Wireless Power for Mobile Devices Eberhard Waffenschmidt Philips Research Europe Eindhoven, The Netherlands eberhard.waffenschmidt@philips.com Abstract— Wireless power transfer allows a convenient, easy to use battery charging of mobile phones and other mobile devices. No hassle with cables and plugs, just place the device on a pad and that’s it. Such a system even has the potential to become a standard charging solution. Where are the limits for such a solution and which are the side conditions to consider? What are the possibilities to realize such a system? To make the whole idea a success, it is definitely necessary to come to widely accepted standard. Therefore, in 2009 the Wireless Power Consortium was founded with meanwhile more than 80 international companies as members. The consortium recently released the first worldwide standard on wireless power for mobile devices of to 5W called “Qi”. The contribution presents details of this standard and the rationale behind. RESONANT OPERATION To investigate an inductive wireless power system, a closer look to the system is necessary. Figure 1 shows a typical arrangement consisting of a transmitter coil and a receiver coil. An AC current in the transmitter coil generates an alternating magnetic field, which induces a voltage in the receiver coil used to power a load. B D2 Receiver coil z Transmitter coil D INTRODUCTION Wireless power transmission based on inductive power got into the focus of attention in the recent past. Since data communication has become wireless, users expect similar use comfort also for powering of their mobile devices. These expectations are fed with large public relation effort by some publications and experiments showing wireless power transmission over several feet. This publication aims in giving a review on considerations about the feasibility and limits of such systems. A major part of this section refers to a previous detailed publication [1] on efficiency limits and cites from a further one [2], but new aspects about resonance operation and magnetic emissions are also added. In a further part of this work, an inductive power transmission pad is presented, which is intended to charge devices like mobile phones. It was presented also before [1] [2]. Finally, the Wireless Power Consortium [3] is presented, which recently released the first industry standard for inductive charging of mobile devices called “Qi” (pronounce “chee”) [4], and which is based on the considerations reviewed in this paper. The related section in this publication presents details about the standard, similar as in [5], from where several citations are taken. Figure 1 Typical arrangement of a wireless inductive power transmission system. Since the early times of inductive power transmission by Nicola Tesla, resonant operation is used to improve power transmission. Resonant power transmission is more than 120 years old ! Figure 2 shows the input current (for a fixed voltage) at the transmitter coil of a typical inductive power system, where the receiver comprises a series resonant capacitor. Two resonances can be observed. 1 Input current with different coupling 0.9 0.7 Input current / a.u. I. II. 0.5 0.1 Series resonance = Max. power k= 0.3 0.01 Parallel resonance = optimal efficiency 0.001 50KHz 100KHz 150KHz 200KHz 250KHz 300KHz Frequency Figure 2 Input impedance spectra for different couplings showing two typical resonances. One has properties of a series resonance. It shifts with the magnetic coupling of the coils. At this resonance frequency the series stray inductivity caused by the weak magnetic coupling is cancelled out by the series capacitor, such that maximum power can be transmitted for a given generator. The coupling factor k determines the amount of magnetic flux penetrating the receiver compared to the whole generated flux. k varies between 0 and 1. For k = 0 the two coils are completely decoupled, while k→1 means very well coupled coils. The coupling factor is determined by the arrangement of the two coils. The other is similar to a parallel resonance. It doesn’t shift with the coupling. At this frequency, the capacitive current in the receiver cancels out most of the inductive magnetizing current in the transmitter. This resonance gives the best power efficiency. For weak coupling these two resonances get close together. But the figure shows that maximum power transmission and optimal efficiency do not match. The ohmic losses in the coils depend on the matching between load resistance RL in the receiver and the coil impedance ZC. An optimum ratio between both can be found as Figure 3 shows. It is calculated for operation in the parallel resonance, which provides optimal efficiency. If the load resistance is too low, a high output current is needed to provide the output power, which causes losses in the receiver. If the load resistance is too high, a high output voltage is needed, which requires a high magnetizing current causing losses in the transmitter. Details see [1]. (1) ωL Q R The quality factor Q depends on the applied frequency 2πf = ω, the inductance value L and the resistance of the coil R. For the whole system, the geometric average of the transmitter’s and the receiver’s coil is relevant. This quality factor Q can be influenced by the coil technology and their sizes and shapes and the amount of conducting material used. The higher Q is, the better the coils are. Technically is difficult to obtain a quality factor above 1000. Values lower than 10 are not very useful. For mass production values around 100 can be expected. 100 Loss factor Ploss/Pout 0.03 k= 0.2 1 0.1 0.5 Optimum High 0.01 current 0.001 0.9 High voltage 0.01 0.1 1 2 Power efficiency 100% Good efficiency Distance 10% 1% 1 0.03 0.1 0.3 D2 = 0.01 D Q = 1000 0.1 1 10 Figure 4 Power efficiency between loop inductors. 0.1 Qtx = 100 Qtr = 100 ( k ⋅ Q) (2) 2 ⋅ 1 + 1 + ( k ⋅ Q) Axial position z / D 0.01 10 λopt 2 0.1% 0.01 Loss dependence on load matching Bad coupling The optimum is a function of Q and k. The optimal loss factor λopt, defined as ratio of losses to transferred power, can be calculated as follows (equation derived from [1]): Size ratio LIMITATIONS DUE TO EFFICIENCY Efficiency η III. To evaluate the efficiency, only the losses in the magnetic system are investigated. Losses in the generator and in the rectifier are comparable to any other switch mode power converter. Radiation losses can be neglected because of the low operating frequencies. Losses in the magnetic system appear only as ohmic losses in the windings. They are determined by the coil’s magnetic coupling factor k and their quality factor Q: 10 Matching factor RL/ZC Figure 3 Loss factor in the inductive power system as function of the load matching. To use this equation, the coupling factors for inductive transmission structures with varying distance and size ratios are calculated. Then a high quality factor of Q = 1000 is assumed, leading to efficiency values, which can hardly be exceeded. Using equation (2) the loss factor and from this the efficiencies of these structures are calculated (see [1]). The result is illustrated in Figure 4, which shows the achievable efficiency as a function of the distance (scaled to the diameter) of loop inductors with the size ratio of the loops as parameter. As a result, inductive power transmission in a larger distance (e.g. a whole room) is very inefficient. Only low power levels, which are not useful for consumer applications like charging or illumination, can be transmitted without wasting significant amount of power. Possible applications could be industrial, e.g. for sensors, which requires only low power (as proposed e.g. by [6]). Contrary, Figure 4 shows that inductive power transmission at a close distance (e.g. along a surface) can be efficient as conventional power supplies. IV. POWER RESTRICTION DUE TO EMF LIMITS A. Power extraction from a magnetic field A further limitation is determined by the effect of alternating magnetic field on human beings (EMF) and on technical devices (EMI). Therefore, it is derived, how much power can be drawn from a limited magnetic field. Consider a loop inductor in a homogeneous magnetic field BTx generated by the transmitter. The loop inductor is penetrated by the magnetic flux φTx, as illustrated in Figure 5a with the green arrow. If the turns of the coil N are concentrated at the outer diameter, and if the magnetic flux density BTx is homogenous over the area of the loop A, the output voltage Uout is equal to the induced voltage: U ind (3) N ⋅ A ⋅ j ω ⋅BTx where ω = 2πf is the circular frequency of the magnetic field. If the loop is shorted (Figure 5b), a short circuit current flows, which generates a flux φRx (red arrow) in opposite direction to the transmitter flux φTx. Ideally, it just cancels out the transmitter flux inside the loop. φTx φTx φRx b A IL φTx φRx c) A Ires CS Uout a) A Figure 5. Magnetic flux in a loop. a) Open loop. b) Shorted loop. c) Resonant loaded loop. IL LRx RS UL UR Uind CS UC R L Iout Uout Figure 6. Equivalent circuit of a loaded resonant inductor coil. If the loop is part of a loaded resonance circuit, the magnetic flux of the receiver may even exceed the transmitter flux (Figure 5c). Figure 6 shows the related equivalent circuit. The voltage source represents the induced voltage Uind according to equation (4). The voltage drop at the receiver inductor LRx corresponds to the magnetic flux of the receiver φRx. In case of resonance, the inductor and capacitor voltages cancel each other. The current is only limited by the series resistance of the resonant circuit RS and the load resistance RL. The inductor voltage UL may exceed the induced voltage by a factor equal to the loaded quality factor of the resonance circuit. Thus, also the receiver flux φRX is that much higher than the transmitter flux φTx. Furthermore, the flux density in the vicinity of the receiver increases over the initial homogeneous flux density. The intrinsic quality factor Q of the resonance circuit is determined by the series resistor RS according to equation (1) with L = LRx and R = RS. In case of resonance, maximum power can be taken, if RL is matched to RS, that is RS = RL. Then the maximum output power is: Pmax Q⋅ ( Uind ) (4) 2 4ω ⋅LRx Defining an AL value as the inductance scaled to one turn with LRx = N2 . AL, the maximum output power can be directly calculated from the magnetic flux density BTx by combining equations (3) and (4): Pmax Q⋅ ω 4 ⋅ ( A⋅ BTx ) 2 (5) AL The inductance AL value can be calculated similar as in the previous chapter according to [1]. Depending on the assumption of the winding width w, the inductance for a ring coil inductor may vary slightly. As a further inductance value, an approximation is calculated according to the equation given in [7]: (6) L N² ⋅0.35 µH m ⋅dout ⋅10 din dout , valid for din/dout ≤ 0.9, where dout is the outer and din is the inner diameter. A loop is approximated with a diameter ratio din/dout = 0.9. Assuming a reasonable quality factor of Q = 100, the resulting possible output power is calculated for a typical case with a flux density of 1 µT at 1 MHz. The results are shown Figure 7 in dependence on the loop diameter. The graph can be scaled linearly with the frequency and the quality factor where as it scales with the square of the magnetic flux density according to equation (5). It shows a cubic dependence of the density. This means, proportional to the loop have one large receiver covering the same area. output power on the magnetic flux the output power scales overarea of the receiver. It is better to instead of many smaller receivers Maximum output power of a loop 100 10 0.1 Above 10 MHz the assumption of a constant resistance is certainly no longer valid. Furthermore, at these high frequencies the system can no longer be considered as only a magnetic system, but it will begin to radiate electromagnetic waves. Therefore, the calculated values are doubtful above 10 MHz and plot only as dashed lines. 0.01 1 .10 BTx = 1 uT 3 1 .10 Estimated maximum output power, limited by EMF-limits Q = 100 4 1 .10 f = 1 MHz 1E+3 5 0.01 0.1 1 Loop diameter d / m Figure 7. Maximal output power for a resonant loop receiver as a function of the size of the receiver loop. B. Limitations due to EMF standards The ICNIRP (International Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) derived guidelines for electromagnetic field levels with respect to the exposure of humans to it [8]. For a general case, the reference limits for public exposure and occupational exposure to magnetic fields are applicable. Further national recommendations or standards exist, e.g. a German workplace standard (BGV B11) [9]. The limits are graphically shown in Figure 8 as function of the frequency. As the most and “worst” relevant case, the ICNIRP public exposure limit (red curve) is taken for further investigations. Figure 8 EMF-Limits: Magnetic flux density limits according to INCNIRP guidelines [8] and German workplace standard BGV B11 [9]. Given this magnetic flux density as a limiting value, the maximum possible power reception is calculated according to equation (5) and using equation (6), which already takes Maximum output power Pout / W Power P / W 1 w=0.1mm w=0.2mm w=0.5mm w=1mm w=2mm Approx. resonant operation into account. The results are shown in Figure 9 for different receiver sizes. A frequency dependent quality factor of the resonant circuit is assumed for the calculations, based on a frequency independent coil resistance. This resistance is selected to achieve a quality factor of 100 at 1 MHz. Thus, the assumption would further lead to a quality factor 1000 at 10 MHz. 100E+0 10E+0 1E+0 Loop diameter / m 1 0.6 0.1 0.04 0.01 1 0.6 0.1 0.04 0.01 ICNIRP public exposure 100E-3 10E-3 1E-3 100E-6 10E-6 Q (1MHZ ) = 100 1E-6 1E+3 10E+3 100E+3 1E+6 10E+6 100E+6 1E+9 Frequency f / Hz Figure 9 Maximum output power estimation for a receiver in a magnetic field room. Limited by EMF-Limits according to INCNIRP guidelines. The calculated levels must be considered as estimation. They have a high uncertainty and represent more or less only the order of magnitude of the power level. A better quality factor can yield higher power levels. On the other hand, the calculation is based on the homogenous field of the transmitter at the position of the receiver. However, in reality the magnetic field decays with the distance. In order to maintain the safety limit for the user in the area closer to the transmitter, the power level has to be decreased. Furthermore, the resonant operation leads to a field level increase in the vicinity of the receiver. If the user has access to this area, the power level has to be decreased further. At last, the estimations assume a receiver matching for maximum power transmission. This matching criterion is different from the optimal efficient criterion (as derived in the previous chapter) and always has a power efficiency of less than 50%. The matching for optimal efficiency requires a further reduction of the transmitted power. With a loop diameter of 1 m power levels in the order of some 10th of Watt can be received (blue curve). If the loop diameter is shrunk to 4 cm to fit in mobile device (light green curve) like a mobile phone, only less than 10 mW are received. Thus, the probability for a wireless power space like e.g. W-LAN for power seems quite low. An application like a wireless power space requires a magnetic field at any arbitrary position in that space. But then the whole body of the user is exposed to the magnetic field, without any time restriction. Therefore, the strict ICNIRP guidelines for public exposure have to be applied without any relaxes. This looks different for a wireless power surface, especially for locally activated operation. In this case the magnetic field is concentrated in the area between the transmitter and the mobile device. The user is only exposed to the strongly decaying stray fields. Furthermore, only the extremities of the user are exposed to the magnetic field (e.g. the hand), and the exposure time is in many applications limited for a short period (e.g. during placing a device in the power area). This allows orders of magnitude higher magnetic flux levels for the power transfer. Figure 10 Illustration of the FEM calculation of induced currents in the user‘s hand. be shown that an arrangement as described in the Qistandard for mobile devices (see later chapter) with coil sizes of about 4 cm with appropriate shielding could meet the basic restrictions even at 5 W power transfer. This is far beyond the power level, which can be expected for open space power transfer. Concluding, also from an EMF point of view, power transfer in an open space is not recommended, but at a surface, reasonable wireless power transfer is possible. V. APPLICATION According to these findings, inductive wireless power transfer is promising along a surface. A possible application can be the charging of mobile devices. Here, wireless communication already has become standard, and the consumer expects that charging would also be possible without the hassle of cables and plugs. For such an application, pads that charge wirelessly are proposed. One example is the Powerpad (see Figure 11), which was presented by Philips Research [1] [2]. It provides very simple functionality to the user: Just place the mobile somewhere on the pad and it will charge. The Powerpad consists of an array of transmitter cells, as proposed before by Ron Hui [10]. However, the Powerpad provides a local activation feature. Each cell comprises a detector, which activates the cell, if a device is placed on it. This way the magnetic field emissions are limited and the efficiency is improved. The pad can transmit up to 1.2 W with one transmitter cell and operates at 500 kHz. The size is 20cm x 26cm and it contains 52 transmitter cells of 40 mm diameter each. The pad is realized in printed circuit board (PCB) technology. The receiver circuits are also made from PCB such that they are less 1 mm thick with similar diameter. It is not compatible to the Qi standard (see following chapter). Analyzing the exposure needs more effort in this case. ICNIRP defines reference levels for the field only for homogeneous fields and exposure of the whole body. Localized inhomogeneous fields, which affect only extremities, require the application of the basic restrictions defining limits for induced currents and dissipated heat (SAR) in the body. These values cannot be measured, but must be simulated with an appropriate method like the Finite Element Method (FEM), for which simplified models e.g. of a hand are defined. Figure 10 illustrates such a calculation. These calculations cannot be generalized, but have to be performed for any particular case. Several cases were investigated in the frequency range between 100 kHz and 500 kHz. The limiting factor turned out to be the induced current. The SAR value was negligible in all cases. It could Figure 11 Inductive Powerpad for the charging of mobile devices [1]. VI. STANDARDISATION A. The Wireless Power Consortium The application of wireless power technology in consumer devices such as the presented Powerpad will benefit greatly from the availability of a standard that is widely accepted in the industry. The primary target of such standard is to establish interoperability between wireless power devices and wireless power chargers. To address this issue, an international consortium of companies founded the “Wireless Power Consortium” [3] in 2009 to create a standard definition for wireless power transfer of mobile devices. Figure 12 shows the regular members in mid 2010, when the consortium released the first standard. Meanwhile, the consortium has more than 90 regular and associated members, which support the standard. The actual number and names change nearly daily and is provided on the consortium website [3]. interoperability could be guaranteed in all cases. Therefore, the design freedom for the transmitter is limited to three standard transmitter types, as Figure 13b illustrates. The design of receivers is left free to the manufacturers, because here the pressure on cost and size is much higher than for transmitters. Tx 2 Tx 2 Reference Tx Tx 1 + Certification Rx 1 a) Rx 3 Rx 2 Certification b) Tx 3 Operation ? Rx 1 Rx 2 Rx 3 Tx 2 Tx 1 or Certification and operation Rx n Rx 2 = Reference Rx Std. Std. Std. Tx1 Tx2 Tx3 Rx 1 Tx 1 Tx 3 Tx n Certification and operation Standardized Rx Figure 13 Possibilities to obtain interoperability: a) Specification with reference transmitters (Tx) and receivers (Rx). b) Definition of standard Rx and Tx. Free Positioning (Moving Coil) y Guided Positioning (Magnetic Attraction) M Figure 12 Regular members of The Wireless Power Consortium in mid 2010. The consortium has defined a standard for providing up to 5W of power to low power mobile devices, like mobile phones, batteries and camera’s [4]. It aims in providing free positioning. In a later state, higher power levels will be addressed as well. x a) b) Free Positioning (Coil Array) The logo “Qi” (pronounced as “chee”, see Figure 12) was created, meaning “vital” energy in Asian philosophy an intangible flow of power as a sign for compatible wireless power devices. The Qi sign indicates that a device is compatible to the wireless consortium standard and complies with its requirements on interoperability and performance. It also means that the device needs to fulfill the international and regional regulations on safety and electromagnetic interoperability. Figure 14 Three standard transmitters (Tx) for free positioning: a) Guided positioning. b) Moving Tx coil. c) Coil array. B. Standard transmitters To guarantee interoperability, a precise specification of the magnetic interface would be necessary. However, specifying of a free positioning interface would require reference transmitters and receivers (see Figure 13a). But with this solution the consortium is not confident that The Qi specification contains 3 basic transmitter types representing 3 different techniques to achieve good alignment between transmitter and receiver coils: Guided positioning, free positioning moving coil and free positioning coil matrix. Figure 14 illustrates the transmitter types. c) The coil array transmitter contains a matrix of primary coils distributed over the surface area (Figure 14c). It supports free positioning by activating the primary coil(s) that are at the receiver’s location. The coils are arranged in three overlapping layers. The transmitter activates three overlapping primary coils, generating a similar magnetic field as the single coil. Localization of a receiver can be realized by “scanning” the primary coils on the presence of a receiver. D. Data communication 1) Physical layer Data communication is provided only in one direction from the transmitter to the receiver. It is realized by load modulation. The receiver changes its impedance periodically by switching e.g. a resistor or capacitor. This leads to a modulation of the coil current or coil voltage in the transmitter, which is detected and demodulated by a suitable circuit. The implementation in the receiver is not standardized. However, a minimum modulation depth of the coil current of 15 mA or coil voltage of 200 mV in the standard transmitter is specified in the standard. Figure 16 shows possible realizations. It is recommended to realize the modulator by switching a capacitor between the receiver coil and the rectifier. Experiments showed problems when switching a (resistive) load connected at the output of the rectifier due to the low internal resistance of the battery. C. Power transmission Transmitter The standard defines a power transmission of 5 W. Nominal operating frequency is 110 kHz, but it may vary up to 205 kHz for the purpose of power control. Resonant operation is used to optimize power transfer and to allow frequency control as derived in the previous chapter and also proposed by further consortium members, e.g. [11]. Power control can be realized by frequency control or by amplitude control or by pulse width control. The system is shown in Figure 15. Transmitter Receiver Cp - Cs Lp Power Ls Cd C Load + Receiver Cs Cp + - Lp Comm. I p Vp Ls The design of a receiver is largely free including the design of the secondary coil LS. It must comprise a series resonant capacitor CS for optimized power transfer, which must be in resonance with LS at 100 kHz. An additional parallel capacitor CP provides a parallel resonant circuit at Modulation Cm Cd C Rm Power Figure 16 Communication by load modulation 2) Data Format The standard applies a simple packet format for communication (see Figure 17). A packet contains a preamble (≥ 11 bit) for bit synchronization, a header (1 byte) to indicate the type of the message, the message contents (1...27 byte) and a checksum (1 byte). Each byte is coded with a start-bit, 8 bit data, a parity bit and a stop bit. Bits are bi-phase encoded and have a period of 0.5 ms (2 kB/s). 0.5ms Figure 15 Power transmission system. 1 Start The transmitter consist of a switching stage, e.g. a half bridge, connected to a series resonant circuit. The parameters Cp and Lp (transmitter coil) as well as the DC supply voltage are well defined for the different transmitter types. The physical dimensions of the transmitter coils are also standardized in detail. Modulation 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 Preamble Header Message Stop In a further transmitter type, free positioning is supported by locating the receiver and moving the primary coil mechanically towards the receiver’s location (Figure 14b). The transmitter contains an additional facility (not shown) to detect and locate a receiver on the transmitter. 1 MHz, which can be used for the detection of the receiver. The receiver must comprise a full wave rectifier and a switch must be provided, which connects the load only, if the power control is stable and without error. Several example receiver designs are presented in the standard. Parity With guided positioning (Figure 14a), the user gets tactile feedback for aligning the receiver to the transmitter by the use of magnetic attraction. For this transmitter, a magnet is placed at the center of the primary coil. A receiver can be equipped with a magnetic attractor at the center of the secondary coil, which could be another magnet, or any material that provides an attractive force to a magnet. Checksum Figure 17 Packet format (bottom) and byte and bit encoding (top). E. Power Control The receiver is in control of the power transfer. It measures its output value and calculates the difference to its desired output value. The output value itself is not specified. It may be an output voltage or current or power or any other value. Transmitter Desired Receiver Control Error Interpret Message Control Error Calculate Desired 2) Ping phase Actual Load Actual Adapt Power Conversion Power Pick-up Power Figure 18 Power control overview Then the receiver transmits this difference as so called control error to the transmitter at least every 1.5 s. The transmitter increases or decreases its output power according to the control error within 20 ms. The control error value specifies a percentage change of the actual transmitter coil current. F. Initialization To initialize the power transmission, three phases need to be passed (see Figure 19). Transmitter Receiver Signal Select Select ID&C Ping Signal Identification Required Power ID&C End Transfer / Signal Lost End Transfer / Error / Timeout Signal Strength Rx Detected Configured PT Control Data End Power In the ping phase, the transmitter checks if a detected object is a receiver and if it has any need for power. Then, the transmitter provides a power signal on the primary coil for max. 65 ms. The receiver must react within this time by load modulation and send the strength of the received power signal. If detected, the transmitter continues to deliver power to proceed to the next phase. 3) Identification and configuration phase (ID&C) In the identification and configuration phase, the power receiver provides information to prepare the transmitter for power transfer. First the receiver communicates an identifier to help the transmitter to recognize the version of the receiver, to localize the receiver unambiguously, or for any other proprietary application. In addition the receiver communicates configuration parameters to the transmitter, like the maximum required power. Finally, the transmitter decides to accept or refuse to power the receiver. 4) Power transfer phase (PT) Object detected Ping detected e.g. by a change of the transmitter’s resonance, by capacitive detection or by detecting a receiver’s resonance. For the latter, a parallel resonance must be provided in the receiver (see section C. Power transmission). Usually, this start phase will be implemented such that it complies with the requirements for low standby power of the standard. If a transmitter detects any change in the presence, it will enter the ping phase. PT Adapted Figure 19 System Control phases. 1) Selection phase If a user places a receiver on a transmitter, the transmitter must indicate within 0.5 s that it has recognized a receiver. The implementation is left open for the designer, but the standard provides some examples. An object may be In the following power transfer phase, the receiver controls the power transfer as described before. The power transfer finishes, if the receiver sends an “end of power” message or if no message are received within a timeout of 1.5 s. Then, the system state goes back to the selection phase. G. Further topics The Qi standard consist of three parts: Part 1 “Interface Definition” is available for the general public since mid 2010 and can be downloaded from the website of the Wireless Power Consortium [3] after a cost free registration. It describes all topics to guarantee interoperability and includes in detail the specification presented here in this publication. If contains further information, e.g. the data protocol and physical dimensions of inductors. Part 2 “Performance Requirements” describes further requirements, which Qi devices must meet. They relate e.g. to standby power, efficiency, magnetic emissions and safety aspects, such as an unexpected power loss in the transmission path. Part 3 “Compliance Test Specification” describes how to certify a Qi compliant device and the related measurement procedures. The latter parts are available only for members of the consortium. An application form for membership can be found on the consortium website [3]. Compliance with all three parts is required for the use of the Qi logo. Meanwhile, first Qi compliant products are available on the market. Please, check the consortium’s website [3] for actual details and further information. VIII. REFERENCES [1] Eberhard Waffenschmidt and Toine Staring, "Limitation of inductive power transfer for consumer applications", 13th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE 2009), Barcelona, Spain, 8.-10.Sept. 2009, paper #0607. [2] Eberhard Waffenschmidt, "Wireless power for mobile devices", VDE-Kongress 2010, Leipzig, Germany, 8.-9.Nov.2010. [3] http://www.wirelesspowerconsortium.com/ index.html [4] “System Description Wireless Power Transfer, Volume I: Low Power, Part 1: Interface Definition”, Version 1.0.2, Wireless Power Consortium, April 2011. [5] Dries van Wageningen, Toine Staring, "The Qi Wireless Power Standard", 14th International Power Electronics and Motion Conference (EPE-PEMC 2010), Ohrid, Macedonia, 6.-8. Sept. 2010. [6] Kathleen O’Brian, “Inductively Coupled Radio Frequency Power Transmission System for Wireless Systems and Devices”, PhD Thesis, TU Dresden, 5.12.2005, Shaker Verlag Aachen 2007, ISBN 9783-8322-5775-0. [7] E. Waffenschmidt, B. Ackermann, "Size advantage of coreless transformers in the MHz range", EPE 2001 (European Power Electronic Conference), Graz, Austria, 27.- 29. Aug. 2001. [8] International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), "Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields", Health Physics April 1998, Volume 74, Number 4. [9] Berufsgenossenschaft der Feinmechanik und Elektrotechnik, "Unfallverhütungsvorschrift Elektromagnetische Felder Berufsgenossenschaftliche Vorschrift für Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit", BGV B11 (VBG 25), 1.6.2001 [10] R.Hui, W. Ho, “A new generation of universal contactless battery charging platform for portable consumer electronic equipment,” 35th IEEE power electronics specialists conference 2004 VII. CONCLUSION From an efficiency point of view, wireless inductive power transfer is feasible for general power applications only if transmitter and receiver coils are in close proximity to each other. Inductive power transfer in a larger space is not feasible due to the very low efficiency. An inductive power pad to charge mobile devices is presented, which allows arbitrary positioning and local detection. To trigger the market introduction of this technology to charge mobile devices, the international Wireless Power Consortium with meanwhile more than 90 industry members released the first standard named “Qi” (pronounce “chee”) for devices up to 5 W. The wireless power consortium provides an industry standard between power transmitters and receivers based on inductive coupling at proximity with well aligned coils. The standard provides a high design freedom for receivers and the means to control power transfer; this allows meeting the requirements of various mobile device applications both commercially as well as functionally. Confidence in achieving interoperability is achieved by limiting the design freedom for transmitters in the early phases of releasing the standard. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Thanks to my colleague Dries van Wageningen, who participated the Wireless Power Consortium for Philips Research and who allowed me to use material from his publication. Further thanks to all contributors of the specification workgroup of the wireless power consortium [11] X. Liu, W. M. Ng, C. K. Lee and S. Y. R. Hui, "Optimal operation of contactless transformers with resonance at secondary circuit", conference proceedings APEC'08, USA, Feb. 2008, pp. 645-650.