Volume 48, Number 1, 2007 43 Analysis of Constant Power Region for the Induction Motor Control by Field Weakening Technique Alexandru MORAR Abstract: The aim of the study we made in this paper is to establish the output conditions that the inverter can provide to the motor inputs, from the current and voltage limits point of view. The study cases are useful for the control by field weakening principle, under some imposed restriction. It is important for a control system to be able to operate at a constant power, for example in spindle drives applications, in traction and electrical drive of vehicles. Keywords: induction motor, constant power region, inverter output conditions. 1. INTRODUCTION In many papers were studied the control systems of induction motors by field weakening technique at high speeds above the rated base speed [1],…,[6]. We shall use the following nomenclature: mb = motor necessary torque at the base speed ωb; mM = motor necessary torque at the maximum speed ωmax; Mb = maximum torque of the motor at the base speed; MM = maximum torque of the motor at the maximum speed; kmb = overload factor at the base speed, kmb=Mb/mb; kmM = overload factor at the maximum speed, kmM=MM/mM; kv = speeds ratio in the constant power region, kv=ωmax/ωb. Considering the case of a classical rotor flux oriented control system, it has to establish primarily the maximal torque value. In the field weakening principle, it is well known that (if the stator voltage Us reaches the limit) the stator flux is necessary to be reduced for obtaining the speed increasing. This fact result subjecting the stator flux to the constraint [1]: Ψs <Ψs max (1) 2. CONSTANT POWER REGION ANALISYS On the basis of the mathematical model of the rotor flux oriented control, given by the known equations: Lm 3 (2) me = z p Ψ sq Ψ rd 2 σ Ls Lr Ψ rd = Lm Ψ sq Ψ rd ; ird = 0 Ls (3a,b) we maximise the torque expression , provided that: Ψ 2sd + Ψ 2sq = Ψ s max (4) For a system with a correct adjustment of its parameters, the torque expression is given by: ⎛L ⎞ Lm 3 me = z p Ψ rd Ψ 2s max − ⎜ s Ψ rd ⎟ 2 σ Ls Lr ⎝ Lm ⎠ 2 (5) 44 ACTA ELECTROTEHNICA Looking for the maximum torque value from (5), the optimal rotor flux reference signal can be obtained now as: Ψ *rd = 2 Lm Ψ s max 2 Ls (6) The maximal torque value results as following: 3 1−σ 2 3 1 − σ U s2max zp Ψ s max = z p ⋅ 4 σ Ls 4 σ Ls ωλ2r (7) In the constant power region, the torque mM and mb, at the maximum and, respectively, at the base speed, can be related by: mω m (8) mM = b b = b ωmax kv M e max = In the same way, we can establish a relation between the maximal torque corresponding to the speeds ωb and ωmax: 2 2 ⎛U ⎞ M b U sb2 ωmax (9) = 2 ⋅ 2 = ⎜ sb ⎟ kv2 M M ωb U sM ⎝ U sM ⎠ Taking into account the overload factor and the speed ratio expressions, it is got the relation between voltages (from eq. (8) and (9)); 2 sM 2 sb U U = knM kv kmb (10) The drive, using the field weakening technique, is shown in Fig. 1. Some proposal for divers drive solutions can be advanced, Fig.1. –Field weakening technique drive, the curves of: power (1), maximal torque (2), stator voltage (3) and load torque (4). depending on the overload factor at the base speed and on the inverter voltage, as well. For these variants analysis, we need the relation between electromagnetic torque and the absorbed current of the induction motor, in the case of the control by rotor flux oriented method. Further, we shall present the relations between the rotor current and the torque, which issue in a simpler manner. Because the inverter current is the stator one, we shall consider, finally, the relation among the rotor current, the stator current and the magnetisation current. Starting from eq. (2), (3 a,b) and (11): 1 (11) isq = Ψ σ Ls sq the flux components in the torque expression, depending on the rotor current, will be eliminated. Finally, the ratio between the absorbed rotor current at the maximum speed and, respectively, at the base speed, is obtained: 2 rM 2 rb i i 1− 1− 1 2 knM ⎛ U sM 1 ⎞ = ⎜ ⎟ 1 U k 1 − 1 − 2 ⎝ sb v ⎠ kmb 2 (12) The following study cases are significant in analysis: Case 1. In the first case, it is fixed: Usb = UsM = constant; MM = mM, therefore kmM = 1. From equation (10), we derive the relation between the speeds ratio, which decides the constant power region width, and the overload factor at the base speed: kv = kmb (13) From equation (13) it is obvious the advantage of using a designed motor with an overload factor as bigger as possible. From equations (12) and (13), we emphasise the relation between the absorbed rotor currents at maximum and, respectively, at base speed, considering the factor kmb > 1: irM > irb (14) The equation (14) is equivalent with the corresponding relation between the stator currents at the same speed: Volume 48, Number 1, 2007 irM < isb (15) For this reason, the inverter will be designed taking into account the absorbed stator current at the base speed. Case 2. In this second case, it is fixed kmM = kmb, imposing a constant overload through the entire field weakening region. From (10) we can deduce: U sM = kv U sb (16) Namely, in order to have the same overload factor through the entire constant power region, the feeding voltage cannot be maintained constant, but it must be increased according ti (16). Referring to the currents, from (12) cit results: irm < irb (17) and due to the magnetisation current reduction, one obtains: isM < isb (18) For this reason, the inverter will be designed according to the absorbed stator current at the base speed. Case 3. In this case, a particular speeds ratio kv is imposed and the overload factor at the maximum speed is considered to be kmM = 1. Therefore, the voltage at the maximum speed can be written as: U sM = kv U sb kmb (19) so, by setting the speeds ratio kv, the feeding voltage depends on the overload factor at the base speed kmb. Referring to the currents, from equation (12) it results: 2 irM = irb2 1 (20) ⎛ 1 ⎞ kmb kv ⋅ ⎜1 − 1 − 2 ⎟ kmb ⎠ ⎝ The rotor current irM, absorbed at the maximum speed, depending on the overload factor kmb and the speeds ratio kv, as well. Thus, if: kmb then k 2 +1 < v 2kv (21) 45 irM < irb (22) and if the equation (21) is not satisfied, then irM > irb. 3. CONCLUSIONS This study deals with some design criteria useful for spindles induction motors, fed by current regulated PWM inverters, controlled by field orientation method, particularly for operating in the flux weakening region. Analysing the constant power region, it is revealed witch heavier conditions must be verified, from the motor and the inverter absorbed currents point of view. There are carried aut useful conclusions for the increasing of the constant power region, without oversizing the motor or the inverter. REFERENCES 1. Xu X., De Doncker R., Novotny D.W., Stator flux orientation control of induction machines in the field weakening region. Rec. IEEE-IAS, Annual Meeting, Pittsburg, 437-443(1988). 2. Scutaru Gh., Apostoaia C.M., Speed Control in FluxOriented Induction Motor for Spindle Drives. Proc. of the 7th International Power Electronics & Motion Control Conference, Technical University of Budapest, 3, 410-413 (1996). 3. 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