 12'800 6'720 30'324 18'176 9'542 17'084 10'240 5'376 42'709 25'600 13'440 170'838 102'400 53'760 8'542 5'120 2'688 38'438 23'040 12'096 46'980 28'100 14'800 Climate Change [k€] Crops CO2 Materials 8'925 947 861 2'870 2'296 430 660 861 835 659 176 4'969 282 400 226 564 2'256 113 508 621 41'844 4'440 4'036 13'455 10'764 2'018 3'095 4'036 3'914 3'090 824 23'264 1'320 1'874 1'056 2'640 10'560 528 2'376 2'910 Total [Mio€] Total [€/t] 866 92 84 278 223 42 64 84 81 64 17 486 28 39 22 55 221 11 50 61 1'432 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 731 729 729 729 1'291 1'291 1'291 1'291 1'291 1'291 1'291 1'291 1'291 Total [Mio€] Total [€/t] 23 2 2 7 6 1 2 2 8 7 2 14 14 45 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 65 65 CH4 245'973 26'100 23'727 79'091 63'273 11'864 18'191 23'727 22'927 18'100 4'827 108'741 6'170 8'761 4'936 12'340 49'360 2'468 11'106 13'600 10'084 1'070 973 3'242 2'594 486 746 973 940 742 198 4'987 283 402 226 566 2'264 113 509 623 Concentrate Production Air Pollution [k€] Country Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Peru Peru Peru Indonesia Indonesia Location Cu Smelter (Name) La Negra (Altonorte) Chagres Chuquicamata El Teniente (Caletones) Paipote Las Ventanas Potrerillos (El Salvador) IIo La Oroya Gresik Pimary Cu Human Health Human Health t /a Mortality Morbidity 294'000 8'520 4'656 31'196 904 494 28'360 822 449 94'534 2'739 1'497 75'627 2'192 1'198 14'180 411 225 21'743 630 344 28'360 822 449 109'200 3'167 1'735 86'211 2'500 1'370 22'989 667 365 218'400 5'150 2'810 218'400 5'150 2'810 Climate Change [k€] Crops CO2 Materials 689 73 66 222 177 33 51 66 256 202 54 416 416 144 15 14 46 37 7 11 14 53 42 11 90 90 CH4 8'190 869 790 2'633 2'107 395 606 790 3'040 2'400 640 5'420 5'420 440 47 42 142 113 21 33 42 163 129 34 325 325 106 Annex F.3 Scenario 2020 – Pessimistic: Primary Copper and Concentrate Production in Chile, Peru, Russia and Indonesia (high impacts) Cathode Production Air Pollution [k€] Country Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Peru Peru Peru Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Location Cu Smelter (Name) La Negra (Altonorte) Chagres Chuquicamata El Teniente (Caletones) Paipote Las Ventanas Potrerillos (El Salvador) IIo La Oroya Karabash Krasnouralsk ( Svyatogor) Mednogorsk Nadezhdinsky (Nadezhda) Norlisk Pechenganikel Monchegorsk (Severonikel) Sredneuralsk (Revda) Pimary Cu Human Health Human Health t /a Mortality Morbidity 1'184'200 1'178'030 603'152 125'655 125'000 64'000 114'232 113'636 58'182 380'772 378'788 193'939 304'617 303'030 155'152 57'116 56'818 29'091 87'577 87'121 44'606 114'232 113'636 58'182 110'780 110'327 56'367 87'458 87'100 44'500 23'322 23'227 11'867 376'270 761'144 389'382 21'355 43'200 22'100 30'324 61'344 31'382 17'084 34'560 17'680 42'709 86'400 44'200 170'838 345'600 176'800 8'542 17'280 8'840 38'438 77'760 39'780 46'980 95'000 48'600 Climate Change [k€] Crops CO2 Materials 10'932 1'160 1'055 3'515 2'812 527 808 1'055 1'022 807 215 6'095 346 491 277 692 2'768 138 623 760 87'363 9'270 8'427 28'091 22'473 4'214 6'461 8'427 8'170 6'450 1'720 48'619 2'760 3'919 2'208 5'520 22'080 1'104 4'968 6'060 Total [Mio€] Total [€/t] 2'136 227 206 687 549 103 158 206 200 158 42 1'319 75 106 60 150 599 30 135 165 3'654 1'803 1'803 1'803 1'803 1'803 1'803 1'803 1'803 1'803 1'803 1'803 3'505 3'506 3'506 3'506 3'506 3'506 3'506 3'506 3'505 Total [Mio€] Total [€/t] 65 7 6 21 17 3 5 6 24 19 5 40 40 129 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 183 183 CH4 245'973 26'100 23'727 79'091 63'273 11'864 18'191 23'727 22'927 18'100 4'827 108'741 6'170 8'761 4'936 12'340 49'360 2'468 11'106 13'600 10'084 1'070 973 3'242 2'594 486 746 973 940 742 198 4'987 283 402 226 566 2'264 113 509 623 Concentrate Production Air Pollution [k€] Country Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Peru Peru Peru Indonesia Indonesia Location Cu Smelter (Name) La Negra (Altonorte) Chagres Chuquicamata El Teniente (Caletones) Paipote Las Ventanas Potrerillos (El Salvador) IIo La Oroya Gresik Pimary Cu Human Health Human Health t /a Mortality Morbidity 294'000 36'849 18'754 31'196 3'910 1'990 28'360 3'555 1'809 94'534 11'848 6'030 75'627 9'479 4'824 14'180 1'777 905 21'743 2'725 1'387 28'360 3'555 1'809 109'200 13'680 6'979 86'211 10'800 5'510 22'989 2'880 1'469 218'400 22'200 11'300 218'400 22'200 11'300 Climate Change [k€] Crops CO2 Materials 768 82 74 247 198 37 57 74 286 226 60 464 464 319 34 31 102 82 15 24 31 118 93 25 198 198 CH4 8'190 869 790 2'633 2'107 395 606 790 3'040 2'400 640 5'420 5'420 440 47 42 142 113 21 33 42 163 129 34 325 325 107 108