IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 49, NO. 8, AUGUST 2001 1235 Letters__________________________________________________________________________________________ The Input Impedance and the Antenna Gain of the Spherical Helical Antenna H. T. Hui, K. Y. Chan, and E. K. N. Yung Abstract—The input impedance and the antenna gain of the spherical helical antenna are obtained theoretically and experimentally. Results indicate the better performance of the 3-turn antenna over the 7-turn one in terms of the impedance bandwidth and the stability of the antenna gain. The theoretical current distribution is also obtained and its salient characteristics are discussed. Index Terms—Antenna gain, input impedance, spherical helical antenna. I. INTRODUCTION Fig. 1. The coaxially fed spherical helical antenna. Spherical helical antennas possess many distinct but very useful characteristics from convention cylindrical helical antennas. A spherical helical antenna was shown to radiate very pure circular polarization field over a wide beam width [1]. The radiation patterns of a spherical helical antenna are free from sidelobes with a relatively high gain in the axial direction [1], [2]. These characteristics make it a very suitable element for antenna arrays constructed for high-gain receptions. Although this antenna has been proposed for several years, research on it was mainly focused on its radiation characteristics and very little was found on its input characteristics. In this letter, we focus a study on the input impedance and the antenna gain of this antenna. We will investigate this antenna both theoretically and experimentally. II. THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Consider a coaxially fed spherical helical antenna with a perfectly conducting ground plane as shown in Fig. 1. Different from the cylindrical helix, the spherical helix with equal spacing between turns has only two dimensional parameters: the radius a and the number of turns N . The equation of the spherical helix in spherical coordinates is given by [2] r =a (1a) = cos01 N 01 0 2N: (1b) The length of the helix L can be obtained by performing the following integral: L= a 1 + (N )2 sin4 d: (2) 0 The length of the straight wire connecting the spherical helix to the coaxial line is denoted by h and the radius of the wire is rw , equal to the radius of the inner conductor of the feeding coaxial line. The radius of the outer conductor of the coaxial line is b. As the overall size of the antenna does not vary with the number of turns of the spherical helix, the input impedance and the antenna gain will not vary in the same way as for the cylindrical helical antenna. In fact, the increase in the number of turns of the spherical helix will even have an adverse effect Manuscript received March 28, 2000; revised November 8, 2000. The authors are with the Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong (e-mail: Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-926X(01)03593-1. Fig. 2. The current distribution of a 7-turn spherical helical antenna at C= 1:17 with a = 1:95 cm, r = 0:04 cm, h = 0:4 cm, and b = 4:5r . = on the input impedance and the antenna gain, as will be shown later. The spherical helical antenna studied in this research are made by winding a copper wire on the surface of a polystyrene sphere with a relative permittivity very close to one. The ground plane is a square copper plate with a side length of 30 cm, equal to 2.45 wavelength at a frequency of 2.45 GHz. The ground plane with this size can actually be considered as infinitely large [1]. In the theoretical study, the moment method [3] together with the Galerkin matching procedure is used to obtain the input impedance and the current distribution. The magnetic-current frill model is employed to simulate the coaxial aperture on the ground plane. The current distribution of a 7-turn spherical helical antenna is shown in Fig. 2 at a frequency of 2.87 GHz, corresponding to C= = 1:17 (where C is the circumference of the sphere). Compared with that of the cylindrical helical antenna [4, p. 267], the current magnitude of this antenna is very different in two aspects. First, only two, instead of three, regions can be identified: the gradually decaying region (labeled “D” in Fig. 2) near the input end and the standing-wave region (labeled “S” in Fig. 2) near the open end. Secondly, rapid local variations in the gradually decaying region are observed. The current phase in Fig. 2 shows that a dominant traveling wave is propagating in region D while a strong standing wave exists in region S. For a shorter 3-turn spherical helical antenna, it is found that the current distribution is quite similar to that of a short cylindrical helical antenna 0018–926X/01$10.00 © 2001 IEEE 1236 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 49, NO. 8, AUGUST 2001 Fig. 3. The input impedance of a 3-turn spherical helical antenna with 1:95, r = 0:04 cm, h = 0:1 cm, and b = 4:5r . a = Fig. 4. The input impedance of the 3-turn spherical helical antenna with the same dimensions as in Fig. 3 but with different values of h. Fig. 5. The input impedance of the 5-turn and the 7-turn spherical helical antennas with a = 1:95 cm, r = 0:04 cm, b = 4:5r . Fig. 6. r [5, p. 151]. The current decays smoothly along the helical wire until it degenerates into a standing wave near the end of the helix. However, the rapid local variations as seen in region D of the 7-turn spherical helix disappear. The deviations of these current distributions from that of the cylindrical helical antenna give rise to the rather significant differences in the input impedance as discussed below. The input impedance of a 3-turn spherical helical antenna is shown in Fig. 3. The impedance is obtained at h = 0:1 cm. The length of h is found to have a significant effect on the input impedance. (Except for h and N , all other dimensions of the antennas throughout this study are same as those for Fig. 3). Measurement results are also shown in Fig. 3. A very obvious characteristic observed from Fig. 3 is a relatively constant impedance at the range from C= = 0:95 to C= = 1:3, corresponding to a frequency range from 2.33 GHz to 3.19 GHz. The impedance is very close to 100 0 j 20 . This characteristic indicates that the 3-turn spherical helical antenna is a wide-band one. As the frequency goes up, the impedance begins to oscillate. The variation of the input impedance with different values of h is shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen that, as the value of h increases, the impedance varies more quickly with frequency and this means that the useful bandwidth The antenna gain of the spherical helical antenna with a = 1:95 cm, = 0:04 cm, b = 4:5r , and two different numbers of turns. decreases. The real part of the impedance goes up to a higher value for a greater h. Thus, in the design of a spherical helical antenna, the value of h cannot be ignored. The input impedances of a 5-turn and a 7-turn spherical helical antennas are shown in Fig. 5. For the 7-turn antenna, both theoretical and measured values are shown. Compared with Fig. 3, it can be seen that as the number of turns increases, the impedance varies more rapidly with frequency. This means that a constant impedance region is more unlikely to obtain and hence the useful bandwidth of the antenna is reduced. Thus, an increase in the number of turns of the helix does not favor the impedance bandwidth for a spherical helical antenna. This characteristic makes a spherical helical antenna with a large number of turns very different from a long cylindrical helical antenna whose input impedance remains relatively constant with the increase in the number of turns of the helix [5, p. 143]. In [2], the input impedance of a 7-turn spherical helical antenna was also computed by the electromagnetic surface patch (ESP) code but the value of h was not specified. Not withstanding this, the computed values are very different from our computed and measured ones in the corresponding frequency range. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 49, NO. 8, AUGUST 2001 Our results show that the mean value of the input impedance (both real and imaginary parts) remains relatively unchanged with frequency in the range from C= = 0:95 to C= = 1:8, different from that computed in [2]. We notice from Fig. 5 that the computed and the measured impedance for the 7-turn spherical helical antenna differ more significantly with increasing frequencies. This is due to the use of a fixed number of divisions for the antenna wire in the numerical computation which gives less accurate results at higher frequencies. This error can be reduced by proportionately increasing the number of divisions at higher frequencies but at the expense of a longer computation time. The measured antenna gains (with respect to an isotropic circularly polarized source) for a 3-turn and a 7-turn antennas are shown in Fig. 6. It can be seen that a relatively stable gain (within 1 dB) can be obtained for the 3-turn antenna from C= = 1:1 to C= = 1:3. On the other hand, the gain of the 7-turn antenna changes more rapidly with frequency. The maximum gain of the 3-turn antenna is 11.1 dB measured at C= = 1:28 and that of the 7-turn antenna is only 9.9 dB at C= = 1:18. The generally smaller gain of the 7-turn antenna is due to its deeper mismatched impedance (Fig. 5) when compared with that of the 3-turn antenna (Fig. 3). 1237 Fig. 1. Derivation of the Sierpinski gasket from Pascal’s triangle. When those numbers divisible by 2 are deleted, the mod 2 Sierpinski gasket is obtained. 0 REFERENCES [1] J. C. Cardoso and A. Safaai-Jazi, “Spherical helical antenna with a circular polarization over a broad beam,” Electron. Lett., vol. 29, pp. 325–326, 1993. [2] A. Safaai-Jazi and J. C. Cardoso, “Radiation characteristics of a spherical helical antenna,” Inst. Elect. Eng. Proc. Microw. Antennas Propagat., vol. 143, pp. 7–12, 1996. [3] R. F. Harrington, Field Computation by Moment Methods. New York: Macmillan, 1968. [4] J. D. Kraus, Antennas . New York: McGraw-Hill, 1988. [5] H. Nakano, Helical and Spiral Antennas—A Numerical Approach. London, U.K.: Research Studies Press, 1987. Generalized Sierpinski Fractal Multiband Antenna Jordi Romeu and Jordi Soler Mod mod Abstract—A new set of fractal multiband antennas called Sierpinski gaskets is presented. Sierpinski fractal antennas derive from the Pascal triangle and present a log-periodic behavior, which is a Sierpinski fractal consequence of their self-similarity properties. antennas constitute a generalization of the classical Sierpinski antenna. Mod Index Terms—Antennas, fractals, multifrequency antennas. Fig. 2. Two Sierpinski gaskets (a) mod Sierpinski gasket. 0 3 Sierpinski gasket, (b) mod 0 5 self similarity. Self similarity is a property common to many fractals, but in order to become a useful radiator it is necessary that the fractal antenna meet the specifications at the desired frequencies. The Sierpinski gasket in a monopole configuration has a good matching to 50 at the resonance frequencies, a log-period band spacing of 2, and a fairly invariant radiation pattern in all bands, which is very similar to the pattern of a monopole. The Sierpinski gasket dipole reported in [2], is just one special case of a more general class of fractal objects called Pascal–Sierpinski gaskets [3]. Furthermore, the geometry of the Sierpinski dipole can be altered by changing the flare angle [4]. It is even possible to modify it in order to obtain a desired log-period band spacing [5]. In this paper the properties of these generalized Sierpinski gasket antennas are presented. Their main advantage is the possibility to obtain log-periodic behavior with values of the log-period larger than 2. II. THE SIERPINSKI GASKET AND ITS VARIATIONS I. INTRODUCTION The multiband behavior of the fractal-shaped antennas and of the Sierpinski gasket dipole has been described in [1], [2]. The multiband properties of the Sierpinski gasket dipole are a consequence of its Manuscript received February 8, 2000; revised September 21, 2000. This work was supported in part by CICYT and the European Commission under Grant FEDER 2FD97-0135 and in part by the Department of Research and Universities of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain. The authors are with Department of Signal Theory and Communications, Telecommunication Engineering School of the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain. Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-926X(01)05249-8. The Sierpinski gasket is a well known fractal. The way it can be constructed and its main properties can be found in [1], [2], and [6]. In [3] it is shown that the Sierpinski gasket is a special case of a wider class of fractals that can be derived from the well known Pascal’s triangle. This class of fractals can be derived in the following way. Consider an equiangular triangular grid whose rows shall be labeled by n = 1; 2; 3; . . .. Each row contains n nodes and to each node a number is attached. This number is the coefficient of the binomial expansion of (x + y)n01 . Now delete from this grid those nodes that are attached to numbers that are exactly divisible by p, where p is a prime number. The result is a self-similar fractal that will be referred as the mod 0 p Sierpinski gasket [3]. In Fig. 1, this process is shown for the mod 0 2 0018–926X/01$10.00 © 2001 IEEE