INTERNATIONAL SIDP SECURITY CERTIFICATE No LDRO/MMO/20160805081356 Issued under the provisions ofthe INTERNATIONAL CODE FOR TIlE SECURITY OF SHIPS AND OF PORT FACILITIES (ISPS CODE) under the authority ofthe Government of THE NETHERLANDS By BUREAU VERITAS Name of Ship BY No: 27826X Distinctive number or letters Port ofRegistry Gross Tonnage IMONumber ARKLOWVIEW PDDU ROTTERDAM 2999 9772539 Name ofCompany (Identification Number: 0036202) Ship Type ARKLOW SH1PPING NORTH QUAY ARKLOW Co WlCKLOW IRELAND Other cargo ship THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT: I. the security system and any associated security equipment ofthe ship has been verified in accordance with section 19.1 of part A of the ISPS Code; 2. the verification showed that the security system and any associated security equipment ofthe ship is in all respects satisfilctory and that the ship complies with the applicable requirements of chapter XI-2 ofthe Convention and Part A of the ISPS Code; 3. the ship is provided with an approved Ship Security Plan. Date of initial verification on which the certificate is based: 5 August 2016 This Certificate is valid until 5 January 2017 (limited to 5 months). subject to verifications in accordance with section 19.1.1 of part A of the ISPS Code. Issued at LONDONDERRY, on the 5 August 2016 rom INTERNATIONAL SHIP SECURITY CERTIFICATE No. LDROIMMOllD1611811S0813S6 , ENDORSEMENT FOR ADDITIONAL VERIFICATIONS as determined by the Administration (section ADDmONAL VERIFICATION Signed: ..................................................................... Place: Date: ADDITIONAL VERIFICATION Signed: .....................•.....................•..••..................... Place : Date: ADDmONAL VERIFICATION Signed: ..................................................................... Place : Date: