Light propagation in square law media with random imperfections Josselin Garnier June 10, 1999 Abstract This paper investigates the deformation of the eld transmitted through a square law medium waveguide. We consider the situation where the center of the waveguide randomly oscillates around the optical axis or the radius of the waveguide randomly pulsates. The random perturbations are small, but the waveguide is long, which gives rise to a macroscopic eect of the inhomogeneities. This eect is characterized by coupling mechanisms between optical modes, which tend to strengthen high order modes. Precise expressions for the transmitted wave are derived which exhibit remarkable regimes, where behaviors such as shift, spreading or even focusing of the eld can be observed. Numerical simulations are in good agreement with the theoretical results. 1 Introduction The design of devices capable of guiding light over large distances is of current interest in optics, especially for telecommunications purposes [1]. Indeed, because of diraction, any light beam spreads out while it propagates in homogeneous medium. It is therefore necessary to compensate for this natural mechanism. The main idea of a waveguide is to guide a beam of light by employing a variation of the index of refraction in the transverse direction so as to cause the light to travel along a well-dened channel. The dependence of the index of refraction on the transverse direction may be continuous or discontinuous, but the essential element is that the index of refraction is maximal in the channel along which one wishes to guide the light. As the name indicates, a square law medium waveguide achieves the guidance eect by a continuous variation of the index of refraction, which is maximal at the center of the guide and decreases quadratically with increasing distance from the center. These waveguides describe with very good accuracy the modern optical glass bers with graded index of refraction [2, and references therein]. The perfect waveguide has been extensively studied [2, 3]. The study of random waveguide has become an essential need because such problems naturally arise in many congurations [3]. The perturbations may originate from dierent physical reasons: misalignments, geometrical imperfections, impurities and so on. In most cases they are small but their cumulative eects may become important after a long propagation length. Furthermore they are unpredictable so that the statistical approach is convenient to study their eects. Literature contains Centre de Mathematiques Appliquees, CNRS UMR 7641, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex, France 1 2 J. Garnier a lot of papers and reviews which deal with the transmittivity of random waveguides. They are mainly concerned with the mean power content in the propagating modes. The most common method consists in deriving and solving eective coupled modes equations [3, 4, 5, 6]. McLaughlin consider in [7] the propagation of a Gaussian beam in a strongly focusing medium, which is subject to random deformations of the beam axis. He derives the average intensity and the intensity uctuations on the beam axis. Other methods such as ray-mode analysis [8], path-integration analysis [9] or random matrix theory [10] can also be applied to this problem. Besides dierent questions have been addressed: statistical properties of the cumulative phase [11], inuence of absorption [12], or else the degree of polarization [13]. Inuence of backscattering is also examined in [14] in a particular case (rectangular waveguide with two propagating modes). In our paper we shall give a mathematical approach of the propagation of light through a random square law medium. We aim at deriving precise expressions for both the modal representation and the wave itself at the output of the random waveguide for any input wave. Furthermore the complete distribution is sought, and we shall see that the mean behavior may be very dierent from the typical behavior of the wave, since the mean is imposed by exceptional but remarkable realizations. The analysis puts into evidence the usual scales [15]: wavelength, amplitude and correlation radius of the random perturbations, length and radius of the waveguide. We study the asymptotic behavior of the transmitted wave in the framework introduced by Papanicolaou and its co-authors based on the separation of these scales. Our main aim is to exhibit the asymptotic regime which corresponds to the case where the amplitudes of the random uctuations go to zero and the size of the system goes to innity. We then describe explicitly the eective random evolution of the eld. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 deals with the wave description of light inside the perfect waveguide, while we state our main convergence result about the transmitted eld through a random waveguide in Section 3 and 4, devoted respectively to the study of random perturbations of the axis and of the core radius of the waveguide. We nally compare the theoretical asymptotic results with numerical simulations of the perturbed propagation equation in Section 5. 2 Light propagation in a perfect waveguide 2.1 Propagation equation Physically speaking we are dealing in this paper with the square law medium in paraxial approximation. The square law medium is a medium with an index of refraction of the form: n2 (x; y) = n20 ? n0n1 (x2 + y2 ); (1) where n0 > 0 is the maximal index at the center of the waveguide and n1 > 0 is the quadratic decrease rate of the index per unit length. For suciently large x2 + y2 , the squared index n2 becomes negative, which can occur for instance in ionized gases. Although this is not the case for waveguides, Equation (1) is considered as a good rst approximation for graded index waveguides, as long as the eld distribution is close to the optical axis [2]. Furthermore square law media have the physically relevant property that the center of intensity of paraxial light moves according to the law of geometrical optics [3, Section 3.6]. We shall also recall that the normal modes of such media are the well-known Gauss-Hermite functions [3, Section 7.2], which will appear very convenient for our purpose. Within the parabolic approximation, the propagation of the eld is governed by the following Light propagation in square law media with random imperfections 3 Schrodinger equation, sometimes called Fock equation [3]: @E @E 2 2 2 ?2ikn0 @E @z ? k n0 n1 (x + y )E + @x2 + @y2 = 0: 2 2 (2) where k is the free space wavenumber. In order to transform this equation into a standard and adimensional form, we multiply the spatial coordinates x and y by k1=2 (n0 n1 )1=4 and z by n10=2 n?1 1=2 , so that (2) now reads: @ E + @ E = 0: 2 2 ?2i @E ? ( x + y ) E + @z @x2 @y2 2 2 (3) 2.2 Normal modes of square law media Equation (3) admits a family of normal modes indexed by two integers p and q: fp;q(x; y) = fp (x)fq (y); (4) where the real-valued functions fp are the so-called Hermite-Gaussian functions: fp(x) = q 1p 2p dp e?x : Hp (x) = (?1)p ex dx p Hp (x) e?x =2 ; 2 p! 2 2 (5) The family (fp;q )p;q2IN is complete in the following sense [16, Prop. 1.5.7]. Proposition 2.1 1. The normalized Hermite-Gaussian functions (fp )p2IN (resp. (fp;q )p;q2IN ) are a complete orthonormal set in the physical space L2 (IR; Cj ) (resp. L2 (IR2 ; Cj )). Z IR fpfp0 (x)dx = pp0 ; Z IR2 fp;qfp0;q0 (x; y)dxdy = pp0 qq0 : 2. (x; y; z ) 7! ei(p+q+1)z fp;q (x; y) is a solution of (3). Furthermore, by applying the recursion relations amongst the Hermite polynomials [17, formula 8.952], we get relations between the Hermite-Gaussian functions that will be useful in the following: pp + 1 pp pp @fp = ? ppp+ 1 f + p f ; xfp = p fp+1 + p fp?1: @x 2 p+1 2 2 2 p?1 (6) We dene the eigenstate decomposition as the map : E 2 L2 (IR; Cj ) 7! (cp )p2IN , where cp is dened by: Z (E )p := cp = fp(x)E (x)dx: (7) IR By Proposition 2.1, is an isometry from L2 (IR; Cj ) onto l2 , the space of all the sequences (cp )p2IN from IN into Cj which are squared integrable. 4 J. Garnier x L / ε2 0 Fig 1 z : Perturbation of the center of the waveguide. 3 Square law media with randomly perturbed axis 3.1 Formulation of the problem In this section we look for the evolution of the eld E in a waveguide whose quadratic varying index of refraction is aected by small perturbations. More exactly we assume that the center of the waveguide oscillates around the optical axis according to "m(z ), where " is a small parameter which characterizes the amplitudes of the uctuations and m = (mx ; my ) is a IR2 -valued random process (see Figure 1). The perturbed equation which governs the evolution of the eld is: @ E + @ E = 0: 2 2 ? ( x ? "m ( z )) E ? ( y ? "m ( z )) E + ?2i @E x y @z @x2 @y2 2 2 (8) 3.2 Scales and hypotheses We assume that the amplitudes of the uctuations are of order " 1, and that the perturbed region, i.e. the support of the function m, is of order "?2 . The function m = (mx ; my ) is assumed to be almost surely bounded, zero-mean, stationary and ergodic process. In order to simplify the presentation of the forthcoming results, we shall assume that the real processes mx and my are independent and identically distributed. However this hypothesis does not alter qualitatively the results nor the corresponding arguments. The rigorous proof actually requires that the random process m has \enough decorrelation", more exactly that it fullls the technical mixing condition \m is -mixing, with 2 L1=2 (IR+ )" (see [18, Section 4-6-2]). The function (z ) is roughly the normalized correlation function IE[m(0)m(z )]=IE[m(0)2 ]. In order to simplify the presentation of the main results, we shall rst assume that only one transversal coordinate is present, say x. We shall then present and discuss the results of the physically relevant problem with the two transversal coordinates x and y in Section 3.6. Accordingly we rst consider the equation: @ E = 0: 2 ? ( x ? "m ( z )) E + ?2i @E x @z @x2 2 (9) 3.3 Evolution of the modal decomposition We aim at studying the evolution of the normalized eld E " (x; z ) := E (x; z="2 ). Since is an isometry from L2 onto l2 , it is equivalent to study the evolution of its modal decomposition, i.e. the corresponding normalized coecients c" : c"p (z) := (E " (:; z))p e?i(p+ 1 z ) 2 "2 ; (10) Light propagation in square law media with random imperfections E " (x; z) = 1 X p=0 c"p (z)ei(p+ 1 z ) 2 "2 5 fp(x): (11) Substituting the expression (11) into Eq. (9), and using the relations (6), we get that the equation which governs the evolution of c" is: dc"p 1 z pi p " ?iz=" p " eiz=" + m 2 ( z ) i c" : p + 1 c = m ( ) + pc e x "2 2 p p+1 p?1 dz " x "2 2 2 2 (12) We consider also the innite-dimensional system of linear dierential equations starting from c(0) = c0 : p p dcp = p1;x ppcp?1 ? p + 1cp+1 dWz1 + ip1;x ppcp?1 + p + 1cp+1 dWz2 i 2 + ? (2p + 1) c dz; (13) 2 x 1;x p where W 1 and W 2 are independent standard Brownian motions, x2 is the variance of the random variable mx and j;x is the integrated covariance: Z 1 1 2 2 (14) x = IE[mx(0) ]; j;x = 2 IE[mx(0)mx (z)] cos(jz)dz: 0 j;x is nonnegative because it is proportional to the j -frequency evaluation of the spectral density function by the Wiener-Khintchine theorem [19]. We can now state our main convergence result. Proposition 3.1 1. There exists a unique solution c of Equation (13). 2. The processes c" converge in distribution as continuous functions from [0; 1) into l2 to the diusion Markov process c solution of (13) as " ! 0. This proposition was established in the framework of the quantum harmonic oscillator in [20]. The interested reader can nd in this paper the complete proof. It consists essentially in justifying the substitutions of independent Brownian motions for the processes "?1 mx(z="2 ) cos(z="2 ) and "?1 mx (z="2 ) sin(z="2 ) when taking the limit " ! 0 in Eq. (12). Taking into account Stratonovitch corrections we then get Eq. (13). These techniques based on a martingale approach to some limit theorems in the diusion-approximation regime are now well-known and extensively reviewed in literature [15, 18]. Eq. (13) consists of a closedform but complicated description of the asymptotic evolution of the modal decomposition of the eld. In the framework of randomly perturbed square law media, we are concerned with the description of the wave at the output of the waveguide. From this viewpoint Proposition 3.1 is the starting point of our study. 3.4 Asymptotic evolution of the eld We now give remarkable properties of the asymptotic system (13). First we want to underline that the assertion \E " converge as a continuous function from z[0; 1) into L2 " does not hold true, because of the fast varying phases of the modes ei(p+ ) " . However, the eld presents the remarkable property that it reproduces itself in the perfect waveguide in regularly spaced planes. The interval between the planes is of length 2. As a consequence 1 2 2 6 J. Garnier the corresponding discontinuous eld in the planes Pk = f(2k; x); x 2 IRg, k 2 IN, dened by1 : z " ~ E (x; z) = E x; 2 2"2 (15) possesses nice convergence properties in the space of the cad-lag functions D equipped with the Skorohod topology (D is the space of the so-called right-continuous functions with left limits. See [21, Ch. 3] for an introduction to this space and its properties). Proposition 3.2 E~ " converges in distribution unique solution of: in D([0; 1); L2 ) to E~ (x; z ) = P1 p=0 cp (z )fp (x) which is the ! q 2 2 ~ ~ z2 + i x E~ ? 1;x x2 E~ + 1;x @ E~2 dz (16) dE~ = ? 21;x @@xE dWz1 + i 21;x xEdW 2 @x q starting from E~ (x; 0) = E0 (x). If we get rid o the linear phase and set: E^ (x; z ) = E~ (x; z ) exp(?ix2 z=2), then we come to the surprising conclusion that the mean eld Emean := IE[E^ ] satises a diusion equation, (of the type heat ow with cooling), while we have started with a Schrodinger equation: @Emean = ? x2 E + @ 2 E ; 1;x mean 1;x @z @x2 mean Emean (x; 0) = E0 (x): But the more striking point is that we can give a closed-form expression for the solution of Equation (16). Indeed E~ is found to be: q q E~ (x; z) = E0 x ? 21;x Wz1 exp i x 21;x Wz2 ? 21;x Z 0 z ! 2 Wz20 dWz10 + 2x z : (17) In particular the intensity prole in the plane at normalized distance z of the input plane 2 ? p p ~ 1 is simply the initial prole shifted by 21;x Wz : E (x; z ) = E0 x ? 21;x Wz1 2 . More generally, let 2 [0; 2]. If we denote by P;k , k 2 IN, the sequence of planes P;k = f(x; + 2k); x 2 IRg and by E~" the corresponding elds which lie in these planes: z E~"(x; z) = E x; + 2 2" 2 then E~" converges in distribution D([0; 1); L2 ) to E~ : E~ (x; z) = 1 X p=0 ; (18) cp (z)ei(p+ ) fp(x): 1 2 The asymptotic eld E~ can be derived from E~ through the following equation, in which z is frozen: 2~ ~ ?2i @@E ? x2E~ + @@xE2 = 0; E~ (x; z)=0 = E~ (x; z): (19) The general solution E~ (x; z ) is found to be: E~ (x; z) = E0; (x ? x (z)) exp (i (x; z)) ; (20) 1 [ ] stands for the integral part of a real number Light propagation in square law media with random imperfections where 7 q q x (z) = c 2q1;x Wz1 ? s 2q1;x Wz2 (x; z) = x(s 21;x Wz1 + c 21;x Wz2 ) ? c s 1;x (Wz1 2 ? Wz22 ) Z z Z z 2 2 2 1 2 +2c 1;x Wz0 dWz0 ? 2s 1;x Wz10 dWz20 + 2x z ; 0 0 and c = cos() and s = sin(). Besides E0; stands for the eld in the plane P;0 which results from the propagation of the initial eld E0 in the perfect waveguide from 0 to : E0; (x) = 1 X p=0 c0 p ei(p+ ) fp(x): 1 2 Equation (20) gives the complete description in the full space of the eld in the asymptotic framework " ! 0. The longitudinal coordinate divides into two parts: the macroscopic scale z and the microscopic scale . Note also that for any , the random process x (z ) which represents the position of the center of the eld obeys the distribution of a Brownian motion with variance 21;x . 3.5 The Hamiltonian of the eld We have already seen that the eld E " does not converge as a process with respect to the longitudinal coordinate, but only a stroboscopic version, E~ " or E~" , does. However we can explicitly compute the variations of an innity of quantities which are constants of motion for the unperturbed waveguide. We deal in the following proposition with the most important of them. Proposition 3.3 Let us denote the Hamiltonian by: 2 @E 2 2 (21) Hx = @x + x jE j dx; where E is the solution of (8) starting from E jz=0 = E0 . The quantity Hx (:="2 ) converges as continuous function from [0; 1) into IR+ to the process H x given by: Z q H x(z) = Hx0 + 21;x N0 Wz1 2 + Wz2 2 + 81;x N1;x Wz1 + N2;x Wz2 ; (22) whose mean value is: IE[H x(z )] = Hx0 + 41;x zN0 ; (23) L2 -norm kE0 k2 which is conserved, where HR x0 corresponds to E0 , N0R is the squared N1;x = xjE0 j2 dx and N2;x = Im @E @x E0 dx . Proof. The process H x can be expressed in terms of the modal coecients cp as: 0 H x(z) = X p (2p + 1)jcp j2 (z ): (24) After some algebra using Eq. (13) we get the expression of the Hamiltonian in terms of the Brownian motions W j . 2 8 J. Garnier 3.6 Interpretation of the results with two transversal coordinates Let us consider the physically relevant problem with the two transversal coordinates x and y. The corresponding solution is a direct product of two solutions derived here above. Let 2 [0; 2]. Ifo we denote by P;k , k 2 IN, the sequence of planes P;k = n (x; y; + 2k); (x; y) 2 IR2 and by E~" the corresponding elds which lie in these planes: z E~" (x; y; z) = E x; y; + 2 2" ; 2 then E~" converges in distribution to E~ : E~ (x; y; z) = E0; (x ? x (z); y ? y (z)) exp (i (x; y; z)) ; where q (25) (26) q x (z) = c q21;x Wz1 ? sq21;x Wz2 y (z) = c 2q1;y Wz3 ? s 2q1;y Wz4 q q 3 4 (x; y; z) = x(s 21;x Wz1 + c 21;x Wz2) + y(s 21;y W + c 21;y Wz ) z ?c s 1;xZ(Wz12 ? Wz22) + 1;yZ(Wz32 ? Wz42) z z +2c2 1;x Wz20 dWz10 ? 1;y Wz40 dWz30 Z0 z Z0 z 4 3 2 1 2 ?2s 1;x Wz0 dWz0 ? 1;y Wz0 dWz0 0 0 (x2 + y2 )z + ; 2 W j , j = 1; :::; 4 are four independent standard Brownian motions, and c = cos() and s = sin(). Besides E0; stands for the eld in the plane P;0 which results from the propagation of the initial eld E0 in the perfect waveguide from 0 to : E0; (x; y) = 1 X p;q=0 c0 p;q ei(p+q+1) fp;q(x; y): Equation (26) gives the complete description of the eld in the asymptotic framework " ! 0. The longitudinal coordinate is divided into two parts: the macroscopic scale z and the microscopic scale . Note also that for any , the random process (x (z ); y (z )) which represents the position of the center of the eld obeys the distribution of a two-dimensional Brownian motion with variance (21;x ; 21;y ). In [7] the very same problem we consider in this section is addressed. By choosing as an initial wave the fundamental mode exp(?(x2 + y2 )=2) and substituting the ansatz: 2 2 exp(iz ) exp ? x +2 y + ieiz (x (z )x + y (z )y) + i(z ) ! into Eq. (8) McLaughin obtains a closed form equation for the set of parameters (x ; y ; ). He then computes the mean intensity on the beam axis x = y = 0 and the corresponding uctuations. Here we have proven that the same kind of results can be obtained for any initial wave: the output wave can be described by a nite number of random parameters. We are able to describe explicitly the statistical distribution of the output wave. We Light propagation in square law media with random imperfections 9 exhibit that the primary eect of the random uctuations of the axis is to involve a random shift of the initial intensity prole, and this shift behaves like a Brownian motion. This result is useful for telecommunication applications, since square law media are a good rst approximation for graded index bers. The explicit formulae that we have obtained allow to predict for instance the -random- propagation distance at which the incoming localized prole will collide with the cladding of the ber. Over an elementary interval [2[z=(2"2 )]; 2[z=(2"2 )] + 2) the farthest point that the maximum of the intensity prole visits is at distance r(z ) from the ber axis: r(z)2 = sup x (z)2 + y (z)2 2[0;2) and a straightforward calculation shows that it is equal to: r(z)2 = r0 (z)2 + r0 (z)4 ? 41;x 1;y Wz2 Wz3 ? Wz1 Wz4 2 1=2 ; r0 (z)2 = 1;x (Wz1 2 + Wz2 2 ) + 1;y (Wz3 2 + Wz4 2 ): The radius r(z ) is bounded above by r0 (z ) and below by r0 (z )=2, so we can claim that it behaves like the modulus of a four-dimensional Brownian motion. 4 Square law media with randomly perturbed radius 4.1 Formulation of the problem We assume in this section that the center of the waveguide is perfect and coincides with the optical axis z , but the radius of the waveguide oscillates around its mean value according to "m(z), where " is a small parameter which characterizes the amplitudes of the uctuations and m = (mx ; my ) is a IR2 -valued random process (see Figure 2). x L / ε2 0 Fig 2 z : Perturbation of the radius of the waveguide. The random process m satises the same hypothesis as in Section 3.2. The perturbed equation which governs the evolution of the eld is: @E @E 2 2 ?2i @E @z ? x (1 + "mx(z))E ? y (1 + "my (z))E + @x2 + @y2 = 0: 2 2 (27) The strategy is the same as in Section 3, and the proofs are very similar. The derivations of the results is carried out with one transversal dimension. We shall then make a direct product to compute the solution with two transversal dimensions in Section 4.5. Accordingly we consider the problem: @ E = 0: 2 ? x (1 + "m ( z )) E + ?2i @E x @z @x2 2 (28) 10 J. Garnier Denoting by c" the normalized modal decomposition (10) of the eld, the equation which governs their coupled evolutions is obtained by substituting the expression (11) into Eq. (28): q dc"p 1 z i q " e?2iz=" + (2p + 1)c" + (p + 1)(p + 2)c" e2iz=" : p ( p ? 1) c = m ( ) p p?2 p+2 dz " x "2 4 (29) 2 2 4.2 Statement of the convergence result We consider the innite-dimensional system of linear dierential equations starting from c(0) = c0 : p2;x q q dcp = p (p + 1)(p + 2)cp+2 ? p(p ? 1)cp?2 dWz1 2 p2 q q i (30) + p2;x (p + 1)(p + 2)cp+2 + p(p ? 1)cp?2 dWz2 2 2 p i + 2 0;x (2p + 1)cp dWz3 ? 08;x (4p2 + 4p + 1)cp dz ? 24;x (p2 + p + 1)cp dz; where W j , j = 1; :::; 3 are independent standard Brownian motions. j;x is the integrated covariance of the process mx dened by (14). We denote by E~ " (x; z ) the eld in the plane 2[z=(2"2 )] dened by (15). Proposition 4.1 1. There exists a unique solution c of Equation (30). 2. The processes c" converge in distribution as continuous functions from [0; 1) into l2 to the diusion Markov process c solution of (30) as " ! 0. 3. E~ " converges in distribution in D([0; 1); L2 ) to E~ which is the unique solution of: ! p2;x p2;x 2 i @ @ ~ z2 ~ z1 + p x2 + 2 EdW dE~ = p 1 + 2x @x EdW @x 2 2 2 2 ! @ + 2x2 @ 2 ? @ 4 ? x4 Edz 2;x ~ + 16 ?1 + 4x @x 2 4 @x @x ! ! 2 4 2 ip0;x @ @ @ @ 0 ;x 2 4 ~ z3 + ~ ?x2 + @x2 EdW + 2 8 2 + 4x @x + 2x @x2 ? @x4 ? x Edz; (31) starting from E~ (x; 0) = E0 (x). 4.3 Asymptotic evolution of the eld Very fortunately Equation (31) can be solved for any initial condition E0 2 L2 . Indeed, still denoting by c0 the modal decomposition of E0 , we have q E~ (z; x) = ax (z)e?ibx (z)x 2 1 X p=0 c0 p fp(ax (z)x)e?i(2p+1) z) ; x( (32) where the coecients ax , bx , and x , obey the following stochastic dierential equations: dax = r 2;x a dW 1 + q2 a b dW 2 + 2p a b dW 3 2;x x x 0;x x x z z 2 x z Light propagation in square law media with random imperfections 1 1 1 2 5 2 5 +2;x 2ax bx ? 4 ax dz + 0;x 2 ax + 4ax bx ? 2 ax dz; r q 1 dbx = 22;x bx dWz ? 28;x (1 + a4x ? 4b2x )dWz2 + 12 p0;x (1 ? a4x + 4b2x )dWz3 3 1 3 4 +2;x 2 bx + 2bx ? 2 ax bx dz + 0;x bx + 4b3x ? 3a4x bx dz; r d x = 28;x a2x dWz2 + 21 p0;x a2x dWz3 + 24;x a2x bxdz + 02;x a2x bxdz; 11 (33) (34) (35) starting from ax(0) = 1, bx (0) = 0, x (0) = 0. In particular, if E0 is a single-mode beam fp, then the intensity prole at the normalized distance z is simply: jE~ (z; x)j2 = ax (z)jE0 (ax (z)x)j2 , which is the initial prole rescaled by the factor ax(z). Furthermore, the elds E~" in the intermediate planes + 2[z=(2"2 )] dened by (18) converge in distribution in D([0; 1); L2 ) to E~ , whose expression can be derived from E~ through Eq. (19). The general solution E~ (x; z ) is found to be: q E~ (z; x) = ax(; z)e?ibx (;z)x where 2 1 X p=0 c0 pfp(ax(; z)x)e?i(2p+1) ;z) ; x( ax(z) (cos() + 2bx (z ) sin())2 + ax(z )4 sin()2 (z ) cos(2) + (4bx (z )2 + ax (z )4 ? 1) sin(24 ) bx (; z) = bx(cos( ) + 2bx (z) sin())2 + ax(z)4 sin()2 x (; z ) = x (z ) ? 2 : ax (; z) = p (36) (37) (38) (39) Giving an explicit representation in terms of the Brownian motions W j of the joint distributions of all the coecients ax , bx and x is a dicult problem. Nevertheless we can give simple representations of the distributions of the variables ax (; z ) and bx(; z ) in terms of two auxiliary Brownian motions. Proposition 4.2 1. The processes (ax (; :); bx (; :)) obey the same distribution as (ax (:); bx (:)). 2. For any and z , the variables (a2x (; z ); bx (; z )) obey the distributions of: q (40) a2x (z) = exp 22;x Wz1;x ? 2;x z ; r Z q q z bx (z) = 22;x exp 22;x Wz1;x ? 2;x z exp ? 22;x Wz10;x + 2;x z 0 dWz20;x ; (41) 0 where W 1;x and W 1;y are independent standard Brownian motions. 3. The probability that at a given point z the value of a2x (z ) excesses the value M 0 is: ! ) + 2;x z ; p IP a2x (z ) M = erfc ln(M 22;x z R where erfc(t) = p12 t1 e?s =2 ds. 2 12 J. Garnier Proof. The rst and second points are technical and referred to the Appendix. The third point is then a straightforward corollary. 2 An exponential martingale such as (40) presents very special properties. Let us discuss one of them, which concerns the fundamental dierence between its long-range mean behavior and long-range typical behavior. For large z it is well known that the typical value of Wz1;x p z, so that the typical value of the random variable a2x (z) is of the order of is of?the order of p exp ?2;x z 22;x z . In this exponential the rst term prevails for large z , so that a2x (z ) is exponentially small. Nevertheless, the mean value IE[a2x (z )] = 1, whatever z . This means that the mean value does not correspond at all to a typical value that can be reached by the random variable a2x (z ). The mean value is actually imposed by very few events which represent large deviations of the Brownian motion. These exceptional events are enhanced p by the exponential, which gives IE[exp 22;x Wz1;x ] = exp(2;x z ). 4.4 The Hamiltonian of the eld Proposition 4.3 Let us consider the Hamiltonian Hx dened by (21). The quantity Hx (:="2 ) converges as a continuous function from [0; 1) into IR+ to the process H x given by: ! 2 2 H x (z) = Hx0 ax2(z) + 1 +2a42b(xz()z) ; x (42) where Hx0 corresponds to E0 . Is mean value and second moment are: IE[H x (z )] = Hx0 e2 ;x z ; 2 1 2 0 2 2 6 ;x z +3 : IE[Hx (z ) ] = Hx 3 e 2 (43) Proof. The mean of H x can be computed directly since we get from the expression (24) that it satises a closed-form dierential equation dIEdz[H x ] = 22;x IE[H x]. The expression of H x in terms of ax , bx can be obtained from the expression (32). We then are able to compute IE[Hx (z )p ] for any p by It^o's formula (see also Eq. (A.5-A.7) in Appendix). 2 The Hamiltonian has a very large variance, much larger than the square of its mean, which shows that it has very large uctuations with respect to its mean value. This can be also put into evidence by comparing the typical value of the Hamiltonian with its mean value.pa2x (z ) is an exponential martingale which decays as exp(?2;xz ) for z 1, since Wz1;x z z with very high probability. Furthermore bx(z ) is roughly equal to q R 2;x =2 exp(?2;x z) 0z exp(2;x z0 )dWz20;x which obeys a normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1=4 for z 1. By substituting these approximations into Eq. (42), we get that the typical behavior of the Hamiltonian H x is for large z : 1 ln H (z ) ' : z x z1 2;x (44) The typical exponential behavior (44) is dierent from the exponential behavior of the mean Hamiltonian (43), and the departure originates from large deviations of the Brownian motion W 1;x . Light propagation in square law media with random imperfections 13 4.5 Interpretation of the results with two transversal coordinates Let us consider the physically relevant problem with two transversal coordinates x and y. If we denote by E~" the elds which lie in the planes P;k and which are dened by (25), then E~" converges in distribution to E~ : E~ (z; x; y) = q ax (; z)ay (; z)e?ibx (;z)x ?iby (;z)y 1 X c0 p;q fp;q (ax(; z)x; ay (; z)y)e?i(2p+1) 2 2 ;z)?i(2q+1) x( p;q=0 ;z) ; y( (45) where (ax ; bx ; x ) and (ay ; by ; y ) are independent and identically distributed. They obey the same distributions as the ones described by Eqs (37-39). In particular, if E0 is a single-mode beam fp;q , then the intensity prole at the normalized distance z is simply: jE~ (z; x; y)j2 = ax(; z)ay (; z)jE0 (ax (; z)x; ay (; z)y)j2 ; which is the initial prole rescaled by the two-dimensional factor (ax (; z ); ay (; z )). From Proposition 4.2 we can deduce the statistical distribution of the (local) maximal intensity of the eld: 2 Imax (; z) := sup E~ (x; y; z) : x;y which simply reads as: Imax (; z ) = ax (; z )ay (; z )I0;max , where I0;max := supx;y jE0 (x; y)j2 . This also shows that the distribution of Imax (; z ) depends only on z , and we shall denote Imax (z) := Imax (0; z). Since the sum of two independent standard Brownian motions is a Brownian motion with variance 2, we get immediately the following corollary. Corollary 4.4 Let us assume that the incident wave is a single-mode beam. 1. The normalized maximal intensity Imax (z ) := Imax (z )=I0;max of the eld in the plane z obeys the distribution of: (46) Imax (z) = exp (p2 Wz ? 2 z) ; where W is a standard one-dimensional Brownian motion, and 2 = (2;x + 2;y ) =2. 2. The probability that at a given point z the value of Imax excesses the value M 0 is: ! IP Imax (z ) M = erfc ln(Mp)+z 2 z ; ? 2 R where erfc(t) = p12 t1 e?s =2 ds. 2 Note that Imax is not an exponential martingale, and in particular that IE[Imax ] = exp ?2 z=2. Note also that the typical value of Imax , obtained by neglecting the contributions of the Brownian motions in the exponential term in Eq. (46), is of order exp ?2 z . However it is possible that the intensity prole becomes at some distance very narrow and very high. This anomalous focusing is quite surprising. In our framework the propagation is linear and no pathology occurs, since the variations of the radius of the core of the waveguide are very smooth and weak. This is a purely random phenomenon due to large deviations of the Brownian motions, which is canceled if the output eld is averaged over many realizations. The averaged value of Imax (z ) shows indeed that the mean maximal intensity decays exponentially at rate exp ?2 z=2. 14 J. Garnier In Ref. [22] a situation mathematically similar to Eq. (27) is considered. The initial state is assumed to be Gaussian and adopting a Gaussian-like ansatz Bulatov et al. exhibit a closed-form set of dierential equations for the parameters of the ansatz. Here we have proven that the output wave can be described by a nite number of random parameters whatever the initial wave. We exhibit that the primary eect of random uctuations of the radius of the waveguide is to involve a random focusing or defocusing of the initial intensity prole, and the inverse square radius behaves like an exponential martingale which goes to zero with high probability, but whose mean value is constant. The quantitative results we have derived here above are of interest for telecommunication purposes, since they allow to predict the spreading of localized pulses in graded index bers. 5 Numerical simulations The results in the previous sections are theoretically valid in the limit case " ! 0, where the amplitudes of the perturbations go to zero and the length of the random waveguide goes to innity. In this section we aim at showing that the asymptotic behaviors of the eld can be easily observed in numerical simulations in the case where " is small, more precisely smaller than any other characteristic scale of the problem. In order to simplify the problem we shall consider in this section that the transverse space has dimension 1, which corresponds to neglect the y-direction. It involves no loss of generality, since the phenomena we have put into evidence in the above sections can be divided into independent phenomena in both orthogonal directions. We use a fourth-order split-step method to simulate the onedimensional perturbed linear Schrodinger equations: 2 "(x; z )E + @ E = 0: ? x E ? V ?2i @E @z @x2 2 (47) We choose the following models for the perturbation V "(x; z ) which correspond respectively to Eqs. (9) and (28): Random axis case: V " (x; z ) = ?2"mx (z )x + "2 mx(z )2 ; Random radius case: V " (x; z ) = "mx (z )x2 : This numerical algorithm provides accurate and stable solutions to a large class of linear and nonlinear partial dierential equations [23]. Let z be the elementary length step and h be the elementary transverse spatial step. We denote by (E0 (jh))j =?K;:::;K ?1 the initial wave solution. By induction we compute E n+1 := (E (jh; (n + 1)z))j=?K;:::;K ?1 from E n := (E (jh; nz))j=?K;:::;K ?1: rst step: E n+1=3 = A(z=2)E n ; second step: E n+2=3 = B (z; z )E n+1=3 ; third step: E n+1 = A(z=2)E n+2=3 ; where A(z=2) is the linear operator generated by ? 2i @x@ and B is simply a scalar ? 2 i multiplication in the physical space by exp 2 x + V " (x; z ) z . The rst and third steps can be solved using a Fourier transform. Indeed, in Fourier space the eect of the exponential operator A(z=2) is a scalar multiplication by exp i(k2 z=4). To sum up, the split step algorithm involves a sequence of steps that include free-space propagation over a half-step, then the -perturbed- guiding correction, and free space propagation over the 2 2 Light propagation in square law media with random imperfections 15 nal half-step. Practically, it is easy to see that the two back-to-back free-space half-steps can be combined into a single free-space step over z . The error of the split-step algorithm comes from the splitting process, because the operators A and B do not commute. It is well-known that the method described here above is of second-order [24]. However, we can use a standard method which transforms a second-order method into a fourth-order method [25]. Indeed, if C (z )E (x; z ) is a second-order approximation to E (x; z + z ), then C (z )C (? z )C (z )E (x; z ) is a fourth-order approximation to E (x; z + z ), if we take care to choose = 1=(2 ? 21=3 ) and = 21=3 =(2 ? 21=3 ). The drawback of this method is that we implicitly impose periodicity on the solutions because of the Fourier transform that is used on a nite interval. We can control it by imposing boundaries of the computational domain which absorb outgoing waves. This can be readily achieved by adding a complex potential which is smooth so as to reduce reections. We choose to substitute the complex potential V~ (x; z ) = V " (x; z ) + iVabs (x) for the random potential V "(x; z), where: 8 > > > > < Vabs (x) = > > > > : x ? x l Vabsmax sin 2 x ? X , if Xl x < xl ; l l 0 , if xl x < xr ; 2 x ? xr Vabsmax sin 2 X ? x , if xr x < Xr ; r r 2 where Xl (resp. Xr ) is the left (resp. right) end of the computational domain, and [Xl ; xl ] (resp. [xr ; Xr ]) is the left (resp. right) absorbing slab. The L2 -norm of the eld is theoretically preserved by the split-step method up to the machine accuracy in case of a truly periodic situation without absorption. The domain that we consider is not periodic, and the outgoing wave is absorbed by an imaginary potential at the boundaries of the domain. However the size of the shifting domain is taken so that the distortion imposed by the non-periodicity has a negligible eect. We adopt in this section the following model for the perturbation: mx(z) = ul if l + z0 rz < l + z0 + 1; c where (ul )l=0;:::;Z ?1 is a sequence of independent and identically distributed variables, which obey uniform distributions over the interval [?1=2; 1=2], and z0 is a random variable independent of u: which also obeys an uniform distribution over [?1=2; 1=2]. rc is the so-called correlation radius of the random process m. The autocorrelation function of the ergodic process m is equal to IE[mx(0)mx (z )] = 121 (1 ? z=rc ) 1Izrc , so that the power spectral density dened by (14) is: 1 1 ? cos(jrc ) ; j;x = 24 j 2 rc and 0;x = rc =48. The quantity Z=rc which is equal to the length of the random waveguide will be chosen so large that we can observe the eect of the small perturbation "mx . We measure the L2 -norm, the Hamiltonian and the intensity prole of the transmitted solution, that we can compare with the corresponding data of the incident eld. We present results corresponding to simulations where the initial wave at z = 0 is the fundamental Gaussian mode E0 (x) = ?1=4 e?x =2 , whose L2 -norm N01=2 and Hamiltonian Hx0 are equal to 1. We have rst simulated the homogeneous Schrodinger equation (eq. (47) with V " 0) which admits as an exact solution E0 (x)eiz=2 . We can therefore check the accuracy of the numerical method, since we can see that the computed solution maintains a very close 2 16 J. Garnier resemblance to the initial eld (data not shown), while the L2 -norm and the Hamiltonian are almost constant. The other simulations are carried out with dierent realizations of the random perturbation with " = 0:1. Figure 3 plots the evolutions of the Hamiltonians for dierent values of the correlation radius rc in the cases of random axis or random radius and for one particular realization of the random perturbation. As predicted by the asymptotic theory, the eect of the perturbation for rc = 2 in the random axis case and for rc = in the random radius case is almost zero. Indeed these particular values for the correlation radius correspond to 1;x = 0 and 2;x = 0 respectively. 1.4 rc = π rc = 2π rc = 3π 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.05 1 1 0 100 Random radius rc = π/2 rc = π rc = 3π/2 1.15 Hx Hx 1.2 Random axis 200 z 300 400 0 100 200 300 z : Evolutions of the Hamiltonian of the eld for dierent correlation radii. The left gure corresponds to the random axis case: V " (x; z ) = ?2"m(z )x + "2 m(z )2 with " = 0:1. The right gure corresponds to the random radius case: V " (x; z ) = "m(z )x2 with " = 0:1. Fig 3 In Figures 4 and 5 we present the simulated evolutions of the Hamiltonian of the eld averaged over 100 realizations and compare them with the mean theoretical evolutions given by (23) (random axis case) and (43) (random radius case) in the scale z="2 . It thus appears that the numerical simulations are in very good agreement with the theoretical results. Figure 6 plots the intensity proles of the solutions at dierent depths corresponding to one of the simulations, which shows that the wave keeps the basic form of the fundamental mode although it is shifted in some random direction in the random axis case and it is re-scaled by some random factor in the random radius case. As predicted by the asymptotic results, we sometimes observe that the intensity prole in the random radius case is narrower and higher than the fundamental mode. All these observations conrm that the asymptotic theory describes with accuracy the propagation of the eld through a random waveguide for small perturbations and large length. 6 Conclusion We have analyzed in this paper the eects of dierent kinds of random perturbations on the propagation of waves in square law media which involve specic alterations of the wave. Random misalignments of the waveguide give rise to shifts of the wave with respect to the optical axis, and the shifts obey the statistical distributions of Brownian motions. Random perturbations of the radius of the core make the eld pulsate. The intensity prole tends to spread out, but large deviations of the governing spreading process may 400 Light propagation in square law media with random imperfections Random axis - rc = π 17 Random axis - rc = 3π 1.15 1.3 averaged Hx averaged Hx 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.05 1.1 1 1 0 100 200 z 300 400 0 100 200 300 z : Evolutions of the Hamiltonian of the eld averaged over 100 realizations of the random perturbation with " = 0:1 (solid line) and theoretical behaviors for the corresponding asymptotic situations. Random axis case: V "(x; z ) = ?2"m(z )x + "2 m(z )2 . For rc = we have 1;x = 1=(12) and the theoretical mean Hamiltonian is IE[H x (z )] = Hx0 +41;x N0 "2 z ' 1 + 1:06 10?3 z . For rc = 3 we have 1;x = 1=(36) and the theoretical mean Hamiltonian is IE[H x(z )] ' 1 + 3:54 10?4 z . Fig 4 involve a local focusing of the prole and an enhancement of the maximal intensity. The precise results we have derived are a priori limited to square law media. For such media the normal modes are explicit and tabulated formulae are available, so that we are able to perform exact calculations and compute closed-form expressions for the outgoing waves. Nevertheless we feel that the results demonstrated in this paper could be generalized to most of the graded index bers. Indeed the basic assumption which requires the existence of a complete set of normal modes for the unperturbed waveguide holds true for most of them. The remainder of the study then consists in technical developments to exhibit and analyze the coupling mechanisms between the modes during the propagation of the wave in the perturbed waveguide. Appendix A We aim at identifying the distributions of the variables (ax (z ); bx (z )) which satisfy the system of coupled stochastic dierential equations (33,34). We rst apply It^o's formula [21, Theorem V-2-9] to ax (z )n bx (z )p and take the expectation: dIE[anxbpx ] = (n + p)(n + p + 1)IE[anbp+2 ] ? n + np + p(p + 2) IE[an+4 bp ] 2;x x x x x dz 4 2 2 ) ! ( 2 n p?2 n p p(p ? 1) +2;x n(n4? 1) + p2 + np 2 IE[ax bx ] + 16 IE[ax bx ] +2;x p(p 8? 1) IE[anx+4 bpx?2 ] + p(p16? 1) IE[anx+8 bpx?2 ] +0;x 2(n + p)(n + p + 1)IE[anx bpx+2] ? n2 + np + p2 + 2p IE[anx+4 bpx ] n p ( p ? 1) 2 n p ? 2 n p +0;x 4 + np + p IE[ax bx ] + 8 IE[ax bx ] 400 18 J. Garnier Random radius - rc = π/2 Random radius - rc = 3π/2 1.04 averaged Hx averaged Hx 1.1 1.05 1.03 1.02 1.01 1 1 0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 z 300 400 z Fig 5 : Evolutions of the Hamiltonian of the eld averaged over 100 realizations of the random perturbation with " = 0:1 (solid line) and theoretical behaviors for the corresponding asymptotic situations. Random radius case: V "(x; z ) = "m(z )x2 . For rc = =2 we have 2;x = 1=(24) and the theoretical mean Hamiltonian is IE[H x(z)] = Hx0 exp(22;x "2 z) ' exp(2:66 10?4 z ). For rc = 3=2 we have 1;x = 1=(72) and the theoretical mean Hamiltonian is IE[H x (z )] ' exp(8:84 10?5 z ). +0;x p ( p ? 1) p ( p ? 1) n +4 p?2 n +8 p?2 IE[a b ] + IE[a b ] : ? (A.1) x x 8 A rst method to compute IE[ax (z )n bx (z )p ] consists in studying carefully the system (A.1), but we can avoid these technical developments and nd a way to simplify (A.1) by using the following trick. We compute in the asymptotic framework " ! 0 the evolution of the fundamental Gaussian mode e?x =2 from the initial plane z = 0 to the plane 2[z=(2"2 )]+ by two ways. 1. The rst way consists in going rst from 0 to 2[z=(2"2 )]. We then nd the eld: x 4 x 2 E~ gauss (x; y; z) = ! 2 2 ax(z) exp ? ax(z2) x ? ibx (z)x2 ? i x (z) : q The processes (ax ; bx ) are solutions of (33,34), with Brownian motions W j which correspond to the limit conguration associated with the random process m over the interval (0; 2[z=(2"2 )]). We then get the expression of the eld in the plane labeled (z; ), whose macroscopic longitudinal coordinate is z and microscopic one is , by solving: ~gauss 2 ~ gauss @ 2 E~gauss ?2i @ E@ ? x E + @x2 = 0; E~gauss(x; z)=0 = E~ gauss(x; z): (A.2) 2. The second way consists in going rst from 0 to . We then nd the eld e?x =2+i=2 . Then we go from to the plane (z; ) and nd that the eld is: 2 E~gauss (x; z) = ! 2 2 ax (; z) exp ? ax(;2z) x ? ibx (; z)x2 ? i x (z) + i 2 : q (A.3) The processes (ax (; :); bx (; :)) are solutions of (33,34), with Brownian motions W ;j which correspond for each to the limit conguration associated with the random process m over Light propagation in square law media with random imperfections Random axis - rc = π Random radius - rc = π/2 z=0 z=100 z=200 z=300 z=400 0.5 intensity 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.6 z=0 z=100 z=200 z=300 z=400 0.5 intensity 0.6 19 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 x 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 x : Intensity prole of the incident eld (solid line) and at dierent depths (dotted and dashed lines). The left gure corresponds to the random axis case: V "(x; z ) = ?2"m(z)x + "2 m(z)2 with " = 0:1 and rc = . The proles have the same Gaussian shape with the same radius, but the centers randomly oscillate around x = 0. The right gure corresponds to the random radius case: V " (x; z ) = "m(z )x2 with " = 0:1 and rc = =2. The proles have the same Gaussian shape with center at x = 0, but the radius randomly oscillates. At lengths z = 100 and z = 400, the proles have spread out, at length z = 300 the prole is almost exactly the initial one, and at length z = 200 the prole is narrower and higher. Fig 6 the interval (; + 2[z=(2"2 )]). Substituting (A.3) into (A.2), we get that (ax ; bx ) satisfy the equations: @ax (; z) = ?2a (; z)b (; z); x x @ @bx (; z) = 1 a (; z)4 ? 4b (; z)2 ? 1 ; x @ 2 x which implies in particular that, for any integer n0 and p0 : anx0 bpx0 (; z) ? anx0 bpx0 (0; z) = p0 n0 +4 p0 ?1 0 p0 ?1 0 p0 +1 n 0 0 n 2 (ax bx ? ax bx ) ? 2(n + p )ax bx (s; z )ds: 0 Z (A.4) depend on , since they correspond to the limit conguration associated with the random process m over the interval (; + 2[z=(2"2 )]). Nevertheless, the distribution of m is translationally invariant, so that the W ;j and consequently (ax (; :); bx (; :)) obey the same distributions as W j and (ax (:); bx (:)) respectively for every . Taking the expectation in (A.4) with (n0 = n; p0 = p ? 1) and (n0 = n + 4; p0 = p ? 1) yields that the integrands have mean zero and consequently: p ? 1 p ? 1 n +4 p?2 n p ? 2 n p = IE 2(n + p ? 1)ax bx + 2 ax bx ; IE 2 ax bx p ? 1 p ? 1 n +8 p?2 n +4 p?2 n +4 p = IE 2(n + p + 3)ax bx + 2 ax bx : IE 2 ax bx The Brownian motions W ;j By injecting into (A.1) we get a simplied version of the system satised by the moments of (ax (z ); bx (z )): dIE[ax (z)nbx (z)p ] = n(n ? 2) + np + p(p ? 1) IE[a (z)n b (z)p ]; 2;x x x dz 4 20 J. Garnier +2;x p(p 4? 1) IE[ax (z )n bx (z )p?2 ]: (A.5) On the other hand one can check by direct computation that the processes dened by (40,41) satisfy Equation (A.5) for every n and p. 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