CONDUIT ACCESSORIES AND FIXINGS V.le Rimembranze, 93 20099 Sesto S. G. (MI) ITALY Ph.: +39-02-2247.7248 a.r. Fax: +39-02-2421.709 - ATEX NOTIFIED L1 : EExd IIB CONNECTION FITTINGS B.. L2 : EExd IIC CONNECTION FITTINGS BMFA L3 : EExd IIC ELBOWS 90° L4 : EExd IIC NIPPLES AND COUPLINGS L5 : EExd IIC PLUGS ELF NP - EM PLG - MC L6 : EExd IIC REDUCERS RE L7 : EExd IIC ADAPTERS AB L8 : EExd IIC VERTICAL SEALING FITTINGS EYS L9 : EExd IIC HORIZONTAL SEALING FITTINGS EZS L10 : EExd IIC NIPPLE SEALING FITTINGS GN L11 : LOCK-NUTS AND BUSHINGS DL - DB. L12 : U-CLAMPS AND PIPE HOLDING CLAMPS GH - GF L13 : PIPE HOLDING CLAMPS MP - MT L14 : SEALING COMPOUNDS MX - FC L15 : L16 : L17 : L18 : Type of protection: EEx d IIB Class of temperature: T6 Type BMF 1 BMF 2 BMF 3 BMF 4 BMF 5 BMF 6 BMF 7 BMF 8 BMF 10 Dimensions (mm) A C D 55 32 36 58 35 40 70 42 48 68 56 61 83 64 70 83 76 84 87 94 106 87 107 118 128 152 152 Thr. ∅B 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1.1/4” 1.1/2” 2” 2.1/2” 3” 4” Type BFF 1 BFF 2 BFF 3 BFF 4 BFF 5 BFF 6 BFF 7 BFF 8 BFF 10 Dimensions (mm) A C D 43 32 36 43 35 38 54 42 48 60 56 61 65 64 70 67 76 84 70 94 106 72 107 118 95 152 152 Description: The B.. connection fittings are composed by three elements which can be screwed by turning independently, allowing the connection of the rigid components. Materials: Body: galvanized steel (ISO 2081). Thread: UNI 6125 (ISO 7/1). Thr. ∅B 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1.1/4” 1.1/2” 2” 2.1/2” 3” 4” Type BMM 1 BMM 2 BMM 3 BMM 4 BMM 5 BMM 6 BMM 7 BMM 8 BMM 10 Dimensions (mm) A C D 76 32 36 76 35 40 90 42 48 106 56 61 106 64 70 106 76 84 160 94 106 160 107 118 180 152 152 Thr. ∅B 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1.1/4” 1.1/2” 2” 2.1/2” 3” 4” Application: To connect rigid components such as: enclosures, lighting fixtures, junction boxes, pipes, and so on. On request: Cadmium plating, nickel plating. Brass, aluminium, stainless steel. Other types of thread. V.le Rimembranze, 93 20099 Sesto S. G. (MI) ITALY Ph.: +39-02-2247.7248 a.r. Fax: +39-02-2421.709 - Rev. 1 on 04.02 B.. Connection fittings CESI AD 83.173U CESI AD-84.018U CESI 99ATEX034U Certificates: ATEX NOTIFIED L1 BMFA Type BMFA 1 BMFA 2 BMFA 3 BMFA 4 BMFA 5 BMFA 6 BMFA 7 BMFA 8 BMFA 10 EExd IIC connection fittings Certificate: A 75 75 84 84 84 101 111 113 133 Dimensions (mm) C 36 40 51 64 70 82 97 112 146 Description: The BMFA connection fittings are composed by three elements which can be screwed by turning independently, allowing the connection of the rigid component. Materials: Body: galvanized steel. Thread: UNI 6125 (ISO 7/1). D 39 44 56 70 77 90 106 123 160 EEx d IIC T6 CESI AD 84.018U Thread ∅B 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1.1/4” 1.1/2” 2” 2.1/2” 3” 4” Application: To connect rigid components such as: enclosures, lighting fixtures, junction boxes, pipes, and so on. On request: Nickel plating. Brass, aluminium, stainless steel. Other types of thread. V.le Rimembranze, 93 20099 Sesto S. G. (MI) ITALY Ph.: +39-02-2247.7248 a.r. Fax: +39-02-2421.709 - L2 Type of protection: Class of temperature: ATEX NOTIFIED Rev. 1 on 07.00 Type of protection: EEx d IIC Class of temperature: T6 Elbow 90° INIEX 85.103.430U Certificate: Type ELF 1 ELF 2 ELF 3 ELF 4 ELF 5 ELF 6 ELF 7 ELF 8 ELF 10 ∅C 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1.1/4” 1.1/2” 2” 2.1/2” 3” 4” Description: The ELF elbows are composed by aluminium alloy body with two threaded entries assembled at 90°. The elbow can be combined with threaded nipple type NP (sheet L4) to obtain one or two male ends Dimensions (mm) B 57 57 70 85 85 100 115 135 150 ELF A 72 72 92 112 112 135 157 185 222 Application: The ELF elbows are used in equipments to vary the direction of pipes. On request: Other types of threads. Materials: Body: aluminium alloy. Thread: UNI 6125(ISO 7/1). V.le Rimembranze, 93 20099 Sesto S. G. (MI) ITALY Ph.: +39-02-2247.7248 a.r. Fax: +39-02-2421.709 - Rev. 0 on 04.99 ATEX NOTIFIED L3 NP-EM Nipples and couplings Certificate: NP 1 SH 1 NP 2 SH 2 NP 3 SH 3 NP 4 SH 4 NP 5 SH 5 NP 6 SH 6 Dimensions (mm) A ∅B 55 1/2” 40 55 3/4” 40 65 1” 50 65 1.1/4” 50 65 1.1/2” 50 65 2” 50 NP 7 2.1/2” NP 8 Type Type of protection: Class of temperature: Type EEx d IIC T6 INIEX 85.103.430U Dimensions (mm) A ∅B EM 1 1/2” 45 EM 2 3/4” 45 EM 3 1” 55 EM 4 1.1/4” 60 EM 5 1.1/2” 60 EM 6 2” 60 85 EM 7 2.1/2” 70 3” 85 EM 8 3” 70 NP 10 4” 85 EM 10 4” 70 NP 12 5” 85 EM 12 5” 75 Description: The NP nipples, the SH short nipples and the EM couplings are accessories having their ends male threaded (NP-SH) and female threaded (EM). Materials: Body: galvanized steel. Application: To connect either female threaded entries or male threaded pipes. On request: Other types of thread. Thread: UNI 6125 (ISO 7/1). V.le Rimembranze, 93 20099 Sesto S. G. (MI) ITALY Ph.: +39-02-2247.7248 a.r. Fax: +39-02-2421.709 - L4 ATEX NOTIFIED Rev. 0 on 04.99 Type of protection: EEx d IIC Class of temperature: T6 Certificate: Type PLG 1 PLG 2 PLG 3 PLG 4 PLG 5 PLG 6 PLG 7 PLG 8 PLG 10 PLG 12 Male and female plugs INIEX 85.103.425U Dimensions (mm) B ∅A 1/2” 13 3/4” 17 1” 19 1.1/4” 24 1.1/2” 31 2” 39 2.1/2” 55 3” 65 4” 85 5” 102 Material Galvanized steel Aluminium alloy Description: The PLG plugs are male threaded and have a flush hexagon for clamping, whereas the MC plugs are female threaded and have hexagonal body for clamping . Materials: Body: aluminium alloy / galvanized steel. PLG-MC Type MC 1 MC 2 MC 3 MC 4 MC 5 MC 6 MC 7 MC 8 MC 10 MC 12 Dimensions (mm) B ∅A 1/2” 27 3/4” 32 1” 40 1.1/4” 50 1.1/2” 55 2” 70 2.1/2” 85 3” 97 4” 123 5” 153 Material Galvanized steel Aluminium alloy Application: Closing of entries on enclosures, junction boxes, lighting fixtures, and so on. On request: Other types of thread. Thread: UNI 6125 (ISO 7/1). V.le Rimembranze, 93 20099 Sesto S. G. (MI) ITALY Ph.: +39-02-2247.7248 a.r. Fax: +39-02-2421.709 - Rev. 0 on 04.99 ATEX NOTIFIED L5 RE REB ∅B ∅B Reducers Certificate: 3/4” 1” 1.1/4” 1.1/2” 2” 2.1/2” 3” 4” 5” 1/2” REB 21 REB 31 REB 41 REB 51 REB 61 REB 71 REB 81 REB 101 REB 121 3/4” 1” 1.1/4” 1.1/2” 2” 2.1/2” 3” 4” 5” 1/2” RE 21 RE 31 RE 41 RE 51 RE 61 RE 71 RE 81 RE 101 RE 121 RE Type of protection: Class of temperature: 3/4” 1” REB 32 REB 42 REB 52 REB 62 REB 72 REB 82 REB 102 REB 122 REB 43 REB 53 REB 63 REB 73 REB 83 REB 103 REB 123 3/4” 1” RE 32 RE 42 RE 52 RE 62 RE 72 RE 82 RE 102 RE 122 RE 43 RE 53 RE 63 RE 73 RE 83 RE 103 RE 123 Lower diameter “A” male 1.1/4” 1.1/2” 2” Materials: Body: galvanized steel. Thread: UNI 6125 (ISO 7/1). 3” 4” REB 87 REB 107 REB 127 REB 108 REB 128 REB 1210 Lower diameter “A” female 1.1/4” 1.1/2” 2” 2.1/2” 3” 4” RE 54 RE 64 RE 74 RE 84 RE 104 RE 124 RE 87 RE 107 RE 127 RE 108 RE 128 RE 1210 REB 65 REB 75 REB 85 REB 105 REB 125 RE 65 RE 75 RE 85 RE 105 RE 125 REB 76 REB 86 REB 106 REB 126 RE 76 RE 86 RE 106 RE 126 Application: They are used to adapt the diameter between different entries. On request: Version in brass, aluminium, stainless steel. Adaptators for connection to several types of threads and diameter. V.le Rimembranze, 93 20099 Sesto S. G. (MI) ITALY Ph.: +39-02-2247.7248 a.r. Fax: +39-02-2421.709 - L6 INIEX 85.103.430U 2.1/2” REB 54 REB 64 REB 74 REB 84 REB 104 REB 124 Description: The RE/REB reducers allow the connection to ends of different diameters, both they are male threaded and female threaded. EEx d IIC T6 ATEX NOTIFIED Rev. 0 on 04.99 Type of protection: EEx d IIC Class of temperature: T6-T4 AB Adapters LCIE 92.C.6075X Certificate: Type a male AB b c female -M d e -F Form the code replacing the blank cells (a,b,c,d,e) with the letter relevant to the available option listed under each position. Example: AB-M20M-F2N = body in brass, thread M20x1.5 male, 3/4” NPT female. a b Protection Thread Male diameter (∅A) For thread UNI6125 / ISO228 / NPT: K = nickel plated 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 = 1/2” = 3/4” = 1” = 1.1/4” = 1.1/2” = 2” = 2.1/2” = 3” c d e Type of thread male Thread Female diameter (∅B) For thread UNI6125 / ISO228 / NPT: Type of thread female C = ISO 228 G = UNI 6125 (ISO 7/1) M = Mx1.5 ISO 261 N = NPT P = PG (DIN 40430) Write diameter for other thread 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 = 1/2” = 3/4” = 1” = 1.1/4” = 1.1/2” = 2” = 2.1/2” = 3” C = ISO 228 G = UNI 6125 (ISO 7/1) M = Mx1.5 ISO 261 N = NPT P = PG (DIN 40430) Write diameter for other thread Description: The AB adapter allow the connection to ends of different diameters and thread. Application: They are used to adapt the diameter and/or thread between different entries. Materials: Body: brass. On request: Version EExe. V.le Rimembranze, 93 20099 Sesto S. G. (MI) ITALY Ph.: +39-02-2247.7248 a.r. Fax: +39-02-2421.709 - Rev. 0 on 04.99 ATEX NOTIFIED L7 EYS Type EYS 1 EYS 2 EYS 3 EYS 4 EYS 5 EYS 6 EYS 7 EYS 8 EYS 10 EYS 12 Type of protection: Class of temperature: Sealing fittings Entries ∅B 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1.1/4” 1.1/2” 2” 2.1/2” 3” 4” 5” Rotating radius D 44 51 62 51 54 62 70 78 105 Description: The EYS vertical fittings consist of a box with cable entry and outlet, female threaded, and one entry with plug for the resin sealing (just for vertical use). Materials: Body and cover: aluminium alloy. Plug: galvanized steel. A 77 88 110 145 131 140 192 190 264 Dimensions (mm) C 58 67 82 82 83 95 115 128 170 Thread: UNI 6125 (ISO 7/1). Application: The sealing fittings are particularly used to avoid the explosion propagation along connected pipes and enclosures. On request: Version with draining valve (EYD). Sealing compound (sheet L-14). V.le Rimembranze, 93 20099 Sesto S. G. (MI) ITALY Ph.: +39-02-2247.7248 a.r. Fax: +39-02-2421.709 - L8 CESI AD-86.073 INIEX 90C.103.908 Certificates: Approx. seal. vol. (dm3) 0,03 0.06 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.35 0.70 1,20 1,80 EEx d IIC T6 ATEX NOTIFIED Rev. 0 on 04.99 Type of protection: EEx d IIC Class of temperature: T6 Certificates: Type EZS 1 EZS 2 EZS 3 EZS 4 EZS 5 EZS 6 EZS 7 EZS 8 EZS 10 EZS 12 Entries ∅B 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1.1/4” 1.1/2” 2” 2.1/2” 3” 4” 5” Rotating radius D 66 66 71 78 78 83 92 98 126 140 Description: The EZS fittings have a screwed cover with plug to facilitate plugging and resin sealing both for vertical and horizontal assembling. Materials: Body and cover: aluminium alloy. Plug: galvanized steel. Approx. seal. vol. (dm3) 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30 0,80 1,00 1,80 3,00 7,00 Dimensions (mm) A 72 72 74 98 98 131 200 174 270 290 C 83 83 92 109 109 118 142 148 192 215 Thread: UNI 6125 (ISO 7/1). Application: The sealing fittings are particularly used to avoid the explosion propagation along connected pipes and enclosures. On request: Version with draining valve (EYD). Sealing compound (sheet L-14). V.le Rimembranze, 93 20099 Sesto S. G. (MI) ITALY Ph.: +39-02-2247.7248 a.r. Fax: +39-02-2421.709 - Rev. 0 on 04.99 EZS Sealing fittings CESI AD-86.073 INIEX 90C.103.908 ATEX NOTIFIED L9 GN Type GN 1 GN 2 GN 3 GN 4 GN 5 GN 6 Type of protection: Class of temperature: Nipple sealing fittings Certificate: Dimensions (mm) A ∅B 1/2” 60 3/4” 60 1” 70 1.1/4” 80 1.1/2” 80 2” 80 Description: The GN nipples are cylindrical shaped with male threaded ends. Complete of one or more conductors (max. section 185mm2) sealed and having any required length. They can be supplied without conductors, and are complete of instructions for sealing. 1,5 mm2 4 8 10 19 23 42 EEx d IIC T6-T1 CESI AD-86.095 Maximum quantity of conductors 2,5 mm2 4 mm2 3 2 5 4 8 8 14 13 19 19 28 27 Thread: UNI 6125 (ISO 7/1). Application: The GN nipples are used as sealing fittings wherever the space does not allow the insertion of the traditional sealing fitting. Materials: Body: galvanized steel. Sealing compound: double-composed epoxy resin (sheet L-14). V.le Rimembranze, 93 20099 Sesto S. G. (MI) ITALY Ph.: +39-02-2247.7248 a.r. Fax: +39-02-2421.709 - L 10 ATEX NOTIFIED Rev. 0 on 04.99 DL-DB. Lock-nuts and bushings Type DL 1 DL 2 DL 3 DL 4 DL 5 DL 6 DL 7 DL 8 DL 10 Dimensions (mm) B ∅A 1/2” 6 3/4” 6 1” 6 1.1/4” 7 1.1/2” 7 2” 7 2.1/2” 18 3” 21 4” 21 Material Galvanized steel Aluminium alloy Type DBA 1 DBA 2 DBA 3 DBA 4 DBA 5 DBA 6 DBA 7 DBA 8 DBA 10 Description: The DL lock-nuts ensure a firm fastening between pipings and boxes. The DB. bushes, screwed at the end of the tube, have the function of “cable-protection” and particularly the DBT bushing has the screw for the connection of the earthing conductor. Dimensions (mm) B ∅A ∅C 1/2” 32 13 3/4” 37 13 1” 41 15 1.1/4” 52 15 1.1/2” 57 15 2” 69 17 2.1/2” 87 18 3” 99 18 4” 130 21 Type DBT 1 DBT 2 DBT 3 DBT 4 DBT 5 DBT 6 DBT 7 DBT 8 DBT 10 Dimensions (mm) B ∅A ∅C 1/2” 32 13 3/4” 37 13 1” 41 15 1.1/4” 52 15 1.1/2” 57 15 2” 69 17 2.1/2” 87 18 3” 99 18 4” 130 21 Thread: GAS UNI ISO 228. Application: The DL lock-nuts and the DB. bushes are used both in waterproof equipment and in explosion proof equipment; they can be used to fasten (DL) or to protect the cable (DB.). Materials: DB.: aluminium alloy. DL: galvanized steel / aluminium alloy. Earthing screw: stainless steel. V.le Rimembranze, 93 20099 Sesto S. G. (MI) ITALY Ph.: +39-02-2247.7248 a.r. Fax: +39-02-2421.709 - Rev. 1 on 03.00 ATEX NOTIFIED L 11 GH-GF Type GH 1 GH 2 GH 3 GH 4 GH 5 GH 6 GH 7 GH 8 GH 10 GH 12 ∅ tube 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1.1/4” 1.1/2” 2” 2.1/2” 3” 4” 5” U-clamps and pipe holding clamps Dimensions (mm) A B 28 44 34 53 40 60 50 72 57 82 69 95 86 110 99 123 125 150 150 220 ∅C M6 M6 M6 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 - Description: The GH U-clamps consist of an “U”-shaped bolt threaded at both ends; the GF pipe holding clamps are hook-shaped and have – on the straight side – a clearance hole for the fixing screw. Type GF 1 GF 2 GF 3 GF 4 GF 5 GF 6 GF 7 GF 8 GF 10 Dimensions (mm) B C ∅A 1/2” 27 50 3/4” 35 60 1” 35 65 1.1/4” 45 85 1.1/2” 53 95 2” 65 120 2.1/2” 90 135 3” 100 160 4” 125 208 Material Galvanized steel Aluminium alloy Application: The GH U-clamps and the GF pipe holding clamps are both used to fix pipings. Materials: GH: galvanized steel. GF: galvanized steel / aluminium alloy. Nuts: galvanized steel. V.le Rimembranze, 93 20099 Sesto S. G. (MI) ITALY Ph.: +39-02-2247.7248 a.r. Fax: +39-02-2421.709 - L 12 ATEX NOTIFIED Rev. 0 on 04.99 MP-MT Pipe holding clamps Type MP 1 MP 2 MP 3 MP 4 MP 5 MP 6 MP 7 MP 8 MP 10 MP 12 Dimensions (mm) bolt ∅ tube 1/2” M6 3/4” M6 1” M6 1.1/4” M6 1.1/2” M8 2” M8 2.1/2” M8 3” M8 4” M8 5” M8 Description: The MP pipe holding clamps because of their shape,allow the parallel fixing of pipings on the support structure, whilst the MT pipe holding clamps do it perpendicularly. Type MT 1 MT 2 MT 3 MT 4 MT 5 MT 6 MT 7 MT 8 MT 10 MT 12 Dimensions (mm) bolt ∅ tube 1/2” M6 3/4” M6 1” M6 1.1/4” M8 1.1/2” M8 2” M8 2.1/2” M8 3” M8 4” M8 5” - Application: The MP and MT pipe holding clamps are used to fix pipings. Materials: Body: galvanized steel. Nuts and bolts: galvanized steel. V.le Rimembranze, 93 20099 Sesto S. G. (MI) ITALY Ph.: +39-02-2247.7248 a.r. Fax: +39-02-2421.709 - Rev. 0 on 04.99 ATEX NOTIFIED L 13 MX-FC Sealing compounds Type Standard pot MX 3,5 Kg FC 0,3 Kg Description: The MX sealing compound is composed by epoxy resin particularly suited to seal explosion proof fittings (see sheets L-8, L-9 and L-10). The FC ceramic fiber is used to stop the resing dropping inside the sealing fittings. Composition 1.000 gr resin 1.250 gr harderner 2.250 gr quartz powder Ceramic fiber Characteristics: - High resistance to dynamic stress. - Perfect sealing compound against infiltrations of gas or dangerous vapours. - Maximum penetration, fluidity and facility to prepare. - Physical and chemical stability. - Dielectric strength higher than conductors. Warning: Follow the instructions inside the pots. V.le Rimembranze, 93 20099 Sesto S. G. (MI) ITALY Ph.: +39-02-2247.7248 a.r. Fax: +39-02-2421.709 - L 14 ATEX NOTIFIED Rev. 1 on 08.00