FSMQ Advanced FSMQ Additional Mathematics 6993 Mark Scheme for June 2010 Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations OCR (Oxford Cambridge and RSA) is a leading UK awarding body, providing a wide range of qualifications to meet the needs of pupils of all ages and abilities. OCR qualifications include AS/A Levels, Diplomas, GCSEs, OCR Nationals, Functional Skills, Key Skills, Entry Level qualifications, NVQs and vocational qualifications in areas such as IT, business, languages, teaching/training, administration and secretarial skills. It is also responsible for developing new specifications to meet national requirements and the needs of students and teachers. OCR is a not-for-profit organisation; any surplus made is invested back into the establishment to help towards the development of qualifications and support which keep pace with the changing needs of today’s society. This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and students, to indicate the requirements of the examination. It shows the basis on which marks were awarded by Examiners. It does not indicate the details of the discussions which took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking commenced. All Examiners are instructed that alternative correct answers and unexpected approaches in candidates’ scripts must be given marks that fairly reflect the relevant knowledge and skills demonstrated. Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the published question papers and the Report on the Examination. OCR will not enter into any discussion or correspondence in connection with this mark scheme. © OCR 2010 Any enquiries about publications should be addressed to: OCR Publications PO Box 5050 Annesley NOTTINGHAM NG15 0DL Telephone: Facsimile: E-mail: 0870 770 6622 01223 552610 publications@ocr.org.uk 6993 Mark Scheme June 2010 OCR - ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS 6993 Marking instructions. The total mark for the paper is 100. Marks for method are indicated by an M. A method that is dependent on previous work is DM. Marks for accuracy are of two kinds: (i) A mark indicates correct work only and (ii) F mark indicates that a "follow through" is allowed. If an M mark is not gained then nor do any of the accuracy marks associated with it. Marks not associated with a method are denoted B, which should be treated as "correct only", and E which may be wrong because of a previous error. Marks are not divisible except as indicated. e.g. A 2,1 means that 2 are awarded for a correct answer and 1 for an answer that is only partially correct, as agreed at the meeting of Examiners. When the method of solution is not one that has been discussed and does not fit the existing scheme then an alternative scheme should be devised which maintains the same number of M, A, F, B and E marks. You should also bring this to the attention of the Principal Examiner. The rubric says that the norm is for answers to be given to 3 s.f. except where indicated. Where this rubric is ignored then 1 mark should be deducted once in the paper, at the point where it is first met. This should be indicated -1, TMSF or -1TFSF. Details will be discussed at the meeting of examiners. Misreading of a question (including the candidate's own working) should normally be penalised by the loss of the relevant accuracy mark or two marks (whichever is less); but if the question is made substantially easier then further penalties may be imposed. Sub-marks should be shown near to the relevant work. If these are individual marks then the appropriate letter should be given. Sub-marks are given in the question paper and the mark scheme. For substantially correct solutions a number of sub-marks may be combined, even up to the total mark for the question for a totally correct question. The sum of the sub-marks are then added and ringed at the end of the question. (This means that a totally correct question has the total mark written twice - once as a "sum of sub-marks" and unringed and once ringed as the total for the question.) The total mark for the paper should be given on the front page, top right and ringed. Work that is crossed out and not replaced should be marked. If work has been crossed out and replaced then the replacement work should be marked even if it is incorrect and the crossed out work correct. Any notation that is understandable may be used to support your marking. In particular: isw – ignore subsequent working www – without wrong working soi – seen or implied 1 6993 Mark Scheme June 2010 An independent person should be used to check the summation of marks. You should add the ringed marks on the paper to check the addition and the independent checker should add the unringed marks. There is a fee paid for this checking - if you are unable to find anyone to do this work the Board and the Principal Examiner must be informed. Please mark in red. If examiners have any doubt about the interpretation of any instructions or if any point of difficulty arises during the marking of scripts, they should communicate with the Principal Examiner. 2 6993 Mark Scheme June 2010 Section A 3 − x < 4( x − 1) 3 − x < 4x − 4 7 < 5x 7 x> 5 1 B1 B1 Sight of 4x – 4 Sight of ax and b where either a = 5 or b= 7 oe B1 Final answer WWW 3 B1 B1 12 12 12 = 1 − x + x 2 − x3 1 2 3 2 3 = 1 − 12 x + 66 x − 220 x 2 B1 Ignore terms of higher power 3 (i) 3 M1 A1 Remainder is f(−1) = −1 − 5 − 2 + 8 = 0 For long division x3 + x2 in working and x2 in quotient must be seen for M1 Or by inspection (x + 1)(x2 + …) for M1 (ii) Signs and powers 2 out of 3 coefficients worked out All coefficients and 1 Or long division 0 must be seen or implied 2 x3 − 5 x 2 + 2 x + 8 = 0 ( x + 1) ( x 2 − 6 x + 8 ) = 0 M1 ( x + 1)( x − 2 )( x − 4 ) = 0 Factorise cubic to give (x + 1)(ax2 + bx + c) Solve their quadratic DM1 x = −1, 2, 4 A1 Allow ans with no working 3 Alt: Trial to find one root: x = 2, 4 M1, A1 x = –1, 2, 4 A1 3 6993 4 (i) Mark Scheme June 2010 M1 4 625 5 = 0.4823 = 6 1296 Either form or 0.482 isw A1 2 (ii) 4 3 5 5 1 1− − 4 6 6 6 625 500 = 1− − = 1 − 0.4823 − 0.3858 1296 1296 171 19 = = = 0.1319 1296 144 A1 ans 4 1 − 2 terms 4 soi Powers A1 Ans in either form or 0.132 4 M1 B1 both coeffs B1 powers Alt: Add three terms 2 2 3 4 5 1 5 1 1 6 + 4 + 6 6 6 6 6 = 0.11574 + 0.01543 + 0.00077 = 0.1319 M1 B1 B1 6993 5 (i) Mark Scheme June 2010 M1 Diffn and set = 0 A1 Derived fn When x = −1, y = 12 A1 Stationary point d2 y = 6 x − 6 < 0 when x = −1 so maximum dx 2 M1 A1 To find nature of turning points dy = 3x 2 − 6 x − 9 dx = 0 when 3x 2 − 6 x − 9 = 0 x 2 − 2 x − 3 = 0 ( x − 3)( x + 1) = 0 x = 3, −1 Allow SC1 for (–1, 12) with no working Alternative ways to demonstrate maximum at x = –1 Value of y –1– y < 12 –1 y = 12 –1 + y < 12 –1 dy =0 dx (i) –1 + dy <0 dx A1 u = 90, v = 6, s = 2016 62 = 902 + 2a × 2016 a=− Allow at most one integer either side (typically, x = –2, 0 if turning point is correct) M1 (ii) 6 M1 A1 Gradient of tangent –1– dy >0 dx 5 902 − 62 8064 =− = −2 m s −2 4032 4032 B1 General shape: turning points in correct quadrants 1 Intercept on y axis in [0,12] Does not turn back on itself. M1 A1 A1 Using correct formula Correct substitution 3 (ii) u = 90, v = 6, a = −2 6 = 90 − 2t 84 t = = 42 secs 2 The two parts can be the other way round 5 M1 Using correct formula A1 2 6993 7 (i) Mark Scheme sin θ cos θ sin 2 θ + cos 2 θ + = cos θ sin θ sin θ cos θ 1 = sin θ cos θ June 2010 B1 1 Alt: sin 2 θ + cos 2 θ = 1 cos 2 θ 1 = sin θ sin θ sin θ cos θ 1 + = cos θ sin θ sin θ cos θ 1 sin θ cos θ sin θ cos θ = + =4 4 cos θ sin θ 1 tan θ + =4 tan θ sin θ + (ii) (iii) M1 A1 2 1 tan θ + = 4 tan 2 θ + 1 = 4 tan θ tan θ 2 t − 4t + 1 = 0 M1 Clear fractions to give 3 term quadratic 4 ± 16 − 4 = 2 ± 3 ( = 3.732 and 0.268 ) 2 θ = 150 and 750 M1 Sub numbers into correct quadratic 3sf or more Rounds to these t= 8 Using (i) and tan A1 A1 Sp Case B1 for 15 and B1 for 75 with no supporting working v = 60 ( t 4 − 10t 3 + 25t 2 ) 4 5 s = ( 60t 4 − 600t 3 + 1500t 2 ) dt 0 = 12t 5 − 150t 4 + 500t 3 5 0 = 6250 m If 60 is left out then 4/5 only. M1 A2,1 Integrate Terms 1 each error DM1 A1 Sub t = 5 Cao 5 6 6993 9 Mark Scheme (i) June 2010 For 8 WWW For 2 WWW B1 B1 1 + 15 3 + 1 Centre is , = (8, 2) 2 2 2 Nb Working with vectors to give diameter = [14,2] and so radius = [7,1] giving centre (15 – 7, 3 –1) is correct. (ii) M1 A1 PC = (8 − 1) 2 + (2 − 3) 2 = 50 = 5 2 For 50 2 Alt: Length of diameter = (15 − 1) + ( 3 − 1) 2 2 = 142 + 22 = 200 = 10 2 Radius = 5 2 (iii) ( x − 8) + ( y − 2 ) 2 2 M1 = 50 Correct use of formula including 50 and using their midpoint. x 2 + y 2 − 16 x − 4 y + 64 + 4 − 50 = 0 x 2 + y 2 − 16 x − 4 y + 18 = 0 A1 2 10 (i) (ii) (iii) Sub (0,4) M1 1 Gives k = 2 A1 Sub (0, 4) M1 1 Gives c = − 4 A1 2 2 1 When x = 3 y = − (3 − 2)2 (3 − 4) = 0.25 for cubic 4 Or when x= 3, y > 0 for cubic B1 John’s model is better DB1 2 7 6993 Mark Scheme June 2010 Section B Allow 4 sf in this question 11 (i) M1 A1 AF BF 100 = = sin70 sin60 sin 50 100 AF = × sin 70 ( = 122.7 m ) sin 50 100 BF = × sin 60 = 113.1 m oe sin 50 Sin rule applied Sight of 50 and 70 A1 M1 A1 Correct sine rule to find BF 5 (ii) Alt: Cosine rule for BF: BF2 = 1002 + 122.72 – 2×100×122.7×cos60 = 12785 BF = 113.1 FT = AF × tan10 = 122.7 tan10 = 21.6 m M1 A1 M1 A1 2 Anything that rounds to 21.6 (iii) CF = 122.7sin60 =106.3 m Or: = their BF ×sin70 M1 A1 TheirFT TheirCF θ = 11.50 M1 F1 tan θ = Accept 106.2 or 106 Using tan correctly Substituting correctly Accept 11 or 12 A1 5 Alt: to find CF. Area of triangle = 12 × AF . AB sin 60 = 5313 M1 × CF ×100 = 5313 CF = 106.3 A1 1 2 8 6993 12 Mark Scheme (i) June 2010 y = 0.3 x 2 − 1.5 x dy = 0.6 x − 1.5 dx When x = 5 gt = 1.5 2 3 2 AB: y = − ( x − 5 ) 3 2 x + 3 y = 10 gn = − B1 Derivative M1 Find g t and use of m 1 × m 2 = –1 For g n A1 Line in any simplified form A1 4 (ii) Solve simultaneously: 3 y + 2 x = 10 M1 Method to eliminate one variable 2 y + 3x = 0 6 y + 4 x = 20 6 y + 9x = 0 5 x = −20 F1 A1 x = −4, y = 6 SC1: answer with no working (iii) Area of triangle = 3 1 × 5 × their y = 15 2 5 Area under curve = ( 0.3x 0 2 x and y. − 1.5 x ) dx = 0.1x 3 − 0.75 x 2 = −6.25 Area of card = 15 + 6.25 = 21.25 Other methods, follow scheme ieE1 Area of triangle M1 area as integral A1 Integrand A1 value for area A1 Final answer 9 5 E1 Might appear anywhere in this part M1 Ignore limits here A1 0 A1 Condone lack of –ve sign A1 5 6993 13 (i) (ii) Mark Scheme Ali: 72 t Beth: June 2010 M1 72 A1 A1 Accept Beth: t − 3 3 M1 Subtraction of their terms = 3 A1 M1 Multiply out A1 A1 and simplify 5 72 t+2 72 72 − =3 t t+2 72(t + 2) − 72t = 3t (t + 2) 72t + 144 − 72t = 3t (t + 2) 3t (t + 2) = 144 Alternative (based on alternative answer to (i) 72 =t+2 72 −3 t 72t = ( 72 − 3t ) (t + 2) M1 A1 72t = 72t − 3t 2 + 144 − 6t (iii) M1 3t 2 + 6t = 144 3t (t + 2) = 144 3t (t + 2) = 144 A1 A1 3t 2 + 6t − 144 = 0 M1 t 2 + 2t − 48 = 0 A1 (t + 8)(t − 6) = 0 t =6 A1 Ali takes 6 hours and Beth takes 8 hours. A1 For quadratic in simplified form. (See below) www 4 SC1 for answer with no working What is “simplified form”? Either a quadratic with all three terms on left = 0 ready for the use of the formula OR: Divide through by 3 giving t2 + 2t = 48 ready for solving by the completion of the square. 10 6993 14 Mark Scheme (i) 200x + 100y ≥ 1500 oe June 2010 M1 A1 Deriving a linear inequality 2 (ii) y≥x B1 1 (iii) One line Other line Shading for both, ft their inequalities B1 B1 E1 No Scales: B0, B0, E1 Condone scales not as instructed. 3 (iv) C = 80x + 60y B1 Correct point is (5, 5) Cost = £700 In absence of OF, 80 ×5 + 60× 5 must be seen B1 M1 A1 Now minimum cost is at (7, 1) Giving £620 Nb (8, 0) gives £640 B1 B1 Sub in OF 4 (v) 2 11 OCR (Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations) 1 Hills Road Cambridge CB1 2EU OCR Customer Contact Centre 14 – 19 Qualifications (General) Telephone: 01223 553998 Facsimile: 01223 552627 Email: general.qualifications@ocr.org.uk www.ocr.org.uk For staff training purposes and as part of our quality assurance programme your call may be recorded or monitored Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations is a Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England Registered Office; 1 Hills Road, Cambridge, CB1 2EU Registered Company Number: 3484466 OCR is an exempt Charity OCR (Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations) Head office Telephone: 01223 552552 Facsimile: 01223 552553 © OCR 2010