T ECHDIS AMBASSADORS LAUNCHED……...………1 Na tSpe c Co nfe r en ce March 2014 HAVE YOU HEARD?... T ECHDIS T IDBITS……...2 £1M FUNDING FOR DISABILITY PROJECTS……………..….....2 T ECHNOLOGY ADVISORY GROUP (TAG)…...........2 Jisc TechDis update INDEPENDENT SPECIALIST COLLEGES AND JISC TECHDIS —WORKING IN PARTNERSHIP. TechDis Ambassadors Programme Sharing stories and celebrating technology, independence and individual achievement A Jisc TechDis Ambassador is someone with a disability who shares and celebrates their use of technology in learning or work. We are encouraging disabled staff and learners (who are 16 or over) to send in their stories telling us who they are, what technology they are using, what it does and how it helps them. These short personal stories may be a video, an audio file or a written document. We aim to be inclusive; this is not a competition and the technology need not be new or innovative. It simply needs to have helped the individual to become a more independent learner. Ambassadors are champions of technology. They are not representatives of TechDis nor do they need to ‘do’ anything for us. Each will receive an official letter and certificate from TechDis for their portfolios. In addition, their story will be published on the Jisc TechDis blog. The programme was launched on the 20th of March which was World Storytelling Day. We hope we get enough Ambassador stories so that we can share one a day throughout May which is National Share a Story Month. The website has more information, guidance and examples as well as an application form. If you know of any potential TechDis Ambassadors, please do encourage them to apply. jisctechdis.ac.uk/techdis/learnersandstudents/ambassadors Have you heard... ...TechDis Titbits InBook InBook is a joint project developed between TechDis and Beaumont College. InBook is a secure social networking system that provides a protected space for learners to practice safe and responsible online behaviour. The project team have developed a range of activities for students to explore during InBook sessions around the 5 e-Safe Ts. Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement (RARPA) TechDis are delighted to have been on the advisory group for the Natspec-led RARPA projects. We worked with a wide range of professionals and had the opportunity to comment on and discuss the excellent work that was undertaken. T ECHNOLOGY A DVISORY GROUP Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND) reforms Techdis are starting a significant piece of work on the SEND reforms with London Councils which co-ordinates work across all 32 London Boroughs. The work will involve themed projects with local authorities, health services and education providers to accelerate the development of processes to implement the SEND reforms. £1M funding for disability projects Funding has been awarded to eight innovative projects that will make a real difference to people with disabilities. There were two competitions with four successful bids for each. ‘Ready steady STEM' is about opening up access to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects for disabled learners. 1. STEMReader: hearing maths through technology - ECS Partners Limited, University of Southampton. 2. Accessible Chemical Diagrams - The University of Birmingham. 3. EQUS (Enhacing the Quality and Usability of Spreadsheets) - Sheffield Hallam University Enterprises Ltd. 4. OSLO: Opening STEM Learning to Everyone - Plextex Limited, Essex The second competition, called ‘Good to go’, is about increasing independence in unfamiliar or challenging environments by giving people easy access to the information they need when they need it. 1. Work Buddy - Serious Games Institute, Coventry University. 2. Virtual Assistance for Independent Performance in a Changing Working Environment (VirtuAssist) - Fundosa Technosite S.A., Spain. 3. Flycatcher - National Star College, Cheltenham. 4. Spatial Memories Framework – EDINA, University of Edinburgh. This is the second time that Jisc TechDis has promoted and managed SBRI competitions specifically aimed at exploring and developing assistive technologies to support independent learning, working and living. The Technology Advisory Group (TAG) for Specialist Colleges was set up following the ISC Strategic Technologies event in June 2013. It replaced the Specialist Colleges Advisory Group (SCAG) and has a more strategic focus. It aims to ensure that the sector uses technology to add value to the experience of students with learning difficulties and/or disabilities. There is also a technical sub-group of network managers to offer support and advice. We have recently created a jiscmail list to share the work of the technical sub-group to all network managers in the sector. www.jiscmail.ac.uk/ISCTECHNICAL Make sure your network manager joins the list! Contact Jisc TechDis • Tel: +44 (0)1904 717580 • helpdesk@techdis.ac.uk • www.jisctechdis.ac.uk Jisc TechDis c/o The Higher Education Academy, a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales no. 04931031. Registered charity, England and Wales 1101607. Registered charity Scotland, SC043946. VAT Registered no. GB 152 1219 50