15th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, EPE-PEMC 2012 ECCE Europe, Novi Sad, Serbia Layout and Operation of a Non-Contact Charging System for Electric Vehicles Benedikt Schmuelling1, Sarp G. Cimen1, Thomas Vosshagen2, Faical Turki2 1 University of Wuppertal, E-Mobility Research Group, Wuppertal, Germany, schmuelling@uni-wuppertal.de/cimen@uni-wuppertal.de 2 Vahle Inc., Kamen, Germany, thomas.vosshagen@vahle.de/faical.turki@vahle.de Abstract — Actually, there is a controversial discussion in automotive industry if the deployment of inductive power supply is able to avoid the disadvantages of conductive vehicle charging systems. Available charging systems for electric vehicles use wires to connect the vehicle to the grid. This leads to several disadvantages such as vandalism and additional effort for the driver. Furthermore, loose or faulty cables are a safety risk. As an alternative, non-contact charging of electric vehicles allows for a simple, reliable and safe charging process. It improves the user acceptance and contributes to the integration of electric vehicles into the market. Thus, the availability to the grid is increased, which offers a higher degree of flexibility for the storage management. Keywords — Inductive power supply, electric vehicles, adaptive frequency inverter. I. INTRODUCTION A major aim of the German government’s energy concept is the reduction of CO2 emissions by increasing the percentage of renewable energies in the federal energy mix as well as promoting electro mobility (emobility) [1, 2]. If charged by renewable energies, electric vehicles can significantly contribute to a reduction of CO2 emissions. Additionally, they can be employed to store and balance the fluctuating energy production of renewable sources. Therefore, a high availability of electric vehicles in the grid needs to be guaranteed. Available charging systems for electric vehicles use wires to connect the vehicle to the grid. These systems are called conductive supply systems. Compared to conventional vehicles, driven by combustion engines, conductively charged electric vehicles feature several disadvantages. The perseverative handling with plug and cable means an additional effort for the driver. Unclean cables and plug-in activities during rainy weather at public charging stations are a permanent annoyance. Furthermore, free accessible cables are an invitation to vandalism and unplugged or broken cables are a safety risk, which is not acceptable. If the vehicle is not charged at public areas, the grid connectivity time is shorter than desired. The results are uncharged batteries, which cause a minimization of mobility and a further reduction of the available range of electric vehicles. An alternative is non-contact charging on the basis of inductive energy transfer. This technique allows for a simple and reliable charging process. It is assumed, that automatic inductive charging will improve the user acceptance of electric vehicles in general. Furthermore, it accounts for the integration of electric vehicles into the market and supports the full exploitation of all e-mobility based benefits. Moreover, the deployment of a noncontact solution causes a low deterioration compared to plug afflicted systems. This paper presents a solution for inductive vehicle charging, which is called e-mobile contactless power supply (eCPS). In a first section, the setup of the entire system is introduced. Afterwards, the system’s inductive parts and their compensation are described as well as the operation principles and the configuration of the adaptive frequency inverter. Measurement results of several laboratory experiments and an analysis of the system’s performance conclude the work presented. II. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The eCPS system is a reasonable alternative to the conventional vehicle charging via cable. It consists of an on-board unit, which is directly mounted on the vehicle’s underbody structure. To start the process of charging the vehicle has to be parked above the stationary unit, which can be placed at the central position of a parking lot, i.e. directly beneath the parked vehicle. eCPS consists of a number of components. The power coupling between ground and vehicle is established by the stationary transmitter unit and the on-board receiver unit (called pick-up) mentioned above. The stationary transmitter as a charging unit is linked via magnetic flux with the pick-up. According to the principle of electromagnetic induction, the pick-up can receive electric power from the stationary transmitter, without an electrical connection. The transmitter is galvanically connected to the primary inverter. This unit converts the grid voltage to a higher frequency alternating voltage with a nominal frequency of fN = 140 kHz. The advantages of an energy transfer performed at high frequencies (f>100 kHz) are already proven by a multitude of scientific examinations [3-10]. The stationary power transmitter, called primary part, generates a higher frequency (HF) electromagnetic field. This electromagnetic field is coupled with the windings of the pick-up. Fig. 1: Simplified block diagram of the complete eCPS system. To produce an appreciable part of active power in the on-board system, a compensation of the system’s reactances is required. Therefore, the primary inverter unit is equipped with a capacitor assembly in series connection to the primary coil. A similar compensation is established at the on-board unit. The high frequent alternating current of the pick-up is converted into a direct current by a HF-rectifier, to be connected to the onboard charging device. Figure 1 depicts a schematic diagram of the entire system. III. THE INDUCTIVE SYSTEM AND ITS COMPENSATION To transfer a higher performance (P>3000W), a PFC (Power Factor Correction) device is integrated into the inverter. This PFC provides the compensation of reactive power to the grid. Reactive power on the primary side of the primary inverter is usually caused by switching distortion. The PFC produces a direct voltage of UDC = 400 V as input voltage for the primary inverter. Fig. 4: Stationary transmitter and pick-up of the inductive charging system. Fig. 2: Structure of inductive power transfer system. The inductive primary part consists of a flat coil with several windings, which is mounted to a cover plate made of glass fiber reinforced plastic, which has no influence on the magnetic field. This assembly group is directly placed above an aluminum plate populated with soft magnetic ferrites. Basically, the construction principle of the pick-up is the same. A difference between transmitter unit and receiver unit only exists in size, in number of windings, and in housing shape. The outer dimensions of the pick-up unit are presented in Table 1. TABLE I DIMENSIONS OF THE STATIONARY TRANSMITTER AND THE PICK-UP UNIT Stationary Transmitter Pick-Up Unit length 1089mm 825mm width 1089mm 825mm height 24mm 16mm weight approx. 49kG approx. 14kG The large dimensions of the inductive unit are caused by the safety limit value of the electromagnetic field defined in the German application guideline [11]. A schematic diagram of the inductive system’s crosssection is shown in Figure 3 and a photographic illustration of that part is presented in Figure 4. Fig. 5: The inductive’s part (i.e. stationary transmitter and pick-up) equivalent circuit drawing depicting inductances and additional capacitors. The electrical transmission characteristic is described by a transformer equivalent circuit drawing, which is presented in Figure 5. In this drawing, L1σ is the primary leakage inductance, L’2σ is the secondary leakage inductance, and L1h is the mutual inductance. The capacitors C1 and C’2 are the respective compensation elements of primary and secondary winding. All values marked with an inverted comma are not the measurable values but related to the primary side by the ratio of the primary and secondary winding factors w1/w2. The secondary output voltage U2 is calculated as follows, for example: ′ Fig. 3: Schematic diagram of the inductive system’s cross section. (1) Compensation of inductive power supply systems is required due to their high demand of reactive power [12, 13, 14]. The correspondent reactances are presented in Figure 6. Fig. 6: The equivalent circuit drawing of the system’s inductive part depicting all reactances. The leakage flux is very high, when compared to a conventional transformer. This is caused by the high air gap reluctance and leads to a low coupling factor and with it to a small value for mutual reactance X1h in comparison to leakage reactances X1σ and X’2σ. Therefore, the transformer equivalent circuit drawing cannot be simplified. To analyze the operational behavior of the transmission path, open circuit and short circuit measurements of the windings’ inductances (without capacitors) are conducted. The results vary for different distances between pick-up and stationary transmitter (i.e. different heights of the cars’ undersurfaces). By utilizing these measurement results, the inductive elements of the equivalent circuit drawing are calculated. The values of the capacitors C1 and C’2 are chosen in a way, that the resonant frequency of the system is fN = 140kHz during operation with a nominal charger unit distance: · · · · · · ′ ′ (2) (3) The total impedance of the transmission system is calculated from the equivalent circuit drawing in Fig. 6 (inclusive ohmic load on the secondary side of the equivalent circuit drawing): ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ (4) Here, X represents the respective capacitive or inductive reactance and RL describes the resistive load of rectifier and battery lying behind the transmission link. The following reactance conditions are mandatory for an exactly compensated transmission link: ′ 0 0 ′ (5) Hereby, equation (4) can be simplified to ′ It can be seen, that the total impendance Z only possess a real part. Transmission link and load are compensated and do not require further reactive power supply from outside. The variability of the inductance values represents a great challenge: both mutual and leakage inductances depend on diverse factors, such as plate distance, lateral positioning and temperature. Fig. 7 shows the changing of inductances at lateral displacement of stationary transmitter and pick-up, which for example regularly appears in case of parking. Fig. 7: Changing of mutual inductance and leakage inductance at lateral displacement of stationary transmitter and pick-up (measured without vehicle). Here, a clear difference arises between the conventional contactless energy transmission systems (up to now situated in the market for industrial applications, such as electric monorail systems or forklifts [13, 14]) and charging systems for electric motor vehicles. Different inductance values after every park process cause detuning of the entire system and thereby lead to a change of the resonant frequency. However, for operation with a constant frequency this would lead to a necessity of reactive power, which causes inductive and capacitive switching behavior of the semiconductor switches and higher losses within them. These higher losses could cause a thermal destruction of the power electronics. The problem could be solved by variable compensation capacitors, which would mean higher costs and higher system complexity. A smarter and also effective solution is an adaptive frequency adjustment, which actually is realized at the system presented. This frequency adjustment can clearly be declared by an example taking the primary compensation condition (shown in equation (2)) into account. If the reactances in this equation are replaced by the characteristic variables, the following formula results: 2· · · · · · 0 (7) Here, f is the system’s operating frequency. After a rearrangement of the equation follows (6) · · · (8) Therefore, it is possible to compensate a change of inductance by a change of operating frequency. With this frequency adaption, the resonant circuit is still in resonant operation and does still not require any reactive power, i.e. the value of the total impedance Zges is still an ohmic value. The voltage induced in the pick-up fluctuates depending on the varying of the plate distance, which means a further difficulty. The part of the magnetic flux generated by the stationary transmitter, which is coupled with the secondary coil, decreases if the distance between both inductive parts increases. The dependence between coupling and plate distance is shown in Fig. 8. 200 KHz. However, the nominal frequency of eCPS is fN = 140kHz in accordance with application guide VDEAR-E 2122-4-2[11]. The inverter consists of a 400V DC-Link, which feeds an H-bridge of four MOSFETs. This semiconductor switches transform the DC current to a high frequent AC current. In Figure 10, a picture of one printed circuit board of a 2011th inverter generation is displayed. Fig. 10: One printed circuit board of the primary inverter unit. Fig. 8: Changing of coupling with different plate distances (measured without vehicle). Here, the pick-up’s lateral deviation is zero, i.e. it is centrally located (x=y=0) above the stationary transmitter. It can be seen that the coupling is nearly reduced by half on the distance of z=70mm to z=170mm. The same statement is valid for U2 since the induced voltage is proportional to coupling. Here, the operation frequency fN is not firm adjusted. In contrast to conventional inverters of non-contact power supply systems [13, 14](e.g. electrification systems for industrial applications), the controller of the eCPSinverter observes the resonant circuit and adapts its resonant frequency in real time. The procedure of observing occurs by measuring and analyzing the sinusoidal current waveform, which is presented in Figure 9. The inductances of the resonant circuit (Fig. 5), which depend on the actual pick-up position, directly adjust the current’s frequency. The voltage is forced to follow this frequency. This behavior is defined within the primary inverters microcontroller. This means, the primary inverter is an adaptive unit, which exclusively permits resonant switching. The output voltage of the pick-up, i.e. the input voltage of the battery charging system, can also be controlled by the primary inverter. The inductive power transmission system’s output voltage U2 is proportional dependent on the input current i1: (9) Fig. 9: Voltage and current waveform at the primary inverter unit. IV. THE PRIMARY INVERTER The greatest challenge in developing the contactless charging system is the design of a reliable primary inverter. Today, the 140kHz-technology is not state of the art in common power electronic systems within this power range. Therefore, the selection of reasonable components, the interaction between them and the ensuring of the electromagnetic compatibility are major requirements in the development work. The primary inverter of the eCPS-system is able to excite an alternating voltage within a frequency range of 1Hz < f < Here, c describes the correlation between U2 and i1 as a constant value. This interdependence exits since the series compensation of primary side and secondary side causes that the inductive transmission system behaves like a gyrator. This gyrator characteristic is exemplarily described in [14]. Equation (9) shows, that the output voltage of the inductive transmission system can easily be controlled by adjusting the primary current. Therefore, a voltage feedback is required. Figure 11 shows the uncontrolled rectifier operation between pick-up and onboard charging device. It can be seen, that the value of the secondary voltage is U2 ≈ 380V. As aforementioned, this value can be adjusted by changing primary current i1. Future steps in power electronic development can obtain an easier and more inexpensive assembly and further efficiency improvements. The influence of the self-heeating of the inverter on the system stability was analyzed and compensated by cooling. Thereby a safe and sttable operation is protected independent on the power oveer the complete operational temperature range. To investigate the implemenntation of pick-up and onboard rectifier the eCPS-Systeem is mounted beneath the undersurface of a testing vehiicle. This construction can be seen in Figure 13. Fig. 11: Voltage and current waveform at the on-board rectifier. V. OPERATION OF THE ENTIREE SYSTEM To fulfill the electrical specificatiions by law, the primary inverter has to be equipped with w a power factor correction unit (PFC). This unit compennsates the reactive power and the deformed power produced p by the inverter’s switching operations and proovides the primary inverter’s DC intermediate circuit with a voltage of UDC = 400V. A measurement of the invverter born grid disturbances shows a sinusoidal currentt consumption and a power factor of cosφ > 0.98. Further laboratory measurements utiilizing the existing system show a satisfying performance with an efficiency of η = 91% ascertained between grrid and on-board charging device at an optimal placemeent. The efficiency measurements are performed duuring a power consumption of the on-board charginng device of P = 3kW. f safety, To meet the requirements in functional application guide AR-E 2122-4-2[11] specifies two pieces for checking the maximum m ratings of the electromagnetic field. One testing piece made of electric conductible material is placed inn an alternating electromagnetic field and heats duee to magnetically excited eddy currents within. The risse of the heating temperature is directly dependent onn the field’s flux density. Therefore, the rule speciffies a maximum temperature rise of ΔT = 40K. Figure 12 presents the m of structural temperature profile of a testing piece made steel (ST37). It can be seen, that the tem mperature rise at an ambient temperature of Troom = 20.5°C C is less than 30K. This is the worst measured case. Hencee, eCPS meets the flux density safety requirements defined by the application guideline. Fig. 13: Pick-up beneath thee vehicles undersurface. Fig. 14: Changing of output pow wer at horizontal moving in xdirectioon. With the aid of this vehicle integration, the effect of a p in x-direction is horizontal moving of the pick-up measured. The results are show wn in Fig. 14. It can be seen that moving in x-direction doess not have a large influence on the output power. Adittionallly, the diagram shows that the value of the power transm mitted is proportional to the plates’ distance in z-direction. 50 45 Temperature T [°C] 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 100 104 108 112 116 120 0 Time t [min] Fig. 12: Temperature profile of testing piece “ST T37” during operation with a maximum flux density. Fig. 15: Changing of output power at horizontal moving in x- and ydirectioon. Fig. 15 shows the influence of the lateral displacement synchronistic in x- and y-direcction. Compared to Fig. 14 the changing of the power exceeds. These results are measured on a system with a constannt primary current. Therefore, the transmitted power changges in dependence on the flux linkage, e.g. by replaccing the pick-up. However, the full power can be trannsmitted (up to a lateral deviation of minimum 100mm m) by utilizing the voltage control described in section IV. This voltage control is actually tested under laboratoory conditions and promises a stable system behavior and a a decoupling between plate distance and transmittedd power. However, this control procedure is not tested on a vehicle until now. Further measurements show a well ruunning system and propose the possibility of a further improvement in efficiency. able to transmit the nominal power within the parking deviation range excepted. VI. AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE UNDERSU URFACE SYSTEM: CHARGING VIA LICENSE TAG An alternative construction of the prresented system is deployed in the contactless chargingg system via the vehicle’s license tag (license tag charginng system, LTCS). On 18 May 2012 Vahle Inc. presented a charging system, which consists of a charging sttation (stationary transmitter) and an on-board receiver unit u (pick-up). This pick-up is located under the surfacee of the vehicles license tag. Fig. 16: Charging process via inductive power traansmission through the license tag. To start the charging process, the veehicle has to drive up to the station and carefully push the stationary transmitter. At this moment, stationarry transmitter and pick-up are coupled. The electrical components and the functional principles of this system are the same as described for the undersurface system. The prototype of this contactless charging station can be seen in Figure 16 and Figure 17. VII. CONCLUSION Feasibility and advantages of a nonn-contact charging system for electric vehicles are introdduced. Setting up operation of the entire system is shownn under laboratory conditions: An active power of up to 3 kW k is transferred. In a further step, a vehicle was equippped with one pickup and several transmission tests aree performed. It is shown that a lateral deviation of the picck-up compared to the stationary transmitter only leads to a small decrease in transmitted power. However, the transsmission system is Fig. 17: Front view on the liceense tag charging station. Moreover, a system is preesented, which is able to fulfill the requirements of thhe corresponding German application guideline. By em mploying this solution, a simple and reliable charging syystem can be established. As renewable energies and electro mobility complement each other there iss a need for a user-friendly charging infrastructure. A nonn-contact charging system on the basis of inductive energyy transfer can contribute to an improved user acceptaance and supports the exploitation of the renewable ennergies’ potential. Further research activities are a required to guarantee a successful market launch off inductive power supply systems for vehicle charginng. On the one hand, interoperability between systems of different manufacturers must be possiblle without any restrictions. 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