SESSION : 2016-2017 FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT : I CLASS : VI SUBJECT : Hindi ACTIVITY : Individual Topic fofo/krk ls cusxk mÙke lekt Content Coverage loZ/keZ leHkko ls mÙke lekt fganw] bLyke] flD[k] bZlkbZ /keZ laca/kh xq:vks]a fl)karksa dh tkudkjhA fo’k;srj Nature of task Hkk’kk dk KkuA Learning Objectives “kCn Hk.Mkj esa o`f)A Duration xzh"ekodk'k dk;Z Task O;fDrxr xfrfof?k Nk= ihys jax dh ,4 vkdkj okyh rhu “khVksa dk iz;ksx Execution of task / Procedure djsx a As fo’k; vkSj ewY;kadu fcanq fy[ksaxsA ÞloZ /keZ leHkko ls mÙke lektÞ ij vuqPNsn fy[ksaxsA fofHkUu /keZ xq:vksa ds fp= fpidk,¡xs vkSj lans”k fy[ksaxsA Criteria / Rubrics for assessment Values imparted through the fo’k;oLrq % 20 vad Hkk’kk “kq)rk % 10 vad izLrqrhdj.k % 10 vad jk’Vªh; ,drk dh Hkkouk dks c<+kokA Activities Follow up vlQy Nk=ksa dks iqu% volj fn;k tk,xkA SESSION FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT CLASS SUBJECT ACTIVITY : : : : : 2016-2017 I VI Sanskrit Individual fofo/krk ls cusxk mÙke lekt Topic Hkkjrh; ijEijk dk Kku Content Coverage Hkkjrh; jgu&lgu dk Kku fo’k;srj Nature of task laLd`r Hkk’kk dk Kku Learning Objectives Hkkjrh; laLd`fr ls ifjp; Duration xzh"ekodk'k Task O;fDrxr xfrfof?k izR;sd Nk= ihys jax dh ,4 vkdkj okyh rhu “khV dk Execution of task / Procedure iz;ksx djsAa fo’k; vkSj ewY;kadu fcanq fy[ksaxsA ÞRoeso ekrk--------------Þ “yksd fy[ksaxs lkFk gh vuqokn Hkh fy[ksaxsA Hkkjrh; /keksZa ds uke laLd`r esa fy[ksaxs lkFk gh fp= Hkh fpidk,¡xAs Criteria / Rubrics for assessment Values imparted through the fo’k;oLrq % 20 vad izLrqrhdj.k % 10 vad Hkk’kk “kq)rk % 10 vad lg;ksx] R;kx vkSj dÙkZO;cks/k dh Hkkouk dks c<+kok nsukA Activities Follow up vlQy Nk=ksa dks iqu% volj fn;k tk,xkA SESSION FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT CLASS SUBJECT ACTIVITY : : : : : 2016-2017 I VI ENGLISH Individual Topic The more the variety the better the society. Content Coverage Sentence formation, Use of proverbs or idiomatic expression. Nature of task Post content Learning Objectives General objectives: To enable the learners to research on the given topic and develop the skill of assimilating the information thus gathered into a coherent form. Specific objectives: To enable the learners to: Use the appropriate proverb or idiomatic expressions in spoken and written language. Research and explore that we may have different ways of talking and different behavior patterns, but many of our beliefs and values are similar. Duration Summer holidays. Task Page 4 Create your own personal display of family photographs going back as many generations as possible. Find out stories about relatives you may not have known or known well from other family members. Ask family members for copies of their favourite photos, making sure to find out the names of all people in the photos and any interesting stories about the individuals or situation pictured. You may find out something you never knew before. Page 5 Explore and research about any ten proverbs used in different countries according to their own cultures but has similar meaning and frame ten sentences using the proverbs. You can paste appropriate pictures expressing the intended meaning. Execution of task / Procedure The activity is divided into two tasks and the students will do task 1 on page 4 and task 2 on page 5. Two A4 size coloured sheets should be used for the purpose. The rubrics of assessment will be announced to the students in advance. The cover page of the project should be unusual yet relevant. Criteria / Rubrics for assessment Values imparted through the Activities Originality : 10 Marks Authenticity of the information collected : 10 Marks Grammatical Accuracy : 10 Marks Coherence and clarity of ideas : 10 Marks To enable the learners to: Enhance their knowledge and discover that, in many ways, people from different backgrounds and cultures hold similar values and beliefs. Develop the skill of expressing their thoughts and ideas in an impressive manner. Follow up Feedback will be given in a constructive manner. The project file will be collected after the summer break and follow up will be done in the class after evaluation for transparency Detailed guidelines for the project 1. This project carries 40 marks 2. The cover page of the project should be made, keeping in mind the theme of the project. 3. Two A4 size colored sheets should be used for this purpose. 4. Task 1 (should be done on page 4) requires extensive research and creativity. Think critically as well as out of the box to frame stories. . Task 2 (should be done on page 5) requires extensive research and exploration about the idiomatic expressions or proverbs used in various countries and frame sentences using the same. 5. For task 2 students can make it more attractive by pasting appropriate pictures. For Examplea. A sparrow in the hand is better than a cock on the roof. (Russia) One bird in the hand is better than two in the bush. (United States) Meaning – It is better to have lesser but certain advantage than the possibility of greater one that may come to nothing or be happy with what you have. Example – The customer offered only one lakh for the car. The salesman, however, accepted this low offer because he felt one bird in the hand is better than two in the bush. b. God is a good worker, but He loves to be helped. (Spain) God help those who help themselves. (United States) SESSION FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT CLASS SUBJECT ACTIVITY : : : : : 2016-2017 I VI MATHEMATICS Individual Topic THE MORE THE VARIETY THE BETTER THE SOCIETY Content Coverage Estimation of number, Indian and international system of numeration Nature of task Post content Learning Objectives Duration To enable the student to understand the operation of no. To make the students aware about the diversity Summer holidays Task / Tools/ Techniques Execution of task / Procedure Criteria / Rubrics for assessment Coloured Paper ,Pen, Indian political map, gum, sheets, sketch pens etc. Students will be given the data related to the different religions of different states. Students will be asked few questions based on this data. Task 1: : 20 Marks Task 2: : 05 Marks Value based Question: : 10 Marks Ethics : : 05 Marks Values imparted through the Activities Students will understand the importance of diversity and better living of society. Follow up Teacher can give necessary guidance and suggestions. (TASK-I) S.NO. Read the data carefully and answer the following questions: 1 RELIGION STATES JAMMU & KASHMIR HINDUS 3320 SIKHS 921 MUSLIMS 12492 CHRISTIANS 512 2 PUNJAB 8950 11227 3210 117 3 RAJASTHAN 9270 197 732 132 4 UTTAR PRADESH 14567 1879 5320 1049 5 MAHARASHTRA 6020 2410 3960 1297 6 BIHAR 9989 1900 3012 109 7 SIKKIM 1231 495 679 9449 8 KERALA 5023 1200 1010 7969 Q1. Q2. Q3. Q4. Read the table carefully and calculate:(A) Total no. of Hindus in all states given in the table and write it in the Indian and international system of numeration and also put commas in both system of numeration. (B) To calculate: (i) Total no. of Hindu in state of Uttar Pradesh and Sikkim. (ii) Total no. of Muslims in state of Jammu & Kashmir and Maharashtra. (iii) Total no. of Sikhs in state of Punjab and Rajasthan. (iv) Total no. of Christian in state of Sikkim and Kerala. Also arrange your answer obtain in part (B): (i) to (iv) in ascending and descending orders. Indicate the states given in the table in INDIAN POLITICAL MAP with different colours. And write down their geographical area in Indian system of numeration. Example is given below State Area (sq. km) Number Name Gujarat 1, 96,024 one lakh ninety six thousand twenty four Estimate values for the following: (i) Hindu in state Uttar Pradesh and in Bihar (Rounding off nearest thousand) (ii) Muslim in state Jammu& Kashmir and in Sikkim (Rounding off nearest hundred) (iii) Sikh in state Punjab and in Maharashtra (Rounding off nearest thousand) (iv) Christians in state Sikkim and Kerala (Rounding off nearest tens) (v) Write in roman numerals: (a) Christians in state Punjab (b) Christians in state Bihar. (TASK -2) A machine, on an average, manufactures books of different languages every day such as 1621 HINDI books a day, 1041 ENGLISH books a day, 1201 URDU books a day, and 1032 MARATHI books a day. (i) How many books did it produce in the month of APRIL 2016? (ii) How many HINDI and ENGLISH books did it produce in month of FEBRUARY 2016? VALUE BASED OUESTION:Q5. To understand the concept of diversity more appropriately, a boy Salim of class 6th collected a data of peoples living in his locality belonging to different communities in a tabular form, given below: community HINDU MUSLIMS CHRISTIAN SIKH BUDDHIST JAIN Total (i) (ii) No. of peoples 132 71 52 69 17 09 350 According to you what Salim conclude about diversity from his data analysis? How diversity plays an important role in integration of the country? SESSION FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT CLASS SUBJECT ACTIVITY Topic Content Coverage : : : : : 2016-2017 I VI SOCIAL SCIENCE INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY The more the variety, the better the society! The motive is to understand diversity present in our country. Diversity is not liability in your country rather becomes the strength. To take pride in our heritage and become aware with this activity. Nature of task Learning Objectives Post activity Students will get to know the diversity present in various geographical area of the country. Help them develop map skills To explore different cultures, food habits, customs and belief. Duration Task Summer vacations A-4 size sheets Maps Pictures of cultural events , food and musical instruments Execution of task / Procedure Stationary Imagine you visited two different terrains of India and you could acknowledge the diversity present in the country. Draw or Paste a map of India marking out the two states designated to your Roll number and provide detail description of the diversity as follows – Roll no 1 to 10 – Jammu and Kashmir and Chhattisgarh Roll no. 11to 20 – Punjab and Kerala Roll no 21 to 30 – Gujrat and Assam Roll no. 31 to 45 – Himachal Pradesh and Karnataka The Key points to be incorporated while working on the activitya. Diversity in Food habits b. Diversity in clothes c. Diversity in climate d. Diversity in terrain e. Diversity in music f. Diversity in culture events g. Diversity in language Criteria / Rubrics for assessment Map skills and pictures Awareness about the imparted through diversity present regions – 10 Marks Presentation – 10 Marks Creativity Values - 10 Marks in various – 10 Marks the Awareness about the diversity present in our country. Activities Follow up A detail discussion shall be taken up and queries will be readdressed in the class. SESSION FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT CLASS SUBJECT ACTIVITY Topic Content Coverage Nature of task Learning Objectives Duration Task : : : : : 2016-2017 1 6 Science Individual activity The more the variety the better the society. Chapter 1- Food where does it come from Chapter 2- Components of food Chapter 3- Fibres to fabric Creative, Application based 1) Creating a plant library composed of herbarium sheets enables students to study different kinds of plants in one place. 2) Students will learn about the different types of food items and their nutritional values. 3) Students will learn about different varieties of materials which can be made from different types of fibres. Summer vacations Task 1 - to make herbarium of any two edible plants found in your surroundings. Task 2 - compare the food habits of three different states of India and explain which food item of that state provides which nutrients also paste pictures of these food items. Task 3 - paste the photographs of any two materials which we can make from these following fibres1) cotton 2) Silk 3) Wool 4) Jute 5) Polyester Execution of task / Procedure All the three tasks of the activity should be done on A4 size sheet. Procedure for task 1i) Put the plants between the newspaper sheets and place them on a table. ii) Stack some heavy books on top. This is a week-long process to press and dry out your plants and flowers. iii) Once the process is done, remove your plants from between the newspapers and glue them on the A4 sheet. iv) Cut out a piece of paper (one for each plant) and glue them below each plant. This will contain the following information: 1. The name of the plant 2. name of edible part of that plant Procedure for task 2Each student will choose any three states of India and compare the different food items used in these states and write down the name of nutrient which we can get from that food item. And paste photographs of these food materials. Name of state Food item State no.1 i) ii) iii) Nutrients which we get from this food material Photograph of that food material. State no.2 State no.3 The above format should be followed to write the information. Procedure for task 3paste the photograph of two materials which we can make from these following fibres1) cotton 2) Silk 3) Wool 4) Jute 5) polyester Criteria / assessment Rubrics for Task no.1 - 5 Marks Task no.2 - 15 Marks Task no.3 - 10 Marks Presentation -10 Marks Total marks – 40 marks Values imparted through the i) Ability of observation will develop in students. Activities ii) Students will be able to understand that diversity is a necessary part of society. Follow up Teacher will explain the activity in the class.