JTI--CP-ENIAC-2011--1 DCC+G DC Components omponents and Grid G STREP Contract Nr: 296108-2 Deliverable: liverable: D 5.1.1 5.1.1 Usual charts with total energy consumption consumption on all relevant nodes Due date of deliverable: (12-31-2014 2014) Actual submission date: (02-06-2015 2015) Start date of Project: 01 April 2012 Duration: 36 months Responsible onsible WP: < Fraunhofer IISB > Revision: proposed Dissemination level PU PP RE CO Public Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Service Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (excluding the Commission Services) x WP 4 D 5.1,, version 1.0 DCC+G JTI-CP-ENIAC-2011-1-296108 296108-2 Page 2 of 12 0 DOCUMENT INFO 0.1 Author Author Leopold Ott Bernd Wunder Company Fraunhofer Fraunhofer E-mail leopold.ott@iisb.fraunhofer.de bernd.wunder@iisb.fraunhofer.de 0.2 Documents history Document version # V0.1 V0.2 V0.3 V0.4 V0.5 V0.6 V0.7 Sign off V1.0 Date Change 12-08-2014 12-18-2014 12-18-2014 12-18-2014 12-18-2014 12-18-2014 07-01-2015 08-01-2015 02-06-2015 Starting version, template Definition of ToC First complete draft Integrated version (send to WP members) Updated version (send PCP) PCP Updated version (send to project internal reviewers) Review Mark Smidt (Heliox), (Heliox), Johnny Olsson (ENP) Signed off version (for approval to PMT members) Approved Version to be submitted to EU 0.3 Document data Keywords Editor Address data Name: Leopold Ott Partner: Fraunhofer IISB Address: Schottkystr. 10 91058 Erlangen Germany Phone: +49 9131 761 363 Fax: E-mail: E leopold.ott@iisb.fraunhofer. leopold.ott@iisb.fraunhofer.de Delivery date 02-06-2015 02 0.4 Distribution list Date 08-01 01-2015 02-06 06-2015 Issue Sign off V1.0 E-mailer E al_dccg_pmt@natlab.research.philips.com al_dccg_all@natlab.research.philips.com © DCC+G Consortium <Public> WP 4 D 5.1,, version 1.0 DCC+G JTI-CP-ENIAC-2011-1-296108 296108-2 Page 3 of 12 Table of Contents 0 DOCUMENT INFO ................................................................ ...................................................................................... ...................... 2 0.1 Author ................................................................ ....................................................................................... ....................... 2 0.2 Documents history................................................................ ................................................................... 2 0.3 Document data ......................................................................... ................................ ......... 2 0.4 Distribution list ......................................................................... ................................ ......... 2 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................ ......................................................................................... ......................... 4 2 REALISED ENERGY MONITORING MONI SYSTEM .......................................... .......................................... 5 3 USER INTERFACE TO ACCESS ACCESS MEASURED DATA............................... 7 4 TYPICAL CHARTS FOR THE THE TEST BED BUILDING ............................... 9 5 SUMMARY ................................................................ ................................................................................................ ................................ 11 6 REFERENCES ................................................................ .......................................................................................... .......................... 12 © DCC+G Consortium <Public> WP 4 D 5.1,, version 1.0 DCC+G JTI-CP-ENIAC-2011-1-296108 296108-2 Page 4 of 12 1 Introduction The European R&D project Direct Current Components + Grid (DCC+G) aims to develop innovative power semiconductors and products using them to increase the energy efficiency of commercial buildings. Hereby the partners of the project aim to t contribute to the realization of the European Commission target that all new buildings in the EU shall be constructed as zero-energy energy buildings latest 2021 [1]. Examples xamples of such buildings illustrate that electricity will replace fossil fuels in many energy related processes of such buildings [2 2]. ]. Thus the cost effective and energy efficient use of electricity in buildings is an import area for technical innovations in the 21st century. A 2-phase phase llow voltage direct current (DC) ( grid with supply voltages of ±380 VDC offers benefits compared with a 3 3-phase phase 400 V AC grid supply and thus is used internally in many modern electrical appliances. appliances Electricity from a DC supply can be controlled more flexible, with higher performance and efficiency, efficiency, at lower cost than from AC electricity sources sources. The hard aims of the research and development project are to show that the use of direct current has advantages for certain loads compared to alternating current. This applies especially for the use of distributed regenerative energy generators like solar panels, local wind turbines and micro CHP units. Therefore, the goal is to show that the use of direct current rreduces educes the whole power demand by 5 % while the cost for the use of solar electricity iis s reduced by 7 %. For the feasibility test of the project, an office and an industrial building have been selected as experimental platforms. Here it is of interest that common electric loads in these types of buildings buildings,, e. g. lighting, HVAC and information technology, mostly need direct current. Especially when transmitting DC electricity from photovoltaic power systems into DC operated applications, applications power losses of solar inverters and application rectifiers can be reduced. The following report provides an insight in typical data that is collected with the energy monitoring system built at the DC office test bed at Fraunhofer IISB. The combined ned AC and DC metering system has been described in detail in [3] and [4]. The obtained data serves as the basis for the computation of the efficiency gain that can be acquired when using a DC supply compared to a conventional AC supply. © DCC+G Consortium <Public> WP 4 D 5.1,, version 1.0 DCC+G JTI-CP-ENIAC-2011-1-296108 296108-2 Page 5 of 12 2 REALISED ENERGY MONITORING SYSTEM Figure 1 shows how the components omponents are connected to the central central DC bus which is housed in the DC distribution cabinet. The figure also gives an idea how AC and DC metering points are scattered around the grid. It was agreed that each feeder leaving the DC distribution cabinet is equipped with a DC metering point. Also the rectifier AC input,, the AC output of the programmable laboratory power supply and a certain kind of the AC driven fluorescent lights in the office building have been equipped with a conventional AC metering point. In total, there have been 8 metering points installed on the e DC side and four metering points on the AC side. 1: Combined AC and DC Monitoring System realized within the Office Test Bed Building Figure 1 . As it was specified in [3], the metering system consists consist of Siemens PAC 4200 Energy acting as measureme measurement masters asters for AcuDC Acu 240 40 measuring units which conduct the processing of metering data on the DC side obtained with LEM Ultrastab IT60-s IT60 current sensors, which can measure with an absolute accuracy of 0,5 %. The slaves are communicating with the masters over a Modbus/RTU protocol. A schematic of a DC measuring channel including the metering unit, a current sensor with shunt and the auxiliary power supply can be found in Figure 2.. The metering masters transmit the data to the Siemens Power Manager software where the data is displayed and written to a data base for further analysis. The metering data can be analysed analysed with a maximum time step of one second. © DCC+G Consortium <Public> WP 4 D 5.1,, version 1.0 DCC+G JTI-CP-ENIAC-2011-1-296108 296108-2 Page 6 of 12 Figure 2 2:: Schematic of a DC measurement channel The AC and DC metering points lie in close vicinity to the DC distribution cabinet inside the DC laboratory in a separate 19’’ server rack. For easy mounting, slots with 3 rack units were constructed to house the meters and their auxiliary components. A picture of the measurement server rack can be found in Figure 3. Figure 3 3:: AC and DC measurement units housed in a 19'' server rack © DCC+G Consortium <Public> WP 4 D 5.1,, version 1.0 DCC+G JTI-CP-ENIAC-2011-1-296108 296108-2 Page 7 of 12 3 USER INTERFACE TO ACCESS MEASURED DATA As it was already explained, the metered data is accessible over the Siemens Power Manager software. The software is also used to monitor the total energy flow of the entire Fraunhofer facility. So, it was agreed to create a separate graphical user interface ce (GUI) for the entire DC grid. A picture of the GUI can be found in Figure 4. Figure 4 4:: GUI inside the Siemens Power Manager M software to monitor the parameters at any grid node By double clicking on the yellow boxes one can observe configurable measurement values of the certain node as can be seen in Figure 5.. It was decided to log momentary power, voltage, current, energy import and energy export for each node of the grid. This amount of values should be sufficient for a meaningful analysis of the grid efficiency of a DC grid compared to an AC grid. 5:: Displaying of current measurement values at one grid node Figure 5 © DCC+G Consortium <Public> WP 4 D 5.1,, version 1.0 DCC+G JTI-CP-ENIAC-2011-1-296108 296108-2 Page 8 of 12 Of course, also the curve progression of certain parameters can be illustrated with the software as it is demonstrated in Figure 6. One can choose inside the software ifi data with a time stamp of 1 minute or 15 minutes will be displayed. Since the load on the DC bus mainl mainly y consists of fluorescent and DC lights, the load can change quite rapidly, e. g. at dawn when a large number of lights is turned off. Consequently,, a time stamp of 1 minute was selected for the exported metering data. Figure 6 6:: Curve progression of measurement parameters for one grid node © DCC+G Consortium <Public> WP 4 D 5.1,, version 1.0 DCC+G JTI-CP-ENIAC-2011-1-296108 296108-2 Page 9 of 12 4 TYPICAL CHARTS FOR THE TEST BED BUILDING To show the feasibility of the installed metering system for the DC test grid, a sample chart measured in calendar week 50 in 2014 is analysed. The curve curve progression is shown in Figure 7. Unfortunately, the selected week has been very poor concerning the achieved yield out of the pv plant, so the data data has been removed from the chart. In that week, only the output of the Emerson power rack, the lighting grid in the new building part and the lighting grid for a floor in the old building part are examined. Figure 7 7: Typical curve progression of power consumption inside the office test bed Instantly, it can be seen that the grid is only working on weekdays and is shut down on the weekend. This is because the load on the DC bus is literally zero on the weekend since all the lig lights hts are automatically turned off by the EIB/KNX control system of the building. Therefore, also all sources are turned off during the weekends to save auxiliary power which would otherwise be wasted. On the weekdays, the load profile shows the typical progression ogression of a lighting grid in an office building. In Figure 7, the blue curve displays the power consumed by the lighting grind on a floor in the old building part of the Fraunhofer Institute. This lighting grid is equipped with Philips LuxSpace down lights. These lights are split in two parts connected in parallel to a subdistribution unit. Both Both light bands can only be turned on as a whole. This can be clearly observed looking at the progression of the blue curve. Normally, these lights are turned on early in the morning and are switched off late in the evening. On th the e Wednesday of the considered week, it seems that only one part of the floor lighting was working. © DCC+G Consortium <Public> WP 4 D 5.1,, version 1.0 DCC+G JTI-CP-ENIAC-2011-1-296108 296108-2 Page 10 of 12 In contrast to the lights on the floor, the fluorescent lights in the office rooms can be switched on and of offf individually depending on the need of the workers. workers. This of course leads to a progression with more spikes as it can be seen looking at the orange curve of Figure 7. Yet, the progression of the curve curve roughly matches with the general working hours at the Fraunhofer Institute. For a comparison with a conventional AC distribution in the new building part, the same number of fluorescent lights is monitored with an AC metering point. The green curve in Figure 7 displays the output power of the Emerson Power Rack which was the only power source connected to the central DC bus during the considered week. It is obvious that the output power is roughly the sum of the power consumption of the two lighting grid plus the power value which is dissipated dissipat in the cable impedances. To account for the power loss in the Emerson Power Rack due to the need for auxiliary auxilia power and conversion losses, the metered power data on the AC side of the Power Rack is recorded. © DCC+G Consortium <Public> WP 4 D 5.1,, version 1.0 DCC+G JTI-CP-ENIAC-2011-1-296108 296108-2 Page 11 of 12 5 SUMMARY It has been shown that the installed DC and AC metering system is capable of recording, displaying and exporting the needed data for a fair comparison between the novel DC distribution in an office building and a conventional AC distribution. As the testing period for the test bed continues until March 2015, a large amount of data will be obtained. As it will be e described in one of the following following WP 5 reports, the testing period will include several experimental use cases including the demonstrated comparison between AC and DC lighting which was described in this deliverable. Future use cases will involve the µ µ-CHP CHP unit feeding directly into the the DC grid, an emulation of the load profile of a small data center, the charging of an electric vehicle out of the DC grid and finally feeding small 24 VDC nanogrids for office applications out of the 380 VDC bus. © DCC+G Consortium <Public> WP 4 D 5.1,, version 1.0 DCC+G JTI-CP-ENIAC-2011-1-296108 296108-2 Page 12 of 12 6 REFERENCES 1. European Commission: Energy Efficiency – Buildings, DIRECTIVE 2010/31/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings, http://ec.europa.eu/energy/efficiency/buildings/buildings_en.htm 2. K. Voss, E. Musall: ll: Net zero energy buildings, ISBN 978-3-0346-0780 978 0780-3, http://shop.detail.de/eu_e/net-zero-energy-buildings.html http://shop.detail.de/eu_e/net buildings.html 3. L. Ott: „Demonstrator Demonstrator Buildings are prepared for the Installation of DC DC Grid System ”, ENIAC AC Project DCC+G Deliverable D 4.2.1, 4.2.1 2014 4. L. Ott, B. Wunder:„Detailed tailed demonstrator test protocols are defined ”, ENIAC ENI Project DCC+G Deliverable D 4.3.1, 2014 © DCC+G Consortium <Public>