Received Vehicle Inspection Report Registration Book Insurance MOT Certificate Receipt No Licence No First Issue/Renewal Environmental Protection & Licensing Wiltshire Council Bath Road Devizes Wilts SN10 2AT APPLICATION FOR A PRIVATE HIRE VEHICLE LICENCE Notes to be read before completing this application form 1. Please use block letters. 2. A separate form must be completed for each vehicle to be licensed. 3. A business, club or hotel address can be accepted provided the applicant lives there permanently. 4. The vehicle must be considered by the Council to be suitable in type, size and design for use as a hackney carriage vehicle and in a suitable mechanical condition. 5. No vehicle over 4 years old will be granted an initial licence unless it is in exceptionally well-maintained condition both with regard to the bodywork and mechanical condition. 6. No vehicle over 7 years old will be re-licensed unless it is in exceptionally well maintained condition both with regard to bodywork and mechanical condition. 7. Authorised Officers maintain their discretion to grant licences for vehicles which fall outside the 4 and 7 year limits where they are satisfied that the vehicles are in exceptional condition and there is supportive evidence by way of a AA/RAC or similar report. 8. Details of ownership must state whether the owner is a company or partnership and, if so, either give details of the company or each partner as applicable. 9. The current insurance must be a policy issued in accordance with, and comply with, Part VI of the Road Traffic Act 1972. 10. Registration document, insurance policy documents and MOT certificate must be inspected before a hackney carriage vehicle licence is granted. 11. Cheques should be made payable to Wiltshire Council. 12. Licences will be valid for ONE year. APPLICANT 1 Surname: ............................................................................................................................. 2 Forename(s): ............................................................................................................................. 3 Permanent address: ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. 4 Telephone No. (Home): ………………………………..(Work) …………………………………... WILTSHIRE COUNCIL 1 PHV application form 5 Is the operation of a private hire service your full-time business? YES / NO If NO, state your normal occupation ............................................................................................................... 6 Which Company will you be working for? ………………………………………………………………………. VEHICLE 1 Make and model of vehicle ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 2 Vehicle registration number ……………………………. 3. Engine capacity................................................ 4 Colour …………………………….. 6 Hackney carriage plate number, (if previously issued) ................................................................................. 7 Constructed to carry …………. 9 Number of doors 5. Date of first registration of vehicle ................................................. Persons (excluding driver) 8. Wheelchair access: YES / NO ............ ……. 10. Are you the sole owner of the vehicle? ……………………………….YES / NO If NO, state name(s) and address(es) of every proprietor or part-proprietor concerned in the keeping, employing or letting to hire of your vehicle (please continue on a separate sheet if necessary): ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Have you, or a partnership of which you are, or were, or company of which you are, or were, a director or secretary, ever been convicted of any criminal offences whatsoever? If so please list all offences occurring within the last five years, giving the name of the Court, the conviction/penalty imposed and the date of the hearing: ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Name and address of the insurance company with whom you hold a full insurance for hire or reward: ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7 Insurance policy number ………………………………….8. Date of expiry of insurance ............................... OTHER FACTORS Please state any factors which you wish to be taken in to account in considering your application (if necessary, please continue on a separate sheet): ................................................................................................................................................................................ DECLARATION NB: If any person knowingly or recklessly makes a false statement or omits any material particular in giving the foregoing information (s)he shall, under section 57 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 be guilty of an offence. This authority is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers, and to this end may use the information you have provided on this form for the prevention and detection of fraud. It may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds for this purpose. I declare that the information given by me in this application is correct in every respect and that I have read, and understand, the conditions with which I would be required to comply if granted a licence. Date: ............................................. Signed: ........................................................................................................................... WILTSHIRE COUNCIL 2 PHV application form VEHICLE SPECIFICATION With effect from 1st July 1989: • No vehicle over 4 years old will be granted an initial licence as a hackney carriage or private hire vehicle unless it is in exceptionally well maintained condition both with regard to the bodywork and mechanical condition. • No vehicle over 7 years old will be re-licensed as a hackney carriage or private hire vehicle unless it is in exceptionally well-maintained condition both with regard to the bodywork and mechanical condition. (The age of the vehicle to be calculated from the date of first registration given in the registered keeper’s document.) Any vehicle submitted for licensing as a hackney carriage or private hire vehicle must be suitable for such use, and without prejudice to that general requirement the vehicle must (unless it is a purpose-built hackney carriage) comply with the following: 1 It must be of sufficient seating capacity to carry at least 4 and not more than 8 passengers in addition to the driver. The seating capacity shall be determined in accordance with paragraphs (i)(a) and (I)(b) of Regulation 42 of the Road Vehicles (Registration and Licensing) Regulations 1971 or any re-enactment thereof:(a) Rear seat (length): The length of the rear seat measured in a straight line lengthways on the front of the seat must be such as will allow adequate seating accommodation to the extent of at least 16 inches (400mm) per person. (b) Seats (width): The width of the back seat from the squab to the front edge must be not less than 18 inches (457mm). (c) Knee space: The measurement between the rear of the front seats and the squab of the back seat must not be less than 30 inches (762mm) with the front seat at its centre point. (d) Height (inside): From the top of the seat cushion at its junction with the rear squab vertically must not be less than 32 inches (813mm). Subject to the further consideration of vehicle wheelbase and engine size as follows: Any vehicle with a wheelbase of 100 inches (2540mm) or more shall be licensed to carry 4 (or more to a maximum of 8) passengers subject to engine size of 1550cc and above and seat measurement criteria as at (a) (b) (c) and (d) above. 2 The vehicle must have a minimum of 4 road wheels and carry a spare wheel to the same specification as the road wheels; 3 The vehicle must have at least 4 doors, excluding any tailgate. Sliding doors must be fitted with a warning device to indicate when they are open; 4 If an estate-type vehicle, it must have sufficient luggage space for the number of passengers the vehicle is licensed to carry without having to fold any seat and must be fitted with a guard between luggage and passengers. Saloon-type vehicles must have a separate compartment for luggage; 5 The vehicle must be equipped and maintained with an efficient fire extinguisher of dry powder type having a minimum capacity of 3lbs (1.36Kg), or two such extinguishers having in aggregate such capacity, and complying with the specification of the British Standards Institution, such extinguisher or extinguishers to be properly secured within the vehicle, and to which the driver shall have easy access, and to be maintained in full and efficient working order at all times; 6 The vehicle must be equipped and maintained with a comprehensive first-aid kit containing such dressings and appliances as may be required for use in an emergency, such first-aid kit to be located in such a position as to be immediately available. 7 Meters are not required in private hire vehicles. 8 A certificate of roadworthiness is required in respect of all but brand new vehicles. WILTSHIRE COUNCIL 3 PHV application form WILTSHIRE COUNCIL HACKNEY CARRIAGE/PRIVATE HIRE VEHICLE INSPECTION REPORT This certificate is to be completed by a garage proprietor approved by the Department of Transport for the compulsory testing of vehicles under the Road Traffic Act 1972 and submitted on application for grant or renewal of a Hackney Carriage/Private Hire vehicle licence. Note:- Any fee payable in respect of this inspection report must be paid by the vehicle owner. 1. DETAILS OF VEHICLE Make: ............................................................................................................................. Registration Number: ............................................................................................................................. Plate Number (if any): ............................................................................................................................. Name of Applicant for Licence: ............................................................................................................................. Address of Applicant: ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. Telephone Number 2. ............................................................................................................................. INSPECTION OF VEHICLE Date: ................................................................................................. Time: ..................................................... Inspected by: ....................................................................... Garage Stamp: Signed: ....................................................................... Name of Garage: ....................................................................... Address: ....................................................................... ....................................................................... Telephone Number 3. ....................................................................... RE-INSPECTION AFTER ANY NECESSARY WORK COMPLETED Date: ................................................................................................. Time: ..................................................... Inspected by: ....................................................................... Garage Stamp: Signed: ....................................................................... Name of Garage: ....................................................................... WILTSHIRE COUNCIL 4 PHV application form PTO 4. VEHICLE SPECIFICATION - CERTIFICATION Please read and check through the attached vehicle specification, taking the necessary measurements, and sign either statement A or B below. A: I have checked the vehicle identified overleaf and confirm that it does conform to the attached vehicle specification. Signed: ................................................................................. Date: ..................................................... OR B: I have checked the vehicle identified overleaf and found that it does not conform with the attached vehicle specification for the following reasons:......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... Signed: ................................................................................. Date: ..................................................... Garage stamp: 5. INSPECTION REPORT - CERTIFICATION Please now check that the vehicle identified overleaf complies with the vehicle inspection report and complete either statement A or B below:A: I have inspected the vehicle identified overleaf in accordance with the vehicle inspection report attached and confirm that the vehicle is in a good roadworthy condition and that all items are serviceable. Signed: ................................................................................. Date: ..................................................... OR B: I have inspected the vehicle identified overleaf in accordance with the inspection report attached. The vehicle is not in a good roadworthy condition for the following reasons: ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... Signed: ................................................................................. Date: ..................................................... Garage Stamp: WILTSHIRE COUNCIL 5 PHV application form INSIDE CHECK FOR Windscreen Wipers, Washers, Horns, Switches OPERATION Gauges, Warning Devices OPERATION & LOCATION Panel Lights SECURITY / DAMAGE Driving Seat SECURITY / DAMAGE Mirrors SECURITY / DAMAGE Air Vacuum OPERATION / DAMAGE Clutch & Throttle Controls OPERATION / DAMAGE Steering Wheels PLAY / DAMAGE Steering Column SECURITY Cab Floors & Steps Seat Belts UNSATISFACTORY COMMENTS BUILD UP / LEAKS Brake Control Upholstery SATISFACTORY VIEW / CONDITION SECURITY/DAMAGE SECURITY OF MOUNTINGS CONDITION OF BELTS OPERATION GROUP LEVEL Headlights CHECK FOR OPERATION / DAMAGE Direction Indicators OPERATION / DAMAGE Cab Mounting Doors, Locks SECURITY/DAMAGE Hubs & Wheels Tyres Tyre Condition Body Bumpers Body Work Towing Gear (If Fitted) UNDER VEHICLE SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY COMMENTS SECURITY SECURITY/DAMAGE Fuel Tank, Cap, Fuel Pipes COMMENTS EFFECTIVE REPAIR Wings Exhaust Smoke UNSATISFACTORY OPERATION / DIP Side, Read, Stop Lamps Accident Damage SATISFACTORY EXCESS SECURITY / DAMAGE / LEAKS CRACKS / NUTS / RINGBUTTING SIZE / COR. PAIRING WEAR / DAMAGE / PRESSURE SECURITY / DAMAGE / CONDITION SECURITY / DAMAGE RUST SECURITY CHECK FOR WILTSHIRE COUNCIL 6 PHV application form Chassis CRACKS / LOOSE BOLTS OR RIVETS Spring Shackles, Brackets SECURITY / DAMAGE Suspension SECURITY / FAILURE Shock Absorbers Engine Mountings SECURITY / LEAKS SECURITY / FAILURE Pipes & Hoses SECURITY / DAMAGE / LEAKS / CHAFING Battery, Wiring SECURITY / DAMAGE / CHAFING Exhaust System SECURITY / BLOWING Spare Wheel & Carrier Oil Leaks Steering Box & Linkage Chassis, Integral Construction Members SECURITY / DAMAGE EXCESS LEAKAGE SECURITY / DAMAGE / OPERATION RUST Transmission SECURITY / DAMAGE / LOOSE BOLTS Brake Linings WEAR / ADJUSTMENT Brake Drums SECURITY / CRACKS Brake Linkage Brake Wheel Units Stub Axles, Wheel Bearings Ancillary Equipment ROAD TEST & SPEEDO OPERATION Transmission Steering Braking System ADJUSTMENT / LOCKING DEVICES SECURITY / LEAKS DAMAGE / SIGNS OF WEAR SECURITY / DAMAGE CHECK FOR SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY NOISE ALIGNMENT SERVICE BRAKE CONDITION PARKING BRAKE CONDITION SERVICE BRAKE EFFICIENCY PARKING BRAKE EFFICIENCY SERVICE BRAKE BALANCE Engine ACCELERATION VALVES / TAPPETS NOISE / VIBRATION FUEL / CARB / IGNITION MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS WILTSHIRE COUNCIL COMMENTS 7 PHV application form COMMENTS Hackney Carriage Roof Sign YES/NO Plates: INTERIOR YES/NO EXTERIOR YES/NO Fire Extinguisher YES/NO First Aid Box YES/NO Seating Capacity 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 Recorded Mileage Taximeter Fitted YES/NO Meter No. Four Doors YES/NO Four Wheels YES/NO WILTSHIRE COUNCIL 8 PHV application form