Little Snoring Primary School SIDP 2013-14 Overall success criteria: Attainment: By Feb and Jul 2014, all pupils are making appropriate improvement towards the targets set for them. Achievement: By Feb 2014 90% of children are making expected progress and 70% are making good progress. By July 2014, 100% of children are making expected progress and 80% are making good or better progress. Teaching: By Feb 2014, 100% of teaching is at least satisfactory and 75% is good or better. By July 2014, 100% of teaching is satisfactory and 90% is good or better. 1. Ensure all teaching is at least good to improve pupils’ progress by:Issue (a) Ensuring all staff make effective use of assessmen t information to: -plan appropriate ly challenging lessons, particularly for H.A pupils so that all pupils reach the standards they are capable of -adjust work during lessons to ensure that Success criteria Strategies & Tasks Teachers know national expectations for children in their class and where individual pupils are in relation to these Teachers to use Pupil Asset to monitor pupil attainment and progress against end of year target July 14 Whole school standardisation meetings held mid- half term and moderation meetings at the end of half term Teachers clear about the learning children will have achieved by the end of the lesson and how to pace the lesson to ensure this is achieved Activities are clearly differentiated and set at an appropriately challenging level for all pupils, especially the more-able Teachers and TAs held to account for the progress of pupils in their class and group APP grids and sub levelled targets Every child given clear targets for writing, reading & maths by teachers Training for T & TAs re expectations Planning supported by SL to improve teachers’ subject knowledge and ensure a clear understanding of appropriate activities that are well matched to the full range of pupils’ abilities Visits to other schools Assessment for learning used in Use of TAs to ensure all children are supported but encouraged to struggle to reach challenging expectations INSET & Resources Pupil Asset Training Class teacher Assessment files & standardisatio n materials provided Head teacher/coordinator Cover for teacher pairs to visit other schools/work with coordinators/atte nd training Cover PPM with HT Responsibility Budget 4xdays supply 5xdays supply Monitoring Evaluation Planning Displays Book scrutiny monitoring by HT/SL Lesson obs by HT/SL/ external professionals HT to evaluate success criteria against outcomes & act decisively & immediately to address individual concerns HT to report to Govs on lesson observations each term Learning walks by HT/Governors to report progress of pupils/groups towards targets to Learning and Achievement Committee each term Co-ordinators provide report Impact learning is appropriate ly paced and challenging every lesson to check progress throughout lesson and adjust work as appropriate Termly APVA to show good progress APS for end of year to be at least in line with national expectations • Y3 - 18 • Y4 - 22 • Y5 - 25 • Y6 - 28 In pairs teachers visit other schools to see outstanding practice Observe/team teach/plan with good teachers in school Pupil Progress Meetings [PPM] held each half term. Pupils at risk of falling behind identified and actions taken to accelerate their progress. Teachers CPD needs identified and addressed to HT on progress made by year groups and groups. Formal analysis each half term based on assessments 2. Raising achievement in English and particularly in mathematics by:Issue Success criteria Strategies & Tasks (a) Ensuring that marking, particularly in maths, always helps pupils to improve their work All pupils books are marked in line with whole school policy which is consistently applied across the school (b) Giving pupils more opportuniti es to explore and find out things for themselves Marking is developmental telling pupils how well they have done, how they can improve their work and/or what their next steps in learning are. Pupils respond to comments and improve their work Evidence of open-ended activities and challenges in mathematics planning and pupils’ work. Children make links in their learning because of appropriate questioning by teachers Teachers incorporate INSET & Resources Responsibility Budget Monitoring Evaluation Staff training in marking policy of the school Time built into the day for pupils to respond to marking Book scrutiny by whole staff (groups of books ie maths HAP chn) once a term Subject Coordinator book scrutiny once a term [subject and topic] Staff meeting All teaching staff 2 x days cover – Coordinator time Book scrutiny each half term If any teacher is not following the school marking policy they will be spoken to by the HT. If this does not improve then the HT will take actions following the school’s staff capability procedures Opportunities to share good practice regular SMt agenda item Training on questioning – System Leader – Teaching School Paired observations of teachers from other schools Training led by numeracy coordinator Training on thinking skills and independent learning strategies to support enquiry based learning Staff training and support in class including modelling Staff meeting Learning walks Lesson observations All teaching staff Inset training session with teaching school £? Lesson observations Planning with key questions Learning walks Take action if observations , planning & learning walks suggests that success criteria are not going to be met Impact (c) Enabling pupils to practise and refine their mathemati cal skills in different subject areas opportunities for enquiry, drama, independent research and presentation of findings in topic work in order to apply English and mathematics skills Teachers incorporate opportunities for enquiry, drama, independent research and presentation of findings in topic work in order to apply mathematical skills Evidence in planning of maths across the curriculum Pupils’ apply mathematical skills and knowledge across the curriculum 80% children make good progress in maths from start of KS. Newly appointed coordinator[MAST teacher]to support staff and lead inset on planning Teachers to identify and create opportunitites for pupils to use mathematics across the curriculum, particularly in topic work. Use of maths contexts in planning Staff meeting LN/JJ Planning meetings LD Timetable LN Planning – collected each week Book scrutinyhalf termly Learning walks/displays Take action if planning, book scrutiny & learning walks suggests that success criteria are not going to be met Little Snoring Primary School Improvement and Development Plan 2013/2014 Target 3: Behaviour and Safety – For children to feel safe, be happy and healthy - Parents, staff and pupils are unreservedly positive about both behaviour and safety. Pupils are keenly aware how good attitudes and behaviour contribute to school life, adult life and work. Monitored by Premises and Community Committee Objectives Actions Who Start - End Attendance Monitor each half term individuals attendance Speak to parents when childs attendance reaches 95% Letter to parents and alert Attendance Officer [AO] when attendance reaches 90% Continue with children’s incentives [half termly attendance certificates] and regular item on newsletter No holidays to be authorised. HT/ School Administrator /AO/ Parent Support Adviser [PSA] Sept 13 ongoing Ensure broad and balanced curriculum through monitoring of medium and long term plan. Plan for a range of learning styles and include individual, group and whole class learning opportunities. Develop staffs creative teaching repertoire – independent learning and thinking skills Staff to attend training on the new curriculum Core subject leaders to attend termly network meetings to keep abreast of updates. SL to be aware of changes to the programmes of study for their subject areas SL [Aut 13] Review behaviour policy, including rewards and sanctions. Regular timetabled PSHE sessions in each class Regular class council/school council meetings All staff [Sept 13] To maintain or improve attendance to achieve target of 95% Resources Inset Cost/ Budget Success Criteria Monitoring/Evaluation . Attendance target for 2013/14 achieved [95%] Attendance figure shared at each Full Governing Body meeting and Learning and Assessment Meeting Improvement in individual attendance Improvement in progress of children who identified previously as poor attenders Behaviour The school’s curriculum promotes and sustains a thirst for knowledge and a love of learning. It covers a wide range of subjects and provides opportunities for academic, technical and sporting excellence. It has a very positive impact on all pupils’ behaviour and safety, and contributes very well to pupils’ academic achievement, their physical wellbeing, and their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Pupils are positive about behaviour and safety. Highly consistent Network meetings [£1,350] £500 additional training £500 supply cover HT primary curric dev meetings - £95 Behaviour Books E-safety posters Govs to monitor impact of training by meeting with SL and receiving regular information with regard to inset Govs to visit lessons and talk to pupils about their attitude to learning School is ready to implement the new curriculum in Sept 14 Pupil and parent questionn aire evidence, increase in number of pupils who enjoy school, learn well, have opportunit y to make their own choices. Supply cover Improved behaviour in and out of lessons -fewer incidence recorded in Behaviour Book. Governors to visit school during lessons, play and lunch times to carry out observations. Governors to interview/speak behaviour management in place. Pupils understand what constitutes unsafe situations and know how to keep themselves and others safe. Pupils are aware of different forms of bullying, including cyber bullying and prejudice based bullying, and actively try to prevent it from occurring. Be Healthy Pupils understand how to be healthy and are able to make independent choices. Pupil’s voice is listened to. To improve levels of pupil fitness and activity. displayed in school with behaviour as agenda item Consistent roles for Playground Pals/Team Captains/Table Leaders supported by adults Termly e-safety sessions –recalling rules which displayed SEAL focus in assembly Behaviour book used consistently by all staff and monitored by HT Consistent communication between school and parents Yr 6 to attend Crucial Crew session Develop peer mentoring and use of restorative approaches – visit St Eds/ Eastgate school Discussion with children about where they do not feel safe in school Displays /posters relating to good behaviour Anti-Bullying week held in Nov 14 Pupils, Staff and Governors to review antibullying leaflet/policy. Regular school and class council meetings Regular planned SEAL/PSHE sessions Improve availability of water during lessons and breaks – water bottles available in classes and new water fountain installed in playground. Inset training [Jan 14] Increase in positive responses in parent and pupil questionnaire All staff, pupils and parents Sept 13 Sept 13 Staff to visit Langham Primary Oct 13 Fruit snacks only – with fruit provided by school Increase availability of sport’s/fitness clubs and opportunities for competitions Sept 13 School Council, Governor to carry out Healthy School Review Spring 14 PE funding used to purchase outdoor gym equipment to increase physical activity at break and lunch times Governors to visit school during lessons, play and lunch times to carry out observations. Governors to interview/speak informally to pupils. Look to change hot meal provider based on parental comments, pupil responses and staff observations. Children and staff to have meal at APHS informally to pupils. Increase in positive response to this area in pupil questionnaire PE funding £8,000 Number of obese pupils reduced in school nurse Yr R-6 weights and measures survey. Increased attendance at sports clubs – all groups represented in these activities. Governors to visit school and have a school lunch. Sit with and informally speak to children/parents. Governors to attend afterschool club or a sporting competition. Governors to monitor break/lunchtime to assess impact of equipment. To review safeguarding procedures to ensure they meet statutory requirements Safeguarding audit to be completed Safeguarding Governor to receive training Staff to attend Group A training[Sept 13] Lanyards and visitors badges to be purchased Staff to be accessible and ready to listen to children [Sept 13] Review safeguarding policy HT/ Safeguarding Gov/ All staff Sept 13 ongoing Safeguarding Training [Inset Sept 13] Governor training [Jan 14] Lead Professional training [Oct 13] Update staff handbook [Sept 13] Children in the school feel safe and secure as evidenced in pupil questionnaire and parent questionnaire Safeguarding in the school is appropriate Premises and community committee to review audit Little Snoring Primary School Improvement and Development Plan 2013/2014 Target 4: Leadership and Management – Excellence in all of the school’s activities is demonstrated by an uncompromising and highly successful drive to strongly improve, or maintain, the highest levels of achievement and personal development for all pupils over a sustained period of time. Monitored by Learning and Achievement / Resources Committee Actions Who Start – End Governors stringently hold senior leaders to account for all aspects of the school’s performance. Governors committees have identified role for monitoring targets in SIDP Autumn 13 and ongoing Leaders focus relentlessly on improving teaching and learning and provide focused professional development for all staff. This is underpinned by searching performance management that encourages, challenges and supports teachers’ improvement. As a result, teaching is improving. Review of Pay and Performance Management policies Regular information with regard to staff training, monitoring and performance management Staff and governors provided with a copy of the Teacher Standards Subject leadership to be developed to include work scrutiny, lesson drop-ins and discussion with pupils SL understand their role and have action plans in place to improve provision and attainment in their subject areas SL of core subjects monitor and evaluate the progress of all children in core subjects termly. Subject leaders have action plans which show an awareness of standards and areas for development [See also Target 2] HT/all teaching staff/ Govs [Sept 13 – ongoing] Up date website information Train all staff on editing and updating website Ensure relevant links are included to support home learning Autumn 2013 Website includes statutory information and policies Autumn 13 Parents and prospective parents have free access to information Objectives To ensure the school policies and school website meet the statutory requirements Resources Inset Cost/ Budget Success Criteria Monitoring/Evaluation Governors feel confident in their ability to fulfil their role and answer questions with regard to the school Governors self-review Governors visit school regularly and speak formally and informally to staff, pupils and parents Governors receive appropriate training and information to enable them to carry out their role effectively Sept 13 Pay and Performance Management policies meet requirements Teaching has improved to 90% being good by July 14 SLs have a positive impact on teaching practice and children’s learning. 90% of pupils making good progress in core subjects by July 14 Aut 13 0ngoing HT to monitor provision and carry out scrutiny of pupils' work in all subjects. Linked to individual SL action plans. Governors receive information on % of pupils achieving expected levels of attainment Governors meet with SL ½ day cover per person per half term Gov to monitor termly Objectives The school’s curriculum promotes and sustains a thirst for knowledge and a love of learning. It covers a wide range of subjects and provides opportunities for academic, technical and sporting excellence. It has a very positive impact on all pupils’ behaviour and safety, and contributes very well to pupils’ academic achievement, their physical wellbeing, and their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Highly successful strategies are in place for engaging with parents to the benefit of pupils. Parents know who the school Governors are and their role within the school community Actions Who Start – End Resources/Ins et Cost/ Budget Success Criteria Monitoring/Evaluation Ensure broad and balanced curriculum through monitoring of medium and long term plan. Plan for a range of learning styles and include individual, group and whole class learning opportunities. Develop staffs creative teaching repertoire – independent learning and thinking skills Staff to attend training on the new curriculum Core subject leaders to attend termly network meetings to keep abreast of updates. SL to be aware of changes to the programmes of study for their subject areas SL [Aut 13] Network meetings [£1,350] School is ready to implement the new curriculum in Sept 14 Govs to monitor impact of training by meeting with SL and receiving regular information with regard to inset A parent forum held each term with HT Parent views collected and considered Governors surgeries held each term – to coincide with a parent event Parents meetings to be non-threatening Reading/Maths cafes Encourage parent volunteers to support in school and at clubs Increase number of opportunities for parents to see homework/class assemblies Governor notice board in reception area with photographs of Governors Autumn 13 Spring 14 Summer 14 Governor feature each half term in newsletter Governors to attend school events; parents evening, activity days, school trips £500 additional training Pupil and parent questionnaire evidence, increase in number of pupils who enjoy school, learn well, have opportunity to make their own choices. Govs to visit lessons and talk to pupils about their attitude to learning £500 supply cover Parents understand and help formulate the vision and strategic direction of the school Learning effectively reinforced at home Attendance at Meetings monitored to see if effective use of time Parental Questionnaire Children have improved progress and attainment levels Autumn 13 And ongoing Parents understand the role of Govs – improved response on parent questionnaire. Gov monitor annually