Woorkflow of topolo ogy simuulation in n automottive com mmunicatiion fo focused on o frequeency depeendent caable mod delling prrocedures. JJürgen Minutth Esslingen University U of A Applied Sciencces, Göppingeen, Germany e-mail: juerggen.minuth@hs-esslingen.dee Katharinaa Feldhues, Sttephan Frei TU U Dortmund U University, Dorrtmund, Germ many e--mail: kathariina.feldhues@ @tu-dortmund.de ABSTRA ACT The transsmission of auutomotive com mmunication- signals in mass production n is based maiinly on electriical cables used in toopologies whhich do not meeet technical schoolbook requirements perfectly. p Forr evaluating th heir signal quality annd their comm munication ro obustness timee-domain based simulation n tools are esssential. One of o the key elements hereby is an adjustable caable model. U Unfortunately real r cables sh how frequencyy-dependent behaviours b which aree not covered by time-dom main simulationn tools usually y. The paper points p out som me summariziing results of variouus projects which enablee a workflo w beginning g with (noisy y) cable meeasurements going g via approxim mation proceduures up to freq quency and tim me domain qu ualified models. Keyword ds: twisted-pair cable, cablee parameter 1. INTRO ODUCTION Modern ccars use varioous communiication system ms in parallell; each of theem shall be im implemented functional robust annd cost-efficiennt. During thee early developpment phase several s architeecture and toppology variantts compete against eaach other. Suppporting usagee of simulatioon tools is esseential: e.g. forr getting the syystem costs, the t overall weight orr the signal quuality. The pap per is focused on two aspeccts: Behhaviour and modelling of caables as one off the key elem ments influenciing the comm munication properties. Worrk-flow to inteegrate cable-p properties intoo the simulatio on. The succeeeding exampple shows a top pology consissting of five CAN-nodes C communicating among each other. o Figure 1: Top pology simulaation with fivee CAN nodes at a 2 Mbit/sec1, the sim mulation resullts are superpo osed to an eyee chart. perties of the ssignals are deetermined and voted againstt limits: For topollogy evaluatioon several prop Eye chart got by the t superposittion of all bitss of a selected data stream. d slew-rate. Risiing and fallingg edge timingss like propagaation delay and Durration of ringinng. etc. r the availability a off models like transceivers (CAN) or buus-drivers (FlexRay™), A properr simulation requires common mode coils, ESD E protection n elements, feerrite beads, teermination circcuits and last but not least cables: c me-domain A siingle cable-moodel shall guaarantee a practtically perfectt matching bettween measureement and tim simuulation from <<10 < kbit/sec up to >10 Mbbit/sec at leastt. 1 supporteed by “CAN flexible f data rate” 24 April 20014 ICTON 2014 1-7 Workflow: Cable Modelling and Simulation ICTON 2014 The propagation delay of edges shall be covered. The damping shall be covered (steady state and edges’ slew-rate). Reflections and ringing shall be shown. The standard cable-model available in most SPICE-compliant tools offers constant losses (constant for all frequencies). Therefor two main behaviours are covered (simulation and measurement fit): Edges’ propagation delay. The steady state level of “long bits”. Further essential properties are not covered, in other words simulation does not fit with measurement: Ringing amplitudes and ringing duration. Slew rate modifications (when a pulse travels along a cable). The required new extended cable-model has to meet several requirements, so that simulation and measurement match practically perfect from engineer’s point of view. Common mode and differential mode (because twisted pair cables are used). Impedances and delays. Frequency dependent losses (which influence slew-rate, damping etc.). The development of the workflow to get satisfying cable-models was done in two main approaches: a 1st pragmatic approach (less successful) where measured S-parameter were directly used for time domain simulation and a 2nd more successful approach: a generic physical cable-model is parameterized according measurements; a succeeding mathematical approximation enables a time domain simulation. 2. MODELLING OF CABLES 2.1 Measurement and Simulation Results (1st Approach) When thinking about how to enable frequency dependant behaviour to simulation the obvious answer is: “Measure the S-parameter and use them as simulation input”: a vector network analyser with a four-terminal-pair S-parameter measure set-up was used for getting common mode and differential mode S-parameter. Measure • standard measurement configurations • oscilloscope, vector network analyzer • common/differential mode (CM/DM) • time/frequency domain time domain signal shapes 1st measurement 2nd measurement frequency domain S-parameter • frequency domain simulation • reverse Fourier transformation 1600 logarithmic steps 1600 linear steps 1) ∑ 3200 steps time domain signal shapes 1) University Esslingen, Automotive Electronics Lab, Prof. Jürgen Minuth cross check from 9 kHz up to 500 MHz from 9 kHz up to 200 MHz from 9 kHz up to 500 MHz A B C 1) Figure 2: Workflow overview 1st approach “measurement simulation”. A simulation was done for getting the signal shapes for a single 100 ns bit in a 50 Ω environment. The succeeding figure shows the differential mode results only: Measurement and simulation seem to fit perfect in all three cases A, B and C. Unmotivated ringing appears. 100ns 3µs 50Ω V_Start V_End differential mode simulation ≈100 m cable ( S-parameter measurements, reverse Fourier) 15,6V 0V 100Ω 50Ω Figure 3: Measurement and simulation set-up (100 ns and 3 µs bit). 24 April 2014 2-7 Workflow: Cable Modelling and Simulation 1) 9 ICTON 2014 unmotivated “ringing” 8 V_Start_lin/log A S‐parameter log B V_End_lin/log S‐parameter lin 7 V_Start_log S‐parameter lin/log C 6 V_End_log amplitude in V V_Start_lin 5 V_End_lin 4 3 V_End 2 V_Start 1 0 0 200 400 600 ‐1 800 1) time in ns 1000 1200 University Esslingen, Automotive Electronics Lab, Prof. Jürgen Minuth Figure 4: Using S-parameter measurement results in simulation (100 ns bit). The next example checks the behaviour when applying a “long” 3 µs bit. All three cases are far away from acceptable results: Unmotivated ringing appears. Completely faulty signal shapes appear ( linear measure). The steady state symmetry enforced by the set-up is not available. 1) faulty signals ( under-sampling) 15 13 V_Start_lin/log S‐parameter log unmotivated ringing S‐parameter lin V_End_lin/log 11 V_Start_log S‐parameter lin/log C V_Start amplitude in V A B V_End_log 9 V_Start_lin steady state symmetry 7,8V V_End_lin 7 steady state symmetry 5 steady state symmetry error 3 V_End 1 ‐1 0 1 2 3 4 time in µs 5 6 1) 7 8 University Esslingen, Automotive Electronics Lab, Prof. Jürgen Minuth Figure 5: Using S-parameter measurement results in simulation (3 µs bit). The reasons for this deviation are known, their elimination is difficult or impossible: Parasitic components generated by the set-up itself. Poor measurement accuracy especially at low frequencies (phase and attenuation). Under-sampling at low frequencies in the linear case. 24 April 2014 ICTON 2014 3-7 Workflow: Cable Modelling and Simulation ICTON 2014 1 frequency domain S-parameter time domain signal shapes value tables Z, γ e.g. 100Hz - 600MHz Approximations (CM/DM) generic physical model • dielectric losses • skin-effect losses • from …mHz up to …GHz Approximations (CM/DM)1) rational functions • line impedance Z • propagation coefficient e-γℓ 3 polynomial coefficients (various lengths) Z, e-γℓ, edge-speed v0 S-parameter • frequency domain simulation 2) • reverse Fourier transformation time domain signal shapes 1) 2) 2) System topology, stimulus, CAN, FlexRay™ etc. 2) 2 cross check simulation phase Measure • standard measurement configurations • oscilloscope, network analyzer • common/differential mode (CM/DM) • time/frequency domain approximation phase 2.2 Measurement and Simulation Results (2nd Approach) The deviation between simulation and measured signal shapes in the 1st approach is not acceptable2. A modified 2nd approach separated into an approximation phase and a simulation phase is necessary: Approximation phase 1: Measure signal shapes in time domain and S-parameter in frequency domain. 2: Parameterize a generic physical cable-model3 for best matching (simulation measurement). 3: Approximate4 the output of the generic model with broken rational functions for several cable lengths. Simulation phase: A dedicated cable-model5 uses the rational functions for user’s simulation of network architectures or topologies in time domain. The succeeding figure illustrates the complete work-flow (including the cross-check procedures during the development process). time domain signal shapes TU Dortmund, On-board Systems Lab, Prof. Stephan Frei University Esslingen, Automotive Electronics Lab, Prof. Jürgen Minuth Time-Domain Simulation Line Model1) • VHDL-AMS cable, transceiver, bus driver, CMC etc. System evaluation • timings (delays, edges) • eye charts • SI-voting • ringing • etc. Figure 6: Workflow overview 2nd approach “measurement approximation simulation”. When applying the generic physical model to the example according figure 3 practically perfect results are generated (black lines in the succeeding figure): The unmotivated ringing is eliminated. The symmetry error is eliminated. Self-inductive effect due to cable’s inner inductivity appears. Simulation and measurement fits practically perfect (not shown in the figure). 2 Phase and attenuation error especially at low frequencies, parasitics which cannot be eliminated by recalibration. 3 The model allows adjusting the properties of real cables like DC-resistor, capacitive and inductive loads per unit length, frequency dependant skin-effect and last but not least frequency dependant dielectric losses (designed by Prof. Jürgen Minuth, University of Esslingen, Automotive Electronics Lab). 4 designed by TU Dortmund, On-board Systems Lab, Prof. Stephan Frei 5 designed by TU Dortmund, On-board Systems Lab, Prof. Stephan Frei 24 April 2014 4-7 Workflow: Cable Modelling and Simulation ringing eliminated V_Start amplitude in V 1) 1) 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ‐1 0 ICTON 2014 generic model V_Start_lin/log approach 2 V_End_lin/log measured S‐parameter C V_Start_log approach 1 A V_End_log V_Start_lin B V_End_lin V_start_generic model V_end_generic model V_End 100 200 300 400 500 time in ns 600 700 800 900 1000 symmetry error eliminated 15 13 amplitude in V 11 9 V_Start 7 V_End 5 area below 0 correct 3 1 ‐1 0 1) 1 2 3 4 time in µs 5 6 7 8 University Esslingen, Automotive Electronics Lab, Prof. Jürgen Minuth Figure 7: Using S-parameter measurements and approximation results (generic model) in simulation (100 ns and 3 µs bit). 2.2.1 Details to the Approximation Phase Step 3 The generic physical model is able to generate data available from DC up to several GHz. Knowing the simulation sceneries allows to limit the frequency area which shall be covered by the approximation step 3 to e.g. a few Hz up to a few 100 MHz. The approximation tool6 fits rational functions best: INPUT o cable impedance Z as value table o propagation coefficient γ as value table o required lengths ℓ OUTPUT N o polynomial coefficients ak; bk for the cable impedance Zω a jω k k 0 N b jω k 0 o edge-speed k k v0 c k jω M o k polynomial coefficients ck; dk for the propagation coefficient e γ(ω) k 0 M k d k jω k e j ω v0 k 0 o 6 Hints The coefficients ak, bk, ck and dk are real numbers, the polynomial orders M and N are typically between 8 and 12. Cable lengths ℓ can be chosen (length from a few centimetres up to some 10 meters are typical). designed by TU Dortmund, On-board Systems Lab, Prof. Stephan Frei 24 April 2014 ICTON 2014 5-7 Workflow: Cable Modelling and Simulation ICTON 2014 The succeeding example visualizes the approximation quality using a typical automotive twisted pair cable: CABLE o uncoated twisted pair o specified differential mode cable impedance app. 98 Ω o generic physical model available from 0 Hz up to 2 GHz INPUT o cable impedance Z as value table from 100 Hz up to 600 MHz o propagation coefficient γ as value table from 100 Hz up to 600 MHz o length of the cable 10 m OUTPUT (differential mode only here) o polynomial coefficients for the cable impedance (order 11) o polynomial coefficients for the propagation coefficient e-γℓ (order 11) o edge-speed v0 (20 cm/ns) Inside the approximation area the matching between generic physical model and the rational functions is practically perfect (see succeeding figures: lines dotted lines). From automotive communication point of view the model covers the area from DC up to the speed of FlexRay™ (10 Mbit/sec) perfectly. The deviation of the cable impedance for low frequency does not influence the results if using cable lengths available in passenger cars or trucks. impedance in Ω 4000 2) 1) generic physical model 3000 Re{Z} 2000 rational function for time domain simulation Re{Z} 1000 rational function deviation for f 0 generic physical model Im{Z} 2) rational function for time domain simulation Im{Z} 1) 0 frequency in MHz ‐1000 ‐2000 ‐3000 ‐4000 1) TU Dortmund, On-board Systems Lab, Prof. Stephan Frei 2) perfect matching in the definition area 100 Hz … 600 MHz University Esslingen, Automotive Electronics Lab, Prof. Jürgen Minuth Figure 8: Matching cable impedance Z “generic model” “rational function model”. 2) generic physical model Re {exp (‐γℓ)} 2) generic physical model Im {exp (‐γℓ)} 1) 1 1 rational function for time domain simulation Re {exp (‐γℓ)} 1) rational function for time domain simulation Im {exp (‐γℓ)} rational function deviation for f ∞ 0 0,00001 0,0001 0,001 0,01 0,1 0 1 10 100 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 frequency in MHz rational function deviation for f ∞ ‐1 ‐1 1) perfect matching in the definition area 100 Hz … 600 MHz TU Dortmund, On-board Systems Lab, Prof. Stephan Frei 2) University Esslingen, Automotive Electronics Lab, Prof. Jürgen Minuth Figure 9: Matching propagation coefficient e-γℓ “generic model” “rational function model”. length ℓ = 10 m; edge speed v0 = 20 cm/ns 24 April 2014 6-7 Workflow: Cable Modelling and Simulation ICTON 2014 2.3 Simulation in time domain The On-board Systems Lab team7 designed a cable-model (rational function approach) in VHDL-AMS enabling time domain simulation. The matching between measurement and simulation is practically perfect from lowspeed CAN via CAN-FD up to FlexRay™. Topology simulations generate results which meet the accuracy requirements to support system evaluations. Post processes are available e.g. for generating eye charts, measuring slew-rates or ringing durations. 2.4 Application Example Often topologies generate ringing when switching bus-interfaces from a driven state to a high-ohmic state. In case of CAN this corresponds to the change from any dominant bit to any recessive bit; in case of FlexRay™ this corresponds to the change of the EOF-bit to the idle state at the end of each frame. For evaluating the sampling properties it is essential knowing the ringing duration. The succeeding figure illustrates the ringing effect of four different cables in the use-case of a passive star with five nodes. CAN: dominant FlexRay™: EOF TxD = 0 1,2 1) CAN: recessive FlexRay™: idle TxD = 1 1 2 x 0,08mm² 2 x 0,14mm² 2 x 0,35mm² 2 x 0,75mm² 0,8 DC behavior 0,6 0,4 example: sample threshold area voltage in V 0,2 … DC behavior 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 ‐0,2 3000 3500 time in ns ‐0,4 ‐0,6 ‐0,8 ‐1 ≈ 700 ns 1) ≈ 850 ns University Esslingen, Automotive Electronics Lab, Prof. Jürgen Minuth ‐1,2 Figure 10: Effect of frequency dependant losses: ringing in CAN and FlexRay™. The time constant of ringing’s envelop curve is linked strongly with the type of cable, in other words: with their frequency dependant losses. The complete area from DC op to “high frequencies” with reflections is covered. The question of a system designer: “How is the earliest possible sample-point influenced by the cable type?” can be answered. Assuming the blue area shows the threshold variations, we get: “case red/blue: ≈ 700 ns” and “green/brown: ≈ 850 ns”. The example would support a CAN application up to a few 100 kBit/sec. 3. CONCLUSION The presented workflow offers a straight forward approach for of a time-domain simulation of topologies; the cable-models are parameterized based on measurement results. The simulation covers the DC-area up to the speed of FlexRay™ signals; however the new models can be parameterized for being used with much higher baud-rates. The matching between measurement and simulation meets engineer’s accuracy requirements. The achievable simulation speed is high enough to do topology simulations with e.g. 32 nodes where each node may transmit round robin messages. ABBREVIATIONS CM common mode CMC common mode coil DM differential mode EOF end of frame bit, followed by a high ohmic phase on the cables ESD electro static discharge SI-voting a procedure defined in FlexRay™ for estimating the signal quality 7 TU Dortmund University, Prof. Stephan Frei 24 April 2014 ICTON 2014 7-7