• LESTERSHIRE.ENDIOOTT RBOORD, MAY 115, 1916 LESTERBHIRE-ENDIOOTT REOORD, MAY 16, ==��=========================� = $ 1915 Now For The First Straws Crane's �f.o Straws Less Real Sensational Values Our window display shows you the smartest and best straw hats , ... we've ever produced. It is no wonder crowds flock" before them every minute of the day. Pne $Juiltmore :ine Unusual styles, values unequalled anywhere. "The Builtmore!" A diamond shape bigb-erown straw hat that has proven the rage. "The Saratoga!" This is so good that we've already told the factOry "We want some more." SI.S0 each. . . Saratoga .{) <aCRANE STORES Binghamton, Cor. Co rrt PRETTIEST LINES ARIETY F. SHAPES OF STRAW- HATS IN SEASON'S STYLES OF STRAW�EAOGEAR EVER ASSEMBLED and State Streets They Pleastng Variety of Styles in a -t_,/ Ilt'dflgpar � .. Ipr!lnns tho IIn(' a hal artous v whtrh an,1 clothing Th(' III hn'p 1h.,' 1 h .. r,· �Ior". pr .. tht' Ihls hat Ihl> wt' .. k 'U�' hUyt"r Wf'r '0 what ....... thert' was lhl' asked and Raymond's 12 Court Street, said I blm hllf� �OWt. thE' Hats $1 to $5 ttl UDP Oh I'll tell w III man aD YOU Ibe 18"' ... Ih... hut h� f Brpful 00 II ... Ir I lu.1 annot go b�rn to \\ur oC 8uppl\" fur ('l)lIe('t� un ma thp �"'tabli!ihp" r,.IIM! upon M .. I�. hlH 1 hp on Short Quality thE" Ih'a'"n .. �tnndlng rlalm. Ihal hous(' but the girls will deny se"pral dotlnf8 8 WPf'lk not f I h rt>H" a",1 th .. 'f or t ' .. Panama �Iadaga�rar Slyl"s .hat Ihp ar .. ar" 00 C'l)ul w{)lI-drPRRPCi mao 8 hhu an pnnldt> vdth f�1t hat wt'lght I1gbtl)' un th� bpBd Is hardly nOUceable. "nJ wtlnr .. Ill('r fur (·n",'ff.t4 "orrp", ot that and tHr tE'lonte th ... use. duck or .. boatlog I. HAT VAl' In �Tl{A\\ t,.. ttl IIr,.,u, uu.�r ... tyle nnly not (·ommuntt)· (It th.· pl('alllllK a In 80 On nt'tt,t II',.. Th .. r" H, .. an I hb hllir u. r and hrimB tft ('a, but whose atll t-rt '·h ..... 'arl ... , ho'" hBlP are I The ant)' far behind ., ... 1\ hll,. 'ihl1llilj ... 11" -.n lu,\\ n. �Ua.bb)' ... n "" � pa� 'If ,tt ",traw T� ha.tl'l brllll"ht 1'\ �, ... r �11U8P brlnLB IUun 8 sue It Itl tor not wao I. IIlP R limp man UaDds and b. (E'er 80 ans and old IZZHY , ro tbe ofT... sumo"" 15 00 this on DObby el�ted 'JI,I .. \ .. , 1.111'" lC 111m ,r I"olJi{hr SlttttTdll:y t" rl.,.. bat Day ur su"nw • (rum '"''''..... I II .. a.nrl ,h .. "Iurt' uf batx trtm atmw hat lines .. <To""'" f� rttlnhll\\"i 1I.:"d , ... r be .. n I5. �lr8.w PW.. "" rfUr \\· ... llith�r � b:� .. t�.f"'1\tur .. I .. hn DJ..ldlth' ur .. tu bt!' Du.r\"lla�··'" "1'8'.. 1101 , plft'uHlng and IIlH1 t� t:urr.-d m..a4... traw (onowpc"f (tr"hri Ithoul bls 110 100peraU.,. .. ry ..tl'aw IlDI PO'" yuur" (ruro UOf' or lh.· mtu·' hants wbo , .. II r varlriV tor fir «oods on and lu"'" h'Dl1,...rr In <lan� .,r tlbt' tbb pa� the- trrr� ... 'I ..... ... W ()n� 'bP I t:lt� wi a .. r .. o( Itr Mtyif"tl un .. but a::tt-'D "r ual I'Itur .. inl" alg,o man 3 htghpr a 1!4 lind on dlnl" .. , wh .. .. b�1I "fUel �lyl� :! �t.1I I,,!, "01 irrrh �J\\'nfl1f f ftntl "'hpr ,"r) 11"10 "U'''" ,., ItU W haV lee 1111111 Here Straw Hat Day and try of Notice "'.1" " .... Mnd hrtm , .. rl a be ntisled .,' \ It· ========WITH:======== to by Style Right Made Right That Fit Right Priced Right 81.00 Up $1.50 if you a $1.50 Hat; $2.00 as ad­ In all the world there is be­ finer Illade hat than ors no less. from $2.00 to $8.00. and Sail­ Panamas, from $5.00 to $15.00. Leghorns Bangkoks Every latest style and block. :1 no KNOX. Quality supreme; price right. to, but you will get more, a .. $5.00 Grube & Dutcher 56 Court St. Give them the 'once over' W. G. and S. t;�CHTENSTEIN 53 COURT STREET BINGHAMTON, N. Y. "THE SHOP THAT SATlsrIES"' •. .. �.�.-�.�--�--�--,---�._�-.-�.�"�-.�-��.�".� .... .. .. .. ... Blocked before the hot weather rush Ladies' and Men's We �tart the stra\\' hat Hatters and Renovators hy making this astounding- otter t<-)r one day onlv-season Ladlt'� :tIJrI and Blfll'kt'd Ladles Hats Rt··J,jllck· ed,l'Jt'.1.Ilt'IL Etc GlOTHING GO. EX"ElSIOA lJ 103-105 Collier St. Binghamton, N. , I, ; ....... I .. _j til ( )rdt'r Y. J. H. Johnson & Son 142 Court Sf. '���w'·�·"'T�,",r.,="-w�'����'��Q���'�""�'��-�""'��'�'-�'1i·----�--------��--�.�--�--�--��--�--r'--�·�·'·I�· --��-.: --------�--�----�----���.� I -. Hats :\1aoe Binghamfon �.�--�� .. ,� - IIats l'Je<lllt'd (Tt'll'" ... •. done in Hat line Everything 95 Cts. ������_����.�.�-�.�.� -.-- and authentic �t\'les- -excel­ lent quality SJlTURD4Y, M)(Y 16th �,. �----------�'���!�������,mm'�"�_��H����"�'�"�'�.��:'�"���;;p'�,��,�.�.�.��,,-��--�,�����.-������������������������ Straw Hats Gleaned $:! and $:!. 50 stra w hats, all the �ea�OIl s best and . .. BANGKOKS, Binghamton 11 = AND 54 Court Street rospectlve absolutely untrue. Pay want no or stores .. LEGHORNS t,) dU • $3.00 Hat in value. to any This statement is �IWHEN YOU ARE READY WE ARE READY" Hatters not ing equal STRAW'_ HATS PANAMAS. 3�� w.,r.' and vertising Hats for $1.50 Binghamton Hats Hats Hats Hats RUSSELL & O'BRIEN SPECIAL Straw Hat Day 6ctl'our Panamas Do THE SURPRISE STORE Straw Straw Straw Straw , """11 on one the finest of fine PANAMAS. 18 Court Street do .1)1t' Ihal II 1i,,,1 ... "'lill .. ma� .. ,,· IlIlin 'hnt "'�ar lJr�"tlllll h,· If'lc h hal I'I� It II. ".,m u.n.t ',,"1 �t..zttlf'h cl I:q.ll'f'nrulI,. hanel :-'(H II 111011, "I I", IN light-weight, t4 .tl';0 aOb tfllJ nobby,stylisb straws for OOntn are Sira WS from Price on our The 54.50 variety h�· fn' Binghamton SLIP JUST smart til , .... r Stane-Bane tampaUy 155 Washington St., have that New York. style abou t them. flr or f>\t,r\ IIltty that "; .. lu·raJly r"\\,, IU, ttl� fh"rll\ II ru'\ .lr, hrlm hllli dlt(l1l1r-th., 'OIu"lhIIlK ' Ihut Inl II �III Hlld ,� "11 all,) (IIrdillg ac ""luIK'" ��lIy till They ��,ur�p t aM I Unu Ur flndln...: �hll"" dis- t � alpd ..... Weber i Heilbroaer Straw Hats mall wh .. and 'h .. to (101 t urt 1 h,- ... a "11 . rallgp aPP<'8ruo," man Q,·tdf'" pp....."oal We )have the agency for ntr trum "t dc,..... ruC'iJ Jarg�1} J;UI.' ...... .. - talitp lnO�M III", 'ft"tt,tC Ibf' com"1"l ",an \1\),..-0 tn a.p�nl\llIg rrls� it h.avp WI11Df·n .-;tvl",; may 1211_ fart:P .. qfttt''''t'''tlnll''' T lit' Itnu( .. d flte 11l!dl ,hUh Iwo.... Ill .. !!umber �r dllfer'f'nt de-- .. I'lJeb >'11"1'>1 festtt:re- lhat 1)( 'CI l ""'11.11» ""hI! '" hr,m 81" n({$hg,1nnIt�1nI� �111.11T N. Y. � ====================,====�======= brim than other .. "'1II ..'ntlon .. 1 "tyl"" to In dt.6MigllM. tfl1ldeDC'Y raHhloilt1 lar�'" bat .. ITt thsr ,.. .. E-� �nonned w ...... rhUll mur .. ran,... th ... Ir..... .. ha'. rnlW or lI' .. la teH I dl tUlU� h�h � .. mOlll1 ,..."'". n.l!;O lite "" m .. n. "III n'�D dtmt"n'\tIlI)N lb� ,Go . aUhough . tht- . I. at seu UUUI ha� w,dth rp\lulrt- r .. r ,." .. ,... .. nay' beCn.lll ., III 1[1 ,,,, tlbt ""III narr<>"'� ed- (ll·� j»"rsona) thp b-een bws • 'hH Ill" Irun,v Uh' .. MAREAN1__. LAUDER 00. largely by dlm't"'u:tJUlh In�l� �o.r '\ p $1 5. P�$5.11tJ .. rnoqueul ehangf" �ph' braid yac'ht a 'D ,II", ..rd .. ,1 UA4.' r"W"" �t:-\IatuQ easy lind. "hl..-h "'rIlW" ", ... hum �I� 111 "'l)lJlI;> TfJer.C"r" h8-" llUt.t n�rRnnlLl C!flmt.,n cj�-""ndJ4.1 ., ",lay ('t·' \\ I)e dunned 1U·(·"rd.- "'fay plt'WiIUIf f' ,r olnd ba .. '5e-if"C"ttnn",. L�)r at BetlIer gt'ades. $2 00' andi $3.JJXIJ. make:.. ,orr .. ,·t I,.., 'I) ;(l ntlt w�r� MemnrtaJ Y"IH" hJ. \ t Y7t� ,I)� wbu ,Ihm ",J� 10 showing Il8DlB UuntmrmUOftll"" looker. So �all.11r Mtnl"· hat or cn r r ee 1)1)1 wIll CO(LM5� ahead and t'11.lI iv hit' same not If h(' b .. !':I)\erned .... . mall II \\ r ..... ",,"lhllll, wealhpr r .. \'fay nr till ,.. �I:rledom d('man.I.-· VPIl'"rPM _bttt4 .incf b\l1l!'N a8. II. � ..... tbe e1'r .. alt' bid! [D black .. profusIon or .. " ha\lnlt hlA wisbPlJO whpn "hn bl.'· T h. profu81un of novelties nlo.kp" tber� ... popl1larft)' Ihllt. 81"{1o anti ',"bllsll <terhy adl tt.r� ,Ire In wuh R�I nrtf I �� 8hl)u�d f,f will t .!I..... r dlft. � ... 11 1 ." or <lrr Ht�w before 1'Ja11' 1L,lum t� r-P",r elf lk.it4 reno"",",,", nobblesl Ua� • wellJ''' tfiut b .. b Iill!:! "Pi the ,,",ar d&1I'y fllA'ltf UUt" p.,ar"'JnaJ tl d.\\ IrJl "uald I{O aoyl 35 Court Strn-eet bat ,g:bbora. uiau, I n.t·r�d '· ... n .. I ntA a.,ur:n..01 "" .. W1)rn ,ng c::. � t.A appear UD tllb t asst-mbl hlyleH trom all tht' rage from �Ia> nf'vpr "ay \\old .. th ... t-ndlfl8ft y�·ar tlf II uthor tnr IR no(btflR that 1 h�rp wblte bals ".. lIu.·,,1tOHM lIt "1Y\,, Thprp fliP.... head Ibe and Irl( lit' "ttl HaIDe 1 ''In.� Ihruwu . . '4' norfU\\ silk ot rh,' bar I h .. rt' prp8�nrp made I:. ,ta'" .. turf'S un Straws pro' Ide koo('k-about h�ltu�t"S tis that \Ia)' Panama. will, I .. wllh light rt'Ist8 Ha.1d llbl l�lWf ,IIJ" tl1chhbl'uJI,' .. In III tblil' In rill"" J�\'�ry 11. II .. !ttraw J. 101l111l"l1l1y will wardrobe bats. fabrics 'hllrl'I,·. 8umm�r fl'ltrpm�l)' 00 ... rlotb n .. I't ullgt"t' proper III I1n), Olr view E'V�ntOgK Ihlll 1 h ... hat Bangkuk l..E"ghnrn STRAW HATS ' - - 'R,"nlu) Itrt�r th� tf' rou.rsf' tour "u mmf'r a. tht' or hK Jlll<� or traclltlon r��d .. I hal bat. Ilnll ... , .. whkfi rlJlt1t IJ��D 1 ... T ,·urr .. ,·tly } , .. _ 111"o.YK tan !:Uldp him I" ,It" ����� BL�I.I. r \\'II.L BE RP�!£' L 4" U (N.I. ALL WI'.! �rTL�R r_ L' \ L' H r .-'l. DG r... A R () SAT( R DA \' .."\. 'I \ \. II.. h .. 'f .. r noted rth tlUHlbr-flh w btd Ofn "I,,, h �������������_���������I � liun ya('lit l"ps and - to do It Long hu,,,., hall"r II .. . . I squad bands ttl We're eartug a.pparel con trtem1s to see him w bill bas r�gu.TIJ rllr the- nfMlu!t.. t aud �t�m anv 11 (.; - of ttlt 1 -\ddam. fIoR f""lhall \\ 11"\\ WOn)f'n (rum nIDI bert-tutor ... I hh .. "'�nr - work Is restful thf'mst'h 11(J,�ltl�8 '�lr d If lun and })p Ih ... C'Uf3' ,otnfof't prn" HS,..,t hy rnul4h strawM ,)I�a.Kt» �'�rylJod)' nl"n. \ guuK .. r hl�ky po. "h .. r" Ihp tnexhau8tthl� Jan .. OReN de'\'eiupment Dlu.y bill 'p, ....., ot ''''''k w""r 'd�1Ictf .. v llrunuunc:ed r""lh"""H" ""adwP8Ir m",1 't'ry loud "mure h tx ,'IkuWP' warktfo In alluw to ,'Hery '(l1.y or rnnsr dHV� I,r Ilt.iff. �prlnl{ nn- c 1111 JOU�H III _- Panamas III "'ur has ... tht! rbap� '''r� hll' ur surp art' som .. ,ery and HIIUV�� "' 'dr.") JUK( anny Leghorns ull lit h �rp was' "sront IH" k $3 �h and to �lyle8 that plain art-" would be trutb (Caly ('fIortalnly Fancy Straws old monpy your - " .... "allamu' rur meo and (h81 repairing what ..... tort�1 t�1I holt:a Plain Straws wb(l ruan tbe gauger ) I tbe m� m .. nd('d or Tb,'r" pi,.,,".. , "If"red IhlH hal" pen�onaJ aominr, In unement ' .. 01 ar Iwfep.mden<' .. uf lhllught and cooslderlng mur« than ",·t'r II! thtH of crowo a "<tnt" lIpr"e'R Binghamton old . halt luk .. tt) an repalrpd th" last whisky pol O('h,' Hat Store tt)JUlllclll �a, ,'lIunlry take tu Intorm h 1m I,.. "urn a ,artPty a "nl\" The gaugpr mf>l him whisky pots ,Ia) TRU TH dltilltn� ahout ",pnl P .. I, PLAI N tlll('lt I rf·lo.nd In emu net the trnd'tluoaJ "'Krill'; a.:t.JDarei \\ Panama u"uaJly round I� ar .. 'Ii.'r... III and w SOllll'wliwt Home oC convenuons In dr e H8. and Wllh II .... o( otrpr to TH E "I\�tl Ih ... tra rnnglllg rrom $1 5U ,., liP In It.-rord t(>11 becoming rlnn '" 1 ... "tI,,;,.ar • m .. at or Ihls 8l'('llon f'hunt� 'he pretty tihapt"R and Ult)ft� In I han It.(, make display uO no w to a r .. no"·I,, ... summ .. r complet .. and a. rrorn are a8 and spring had n e ver vart .. d "" ut I. hiM own ." buye-r r .. 11l1rary Display on 1 ht\r� rh .. I put ed rrom to a Hair Are Correct Theil . _ - " 1-" .... onI11 appl!IU'ancl' moro than the bur OOf' ho.1 whlcb WII.lJ worn day 10 ,uandal"� or r!Ulbion and lbe Iuu mak and du y »ut ou any and all ('""slons .·r� \\ III deter rnrne thp �etl�(:tI()1I uf ,liud wu« I)l)ly dJs('arded when a new ht"u.dgeur thht summer bonnet w.ll.H pu..rdllL.'4pd '\0 lougtar )I"n -and 1lIlOmoo. toe tor rbwt ruo.1 h"_ ... er IH t.U... IIlfLIl at taste and f"0- Summer Hats Come: in Many Shapes be Found in the Scores of Natty Novelties Stores of Community AND PRINCIPAL CITIES .,.� t� Arc Thrs Season GOODBYE OLD FELl" HA YOU�RE A GONER AFTER NEXT SA TURDA Y, MA Y 15 / • . L;, ... ,�-���----�------ l