INDIAN RAILWAY CATERING AND TOURISM CORPORATION LTD. (A Government of India Enterprise) OpenTender Document Tender No. 2016/IRCTC/Rail Neer/Business Consultant Research and detailed study on potential and opportunity of bottled water market and setting benchmark for Rail Neer PDW business over Indian Railways and in the open Market. Last date and Time of Submission : 28.07.2016, 12:00 Hrs Date and Time of Opening of Tenders : 28.07.2016, 12:15 hrs Place of Opening of Offers : Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited, Rail Neer Plant, Northern Railway Wireless Area, Nangloi, New Delhi-110041. Address for Communication : Group General Manager (Rail Neer) Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd. Rail Neer Plant, Northern Railway Wireless Area, Nangloi, New Delhi-110041. Earnest money deposit : Rs. 15,000/- (Rupee fifteen thousand only) through demand draft drawn in favour of “IRCTC Ltd”, on any scheduled commercial bank payable at “New Delhi”. Tender Cost : Rs.500/- (Rs.50 extra by post) Pre Bid Meeting : 08.07.2016, 15:00 hrs 1 DISCLAIMER This request for Bid document is not an agreement and is not an offer or invitation by IRCTC to any party other than (Bidders) the applicants who are qualified to submit their proposals to IRCTC. The objective of the Bid document is to provide the prospective Bidder(s) with all the relevant information to assist in formulation of proposals or bids. The bid document may not be apposite for all persons interested in bidding as it is not possible for the IRCTC or any of their employee or advisors to take into consideration the financial and investment objectives, financial situation as well specific needs or each party who reads or uses this Bid document. The prospective bidders should conduct detailed analysis and study for authenticating the accuracy and completeness of the information provided in the Bid document and wherever necessary obtains independent opinion from appropriate sources. The IRCTC, their employees and advisors make no representation or warranty and shall incur no liability under any law, statute, rules or regulations about the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the bid document. The IRCTC may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, update, amend or supplement the information in the Bid document. 2 INDEX List of Contents Particulars Page No 1) Notice Inviting Tender - 4–5 2) Instructions to the Tenderers - 6 – 17 3) Standard Conditions of the Contract (Annexure – I) - 18 – 19 4) Special Conditions of the Contract (Annexure – II) - 20–21 5) Technical Criteria (Annexure – III) - 22 –24 6) Offer Form - Technical Bid Packet A (Annexure – IV) - 25 7) Offer Form - Financial Bid Packet B (Annexure – V) - 26 8) Tender Schedule (Annexure – VI) - 27 3 INDIAN RAILWAY CATERING AND TOURISM CORPORATION LTD. (A Government of India Enterprise) 1. NOTICE INVITING TENDER Sub: Research and detailed study on potential and opportunity of bottled water market and setting benchmark for Rail Neer PDW business over Indian Railways and in the open Market. Ref: Tender No. 2016/IRCTC/Rail Neer/Business Consultant 1. Sealed tenders are invited by Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited., New Delhi for Research and detailed study on potential and opportunity of bottled water market and setting benchmark for Rail Neer PDW business over Indian Railways and in the open Market as per the scope of work laid down in this Tender Document. Date and Time of opening of Tender: 28.07.2016 at 12:15 hrs. 2. Sealed Tender with requisite Earnest Money (Demand Draft for Rs. 15,000 drawn on any scheduled commercial bank payable at New Delhi in favour of Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited) shall be received in the Office of Group General Manager/ Rail Neer at IRCTC Ltd., Rail Neer Plant, Northern Railway, Wireless Station Area, Opp. Bus Depot No.-3, Nangloi, New Delhi- 110041, up to 12:00 hrs on or before 28.07.2016 and the same shall be opened in the presence of intending Tenderer who choose to witness the process of opening the tender on the same day at the same address at IRCTC Ltd., Rail Neer Plant, Northern Railway, Wireless Station Area, Opp. Bus Depot No.3, Nangloi, New Delhi- 110041. All bids in the prescribed form should be submitted before the time fixed for receipt of offers on due date. Bids received after the stipulated time and dated are liable to be rejected. IRCTC shall not be responsible for postal delays/loss 2.1 All offers shall be either typed of written neatly in indelible ink. 2.2 The individual(s) signing the tender and other document connected therewith should satisfy the following: 1) 2) In case of proprietorship firm, the signing individual should be sole proprietor or Attorney of the sole proprietor. Power of attorney duly attested should be enclosed with the offer if the tender document is signed by the attorney on behalf of sole proprietor; In case of a registered partnership firm, the signing individual(s) should be partner(s) as per constitution of Partnership Deed. A copy of Partnership Deed and certificate of registration by registrar of firms duly attested should be enclosed with the offer; 4 3) In case of a Company, the signing individual(s) should be Director(s), or Secretary of the company duly authorized by a resolution passed by the Board of Directors or in pursuance of the authority conferred by the Memorandum and Article of Association. A copy of such resolution duly attested and certified copy of Memorandum and Article of Association and certificate of incorporation of the company should be enclosed with the offer; 2.3 All prices and other information like documents etc. having a bearing on the prices shall be written both in figures and words in the prescribed tender schedule. In case difference between the value quoted in words and figures, the value quoted in words shall be taken for evaluation of offer. 3. This tender consists of two parts – Technical Bid - Part A and Financial Bid – Part B. The Bids should be submitted in two separate sealed packets following the procedure laid down in the clause 3.4 of instructions to Tenderers. 4. Tenders should be filled with neat, legible and correct entries. Indistinct figures should be avoided. The amount/rates should be filled in figures as well as in words. Being different in words and figures, the rate written in words shall be taken for calculation. 5. The Tender should be signed at all places provided therein. Each page of the Tender documents is required to be signed along with the seal by the authorized person/persons submitting the Tender in token of his/their having acquainted themselves with the Instructions to Tenderers, Standard Conditions of Contract and Special Conditions of Contract and all other clauses of this tender document. Any Tender Document not so signed may be rejected. 6. The Tender shall remain open for acceptance for 120 days from the date of opening of tender. 7. Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited, reserves the right to reject the Tender without assigning any reason. 8. The Notice Inviting Tender and Instructions to Tenderers, Standard Conditions, Special Conditions and all other clauses shall form the part of Tender Documents. This document consists of 27 pages including one index page and one cover Page. For Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited. Group General Manager (Rail Neer) 5 2. INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS The Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited (IRCTC) hereinafter called the purchaser, proposes to obtain sealed tender for Research and detailed study of potential and opportunity of bottled water market and benchmarking for Rail Neer PDW business over Indian Railways and in the open Market. 1.0 GENERAL: Date & Time up to which offers will be received: 28.07.2016 by 12.00 hrs. Envelope containing the Tender to be Addressed to : Group General Manager (Rail Neer) Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited, Rail Neer Plant, Northern Railway, Wireless Station Area, Opp. Nangloi Bus Depot No.-3, New Delhi- 110041. 2.0 Qualifying Requirement: Qualifying requirements for the Consultants are: 1. The tenderer should be a valid, legal and duly registered/incorporated entity/firm/society/company registered in India or a valid JV Firm/Consortium. 2. The bidder should have been in the business of providing consultancy services for a period of at least 10 years. 3. The bidder should have annual turnover of at least Rs. 35 lacs per year from consultancy services in India in the last three financial years. 4. The bidder should have experience of providing consultancy services on marketing strategy/market research and analysis for food product/market survey (details as in Item ‘C’ of evaluation criteria) at least one single Consultancy contract value Rs 10 lakhs. 5. The tenderer must have paid the cost of the tender document. 6. The tenderer must have paid the EMD amount in one of the prescribed formats. 7. The tenderer should not have been blacklisted. 6 Please note that consortium / sub contracts are not allowed and the bidder, as a single bidder, should be able to demonstrate conformance to these criterion in order to get qualified 2.1 Selection Process: The selection of Consultant would be based on two packets system. The Technical Proposal (Packet 1) from the Bidders would be evaluated and the Bidders would be awarded Technical Scores out of 100. The Financial Proposal (Packet 2) of those Bidders who receive at least 70 marks as Technical Score would be opened. The Financial Scores would be calculated on the basis of fee quoted by the Bidders. Combined Score would be calculated for Bidders. The Technical Score would have 70% weightage in the Combined Score while the rest (30%) would be that of Financial Score. The Bidder with the highest Combined Score would be selected as the Consultant for this engagement. 2.2 Evaluation Criteria: Calculation of Technical Score (ST) The Technical Score (St) would be calculated based on following scoring methodology: Sl Criteria Scoring Methodology Weightage in Technical Score A Global Size and Presence As below 10 in India i Turnover from operations Minimum: INR 35 lakhs 5 in India 50% Marks : INR 35 lakhs 100% Marks (5 Marks): Above INR 1 crore iii Years of Operations in Minimum: 10 years 5 India 50% Marks: 10 years 100% Marks (5 marks): Above 5 years B Consultancy Experience Minimum: Single Consultancy 10 contract value Rs 10 lakhs. 50% Marks: Single Consultancy contract value Rs 10 lakhs. 100% Marks: more than one single Consultancy contract value Rs 10 lakhs C Relevant work Experience As below 50 i Experiences of providing 1 Project = 1 marks 10 consultancy services 2 Projects = 2 marks 7 Sl Criteria Scoring Methodology towards setting up packaged drinking water/natural mineral water/packaged liquid food product/soft drinks/ Beverage plant. ii Experience of providing consultancy services towards market study of sale potential of packaged drinking water/natural mineral water/packaged liquid food product/soft drinks/ Beverage plant. iii Experience of providing consultancy services towards supply chain and distribution system related with packaged drinking water/natural mineral water/packaged liquid food product/soft drinks/ Beverage plant. D Proposed Approach & Methodology for the Engagement 3 Projects = 3 marks More than 3 Projects 100% marks (10 marks) E i ii Weightage in Technical Score 1 Project = 1 marks 2 Projects = 2 marks 3 Projects = 3 marks More than 3 Projects 100% marks (20 marks) 20 1 Project = 1 marks 2 Projects = 2 marks 3 Projects = 3 marks More than 3 Projects 100% marks (20 marks) 20 Marks to be awarded on the basis of quality and coverage of proposed Approach & Methodology Max 20 Marks Relevant Experience of As below the Key Personnel Bid Process and Contract Minimum: 05 Relevant Projects Review Expert (Team 05 -10 Projects = 3 Marks Leader: minimum 10 – 15 Projects= 6 Marks experience of 10 years) More than 15 Projects = 10 Marks Technical Expert: minimum Minimum: 05 Relevant Projects experience of 10 years 05 -10 Projects = 3 Marks 10 – 15 Projects= 6 Marks More than 15 Projects = 10 Marks TOTAL (A+B+C+D+E) 10 20 10 10 100 8 2.3 Calculation of Financial Score: Financial Score would be calculated for only those Bidders who get at least 70 marks as Technical Score. The Financial Score for each Bidder will be inversely proportional to lump sum fee quoted for the consultancy and will be computed as follows: SF = 100 x Fm/F Where: SF is the financial score of the Financial Proposal being evaluated Fm is the lump sum fee quoted in the lowest priced Financial Proposal F is the lump sum fee quoted in the Financial Proposal under consideration The lowest evaluated Financial Proposal will receive the maximum score of 100 marks. 2.4 Selection of Consultant: Following completion of evaluation of Technical and Financial Proposals, a weight of 0.70 (or 70 percent) and 0.30 (or 30 percent) respectively to the Technical Score (ST) and Financial Scores (SF) of each evaluated qualifying Technical and Financial Proposals for computing the relevant Combined Score for each Bidder. The Bidder with highest Combined Score (S) would be selected as the Consultant for this engagement. Offers will finally be ranked, from the highest as H-1 and the next lower and so on as H2, H-3 etc., according to their combined technical (ST) and financial (SF) scores as follows: S = ST x Tw + SF x Fw Where, S = combined score ST = technical score SF = financial score Tw and Fw are weights assigned to Technical Offer and Financial Offer that shall be 0.7 and 0.3 respectively. The Tender securing the highest combined score shall be ranked as H-1 and would be selected as the Consultant for this engagement. Note: All information as indicated in Annexure – III should be furnished by the Firms/Company and should be accompanied by appropriate documentary proof, duly attested. 3. This Tender is based on Two Packet system. The Tenderer shall submit their bid in two separate envelops marked “Technical Bid – Part A” and the second one marked “Financial 9 Bid – Part B”. Bids should be accompanied with Earnest Money. The bids without Earnest Money shall be rejected. The contents of the “Technical Bid – Part A” shall be as follows: 3.1 Technical bid – Part A: This shall form the basis of ascertaining the Technical and Financial credentials of the tenderer and also the suitability of the past performance and work experience obtained by the firm. The research Standard, methodology and government policies will be followed. The technical bid will be evaluated in terms of clause 5.0 of the Instruction to Tenderers and all other relevant clauses of this Tender document. The tenderer shall provide a satisfactory evidence to show that: a) b) c) d) e) He has technical knowledge and practical experience; He has financial stability and status to meet the obligations under the contract. He has sufficient and competent manpower to provide the service/ material within the time stipulated in the tender; He has established quality control system and organization to ensure that there is adequate control at all stages of the service under offer. All the relevant documents to support the above claims and any other documents that he deems are necessary to give sufficient evidence of his Financial and Technical capabilities. 3.2 Financial bid - Part B: This shall consist of Offer Form for Financial bid and the tender schedule duly filled in the format specified herein in accordance with the instructions and other relevant provisions mentioned in this tender document. 3.3 Documents to be submitted by Tenderers: I. With the Technical bid – Part A: 1. All the details/relevant documentary evidences as per Technical Criteria (Annexure – III). 2. Earnest Money Deposit of Rs.15,000/- (Rs fifteen thousand only) in favour of IRCTC Ltd., in the form mentioned elsewhere in this Tender Document. 3. The offer form (marked as Technical Bid – Part A) (Annexure – IV) stamped, dated, and signed. 4. The entire tender document in original duly filled (as required), stamped dated and signed on each page except Annexure V and VI, be submitted. a. All the tender papers should be serially numbered. The Page No.1 (One) of the tender document should be kept as page no. 1 (One). b. The name of the Tenderer and tender number should be mentioned on the reverse of the respective DD/Banker’s Cheque, attached as EMD. c. All the documents, in support of Technical Bid – Part A should be attested by authorized signatory. Note: 10 II. With Financial bid – Part B: 1 The Offer form (for Financial Bid – Part B) (Annexure – V) Stamped, dated and signed. 2 The Tender schedule (Annexure – VI) in original duly filled in accordance with the instructions and terms given herein and in the Special Conditions of the Contract stamped, dated and signed on each page. 3.4 Both the bids should be sealed in separate packets. The packet containing Technical bid should be clearly marked “TECHNICAL BID – PART –A ” in bold capital letters and “To be opened on 00.00.2015 at 12.30 hrs” should be written boldly below it. The packet containing Financial bid should be marked “FINANCIAL BID – PART B” in bold capital letters and “NOT TO BE OPENED with Technical Bid” should be written boldly below it. Both the packets should then be placed in a separate packet and marked with the Tender no. and name & address of the purchaser as given in the Instruction to Tenderers. 3.5 The tenderers are expected not to propose any alteration/s to any of the conditions in the tender. The stipulated conditions embodied in the Tender shall be binding on the tenderers. Any conditional tender shall be rejected. 3.6 Validity: The submission of any offer connected with these specifications and documents shall constitute an undertaking that the tenderer shall have no cause/right for any claim against IRCTC for rejection of the offer. IRCTC shall always be at liberty to reject or accept any offer at its sole discretion and any such action will not be called into question and the tenderer shall have no claim in that regard against IRCTC. 3.7 The offer shall be kept valid for acceptance for a minimum period of 120 (one hundred twenty) calendar days from the date set for opening of tenders. If any tenderer withdraws before the said period or makes any modifications in the terms & conditions of the Tender, then IRCTC shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the earnest money as aforesaid. 3.8 Offers shall be deemed to be under consideration immediately after they are opened and until such time the official intimation of award of contract is made by IRCTC to the representatives or other interested parties are advised to refrain from contacting IRCTC by any means. If necessary, IRCTC will obtain clarifications on the offers by requesting for such information from any or all the tenderers, in writing, as may be considered necessary. Tenderers will not be permitted to change the substance of their offers after the offers have been opened. 3.9 Earnest Money: Tenderers are required to furnish Demand Draft of Rs. 15000 (Rs Fifteen Thousand Only) in favour of Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd drawn on any scheduled commercial bank payable at New Delhi towards Earnest Money to be eligible 11 for participation in this tender. In case, the offer is not accompanied by Earnest Money, the same will be summarily rejected. 3.9.1 The Earnest Money shall remain deposited with the IRCTC for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of the tenders. If validity of the offer is extended, the Earnest Money duly extended shall also be furnished, failing which the offer after the expiry of the aforesaid period shall not be considered by the IRCTC. 3.9.2 No interest shall be payable by the IRCTC on the Earnest Money. 3.9.3 The Earnest Money deposited is liable to be forfeited if the tenderer withdraws or amends, impairs or derogates from the tender in any respect within the period of validity of his offer. 3.9.4 The Earnest Money of the successful tenderer will be returned after the Security Deposit as required is furnished. 3.10 Security Deposit: Unless otherwise agreed between the IRCTC and Contractor, the Contractor shall, after written notices of acceptance of the tender has been posted to the Contractor, deposit with the Corporation (in the form of Demand Draft in favour of “Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited” drawn on scheduled commercial bank payable at New Delhi) a sum equal to 5 percent of the total value of the stores detailed in the contract for which the tender has been accepted, subject to a maximum of Rs.10 lacs (Rupees Ten lacs only) as a security for the due fulfillment of the contract. No interest will be payable on the Security Deposit. 3.10.1 No claim shall lie against the IRCTC in respect of interest on Security Deposit or depreciation thereof. 3.11 Each tenderer shall be deemed to have acquainted himself of the scope of work before quoting his price bid. No claim on any grounds for want of such knowledge shall be entertained at any stage. 3.12 The work has to be completed as per scope of work clause 5.0 under instruction to tenderers. 3.13 The payment shall be made stage wise as laid down in the milestone chart Table-A included in the scope of work. 3.14 Time is the essence of the contract and the project is to be completed as per the schedule time of completion, mentioned in milestone chart (Table-A). 3.15 No additional amount shall be paid by IRCTC on account of any escalation in costs during the contract period or any further period duly extended by IRCTC. 12 3.16 Submission of tender implies that he/they has/have made himself/themselves aware of scope of work to be done, and generally all necessary information as to the risks/contingencies and other circumstances which may influence their costs and no extra charges consequent on any misunderstanding/misconception shall be allowed. 3.17 Time and Extension for delay: The time allowed for execution of the consultancy work as specified in the tender or the extended time in accordance with the conditions laid down in this tender, shall be the essence of the tender. If the firm commits default in commencing the work as aforesaid, IRCTC shall without prejudice to any other right (s) or remedy be at liberty to forfeit the Earnest Money/Security Deposit absolutely. Request for extension of time, to be eligible for consideration, shall be made by the firm in writing within seven days of the happening of the event causing delay. The firm may also, if practicable, indicate in such a request the period for which extension is desired. In any such case, IRCTC may give a fair and reasonable extension of time for completion of the work. Such extension shall be communicated to the firm by IRCTC in writing. Such extension will not be ground for revision of fee. The “time” mentioned herein refers to the time given to the firm to complete the respective tasks as given in the milestone chart and excluded the time taken by IRCTC to grant or obtain approvals and conduct the tendering process. 3.18 Custody of reports and confidentiality: During the execution of consultancy work, the firm shall observe strict confidentiality regarding the documents handed to them for reference and shall not retain any copy nor part with any information to any other party or persons other than that those directly connected with the study. The reports/ documents generated by the firm on the subject shall be the property of IRCTC and any misuse of the information so generated shall attract penal provision as outlined but not limited to in (clause 3.26). The firm or its subsidiary shall not assist or advise any private sector players participating in the tender process for envisaged projects under the RFP involving construction of Rail Neer plants. 3.19 The Tenderers/s shall submit an analysis of rates if called upon to do so to ascertain the reasonableness of fee amount. 3.20 Canvassing in connection with tender is strictly prohibited and the tenders submitted by the Tenderers who resort to canvassing will be liable to rejection. 3.21 On acceptance of the tender, the name of the Team Leader and team members who would be responsible for all aspect of consultancy assignment shall be communicated to IRCTC. IRCTC shall communicate only with the team leader. Normally no changes shall be allowed in the team, however, under exceptional circumstances, the firm shall obtain approval from IRCTC before making any changes in the team. In case the conduct or performance of any of the team members is found to be unsatisfactory by IRCTC, the firm shall immediately replace the said member with the one having appropriate qualification and experience upon receipt of a written request from IRCTC in this regard. 13 3.22 Under Section 194-C of the Income Tax Act, 1961, a deduction for income tax along with surcharge as applicable will be made from sums paid for carrying out the work under this tender. 3.23 Tender should be signed only by the person authorized by the firm to sign the tender documents. The firm should be able to produce legally tenable documentary evidence of such authorization if called for by IRCTC. 3.24 In case of any doubt/ambiguity, the decision of IRCTC will be final and binding on the tenderer. 3.25 No office space/office equipments shall be made available by IRCTC to the firm. The firm is expected to carry out all the work in its own premises/offices. 3.26 Penalty: The timeframe stipulated in the milestone chart or as per any other agreed schedule should be deemed to be essence of tender. The consultancy work throughout the stipulated period of tender shall be carried out with all diligence. If the firm fails to complete the work to the satisfaction of IRCTC within the time prescribed or within the extended time under the contract, the firm shall, without prejudice to any other rights to remedy of IRCTC on account of such breach, pay an agreed compensation amount of ½ percent (%) of total fee per week or part thereof subject to a maximum of Rs. 1,00,000/-. IRCTC, without prejudice to any other method of recovery shall be at liberty to deduct the amount of such damages from any money due or which become due to firm. The recovery or deduction of such damages shall not relieve the firm from any obligations and liabilities under the contract. The maximum penalty provision (i.e. forfeiting of Security Deposit) mentioned in this section shall be evoked under following circumstances as well: Breach of confidentiality as laid down in clause 3.18 Fraudulent or corrupt practice. IRCTC reserves the right to terminate the contract by serving fifteen (15) days notice on the firm if the lapses mentioned above are found to be of serious nature. In the event of termination, in addition to the Security Deposit other sums that are due or are likely to be due to the firm shall also be forfeited. 3.27 Tender Evaluation: During the tender evaluation, IRCTC reserves the right to negotiate with the bidder with respect to the rates, projected completion date etc. For evaluation, the rates quoted for work specified in the table A will be taken into consideration. 3.28 Definitions and Interpretations: In the tender document, unless the context otherwise requires: 3.28.1 The “Firm” means consultancy firm. The term “Tenderer” and “Firm” has been used interchangeably. 3.28.2 “Work” means Consultancy Work. 14 3.28.3 “Fraudulent Practice” means a misrepresentation of facts or fabrication of data in order to influence a process or a decision. “Corrupt Practices” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of value to influence the decision making process. 3.28.4 The terms “Contract” and “Tender” have been used interchangeably. 4.0. BRIEF INTRODUCTION: Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited (IRCTC), a public sector company set up and fully owned by the Ministry of Railways. The IRCTC has been incorporated under the Companies Act 1956. This company has been formed to function as an extended arm of the Indian Railways to upgrade, professionalize and manage the catering and hospitality services at stations, on trains and other locations and to promote domestic and international tourism through development of budget hotels, special tour packages, information & commercial publicity, global reservation systems and to provide Packaged Drinking Water under its brand name Rail Neer. 4.1 Objective: Rail Neer Packaged Drinking Water bottle manufactured and marketed by IRCTC at Indian Railway stations and trains where catering services are available. Presently ‘Rail Neer” meets only around 10-15% of the total requirement of railways and the balance need is met by the other brands of Packaged Drinking water. IRCTC’s bottling plant and its manufacturing process are of international standards and probably one of the best in the country. With a view to capture the existing potential of packaged drinking water and to introduce natural mineral water over Indian railways as well as in the open market, IRCTC is looking to carry out research and detailed study of potential and opportunity of bottled water market and benchmarking for Rail Neer PDW business over Indian Railways and in the open Market. Bottling and marketing of Packaged Drinking Water is one of the novel ideas of IRCTC not just as to meet a key objective of providing services to the rail passengers but also to acquire a share in the growing market for packaged drinking water. 4.2 Existing Rail Neer Project Details: At present IRCTC is having six operational Rail Neer plants located at Nangloi (Delhi), Danapur (Bihar), Palur (Tamilnadu), Ambernath (Maharashtra), Amethi (U.P.) and Parshalla (Kerala). Apart from these six plants, one at Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh) is in advance stage of commissioning. Few more plants at Hapur (U.P.), Sankrail (West Bengal), Nagpur (Maharashtra), Ambala (Haryana), Vijaywada (Andhra Pradesh), Lalitpur (U.P.), Ahmedabad (Gujrat) are also being set up. IRCTC is also planning to strengthen its supply chain and distribution system all over India. IRCTC also planning to set up Natural Mineral Water bottling Plant to supply premium trains, tourist trains, executive lounge, Food Plazas, restaurant, hotels having tie up with IRCTC and other institutions. 4.3 Expectations of IRCTC: 15 The consultant will carry out research and detailed study on potential and opportunity of bottled water (Packaged Drinking Water and Natural Mineral Water) market and setting benchmark for Rail Neer PDW business over Indian Railways as well as in the open Market. IRCTC also want to optimize operational and supply chain cost and to expand its Rail Neer business. It will be ensured that a detailed study is undertaken by way of primary and secondary research to identify inefficiencies in the current system and also identify corresponding alternate processes that should replace it. The consultant is also expected to adopt a comprehensive approach towards identifying areas of significant improvement without confining to just incremental improvements to the current model. The final recommendations must reflect a consolidated and coherent set of recommendations that will combine to form the best market practices for IRCTC’s Rail Neer business. Consultant will put up detailed report on market research and study of bottled water business over Indian Railways and in the open market. 4.4 Role of Consultant: The consultant is expected to bring in strong industry knowledge and expertise on the subject. The consultant will ensure timely, quality comprehensive study under the scope of work. The consultant will provide all appropriate information relevant to the bottled water business. The consultant will put up aN initial draft report on the work after field analysis for discussion and incorporation of suggestion on shortcoming and final report shall be submitted after incorporation of suggestion and compliances of remark of the IRCTC. 5.0 SCOPE OF WORK 5.1 Bottled Water Market Overview: i. Total addressable market for bottled water in India and current market size. Detailed market analysis for packaged drinking water and Natural Mineral Water market in India. ii. Assessment of the demand and potential of self sustained sale of Rail Neer over Indian railways (Including trains, platform sales, lounge, hotels retiring rooms). iii. Assessment of the demand and potential of self sustained sale of Rail Neer in the open market. iv. Assessment of the demand and potential of sale of IRCTC Brand Natural Mineral Water over Indian railways (Including trains, platform sales, lounge, hotels retiring rooms) as well as in the open market. v. Analysis of bottled water industry growth drivers on quality, technology, economy, supply chain, location, packaging, product size and any others. 5.2 Competitors Benchmarking: 16 i. Comparative study and analysis of consumer awareness about the product, their choices and the health issues. ii. Competitive intelligence, market share of top ten companies selling bottled water in Indian Railways, cost analysis at various levels of sale and profit margin. iii. Profile of competitive companies, ownership, corporate governance, organizational structure, Facilities of the company, Plant location and capacity. Their distribution mechanism and profit margin/sale price at various level of sale from factory to customer. iv. National and international quality system licenses, preference and statutory marking, impact on short and long term on bottled water business. 5.3 Marketing and Supply Chain Management: i. Detail study and analysis on supply and value chain analysis, the best practices exist in the Indian market their merits and demerits. ii. Improvement in the existing distribution system of carry and forwarding agency (CFA) contracts and their alternative models. iii. Various models for supply chain and typical margin at each level. Role and responsibility at various levels of supply chain, key participants and challenges. 5.4 Advertisement and Branding: i. Promotional and branding activity, overview of activities by key manufacturers/brand in India. Periodical and seasonal changes and schemes. ii. Key steps to improve brand image of Rail Neer – marking, labeling, packaging, promotional offer, advertisement and other best practices in the market. iii. Mineral water bottle-price, packaging, marketing and advertisement. iv. Preferred choice of packaging for various categories of consumers. 5.5 Strategic recommendation: i. Recommendation on Quality, scale of economy, locations, technology, market competition, supply chain, brand image and potential of Rail Neer bottled water business. ii. The consultant shall provide all technical, commercial inputs/suggestion/recommendation for IRCTC bottled water business based on study and analysis of the market. ****************************************************************************** 17 Annexure – I 5. STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1.0 Corrupt Practices: Consultant is expected to observe the highest standards of ethics during the execution of this contract. If the consultant has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices, in competing for or in executing the contract, IRCTC may, after giving 14 days notice, terminate the contract. In pursuit of this policy, IRCTC: (a) Defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows: I. “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of any thing of value to influence the action in the procurement process or in Contract execution; and II. “fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of IRCTC and include collusive practices among bidders (prior to or after bid submission) designed to get itself short listed for participating in the bidding process, to establish bid prices at artificial, non-competitive levels and to deprive IRCTC of the benefits of free and open competition; Will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the tenderer being considered for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the Contract. 2.0 Breach of Contract: Any breach of the terms & conditions mentioned in this under document by the consultant or any one employed by him or acting on his behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the Supplier) or the committing of any offence by the consultant or by any one employed by him or acting on his behalf under Chapter IX of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 or the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 or any other act enacted for the prevention of corruption by public servants shall entitle IRCTC to cancel the contract and all or any other contracts with the consultants and to recover from the consultant the amount of any loss arising from such cancellation. Decision of IRCTC, in this regard, will be final and binding on contractor. 3.0 Arbitration & Law: (a) In the event of any question/dispute of difference arising under these conditions of Contract or in connection with this Contract (except as to any matters, the decision of which is specifically provided for by these or the special conditions) the same will be resolved by Arbitration, as per the provisions of ‘The Arbitration and Conciliation Act-1966.’ The venue of the Arbitration shall be at IRCTC, Corporate Office or elsewhere at Delhi. All questions, disputes and or differences arising under or in connection with this agreement or in touching or relating to or concerning the construction, or affect of presents (excepts as to matters the decision whereof is other-wise herein before expressly provided for) shall be referred to the sole arbitration of the officer/officers or persons nominated by the Managing Director / IRCTC. Whose decision in this regard shall be binding on the consultant. The person to be appointed as arbitrator however, will not be one of those who had an opportunity to deal with the matters to which the contract related or who in the course of their duties as a servant of IRCTC have expressed vies on all or any of 18 matter under disputes or differences. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties to this contract. (b) In the event of the arbitrator dying / neglecting or refusing to act or resigning or being unable to act for any reason, or his award being set aside by the court for any reason, it shall be lawful for the authority appointing arbitrator to appoint another arbitrator in place of the outgoing in the manner aforesaid. (c) It is further a term of this contract that no person other than the person appointed by the authority as aforesaid should act as arbitrator and that if for any reason that it is not possible, the matter is not to be arbitration at all. (d) The arbitrator may from time to time with the consent of all the parties to the contract enlarge the time fro make the award. 4.0 Disputes Settlement: Any differences / disputes arising out of this contract will be subjected to the jurisdiction of the courts of Delhi / New Delhi. 5.0 Successful parties/party would be given maximum fifteen (15) days time or less time, as the case may be, from the date of issue of the letter of award of contract. In case contractor fails to accept the offer of award of contract, his EMD shall be forfeited by IRCTC. 6.0 This contract shall be governed by the Laws of India being in force. 7.0 Irrespective of the place of performance, the place of performance or the place of payment under the order, the order shall be deemed to have been made at the place from where the acceptance of tender has been issued. 8.0 Statutory Deductions. The statutory deductions such as Income Tax, etc. wherever applicable will be made as per rules/legal provisions. The bidder should also enclose copy of documents of identity of the bidder/supplier, PAN card/TAN No. ************************************************************************ 19 ANNEXURE-II SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1.0 Fees: Fees-A: The tenderers shall quote consolidated fee excluding taxes (at prevailing rates) for the work mentioned at SN-1 to SN-2 of the Milestone chart, TABLE-A below. 2.0 3.0 Payment Terms: The payment shall be made stage wise as mentioned in the Milestone Chart, TABLE-A. The firm shall submit a running bill after completion of each task to the satisfaction of IRCTC, as measured by the output specified in the chart, for an amount calculated as per the percentage mentioned in the chart. Milestone Chart with deliverables and stage wise payment schedule: The Milestone Chart given below captures the essence of this consultancy assignment. TABLE –A SN 1. 2. Task Bottled Water Market Overview, Competitors Benchmarking, Marketing and Supply Chain Management, Advertisement and Branding as per detail scope of work stipulated in the tender clause number 5.0 Final report along with recommendation on bottled water market overview, competitors benchmarking, marketing and supply chain management, advertisement and branding and recommendation as per detail scope of work stipulated in the tender clause number 5.0 Total Fees 4.0 Output Time Frame On submission 16 of preliminary weeks report on task of S.N. 1 of mile stone chart. On submission 8 weeks of final report as per complete scope of work including recommendation and suggestions. 24 weeks Payment 60% of the total contract value 40% of total contract value 100% Meetings and site visits: Between IRCTC and the firm (consultant’s team) meetings are expected during the consultancy period. The meetings will take place at IRCTC Corporate Office or Rail Neer Plant, Nangloi. Expenditure on site visits, data collection, traveling and other expenses for attending the meetings shall be borne by the firm/tenderer. No 20 additional charges other than the consolidated fee quoted by the tenderer/firm shall be payable. 5.0 Data and Methodology: The firm shall share all the data collected during the study and methodology used to collect the data and arrive at the alternate solutions and submit the same in the form of appendices to the Final Feasibility Report. 6.0 Assistance from Indian Railways / IRCTC: The consultants would be assisted by Indian Railways / IRCTC in obtaining relevant information from the related divisions of Indian Railways / IRCTC. Indian Railways / IRCTC shall give decisions and recommendations on the matter and proposals submitted by the consultant in such a reasonable time as not to disrupt the performance of the consultancy services. 7.0 Supervisory responsibility: Supervisory responsibility towards consultancy rests with the IRCTC. 8.0 Property Rights: All information in the form of data, plans, designs, photographs, accomplished by the consultants shall be the property of Indian Railways / IRCTC. The data collected in the course of work shall be handed over to Indian Railways / IRCTC after the assignment has been completed. 9.0 Language: The assignment shall be executed in English language, which shall be the binding and controlling language for all matters relating to the assignment. 10.0 Reports: All the reports and documents shall be submitted in 3 hard copies in original and 3 soft copies on PEN DRIVE. The firm shall bear the cost of printing such reports and documents. 11.0 All reports, documents, strategic suggestions given by preferred consultant will be property of IRCTC and the same can be adopted by IRCTC in future if suitable without any cost to consultant. ***************************************************************************** 21 Annexure - III TECHNICAL CRITERIA Research and detailed study on potential and opportunity of bottled water market and setting benchmark for Rail Neer PDW business over Indian Railways and in the open Market S.No. 1. Particulars Details Page Nos. Name and full address of the bidder with Office: telephone and Fax number (s) and contact person. Head Office: (Attach extra sheets if locations are many in no.) Name and address of the contact person along with the telephone Nos. 2. Details of earnest money deposit (EMD) Rs. 15,000/- through Demand Draft/ Bankers Cheque, in favour of Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd., payable at New Delhi. 3. Status of the bidder:Company/Partnership firm/ Individual Please specify. 4. In case of Company please enclose a certified Memorandum and Articles of Association along with certificates of incorporation and commencement of business etc and list of present Directors with addresses. (*) 5. In case of partnership firm- please enclose, Name of the partners with complete address, certificate of registration (if any), partnership deed duly attested by Notary and Power of Attorney duly attested by Notary if any executed in favour of any person (s) by any partner/partners to act on behalf of the Partners/Firm. 6. In case of proprietorship firm, name of the proprietor with complete address and power of attorney duly attested by notary if any executed in favour of any persons by 22 proprietor to act proprietor/firm. on behalf of the 7 Firm Relevant experience for providing consultancy services in the last three financial years alongwith value of consultancy work meeting eligibility criteria. 8. The firm should have turnover equal to Rs.35 lacs in the last three financial years. Enclose Balance sheet and Profit and Loss A/c of the last three completed financial years, duly audited by a Chartered Accountant/ Published Annual Report. The balance sheet and Profit and Loss A/c should be duly signed, dated and stamped by the CA firm along with name and membership no of the Chartered Accountant who is signing the above-mentioned documents. (**) 9. The firm should have experience of providing consultancy services on marketing strategy/market research and analysis for food product/market survey at least one single Consultancy contract value Rs 10 lakhs. 10 Service Tax Registration No. (Enclose copy of the same) if any 11. Copy of Permanent Account Number (PAN) allotted by Income Tax Dept. 12 Certificate of the Proprietor / Partner / Director that the firm has not been banned/ blacklisted by any other Railways or Ministry of Railways. 13. Relevant experience of the key personnel 14. Proposed methodology and work plan of consultancy work as per scope of the work * Applicants who are a Company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 should submit a copy of auditors report as per provisions laid down in the above Act, along with their Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss account duly audited by a Chartered Accountant. ** Applicants who are Firms/ Individuals/Others, whose annual turn over is exceeding Rs. One crore per annum, should submit a copy of the Tax Audited Report as prescribed under the Income Tax Act, 1961 along with their Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account duly audited by Chartered Accountant. 23 Note:1. IRCTC reserve the right to inspect office or through any other agency as notified by IRCTC. 2. “Financial Bid – Part B”, will be opened only after short listing the bidders on the basis of “Part – A”. 3. IRCTC reserves the right to cancel the Tender process at any time without assigning any reasons. I/ We ………………………………………………………………… do hereby declare that to the best of my/our knowledge and belief, the information given in the above Technical Offer and the annexures and documents accompanying it are correct, complete and truly stated and also that we shall be bound by the acts of my/ our duly constituted attorney. I/We hereby understand that the submission of offers/ bids does not guarantee award of tender. I/We further understand that in case of any information submitted by me/ us being found to be incorrect either before or even after the award of tender or if the documents / information submitted by me /us are found to be forged / false, IRCTC will have the right to summarily reject the bid, cancel the tender or revoke the same at any time and forfeit the security deposit without assigning any reason whatsoever. This will be in addition to any other action that purchaser may deem fit in facts and circumstances of the case. Date: ……………………………………… (Signature of the Applicant) Name……………………………….. SEAL Address:……………………………. ……………………………………… ….…………………………………… 24 Annexure IV 6. OFFER FORM – TECHNICAL BID The Group General Manager (Rail Neer), Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd. Rail Neer Plant, Northern Railway Wireless Area, Nangloi, New Delhi-110041. Ref: Tender No. 2016/IRCTC/Rail Neer/Business Consultant Sir, 1. I/We hereby offer our bid for ------------------------------ as per the scope of work, terms and conditions etc as mentioned in the tender document at the rates as indicated in the Tender Schedule enclosed. 2. I/We hereby enclose Demand Draft in favour of Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited bearing No…………drawn on. …………dated……. for Rs ………… Earnest Money Deposit. 3. I/We agree to keep our offer valid for 120 days from the date of opening of the bid; and shall be bound by a communication of acceptance within that time to submit report accordance with the tender, not withstanding that a formal contract may be signed at a later date. 4. I/We understand and agree that the purchaser is at liberty to accept whole or part of the work and to increase or decrease the scope of work so ordered and we undertake to provide service as mutually agreed rates within the validity period of the contract. 5. The consultancy work will be done by our following office: …………………………. …………………………………………………… Yours faithfully, Authorized Signatory Date: Name and seal of Firm Place: Annexure V 25 6. OFFER FORM - FINANCIAL BID The Group General Manager (Rail Neer), Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd. Rail Neer Plant, Northern Railway Wireless Area, Nangloi, New Delhi-110041. Ref: Tender No2016/IRCTC/Rail Neer/Business Consultant Sir, 1. I/We hereby offer our rates for the Consultancy work for research and detailed study on potential and opportunity of bottled water market and setting benchmark for Rail Neer PDW business over Indian Railways and in the open Market as per the terms and conditions etc as mentioned in the tender document at the rates as indicated in the Tender Schedule enclosed. 2. I/We have enclosed Demand Draft in favour of Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd bearing No…………drawn on ………….dated……. for Rs ………… Earnest Money Deposit. 3. I/We have enclosed our Tender Schedule. 4. I/We agree to keep our offer valid for 120 days from the date of opening of the bid; and shall be bound by a communication of acceptance within that time to act as the Consultant in accordance with the tender, not withstanding that a formal contract may be signed at a later date. Authorized Signatory Date: Name and seal of Firm Place: 26 Annexure VI 7. TENDER SCHEDULE (Tender No. 2016/IRCTC/Rail Neer/Business Consultant) Assignment Fee Amount (In figures) Rs. In Words Consultancy Work for research and detailed study on potential and opportunity of bottled water market and setting benchmark for Rail Neer bottled water business over Indian Railways and in the open Market as per scope of work and Terms and Conditions of the Tender Note: 1. Please quote only consolidated Fee Amount for work specified at SN-1 to SN-2 in Milestone chart. Taxes shall be paid extra at prevailing rates at the time of payment. 2. Please read the Terms and Conditions carefully before filling the Tender schedule. 3. Duly Signed and stamped Offer Form - Financial Bid should be submitted with this Tender Schedule in Original. Photocopies of Offer Form - Financial Bid and Tender Schedule will be summarily rejected. Date: Place: Signature (Authorized Representative of Firm) For and on behalf of M/s ________________ Official Seal: 27