CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL INFORMATION Name Kiriakos N. Papageridis Birth Date/Place Home Address Business Address Current Position Telephone E-mail Website September 27, 1987, Ptolemaida, Greece A΄ Tomeas 78A, GR-50200 Ptolemaida Department of Environmental and Pollution Control Engineering, School of Technological Applications, Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia (TEI WM), Koila, Kozani, 50100, Greece PhD Candidate 24610 68296, 6976694524, EDUCATION Qualification Dates PhD Dissertation Academic Advisor Organization PhD Candidate 2016-present «Catalyst Development for Green Diesel Production» Assistant Prof. Bourikas Kyriakos School of Science and Technology, Hellenic Open University (HOU), Greece Qualification Dates M.Sc. Dissertation M.Sc. in Catalysis and Environmental Protection 2012-2015 Development of Novel Catalytic Systems for Hydrogen Production via the Steam Reforming of Glycerol Prof. Maria A. Goula School of Science and Technology, Hellenic Open University (HOU), Greece Academic Advisor Organization Qualification Dates M.Sc. Dissertation Academic Advisor Organization Diploma in Pollution Control Technologies (PCT) 2005-2010 Software Development for the Design of Control Equipment for Gaseous Pollutants Prof. Maria A. Goula Department of Environmental and Pollution Control Engineering, School of Technological Applications, Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia (TEI WM), Greece WORK EXPERIENCE Project Title Dates Organization Application and Evaluation of Different Composting Materials to Restored Lands in the Western Macedonian Basin 2015-16 Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia (TEI WM), Greece Project Title Dates Organization Project Title Dates Organization Project Title Dates Organization Project Title Comparative Assessment of the Methane Steam Reforming Reaction Using Industrial Catalysts and Ni Based on Natural Clays Catalysts 2015 Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia (TEI WM), Greece Open Academic Courses of TEI WM and the University of Ecclesiastical Academy of Thessaloniki 2014-15 Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia (TEI WM), Greece Online Air Discharge Monitoring and Control of Industrial Source Flue Gases 2014 Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia (TEI WM), Greece Dates Organization Development of Low Cost PEM Fuel Cells Based on Novel Low and Non-Pt Electrocatalysts 2013-14 University of Thessaly (UTH), Greece Project Title Dates Organization Editing Manager of Studies and Other Research 2012 Career Services Office, University of Thessaly (UTH), Greece ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE-COURSES TAUGHT Collaborating Faculty Member, Department of Environmental and Pollution Control Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia (TEI WM), 2014present • Measurement Technology I • Measurement Technology II • Air Pollution Control Technologies: Particulate Matter • Air Pollution Control Technologies: Chemical Pollutants RESEARCH INTERESTS • • • • Design and Development of Heterogeneous Catalysts Environmental Catalysis (NOx, SO2, H2S) Development of Novel Environmental Catalytic Technologies for Industrial NOx Control Catalytic Technologies for Hydrogen Production (Steam Reforming of Biogas, Glycerol and Bioethanol) • Air pollution control technologies with emphasis on the development of software packages for modeling in environmental engineering (design of control equipment for particulate and gaseous pollutants) EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES • • • • • • Quantitative analysis (UV, IR spectroscopy) Study of activity and selectivity of solid catalysts (TCD & FID Chromatography) Measurement of surface properties of solid catalysts (active centers, acidity, reducibility & Adsorption of gases and use of thermal conductivity detector - T.C.D.) Determination of particle size distribution (Dry and wet sieving) Quantitative and Qualitave analysis of liquid products via Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectroscopy combination (GC-MS) Quantitative analysis of gaseous products via Mass Spectrometry (MS) PUBLICATIONS IN REFEREED INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS • Charisiou, N.D., Siakavelas, G., Papageridis, K.N., Tzounis, L., Goula, M.A., Comparative study of Ni, Co, Cu supported on γ-alumina catalysts for hydrogen production via the glycerol steam reforming reaction. Fuel Processing Technology (Under Revision) [1] Charisiou, N.D., Siakavelas, G., Papageridis, K.N., Baklavaridis, A., Tzounis, L., Avraam, D.G., Goula, M.A., 2016. Syngas production via the biogas dry reforming reaction over nickel supported on modified with CeO2 and/or La2O3 alumina catalysts. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering (Accepted for publication) [2] Goula, M.A., Charisiou, N.D., Papageridis, K.N., Delimitis, A. Papista, E., Pachatouridou, E., Iliopoulou, E., Marnellos, G.E., Konsolakis, M., Yentekakis, I.V., 2016. A comparative study of the H2-assisted SCR of NO by C3H6 over noble metal (Pt, Pd, Ir)/γ-Al2O3 catalysts. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 4(2), 1629-1641 [3] Goula M.A., Charisiou N.D., Papageridis K.N., Delimitis A., Pachatouridou E., Iliopoulou E.F., 2015. Nickel on alumina catalysts for the production of hydrogen rich mixtures via the biogas reforming reaction: Influence of the synthesis method. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40(30), 9183-9200 [4] Goula M.A., Bereketidou O.A., Papageridis K.N., Charisiou N.D., 2014. Influence of the preparation procedure parameters on the performance of Ni/γ-alumina catalysts for the biogas reforming reaction, 20th World Hydrogen Energy Conference WHEC2014. Gwangju Metropolitan City, South Korea, June 15-20, 2014 [5] Vinci A., Chiodo V., Papageridis K., Cavallaro S., Freni S., Tsiakaras P. and Bart J.C.J., 2013. Ethanol steam reforming in a two – step process. Short – time feasibility test. Journal of Energy & Fuels, 27(3), 1570-1575 PUBLICATIONS IN REFEREED PROCEEDINGS (ARTICLES) • • INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Goula M.A., Siakavelas G., Papageridis K.N., Charisiou N.D., Kousi K., Kondarides D., “Hydrogen production via the glycerol steam reforming reaction over Ni/ZrO2 and Ni/SiO2-ZrO2 catalysts”, WHEC2016 (21st World Hydrogen Energy Conference), Saragosza, Spain, June 13-16, 2016 Goula M.A., Siakavelas G., Papageridis K.N., Charisiou N.D., Panagiotopoulou P., Yentekakis I.V., “Syngas production via the biogas dry reforming reaction over Ni supported on zirconia modified with CeO2 or La2O3 catalysts”, WHEC2016 (21st World Hydrogen Energy Conference), Saragosza, Spain, June 13-16, 2016 [1] Charisiou N.D., Siakavelas G., Papageridis K.N., Goula M.A., “Hydrogen via the glycerol steam reforming reaction: Influence of the synthesis method for Ni/ Al2O3 catalysts”, 6th Hydrogen Power Theoretical and Engineering Solutions International Symposium – HYPOTHESIS2015, Toledo, Spain, September 6-9, 2015 [2] Charisiou N.D., Siakavelas G., Papageridis K.N., Goula M.A., “Catalytic Performance of nickel supported on modified with CeO2 and/or La2O3 alumina for the biogas reforming reaction”, 6th Hydrogen Power Theoretical and Engineering Solutions International Symposium - HYPOTHESIS2015, Toledo, Spain, September 6-9, 2015 [3] Siakavelas G., Papageridis K.N., Charisiou N.D., Baklavaridis A., Charalampides G. and Goula M.A., “Biogas valorization for syngas production via reforming reaction using nickel on modified alumina catalysts”, 14th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology – CEST2015, Rhodes, Greece, September 35, 2015 [4] Papageridis K.N., Siakavelas G., Charisiou N.D. and Goula M.A., “Hydrogen production through glycerol stream reforming using transition metals on alumina catalysts”, 14th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology – CEST2015, Rhodes, Greece, September 3-5, 2015 [5] Papageridis K.N., Siakavelas G., Charisiou N.D. and Goula M.A., “Effect of the active metal supported on SiO2 to the selective hydrogen production on the glycerol steam reforming reaction”, 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management - TINOS2015, Tinos Island, Cyclades – Greece, July 2-4, 2015 [6] Charisiou N.D., Siakavelas G., Papageridis K.N., Goula M.A., “Effect of La2O3 addition on Ni/Al2O3 catalysts to produce H2 from glycerol”, International Conference on Industrial Waste and Wastewater Treatment and Valorization IWWATV, Athens, Greece, May 21-23, 2015 [7] Charisiou N.D., Argiropoulos N., Papageridis K. and Goula M.A., “Comparison of different collection efficiency models for Venturi scrubbers using a general software”, 11th International Conference on the Protection and Restoration of the Environment - PRE-XI, Thessaloniki, Greece, July 3-6, 2012 [8] Charisiou N.D., Papageridis K. and Goula M.A., “Software development package for modelling in environmental engineering: Control equipment for gaseous pollutants”, 11th International Conference on the Protection and Restoration of the Environment - PRE-XI, Thessaloniki, Greece, July 3-6, 2012 PUBLICATIONS IN REFEREED PROCEEDINGS (ABSTRACTS) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE [1] Goula M.A., Charisiou N.D., Papageridis K.N., Pachatouridou E., Iliopoulou E.F., “Enhanced catalytic performance of iridium catalysts for the SCR reaction of NO using mixtures of C3H6 and H2”, International Conference on Applied Mineralogy & Advanced Materials - AMAM2015, Castellaneta Marina, Taranto, Italy, June 7-12, 2015 [2] Goula M.A., Papageridis K.N., Charisiou N.D., Pachatouridou E., Iliopoulou E.F., “Hydrogen production via biogas reforming over nickel – alumina catalysts. Effect of catalysts’ synthesis method”, 8th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis - ICEC2014, Asheville, North Carolina, United States, August 24 – 27, 2014 [3] Vinci A., Brouzgou A., Papageridis K., Tzorbatzoglou F., Cavallaro S. and Tsiakaras P., “Low temperature production of hydrogen through ethanol catalytic decomposition over commercial copper chromite”, Advances in Catalysis for Biomass Valorization - CAT4BIO2012, Thessaloniki, Greece, July 8 – 11, 2012 PUBLICATIONS IN REFEREED PROCEEDINGS (ARTICLES- In Greek) NATIONAL CONFERENCE [1] Papageridis K., Siakavelas G., Baklavaridis A., Charisiou N.D., Goula M.A., “Hydrogen production via glycerol steam reforming using Ni supported on Al2O3 and CeO2- Al2O3 catalysts”, 10th Panellenic Conference on Chemical Engineering, Patras, Greece, June 4-6, 2015 [2] Siakavelas G., Papageridis K., Charisiou N.D., Baklavaridis A., Charalampides G., Goula M.A., “Influence of nickel catalysts' supporting material on the biogas reforming reaction”, 10th Panellenic Conference on Chemical Engineering, Patras, Greece, June 4-6, 2015 [3] Goula M.A., Charisiou N.D., Papageridis K., Pachatouridou E., Iliopoulou E, “Influence of the support's nature on the performance of the Pt, Ir, Pd catalysts for the NO SCR with propylene (C3H6) reaction", 13th Panellenic Symposium Catalysis, Agios Athanasios Pellas, Greece, October 16-18, 2014 [4] Charisiou N.D., Papageridis K.N., Goula M.A., “Glycerol steam reforming reaction over Ni supported on γ-alumina catalysts: Effect of active phase's loading and catalysts' synthesis method”, 13th Panellenic Symposium Catalysis, Agios Athanasios Pellas, Greece, October 16-18, 2014 [5] Siakavelas G., Papageridis K.N., Charisiou N.D., Goula M.A., “Syngas production from the biogas reforming reaction on Ni/Al2O3 promoted with CeO2 catalysts: Effect of reduction temperature”, 13th Panellenic Symposium Catalysis, Agios Athanasios Pellas, Greece, October 16-18, 2014 [6] Tzorbatzoglou F., Brouzgou A., Papageridis K., Seretis A. and Tsiakaras P., “Electrocatalysts for Fuel Cells with Hydrogen Feed: Current Status, Challenges and Prospects”, 1st Environmental Conference of Thessaly, Skiathos, Greece, September 8 – 10, 2012 OTHER PUBLICATIONS [1] Goula, M.A., Siakavelas, G., Papageridis, K., “Comparative assessment of the methane steam reforming reaction using industrial catalysts and Ni based on natural clays catalysts” (2015), Technical Report, Industrial Contract, Kozani, Greece – in Greek. [2] Goula, M.A., Papageridis, K., “Online air discharge monitoring and control of industrial source flue gases” (2014), Technical Report, TEIWM, Kozani, Greece – in Greek.