Form G Commonwealth of Australia Competition and Consumer Act 2010 — subsection 93 (1) NOTIFICATION OF EXCLUSIVE DEALING To the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission: Notice is hereby given, in accordance with subsection 93 (1) of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, of particulars of conduct or of proposed conduct of a kind referred to subsections 47 (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8) or (9) of that Act in which the person giving notice engages or proposes to engage. PLEASE FOLLOW DIRECTIONS ON BACK OF THIS FORM (L) N96841 Applicant (a) Name of person giving notice: (Refer to direction 2) ^ (b) (c) 2. Short description of business carried on by that person: (Refer to direction 3) . Address in Australia for service of documents on that person: Notified arrangement (a) Description of the goods or services in relation to the supply or acquisition of which this notice relates: . . Page 1 of 5 (b) Description of the conduct or proposed conduct: (Refer to direction 4) Persons, or classes of persons, aiffected or likely to be affected by the notified conduct (a) Class or classes of persons to which the conduct relates: (Refer to direction 5L^ . \ (b) Number of those persons: (i) At present time: (ii) Estimated within the next year: (Refer to direction 6) (c) Where number of persons stated in item 3 (b) (i) is less than 50, their names and addresses: Page 2 of 5 4. Public benefit claims Arguments in support of notification: (a) (Refer to direction 7) refer (b) Solo^d-eM Facts and evidence relied upon in support of these claims: rrQA, Vo t?uL 5. Market definition Provide a description of the market(s) in which the goods or services described at 2 (a) are supphed or acquired and other affected markets including: significant suppliers and acquirers; substitutes available for the relevant goods or services; any restriction on the supply or acquisition of the relevant goods or services (for example geographic or legal restrictions): (Refer to direction 8) Hi r> \ 6. Public detriments (a) Detriments to the public resulting or likely to result from the notification, in particular the likely effect of the notified conduct on the prices of die goods or services described at 2 (a) above and the prices of goods or services in other affected markets: (b) Facte and evidence relevantto these detriments: 1 o/i/y Page 3 of 5 9 Further information (a) Name, postal address and contact telephone details of the person authorised to provide additional information in relation to this notification: .i/7/.l5 lied by/on behalfrOfAe applicant (Signature) OMr^— » (Full Name) . j (Organisation) fH^ \ <r<: "Vo ' (Position in Or^isation) Page 4 of 5 MasterCard Worldwide Asia/Pacific, Middle East & Africa Level8,100 Arthur Street North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia MasterCard tel +6,294663700 fax+61299593296 WWW. mastercard. comau Worldwide FILE No Doc 27th May, 20 13 MARS/PRIS Shannon O'Brien Managing Director Sydney Harbour Kayaks 81 Parriwi Road/ Spit Bridge MOSman NSW 2088 Dear Shannon LIERCHANT ACRIDlBlvlENT WITH SYDNEYHARBOllRKAYAKS MasterCard Asia/Pacific (Australia) Pty Limited anN 95/08603345 ("Master Card Australia") is pleased to confinn the participation of Sydney Harbour Kayaks ABN 57096831051 ("Merchant") in the MasterCard Priceless Cities Program (the "Program") providing the following benefits to Master Card cardholders (the "Promotion") on the ternis and conditions set out below ("Agreement!L),,_ I. Promotion a) in accordance with this Ageement, the Merchant will offer Master Card cardholders the offers specified in Ninexure I to this letter ("Offers"). a) Merchant will ensure the Offers are in the spirit of MasterCard's 'Priceless' market positioning and are supplied, packaged and delivered in such a way that they clearly offer appreciable benefits and opportunities for members of the Program. 2. Validity of Offers Merchant will ensure the Offers remain available to Master Card cardholders for the period(s) of time specified in fumexure I to this letter. 3. Terms of Promotion a) Each Offer will be available to Master Card cardholders who purchase the Merchant's goods and/or services using a valid Master Card card to redeem the Offer. by The Offers may be coriumunicated to and redeemed by cardholders residing overseas. 4. Merchant's Obligations AUST. COMPETITION & CONSUMER COMMISSION 16,19332-vl\SinDMS\AUSAOM MasterCard Asla/Padflc (Australia) Pty Ltd A8N 95/08603345 I A JUL 20/3 CANBERRA In accordance with this Agreement, the Merchant will: a) Ensure each Offer is fulfilled in accordance with the terms of that Offer' and this Agreement (including, for the avoidance of doubt, in accordance witli the Terms); by Pay allcosts associated with the fulfilment of each Offer, including without limitation the cost of the any merchandise, product, service, discount or othei. expense or activity that is the subject matter. of any part of the Offer; c) Where applicable, ensure it has sufficient stock available to satisfy each Offer If sufficient stock is not available, the Merchant will substitute the product or seivice with a replacement that is of substantially the same value and specification at no cost to Master Card Australia or the cardholder; d) Provide an appi'opriate and commercially reasonable level of customer. service to MasterCard cardholders who participate in the Promotion; e) Provide commercially reasonable efforts to resolve any MasterCard cardholder inquiries or disputes within 3 business days of notice of such inquiiy or dispute. The Merchant acknowledges and agrees that MasterCard Australia will transfer. any cardholde^ inquiries or disputes relating to any Offer offered by tile Merchant pursuant to this Agreement to the Merchant for evaluation, resolution and/or action as appropriate. The Merchant will also jinmediately notify MasterCard Australia of any cardholde^ dispute; f) Provide Master Card Australia with any assistance reasonably requested in relation to preparation of marketing or other materials related to each Offer. -~ - ---^^ --^^^---^- ^ g) Not advertise or promote any Offer unless it has MasterCard Australia's approval in writing to advertise o1' promote the Offer and subject to the Merchant complying with the telms of this Agreement, including the Terms. For the avoidance of doubt, all marketing and promotional activities undertaken by the Merchant in relation to an Offer must be agreed by Master Card Australia on a case-by-case basis prior to any expenditure in relation to such activities being incurred and all final promotional material must be approved by MasterCard Australia in writing prior. to publication; by Not warrant or Top^OSent to any participant in the Program or any other person that Master Card Australia is responsible for filmlfuig any Offer. or is liable to any third party (including meinbel' of the Program) in relation to any Offer; and Not conduct any sweepstakes, lotteiy, lucky draw, competition or any similar promotion in connection with any Offer, unless otheiwise agreed with MasterCal'd AUSti'alia. If the parties agree that either of them will conduct a sweepstakes, lottery, lucky draw, competition or any similar promotion relating to any Offer. , the parties will enter into a separate agreement relating to such promotion. 5. MasterCard Australia's Obligations 1649332-vl\SinDMS\AUSAOM in accordance with this Agi'Gement, MasterCard Australia: a) will promote the Progi'am to MasterCard cardholders as a Master'Card-branded promotion, as it considers appropriate: (i) via the Program; and (it) in any other direct-to-consumer web or social networking sites or any communications channels as dete!mined by Master Card at its sole discretion; and by is entitled to license or pass thi. ough the rights granted under this Agreement to issuing banks to promote one or more of the Offers ("Issuer Promotions") as MasterCal. d deems fit. Issuer Promotions may include, without limitation, promotion of tile Offers in Master'Card cardholder statement mseits issued by the relevant MasterCard card issuer, electronic marketing, or direct mail; and makes no representation or warranty with respect to the scope or extent of any marketing or promotion of the Offers conducted in accordance with this Agi. Gement. 6. Marketing materials In accordance with this Agreement, for. each Offer. : a) the Merchant will provide to Master Card Australia all details and all relevant marketing materials relating to the Offer ("Marketing Materials"), including: (i) electronic, high resolution logo type, art and imageiy in the foi'mat(s) requested by Master Card Australia (including at least EPS and JPEG fonnat); and .^(ii) all applicable offer GOPy, ingluding redemption and-fulfilment instruGtions, promotion codes and legal tel'ms and conditions; b) the Merchant will submit the Mar'keting Materials to Master Card Australia: (i) if the Offe^ will be launched at the commencement of the Program, within 5 days after this Agreement commonccs (unless otheiwise agreed by Master Card Australia); and (ii) for any other Offer, at least 5 weeks prior to the launch date for that Offer or by any earlier date notified to the Merchant as reasonably requested by Master Card AUSti'an a; and MasterCal'd Australia will submit creatives incorporating some or all of the Mall<sting Materials to the Merchant for review and approval. The Merchant must review and approve the creatives within 3 business days of receipt from MasterCal'd Australia (unless otheiwise ageed by MasterCard Australia). If the Merchant makes no objection within 3 business days, Master'Card Australia will be deemed to have approval. 7. ^xclusivity The Promotion offered pursuant to this Agreement must be either unique to MasterCard cardholders or, if not unique, the Promotion must not be lower in valuc compared to any other offer made to consumers, 16,19332-vl\SYDDMS\AUSAOM 8. Reporting a) For each Offer, the Merchant will provide to Master Card Australia written reports on a monthly basis containing details to enable MasterCard to assess the success of the Promotion, including: co details relating to conversion of the Offer'; (ii) the number of sales (including the value and volume of sales) relating to the Offer, ; and (in) the increase in MasterCard-branded card activity during the poliod of the Offer. Each report is due on the 15th day of the month. The first repoit is due in the month innnediately following the month in which the Offer is launched. c) From time to time, the Merchant will supply to MasterCard Australia other. reports relating to each Offer to support the success of the Promotion as reasonably requested by MasterCard. d) For the avoidance of doubt, the Merchant will only provide de-identified and statistical information in its reports. It will not, and will not be requii. ed to, provide any personal information about cardholders. 9. Merchant contact details The contact details for' the Merchant's primaly and secondary contacts are: Primary contact Secondary contact Name: Shannon 0'Brien Name:-SarahSherwood Telephone N0: 0299694590 Telephone N0: 0299694590 Email address: Email address: shannon@sydneyharbourkayaks. coin. au info@sydneyharbourkayaks. coin. au The tenns in minexure I and schedules A and B attached to this letter (together, 'Terms") are incorporated by reference and made a part of this Agreement and will have the same force and effect as ifit were set out heroin. in the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of the Tenns and the provisions of this letter, the provisions of this letter will prevail. 1649332-vl\SYDDMS\AUSAOM Thank you for your support. Kindly indicate Sydney Harbour Kayaks acceptance of this Agreement by signing below. Yours sincerely, Signed on behalf of Accepted on behalf of MasterCard Asia/Pacific (Australia) Pty Ltd Sydney Harbour Kayalrs ^-~~ ^^ I\\,,* ,, 7-<~ Name: 6 Wrt'/ IP ,^',<0. ^; t, ^< Designati n:blU ^1,101\I 11:1='SIbj^"1.17 Name: hats^ 6 JU 0013 1405TKi^LAS. ,^ Date: 30 May 2013 1649332-vl\SYDDMS\AUSAOM Shannon O'Br'eru Designation: Managing Director Schedule A Definitions (a) "Card" shall include, without limitation, any bank card, credit card, charge card, travel and entertainment card, coriumercial card, debit card, ATM card, prepaid card, sinait card, storedvalue card, co-branded card, viitual card or any other payment card, mechanism or device and any account or financial payment systems functionality or features associated witli same. (b) "Competitor" means any person or entity that, directly or indirectly, engages in the issuance, marketing, promotion o1. publicity of any payment system, card or device other' than a MasterCard payment system, card or device, and the parent, subsidiary and all affiliates of any such person or entity including, but not limited to, American Express, Carte Blanche, Discover Card, Paypal, Billpoint, Bill Me Later, interac, JCB, Visa, Travelex and EFTPOS. (0) "MasterCard", when used as a noun, means MasterCard Australia and its affiliated entities and, when used adjectivalIy, refers to the MasterCard@ brand. (d) "MasterCard Group" means MasterCard Australia and its affiliated entities. (6) "MasterCard Card" means a Card bearing the name, logotype, hologi. am, service mai. ks, trademarks or devices of MasterCard (including, without limitation, those 1.81ating to Maestro, Cirrus and Mondex) and providing the functionality associated with same. (f) ''Related Bodies Corporate" has the meaning given to it in section 50 of the Gol:poi, @!ions A, t 2001 (Cth). 1649332-vl\SYDDMS\AUSAOM Schedule B Terms of Participation The terms of palticipation ("Terms") set out below govern the participation in, implementation of and related administrative matters pertaining to, the Program between MasterCard Australia and the Merchant. I. Duties and Obligations of MasterCard Australia MasterCard Australia shall supply all information and supporting documentation which is reasonably required by the Merchant. MasterCard Australia shall determine at its sole discretion any marketing activities relating to tlie Program to be carried out by Master Card Australia, including communication of the Promotion to issuer banks, provided MasterCard Australia shall solely bear such marketing expenses including the costs of communicating the terms of the Promotion to its issuer banks. Costs and expenses incurred by issuer banks in more prominence than MasterCard and/or MasterCard branded products. (g) The Merchant will not enter into any anangements or ageements similar in narurc to this Agrccmcnt or the transactions contemplated under this Agieement with any other payment system organisation during the term of this Ageement. (h) The Merchant will ensure that the terms and conditions of the Promotion and references to the MasterCard cardholders will be borne by such issuer terms and conditions of the Promotion in any promotional materials will contain the following disclaimer "The products and services purchased to enter this Promotion are provided solely by the banks. Merchant, under such tenns and conditions as 2. Duties and Obligations of Merel, ant deterTwined by such Merchant, and MasterCard accepts no liability whatsoeve^ in connection with such products and services. " connection with the communication of offers to (a) ' The Merchant shall not endorse or pennit any direct references in connection with the Promotion, or in any marketing matcrials, advertisements, commercials or press releases, websites and other communications channels pertaining to the Promotion, to any payment system organisation other than MasterCard for the duration of the Promotion. (b) The Merchant shall not offer the Promotion to cardholders of any Cards other than MasterCard Cards. (c) Thc MCI'chant must obtain MasterCard Australia's consent in writing prior to making any references to MasterCard in any of its advertisements and other marketing matcrials relating to the Promotion. (d) The Merchant will ensure all appropriate sales and customer service personnel at each Merchant Outlet (where applicable) are trained in procedures to comply with thc Mcrchants obligations under this Agreement. The Merchant undertakes to procure that all such personnel will abide by and be bound by the terms of this Agreement as if they were the Merchant. (6) The Merchant shall ensure that all appropriate sales and customer service personnel at each Merchant Outlet (where applicable) are familiar with the terms of the Promotion and the offer. to be made to MasterCard cardholders. ^ The Merchant shall ensure that branding and any point-Of-Sale (POS) merchant collaterals relating to other payment system organisations and/or nonMaster Card branded payment products shall not be displayed by the Merchant in a manner giving them co The Merchant must maintain insurance, at its own expense, to cover any and all potential losses and liabilities whicli may arise from the operations carried on under this Agreement including, without limitation, from claims of any nature made by any person for damage to property or personal injury or death. The Merchant will provide evidence of such insurance if requested by MasterCard. O) It shall be the responsibility of the-Merchant to obtain all necessary permits, approvals and/or licences and any other required approvals from the respective government/statutory authorities or third parties for the smooth conduct of the Promotion and the performance of its obligations under this Agreement. Without limiting the foregoing, the Merchant shall be responsible for filing any third line forcing notifications to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission for any Offers that are offer'ed by the Merchant, or its agent, exclusively to MasterCard cardholders. 3. Confidentiality and privacy (a) MasterCard Australia and the Merchant agrce that the tenns of this Agreement including without limitation any amount payable by MasterCard Australia to Merchant are confidential and shall not be disclosed to any third party other than as mutually agreed by the parties in writing. This clause shall survive the termination or expiry of this Agreement. (b) To the extent Merchant collects or uses personal information about an identifiable individual ("Personal Information") from or in relation to a MasterCard cardholder or from or on behalf of MasterCard Australia, it must collect and handle this information in accordance with MasterCard's 1649332-vl\SVDDMS\AUSAOM Privacy Policy (as amended from time to time), any directions of MasterCard, and any applicable privacy legislation. The MeIchant must immediately inform Master Card of (i) any complaint it receives in relation to the handling of such Personal Information; and (i) any breach or potential breach of the Merchants privacy obligations in this Agreement, and will coopemte with MasterCard and comply with Master Card's directions in relation to responding to and managing any such complaint, breach or potential brcach. 4. Term of Agreement Maestro, Mondex or Cirrus as provided to Merchant by Master Card Australia. Except where otherwise provided in this Agreement, the Merchant shall not use the name "MasterCard", "Master" or any other trade name, trade mark, service mark, logo, symbol or other intellectual properly of Master Card witliout the prior approval of MasterCard Australia in writing. All intellectual property of MasterCard in the possession of the Merchant shall be either destroyed or returned (if requested by MasterCard) promptly after expiration or earlier termination of the Promotion. Subject to the limited use rights granted to the Merchant in respect of MasterCard's trade marks under this Agreement, all powers that would be conferred on authorised users by section 26 of the Australian 71. @de A10, .kg Zel 1995 are Unless the Ageement is terminated earlier in accordance with clause 8, this Agreement shall be effective from the date of execution of this Agreement, and shall rcmain in force for a period of 12 months ("nitial Term"). After the Initial Term the Agreement will automatically renew for a further 12 months unless either party gives notice to the other of its intention to teaminate the Agreement 30 days prior to the end of themitialTerm. 5. Trademarl, s and Copyright Information (a) For the purpose of this Clause 5(a) "Promotion Marks" shall mean the logos, marks and designs of the Merchant applicable to the Promotion. The Merchant hereby grants, or shall procure the grant, to MasterCard of the right and licence to use on a royalty frce basis the Promotion Marks (including but not limited to the use of the Promotion Marks for activities, promotions, marketing or other events conducted, organiscd or promoted by MasterCard or in which MasterCard participates) furnished to Master Card by the Merchant in relation to the Promotion for the duration of this Agreement in accordance with the terms or this Agreement. expressly excluded. (d) All trade marks, photographs, transparencies and similar production material relating to the Promotion produced by Master Card hereunder shall be the exclusive property of Master Card apart from the intellectual property of the Merchant. All intellectual property of the Merchant including without limitation the logo, trade marks and tradenames and their reproductions shall be the exclusive property of the Merchant and shall be, either destroyed or Tclumcd (if requested by Merchant) promptly after expiration or earlier termination of the Promotion. 6. Legal Riglits (a) Master Card Australia and the Merchant warrant and represent that they have the right and authority to enter into this Agreement and their performance of their obligations under this Agreement shall not conflict with the rights granted to any party under any other agreement. (b) Subject to the indemnity provided by Master Card (b) The Merchant further hereby grants, and shall procure the grant, to each MasterCard issuer bank the right and licence to use on a royalty free basis the Promotion Marks (including but not limited to the use of the Promotion Marks for activities, promotions, marketing or other events conducted, organised or promoted by the relevant issuer bank or in which the relevant issuer bank participates) furnished to MasterCard by the Merchant in relation to the Promotion for the duration of this Agreement in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. For thc purposc of this clause, the parties agree that MasterCard Australia shall store the Promotion Marks furnished by the Merchant in an image library within a secured website that is accessible by merchants or issuer banks, as applicable, via a secured password. Australia for IP Claims under clause 9 of this Agreement, Merchant is responsible for compliance of the Promotion, including without linttation all advertising and promotional materials, with all applicable laws including without limitation providing any notifications required to regulatory authoritics. (0) Each party will conduct all activities and perform all its obligations under this Agrccmcnt in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. (d) This Agreement will be governed by the laws of New South Wales, Australia and the parties agree to submit to the nori-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales. 7. Responsibility (c) Subject to the prior written approval of Master Card and for the purpose of the Promotion only, Merchant shall be granted the right and licence to use on a royalty free basis the trade names, trade marks, service marks, logos, symbols and other intellectual property of MasterCard, including without limitation 1649332-vl\SYDDMS\AUSAOM It is hereby agreed and acknowledged by the parties that: (a) neither MasterCard Australia nor any, member of the Master Card Group assume any responsibility for the products or services purchased by cardholders to enter into the Promotion. The products and services are sold or licensed or provided solely by the Merchant, its affiliates, agents or sub-contractors under such terms and conditions as determined by such vendors, and no member of the Master Card Group accepts any liability whatsoever in connection with the products and services; and B. the In doinnified Party provides such information, assistance and co- operation as the Indemnifying Party may request from time to time in relation to the IP Claim; C. The Indemnifying Pal'ty will have full and sole discretion to defend, compromise or settle any such IP (b) thc products and services purchased by cardholders to enter the Promotion have not been certified by any member of the MasterCard Group or tested for certification purposes by any member of the Master Card Group and under no circumstances shall the inclusion of any product or service in the Promotion be construed as an endorsement or recommendation of such product or service by any member of the MasterCard Group. 8. Termination Either party may terminate the Agreement at any time by written notice to the other party with immediate effect from that or any later date that the notifying party may nominate in the event that . (a) the other party has breached any material term of this Agreement and has not remedied such breach within 14 days after written notice from the notifying party specifying the breach; or (b) the other party is unable to pay any of its debts as they fall due, commences negotiations with its creditors with a view to an adjusiment of its debts or any step is taken or proceedings commenced for its winding up, liquidation, rcccivership, administration or protection or relief nom creditors or any distress or execution on its property. Termination in accordance with this clause 8 shall be without prejudice to the parties' accrued rights and liabilities arising under the Agreement, including for reac . 9. Indemnity and Limitation of Liability (a) Indemnification Claim on such terms as the Indemnifying Party thinks fit (and the Indemnified Party must not defend, compromise or settle any claim on th* Indemnifyi"g Party's behalf without the Indemnifying Panty's written consent); and D. The hadeiriintying Party will have no liability to indemnify or defend any IP Claim if the Indcmnificd Party modifies the intellectual property of the Indemnifying Party. If an IP Claim is made against the hidernnified Party, the Indemnifying Party will (at the Indemnify ing Party's sole option) endeavour to: A. obtain for the Indelnnified Party the right to continue to use the leievant intellectual property of the Indemnifying Party; or B. replace or modify the relevant intellectual property of the Indemnifying Party to make it noriinfringing; or C. if neither A nor B is possible, either party .may terminate this Agreement on written noti6e~t6~the other party. ) Clauses 9(a)(i) and (ii) state the entire liability of the Indemnifying Party and the solo and cxclusivc rcmcdics of the Indemnified tlie party against co Each party ("Indemnifying Party") agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the other party and, where the Merchant is the Indemnifying Party, ) Merchant agrees to defend, indemnify and MasterCard AUStraluls Related Bodies hold MasterCard Australia, its directors, Corporate and MasterCard issuer banks ('Tndemnified Party") harmless from and against any damages awarded against the In denmified Party and any liability under any settlement of any claim negotiated in accordancc with this clause (including reasonable legal fees and expenses) as a result of any claims ("IP Claims") by third parties that the use by the In delnnificd Party of any intellectual property of the Indemnifying Party in accordance with this Agreement infringes any intellectual property rights of those third parties, provided that: A. the hidernnthed Party promptly notifies the Indemnifying Party in writing after the In delnnified Party first learns of the IP Claim; 1649332-vl\SVDDMS\AUSAOM Indemnifying Party for IP Claims. officers, employees, agents and MasterCard issuer banks harmless from and against any and all liabilities, claims, suits, damages, judgments, costs and expenses (including reasonable legal fees and expenses) arising out o^ or in connection with: A. Merchant's breach of this Ageement; B. any act or omission of the Merchant which leads in any way to damage to MasterCard's brand image and/or reputation; and C. the activities of the Merchant relating to this Agreement or the Promotion, including, without limitation, any claims rclating to Merchant's fulfillment of (or failure , to fulfill) any order or the quality, legitimacy, or legality of any Promotion, product or service, any product liability claim, and any cardholder dispute concerning any matter, cause or thing relating to this Agreement or the Promotion(s). (b) Liability Limitation Other than in respect of the obligations in clause 3 and the indemnities in clauses 9(a)(i), 9(a)(iv)(B) and 9(a)(iv)(C), to the extent permitted by law, in no event will either party to this Agreement be liable to the other party for incidental, consequential, punitive, special or remote damages, or for any loss of profit, loss of business or loss of business opportunity, regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, statutory warranty, tort (including negligence), unjust. enrichment, under an indemnity or otherwise, even if foreseeable and/or advised in advance of the possibility of such damages. Subject to each party's indemnification obligations dcscribcd above, in no event will either party be liable to the other party for acts or omissions of third parties (other than its officers, employccs, contractors or agcnts) including, but not limited to, MasterCard issuer balks. (c) This clause 9 shall survive the termination or expiry of this Agreement 10. Miscellaneous (a) Should any clause of this Agreement be found to be invalid or unenforceable it shall not affect the other clauses~of this'Agreement and^rich^Iause~(or~part thereof) shall be deemed severed from this Agreement and the other clauses hereof shall remain in full force and effect as if this Agreement had been executed without the offending clause appearing. 1649332-vl\SinDMS\AUSAOM (by The Merchant shall be liable for all taxes which might be payable in respect of the payments by MasterCard Australia under this Agreement. (c) The Merchant shall not assign, transfer or charge or purport to assign, transfer or charge this Agreement or any of its rights or obligations thereunder or any part thereof without the prior express written consent of MasterCard Australia. MasterCard Australia may assign its rights or obligations under this Agreement or any part thereof to any of its affiliates or Related Bodies Corporate (the consent of the Merchant to such transfer being hereby irrevocably given). (d) No amendment to this Agreement, for whatever reason, shall be of any force or effect, 11nless it is reduced to writing with reference to this Agreement and signed by a duly authorised officer or representative of each of the parties. (e) Nl notices required or authorised by this Agreement are to be in writing in the English language and are to be delivered by either party to the other by hand or by registei'ed post to such address as the parties may inform each other from time to time in accordance with this section. Notices delivered by hand will be deemed given upon hand delivery. Notices delivered by registered post will be deemed given on the fifth working day after' the envelope containing the same was posted. (f) Nothing in this Agrccmcnt shall constitute or to deemed to constitute a partnership between the parties or render the other the agent of the other for any purpose whatsocvcr. NGithcr party shall have anIhorliy~o1 power to~bind the other 10 contract or create a liability against the other in any way. (g) This Agreement constitutes the entire ageement of the parties and supersedes in all respects any and all prior oral or written agreements or understandings pertaining to the subject matter hereof. Annexure I Offers Offer I oner pv I ssi nDat lady in in) 06/05/20 3 Merch IP rtn rN me S d eyH rbou C to Iv ype S ort T' r yP 3-All MasterCar Ca holde s a aks ^. q. , ^ Of Leng^tes and Times t a p aronthe*site ar Date Idd/mm/ivyy) 2 106120L3 Time inn;@,,'Pin' I00 AM Tkylsd r fer t w e the ffer sbe p t d stp, ea esslf he f I on at rede Offe o in at da e efe 3'to w n off site 301 61^014 I. '30 P t eo erlf e d no thesie) e rom Offer O Ti dateiefeat h the offer 25/06 201.3 cabeirs emed uc ed, ok o ear ' co a co onste e etor ed e ble r e opr pro tt o rn un c .I ths I s a etheo e will ap earons e . ,., aC ING N ^ Me .=, ere n me ,. . Sydney Harbour Kayaks Me^ hant. on tagt name V ulp^tlon a e Address dd ss2 @it 81. Parriwi Road Smiths Boat Shed The Spit Bridge MOSman Sa NSW POS c de 2088 tele one numbe 0299604389 Fin^or address info@sydneyharbourkayaks. coin. au 1649332-vl\SinDMS\AUSAOM http://WWW. sydneyharbourkayaks. coin. au/ We site URL S Q^'pr Ti to tor objle a de ktop site Charaeteisllmlt <36 cha acters S D cipti (f ino Leandd s t site) Characte!\!jin1 - <70 characters Latit de( objl ite) ,I'.: I. I . , I . objle si e ,,! I '!, a! e rog 'tio C cte in t-<20ch a ter (Upgrade o pith to Dr kPe S Ie, If ces etc. .. etajle Descrtptio MERG AN OVER IEW - e erence o Iy 16epe c Information o11 coinpa VIProd c ohelpMasterCardcra c pyfo o r offer I) Tell us about your brand/product 2)~Flow did your brand^^t start^d Sydney Harbour Kayaks has been renting & selling kayaks, teaching kayaking and guiding tours around Middle Harbour from the Spit Bridge since 1991. . Their backyard is the beautiful Middle Harbour and lessons are their speciality teaching from beginners through to Professional level. We take great pride in our kayak rental fleet and kayaking tours and aim to offer the best possible experience. The kayak tours are a lot of fun and offer a wholesome day out on the water, exploring Sydney from a whole new perspective. OFE R DETAIL ISPeclco reltedlnformatlo, pleasel t co $u errleva tpoltsregadlng the fun I) Tell us what you're locally famous for? ,u I- 2) Do You have any unique selling points you can give detail on? 3) What's the experience that consumers have as a part of the offer you've developed? 1649332-VIEYDDMS\AUSAOM a, t^* 4) What is the exclusive/priceless element about this offer? Discover Sydney Harbour from a different perspective - take the family on a day of discovery to the secluded beaches, whilst kayaking and picnicking on the Sydney harbour. Discover Sydney's Middle Harbour with a private 2.5 hour tour with professional guide at an exclusive price just for MasterCard customers. Including delicious morning or afternoon tea and snacks on a secluded beach. The kayaks used are all top end/ light weight composite sea kayaks. *'*-^.,.. . . .,... ,1 . *,.- ""'31. " *, , *- -' .3.1", I^. ,; W TIST^!EEXCLU N ELEMENTTO Asj RC RD? .*& ';\ '. t - ,. .. ',, .. , , ,, .-* ' 16:4 ' -' # *:, ,,;., . .,:'*,',',<,., "3,.-a,IF^* -'\:!$3*-, . -*, -"- - ,- ; I at elem t ab tthe offer Is e clqsjveto M^S erCard rdholde s I Exclusive Price , A ' ; \ * **.,;$*'* .,> t'*=' '*. * ' ' . . ;,.$;>, ' 'ae, -^s -: "' ', ., I *. RIG I!!g!g, de Co of offer/Item aqganyp cha erelated ter s-to be de lied as p c bay ;' " ' - ^:'*: :.,- : a * ;:$;,' $480 for up to 6 people (RRP $594) , .*""' "' " 35?,_ . " :':: -4;. ';^*;:*' . :. t - ' * . - . ,, .., **.' $1*, *. **. " . . .~., EVE T DATE n E I appjicabi^too I A. , ; -- .,.. *;*.,'-*,;, ,,.. .;;.. . Available 7 days a week - contact us to book in advance . .. . . ' " ,. 0, Q , f ' *jig $3!; . ^$1 I .. :,* , _ ..-.., " ' "" ' I L- ';:, ' ' .; - , ~ -;^!. t;a; , -- -. ;:,"\*;, a** * , 13;-, at; -; * 11^,.. . *- . .*.; I' '.' '.;* '. *""$!' .\4 $1 *',,,^. , .',***$\ 't\\;*?$ ' ':- 4. -'-r;. " "' "4: ?" <e".*: a $.. * ;. " **- --. - - I - -.$' , , * '. .' . ., a2* . Offers are_subjectto meLcbaiLt terms and con ' i10 S. . Offer subject to availability. . If paddling with children, please read our paddling with children policy prior to booking htt : WWW. s dne harbourka aks. coin. au rivac - 129^^ . Bad weather policy I. Sydney Harbour 1<ayal<s reserves all lights to cancel or reschedLile the activity in the event of adverse weat heI' conditions or other Lintoreseen circumstances. 2. All participants that bool<ed directly through Sydney Hai'bow' 1<ayal<s will be given a refuncl or a credit in this situation. '..'*. ;.Aq;*., . ,*',' t": *.. + . ,e j. -. ;, t. , *$. I ' .h ', "" IC * I' , , L ,... _ ~ .#,*. .. ,. ..,$ . . + .. ., ,;;;^:**'* a;*;^$;,;.. r . * ,#*..;A1^;$$$. *^,*:..*.' * -.'!\.-; ':t" , .-;'i*-, $:;;.' - ; , .. . a* ',. . ;, ,. ,. * .*,. * ,'*,:a. - ..- * .^i;^* -, .' ';'$^;" . * is$* .*:** , \ .... *... . . .. .. . 4.1f it is raining o11 the day of the tour or I'ental, we will riot necessarily cancel the tom' or rental (we can I)rovide You with a rain jacl<et). 5. ToLirs and rentals can be ti'ansferi'ed to another person or family Inembei'. Cancellation Policy I. All I>articipants need to read and agi'ee to the Indemnity form prioi' to each tour or lesson. 2.1f You would like to transfer o1' postpone Your booking after 5 p. in. on the previous day or on the day of the tour or lesson a $25.00 administration fee will be cliai. ged. 3. No refunds will be given toI' cancellations after 5 pin. on the revious da or on the da of the tour. 1649332-vl\SinDMS\AUSAOM 1st tic io son 61N to Priceless Site R ee ffer . Priceless Offer Detail page I . Click on Call to Action , Sydney Harbour Kayaks . Customer calls Sydney Harbour Kayaks on Call to action . Customer speaks to Sydney Harbour Kayaks representative and mentions Priceless Sydney offer . Customer books their private tour and pays on MasterCard . Customer arrives at Sydney Harbour Kayaks on their reserved date . Customer enjoys private tour of private beaches and locally known treasures Calt aei Option ( ICO ON or otion PPIlcab e rede pilo o Call 0299604389/ In store d ing detail i. , websl e a dress, ' am r, in letc, q de t^ the rest. C^!! To etion @a o Action Descr'pt' arecte jini -<I c araeters co ^ Off rl agefiles , e e age linage (^^00 y 575p I e:O Iy, eg Ired!f fi'erl aHer Den Off *L Offer eta I in I ge category ro g ipbyO Jet nZb t (Note, y o ton plea ens re I thes e OS Thunibnoijimo e Ii in g 29PX ^X 160px) UV Ie: I a eu s in jino e rowdedf o er deco") M^rcha t ogo ' ( a 75p In width, ge e 811t v table) Se reb Keywo ds FD site sea ch'f nct'on ally, please a hiso e with a . 5reeva t ke lito ds) 1649332-vl\SYDDMS\AUSAOM .a ^ O ffe r 2 oner Overview S^bini^sion a dd/mm/ ) r h n IP rtnerName O 10 12003 yd ey b rK y ks Sport ye 3. A1 T er Type to Card Car o ders a. . *., ^ . Otter at san Ti us ate ,,,, Iy"" ertoapp on{ e t 25 08 203.3 I e ip@,@@:p ) I .00 AM Thi date of rsto heritheoff r artsblng o oed nste e^$r, s155 the of e I riotyet de in able) Off to come down o ite (JIS e ej o h theoffelf off e ite t e fferOIIS I from 2 1061 I ate of rs owh "^ 0106 01. s e ee e e arll ^. eo e Urc se 11-61t P the date off rls in ord t t ~ o r ad offer 11 Q. . eabo Ite . <., 00 e chan Name ^ Sydney Harbour Kayaks Merehan. C nt at a Venue/Loca 10n nanag 81 Parriwi Road Adj! es ,!. Add es 2 Smiths Boat Shed rig U. The Spit Bridge i^ Cit MOSman State NSW postcode 2088 tele h eDumber 0299604389 Email addr ss info@sydneyharbourkayaks. coin. au http://WWW. sydneyharbourkayaks. coin. au/ Website URL 1649332-vl\SinDMS\AUSAOM a. I, rig 1.1 . e O er in (o bi an e ktopsit ) eha cter 11 It <36 characters S or es iption (for obile d desktop site ha attoi*limit <70 char c ers L ti de objlesite t, ! , tr, ,:, at 1'1, .:I, ut, :lit *i, 11:1. o1 ,. , illJ V, .,@ ~ Longitu e 11^o Ile site) I. " "'11n v ' F I'* a It. * ., * .,, .;j, j=.. ',, 14";I , .' e " ,' '. ' lama 1811 .I I Va ue propo ' to Ch act rlimit <2 b re ers UpBra e, Co PIl on YDr k re, VI Access e c. ..) De re Decipon MBR@HANT VE V -refe e coony IQ^!$9ri Infor a 10 o ffer Qin any or co I help ter d re copy o yo 3) Tell us about your brand/product 4) How did your brand get started Sydney Harbour Kayaks has been renting & selling kayaks, teaching kayaking and guiding tours around Middle Harbour from the Spit Bridge since 1991. Their backyard is the beautiful Middle Harbour and lessons are their speciality teaching from beginners through to Professional level. We take great pride in our kayak rental fleet and kayaking tours and aim to offer the best possible experience. The kayak tours are a lot of fun and offer a wholesome day out on the water, exploring Sydney from a whole new perspective. O FER D ^ ( pecMc off rel ted In or adon, ease 11st al consume rele ant points regardl the ffer) I) Tell us what you're locally famous for? 2) Do you have any unique selling points You -can give detail on? 3) What's the experience that consumers have as a part of the offer you've developed? 4) What is the exclusive/priceless element about this offer? A family day of exercising the local's favourite way - sea 1649332-vl\SYDDMS\AUSAOM ,., ^ kayaking on the harbour at The Spit, head toward Grotto Point and Middle Head, or adventure into the beautiful Garigal National Park, giving you a taste of the life around one of Sydney's wonderful Iy secret waterways. This is a great day out for groups of friends too. MasterCard Cardholders can Rent a Kayak for 3 Hours and receive a FREE upgrade to a top end Composite Sea kayak & Paddle. You will also receive a complimentary water proof Camera Rental to capture the day W AT Is THE EXCLUSIVE E^EMEN To MAST^ OARD? I I ele ant ab ut the o er I^ exclusi e to Mast IC Jd co dhdd rs?) Complimentary Upgrade - Complimentary waterproof camera rental PRICE .Y 11n Iud cost o offer/Ite and any p chas e ed te s-to be delaled as ptyce ' * :*^,,,.,!- . ,-. . -* . , , . , -'-;' '*^!$.;ti*/^* ' " ,t I. ',44 ;;:: ,4:,*\., $* ..*!\* , .,, 44. ., ,j- mm ..,t;"':^'$"-;'^I--^!*?*L*!'- * 2:4 ;!.".,'.-,* *,#;,, ,,,,,,$^, .., ^.ig^.* ;: ,;$:14!^$* '-; \ -.^^.* '.' \*$ * ':.*!^;;@*:,..,-,, t 0.0 . 41*'3 ' " "' .\, \ L ,' .\ .'a* ,*' "- $6^. ,\-#$;', "f .'.'; ;^,-.:*.*:.. *.. * a - ".. . . ..!r. t$ a. * .^:~~44. :.. *.-.,". - '. ,j. "ratI-,. .., * ... .':;>, , r "'. *.. ". ' ' ' ""' ' " *~*: -*'.-, .1.4. - .,;. .. ...*, , .."*';'' .I L, .'- :. , I...'%.,"--'LO '6; ',.,J . . .L, I ~ ' '";^,,$. aji. .. .,; '.--' :{**;*. ..;* *..' , Is' .. ,.,.. ,..,. ***'j* ,-..-'$;:*$;4$ . -.-.~.... . ' $50.00 for I kayak or $88.00 for L double kayak (upgrade RRP $19) VENT D TE & IME cyan 11 baton er) 7 days a week - customer must contact us to book . ,, .., pe perso I ' ' ... ,"' * -. :to -* .. I. :L:",= <:1^,:1- - ' ,^' I. ;- t. * '. I-*#. ' I. -;. "' I ' '**' ..:..,, -" .' ', ' htt : WWW. s dne harbourka aks. coin. au rivac - 29!^^ . Offers are subject to merchant terms and conditions. . Offer subject to availability. Bad weather policy I. Sydney Harbour 1< ayal<s reserves all rights to cancel or reschedule the activity in the event of adverse weather conditions or othei' Linfoi'eseen circumstances, 2. All participants titat bool<ed directly through Sydney 1.1ai'bour Kayaks will be given a refund or a credit in this situation. " , '. .., *!!:*' $*.$- f " :*"' *-.*,=^j\* ~ , -* '.. *#,. ^.** . Enter any additional terms and conditions If addlin with children please read our paddling with children policy prior to booking - . . 4.1f it is raining on the day of the tour or rental, we will not necessarily cancel the tour or rental (we can provide you with a rain jacket), 5. Tours ancl rentals can be transferred to another person or fainily member. " ' $9; '\*, it *.$^'. , , , I , -, ' ;$ ^- $'.. . ^. , -*}.' :" '. * . P. *.,,.\ ,,, . t '* .,. *' 1649332-vl\SVDDMS\AUSAOM Cancellation Policy I. All participants Ileed to read anti agree to the Indemnity form prior to each toui' or lesson. 2.1f you would like to transfer or postpone Your booking after 5 p. in. o11 the previous day or on the day of the tour or lesson a $25.00 administration fee will lie cliargecl, 3. No refunds will lie given for cancellations after 5 p. in. on the previous day or on the day of the tour. I st uetions on how to Redee e , ,,;^ 111, I Priceless Site <. 11 I 11' ' q I Sydney Harbour Kayaks . Customer calls Sydney Harbour Kayaks on Call to . Priceless Offer Detail page , 11 ill I 1. ' . Click on Call to Action action . Customer speaks to Sydney Harbour Kayaks representative and mentions Priceless Sydney offer . Customer books their kayaks for the family and pays on MasterCard . Customer arrives at Sydney Harbour Kayaks on their reserved date . Customer enjoys kayaking with the family C " o ctio Opton Call 0299604389I Or go in Store \ ,. At. all o Action Call o ctio De Gript'on Characte Ii it - <4.50 characters co ^ Offer Image files Hero p epage) jig (UDOpx v^7 P I Not : Only re u"ed I offer Is o Hero ,ffe Offe d t^. 11 I a e/ca e ory . er I age (6 0p by 400p ItV e:It!a o toI Ieose 7150 e I is in inbn Windge Toe h nl t e so e OS in aji I ' 132 px y 6 ) ore:Pledseu eso elm g o Ided orO e re @10 e eha t o o' age I x, ^ 5pxin Idth Ilei htv nan!ej, , Search 1649332-vl\SinDMS\AUSAOM co ^ ^ > co = S;: co ^ . ;^ co I' ^ < a ^ C by IAI I\, ^ =; CD 40. FF = PI ^ ~" .^. 431 _ "~ 3< ^ _,. FD. \., inO a onin . o ~ ~.*>< ,aq 10 Notification of Third Line Forcing Arrangements Below is an overview of the process for filing a third line forcing notification. This is provided for guidance only. The merchant is responsible for making its own enquiries about when a notification is required and the process that must be followed to file a notification. What is third line forcing? Third line forcing occurs when a merchant provides a promotional offer exclusively to MasterCard cardholders. A merchant will engage in third line forcing conduct if it . (a) supplies (or offers to supply) goods or services, or (b) supplies (or offers to supply) goods or services at a particular price, or (c) gives a discount (or allowance, rebate or credit) on a supply or proposed supply of goods or services, to a consumer on the condition that the consumer will acquire other specific goods or services directly or indirectly from another person. A merchant will also engage in third line forcing conduct if it refuses to: . (a) supply goods or services, or (b) supply goods or services at a particular price, or (c) give a discount (or allowance, rebate or credit) on the supply of goods or services, to a consumer because the consumer has not acquired or agreed to acquire other specific goods or services directly or indirectly from another person. For example, it is third line forcing if a merchant offers to provide a product/service to a consumer, or give the consumer a discount on a producVservice, only if that consumer has acquired a MasterCard credit or debit card from the cardholder's issuing bank. These kinds of arrangement are a form of 'exclusive dealing' and are illegal in Australia regardless of their effect on competition or their intended purpose. Australian Competition & Consumer Commission ("ACCC") The ACCC is the statutory body responsible for prosecuting people and organisations that breach Australia's competition laws. For a corporation, the maximum penalty which the ACCC can impose for a breach is the higher of $10 million, three times the value of the benefit, or 10 % of annual turnover. Notification The ACCC can grant immunity from legal action for exclusive dealing conduct in certain circumstances. One way to obtain immunity is to notify the details of the proposed arrangement to the ACCC. This must be done by following the ACCC's exclusive dealing notification process. The notification must be lodged by the party engaging in the third line forcing conduct (that is, by the merchant). The ACCC has published guidelines on its exclusive dealing notification procedure (click here). Required form 1608937-v3\SYDDMS\AUSAOM To lodge a notification, the merchant must complete the ACCC's Form G (click here) providing all the required information and send this to the ACCC along with the required lodgement fee. The fee is currently $1 00. The form requires the merchant to provide the following key information: Details of the merchant, including a short description of the business carried on by the merchant; Details of the proposed arrangement, including a description of the goods and services that relate to the arrangement. If a merchant is making more than one promotional offer exclusively to MasterCard cardholders, the merchant must describe each offer; The persons, or classes of persons, affected or likely to be affected by the notified conduct; . The benefit which the merchant claims the proposed arrangement will have to the public; . A description of the market(s) affected by the proposed arrangement; and . A description of any detriment to the public resulting or likely resulting from the notification. Once lodged, the notification will be publicly available. How to lodge Exclusive dealing notifications can be lodged at any ACCC office by mail or in person. However, the ACCC encourages notifications to be lodged at its national office in Canberra, addressed to: The General Manager Adjudication Branch Australian Competition and Consumer Commission GPO Box 3131 Canberra ACT 2601 Notifications can also be lodged by email to adjudication@accc. gov. au or faxed to (02) 6243 I211. The ACCC prefers 10dgment fees for notifications to be paid by cheque. Notifications lodged by email or fax should be accompanied by a covering letter including details of how and when the 10dgment fee will be paid. A notification is not considered valid until the 10dgment fee is received by the ACCC. Clearance The ACCC applies a "net public benefit" test to determine whether to allow immunity from prosecution. Immunity is automatically granted 14 days from the date of lodgement unless the ACCC notifies the merchant otherwise within the I4-day period. This means the merchant must lodge the notification at least ,.^;.^!^y^ prior to engaging in the third line forcing conduct. The immunity afforded by a third line forcing notification will only extend to the conduct described in the notification (and will not extend to any conduct engaged in before immunity was granted). The ACCC may remove the immunity at any time. It will provide notice to the parties and have a pre-decision conference before removing immunity. 1608937-v3\SYDDMS\AUSAOM