Resistance Evolution to Plant-Produced Bt

MAY 2013
Resistance Evolution to Plant-Produced Bt-toxins of the First Generation of
Genetically Engineered Diabrotica-active Bt-Maize Events by Western Corn
Rootworm: Management and Monitoring Considerations
Yann Devos, Lisa N Meihls, József Kiss, Bruce E Hibbard
Western corn rootworm (WCR; Diabrotica virgifera
virgifera) is a major coleopteran maize pest in North
America and the European Union (EU), and has
traditionally been managed through crop rotation and
broad-spectrum insecticides. Genetically engineered
(GE) maize transformation events expressing insecticidal
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxins against corn rootworms
offer an additional management tool for WCR and have
been valuable in reducing insecticide use and increasing
farm productivity in North America. The mode of action
of Bt-toxins is to bind selectively to specific receptors on
the epithelial surface of the midgut of larvae of susceptible
insect species, leading to death of larvae through pore
formation, cell burst and subsequently septicaemia.
Several Diabrotica-active Bt-maize transformation
events are currently grown commercially in Argentina,
Brazil, Canada and the United States (US).
There is a concern that the widespread, repeated,
and exclusive use of the same Bt-maize event expressing
a single Bt-toxin against WCR will create significant
selection pressure and increase the risk of WCR evolving
resistance. Resistance evolution may lead to altered pest
control practices that may cause adverse environmental
under field conditions after three to seven generations
of selection6-7. As resistance to Cry34Ab1/35Ab1 and
mCry3A also evolved relatively quickly under laboratory
and/or greenhouse settings, field-selected resistance is
possible too. Therefore, vigilance should be exercised,
and farmers who grow Cry3Bb1-, Cry34Ab1/35Ab1- or
mCry3Ab-expressing Bt-maize events should be advised
to put appropriate risk mitigation measures in place to
delay resistance evolution. However, there is also the
possibility of a different mode of action for the binary
Cry34Ab1/35Ab1 proteins9, which may result in an
inherently lower risk of resistance evolution compared
with Cry3Bb1.
Resistance management
To delay resistance evolution and to extend the durability
of Bt-crops, insect resistance management (IRM) plans
relying on the high dose/refuge (HDR) strategy have been
implemented for several Bt-crops in several countries10.
The HDR strategy prescribes planting Bt-crops that
produce a very high concentration of the Bt-toxin, so
that nearly all target insect pests that are heterozygous
for resistance do not survive on it. In addition, a nearby
structured refuge of the non-Bt-crop is required where
the target insect pest does not encounter the Bt-toxin.
(Note that non-Bt-crops or refuges are intended to
mean areas under a crop that does not express Bt-toxins
Resistance evolution
In artificial selection experiments, resistance to the plant- that are active against the target insect pest.) Under
produced Cry3Bb1, Cry34Ab1/35Ab1 and mCry3A these conditions, most of the rare resistant individuals
proteins evolved in a relatively short time (in as few as surviving on the Bt-crop will mate with abundant
three generations with no random mating), and resistance susceptible individuals emerging from nearby refuges to
was found to remain at a similar level after six generations produce heterozygous offspring that are phenotypically
of selection1-5. Laboratory- or greenhouse-selected WCR susceptible. If inheritance of resistance is recessive, then
colonies with Cry3Bb1 and mCry3A resistance have the hybrid progeny from such matings will die on the
increased resistance under field conditions2-3, indicating Bt-crop.
The lack of resistance in some major insect pests
that larval survival on Bt-maize plants in the greenhouse
translated to larval survival on Bt-maize in the field. targeted by Bt-crops attests that the HDR strategy is
Field-selected resistance of WCR to plant-produced Bt- capable of preventing or at least delaying resistance under
toxins is documented in some US maize growing areas field conditions, despite 16 years of intensive use of some
Bt-crops11. In contrast, when the conditions contributing
for Cry3Bb1 only6-8.
Given that Cry3Bb1 resistance has evolved within just to the success of the HDR strategy were not met, field12-14
a few generations in all artificial selection experiments selected resistance to Bt-crops has occurred .
conducted, it is not surprising that resistance evolved
Evidence indicates that several conditions
contributing to the success of the HDR strategy may not
be met for the first generation of Diabrotica-active Btmaize events and WCR: (1) the Bt-toxins are expressed
heterogeneously at a low-to-moderate dose in roots; (2)
resistance alleles may be present at a higher frequency than
initially assumed; (3) WCR may mate in a non-random
manner; (4) resistance traits could have non-recessive
inheritance; and (5) fitness costs may not necessarily
be associated with resistance evolution (reviewed by 4,
15-16). While these factors are expected to increase the
risk of WCR evolving resistance, models developed to
estimate the evolution of resistance in WCR populations
predicted that a 20% refuge can delay resistance evolution
for Bt-maize under certain conditions17-18. Depending
on the underlying model assumptions and parameter
values used in these models, which explore more or less
conservative scenarios, resistance has been predicted to
evolve in three to more than 20 years. Resistance may
evolve fast, as initial resistance allele frequencies in
WCR may be 20-200 times higher than typical empirical
estimates of 0.01-0.001 for other target insect pests15. In
addition, modeling predictions often assume complete
compliance with refuge requirements.
If the high dose condition of the HDR strategy is
not achieved, models predict that resistance evolution
can be delayed by increasing refuge abundance to
compensate for survival of hybrid progeny on Btcrops19-20. The strategy for managing resistance in WCR
would rely solely on a refuge to maintain a susceptible
population. Tabashnik and Gould (2012) recently
advocated increasing refuge abundance by requiring a
50% refuge of non-Bt-maize instead of the current 20%
for the first generation of Diabrotica-active Bt-maize
events15. As the effectiveness of larger refuges may be
diminished by the likely uneven dispersal of WCR under
certain configurations, the authors recognised the need
to fine-tune their recommendation and to account for
different spatial configurations of refuges. Depending on
refuge configurations, increased refuge abundance may
have economic trade-offs that may offset incentives to
implement refuges leading to reduced farmer compliance.
Refuge configurations for Diabrotica-active Btmaize events may be best optimized within the Bt-maize
field as row strips or seed blends. Seed blends will result
in 100% compliance and are more convenient for farmers
to plant than the usual block and row strip refuges21.
The use of seed blends also distributes refuge plants
relatively uniformly within the Bt-crop field. Further,
when compared with block refuges, WCR emerging
from refuge plants emerges more synchronously with
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those emerging from Bt-maize plants in seed blends22.
This increased proximity in both space and time may
facilitate random mating between adults emerging
from Bt-maize and refuge plants compared with block
refuges23. Resistance evolved more slowly under seed
blend scenarios than for WCR colonies reared fully
on Bt-maize2,18,22,24-26, indicating that the WCR biology
seems to lend itself to the seed blend concept.
As WCR larvae feeding on Bt-maize roots may
not be exposed to Bt-toxins uniformly due to their
heterogeneous expression, Bt-maize itself may also act as
(unstructured) refuge. Hibbard et al. (2010) demonstrated
that many or most of WCR individuals initially surviving
on Bt-maize after one generation of selection in the field
had a susceptible phenotype27, suggesting that resistant
individuals from the Bt-maize are not only mating with
susceptible individuals from the refuge, but also with
susceptible individuals that emerged from the Bt-maize
field. Bt-maize that is not truly high dose could thus yield
susceptible adults that are available to mate with any
WCR potentially carrying resistance alleles, and hence
contribute to slow the onset of resistance evolution.
Further, evidence has shown that several grass species
can support the growth of WCR larvae and may therefore
serve as an additional (unstructured) refuge where such
host plants are abundant and appropriately distributed.
Owing to the remaining scientific uncertainties
pertaining to the appropriateness of the HDR strategy for
Bt-crops that are not truly high dose, it is advisable to
complement this strategy with additional IRM measures.
This would ensure that additional and diversified
resistance management strategies, reliant on multiple
tactics to control WCR, are implemented in an integrated
manner28. Therefore, stewardship agreements should
prescribe diversity in cropping and WCR management
practices, and recommend: (1) rotating fields to crops
that are not hosts of WCR larvae; (2) alternating a
specific Diabrotica-active Bt-maize with other Bt-maize
events that express one or more different Bt-toxins
active against WCR; and/or (3) using additional pest
management measures, such as insecticides or biological
control agents, only when and where necessary in Btmaize.
The pyramiding in the same plant of two or multiple
Bt-toxins acting independently on WCR midgut receptors
is expected to effectively delay the evolution of resistance
to either Bt-toxin when most individuals that are resistant
to one Bt-toxin are killed by the other, and when selection
for resistance to one of the Bt-toxins does not cause
cross-resistance to the other29-30. In the absence of crossresistance, models predict that the evolution of resistance
to a Bt-toxin in WCR is generally delayed by pyramided
traits in Bt-maize compared with two single Bt-toxins
deployed sequentially17. The transition to pyramided Btmaize alone is ongoing30, but the current landscape of
Diabrotica-active Bt-maize events comprises a mosaic of
Bt-maize expressing a single or multiple Bt-toxins. This
situation poses a challenge, as mosaics could theoretically
foster the evolution of resistance to pyramided Bt-maize
if WCR evolved resistance to a single toxin Bt-maize
that is also used in pyramided Bt-maize11. The efficacy
of pyramided Bt-maize will also be diminished if crossresistance occurs.
MAY 2013
of Bt-toxins are suitable methods to monitor WCR
susceptibility. Although limitations are associated
with the current diet-based bioassay methods31, results
from these assays can assist in monitoring for WCR
resistance. When the surface treatment of diets is utilized
in diet bioassays to generate dose–response curves
or to discriminate between resistant and susceptible
individuals, instead of incorporating the Bt-toxin
uniformly in the diet, it is important that the top Bt-toxin
concentrations used in the bioassays are sufficiently high
to cause consistently > 50% mortality for either field or
laboratory WCR populations. Alternative methods for
detecting population susceptibility include the use of the
Resistance monitoring
sublethal seedling assay (SSA)1,3,34 and single plant assays
IRM plans for Bt-crops require routine monitoring for in the growth chamber6-7 or greenhouse2. SSA consists
resistance evolution, so that early warning signs indicating of exposing populations of neonate WCR to seedlings
increases in tolerance in the field may be detected31. A from either Bt-maize or the near-isogenic line for a fixed
timely detection of such signs enables actions to limit duration of time and measuring the total larvae recovered
the survival of resistant insects and to slow or prevent and age structure of the larval population. All plant-based
their spread should resistance has evolved among assays have proven adequate to detect subtle changes in
field populations32. A two-pronged approach is usually population susceptibility and are more sensitive than the
followed to monitor resistance evolution. This approach standard diet bioassays that typically rely on mortality or
consists of: (1) measuring the baseline susceptibility of growth inhibition as endpoints.
WCR populations to the Bt-toxins and changes in that
Unexpected field damage caused by WCR: The
susceptibility; and (2) monitoring of unexpected field monitoring of greater-than-expected field damage due to
damage caused by WCR.
WCR is an important component of the early detection
Baseline and monitoring WCR susceptibility: of resistance, as it allows capturing early warning signs
Resistance monitoring aims to measure the baseline indicating increased tolerance in the field and reporting
susceptibility of WCR to the Bt-toxins and shifts in that those in a timely manner. WCR control failures can
susceptibility over time. This baseline susceptibility easily be observed and reported by farmers, provided
should represent the natural variability in response to that farmers know what level of WCR damage is to be
the Bt-toxins among WCR populations across their expected under various conditions and what level of
geographic distribution range, preferably prior to the first WCR control is normally achieved. Such observations
introductions of the Bt-maize33. To obtain comparable may reveal the occurrence of localized tolerance before
data and to detect actual shifts in susceptibility at an early it spreads, and may serve as a trigger for further action.
stage, a consistent methodology in terms of sampling, Farmers could be instructed to use alternative WCR
laboratory bioassays and Bt-toxin standardization is management options. Moreover, sampling of WCR
adults in the fields of concern could be initiated for the
Resistance monitoring, through targeted field purpose of further evaluation and laboratory testing to
sampling in areas where the adoption of Diabrotica-active confirm potential resistance. It is critical that responses
Bt-maize events is the highest and selection pressure is to farmer complaints about product failure and hence
greatest, should reveal changes in susceptibility of these greater-than-expected-field-damage are taken in a timely
WCR populations. Setting the most adequate and precise manner, so that suspected resistance can be confirmed
susceptibility baselines can be achieved through random and remedial measures be implemented, or be refuted
sampling. The sampled WCR populations need to be without undue delays.
large enough to provide sufficient numbers of healthy
individuals for collection. The F2 screen, which aims
Next generation of GE Diabrotica-active maize
to detect rare and highly recessive resistance alleles in events
field-collected individuals, is not considered feasible
for routine resistance monitoring. The dose–response The landscape of GE Diabrotica-active maize events
and discriminating dose assays using the same source is changing quickly with several new products
being at various stages of development or close to
commercialization. This new cohort of products relies
on new Bt-toxins, uses alternative strategies involving
a different mode of action than Bt-toxins, or combines
alternative strategies with existing Bt-toxins. Bt-maize
events expressing a hybrid-like toxin Cry1Ab/Cry3A
protein (eCry3.1Ab) pyramided with mCry3A35 have
been registered for commercial use by the US EPA
and FDA and deregulated by USDA-APHIS, and will
therefore be available for planting in the US in 2014.
The use of RNA interference for the management of
MAY 2013
target insect pests holds considerable promise36, and
its potential was recently demonstrated in the case of
WCR37-39. Whilst empirical data will be needed for each
of these new GE maize products to develop optimized
IRM plans to delay the evolution of resistance, they offer
alternative means to manage WCR, and can complement
existing management options. Unlike the first generation
of Diabrotica-active Bt-maize events40-41, however, the
safety of some of these GE maize products to human
and animal health and the environment has yet to be
investigated fully42-43.
Opinions and views (if any) expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of EFSA. This publication does not disclose
any confidential information or data. Mention of proprietary products is solely for the purpose of providing specific information, and does
not constitute an endorsement or a recommendation by EFSA or USDA-ARS for their use.
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Yann Devos1,*, Lisa N Meihls2, József Kiss3, Bruce E Hibbard4
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), GMO Unit, Via Carlo Magno 1, IT-43126 Parma, Italy
United States Department of Agriculture – National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA-NIFA), The Boyce Thompson Institute for
Plant Research, Tower Road, Ithaca, New York, 14853-1801, USA
Szent István University, Plant Protection Institute, Pater Károly 1, HU-2100 GödöllÅ‘, Hungary
United States Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS), Plant Genetics Research Unit, 205 Curtis
Hall, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, USA
*European Food Safety Authority, GMO Unit, Via Carlo Magno 1, IT-43126 Parma, Italy
Tel +39-0521/036.344
Fax +39-0521/036.524,