IJREISS Volume 2, Issue 11 (November 2012) ISSN: 2250-0588 STUDY OF FRACTAL IN NETWORK AND INTERNET TRAFFIC Sanjay Kumar Patra and S.N.Mishra Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang, Dhenkanal, Odisha (India) ABSTRACT In packet switching N/w when packet moves in N/w it shows different behavior and characteristics than in traditional telephone N/W. Generally data shows busty nature in long rang dependency (LDR) than short range dependency (SDR) in its auto correlation and is statistically self-similar that is Fractal. Fractal‘s LRD effect on application layer, Network layer, wireless lan, Wimax and Internet. Simultaneously to focus on different method are till now adopted to minimize the brustiness or Fractal.when we move to packet routing network there exist of multiple layer protocol and packet move through network layer at that time we face different type of complicated traffic statistics Brustiness shows over a wide range of time scales which means similar behavior over these scales. Fractals are one type of mathematical approach to describe N/W behaviors. In this paper we will discuss on various aspect of handling the fractal and its effect in internet, LAN and WAN. Also we focus on different model till now develop to minimize the fractalness in network. FRACTAL It uses a mathematical measure µ=δα δ is the unit and α is exponent referred as local singularity. With α=1 µ=δ that is traditional form. µ of an object is simply a sum in units of δ varies each time. So we can write µ (t) = δα (t), α c f (α) δ=2-n as n<--∞ not effects on f(α) Fractal model derive from Fractional Brownian Motion or Fractional Gaussian process BH(st)=SHBH(t) for s>0,Hε(0,1) is Hurst parameter for all scales S∞ International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences www.indusedu.org 252 IJREISS Volume 2, Issue 11 (November 2012) ISSN: 2250-0588 Figure 1: Synthesized traffic from a Poisson model vs. Internet traffic to which its mean and variance were fitted, viewed over three orders of magnitude. It is observed from the above figure that the burstiness of the original trace and the synthetic trace vary the time scale of observation. The top row shows a randomly selected subset of each trace on a time scale of 100 msec; that is, each point in the plots reflects the number of packets observed during a 100 msec interval, for a total of 6 sec. The second row shows a time scale a factor of ten larger: now, each point reflects the number of packets per 1 sec, spanning 60 sec total. The black regions illustrate from where the plots in the row above were made. A key point is that we not only have increased the scale of the X-axis by a factor of 10, but we have done the same to the Y-axis. With the third row we have again increased the scale in both X and Y by a factor of ten and in the final row by another factor of six, such that here the plots span the entire hour of the traces. [8,9] PROBLEM IN PACKET N/W (INTERNET ) DESIGN 1. Brustiness to multiple time scales (Fractal) 2. Statical Properties not stationary. 3. Usage can change over short time scale. 4. Built upon diversity. 5. Size means rare event occur routinely. 6. Success Disasters (i.e. WWW) International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences www.indusedu.org 253 IJREISS Volume 2, Issue 11 (November 2012) ISSN: 2250-0588 7. Unprecedented growth and scaling. 8. Topology constantly changing. If we use internet packet data in telephone line then we may face following problem. 1. If data use over voice in telephone line such for fax or dial up internet then performance degraded such that call blocking can be possible. 2. Design technique may not satisfactory if use for voice transfer because of use of digital subscriber loop. Self-similarity is mainly based on Heavy tailed file size it means The probability of given file long the occurring falls off very slowly with increasing file length unlike ordinary distributions where the rate of fall-off is much faster.[10] MODELS APPROCHES TO RECTIFY FRACTAL(SELF-SIMILARITY OR LRD) 1. Poisson distribution 2. Gaussian fractional noise principle 3. Queuing theory (M/G/∞) 4. LRD (Fourier transformation for auto correlation) 5. Pareto distribution (Heavy tail) 6. Hrust parameter 7. Markovian models 8. Wavelet theory. 9.fractional ARIMA(FARIMA) COMPLEXITY REQUIRE BY DIFFERENT ALGORITHM FOR SELF-SIMILARITY FBNDP O(n),M/G/∞ O(n),fGn O(n),f-ARIMA O(n2), FFT O(n log n),wavelet fGn O(n)[7] POISSON DISTRIBUTION As per Poisson’s rule “call arrivals are mutually independent and call inter arrivals times are all exponentially distributed with one and the same parameter λ .If X=(Xk :k>=1) denotes the number of call arrivals in successive non overlapping time interval length ∆t >0, then x is the increment process of Poisson process with parameter λ. Then P [Xk=n)=e -λ∆t (λ∆t)n /n!, n>=0 International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences www.indusedu.org 254 IJREISS Volume 2, Issue 11 (November 2012) ISSN: 2250-0588 This rule can be described with 1 or just a few parameters are termed parsimonious. Which is highly describing property?Telephonic property depend upon the rate λ of Poisson process in dynamic call arrivals if λ=100/sec then time scale burtiness is around 10msec which is greater than avg. activity and time scale vanishing rapidly.[9]For this reason we move for Fractional Gaussian noise which strictly fractal in a sense. GAUSSIAN FRACTIONAL NOISE Instead of Possion based model we use very simple mathematical model called fractional gaussion noise it is strictly fractional in a sense. A covariance stationary Gaussian process X=(Xk :k>=1) is called fractional Gaussian noise HEAVY TAILED DISTRIBUTION The probability of a given file length occurring falls off very slowly with increasing file length unlike ordinary distributions where the rate of fall off is much faster. 1-F(x) =k1 x-β k1>0 and β ε [0, 2] This is called heavy tail because it falls off very slowly with increasing values of x.In heavy tailed distribution we may discuss about Pareto distribution. It is one type of probability distribution whose tails are not exponentially bounded. They have heavier tails than the exponential distribution.[10] The distribution of random variance X with distribution function F is heavy right tail. Lim e λxPr[X>x]=∞ for all λ >0 x->∞ in distributed function ~f(x) =Pr[X.x} As Lim e λx~F(x)=∞ for all λ >0 x->∞ Pr[X.x] ~ x-α as x->∞ 0<α<2 LRD (LONG RANGE DEPENDENCY) International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences www.indusedu.org 255 IJREISS Volume 2, Issue 11 (November 2012) ISSN: 2250-0588 The existence of substantial between the volume of traffic generated in widely separated time interval. The self –similar or fractal behavior of traffic in WAN N/W pointing out the failure of Poisson model to represent the strong correlations that exists at different temporal scales. Traffic due to WWW is provided due to interconnection pattern in browser. Here we may consider Fourier transformation for auto correlation and self-similar behavior we can go through Hurst’s parameter. For traffic self-similarity is divided into two time scale that is SRD and LRD. It shows that N/w transmission delay (RTT) separate these two. In general bandwidth, TCPS window size and packet size have impacts on SRD but statistical heavy tails affect the structures of LRD. It is observe in multi fractal analysis that [1,2,3] 1. Increase bandwidth does not improve throughput that is N/W performance. Two factor effecting traffic throughput that is Network delay and TCP window size. 2. At small time scale traffic brustiness varies so to improve performance and efficiency we need to control bandwidth TCP window size and N/W delay to reduce brustiness. FACTOR DEPENDING TO INFLUENCE SRD & LRD 1. Bandwidth 2. Delay 3. Number of connections 4. Packet size 5. TCP window sizes 6. Pareto shape factor of connection size(Heavy tail) Among a number of fractal model FARIMA (Fractional Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Avg.) and M/G/∞ is two famous example.FARIMA capture both SRD and LRD and success in VBR (Variable Bit Rate) video modeling but it lacks connections with the N/W mechanisms e.g. TCP and HTTP.M/G/∞ based on the aggregation of general ON/OFF process. Directly related to heavy –tail properly of traffic e.g. connection and file size are heavy tailed.[6,7,8] TWO BASIC CHARACTERISTICS WHICH DISTINGUISH SELF SIMILAR PROCESS FROM CONVENTIONAL STOCHASTIC PROCESS 1.Increase of time scale 2 or more times in poisson model we obtain white noise. International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences www.indusedu.org 256 IJREISS Volume 2, Issue 11 (November 2012) ISSN: 2250-0588 2.It require minimum number of parameter self similarity can be capture. Traffic in network depend on application protocol like TELNET,FTP,SMTP,NNTP.in different time scale they shows different behavior.TELNET,FTP and SMTP can be model for poisson for one hour or 10 minute interval but NNTP and WWW cannot clearly represent through poisson model even over a 10 minute time interval .[1,8] CONCLUSION When we discuss about fractal several question comes to our mind such as how to optimize the self-similarity process? Which protocol layer we must focus to minimize delays in session in transport layer ,minimize average packet delay in data link layer, minimize packet loss and again transmit in network layer ,minimize delay in processing in new application in application layer. For this now we can do by increasing the bandwidth or modifying TCP but that is not the solution. The total work what we focus here are theoretically we may restrict the fractal process but practical implementation is much require which is a further task. 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