J. Appl. Entomol. 131(6), 400–405 (2007) doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0418.2007.01205.x 2007 The Authors Journal compilation 2007 Blackwell Verlag, Berlin Western corn rootworm adult movement and possible egg laying in fields bordering maize J. Igrc Barčić1, R. Bažok1, C. R. Edwards2 and T. Kos1 1 Faculty of Agriculture, Department for Agricultural Zoology, Svetošimunska, Zagreb, Croatia; 2Department of Entomology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA Ms. received: December 15, 2006; accepted: May 11, 2007 Abstract: Western corn rootworm (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, larval damage in maize following soybean was observed in Croatia in 2003 along the edges and within soybean fields which bordered continuous maize fields in previous year. The explanation was that WCR adults moved from the continuous maize to the neighbouring soybean fields to lay eggs. This study was designed to measure how far WCR adults will enter into neighbouring fields to lay eggs. The WCR adult population was monitored in continuous maize fields in 2003 and 2005 by using Pherocon AM non-baited yellow sticky traps in the middle and on the borders of the maize field and at different distances and directions into neighbouring fields planted by wheat and soybean. Larval presence and root damage ratings (Iowa State University 1–6 ) were recorded at different locations within the maize field in following years. Approximately, the same concentration of WCR adults was recorded along the edges of the maize fields as recorded in the centres of those fields. A significant number of WCR adults was recorded up to a distance of 50 m into neighbouring fields. Regression analysis showed medium negative correlation between distance from previous maize field and root damage in the following year. Findings indicate that WCR egg lying can reach approximately 20 m into fields neighbouring maize fields and that significant root damage caused by WCR larvae in first-year maize following soybean and wheat can happen up to a distance of 20 m into those fields. Most farmers’s fields in Croatia are up to approximately 50 m wide. As an edge effect for WCR egg laying can reach approximately 20 m into fields neighbouring maize fields, our research results indicate that it is possible to see WCR larval damage in rotated fields without those WCR’s being the variant form. Key words: adult movement, first-year maize, root damage, soybean, western corn rootworm, wheat 1 Introduction The western corn rootworm (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, is a new pest in Europe, as well as in Croatia. WCR was first observed in eastern Croatia in 1995. Since 1995, the pest has spread westward across Croatia and now infests about 24 500 km2. Within the infested area, approximately 328 000 ha of maize are sown. The total maize production surface in Croatia is 350 000–400 000 ha. Crop rotation has provided an alternative means of control for WCR in regions where it is feasible to rotate maize with other crops. The tendency of adult females to lay their eggs almost exclusively in maize, together with the basic inability of WCR larvae to complete their development on the roots of most crops other than maize, has resulted in the successful control of WCR using this cultural method. In the USA Corn Belt, annual rotation of maize with other crops such as soybean has been utilized as a major strategy for managing WCR (Gray et al. 1998). However, since the mid-to-late 1990s throughout east-central Illinois and north-western Indiana, and more recently other parts of the eastern Midwest, WCR has been laying eggs in soybean fields regardless of whether or not volunteer maize or WCR-attracting weeds are present (Edwards 1996; Levine and OloumiSadeghi 1996; Barna et al. 1998). This ÔnewÕ WCR is referred as the ÔvariantÕ of the wild type. The new WCR, or ÔvariantÕ has developed behavioural resistance to crop rotation (Levine et al. 2002). Economic thresholds for the WCR variant in soybean to predict subsequent larval damage to maize the following year have been developed by Gerber et al. (2001). Studies of WCR movement and egg laying habits were conducted by various authors (VanWoerkom et al. 1980; Coats et al. 1986, 1987; Grant and Seevers 1989, etc.). It was initially thought that the movement is due to beetles searching for food or oviposition sites. Godfrey and Turpin (1983) found that most of WCR adults moving from field to field were females. Coats et al. (1986) has defined the flight potential in WCR. Female beetles according the same authors exhibit two types of flight: trivial and sustained (or migratory). Several days after mating, newly-mated females engage in sustained, migratory flights that facilitate Western corn rootworm adult movement long-distance dispersal from their native field. The maximum distances of 24 km for one flight and 39.6 km for all flights during 24 h were recorded by Coats et al. (1986, 1987) showed that females treated with juvenile hormone mimic and inhibitor flew both trivial and sustained flights that were significantly longer than those of the controls. However, the short distance movement of WCR prior to the ÔvariantÕ appearance was not studied by researches. Spencer et al. (2005) stated that the rotation tolerance is a problem of movement and understanding WCR movement patterns and capabilities is crucial to dealing with current management challenges and anticipating future ones. Spencer et al. (2005) reported that 85–90% of males and females in maize and soybean fields move between 4.6 and 9.1 m/day. Western corn rootworm larval damage in maize following soybean was observed in Croatia in 2003. Damage was recorded along the edges and within soybean fields, which bordered continuous maize fields in 2002. Research carried out in Hungary (Kiss et al. 2005) and in Croatia, Hungary and Yugoslavia (Kiss et al. 2001) in the period of 2000–2001 showed that crop rotation in these regions does not result in high WCR selection pressure at the levels that have been seen in the areas with the variant in the USA Corn Belt. Therefore, it is unlikely that the problem in Croatia is due to the variant of the WCR. An explanation for what has been observed in Croatia is that WCR adults along the edge of maize fields randomly moved several metres into the neighbouring soybean fields and laid some of their eggs and then moved back into their preferred egg laying site, maize. Shaw et al. (1978) reported that non-economic damage occurred when corn followed soybean fields with volunteer corn as well as when corn followed no weedy soybean fields. Larval feeding damage in the first-year maize following soybean in Croatia in 2003 was recorded up to a distance of 50 m into fields previously in soybean. FarmersÕ fields in Croatia are commonly up to about 50 m wide. This extent of egg laying outside of corn, even without evidence of rotation resistance, could still reduce the value of crop rotation as a WCR management tool. This research was carried out to determine how far WCR adults will go into neighbouring non-maize fields to lay eggs. 401 Fig. 1. Pherocon AM trap locations in the maize, soyabean and wheat fields, Knezˇevo, Crotia, 2003 200 m distance from the edge of the continuous maize into neighbouring fields to the south, east and west (fig. 1). Traps were set up in the field on 25 June. Traps were changed weekly until 12 August, and biweekly thereafter until 16 September. In 2004, the whole field, which was previously in maize, soybean and wheat, was planted to maize. Larval presence on 13 June and root damage ratings in July (Iowa State University 1–6 scale, Hill and Peters 1971) were recorded at different field locations (in the centre and along the edge of the maize field and 5, 10, 15, 20 and 50 m within the bordering crops to the west and east) within the field (fig. 2). Each observation location was replicated four times. The second part of investigation was carried out in 2005/ 2006. In both years Pioneer maize hybrid Florencia was planted by using six-row corn planter on 15 April 2005 and on 22 April 2006. Seed was treated with fungicide tiram and no other treatments were applied. The number of seeds was 80 000/ha. In 2005, the test field was 120 m wide and was divided into three sections. On two sides, maize was planted and in the middle section soybean was planted. The WCR adult population was monitored using PAM traps in the middle and on the borders of the maize field and each 5 m within the soybean field to a maximum of 40 m (fig. 3). At each distance, four PAM traps were placed within 20 m of each other. Traps were set up on 23 June and were changed on weekly until 16 September. In 2006, the whole field was planted to maize. As before, 1–6 root damage ratings were recorded at each of the monitoring locations (fig. 4). Four sets of 10 plants each were taken at each location for a total of 40 plants for root damage evaluation. Statistical analysis of the data on WCR captures in 2003 was not conducted because the investigation was preliminary 2 Materials and Methods The first part of investigation was carried out in 2003/2004. In both years experimental fields were prepared by using conventional methods. Sowing of domestic hybrid Bc 408B was carried out on 15 April 2003 and on 5 May 2004, both by using six-row planter (model PSK, producer: OLT, Osijek, Croatia). Seed was treated with fungicide tiram and no other treatments were applied. The number of seeds was 80 000/ha. The WCR adult population was monitored in a continuous maize field in 2003. This maize field was part (200 · 200 m) of a large field (35 ha) sown to wheat and soybean in 2003. The WCR beetles were monitored by using Pherocon AM (PAM) non-baited yellow sticky traps (Treece, Salinas, KS) in the middle and on the borders of the maize field and up to Fig. 2. Location of larval and root sampling, Knezˇevo, Crotia, 2004 2007 The Authors Journal compilation 2007 Blackwell Verlag, Berlin, J. Appl. Entomol. 131(6), 400–405 (2007) 402 Fig. 3. Pherecon AM trap positions in the maize fields, Tovarnik, Croatia, 2005 Fig. 4. Locations of root sampling, Tovarnik, Croatia, 2006 and without replications. Based on the data on adult captures in 2003 we decided on distances for the future investigations. The data on larval presence and root ratings in 2004, adult captures in 2005 and root damage ratings in 2006 were transformed by log (x + 1) transformation and analysed by anova with mean separation by Student–Neuman–Keuls test (a ¼ 0.05). Two regression analyses were done: regression analysis of distance from maize field for the observations done in 2004 vs. average number of larvae/root; and regression analysis of distance from maize fields in first year for the observations in 2004 and 2006 vs. root damage ratings. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated and classified according to Roemer-Orphal classification (Vasilj 2000). 3 Results The total number of WCR beetles captured on the Pherocon AM traps located within the maize field, and in soybean and wheat fields at different locations J. Igrc Barčić et al. from the edge of the maize field, is shown in the fig. 5. As shown in fig. 5, for the whole period of monitoring, higher average daily captures of the beetles were recorded up to a distance of 50 m in the neighbouring field. Because of low numbers beyond 50 m, in fig. 6 the average daily PAM trap are presented only for centre, edge and 50 m trap locations. The maximum daily captures of WCR adults exceeded 6 beetles/trap/day on PAM traps located in the centre and along the edges of the maize fields and on traps located 50 m within neighbouring fields to the east and west. Results of the number of larvae recorded and the root damage ratings for 2004 are shown in table 1. The maximum daily captures of WCR on Pherocon AM traps located at different locations in 2005 are shown in fig. 7. Maximal daily captures of the beetles exceeded 6 beetles/trap/day in the centres of the maize fields and on south edges of these fields. The mean captures of WCR adults on Pherocon AM traps at different field locations in 2005 and the root ratings at the same sites in 2006 are shown in the table 2. The total captures of WCR adults in 2005 ranged between 12 and 395.5 beetles/season. The total capture in the centres of the maize fields and on the south edges of these fields did not significantly differ. At all other distances and on the north edge of the maize fields, the total captures were significantly lower. The root damage ratings in the right side of the maize field and in the previous soybean field up to 10 m were significantly higher than the root damage ratings in the other parts of the fields; these damage ratings were between 2.69 and 4.64. Figures 8 and 9 show results of the regression analysis of the distance from previous year’s maize field vs. number of larvae and vs. root ratings. 4 Discussion Captured beetles were concentrated in a range of 50 m within fields neighbouring maize, whereas few beetles were captured at 100 or more metres apart in all three directions. These findings suggest that the future investigations should be more concentrated up to the distances of 50 m from the maize field. Also, the findings indicate that the WCR movement, which was recorded in the experimental field, was not only a result Fig. 5. Average daily captures of western corn rootworm on Pherocon AM traps located at different sites, Knezˇevo, Croatia, 2003 2007 The Authors Journal compilation 2007 Blackwell Verlag, Berlin, J. Appl. Entomol. 131(6), 400–405 (2007) Western corn rootworm adult movement 403 Fig. 6. Daily captures of western corn rootworm on Pherocon AM traps located in locations up to 50 m in neighbouring fields, Knezˇevo, Croatia, 2003 Table 1. The average number of larvae per sample and the average root rating recorded at different field positions, Knezˇevo, Croatia, 2004 Position of the sampling Maize: centre West: edge East: edge South: edge West 5 m East 5 m South 5 m West 10 m East 10 m South 10 m West 15 m East 15 m South 15 m West 20 m East 20 m South 20 m West 50 m LSD (P ¼ 0.05) Number of larvae/ plant 0.7 a 0.55 ab 0.1 ab 0.45 ab 0b 0b 0.25 ab 0.1 ab 0.1 ab 0b 0.55 ab 0b 0.15 ab 0b 0b 0.35 ab 0b 0.069 t2 Table 2. The mean capture of western corn rootworm adults (average number of beetles/trap collected in 85 days) and the average root rating recorded at different field positions, Tovarnik, Croatia, 2005 and 2006 Root damage ratings (1–6) 4.46 a 3.93 ab 1.99 bc –1 3.3 abc 1.85 bc – 3.58 abc 2.12 bc – 2.98 abc 1.66 c – 2.4 bc 2.23 bc – 1.6 c 1.282 Means followed by same letter are not significantly different according to Student–Newman–Keuls test (P ¼ 0.05). 1 The data are missing. 2 LSD is reported in transformed data units. of trivial flight of the beetles. Trivial flights are conducted at short distances (Coats et al. 1986). The sustained flights are conducted by females (Godfrey and Turpin 1983; Coats et al. 1986) at long distances Position of the sampling Maize, left side, edge left Maize, left side, centre Maize, left side, edge right Soybean 5 m (from left) Soybean 10 m (from left) Soybean 15 m (from left) Soybean centre Soybean 15 (from right) Soybean 10 m (from right) Soybean 5 m (from right) Maize, right side, edge left Maize, right side, centre Maize, right side, edge right LSD (P ¼ 0.05) Mean adult capture in 2005 Root damage ratings (1–6) in 2006 105.05 bcd 395.5 a 221.75 ab 62.25 cde 39.25 efg 48.5 efg 20.75 fg 12.0 g 26.5 efg 43.0 def 148.0 abc 319.0 ab 205.0 ab 0.327 t1 3.93 a 2.13 c 1.73 c 1.94 c 1.79 c 1.69 c 1.98 c 1.77 c 4.64 a 2.69 b 3.85 a 3.01 b 2.98 b 0.057 t1 Means followed by same letter are not significantly different according to Student–Newman–Keuls test (P ¼ 0.05). 1 LSD is reported in transformed data units. and at high altitudes (Witkowski et al. 1975). Pherocon AM traps were placed 1 m above the ground and this location was not very suitable to capture the beetles, which were flying at higher levels. Coats et al. (1986) reported that sustained flights were not made after females were 9 days old. Fig. 7. Maximal daily captures of western corn rootworm on Pherocon AM traps located at different field positions, Tovarnik, Croatia, 2005 2007 The Authors Journal compilation 2007 Blackwell Verlag, Berlin, J. Appl. Entomol. 131(6), 400–405 (2007) 404 Fig. 8. Regression analysis of distance from previous year maize field vs. number of larvae, Knezˇevo, Croatia, 2004 Fig. 9. Regression analysis of distance from 2003 to 2005 maize fields vs. root ratings taken in 2004 and 2006 In the Croatian conditions, the emergence of the beetles is completed by 10 July (Dobrinčić, 2001) and all sustained flights would be completed in the first 20 days of July. The period of maximal daily captures in 2003 (fig. 6) was between 25 June and 23 July at all PAM trap locations except on traps located 50 m within neighbouring fields to the east. On these traps the maximal capture was recorded between 23 July and 12 August. The described flight dynamic was the result of extremely hot and dry climatic conditions in the period from May– August. WCR beetles emerged very early, in mid-June, and because of the high temperatures and low moisture, the WCR flight ceased in the second half of August. The oviposition period was short and this was reflected in the relatively low root damage levels in following year and the low number of larvae/plant in 2004. The average number of larvae/plant (table 1) was quite low which could be explained by spatial dispersion of larvae and the small sample size (five roots in the line). Bergman et al. (1983) showed that WCR larvae exhibit aggregating dispersion patterns what could be the result of different factors and could result in high variability in number of larvae/root. On the east edge and at all observed distances eastward, lower root damage ratings were recorded (between 1.66 and 2.23). The differences in root ratings between east and west directions were not significant and are likely influenced by the prevailing winds. The primary direction of wind is from north-east to south-west, which corresponds with somewhat higher root damage ratings in west samples. This statement needs more investigation. J. Igrc Barčić et al. Maximal daily captures (fig. 7) at all sites located within north-west side (maize left side, as identified in table 2 and figs 7–9) were recorded between 25 July and 12 August. Maximal daily captures at all other sites were recorded between 12 August and 26 August. The north-west side (maize left side, as identified in figs 8 and 9) of the trial was flooded for 2 weeks in March, which likely affected egg survival and later on resulted in lower root damage ratings in the centre and on the right edge of this north-west area (table 2). After regression analysis of the distance from 2003 maize field vs. number of larvae in 2004 the medium negative correlation (r ¼ )0.29) was established (fig. 8). The larval presence was established in the first half of June when some larvae were too small to be observed by visual searching. Together with small sample size this resulted in low number of larvae which were found in roots. Regression analysis of the distance from maize fields in 2003 and 2005 vs. root ratings taken in 2004 and 2006 gave us more consistent results. Medium negative correlation (r ¼ )0.39) between those two variables was determined (fig. 9). From the fig. 9 it could be seen that at the distance of 20 m an average root rating of 2.5 is possible. The maximal WCR counts on Pherocon AM traps in 2003 and 2005 were somewhat above the economic threshold level (ETC), this lead to root damage ratings in the continuous maize fields in 2004 and 2006 that were also somewhat above the ETC (3.5). The root ratings in the continuous maize fields in 2004 were 4.46 in the middle part and 3.93 at the edge, while in 2006 we recorded root ratings between 2.13 and 3.85. If the adult population in Ôdonor maize fieldÕ had been higher, the observed root damage ratings in neighbouring fields would have been higher as well. The future investigations must determine adult capture rates on Pherocon AM traps in Ôdonor fieldsÕ that forecast possible economic root injury in neighbouring fields in following year. Other possibility could be to determine the adult capture rates in the non-maize rotated crop where their egg laying would lead to damage in first year maize. 5 Conclusions Along the edges of the maize fields approximately the same concentration of WCR adults was recorded as in the centres of those fields. A significant number of WCR adults was recorded up to distance of 50 m within neighbouring fields. No difference among soybean and wheat as neighbouring crops on WCR adult movement into those fields was found. A significant root damage caused by WCR larvae in first-year maize following soybean and wheat up to a distance of 20 m into those fields was noted. So-called Ôedge effectÕ for WCR egg laying can happen in surrounding fields, within distances of 20 m along maize field borders. The possible influence of prevailing winds on this edge effect phenomenon needs to be studied. Most farmersÕ fields in Croatia are up to approximately 50 m wide. As an edge effect for WCR egg laying can reach approximately 20 m into fields neighbouring maize 2007 The Authors Journal compilation 2007 Blackwell Verlag, Berlin, J. Appl. Entomol. 131(6), 400–405 (2007) Western corn rootworm adult movement fields, our research results indicate that it is possible to see WCR larval damage in rotated fields without those WCR’s being the variant form. The main question for future research is to determine adult population level in Ôdonor fieldÕ at which economic damage in neighbouring fields could occur or to determine adult population level in the non-maize crop which will be planted by maize. References Barna GY, Edwards CR, Gerber C, Bledsoe LW, Kiss J, 1998. Management of western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) in corn based on survey information from previous soybean crop. Acta Phytopatol. Entomol. Hung. 33, 173–182. Bergman MK, Tolefson JJ, Hinz PN, 1983. 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