Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 31 May 2011 JISC Project Plan Project Information Project Identifier To be completed by JISC Project Title Digital Communication and Student Mental Health Project Hashtag Start Date 1 March 2011 End Date Lead Institution University of Sheffield Project Director Dr Andrew West (Director of Student Services) Project Manager Alan Phillips (Associate Director of Student Services) Contact email Partner Institutions n/a Project Webpage URL Programme Name Relationship Management Programme Manager Myles Danson ( ) 31 August 2012 Document Information Author(s) Alan Phillips Project Role(s) Project Manager Date 31 May 2011 Filename URL Access This report is for general dissemination Document History Version 1 Date Comments 31 May 2012 Page 1 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 m:\cg_share\office coordinator\alison\jisc project\project website\jisc project_current.docx Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 JISC Project Plan Overview of Project 1. Background At the University of Sheffield we have adopted a strategic approach to student mental health services, originating in our institutional student mental health strategy (2006), and subsequently augmented by a holistic overview report on student mental health (2008), setting out details of the large numbers of our students affected by such difficulties, the range of severity involved and the close relationship between mental health and progression, retention and completion. More recently our report on “Supporting Students with Complex Mental Health Difficulties” (2010) has provided further such data and added to our knowledge about the connection between mental health and the student experience of university life - including the connection with academic performance. We have made important advances in developing mental health services to and the next area in which we need to take steps forward is our ICT provision – the extent to which we use digital communication technologies in the student mental health system to develop our relationship with students and the staff who support them. This seems particularly important, both in terms of: engaging with a generation of students who are completely at ease with advanced digital technologies and who have integrated them into their lives and finding ways of improving our ability to communicate with students in an age of financial austerity for HEIs. 2. Aims and Objectives The ultimate goal (see diagram below) is for a unified ICT “face‟ for Student Mental Health, via a web interface, which would provide access to a number of resources and digital communication channels for students and staff. More specifically, we intend to create: A single website for student mental health. Currently each of the services providing mental health services has its own site. We will not replace these sites; rather the new site will be take the form of an umbrella, representing a single and clearer starting point for students and staff. We will create a new online self-referral process, through which students can make themselves known to mental health services. By means of this innovation, we particularly hope to open up a new channel of communication with harder to reach students. We will create a new online library of self-help and mental health promotion materials, available through modern digital media. This will be available to both students and to staff supporting students. Page 2 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 Fig 1: Diagram of project structure Other objectives: Through the project, to learn more about the use of digital communication technologies, such that we can devise a „digital communications strategy‟. This will inform both our work in student mental health and our work more broadly in Student Services. Also, to learn more about student engagement. We intend to invite students to work very closely with us in the project, as co-designers and evaluators and this will also inform the way in which we create new policies and services in the future. 3. Overall Approach Overall strategy The following are the key strategic themes underpinning the project and against which success will be evaluated: Service integration - This project is intended to reinforce the integration and collaboration that we already have across our mental health services – presenting a single face to students (and the staff that support them) Leading edge - The project has a firm focus on technology in an area of service provision where the use of ICT is less developed ie we intend to take a significant leap forward in our use of the most advanced communication technologies, better supporting “digital native” students User empowerment – we aim for the student voice to be clearly heard, both in the design aspect of this project and in the use, for example, of self-referral processes. Page 3 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 Sustainability – we intend the framework we create to be sufficiently straightforward and robust that we can add to it and develop it over time, beyond the life of the project Applicability – we intend to develop a framework that any university could adopt and indeed that we could apply to other areas of student support and engagement. How the work will be structured As the diagram at fig.1 illustrates, the work of the project will be divided into 3 parts developing online content, creating an online referral process and creating an over-arching website both to hold this content and to provide a single point of departure for staff and students seeking information and support. Each of these sub-projects will be led by an identified member of staff (or contractor in the case of the website) reporting into the Project Lead, Alan Phillips. The first two sub-contracts will commence immediately, whilst the creation of the website will commence from approximately August 2011. We believe that it is important that we enable the three parts of the project to interact, so that we share thinking and learning and produce a consistent result across the project. In particular we want the website designers to work alongside the other contributors so that their design know-how is integrated into the creation of various elements of content. This will be a challenging but important issue to be addressed during the project. We also intend to involve students in the work of the project to as great an extent as we can manage. We had always wanted students to be involved but our thinking since we received JISC funding has encouraged us to conceive of engaging students as co-designers (and not just stakeholders or customers) as much as possible. That is to say, they will be involved in such a way as to influence the design as it emerges. Each of the sub-projects will be given a small budget for this purpose and helped to identify students to work with them throughout the project. This represents another challenging yet important issue to be addressed during the project. Scope and boundaries of the work The project sets out to develop a functioning website for student mental health issues. It will not deal with the future development of the facility, nor any financial or staffing issues that may arise as a result of the project. However, it is recognised that such issues may form the basis for discussions on exit and sustainability. Critical success factors Factors critical to the success of the project will be: Student engagement – it is critical that students are fully engaged in the project, so that we can be confident that the website meets their needs and expectations. As we have said, student engagement will be an important element of this project. Technical functionality: the website must be of a high technical standard and generally work well. It must also embody a design aesthetic which is attractive to students. This will influence our choice of website developers. Page 4 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 Sustainability: the website and its content must be something that the University is capable of maintaining and developing when the project is completed. Discussions on sustainability will be critical to the longer term success of the project. Interoperability We intend that the website will be compatible with other internal University systems and will be accessible by other HE institutions. 4. Project Outputs Principally: The new range of web-based products and services, hosted within the University of Sheffield website, as described above. Learning and recommendations on the use of digital communication technologies in the student mental health field Learning and recommendations on the impact of student engagement in major service development initiatives such as this project. In addition: A project blog and video A case study document Interim and final reports. Mapping of the mental health services covered in this work and the new on line processes 5. Project Outcomes Enhanced capability and understanding of good practice in CRM technologies in the specific context of student mental health. Increased understanding of the effective use of ICT systems to support “at risk‟ students. An improved experience (in terms of access to and range of support) for students whether on campus or remote Provision of innovative on-line access to mental health support, more in tune with the expectations of digital native students. A new approach to web-enabled self-service access to support personalised interaction and self-referral. Improvements in student retention. Built-in usage tracking and feedback will enable effective evaluation. Benefits to the JISC community – the above experience to be disseminated through relevant professional networks, at conference presentations and workshops, etc. 6. Stakeholder Analysis Stakeholder Students Page 5 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 Interest / stake Engaged via service user groups and via the Students‟ Union, which will Importance High (user focus) Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 have membership on the project management team Involved at all stages as project contributors, as members of a reference group and as members of the project management group Participation in the project management team. mental health practitioners and expert psychological research input IT practitioners High (professional integrity) Medium (system integration) Student Services team, including senior management Project sponsorship, additional funding and participation in the project management team. Medium (service promotion) Professional community in the HE sector Provision of information via professional associations, networks, conferences, etc Involved via formal reporting, cluster groups and workshops. Also via website and blog. Medium (dissemination) JISC community High (dissemination and shared learning) 7. Risk Analysis Risk Probability Severity Score (1-5) (1-5) (P x S) Staffing - loss of key project staff. 2 4 8 Organisational – project is not managed adequately. 2 4 8 Technical – the website and its content does not function to the level we intend. 2 3 6 External suppliers prove to 2 3 6 Page 6 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 Action to Prevent/Manage Risk Contribution from a range of colleagues in an integrated service setting. We will also ensure that the project is fully documented and staff regularly briefing to share learning. Strong experience of effective project management. Excellent track record of partnership working with the students‟ union. Each sub-project will have a lead responsible for managing an area of the project. We have a strong project group, meeting regularly to assess progress. Strong existing relationship with IT colleagues in the University, who will provide advice and support. We will employ suppliers who have previously delivered effectively. Use of known suppliers with Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 be unreliable. Students are not willing to engage with the project. Legal 1 3 3 experience of working for the University and thus understanding our needs. Strong support from the Students‟ Union should enable us to develop the engagement we need. We also have a strong track record in this area to build upon. Ethical approval will be sought as necessary. IPR and consent issues will also be actively managed. 8. Standards Name of standard or specification HTML WSRP LDAP CAS Version 2.0 3.0 3.3.5 Notes Xhtml transitional In Liferay portal Authentication 9. Technical Development The University is committed to introducing systems based on open standards and platform independence. So, for example, application delivery is via the web wherever practicable ensuring use on a wide variety of client operating systems and environments. LDAP/CAS is used for authentication of users wherever practicable. Any new systems or applications implemented by the University must be capable of authenticating against a directory accessible via LDAP. Web applications are developed in Java, using eclipse and the Maven framework, and within an open standard portal framework. 10. Intellectual Property Rights The intellectual property arising from the project will be owned by the University. This is always the case where members of staff at this institution are concerned (covered in financial regulations) but we will also ensure that it applies to any work we commission by including a provision in contracts and agreements. Where students develop content for us (which may be the case) it will be on a collaborative basis with staff and therefore the intellectual property will again be owned by the University. Where students are videoed or sound recorded they will be asked to sign a form agreeing that any intellectual property created thereby will be owned by the University. If the website includes links to content from other institutions we will seek appropriate permissions. Page 7 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 In the case of the online self-referral process, we may be including a piece of commercial software. It is part of the work package for this aspect of the project to negotiate a suitable IPR agreement. Project Resources 11. Project Partners We will not be creating a consortium. However, we will be subcontracting the design of a website to an external supplier. The process of identifying a supplier has begun and we will provide JISC with details in due course. 12. Project Management Project management arrangements The project will be overseen by a Project Management Group, which will meet periodically during the course of the project. The names of group members are given below. It is intended that the group includes both direct contributors and other stakeholders. Alan Phillips will lead the project, reporting on progress to both the project group and to Andrew West, Director of Student Services. He will receive administrative support from Alison Cox as Project Officer. We estimate that Alan will devote up to 40% of his time to the project in its early stages and 20% once the website developers are appointed. Alison will devote 10% of her time to the project. Nic Streatfield will lead the work on developing online content and Kim Dent-Brown will lead work on developing a self-referral process. (See details above re website contractor). A detailed project plan will show key milestones and progress will be assessed against them. Membership of project management group Dr Andrew West (Project Sponsor). Director of Student Services, Chair of AMOSSHE, Vice Chair of AUA and a recent collaborator in JISC projects (referred to above). Alan Phillips (Project Leader). Alan is Associate Director of Student Services, Head of Student Health and Well-Being and responsible for student mental health strategy in the institution. He has successfully led and delivered a number of student services projects, including implementing the resultant service changes. Kate Tindle and Nic Streatfield. Kate is Head of Counselling and a highly experienced psychotherapist. She led our recent study of support to students with complex mental health difficulties. Nic is an experienced counsellor with an in-depth interest in the online use of clinical evaluation tools – he will lead the Developing Online Content aspect of the project. Liz Brewster. Liz is currently completing a PhD in Information Studies and has previously worked in our Counselling Service. She has an interest in the use of new digital media. Liz will be working with Nic Streatfield on Developing Online Content. Page 8 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 Alison Cox. Alison is Office Coordinator in the University Counselling Service and will be working as Project Officer, with responsibility for oversight of finance, planning and other administrative issues. Dr Kim Dent-Brown, School of Health and Related Research. An experienced researcher, Kim will lead the work on an Online Referral process. Kim has recently worked with us on a project concerning the support needs of students with complex mental health difficulties. For career details see: Dr Graham McElearney, Learning Technologist, from our Corporate Information and Computing Services. He has an extensive track record in developing and supporting elearning projects in the HE sector. In addition to advising the team on technical issues, he will contribute to our thinking on digital communications strategy. Paul Rodgers, lead on Student Support and Development. Paul is an experienced professional in the field of student support and guidance and will play a lead role on student engagement, ensuring that we identify students who can work with us on each major element of the project. Nikki Bowater. Nikki is the current Students‟ Union Welfare Officer. We have a very welldeveloped relationship with our Students Union, which is accustomed to working with us on major development projects. When Nikki‟s term of office comes to an end this summer, she will be replaced on the project by her successor. Dr Brendan Stone is a senior university teacher in the Department of English. He has an extensive interest in supporting students with mental health difficulties and in new forms of student engagement. He will provide the academic staff perspective and that of staff supporting students. Jonathan Gleek and Vicky Benjamin will join the project steering group as Student Consultants, ensuring (with the Students‟ Union Welfare Officer) that the student viewpoint is built into the project. 13. Programme Support We have no internal capability in terms of service design (as far as we know) so support in that area might be helpful. 14. Budget Budget attached at Appendix A Detailed Project Planning 15. Work packages Work packages are included for each major area of the project. The package for the Website Development area is in an outline form only, as we have not yet appointed website developers. This should happen during the next couple of months. Once appointed, one of their responsibilities will be to develop a suitably detailed plan of work. Page 9 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 31 May 2011 16. Evaluation Plan Timing Formative evaluation continues throughout project. Factor to Evaluate Success of online content Questions to Address Summative in the final stage. As above. As above Success of online referral process Success of website Draft of strategy ideas at Learning about digital Method(s) Measure of Success Is content acceptable and useful to students? Does it reflect the student voice? Does it cover all relevant areas? Are the media used are appropriate? Formative: close involvement of students as collaborators and co-designers feedback from project stakeholders feedback from focus and user groups we will open up a special blog to encourage student feedback Summative trialling in final stage of project measurement of hits as the site begins to be used Students tell us that they find the content useful and relevant to their lives. Usefulness of the content is reflected in the hits it generates. Does the process prove to be technically feasible? Is it attractive and useful to the students we are aiming at? As above but in addition: feedback from technical stakeholders feedback from particular student group with which we are most concerned (with complex difficulties) via individuals and focus groups. Students use the process and find it useful and relevant. It enables us to get to „hard to reach students‟ Is the design useful and accessible to students? Is it technically sound? Is it attractive to students – does it draw them to the site? Formative: close involvement of students as collaborators and co-designers feedback from project stakeholders feedback from technical stakeholders feedback from focus and user groups Summative trialling in final stage of project measurement of hits as the site begins to be used Formative: Periodic mini-workshops for project group, The website works smoothly and is attractive to students Hits on the website are substantial and sustained. We are able to create a feasible strategy for digital What are the learning points as we proceed through the Page 10 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 m:\cg_share\office coordinator\alison\jisc project\project website\jisc project_current.docx Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 completion of foundation stages. Further iterations in development stage. Final draft at completion of project communication strategy Formative evaluation continues throughout project. Learning about student engagement Summative in the final stage. Page 11 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 project? How does it enable us to develop strategy in this area, both in mental health and more broadly? What impact has student engagement had on the success of the project? How well have our different methods of engagement worked? drawing out learning Inclusion of student consultants in discussions Summative: Testing out of ideas with broader Student Services and Students‟ Union community Formative: Feedback from students and project staff throughout the project, collected via project group meetings, project blog and focus groups Summative: Test out final conclusions with main student contributors and project staff in a workshop. communications. We are better informed in this area and feel able to apply or learning to the broader student services field. The student perspective is firmly embedded in both project thin king and its practical outcomes and outputs. Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 17. Quality Plan Output Timing Throughout project Throughout project Quality criteria QA method(s) Evidence of compliance Quality responsibilities Quality tools (if applicable) Professional standards and accountability(delivering a product that is „clinically‟ informed) Involvement of mental health professionals who will form part of the project group, and use expertise drawn from clinical experience and training, current NICE guidelines, and other relevant publications Attendance of m/h professionals at project group meetings Ensuring that the resources developed conform to current guidelines on „best practice‟ for supporting / providing services to those with mental health difficulties Professional memberships of mental health professionals involved Accessibility and relevance Involvement of „student consultants‟ at strategy and delivery stages of the project Meetings with „student consultants‟ and their attendance at project group meetings Delivering a product that is accessible and relevant to current students We have accessibility experts in house (in Computing Services and Disability Support) who can work with us to ensure that the website is accessible by all students. Guidance from UREC Ensuring that the service offered through the product conforms to the University‟s ethical codes UREC policies and procedures Brief literature review, plus recommendations submitted to project group Involvement of inhouse accessibility experts. During foundation stage of project User safety and well being Page 12 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 Check with UREC (University‟s Research Ethics Committee) with regard to personal data gathered from users Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 Throughout project Technical functioning of website and content Involvement of IT professionals in all areas of project. Testing of web site and all content in final stage of project, particularly by potential users – students and staff.. Page 13 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 All features of website function as planned. Users able to navigate website successfully and find the information they need. Ensuring that the website has a high level of technical functionality. Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 18. Dissemination Plan Timing At beginning of project and at completion of key stages. Dissemination Activity Briefings to: During foundation stage of project and then (at least) at completion of each major stage. During foundation stage of project and then (at least) at completion of each major stage. AMOSSHE conference workshop summer 2012. Student Support Forum Student Services Strategy Group Learning and Teaching Committee Audience Institutional – senior management and academic staff Regular briefings to Union sabbatical team Regular feed of news from project into student community via (for example) Union Facebook newsfeed and other popular channels such as Forge Press Involvement of students in project management group and delivery activity will aid dissemination. University student community Contributions to Student Services staff briefing programme Articles in Student Services newsletter Enable access to project webpage and blog Briefings to AMOSSHE Executive via Andrew West (AMOSSHE Chair) Possible workshop at AMOSSHE conference (Summer 2012) Student Services staff, internally and externally. Page 14 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 Purpose Feeding learning into key student support and learning and teaching groups. Feeding news and learning from the project to the student community, raising awareness of the services being developed and the extent of student engagement involved. To share learning widely across our own department and with colleagues nationally. Key Message We are making efforts to further improve and develop services to students in a key retention area. Progress of project and emerging learning. We are developing services that are highly accessible and relevant to students. This process involves students to a high degree. Progress of project and emerging learning The importance of digital media in communicating with students. Progress of project and emerging learning. Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 Timing In foundation stage and at key points thereafter. Conference paper postproject. Dissemination Activity Briefings to Heads of University Counselling Services (HUCS) and Association for University and College Counselling (AUCC), via mail bases, executive meetings and journals. Audience Community of student mental health practitioners Purpose Key message To share learning with our own staff internally and with colleagues nationally. Possibility of innovative ways of communicating with students on mental health issues and of creating new service models. Progress of project and emerging learning. Possible contribution to AUCC conference (precise date unknown but summer 2012). Internally – feed news to colleagues in clinical services via team meetings and away days. In foundation stage and at key points. Throughout project, as per JISC requirements. Briefing to local IT staff via their electronic newsletter and Director‟s blog. Enabling access to project website and blog. Involvement of local IT staff in project will aid dissemination. Project blog, available to other project participants. Interim and final reports Participation in cluster group News and leaning made available on project website. Page 15 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 University of Sheffield IT community. To share learning with our own staff internally and with colleagues nationally. Raising awareness of application of digital media in student support field. Reinforcing need for IT and Student Services collaboration on such issues. JISC community To share learning with JISC staff and participants in JISC programmes. Enhancing JISC knowledge base in his area. News and learning emerging from the project. Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 19. Exit and Sustainability Plans Project Outputs Action for Take-up & Embedding Action for Exit New services (online content and online referral within new website) The new services will be absorbed into existing student mental health infrastructure within Student Health and Well Being. Key contributors to project will stay with new services as they are embedded. Website developers will formally handover site to internal staff. A marketing campaign will be required to alert students to the new services. However, we intend that much of this awareness raising will have been done through our dissemination activity. Clarify responsibilities for operational management of service. Training for staff responsible for updating content and maintain website. Appropriate documentation made available. Learning re digital communications The learning on digital communication strategy will be formally written up and disseminated. Digital communications will become a key feature of our local student mental health strategy, managed by our strategy leadership group. It will also be taken up in the periodic process of reviewing the broader Student Services strategy. Summarise learning. Formally include in Student mental health strategy for post-2012 Learning re student engagement As above, the learning on student engagement will be formally written up and disseminated. It will also become part of our student mental health strategy, as above. Likely to be taken up in broader Student Services strategy too. Summarise learning. Formally include in Student mental health strategy for post-2012 Page 16 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 Project Outputs New services (online content and online referral within new website) Why Sustainable This is very much a service development project, albeit we are also keen to generate strategic learning, so our intention is very much to create services/facilities that will last. It is anticipated (see above) that the new website will be absorbed into the locally managed student mental health infrastructure. Page 17 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 Scenarios for Taking Forward Incorporation onto local infrastructure, managed by an existing Service Head. One of main project leads remains heavily involved in management and development of these web facilities. Arrangements are developed with local IT practitioners for ongoing technical support. Issues to Address Where the new facilities best fit organisationally Who is best equipped to manage the new facilities The extent to which we can depend on local IT support. This may depend upon the technical options we choose. Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 31 May 2011 Appendix A - Project Budget Directly Incurred Staff Bought in from SCHARR August 10– July 11 £2000 August 11– July 12 £8000 TOTAL £ Bought in from External Supplier £0 £15000 £15000 Total Directly Incurred Staff (A) £2000 £23000 £25000 Non-Staff August 11– July 12 £1800 TOTAL £ Travel and expenses August 10– July 11 £200 Hardware/software £500 £2000 £2500 Dissemination £250 £2250 £2500 Evaluation £250 £2250 £2500 Other Total Directly Incurred Non-Staff (B) £530 £1730 £3920 £12220 £4450 £13950 Directly Incurred Total (C) (A+B=C) £3730 £35220 £38950 Directly Allocated August 11– July 12 £20245 TOTAL £ Staff August 10– July 11 £6805 Estates £846 £3845 £4691 Other £3912 £17784 £21696 Directly Allocated Total (D) £11563 £41874 £53437 Indirect Costs (E) £ £ £ Total Project Cost (C+D+E) £15293 £77094 £92387 Amount Requested from JISC £20000 £40000 £60000 Institutional Contributions £0 £32387 £32387 Percentage Contributions over the life of the project JISC 65 % Partners 35 % Total 100% No. FTEs used to calculate indirect and estates charges, and staff included No FTEs Which Staff 0.23 2010/11 0.53 2011/12 Grade 8 2010/11 0.08fte - 2011/12 0.16fte Grade 5 2010/11 0.16fte – 2011/12 0.37fte Page 18 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 m:\cg_share\office coordinator\alison\jisc project\project website\jisc project_current.docx £10000 £2000 £27050 Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 31 May 2011 Appendix B. Work Packages JISC WORK PACKAGE - ‘DEVELOPING ONLINE CONTENT’ WORKPACKAGES Month 1 M 2 A 3 M 4 J 5 J 6 A 7 S 1: Planning 2: Scoping topics & delivery methods 3: Writing Project Blog 4: Student Engagement Activities 5: Reviewing Scoping results with students and project group 6: Creating content – How to stay well 7: Creating content – Self Help 8: Creating content – Signposting 9: Creating content – Staff Resources 10: Linking content with online referral process 11: Reviewing content Page 19 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 m:\cg_share\office coordinator\alison\jisc project\project website\jisc project_current.docx 8 O 9 N 10 D 11 J 12 F 13 M 14 A 15 M 16 J 17 J 18 A Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 with students and project group 12: Testing web portal Project start date: March 2011 Project completion date: August 2012 Duration: 18 months Work packages Start End Outputs March 2011 April 2011 Creation of uspace group March 2011 April 2011 March 2011 June 2011 Creation of spreadsheet for collating information in consistent manner (excel) Explore options e.g Facebook, Twitter, blog etc March 2011 April 2011 Milestones Responsibility WORKPACKAGE 1: Objective: Planning 1. Internal project communication (uspace) 2. Categorising findings system 3. Plan external strategy to encourage stakeholder contributions 4. Time commitments and budget Page 20 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 Prepare project plan Uspace group set up LB Excel spreadsheet set up LB Online forums, social networking accounts established Project plan presented NS & LB NS Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 WORKPACKAGE 2: Objective: Scoping topics 5. Scoping existing digital communication for the topic - Sleep 6. Scoping existing digital communication for the topic – Managing Transitions, loneliness & homesickness 7. Review first two scoping exercises 8. Scoping existing digital communication for the topic – Relationship Difficulties 9. Scoping existing digital communication for the topic – Academic Difficulties (Time Management, Procrastination, Exam Stress) 10. Scoping existing digital communication for the topic – Low self esteem/low confidence 11. Scoping existing digital communication Page 21 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 Apr 2011 5th May May 2011 5th May May 2011 May 2011 Collation of useful websites Collation of useful content Examples of successful delivery methods Collation of useful websites Collation of useful content Examples of successful delivery methods Report detailing links to possible signposting options, content headings and suggested method(s) of delivering content NS & LB Report detailing links to possible signposting options, content headings and suggested method(s) of delivering content NS & LB May 2011 May 2011 Is the process working? Are we being consistent? Collation of useful websites Collation of useful content Examples of successful delivery methods Improve data collection methods and if necessary refine spreadsheet Report detailing links to possible signposting options, content headings and suggested method(s) of delivering content NS & LB May 2011 May 2011 Collation of useful websites Collation of useful content Examples of successful delivery methods Report detailing links to possible signposting options, content headings and suggested method(s) of delivering content NS & LB June 2011 June 2011 Collation of useful websites Collation of useful content Examples of successful delivery methods Report detailing links to possible signposting options, content headings and suggested method(s) of delivering content NS & LB June 2011 June 2011 Collation of useful websites Collation of useful content Report detailing links to possible signposting options, content headings and suggested NS & LB NS & LB Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 for the topic – Anxiety 12. Scoping existing digital communication for the topic – Bereavement & Loss 13. Scoping existing digital communication for the topic – Self harm & suicidal thoughts 14. Scoping existing digital communication for the topic – Depression 15. Scoping existing digital communication for the topic – Eating Disorders 16. Scoping existing digital communication for the topic – Wellbeing/Happiness 17. Scoping existing digital communication for the topic – Food & Mood 18. Scoping existing digital communication for the topic – Exercise Page 22 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 June 2011 June 2011 June 2011 June 2011 July 2011 July 2011 July 2011 July 2011 July 2011 July 2011 June 2011 June 2011 June 2011 June 2011 Examples of successful delivery methods Collation of useful websites Collation of useful content Examples of successful delivery methods Collation of useful websites Collation of useful content Examples of successful delivery methods Collation of useful websites Collation of useful content Examples of successful delivery methods Collation of useful websites Collation of useful content Examples of successful delivery methods Collation of useful websites Collation of useful content Examples of successful delivery methods Collation of useful websites Collation of useful content Examples of successful delivery methods Collation of useful websites Collation of useful content Examples of successful delivery methods method(s) of delivering content Report detailing links to possible signposting options, content headings and suggested method(s) of delivering content NS & LB Report detailing links to possible signposting options, content headings and suggested method(s) of delivering content NS & LB Report detailing links to possible signposting options, content headings and suggested method(s) of delivering content NS & LB Report detailing links to possible signposting options, content headings and suggested method(s) of delivering content NS & LB Report detailing links to possible signposting options, content headings and suggested method(s) of delivering content NS & LB Report detailing links to possible signposting options, content headings and suggested method(s) of delivering content NS & LB Report detailing links to possible signposting options, content headings and suggested method(s) of delivering content NS & LB Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 WORKPACKAGE 3: Objective: Content Project Blog 19. Create project blog 20. Maintain and promote blog 21. Use blog as a means to raise awareness/interest in the project of students May 2011 May 2011 May 2011 Sept 2012 May 2011 Sept 2012 Create a student focused blog about the project Maintain blog with fortnightly (at least) entries and use associated social networking links e.g. twitter feed, facebook, Student Union resources to find ‘friends’ of the project Consider competitions – e.g. naming rights, Seek students interested in creating content for project, carrying out interviews, focus group participants etc Project Blog created NS & LB 100 followers of the project NS & LB 200 followers of the project NS WORKPACKAGE 4: Objective: Student Engagement Activities 22. Use existing links with groups of students from current student services contacts in Page 23 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 May 2011 Speak to Mentors, Complex project group, contact counselling clients, DDSS clients, international students, Creation of focus groups, registration of 50 interested individuals for project NS & others Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 order to encourage involvement in the project 23. Use existing links with groups of students from student union contacts in order to encourage involvement in the project mature and postgraduate students May 2011 Speak to Student Union affiliated groups and societies Creation of focus groups, registration of 50 interested individuals for project NS & others WORKPACKAGE 5: Objective: Reviewing Scoping results with students and project group 24. Review results with Project Group 25. Review results with other student services staff Page 24 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 July 2011 March 2012 July 2011 March 2012 List of existing resources List of existing delivery methods List of potential developmental delivery methods Suggestions for how to make existing resources more applicable to H.E Any gaps in scoping findings List of existing resources List of existing delivery methods List of potential developmental delivery methods Suggestions for how to make existing resources more applicable to H.E Provision of scoping review document for each topic NS & LB? Provision of scoping review document for each topic NS & LB? Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 26. Review results with students; Focus Groups Interested individuals Through Blog Student Union July 2011 27. Review results with IT staff and website designers Aug 2011 28. Barriers 29. Feedback Cycle Page 25 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 March 2012 Any gaps in scoping findings List of existing resources List of existing delivery methods List of potential developmental delivery methods Suggestions for how to make existing resources more applicable to H.E Any gaps in scoping findings List of existing resources List of existing delivery methods List of potential developmental delivery methods Suggestions for how to make existing resources more applicable to H.E Any gaps in scoping findings List of questions re IT ‘capability List possible barriers to using or developing content e.g. Intellectual Property issues Costs Language issues Collate feedback Create content & delivery plan Repeat 18,19,20 to ensure stakeholder buy in of plan Provision of scoping review document for each topic NS & ? Provision of scoping review document for each topic Provision of technical questions re IT capability NS & ? Provision of list of potential hurdles Review, adaptation and then provision of content & delivery plan NS & LB All Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 WORKPACKAGE 6: Objective: Creating content – How to stay well 30. Writing text content 31. Producing other delivery content (to be advised once workpackage 2 has been completed) e.g. Podcasts, Video June 2011 Sep 2011 32. Engagement with web designers Draft text content for website Provision of draft text for review Arrange or facilitate the development of other content in range of delivery methods as decided by scoping review discussions. This will ideally be encouraging students to create their own content Ensure content development fits into available IT resources & standards Provision of draft content for review NS Confirmation that delivery methods remain consistent with web portal’s capability WORKPACKAGE 7: Objective: Creating content – Self Help 33. Writing text content 34. Producing other delivery content (to be advised once workpackage 2 has been completed) e.g. Page 26 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 June 2011 Sep 2011 Draft text content for website Provision of draft text for review Arrange or facilitate the development of other content in range of delivery methods as decided by scoping review discussions. This will ideally be Provision of draft content for review NS Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 Podcasts, Video encouraging students to create their own content Ensure content development fits into available IT resources & standards 35. Engagement with web designers Confirmation that delivery methods remain consistent with web portal’s capability WORKPACKAGE 8: Objective: Creating content – Signposting 36. Writing text content 37. Designing appropriate Signposting path 38. Checking Signposting links work 39. Producing other delivery content (to be advised once workpackage 2 has been completed) e.g. Podcasts, Video 40. Engagement with web designers Page 27 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 May 2011 Aug 2011 Draft text content for website Provision of draft text for review NS Ensuring Signposting is relevant to students and easy to follow Ensuring signposting links work Recommending technology to check for broken links Ensuring language for links is relevant to the student audience Arrange or facilitate the development of other content in range of delivery methods as decided by scoping review discussions. This will ideally be encouraging students to create their own content Ensure content development fits into available IT resources & standards Provision of Signposting pathway NS & LB Provision of Signposting accuracy plan Provision of draft content for review Confirmation that delivery methods remain consistent with web portal’s capability Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 WORKPACKAGE 9: Objective: Creating content – Staff Resources for helping students 41. Reviewing current Staff resources Oct 2011 Review all current staff web resources Be informed by the findings of previous workpackages Provision of review of existing staff resources 42. Review results with interested staff; Focus Groups Interested individuals Through Blog Nov 2011 Provision of draft text for review 43. Writing text content Nov 2011 Nov 2011 List of existing resources List of existing delivery methods List of potential developmental delivery methods Suggestions for how to make existing resources more available to staff Any gaps in scoping findings Draft text content for website Arrange or facilitate the development of other content in range of delivery methods as decided by scoping review discussions. This will ideally be encouraging staff to create their own content Ensure content development fits into available IT resources & standards Provision of draft content for review 44. Producing other delivery content (to be advised once other workpackages have been completed) 45. Engagement with web designers Page 28 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 Provision of draft text for review Confirmation that delivery methods remain consistent with web portal’s capability NS & ? Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 WORKPACKAGE 10: Objective: Linking content with online referral process 46. Link content with online referral process Oct 2011 Ensure that content is appropriate to the online referral process. E.g. that appropriate content is available at different points along the online referral process Joined up content and online referral pathways Dec 2011 Test out suitability of created content and delivery methods using already established means of communication with stakeholders (blog, focus groups, individual interviews, meetings) as well as seeking volunteers to test draft versions of the content in the web portal Test out suitability of created content and delivery methods Content & Delivery method ready for trialling WORKPACKAGE 11: Objective: Reviewing content with students and project group 47. Reviewing content and delivery of How to stay well 48. Reviewing content and delivery of Self Page 29 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 Dec 2011 Content & Delivery method ready for trialling NS & KDB Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 Help 49. Reviewing content and delivery of Signposting Dec 2011 50. Reviewing content and delivery of Staff Resources Dec 2011 51. Review all content and design with web designers Page 30 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 using already established means of communication with stakeholders (blog, focus groups, individual interviews, meetings) as well as seeking volunteers to test draft versions of the content in the web portal Testing out ease of navigation and design of signposting links using already established means of communication with stakeholders (blog, focus groups, individual interviews, meetings) as well as seeking volunteers to test draft versions of the content in the web portal Testing out ease of navigation and design of signposting links using already established means of communication with stakeholders (blog, focus groups, individual interviews, meetings) as well as seeking volunteers to test draft versions of the content in the web portal Review all content and design with web designers Content & Delivery method ready for trialling Content & Delivery method ready for trialling Content & Delivery method ready for trialling Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 WORKPACKAGE 12: Objective: Testing Web portal Testing web portal Members of Project Team: Name Nic Streatfield Liz Brewster Page 31 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 June 2012 August 2012 Using project friends – both staff and student to test the web portal capability and ease of access before actual go live date Role Lead on developing online content Assistant – scoping, creating and curating online content. Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 JISC WORK PACKAGE – ‘ONLINE SELF-REFERRAL’ WORKPACKAGES Month 1: Planning 2: Negotiating access and IP rights with CORE-IMS 3: Investigation of existing models 4: Iterate drafts of pathway shape and text 5: Write/rewrite and test coding to navigate pathway 6:Road test current version of pathway with advisory panel 7: Release, testing and feedback from University community Project start date: March 2011 Project completion date: August 2012 Duration: 18 months Page 32 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 1 M 2 A 3 M 4 J 5 J 6 A 7 S 8 O 9 N 10 D 11 J 12 F 13 M 14 A 15 M 16 J 17 J 18 A Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 Workpackages Start End Outputs Milestones March 2011 March 2011 March 2011 November 2011 June 2011 Creation of uspace group June 2011 Team established June 2011 Prepare project plan December 2011 Testing panel recruited Email to potential testers from among previous student collaborators June 2011 June 2011 Discussion date to agree strategy June 2011 July 2011 Decision from team on level of input required from CORE Formal agreement with CORE over intellectual property, costs and responsibilities June 2011 September List of links to websites Responsibility WORKPACKAGE 1: Objective: Planning 1. Internal project communication (uspace) 2. Recruit core writing team 3. Time commitments and budget 4. Recruit student tester panel Uspace group set up KDB Mailing list of team members KDB Project plan presented KDB WORKPACKAGE 2: Objective: IP rights and access 5. Agree level of input required from CORE 6. Negotiate access and costs with CORE-IMS Meeting/discussion with CORE/IMS to agree terms WORKPACKAGE 3: Objective: Investigation of existing models 7. Identify other Page 33 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 Email to project team to ‘snowball’ possible links Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 institutions/agencies using analogous approach 8. Testing/evaluating existing models 2011 with similar aims/processes Report document detailing features of other sites and learning for this project June 2011 September 2011 Report presented to project team August 2011 October 2011 Final version of links and text to coders Meeting mid-way each month to present and discuss current version October 2011 March 2012 Two iterations – end Nov 2011, end March 2012 October 2011 October 2011 March 2012 April 2012 Draft of website pages available for technical testing Pages ready for release to internal tester/s Feedback delivered to coders Working version available for student panel WORKPACKAGE 4: Objective: Iterate drafts of pathway shape and text 9. Paper version of pathway along with draft text for each page WORKPACKAGE 5: Objective: Write/rewrite and test coding to navigate pathway 10. Draft coding for webpages 11. Internal testing for technical performance 12. Feedback from testing 13. Amendments prior to release to student panel Page 34 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 April 2012 April 2012 Two iterations – end Dec 2011, end April 2012 Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 WORKPACKAGE 6: Objective: Road test current version of pathway with advisory panel 14. Student panel for testing and comment January 2012 May 2012 February 2012 June 2012 Comments returned from user panel Meeting to discuss pages and formulate comments WORKPACKAGE 7: Objective: Release, testing and feedback from University community 15. Release to full University community 16. Feedback from users 17. Feedback reporting Members of Project Team: Name Kim Dent-Brown Page 35 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 July 2012 August 2012 Webpages available throughout Uni community via secure login Feedback collated Report on technical performance and student feedback prepared Role Lead for Development of Online SelfReferral Process Pages go ‘live’ ‘Beta release’ feedback page on website Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 JISC WORK PACKAGE – ‘WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT’ (Note: in outline until website developers are appointed) WORKPACKAGES Month 1: Contact with potential developers 2:Discussions with internal technical advisors 3: Appointment of developers 4: Planning 5: Website development 6: Liaison with other project leads 7: Student engagement 8: Trialling (‘fallow’) period 9. Improvement/adjustment st Project start date: 1 March 2011 st Project completion date: 31 August 2012 Duration: 18 months Page 36 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 WORKPACKAGE 1: Objective: Contact and discussions with potential developers 18. Identify potential developers 19. Set up meetings 20. Meet and discuss project with potential developers March 2011 April 2011 April 2011 March 2011 May 2011 May 2011 List of three/four developers known to University Meetings arranged Assessment of: interest from developers, level of experience and technical competence. List produced Meetings in diary Assessment satisfactory, such that can go forward with invitations to quote for work. AP AP AP 21. Meet with internal technical advisors May 2011 May 2011 Assessment from computing and marketing standpoints as to best options for website development Approach agreed – can form foundation for brief to developers AP 22. Involve technical advisors in process of selecting developers. June 2011 July 2011 WORKPACKAGE 2: Objective: Discussions with internal technical advisors Page 37 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 WORKPACKAGE 3: Objective: Appointment of Website Developers 23. Write brief for website developers and invite to submit proposals 24. Set up interviews and appoint developers June 2011 June 2011 Brief which is informative for developers and covers all of our needs. Brief written in good time and agreed by all parties internally. June 2011 July 2011 Developer appointed July 2011 August 2011 Developer will develop a detailed work plan to cover period September 2011 – August 2012 Plan received and agreed by project manager September 2011 April 2012 Comprehensive website capable of housing content produced during the project; creative and attractive to student users. Website meets all criteria agreed at outset – ready for trialling. WORKPACKAGE 4: Objective: Planning 25. Development of more detailed work plan for remainder of project WORKPACKAGE 5: Objective: Website development 26. Development of web pages to house content produced by other sub-projects Page 38 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 AP Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 WORKPACKAGE 6: Objective: Liaison with other project leads 27. Liaison with other project leads September 2011 April 2012 Liaison required between website developers and other project leads to ensure that the website both looks good and works well. September 2011 April 2012 Website developers involve students in design and testing activities. May 2012 August 2012 Website operates for trial period with student and staff engagement. Good interaction between sub-projects results in both high level of design creativity and technical performance. WORKPACKAGE 7: Objective: Student engagement 28. Work with students throughout project to ensure that website meets their needs WORKPACKAGE 8: Objective: Trialling ‘fallow’ period 29. Page 39 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 Website ready to trial. Project Acronym: DCSMH Version: 1 Contact: Alan Phillips ( Date: 13 May 2011 WORKPACKAGE 9: Objective: Improvement/adjustment 30. August 2012 August 2012 Any faults or gaps noted in trialling/fallow period are put right. Members of Project Team: Name Role Website Developers Not yet known (Alan Phillips – Project Manager – responsible for first phases of this work package). Page 40 of 40 Document title: JISC Project Plan Last updated: April 2007 Website fully functional and ready to launch by end of period.